
                            WAREHOUSE LEASE AGREEMENT

        This Warehouse Lease Agreement  ("Lease") is entered into on this day of
March, by and between Nu Skin  International,  Inc. ("Lessee") having a place of
business  at 75 West Center  Street,  Provo,  Utah 84061 and Aspen  Investments,
Ltd.,  having a place of business at 75 West Center  Street,  Provo,  Utah 84601
("Lessor").  The Lessor and Lessee are collectively  hereinafter  referred to as
the "Parties."


A. Lessor is the sole owner of the premises  described  below,  having warehouse
space for lease in such premises.

B. Lessee is in the business of marketing  and selling  personal and health care
products and desires to lease warehouse and office space from Lessor.


        In consideration of the mutual covenants  contained herein,  the Parties
agree as follows:

1.      Leased Premises.

        1.1     Lessor hereby leases to Lessee the premises ("Premises") located
                at 180 East 1325 South, Provo, Utah 84601, commonly known as the
                Nu Skin Warehouse.

        1.2     The Premises shall be used as a warehouse and offices.

2.       Term.

        2.1     The term ("Term") of this Lease shall be two (2) years and shall
                commence  retroactively  on February 1, 1996 and shall terminate
                on February 1, 1998 unless otherwise renewed.

        2.2     Lessee shall surrender the Premises to Lessor  immediately  upon
                termination of this Lease.

3.      Rent.

        3.1     Lessee  shall pay to  Lessor as fixed  rent for the term of this
                Lease,  the sum of Six Hundred  Seventy Five Thousand and No/100
                Dollars  ($675,000.00) per year payable at the rate of Fifty Six
                Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($56,250.00) per month due on
                the first day of each month.

        3.2     Lessee acknowledges that the late payment by Lessee to Lessor of
                rent or other sums due under  this  Lease  will cause  Lessor to
                incur costs not  contemplated by this Lease, the exact amount of
                which would be extremely difficult and impractical to ascertain.
                In the event Lessee should fail to pay any  installment  of rent
                or any other sum due under his Lease  within 10 days  after such
                sum is due,  Lessee shall pay to Lessor,  as additional  rent, a
                late charge  equal to 10 percent (10 %) of each  installment  or
                sum.  Waiver of the late charge with respect to any  installment
                or sum shall not be deemed to  constitute  a waiver with respect
                to any subsequent installment or sum so due.


4.      Triple Net Lease. As provided  hereafter,  Lessee is responsible for the
        payment of all taxes, utilities, insurance and maintenance incurred with
        respect to the use of the leased Premises, and hereby releases and holds
        Lessor harmless for the payment of the same.

5.      Use.

        5.1     Lessee  shall use the  Premises  solely for the main and related
                purposes of inventory  storage,  shipping,  packaging and office
                space.   Lessee  shall  comply  with  all  rules,   regulations,
                ordinances,   statutes,   and  other  lawful   requirements   of
                governmental agencies, consistent with Lessee's use thereof.

        5.2     Lessee shall not use or permit the Premises,  or any part of the
                building, to be used for any purposes other than those set forth
                in this Lease.  Lessee shall neither  permit on the Premises any
                act,  sale,  or storage that may be  prohibited  under  standard
                forms of fire  insurance  policies,  or use the Premises for any
                such purpose. In addition,  no use shall be made or permitted to
                be made that  shall  result in  hazardous  waste,  or  improper,
                unlawful,  or objectionable  use,  including sale,  storage,  or
                preparation,   of  food,  alcoholic   beverages,   or  materials
                generating an odor on the Premises.

6.      Abandonment. Lessee shall not vacate or abandon the Premises at any time
        during the Term of this  Lease.  If Lessee  does  vacate or abandon  the
        Premises or is  dispossessed  by process of law, any  personal  property
        belonging to Lessee and left on the Premises  shall be deemed  abandoned
        at the option of Lessor and shall become the property of Lessor.

7.      Taxes.

        7.1     Lessee shall pay prior to  delinquency  all taxes,  assessments,
                charges,  and fees  assessed  against  and levied  upon the real
                property as well as personal property  including trade fixtures,
                furnishings, equipment and all other personal property of Lessee
                contained in the Premises or elsewhere. 7.2 Lessee shall pay the
                total  amount of an increase in real  property  taxes  resulting
                from any and all  improvements of any kind whatsoever  placed on
                or in the  Premises  for the  benefit  of or at the  request  of
                Lessee regardless of whether said improvements were installed of
                construction either by Lessor or Lessee.

8.      Utilities.

        8.1     Heat and Air Conditioning - Lessee shall arrange for and pay all
                heat and air conditioning needs throughout the year.

        8.2     Electricity  -  Lessee  shall  provide  for its own  electricity

        8.3     Janitorial  -  Lessee  shall  provide   janitorial  service  and
                maintain the Premises in a clean and orderly manner.

        8.4     Water,  Sewer,  and Garbage - Lessee  shall  provide for hot and
                cold water, sewer service and garbage service.


        8.5     Snow  Removal - Lessee  shall  ensure the removal of snow in the
                parking and walkway  areas  during  applicable  seasons.  Lessee
                shall further keep walkways salted and free from snow buildup.

9.      Alterations, Modifications, and Repairs.

        9.1     Lessee shall take good care of the Premises and shall not alter,
                repair,  or change the Premises,  including,  but not limited to
                addition of cables,  electrical  wires, etc. that may damage the
                walls,  without  the  prior,  express,  and  written  consent of

        9.2     All  alterations,  improvements,  and  changes  that  Lessee may
                desire shall be done either by or under the direction of Lessor,
                but at the  expense of Lessee and shall  become the  property of
                Lessor and remain on the Premises,  except that at the option of
                Lessor,  Lessee shall, at its expense,  remove from the Premises
                all such alterations, improvements, and changes.

        9.3     All damage or injury done to the Premises by Lessee,  its agents
                or  employees,  or any person  who may be in or on the  Premises
                with the consent of Lessee shall be paid for by Lessee.

        9.4     Lessee shall,  at the  termination of this Lease,  surrender the
                Premises to Lessor in as good  condition  or same  condition  as
                when entered upon by Lessee except for ordinary wear and tear.

        9.5     Lessor  shall be  responsible  for making all  routine  repairs,
                maintaining   the   landscape,   and  for   performing   routine
                maintenance.  Lessee shall permit  Lessor and Lessor's  agent to
                enter  the  Premises  at all  reasonable  times to  inspect  and
                maintain the building and Premises,  make repairs,  alterations,
                or additions to the  Premises,  or any portion of the  building,
                including  the  erection  of   scaffolding,   props,   or  other
                mechanical   devices,   to  post  notices  of  nonliability  for
                alterations,  additions, or repairs, or to place on the premises
                any usual or ordinary  "For Sale"  signs,  without any rebate of
                rent to Lessee or damages  for any loss of  occupation  or quiet
                enjoyment  of the  Premises.  Lessor  may  place "To Let" or "to
                Lease"  signs  wherever  Lessor  sees fit.  Lessor and  Lessor's
                agents  may,  during  the  last-mention  period,  enter  on  the
                Premises at reasonable  hours,  and exhibit them to  prospective

10.     Insurance.

        10.1    Lessee  shall  obtain and keep in force  during the Term of this
                Lease, a policy of  comprehensive  general  liability  insurance
                insuring  Lessee  and  Lessor (as an  additional  named  insured
                thereon)  against any  liability  arising out of the  ownership,
                use,  occupancy or maintenance  of the premises.  Such insurance
                shall  have a  combined  single  limit of at least  One  Million
                ($1,000,000.00)  dollars,  including both liability and property
                damage and insure  against any  liability  for personal  injury,
                death or  property  damage,  as set  forth  above,  and shall be
                written on and "occurrence  basis." The limits of said insurance
                shall not, however, limit the liability of the Lessee hereunder.
                Lessee shall  provide to Lessor a  certificate  of insurance and
                keep said policy current.

11.     Liability of Lessor.

        11.1    Lessee will indemnify  Lessor on account of any damage or injury
                to any person,  or to the goods of any person,  arising from the
                use of the  Premises by Lessee,  or arising  from the failure of
                Lessee to keep the  Premises  in good  condition  as provided in
                this Lease.


        11.2    Lessor  shall not be liable to Lessee  for any damage by or from
                any  act  or  negligence  of any  other  occupant  of  the  same
                building, or by any owner or occupant of adjoining or contiguous

        11.3    Lessee agrees to pay for all damage to the building,  as well as
                all damage or injury  suffered  by tenants or  occupants  of the
                building  caused by the  misuse or neglect  of the  Premises  by

12.     Assignment and Sublease.

        12.1    Lessee  shall not assign  any rights or duties  under this Lease
                nor sublet the Premises or any part of the  Premises,  nor allow
                any  other  person to occupy  or use the  Premises  without  the
                prior,  express, and written consent of Lessor. A consent to one
                assignment,  sublease,  or occupation or use by any other person
                shall not be a consent to any subsequent  assignment,  sublease,
                or  occupation  or use by  another  person.  Any  assignment  or
                subletting without consent shall be void.

        12.2    This Lease shall not be assignable  without the written  consent
                of Lessor.

13.     Breach or Default.

        13.1    The occurrence of any one or more of the following  events shall
                constitute a material default in breach of this Lease by Lessee:

                13.1.1  Vacation or  abandonment  of the Premises.  Vacation and
                        abandonment includes, but is not limited to, any absence
                        of Lessee  from the  Premises  for 30  business  days or

                13.1.2  Failure  by Lessee to make any  payment  required  under
                        this  Lease as and when due,  where such  failure  shall
                        continue  for a period of 15 days after  written  notice
                        from Lessor.

                13.1.3  Failure by Lessee to  observe  or to perform  any of the
                        covenants,  conditions,  or  provisions  of this  Lease,
                        other than the making of any payment, where such failure
                        shall  continue  for a period of 15 days after notice of
                        such  failure from Lessor or such  additional  period of
                        time as is  reasonably  necessary to cure such  failure,
                        provided Lessee diligently prosecutes such cure.

        13.2    In the event of any default by Lessee,  in addition to any other
                remedies  available to Lessee at law or in equity,  Lessor shall
                have the immediate option to terminate this Lease and all rights
                of Lessee  under this Lease.  In the event that Lessor  shall so
                elect to  terminate  this Lease,  then  Lessor may recover  from
                Lessee  the  worth at the time of the award of any  unpaid  rent
                that was due and owing at the time of termination

        13.3    In the event of any such  default by Lessee,  Lessor  shall also
                have the right, adhering to applicable legal processes,  with or
                without  terminating this Lease, to reenter the demised premises
                and remove all  persons and  property  from the  Premises.  Such
                property  may be  removed  and stored in a public  warehouse  or
                elsewhere at the cost of or on the account of Lessee.

        13.4    In the event of any such  default by Lessee,  Lessor  shall also
                have the right, adhering to applicable legal processes,  with or
                without  terminating  this Lease, to reenter the Premises and to
                relet them.


14.     Indemnification.

        14.1    Lessee shall  indemnify,  defend,  and hold Lessor harmless from
                any and all claims and damages  (including  reasonable  attorney
                fees and costs) arising from Lessee's use of the Premises or the
                conduct of its  business or from any  activity,  work,  or thing
                done, permitted, or suffered by Lessee, in or about the Premises
                and/or the building in which the  Premises  are located,  unless
                caused by the  negligent  acts of Lessor or  Lessor's  agents or

        14.2    Lessee shall further indemnify, defend, and hold Lessor harmless
                from  any and  all  claims  and  damages  (including  reasonable
                attorney  fees and costs)  arising from any breach or default in
                any of the terms or  conditions  of this Lease,  or arising from
                any act of negligence, faulty, or omission of Lessee or Lessee's
                agents, employees, or invitees, and from and against any and all
                cost,  reasonable  attorney  fees,  expenses,   and  liabilities
                incurred  in or about  such  claim or any  action or  proceeding
                brought on such claim.

15.     General.

        15.1    Governing  Law.  It is agreed  that this Lease shall be governed
                by,  construed,  and enforced in accordance with the laws of the
                State of Utah.

        15.2    Waivers. Waivers by Lessor of any breach of any covenant or duty
                of Lessee  under  this  Lease is not a waiver of a breach of any
                other covenant or duty of Lessee, or of any subsequent breach of
                the same covenant or duty.

        15.3    Entire  Agreement.   This  Lease  shall  constitute  the  entire
                agreement  between  the  parties.  Any  prior  understanding  or
                representation  of any kind  preceding  the  date of this  Lease
                shall not be  binding  upon  either  party  except to the extent
                incorporated in this Lease Agreement.

        15.4    Modification  of Agreement.  Any  modification  of this Lease or
                additional obligation assumed by either party in connection with
                this  Lease  shall be  binding  only if  evidenced  in a writing
                signed by each party.

        15.5    Notices.  All notices,  demands,  or other writing in this Lease
                provided  to be  given,  made,  or sent,  or which may be given,
                made, or sent, by either party to the other,  shall be deemed to
                have been fully  given,  made,  or sent when made in writing and
                either  personally  delivered or deposited in the United  States
                mail, return receipt requested,  and addressed to the applicable
                party at the address set forth at the beginning of this Lease.

        15.6    Lessor covenants that no conveyances,  encumbrances,  assignment
                or other  change of interest of Lessor in the  Premises  whether
                recorded or unrecorded, shall be binding upon Lessee.

        15.7    Unless exempt under the rules and  regulations  of the Secretary
                of Labor or other  proper  authority,  this  Lease is subject to
                applicable   laws  and  executive   orders   relating  to  equal
                opportunity and non-discrimination in employment.

        15.8    The  conditions  and provisions of this Lease shall inure to the
                benefit  of  and be  binding  upon  the  parties;  the  personal
                representatives,  executors,  administrators of Lessor;  and the
                receivers,  trustees in  bankruptcy,  successors  and assigns of
                both Lessor and Lessee.


        15.9    The  invalidity  or  illegality  of any  provision of this Lease
                shall not affect the remainder of this Lease.

        IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Parties hereto have executed this Lease on the
date first above written.


                                  For Nu Skin International, Inc. the General
                                  Partner for Aspen Investments, Ltd.

By:     Michael D. Smith          By: Keith Halls, a General Vice President
Its:    General Counsel           for Nu Skin International, Inc.
