2212 Lantern Way Circle
                        Cornelius, North Carolina 28031
                                 (704) 564-1676
                                December 23, 2004

                       Securities and Exchange Commission
                        Division of Corporation Finance
                             450 Fifth Street, N.W.
                          Washington, D.C. 20549-0404

Attn:  Chris  Windsor,  Esq.
       Senior  Attorney
       Office  of  Emerging  Growth  Companies

Re:    Capital  Resource  Funding,  Inc.
       Form SB-2 filed August 16, 2004; Amended October 25, 2004; Amended
       December 23, 2004
       File  Number:  333-118259


     Thank  you  for  your  comment letter dated November 16, 2004 (the "Comment
Letter"),  with  respect  to  the above-captioned Registration Statement on Form
SB-2.  We  have  filed  our  revised  Amendment  No. 2 to Form SB-2/A (the "Form
SB-2/A")  of  Capital Resource Funding, Inc. (the "Company"), which incorporates
our responses to your comments, and this letter sets forth each of our responses
in  outline  form below.  Numbered paragraphs refer to the corresponding numbers
contained  in  the  Comment  Letter.

     For  your  information,  we have filed our revised Form SB-2/A on the EDGAR
system,  and  have also provided a clean and marked copy by overnight courier to
the  staff  of  the  Commission  for  its  review.

     At  the outset, we would like to inform the staff that we have restructured
this  offering in light of several of the staff's comments, so that it no longer
incorporates the share distribution arrangement with Hairmax International, Inc.
In  addition,  David  R.  Koran,  President  and  Chief Executive Officer of the
Company,  no  longer  intends to sell any shares of common stock that he owns in
this  offering.  These  changes  have resulted in many modifications to our Form
SB-2/A,  and  we  would like to thank the staff for its comments in these areas.

1.   We  have  eliminated  the  share  distribution  arrangement  with  Hairmax
     International,  Inc.,  and we have thereby eliminated one of the objections
     of  the  Staff  to  considering  this  offering  as  a  secondary offering.

Chris  Windsor,  Esq.
December  23,  2004
Page  2.

2.   Mr. Koran no longer intends to sell 300,000 shares of his common stock, and
     we have thereby eliminated one of the objections of the Staff to our use of
     Rule  415  in  connection  with  the  offering.

3.   Our cover page does not presently, and will not, exceed the one-page limit.

4.   We  have  simplified  and  shortened  the  discussion  on the cover page as

5.   There  will  be  no  Hairmax  dividend  distribution.

6.   We  have  modified  references  to  the  Registration  Statement  that  are
     contained  in the prospectus to refer to the prospectus, where appropriate,
     as  you  requested.

7.   There  will be no "registered dividend" or any share dividend in connection
     with  this  offering.

8.   This  estimate of the number of shares of Hairmax common stock held by Cede
     &  Co.  is  no  longer  relevant.

9.   Any  discussion  concerning  Haimax's business is no longer relevant to our

10.  We  have  modified  the  Summary  to  present  a balanced discussion of the
     business  and  prospects  of  our  company,  as  requested.

11.  We  have streamlined the discussion of our business activities contained in
     the  Summary,  as  requested.

12.  We  have  moved  the discussion of fees generated so that it appears at the
     beginning  of  our  streamlined  discussion  of our business, as requested.

13.  We  have added appropriate caveats to the discussion of the availability of
     additional  equity  or  debt  financing,  as  requested.

14.  We  have  clarified the extent to which Mr. Koran has directly paid certain
     expenses  and  is currently working without any remuneration, as requested.

15.  A  risk  factor  concerning  Mr.  Koran's  security  sales  is  no  longer

Chris  Windsor,  Esq.
December  23,  2004
Page  3.

16.  We have combined risk factors relating to Mr. Koran's shareholding position
     and the control of the Koran family of our Board of Directors into one risk

17.  All  subheadings  for  risk  factors  are now bold-faced, italicized and in
     initial  capitals,  as  requested.

18.  We  have  deleted  the  statement  that  "we  cannot guarantee that we will
     continue  to  be  profitable",  inasmuch  as  we  are  not  profitable.

19.  We have provided more detail concerning the nature of the expenses that are
     expected to increase, and clarified our intention to pay Mr. Koran a salary
     of  $40,000  per  year,  as  requested.

20.  We have revised the text to avoid the use of vague language with respect to
     our  plans  to  be  quoted  on  the  OTC  Bulletin  Board,  as  requested.

21.  The information required by Item 506 of Regulation SB has been included, as

22.  Shareholders that had fractional shares were rounded down, and there were a
     large number of Hairmax shareholders who owned less than ninety shares, and
     therefore  would  be  entitled  to  less  than  one  of  our  shares in the
     distribution.  Of  course,  the  table  has  been  deleted  and this is not
     relevant  anymore.

23.  We have conceded that Greentree Financial Group, Inc. would be deemed to be
     a  statutory  underwriter  within  the  meaning  of  Section  2(11)  of the
     Securities  Act  of  1933,  as  amended.

24.  The  Greentree  shares  have  been  issued,  and  this  has been clarified.

25.  We  have  re-arranged  the  text in the first paragraph in this section, as

26.  We  have  moved  the  discussion  of  "competition"  as  requested.

27.  We  have  provided  the  reasons why management believes that our potential
     fees  are  realistic.

28.  We  have  revised  the  discussion  on  referrals,  as  requested.

29.  We  have  deleted  the  reference  to  a  "money  center  bank".

Chris  Windsor,  Esq.
December  23,  2004
Page  4.

30.  The  table  has  been  revised to take into account all projected expenses.

31.  We  have  revised  our  expense  projections,  as  requested.

32.  We  have deleted the discussion of one of our competitors from the Business
     Plan  disclosure.

33.  We have expanded the discussion regarding revenue levels we expect to reach
     in  order  to  begin  paying  our  CEO,  etc.

34.  Mr. Koran will not be making a capital contribution inasmuch as he will not
     be  selling  300,000  shares  of  common  stock  in  the offering. He will,
     however,  continue  to  work  without  salary  for a period of time and pay
     certain  expenses  of  our  Company.

35.  We  have  removed  the  discussion  that  was overlapping in our Results of
     Operations  section,  as  requested.

36.  We  have  removed  any  reference  to  our  cost  of  sales,  as requested.

37.  We  have  quantified  the  figure for rent contributed by our President and
     business  expenses  paid  by  him,  as  requested.

38.  We  have  made the requested revision. A net loss was the only cash item in
     our  Operating  Activity  section  of  the  statement  of  Cash  Flows.

39.  We  have affirmatively stated whether we believe we have sufficient cash on
     hand  and expectations of cash inflows to meet all of our cash requirements
     for  the  next  twelve  months.  We  have  also  addressed  the shortfalls.

40.  Any  discussion  about  Hairmax has been deleted and is no longer relevant.

41.  Any  discussion  about  Hairmax has been deleted and is no longer relevant.

42.  The  section  concerning the Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Hairmax
     Distribution  has  been  deleted.

43.  There  will  be  no  opinion  of  tax  counsel  in  this  offering.

Chris  Windsor,  Esq.
December  23,  2004
Page  5.

44.  We  have  confirmed  that  none  of  the  other officers of our Company are
     projected  to  receive  a  salary  of  over  $100,000.

45.  The  Company  has  elected  May  31st as its fiscal year end. The audit was
     rendered  within  135  days of the date when the Form SB-2 was first filed.
     Accordingly,  audited  financial  statements  for  September  30th  are not

46.  Our auditor has added a "going concern" qualification to her opinion, and a
     footnote  discussion  of  this  matter,  as  requested.

47.  We  have added a footnote providing detail about our line item Common Stock
     To  Be  Distributed,  as  requested.

48.  We  have  segregated  our  selling,  general and administrative expenses by
     purpose,  as  requested.

49.  We  have  disclosed  in  the  our  footnotes  that the financial statements
     reflect  all  the  costs  of  doing  business.

50.  We  have  disclosed  that  we  do not intend to retroactively reimburse Mr.
     Koran  for  all  business-related  expenses  and  his salary, as requested.

51.  We have added a footnote disclosing how we valued the shares issued to each
     employee  and  non-employee  during  the  period  presented.

52.  We  have  provided  a  subsequent  events  footnote,  as  requested.

53.  We  continue  to  evaluate  your  comment  and are attempting to fashion an
     appropriate  response  to it. Our response will no doubt require additional
     legal  and accounting research. We respectfully request that the Commission
     review  and  respond  to  our  Form  SB-2/A  in  light  of  the significant
     modifications  thereto  in  response  to  your  comment letter, and reissue
     Comment  53  so  that  we  can  address  it  as  soon  as  possible.

Chris  Windsor,  Esq.
December  23,  2004
Page  6.

Please  let  us  know  if  you  have  further  questions.


Capital  Resource  Funding,  Inc.

By:  /s/  David  R.  Koran,  President

cc:     Harold  H.  Martin,  Esq.