UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM N-PX ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORD OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANY INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT FILE NUMBER: 811-04297 NAME OF REGISTRANT: Van Eck Funds ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICES: 99 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT FOR SERVICE: ---------- 99 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER: 1-800-826-2333 DATE OF FISCAL YEAR END: 12/31 DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD: 07/01/2005 - 06/30/2006 VAN ECK EMERGING MARKETS FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANTECH CO LTD Agenda Number: 700813810 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0017P108 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 18-Nov-2005 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002395001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the Strategic Alliance with Asustek Mgmt For For Computer Inc. -TW0002357001 on 30 SEP 2005 and also agree to issue new shares in exchange for the shares of Asustek - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANTECH CO LTD Agenda Number: 700995840 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0017P108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 16-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002395001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 296937 DUE TO RECEIPT OF DIRECTOR AND SUPERVISORS NAMES. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1.1 Receive the 2005 business reports and 2006 business Mgmt For For prospectus 1.2 Receive the 2005 audited reports Mgmt For For 1.3 Approve the status of endorsements and guarantees Mgmt For For 1.4 Approve the status of first unsecured Local Mgmt For For Convertible Corporate Bond issuance LCB 1.5 Other reports Other For * 2.1 Ratify the 2005 business and financial reports Mgmt For For 2.2 Ratify the 2005 earnings distribution proposed Mgmt For For cash dividend: TWD 4 per share, Stock dividend: 20/1000 shares from retained earnings subject to 20% with holding tax 3.1 Approve to raise the capital by issuing new Mgmt For For shares from earnings and employee s bonus for the year 2005 3.2 Approve to revise the Articles of Incorporation Mgmt For For 3.3 Approve to revise the procedures of acquisition Mgmt For For and disposal of asset 3.4 Approve to revise the procedures of endorsements Mgmt For For and guarantees 3.5 Approve to revise the rules of shareholders Mgmt For For meeting 4.1 Elect Asustek Computer Incorporation as a Director Mgmt For For Shareholder No. 33509, Representative: Mr. Ted Hsu 4.2 Elect Ms. Sharon Su as a Supervisor Shareholder Mgmt For For No. S221401514 5. Approve to release the Directors from non-competition Mgmt For For duty 6. Other motions Other Abstain * - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALSEA SA DE CV, MEXICO Agenda Number: 700930628 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P0212A104 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 27-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MXP001391012 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve and amend the annual report to which Mgmt For For the main part of Article 172 of the General Mercantile Companies Law refers, regarding the operations carried out by the Company during the FY that ran from 01 JAN to 31 DEC 2005 2. Approve the payment of a dividend to the shareholders Mgmt For For of the Company 3. Approve and amend the annual report, regarding Mgmt For For the operations carried out by the Finance and Planning Committee, Audit Committee, Evaluation and Compensation Committee and Marketing and Operations Committee of the Company, during the FY that ran from 01 JAN to 31 DEC 2005 4. Approve the full amendment of the Corporate Mgmt For For Bylaws of the Company, to bring them into compliance with the new securities Market Law 5. Appoint the Members of the Board of Directors, Mgmt For For Officers, Commissioner and Members of the Intermediate Administrative Bodies of the Company 6. Approve to set the compensation of the Members Mgmt For For of the Board of Directors, Commissioner and Members of the Intermediate Administrative Bodies of the Company 7. Receive the report of the Board of Directors Mgmt For For regarding the shares representing the corporate capital of the Company, repurchased with funds from the fund for the repurchase of own shares, as well as their placement 8. Approve to increase of the reserve for acquisition Mgmt For For of own shares and setting of its amount, as well as the amount of corporate capital that can be allocated for the purchase of own shares and determination of the same 9. Receive the report of the Board of Directors Mgmt Abstain Against regarding the shares that make up part of the Option Plan for the purchase of shares for employees of the Company for the 2005 FY; approve to determine the terms and conditions of the Option Plan for the purchase of shares for employees of the Company, for the 2006 FY and grant authority to determine the number of shares of the same 10. Approve to increase the variable part of the Mgmt Abstain Against corporate capital and to determine the form, terms and conditions of the subscription and payment of the shares that are issued 11. Approve to increase the variable part of the Mgmt Abstain Against corporate capital through the issuance of unsubscribed for shares for their placement with the public, in accordance with the terms of Article 81 of the Securities Market Law and subject to and the conditions stated by, the National Banking and Securities Commission, as well as a primary public offering of the shares of the Company 12. Approve to cancel and exchange of securities Mgmt For For representing the corporate capital 13. Grant the special powers for the orchestration Mgmt For For of the resolutions passed by this meeting 14. Ratify the acts that the Board of Directors Mgmt For For carries out, in fulfilling the decisions made, so that the Company has the possibility of making a public offering in the securities markets, with the objective of having said decisions have full effect 15. Appoint the Delegates to formalize the resolutions Mgmt For For adopted - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALSEA SA DE CV, MEXICO Agenda Number: 700964972 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P0212A104 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 22-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MXP001391012 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Ratify the decisions adopted by the AGM and Mgmt Against Against the EGM of shareholders of the Company, in the same terms and conditions in which they were adopted, regarding item 11 of the agenda, the increase of the variable part of the Corporate capital by the issuance of unsubscribed shares to be placed with the public, in accordance with the terms of Article 81 of the Securities Market Law and subject to approval by, and to the conditions determined by, the National Banking And Securities Commission it is made known to the shareholders of Alsea, S.A. DE C.V. that to carry out said ratification and, if relevant, confirmation, the shareholders will be asked to expressly waive the preemptive right to subscribe that Article 132 of the General Mercantile Companies Law and the Corporate Bylaws grant to them, there being a quorum in accordance with the terms of the Corporate Bylaws, the decision that is made will have all its effects, reaching the shareholders who have not attended the meeting, so that the Company will be at liberty to place the shares with the public, without publishing the notice that the above mentioned Article refers to likewise, you are informed that when a minority that represents 25% of the Corporate capital, votes against the issuance of unsubscribed shares, said issuance cannot be carried out any shareholder who votes against the resolutions during the meeting can exercise the right that Article 81(XII) of the Securities Market Law in force refers to 2. Appoint the delegates who will formalize the Mgmt Abstain Against resolutions that are passed - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOMOTIVE AXLES LTD Agenda Number: 700860681 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y04845114 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 18-Jan-2006 Ticker: ISIN: INE449A01011 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive, approve and adopt the balance sheet Mgmt For For as at 30 SEP 2005, the profit and loss account for the YE on that date and reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon 2. Declare the payment of interim dividend and Mgmt For For final dividend for the YE 30 SEP 2005 3. Re-appoint Mr. Blake G. Palmer as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires by rotation 4. Re-appoint Mr. C.K. Sabareeshan as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires by rotation 5. Re-appoint Mr. Ashok Rao as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires by rotation 6. Appoint M/s. Deloitte Haskins and Sells Chennai Mgmt For For Chartered Accountants, Bangalore, the retiring Auditors, until the conclusion of the next AGM and authorize the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration for the period - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AWEA MECHANTRONIC CO LTD Agenda Number: 700984760 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0486W105 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 19-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: TW0001530004 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 292751 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. A.1 Receive the 2005 business operations report Mgmt For For A.2 Receive the 2005 audited reports Mgmt For For A.3 Approve the status of the local unsecured convertible Mgmt For For bonds B.1.1 Approve the 2005 financial statements Mgmt For For B.1.2 Approve the 2005 profit distribution - cash Mgmt For For dividend: TWD 3.0 per share B.2.1 Approve to issue new shares from retained earnings Mgmt For For - stock dividend: 100 for 1,000 SHS held B.2.2 Amend the Articles of Incorporation Mgmt For For B.2.3 Amend the procedures of monetary loans and endorsement Mgmt For For and guarantee B.3 Other issues and extraordinary motions Other Abstain * - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANDAR RAYA DEVELOPMENTS BERHAD Agenda Number: 700868651 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y05696102 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 23-Feb-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MYL1473OO007 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.S.1 Authorize the Company, subject to the approvals Mgmt For For being obtained from the relevant regulatory authorities and parties where required and the confirmation by the High Court of Malaya, to undertake a capital reduction and capital repayment exercise comprising: (a) a reduction of the issued and paid-up share capital of the Company from MYR 476,378,039 divided into 476,378,039 ordinary shares of MYR 1.00 each held in BRDB BRDB Shares to MYR 357,283,529 divided into 476,378,039 ordinary shares of MYR 0.75 each or such higher amount and such higher number of ordinary shares depending on the fractional entitlements, by canceling MYR 0.25 from every BRDB Share and paying off an amount of the issued and paid-up share capital of the Company of up to MYR 119,094,510; and (b) a capital repayment of MYR 0.25 for every one 1 BRDB Share, to be satisfied by the distribution of up to 119,094,510 ordinary shares of MYR 1.00 each Distribution Shares in Mieco Chipboard Berhad MIECO to the shareholders of BRDB whose names appear in the record of depositors of BRDB on a date to be determined by the Board of Directors of BRDB Board of Directors and announced later, on the basis of one 1 Distribution Share for every four 4 existing BRDB Shares held and that fractional entitlements of the Distribution Shares shall be disregarded and dealt with in such manner as the Board of Directors shall in its absolute discretion think fit or expedient in the best interests of the Company, as specified ; and the aforesaid reduction of the issued and paid-up share capital of the Company shall take effect as confirmed by an order of the High Court of Malaya and upon lodgment with the Registrar of Companies of an office copy of the said order; and authorize the Board of Directors to take such steps, execute such documents and enter into any arrangements, agreements and/or undertakings with any party or parties as they may deem fit, necessary, expedient and/or appropriate in order to implement, finalize and/or give effect to the Proposed Capital Repayment including deciding on the time for lodgment of the office copy of the said order with full powers to assent to any terms, conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments as may be agreed to/required by the relevant regulatory authorities and/or the High Court of Malaya or as a consequence of any such requirement or as may be deemed necessary and/or expedient in the best interests of the Company 2.O.1 Authorize: the Company, subject to the approvals Mgmt For For being obtained from the relevant regulatory authorities and parties where required , to undertake a share split exercise Proposed Share Split immediately upon completion of the Proposed Capital Repayment involving the subdivision of every two 2 existing ordinary shares of MYR 0.75 each in BRDB Resultant Shares arising from the Proposed Capital Repayment into three (3) ordinary shares of MYR 0.50 each in BRDB Split Shares , such share split to be effected by way of subdividing the Resultant Shares into the Split Shares and the Split Shares shall, upon allotment and issue, rank pari passu in all respects amongst themselves and the Board of Directors to take such steps, execute such documents and enter into any arrangements, agreements and/or undertakings with any party or parties as they may deem fit, necessary, expedient and/or appropriate in order to implement, finalize and/or give effect to the Proposed Share Split with full powers to assent to any terms, conditions, modifications, variations and/or amendments as may be agreed to/required by the relevant regulatory authorities or as a consequence of any such requirement or as may be deemed necessary and/or expedient in the best interests of the Company 3.S.2 Authorize the Company, subject to the approvals Mgmt For For being obtained from the relevant parties where required , upon the implementation of the Proposed Capital Repayment and the Proposed Share Split, to delete the existing Clause 5 of the Memorandum of Association of the Company in its entirety and substituting in place thereof with the specified new Clause 5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BHARTI AIRTEL LTD Agenda Number: 700827477 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0885K108 Meeting Type: OTH Meeting Date: 26-Nov-2005 Ticker: ISIN: INE397D01016 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A POSTAL MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT. Non-Voting No vote A PHYSICAL MEETING IS NOT BEING HELD FOR THIS COMPANY. THEREFORE, MEETING ATTENDANCE REQUESTS ARE NOT VALID FOR THIS MEETING. IF YOU WISH TO VOTE, YOU MUST RETURN YOUR INSTRUCTIONS BY THE INDICATED CUTOFF DATE. THANK YOU. s.1 Approve, pursuant to the applicable provisions Mgmt For For of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 FEMA , the Companies Act, 1956 and all other applicable rules, regulations, guidelines, laws including any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force and subject to all applicable approvals, permissions and sanctions and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by any of the concerned authorities while granting such approvals, permissions, sanctions, which may be agreed by the Board of Directors of the Company which term shall include a Committee of the Board of Directors for the time being exercising the powers conferred by the Board of Directors hereinafter referred to as the Board , for the investment by the Foreign Institutional Investors including their sub-accounts hereinafter referred to as FIIs in the shares or debentures convertible into shares or any other security of the Company by way of purchases or acquisition from the market under the Portfolio Investment Scheme under FEMA and subject to the condition that the total holding of all the FIIs put together shall not exceed the Sectoral cap as may be prescribed by the Government/Statutory authority from time to time; the investments by FHs in the equity share capital of the Company exceeding 24% of the paid up equity share capital of the Company and upto the sectoral cap as applicable from time to time made from time to time; authorize the Board of Directors which term shall be deemed to include any Committee of the Board to do all such acts, deeds and things and execute all documents, deeds or writings as may be necessary, proper or expedient for the purpose of giving effect to the above resolution and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN SGM. THANK YOU. Non-Voting No vote - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BHARTI AIRTEL LTD Agenda Number: 700870264 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0885K108 Meeting Type: SGM Meeting Date: 28-Feb-2006 Ticker: ISIN: INE397D01016 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A POSTAL MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT. Non-Voting No vote A PHYSICAL MEETING IS NOT BEING HELD FOR THIS COMPANY. THEREFORE, MEETING ATTENDANCE REQUESTS ARE NOT VALID FOR THIS MEETING. IF YOU WISH TO VOTE, YOU MUST RETURN YOUR INSTRUCTIONS BY THE INDICATED CUTOFF DATE. THANK YOU. S.1 Amend, pursuant to the provisions of Section Mgmt For For 31 and all other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 or any other law for the time being in force including any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and subject to the such approvals(s), permission(s), sanction(s), confirmation of Central Government or other authority, as may be required under any law for the time being in force, the Articles of Association of the Company by: inserting new Article 92A after Article 92 as specified; and deleting the existing Article 117(a) and substituting with the new Article as specified; and authorize the Board of Directors to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be required to be done to give effect to the aforementioned resolution S.2 Amend, pursuant to the provisions of Section Mgmt For For 16, 17 and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 or any other law for the time being in force including any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and subject to the such approvals(s), permission(s), sanction(s), confirmation(s), as may be required under any law for the time being in force, Clauses III pertaining to Object Clause of Memorandum of Association of the Company by inserting new sub-Clause 19 after the existing sub-Clause 18 under Clause III(B) of the Memorandum of Association of the Company as specified; and authorize the Directors to do all such acts deeds and things as may be required to be done to give effect to the aforementioned resolution - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BHARTI AIRTEL LTD Agenda Number: 700879806 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0885K108 Meeting Type: OTH Meeting Date: 20-Mar-2006 Ticker: ISIN: INE397D01016 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A POSTAL MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT. Non-Voting No vote A PHYSICAL MEETING IS NOT BEING HELD FOR THIS COMPANY. THEREFORE, MEETING ATTENDANCE REQUESTS ARE NOT VALID FOR THIS MEETING. IF YOU WISH TO VOTE, YOU MUST RETURN YOUR INSTRUCTIONS BY THE INDICATED CUTOFF DATE. THANK YOU S.1 Approve, pursuant to the applicable provisions Mgmt For For of Section 21 and all other applicable provisions of the Companies Act 1956 or any other law for the time being in force and subject to the approval of the Central Government, the name of the Company be changed from Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited to Bharti Airtel Limited and accordingly the name Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited wherever it occurs in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company be substituted by new name Bharti Airtel Limited; and authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be required to be done to give effect to the abovementioned resolution relating to change of name of the Company and to delegate all or any of the power hereby conferred to such Directors and/or officers of the Company as the Board may, in their absolute discretion, deem necessary, appropriate, expedient or desirable to give effect to the foregoing resolution or otherwise considered by the Board of Directors to be in the best interest of the Company; and the consent of the Members be and is hereby accorded for use of the name Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited by any other Company/person with the prior written approval of Board of Directors of the Company after the change in the name of the Company from Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited to Bharti Airtel Limited - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BHARTI TELE-VENTURES LTD Agenda Number: 700794717 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y0885K108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 06-Sep-2005 Ticker: ISIN: INE397D01016 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and adopt the audited balance sheet Mgmt For For of the Company as at 31 MAR 2005, the profit & loss account for the YE on that date and the reports of the Board of Directors and the Auditors thereon 2. Re-appoint Mr. Rakesh Bharti Mittal as a Director Mgmt For For who retires by rotation 3. Re-appoint Mr. Lim Toon as a Director who retires Mgmt For For by rotation 4. Appoint the Auditors until the conclusion of Mgmt For For the next AGM and to fix their remuneration 5. Re-appoint Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal as a Director Mgmt For For of the Company, who retires by rotation, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 255, 256 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and Article 146 of the Articles of Association of the Company 6. Re-appoint Mr. Rajan Bharti Mittal as a Director Mgmt For For of the Company, who retires by rotation, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 255, 256 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and Article 146 of the Articles of Association of the Company 7. Re-appoint Mr. Akhil Gupta as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company, who retires by rotation, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 255, 256 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and Article 146 of the Articles of Association of the Company S.8 Authorize the Board of Directors the Board Mgmt For For which terms shall be deemed to include any Committee including ESOP Compensation Committee of the Board : a) pursuant to the provisions of Section 81 (1A) and all other applicable provisions, of the Companies Act, 1956 the Act , the provisions contained in the Securities and Exchange Board of India Employees Stock Option Scheme and Employees Stock Purchase Scheme Guidelines, 1999 the Guidelines including any statutory amendment, modification or re-enactment to the Act or the Guidelines for the time being in force and the Articles of Association of the Company and subject to such approvals, permissions, sanctions and subject to such conditions and modifications as may be prescribed or imposed while granting such approvals, permissions and sanctions, in addition to the existing ESOP Scheme of the Company which be hereby ratified and approved, to the proposed ESOP Scheme - 2005 and to create, offer, issue and allot in one or more tranches under the said proposed ESOP Scheme - 2005 at any time to or for the benefit of employees and the Directors of the Company such number of equity shares and/or equity linked instruments including options and/or any other instrument or securities which could give rise to the issue of equity shares hereinafter collectively referred to as Securities of the Company, initially not exceeding 0.5% of the paid up equity share capital of the Company as on 26 JUL 2005 i.e. 93,67,276 options in aggregate, at such price and on such terms and conditions as may be fixed or determined by the Board in accordance with the Guidelines or other applicable provisions of any law as may be prevailing at that time; authorize the Board to formulate, evolve, decide upon and bring into effect any Scheme hereinafter referred to as the ESOP Scheme - 2005 on such terms and conditions as specified and to make any modification(s), change(s), variation(s), alteration(s) or revision(s) in the terms and conditions of the scheme from time to time including but not limited to amendments with respect to vesting period, exercise price, eligibility criteria, vesting schedule or to suspend, withdraw or revive the ESOP Scheme - 2005; the said Securities may be allotted in accordance with the ESOP Scheme - 2005 through an existing Trust or a Trust which may be setup in any permissible manner and that the ESOP Scheme - 2005 may also envisage for providing any financial assistance to the Trust to enable the Trust to acquire, purchase or subscribe securities of the Company; the new equity shares to be issued and allotted by the Company in the manner aforesaid shall rank pari passu in all respects with the then existing equity shares of the Company; authorize the Board to take necessary steps for listing of the securities allotted under the ESOP Scheme - 2005 on the stock exchanges where the securities of the Company are listed as per the provisions of the Listing Agreements with the concerned stock exchanges and other applicable guidelines, rules and regulations; for the purpose of giving effect to the specified resolution, to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things as may be necessary or expedient and to settle any questions, difficulties or doubts that may arise in this regard at any stage including at the time of listing of securities without requiring the Board to secure any further consent or approval of the Members of the Company in this regard; b) pursuant to the provisions of Section 81(1A) and all other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 the Act , the provisions contained in the Securities and Exchange Board of India Employees Stock Option Scheme and Employees Stock Purchase Scheme Guidelines, 1999 the Guidelines including any statutory amendment, modification or re-enactment to the Act or the Guidelines for the time being in force and the Articles of Association of the Company and subject to such approvals, permissions, sanctions and subject to such conditions and modifications as may be prescribed or imposed while granting such approvals, permissions and sanctions, to extend the benefits of said ESOP Scheme - 2005 referred to in the paragraph (a) in this resolution to the employees and the Directors of the Holding or Subsidiary Companies and for to such other persons, as may from time to time be allowed under prevailing laws, rules and regulations, and/or amendments thereto from time to time on such terms and conditions as may be decided of the Board; authorize the Board to take necessary steps for listing of the securities allotted under the ESOP Scheme - 2005 on the Stock Exchanges where the Securities of the Company are listed as per the provisions of the Listing Agreements with the concerned Stock Exchanges and other applicable guidelines, rules and regulations; and to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things as may be necessary or expedient and to settle any questions, difficulties or doubts that may arise in this regard at any stage including at the time of listing of securities, without requiring the Board to secure any further consent or approval of the Members of the Company in this regard S.9 Amend the Articles of Association of the Company, Mgmt For For pursuant to the provisions of Section 31 and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 and any other law including any statutory modification or amendment thereof for the time being in force, as follows: a) by deleting the existing Article 1.11 and substituting with the new Article as specified; b) by inserting the specified words in Article 1.13; c) by deleting the existing Article 1.15 and substituting with the new Article as specified; d) by deleting the specified words in Article 1.19; e) by deleting the specified words in Article 1.27; f) by deleting the existing Article 1.73 and substituting with the new Article 1.73; g) by deleting the specified words in Article 1.78; h) by deleting the existing Article 1.81and substituting with the new Article 1.81 as specified; i) by deleting the specified words in Article 1.96; j) by deleting the existing Article 1.97 and substituting with the new Article 1.97 as specified; k) by inserting the specified new Article 3A(13A) after Articles 3A(13); l) by deleting the existing Article 79(a) and substituting with new Article 79(a) as specified; m) by deleting the specified words in Article 79(c); n) by deleting the existing Article 82 and substituting with the new Article 82 as specified; o) by deleting the specified words in Article 82F; p) by inserting the specified new Article 82G after Article 82F; q) by deleting the specified words in Article 83; r) by deleting the specified words in Article 91; s) by deleting the specified words in Article 93 and substituting with the specified words; t) by deleting the specified figures in Article 1 17(b)(i); u) by deleting the existing Article 127 and substituting with the new Article 127; v) by deleting the existing Article 130(iii) and substituting with the new Article 130(iii) as specified; w) by deleting the specified words in Article 133; x) by deleting the specified words in Article 134; y) by deleting the existing opening paragraph in Article 138(b) and substituted with the new paragraph in Article 138(b) as specified; z) by deleting the specified words in Articles 1.28; aa) by deleting the specified words in Article 140A; ab) by deleting the specified words in Article 170 and substituted by the word is ; ac) by inserting the specified words in Article 150; ad) by inserting the specified words in the first sentence of Article 161; ae) by deleting the existing Article 162A and substituting with the new Article 162A; and af) by deleting the existing Articles 1.18, 1.25(a), 1.40, 1.41, 1.82, 1.86, 79(b) and 117(b)(iii); and authorize the Board of Directors to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be required to be done to give effect to the aforementioned resolution - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIDVEST GROUP LTD Agenda Number: 700820992 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: S1201R154 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 03-Nov-2005 Ticker: ISIN: ZAE000050449 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management O.1 Adopt the annual financial statements of the Mgmt For For Company and the Groupo for the YE 30 JUN 2005, together with the reports of the Directors and the Auditors O.2 Approve the Non-Executive Directors remuneration Mgmt For For for the YE 30 JUN 2006 O.3 Approve to confirm the re-appointment of KPMG Mgmt For For Incorporation as the Auditors S.4 Authorize the Company or any of its subsidiaries, Mgmt For For by way of a general approval, to acquire ordinary shares issued by the Company, in terms of Sections 85(2) and 85(3) of the Companies Act No 61 of 1973, as amended and in terms of the rules and requirements of the JSE, South Africa the JSE , being that: any such acquisition of ordinary shares shall be effected through the order book operated by the JSE trading system and done without any prior understanding or arrangement; an announcement will be published as soon as the Company or any of its subsidiaries has acquired ordinary shares constituting, on a cumulative basis 3% of the number of ordinary shares in issue poor to the acquisition pursuant to which the aforesaid 3% threshold is reached and for each 3% in aggregate acquired thereafter containing full details of such acquisitions; acquisitions of shares in aggregate in any 1 FY may not exceed 20% of the Company s ordinary issued share capital as at the date of passing of this Special Resolution; in determining the price at which ordinary shares issued by the Company are acquired by it or any of its subsidiaries in terms of this general authority the maximum premium at which such ordinary shares may be acquired will be 10% of the weighted average of the market value at which such ordinary shares are traded on the JSE over the 5 business days immediately preceding the date of repurchase of such ordinary shares by the Company or any of its subsidiaries; the Company has been given authority by its articles of association; at any one point in time, the Company may only appoint 1 agent to effect any repurchase on the Company s behalf; the Company s sponsor must confirm the adequacy of the Company s working capital for purposes of undertaking the repurchase of shares in writing to the JSE before entering the market to proceed with the repurchase; the Company remaining in compliance with the minimum shareholder spread requirements of the JSE Listings Requirements; and the Company and/or its subsidiaries not repurchasing any shares during a prohibited period as defined by the JSE Listing requirements; Authority expires the earlier of the Company s next AGM or 15 months O.5.1 Approve to place 30 million of the unissued Mgmt For For shares of the Company under the control of the Directors, who shall be authorized, subject to the requirements of the JSE, to allot and issue up to 30 million shares in the authorized, but unissued share capital of the Company at such times, at such prices and for such purposes as they may determine, at their discretion, after setting aside so many shares as may be required to be allotted and issued pursuant to the Company s Employee Share Option Scheme O.5.2 Authorize the Directors, subject to the passing Mgmt For For of Resolution 5.O.1 and in terms of the JSE listing requirements, to issue up to 30 million ordinary shares for cash as and when suitable opportunities arise, subject to the following conditions, inter alia: that a press announcement giving full details, including the impact on net asset value and earnings per share, will be published at the time of any issue representing, on a cumulative basis within 1 year, 5% or more of the number of shares in issue prior to the issue/s; that the shares must be issued to public shareholders and not to related parties; that any issue in the aggregate in any 1 year shall not exceed 30 million of the number of shares of the Company s issued ordinary share capital; and that, in determining the price at which an issue of shares will be made in terms of this authority, the maximum discount permitted will be 10% of the weighted average traded price of the shares over the 30 days prior to the date that the price of the issue is determined or agreed to by the Directors; in the event that shares have not traded in the said 30 day period a ruling will be obtained from the Committee of the JSE; Authority expires the earlier of the next AGM or 15 months O.5.3 Authorize the Directors of the Company to pay Mgmt For For by way of a pro rata reduction of share capital or share premium, in lieu of a dividend, an amount equal to the amount which the Directors of the Company would have declared and paid out of profits in respect of the Company s interim and final dividends for the FY ending 30 JUN 2006; Authority expires the earlier of the Company s next AGM or 15 months O.6.1 Re-elect Mr. M.C. Berzack as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company, who retires by rotation O.6.2 Re-elect Mr. A.A. Da Coata as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company, who retires by rotation O.6.3 Re-elect Mr. R.W.Graham as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company, who retires by rotation O.6.4 Re-elect Mr. S. Koseff as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company, who retires by rotation O.6.5 Re-elect Mr. C.H. Kretzmann as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company, who retires by rotation O.6.6 Re-elect Mr. L.P. Ralphs as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company, who retires by rotation O.6.7 Re-elect Mr. D.K. Rosevear as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company, who retires by rotation O.6.8 Re-elect Mr. A.C. Salomon as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company, who retires by rotation O.6.9 Re-elect Mr. P.C. Steyn as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company, who retires by rotation O6.10 Re-elect Mr. P.D. Womersley as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company, who retires by rotation O.7 Re-elect Ms. G. Marcus as a Director at the Mgmt For For forthcoming AGM, in terms of Article 53.3 of the Company s Articles of Association PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CATCHER TECHNOLOGY CO LTD Agenda Number: 700977525 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1148A101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 30-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002474004 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 315189 DUE TO RECEIPT OF DIRECTORS AND SUPERVISORS NAMES. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1.1 Approve the 2005 business operation report Mgmt For For 1.2 Approve the Supervisors review of year 2005 Mgmt For For financial report 1.3 Approve the status of 2005 Euro Convertible Mgmt For For Corporate Bond Issuance 1.4 Approve the status of investment in Mainland Mgmt For For China 1.5 Approve the report submitted by shareholders Mgmt For For that are disqualified for resolution 2.1 Approve the 2005 financial statements Mgmt For For 2.2 Approve the 2005 profit distribution; proposed Mgmt For For cash dividend: TWD 2 per share, stock dividend 400 shares per 1,000 shares from retain earnings subject to 20% withholding tax 3.1 Approve to revise the Memorandum and Articles Mgmt For For of Incorporation 3.2 Approve the capitalization of 2005 dividend Mgmt For For and employee profit sharing 3.3 Approve to revise the procedures of endorsement Mgmt For For and guarantee 3.4 Approve to revise the procedures of funds lending Mgmt For For to the other parties 3.5 Approve to revise the rules of the shareholder Mgmt For For meeting 3.6.1 Elect Mr. Shui-Shu Hung, representative for Mgmt For For Kai-Yi Investment Company Limited, Shareholder No.: 6, as a Director 3.6.2 Elect Mr. David Hung, representative for Chia-Wei Mgmt For For Investment Company Limited, Shareholder No. 8, as a Director 3.6.3 Elect Mr. William Yang, Shareholder No. 72, Mgmt For For as a Director 3.6.4 Elect Mr. Ping-Song Hsu, ID No. A103593405 Mgmt For For 3.6.5 Elect Mr. Tsung-Chu Liang, ID No. S120639754 Mgmt For For 3.6.7 Elect Ms. Janice Lin, representative for Kai-Yi Mgmt For For Investment Company Limited, Shareholder No.6, as a Supervisor 3.6.8 Elect Mr. Wen-Chieh Huang, ID No. K120002466, Mgmt For For as a Supervisor 3.6.9 Elect Mr. Ming-Lung Wang, ID No.: C100552048, Mgmt For For as a Supervisor 3.7 Approve to release the Directors elected from Mgmt For For non-competition restrictions 4. Special mentions Other Abstain * - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEN HSONG HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 700783827 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G20874106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 30-Aug-2005 Ticker: ISIN: BMG208741063 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and approve the audited financial statements Mgmt For For and the reports of the Directors and the Auditors for the YE 31 MAR 2005 2. Approve to pay the final dividends of HKD 14 Mgmt For For cents recommended by the Board of Directors for the YE 31 MAR 2005 3.1 Re-elect Mr. Bernard Charnwut Chan as a Director Mgmt For For 3.2 Re-elect Mr. Chin Kin Chiang as a Director Mgmt For For 3.3 Re-elect Mr. Sam Hon Wah NG as a Director Mgmt For For 3.4 Approve to determine the Directors s fees for Mgmt For For the YE 31 MAR 2006 at an aggregate sum of not exceeding HKD 900,000 4. Re-appoint the Messrs. Ernst & Young as the Mgmt For For Auditors and authorize the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration 5. Authorize the Directors of the Company Directors Mgmt For For to repurchase issued shares in the capital of the Company during the relevant period, on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited Stock Exchange or any other stock exchange on which the shares of the Company have been or may be listed and recognized by the Securities and Futures Commission under the Hong Kong Code on share repurchases for such purposes, subject to and in accordance with all applicable laws and/or requirements of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange, not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the AGM of the Company or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM of the Company is required by any applicable laws or the Company s Bye-laws to be held 6. Authorize the Directors of the Company Directors Mgmt For For , subject to the consent of the Bermuda Monetary Authority, where applicable to allot, issue and deal with unissued shares in the share capital of the Company and to make or grant offers, agreements and options during and after the relevant period, not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company; otherwise than pursuant to i) a rights issue; or ii) the exercise of rights of subscription or conversion; or iii) the exercise of any share option scheme adopted by the Company; or iv)an issue of shares in lieu of the whole or part of a dividend on shares pursuant to any scrip dividend or other similar scheme implemented in accordance with the Bye-laws of the Company; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM of the Company is required by any applicable laws or the Company s Bye-laws to be held 7. Approve, conditional upon the passing of Resolutions Mgmt For For 5 and 6, and the general mandate granted to the Directors pursuant to the Resolution 6 to extend the total nominal amount of the shares in the capital of the Company repurchased by the Company pursuant to Resolution 5 specified - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA PETE & CHEM CORP Agenda Number: 700784920 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y15010104 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 19-Sep-2005 Ticker: ISIN: CN0005789556 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management S.1 Authorize the Company to issue in one ore more Mgmt For For multiple tranches a short-term commercial paper of an aggregate principle amount up to 10% of the net assets value as specified and up to maximum amount for issue of short-term commercial paper as approved by the People s Bank of China the PBOC after shareholders approval, pursuant to the Administrative Measures on Short-term Commercial Paper promulgated by the PBOC and any other applicable regulations; and authorize the Board or any two more Directors to determine the terms and conditions and any relevant matters in relation to the issue of short-term commercial paper in view of the demand of the Company and the market conditions, including but not limited to the final principal amount, interest rate and term of maturity of the short-term commercial paper as specified and the preparation and execution of all necessary documents - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA RESOURCES POWER HOLDINGS CO LTD Agenda Number: 700970088 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1503A100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 26-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: HK0836012952 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 308395 DUE TO CHANGE IN RESOLUTION. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1. Receive and adopt the audited financial statements Mgmt For For and the reports of the Directors and the Auditors for the YE 31 DEC 2005 2. Declare a final dividend and a special dividend Mgmt For For for the YE 31 DEC 2005 3.1 Re-elect Mr. Wang Shuai Ting as a Director and Mgmt For For fix their remuneration 3.2 Re-elect Mr. Shen Zhong Min as a Director and Mgmt For For fix their remuneration 3.3 Re-elect Mr. Wu Jing Ru as a Director and fix Mgmt For For their remuneration 3.4 Re-elect Mr. Wang Xiao Bin as a Director and Mgmt For For fix their remuneration 3.5 Re-elect Mr. Chen Ji Min as a Director and fix Mgmt For For their remuneration 4. Re-appoint Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as the Auditors Mgmt For For and authorize the Directors to fix their remuneration 5. Authorize the Directors of the Company to repurchase Mgmt For For shares at par value of HKD 1.00 each in the capital of the Company, during the relevant period, on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited the Stock Exchange or any other stock exchange on which the securities of the Company may be listed and recognized by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong and the Stock Exchange for this purposes, subject to and in accordance with all applicable laws and requirements of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange or of any other stock exchange as amended from time to time, not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM of the Company is required to be held by any applicable law or the Articles of Association of the Company 6. Authorize the Directors of the Company, pursuant Mgmt Against Against to Section 57B of the Companies Ordinance, to allot, issue and deal with additional shares of HKD 1.00 each at par in the capital of the Company and to make or grant offers, agreements and options including bonds, warrants and debentures convertible into shares of the Company during and after the relevant period, not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company, otherwise than pursuant to i) a rights issue; or ii) the issue of shares under any option scheme or similar arrangement; or iii) the exercise of subscription or conversion rights attached to any warrants or securities; or iv) any scrip dividend pursuant to Articles of Association; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM is required to be held by any applicable law or the Articles of Association of the Company ` 7. Approve, subject to the passing of Resolutions Mgmt For For 5 and 6, to extend the general mandate granted to the Directors of the Company to allot, issue and deal with additional shares pursuant to Resolution 6, by an amount representing the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital repurchased pursuant to Resolution 5, provided that such amount does not exceed 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company at the date of passing this resolution S.8 Amend Articles 98, 100 and 119(a)(vi) of the Mgmt For For Articles of Association of the Company as sopecified - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CINTRA S.A. Agenda Number: 700943839 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P3084A103 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MX01AM090007 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHARES HAVE NO VOTING Non-Voting No vote RIGHTS, SHOULD YOU WISH TO ATTEND THE MEETING PERSONALLY, YOU MAY APPLY FOR AN ENTRANCE CARD BY CONTACTING YOUR CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE AT ADP. THANK YOU. 1. Approve the complete amendment to the Corporate Non-Voting No vote Bylaws 2. Appoint the Special Delegates who, if relevant, Non-Voting No vote will carry out and formalize the resolutions passed by the meeting - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CINTRA S.A. Agenda Number: 700943841 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P3084A103 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MX01AM090007 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHARES HAVE NO VOTING Non-Voting No vote RIGHTS, SHOULD YOU WISH TO ATTEND THE MEETING PERSONALLY, YOU MAY APPLY FOR AN ENTRANCE CARD BY CONTACTING YOUR CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE AT ADP. THANK YOU. 1. Receive the Board of Directors report under Non-Voting No vote the terms of Article 172 of the general Mercantile Companies Law regarding the operations and results for the FYE on 31 DEC 2005, including the Commissioner s Report and the Audited and consolidated financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries on that date and the financial statements of its subsidiaries under the terms of Article 22 of the Corporate By-laws 2. Approve the allocation of results Non-Voting No vote 3. Appoint and/or ratify the Members of the Board Non-Voting No vote of Directors and the Commissioners, as well as the Secretary and Vice Secretary of the Board of Directors 4. Approve to set the compensation for the Members Non-Voting No vote of the Board of Directors, for the people who form part of the Committees of the Company and the Commissioners, as well as the Secretary and Vice Secretary of the Company 5. Approve the annual report of the Company s Audit Non-Voting No vote Committee 6. Approve the Board of Directors regarding the Non-Voting No vote program for the acquisition of own shares 7. Approve and adopt the resolutions concerning Non-Voting No vote the maximum amount of resources that can be allocated, during the 2006 FY for the purchase of own shares 8. Appoint the Special Delegates who will carry Non-Voting No vote out and formalize the resolutions passed by the meeting - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CINTRA S.A. Agenda Number: 701022535 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P3084A103 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 27-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MX01AM090007 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHARES HAVE NO VOTING Non-Voting No vote RIGHTS, SHOULD YOU WISH TO ATTEND THE MEETING PERSONALLY, YOU MAY APPLY FOR AN ENTRANCE CARD BY CONTACTING YOUR CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE AT ADP. THANK YOU. 1. Approve the general report regarding matters Non-Voting No vote relevant to the Company 2. Adopt the resolutions related to the assumption Non-Voting No vote of certain obligations by the Company, proposed by and based on the alienation of the share ownership of various shareholders of the Company 3. Appoint the Chairman of the Audit and Corporate Non-Voting No vote Practices Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company effective to 28 JUN 2006 4. Adopt the resolutions related to the current Non-Voting No vote oversight body of the Company effective to 28 JUN 2006 5. Appoint the special delegates who, if relevant, Non-Voting No vote will carry out an d formalize the resolutions passed by the meeting - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CINTRA SA DE CV CINTRA Agenda Number: 700850236 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P20125103 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 16-Dec-2005 Ticker: ISIN: MXP201251016 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHARES HAVE NO VOTING Non-Voting No vote RIGHTS, SHOULD YOU WISH TO ATTEND THE MEETING PERSONALLY, YOU MAY APPLY FOR AN ENTRANCE CARD BY CONTACTING YOUR CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE AT ADP. THANK YOU. 1. Approve: the report presented by the Administrative Non-Voting No vote Council of the Company related to the winning offer in the sales proceeds of some of the subsidiaries of the Company, and if appropriate; the contract to sell these shares 2. Ratify each and every 1 of the acts carried Non-Voting No vote out by the Administrative Council in relation with the process of selling some of the subsidiary Companies, including the related business labor, like freeing the Members of the Council of their responsibilities 3. Ratify the appointing or removal of the Members Non-Voting No vote of the Administrative Council of the Company 4. Approve the designation of special delegates Non-Voting No vote that will set forward and formalize the resolutions adopted by the meeting - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CINTRA SA DE CV CINTRA Agenda Number: 700862027 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P20125103 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 24-Jan-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MXP201251016 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHARES HAVE NO VOTING Non-Voting No vote RIGHTS, SHOULD YOU WISH TO ATTEND THE MEETING PERSONALLY, YOU MAY APPLY FOR AN ENTRANCE CARD BY CONTACTING YOUR CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE AT ADP. THANK YOU. 1. Approve to change the name of the Company, and Non-Voting No vote consequently, amend Article 1 of the Company Bylaws 2. Ratify and appoint or remove the Members of Non-Voting No vote the Board of Directors of the Company 3. Approve the designation of special delegates, Non-Voting No vote and formalize the resolutions adopted by the meeting PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN MEETING DATE AND RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. PLEASE ALSO NOTE THE NEW CUTOFF DATE AS 16 JAN 2006. THANK YOU. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY LODGE HOTELS LTD Agenda Number: 700822441 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: S1714M106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 10-Nov-2005 Ticker: ISIN: ZAE000001483 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and approve the financial statements Mgmt For For for the YE 30 JUN 2005 2.1 Re-elect Mr. H.R. Enderle as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires by rotation in accordance with the provisions of the Company s Articles of Association 2.2 Re-elect Dr. K.I.M. Shongwe as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires by rotation in accordance with the provisions of the Company s Articles of Association 3.1 Approve the Non-Executive Directors fees of Mgmt For For ZAR 360,000 to the Chairman of the Board with effect from the year beginning 01 JUL 2005 3.2 Approve the Non-Executive Directors fees of Mgmt For For ZAR 65,000 each for their services as Directors 3.3 Approve the Non-Executive Directors fees of Mgmt For For ZAR 55,000 to the Chairman of the Audit Committee 3.4 Approve the Non-Executive Directors fees of Mgmt For For ZAR 27,500 each to the other members of the Audit committee 3.5 Approve the Non-Executive Directors fees of Mgmt For For ZAR 48,000 to the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee 3.6 Approve the Non-Executive Directors fees of Mgmt For For ZAR 24,000 each to the other members of the Remuneration Committee 3.7 Approve the Non-Executive Directors fees of Mgmt For For ZAR 38,000 to the Chairman of the Risk Committee 3.8 Approve the Non-Executive Directors fees of Mgmt For For ZAR 19,000 to the other members of the Risk Committee 3.9 Approve the Non-Executive Directors fees of Mgmt For For ZAR 27,000 to the Chairman of the BEE Committee 3.10 Approve the Non-Executive Directors fees of Mgmt For For ZAR 13,500 to the other members of the BEE Committee S.4 Authorize the Company or any of its subsidiaries Mgmt For For to acquire shares issued by the Company, on the open market of JSE, as determined by the Directors, but subject to the provisions of the Companies Act and the Listing Requirements of the JSE Limited, not exceeding in aggregate 20% of the Companys issued ordinary share capital in any 1 FY, at a price of no more than 10% above the weighted average market price of such shares over the previous 5 business days; Authority expires the earlier of the next AGM or 15 months ; a paid press announcement will be published when the Company has acquired, on a cumulative basis, 3% of the initial number of the relevant class of securities and for each 3% in aggregate of the initial number of that ordinary shares acquired thereafter 5. Approve to place sufficient ordinary shares Mgmt For For in the authorized but unissued share capital of the Company under the control of the Directors, as are required for purposes of giving effect to the City Lodge Hotels Share Incentive Scheme; and authorize the Directors, subject to the provisions of South African Companies Act, 1973 (Act 61 of 1973), as amended, and the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited, to allot and issue such shares to qualifying employees of the Company and its subsidiaries on and subject to, the terms of the Share Incentive Scheme Transact any other business Non-Voting No vote - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNOOC LTD Agenda Number: 700851187 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1662W117 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 31-Dec-2005 Ticker: ISIN: HK0883013259 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management A.1 Re-elect Mr. Fu Chengyu as Executive Director, Mgmt For For pursuant to Code Provision A.4.2 of the Code on Corporate Governance Practices in appendix 14 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited A.2 Re-elect Mr. Wu Guangqi as the Executive Director, Mgmt For For who retires in pursuant to Code Provision A.4.2 of the Code on Corporate Governance Practices in Appendix 14 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited A.3 Re-elect Mr. Tse Hau Yin, Aloysius as Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director, who retires in pursuant to Code Provision A.4.2 of the Code on Corporate Governance Practices in Appendix 14 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange pf Hong Kong Limited A.4 Approve, conditional upon the amendment of Article Mgmt For For 89(a) of the Company s Articles of Association pursuant to Resolution Number S.B1 below, the aggregate remuneration of the Directors of the Company for the current FY of the Company shall be determined by the Board, subject to a limit of HKD 20,000,000 S.B1 Amend the Article 89(a) of the Articles of Association Mgmt For For of the Company as specified - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNOOC LTD Agenda Number: 700854424 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1662W117 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 31-Dec-2005 Ticker: ISIN: HK0883013259 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve and ratify the Supplemental Agreement Mgmt Abstain Against in relation to certain amendments to the existing non-complete undertaking and authorize the Director of the Company to do all such further acts and things and execute such further documents or Supplemental Agreement or deeds on behalf of the Company and take all such steps which in his opinion may be necessary, desirable or expedient to implement and/or give effect to the terms of the Supplemental Agreement and to make and agree with such changes in the terms of the Supplemental Agreement as he may in his discretion consider necessary, desirable and expedient and in the interest of the Company 2. Approve and ratify the Revised Cap for the Mgmt Abstain Against technical services category of continuing connected transactions under the Existing Waiver, as specified 3. Approve, the Non-exempt Continuing Connected Mgmt Abstain Against Transactions as specified, which the Company expects to occur on a regular and continuous basis in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Company and its subsidiaries, as the case may be, and to be conducted on normal commercial terms and authorize the Director of the Company to do all such further acts and things and execute such further documents and take all such steps which in their opinion may be necessary, desirable or expedient to implement and/or give effect to the terms of such transactions 4. Approve and ratify the Proposed Caps for each Mgmt Abstain Against category of the Non-Exempt Continuing Connected Transactions as specified 5. Approve and adopt the existing Share Option Mgmt Abstain Against Scheme of the Company on 04 FEB 2001 and amended on 06 JUN 2002 is terminated, and the rules of the New Share Option Scheme of the Company, as the New Share Option Scheme of the Company subject to and conditional upon the Listing Committee of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited granting listing of and permission to deal in the shares of the Company, representing 10% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing 5 resolution, to be issued pursuant to the exercise of any options granted under the New Share Option Scheme and authorize the Directors of the Company, at their absolute discretion, to grant options there under and to allot and issue shares of the Company pursuant to the exercise of such option - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNOOC LTD Agenda Number: 700937660 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1662W117 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: HK0883013259 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management A.1 Receive the audited statement of accounts together Mgmt For For with the reports of the Directors and the Auditors thereon for the YE 31 DEC 2005 A.2 Declare a final dividend for the YE 31 DEC 2005 Mgmt For For A.3.1 Re-elect Mr. Zhou Shouwei as a Executive Director Mgmt For For A.3.2 Re-elect Mr. Evert Henkes as a Independent Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director A.3.3 Re-elect Mr. Cao Xinghe as a Executive Director Mgmt For For A.3.4 Re-elect Mr. Wu Zhenfang as a Executive Director Mgmt For For A.3.5 Re-elect Mr. Yang Hua as a Executive Director Mgmt For For A.3.6 Re-elect Professor Lawrence J. Lau as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director A.3.7 Re-elect Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng as a new Independent Mgmt For For Non- Executive Director A.3.8 Authorize the Board of Directors to fix the Mgmt For For remuneration of each of the Directors A.4 Re-appoint the Auditors and authorize the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to fix their remuneration B.1 Authorize the Directors, during the relevant Mgmt For For period as specified of all the powers of the Company to repurchase shares in the capital of the Company on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited Stock Exchange or any other stock exchange recognized on which the shares of the Company may be listed and recognized by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong and the Stock Exchange for this purpose Recognized Stock Exchange , subject to and in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and the requirements of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited Listing Rules and the Articles of Association the Articles of the Company; the aggregate nominal amount of shares of the Company to repurchase pursuant to the approval as specified shall not exceed 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company on the date of the passing of this resolution and the said approval shall be limited accordingly; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM of the Company is required to be held by the Articles of the Company or any applicable laws B.2 Authorize the Directors, to allot, issue and Mgmt Against Against deal with additional shares in the capital of the Company and to make or grant offers, agreements and options including bonds, notes, warrants, debentures and securities convertible into shares of the Company which might require the exercise of such powers either during or after the relevant period as specified ; the aggregate nominal amount of share capital allotted or agreed conditionally or unconditionally to be allotted, issued or dealt with whether pursuant to an option or otherwise by the Directors pursuant to the approval as specified, otherwise than pursuant to: i) a rights issue; ii) the exercise of rights of subscription or conversion under the terms of any warrants issued by the Company or any securities which, are convertible into shares of the Company; iii) the exercise of any option granted under any share option schemes; or iv) any scrip dividend or similar arrangement providing for the allotment of shares in lieu of the whole or part of a dividend on shares of the Company in accordance with the Articles of the Company; or v) any adjustment, after the date of grant or issue of any options, rights to subscribe or other securities as specified, shall not exceed 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company on the date of the passing of this resolution and this approval shall be limited accordingly; Authority expires the earlier the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company is required by the Articles of the Company or any applicable laws to be held B.3 Approve, subject to the passing of the Resolutions Mgmt For For B.1 and B.2, the general mandate granted to the Directors to allot, issue and deal with additional shares of the Company pursuant to the Resolution B.2 be extended by the addition thereto of an amount representing the aggregate nominal amount of the shares capital of the Company repurchased by the Company under the authority granted pursuant to the Resolution B.1, provided that such amount shall not exceed 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company at the date of the passing of this resolution - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORPORACION GEO SA DE CV GEO Agenda Number: 700914650 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P3142C117 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 21-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MXP3142C1177 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive the annual report of the Board of Directors Mgmt For For pursuant to Article 172 of General Mercantile Companies Law for the FY between 01 JAN 2005 and 31 DEC 2005 including the report of the Audit committee 2. Approve and modify the financial statements Mgmt For For of the Company for 31 DEC 2005 previous reading of the Commissioner s report 3. Ratify the acts carried out by the Board of Mgmt For For Directors during the FYE 31 DEC 2005 4. Approve the allocation of the results of the Mgmt For For FYE 31 DEC 2005 5. Appoint the Members of the Board of Directors, Mgmt For For Secretary and the Commissioner of the Company 6. Appoint the Chairman to the Audit Committee Mgmt For For and the Corporate Practices Committee respectively from the date to which reference is made in provisional Article 6 2 of the securities Market Law published on 30 DEC 2005 7. Approve the compensation for the Members of Mgmt For For the Board of Directors, Secretary and the Commissioner 8. Approve the amount for the fund for purchase Mgmt For For of own shares, with distributable profits and the maximum amount of shares that can be purchased 9. Appoint the delegates who will, if relevant, Mgmt For For formalize the resolutions passed by the meeting 10. Approve the minutes of the meeting Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CORPORACION GEO SA DE CV GEO Agenda Number: 700914674 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P3142C117 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 21-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MXP3142C1177 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Amend the Company By-Laws for the purpose of Mgmt For For adapting them to the terms of the New Securities Market Law published in official gazetteer of the federation on 30 DEC 2005 2. Appoint the Delegates to fulfill and formalize Mgmt For For the resolutions of the EGM 3. Receive and approve the minutes of the meeting Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DREAMGATE CORPORATION BHD Agenda Number: 700999975 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y2107G105 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 28-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MYQ0037OO000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Authorize the Company and its subsidiaries Mgmt For For DCB Group , subject always to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1965 Act , the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company and the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Bursa Securities for the MESDAQ Market and the regulations, guidelines and guidance notes issued from time to time by Bursa Securities or any other regulatory authorities, to enter into recurrent related party transaction of a revenue or trading nature in the ordinary course of business which are necessary for the day-to-day operations of the DCB Group as specified on terms not more favourable to the related parties than those generally available to the public and are not to the detriment of the minority shareholders; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company following the EGM the expiration of the period within which the next AGM after that date is required to be held pursuant to Section 143(1) of the Act but shall not extend to such extension as may be allowed pursuant to Section 143(2) of the Act ; authorize the Directors of the Company to complete and do all such acts and things including executing such documents as may be required to give effect to such transactions as authorised by this ordinary resolution and to agree to the actual amount or amounts thereof provided always that such amount or amounts comply with the review procedures as specified - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DREAMGATE CORPORATION BHD Agenda Number: 701000200 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y2107G105 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MYQ0037OO000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive the audited financial statements for Mgmt For For the FYE 31 DEC 2005 together with the reports of Directors and the Auditors thereon 2. Approve the payment of a first and final dividend Mgmt For For of 1.5 SEN less tax for the FYE 31 DEC 2005 3. Approve the payment of the Directors fees for Mgmt For For the FYE 31 DEC 2005 4. Re-elect Mr. Encik Mazlan Bin Ismail as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires pursuant to Article 100(1) of the Company s Articles of Association 5. Re-elect Mr. Lim Tow Boon as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires pursuant to Article 100(1) of the Company s Articles of Association 6. Re-elect Mr. Dato Mahinder Singh Dulku, D.S.P.N., Mgmt For For P.K.T. as a Director, who retires pursuant to Article 107 of the Company s Articles of Association 7. Re-appoint Messrs Ernst & Young as the Auditors Mgmt For For of the Company and authorize the Directors to fix their remuneration 8. Authorize the Directors to issue shares in the Mgmt For For Company pursuant to Section 132D of the Companies Act 1965, provided that the number of shares issued does not exceed 10% of the issued capital of the Company 9. Grant options to Mr. Dato Mahinder Singh Dulku Mgmt For For as the Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST ENGINEERING LTD Agenda Number: 700777569 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y25186100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Jul-2005 Ticker: ISIN: SG0574007662 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and adopt the audited accounts of the Mgmt For For Company for the YE 31 MAR 2005 and the reports of the Directors and the Auditors thereon 2. Declare a final dividend of 5% 0.5 cents per Mgmt For For ordinary share one-tier tax-exempt for the YE 31 MAR 2005 3. Declare a special dividend of 25% 2.5 cents Mgmt For For per ordinary shares one-tier tax-exempt for the YE 31 MAR 2005 4. Re-elect Mr. Chua Keng Hiang as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires pursuant to Article 89 of the Company s Articles of Association 5. Re-elect Mr. Sim Beng Chye as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires pursuant to Article 88 of the Company s Articles of Association 6. Re-appoint Ernst & Young as the Auditors of Mgmt For For the Company and authorize the Directors to fix their remuneration 7. Approve the payment of Directors fees of SGD Mgmt For For 196,050 for the FYE 31 MAR 2005 8. Authorize the Directors, pursuant to Section Mgmt Against Against 161 of the Companies Act, Chapter 50 and the listing rules of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited, to issue shares in the capital of the Company by way of rights or otherwise and make or grant offers, agreements or options, the aggregate number of shares issued not exceeding 50% of the issued share capital of the Company, of which the aggregate number of shares to be issued other than on a pro-rata basis to the existing shareholders of the Company does not exceed 20% of the issued share capital of the Company and the percentage of issued share capital shall be calculated based on the Company s issued share capital at the date of passing of this resolution after adjusting for new shares arising from the conversion of convertible securities or share options or vesting of share awards outstanding or subdivision of shares; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or the date of the next AGM of the Company as required by law 9. Authorize the Directors of the Company, pursuant Mgmt For For to Section 161 of the Companies Act, Chapter 50, to allot and issue from time to time such number of shares in the capital of the Company as may be required to be issued pursuant to the exercise of options granted under the scheme, provided that the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to the scheme shall not exceed 15% of the issued share capital of the Company from time to time, as determined in accordance with the provisions of the scheme Transact such other business Non-Voting No vote - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRSTRAND LTD Agenda Number: 700829801 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: S5202Z131 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 22-Nov-2005 Ticker: ISIN: ZAE000066304 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.O.1 Receive and approve the audited annual financial Mgmt For For statements of the Company and the Group for the YE 30 JUN 2005 2.O.2 Approve to note and confirm the final dividend Mgmt For For of ZAR 0.285 per ordinary share declared on 20 SEP 2005 3O3.1 Re-elect Mr. Paul Kenneth Harris as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires in terms of the Company s Articles of Association 3O3.2 Re-elect Mr. Michael Warris King as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires in terms of the Company s Articles of Association 3O3.3 Re-elect Mr. Khehla Cleopas Shubane as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires in terms of the Company s Articles of Association 4O4.1 Re-elect Mr. Yunus Ismail Mahomed as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires in terms of the Company s Articles of Association 4O4.2 Re-elect Mr. Aser Paul Nkuna as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires in terms of the Company s Articles of Association 4O4.3 Re-elect Ms. Sonja Emilia Ncumisa Sebotsa as Mgmt For For a Director, who retires in terms of the Company s Articles of Association 5.O.5 Approve the remuneration of the Directors for Mgmt For For the year to JUN 2005 6.O.6 Approve the Directors fees for the year to Mgmt For For JUN 2006 7.O.7 Re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. as Auditors Mgmt For For of the Company until the next AGM 8.O.8 Approve the Directors to fix and pay the Auditors Mgmt For For remuneration for the YE 30 JUN 2005 9.O.9 Approve that all the unissued shares in the Mgmt For For Company be placed under the control of the Directors until the forthcoming AGM and authorize them to allot and issue shares in the Company upon such terms and conditions as they may deem fit, subject to the Companies Act Act 61 of 1973 , the Companies Act , the Articles of Association of the Company and the JSE Securities Exchange South Africa JSE Listing Requirements 10O10 Authorize the Board of Directors of the Company, Mgmt For For by way of a renewable authority and subject to the Listing Requirements of the JSE Securities Exchange South Africa, to issue equity shares in the authorized but unissued share capital of the Company for cash, not exceeding in aggregate in any one FY, 10% of the Company s issued ordinary share capital at the maximum permitted discount of 10% of the average closing price of such shares over the 30 previous days of the press announcement or, where no announcement is required and none has been made, the date of issue of such shares; Authority expires the earlier of the next AGM or 15 months from the date of this AGM ; a press announcement giving full details, including the impact on net asset value and earnings per share, will be published at the time of any issue representing, on a cumulative basis within one FY, 5% or more of the number of shares in issue prior to the issue/s 11.S1 Authorize the Directors of the Company, in terms Mgmt For For of the Company s Articles of Association and by way of general authority, to repurchase shares issued by the Company or permit a subsidiary of the Company to do the same, on the open market of JSE, as determined by the Directors, but subject to the provisions of the Act and the listing requirements of the JSE, not exceeding in aggregate 10% of the Company s issued ordinary share capital in any 1 FY, at a price of no more than 10% above the weighted average market price of such shares over the previous 5 business days; Authority expires until the conclusion of the next AGM or 15 months from the date of passing of this resolution ; a paid press announcement will be published when the Company has acquired, on a cumulative basis, 3% of the initial number of the relevant class of securities and for each 3% in aggregate of the initial number of that class acquired thereafter PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMOSA TAFFETA CO LTD Agenda Number: 701024212 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y26154107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 29-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: TW0001434009 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 325241 DUE TO DELETION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1.1 Receive the 2005 business report Non-Voting No vote 1.2 Receive the 2005 audit report reviewed by the Non-Voting No vote Supervisors 2.1 Ratify the 2005 audit report Mgmt For For 2.2 Approve the 2005 earnings distribution cash Mgmt For For dividend TWD 1 per share, stock dividend 20 shares per 1000 shares from retained earnings subject to 20% withholding tax 3.1 Approve to raise the capital by issuing new Mgmt Against Against shares 3.2 Approve to revise the Articles of Incorporation Mgmt For For 4. Others issues Other Abstain * - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM30 CO LTD Agenda Number: 700888730 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y2650U105 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-Mar-2006 Ticker: ISIN: KR7073570004 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the balance sheet, income statement Mgmt For For and the statement of appropriation of unappropriated retained earnings 2. Approve the partial amendments to the Articles Mgmt For For of Incorporation additional business objectives and change of location of head office 3. Elect the Directors Mgmt For For 4. Elect the Auditors Mgmt For For 5. Approve the remuneration limit for the Directors Mgmt For For 6. Approve the remuneration limit for the Auditors Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEM TEK TECHNOLOGY CO LTD Agenda Number: 700977587 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y2684N101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 14-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: TW0004906003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 296991 DUE TO RECIPT OF ADDITIONAL RESOLUTION. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1.1 Receive the 2005 operation report Mgmt For For 1.2 Receive the Supervisors review of year 2005 Mgmt For For financial report 1.3 Receive the report of the merger Mgmt For For 1.4 Receive the report of revision of the rules Mgmt For For for employee stock option certificates 1.5 Receive the report on the amount of endorsement Mgmt For For guarantee 2.1 Approve to recognize 2005 operation and financial Mgmt For For reports 2.2 Approve to recognize 2005 earning distributions Mgmt For For cash dividend TWD 1.1995 per share, stock dividend 99.96 shares per 1,000 shares from retained earnings subject to 20% withholding tax 3.1 Amend the Memorandum and Articles of Association Mgmt For For 3.2 Amend the endorsement guarantee procedure Mgmt For For 3.3 Approve the capitalization of 2005 dividend Mgmt For For 4. Others agenda and special mentions Other Abstain * - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOODPACK LTD Agenda Number: 700818579 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y2808U106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Oct-2005 Ticker: ISIN: SG1I78884307 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and adopt the Directors report and Mgmt For For financial statements for the period from 01 JAN 2005 to 30 JUN 2005 together with the Auditors report thereon 2. Approve the Directors fees of SGD 30,000 for Mgmt For For the period from 01 JAN 2005 to 30 JUN 2005 3. Re-elect Mr. Lew Syn Pau as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires pursuant to Article 91 of the Company s Articles of Association 4. Re-elect Mr. Liew Yew Pin as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires pursuant to Article 91 of the Company s Articles of Association 5. Re-appoint Messrs. Deloitte and Touche as the Mgmt For For Auditors and authorize the Directors to fix their remuneration 6. Authorize the Directors, pursuant to Section Mgmt Against Against 161 of the Companies Act, Chapter 50 and rule 806 of the Listing Manual of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited, to allot and issue shares and convertible securities in the capital of the Company at any time and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Directors may in their absolute discretion deem fit provided that the aggregate number of shares and convertible securities to be allotted and issued pursuant to this resolution shall not exceed 50% of the issued share capital of the Company at the time of the passing of this resolution, of which the aggregate number of shares and convertible securities to be issued other than on a pro-rata basis to all shareholders of the company shall not exceed 20% of the issued share capital of the Company; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the Company s next AGM or the date by which the next AGM of the Company is required by law to be held 7. Authorize the Directors of the Company to offer Mgmt For For and grant options in accordance with the Goodpack Performance Share Option Scheme the Scheme and to issue such shares as may be required to be issued pursuant to the exercise of the options under the scheme provided always that the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to the scheme shall not exceed 15% of the issued share capital of the Company from time to time Transact any other business Non-Voting No vote - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRUMA S A DE C V Agenda Number: 700910791 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P4948K121 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 27-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MXP4948K1056 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the Board of Directors report to which Mgmt For For the main part of Article 172 of the general Companies Law refers, for the period from 01 JAN 2005 to 31 DEC 2005, regarding the operations carried out by Gruma, S.A. DE C.V., taking into account the Internal Auditor s report 2. Receive the annual report of the Audit Committee Mgmt For For on its activities in accordance with Article 14(A)(3) of the securities Market Law and Article 16 of the Corporate Bylaws 3. Approve the allocation of the results from the Mgmt For For period mentioned in item I above, including, if relevant, the procedure for the payment of dividends, to be declared by the general meeting 4. Approve to set the maximum amount of funds to Mgmt For For be allocated for the purchase of own shares and report on the operations carried out with own shares in the 2005 FY 5. Elect the Members of the Board of Directors Mgmt For For and the Internal Auditor, full and substitute Members and setting their compensation 6. Appoint the Members of the Audit Committee and Mgmt For For approve to set their compensation 7. Approve to determine the special delegates who Mgmt For For will carry out and formalize the resolutions passed by the meeting 8. Approve drafting, reading and if relevant, the Mgmt For For minutes that are prepared - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRUPO AEROPORTUARIO DEL PACIFICO SA Agenda Number: 932496272 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 400506101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 20-Apr-2006 Ticker: PAC ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management A PRESENTATION AND APPROVAL OR MODIFICATION, AS Mgmt No vote APPLICABLE, OF THE REPORT OF MANAGEMENT. B PROPOSAL REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF THE PROFITS Mgmt No vote AND DECLARATION OF DIVIDENDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICIES APPROVED BY THE COMPANY. C PROPOSAL THAT THE NOMINATIONS AND COMPENSATION Mgmt No vote COMMITTEE OF THE COMPANY CONSIST OF TWO MEMBERS, AS RECOMMENDED BY THE BOARD TO THE SHAREHOLDERS. D PROPOSAL, DISCUSSION AND APPOINTMENT, AS APPLICABLE, Mgmt No vote OF THE MEMBER OF THE NOMINATIONS AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE PROPOSED BY SERIES B SHAREHOLDERS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE APPOINTMENT OF THE MEMBER OF THE NOMINATIONS AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE PROPOSED BY SERIES BB SHAREHOLDERS. E RECOGNITION OF ANY NEW SHAREHOLDERS OR GROUP Mgmt No vote OF SHAREHOLDERS THAT OWN AT LEAST 10% OF THE OUTSTANDING CAPITAL STOCK OF THE COMPANY THAT ARE ENTITLED TO PROPOSE CANDIDATES FOR THE POSITION OF DIRECTOR, IF APPLICABLE. F ADOPTION OF SUCH RESOLUTIONS AS MAY BE DEEMED Mgmt No vote NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT IN ORDER TO GIVE EFFECT TO THE DECISIONS REACHED IN RESPECT OF THE FOREGOING MATTERS. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRUPO AEROPORTUARIO DEL PACIFICO SA Agenda Number: 932534515 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 400506101 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 25-May-2006 Ticker: PAC ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management A APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 15 OF THE Mgmt Abstain COMPANY S BYLAWS, OF THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS WHO WILL CONSTITUTE THE BOARD. B ELECTION BY THE HOLDERS OF THE COMPANY S SERIES Mgmt Abstain BB SHARES OF FOUR DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY AND THEIR ALTERNATES C ELECTION OF THE CANDIDATES APPOINTED BY NACIONAL Mgmt Abstain FINANCIERA, S.N.C., FOR THE POSITIONS OF DIRECTOR AND ALTERNATE DIRECTOR. D APPOINTMENT OF ONE DIRECTOR TO SERVE AS A MEMBER Mgmt Abstain OF THE NOMINATIONS AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE. E RECOGNITION OF ANY NEW SHAREHOLDER OR GROUP Mgmt Abstain OF SHAREHOLDERS THAT OWNS AT LEAST 10% OF THE OUTSTANDING CAPITAL STOCK. F DIRECTOR CANDIDATES PREPARED BY THE NOMINATIONS Mgmt Abstain AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE, ELECTION OF SUCH CANDIDATES TO FILL VACANCIES. G RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT, OR TERMINATION Mgmt Abstain AND REPLACEMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE BOARD AND THE STATUTORY AUDITORS. H RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT, OR REPLACEMENT Mgmt Abstain OF MEMBERS OF THE COMPANY S NOMINATIONS AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE. I NOMINATIONS AND COMPENSATION COMMITTEE S CONSIDERATION Mgmt Abstain OF THE COMPENSATION TO BE PROVIDED TO MEMBERS. J ADOPTION OF SUCH RESOLUTIONS AS MAY BE DEEMED Mgmt Abstain NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT IN ORDER TO GIVE EFFECT TO THE DECISIONS REACHED IN RESPECT OF THE FOREGOING MATTERS. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRUPO FINANCIERO BANORTE SA DE CV GFNORTE Agenda Number: 700932862 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P49501201 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MXP370711014 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management I. Approve the Board of Directors report to which Mgmt For For the Article 172 of the General Mercantile Companies Law refers, for the FYE 31 DEC 2005, taking into account the Commissioner s report as well as the Audit Committee s report II. Approve the allocation of profits Mgmt For For III. Appoint the Members of the Board of Directors Mgmt For For and Commissioners of the Company IV. Approve to set the compensation for the Members Mgmt For For of the Board of Directors and Commissioners of the Company V. Approve the Board of Directors report on the Mgmt For For operations carried out with own shares during 2005, as well as the setting of the maximum amount of resources that may be allocated for the purchase of own shares for the FY 2006 VI. Appoint a delegate or delegates to formalize Mgmt For For and carry out, if relevant, the resolutions passed at the meeting VII. Approve the minutes of the meeting Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLA HOME FURNISHING CO LTD Agenda Number: 700953157 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y3232F103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002921004 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 298731 DUE TO ADDITIONAL RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. A.1 Approve the 2005 business operations report Mgmt For For A.2 Approve the 2005 audited reports Mgmt For For A.3 Approve to establish the Audit Commission Mgmt For For B.1.1 Receive the 2005 business reports and financial Mgmt For For statements B.1.2 Approve the 2005 profit distribution; cash dividend: Mgmt For For TWD 2.5 per share B.2.1 Approve the issuance of new shares from retained Mgmt For For earnings and staff bonus; stock dividend: 50 for 1,000 shares held B.2.2 Amend the Articles of Incorporation Mgmt For For B.2.3 Approve the investment in the People s Republic Mgmt For For of China B.2.4 Amend the procedures of endorsement and guarantee Mgmt For For B.2.5 Amend the election rules of the Directors and Mgmt For For the Supervisors B.3 Other motions Other Abstain * - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HYNIX SEMICONDUCTOR INC Agenda Number: 700888285 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y3817W109 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Mar-2006 Ticker: ISIN: KR7000660001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the balance sheet, income statement Mgmt For For and statement of appropriation of unappropriated retained earnings 2. Amend the Articles of Incorporation Mgmt For For 3. Elect the Directors Mgmt For For 4. Elect the External Directors who will be the Mgmt For For Member of Audit Committee 5. Approve the limit of remuneration for the Directors Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IRSA INVERSIONES Y REPRESENTACIONES Agenda Number: 932382409 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 450047204 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 02-Aug-2005 Ticker: IRS ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPOINTMENT OF TWO STOCKHOLDERS WITH THE PURPOSE Mgmt No vote OF RATIFYING AND SUBSCRIBING THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING. 02 REVIEW OF THE AMERICAN BODY OF LAW APPLICABLE Mgmt No vote TO THE CORPORATION ON ACCOUNT OF THE QUOTATION OF ITS SECURITIES IN SUCH MARKET. OBSERVATION OF THE EXCEPTIONS APPLICABLE TO FOREIGN COMPANIES. IF NEEDED, ADAPTATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND ELECTION OF PERMANENT DIRECTORS, IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED REGULATIONS. AUTHORIZATIONS. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IRSA INVERSIONES Y REPRESENTACIONES Agenda Number: 932409697 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 450047204 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 01-Nov-2005 Ticker: IRS ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DESIGNATION OF TWO SHAREHOLDERS TO APPROVE THE Mgmt No vote MINUTES OF THE MEETING. 02 CONSIDERATION OF THE DOCUMENTATION PERTINENT Mgmt No vote TO FISCAL YEAR ENDED AS AT JUNE 30TH, 2005, PURSUANT TO SECTION 234 SUBSECTION 1 OF LAW 19550. 03 CONSIDERATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MANAGEMENT. Mgmt No vote 04 CONSIDERATION OF THE SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE S Mgmt No vote ACTION. 05 TREATMENT AND ALLOCATION OF $103,245,000 WORTH Mgmt No vote OF PROFITS POSTED AS AT YEAR-END JUNE 30TH, 2005. 06 CONSIDERATION OF THE BOARD S REMUNERATION AMOUNTING Mgmt No vote TO $7,400,000 (APPROPRIATED AMOUNT) PERTINENT TO FISCAL YEAR ENDED AS AT JUNE 30TH, 2005. 07 CONSIDERATION OF THE SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE S Mgmt No vote REMUNERATION PERTINENT TO FISCAL YEAR ENDED AS AT JUNE 30TH, 2005. 08 DETERMINATION OF THE NUMBER AND APPOINTMENT Mgmt No vote OF PERMANENT DIRECTORS, IF DEEMED NECESSARY. 09 APPOINTMENT OF PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY MEMBERS Mgmt No vote OF THE SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE. 10 APPOINTMENT OF THE CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNT Mgmt No vote FOR THE NEXT FISCAL YEAR AND DETERMINATION OF HIS REMUNERATION. 11 CONSIDERATION OF THE SPECIAL BALANCE SHEET FOR Mgmt No vote THE MERGER OF IRSA AND BUENOS AIRES TRADE & FINANCE CENTER S.A. 12 MOTIVES LEADING TO THE OUT-OF-SCHEDULE CALLING. Mgmt No vote - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENERTEC CO LTD Agenda Number: 700890103 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y4659H101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-Mar-2006 Ticker: ISIN: KR7062730007 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the balance sheet, income statement Mgmt For For and statement of appropriation of unappropriated retained earnings 2. Approve the partial amendment to the Articles Mgmt For For of Incorporation - additional business objectives 3. Approve the limit of remuneration for the Directors Mgmt For For 4. Approve the limit of remuneration for the Auditors Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KINGBOARD CHEMICAL HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 700937672 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G52562140 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 18-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: KYG525621408 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and approve the audited financial statements Mgmt For For and the Directors report and the Auditors report thereon for the YE 31 DEC 2005 2. Declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3. Re-elect the Directors and authorize the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to fix the Directors remuneration 4. Re-appoint the Auditors and authorize the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to fix their remuneration 5.a Authorize the Directors of the Company the Mgmt Against Against Directors to allot, issue and deal with additional shares in the capital of the Company or securities convertible into shares, options, warrants or similar rights to subscribe for any shares, and make or grant offers, agreements and options during and after the relevant period, not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company otherwise than pursuant to: i) a rights issue; or ii) the exercise of rights of subscription or conversion or any warrants issued by the Company or any securities which are convertible into shares; or iii) the exercise of any share option scheme or similar arrangement; or iv) any scrip dividend or similar arrangement; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM is to be held by law 5.b Approve the Directors of the Company Directors Mgmt For For to repurchase shares of the Company Shares or securities convertible into Shares on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited the Stock Exchange or on any other stock exchange on which the securities of the Company may be listed and recognized for this purpose by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong and the Stock Exchange under the Hong Kong Code on Share repurchased and subject to and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, during and after the relevant period, not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM is to be held by law 5.c Approve, conditional upon the passing of Resolutions Mgmt For For 5.A and 5.B, to extend the general mandate granted to the Directors to allot, issue or otherwise deal with shares of the Company pursuant to Resolution 5.A, to add to the aggregate nominal amount of the share of the Company repurchased pursuant to Resolution 5.B, provided that such amount does not exceed 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company at the date of passing this resolution - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOOKMIN BANK Agenda Number: 700874628 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y4822W100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-Mar-2006 Ticker: ISIN: KR7060000007 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the balance sheet, income statement Mgmt For For and the statement of appropriation of unappropriated retained earnings 2. Approve the partial amendments to Articles of Mgmt For For Incorporation 3. Elect the Directors Mgmt For For 4. Elect the nominees for Member of Auditors Committee Mgmt For For who are outside Directors 5. Approve the allowance of stock option Mgmt For For 6. Approve the stock option Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIFESTYLE INTERNATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 700918418 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G54856102 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 26-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: KYG548561029 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and approve the audited consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements of the Company and the reports of the Directors and the Auditors for the YE 31 DEC 2005 2. Approve a final dividend together with special Mgmt For For dividend for the YE 31 DEC 2005 3.i Re-elect Mr. Doo Wai-Hoi, William as an Executive Mgmt For For Director 3.ii Re-elect Mr. Lau Luen-hung, Joseph as an Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director 3.iii Re-elect Mr. Hui Chiu-Chung as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director 3.iv Authorize the Board of Directors to fix the Mgmt For For Directors remuneration 4. Re-appoint Messrs. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Mgmt For For as the Auditors and authorize the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration 5.A Authorize the Directors, during the relevant Mgmt For For period, to repurchase issued shares of the Company of HKD 0.01 each on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited the Stock Exchange or any other stock exchange on which the shares of the Company may be listed and recognized by the Securities and Futures Commission and the Stock Exchange for this purpose, subject to and in accordance with all applicable laws and requirements of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange as amended from time to time the Listing Rules , not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM of the Company is to be held by Law or Articles of the Company 5.B Authorize the Directors of the Company to allot, Mgmt Against Against issue and otherwise deal with additional ordinary shares of the Company and make or grant offers, agreements, options and rights of exchange or conversion which might require the exercise of such powers, subject to and in accordance with all applicable Laws, during and after the relevant period, not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company at the date of passing of this resolution, otherwise than pursuant to i) a rights issue; or ii) the exercise of any options granted under the Share Option Scheme or similar arrangement; or iii) any scrip dividend or similar arrangement in accordance with the Articles of the Company; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM of the Company is to be held by Law or Articles of the Company 5.C Approve, conditional upon the passing of Resolution Mgmt For For Numbers 5.A and 5.B, to extend the general mandate granted to the Directors of the Company pursuant to Resolution 5.B by the addition thereto of an amount representing and aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company as stated in Resolution Number 5.A, not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing of this resolution 6. Approve the grant of option the Option to Mgmt Against Against Mr. Lau Luen-Hung, Thomas which will entitle him to subscribe for 7,630,000 shares pursuant to the Share Option Scheme of the Company adopted on 27 MAR 2004 as specified and authorize any 1 Director of the Company to do all such acts and/or execute al such documents as may be necessary or expedient in order to give full effect to grant of the option S.7 Amend Articles 66, 68, 84, 86(3), 86(5) and Mgmt For For 87 of the Articles of Association of the Company, as specified - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LS INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS CO LTD Agenda Number: 700873626 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y5275U103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 03-Mar-2006 Ticker: ISIN: KR7010120004 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the balance sheet, income statement Mgmt For For and statement of appropriation of unappropriated retained earnings 2. Approve the partial amendment to the Articles Mgmt Abstain Against of Incorporation 3. Elect the Directors Mgmt For For 4. Approve the remuneration limit for the Directors Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MERRY ELECTRONICS CO LTD Agenda Number: 700798171 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y6021M106 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 18-Oct-2005 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002439007 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the proposal of merger with the subsidiary Mgmt For For 2. Approve the revision on the utilization of overseas Mgmt For For unsecured convertible bonds 3. Approve the revision of the Articles of Incorporation Mgmt Abstain Against - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINOR INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC CO LTD Agenda Number: 700854448 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y6069M133 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 06-Jan-2006 Ticker: ISIN: TH0128A10Z18 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote 276907 DUE TO RECEIPT OF ADDITIONAL RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1. Approve the minutes of the EGM No.2/2005 Mgmt For For 2. Approve to reduce the unpaid registered share Mgmt For For capital 3. Amend the Company s Memorandum of Association Mgmt For For in connection with reduction of registered share capital 4. Approve to issue and offer for sale of ordinary Mgmt For For shares to the exiting shareholders 5. Approve an additional amount of warrants issued Mgmt For For and offered for sale to the existing shareholders 6. Approve to increase the registered share capital Mgmt For For 7. Amend the Company s Memorandum of Association Mgmt For For in connection with the increase of registered share capital 8. Approve the allocation of increased share capital Mgmt For For 9. Other business Other Abstain * - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINOR INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC CO LTD Agenda Number: 700905334 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y6069M133 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 18-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: TH0128A10Z18 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 294950 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTION. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1. Adopt the minutes of the EGM of shareholders Mgmt For For No.1/2006 held on 6 JAN 2006 2. Approve the Company s annual report, the Board Mgmt For For of Director s report and the Company s annual performance report 3. Approve the Company s balance sheet, the profit Mgmt For For and loss statement, the statement of retained earnings and cash flow statement for the YE 31 DEC 2005 4. Approve the allocation of profit and dividend Mgmt For For payment for 2005 5. Elect the Directors to succeed those completing Mgmt For For their term and approve to fix their remuneration 6. Approve to change the authorized Directors Mgmt For For 7. Appoint the Auditor and approve to fix the auditing Mgmt For For fee for the year 2006 8. Amend Clause 4 of the Articles of Association Mgmt For For by canceling the Class B convertible preference shares 9. Approve the reduction of the registered capital Mgmt For For of 1,082,081 authorized but unissued shares from the existing registered capital of THB 3,374,883,376 to THB 3,373,801,295 divided into 3,310,281,295 common shares with the par value of THB 1 and 63,520,000 preference shares with the par value of THB 1 and amend the Clause 4 of the Memorandum of Association according to the reduction of the registered capital 10. Approve the increase of the registered capital Mgmt For For 2,794,300 common shares with the par value of THB 1, from the existing registered capital of THB 3,373,801,295 to THB 3,376,595,595 divided into 3,313,075,595 common shares, 63,520,000 preference shares and amend the Clause 4 of the Memorandum of Association according to the increase of the registered capital 11. Approve the allotment of capital increase shares Mgmt For For 12. Approve the additional allotment of ESOP warrants Mgmt For For to be allotted to the Directors and/or Employees of the Company and/or subsidiaries No.2 which was approved by the EGM of shareholders No.1/2548 13. Approve the amendment of calculation exercised Mgmt For For price adjustment stated in Clause 25 H of prospectus of MINT ESOP 1 and 2 14. Other business if any Other For * - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NICE-SYSTEMS LTD. Agenda Number: 932392981 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 653656108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 28-Sep-2005 Ticker: NICE ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR RON GUTLER Mgmt For For JOSEPH ATSMON Mgmt For For RIMON BEN-SHAOUL Mgmt For For YOSEPH DAUBER Mgmt For For JOHN HUGHES Mgmt For For DAVID KOSTMAN Mgmt For For HAIM SHANI Mgmt For For 03 TO RE-APPOINT THE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS AND TO Mgmt For For AUTHORIZE THE COMPANY S BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. 04 AN AMENDMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES Mgmt For For INCREASING THE COMPANY S SHARE CAPITAL FROM 50,000,000 TO 75,000,000 SHARES. 05 AN AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES AUTHORIZING TO Mgmt For For ELECT DIRECTORS LATER THAN THE DATE OF THE RESOLUTION ELECTING SUCH DIRECTOR. 06 AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES IN ORDER TO INCORPORATE Mgmt For For CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF RECENT AMENDMENTS TO THE ISRAELI COMPANIES LAW. 07 TO APPROVE AMENDMENTS TO THE INDEMNIFICATION Mgmt For For LETTERS IN FAVOR OF THE COMPANY S DIRECTORS. 08 TO APPROVE THE REALLOCATION OF THE POOL OF SHARES Mgmt For For RESERVED FOR ISSUANCE UNDER THE COMPANY S EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN. 09 TO APPROVE THE COMPANY S RESTRICTED SHARE INCENTIVE Mgmt For For PLAN. 10 TO APPROVE THE REALLOCATION OF THE POOL OF SHARES Mgmt For For RESERVED FOR ISSUANCE UNDER THE COMPANY S EMPLOYEE STOCK OPTION PLAN. 11 TO APPROVE A CASH BONUS, AS WELL AS AN OPTION Mgmt For For GRANT AND A RESTRICTED SHARE GRANT TO MR. HAIM SHANI, THE CEO AND DIRECTOR. 12 AN AMENDMENT TO THE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT OF Mgmt For For HAIM SHANI, THE CEO AND A DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2005. 13 TO APPROVE CHANGES IN THE FEES OF THE DIRECTORS Mgmt For For (EXCLUDING EXTERNAL DIRECTORS ). 14 TO APPROVE THE GRANT OF OPTIONS TO PURCHASE Mgmt For For ORDINARY SHARES OF THE COMPANY TO CERTAIN NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOVATEK MICROELECTRONICS CORP Agenda Number: 700991602 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y64153102 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: TW0003034005 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 295465 DUE TO RECEIPT OF DIRECTORS AND SUPERVISORS NAMES. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1.1 Approve the report on business operation result Mgmt For For of the FY 2005 1.2 Approve the Supervisors review financial reports Mgmt For For of the FY 2005 2.1 Ratify the business operation result and the Mgmt For For financial reports of the FY 2005 2.2 Ratify the net profit allocation of the FY 2005; Mgmt For For cash dividend TWD 8 per share 3.1 Approve the issuing of additional shares from Mgmt For For the distribution of profits and the employees bonus; stock dividend 110 shares per 1,000 shares from retained earnings subject to 20% withholding tax 3.2 Amend the Articles of Incorporation Mgmt For For 3.3.1 Elect Mr. Chitung Liu /Shareholder No: 1, Representative Mgmt For For of UMC Institutional as a Director 3.3.2 Elect Mr. Bellona Chen /Shareholder No:1, Representative Mgmt For For of UMC Institutional as a Director 3.3.3 Elect Mr. T. S. Ho /Shareholder No:6 as a Director Mgmt For For 3.3.4 Elect Mr. Y. C. Kung /Shareholder No:7 as a Mgmt For For Director 3.3.5 Elect Mr. Tommy Chen /Shareholder No:9 as a Mgmt For For Director 3.3.6 Elect Mr. Steve Wang /Shareholder No:8136 as Mgmt For For a Director 3.3.7 Elect Mr. Max Wu /ID No: D101448375 as a Director Mgmt For For 3.3.8 Elect Mr. Stan Hung /Shareholder No:128 as a Mgmt For For Supervisor 3.3.9 Elect Mr. Gina Huang /Shareholder No:2 as a Mgmt For For Supervisor 3.310 Elect Mr. Honda Shih /Shareholder No:18598, Mgmt For For Representative of HSUN CHIEH INVESTMENT CO.,LTD. as a Supervisor 3.4 Approve to relieve restrictions on the new Directors Mgmt For For acting as the Directors of other Companies 4. Others and extraordinary proposals Other Abstain * - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OAO LUKOIL Agenda Number: 932549112 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 677862104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 28-Jun-2006 Ticker: LUKOY ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO APPROVE THE ANNUAL REPORT OF OAO LUKOIL Mgmt For FOR 2005, AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF PROFITS: THE NET PROFIT FOR DISTRIBUTION FOR 2005 WAS EQUAL TO 66,326,909,000 ROUBLES. TO DISTRIBUTE 28,068,587,000 ROUBLES TO THE PAYMENT OF DIVIDEND FOR 2005. THE REST OF THE NET PROFIT BE LEFT UNDISTRIBUTED. APPROVE TO PAY DIVIDENDS. 03 TO APPOINT VAGIT YUSUFOVICH ALEKPEROV PRESIDENT Mgmt For OF OAO LUKOIL . 04A TO ELECT THE AUDIT COMMISSION FROM THE LIST Mgmt For OF CANDIDATES APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF OAO LUKOIL ON 4 FEBRUARY 2006: KONDRATIEV, PAVEL GENNADIEVICH 04B TO ELECT THE AUDIT COMMISSION FROM THE LIST Mgmt For OF CANDIDATES APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF OAO LUKOIL ON 4 FEBRUARY 2006: NIKITENKO, VLADIMIR NIKOLAEVICH 04C TO ELECT THE AUDIT COMMISSION FROM THE LIST Mgmt For OF CANDIDATES APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF OAO LUKOIL ON 4 FEBRUARY 2006: SKLYAROVA, TATYANA SERGEEVNA 05 TO RECOGNIZE AS ADVISABLE THE RETENTION OF THE Mgmt For AMOUNTS OF REMUNERATION OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND THE AUDIT COMMISSION OF OAO LUKOIL ESTABLISHED BY DECISION OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING OF OAO LUKOIL OF 24 JUNE 2004 (MINUTES NO. 1). TO PAY REMUNERATION AND REIMBURSE EXPENSES TO MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND THE AUDIT COMMISSION 06 TO APPROVE THE COMPANY S INDEPENDENT AUDITOR Mgmt Against CLOSED JOINT STOCK COMPANY KPMG. 07 TO APPROVE AMENDMENTS AND ADDENDA TO THE CHARTER Mgmt Abstain OF OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY OIL COMPANY LUKOIL , PURSUANT TO APPENDIX 1. 08 TO APPROVE AN ADDENDUM TO THE REGULATIONS ON Mgmt Abstain THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF OAO LUKOIL , PURSUANT TO APPENDIX 2. 09 TO APPROVE AMENDMENTS AND ADDENDA TO THE REGULATIONS Mgmt Abstain ON THE AUDIT COMMISSION OF OAO LUKOIL , PURSUANT TO APPENDIX 3. 10A TO APPROVE OIL SUPPLY CONTRACT BETWEEN OAO Mgmt Abstain LUKOIL AND OOO LUKOIL VOLGOGRADNEFTEPERERABOTKA. 10B TO APPROVE SUPPLY CONTACT BETWEEN OAO LUKOIL Mgmt Abstain AND OOO LUKOIL VOLGOGRADNEFTEPERERABOTKA. 10C TO APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO SHAREHOLDER Mgmt Abstain LOAN AGREEMENT NO. 0510225 OF 29 MARCH 2005 BETWEEN OAO LUKOIL AND OOO NARYANMARNEFTEGAZ. 10D TO APPROVE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO SHAREHOLDER Mgmt Abstain LOAN AGREEMENT NO. 0610114 OF 3 MARCH 2005 BETWEEN OAO LUKOIL AND OOO NARYANMARNEFTEGAZ. 10E TO APPROVE LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN OAO LUKOIL Mgmt Abstain AND OOO NARYANMARNEFTEGAZ. 10F TO APPROVE LOAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN OAO LUKOIL Mgmt Abstain AND OOO NARYANMARNEFTEGAZ. 10G TO APPROVE POLICY (CONTRACT) ON INSURING THE Mgmt Abstain LIABILITY OF DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND CORPORATIONS BETWEEN OAO LUKOIL AND OAO KAPITAL STRAKHOVANIE. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS Agenda Number: 932377989 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 71654V408 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 22-Jul-2005 Ticker: PBR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPROVAL OF THE 300% STOCK SPLIT OF COMPANY Mgmt For For SHARES, RESULTING IN THE DISTRIBUTION, AT NO COST, OF 3 (THREE) NEW SHARES OF THE SAME TYPE FOR 1 (ONE) SHARE HELD ON AUGUST 31, 2005, AS SET FORTH IN THE COMPANY S NOTICE OF MEETING ENCLOSED HEREWITH. 02 APPROVAL TO CHANGE ARTICLE 4 OF THE COMPANY Mgmt For For S BYLAWS IN LIGHT OF ITEM I, AS SET FORTH IN THE COMPANY S NOTICE OF MEETING ENCLOSED HEREWITH. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS Agenda Number: 932389693 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 71654V408 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 30-Aug-2005 Ticker: PBR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPROVAL OF THE PROTOCOL AND JUSTIFICATION Mgmt For For OF THE OPERATION FOR THE PARTIAL AND DISPROPORTIONAL SPINNING OFF OF DOWNSTREAM PARTICIPACOES LTDA AND THE INCORPORATION OF THE DIVESTED PORTION BY PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS , DATED JULY 31, 2005 02 RATIFICATION AND NOMINATION OF THE SPECIALIZED Mgmt For For COMPANY FOR APPRAISING THE ASSETS TO BE SPUN OFF AND SUBSEQUENTLY INCORPORATED 03 APPROVAL OF THE VALUATION REPORT OF THE SPUN Mgmt For For OFF PORTION TO BE INCORPORATED BY PETROBRAS 04 APPROVAL OF THE SPINNING OFF FOLLOWED BY INCORPORATION Mgmt For For OF THE ASSETS OF THE DIVESTED PART OF THE COMPANY ACCORDING TO THE PROCEDURE IN THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH ITEM 1 ABOVE REFERS 05 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE EXECUTIVE BOARD TO PRACTICE Mgmt For For ALL NECESSARY ACTS FOR THE EXECUTION OF THE ABOVE ITEMS 06 APPROVAL OF THE ELECTION OF JOSE SERGIO GABRIELLI Mgmt For For DE AZEVEDO, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS Agenda Number: 932452080 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 71654V408 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 03-Apr-2006 Ticker: PBR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management A1 APPROVAL OF THE MANAGEMENT REPORT, FINANCIAL Mgmt For For STATEMENTS AND AUDIT COMMITTEE S OPINION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2005. A2 APPROVAL OF THE CAPITAL EXPENDITURE BUDGET FOR Mgmt For For THE FISCAL YEAR 2006. A3 APPROVAL OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF RESULTS FOR Mgmt For For THE FISCAL YEAR 2005. A4 APPROVAL OF THE ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Mgmt For For OF DIRECTORS.* A5 APPROVAL OF THE ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN OF THE Mgmt For For BOARD OF DIRECTORS.* A6 APPROVAL OF THE ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE FISCAL Mgmt For For COUNCIL AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUBSTITUTES.* A7 APPROVAL OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT Mgmt For For COMPENSATION, AS WELL AS THEIR PARTICIPATION IN THE PROFITS PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 41 AND 56 OF THE COMPANY S BYLAWS, AS WELL OF MEMBERS OF THE FISCAL COUNCIL. E1 APPROVAL OF THE INCREASE IN THE CAPITAL STOCK Mgmt For For THROUGH THE INCORPORATION OF PART OF THE REVENUE RESERVES CONSTITUTED IN PREVIOUS FISCAL YEARS AMOUNTING TO R$ 15.352 MILLION, INCREASING THE CAPITAL STOCK FROM R$ 32,896 MILLION TO R$ 48.248 MILLION WITHOUT ANY CHANGE TO THE NUMBER OF ISSUED SHARES PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 40, ITEM III OF THE COMPANY S BYLAWS. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS Agenda Number: 932530050 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 71654V408 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 22-May-2006 Ticker: PBR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPROVAL OF THE PROTOCOL AND JUSTIFICATION Mgmt For For OF THE INCORPORATION OF THE SHARES OF PETROBRAS QUIMICA S.A. - PETROQUISA BY PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. 02 RATIFICATION AND APPOINTMENT OF A SPECIALIZED Mgmt For For FIRM TO EVALUATE THE SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY AND BOOK VALUE OF PETROBRAS 03 APPROVAL OF THE VALUATION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS Mgmt For For EQUITY AND BOOK VALUE REPORT OF PETROBRAS 04 APPROVAL OF THE VALUATION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS Mgmt For For EQUITY BOOK VALUE AND NET BOOK ASSETS OF PETROQUISA 05 RATIFICATION AND APPOINTMENT OF A SPECIALIZED Mgmt For For FIRM TO UNDERTAKE AN ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL VALUATION OF PETROBRAS 06 APPROVAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL VALUATION Mgmt For For OF PETROBRAS 07 APPROVAL OF THE INCORPORATION OF THE TOTAL NUMBER Mgmt For For OF PETROQUISA SHARES HELD BY MINORITY SHAREHOLDERS INTO PETROBRAS EQUITY 08 APPROVAL OF THE ALTERATIONS TO PETROBRAS BYLAWS Mgmt For For AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE PROTOCOL AND JUSTIFICATION OF THE INCORPORATION OF THE SHARES OF PETROBRAS QUIMICA S.A. - PETROQUISA BY PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS 09 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE EXECUTIVE BOARD TO PRACTICE Mgmt For For ALL THE ACTS NEEDED FOR THE EXECUTION OF THE ABOVE ACTIONS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMOTORA AMBIENTAL SA DE CV Agenda Number: 700933206 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 01PA0B000 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MX01PA0B0006 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management I. Receive and approve the annual report of the Mgmt For For Board of Directors to which the Article 172 of the General Mercantile Companies Law refers, regarding the FY 2005, and reading the report of the Commissioner and the report of the Audit Committee regarding the matter II. Receive and approve the financial statements Mgmt For For and general balance sheet of the Company for 31 DEC 2005, regarding the allocation of results for the FY 2005 III. Appoint and/or ratify the Members and Officers Mgmt For For of the Board of Directors, of the full and substitute Commissioner of the Company, and of the Members who form the Committees of the Company and setting of their remuneration IV. Appoint the delegates to carry out and formalize Mgmt For For the decisions made by this AGM of shareholders - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROMOTORA AMBIENTAL SA DE CV Agenda Number: 700933333 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 01PA0B000 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MX01PA0B0006 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management I. Amend the various Articles of the Corporate Mgmt For For Bylaws of the Company, for the purpose of making them conform to the terms of the securities market Law, published in the official gazetteer of the federation on 30 DEC 2005 II. Appoint the delegates to carry out and formalize Mgmt For For the decisions made by this EGM of shareholders - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER TBK Agenda Number: 700828443 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y7123K170 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 30-Nov-2005 Ticker: ISIN: ID1000099906 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the use of shares buy back Mgmt For For 2. Approve to change the term and condition on Mgmt For For new issue shares without right issue offering 3. Amend Chapter 4 of the Article of Association Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER TBK Agenda Number: 700972537 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y7123K170 Meeting Type: MIX Meeting Date: 31-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: ID1000099906 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management A.1 Approve the Company s annual report and endorsement Mgmt For For of the audited consolidated financial statements for FY 2005 A.2 Approve the appropriation of net profit for Mgmt For For the FYE 31 DEC 2005 A.3 Appoint the Public Accountant to audit the Company Mgmt For For s consolidated financial statements for FY 2006 and authorize to the Board of Directors of the Company to determine the Honorarium of the Public Accountant A.4 Approve to change the Members of the Board of Mgmt For For Commissioners and Members of the Board of Directors A.5 Approve the scope of job, authorities, remuneration Mgmt For For of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company for the FY 2006 A.6 Other issues Other Abstain * E.1 Approve the Company s Plan to list the shares Mgmt For For at the Singapore Exchange Securities Limited E.2 Approve the acquisition of Foreign Shipping Mgmt For For Company Plan E.3 Approve the Company s Fleet Development Plan Mgmt For For E.4 Amend the several Articles of the Company s Mgmt For For Articles of Association and compilation of the entire Articles of Company s Article of Association E.5 Approve the endorsement/ratification of the Mgmt For For Board of Commissioners, authority to increase the subscribed and paid capital of the Company which originated from the conversion of warrant as approved at the EGM on 29 DEC 1997 and authorize to the Board of Commissioners to increase the subscribed and paid capital of the Company which originated from the conversion of warrant until the end of warrant due date on 18 JAN 2008 E.6 Approve to obtain and provide agency service Mgmt For For to other certain party, whereas the transaction is a transaction with conflict of interest based on the Regulation IX.E.1 regarding the conflict of interest on certain transaction, enclosure of the head of Bapepam Decree No. Kep-32/PM/2000 of 22 AUG 2000 E.7 Approve the Company s Plan to buyback shares Mgmt For For which were issued by the Company E.8 Amend the Company s Plan on splitting the Company Mgmt For For s share nominal value, which was approved in Company s EGM on 18 MAY 2005 E.9 Other issues Other Abstain * - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PT BERLIAN LAJU TANKER TBK Agenda Number: 700994367 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y7123K170 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 21-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: ID1000099906 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve to amend the Company s Plan on issuing Mgmt For For new shares without pre-emptive rights HMETD to be allocated for the Company s Plan on listing its shares in Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited SGX 2. Approve the Company s assets Selling Transaction Mgmt For For Plan 3. Approve to amend the several Articles of the Mgmt For For Company s Article of Association and compilation of the entire Articles of the Company s Articles of Association 4. Approve to change the Management Board of Commissioners/DirectorsMgmt For For of the Company 5. Other issues Other Abstain * 6. Approve the obtaining and providing agency service Mgmt Abstain Against to other certain party, whereas the transaction is a transaction with conflict of interest based on Bapepam regulation IX.E.1 PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE AGENDA ITEM 6 OF Non-Voting No vote EGM HAVE CONFLICT OF INTEREST TRANSACTION; THEREFORE ONLY INDEPENDANT SHAREHOLDERS AS DEFINED IN THE BAPEPAM REGULATION RULE NO. IX.E.1 ATTACHMENT TO THE DECREE OF CHAIRMAN OF BAPEPAM NO KEP-32/PM/2000 REGARDING CONFLICT OF INTEREST CAN GIVE THEIR VOTE AT THE MEETING. THANK YOU. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PT PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA (PERSERO) TBK Agenda Number: 700979632 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y7136Y100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 08-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: ID1000096308 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the annual report of the Company for Mgmt For For year 2005 and the annual report of the partnership and environs development program 2. Ratify the audited financial statements for Mgmt For For the YE on 31 DEC 2005 and the annual report of the partnership and environs development program and grant release and discharge to the Member of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of their responsibilities for their actions and supervision during the YE on 31 DEC 2005 3. Approve the profit allocation, including the Mgmt For For cash dividend distribution, based on the net profit after tax of the YE 31 DEC 2005 4. Appoint a Public Accountant Office to audit Mgmt For For the Company financial statements and the annual report of the partnership and environs development program for the YE on 31 DEC 2006 5. Approve the salaries, honorarium and bonuses Mgmt For For of the Members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMSUNG ELECTRS LTD Agenda Number: 700870517 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y74718100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Feb-2006 Ticker: ISIN: KR7005930003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the balance sheet, income statement Mgmt For For and statement of appropriation of unappropriated earnings 2.1.1 Elect Mr. Jae-Sung Hwang, Executive Advisor Mgmt For For at Kim Jang Law Firm as an Outside Director 2.1.2 Elect Mr. Kwee-Ho Jeong, Advisory Lawyer at Mgmt For For right Law Firm as an Outside Director 2.1.3 Elect Mr. Oh-Soo Park, Professor of business Mgmt For For at Seoul National University as an Outside Director 2.1.4 Elect Mr. Dong-Min Yoon, Lawyer at Kim Jang Mgmt For For Law Firm as an Outside Director 2.1.5 Elect Mr. Jae-Woong Lee, Professor of Economics Mgmt For For at Sungkyunkwan University as an Outside Director 2.2.1 Elect Mr. Keon-Hee Lee, Chairman and Chief Director Mgmt For For at Samsung Electronics as an Inside Director 2.2.2 Elect Mr. Jong-Yong Yoon, Vice Chairman at Samsung Mgmt For For Electronics as an Inside Director 2.2.3 Elect Mr. Yoon-Woo Lee, Vice Chairman at Samsung Mgmt For For Electronics as an Inside Director 2.2.4 Elect Mr. Do-Seok Choi, President at Samsung Mgmt For For Electronics as an Inside Director 2.3.1 Elect Mr. Jae-Sung Hwang, Executive Advisor Mgmt For For at Kim Jang Law Firm as Members of the Auditors Committee 2.3.2 Elect Mr. Jae-Woong Lee, Professor of Economics Mgmt For For at Sungkyunkwan University as Members of the Auditors Committee 3. Approve the limit of remuneration for the Directors Mgmt For For at KRW 60 billions - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SFA ENGINEERING CORPORATION Agenda Number: 700888235 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y7676C104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-Mar-2006 Ticker: ISIN: KR7056190002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the 8th balance sheet and the income Mgmt For For statement and the proposed disposition of the retained earning for the FY 2005 2. Amend the Articles of Incorporation Mgmt For For 3. Elect the Directors Mgmt For For 4. Elect the Standing Auditors Mgmt For For 5. Approve the limit of remuneration for the Directors Mgmt For For 6. Approve the limit of remuneration for the Auditors Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNP LEEFUNG HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 700840780 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G8246M101 Meeting Type: SGM Meeting Date: 08-Dec-2005 Ticker: ISIN: BMG8246M1010 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management S.1 Amend the Bye-Laws of the Company as follows: Mgmt For For a) by deleting the existing Bye-Law 86 in its entirety and substituting therefore the specified new Bye-Law 86; b) by deleting the existing Bye-Law 88 in its entirety and substituting therefore the specified new Bye-Law 88; c) by deleting the existing Bye-Law 89 in its entirety and substituting therefore the specified new Bye-Law 89; and d) by deleting the existing Bye-Law 97 in its entirety and substituting therefore the specified new Bye-Law 97 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNP LEEFUNG HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 700881560 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G8246M101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 17-Mar-2006 Ticker: ISIN: BMG8246M1010 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and approve the audited consolidated Mgmt No vote financial statements and the reports of the Directors and the Auditors for the YE 31 DEC 2005 2. Declare a final dividend of HKD 3 cents per Mgmt No vote share 3.a Re-elect Mr. Yang Sze Chen, Peter as a Director Mgmt No vote 3.b Re-elect Ms. Kan Lai Kuen, Alice as a Director Mgmt No vote 3.c Approve to fix maximum number of the Directors Mgmt No vote 3.d Authorize the Board of Directors to appoint Mgmt No vote Additional Directors up to a maximum number determined 3.e Authorize the Board of Directors to fix the Mgmt No vote Director s remuneration 4. Re-appoint Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as the Auditors Mgmt No vote of the Company and authorize the Board of Directors to fix the Auditors remuneration 5. Authorize the Directors of the Company to purchase Mgmt No vote its shares, during the relevant period, subject to and in accordance with all applicable laws, not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company; and Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM of the Company is required by Bermuda law to be held 6. Authorize the Directors of the Company to allot, Mgmt No vote issue and deal with authorised and unissued shares in the capital of the Company and make or grant offers, agreements and options, during and after the relevant period, not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company, otherwise than pursuant to: i) a rights issue; or ii) the exercise of option under a share option scheme of the Company; or iii) any scrip dividend or similar arrangement; and Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM of the Company is required by Bermuda law to be held 7. Approve, conditional upon the passing of Resolutions Mgmt No vote 5 and 6 as specified, to the general mandate referred to in Resolution 6 above, extended by the addition to the aggregate nominal amount of shares be allotted and issued or agreed to be allotted and issued by the Directors pursuant to such general mandate of an amount representing the aggregate nominal amount of shares purchased by the Company pursuant to in Resolution No. 5 above, not exceed 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company at the date of passing this resolution - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPAR GROUP LTD, PINETOWN Agenda Number: 700852824 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: S8050H104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 07-Feb-2006 Ticker: ISIN: ZAE000058517 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and approve the annual financial statements Mgmt For For for the YE 30 SEP 2005 2. Re-elect Mr. D.B. Gibbon as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company, who retires in accordance with the Company s Articles of Association 3. Re-elect Mr. M.J. Hankinson as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company, who retires in accordance with the Company s Articles of Association 4. Reappoint Messrs Deloitte & Touche as the Auditors Mgmt For For of the Company until the next AGM 5. Approve the Directors remuneration for the Mgmt For For YE 30 DEC 2005 as specified in the annual financial statements 6. Approve the issue of 496,365 ordinary shares Mgmt For For in the capital of the Company to option holders who exercised their rights to such share options 7. Approve that the ordinary shares in the authorized Mgmt For For but unissued share capital of the Company be placed under the control of the Board of Directors of the Company as a general authority in terms of Section 221(2) of the Companies Act Act 101 of 1973 , as amended the Companies Act , subject to the provision of the Companies Act and the Listing requirement of the JSE Limited until the next AGM, for allotment and issue in accordance with the rules of the SPAR Group Limited Share Trust 2004 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPAR GROUP LTD, PINETOWN Agenda Number: 700996715 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: S8050H104 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 27-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: ZAE000058517 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management S.1 Authorize the Company and/or its subsidiaries, Mgmt For For in terms of the authority granted in the Articles of Association of the Company and/or any subsidiary of the Company, to acquire the Company s ordinary shares shares , upon such terms and conditions and in such amounts as the Directors of the Company and, in the case of an acquisition by a subsidiaries, the Directors of the subsidiaries may from time to time decide, but subject to the provisions of the Act and the Listing Requirements of the JSE and any other stock exchange upon which the shares of the Company may be quoted or listed, subject to the following conditions: that any repurchases of shares in terms of this authority be effected through the order book operated by the JSE trading system and done without any prior understanding or arrangement between the Company and the counterparty; that at any point in time, only 1 agent will be appointed to effect the repurchase on behalf of the Company; that the repurchase may only be effected if, after repurchase, the Company still complies with the minimum spread requirements stipulated in the JSE Listings Requirements; that the acquisitions of shares in any 1 FY shall be limited to 5% of the issued share capital of the Company at the beginning of the FY, provided that any subsidiaries may acquire shares to a maximum of 5% in the aggregate of the shares in the Company; that any acquisition of shares in terms of this authority, may not be made at a price greater than 10% above the weighted average market value of the shares over the 5 business days immediately preceding the date on which the acquisition is effected; the repurchase of shares may not be effected during a prohibited period, as specified in the JSE Listings Requirements; that an announcement, containing full details of such acquisitions of shares, will be published as soon as the Company and/or its subsidiaries has/have acquired ordinary shares constituting, on a cumulative basis, 3% of the number of shares in issue at the date of the general meeting at which this special resolution is considered and approve for each 3% in aggregate of the aforesaid initial number acquired thereafter; Authority expires the earlier of the next AGM of the Company or 15 months - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STX SHIPBUILDING CO LTD Agenda Number: 700886572 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y8177L106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 21-Mar-2006 Ticker: ISIN: KR7067250001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the balance sheet, income statement Mgmt For For and statement of appropriation of unappropriated retained earnings for the year 2005 2. Amend the Articles of Incorporation Mgmt For For 3. Approve the stock split par value change Mgmt For For 4. Elect the Directors Mgmt For For 5. Elect the Auditors Mgmt For For 6. Approve the limit of remuneration for the Directors Mgmt For For 7. Approve the limit of remuneration for the Auditors Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUN INTERNATIONAL LTD Agenda Number: 700789829 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: S8250P104 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 29-Aug-2005 Ticker: ISIN: ZAE000054995 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management S.1 Approve the acquisition by Sun International Mgmt For For Investments No. 1 Proprietary Limited and Sun International Investments No. 2 Proprietary Limited, wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company collectively Sun International Subsidiaries , in terms of Section 89 of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended the Companies Act and Article 13bis of the Articles of Association of the Company, of ordinary shares in the issued ordinary share capital of the Company from the Company s ordinary shareholders, pro rata to their shareholdings for a total consideration of ZAR 627,072,754 upon the terms and subject to the conditions of the scheme of arrangement in terms of Section 311 of the Companies Act between the Company and its ordinary shareholders, by the Sun International Subsidiaries O.1 Authorize any Director or the Company Secretary Mgmt For For of the Company, for the time being, on behalf of the Company, to do or cause all such things to be done and to sign all documentation as may be necessary to give effect to any of the resolutions which are passed and if necessary, registered, referred to above - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUN INTERNATIONAL LTD Agenda Number: 700789843 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: S8250P104 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 29-Aug-2005 Ticker: ISIN: ZAE000054995 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A SCHEME MEETING. Non-Voting No vote THANK YOU. 1. Approve the Scheme of Arrangement the Scheme Mgmt For For proposed by 2 wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Applicant, namely Sun International Investments No. 1 (Proprietary) Limited and Sun International Investments No. 2 (Proprietary) Limited collectively, the Sun International Subsidiaries between the Applicant and its ordinary shareholders - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUN INTERNATIONAL LTD Agenda Number: 700836642 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: S8250P112 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 29-Nov-2005 Ticker: ISIN: ZAE000070678 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.O.1 Receive and adopt the annual financial statements Mgmt For For for the YE 30 JUN 2005 2O2.1 Re-elect Mr. R.P. Becker as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires in accordance with the provisions of the Company s Articles of Association 3O2.2 Re-elect Mr. L. Boyd as a Director, who retires Mgmt For For in accordance with the provisions of the Company s Articles of Association 4O2.3 Re-elect Mr. D.C. Coutts-Trotter as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires in accordance with the provisions of the Company s Articles of Association 5O2.4 Re-elect Mr. M.P. Egan as a Director, who retires Mgmt For For in accordance with the provisions of the Company s Articles of Association 6O2.5 Re-elect Mr. I.N. Matthews as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires in accordance with the provisions of the Company s Articles of Association 7O3.1 Approve to pay the fees ZAR 825,000 to the Chairman Mgmt For For of the Board for the FYE 30 JUN 2006 8O3.2 Approve to pay the fees ZAR 140,000 each to Mgmt For For the Directors for their services for the FYE 30 JUN 2006 9O3.3 Approve to pay the fees ZAR 120,000 to the the Mgmt For For Chairman of the Audit Committee for the FYE 30 JUN 2006 10O34 Approve to pay the fees ZAR 60,000 each to the Mgmt For For other Members of the Audit Committee for the FYE 30 JUN 2006 11O35 Approve to pay the fees ZAR 90,000 to the Chairman Mgmt For For of the Remuneration and the Nomination Committee for the FYE 30 JUN 2006 12O36 Approve to pay the fees ZAR 45,000 each to other Mgmt For For Members of the Remuneration and the Nomination Committee for the FYE 30 JUN 2006 ach 13O37 Approve to pay the fees ZAR 80,000 to the Chairman Mgmt For For of the Risk Committee for the FYE 30 JUN 2006 14O38 Approve to pay the fees ZAR 40,000 each to other Mgmt For For Members of the Risk Committee for the FYE 30 JUN 2006 4.S.1 Authorize the Directors to approve and implement Mgmt For For the acquisition by the Company or a subsidiary of the Company of shares issued by the Company by way of a general authority; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the Company s next AGM or 15 months ; in terms of the Companies Act 1973, and the rules and requirements of the JSE Limited JSE which provide, inter alia, that the Company may only make a general repurchase of its shares subject to: the repurchase being implemented through the order book operated by the JSE trading system, without prior understanding or arrangement between the Company and the counterparty; the Company being authorised thereto by its Articles of Association; repurchases not being made at a price greater than 10% above the weighted average of the market value of the shares for the 5 business days immediately preceding the date on which the transaction was effected; an announcement being published as soon as the Company has repurchased ordinary shares constituting, on a cumulative basis, 3 % of the initial number of ordinary shares, and for each 3 % in aggregate of the initial number of ordinary shares repurchased thereafter, containing full details of such repurchases; repurchases not exceeding 20 % in aggregate of the Company s issued ordinary share capital in any 1 FY; the Company s sponsor confirming the adequacy of the Company s working capital for purposes of undertaking the repurchase of shares in writing to the JSE upon entering the market to proceed with the repurchase; the Company remaining in compliance with Paragraph 3.37 to 3.41 of the JSE Listings Requirements concerning shareholder spread after such repurchase; the Company and/or its subsidiaries not repurchasing securities during a prohibited period as defined in Paragraph 3.67 of the JSE Listings Requirements; and the Company only appointing 1 agent to effect any repurchases on its behalf; the Directors, having considered the effects of the repurchase of the maximum number of ordinary shares in terms of the aforegoing general authority are of the opinion that for a period of 12 months after the date of the notice of the AGM: the Company will be able, in the ordinary course of business, to pay its debts; the consolidated assets of the Company, fairly valued in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice, will exceed the consolidated liabilities of the Company; and the Company s ordinary share capital, reserves and working capital will be adequate for ordinary business purposes; and the additional information as provided in terms of the JSE Listings Requirements for purposes of this general authority as specified 5.1O4 Authorize the Directors by way of a specific Mgmt Abstain Against authority in terms of Section 221(2) of the Companies Act 1973, to transfer through 2 wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company up to a maximum of 4,268,837 ordinary shares with a par value of 8 cents each in the share capital of the Company to Newshelf 804 Proprietary Limited, to be renamed Dinokana Investments Proprietary Limited Dinokana currently held as treasury shares 5.2O5 Authorize, in accordance with the provisions Mgmt Abstain Against of the Listing Requirements of the JSE Limited JSE , the Company to transfer up to a maximum of 4,268,837 ordinary shares with a par value of 8 cents each in the share capital of the Company, held by 2 wholly owned subsidiaries of the Company as treasury shares, as if such issue constituted a fresh issue of shares for cash, to Newshelf 804 Proprietary Limited, to be renamed Dinokana Investments Proprietry Limited Dinokana on the terms as specified 5.3O6 Ratify and approve of BEE transaction as specified Mgmt For For 5.4O7 Authorize any Director or the Company Secretary Mgmt For For of the Company to sign all such documentation, take all such steps and do all such things as may be necessary for the implementation of Ordinary Resolutions 4,5 and 6, in accordance with, and subject to the terms thereof 20O.8 Authorize the Directors of the Company to amend Mgmt Abstain Against the Trust Deed in respect of the Trust in order to enable the Trust to effectively acquire an additional shareholding in the Company through Newshelf 804 Proprietary Limited as specified 7.1S2 Amend, in terms of Section 62 of the Companies Mgmt For For Act 1973, the Company s Articles of Association by the insertion of the new Article 8A after the existing Article 8 as specified 7.2S3 Authorize the Directors, in terms of Section Mgmt For For 85 of the Companies Act 1973 and in the terms of the Listings Requirements of the JSE Limited JSE , to approve and implement the repurchase at the offer price being the volume weighted average traded price of the Company s ordinary shares on the JSE over a 5 day trading period to be determined by the Directors plus a 5% premium thereon, the ordinary shares of those odd-lot holders who elect pursuant to odd-lot offer, as specified, to sell their odd-lot holding to the Company or who do not make an election, which ordinary shares will be cancelled, delisted and restored to the status of authorised ordinary shares 7.3O9 Authorize the Directors of the Company, subject Mgmt For For to the passing and registration of Special Resolution 7.1S2 and 7.2S3 to make and implement an odd-lot offer to shareholders holding less than 100 ordinary shares in the Company by the close of business on a date to be determine, but which shall be no later than 30 JUN 2006, according to the terms and conditions of an odd-lot offer to be as specified and which will be subject to the approval of the JSE Limited 74O10 Authorize the Directors of the Company to allot Mgmt For For and issue as a specific authority in terms of Section 221(2) of the Companies Act 1973, at the offer price, being the volume weighted average traded price of the ordinary shares on the JSE over a 5 day trading days commencing on a date no later than 30 JUN 2006, such number of ordinary shares of 8 cents each in the capital of the Company as may be necessary to satisfy the ordinary shares required by those odd-lot holders who, pursuant to an odd-lot offer to be as specified, elect to increase their holding to 100 ordinary shares 75O11 Authorize the Directors of the Company to allot Mgmt For For and issue as a specific authority in terms of the Listing Requirements of the JSE Limited JSE , at the offer price, being the volume weighted average traded price of the ordinary shares on the JSE over a 5 day trading days commencing on a date no later than 30 JUN 2006, such number of ordinary shares of 8 cents each in the capital of the Company as may be necessary to satisfy the ordinary shares required by those odd-lot holders who, pursuant to an odd-lot offer to be as specified, elect to increase their holding to 100 ordinary shares and that such issue be made out of a fresh issue of ordinary shares or shares currently held as treasury shares by subsidiaries of the Company 81O12 Adopt and approve the Sun International Limited Mgmt For For Equity Growth Plan 2005, the Sun International Limited Conditional Share Plan 2005 and the Sun International Limited Deferred Bonus Plan 2005, as specified 82O13 Approve to place 10,780,000 ordinary shares Mgmt For For with a par value of 8 cents each in the authorized but unissued share capital of the Company under the control of the Directors as a specific authority in terms of Section 221(2) of the Companies Act 1973 the Act , with the power to allot and issue these shares in accordance with and for purposes of the Sun International Limited Equity Growth Plan 2005, the Sun International Limited Conditional Share Plan 2005 and the Sun International Limited Deferred Bonus Plan 2005, subject to the provisions of the Act and the JSE Limited s Listing requirements, and subject to the provision that not more than 5,390,000 of the shares placed under the specific control of the Directors for the purposes of the share plans may be allocated in terms of the share plans in the first 3 years of the operation of the share plans, calculated as from the date of the first allocation and/or award under the share plans 83O14 Authorize the Directors of the Company to do Mgmt For For all such things as may be necessary for and incidental to the implementation of Ordinary Resolutions Numbers 81O12 and 82O13 including, but not limited to, the signature of the relevant plan rules as well as all related or ancillary documents - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAEWOONG CO LTD Agenda Number: 700768128 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y8365T101 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 09-Aug-2005 Ticker: ISIN: KR7044490001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Elect the Directors Mgmt For For PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO A Non-Voting No vote CHANGE IN THE MEETING DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAEWOONG CO LTD Agenda Number: 700880203 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y8365T101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-Mar-2006 Ticker: ISIN: KR7044490001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the 19th balance sheet, income statement Mgmt For For and the proposed disposition of retained earning for FY 2005 2. Elect the Auditors Mgmt For For 3. Approve the remuneration limit for the Directors Mgmt For For 4. Approve the remuneration limit for the Auditors Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHTRONIC INDUSTRIES CO LTD Agenda Number: 700962346 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y8563B159 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 22-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: HK0669013440 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and approve the statements of accounts Mgmt For For and the reports of the Directors and the Auditors for the YE 31 DEC 2005 2. Declare a final dividend of HKD 12.60 cents Mgmt For For per share to shareholders whose names appear on the register of Members of the Company on 16 JUN 2006 3. Re-elect the retiring Directors and approve Mgmt For For to fix the Directors remuneration 4. Appoint the Auditors and approve to fix their Mgmt For For remuneration 5. Authorize the Directors of the Company to allot, Mgmt For For issue and deal with additional shares of HKD 0.10 each in the capital of the Company and make or grant offers, agreements and options including bonds, notes, warrants, debentures and securities convertible into shares of the Company during and after the relevant period, not exceeding the aggregate of a) 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company in case of an allotment and issue of shares for a consideration other than cash; and b) 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company in case of an allotment and issue of shares for cash and any shares to be allotted and issued pursuant to the approval shall not be issued at a discount of more than 5% to the Benchmarked Price of the shares and the said approval shall be limited accordingly, otherwise than pursuant to i) a rights issue; or ii) the exercise of subscription or conversion rights under the terms of any warrants and securities; or iii) the exercise of any share option scheme or similar arrangement; or iv) an issue of shares by way of scrip dividend or similar arrangement; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM of the Company is required by the Articles of Association of the Company or any applicable laws 6. Authorize the Directors of the Company to repurchase Mgmt For For shares of HKD 0.10 each in the capital of the Company during the relevant period, on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited or any other exchange on which the shares of the Company may be listed and recognized by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong and the Stock Exchange on share repurchases for such purposes, subject to and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, at such price as the Directors may at their discretion determine in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing this resolution; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM of the Company is required by the Articles of Association of the Company or any applicable laws to be held 7. Approve, conditional upon the passing of Resolutions Mgmt For For 5 and 6, to add the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company purchased by the Company pursuant to Resolution 6, to the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company that may be allotted or agreed conditionally or unconditionally to be allotted by the Directors of the Company pursuant and in accordance with the Resolution 5 S.8 Amend Articles 74, 103(A) and 109 of the Articles Mgmt For For of Association of the Company as specified PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LIMIT Agenda Number: 932374945 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 881624209 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 27-Jul-2005 Ticker: TEVA ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO RECEIVE AND DISCUSS THE COMPANY S CONSOLIDATED Mgmt For For BALANCE SHEET AND THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME 02 TO APPROVE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS RECOMMENDATION Mgmt For For THAT THE CASH DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004 03 TO APPOINT DR. LEORA (RUBIN) MERIDOR AS A STATUTORY Mgmt For For INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR FOR AN ADDITIONAL TERM OF THREE YEARS 4A TO ELECT ELI HURVITZ TO SERVE FOR AN ADDITIONAL Mgmt For For THREE-YEAR TERM 4B TO ELECT RUTH CHESHIN TO SERVE FOR AN ADDITIONAL Mgmt For For THREE-YEAR TERM 4C TO ELECT PROF. MICHAEL SELA TO SERVE FOR AN Mgmt For For ADDITIONAL THREE-YEAR TERM 4D TO ELECT HAROLD SNYDER TO SERVE FOR AN ADDITIONAL Mgmt For For THREE-YEAR TERM 05 TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF DIRECTOR S AND OFFICER Mgmt For For S LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR THE DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY 06 TO APPROVE THE COMPANY S 2005 OMNIBUS LONG-TERM Mgmt For For SHARE INCENTIVE PLAN 07 TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO PROVISIONS OF THE Mgmt For For COMPANY S ARTICLES RELATING TO THE INDEMNIFICATION OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS 08 TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPANY S ARTICLES Mgmt For For THAT WOULD INCREASE THE REGISTERED SHARE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY 09 TO APPOINT KESSELMAN & KESSELMAN, A MEMBER OF Mgmt For For PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INTERNATIONAL LTD., AS THE COMPANY S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM AND TO DETERMINE THEIR COMPENSATION - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXWINCA HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 700784867 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G8770Z106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 26-Aug-2005 Ticker: ISIN: BMG8770Z1068 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive the audited consolidated financial statements Mgmt For For and the reports of the Directors and of the Auditors for the YE 31 MAR 2005 2. Declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3.a.1 Elect Mr. Poon Bun Chak as a Director Mgmt For For 3.a.2 Elect Mr. Poon Kai Chak as a Director Mgmt For For 3.a.3 Elect Mr. Poon Kei Chak as a Director Mgmt For For 3.a.4 Elect Mr. Poon Kwan Chak as a Director Mgmt For For 3.a.5 Elect Mr. Ting Kit Chung as a Director Mgmt For For 3.a.6 Elect Mr. Au Son Yiu as a Director Mgmt For For 3.a.7 Elect Mr. Cheng Shu Wing as a Director Mgmt For For 3.a.8 Elect Mr. Wong Tze Kin, David as a Director Mgmt For For 3.b Approve to fix the number of the Directors Mgmt For For 3.c Authorize the Board of Directors to appoint Mgmt For For additional Directors up to the maximum number fixed 3.d Authorize the Board of Directors to fix the Mgmt For For Directors remuneration 4. Appoint the Auditors and authorize the Directors Mgmt For For to fix the Auditors remuneration 5. Authorize the Directors to purchase shares in Mgmt For For the capital of the Company during the relevant period, subject to and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital at the date of passing this resolution; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM is to be held by law 6. Authorize the Directors to allot, issue and Mgmt Against Against deal with additional shares in the capital of the Company, and make or grant offers, agreements and options during and after the relevant period, not exceeding the aggregate of (a) 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company at the date of passing this resolution; and (b) the nominal amount of share capital repurchased after passing of this resolution up to 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital , otherwise than pursuant to i) a rights issue; or ii) any share option scheme or similar arrangement; or iii) any scrip dividend or similar arrangement providing for the allotment of shares in lieu of the whole or part of a dividend on shares of the Company I accordance with the Bye-Laws of the Company; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM is to be held by law 7. Approve to extend the general mandate granted Mgmt For For to the Directors to allot, issue and deal with the shares pursuant to Resolution 6, by an amount representing the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital repurchased pursuant to Resolution 5, provided that such amount does not exceed 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company at the date of passing this resolution - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP GLOVE CORPORATION BHD Agenda Number: 700834648 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y88965101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 11-Jan-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MYL7113OO003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive the audited financial statements for Mgmt For For the FYE 31 AUG 2005 together with the reports of the Directors and the Auditors thereon 2. Approve the declaration of the final dividend Mgmt For For of 6% tax exempt and 4% less 28% Malaysian Income Tax for the FYE 31 AUG 2005 3. Approve the payment of the Directors fees for Mgmt For For the FYE 31 AUG 2005 4. Re-elect Dato Dr. Lim, Wee-Chai as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires pursuant to Article 94 of the Company s Articles of Association 5. Re-elect Mr. Lim Hooi Sin as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires pursuant to Article 94 of the Company s Articles of Association 6. Re-appoint Mr. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Arshad Bin Mgmt For For Ayub as a Director of the Company, until the conclusion of the next AGM, pursuant to Section 129 6 of the Companies Act, 1965 7. Re-appoint Mr. Sekarajasekaran A/L Arasaratnam Mgmt For For as a Director of the Company, until the conclusion of the next AGM, pursuant to Section 129 6 of the Companies Act, 1965 8. Re-appoint Mr. Tuan Haji Shahadan Bin Haji ABd Mgmt For For Manas as a Director of the Company, until the conclusion of the next AGM, pursuant to Section 129 6 of the Companies Act, 1965 9. Re-appoint Messrs. Ernst & Young as the Auditors Mgmt For For of the Company, until the conclusion of the next AGM and authorize the Directors to fix their remuneration 10. Authorize the Directors, subject to Section Mgmt For For 132D of the Companies Act, 1965 and approvals of the relevant governmental/regulatory authorities, to issue and allot shares in the Company, at any time and upon such terms and conditions and for such purposes as the Directors may, in their absolute discretion, deem fit, provided that the aggregate number of shares issued pursuant to this resolution does not exceed 10% of the issued and paid-up share capital of the Company for the time being; and further authorize the Directors to obtain the approval for the listing of and quotation for the additional shares so issued on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad; Authority expires at the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company Transact any other business Non-Voting No vote - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSMILE GROUP BHD Agenda Number: 700979149 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y89708104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 13-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: MYL7000OO002 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and adopt the audited financial statements Mgmt For For for the FYE 31 DEC 2005 and the reports of the Directors and the Auditors thereon 2. Approve the payment of a final dividend of 3% Mgmt For For less 28% Income Tax for the FYE 31 DEC 2005 3. Re-elect Mr. Encik Khiudin Bin Mohd @ Bidin Mgmt For For as a Director, who retires pursuant to Article 80 of the Company s Articles of Association 4. Re-elect Mr. Lee Chin Guan as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires pursuant to Article 80 of the Company s Articles of Association 5. Re-elect Mr. Encik Shukri Bin Sheikh Abdul Tawab Mgmt For For as a Director, who retires pursuant to Article 80 of the Company s Articles of Association 6. Approve the payment of Directors fees in respect Mgmt For For of the FYE 31 DEC 2005 7. Re-appoint Messrs. Deloitte & Touche as the Mgmt For For Auditors for the ensuing year and authorize the Directors to fix their remuneration 8. Authorize the Directors, subject to the Companies Mgmt For For Act, 1965, the Articles of Association of the Company and the approvals of the relevant government/regulatory authorities, and pursuant to Section 132D of the Companies Act, 1965, to issue shares in the capital of the Company from time to time and upon such terms and conditions and for such purpose as the Directors may deem fit, the aggregate number of shares not exceeding 10% of the issued capital of the Company for the time being; Authority expires at the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company 9. Authorize the Company s wholly-owned subsidiary, Mgmt For For Transmile Air Services Sdn Bhd TAS to enter into and to give effect to the specified Recurrent Related Party Transactions involving Transmile Air Services Sdn Bhd and Cen Worldwide Sdn Bhd CWSB as specified which are necessary for the day-to-day operations of TAS provided that the transactions are carried out in the ordinary course of business and are on normal commercial terms which are not more favourable to the related party than those generally available to the public and not detrimental to the minority shareholders; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM after the date it is required to be held pursuant to Section 143(1) of the Companies Act, 1965 Act and authorize the Directors of the Company to complete and do all such acts and things as they may consider expedient or necessary to give effect to the Proposed Renewal of Existing Shareholders Mandate Transact any other ordinary business Non-Voting No vote - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEIQIAO TEXTILE COMPANY LTD Agenda Number: 700728718 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y95343102 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 05-Jul-2005 Ticker: ISIN: CN0003580551 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve and ratify that the agreement dated Mgmt For For 13 May 2005 and entered into between the Company and Shandong Weiqiao Chuangye Group Company Limited Holding Company Supplemental Agreement which is supplemental to the supply of electricity and steam agreement entered into between the Company and Holding Company on 05 AUG 2003 Supply of Electricity and Steam Agreement , the Steam Agreement as amended by the Supplemental Agreement Transaction and the annual caps for the transaction; the execution of the Supplemental Agreement by a Director of the Company for and on behalf of the Company; and authorize any Director of the Company to do such other acts and things, enter into all such transactions and arrangements, execute such other documents and/or deeds and/or take all such steps, which in their opinion may be necessary, desirable or expedient to implement the Supplemental Agreement and the transaction with such changes as the Directors of the Company may consider necessary, desirable or expedient - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEIQIAO TEXTILE COMPANY LTD Agenda Number: 700764461 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y95343102 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 05-Aug-2005 Ticker: ISIN: CN0003580551 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management s.1 Approve, conditional upon such approval(s) or Mgmt For For consent(s) being granted by the relevant PRC regulatory authorities for the issue by the Company of, short term debenture in the aggregate principal amount of up to CNY 1.8 billion Debenture , the issue by the Company of the of the Debenture on such terms and conditions as the Directors of the Company Directors may determine such determination includes but is not limited to the determination of the term of maturity, offering method, interest rate and the final aggregate principal amount of the Debenture during the relevant period; and authorize any Director to do such other acts and things, enter into all such transactions and arrangements, execute such other documents and/or take all such steps, which in their option may be necessary, desirable or expedient for the issue of the Debenture with such changes as the Directors may consider necessary, desirable or expedient; Authority expires at the end of 12 months PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MEETING TO BE HELD ON 01 Non-Voting No vote AUG 2005 HAS BEEN POSTPONED AND THAT THE SECOND CONVOCATION WILL BE HELD ON 05 AUG 2005 AND ALSO NOTE THE NEW RECORD DATE 06 JUL 2005. PLEASE ALSO NOTE THE NEW CUTOFF DATE 27 JUL 2005. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEIQIAO TEXTILE COMPANY LTD Agenda Number: 700808201 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y95343102 Meeting Type: CLS Meeting Date: 03-Oct-2005 Ticker: ISIN: CN0003580551 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management S.1 Approve that: a) the allotment and issue of Mgmt For For 250,000,000 non-tradeable domestic shares of RMB 1.00 each in the Company the subscription shares at RMB 10.84 per subscription share the consideration shares issue , by the Company to Shandong Weiqiao Chuangye Group Company Limited Holding Company , as part consideration for the acquisition of the Thermal Power Assets as specified by the Company from Holding Company pursuant to the asset transfer agreement dated 13 AUG 2005 and entered into between the Company and the Holding Company the Asset Transfer Agreement ; and b) authorize the Directors to allot and issue the subscription shares pursuant to the Asset Transfer Agreement and to do such other acts and things, enter into all such transactions and arrangements, execute such other documents and/or deeds and/or take all such steps, which in their opinion may be necessary, desirable or expedient to implement the Consideration Shares Issue with such changes as the Directors of the Company may consider necessary, desirable or expedient PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 256726, DUE TO THE RECEIPT OF ADDITIONAL SEDOL. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEIQIAO TEXTILE COMPANY LTD Agenda Number: 700808213 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y95343102 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 03-Oct-2005 Ticker: ISIN: CN0003580551 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management S.1 Approve: and ratify the Asset Transfer Agreement Mgmt For For dated 13 AUG 2005 the Asset Transfer Agreement and entered in to between the Company and Shandong Weiqiao Chuangye Group Company Limited Holding Company in relation to the acquisition of the thermal power assets by the Company from the Holding Company the Acquisition and the transactions contemplated thereunder, which include but are not limited to the Company s conditional agreement to allot and issue to the Holding Company 250,000,000 non-tradable domestic shares of RMB 1.00 each in the Company the Subscription Shares at RMB 10.84 per Subscription Share, as part consideration for the Acquisition; and ratify the execution of the Asset Transfer Agreement by a Director of the Company for and on behalf of the Company; to authorize the Directors of the Company to allot and issue the Subscription Shares pursuant to the Asset Transfer Agreement and to do all such acts, things, enter in to all such transactions and agreements, execute such other documents and/or deeds and/or take all such steps, which in their opinion may be necessary, desirable or expedient to implement the Asset Transfer Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder with such changes as the Directors of the Company may consider necessary, desirable or expedient, which include but are not limited to amending the Articles 3.6 and 3.9 of the Articles of Association of the Company as specified, filing or registering the aforementioned Articles of Association of the Company with the relevant approvals authorities of the PRC and Hong Kong, if required and attending to and handling all other necessary procedures and registrations relating to the aforementioned increase in the registered capital of the Company Article 3.9 2. Approve, subject to the passing of Resolution Mgmt For For No. 1 above as a special resolution by poll, the form of the Supply of Excess Electricity Agreement proposed to be entered in to between the Company and the Holding Company at the completion of the Asset Transfer Agreement Completion in relation to the supply by the Company of electricity which is in excess of the actual electricity consumption by the Company and its subsidiaries to the Folding Company for a term commencing from the date of Completion and ending on 31 DEC 2007; the continuing connected transactions contemplated under the Supply of Excess Electricity Agreement and the proposed annual caps therefore; the execution of the Supply of Excess Electricity Agreement by a Director of the Company for and on behalf of the Company; and to authorize the Directors of the Company to do all such acts and things, enter in to all such transactions and agreements, execute such other documents and/or deeds and/or take all such steps, which in their opinion may be necessary, desirable or expedient to implement the Supply of Excess Electricity Agreement with such changes as the Directors of the Company may consider necessary, desirable or expedient - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XAC AUTOMATION CORP Agenda Number: 700897602 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y9721V103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 08-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: TW0005490007 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the business operation result of the Mgmt For For FY 2005 2. Approve the Supervisors review on financial Mgmt For For reports of FY 2005 3. Approve the execution status of investment in Mgmt For For Mainland China 4. Approve the status of endorsements or guarantees Mgmt For For of FY 2005 5. Approve the status of buying back treasury stocks Mgmt For For of FY 2005 6. Ratify financial reports of FY 2005 Mgmt For For 7. Approve the net profit allocation- cash dividend Mgmt For For of TWD 2.4 per share 8. Amend the Company Articles Mgmt Abstain Against 9. Amend the process procedures of endorsements Mgmt Abstain Against or guarantees - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XAC AUTOMATION CORP Agenda Number: 700934044 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y9721V103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 08-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: TW0005490007 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 294490 DUE TO AN ADDITIONAL RESOLUTION. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1.1 Receive the report of the business operating Mgmt For For results for the year 2005 1.2 Approve to rectify the financial statements Mgmt For For of the year 2005 by the Company Supervisors 1.3 Receive the report on the status of the investment Mgmt For For in Mainland China 1.4 Receive the report on the status of the endorsements Mgmt For For and guarantees 1.5 Receive the report on the status of the buybacks Mgmt For For of treasury stocks 2.1 Approve the business reports and financial statements Mgmt For For for the year 2005 2.2 Approve the profit distribution proposals of Mgmt For For 2005 cash dividend: TWD 2.4 per share 3.1 Amend the Articles of Incorporation Mgmt Abstain Against 3.2 Amend the procedures of endorsements and guarantees Mgmt For For 4. Extraordinary motions Other Abstain * - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YANZHOU COAL MNG CO LTD Agenda Number: 700773092 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y97417102 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 19-Aug-2005 Ticker: ISIN: CN0009131243 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Ratify the Agreements and all the transactions Mgmt For For contemplated therein, including but not limited to, the Acquisition; and in the event that any of the conditions set out in the Agreements is not satisfied on or before 30 JUN 2006, the return of the 95.67% equity interest of Heze Neng Hua from the Company to the Parent Company Yankuang Corporation Group Limited and the refund by the Parent Company to the Company of the amount paid by the Company for acquisition of the 95.67% equity interest set out in the Agreements; and ratify the execution of the Agreements by the directors of the Company and authorize the Directors of the Company or any one of them to do all such acts and things, to sign and execute all such further documents and to take such steps as the Directors of the Company or any one of them may in their absolute discretion consider necessary, appropriate, desirable or expedient to give effect to or in connection with the Agreements or any of the transactions contemplated thereunder and all other matters incidental thereto - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZYXEL COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Agenda Number: 700977486 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y9894L106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 09-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: TW0002391000 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 293334 DUE TO CHANGE IN THE NUMBERING OF THE RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. AS PER TRUST ASSOCIATION S PROXY VOTING GUIDELINES, Non-Voting No vote EVERY SHAREHOLDER IS ELIGIBLE TO BE NOMINATED AS A CANDIDATE AND BE ELECTED AS A DIRECTOR OR A SUPERVISOR, REGARDLESS OF BEING RECOMMENDED BY THE COMPANY AND/OR BY OTHER PARTIES. IF YOU INTEND TO VOTE FOR A LISTED CANDIDATE, YOU WILL NEED TO CONTACT THE CANDIDATE AND/OR THE ISSUING COMPANY TO OBTAIN THE CANDIDATE S NAME AND ID NUMBER. WITHOUT SUCH SPECIFIC INFORMATION, AN ELECTION WOULD BE DEEMED AS A NO VOTE . A.1 Approve to report the status of operations: Mgmt For For monetary loans, endorsement and guarantee, trading derivatives and asset acquisition or disposal A.2 Approve the 2005 business operations and the Mgmt For For financial statements A.3 Approve the 2005 audited reports Mgmt For For B.1.1 Approve the 2005 business reports and the financial Mgmt For For statements B.1.2 Approve the 2005 profit distribution proposed Mgmt For For cash dividend: TWD 1.7 per share B.2.1 Approve to revise the rules of the shareholder Mgmt For For meeting B.2.2 Approve to revise the procedures of monetary Mgmt For For loans B.2.3 Approve to revise the procedures of endorsements Mgmt For For and guarantee B.2.4 Approve to revise the procedures of trading Mgmt For For derivatives B.2.5 Approve to revise the procedures of asset acquisition Mgmt For For or disposal B.2.6 Approve the issuance of new shares from the Mgmt For For retained earnings proposed stock dividend: 130 for 1,000 shares held B.2.7 Approve to revise the Articles of Incorporation Mgmt For For B.2.8 Approve to invest in People s Republic of China Mgmt For For B.2.9 Approve to release the prohibition on Directors Mgmt For For from participating in competitive business B.3 Elect the Directors and the Supervisors Mgmt For For B.4 Other issues and extraordinary motions Other Abstain * VAN ECK GLOBAL HARD ASSETS FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGNICO-EAGLE MINES LIMITED Agenda Number: 932473452 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 008474108 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 12-May-2006 Ticker: AEM ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR LEANNE M. BAKER Mgmt For For DOUGLAS R. BEAUMONT Mgmt For For SEAN BOYD Mgmt For For BERNARD KRAFT Mgmt For For MEL LEIDERMAN Mgmt For For JAMES D. NASSO Mgmt For For EBERHARD SCHERKUS Mgmt For For HOWARD R. STOCKFORD Mgmt For For PERTTI VOUTILAINEN Mgmt For For 02 APPOINTMENT OF ERNST & YOUNG LLP AS AUDITORS Mgmt For For OF THE CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION 03 RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT OF THE CORPORATION Mgmt Against Against S STOCK OPTION PLAN. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AK STEEL HOLDING CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932494759 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 001547108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 19-May-2006 Ticker: AKS ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR RICHARD A. ABDOO Mgmt For For DR. BONNIE G. HILL Mgmt For For ROBERT H. JENKINS Mgmt For For LAWRENCE A. LESER Mgmt For For DANIEL J. MEYER Mgmt For For SHIRLEY D. PETERSON Mgmt For For DR. JAMES A. THOMSON Mgmt For For JAMES L. WAINSCOTT Mgmt Withheld Against 02 TO TRANSACT OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME Mgmt For For BEFORE THE MEETING OR ANY ADJOURNMENT THEREOF. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALCOA INC. Agenda Number: 932445085 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 013817101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 21-Apr-2006 Ticker: AA ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR KATHRYN S. FULLER Mgmt For For JUDITH M. GUERON Mgmt For For ERNESTO ZEDILLO Mgmt For For 02 PROPOSAL TO RATIFY THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALPHA NATURAL RESOURCES, INC. Agenda Number: 932495624 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 02076X102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 17-May-2006 Ticker: ANR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR E. LINN DRAPER, JR. Mgmt For For GLENN A. EISENBERG Mgmt For For JOHN W. FOX, JR. Mgmt For For FRITZ R. KUNDRUN Mgmt For For HANS J. MENDE Mgmt For For MICHAEL J. QUILLEN Mgmt For For TED G. WOOD Mgmt For For 02 TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP AS INDEPENDENT Mgmt For For AUDITORS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMERICAN COMMERCIAL LINES INC. Agenda Number: 932493757 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 025195207 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 16-May-2006 Ticker: ACLI ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR CLAYTON K. YEUTTER Mgmt No vote EUGENE I. DAVIS Mgmt No vote MARK R. HOLDEN Mgmt No vote RICHARD L. HUBER Mgmt No vote NILS E. LARSEN Mgmt No vote EMANUEL L. ROUVELAS Mgmt No vote R. CHRISTOPHER WEBER Mgmt No vote 02 RATIFICATION OF ERNST & YOUNG LLP AS THE COMPANY Mgmt No vote S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMERICAN COMMERCIAL LINES, INC. Agenda Number: 932370024 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 025195207 Meeting Type: Consent Meeting Date: 15-Jul-2005 Ticker: ACOM ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY CONSENTS TO THE EXECUTION Mgmt No vote AND FILING OF THE CHARTER AMENDMENT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APACHE CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932465784 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 037411105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 04-May-2006 Ticker: APA ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR FREDERICK M. BOHEN Mgmt For For GEORGE D. LAWRENCE Mgmt For For RODMAN D. PATTON Mgmt For For CHARLES J. PITMAN Mgmt For For JAY A. PRECOURT Mgmt For For 02 APPROVAL OF 50,000 ADDITIONAL SHARES AUTHORIZED Mgmt For For FOR THE NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS COMPENSATION PLAN. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932479086 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 067901108 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 04-May-2006 Ticker: ABX ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR H. L. BECK Mgmt For For C. W. D. BIRCHALL Mgmt For For D.J. CARTY Mgmt For For G. CISNEROS Mgmt For For M. A. COHEN Mgmt For For P. A. CROSSGROVE Mgmt For For J.W. CROW Mgmt For For R.M. FRANKLIN Mgmt For For P.C. GODSOE Mgmt For For J.B. HARVEY Mgmt For For B. MULRONEY Mgmt For For A. MUNK Mgmt For For P. MUNK Mgmt For For J.L. ROTMAN Mgmt For For S.J. SHAPIRO Mgmt For For G.C. WILKINS Mgmt For For 02 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERSMgmt For For LLP AS THE AUDITORS OF BARRICK AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. 03 SPECIAL RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONTINUANCE Mgmt For For AND ARRANGEMENT OF BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION AS SET OUT IN APPENDIX B TO THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR AND PROXY STATEMENT. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BHP BILLITON LTD Agenda Number: 700807401 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q1498M100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 25-Nov-2005 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000BHP4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive the financial statements for BHP Billiton Mgmt For For plc for the YE 30 JUN 2005, together with the Directors report, the Auditors report and the remunaration report as set out in the annual report 2. Receive the financial statements for BHP Billiton Mgmt For For Limited for the YE 30 JUN 2005, together with the Directors report, the Auditors report and remunaration report as set out in the annual report 3. Re-elect Mr. Carlos Cordeiro as a Director of Mgmt For For BHP Billiton PLC, who retires by rotation 4. Re-elect Mr. Carlos Cordeiro as a Director of Mgmt For For BHP Billiton Limited, who retires by rotation 5. Re-elect Hon. Gail de Planque as a Director Mgmt For For of BHP Billiton PLC, who retires by rotation 6. Re-elect Hon. Gaile de Planque as a Director Mgmt For For of BHP Billiton Limited, who retires by rotation 7. Re-elect Mr. David Crawford as a Director of Mgmt For For BHP Billiton PLC, who retires by rotation 8. Re-elect Mr. David Crawford as a Director of Mgmt For For BHP Billiton Limited, who retires by rotation 9. Re-elect Mr. David Jenkins as a Director of Mgmt For For BHP Billiton PLC, who retires by rotation 10. Re-elect Mr. David Jenkins as a Director of Mgmt For For BHP Billiton Limited, who retires by rotation 11. Re-elect Mr. Mike Salomon as a Director of BHP Mgmt For For Billiton PLC, who retires by rotation 12. Re-elect Mr. Mike Salomon as a Director of BHP Mgmt For For Billiton Limited, who retires by rotation 13. Re-appoint KPMG Audit PLC as the auditors of Mgmt For For BHP Billiton PLC and authorize the Directors to agree their remuneration 14. Approve that the authority and power to allot Mgmt For For relevant securities conferred on the Directors by Article 9 of BHP Billiton PLC s Articles of Association be renewed for the period ending on the earlier of 19 JAN 2007 and the later of the AGM of BHP Billiton Limited in 2006, and for such period the Section 80 amount under the United Kingdom Companies Act 1985 shall be USD 265,926,499.00 S.15 Approve that the authority and power to allot Mgmt For For equity securities for cash conferred on the Directors by Article 9 of BHP Billiton PLC s Articles of Association be renewed for the period ending on the earlier of 19 JAN 2007 and the later of the AGM of BHP Billiton Limited in 2006, and for such period the Section 80 amount under the United Kingdom Companies Act 1985 shall be USD 61,703,675.00 S.16 Authorize BHP Billiton PLC, in accordance with Mgmt For For Article 6 of its Articles of Association and Section 166 of the United Kingdom Companies Act 1985, to make market purchases as defined in Section 163 of that Act of ordinary shares of USD 0.50 nominal value each in the capital of BHP Billiton PLC shares provided that: a) the maximum aggregate number of shares hereby authorized to be purchased shall be 246,814,700, being 10% of issued capital; b) the minimum price which may be paid for each share is USD 0.50, being the nominal value of the shares; c) the maximum price which may be paid for any share is not more than 5% above the average of the middle market quotations for a share taken from the London Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the 5 business days immediately preceding the date of purchase of the shares; and d) the authority conferred by this resolution shall, unless renewed prior to such time, expire on the earlier of 19 JAN 2007 and the later of the AGM of BHP Billiton Limited in 2006 provided that BHP Billiton PLC may enter into a contract for the purchase of shares before the expiry of this authority which would or might be completed wholly or partly after such expiry 17. Approve the remunaration report for the YE 30 Mgmt For For JUN 2005 18. Approve, the purpose of ASX Listing Rule 10.14, Mgmt For For to grant the Deferred Shares and the Options under the amended BHP Billiton Limited Group Incentive Scheme and to grant the Performance Shares under the BHP Billiton Limited Long Term Incentive Plan to Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. C.W. Goodyear, in the manner as specified 19. Approve, for the purposes of ASX Listing Rule Mgmt For For 10.14, to grant the Deferred Shares and Options under the amended BHP Billiton PLC Group Incentive Scheme and to grant the Performance Shares under the BHP Billiton PLC Long Term Incentive Plan to Executive Director and Group President Non-Ferrous Materials, Mr. M. Salamon, in the manner as specified S.20 Amend the Articles of Association of BHP Billiton Mgmt For For Plc as specified S.21 Amend the Articles of Association of BHP Billiton Mgmt For For Limited as specified - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BHP BILLITON PLC Agenda Number: 700808011 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G10877101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 20-Oct-2005 Ticker: ISIN: GB0000566504 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive the financial statements for BHP Billiton Mgmt For For Plc for the YE 30 JUN 2005, together with the Directors report, the Auditors report and the remuneration report as set out in the annual report 2. Receive the financial statements for BHP Billiton Mgmt For For Limited for the YE 30 JUN 2005, together with the Directors report, the Auditors report and remuneration report as set out in the annual report 3. Elect Mr. Carlos A.S. Cordeiro as a Director Mgmt For For of BHP Billiton Plc 4. Elect Mr. Carlos A.S. Cordeiro as a Director Mgmt For For of BHP Billiton Limited 5. Elect Hon. E. Gail de Planque as a Director Mgmt For For of BHP Billiton Plc 6. Elect Hon. E. Gail de Planque as a Director Mgmt For For of BHP Billiton Limited 7. Re-elect Mr. David A. Crawford as a Director Mgmt For For of BHP Billiton Plc 8. Re-elect Mr. David A. Crawford as a Director Mgmt For For of BHP Billiton Limited 9. Re-elect Dr. David A.L. Jenkins as a Director Mgmt For For of BHP Billiton Plc, who retires by rotation 10. Re-elect Dr. David A.L. Jenkins as a Director Mgmt For For of BHP Billiton Limited, who retires by rotation 11. Re-elect Mr. Mike Salomon as a Director of BHP Mgmt For For Billiton Plc, who retires by rotation 12. Re-elect Mr. Mike Salomon as a Director of BHP Mgmt For For Billiton Limited, who retires by rotation 13. Re-appoint KPMG Audit Plc as the Auditors of Mgmt For For BHP Billiton Plc and authorize the Directors to agree their remuneration 14. Approve that the authority and power to allot Mgmt For For relevant securities conferred on the Directors by Article 9 of BHP Billiton Plc s Articles of Association be renewed for the period ending on the earlier of 19 JAN 2007 and the later of the AGM of BHP Billinton Plc and the AGM of BHP Billiton Limited in 2006, and for such period the Section 80 amount under the United Kingdom Companies Act 1985 shall be USD 265,926,499.00 S.15 Approve that the authority and power to allot Mgmt For For equity securities for cash conferred on the Directors by Article 9 of BHP Billiton Plc s Articles of Association be renewed for the period ending on the earlier of 19 JAN 2007 and the later of the AGM of BHP Billiton Plc and the AGM of BHP Billiton Limited in 2006, and for such period the Section 80 amount under the United Kingdom Companies Act 1985 shall be USD 61,703,675.00 S.16 Authorize BHP Billiton Plc, in accordance with Mgmt For For Article 6 of its Articles of Association and Section 166 of the United Kingdom Companies Act 1985, to make market purchases as defined in Section 163 of that Act of ordinary shares of USD 0.50 nominal value each in the capital of BHP Billiton Plc shares provided that: a) the maximum aggregate number of shares hereby authorized to be purchased shall be 246,814,700, being 10% of issued capital; b) the minimum price which may be paid for each share is USD 0.50, being the nominal value of the shares; c) the maximum price which may be paid for any share is not more than 5% above the average of the middle market quotations for a share taken from the London Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the 5 business days immediately preceding the date of purchase of the shares; Authority expires on the earlier of 19 JAN 2007 and the later of the AGM of BHP Billiton Limited in 2006 ; provided that BHP Billiton Plc may enter into a contract for the purchase of shares before the expiry of this authority which would or might be completed wholly or partly after such expiry 17. Approve the remuneration report for the YE 30 Mgmt For For JUN 2005 18. Approve, for the purpose of ASX Listing Rule Mgmt For For 10.14, the grant of Deferred Shares and the Options under the amended BHP Billiton Limited Group Incentive Scheme and the grant of Performance Shares under the BHP Billiton Limited Long Term Incentive Plan to the Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. C.W. Goodyear, in the manner as specified 19. Approve, for the purposes of ASX Listing Rule Mgmt For For 10.14, the grant of Deferred Shares and Options under the amended BHP Billiton Plc Group Incentive Scheme and the grant of Performance Shares under the BHP Billiton PLC Long Term Incentive Plan to the Executive Director and the Group President Non-Ferrous Materials, Mr. M. Salamon, in the manner as specified S.20 Amend the Articles of Association of BHP Billiton Mgmt For For Plc as specified S.21 Amend the Articles of Association of BHP Billiton Mgmt For For Limited as specified PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BJ SERVICES COMPANY Agenda Number: 932428003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 055482103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 31-Jan-2006 Ticker: BJS ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR JOHN R. HUFF Mgmt For For MICHAEL E. PATRICK Mgmt For For 02 TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO BJ SERVICES CERTIFICATE Mgmt For For OF INCORPORATION, AS AMENDED, TO INCREASE THE TOTAL NUMBER OF SHARES OF COMMON STOCK, PAR VALUE $0.10 PER SHARE, THAT BJ SERVICES HAS THE AUTHORITY TO ISSUE FROM 380,000,000 SHARES TO 910,000,000 SHARES ( THE AUTHORIZED SHARES AMENDMENT ). 03 TO APPROVE THE GRANT OF AUTHORITY TO THE PROXIES Mgmt Against Against TO VOTE IN THEIR DISCRETION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING TO SOLICIT ADDITIONAL PROXIES IN FAVOR OF THE AUTHORIZED SHARES AMENDMENT. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOIS D'ARC ENERGY, INC. Agenda Number: 932525895 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 09738U103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 02-Jun-2006 Ticker: BDE ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR JOHN L. DUVIEILH Mgmt For For DAVID K. LOCKETT Mgmt For For DAVID W. SLEDGE Mgmt For For 02 PROPOSAL TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF ERNST Mgmt For For & YOUNG LLP AS THE COMPANY S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOWATER INCORPORATED Agenda Number: 932487778 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 102183100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 10-May-2006 Ticker: BOW ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR TOGO D. WEST, JR. Mgmt No vote RICHARD B. EVANS Mgmt No vote BRUCE W. VAN SAUN Mgmt No vote DAVID J. PATERSON Mgmt No vote 02 PROPOSAL TO APPROVE BOWATER S 2006 STOCK OPTION Mgmt No vote AND RESTRICTED STOCK PLAN 03 PROPOSAL TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP Mgmt No vote AS THE INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR THE 2006 FISCAL YEAR - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUNGE LIMITED Agenda Number: 932495840 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G16962105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 26-May-2006 Ticker: BG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A ELECT CLASS II DIRECTOR: FRANCIS COPPINGER Mgmt For For 1B ELECT CLASS II DIRECTOR: ALBERTO WEISSER Mgmt For For 02 TO APPOINT DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP AS BUNGE LIMITED Mgmt For For S INDEPENDENT AUDITORS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND TO AUTHORIZE THE AUDIT COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO DETERMINE THE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS FEES. 03 TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO THE BYE-LAWS OF Mgmt For For BUNGE LIMITED AS SET FORTH IN THE PROXY STATEMENT. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CELANESE CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932482780 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 150870103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 02-May-2006 Ticker: CE ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR DAVID F. HOFFMEISTER Mgmt For For JAMES E. BARLETT Mgmt For For ANJAN MUKHERJEE Mgmt For For PAUL H. O'NEILL Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP AS THE Mgmt For For COMPANY S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTURY ALUMINUM COMPANY Agenda Number: 932533931 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 156431108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 09-Jun-2006 Ticker: CENX ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR LOGAN W. KRUGER Mgmt For For WILLY R. STROTHOTTE Mgmt For For JARL BERNTZEN Mgmt For For 02 PROPOSAL TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE Mgmt For For & TOUCHE LLP AS THE COMPANY S INDEPENDENT AUDITORS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CF INDUSTRIES HOLDINGS INC. Agenda Number: 932472068 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 125269100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 10-May-2006 Ticker: CF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR DAVID R. HARVEY Mgmt For For JOHN D. JOHNSON Mgmt For For 02 TO RATIFY THE SELECTION OF KPMG LLP AS CF INDUSTRIES Mgmt For For HOLDINGS, INC S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPANHIA VALE DO RIO DOCE Agenda Number: 932377965 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 204412209 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 19-Jul-2005 Ticker: RIO ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management I THE PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE COMPANY S BY-LAWS. Mgmt No vote II THE REPLACEMENT OF A MEMBER OF A FISCAL COUNCIL, Mgmt No vote AND HIS RESPECTIVE SUBSTITUTE, NOMINATED BY THE CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPANHIA VALE DO RIO DOCE Agenda Number: 932458551 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 204412209 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 31-Mar-2006 Ticker: RIO ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management I TO APPROVE THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND REASONS Mgmt No vote (THE PROTOCOLO E JUSTIFICACAO ) FOR THE MERGER OF ALL THE SHARES OF THE CAPITAL STOCK OF CAEMI - MINERACAO E METALURGIA S.A. (CAEMI)) INTO THE ASSETS OF CVRD IN ORDER TO CONVERT THE FORMER INTO A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF THE COMPANY, PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 252 OF THE BRAZILIAN CORPORATE LAW. II TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF THE EXPERTS WHO Mgmt No vote PREPARED THE VALUE APPRAISAL OF THE PREFERRED SHARES ISSUED BY CAEMI TO BE MERGED INTO CVRD ASSETS. III TO DECIDE ON THE APPRAISAL REPORT, PREPARED Mgmt No vote BY THE EXPERTS. IV TO APPROVE THE MERGER OF ALL OF THE SHARES ISSUED Mgmt No vote BY CAEMI INTO THE ASSETS OF THE CVRD. V TO APPROVE CVRD CAPITAL INCREASE WITHIN THE Mgmt No vote ISSUANCE OF 64,151,361 PREFERRED CLASS A SHARES, TO BE PAID-IN WITH THE SHARES OF CAEMI TO BE MERGED INTO THE COMPANY S ASSETS, AND THE CONSEQUENT CHANGE OF THE CAPUT OF ARTICLE 5 OF THE CVRD S BY-LAWS. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPANHIA VALE DO RIO DOCE Agenda Number: 932500956 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 204412209 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 27-Apr-2006 Ticker: RIO ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management O1 APPRECIATION OF THE MANAGEMENTS REPORT AND Mgmt No vote ANALYSIS, DISCUSSION AND VOTE ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 O2 PROPOSAL FOR THE DESTINATION OF PROFITS OF THE Mgmt No vote SAID FISCAL YEAR AND APPROVAL OF THE INVESTMENT BUDGET FOR THE COMPANY, ALL AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE PROXY STATEMENT O3 APPOINTMENT OF THE MEMBERS OF THE FISCAL COUNCIL Mgmt No vote O4 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE REMUNERATION OF THE SENIOR Mgmt No vote MANAGEMENT AND FISCAL COUNCIL MEMBERS E1 PROPOSAL FOR A FORWARD SPLIT, ALL AS MORE FULLY Mgmt No vote DESCRIBED IN THE PROXY STATEMENT E2 PROPOSAL TO MODIFY THE COMPANY S BY-LAWS, RELATED Mgmt No vote TO SECTION II AND SUBSECTION IV OF CHAPTER IV, IN RELATION TO THE ADVISORY COMMITTEES, IN THE FOLLOWING TERMS: A) CHANGE OF THE HEADING OF ARTICLE 15; B) AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 16; C) ADD ITEM IV TO ARTICLE 21; AND D) ALTERATION OF THE HEADING OF ARTICLE 25, ALL AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE PROXY STATEMENT E3 CONSOLIDATION OF THE AMENDMENTS TO CVRD S BY-LAWS, Mgmt No vote ALL AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE PROXY STATEMENT - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONOCOPHILLIPS Agenda Number: 932476383 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 20825C104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 10-May-2006 Ticker: COP ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR RICHARD L. ARMITAGE Mgmt For For RICHARD H. AUCHINLECK Mgmt For For HARALD J. NORVIK Mgmt For For WILLIAM K. REILLY Mgmt For For VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL Mgmt For For KATHRYN C. TURNER Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF ERNST & YOUNG Mgmt For For LLP AS INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR 2006 03 DRILLING IN SENSITIVE AREAS Shr Abstain Against 04 DIRECTOR ELECTION VOTE STANDARD Shr For Against 05 SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL OF FUTURE EXTRAORDINARY Shr For Against RETIREMENT BENEFITS FOR SENIOR EXECUTIVES 06 ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY TO COMMUNITIES Shr Abstain Against 07 EQUITABLE COMPENSATION OF NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS Shr For Against - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COOPER CAMERON CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932467461 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 216640102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-May-2006 Ticker: CAM ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR NATHAN M. AVERY Mgmt For For C. BAKER CUNNINGHAM Mgmt For For SHELDON R. ERIKSON Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT Mgmt For For REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FOR 2006. 03 VOTE ON CHANGE OF COMPANY S NAME AND CHANGE Mgmt For For IN THE CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. 04 VOTE ON AMENDMENT TO 2005 EQUITY INCENTIVE PLAN. Mgmt Against Against - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMBERLAND RESOURCES LTD. Agenda Number: 932544605 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 23077R100 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 22-Jun-2006 Ticker: CLG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS AT SEVEN Mgmt For For (7). 02 DIRECTOR GLEN D. DICKSON Mgmt For For KERRY M. CURTIS Mgmt For For JONATHAN A. RUBENSTEIN Mgmt For For 03 TO APPOINT ERNST & YOUNG LLP, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Mgmt For For AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY. 4A TO PASS AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION FIXING THE TERMS Mgmt For For OF OFFICE OF THE DIRECTORS ELECTED AS FOLLOWS: GLEN D. DICKSON FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE MEETING. 4B TO PASS AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION FIXING THE TERMS Mgmt Against Against OF OFFICE OF THE DIRECTORS ELECTED AS FOLLOWS: KERRY M. CURTIS FOR A TERM OF THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE MEETING. 4C TO PASS AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION FIXING THE TERMS Mgmt Against Against OF OFFICE OF THE DIRECTORS ELECTED AS FOLLOWS: JONATHAN A. RUBENSTEIN FOR A TERM OF THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE MEETING. 05 TO PASS AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION AMENDING THE Mgmt Against Against COMPANY S EXISTING STOCK OPTION PLAN, AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION CIRCULAR. 06 TO PASS AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE Mgmt For For PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SHARE RIGHTS PLAN, AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION CIRCULAR. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELTA PETROLEUM CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932430630 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 247907207 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 31-Jan-2006 Ticker: DPTR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A TO APPROVE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ALERON Mgmt For For H. LARSON, JR. 1B TO APPROVE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: ROGER Mgmt For For A. PARKER 1C TO APPROVE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JERRIE Mgmt For For F. ECKELBERGER 1D TO APPROVE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JAMES Mgmt For For B. WALLACE 1E TO APPROVE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: RUSSELL Mgmt For For S. LEWIS 1F TO APPROVE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: KEVIN Mgmt For For R. COLLINS 1G TO APPROVE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JORDAN Mgmt For For R. SMITH 1H TO APPROVE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: NEAL A. Mgmt For For STANLEY 1I TO APPROVE TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: JAMES Mgmt For For P. VAN BLARCOM 02 TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP AS INDEPENDENT Mgmt For For REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM 03 TO APPROVE A PROPOSED MERGER TO REINCORPORATE Mgmt For For THE COMPANY IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS AND COMPANY Agenda Number: 932457612 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 263534109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 26-Apr-2006 Ticker: DD ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR ALAIN J.P. BELDA Mgmt Withheld Against RICHARD H. BROWN Mgmt Withheld Against CURTIS J. CRAWFORD Mgmt Withheld Against JOHN T. DILLON Mgmt Withheld Against ELEUTHERE I. DU PONT Mgmt Withheld Against CHARLES O. HOLLIDAY, JR Mgmt Withheld Against LOIS D. JULIBER Mgmt Withheld Against MASAHISA NAITOH Mgmt Withheld Against SEAN O'KEEFE Mgmt Withheld Against WILLIAM K. REILLY Mgmt Withheld Against CHARLES M. VEST Mgmt Withheld Against 02 ON RATIFICATION OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC Mgmt For For ACCOUNTING FIRM 03 ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Shr Against For 04 ON GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD Shr Against For 05 ON PERFORMANCE-BASED COMPENSATION Shr Against For 06 ON PFOA Shr Against For 07 ON CHEMICAL FACILITY SECURITY Shr Against For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENSCO INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED Agenda Number: 932460758 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 26874Q100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 09-May-2006 Ticker: ESV ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR GERALD W. HADDOCK* Mgmt For For PAUL E. ROWSEY, III* Mgmt For For CARL F. THORNE* Mgmt For For DANIEL W. RABUN** Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE S APPOINTMENT Mgmt For For OF KPMG LLP AS THE COMPANY S INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS FOR 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EOG RESOURCES, INC. Agenda Number: 932471282 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 26875P101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 02-May-2006 Ticker: EOG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR GEORGE A. ALCORN Mgmt For For CHARLES R. CRISP Mgmt For For MARK G. PAPA Mgmt For For EDMUND P. SEGNER, III Mgmt For For WILLIAM D. STEVENS Mgmt For For H. LEIGHTON STEWARD Mgmt For For DONALD F. TEXTOR Mgmt For For FRANK G. WISNER Mgmt For For 02 TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT BY THE AUDIT COMMITTEE Mgmt For For OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP, INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AS AUDITORS FOR THE COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932485700 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 30231G102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 31-May-2006 Ticker: XOM ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR M.J. BOSKIN Mgmt For For W.W. GEORGE Mgmt For For J.R. HOUGHTON Mgmt For For W.R. HOWELL Mgmt For For R.C. KING Mgmt For For P.E. LIPPINCOTT Mgmt For For H.A. MCKINNELL, JR. Mgmt For For M.C. NELSON Mgmt For For S.J. PALMISANO Mgmt For For W.V. SHIPLEY Mgmt For For J.S. SIMON Mgmt For For R.W. TILLERSON Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS (PAGE 32) Mgmt For For 03 CUMULATIVE VOTING (PAGE 34) Shr Abstain Against 04 MAJORITY VOTE (PAGE 35) Shr Abstain Against 05 INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE (PAGE 37) Shr Abstain Against 06 DIRECTOR QUALIFICATIONS (PAGE 38) Shr Abstain Against 07 DIRECTOR COMPENSATION (PAGE 40) Shr Abstain Against 08 BOARD CHAIRMAN AND CEO (PAGE 41) Shr Abstain Against 09 EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION REPORT (PAGE 43) Shr Abstain Against 10 EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION CRITERIA (PAGE 45) Shr Abstain Against 11 POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS REPORT (PAGE 47) Shr Abstain Against 12 CORPORATE SPONSORSHIPS REPORT (PAGE 49) Shr Abstain Against 13 AMENDMENT OF EEO POLICY (PAGE 50) Shr Abstain Against 14 BIODIVERSITY IMPACT REPORT (PAGE 52) Shr Abstain Against 15 COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (PAGE 53) Shr Abstain Against - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIND ENERGY LTD. Agenda Number: 932479656 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 317716108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 16-May-2006 Ticker: FELFF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 FIXING THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION Mgmt For For AT FOUR (4); 02 ELECTING FOUR DIRECTORS AS SPECIFIED IN THE Mgmt For For INFORMATION CIRCULAR; 03 THE APPOINTMENT OF COLLINS BARROW CALGARY LLP Mgmt For For AS AUDITORS OF THE CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION AS SUCH; 04 TRANSACTING SUCH FURTHER AND OTHER BUSINESS Mgmt Against Against AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE MEETING OR ANY ADJOURNMENT OR ADJOURNMENTS THEREOF. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FMC TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Agenda Number: 932469136 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 30249U101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 03-May-2006 Ticker: FTI ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR MIKE R. BOWLIN Mgmt For For EDWARD J. MOONEY Mgmt For For JAMES M. RINGLER Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRONTIER OIL CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932457648 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 35914P105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 26-Apr-2006 Ticker: FTO ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR JAMES R. GIBBS Mgmt For For DOUGLAS Y. BECH Mgmt For For G. CLYDE BUCK Mgmt For For T. MICHAEL DOSSEY Mgmt For For JAMES H. LEE Mgmt For For PAUL B. LOYD, JR. Mgmt For For MICHAEL E. ROSE Mgmt For For 02 TO RATIFY THE FRONTIER OIL CORPORATION OMNIBUS Mgmt For For INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN. 03 TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE Mgmt For For LLP, INDEPENDENT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AS THE COMPANY S AUDITORS FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRONTIER OIL CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932535404 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 35914P105 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 09-Jun-2006 Ticker: FTO ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 PROPOSAL TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPANY Mgmt For For S RESTATED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, AS AMENDED, INCREASING THE NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED SHARES OF THE COMPANY S COMMON STOCK FROM 90,000,000 TO 180,000,000. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLAMIS GOLD LTD. Agenda Number: 932469390 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 376775102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 03-May-2006 Ticker: GLG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS AT SIX Mgmt For For (6). 02 DIRECTOR A. DAN ROVIG Mgmt For For C. KEVIN MCARTHUR Mgmt For For A. IAN S. DAVIDSON Mgmt For For JEAN DEPATIE Mgmt For For KENNETH F. WILLIAMSON Mgmt For For P. RANDY REIFEL Mgmt For For 03 TO APPOINT KPMG LLP AS AUDITOR OF THE COMPANY Mgmt For For AND TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE AUDITOR S REMUNERATION. 04 TO AMEND THE SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS PLAN BY EXTENDING Mgmt For For THE EXPIRATION TIME FOR AN ADDITIONAL THREE YEAR PERIOD. 05 TO TRANSACT SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY Mgmt For For COME BEFORE THE MEETING. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLOBALSANTAFE CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932493187 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G3930E101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 23-May-2006 Ticker: GSF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR THOMAS W. CASON Mgmt For For JON A. MARSHALL Mgmt For For CARROLL W. SUGGS Mgmt For For 2A AMEND THE COMPANY S AMENDED AND RESTATED ARTICLES Mgmt For For OF ASSOCIATION, AS AMENDED TO DATE; TO PROVIDE THAT THE ISSUANCE OF PREFERENCE SHARES IS NOT A VARIATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF ORDINARY SHARES AND TO MAKE A RELATED CLARIFYING CHANGE, AND AMEND THE COMPANY S AMENDED AND RESTATED MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION TO MAKE A RELATED CLARIFYING CHANGE. 2B AMEND THE EXISTING ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION TO Mgmt For For INCREASE THE COMPANY S FLEXIBILITY IN REPURCHASING ITS SHARES. 2C AMEND THE EXISTING ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION TO Mgmt For For DELETE OBSOLETE PROVISIONS RELATING TO KUWAIT PETROLEUM CORPORATION AND ITS AFFILIATES. 2D AMEND THE EXISTING MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION Mgmt For For AND THE EXISTING ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION TO CLARIFY, UPDATE AND MAKE MINOR CHANGES TO CERTAIN PROVISIONS. 2E AMEND AND RESTATE THE EXISTING MEMORANDUM OF Mgmt For For ASSOCIATION AND THE EXISTING ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION TO INCORPORATE ALL PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS THERETO. 03 PROPOSAL TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERSMgmt For For LLP AS THE COMPANY S INDEPENDENT AUDITOR FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD FIELDS LIMITED Agenda Number: 932408621 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 38059T106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 17-Nov-2005 Ticker: GFI ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management O1 ADOPTION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Mgmt For O2 DIRECTOR DR A GRIGORIAN Mgmt For For MR S STEFANOVICH Mgmt For For MR J M MCMAHON Mgmt For For C I VON CHRISTIERSON Mgmt For For MR A J WRIGHT Mgmt For For O7 PLACEMENT OF SHARES UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE Mgmt For DIRECTORS O8 ISSUING SHARES FOR CASH Mgmt For O9 ADOPTION OF THE GOLD FIELDS LIMITED 2005 SHARE Mgmt For PLAN O10 PLACEMENT OF UNISSUED SHARES UNDER THE CONTROL Mgmt For OF DIRECTORS FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE GOLD FIELDS 2005 SHARE PLAN O11 PLACEMENT OF UNISSUED SHARES UNDER THE CONTROL Mgmt For OF DIRECTORS FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE GF MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE SCHEME, APPROVED AT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY ON 10 NOVEMBER 1999 O12 AWARD OF RIGHTS TO NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS UNDER Mgmt For THE GOLD FIELDS 2005 NON-EXECUTIVE SHARE PLAN O13 INCREASE OF DIRECTORS FEES Mgmt For S1 ACQUISITION OF COMPANY S OWN SHARES Mgmt For S2 AWARD OF RIGHTS IN TERMS OF THE GOLD FIELDS Mgmt For LIMITED 2005 NON-EXECUTIVE SHARE PLAN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD FIELDS LTD NEW Agenda Number: 700816094 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: S31755101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 17-Nov-2005 Ticker: ISIN: ZAE000018123 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management o.1 Adopt the consolidated audited annual financial Mgmt For For statements of the Company and its subsidiaries, incorporating the Auditors and Directors reports for the YE 30 JUN 2005 o.2 Re-elect Dr. A. Grigorian as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires in terms of the Articles of the Association O.3 Re-elect Mr. S. Stefanovich as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires in terms of the Articles of the Association O.4 Re-elect Mr. J.M. McMahon as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires in terms of the Articles of the Association O.5 Re-elect Mr. C.I. Von Christierson as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires in terms of the Articles of the Association O.6 Re-elect Mr. A.J. Wright as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires in terms of the Articles of the Association O.7 Authorized the Board of Directors, that the Mgmt For For entire authorized but unissued ordinary share capital of the Company from time to time after setting aside so many shares as may be required to be allotted and issued by the Company in terms of any share plan or scheme for the benefit of employees and/or Directors whether executive or Non-Executive be and is hereby placed under the control of the Directors of the company until the next AGM, in terms of section 221(2) of the Companies Act 61 of 1973, as amended Companies Act , to allot and issue all or part thereof in their discretion, subject to the provisions of the Companies Act and the Listings Requirements of JSE Limited O.8 Authorized the Board of Directors, pursuant Mgmt For For to the Articles of Association of the Company, until the forthcoming AGM of the company whereupon this authority shall lapse unless it is renewed at the aforementioned AGM, provided that it shall not extend beyond 15 months of the date of this meeting , to allot and issue ordinary shares for cash subject to the Listings Requirements of JSE Limited JSE and subject to the Companies Act, 61 of 1973, as amended on the following basis: (a) the allotment and issue of ordinary shares for cash shall be made only to persons qualifying as public shareholders as defined in the Listings Requirements of JSE and not to related parties; (b) the number of ordinary shares issued for cash from time to time shall not in the aggregate in any one FY of the Company exceed 10% of the Company s issued ordinary shares, the number of ordinary shares which may be issued for cash shall be based on the number of ordinary shares in issue at the date of the application, less any ordinary shares issued by the company during the current FY, provided that any ordinary shares to be issued for cash pursuant to a rights issue announced and irrevocable and underwritten or acquisition concluded up to the date of application may be in as though they were shares in issue at the date of application; (c) the maximum discount at which ordinary shares may be issued for cash is 10% of the weighted average traded price on the JSE of those ordinary shares over the 30 days prior to the date that the price of the issue is determined or agreed by the Directors of the company; (d) after the Company has issued shares for cash which represent, on a cumulative basis within a FY, 5% or more of the number of shares in issue prior to that issue, the Company shall publish an announcement containing full details of the issue, including the effect of the issue on the net asset value and earnings per share of the Company; and (e) the equity securities which are the subject of the issue for cash are of a class already in issue, in terms of the listings requirements of the JSE, a 75% majority is required of votes cast by the shareholders present or represented by proxy at the general meeting convened to approve the above resolution regarding the waiver of pre-emptive rights O.9 Adopt the deed embodying The Gold Fields Limited Mgmt For For 2005 Share Plan, a copy of which has been signed by the Chairman for identification purposes and tabled at the AGM convened to consider, inter alia, this resolution O.10 Authorized the Board of Directors, subject to Mgmt For For the passing of ordinary Resolution 9 proposed at the AGM at which this ordinary resolution is to be considered, so many of the total unissued ordinary shares in the capital of the Company as do not, together with those placed under the control of the Directors pursuant to ordinary Resolution number 11 and ordinary Resolution number 12, exceed 5% of the total unissued ordinary shares in the capital of the company, in terms of section 221(2) of the Companies Act 61 of 1973, as amended, to allot and issue all or any of such shares, in accordance with the terms and conditions of The Gold Fields Limited 2005 Share Plan, as same may be amended from time to time O.11 Authorized the Board of Directors, so that the Mgmt For For total unissued ordinary shares in the capital of the company as do not, together with those placed under the control of the Directors pursuant to ordinary Resolution number 10 and ordinary Resolution number 12, exceed 5% of the total unissued ordinary shares in the capital of the Company, in terms of section 221(2) of the Companies Act 61 of 1973, as amended, to allot and issue all and any of such shares in accordance with the terms and conditions of The GF Management Incentive Scheme, as same has been or may be amended from time to time O.12 Approve that the following current and retiring Mgmt For For Non-Executive Directors are awarded rights to the following numbers of shares in terms of The Gold Fields Limited 2005 Non-Executive Share Plan as specified and authorized the Board of Directors, so that many unissued ordinary shares in the capital of the company as are necessary to allot and issue the shares in respect of which rights have been awarded to current and retiring Non-Executive Directors under this ordinary Resolution number 12, in terms of section 221(2) of the Companies Act 61 of 1973, as amended, to allot and issue all and any of such shares, in accordance with the terms and conditions of The Gold Fields Limited 2005 Non-Executive Share Plan, as same may be amended from time to time O.13 Approve the annual retainer for the Chairman Mgmt For For of the Audit Committee be increased from ZAR 80,000 to ZAR 112,000 with effect from 01 JAN 2005 s.1 Authorized the Company or any subsidiary of Mgmt For For the company by way of general approval, to from time to time acquire ordinary shares in the share capital of the company in accordance with the Companies Act, 61 of 1973 and the JSE Listings Requirements provided that: (i) the number of ordinary shares acquired in any one FY shall not exceed 20% of the ordinary shares in issue at the date on which this resolution is passed; (ii) this authority shall lapse on the earlier of the date of the next AGM of the Company or the date 15 months after the date on which this resolution is passed; (iii) the repurchase must be effected through the order book operated by the JSE trading system and done without any prior understanding or arrangement between the Company and the counter party; (iv) the Company only appoints one agent to effect any repurchases on its behalf; (v) the price paid per ordinary share may not be greater than 10% above the weighted average of the market value of the ordinary shares for the 5 business days immediately preceding the date on which a purchase is made; (vi) the number of shares purchased by subsidiaries of the company shall not exceed 10% in the aggregate of the number of issued shares in the company at the relevant times; (vii) the repurchase of shares by the company or its subsidiaries may not be effected during a prohibited period, as defined in the JSE Listing Requirements; (viii) after a repurchase the company will continue to comply with all the JSE Listings Requirements concerning shareholder spread requirements; (ix) an announcement containing full details of such acquisitions of shares will be published as soon as the company and/or its subsidiaries have acquired shares constituting, on a cumulative basis 3% of the number of shares in issue at the date of the general meeting at which this special resolution is considered and if approved, passed, and for each 3% in aggregate of the initial number acquired thereafter s.2 Adopt the document embodying The Gold Fields Mgmt For For Limited 2005 Non-Executive Share Plan the Non-Exec Plan , and authorized the Board of Directors, the rights to acquire shares given to the Non-Executive Directors of the company in accordance with the provisions of the Non-Exec Plan, in terms of Section 223 of the Companies Act, 61 of 1973, as amended - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HALLIBURTON COMPANY Agenda Number: 932505689 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 406216101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 17-May-2006 Ticker: HAL ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR A.M. BENNETT Mgmt For For J.R. BOYD Mgmt For For R.L. CRANDALL Mgmt For For K.T DERR Mgmt For For S.M. GILLIS Mgmt For For W.R. HOWELL Mgmt For For R.L. HUNT Mgmt For For D.J. LESAR Mgmt For For J.L.MARTIN Mgmt For For J.A. PRECOURT Mgmt For For D.L. REED Mgmt For For 02 PROPOSAL FOR RATIFICATION OF THE SELECTION OF Mgmt For For AUDITORS. 03 PROPOSAL TO AMEND CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. Mgmt For For 04 PROPOSAL ON SEVERANCE AGREEMENTS. Mgmt Abstain Against 05 PROPOSAL ON HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW. Shr Against For 06 PROPOSAL ON DIRECTOR ELECTION VOTE THRESHOLD. Shr For Against 07 PROPOSAL ON POISON PILL. Shr For Against - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCO LIMITED Agenda Number: 932451925 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 453258402 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 20-Apr-2006 Ticker: N ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR GLEN A. BARTON Mgmt For For ANGUS A. BRUNEAU Mgmt For For RONALD C. CAMBRE Mgmt For For SCOTT M. HAND Mgmt For For JANICE K. HENRY Mgmt For For CHAVIVA M. HOSEK Mgmt For For PETER C. JONES Mgmt For For JOHN T. MAYBERRY Mgmt For For FRANCIS MER Mgmt For For DAVID P. O'BRIEN Mgmt For For ROGER PHILLIPS Mgmt For For RICHARD E. WAUGH Mgmt For For 02 APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP AS Mgmt For For THE AUDITORS. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERNATIONAL COAL GROUP, INC. Agenda Number: 932514195 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 45928H106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 26-May-2006 Ticker: ICO ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR MAURICE E. CARINO, JR. Mgmt For For STANLEY N. GAINES Mgmt For For 02 RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE Mgmt For For LLP AS THE COMPANY S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006. 03 TO TRANSACT SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY Mgmt For For COME BEFORE THE 2006 ANNUAL MEETING OR ANY ADJOURNMENT OR POSTPONEMENT THEREOF. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KINROSS GOLD CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932489683 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 496902404 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 04-May-2006 Ticker: KGC ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 ELECTION OF DIRECTORS FOR ALL OF THE NOMINEES Mgmt For For LISTED IN THE INFORMATION CIRCULAR. 02 TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP, CHARTERED Mgmt For For ACCOUNTANTS, FOR THE 2005 FINANCIAL YEAR AND REAPPOINT THEM FOR THE ENSUING YEAR, AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. 03 TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE SHARE INCENTIVE Mgmt For For PLAN OF THE CORPORATION TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES OF THE CORPORATION ISSUABLE THEREUNDER FROM 9,833,333 TO 12,833,333. 04 TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE SHARE INCENTIVE Mgmt For For PLAN OF THE COMPANY TO EXTEND THE EXPIRY TERM OF OPTIONS ISSUED AFTER DECEMBER 21, 2005 WHEN SUCH OPTIONS EXPIRE DURING A CORPORATE TRADING BLACKOUT PERIOD. 05 TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE RESTRICTED SHARE Mgmt For For PLAN OF THE CORPORATION TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES OF THE CORPORATION ISSUABLE THEREUNDER FROM 1,333,333 TO 4,000,000. 06 TO APPROVE THE ADOPTION OF A SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS Mgmt For For PLAN AS FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA QUINTA CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932428483 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 50419U202 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 23-Jan-2006 Ticker: LQI ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO ADOPT THE AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER, DATED Mgmt For For AS OF NOVEMBER 9, 2005, BY AND AMONG LODGE HOLDINGS INC., LODGE ACQUISITION I INC., LODGE ACQUISITION II INC., LA QUINTA CORPORATION AND LA QUINTA PROPERTIES, INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIONORE MINING INTERNATIONAL LTD. Agenda Number: 932509043 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 535913107 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 17-May-2006 Ticker: LMGGF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 FOR THE ELECTION AS DIRECTORS FOR THE ENSUING Mgmt No vote YEAR OF THOSE NOMINEES PROPOSED BY MANAGEMENT AND SET FORTH IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT PROXY CIRCULAR; 02 FOR THE RE-APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE Mgmt No vote LLP AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AND AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO FIX THE REMUNERATION OF THE AUDITORS; 03 AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION RECONFIRMING THE COMPANY Mgmt No vote S SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS PLAN, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT PROXY CIRCULAR; 04 AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION RATIFYING, CONFIRMING Mgmt No vote AND APPROVING THE 2006 STOCK OPTION AND SHARE COMPENSATION PLAN, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT PROXY CIRCULAR. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONGVIEW FIBRE COMPANY Agenda Number: 932443980 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 543213102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 06-Apr-2006 Ticker: LFB ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR RICK L. BENTZINGER* Mgmt For For DAVID L. BOWDEN* Mgmt For For CURTIS M. STEVENS* Mgmt For For RICHARD H. WOLLENBERG* Mgmt Withheld Against DAVID A. WOLLENBERG** Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCDERMOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC. Agenda Number: 932423635 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 580037109 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 18-Jan-2006 Ticker: MDR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPROVING, SUBJECT TO SUCH CHANGES AS MCDERMOTT Mgmt For For S BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAY SUBSEQUENTLY APPROVE, THE SETTLEMENT CONTEMPLATED BY THE PROPOSED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ATTACHED TO THE PROXY STATEMENT, AND THE FORM, TERMS, PROVISIONS AND MCDERMOTT S EXECUTION OF, AND, SUBJECT TO MCDERMOTT S LIMITED ABILITY TO TERMINATE, PERFORMANCE UNDER, THE PROPOSED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCDERMOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC. Agenda Number: 932472397 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 580037109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 03-May-2006 Ticker: MDR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR ROBERT L. HOWARD* Mgmt For For D. BRADLEY MCWILLIAMS* Mgmt For For THOMAS C SCHIEVELBEIN* Mgmt For For ROBERT W. GOLDMAN** Mgmt For For 02 APPROVE AMENDED AND RESTATED 2001 DIRECTORS Mgmt Abstain Against AND OFFICERS LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN. 03 APPROVE EXECUTIVE INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN. Mgmt Against Against 04 RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF MCDERMOTT S INDEPENDENT Mgmt For For REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MERCER INTERNATIONAL INC. Agenda Number: 932425615 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 588056101 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 17-Feb-2006 Ticker: MERC ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPANY S DECLARATION Mgmt For For OF TRUST TO PROVIDE THAT THE COMPANY SHALL (I) BE AUTHORIZED TO EFFECT A MERGER WITH ANOTHER CORPORATION SUBJECT TO ITS OBSERVANCE OF THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 23B.11 OF THE WASHINGTON BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT, AND (II) CEASE ITS SEPARATE EXISTENCE UPON A MERGER IN WHICH IT IS NOT THE SURVIVING ENTITY. 02 APPROVAL OF THE MERGER OF THE COMPANY WITH AN Mgmt For For INDIRECT WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, WHICH IS BEING CARRIED OUT IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONVERSION OF THE COMPANY FROM A MASSACHUSETTS TRUST TO A CORPORATION ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. 03 APPROVAL OF AN ADJOURNMENT OF THE SPECIAL MEETING, Mgmt For For IF NECESSARY, TO SOLICIT ADDITIONAL PROXIES IF THERE ARE INSUFFICIENT VOTES AT THE TIME OF THE SPECIAL MEETING TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPANY S DECLARATION OF TRUST OR THE MERGER OF THE COMPANY WITH SUCH INDIRECT WHOLLY-OWNED DELAWARE SUBSIDIARY. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MERCER INTERNATIONAL INC. Agenda Number: 932545556 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 588056101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-Jun-2006 Ticker: MERC ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR JIMMY S.H. LEE Mgmt For For KENNETH A. SHIELDS Mgmt For For WILLIAM D. MCCARTNEY Mgmt For For GUY W. ADAMS Mgmt For For ERIC LAURITEEN Mgmt For For GRAEME A. WITTS Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF THE SELECTION OF DELOITTE & Mgmt For For TOUCHE LLP AS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIRAMAR MINING CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932494191 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 60466E100 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 03-May-2006 Ticker: MNG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Mgmt For For AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY AND AUTHORIZATION OF THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE AUDITOR S REMUNERATION. 02 TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS AT EIGHT Mgmt For For (8). 03 DIRECTOR LAWRENCE BELL Mgmt For For DAVID FENNELL Mgmt For For C. MCLEOD-SELTZER Mgmt For For PETER NIXON Mgmt For For ANTHONY J. PETRINA Mgmt For For CHRISTOPHER J. POLLARD Mgmt For For WILLIAM STANLEY Mgmt For For ANTHONY WALSH Mgmt For For 04 PURSUANT TO THE ENACTMENT OF THE BUSINESS CORPORATIONS Mgmt For For ACT AND THE REPEAL OF THE COMPANY ACT, TO APPROVE, BY SPECIAL RESOLUTION, THE REMOVAL OF THE PRE-EXISTING COMPANY PROVISIONS, AS MORE PARTICULARLY SET OUT IN THE COMPANY S INFORMATION CIRCULAR DATED APRIL 7, 2006. 05 PURSUANT TO THE ENACTMENT OF THE BUSINESS CORPORATIONS Mgmt For For ACT AND THE REPEAL OF THE COMPANY ACT, TO APPROVE, BY SPECIAL RESOLUTION, THE REPLACEMENT OF THE COMPANY S EXISTING ARTICLES WITH THE NEW ARTICLES, AS MORE PARTICULARLY SET OUT IN THE COMPANY S INFORMATION CIRCULAR DATED APRIL 7, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NABORS INDUSTRIES LTD. Agenda Number: 932443687 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G6359F103 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 30-Mar-2006 Ticker: NBR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 AMENDMENT TO AMENDED AND RESTATED BYE-LAWS TO Mgmt For For INCREASE THE TOTAL NUMBER OF SHARES OF COMMON STOCK. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO, INC. Agenda Number: 932371709 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 637071101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 22-Jul-2005 Ticker: NOV ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR ROBERT E. BEAUCHAMP Mgmt For For JEFFERY A. SMISEK Mgmt For For JAMES D. WOODS Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS. Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO, INC. Agenda Number: 932493339 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 637071101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 17-May-2006 Ticker: NOV ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR GREG L. ARMSTRONG Mgmt For For DAVID D. HARRISON Mgmt For For MERRILL A. MILLER, JR. Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS. Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWCREST MNG LTD Agenda Number: 700817084 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q6651B114 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 27-Oct-2005 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000NCM7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote 263844 DUE TO CHANGE IN VOTING STATUS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU Receive and approve the financial reports of Non-Voting No vote the Company and its controlled entities for the YE 30 JUN 2005 and the reports of the Directors and the Auditors thereon 1. Re-elect Dr. Nora Scheinkestel as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires by rotation in accordance with Rule 69 of the Company s Constitution 2. Re-elect Mr. Michael Mike O Leary as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires by rotation in accordance with Rule 69 of the Company s Constitution S.3 Amend the Company s Constitution, pursuant to Mgmt For For Section 136(2) and 648G of the Corporations Act 2001 Cth as specified 4. Adopt the remuneration report for the Company Mgmt For For included in the report of the Directors for the YE 30 JUN 2005 5. Approve that the aggregate sum per annum available Mgmt Against Against for payment to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company in accordance with Rule 58 of the Company s Constitution and Australian Stock Exchange Listing Rule 10.17, as remuneration for their services, be increased by AUD 300,000 from AUD 1,000,000 up to a maximum sum of AUD 1,300,000 per annum 6. Approve, for all purposes under the Corporation Mgmt For For Act 2001 Cth and the Australian Stock Exchange Listing Rule including for the purposes of Exception 9 to Listing Rule 7.1 for: a) the establishment of a plan, to be called the Restricted share Plan Plan , for the provision of retention benefit and medium term incentive to employees including Executive Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries employees ; b) the issue of rights over, or interest in, fully paid ordinary shares in the Company to employees under the Plan; and c) the issue and transfer of fully paid ordinary shares in the Company and the provision of benefits, to employees under the Plan, in accordance with the Plan rules submitted to the meeting and signed by the Chairman of this meeting for identification, as specified 7. Approve, subject to the passing of Resolution Mgmt For For 6 and for all purposes under the Corporation Act 2001 Cth and the Australian Stock Exchange Listing Rule including Listing Rule 10.14 , for the issue up to 35,000 Rights to the Managing Director of the Company, Mr. Anthony Palmer, under the terms contained in the Company s Restricted Share Plan submitted to this meeting for the purposes of Resolution 6, as specified - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932465253 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 655844108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 11-May-2006 Ticker: NSC ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR DANIEL A. CARP Mgmt For For STEVEN F. LEER Mgmt For For CHARLES W. MOORMAN, IV Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP, Mgmt For For INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM, AS NORFOLK SOUTHERN S INDEPENDENT AUDITORS FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OIL SEARCH LTD Agenda Number: 700944398 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y64695110 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 12-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: PG0008579883 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and consider the balance sheet and profit Mgmt For For and loss account of the Company and the Group accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries, together with the Directors and the Auditors reports thereon, for the YE 31 DEC 2005 2. Re-elect Mr. Fraser Ainsworth as a Director Mgmt For For of the Company, who retires in accordance with Clause 15.3(b) of the Company s constitution 3. Re-appoint Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as a Auditor, Mgmt For For who retires in accordance with Sections 190 and 191 of the Companies Act 1997 and authorize the Directors to fix the fees and expenses of the Auditor 4. Approve the issue of 361,000 performance rights Mgmt For For to the Managing Director, Mr. Peter Botten, pursuant to the rules and terms of issue of the performance rights plan 5.A Approve changes in Directors fee being increase Mgmt For For in fees paid to individual Directors 5.B Approve changes in Directors fee being an increase Mgmt For For in the aggregate amount that may be paid to Directors in any 12 month period - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OIL STATES INTERNATIONAL, INC. Agenda Number: 932493365 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 678026105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 18-May-2006 Ticker: OIS ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR S. JAMES NELSON, JR. Mgmt For For GARY L. ROSENTHAL Mgmt For For WILLIAM T. VAN KLEEF Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF THE SELECTION OF ERNST & YOUNG Mgmt For For LLP AS THE AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY FOR THE CURRENT YEAR. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OMV AG, WIEN Agenda Number: 700959262 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: A51460110 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: AT0000743059 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 304877 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTION. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1. Receive the annual report and approve the reporting Mgmt For For of the Supervisory Board for the 2005 business year 2. Approve the allocation of net income Mgmt For For 3. Approve the actions of the Managing Board and Mgmt Abstain Against the Supervisory Board for the FY 2005 4. Approve the statuary allowance of the Supervisory Mgmt Abstain Against Board 5.A Authorize the Managing Board to buy own shares Mgmt For For within the next 18 months and authorize the Managing Board to use own shares for the purpose of tendering stock option for employees 5.B Authorize the Managing Board to use own shares Mgmt For For for the purpose of tendering convertible bonds 5.C Authorize the Managing Board to decrease the Mgmt For For Company s share capital by collecting own shares; authorize the Supervisory Board to change the related statutes of the Articles of Association 5.D Authorize the Managing Board to sell own shares Mgmt For For at the stock exchange or by official offer 6. Ratify Deloitte Wirtschaftspruefungs GmbH Auditors Mgmt For For 7. Approve 2006 Stock Option Plan for Key Employees Mgmt For For and creation of EUR 80,000 of capital to Guarantee Conversion Rights - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETRO-CANADA Agenda Number: 932454577 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 71644E102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-Apr-2006 Ticker: PCZ ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR RON A. BRENNEMAN Mgmt For For ANGUS A. BRUNEAU Mgmt For For GAIL COOK-BENNETT Mgmt For For RICHARD J. CURRIE Mgmt For For CLAUDE FONTAINE Mgmt For For PAUL HASELDONCKX Mgmt For For THOMAS E. KIERANS Mgmt For For BRIAN F. MACNEILL Mgmt For For MAUREEN MCCAW Mgmt For For PAUL D. MELNUK Mgmt For For GUYLAINE SAUCIER Mgmt For For JAMES W. SIMPSON Mgmt For For 02 APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP AS AUDITORS Mgmt For For OF THE COMPANY. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS Agenda Number: 932377989 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 71654V408 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 22-Jul-2005 Ticker: PBR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPROVAL OF THE 300% STOCK SPLIT OF COMPANY Mgmt For For SHARES, RESULTING IN THE DISTRIBUTION, AT NO COST, OF 3 (THREE) NEW SHARES OF THE SAME TYPE FOR 1 (ONE) SHARE HELD ON AUGUST 31, 2005, AS SET FORTH IN THE COMPANY S NOTICE OF MEETING ENCLOSED HEREWITH. 02 APPROVAL TO CHANGE ARTICLE 4 OF THE COMPANY Mgmt For For S BYLAWS IN LIGHT OF ITEM I, AS SET FORTH IN THE COMPANY S NOTICE OF MEETING ENCLOSED HEREWITH. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS Agenda Number: 932389693 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 71654V408 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 30-Aug-2005 Ticker: PBR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPROVAL OF THE PROTOCOL AND JUSTIFICATION Mgmt For For OF THE OPERATION FOR THE PARTIAL AND DISPROPORTIONAL SPINNING OFF OF DOWNSTREAM PARTICIPACOES LTDA AND THE INCORPORATION OF THE DIVESTED PORTION BY PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS , DATED JULY 31, 2005 02 RATIFICATION AND NOMINATION OF THE SPECIALIZED Mgmt For For COMPANY FOR APPRAISING THE ASSETS TO BE SPUN OFF AND SUBSEQUENTLY INCORPORATED 03 APPROVAL OF THE VALUATION REPORT OF THE SPUN Mgmt For For OFF PORTION TO BE INCORPORATED BY PETROBRAS 04 APPROVAL OF THE SPINNING OFF FOLLOWED BY INCORPORATION Mgmt For For OF THE ASSETS OF THE DIVESTED PART OF THE COMPANY ACCORDING TO THE PROCEDURE IN THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH ITEM 1 ABOVE REFERS 05 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE EXECUTIVE BOARD TO PRACTICE Mgmt For For ALL NECESSARY ACTS FOR THE EXECUTION OF THE ABOVE ITEMS 06 APPROVAL OF THE ELECTION OF JOSE SERGIO GABRIELLI Mgmt For For DE AZEVEDO, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS Agenda Number: 932452080 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 71654V408 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 03-Apr-2006 Ticker: PBR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management A1 APPROVAL OF THE MANAGEMENT REPORT, FINANCIAL Mgmt For For STATEMENTS AND AUDIT COMMITTEE S OPINION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2005. A2 APPROVAL OF THE CAPITAL EXPENDITURE BUDGET FOR Mgmt For For THE FISCAL YEAR 2006. A3 APPROVAL OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF RESULTS FOR Mgmt For For THE FISCAL YEAR 2005. A4 APPROVAL OF THE ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Mgmt For For OF DIRECTORS.* A5 APPROVAL OF THE ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN OF THE Mgmt For For BOARD OF DIRECTORS.* A6 APPROVAL OF THE ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE FISCAL Mgmt For For COUNCIL AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUBSTITUTES.* A7 APPROVAL OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT Mgmt For For COMPENSATION, AS WELL AS THEIR PARTICIPATION IN THE PROFITS PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 41 AND 56 OF THE COMPANY S BYLAWS, AS WELL OF MEMBERS OF THE FISCAL COUNCIL. E1 APPROVAL OF THE INCREASE IN THE CAPITAL STOCK Mgmt For For THROUGH THE INCORPORATION OF PART OF THE REVENUE RESERVES CONSTITUTED IN PREVIOUS FISCAL YEARS AMOUNTING TO R$ 15.352 MILLION, INCREASING THE CAPITAL STOCK FROM R$ 32,896 MILLION TO R$ 48.248 MILLION WITHOUT ANY CHANGE TO THE NUMBER OF ISSUED SHARES PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 40, ITEM III OF THE COMPANY S BYLAWS. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS Agenda Number: 932530050 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 71654V408 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 22-May-2006 Ticker: PBR ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPROVAL OF THE PROTOCOL AND JUSTIFICATION Mgmt For For OF THE INCORPORATION OF THE SHARES OF PETROBRAS QUIMICA S.A. - PETROQUISA BY PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. 02 RATIFICATION AND APPOINTMENT OF A SPECIALIZED Mgmt For For FIRM TO EVALUATE THE SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY AND BOOK VALUE OF PETROBRAS 03 APPROVAL OF THE VALUATION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS Mgmt For For EQUITY AND BOOK VALUE REPORT OF PETROBRAS 04 APPROVAL OF THE VALUATION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS Mgmt For For EQUITY BOOK VALUE AND NET BOOK ASSETS OF PETROQUISA 05 RATIFICATION AND APPOINTMENT OF A SPECIALIZED Mgmt For For FIRM TO UNDERTAKE AN ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL VALUATION OF PETROBRAS 06 APPROVAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL VALUATION Mgmt For For OF PETROBRAS 07 APPROVAL OF THE INCORPORATION OF THE TOTAL NUMBER Mgmt For For OF PETROQUISA SHARES HELD BY MINORITY SHAREHOLDERS INTO PETROBRAS EQUITY 08 APPROVAL OF THE ALTERATIONS TO PETROBRAS BYLAWS Mgmt For For AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE PROTOCOL AND JUSTIFICATION OF THE INCORPORATION OF THE SHARES OF PETROBRAS QUIMICA S.A. - PETROQUISA BY PETROLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS 09 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE EXECUTIVE BOARD TO PRACTICE Mgmt For For ALL THE ACTS NEEDED FOR THE EXECUTION OF THE ABOVE ACTIONS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PT MEDCO ENERGI INTERNASIONAL TBK Agenda Number: 700922924 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y7129J136 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 05-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: ID1000053705 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A MIX MEETING, THANK Non-Voting No vote YOU. A.1 Approve the performance Company report 2005 Mgmt For For and to provide Acquit de charge to the Board of Directors and Commissioners A.2 Ratify the financial statement 2005 Mgmt For For A.3 Approve the Company s profit allocation 2005 Mgmt For For A.4 Appoint the Public Accountant and approve to Mgmt For For determine their remuneration A.5 Approve to change the Board of Commissioners Mgmt For For A.6 Approve to determine the Commissioners and Directors Mgmt For For remuneration for the period JAN-DEC 2006 E.1 Approve to change the 2000 and 2001 EGM decision Mgmt For For relating to the buy back treasury shares - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED Agenda Number: 932489405 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 752344309 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 02-May-2006 Ticker: GOLD ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 ORDINARY RESOLUTION - ADOPTION OF THE DIRECTORS Mgmt For For REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 02 ORDINARY RESOLUTION - RE-ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Mgmt For For AL PAVERD 03 ORDINARY RESOLUTION - RE-ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Mgmt For For BH ASHER 04 ORDINARY RESOLUTION - ADOPTION OF THE REPORT Mgmt For For OF THE REMUNERATION COMMITTEE 05 ORDINARY RESOLUTION - APPROVE THE FEES PAYABLE Mgmt For For TO THE DIRECTORS 06 ORDINARY RESOLUTION - APPOINT PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS Mgmt For For LLP AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY 07 SPECIAL RESOLUTION - AUTHORISE THE PURCHASE Mgmt For For OF SHARES FOR CASH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIO TINTO LTD Agenda Number: 700897171 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q81437107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 04-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000RIO1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management s.1 Approve to buy-backs by the Company of fully Mgmt For For paid ordinary shares in the Company of 12 month period following this approval: a) under one or more off-market buy-back tender schemes in accordance with the terms the Buy-Back Tenders as specified; and b) pursuant to on-market buy-backs by the Company in accordance with the Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange, but only to the extent that the number of ordinary shares bought back pursuant to the authority in this Resolution, whether under any buy-back tenders or pursuant to any on-market buy-backs, does not in that 12 month period exceed 28.5 million ordinary shares s.2 Grant authority to buy-backs by the Company Mgmt For For of ordinary shares from Tinto Holding Australia Private Limited (THA) in the 12 month period following upon the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the draft Buy-Back Agreement between the Company and THA entitled 2006 RTL-THA Agreement as specified s.3 Approve that, subject to the consent in writing Mgmt For For of the holder of the special voting share: a) amend the Company s Constitution as specified; and b) adopt the Articles of Association of Rio Tinto PLC as the Articles of Association of Rio Tinto PLC in substitution for and to the exclusion of the existing Articles of Association of Rio Tinto PLC 4. Elect Mr. Tom Albanese as a Director Mgmt For For 5. Elect Sir. Rod Eddington as a Director Mgmt For For 6. Re-elect Sir. David Clementi as a Director Mgmt For For 7. Re-elect Mr. Leigh Clifford as a Director Mgmt For For 8. Re-elect Mr. Andrew Gould as a Director Mgmt For For 9. Re-elect Mr. David Mayhew as a Director Mgmt For For 10. Re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Mgmt For For Auditors of Rio Tinto plc to hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM at which accounts are laid before Rio Tinto PLC and authorize the Audit Committee to determine the Auditors remuneration 11. Approve the remuneration report as set out in Mgmt For For the 2005 annual review and the 2005 annual report and the financial statements 12. Receive the Company s financial report and the Mgmt For For reports of the Directors and Auditors for the YE 31 DEC 2005 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAPPI LIMITED Agenda Number: 932437672 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 803069202 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 06-Mar-2006 Ticker: SPP ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management D1 RE-ELECTION OF RETIRING DIRECTOR: MR KLAAS DE Mgmt For KLUIS D2 RE-ELECTION OF RETIRING DIRECTOR: DR JOHN LEONARD Mgmt For JOB D3 RE-ELECTION OF RETIRING DIRECTOR: DR DEENADAYALEN Mgmt For (LEN) KONAR D4 RE-ELECTION OF RETIRING DIRECTOR: MR EUGENE Mgmt For VAN AS D5 RE-ELECTION OF RETIRING DIRECTOR: MR DONALD Mgmt For GERT WILSON S1 A GENERAL APPROVAL FOR SAPPI AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES Mgmt For TO ACQUIRE SAPPI SHARES O1 PLACING A TOTAL OF 24,000,000 UNISSUED SAPPI Mgmt Against SHARES AND/OR TREASURY SHARES UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE DIRECTORS OF SAPPI WITH THE AUTHORITY TO ALLOT AND/OR ISSUE SAME IN TERMS OF THE COMPANIES ACT AND THE LISTINGS REQUIREMENTS OF JSE LIMITED O2 ADJUSTMENT TO DIRECTORS FEES Mgmt Abstain O3 AUTHORITY FOR DIRECTORS TO SIGN ALL DOCUMENTS Mgmt Abstain AND DO ALL SUCH THINGS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE ABOVE RESOLUTIONS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTHWESTERN ENERGY COMPANY Agenda Number: 932472753 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 845467109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-May-2006 Ticker: SWN ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR LEWIS E. EPLEY, JR. Mgmt For For ROBERT L. HOWARD Mgmt For For HAROLD M. KORELL Mgmt For For VELLO A. KUUSKRAA Mgmt For For KENNETH R. MOURTON Mgmt For For CHARLES E. SCHARLAU Mgmt For For 02 THE RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERSMgmt For For LLP ( PWC ) TO SERVE AS THE COMPANY S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006. 03 THE APPROVAL OF THE REINCORPORATION OF THE COMPANY Mgmt For For IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE. 04 THE APPROVAL OF AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF Mgmt For For AUTHORIZED SHARES OF COMMON STOCK FROM 220,000,000 SHARES TO 540,000,000 SHARES. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, INC. Agenda Number: 932488302 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 85590A203 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 02-May-2006 Ticker: HOT ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR HEYER Mgmt No vote BARSHEFSKY Mgmt No vote CHAPUS Mgmt No vote DUNCAN Mgmt No vote GALBREATH Mgmt No vote HIPPEAU Mgmt No vote QUAZZO Mgmt No vote RYDER Mgmt No vote YIH Mgmt No vote YOUNGBLOOD Mgmt No vote 02 RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF ERNST & YOUNG Mgmt No vote LLP AS THE COMPANY S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUN HUNG KAI PROPERTIES LTD Agenda Number: 700817527 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y82594121 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 08-Dec-2005 Ticker: ISIN: HK0016000132 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and approve the report of the Directors Mgmt For For and the audited accounts for the YE 30 JUN 2005 2. Declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3.1.A Re-elect Dr. Li Ka-Cheung, Eric as a Director Mgmt For For 3.1.B Re-elect Professor Wong Yue-Chim, Richard as Mgmt For For a Director 3.1.C Re-elect Dr. Lee Shau-Kee as a Director Mgmt For For 3.1.D Re-elect Mr. Chan Kui-Yuen, Thomas as a Director Mgmt For For 3.1.E Re-elect Mr. Chan Kui-Ming as a Director Mgmt For For 3.1.F Re-elect Mr. Kwong Chun as a Director Mgmt For For 3.1.G Re-elect Mr. Wong Yick-Kam, Michael as a Director Mgmt For For 3.1.H Re-elect Mr. Wong Chik-Wing, Mike as a Director Mgmt For For 3.2 Approve to fix the Directors remuneration Mgmt For For 4. Re-appoint the Auditors and authorize the Board Mgmt For For of Directors of the Company to fix their remuneration 5. Authorize the Directors of the Company to repurchase Mgmt For For shares of the Company during the relevant period, on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited or any other stock exchange recognized for this purpose by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited under the Hong Kong Code on share repurchases, pursuant to the approval of this resolution, not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of next AGM of the Company or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM of the Company is to be held by its Articles of Association or by the Laws of Hong Kong 6. Authorize the Directors, in addition to any Mgmt For For other authority, to allot, issue and deal with additional shares in the capital of the Company and make or grant offers, agreements and options, including warrants, during and after the relevant period, not exceeding 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company; plus b) the nominal amount of share capital repurchased by the Company up to 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the issued share capital of the Company , otherwise than pursuant to i) a rights issue; or ii) any option scheme or similar arrangement for the time being adopted for the grant or issue to officers and/or employees of the Company and/or any of its subsidiaries of shares or rights to acquire shares of the Company ; or iii) any scrip dividend or similar arrangement providing for the allotment of shares in lieu of the whole or part of a dividend on shares of the Company in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or the expiration of the period within which the next AGM is required by its Articles of Association or by the Laws of Hong Kong to be held 7. Authorize the Directors to exercise the powers Mgmt Abstain Against of the Company referred to in Resolution 6 in the notice convening this meeting in respect of the share capital of the Company - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUNCOR ENERGY INC. Agenda Number: 932459236 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 867229106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 26-Apr-2006 Ticker: SU ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR MEL E. BENSON Mgmt For For BRIAN A. CANFIELD Mgmt For For BRYAN P. DAVIES Mgmt For For BRIAN A. FELESKY Mgmt For For JOHN T. FERGUSON Mgmt For For W. DOUGLAS FORD Mgmt For For RICHARD L. GEORGE Mgmt For For JOHN R. HUFF Mgmt For For M. ANN MCCAIG Mgmt For For MICHAEL W. O'BRIEN Mgmt For For JR SHAW Mgmt For For EIRA M. THOMAS Mgmt For For 02 RE-APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP Mgmt For For AS AUDITOR OF THE CORPORATION FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TALISMAN ENERGY INC. Agenda Number: 932459832 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 87425E103 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 09-May-2006 Ticker: TLM ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR DOUGLAS D. BALDWIN Mgmt No vote JAMES W. BUCKEE Mgmt No vote WILLIAM R.P. DALTON Mgmt No vote KEVIN S. DUNNE Mgmt No vote LAWRENCE G. TAPP Mgmt No vote STELLA M. THOMPSON Mgmt No vote ROBERT G. WELTY Mgmt No vote CHARLES R. WILLIAMSON Mgmt No vote CHARLES W. WILSON Mgmt No vote 02 REAPPOINTMENT OF ERNST & YOUNG LLP CHARTERED Mgmt No vote ACCOUNTANTS AS AUDITOR OF THE COMPANY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. 03 RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE ARTICLES TO EFFECT A Mgmt No vote THREE FOR ONE DIVISION OF COMMON SHARES. PLEASE READ THE RESOLUTION IN FULL IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT PROXY CIRCULAR. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECK COMINCO LIMITED Agenda Number: 932458905 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 878742204 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 26-Apr-2006 Ticker: TCKBF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO ELECT AS DIRECTORS ALL NOMINEES NAMED IN Mgmt For For THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT PROXY CIRCULAR. 02 TO APPOINT PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP AS AUDITORS Mgmt For For AND TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE AUDITORS REMUNERATION. 03 TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE 2001 STOCK OPTION Mgmt For For PLAN. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEMPLE-INLAND INC. Agenda Number: 932457991 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 879868107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-May-2006 Ticker: TIN ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR CASSANDRA C. CARR Mgmt For For JAMES T. HACKETT Mgmt For For ARTHUR TEMPLE, III Mgmt For For LARRY E. TEMPLE Mgmt For For 02 PROPOSAL TO RATIFY THE SELECTION OF ERNST & Mgmt For For YOUNG LLP AS REGISTERED INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM OF TEMPLE-INLAND INC. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 30, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENKE MINING CORP. Agenda Number: 932479935 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 879944205 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-May-2006 Ticker: TNKDF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR ADOLF H. LUNDIN Mgmt For For PAUL K. CONIBEAR Mgmt For For LUKAS H. LUNDIN Mgmt For For WILLIAM A. RAND Mgmt For For JOHN H. CRAIG Mgmt For For LEE A. GRABER Mgmt For For MATS H. CARLSSON Mgmt For For 02 TO REAPPOINT PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP, CHARTERED Mgmt For For ACCOUNTANTS, AS THE AUDITORS OF THE CORPORATION FOR THE ENSUING YEAR, AT A REMUNERATION TO BE FIXED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION. 03 TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO THE CORPORATION Mgmt Against Against S STOCK OPTION PLAN AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR. 04 TO GRANT THE PROXYHOLDER AUTHORITY TO VOTE AT Mgmt For For HIS/HER DISCRETION ON ANY OTHER BUSINESS OR AMENDMENT OR VARIATION TO THE PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY Agenda Number: 932461318 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 260543103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 11-May-2006 Ticker: DOW ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR JACQUELINE K. BARTON Mgmt For For JAMES A. BELL Mgmt For For BARBARA H. FRANKLIN Mgmt For For ANDREW N. LIVERIS Mgmt For For GEOFFERY E. MERSZEI Mgmt For For J. PEDRO REINHARD Mgmt For For RUTH G. SHAW Mgmt For For PAUL G. STERN Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF THE INDEPENDENT Mgmt For For REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM. 03 STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL ON BHOPAL. Shr Against For 04 STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL ON GENETICALLY ENGINEERED Shr Against For SEED. 05 STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL ON CHEMICALS WITH LINKS Shr Against For TO RESPIRATORY PROBLEMS. 06 STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL ON SECURITY OF CHEMICAL Shr Against For FACILITIES. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIMBERWEST FOREST CORP. Agenda Number: 932467966 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 887147205 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 27-Apr-2006 Ticker: TWTUF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR CLARK S. BINKLEY Mgmt No vote WILLIAM C. BROWN Mgmt No vote V. EDWARD DAUGHNEY Mgmt No vote PAUL J. MCELLIGOTT Mgmt No vote ROBERT W. MURDOCH Mgmt No vote CONRAD A. PINETTE Mgmt No vote KENNETH A. SHIELDS Mgmt No vote 02 THE APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Mgmt No vote AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY: 03 THE AUTHORITY OF THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE REMUNERATION Mgmt No vote OF THE AUDITORS: 4A TO ALTER THE NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF THE COMPANY Mgmt No vote TO REMOVE THE APPLICATION OF THE PRE-EXISTING COMPANY PROVISIONS UNDER THE BRITISH COLUMBIA BUSINESS CORPORATIONS ACT (THE ACT ), THE FULL TEXT OF WHICH SPECIAL RESOLUTION IS SET OUT ON PAGES 10 AND 11 OF THE COMPANY S INFORMATION CIRCULAR; 4B TO REPLACE THE EXISTING ARTICLES OF THE COMPANY Mgmt No vote WITH THE FORM OF ARTICLES PRESENTED TO THE MEETING (A DRAFT OF WHICH IS ATTACHED AS SCHEDULE A TO THE INFORMATION CIRCULAR), THE FULL TEXT OF WHICH SPECIAL RESOLUTION IS SET OUT ON PAGES 12 AND 13 OF THE COMPANY S INFORMATION CIRCULAR; 4C TO ALTER THE AUTHORIZED SHARE STRUCTURE OF THE Mgmt No vote COMPANY BY INCREASING THE AUTHORIZED NUMBER OF PREFERRED SHARES WITH PAR VALUE OF $0.024456 THAT THE COMPANY CAN ISSUE FROM 10,000,000,000 TO 25,000,000,000, THE FULL TEXT OF WHICH SPECIAL RESOLUTION IS SET OUT ON PAGES 13 AND 14 OF THE COMPANY S INFORMATION CIRCULAR. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODCO Agenda Number: 932468045 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 88889T107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 09-May-2006 Ticker: THE ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR THOMAS M HAMILTON Mgmt For For THOMAS R. HIX Mgmt For For 02 AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE FIFTH OF THE COMPANY S Mgmt For For CHARTER TO REMOVE REFERENCES TO TRANSOCEAN 03 DELETION OF ARTICLE EIGHTH OF THE COMPANY S Mgmt For For CHARTER TO REMOVE REFERENCES TO TRANSOCEAN 04 AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES FOURTH, FIFTH AND SIXTH Mgmt For For OF THE COMPANY S CHARTER TO ELIMINATE SUPERMAJORITY VOTING REQUIREMENTS 05 DELETION OF ARTICLE TENTH OF THE COMPANY S CHARTER Mgmt For For TO ELIMINATE SUPERMAJORITY VOTING REQUIREMENTS 06 AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE FOURTH TO ELIMINATE CLASS Mgmt For For B COMMON STOCK AND PROVIDE FOR SINGLE CLASS OF COMMON STOCK 07 AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE FOURTH TO PERMIT ISSUANCE Mgmt For For OF STOCK DIVIDENDS 08 AUTHORITY TO AMEND AND RESTATE THE CHARTER TO Mgmt For For REFLECT AMENDMENTS APPROVED BY THE STOCKHOLDERS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSOCEAN INC. Agenda Number: 932483477 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G90078109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 11-May-2006 Ticker: RIG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR VICTOR E. GRIJALVA Mgmt For For ARTHUR LINDENAUER Mgmt For For KRISTIAN SIEM Mgmt For For 02 APPROVAL OF THE APPOINTMENT OF ERNST & YOUNG Mgmt For For LLP TO SERVE AS OUR INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRICAN WELL SERVICE LTD. Agenda Number: 932462219 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 895945103 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 10-May-2006 Ticker: TOLWF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO SET THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY Mgmt For For AT SIX (6). 02 DIRECTOR KENNETH M. BAGAN Mgmt For For GARY R. BUGEAUD Mgmt For For MURRAY L. COBBE Mgmt For For DONALD R. LUFT Mgmt For For DOUGLAS F. ROBINSON Mgmt For For VICTOR J. STOBBE Mgmt For For 03 THE APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Mgmt For For AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AND THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION AS SUCH. 04 THE SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO SUBDIVIDE THE COMMON Mgmt For For SHARES OF THE COMPANY, ONE ADDITIONAL COMMON SHARE TO BE ISSUED FOR EACH COMMON SHARES CURRENTLY OUTSTANDING. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932447205 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 912909108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-Apr-2006 Ticker: X ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR J. GARY COOPER Mgmt For For FRANK J. LUCCHINO Mgmt For For SETH E. SCHOFIELD Mgmt For For JOHN P. SURMA Mgmt For For 02 ELECTION OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP AS INDEPENDENT Mgmt For For REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALERO ENERGY CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932414244 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 91913Y100 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 01-Dec-2005 Ticker: VLO ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO VALERO S RESTATED Mgmt For For CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION TO INCREASE THE TOTAL NUMBER OF SHARES OF COMMON STOCK, PAR VALUE $0.01 PER SHARE, THAT VALERO HAS THE AUTHORITY TO ISSUE FROM 600,000,000 SHARES TO 1,200,000,000 SHARES. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALERO ENERGY CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932460809 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 91913Y100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 27-Apr-2006 Ticker: VLO ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR JERRY D. CHOATE Mgmt For For WILLIAM R. KLESSE Mgmt For For DONALD L. NICKLES Mgmt For For SUSAN KAUFMAN PURCELL Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF KPMG LLP AS AUDITORS FOR 2006. Mgmt For For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VEDANTA RESOURCES PLC, LONDON Agenda Number: 700768700 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G9328D100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 03-Aug-2005 Ticker: ISIN: GB0033277061 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive the accounts of the Company and the Mgmt For For reports of the Directors and the Auditors thereon for the YE 31 MAR 2005 2. Declare a final dividend of 11.55 US cents per Mgmt For For ordinary share in respect of the YE 31 MAR 2005 3. Re-appoint Mr. Navin Agarwal as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires in accordance with the Article 121 4. Re-appoint Mr. Aman Mehta as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires in accordance with the Article 121 5. Re-appoint Mr. Euan Macdonald as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires in accordance with the Article 121 6. Re-appoint Mr. K.K. Kaura as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires in accordance with the Article 121 7. Re-appoint Mr. Shailendra Kumar Tamotia as a Mgmt For For Director, who retires in accordance with the Article 121 8. Re-appoint Mr. Peter Sydney-Smith as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires in accordance with the Article 115 9. Re-appoint Mr. Naresh Chandra as a Director, Mgmt For For in accordance with the Article 122 10. Re-appoint Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Auditors Mgmt For For until the conclusion of the next general meeting at which the accounts are laid, and authorize the Directors to set the Auditors remuneration 11. Approve the remuneration report for the YE 31 Mgmt For For MAR 2005 S.12 Approve that the powers conferred on the Directors Mgmt For For by Article 59 of the Company s Articles of Association be implemented and authorize the Directors to make market purchases of the Company s ordinary shares in such manner and upon such terms as the Directors may from time to time determine, provided that: (a) the Company does not purchase more than 28,677,600 ordinary shares pursuant to this authority; (b) the minimum price which may be paid for an ordinary share is 10 US cents being the nominal value of an ordinary share exclusive of associated expenses; and (c) the maximum price which may be paid for an ordinary share is an amount equal to 105% of the average middle market quotations for an ordinary share derived from the London Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the five business days immediately preceding the day on which the ordinary share is contracted to be purchases exclusive of the associated expenses ; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or 15 months ; and the Company may make a contract to purchase ordinary shares under this authority before the expiry of this authority which will or may not be completed wholly or partly thereafter and a purchase of the shares may be made in pursuance of any such contract S.13 Amend Article 217 of the Company s Articles Mgmt For For of Association by deleting it and replacing it with the new one - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEATHERFORD INTERNATIONAL LTD. Agenda Number: 932481144 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G95089101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 09-May-2006 Ticker: WFT ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR NICHOLAS F. BRADY Mgmt For For WILLIAM E. MACAULAY Mgmt For For DAVID J. BUTTERS Mgmt For For ROBERT B. MILLARD Mgmt For For BERNARD J. DUROC-DANNER Mgmt For For ROBERT K. MOSES, JR. Mgmt For For SHELDON B. LUBAR Mgmt For For ROBERT A. RAYNE Mgmt For For 02 APPOINTMENT OF ERNST & YOUNG LLP AS INDEPENDENT Mgmt For For REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM (WHICH CONSTITUTES THE AUDITORS FOR PURPOSES OF BERMUDA LAW) FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006, AND AUTHORIZATION OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO SET ERNST & YOUNG LLP S REMUNERATION. 03 APPROVAL OF THE WEATHERFORD INTERNATIONAL LTD. Mgmt Against Against 2006 OMNIBUS INCENTIVE PLAN. 04 APPROVAL OF AN INCREASE IN THE COMPANY S AUTHORIZED Mgmt For For SHARE CAPITAL FROM $510,000,000, CONSISTING OF 500,000,000 COMMON SHARES AND 10,000,000 PREFERENCE SHARES, TO $1,010,000,000, BY THE CREATION OF 500,000,000 ADDITIONAL COMMON SHARES. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY Agenda Number: 932449665 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 962166104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 20-Apr-2006 Ticker: WY ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR RICHARD F. HASKAYNE Mgmt For For DONALD F. MAZANKOWSKI Mgmt For For NICOLE W. PIASECKI Mgmt Withheld Against 02 SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL ON DIRECTOR ELECTION BY Shr Abstain Against MAJORITY 03 SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL ON MAJORITY VOTE Shr Abstain Against 04 SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Shr For Against 05 SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL ON FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL Shr Against For (FSC) CERTIFICATION 06 SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL ON AN INDEPENDENT CHAIRMAN Shr For Against 07 APPROVAL, ON AN ADVISORY BASIS, OF THE APPOINTMENT Mgmt For For OF AUDITORS - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XSTRATA PLC, LONDON Agenda Number: 700910626 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G9826T102 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 20-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: GB0031411001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve the proposed acquisition on the terms Mgmt For For and subject to the conditions of the Acquisition Agreement and authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to take all such steps as it considers necessary, expedient or desirable to effect the Proposed Acquisition or otherwise in connection with the Proposed Acquisition and any matter incidental to the Proposed Acquisition and to waive, amend, vary, revise or extend any of such terms and conditions as it may consider to be appropriate - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XSTRATA PLC, LONDON Agenda Number: 700935743 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G9826T102 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 09-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: GB0031411001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and adopt the annual report and financial Mgmt For For statements of the Company and the reports of the Directors and the Auditors thereon for the YE 31 DEC 2005 2. Declare a final dividend of USD 0.25 cents per Mgmt For For ordinary share in respect of the YE 31 DEC 2005 3. Approve the Directors remuneration report as Mgmt For For specified for the YE 31 DEC 2005 4. Re-elect Mr. Ivan Glasenberg as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director, who retires in accordance with Article 128 of the Company s Articles of Association 5. Re-elect Mr. Robert MacDonnell as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director, who retires in accordance with Article 128 of the Company s Articles of Association 6. Re-elect Dr. Frederik Roux as a Non-Executive Mgmt For For Director, who retires in accordance with Article 128 of the Company s Articles of Association 7. Re-elect Mr. Santiago Zaldumbide as a Executive Mgmt For For Director, who retires in accordance with Article 128 of the Company s Articles of Association 8. Re-appoint Ernst & Young LLP as the Auditors Mgmt For For of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next general meeting at which accounts are laid before the Company and authorize the Directors to determine the remuneration of the Auditors 9. Authorize the Directors, in substitution for Mgmt For For all existing authority, and pursuant to Section 80 and by Article 14 of the Company s Articles of Association, to allot relevant securities Section 80 up to an amount of USD 108,477,815 equivalent to 216,955,630 ordinary shares of USD 0.50 each in the capital of the Company ; Authority expires at the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or after the passing of this resolution S.10 Authorize the Directors, in substitution for Mgmt For For all existing authority, pursuant to Section 89 and by Article 15 of the Company s Articles of Association, to allot equity securities, disapplying the statutory pre-emption rights Section 89(1) , and the amount is USD 16,271,672 equivalent to 32,543,344 ordinary shares of USD 0.50 each in the capital of the Company ; Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or after the passing of this resolution - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XSTRATA PLC, LONDON Agenda Number: 700993961 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G9826T102 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 30-Jun-2006 Ticker: ISIN: GB0031411001 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approve, subject to Resolutions 2 and 3 being Mgmt For For passed, the proposed acquisition by a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of the Company, Xstrata Canada Inc. the Offeror , of any and all of the issued, to be issued and outstanding Falconbridge Shares as specified , other than any Falconbridge Shares owned directly or indirectly by the Offeror or its affiliates, on the terms and subject to the conditions of the offer document as specified , a copy of which is produced to the meeting and for identification purposes, initialed by the Chairman of the meeting, or on the terms and subject to the conditions of any amended, extended, revised, renewed, additional or other offer or offers for shares and/or associated rights in the capital of Falconbridge Limited approved by the Board of Directors of the Company the Board or any duly constituted committee of the Board a Committee the Offer , to make waivers, extensions and amendments or variations to any of the terms and conditions of the Offer and to do all such things that it may consider necessary or desirable to implement and give effect to, or otherwise in connection with, the Offer and any matters incidental to the Offer, including in respect of options granted to employees of Falconbridge or its subsidiaries 2. Approve to increase the share capital of the Mgmt For For Company from USD 437,500,000.50 and GBP 50,000 to USD 7,554,974,199.00 and GBP 50,000 by the creation of an additional 14,234,948,397 ordinary shares of USD 0.50 each in the capital of the Company having the rights and privileges and being subject to the restrictions contained in the Articles of Association of the Company and ranking pari passu in all respects with the existing ordinary shares of USD 0.50 each in the capital of the Company 3. Authorize the Directors of the Company, subject Mgmt For For to Resolution 2 being passed, to renew the authority to allot relevant securities for a period expiring unless previously renewed, varied or revoked on the date which is the 5 anniversary of the date on which this resolution is passed and for that period the Section 80 amount shall be i) USD 7,000,000,000.00 equivalent to 14,000,000,000 ordinary shares of USD 0.50 each in the capital of the Company in connection with 1 or more issues of relevant securities under one or more transactions to refinance in whole or in part any amount outstanding under the Equity Bridge Facility as specified and ii) otherwise than in connection with 1 or more issues of relevant securities under 1 or more transactions to refinance in whole or in part the Equity Bridge Facility as specified , USD 117,474,198.50 equivalent to 234,948,397 ordinary shares of USD 0.50 each in the capital of the Company S.4 Authorize the Directors of the Company, in place Mgmt For For of all existing powers, to allot equity securities as if Section 89(1) of the Companies Act 1985 did not apply, for that period the Section 89 amount is USD 17,621,129.00 equivalent to 35,242,258 ordinary hares of USD 0.50 each in the capital of the Company ; Authority expires at the next AGM of the Company - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XTO ENERGY INC. Agenda Number: 932497717 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 98385X106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 16-May-2006 Ticker: XTO ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR PHILLIP R. KEVIL* Mgmt For For HERBERT D. SIMONS* Mgmt For For VAUGHN O VENNERBERG II* Mgmt For For LANE G. COLLINS** Mgmt For For 02 APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE COMPANY S RESTATED Mgmt For For CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED SHARES OF COMMON STOCK, $0.01 PAR VALUE PER SHARE, TO 1,000,000,000. 03 APPROVAL OF THE XTO ENERGY INC. AMENDED AND Mgmt For For RESTATED 2004 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN. 04 RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP Mgmt For For AS THE COMPANY S INDEPENDENT AUDITOR FOR 2006. VAN EKK INT'L INVESTORS GOLD FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADAMUS RESOURCES LTD Agenda Number: 700817298 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q0102E108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 11-Nov-2005 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000ADU5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management Receive the Directors report, financial statements Non-Voting No vote and independent audit report for the FYE 30 JUN 2005 1. Adopt the remuneration report for the FYE 30 Mgmt For For JUN 2005 2. Re-elect Mr. Gary Brabham as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires in accordance with the Company s Constitution 3. Re-elect Dr. John Daniels as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires in accordance with the Company s Constitution 4. Approve, for the purposes of ASX Listing Rule Mgmt For For 10.17 and Clause 11.15 of the Company s Constitution, the limit on total aggregate Directors fees payable to the Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries, be increased from AUD 100,000 per annum to AUD 200,00 per annum 5. Approve and ratify, for the purposes of ASX Mgmt For For Listing Rule 7.4 and for all other purposes, the prior issue and allotment of 6,700,000 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company at an issue price of AUD 0.45 per share 6. Authorize the Directors, for the purposes of Mgmt For For the ASX Listing Rule 7.1 and for all other purposes, to issue and allot up to 25,000,000 shares at an issue price of not less than 90% of the average closing price of the shares on ASX over the last 5 trading days on which sales were recorded before the date of a future prospectus or placing agreement in relation to the proposed issue and otherwise on the terms and condition as specified S.7 Approve, subject to the Company not being granted Mgmt For For the Tenement Application on or before 30 NOV 2005, for the purposes of Section 256B(1) and Section 256C(2) of the Corporations Act, to reduce its share capital by cancellation of 2,000,000 shares currently on issue to Hightime Investments Pty Ltd - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADAMUS RESOURCES LTD Agenda Number: 700945097 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q0102E108 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 23-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000ADU5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Authorize the Directors, for the purpose of Mgmt For For ASX Listing Rule 7.1 and for all other purposes, to issue and allot up to 20,000,000 shares at an issue price of 65 cents per share and otherwise on the terms and conditions as specified - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGNICO-EAGLE MINES LIMITED Agenda Number: 932473452 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 008474108 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 12-May-2006 Ticker: AEM ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR LEANNE M. BAKER Mgmt For For DOUGLAS R. BEAUMONT Mgmt For For SEAN BOYD Mgmt For For BERNARD KRAFT Mgmt For For MEL LEIDERMAN Mgmt For For JAMES D. NASSO Mgmt For For EBERHARD SCHERKUS Mgmt For For HOWARD R. STOCKFORD Mgmt For For PERTTI VOUTILAINEN Mgmt For For 02 APPOINTMENT OF ERNST & YOUNG LLP AS AUDITORS Mgmt For For OF THE CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION 03 RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENT OF THE CORPORATION Mgmt Against Against S STOCK OPTION PLAN. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANGLO PLATINUM LTD Agenda Number: 700885809 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: S9122P108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Mar-2006 Ticker: ISIN: ZAE000013181 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and adopt the annual financial statements Mgmt For For for the YE 31 DEC 2005, together with the report of the Auditors 2.1 Re-elect Mr. B.E. Davison as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company, who retires by rotation 2.2 Elect Mr. D.A. Hathron as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company 2.3 Re-elect Dr. B.A. Khumalo as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company, who retires by rotation 2.4 Re-elect Mrs. T.H. Nyasulu as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company, who retires by rotation 2.5 Re-elect Mr. A.M. Thebyane as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company, who retires by rotation 2.6 Re-elect Mr. R.H.H. van Kerckhoven as a Director Mgmt For For of the Company, who retires by rotation 2.7 Re-elect Mr. T.A. Wixley as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company, who retires by rotation 3. Appoint Deloitte and Touche as the Auditors Mgmt For For of the Company S.4 Authorize the Company and/or any of its subsidiaries, Mgmt For For in terms of Sections 85 and 89 of the Companies Act 1973 as amended the Companies Act and in terms of the Listing Requirements of the JSE Limited the Listing Requirements , to acquire ordinary shares of 10 cents each issued by the Company, on the open market of JSE, as determined by the Directors, not exceeding in aggregate 20% of the Company s issued ordinary share capital in any 1 FY, at a price of no more than 10% above the weighted average market price of such shares over the previous 5 business days; Authority expires the earlier of the next AGM or 15 months ; any derivative transactions which may result in the repurchase of ordinary shares must be priced as follows: the strike price of any put option written by the Company may not be at a price greater than or may be greater than that stipulated in this resolution at the time of entering into the derivative agreement but the Company may not exercise that call option if it is more than 10% out of the money and the strike price of any forward agreement may be greater than that stipulated in this resolution but limited to the fair value of a forward agreement based on a spot price not greater than that stipulated in this resolution; a paid press announcement will be published as soon as possible and not later than 8.30 on the business day, when the Company and/or any of its subsidiaries has acquired, on a cumulative basis, 3% of the initial number of the relevant class of securities and for each 3% in aggregate of the initial number of that class acquired thereafter 5.O.1 Approve to place all the unissued ordinary shares Mgmt For For of 10 cents each in the share capital of the Company excluding for this purpose those ordinary shares over which the Directors have been given specific authority to meet the requirements of the Anglo Platinum Share Option Scheme under the control of the Directors and authorize the Directors, subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1973, as amended, and the Listing Requirements of the JSE Limited, to allot and issue shares to such persons on such terms and conditions as they determine; Authority expires at the next AGM of the Company 5.O.2 Approve the amendments to the Anglo American Mgmt For For Platinum Deferred Bonus Plan 2003 5.O.3 Approve to increase the non-executive Directors Mgmt For For fees as follows: Audit Committee: member s fee from ZAR 55,000 per annum to ZAR 65,000 per annum and Chairman s fee from ZAR 75,000 per annum to ZAR 1,00,000 per annum; Corporate Governance Committee: member s fee from ZAR 25,000 per annum to ZAR 30,000 per annum and Chairman s fee from ZAR 40,000 per annum to ZAR 50,000 per annum; Nomination Committee: member s fee from ZAR 25,000 per annum to ZAR 30,000 per annum and Chairman s fee from ZAR 40,000 per annum to ZAR 50,000 per annum; Remuneration Committee: member s fee from ZAR 40,000 per annum to ZAR 50,000 per annum and Chairman s fee from ZAR 65,000 per annum to ZAR 90,000 per annum; and Safety and Sustainable Development Committee: member s fee from ZAR 25,000 per annum to ZAR 30,000 per annum and Chairman s fee from ZAR 40,000 per annum to ZAR 50,000 per annum 5.O.4 Authorize any one Director or alternate Director Mgmt For For of the Company to sign all such documents and to do all such things as may be necessary for or incidental to the implementation of the abovementioned resolutions - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI LIMITED Agenda Number: 932470937 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 035128206 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 10-Apr-2006 Ticker: AU ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management O1 RESOLVED AS AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION AND AS A Mgmt For SPECIFIC AUTHORITY TO ISSUE SECURITIES FOR CASH IN TERMS OF THE LISTINGS REQUIREMENTS OF THE JSE LIMITED ( JSE ), ALL AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE PROXY STATEMENT. O2 DIRECTORS AUTHORITY TO ALLOT AND ISSUE SHARES Mgmt For FOR CASH SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC AUTHORITY, ALL AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE PROXY STATEMENT. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AQUILINE RESOURCES INC. Agenda Number: 932395901 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 03839N100 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 30-Sep-2005 Ticker: AQLNF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 ELECTION OF THE DIRECTORS AS NOMINATED BY MANAGEMENT. Mgmt For For 02 APPOINTMENT OF GRANT THORNTON LLP AS AUDITORS Mgmt For For FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. 03 APPROVAL OF THE CORPORATION S STOCK OPTION PLAN Mgmt Against Against FIRST APPROVED BY SHAREHOLDERS ON OCTOBER 16, 2003. 04 APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE CORPORATION Mgmt For For S SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS PLAN. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AQUILINE RESOURCES INC. Agenda Number: 932552361 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 03839N100 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 29-Jun-2006 Ticker: AQLNF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR MARC C. HENDERSON Mgmt For For MARTIN J. WALTER Mgmt For For JOHN J. SUTHERLAND Mgmt For For BLAISE YERLY Mgmt For For DAVID CONSTABLE Mgmt For For 02 THE RE-APPOINTMENT OF GRANT THORNTON LLP AS Mgmt For For AUDITORS OF THE CORPORATION FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. 03 THE RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE Mgmt For For OF THE RIGHTS DISTRIBUTED TO SHAREHOLDERS PURSUANT TO THE CORPORATION S SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS PLAN, INCLUDING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AURIZON MINES LTD. Agenda Number: 932486156 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 05155P106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 16-May-2006 Ticker: AZK ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO FIX THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS AT EIGHT (8). Mgmt For For 02 DIRECTOR SARGENT H. BERNER Mgmt For For DAVID P. HALL Mgmt For For FRANK A. LANG Mgmt For For LOUIS DIONNE Mgmt For For 03 TO APPOINT PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP, CHARTERED Mgmt For For ACCOUNTANTS, AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. 04 TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE REMUNERATION Mgmt For For TO BE PAID TO THE AUDITORS. 05 TO TRANSACT SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY Mgmt For For COME BEFORE THE MEETING. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932479086 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 067901108 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 04-May-2006 Ticker: ABX ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR H. L. BECK Mgmt For For C. W. D. BIRCHALL Mgmt For For D.J. CARTY Mgmt For For G. CISNEROS Mgmt For For M. A. COHEN Mgmt For For P. A. CROSSGROVE Mgmt For For J.W. CROW Mgmt For For R.M. FRANKLIN Mgmt For For P.C. GODSOE Mgmt For For J.B. HARVEY Mgmt For For B. MULRONEY Mgmt For For A. MUNK Mgmt For For P. MUNK Mgmt For For J.L. ROTMAN Mgmt For For S.J. SHAPIRO Mgmt For For G.C. WILKINS Mgmt For For 02 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERSMgmt For For LLP AS THE AUDITORS OF BARRICK AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. 03 SPECIAL RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONTINUANCE Mgmt For For AND ARRANGEMENT OF BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION AS SET OUT IN APPENDIX B TO THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR AND PROXY STATEMENT. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAZAURO RESOURCES CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932376747 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 10575Q106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 28-Jul-2005 Ticker: BZOFF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS AT EIGHT Mgmt For For (8). 02 DIRECTOR MARK E. JONES, III Mgmt For For DR. R. HOWARD MITCHELL Mgmt For For DR. R. DAVID MORTON Mgmt For For PATRICK L. GLAZIER Mgmt For For DANIEL B. LEONARD Mgmt For For BRIAN C. IRWIN Mgmt For For LEENDERT G. KROL Mgmt For For D. HARRY W. DOBSON Mgmt For For 03 TO APPOINT MORGAN & COMPANY AS AUDITORS OF THE Mgmt For For COMPANY. 04 TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE AUDITORS Mgmt For For REMUNERATION. 05 TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE STOCK OPTION Mgmt For For PLAN TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF OPTIONS ISSUABLE THEREUNDER TO 9,000,000 SHARES. 06 TO TRANSACT SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY Mgmt For For COME BEFORE THE MEETING. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLUFF GOLD PLC, LONDON Agenda Number: 700946215 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G2343S103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 18-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: GB00B04M1L91 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and adopt the Directors report and Mgmt For For the accounts for the period ended 31 DEC 2005, together with the Auditors report thereon 2. Re-elect Mr. JG Cluff as a Director, who retires Mgmt For For in accordance with the Company s Articles of Association 3. Re-elect Mr. JAW Alpen as a Director, who retires Mgmt For For in accordance with the Company s Articles of Association 4. Re-elect Mr. GE Haslam as a Director, who retires Mgmt For For in accordance with the Company s Articles of Association 5. Re-appoint PKF UK LLP as the Auditors of the Mgmt For For Company until the conclusion of the next AGM at which accounts are laid before the shareholders in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 1985 and their remuneration be fixed by the Board S.6 Approve that the Special Resolution 2 relating Mgmt For For to the authority of the Directors of the Company to allot relevant securities pursuant to Section 95 of the Companies Act 1985 as passed at the EGM of the Company held on 10 APR 2006 be amended only the extent that the words shall expire on 10 APR 2007 be replaced by the words shall expire on 10 JUL 2007 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPANIA DE MINAS BUENAVENTURA S.A.A Agenda Number: 932450048 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 204448104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 30-Mar-2006 Ticker: BVN ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL REPORT, BALANCE SHEET, Mgmt For PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT AND OTHER FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2005. 02 DELEGATION TO THE AUDIT COMMITTEE OF THE DESIGNATION Mgmt For OF THE EXTERNAL AUDITORS FOR THE YEAR 2006. 03 DISTRIBUTION OF DIVIDENDS. Mgmt For - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRYSTALLEX INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932535137 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 22942F101 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 22-Jun-2006 Ticker: KRY ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO ELECT AS DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION THE Mgmt For For EIGHT INDIVIDUALS IDENTIFIED AS MANAGEMENT S PROPOSED NOMINEES IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR 02 TO APPOINT DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP AS AUDITORS Mgmt For For OF THE CORPORATION FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AND TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION 03 TO CONSIDER AND, IF DEEMED ADVISABLE, TO PASS, Mgmt For For WITH OR WITHOUT VARIATION, A RESOLUTION RECONFIRMING THE SHAREHOLDERS RIGHTS PLAN OF THE CORPORATION, THE FULL TEXT OF WHICH RESOLUTION IS SET OUT IN SCHEDULE C TO THE ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION CIRCULAR. 04 IN THE PROXYHOLDER S DISCRETION IN RESPECT OF Mgmt For For AMENDMENTS TO THE ABOVE MATTERS AND ANY OTHER MATTERS THAT MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE MEETING OR ANY ADJOURNMENT THEREOF. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUMBERLAND RESOURCES LTD. Agenda Number: 932544605 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 23077R100 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 22-Jun-2006 Ticker: CLG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS AT SEVEN Mgmt For For (7). 02 DIRECTOR GLEN D. DICKSON Mgmt For For KERRY M. CURTIS Mgmt For For JONATHAN A. RUBENSTEIN Mgmt For For 03 TO APPOINT ERNST & YOUNG LLP, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Mgmt For For AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY. 4A TO PASS AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION FIXING THE TERMS Mgmt For For OF OFFICE OF THE DIRECTORS ELECTED AS FOLLOWS: GLEN D. DICKSON FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR FROM THE DATE OF THE MEETING. 4B TO PASS AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION FIXING THE TERMS Mgmt Against Against OF OFFICE OF THE DIRECTORS ELECTED AS FOLLOWS: KERRY M. CURTIS FOR A TERM OF THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE MEETING. 4C TO PASS AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION FIXING THE TERMS Mgmt Against Against OF OFFICE OF THE DIRECTORS ELECTED AS FOLLOWS: JONATHAN A. RUBENSTEIN FOR A TERM OF THREE YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE MEETING. 05 TO PASS AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION AMENDING THE Mgmt Against Against COMPANY S EXISTING STOCK OPTION PLAN, AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION CIRCULAR. 06 TO PASS AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE Mgmt For For PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SHARE RIGHTS PLAN, AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION CIRCULAR. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GABRIEL RESOURCES LTD. Agenda Number: 932489758 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 361970106 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 11-May-2006 Ticker: GBRRF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DETERMINING THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION Mgmt For For AT SEVEN (7). 02 DIRECTOR RAPHAEL GIRARD Mgmt For For ALAN R. HILL Mgmt For For KEITH R. HULLEY Mgmt For For JAMES MCCLEMENTS Mgmt For For MICHAEL S. PARRETT Mgmt For For A. MURRAY SINCLAIR Mgmt For For ALAN R. THOMAS Mgmt For For 03 IN THE APPOINTMENT OF GRANT THORNTON LLP, CHARTERED Mgmt For For ACCOUNTANTS, AS AUDITORS OF THE CORPORATION AND TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. 04 RECONFIRMATION OF THE SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS PLAN Mgmt For For AGREEMENT DATED AS OF FEBRUARY 15, 2000, AS DESCRIBED IN THE CORPORATION S MANAGEMENT PROXY CIRCULAR DATED APRIL 10, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLAMIS GOLD LTD. Agenda Number: 932469390 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 376775102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 03-May-2006 Ticker: GLG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS AT SIX Mgmt For For (6). 02 DIRECTOR A. DAN ROVIG Mgmt For For C. KEVIN MCARTHUR Mgmt For For A. IAN S. DAVIDSON Mgmt For For JEAN DEPATIE Mgmt For For KENNETH F. WILLIAMSON Mgmt For For P. RANDY REIFEL Mgmt For For 03 TO APPOINT KPMG LLP AS AUDITOR OF THE COMPANY Mgmt For For AND TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE AUDITOR S REMUNERATION. 04 TO AMEND THE SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS PLAN BY EXTENDING Mgmt For For THE EXPIRATION TIME FOR AN ADDITIONAL THREE YEAR PERIOD. 05 TO TRANSACT SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY Mgmt For For COME BEFORE THE MEETING. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLENCAIRN GOLD CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932493632 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 377903109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 09-May-2006 Ticker: GLE ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management A DIRECTOR DONALD K. CHARTER Mgmt For For RONALD P. GAGEL Mgmt For For J. JOHN KALMET Mgmt For For KERRY J. KNOLL Mgmt For For IAN J. MCDONALD Mgmt For For PATRICK J. MARS Mgmt For For B IN RESPECT OF THE APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS AND Mgmt For For AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD FIELDS LIMITED Agenda Number: 932408621 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 38059T106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 17-Nov-2005 Ticker: GFI ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management O1 ADOPTION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Mgmt For O2 DIRECTOR DR A GRIGORIAN Mgmt For For MR S STEFANOVICH Mgmt For For MR J M MCMAHON Mgmt For For C I VON CHRISTIERSON Mgmt For For MR A J WRIGHT Mgmt For For O7 PLACEMENT OF SHARES UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE Mgmt For DIRECTORS O8 ISSUING SHARES FOR CASH Mgmt For O9 ADOPTION OF THE GOLD FIELDS LIMITED 2005 SHARE Mgmt For PLAN O10 PLACEMENT OF UNISSUED SHARES UNDER THE CONTROL Mgmt For OF DIRECTORS FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE GOLD FIELDS 2005 SHARE PLAN O11 PLACEMENT OF UNISSUED SHARES UNDER THE CONTROL Mgmt For OF DIRECTORS FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE GF MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE SCHEME, APPROVED AT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY ON 10 NOVEMBER 1999 O12 AWARD OF RIGHTS TO NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS UNDER Mgmt For THE GOLD FIELDS 2005 NON-EXECUTIVE SHARE PLAN O13 INCREASE OF DIRECTORS FEES Mgmt For S1 ACQUISITION OF COMPANY S OWN SHARES Mgmt For S2 AWARD OF RIGHTS IN TERMS OF THE GOLD FIELDS Mgmt For LIMITED 2005 NON-EXECUTIVE SHARE PLAN - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLDCORP INC. Agenda Number: 932478022 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 380956409 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 19-Apr-2006 Ticker: GG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management A A SPECIAL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND EMPOWERING Mgmt No vote THE DIRECTORS TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY WITHIN THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM NUMBER SET FORTH IN THE ARTICLES AND THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY TO BE ELECTED AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR; B DIRECTOR DAVID R. BEATTY Mgmt No vote JOHN P. BELL Mgmt No vote LAWRENCE I. BELL Mgmt No vote BEV BRISCOE Mgmt No vote DOUGLAS M. HOLTBY Mgmt No vote ANTONIO MADERO Mgmt No vote DONALD R.M. QUICK Mgmt No vote MICHAEL L. STEIN Mgmt No vote IAN W. TELFER Mgmt No vote C IN RESPECT OF THE APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE & Mgmt No vote TOUCHE LLP, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, AS AUDITORS AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION; D A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING A NEW GENERAL BY-LAW Mgmt No vote NUMBER 2 FOR THE COMPANY, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR; E A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF UP TO Mgmt No vote 8,681,890 ADDITIONAL COMMON SHARE PURCHASE WARRANTS OF THE COMPANY UPON THE EARLY EXERCISE OF FIVE SERIES OF OUTSTANDING LISTED COMMON SHARE PURCHASE WARRANTS OF THE COMPANY, AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREAT BASIN GOLD LTD. Agenda Number: 932371393 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 390124105 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 05-Jul-2005 Ticker: GBN ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO FIX THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS AT ELEVEN (11). Mgmt No vote 02 DIRECTOR DAVID J. COPELAND Mgmt No vote T. BARRY COUGHLAN Mgmt No vote SCOTT D. COUSENS Mgmt No vote ROBERT A. DICKINSON Mgmt No vote DAVID ELLIOTT Mgmt No vote WAYNE KIRK Mgmt No vote JEFFREY R. MASON Mgmt No vote SIPHO A. NKOSI Mgmt No vote WALTER T. SEGSWORTH Mgmt No vote ROBERT STILL Mgmt No vote RONALD W. THIESSEN Mgmt No vote 03 TO APPOINT KPMG LLP, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Mgmt No vote AS AUDITOR OF THE COMPANY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE AUDITORS REMUNERATION. 04 TO APPROVE A SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO REMOVE THE Mgmt No vote PRE-EXISTING COMPANY PROVISIONS. 05 TO APPROVE A SPECIAL RESOLUTION TO ADOPT NEW Mgmt No vote ARTICLES. 06 TO APPROVE AN ORDINARY RESOLUTION TO ADOPT A Mgmt No vote ROLLING SHARE OPTION PLAN. 07 TO TRANSACT SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY Mgmt No vote COME BEFORE THE MEETING. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREAT BASIN GOLD LTD. Agenda Number: 932551232 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 390124105 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 21-Jun-2006 Ticker: GBN ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR DAVID COPELAND Mgmt No vote BARRY COUGHLAN Mgmt No vote SCOTT COUSENS Mgmt No vote ROBERT DICKINSON Mgmt No vote DAVID ELLIOTT Mgmt No vote WAYNE KIRK Mgmt No vote JEFFREY MASON Mgmt No vote SIPHO NKOSI Mgmt No vote WALTER SEGSWORTH Mgmt No vote ROBERT STILL Mgmt No vote RONALD THIESSEN Mgmt No vote PATRICK COOKE Mgmt No vote FERDINAND DIPPENAAR Mgmt No vote 02 TO APPOINT KPMG LLP, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Mgmt No vote AS AUDITOR OF THE COMPANY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE AUDITORS REMUNERATION. 03 TO APPROVE THE CREATION OF A CLASS OF PREFERRED Mgmt No vote SHARES. 04 TO APPROVE THE ADOPTION OF NEW CORPORATE ARTICLES. Mgmt No vote - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARMONY GOLD MINING COMPANY LIMITED Agenda Number: 932404421 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 413216300 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 04-Nov-2005 Ticker: HMY ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 ADOPTION OF 2004/2005 AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Mgmt For 02 TO FIX THE REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS Mgmt For 03 TO ELECT DIRECTOR IN TERMS OF THE COMPANY S Mgmt For ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION: MR JA CHISSANO 4A TO RE-ELECT DIRECTOR IN TERMS OF HARMONY S ARTICLES Mgmt For OF ASSOCIATION: MR F ABBOTT 4B TO RE-ELECT DIRECTOR IN TERMS OF HARMONY S ARTICLES Mgmt For OF ASSOCIATION: MR PT MOTSEPE 4C TO RE-ELECT DIRECTOR IN TERMS OF HARMONY S ARTICLES Mgmt For OF ASSOCIATION: MR CMA SAVAGE S1 GRANTING AUTHORITY FOR SHARE REPURCHASES Mgmt For O1 AMENDING CLAUSE 3.2 OF THE HARMONY (2003) SHARE Mgmt For OPTION SCHEME O2 PLACING 10% OF THE UNISSUED ORDINARY SHARES Mgmt For OF THE COMPANY UNDER DIRECTORS CONTROL O3 AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTORS TO ISSUE SHARES FOR Mgmt For CASH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HECLA MINING COMPANY Agenda Number: 932463514 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 422704106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-May-2006 Ticker: HL ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR G.R. NETHERCUTT, JR. Mgmt For For JOHN H. BOWLES Mgmt For For 02 PROPOSAL TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE CERTIFICATE Mgmt For For OF INCORPORATION OF THE CORPORATION INCREASING THE NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED SHARES OF COMMON STOCK OF THE CORPORATION FROM 200,000,000 TO 400,000,000. 03 PROPOSAL TO APPROVE THE ADOPTION OF AN EMPLOYEE Mgmt For For STOCK PURCHASE PLAN. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIGH RIVER GOLD MINES LTD. Agenda Number: 932515185 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 42979J107 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 23-May-2006 Ticker: HRIVF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 THE ELECTION OF THE DIRECTORS AS NOMINATED BY Mgmt For For MANAGEMENT; 02 WITH OR WITHOUT VARIATION, THE ORDINARY RESOLUTION Mgmt For For AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE OF 4,500,000 OPTIONS FOR A MAXIMUM OF 17,074,000 OPTIONS TO PURCHASE COMMON SHARES THAT MAY BE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE COMPANY S STOCK OPTION PLAN, THE FULL TEXT OF WHICH RESOLUTION IS SET OUT IN SCHEDULE A TO THE CIRCULAR; 03 THE APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP, Mgmt For For CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IAMGOLD CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932514498 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 450913108 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 23-May-2006 Ticker: IAG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 SPECIAL RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CORPORATION Mgmt For For TO AMEND ITS ARTICLES TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION FROM 10 TO 12 02 ELECTION OF DIRECTORS FOR ALL THE NOMINEES LISTED Mgmt For For IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR. 03 APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Mgmt For For AS AUDITORS OF THE CORPORATION FOR THE ENSUING YEAR AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPALA PLATINUM HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 932399947 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 452553308 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 19-Oct-2005 Ticker: IMPUY ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO RE-ELECT THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORS: DH BROWN, Mgmt For For MV MENNELL, TV MOKGATLHA, LJ PATON. 02 TO DETERMINE THE REMUNERATION OF THE DIRECTORS. Mgmt For For 03 AUTHORITY TO PLACE UNISSUED SHARES UNDER THE Mgmt For For CONTROL OF THE DIRECTORS. 04 SPECIAL RESOLUTION: TO AUTHORIZE THE RE-PURCHASE Mgmt For For OF SHARES. 05 SPECIAL RESOLUTION: AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF Mgmt For For ASSOCIATION. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IVANHOE MINES LTD. Agenda Number: 932483629 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 46579N103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-May-2006 Ticker: IVN ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR ROBERT M. FRIEDLAND Mgmt For For R. EDWARD FLOOD Mgmt For For KJELD THYGESEN Mgmt For For ROBERT HANSON Mgmt For For JOHN WEATHERALL Mgmt For For MARKUS FABER Mgmt For For JOHN MACKEN Mgmt For For DAVID HUBERMAN Mgmt For For HOWARD BALLOCH Mgmt For For PETER MEREDITH Mgmt For For 02 TO APPOINT DELOITTE & TOUCHE, LLP, CHARTERED Mgmt For For ACCOUNTANTS, AS AUDITORS OF THE CORPORATION AT A REMUNERATION TO BE FIXED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 03 AN AMENDMENT TO THE CORPORATION S EMPLOYEES Mgmt Against Against AND DIRECTORS EQUITY INCENTIVE PLAN (THE PLAN ) TO INCREASE, BY 3,000,000 COMMON SHARES, THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES OF THE CORPORATION ISSUABLE UNDER THE PLAN FROM 29,000,000 COMMON SHARES TO 32,000,000 COMMON SHARES IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KINROSS GOLD CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932489683 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 496902404 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 04-May-2006 Ticker: KGC ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 ELECTION OF DIRECTORS FOR ALL OF THE NOMINEES Mgmt For For LISTED IN THE INFORMATION CIRCULAR. 02 TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP, CHARTERED Mgmt For For ACCOUNTANTS, FOR THE 2005 FINANCIAL YEAR AND REAPPOINT THEM FOR THE ENSUING YEAR, AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY AND TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. 03 TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE SHARE INCENTIVE Mgmt For For PLAN OF THE CORPORATION TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES OF THE CORPORATION ISSUABLE THEREUNDER FROM 9,833,333 TO 12,833,333. 04 TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE SHARE INCENTIVE Mgmt For For PLAN OF THE COMPANY TO EXTEND THE EXPIRY TERM OF OPTIONS ISSUED AFTER DECEMBER 21, 2005 WHEN SUCH OPTIONS EXPIRE DURING A CORPORATE TRADING BLACKOUT PERIOD. 05 TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE RESTRICTED SHARE Mgmt For For PLAN OF THE CORPORATION TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES OF THE CORPORATION ISSUABLE THEREUNDER FROM 1,333,333 TO 4,000,000. 06 TO APPROVE THE ADOPTION OF A SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS Mgmt For For PLAN AS FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIHIR GOLD LTD Agenda Number: 700902213 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y5285N149 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: PG0008974597 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive the financial statements of the Company Mgmt For For and the reports of the Directors and the Auditor for the YE 31 DEC 2005 2. Elect Mr. Bruce Brook as a Director Mgmt For For 3. Elect Mr. Ross Garnaut as a Director Mgmt For For 4. Elect Mr. John O Reilly as a Director Mgmt For For 5. Appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as the Auditor Mgmt For For 6. Approve the Lihir Senior Executive Share Plan, Mgmt Against Against including the issue of securities under the Plan 7. Approve to grant 225,733 share rights under Mgmt Against Against the Lihir Senior Executive Share Plan to, and the acquisition of any shares pursuant to such rights by, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Arthur Hood 8. Authorize the Board to increase the maximum Mgmt For For aggregate remuneration of Non-Executive Directors from GBP 3000,000 to GBP 750,000 with effect from 01 JAN 2006 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONMIN PUB LTD CO Agenda Number: 700850680 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G56350112 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 26-Jan-2006 Ticker: ISIN: GB0031192486 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive the audited accounts and the reports Mgmt For For of the Directors and Auditors for the YE 30 SEP 2005 2. Receive and approve the Directors remuneration Mgmt For For report for the YE 30 SEP 2005 3. Declare a final divided 42 US cents per share Mgmt For For in respect of the YE 30 SEP 2005, payable on 08 FEB 2006 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 13 JAN 2006 4. Re-appoint KPMG Audit Plc as the Company s Auditors Mgmt For For and authorize the Directors to agree the Auditors remuneration 5. Re-elect Sir John Craven as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company 6. Re-elect Mr. Michael Hartnell as a Director Mgmt For For of the Company 7. Re-elect Mr. Sivi Gounden as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company 8. Re-elect Mr. Karen de Segundo as a Director Mgmt For For of the Company 9. Authorize the Directors, for the purpose of Mgmt For For Section 80 of the Companies Act 1985 the Act , to allot relevant securities Section 80(2) of the Act up to an aggregate nominal amount of USD 47,350,000; Authority expires on the date of the next AGM of the Company ; and the Directors may allot relevant securities after the expiry of this authority in pursuance of such an offer or agreement made prior to such expiry S.10. Authorize the Directors, pursuant to Section Mgmt For For 95 of the Companies Act 1985 the Act , to allot equity securities Section 94 of the Act for cash pursuant to the authority conferred by Resolution 9, disapplying the statutory pre-emption rights Section 89(1) , provided that this power is limited to the allotment of equity securities a) in connection with a rights issue, open offer or other offers in favor of ordinary shareholders; and b) up to an aggregate nominal amount of USD 7,100,000; Authority expires on the date of the next AGM of the Company ; and, authorize the Directors to allot equity securities after the expiry of this authority in pursuance of such an offer or agreement made prior to such expiry S.11 Authorize the Company, pursuant to Article 9 Mgmt For For of the Articles of Association of the Company, to make market purchases Section 163(3) of the Companies Act 1985 of up to 14,200,000 ordinary shares of 1 USD in the capital of the Company, at a minimum price of USD 1 and the maximum price that may be paid is equal to 105% above the average market value for such shares derived from the London Stock Exchange Daily Official List, over the previous 5 business days; Authority expires at the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company ; the Company, before the expiry, may make a contract to purchase ordinary shares which will or may be executed wholly or partly after such expiry - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MERIDIAN GOLD INC. Agenda Number: 932491688 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 589975101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 16-May-2006 Ticker: MDG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 THE ELECTION OF THE NOMINEES PROPOSED BY MANAGEMENT Mgmt For For AS DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION 02 THE APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP AS AUDITORS OF THE Mgmt For For CORPORATION AND TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METALLICA RESOURCES INC. Agenda Number: 932511620 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 59125J104 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 23-May-2006 Ticker: MRB ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 IN RESPECT OF THE ELECTION OF DIRECTORS PROPOSED Mgmt For For BY MANAGEMENT; 02 IN RESPECT OF THE RE-APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERSMgmt For For LLP, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, AS AUDITORS OF THE CORPORATION, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION; 03 IN RESPECT OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO ADOPT Mgmt For For THE SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS PLAN; 04 IN RESPECT OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO APPROVE Mgmt For For AN INCREASE IN THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES ISSUABLE PURSUANT TO THE CORPORATION S STOCK OPTION PLAN. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINEFINDERS CORPORATION LTD. Agenda Number: 932497957 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 602900102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 10-May-2006 Ticker: MFN ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 TO SET THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS AT SIX. Mgmt For For 02 DIRECTOR MARK H. BAILEY Mgmt For For JAMES MARTIN DAWSON Mgmt For For H. LEO KING Mgmt For For ROBERT L. LECLERC Mgmt For For ANTHONIE LUTEIJN Mgmt For For PAUL C. MACNEILL Mgmt For For 03 TO APPOINT BDO DUNWOODY LLP, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Mgmt For For AS THE AUDITOR. 04 TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTORS TO SET THE AUDITOR Mgmt For For S REMUNERATION. 05 TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPANY S STOCK Mgmt Against Against OPTION PLAN DATED APRIL 16, 2003. 06 TO TRANSACT SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY Mgmt For For COME BEFORE THE MEETING AND ANY ADJOURNMENT THEREOF. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIRAMAR MINING CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932494191 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 60466E100 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 03-May-2006 Ticker: MNG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Mgmt For For AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY AND AUTHORIZATION OF THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE AUDITOR S REMUNERATION. 02 TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS AT EIGHT Mgmt For For (8). 03 DIRECTOR LAWRENCE BELL Mgmt For For DAVID FENNELL Mgmt For For C. MCLEOD-SELTZER Mgmt For For PETER NIXON Mgmt For For ANTHONY J. PETRINA Mgmt For For CHRISTOPHER J. POLLARD Mgmt For For WILLIAM STANLEY Mgmt For For ANTHONY WALSH Mgmt For For 04 PURSUANT TO THE ENACTMENT OF THE BUSINESS CORPORATIONS Mgmt For For ACT AND THE REPEAL OF THE COMPANY ACT, TO APPROVE, BY SPECIAL RESOLUTION, THE REMOVAL OF THE PRE-EXISTING COMPANY PROVISIONS, AS MORE PARTICULARLY SET OUT IN THE COMPANY S INFORMATION CIRCULAR DATED APRIL 7, 2006. 05 PURSUANT TO THE ENACTMENT OF THE BUSINESS CORPORATIONS Mgmt For For ACT AND THE REPEAL OF THE COMPANY ACT, TO APPROVE, BY SPECIAL RESOLUTION, THE REPLACEMENT OF THE COMPANY S EXISTING ARTICLES WITH THE NEW ARTICLES, AS MORE PARTICULARLY SET OUT IN THE COMPANY S INFORMATION CIRCULAR DATED APRIL 7, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWCREST MNG LTD Agenda Number: 700817084 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q6651B114 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 27-Oct-2005 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000NCM7 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote 263844 DUE TO CHANGE IN VOTING STATUS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU Receive and approve the financial reports of Non-Voting No vote the Company and its controlled entities for the YE 30 JUN 2005 and the reports of the Directors and the Auditors thereon 1. Re-elect Dr. Nora Scheinkestel as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires by rotation in accordance with Rule 69 of the Company s Constitution 2. Re-elect Mr. Michael Mike O Leary as a Director, Mgmt For For who retires by rotation in accordance with Rule 69 of the Company s Constitution S.3 Amend the Company s Constitution, pursuant to Mgmt For For Section 136(2) and 648G of the Corporations Act 2001 Cth as specified 4. Adopt the remuneration report for the Company Mgmt For For included in the report of the Directors for the YE 30 JUN 2005 5. Approve that the aggregate sum per annum available Mgmt Against Against for payment to the Non-Executive Directors of the Company in accordance with Rule 58 of the Company s Constitution and Australian Stock Exchange Listing Rule 10.17, as remuneration for their services, be increased by AUD 300,000 from AUD 1,000,000 up to a maximum sum of AUD 1,300,000 per annum 6. Approve, for all purposes under the Corporation Mgmt For For Act 2001 Cth and the Australian Stock Exchange Listing Rule including for the purposes of Exception 9 to Listing Rule 7.1 for: a) the establishment of a plan, to be called the Restricted share Plan Plan , for the provision of retention benefit and medium term incentive to employees including Executive Directors of the Company and its subsidiaries employees ; b) the issue of rights over, or interest in, fully paid ordinary shares in the Company to employees under the Plan; and c) the issue and transfer of fully paid ordinary shares in the Company and the provision of benefits, to employees under the Plan, in accordance with the Plan rules submitted to the meeting and signed by the Chairman of this meeting for identification, as specified 7. Approve, subject to the passing of Resolution Mgmt For For 6 and for all purposes under the Corporation Act 2001 Cth and the Australian Stock Exchange Listing Rule including Listing Rule 10.14 , for the issue up to 35,000 Rights to the Managing Director of the Company, Mr. Anthony Palmer, under the terms contained in the Company s Restricted Share Plan submitted to this meeting for the purposes of Resolution 6, as specified - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORTHGATE MINERALS CORPORATION Agenda Number: 932458830 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 666416102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 03-May-2006 Ticker: NXG ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR C. WILLIAM DANIEL Mgmt For For PATRICK D. DOWNEY Mgmt For For DOUGLAS P. HAYHURST Mgmt For For KLAUS V. KONIGSMANN Mgmt For For KEITH C. HENDRICK Mgmt For For TERRENCE A. LYONS Mgmt For For CONRAD A. PINETTE Mgmt For For KENNETH G. STOWE Mgmt For For 02 THE RESOLUTION TO APPOINT KPMG LLP, CHARTERED Mgmt For For ACCOUNTANTS, AS AUDITORS OF THE CORPORATION. 03 THE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mgmt For For OF THE CORPORATION TO FIX THE AUDITOR S REMUNERATION FOR THE ENSUING YEAR. 04 THIS VOTING INSTRUCTION FORM ALSO CONFERS DISCRETIONARY Mgmt For For AUTHORITY UPON ANY OTHER MATTER, INCLUDING AMENDMENTS TO ANY OF THE FOREGOING, AS MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE MEETING OR ANY ADJOURNMENT THEREOF. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSISKO EXPLORATION LTD. Agenda Number: 932554694 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 68827N107 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 26-Jun-2006 Ticker: OSXLF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 ON THE ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. Mgmt For For 02 ON THE APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS. Mgmt For For 03 THE APPROVAL, RATIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION Mgmt For For OF BY-LAW 2005-1. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED Agenda Number: 932489405 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 752344309 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 02-May-2006 Ticker: GOLD ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 ORDINARY RESOLUTION - ADOPTION OF THE DIRECTORS Mgmt For For REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 02 ORDINARY RESOLUTION - RE-ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Mgmt For For AL PAVERD 03 ORDINARY RESOLUTION - RE-ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Mgmt For For BH ASHER 04 ORDINARY RESOLUTION - ADOPTION OF THE REPORT Mgmt For For OF THE REMUNERATION COMMITTEE 05 ORDINARY RESOLUTION - APPROVE THE FEES PAYABLE Mgmt For For TO THE DIRECTORS 06 ORDINARY RESOLUTION - APPOINT PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS Mgmt For For LLP AS AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY 07 SPECIAL RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE Mgmt For For OF SHARES FOR CASH - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RIVER GOLD MINES LTD. Agenda Number: 932429788 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 76822W105 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 27-Jan-2006 Ticker: RVGDF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 APPROVAL OF A SPECIAL RESOLUTION CONFIRMING, Mgmt For For RATIFYING AND APPROVING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY BY THE CORPORATION OF THE MERGER AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER 13, 2005 (THE MERGER AGREEMENT ) BETWEEN THE CORPORATION AND WESDOME AND AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING ALL TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED BY THE MERGER AGREEMENT, ALL AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE CIRCULAR. 02 ADOPTION OF NEW BY-LAW NO. 1 OF THE CORPORATION Mgmt For For AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE CIRCULAR. 03 APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE CORPORATION Mgmt For For S STOCK OPTION PLAN TO, AMONG OTHER THINGS, INCREASE THE NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES WHICH MAY BE ISSUED THEREUNDER FROM 2,000,000 TO 5,000,000 AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE CIRCULAR. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROYAL GOLD, INC. Agenda Number: 932405637 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 780287108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 09-Nov-2005 Ticker: RGLD ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR S. ODEN HOWELL, JR. Mgmt For For EDWIN W. PEIKER, JR. Mgmt For For DONALD WORTH Mgmt For For 02 PROPOSAL TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERSMgmt For For LLP AS REGISTERED INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS OF THE COMPANY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SINO GOLD LTD Agenda Number: 700958210 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q8505T101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 30-May-2006 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000SGX4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management Receive the financial statements of the Company Non-Voting No vote for the YE 31 DEC 2005, consisting of the annual financial report, the Directors report and the Auditors report 1. Adopt the remuneration report of the Company Mgmt For For for the YE 31 DEC 2005 2. Re-elect Mr. Peter Cassidy as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company, who retires pursuant to Article 5.1 of the Company s Constitution 3. Re-elect Mr. Xu Hanjing as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company, who retires pursuant to Article 5.1 of the Company s Constitution 4. Approve for the purpose of Listing Rule 7.4 Mgmt For For of Australian Stock Exchange Limited and for all other purposes, the issue and allotment of 18,500,000 fully paid ordinary shares in the Company at a price of AUD 3.30 per share to clients of Austock Securities Limited and BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. 5. Authorize the Directors of the Company, pursuant Mgmt For For to and in accordance with Section 208 of the Corporations Act 2001 Cth and Listing Rule 10.14 of Australian Stock Exchange Limited and for all other purposes, to grant to Mr. Jake Klein options to subscribe for 500,000 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company at an exercise price AUD 3.29 per share exercisable on or before 31 DEC 2010 on terms as specified and in accordance with the Sino Gold Limited ACN 093 518 579 Executive and Employee Option Plan 6. Authorize the Directors of the Company, pursuant Mgmt For For to and in accordance with Section 208 of the Corporations Act 2001 Cth and Listing Rule 10.14 of Australian Stock Exchange Limited and for all other purposes, to grant to Mr. Xu Hanjing options to subscribe for 300,000 fully paid ordinary shares in the capital of the Company at an exercise price AUD 3.29 per share exercisable on or before 31 DEC 2010 on terms as specified and in accordance with the Sino Gold Limited ACN 093 518 579 Executive and Employee Option Plan 7. Approve, for the purposes of Listing Rule 10.17 Mgmt For For of Australian Stock Exchange Limited and in accordance with Article 42.1 of the Company s Constitution, the maximum aggregate amount to be paid to the Directors of the Company by way of remuneration for their services, be increased from AUD 475,000 to AUD 650,000 per annum 8. Approve, for the purpose of Rule 7.2 Exception Mgmt For For 9 of the Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange Limited and all other purposes, the grant of options under the Company s Executive and Employee Plan to persons eligible to participate in the plan as an exception to Rule 7.1 of the Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange Limited, on the terms as specified - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TANAMI GOLD NL Agenda Number: 700826552 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q8842Y102 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 24-Nov-2005 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000TAM8 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and approve the financial statements Non-Voting No vote for the Company and its controlled entity for the YE 30 JUN 2005 and the reports of the Directors and the Auditors thereon 2. Adopt the remuneration report for the YE 30 Mgmt For For JUN 2005 3. Re-elect Mr. Denis Waddell as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company, who retires by rotation in accordance with the Company s Constitution - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TANAMI GOLD NL Agenda Number: 700888552 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q8842Y102 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 07-Apr-2006 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000TAM8 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN OGM. THANK YOU. Non-Voting No vote 1. Ratify, for the purposes of Listing Rule 7.4 Mgmt For For of the Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange Limited and for all other purposes, the issue of up to 54,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares on the terms and conditions as specified 2. Approve, for the purposes of Listing Rule 7.1 Mgmt For For of the Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange Limited and for all other purposes, the issue of up to 54,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares on the terms and conditions as specified - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENKE MINING CORP. Agenda Number: 932479935 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 879944205 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 12-May-2006 Ticker: TNKDF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR ADOLF H. LUNDIN Mgmt For For PAUL K. CONIBEAR Mgmt For For LUKAS H. LUNDIN Mgmt For For WILLIAM A. RAND Mgmt For For JOHN H. CRAIG Mgmt For For LEE A. GRABER Mgmt For For MATS H. CARLSSON Mgmt For For 02 TO REAPPOINT PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP, CHARTERED Mgmt For For ACCOUNTANTS, AS THE AUDITORS OF THE CORPORATION FOR THE ENSUING YEAR, AT A REMUNERATION TO BE FIXED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION. 03 TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO THE CORPORATION Mgmt Against Against S STOCK OPTION PLAN AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR. 04 TO GRANT THE PROXYHOLDER AUTHORITY TO VOTE AT Mgmt For For HIS/HER DISCRETION ON ANY OTHER BUSINESS OR AMENDMENT OR VARIATION TO THE PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WESDOME GOLD MINES LTD. Agenda Number: 932543552 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 95083R100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 16-Jun-2006 Ticker: WDOFF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 ELECTION OF DIRECTORS FOR ALL OF THE NOMINEES Mgmt For For LISTED IN THE INFORMATION CIRCULAR. 02 APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS AND AUTHORIZING THE Mgmt For For DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WESTERN GOLDFIELDS, INC. Agenda Number: 932546077 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 95828P104 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 14-Jun-2006 Ticker: WGDF ISIN: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR RANDALL OLIPHANT Mgmt For For RAYMOND THRELKELD Mgmt For For VAHAN KOLOLIAN Mgmt For For MARTYN KONIG Mgmt For For GERALD RUTH Mgmt For For 02 AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION TO Mgmt For For INCREASE NUMBER OF SHARES OF COMMON STOCK AUTHORIZED FROM 100,000,000 TO 500,000,000. 03 AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION TO Mgmt For For CHANGE THE NUMBER OF DIRECTORS TO NOT LESS THAN THREE AND NOT MORE THAN NINE. 04 APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY S 2006 STOCK INCENTIVE Mgmt For For PLAN, WHICH PROVIDES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF UP TO 5,000,000 SHARES OF THE COMPANY S COMMON STOCK AS STOCK AWARDS OR PURSUANT TO OPTIONS TO EMPLOYEES (INCLUDING EXECUTIVE OFFICERS), DIRECTORS AND CONSULTANTS OF THE COMPANY AND ITS AFFILIATES. 05 RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF HJ & ASSOCIATES, LLC Mgmt For For AS THE COMPANY S INDEPENDENT PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2006. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YILGARN MINING LIMITED Agenda Number: 700822732 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q9877C106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 30-Nov-2005 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000YML5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive and approve the annual report of the Non-Voting No vote Directors, financial statements and the Auditors report thereon for the YE 30 JUN 2005 2. Adopt the remuneration report for the YE 30 Mgmt No vote JUN 2005 3. Re-elect Mr. Ross Norgard as a Director of the Mgmt No vote Company, who retires in accordance with Article 7.1(D) of the Company s Constitution 4. Re-elect Mr. Ross Ashton as a Director of the Mgmt No vote Company, who retires in accordance with Article 7.1(D) of the Company s Constitution 5. Approve, for the purposes of Listing Rule 10.11 Mgmt No vote of the Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange Limited, to issue by the Company to Mr. David Burt, Managing Director of the Company of 200,000 free options each expiring 4 years from the date of issue; the exercise price of such options is to be the greater of 110% of the closing market price of the underlying share on the day prior to the approval by shareholders or 30 cents 6. Approve, for the purposes of Listing Rule 10.11 Mgmt No vote of the Listing Rules of the Australian Stock Exchange Limited, to issue by the Company to Mr. Colin Paterson, Executive Director of the Company of 200,000 free options each expiring 4 years from the date of issue; the exercise price of such options is to be the greater of 110% of the closing market price of the underlying share on the day prior to the approval by shareholders or 30 cents PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU * Management position unknown SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. (Registrant) Van Eck Funds By (Signature) /s/ Keith J. Carlson Name Keith J. Carlson Title President Date 08/29/2006