                                        9th Floor, University Avenue
	      	                            Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1

                                        Security Class

                                        Holder Account Number

Form of Proxy - Special Meeting to be held on February 6, 2006

This Form of Proxy is solicited by and on behalf of Management.
Notes to proxy

1.   Every  holder has the right to appoint some other person  of
their  choice,  who need not be a holder, to attend  and  act  on
their  behalf  at  the meeting. If you wish to appoint  a  person
other  than  the  persons whose names are printed herein,  please
insert  the name of your chosen proxyholder in the space provided
(see reverse).

2.  If the securities are registered in the name of more than one
owner  (for example, joint ownership, trustees, executors, etc.),
then  all  those registered should sign this proxy.  If  you  are
voting  on behalf of a corporation or another individual you  may
be  required  to provide documentation evidencing your  power  to
sign this proxy with signing capacity stated.

3.   This proxy should be signed in the exact manner as the  name
appears on the proxy.

4.   If  this proxy is not dated, it will be deemed to  bear  the
date on which it is mailed by Management to the holder.

5.   The  securities represented by this proxy will be  voted  as
directed by the holder, however, if such a direction is not  made
in respect of any matter, this proxy will be voted as recommended
by Management.

6.   The  securities represented by this proxy will be  voted  or
withheld from voting, in accordance with the instructions of  the
holder,  on any ballot that may be called for and, if the  holder
has specified a choice with respect to any matter to be acted on,
the securities will be voted accordingly.

7.   This  proxy  confers discretionary authority in  respect  of
amendments  to  matters identified in the notice  of  meeting  or
other matters that may properly come before the meeting.

Proxies submitted must be received by 2:00 pm, Mountain Time,  on
February 2, 2006

Appointment of Proxyholder

The undersigned             Enter the name of
Shareholder of ViRexx       the person you
Medical Corp. ("the     OR  are appointing if
Corporation") hereby        this person is
appoints Lorne Tyrell,      someone other
Director and CEO of         than the
the Corporation, of         foregoing.
Edmonton, Alberta, or
failing him, Marc
Canton, President of
the Corporation, of
Edmonton, Alberta

as my/our proxyholder with full power of substitution and to vote
in  accordance with the following direction (or if no  directions
have  been  given,  as the proxyholder sees fit)  and  all  other
matters  that  may  properly come before the Special  Meeting  of
ViRexx  Medical  Corp.  to be held at the  Delta  Edmonton  South
Hotel,  4404 Gateway Boulevard, Edmonton, Alberta on February  6,
2006 at 2:00 PM and at any adjournment thereof.
Resolution   Management  recommends  a  vote  FOR  the  following
resolution.   Please  read  the  resolution  in   full   in   the
accompanying Information Circular.

01 - Private Placement: the        For      Against
issuance of 8,285,453              [  ]       [  ]
securities of the
Corporation, inclusive of
the underlying Shares
issuable upon exercise of
the Warrants and Broker's
Warrants, as part of the
completion of the Private

Authorized  Signature(s)  - Sign Here  -  This  section  must  be
completed for your instructions to be executed.

I/We  authorize you to act in accordance with my/our instructions
set out above. I/We hereby revoke any proxy previously given with
respect  to the Meeting. If no voting instructions are  indicated
above, this Proxy will be voted as recommended by management.

___________________________          ____________________________

Financial Statements       Interim  Financial     Annual Reports
Request                    Reports

In accordance with         Mark this box if      Mark this box
securities regulations,    you would like to     if you DO NOT
shareholders may elect     receive interim       want to receive
annually to receive        financial reports     the Annual
financial statements,      by mail. You may      Report by mail.
if they so request. If     also register
you wish to receive        online to receive
such mailings, please      financial
mark your selection.       statements at

If  you  do  not  mark the box, or do not return  this  PROXY  or
register  online,  then it will be assumed you  do  NOT  want  to
receive interim financial statements.