From: George Pratt
Sent: Wed 5/9/2007 1:50 PM
To: Bleck, Dale
Subject: RE: FW: George Pratt Resignation

Dale: I appreciate your offer, but thats not the way it works. CET is
required to submit the 8-K and provide a description of the registrants
understanding of any disagreements and God knows CET should have full
understanding of such. Thus I look forward to what the Company has to say.
The rule is set up so that the Director has the righrt to agree or disagree;
the Director is not required to provide the Company opportunity demean or
otherwise slant the Director's opinion. There has been enougth done ass
backwards in this deal and I have no intention of compounding it. George

From: "Bleck, Dale"
To: George Pratt
Subject: FW: George Pratt Resignation
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 12:16:59 -0600


I need to file an 8-K. I could use your help on this. Since, under
number 3, I need to provide you with this disclosure and give you the
opportunity to agree with this, can you give me how you would like it to

