
                                 LEASE AGREEMENT

         This Lease  Agreement  (the  "Lease")  dated this 27th day of  January,
1995,  by  and  between  Scrub  Oak,  Ltd.,  a  Utah  Limited  Partnership  (the
"Landlord")   with  a  place  of   business  at  75  West  Center  and  Nu  Skin
International,  Inc. (the  "Tenant")  with a place of business at 75 West Center
Street, Provo, Utah 84601.

1. Premises. Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hires from Landlord for
the term of this Lease upon the  conditions  set forth below certain  commercial
property  located  at  approximately  75  West  Center  Street,   Provo,   Utah,
("Premises")  and more  specifically  described  on  Exhibit A. The lease of the
Premises is subject to all conditions,  covenants and  restrictions,  reciprocal
easements and other matters that are now or that may hereafter  become of record
with respect to the Premises.

2. Term. The term of this Lease shall be for twenty (20) years commencing on the
date first above written and ending twenty (20) years thereafter.

3. Rent. Tenant shall pay to Landlord as fixed rent for the first five (5) years
of this lease,  the sum of One Million Six Hundred  Eighty  Thousand  and No/100
Dollars  ($1,680,000.00)  per  year  payable  at the rate of One  Hundred  Forty
Thousand and No/100 Dollars  ($140,000.00)  per month. All rent shall be payable
in advance in lawful money of the United States on or before the first  business
day of  each  calendar  month  of the  term,  without  demand  therefore  or any
deduction or offset, at the offices of Landlord located at the address set forth
above or such other place as the Landlord may direct by written  notice given to

4.  Triple Net Lease.  As  provided  hereafter,  Tenant is  responsible  for the
payment of all taxes, utilities, insurance and maintenance incurred with respect
to the use of the  leased  premises,  and  hereby  releases  and holds  Landlord
harmless for the payment of the same.

5. Use of Premises. The Premises shall be used and occupied by Tenant solely for
the main and  related  purposes  of office  space.  Tenant  shall,  at  Tenant's
expense,  comply  promptly  with  all  applicable  statues,  ordinances,  rules,
regulations,  orders and  requirements  in effect  during the term of this Lease
regulating the use by Tenant of the Premises. Tenant shall not use or permit the
use of the  Premises in any manner than will tend to create  waste or a nuisance
or which  shall tend  unreasonably  to disturb  other  tenants of the  Building.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Lease, Tenant shall not use, keep or
permit to be used or kept on the Premises any foul or noxious gas or  substance,
nor shall  Tenant do or permit to be done  anything  in and above the  Premises,
either in connection  with  activities  hereunder  expressly  permitted or other
wise,  which would cause a  cancellation  of any policy of insurance  (including
fire  insurance)  maintained by Landlord in connection  with the Premises or the
Building. Tenant shall forthwith pay to Landlord upon demand therefor the amount
of any  additional  insurance  assessed to Landlord with respect to the Premises
and the Building on account of activities of Tenant or Tenant's  vacation of the
Premises,  whether or not they are permitted by this Lease.  Tenant shall comply
with all restrictive covenants, easements and requirements that may be of record
either  presently  or in the future and that burden the  Premises.  Tenant shall
faithfully observe and comply with the rules and regulations that Landlord shall
from time to time promulgate respecting use and occupancy of the Building.  Such
rules and  regulations  shall be binding upon Tenant upon  delivery of a copy of
them to  Tenant.  Landlord  shall not be  responsible  to Tenant  for the breach
thereof  by any other  tenants  of the  Building  or  occupants  if  applicable.
Tenant's  occupancy of the Premises  shall be deemed to be an  acceptance of the
Premises  "as  is"  and  an   acknowledgement   that  the  Premises   have  been
satisfactorily completed and are in good condition, except for latent defects.

6. Maintenance, Repairs and Alterations.

         a.  Landlord's  Maintenance  Obligations.  Subject to the provisions of
paragraph  7 below,  and  except  for  damage  caused by  Tenant,  its agents or
invitees,  Landlord  shall keep in good  condition  and repair the  foundations,
exterior walls and roof of the Building,  utility lines to the Premises (but not
including utility distribution services within the Premises), and major repaving
work in parking areas  adjacent to the Building,  normal wear and tear excepted.
Unless  otherwise  agreed in writing Landlord shall not be obligated to make any
repairs under this subparagraph until a reasonable time after receipt of written
notice of the need for such  repairs;  and Tenant  shall not be  entitled to any
damages or abatement of rent during the period of such repairs.

         b.  Tenant's   Alteration  of  Premises.   Tenant  shall  not,  without
Landlord's  prior  written  consent  , make  any  alterations,  improvements  or
additions in or about the Premises, including, without limitation, the extension
of any utility  lines within the  Premises.  As a condition  to giving  consent,
Landlord may require that Tenant remove any such  alterations,  improvements  or
additions at the expiration of the term, and restore the Premises to their prior
condition.  Before  commencing any work relating to alterations,  additions,  or
improvements affecting the Premises,  Tenant shall notify Landlord in writing of
the of the  expected  date of  commencement  thereof  and shall,  at  Landlord's
option, and at Tenant's expense, provide Landlord a payment and performance bond
in an  amount  equal  to one  and  one-half  times  the  estimated  cost of such
improvements to insure  completion of the work.  Tenant shall provide  workmen's
compensation,   public   liability  and  property  damage   insurance  that  are
satisfactory to Landlord during the period of construction.  Landlord shall then
have the  right at any time and from  time to time to stop and  maintain  on the
Premises  such  notices as Landlord  reasonably  deems  necessary to protect the
Premises and Landlord from  mechanics'  liens, or any other liens. In any event,
Tenant shall pay,  when due,  all claims for labor or materials  furnished to or
for Tenant at or for use in the Premises. Tenant shall not permit any mechanics'
or  materialsmen's  liens to be levied  against  the  Premises  for any labor or
material  furnished to Tenant or claimed to have been  furnished to Tenant or to
Tenant's  agents  or  contractors  in  connection  with  work  of any  character
performed  or  claimed  to have  been  performed  on the  Premises  by or at the
direction of Tenant and shall indemnify  Landlord  against its costs  (including
attorneys fees) for defending  against the same. If Tenant defaults under any of
its obligations hereunder,  then Landlord may, but shall not be required to, pay
any  lien or  claim  and any  costs  (including  a  reasonable  attorney's  fee)
associated therewith, whereupon Tenant shall immediately pay Landlord the entire
amount that is so advanced by Landlord.  Unless Landlord requires their removal,
as set forth above, all  alterations,  improvements or additions which may be on
the  Premises  shall  become the  property  of  Landlord  and remain upon and be
surrendered with the Premises at the expiration of the term; provided,  however,
that Tenant's machinery,  equipment and trade fixtures, other than any which may
be affixed to the  premises  so that they  cannot be  removed  without  material
damage to the  Premises,  shall remain the property of Tenant and may be removed
by Tenant, if Tenant is not then in default hereunder.

7. Indemnity.

         a. Indemnification by Tenant. Tenant shall indemnify,  defend, and hold
Landlord  harmless  from any and all claims  arising  from  Tenant's  use of the
Premises or from the  conduct of its  business or from any  activity,  work,  or
thing, which may be permitted or suffered by Tenant in or about the Premises and
shall further indemnify, defend, and hold Landlord harmless from and against any
and all claims from any breach or default in the  performance  of any obligation
or Tenant's part to be performed under the provisions of this Lease or assigning
from any negligence of Tenant of any of its agents,  contractors,  employees, or
invitees  and from any all cost,  attorney's  fees,  expenses,  and  liabilities
incurred  in the  defense  of any  claim or any  action  or  proceeding  brought
thereon,  including negotiations in connection therewith.  Tenant hereby assumes
all risk of damage to  property  or injury to persons  in or about the  Premises
from any cause,  and Tenant hereby waives all claims in respect  thereof against
Landlord,  excepting  where said damage arises out of  Landlord's  negligence or
intentional acts.

         b.  Landlord's  Obligation.  Tenant hereby agrees Landlord shall not be
liable for injury to Tenant's  business or any loss of income  therefrom  or for
damage to the goods,  wares,  merchandise or other property of Tenant,  Tenant's
employees,  invitees,  customers,  or any other person in or about the Premises;
nor, unless through  Landlord's  negligence or intentional torts, shall Landlord
be liable  for injury to the person of  Tenant,  Tenant's  employees,  agents or
contractors and invitees,  whether such damage or injury is caused by or results
from  fire,  steam,  electricity,  gas,  water  or rain,  or from the  breakage,
leakage,  obstruction or other defects of pipes, sprinklers,  wires, appliances,
plumbing,  air  conditioning  or  lighting  fixtures,  or from any other  cause,
whether  the said  damage or injury  results  from  condition  arising  upon the
Premises  or upon other  portions  of the  Building,  or from  other  sources or
places,  and  regardless  of whether  the cause of such  damage or injury of the
means of  repairing  the same is  inaccessible  to Landlord or Tenant.  Landlord
shall not be liable for any damages arising from any act or neglect of any other
tenant,  if any, of the Building,  or such other Tenant's  agents,  contractors,
employees or invitees.

8. Damage or Destruction.

         a. Complete  Insurance  Coverage.  If during the term of this Lease the
Premises  are  totally  or  partially  destroyed,  or any other  portion  of the
Building  is  damaged  in  such a way  that  Tenant's  use of  the  Premises  is
materially  interfered  with,  from a risk which is wholly covered by insurance,
then Landlord  shall proceed with  reasonable  diligence to repair the damage or
destruction and the Lease shall not be terminated; provided, however, that if in
the opinion of the Landlord's architect,  contractor,  or engineer,  the work of
repair  cannot be  completed  in ninety  (90)  days,  then  Landlord  may at its
election terminate the Lease upon written notice given to Tenant.

         b.  Partial  Insurance  Coverage.  If during the term of this Lease the
Premises  are  totally  or  partially  destroyed,  or any other  portion  of the
Building  is  damaged  in  such a way  that  Tenant's  use of  the  Premises  is
materially  interfered  with,  from a risk which is wholly covered by Landlord's
insurance,  then Landlord may at its election  restore the Premises or terminate
this Lease.

         c. Abatement of Rent. In case of destruction or damage which materially
interferes  with  the  Tenant's  use of the  Premises,  where  the  Lease is not
terminated  as  above  provided,  and in case  such  damage  was not  caused  or
contributed  to be the act of  negligence  of  Tenant,  its  agents,  employees,
invitees or those from whom Tenant is  responsible,  rent shall be abated during
the period  required  for the work of repair as to that  portion of the Premises
that is rendered  untenantable.  Except for abatement of rent, Tenant shall have
no claim  against  Landlord  for any loss  suffered  by Tenant  due to damage or
destruction of the Premises or any work of repair undertaken as herein provided.

         d. Insurance Proceeds.  In no event shall Tenant be entitled to receive
any insurance proceeds that are payable to Landlord as a result of damage to the
Premises,  whether or not Landlord  elects to make any repairs  pursuant to this

9. Real and Personal Property Taxes.

         a. Tenant's  Obligation.  Tenant shall pay the prior to delinquency all
taxes, assessments,  and fees assessed against and levied upon the real property
as well as personal property  including trade fixtures,  furnishings,  equipment
and  all  other  personal  property  of  Tenant  contained  in the  Premises  or

         b. Tax  Increase  Due to Tenant's  Improvements.  Tenant  shall pay the
total amount of any increase in real property  taxes  resulting from any and all
improvements of any kind whatsoever placed on or in the Premises or the Building
for the  benefit of or at the  request  of Tenant  regardless  of  whether  said
improvements were installed or constructed either by Landlord or Tenant,  except
those items included with the original Premises.

10. Assignments and Subletting.

         a.  Tenant  shall  not  voluntarily  or by  operation  of  law  assign,
transfer, mortgage, sublet, or otherwise transfer or encumber all or any part of
Tenant's  interest in this Lease or in the  Premises  without  Landlord's  prior
written consent,  which consent Landlord shall not  unreasonably  withhold.  Any
attempted assignment,  transfer,  mortgage,  encumbrance,  or subletting without
such consent shall be void and shall constitute a breach of the Lease.

         b. Landlord's Costs. Tenant shall pay all costs and expenses, including
reasonable  attorney's fees,  incurred by Landlord in connection with Landlord's
review of and participation in any proposed assignment,  subletting, encumbrance
or other transfer.

         c.  Landlord's   Assignment.   Regardless  of  Landlord's  consent,  no
subletting or assignment shall release Tenant of Tenant's  obligation to pay the
rent and perform all other  obligations to be performed by Tenant  hereunder for
the Term of this Lease. The acceptance of rent by Landlord from any other person
shall not be deemed to be a waiver by Landlord of any provision hereof.  Consent
to one  assignment or subletting  shall not be deemed  consent to any subsequent
assignment of subletting.

         d.  Landlord's  Assignment.  Landlord shall have the right to transfer,
encumber,  and assign, in whole or part, its right, title estate and obligations
in the Premises and the Building.  From and after the date of such assignment or
transfer,  Landlord  shall  be  released  from all  liability  with  respect  to
Landlord's obligations  hereunder;  provided however, that any security deposits
with respect to the Premises  shall be delivered  to  Landlord's  assignee,  and
provided that the terms herein shall be binding upon  transferees  and assignees
for the term of this Lease. Tenant shall be bound to such assignee in accordance
with the provisions of this Lease and shall attorn to such assignee.

         e.  Landlord's  Lien.  As  security  for  Tenant's  performance  of its
obligations hereunder, Tenant, hereby grants Landlord a security interest in all
equipment  inventory  and other  personal  property that is owned in whole or in
party by Tenant and that is located either  presently or  subsequently  upon the
Premises.  To the extent that this paragraph grants Landlord greater rights then
are provided by the Utah Lessor's  Liens law, Utah Code  Annotated ss. 38-3-1 to
ss.  38-3-8  (1974,  Supp.  1981,  1987 and as amended from time to time),  this
paragraph  shall be  construed  as a security  agreement  under the Utah Uniform
Commercial  Code. At Landlord's  request shall execute and deliver to Landlord a
Financing  Statement for the purpose of perfecting  Landlord's security interest
under this Lease.

11. Tenant's Default.  The occurrence of any one or more of the following events
shall constitute a default and breach of this Lease by Tenant:

         a. Abandonment. The vacating or abandonment of the Premises by Tenant.

         b.  Failure  to Pay  Amounts  Due.  The  failure  by Tenant to make any
payment of rent or any other payment required to be made by Tenant hereunder, as
and when due

         c. Failure to Perform Other Covenants. The failure by Tenant to observe
or to perform any of the covenants,  conditions or provision of this Lease to be
observed or performed by Tenant,  where such failure  continues  for a period of
thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from Landlord to Tenant; provided,
that if the nature of  Tenant's  default is such that more than thirty (30) days
are reasonably  required for its cure,  then Tenant shall not be deemed to be in
default if Tenant  commences  such cure  within  said thirty (30) day period and
thereafter diligently prosecutes such cure to completion.

         d. Tenant's Insolvency. The making by Tenant of any general assignment,
or general  arrangement  for the benefit of creditors;  the filing by or against
Tenant of a  petition  to have  Tenant  adjudged a  bankrupt  or a petition  for
reorganization or arrangement under any law relating to bankruptcy  (unless,  in
the case of a petition filed against Tenant,  the same is dismissed  within (60)
days);  the  appointment  of  a  trustee  or  receiver  to  take  possession  of
substantially  all of  Tenant's  assets or of  Tenant's  interest in this Lease,
where  possession  is not  restored to Tenant  within  thirty (30) days;  or the
attachment, execution or other judicial seizure of substantially all of Tenant's
assets located at the Premises or of Tenant's interest in this Lease, where such
seizure is not discharged within thirty (30) days.

12. Landlord's  Remedies.  In the event of any such default or breach of Tenant,
Landlord at any time  thereafter,  with or without  notice or demand and without
limiting  Landlord in the exercise of any other right or remedy  which  Landlord
may have by reason of such default or breach,  shall have the  following  rights
and remedies:

         a.  Termination  of Lease.  Landlord may  terminate  this Lease and all
rights of Tenant hereunder by giving Tenant written notice of such  termination.
If Landlord so terminates this Lease,  then Tenant shall  immediately  surrender
the Premises to Landlord and Landlord may recover from Tenant the sum of:

                  (1)  Past  Due  Rent.  The  worth  at the time of award of any
         unpaid rent which had been earned at the time of termination;

                  (2) Rent From  Termination to Time of Award.  The worth at the
         time of award of the amount by which the unpaid  rent which  would have
         been  earned  after  termination  until the time of award  exceeds  the
         amount  of  such  rental  loss  that  Tenant  proves  could  have  been
         reasonably avoided;

                  (3) Rent After  Time of Award.  The worth at the time of award
         of the  amount by which the  unpaid  rent for the  balance  of the term
         after the time of award  exceeds  the amount of such  rental  loss that
         Tenant proves could be reasonably avoided;

                  (4)  Landlord's  Detriment.  Any  other  amount  necessary  to
         compensate  Landlord  for  all  the  detriment  proximately  caused  by
         Tenant's  failure to perform Tenant's  obligations  hereunder or which,
         the  ordinary  course of things,  would be likely to result  therefrom,
         including leasing commissions,  attorney's fees, and Tenant improvement
         expenses incurred in reletting the Premises.

                  (5) Miscellaneous  Amounts. All such other amounts in addition
         to or in lieu of the foregoing as may be permitted from time to time by
         applicable Utah law, and

                  (6)  Calculation of Rental  Amounts.  As used in  subparagraph
         12(a)(2),  the  "worth  at the  time of  award"  shall be  computed  by
         allowing  interest at the rate of eighteen  percent (18%) per annum. As
         used in subparagraph  12(a)(3) above,  the "worth at the time of award"
         shall be computed by discounting such amount at the rate of the Federal
         Reserve  Bank of San  Francisco  at the time of award plus one  percent
         (1%).  As used in this  paragraph  the term "rent"  shall  include both
         charges  equivalent to rent and any other periodic  payments to be made
         by Tenant hereunder (including,  without limitation,  Tenant's share of
         parking lot, common area and landscape  maintenance cost; utility costs
         and real property taxes).

         b.  Recovery  of Rent if  Lease  Not  Terminated.  If  Tenant  vacates,
abandons,  or surrenders the Premises without Landlord's consent, of if Landlord
re-enters  the Premises as provided  below or takes  possession  of the Premises
pursuant to legal proceedings  (less the net proceeds,  if any, of reletting the
Premises after deducting  Landlord's expenses in connection with such reletting,
including without  limitation  attorneys' fees, lease commissions and alteration
costs) and if Landlord may, from time to time recover all rent and other amounts
payable hereunder as they become due and/or relet the Premises, any part thereof
or the Premises and additional  portions of the Building on behalf of Tenant for
such term (which may be shorter or longer  than the  original  term  thereof) at
such  rent  and  pursuant  to such  other  provisions  (which  may  include  the
alteration  and repair of the Premises) as Landlord in its sole  discretion  may
deem  advisable.  Landlord  reserves the right  following  such re-entry  and/or
reletting  to exercise  its right to  terminate  this Lease upon  giving  Tenant
written notice.

         c.  Removal  of  Property  From  Premises.  Upon an  event  of  default
hereunder,  Landlord shall also have the right, with or without terminating this
Lease,  to  re-enter  the  Premises  and to  remove  all  persons  and  property
therefrom. Landlord may cause property so removed from the Premises to be stored
in a public  warehouse  or elsewhere at the expense and for the amount of Tenant
and may cause the same to be disposed of in  accordance  with the  provisions of
Utah law.

         d.  Non-Termination  of Lease. None of the foregoing  remedial actions,
singly or in  combination,  shall be  construed  as an  election  by Landlord to
terminate  this Lease unless  Landlord has in fact given Tenant  written  notice
that  this  Lease is  terminated  or  unless a court of  competent  jurisdiction
decrees  termination of this Lease:  any act by Landlord to maintain or preserve
the  Premises;  any  efforts by Landlord to relet the  Premises;  any  re-entry,
repossession or reletting of the Premises by Landlord  pursuant to the foregoing
provisions;  the  appointment  of a receiver,  upon the initiative of Landlord's
interest under this Lease;  or a notice from Landlord under a forcible entry and
unlawful detainer statute.

         e.  Default  by  Landlord.  If  Tenant  fails  to  perform  any  of its
obligations hereunder,  then Landlord, in its sole discretion,  may advance sums
or take action that may be necessary to cure Tenant's breach. Tenant shall repay
Landlord all such amounts,  together with interest thereon,  as herein provided,
immediately upon Landlord's making demand therefore.

13.  Default by  Landlord.  Landlord  shall not be in default  hereunder  unless
Landlord fails to perform  obligations  required of Landlord  hereunder within a
reasonable  time,  but in no event  later than  thirty  (30) days after  written
notice is given by Tenant to Landlord  specifying wherein Landlord has failed to
perform such  obligation;  provided,  however,  that if the nature of Landlord's
obligation is such that more than thirty (30) days are required for performance,
then Landlord shall not be in default if Landlord  commences  performance within
such thirty (30) day period and  thereafter  diligently  prosecutes  the same to

14.      Condemnation.

         a.       Definitions.

                  (1)  "Condemnation"  means the  exercise  of any  governmental
         power,  whether by legal  proceedings or otherwise,  by a condemnor and
         (b) a voluntary sale or transfer by Landlord to any  condemnor,  either
         under  threat  of   condemnation   or  while  legal   proceedings   for
         condemnation are pending.

                  (2)  "Date of  taking"  means the date the  condemnor  has the
         right to possession of the property being condemned.

                  (3) "Award" means all compensation, sums, or anything of value
         awarded, paid, or received on a total or partial condemnation.

                  (4) "Condemnor" means any public or quasipublic authority,  or
         private corporation, or individual, having the power of condemnation.

         b.  Total  Taking.  If during the Term of this  Lease the  Building  is
totally taken by  Condemnation,  then this Lease shall  terminate on the date of

         c. Partial Taking.  If during the Term of this Lease any portion of the
Building or attached parking  facility,  if any, is taken by Condemnation,  then
this Lease shall  remain in effect,  except  that Tenant may elect to  terminate
this Lease if such taking renders the Premises unsuitable for Tenant's continued
use and  occupation.  If Tenant elects to terminate  the Lease  pursuant to this
provision,  then Tenant must do so by written  notice  given to the  Landlord no
later than (30) days after the date of taking.  If Tenant does not terminate the
Lease  within  such  period,  then the Lease  shall  continue  in full force and
effect, subject to abatement of rent as provided below.

         d.  Abatement  of Rent.  If any portion of the Building or the attached
parking  facility,  if any,  is taken by  condemnation  and if this Lease is not
terminated  then as of the date of taking the monthly rental  otherwise  payable
hereunder  shall be abated as to that portion of the  Premises  that is rendered

         e.  Right to  Award.  The  award  shall  belong  to and be paid over to
Landlord.  Tenant  waives  any  interest  therein  based  upon the  value of its
leasehold interest thereunder,  excepting any claim that Tenant may have against
Condemnor only for Tenant's moving expenses.

15.  Notices.  Any notice to be given by either party hereto shall be in writing
and shall be either  personally  delivered or mailed by certified mail,  postage
prepaid to Landlord at the office where rent is payable as provided above and to
Tenant at the  Premises.  Such notice shall be deemed to be given at the time of
delivery if delivered  personally,  or three (3) business days after the date of
the postmark, if mailed, as to the case may be.

16. Estoppel Certificate.

         a. Tenant's Execution of Certificate. Tenant shall at any time upon not
less  than  five (5)  days  prior  to  written  notice  from  Landlord  execute,
acknowledge  and deliver to Landlord a statement in writing (1) certifying  that
this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect (or, if modified,  stating
the nature of such  modification and certifying that this Lease, as so modified,
is in full force and effect) and the date to which the rent,  security  deposit,
and other charges are paid in advance,  if any, and (2) acknowledging that there
are not, to  Tenant's  knowledge,  any uncured  defaults on the part of Landlord
hereunder,  or specifying  such defaults,  if any,  which are claimed.  Any such
statement  may be  conclusively  relied  upon by any  prospective  purchaser  or
encumbrancer of the Premises.

         b.  Failure  of Tenant to  Execute  Certificate.  Tenant's  failure  to
deliver such statement within such time shall be conclusive upon Tenant (1) that
this Lease is in full force and effect,  without  modification  except as may be
represented  by Landlord,  (2) that there are no uncured  defaults in Landlord's
performance  and (3) that not more  than one (1)  month's  rent has been paid in

         c. Delivery of Financial Statements.  If Landlord desires to finance or
refinance  the Premises or the whole or a portion of the  Building,  then Tenant
shall deliver to any lender designated by Landlord such financial  statements of
Tenant  as may be  reasonably  required  by  such  lender.  All  such  financial
statements shall be received by Landlord in confidence and shall be used for the
purposes herein set forth.

17. Subordination.

         a. Subordination.  This Lease, at Landlord's option,  shall be shall be
subordinate  to any  ground  lease,  mortgage,  deed  of  trust,  or  any  other
hypothecation  for security now or  hereafter  placed upon the real  property of
which Premises are part and to any and all advances made on the security thereof
and to all renewals, modifications,  consolidations, replacements and extensions
thereof. Notwithstanding such subordination,  Tenant's right to quiet possession
of the  Premises  shall not be disturbed if Tenant is not in default and so long
as Tenant  shall pay the rent and observe and perform all of the  provisions  of
this Lease, unless this Lease is otherwise  terminated pursuant to its terms. If
any mortgagee,  trustee or ground lessor shall elect to have this Lease prior to
the lien of its mortgage,  deed of trust or ground lease, and shall give written
notice  thereof  to  tenant,  then  this  Lease  shall be  deemed  prior to such
mortgage,  deed of trust, or ground lease,  whether this Lease is dated prior or
subsequent on the date of said mortgage,  deed of trust,  or ground lease or the
date of recording thereof.

         b.  Documentation.  Tenant  shall  execute  any  documents  required to
effectuate  such  subordination  or to make this lease  prior to the lien of any
mortgage,  deed of trust or  ground  lease,  as the  case may be,  and  Tenant's
failing to do so within ten (10) days after receiving  Landlord's written demand
does  hereby  make,  constitute  and  irrevocably  appoint  Landlord as Tenant's
attorney in fact and in Tenant's name, place and stead, to do so.

18.  Attorney's  Fees.  If any legal action is taken to interpret or enforce any
provision of this Lease or on account of a breach  thereof,  then the prevailing
party shall be  entitled,  in addition to any other  remedy  available in law or
equity, to recover its costs,  expenses and reasonable  attorney's fees actually
incurred in  connection  therewith  or in  connection  with  negotiations  prior
thereto, whether such costs, expenses or fees are incurred with or without suit,
at trial or on appeal.

19.  Signs.  Tenant shall no place or suffer to be placed or  maintained  on any
exterior  door,  wall,  or window of the  Premises  or the  Building,  any sign,
awning,  or canopy,  or advertising  matter or other thing of any kind, and will
not place or maintain any decoration , lettering,  or advertising  matter on the
glass of any window or door of the Premises  without first obtaining  Landlord's
written  approval.   Tenant  shall  maintain  any  such  sign,  awning,  canopy,
decoration, lettering, advertising matter, or other things as may be approved in
good condition and repair at all times and at Tenant's expense shall remove such
signs  and  advertising  matter  at the  termination  of  this  Lease.  Tenant's
installation, maintenance and removal of said signs and advertising matter shall
be made in such  manner  so as to  avoid  any  damage  to the  Premises  and the

20. General Provisions.

         a.  Interpretation.  This Lease shall be governed by and  construed  in
accordance  with the laws of the State of Utah.  The  captions  that precede the
paragraphs of this Lease are for  convenience  of reference only and shall in no
way affect  the manner in which any  provision  herein is  construed  as if such
covenant is  independent,  and Tenant shall not be entitled to any offset of the
amounts  that are due to Landlord  hereunder  if  Landlord  does not perform its
obligations hereunder.

         b.  Invalidity.  The  invalidity  of any  provision  of this Lease,  as
determined  by a court of  competent  jurisdiction,  shall in no way  affect the
validity of any other provision hereof.

         c.  Complete  Agreement.  This Lease  contains  all  agreements  of the
parties with respect to any matter mentioned herein.  This Lease may be modified
only in writing signed by the parties hereto. No representations  have been made
to induce the parties to enter into this Lease except as are set forth herein.

         d.  Waiver.  No waiver by Landlord  of any  provision  hereof  shall be
deemed a waiver of any provision hereof or of any subsequent breach by Tenant of
the same or any other  Provision.  Landlord's  consent to or approval of any act
shall be deemed to render  unnecessary the obtaining of Landlord's consent to or
approval of any  subsequent  act by Tenant.  The acceptance of rent hereunder by
Landlord  shall  not be a waiver  of any  proceeding  breach  by  Tenant  of any
provision hereof, other than the failure of Tenant to pay the particular rent so
accepted,  regardless of Landlord's  knowledge of such  preceding  breach at the
time of acceptance of such rent. No failure or delay of Landlord in the exercise
of any rights shall constitute a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial
exercise of any rights  preclude  other or further  exercises  thereof or of any
other right.

         e.   Recordation.   Tenant  shall  not  record  this  Lease.  Any  such
recordation shall be a breach hereof.

         f. Holding Over. If Tenant remains in possession of the Premises or any
part  thereof  after the  expiration  of the Term  hereof  with the  consent  of
Landlord then such occupancy  shall be a tenancy from month to month at a rental
in the amount of the last month's  rental  during the Term hereof plus all other
charges payable hereunder, and upon all other terms hereof.

         g. Remedies. No remedy or election hereunder shall be deemed exclusive,
but shall, wherever possible, be cumulative with all other remedies at law or in
equity,  by statute or otherwise and including  without  limitation,  injunctive
relief and specific performance.

         h.  Covenants  and  Conditions.  Each  provision  of this Lease that is
performable by Tenant shall be deemed both a covenant and a condition.

         i.  Investment.  Subject to the  provisions  of this Lease  restricting
assignment or subletting by Tenant, this Lease shall bind and shall inure to the
benefit of the parties hereto,  their personal  representatives,  successors and

         j. Inspection of Premises. Landlord and Landlord's agent shall have the
right  to  enter  the  Premises  at all  reasonable  times  for the  purpose  of
inspecting the same, showing the same to prospective purchasers,  or lenders and
making such alterations,  repairs,  improvements or additions to the premises or
to the  Building  or which they are a part as  Landlord  may deem  necessary  or
desirable.  Landlord may at any time place on or about the Premises any ordinary
"For Sale" signs and Landlord may at any time during the last one hundred twenty
(120) days of the term hereof place on or about the  Premises any ordinary  "For
Sale or Lease" signs, all without rebate of rent or liability to Tenant.

         k.  Auctions.  Tenant  shall not conduct  any auction at the  Premises,
without Landlord's prior written consent.

         l. Merger. The voluntary or other surrender of this Lease by Tenant, or
a mutual cancellation thereof, shall not work a merger, and shall, at the option
of Landlord, terminate all or any existing subtenancies or may, at the option of
Landlord,  operate  as  an  assignment  to  Landlord  of  any  or  all  of  such

         m.  Authority.  If  Tenant  is  a  corporation,  then  each  individual
executing this Lease on behalf of said corporation  represents and warrants that
he or she is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Lease on behalf of said
corporation  and that this Lease is binding upon said  corporation in accordance
with its terms.

         n. Landlord.  The term "Landlord" as used herein means the owner of the
Building  for the time being  only and in the event of a sale of such  Building,
Landlord  shall  be  automatically  relieved  of  all  obligations  of  Landlord
hereunder, except for acts or omissions of Landlord theretofore occurring.

         o.  Interest  and  Service  Charge.  If  Tenant  fails to pay any rent,
additional  rent or other sum that is due  hereunder  when the same is due, then
Tenant  shall  pay  Landlord  interest  on such  unpaid  amounts  at the rate of
eighteen  percent  (18%)  per  annum  from the due date  thereof  to the date of
payment. In addition thereto, at Landlord's option,  Tenant shall pay Landlord a
sum of Fifty Dollar ($50.00) for each delinquent payment as a service fee.

         p. Additional Documents. The parties thereto shall do such further acts
and things and shall execute,  acknowledge and deliver such additional documents
and  instruments as may be necessary or desirable to carry out the intent of the
Lease  or as the  other  party,  or  its  counsel,  may  reasonably  require  to
consummate, evidence or confirm the provisions contained herein.

         q. Time of the Essence. Time is the essence of this Lease.

         r. Force  Majeure.  Landlord and Tenant shall be excused for the period
of any delay in the performance of any obligations hereunder when prevented from
so doing by cause of causes  beyond  Landlord's or Tenant's  control,  including
labor disputes, civil commotion, war, governmental regulations or controls, fire
or other  casualty,  inability to obtain any  materials or services,  or acts of

         s. Recourse by Tenant. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Lease
to the contrary, Tenant shall look solely to the estate and property of Landlord
in the land and buildings  comprising  the Building,  subject to prior rights of
any mortgagee of the Building,  or any part thereof,  for the  collection of any
judgment or other  judicial  process  requiring the payment of money by Landlord
with respect to any of the terms,  covenants and  conditions of this Lease to be
observed and/or performed by Landlord,  and no other assets of Landlord shall be
subject to levy, execution, or other procedures for the satisfaction of Tenant's

         t. Joint and Several Liability.  If there is more than one Tenant, then
all liability of Tenant hereunder shall be joint and several.

         u. Authority of Signatories.  Each person  executing this  individually
and personally represents and warrants that he is duly authorized to execute and
deliver the same on behalf of the entity for which he is signing  (whether it be
a corporation, general or limited partnership, or otherwise), and that his Lease
is binding upon said entity in accordance with its terms.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto have caused this Lease to be
executed as of the day and year first above written.


By:      /s/Michael D. Smith
Name:    Michael D. Smith
Its:     General Counsel


By:      /s/Michael D. Smith
Name:    Michael D. Smith
Its:     General Counsel


         State of Utah, County of Utah:

PARCEL            1:  Commencing at the Southwest  corner of Block 66, Plat "A",
                  Provo City Survey of Building  Lots;  and running thence North
                  396.00  feet,  more or less to the  Northwest  corner  of said
                  Block 66;  thence East 110.00  feet;  thence South 396.00 feet
                  more or less,  to a point due East of the point of  beginning;
                  thence West 110.00 feet to the place of beginning.

PARCEL            2:  Commencing  at a point  110.00 feet East of the  Northwest
                  corner of Block 66,  Plat "A",  Provo City  survey of Building
                  lots; and running thence East 60.00 feet;  thence South 233.00
                  feet;  thence West 60.00 feet; thence North 233.00 feet to the
                  point of beginning.

PARCEL            3:  Commencing at a point South  89(degree)38'45"  East 110.00
                  feet from the  Southwest  corner of Block 66, Plat "A",  Provo
                  City survey of Building  Lots;  thence North  00(degree)18'34"
                  East 165.675  feet;  thence South  89(degree)30'01"  East 15.0
                  feet; thence South  00(degree)18'34"  West 165.74 feet; thence
                  North   89(degree)38'52"  West  15.0  feet  to  the  point  of

         Together with all buildings, fixtures, and improvements thereon and all
water  rights,   easements,   rents,   issues,   profits,   income,   tenements,
hereditaments,  privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging now, or hereafter
used, or enjoyed with said property or any parts thereof ("Premises").