MONARCH FUNDS

                                 CODE OF ETHICS

                                  MAY 15, 2000
                             AS AMENDED JUNE 8, 2004


         This  Code of  Ethics  ("Code")  has been  adopted  by Forum  Funds and
Monarch  Funds  (collectively,  the  "Trust")  with  respect  to each  of  their
investment  portfolios (each a "Fund") to establish standards and procedures for
the detection and prevention of activities by which persons having  knowledge of
the  investments  and investment  intentions of a Fund may abuse their fiduciary
duties to the  Trust  and to deal  with  other  types of  conflict  of  interest

         Upon  discovering  a violation of the Code,  the Board of Trustees (the
"Board") may impose such  sanctions as it deems  appropriate,  including,  among
other things, a letter of censure or suspension or termination of the employment
or other position of the violator.


         (A) ACCESS PERSON means:

                    (1) any Trust officer;
                    (2) any trustees, including any independent trustee; and
                    (3) any individual in a control relationship with a Fund who
                    obtains  information  concerning  recommendations  made to a
                    Fund about the purchase or sale of a security.

         (B)  BENEFICIAL  OWNER  means  "beneficial  owner" as  defined  in Rule
16a-1(a)(2)  under the  securities  and Exchange Act of 1934 Act except that the
determination  of direct or  indirect  beneficial  ownership  shall apply to all
Covered  Securities which an Access Person owns or acquires.  A beneficial owner
of a security is any person who,  directly or indirectly,  through any contract,
arrangement, understanding, relationship or otherwise, has or shares a DIRECT OR
INDIRECT PECUNIARY INTEREST (the opportunity,  directly or indirectly, to profit
or share in any profit derived from a transaction in the subject  securities) in
a security.

         INDIRECT PECUNIARY INTEREST in a security includes securities held by a
person's immediate family sharing the same household. IMMEDIATE FAMILY means any
child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent,  grandparent, spouse, sibling,
mother-in-law,  father-in-law,  son-in-law, daughter-in-law,  brother-in-law, or
sister-in-law (including adoptive relationships).

         (C) CONTROL  means the power to exercise a controlling  influence  over
the management or policies of a company,  unless such power is solely the result
of an official position with such company.

         (D) COVERED  OFFICER  means the  principal  executive,  financial,  and
accounting officers of the Trust.

         (E) COVERED SECURITY means any security except:

                    (1)  direct  obligations  of the  Government  of the  United
                    (2) bankers' acceptances and bank certificates of deposit;
                    (3) commercial paper and debt instruments with a maturity at
                    issuance  of less than 366 days and that are rated in one of
                    the two highest rating categories by a nationally recognized
                    statistical rating organization;
                    (4) repurchase agreements covering any of the foregoing; and
                    (5) shares of registered open-end investment companies.

         (F)  INVESTMENT  PERSONNEL  means any individual who controls the Trust
and  who  obtains  information  concerning  recommendations  made  to the  Trust
regarding the purchase or sale of securities by the Trust.

         (G) SECURITY HELD OR TO BE ACQUIRED by the Trust means

                    (1) any Covered  Security  which,  within the most recent 15
                    days (x) is or has been held by the Trust or (y) is being or
                    has been considered by the Trust or an investment adviser to
                    the Trust for purchase by the applicable Trust; and
                    (2) any  option  to  purchase  or  sell,  and  any  security
                    convertible into or exchangeable for, a Covered Security.

         (H) PURCHASE OR SALE  includes,  among other things,  the writing of an
option to purchase or sell.


         (A) PROHIBITION  AGAINST FRAUDULENT CONDUCT. No Access Person shall use
any information  concerning the investments or investment  intentions of a Fund,
or the Access  Person's  ability to influence such  investment  intentions,  for
personal gain or in a manner detrimental to the interests of a Fund.

         In  addition,  no  affiliated  person  of a  Fund  shall,  directly  or
indirectly in  connection  with the purchase or sale of a security held or to be
acquired by a Fund:

                    (1) employ any device, scheme or artifice to defraud a Fund;
                    (2) make to a Fund or to a  Fund's  investment  advisers  or
                    distributor any untrue  statement of a material fact or omit
                    to state to any of the foregoing a


                    material  fact  necessary  in order  to make the  statements
                    made,  in light of the  circumstances  under  which they are
                    made, not misleading;
                    (3)engage in any act,  practice,  or course of business that
                    operates or would  operate as a fraud or deceit upon a Fund;
                    (4) engage in any  manipulative  practice  with respect to a

         (B) OTHER PROHIBITED TRANSACTIONS. Access Persons are prohibited from:

                    (1)  inducing or causing a Fund to take action or to fail to
                    take  action,  for  personal  benefit  rather  than  for the
                    benefit of the Fund;
                    (2) accepting anything other than of DE MINIMUS value or any
                    other  preferential  treatment  from any entity with which a
                    Fund does business;
                    (3)  establishing  or  maintaining  an account at any entity
                    through  which  securities   transactions  may  be  effected
                    without  written  notice to the  designated  Review  Officer
                    prior to establishing such an account;
                    (4) using knowledge of portfolio  transactions of a Fund for
                    their  personal  benefit  or the  personal  benefit of their
                    friends or relatives;
                    (5)  violating the  anti-fraud  provisions of the federal or
                    state securities laws;
                    (6) serving on the boards of  directors  of publicly  traded
                    companies,   absent   prior   authorization   based  upon  a
                    determination  by the Review  Officer that the board service
                    would be  consistent  with the interests of the Fund and its

shall cause or attempt to cause any Fund to purchase,  sell or hold any security
in a manner  calculated to create any personal benefit to the Access Person.  No
Access Person shall  recommend any  securities  transactions  for a Fund without
having disclosed the Access Person's interest, if any, in such securities or the
issuer thereof, including, without limitation:

                    (1)  the  Access  Person's  direct  or  indirect  beneficial
                    ownership of any securities of such issuer;
                    (2) any position with such issuer or its affiliates; and
                    (3) any present or proposed  business  relationship  between
                    such  issuer or its  affiliates,  on the one hand,  and such
                    person or any party in which such  person has a  significant
                    interest, on the other hand.

         (D) CORPORATE  OPPORTUNITIES.  All Access Persons are  prohibited  from
taking personal advantage of any opportunity properly belonging to a Fund.

         (E)  CONFIDENTIALITY.  Except  as  required  in the  normal  course  of
carrying out an Access Person's  business  responsibilities,  Access Persons are
prohibited from revealing  information relating to the investment  intentions or
activities of any Fund, or securities that are being  considered for purchase or
sale on behalf of any Fund.



         (A) ACCESS  PERSON  REPORTING.  All Access  Persons (as  identified  in
Appendix A) must report the  information  described in this Section with respect
to  transactions  in any Covered  Security in which the Access Person has, or by
reason  of  such  transaction  acquires,   any  direct  or  indirect  beneficial
ownership. All Access Persons and Investment Personnel must report to the Review
Officer  unless they are  otherwise  required to report to the  distributor,  an
investment adviser or administrator of the Trust or a Fund pursuant to a Code of
Ethics  adopted by those  entities  and,  with  respect to the  distributor  and
investment adviser's Code of Ethics, approved by the Trustees.  Covered Officers
must also comply with the provisions of Appendix B.

         (B) TRUSTEE REPORTING.  An independent trustee (a trustee who is not an
interested  person of the Trust as defined in Section 2(a)(19) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940 Act) need only report a  transaction  if the trustee knew at
the time of the  transaction  or,  in the  ordinary  course  of  fulfilling  the
trustee's  official duties as a trustee,  should have known that,  during the 15
day  period  immediately  preceding  or after the date of the  transaction  in a
Covered  Security by the trustee,  such Covered  Security is or was purchased or
sold or was being  considered  for  purchase or sale by a Fund or an  investment
adviser to the Trust or a Fund.

         (C) EXCLUSIONS FROM REPORTING. Purchases or sales of Covered Securities
in an account in which an Access  Person has no direct or indirect  influence or
control are not subject to the reporting requirements of this Section.

         (D)  INITIAL  HOLDING  REPORTS.  No later  than ten (10) days after the
person  becomes an Access  Person,  an Access  Person must report the  following

                    (1) the title, number of shares and principal amount of each
                    Covered  Security in which the Access  Person had any direct
                    or indirect  beneficial  ownership when the person became an
                    Access Person;
                    (2) the name of any  broker,  dealer  or bank  with whom the
                    Access Person  maintained an account in which any securities
                    were held for the direct or  indirect  benefit of the Access
                    Person as of the date the  person  became an Access  Person;
                    (3) the date that the  report  is  submitted  by the  Access

         (E) QUARTERLY  TRANSACTION  REPORTS.  No later than ten (10) days after
the end of a calendar  quarter,  an Access  Person  must  report  the  following

                    (1) with respect to any transaction  during the quarter in a
                    Covered  Security  in which the  Access  Person  had,  or by
                    reason of such transaction acquired,  any direct or indirect
                    beneficial ownership:

                         (a)  the  date  of  the  transaction,  the  title,  the
                         interest rate and maturity date (if applicable),
                         the number of shares and the principal  amount of each
                         Covered Security involved;


                         (b) the nature of the transaction (i.e., purchase, sale
                         or any other type of acquisition or disposition);
                         (c)  the  price  of  the  Covered   Security  at  which
                         the transaction was effected;
                         (d) the name of the  broker,  dealer or bank with or
                         through which the transaction was effected; and
                         (e) the date that the  report  is  submitted  by the
                         Access Person.

                    (2) with  respect to any account  established  by the Access
                    Person in which any securities  were held during the quarter
                    for the direct or indirect benefit of the Access Person:

                         (a) the name of the  broker, dealer  or bank  with whom
                         the Access Person established the account;
                         (b) the date the account was established; and
                         (c) the date that the  report  is  submitted  by the
                         Access Person.

         (F) ANNUAL HOLDINGS REPORTS. Annually, an Access Person must report the
following  information  (which  information must be current as of a date no more
than thirty (30) days before the report is submitted):

                    (1) the title, number of shares and principal amount of each
                    Covered  Security in which the Access  Person had any direct
                    or indirect beneficial ownership;
                    (2) the name of any  broker,  dealer  or bank  with whom the
                    Access Person  maintains an account in which any  securities
                    are held for the  direct or  indirect  benefit of the Access
                    Person; and
                    (3) the date that the  report  is  submitted  by the  Access

         (G)  CERTIFICATION  OF  COMPLIANCE.  Each Access  Person is required to
certify annually (in the form of Appendix C) that the Access Person has read and
understood  the Code and  recognizes  that the  Access  Person is subject to the
Code.  Further,  each Access  Person is required  to certify  annually  that the
Access  Person has complied with all the  requirements  of the Code and that the
Access  Person has  disclosed or reported all personal  securities  transactions
pursuant to the requirements of the Code.

         (H)  ALTERNATIVE  REPORTING.  The  submission to the Review  Officer of
duplicate broker trade  confirmations  and statements on all Covered  Securities
transactions shall be deemed to satisfy these reporting requirements. The annual
holdings  report may be  satisfied  by  confirming  annually,  in  writing,  the
accuracy of the records  maintained by the Review Officer and recording the date
of the confirmation.

         (I) REPORT  QUALIFICATION.  Any report may contain a statement that the
report shall not be  construed  as an admission by the person  making the report
that he or she has any direct or indirect  beneficial  ownership  in the Covered
Securities to which the report relates.


         (J) ACCOUNT  OPENING  PROCEDURES.  Access Persons shall provide written
notice to the  Review  Officer  prior to  opening  any  account  with any entity
through which a Covered Securities transaction may be effected. In addition, all
Access Persons will promptly:

                    (1)  provide  full  access  to the  Trust,  its  agents  and
                    attorneys  to any and all  records and  documents  which the
                    Trust considers  relevant to any securities  transactions or
                    other matters subject to the Code;
                    (2) cooperate  with the Trust,  or its agents and attorneys,
                    in investigating any securities transactions or other matter
                    subject to the Code;
                    (3)  provide  the Trust,  its agents and  attorneys  with an
                    xplanation  (in  writing  if  requested)  of the  facts  and
                    circumstances  surrounding  any  securities  transaction  or
                    other matter subject to the Code; and
                    (4)  promptly  notify  the  Review  Officer  or  such  other
                    individual as the Trust may direct, in writing, from time to
                    time, of any incident of noncompliance  with the Code by any
                    Access Person.


         (A) DUTIES OF REVIEW  OFFICER.  A Review  Officer shall be appointed by
the Trust's President to:

                    (1) review all securities  transaction and holdings  reports
                    and shall  maintain  the names of  persons  responsible  for
                    reviewing these reports;
                    (2)  identify  all Access  Persons who are  required to make
                    these reports and promptly  inform each Access Person of the
                    requirements of this Code;
                    (3) compare, on a quarterly basis, all Access Person Covered
                    Securities transactions with each Fund's completed portfolio
                    transactions to determine  whether a Code violation may have
                    (4) maintain a signed  acknowledgment  by each person who is
                    then an  Access  Person,  in the  form of  Appendix  A;
                    (5)  identify  persons who are  Investment  Personnel of the
                    Trust and  inform  those  persons of their  requirements  to
                    obtain prior written  approval from the Review Officer prior
                    to directly or indirectly  acquiring ownership of a security
                    in any private placement or initial public offering; and
                    (6) annually prepare a written report to the Trustees that

                         (a)  describes any issues under the code of ethics or
                         procedures  since the last  report  to the  Trustees,
                         including,  but not  limited  to,  information  about
                         material  violations  of the code or  procedures  and
                         sanctions   imposed  in  response  to  the   material
                         violations;  and
                         (b)  certifies  that  the  Fund  has adopted procedures
                         reasonably  necessary to prevent Access Persons from
                         violating the code.

         (B) POTENTIAL  TRADE  CONFLICT.  When there appears to be a transaction
that  conflicts  with the Code,  the  designated  Review Officer shall request a
written  explanation of the Access


Person's  transaction.  If after post-trade  review, it is determined that there
has been a violation of the Code, a report will be made by the designated Review
Officer with a recommendation of appropriate action to the Board.

         (C) REQUIRED RECORDS. The Review Officer shall maintain and cause to be

               (1) a copy of any code of ethics  adopted by the Trust  which has
               been in effect  during the  previous  five (5) years in an easily
               accessible place;
               (2) a record of any  violation of any code of ethics,  and of any
               action  taken  as a  result  of  such  violation,  in  an  easily
               accessible place for at least five (5) years after the end of the
               fiscal year in which the violation occurs;
               (3) a copy of each report made by an Access Person as required by
               Section 4 of this Code for at least five (5) years  after the end
               of the fiscal year in which the report is made, the first two (2)
               years in an easily accessible place;
               (4) a list of all  persons who are, or within the past five years
               have been,  required to make reports or who were  responsible for
               reviewing these reports pursuant to any code of ethics adopted by
               a Trust, in an easily accessible place;
               (5) a copy of each  written  report  and  certification  required
               pursuant to Section 5(c) of this Code for at least five (5) years
               after the end of the fiscal  year in which it is made,  the first
               two (2) years in an easily  accessible place; and
               (6) a record of any  decision,  and the  reasons  supporting  the
               decision,  approving the  acquisition by Investment  Personnel of
               securities  under Section 5(a)(v) of this Code, for at least five
               (5) years after the end of the fiscal year in which the  approval
               is granted.


               (A)  The  Board  of   Trustees,   including  a  majority  of  the
               independent trustees, shall:

               (1) approve  the code of ethics of the Trust,  the code of ethics
               of each investment adviser and principal underwriter of the Trust
               before  initially  retaining  their  services,  and any  material
               changes to these  codes  within six  months of such  change;
               (2)  review  any  material  changes  to the code of ethics of the
               administrator of the Trust within six months of such change;
               (3) base  its  approval  of a code of  ethics,  and any  material
               changes to a code of  ethics,  on a  determination  that the code
               contains  provisions   reasonably  necessary  to  prevent  access
               persons (as  defined in the  respective  codes) from  engaging in
               prohibited conduct;
               (4)  receive,  prior to  approving a code or any  amendment  to a
               code,  a  certification  from the  Trust,  investment  adviser or
               principal  underwriter that it has adopted procedures  reasonably
               necessary to prevent access persons from violating the code; and


               (5) receive and consider, no less frequently than annually

                         (a) a  written  report  from  the  Trust,  investment
                         adviser,   administrator  or  principal   underwriter
                         describing   any  issues,   material   violations  or
                         sanctions  arising under the Code;  and
                         (b) a written  certification from the Trust,
                         investment adviser, administrator or principal
                         underwriter,  as applicable,  that it has adopted
                         procedures  reasonably  necessary to prevent  Access
                         Persons from violating its code.


                                   FORUM FUNDS
                                  MONARCH FUNDS

                                 CODE OF ETHICS

                                   APPENDIX A
                                 ACCESS PERSONS

                                Costas Azariadas
                                 James C. Cheng
                                J. Michael Parish

                                   FORUM FUNDS
                                  MONARCH FUNDS

                                 CODE OF ETHICS

                                   APPENDIX B
                  SECTION 406 OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT OF 2002


         This  Appendix  C has  been  adopted  pursuant  to  Section  406 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002 (the  "Act")  and  applies  solely to the  principal
executive,  financial,  and  accounting  officers  of the Trust (each a "COVERED

         This  Appendix has been  adopted for the specific  purpose of promoting
honest and ethical  conduct,  compliance with  applicable laws and  governmental
rules and regulations and accountability for adherence to the Code. Each Covered
Officer  should  adhere to a high  standard  of  business  ethics  and should be
sensitive to situations that may give rise to conflicts of interest.

         The Covered  Officers and the date of effectiveness of this Appendix to
them are:

         David I. Goldstein, August 28, 2003

         Stacey E. Hong, August 28, 2003


         A  "conflict  of  interest"  occurs  when a Covered  Officer's  private
interest  interferes  with the interests  of, or the  officer's  service to, the
Trust.  For  example,  a conflict of interest  would arise if a Covered  Officer
receives  improper  personal  benefits  as a  result  of the  Covered  Officer's
position  with the  Trust.  Conflicts  may arise  from,  or as a result  of, the
contractual relationship between the Trust and its service providers, of which a
Covered Officer is also an officer or employee. A Covered Officer may also be an
officer or employee of one or more other investment  companies  covered by other
similar  codes.  Such  service,  by itself,  does not give rise to a conflict of

         As applicable to a Covered  Officer,  the following must be approved by
the Chairman of the Trust's audit  committee  ("COMMITTEE"):

               (1) service on the board of  directors  or  governing  board of a
               publicly traded entity;
               (2) the receipt of any non-nominal gifts from persons or entities
               who have or are seeking business  relationships with a Trust;
               (3) the receipt of any entertainment  from any company with which
               the Trust has current or  prospective  business  dealings  unless
               such  entertainment  is  business-related,


               reasonable in cost,  appropriate as to time and place, and not so
               frequent  as to  raise  any  question  of  impropriety;
               (4) any ownership  interest  (material to the officer) in, or any
               consulting or employment  relationship  with,  any entities doing
               business  with the Trust,  other than its  service  providers  or
               their respective affiliates.
               (5) any direct or indirect  financial  interest  in  commissions,
               transaction  charges or spreads  paid by the Trust for  effecting
               portfolio  transactions or for selling or redeeming  shares other
               than an interest  arising from the Covered  Officer's  employment
               with  the  Trust's   service   providers   or  their   respective


         A Covered Officer shall:

               (1) become  familiar with the disclosure  requirements  generally
               applicable to the Trust;
               (2) not knowingly misrepresent,  or cause others to misrepresent,
               facts about the Trust to others;
               (3) to the extent  appropriate,  consult with other  officers and
               employees  of the Trust and its  service  providers;
               (4)  promote  compliance  with  the  standards  and  restrictions
               imposed by applicable laws,  rules and regulations;  and
               (5) upon  becoming  a Covered  Officer,  affirm in writing to the
               Trust that the officer has  received,  read and  understands  the
               Code and,  annually  thereafter,  affirm  to the  Trust  that the
               officer has complied with the requirements of the Code.


         A Covered  Officer shall notify the Chairman of the Committee  promptly
if the officer knows of any violation of this Code.

                                   FORUM FUNDS
                                  MONARCH FUNDS

                                 CODE OF ETHICS

                                   APPENDIX C
                          ACCESS PERSON ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

I  understand  that I am an Access  person  as  defined  in the Forum  Funds and
Monarch  Funds Code of Ethics.  I have read and I understand  the Code of Ethics
and will comply with it in all  respects.  In  addition,  I certify  that I have
complied  with the  requirements  of the Code of Ethics and I have  disclosed or
reported  all  personal  securities  transactions  required to be  disclosed  or
reported pursuant to the requirements of the Code.

     _________________________                 _______________________
             Signature                                  Date

                     Printed Name


                                    NANETTE K. CHERN
                                    C/O FORUM FUNDS/MONARCH FUNDS
                                    TWO PORTLAND SQUARE
                                    PORTLAND , ME  04101