UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM N-PX ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORED OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANY Investment Company Act file number 811-05128 THE SWISS HELVETIA FUND, INC. 1270 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 400 New York, New York 10020 1-888-SWISS-00 Rodolphe E. Hottinger, President Hottinger et Cie 3 Place des Bergues C.P. 395 CH-1201 Geneva Switzerland Date of fiscal year end: December 2005 Date of reporting period: July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TICKER ISIN HOLDINGS Nb of Shares Date of AGM Description of the matter voted - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & ELECTRONICS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KABN CH0011795959 KABA 4,500 10/26/2004 1. Approval of the business report 2. Appropriation of the balance sheet profit of Kaba Holding AG 3. Discharge of the board of directors and the management 4. Elections into the board of directors 5. Election of the auditors and the group auditor - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANKS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSGN CH0012138530 CREDIT SUISSE 458,000 4/29/2005 1. Presentation and approval of the annual report, the parent company's 2004 financial statements and the group's 2004 consolidated financial statements. 2. Discharge of the acts of the members of the board of directors and executive board 3. Resolution on the appropriation of retained earnings 4. Approval of the share buy back program 5.1 Elections of the board of directors 5.2 Election of the parent company's independent auditors and the group's independent auditors 5.3 Election of special auditors 6. Adjustment to the authorized capital - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SGKN CH0011484067 ST. GALLER 14,305 4/20/2005 1. Comments on annual report, accounts of the KANTONAL BANK group and annual accounts 2004 2. Acknowledgement of the reports of the auditors and the group auditor 3. Approval of the annual report and the accounts of the group 4. Approval of the annual accounts 5. Discharge of the members of the board of directors 6. Appropriation of the balance profit 7. Elections - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UBSN CH0012032030 UBS 435,000 4/25/2005 1. Annual report, group and parent company accounts 2004 2. Appropriation of retained earnings, dividend for the financial year 2004 3. Discharge of the members of the board of directors and the group executive board 4. Elections 5. Capital reduction 5.1 Cancellation of shares purchased under the 2004/2005 share buyback program and respective amendment of article 4 of the articles of association 5.2 Approval of a new 2005/2006 share buyback program - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VONN CH0012335540 VONTOBEL 94,000 4/26/2005 1. Approval of the annual report, annual accounts and accounts of the group 2004. Reports of the auditors and group auditors 2. Discharge of the board of directors and the management 3. Appropriation of the balance profit 4. Elections into the board of directors 5. Election of the auditors and the group auditor 6. Modification of by-laws - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIS RESOURCES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRWN CH0013283368 PRECIOUS WOODS 47,992 5/25/2005 1. 2004 Annual report and financial statements of the HOLDINGS AG holding company and the group, incl. auditors' reports 2. Discharge of the board of directors 3. Election of the members of the board of directors 4. Election of the auditors for the holding company and the group 5. Miscellaneous matters - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STLN CH0005795668 SWISS STEEL 20,000 4/21/2005 1. Annual reports, annual accounts and accounts of the group 2004 2. Appropriation of the balance results 2004 3. Discharge of the board of directors and management 4. Elections 5. Modification of by-laws creation of authorized share capital - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOTECHNOLOGY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATLN CH0010532478 ACTELION 1,263 4/14/2005 1. Presentation of the annual business report of the board of directors, annual accounts and accounts of the group 2004 2. Presentation of the reports of the auditors and the group auditor 3. Approval of the business report with the annual report, annual accounts and accounts of the grouped 2004 4. Appropriation of the result 5. Discharge of the board of directors and management 6. Elections 7. Modification of the capital structure of the company - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CYTN CH0011025217 CYTOS 12,273 4/25/2005 1. Approval of the annual report and BIOTECHNOLOGY the annual financial statements for Cytos Biotechnology AG and the consolidated financial statements for the year 2004 2. Discharge of the members of the board of directors and of the executive board 3. Establishment of authorized share capital in the amount of 100,000 CHF and authorization of the board of directors 4. Election of the board of directors 5. Election of the statutory auditors and the group auditors - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICALS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIBN CH0005819724 CIBA SPECIALTY 125,000 3/3/2005 1.Approval of the final report, financial statements and of the consolidated statements for 2004 2. Allocation of profit 3. Discharge of the board of directors and the management 4. Cancellation of shares as a consequence of the share buy back program 5. Reduction of the shares capital and repayment of nominal value of the shares 6. Reduction of the share capital amount required to have an item put on the agenda 7. Re-election of auditors - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIK CH0000587979 SIKA AG BEARER 15,488 4/12/2005 1. Approval of the annual report, the annual accounts, and the accounts of the group 2004 2. Resolution on the appropriation of the balance sheet profit 3. Capital reduction in order to pay back the par value to demand that item 4. Reduction of the threshold value to demand that item 5. Discharge of the administration 6. Elections of the board of directors and the auditor group - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNN CH0011037469 SYNGENTA 117,306 4/26/2005 1. Approval of the annual report, the annual accounts, and the accounts of the group 2004 2. Discharge of the directors of the board and the management 3. Appropriation of the balance profit 2004 4. Reduction of the share capital by cancellation of shares acquired over a second trading line 5. Reduction of the share capital by repayment on the par value of the shares 6. Election into the board 7. Election of Auditors and the group auditor - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTION - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLN CH0012214059 HOLCIM 135,143 5/3/2005 1. Annual report, annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements statutory auditors and group auditors reports 2. Discharge of members of the board of directors 3. Appropriation of the balance sheet profit; determination of the dividend and time of payment 4. Elections 5. Re-election of the members of the board of directors 6. Election of external auditors and group auditor - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD AND BEVERAGES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LISN CH0010570759 LINDT & 300 4/28/2005 1. Approval of the annual accounts of the group 2004 SPRUENGLI 2. Discharge of the board of directors 3. Appropriation of the balance profit 4. Election - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NESN CH0012056047 NESTLE 207,000 4/14/2005 1. Annual report, annual accounts and accounts of the group, report of the auditors 2. Discharge of the board of directors and the management 3. Resolution on the appropriation 4. Modification of by-laws at the request of different shareholders 4.1 Composition of the board of directors 4.2 Term and election of the board of directors 4.3 Right of the shareholders to have an item included on the meeting agenda 5. Election to the board of directors 6. Election of the auditors - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL GOODS & SERVICES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADEN CH00121138605 ADECCO 60,000 5/26/2005 1. Presentation, with annual reports and accounts of the group 2004 2. Presentation of the reports of the auditors and group auditor 3. Approval of the business report 2004 4. Appropriation of balance profit 5. Discharge of the members of the board of directors 6. Elections - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAN CH0001503199 BELIMO 2,055 4/21/2005 1. Approval of the business report with annual accounts, annual report and accounts of the group 2004. Acceptance of the reports of the auditors and the group auditor 2. Resolution on the appropriation of the balance profit 3. Reduction of the share capital by repayment on the par value on the shares to shareholders 4. Further modification of by-laws 5. Discharge of the board of directors 6. Election of the auditors and group auditor - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNIN CH0012541816 KUEHNE & NAGEL 49,854 5/2/2005 1. Approval of the annual report and the consolidated accounts 2. Resolution on the appropriation of the balance profit 3. Discharge of the members of the board 4. Election into the board of directors 5. Creation of conditional share capital 6. Election of auditors and the group auditor - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LGSN CH0010870480 LEICA 4,569 7/6/2005 1. Presentation of the annual report 2004/05 and of the report of the auditors and group auditors 2. Approval of the annual report and the financial statements of the company and the group as of 31 of March 2005 3. Allocation of the balance sheet results and payment of dividends 4. Granting of discharge to the members of the board and of the management - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SGSN CH0002497458 SGS 6,598 3/23/2005 1. Annual report; accounts of SGS SA and of the SGS Group; report of the auditors 2. Release of the board of directors and of the management 3. Decisions on the appropriation of profits resulting from the balance sheet of SGS SA 4. Election to the board of directors 5. Election of auditors 6. Amendment of article 5TER of the Articles of Incorporation - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGN CH0012022494 SIG HOLDING 8,496 4/5/2005 1. Approval of annual report, the annual accounts and the consolidated accounts for the 2004 business year as well as acknowledgement of the reports of the auditor and the group auditor 2. Appropriation of the balance profit 3. Discharge of the members of the board of directors and the management for the business year 2004 4. Elections - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUN CH0002376454 SULZER 31,460 4/15/2005 1.Annual report, annual accounts and consolidated financial statements for 2004. 2. Appropriation of net profits 3. Discharge 4. Election to the board of directors 5. Election of the company and corporate auditors - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROL CH0003245351 VON ROLL 615,035 4/6/2005 1. Approval of annual report, the annual accounts and the consolidated accounts for the 2004 business year and acknowledgment of the reports of the auditor and the group auditor 2. Resolution on the appropriation of the annual result 3. Discharge of the member of the directors and the executive board 4. Elections - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSURANCE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUKN CH0012332372 SWISS RE 68,088 5/9/2005 1. Annual report, annual and consolidated financial statements 2004 2. Discharge of the Board of Directors and Executive Board 3. Allocation of disposable profit 4. Elections - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZURN CH0011075394 ZURICH FINANCIAL 81,100 4/19/2005 1. Approval of the annual report, the annual financial SERVICES statements and the consolidated financial statements for 2004 2. Appropriation of available earnings of Zurich Financial Services for 2004 3. Share capital reduction, repayment of reduction in nominal value, and changes to articles of incorporation 4. Change to articles of incorporation 5. Release for members of the board of directors and the group executive committee 6. Election and re-elections - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHBN CH0012549785 PHONAK 16,867 7/7/2005 1. Approval of the annual report, annual accounts and the accounts of the group 2. Discharge of the members of directors and management 3. Resolution on the appopriation of the balance profit 4. Election into the board of directors 5. Election of the auditors and the group auditor 6. Modificatoion of by-laws - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHARMACEUTICALS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOVN CH0012005267 NOVARTIS 1,149,000 3/1/2005 1. Approval of the annual report, the financial statements of Novartis, and the groups consolidated financial statements for the year 2004 2. Approval of the activities of the board 3. Appropriation of available earnings of Novartis AG as per balance sheet and declaration of dividend 4. Reduction of share capital 5. Further share repurchase program 6. Re-election to the board of directors 7. Appointment of the auditors and the group auditor - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROG CH0012032048 ROCHE 420,000 2/28/2005 1. Annual report, annual accounts and consolidated financial statements for 2004 2. Appropriation of net profits 3. Discharge 4. Election to the board of directors 5. Election of the company and corporate auditors - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GALN CH0015536466 GALENICA 24,767 5/19/2005 1. Annual report, annual financial and consolidated financial statement for 2004; acknowledgment of the reports of the auditors 2. Discharge of the board of directors 3. Allocation of available earnings for 2004 4. Reduction of share capital by repayment of nominal value of shares 5. Reduction in percentage required having an item put on the agenda of the annual general meeting - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNOLOGY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUBN CH0012398241 HUBER & SUHNER 14,238 4/20/2005 1. Annual report, annual accounts 2004, report of the auditors. Approval of the annual report and the annual accounts, 2004 by the board 2. Annual accounts 2004 and report of the statutory and group auditors. Approval of the finacial statements for the year 2004 3. Discharge of the board directors for the year 2004 4. Appropriation of availabile earnings as per balance sheet and declaration of dividend 5. Elections of board of directions and group auditors 6. Various - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGN CH0021655334 LOGITECH 200,449 6/16/2005 1. Report on operations for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005 2. Approval of the annual report, the consolidated accounts of the Logitech group and accounts of Logitech International SA for Fiscal Year 2005, Report of the Statutory and Group Auditors 3. Share split on 2 for 1 basis 4. Appropriation of retained earnings 5. Lower minimum shareholding for placing items on AGM agenda 6. Discharge of the board of Directors 7. Elections of the Board of Directors and Auditors - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEMN CH0012453913 TEMENOS 23,813 5/25/2005 1. Annual report 2004, annual accounts 2004, accounts of the group 2004, reports of the auditors and the group auditor 2. Appropriation of the balance result 3. Discharge of the members of the board of directors 4.Election into the auditors and the group auditor 5. Election of the auditors and group auditor - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTILITY SUPPLIERS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT/N CH0001579280 AARE-TESSIN AG 500 4/28/2005 1. Annual financial statements for 2004 FUR ELEKTRIZITAT 2. Annual report and annual financial statements for 2004 for AARE-TESSIN AG for electrical power 3. Discharge of the board of directors 4. Appropriation of net profits. 5. Elections of: 5a. Board of directors 5b. Auditors 5c. Group auditors - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BKWN CH0014307109 BKW FMB ENERGIE 22,445 5/26/2005 1. Annual report, annual accounts and accounts of the group AG 2004 reports of the auditors and the group auditors 2. Appropriation of the balance profit 3. Modification of by-laws 4. Discharge of the board of directors 5. Election of the auditors and the group auditor - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EGL CH0003288229 ELKT LAUFENBURG 17,144 1/28/2005 1. Annual report, annual accounts and accounts of the group 2003/2004. Reports of the auditors and the group auditors 2. Discharge of the members of the board of directors 3. Appropriation of the net profits 4. Election of the members of the board 5. Election of the auditors and the group auditors - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reason for Proposed by Whether the Whether the not voting/ the Issuer (I) fund cast fund cast its How the or the its vote on How did the vote for or Date Proxy Date Proxy fund would TICKER shareholder (S) the matter fund vote against board Was Received Was Sent In have voted WEBSITE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & ELECTRONICS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KABN I Yes Yes to all For 9/22/2004 10/7/2004 NA WWW.KABA.CH - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANKS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSGN I YES Yes to For the board 4/5/2005 4/16/2005 N/A WWW.CREDIT-SUISSE.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SGKN I YES Yes to For the board 3/15/2005 3/15/2005 N/A WWW.SGKB.CH all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UBSN I YES Yes to For the board 3/17/2005 3/28/2005 N/A WWW.UBS.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VONN I YES Yes to For the board 4/1/2005 4/1/2005 N/A WWW.VONTOBEL.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIS RESOURCES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRWN I YES Yes to For the board 5/9/2005 5/9/2005 WWW.PRECIOUSWOODS.CH all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STLN I YES Yes to For the board 4/14/2005 4/14/2005 N/A WWW.SWISS-STEEL.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOTECHNOLOGY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATLN I YES Yes to For the board 3/15/2005 3/28/2005 N/A WWW.ACTELION.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CYTN I YES Yes to items For the board 5/11/2005 5/13/2005 N/A WWW.CYTOS.COM 1, 2, 4 No to proposal of item 3 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICALS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIBN I YES Yes to For the board 2/4/2005 2/7/2005 N/A WWW.CIBASC.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIK I YES Yes to For the board 3/22/2005 3/23/2005 N/A WWW.SIKA.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNN I YES Yes to For the board 3/17/2005 3/28/2005 N/A WWW.SYNGENTA.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTION - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLN S YES Yes to For the board 4/12/2005 4/12/2005 N/A WWW.HOLCIM. all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD AND BEVERAGES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LISN I YES Yes to For the board 4/12/2005 4/12/2005 NA WWW.LINDT.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NESN I YES Yes to For the board 3/15/2005 3/30/2005 NA WWW.NESTLE.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAL GOODS & SERVICES - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADEN I YES Yes to For the board 4/29/2005 5/3/2005 N/A WWW.ADECCO.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAN I YES Yes to For the board 3/23/2005 3/23/2005 N/A WWW.BELIMO.CH all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNIN I YES Yes to For the board 4/14/2005 4/14/2005 N/A WWW.KUEHNE-NAGEL.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LGSN I YES Yes to For the board 6/15/2005 6/15/2005 N/A WWW.LEICA-GEOSYSTEMS.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SGSN I YES Yes to For the board 3/2/2005 3/2/2005 N/A WWW.SGSGROUP.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGN I YES Yes to For the board 3/16/2005 3/17/2005 N/A WWW.SIG-GROUP.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUN I YES Yes to For the board 4/2/2005 4/5/2005 N/A WWW.SULZER.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROL I YES Yes to For the board 3/16/2005 3/28/2005 N/A WWW.VONROLL.CH all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSURANCE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUKN I YES Yes to For the board 3/28/2005 3/28/2005 N/A WWW.SWISSRE.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZURN I YES Yes to For the board 3/18/2005 3/18/2005 N/A WWW.ZURICH.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHBN I YES Yes to For the board 6/9/2005 6/13/2005 N/A WWW.PHONAK.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHARMACEUTICALS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOVN I YES Yes to For the board 2/4/2005 2/7/2005 N/A WWW.NOVARTIS.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROG I NO DIVIDEND WWW.ROCHE.COM RIGHTS CERTIFICATES NO VOTING POWER - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RETAIL - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GALN I YES Yes to For the board 4/26/2005 4/28/2005 N/A WWW.GALENICA.CH all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNOLOGY - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUBN I YES Yes to For the board 4/7/2005 4/7/2005 N/A WWW.HUBERSUHNER.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGN YES Yes to For the board 6/1/2005 6/1/2005 N/A WWW.LOGITECH.CH all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEMN I YES Yes to For the board 5/3/2005 5/5/2005 N/A WWW.TEMENOS.COM all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UTILITY SUPPLIERS - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AT/N I YES Yes to For the board 5/6/2005 5/6/2005 N/A WWW.ATEL.CH all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BKWN I YES Yes to For the board 5/4/2005 5/5/2005 N/A WWW.BKW-FMB.CH all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EGL I YES Yes to For the board 1/6/2005 1/6/2005 N/A WWW.EGL.CH all items - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. THE SWISS HELVETIA FUND, INC. By: /s/ Rudolf Millisits ___________________________ Rudolf Millisits, Treasurer Date: August 15, 2005 __________________________