Exhibit 10.1

                       AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO CREDIT AGREEMENT

                  AMENDMENT NO. 1 (this "Amendment"), dated as of September 19,
2005, to CREDIT AGREEMENT, dated as of January 7, 2005 (as the same may be
amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the
"Credit Agreement"), among NOVELIS INC., a corporation organized under the
Canada Business Corporations Act (the "Company" or the "Canadian Borrower"),
NOVELIS CORPORATION, a Texas corporation (the "US Borrower"), NOVELIS
DEUTSCHLAND GMBH, a limited liability company (GmbH) organized under the laws of
Germany (the "German Borrower"), NOVELIS UK LIMITED, a limited company organized
under the laws of England and Wales with registered number 00279596 (the "UK
Borrower"), NOVELIS AG, a stock corporation (AG) organized under the laws of
Switzerland (the "Swiss Borrower" and, together with the Canadian Borrower, the
US Borrower, the German Borrower and the UK Borrower, the "Borrowers"), the
Lenders and Issuers party thereto and CITICORP NORTH AMERICA, INC. ("Citicorp"),
as administrative agent and collateral agent for the Lenders and the Issuers (in
such capacity, the "Administrative Agent"). Capitalized terms used herein but
not defined herein are used as defined in the Credit Agreement, as amended

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

                  WHEREAS, the Borrowers have requested an amendment to the
Credit Agreement as herein set forth; and

                  WHEREAS, the Borrowers, the Lenders signatory to a consent and
the Administrative Agent have agreed to amend the Credit Agreement on the terms
and subject to the conditions herein provided.

                  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the mutual
covenants and obligations herein set forth and other good and valuable
consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and in
reliance upon the representations, warranties and covenants herein contained,
the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:

         Section 1. Amendments to the Credit Agreement. As of the Effective Date
(defined below), the Credit Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

         (a)      by inserting the following definitions in Section 1.1 (Defined
Terms) in alphabetical order (which definitions, if applicable, shall replace in
their entirety the corresponding definitions in such section):

                  "Bank Guarantee" means a bank guarantee Issued pursuant to
Section 2.4 (Letters of Credit) that provides for the Issuer to make payment
upon the presentation of specified documentation complying with the terms and
conditions of the guarantee.

                  "Canadian Base Rate" means the rate determined by the
         Administrative Agent (i) in the case of Canadian Dollar Loans
         denominated in Canadian Dollars, as the rate displayed at or about
         10:30 a.m. (New York time) on display page CAPRIME of the Reuters
         Screen as the prime rate for loans denominated in Canadian Dollars by
         Canadian banks to borrowers in Canada; provided, however, that, in the
         event that such rate does not appear on the Reuters Screen on such day
         or if the basis of calculation of such rate is changed after the date
         hereof and, in the reasonable judgment of the Administrative Agent,
         such rate ceases to reflect each Canadian Lender's cost of funding to
         the same extent as on the date hereof, then the "Canadian Base Rate"
         shall be the average of the floating rate of interest per annum
         established (or commercially known) as "prime rate" for loans
         denominated in Canadian Dollars on such day by three major Canadian
         banks selected by the Administrative Agent or (ii) in the case of
         Canadian Dollar Loans denominated in Dollars, as the fluctuating
         interest rate per annum as shall be in effect from time to time, which
         rate per annum shall be equal at all times to the higher of the

                           (a)      the rate of interest announced publicly from
         time to time by Citibank, N.A., Canadian Branch, from time to time, as
         Citibank, N.A., Canadian Branch's base rate for loans denominated in
         Dollars; and

                           (b)      0.5% per annum plus the Federal Funds Rate.

                  "Cash Concentration Account" means any deposit account in the
         name of a Loan Party, located in a jurisdiction satisfactory to the
         Administrative Agent, that is subject to a first priority perfected
         security interest in favor of the Administrative Agent on terms and
         conditions satisfactory to the Administrative Agent.

                  "Intercompany Note" means a promissory note or other
         documentation evidencing intercompany loans issued by a Subsidiary of
         the Company in favor of the Company or another Subsidiary of the
         Company or by the Company in favor of a Subsidiary of the Company, in
         each case, in form and substance acceptable to the Administrative

                  "Issuer" means each Lender or Affiliate of a Lender that (a)
         in the case of letters of credit, is listed on the signature pages
         hereof as an "Issuer" or (b) in the case of letters of credit or Bank
         Guarantees, as the case may be, hereafter becomes an Issuer with
         respect to the letters of credit or Bank Guarantees, as the case may
         be, with the approval of the Administrative Agent and the Company by
         agreeing pursuant to an agreement with and in form and substance
         satisfactory to the Administrative Agent and the Company to be bound by
         the terms hereof applicable to Issuers.

                  "Letter of Credit" means any letter of credit or Bank
         Guarantee Issued pursuant to Section 2.4 (Letters of Credit).

                  "Minimum Currency Threshold" means (i) in the case of Loans
         denominated in Dollars, $5,000,000 or an integral multiple of
         $1,000,000 in excess thereof, (ii) in the case of Canadian Dollar Loans
         denominated in Canadian Dollars, C$5,000,000 or an integral multiple of
         C$1,000,000 in excess thereof, (iii) in the case of Loans denominated
         in Euros, (euro)5,000,000 or an integral multiple of (euro)1,000,000 in
         excess thereof, (iv) in the case of Loans denominated in Sterling,
         (pound)2,500,000 or an integral multiple of (pound)500,000 in excess
         thereof and (v) in the case of Loans denominated in Francs,
         CHF5,000,000 or an integral multiple of CHF1,000,000 in excess thereof.


                  "Permitted Benefit Plan Transfer" means the transfer of assets
         and accrued benefit liabilities from the Alcancorp Pension Plan to a
         pension plan sponsored by the U.S. Borrower in accordance with Section
         414(l) of the Code and Section 4044 of ERISA relating to current
         employees of the Company and its Subsidiaries; provided, however, that
         (i) the amount of the projected benefit obligations, as determined for
         financial reporting purposes in accordance with the Statement of
         Financial Accounting Standards No. 87, does not exceed the market value
         of the transferred assets by more than $75,000,000, (ii) cash charges
         to the Company or any of its Subsidiaries related to such transfer,
         excluding any annual contributions to, or other expenses incurred in
         connection with, such plan in the ordinary course of business, do not
         exceed $2,000,000 in the aggregate, (iii) no Default or Event of
         Default is continuing or would result therefrom and (iv) such transfer
         is completed by December 31, 2006, unless otherwise agreed to by the
         Administrative Agent in its sole discretion.

         (b)      by deleting Section 2.1(a)(ii) (The Commitments) in its
entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

                           "(ii)    Canadian Dollar Commitments. On the terms
         and subject to the conditions contained in this Agreement, each
         Canadian Dollar Lender severally agrees to make loans in Canadian
         Dollars or Dollars (in either case, each a "Canadian Dollar Loan") to
         the Canadian Borrower from time to time on any Business Day during the
         period from the date hereof until the Revolving Credit Termination Date
         in an aggregate principal amount at any time outstanding for all such
         loans by such Canadian Dollar Lender not to exceed such Canadian Dollar
         Lender's Canadian Dollar Commitment; provided, however, that at no time
         shall any Canadian Dollar Lender be obligated to make a Canadian Dollar
         Loan in excess of such Canadian Dollar Lender's Ratable Portion of the
         Canadian Dollar Available Credit. Within the limits of the Canadian
         Dollar Commitment of each Canadian Dollar Lender and the Canadian
         Dollar Available Credit, amounts of Canadian Dollar Loans repaid may be
         reborrowed by the Canadian Borrower under this Section 2.1(a)(ii)."

         (c)      by deleting Section 2.2(a)(ii) (Borrowing Procedures) in its
entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

                           "(ii)    Canadian Facility. Each Borrowing of
         Canadian Dollar Loans shall be made on a Notice of Borrowing given by
         the Canadian Borrower to the Administrative Agent not later than (x) in
         the case of a Borrowing of Canadian Base Rate Loans, 12:00 noon (New
         York time) one Business Day prior to the date of the proposed Borrowing
         and (y) in the case of a Borrowing of BA Rate Loans or Eurocurrency
         Rate Loans, 12:00 noon (New York time) three Business Days prior to the
         date of the proposed Borrowing. Each such Notice of Borrowing shall
         specify (A) the date of such proposed Borrowing, (B) the aggregate
         amount of such proposed Borrowing denominated in Canadian Dollars or
         Dollars, as the case may be, (C) whether any portion thereof will be of
         Canadian Base Rate Loans, BA Rate Loans or Eurocurrency Rate Loans, (D)
         the applicable Interest Period or Interest Periods for any such BA Rate
         Loans or Eurocurrency Rate Loans and (E) such Borrower's Available
         Credit (after giving effect to the proposed Borrowing). The Canadian
         Dollar Loans shall be made as Canadian Base Rate Loans unless, subject
         to Section 2.14 (Special Provisions Governing Eurocurrency Rate Loans
         and BA Rate Loans) the Notice of Borrowing specifies that all or a
         portion thereof shall be BA Rate Loans or Eurocurrency Rate Loans, as
         applicable. Each Borrowing shall be in an aggregate amount of not less
         than the Minimum Currency Threshold."


         (d)      by deleting "one or more Letters of Credit" in the lead-in
paragraph of Section 2.4(a)(Letters of Credit) and inserting in lieu thereof
"letters of credit or Bank Guarantees, as applicable";

         (e)      by inserting "or Bank Guarantees, as applicable," after "for
the Issuance of letters of credit" and before "of the type" in Section

         (f)      by deleting Sections 2.8(a) and 2.8(b) (Optional Prepayments)
in their entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

                           "(a)     Revolving Loans. Any Borrower may, upon (i)
         one Business Day's prior notice in the case of Base Rate Loans and (ii)
         at least three Business Days' prior notice in the case of Eurocurrency
         Rate Loans or BA Rate Loans to the Administrative Agent stating the
         proposed date and aggregate principal amount of the prepayment, prepay
         the outstanding principal amount of any or all of the Multi-Currency
         Loans, Canadian Dollar Loans and Swing Loans in whole or in part at any
         time in the applicable currencies; provided, however, that if any
         prepayment of any Eurocurrency Rate Loan or BA Rate Loan is made by
         such Borrower other than on the last day of an Interest Period for such
         Loan, such Borrower shall also pay all interest and fees accrued to the
         date of such prepayment on the principal amount prepaid and any amount
         owing pursuant to Section 2.14(e) (Breakage Costs); provided, further,
         that each partial prepayment shall be an aggregate principal amount not
         less than the applicable Minimum Currency Threshold. Upon the giving of
         such notice of prepayment, the principal amount of Revolving Loans
         specified to be prepaid shall become due and payable on the date
         specified for such prepayment.

                           (b)      Term Loans. Any Borrower may, upon (i) one
         Business Day's prior notice in the case of Base Rate Loans and (ii) at
         least three Business Days' prior notice in the case of Eurocurrency
         Rate Loans to the Administrative Agent stating the proposed date and
         aggregate principal amount of the prepayment, prepay the outstanding
         principal amount of the U.S. Term Loans and the Canadian Term Loans, in
         whole or in part, together with accrued interest to the date of such
         prepayment on the principal amount prepaid; provided, however, that if
         any prepayment of any Eurocurrency Rate Loan is made by a Borrower
         other than on the last day of an Interest Period for such Loan, such
         Borrower shall also pay any amounts owing pursuant to Section 2.14(e)
         (Breakage Costs); and, provided, further, that each partial prepayment
         shall be in an aggregate amount not less than the Minimum Currency
         Threshold and that any such partial prepayment shall be applied to
         reduce the remaining installments of the outstanding principal amount
         of the Term Loans as directed by the Company, but in any event on a pro
         rata basis between the U.S. Term Loans and the Canadian Term Loans.
         Upon the giving of such notice of prepayment, the principal amount of
         the Term Loans specified to be prepaid shall become due and payable on
         the date specified for such prepayment."


         (g)      by deleting Section 2.9(b) (Mandatory Prepayments) in its
entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

                           "(b)     Other Prepayments.

                                    (i)      The Borrowers shall prepay the Term
                  Loans in accordance with clause (c) below, within 95 days
                  after the last day of each Fiscal Year, in an amount equal to
                  50% of Excess Cash Flow for the previous Fiscal Year;
                  provided, however, that, if the Leverage Ratio as of the last
                  day of such Fiscal Year is less than 3.0 to 1, then such
                  percentage shall be reduced to 25%.

                                    (ii)     The Borrowers shall promptly, but
                  in any event within five Business Days, prepay the Term Loans
                  in accordance with clause (c) below in an amount equal to any
                  Investment made pursuant to Section 8.3(e)(vii) (Investments);
                  provided, however, that such prepayment shall not be required
                  if on the date of such Investment, the Leverage Ratio, as of
                  the last day of the most recent Fiscal Quarter for which
                  Financial Statements have been delivered pursuant to Section
                  6.1(a) or (b) (Financial Statements), is less than 3.0 to 1.

                                    (iii)    The Borrowers shall promptly, but
                  in any event within five Business Days, prepay the Term Loans
                  in accordance with clause (c) below in an amount equal to any
                  Investment made pursuant to Section 8.3(e)(ix) (Investments)."

         (h)      by deleting Section 2.10(a)(i) (Interest) in its entirety and
inserting in lieu thereof the following:

                                    "(i)     Subject to the terms and conditions
                  set forth in this Agreement, at the option of the Borrower,
                  (x) all Dollar Loans and Term Loans shall be made as Base Rate
                  Loans or Eurocurrency Rate Loans, (y) all Canadian Dollar
                  Loans denominated in Canadian Dollars shall be made as
                  Canadian Base Rate Loans or BA Rate Loans and (z) all Canadian
                  Dollar Loans denominated in Dollars shall be made as Canadian
                  Base Rate Loans or Eurocurrency Rate Loans; provided, however,
                  that all such Loans shall be made as Base Rate Loans unless,
                  subject to Section 2.16 (Special Provisions Governing
                  Eurocurrency Rate Loans and BA Rate Loans), the Notice of
                  Borrowing specifies that all or a portion thereof shall be
                  Eurocurrency Rate Loans or BA Rate Loans, as the case may be.
                  All U.S. Swing Loans shall be made as Base Rate Loans, and all
                  Euro Loans, all U.K. Swing Loans and all Swiss Swing Loans
                  shall be made as Eurocurrency Rate Loans, subject to
                  conversion pursuant to Section 2.3(d) (Swing Loans)."

         (i)      by deleting Section 2.11(a) (Conversion/Continuation Option)
in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

                           "(a)     Each Borrower may elect (i) at any time on
         any Business Day to convert (x) U.S. Base Rate Loans (other than Swing
         Loans) or Canadian Base Rate Loans denominated in Dollars or any
         portion thereof to Eurocurrency Rate Loans or (y) Canadian Base Rate
         Loans denominated in Canadian Dollars to BA Rate Loans and (ii) at the
         end of any applicable Interest Period, to convert Eurocurrency Rate
         Loans or BA Rate Loans or any portion thereof into the applicable Base
         Rate Loans or to continue such Eurocurrency Rate Loans or BA Rate Loans
         or any portion thereof for an additional Interest Period; provided,
         however, that the aggregate amount of the Eurocurrency Rate Loans or BA
         Rate Loans, as the case may be, for each Interest Period must be not
         less than the Minimum Currency Threshold. Each conversion or
         continuation shall be allocated among the Loans of each Lender in
         accordance with such Lender's Ratable Portion. Each such election shall
         be in substantially the form of Exhibit F (Form of Notice of Conversion
         or Continuation) (a "Notice of Conversion or Continuation") and shall
         be made by giving the Administrative Agent at least three Business
         Days' prior written notice specifying (A) the amount and type of Loan
         being converted or continued, (B) in the case of a conversion to or a
         continuation of Eurocurrency Rate Loans or BA Rate Loans, the
         applicable Interest Period and (C) in the case of a conversion, the
         date of such conversion."


         (j)      by deleting Section 6.1(g) (Financial Statements) in its
entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

                           "(g)     Intercompany Loan Balances. Together with
         each delivery of any Financial Statement pursuant to clause (a), a
         summary of (i) the outstanding balance of all Pledged Intercompany
         Notes and (ii) the credit or debit balance of each of the Company and
         its Subsidiaries in all Cash Concentration Accounts, in each case, as
         of the last day of the Fiscal Quarter covered by such Financial
         Statement, certified by a Responsible Officer of the Company."

         (k)      by deleting Section 8.3(e)(v) (Investments) in its entirety
and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

                           "(v)     any Subsidiary of the Company that is not a
         Loan Party to any Loan Party (other than the German Borrower) or to
         another Subsidiary of the Company that is not a Loan Party; provided,
         however, that each such intercompany loan is subordinated to the
         Obligations of such Loan Party on terms satisfactory to the
         Administrative Agent;"

         (l)      by inserting the following new clauses (vii), (viii) and (ix)
in Section 8.3(e)(Investments):

                           "(vii)   the German Borrower to any other Loan Party
         (other than directly to the Company, Novelis Aluminium Holdings Company
         or Novelis Europe Holdings Ltd.); provided, however, that (A) no
         Default or Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing or
         would result therefrom, (B) each such intercompany loan shall be
         evidenced by an Intercompany Note that is a Pledged Secured
         Intercompany Note and (C) for each such intercompany loan, a
         corresponding amount is applied to the payment of the Obligations to
         the extent required by Section 2.9(b)(ii) (Mandatory Prepayments);

                           (viii)   the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company
         to any Cash Concentration Account or from any such Cash Concentration
         Account to the Company or any Subsidiary of the Company; provided,
         however, that, at any time, (A) the aggregate amount owed by all
         Subsidiaries of the Company that are not Loan Parties to all such Cash
         Concentration Accounts minus the aggregate amount on deposit from such
         Persons in all such Cash Concentration Accounts shall not exceed
         $50,000,000 and (B) the aggregate amount on deposit from the German
         Borrower in all such Cash Concentration Accounts shall not exceed the
         lesser of (1) $25,000,000 and (2) the aggregate principal amount of the
         Term Loans prepaid under Section 2.8(b) (Optional Prepayments) after
         the Effective Date; or


                           (ix)     Novelis do Brasil Ltda to any Loan Party;
         provided, however, that (A) such intercompany loan shall be evidenced
         by an Intercompany Note that is a Pledged Secured Intercompany Note;
         and (B) for each such intercompany loan, a corresponding amount is
         applied to the payment of the Obligations as required by Section
         2.9(b)(iii) (Mandatory Prepayments);"

         (m)      by deleting Section 8.3(k) (Investments) in its entirety and
inserting in lieu thereof the following:

                           "(k)     Investments not otherwise permitted hereby,
         including other Investments in any Subsidiary of the Company or any
         other Permitted Joint Venture; provided, however, that (i) the Dollar
         Equivalent of the aggregate outstanding amount of all such Investments
         (less any dividends or distributions or repayment of principal received
         in respect thereof) shall not exceed $50,000,000 at any time and (ii)
         in the case of Investments in the form of intercompany loans, each such
         loan shall be (A) evidenced by a Pledged Secured Intercompany Note if
         such intercompany loan is from a Loan Party to any other Loan Party,
         (B) evidenced by a Pledged Intercompany Note if such intercompany loan
         is from a Loan Party to a Subsidiary of the Company that is not a Loan
         Party and (C) made from the proceeds of the Canadian Dollar Loans if
         such intercompany loan is from the Canadian Borrower to the German
         Borrower; and"

         (n)      by inserting the following new clause (l) in Section

                           "(l)     Investments in the form of capital
         contributions to Novelis PAE and Novelis Specialites not to exceed
         $15,000,000 in the aggregate."

         (o)      by deleting Section 8.5(a) (Restricted Payments) in its
entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

                           "(a)     (i) in the case of any Wholly-Owned
         Subsidiary of any Borrower, Restricted Payments by such Subsidiary to
         such Borrower or any Guarantor and (ii) in the case of any Subsidiary
         that is a Permitted Joint Venture, any Restricted Payment made by such
         Subsidiary to all Persons holding such Subsidiary's Stock; provided,
         however, that the Restricted Payments received by each Person that is
         not a Loan Party or a Subsidiary of a Loan Party shall not exceed such
         Person's pro rata interest in such Restricted Payments based upon such
         Person's ownership percentage of such Subsidiary's Stock (other than
         Restricted Payments of up to $13,000,000 required to be paid as a
         priority payment to Taihan Electric Wire Co., Ltd. under the
         Constituent Documents of NKL);"

         (p)      by deleting Section 8.5(c) (Restricted Payments) in its
entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

                           "(c)     cash dividends on the Stock of the Company
         in an aggregate amount not to exceed the following amounts paid and
         declared in any Fiscal Year ending after the Closing Date: (i) for the
         Fiscal Year ending December 31, 2005, $45,000,000 and (ii) for each
         Fiscal Year thereafter, 50% of the Consolidated Net Income of the
         Company for the previous Fiscal Year; provided, however, that (A) the
         Restricted Payments described in this clause (c) shall not be permitted
         if a Default or Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing
         at the date of declaration or payment thereof or would result therefrom
         and (B) Consolidated Net Income shall be calculated for purposes of
         this clause (c) without giving effect to non-cash after-tax gains and
         losses resulting from the mark-to-market of any Hedging Contract in
         accordance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 133
         or non-cash after-tax gains or losses relating to any balance sheet
         translation in accordance with the Statement of Financial Accounting
         Standards No. 52 and, in either case, assuming an applicable tax rate
         equal to 35%."


         (q)      by inserting "(other than in connection with the Permitted
Benefit Plan Transfer)" in Section 9.1(h) (Events of Default) after "the
definition of 'ERISA Event' shall occur" and before "and the Dollar Equivalent."

         Section 2. Conditions Precedent. This Amendment shall become effective
as of the date (the "Effective Date") on which each of the following conditions
precedent shall have been satisfied or duly waived:

         (a)      Certain Documents. The Administrative Agent shall have
received each of the following, in form and substance satisfactory to the
Administrative Agent:

                  (i)      this Amendment, duly executed by each of the Loan
Parties and the Administrative Agent;

                  (ii)     Acknowledgment and Consent, in the form set forth
hereto as Exhibit A, duly executed by each of the Requisite Lenders;

                  (iii)    such additional documentation as the Administrative
Agent may reasonably require.

         (b)      Payment of Fees Costs and Expenses. The Administrative Agent
shall have received payment of all fees, costs and expenses, including, without
limitation, all fees, costs and expenses of the Administrative Agent (including,
without limitation, the reasonable fees and out-of-pocket expenses of counsel
for the Administrative Agent) in connection with this Amendment, the Credit
Agreement and each other Loan Document, as required by Section 4 hereof.

         (c)      Representations and Warranties. Each of the representations
and warranties contained in Section 3 below shall be true and correct.

         (d)      No Default or Event of Default. After giving effect to this
Amendment, no Default or Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing.

         Section 3. Representations and Warranties. Each Loan Party hereby
jointly and severally represents and warrants to the Administrative Agent and
each Lender, with respect to all Loan Parties, as follows:

         (a)      After giving effect to this Amendment, each of the
representations and warranties in the Credit Agreement and in the other Loan
Documents are true and correct in all material respects on and as of the date
hereof as though made on and as of such date, except to the extent that any such
representation or warranty expressly relates to an earlier date and except for
changes therein expressly permitted by the Credit Agreement.


         (b)      The execution, delivery and performance by each Loan Party of
this Amendment have been duly authorized by all requisite corporate, limited
liability company or limited partnership action on the part of such Loan Party
and will not violate any of the articles of incorporation or bylaws (or other
constituent documents) of such Loan Party.

         (c)      This Amendment has been duly executed and delivered by each
Loan Party, and each of this Amendment and the Credit Agreement as amended
hereby constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of such Loan Party,
enforceable against such Loan Party in accordance with their terms, except as
the same may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or
other similar laws affecting the rights of creditors generally and by general
principles of equity.

         (d)      After giving effect to this Amendment, no Default or Event of
Default has occurred and is continuing as of the date hereof.

         Section 4. Costs and Expenses. As provided in Section 11.3(a) (Costs
and Expenses) of the Credit Agreement, the Borrower agrees to reimburse the
Administrative Agent for all reasonable fees, costs and expenses, including the
reasonable fees, costs and expenses of counsel or other advisors for advice,
assistance or other representation in connection with this Amendment.

         Section 5. Reference to and Effect on the Loan Documents.

         (a)      As of the Effective Date, each reference in the Credit
Agreement and the other Loan Documents to "this Agreement," "hereunder,"
"hereof," "herein," or words of like import, and each reference in the other
Loan Documents to the Credit Agreement (including, without limitation, by means
of words like "thereunder", "thereof" and words of like import), shall mean and
be a reference to the Credit Agreement as amended hereby, and this Amendment and
the Credit Agreement shall be read together and construed as a single
instrument. Each of the table of contents and lists of Exhibits and Schedules of
the Credit Agreement shall be amended to reflect the changes made in this

         (b)      Except as expressly amended hereby, all of the terms and
provisions of the Credit Agreement and all other Loan Documents are and shall
remain in full force and effect and are hereby ratified and confirmed.

         (c)      The execution, delivery and effectiveness of this Amendment
shall not, except as expressly provided herein, operate as a waiver of any
right, power or remedy of the Administrative Agent, any Lender or any Issuer
under the Credit Agreement or any Loan Document, or constitute a waiver or
amendment of any other provision of the Credit Agreement or any Loan Document
except as and to the extent expressly set forth herein.

         (d)      Each Loan Party hereby confirms that the guaranties, security
interests and liens granted pursuant to the Loan Documents continue to guarantee
and secure the Obligations as set forth in the Loan Documents and that such
guaranties, security interests and liens remain in full force and effect.

         Section 6. Counterparts. This Amendment may be executed in any number
of counterparts and by different parties hereto in separate counterparts, each
of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and all of which
taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement. Receipt by the
Administrative Agent of a facsimile copy of an executed signature page hereof
shall constitute receipt by the Administrative Agents of an executed counterpart
of this Amendment.


         Section 7. Governing Law. This Amendment and the rights and obligations
of the parties hereto shall be governed by, and construed and interpreted in
accordance with, the law of the State of New York. Section 8. Headings. Section
headings contained in this Amendment are included herein for convenience of
reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Amendment for any other

         Section 9. Waiver of Jury Trial. EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO IRREVOCABLY

                            [SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW]


        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be
executed by their respective officers and members thereunto duly authorized, on
the date indicated below.

                                        NOVELIS INC.
                                        as Borrower and Guarantor


                                        NOVELIS CORPORATION,
                                        as Borrower and Guarantor


                                        NOVELIS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH,
                                        as Borrower and Guarantor


                                        NOVELIS UK LIMITED,
                                        as Borrower and Guarantor


                                        NOVELIS AG,
                                        as Borrower and Guarantor


                                        EUROFOIL INC. (USA),
                                        as Guarantor



                                        NOVELIS PAE CORPORATION,
                                        as Guarantor


                                        NOVELIS CAST HOUSE TECHNOLOGY LTD.,
                                        as Guarantor


                                        4260848 CANADA INC.,
                                        as Guarantor


                                        4260856 CANADA INC.,
                                        as Guarantor


                                        NOVELIS EUROPE HOLDINGS LTD.,
                                        as Guarantor


                                        NOVELIS UK LTD.,
                                        as Guarantor



                                        NOVELIS DO BRASIL LTDA,
                                        as Guarantor


                                        NOVELIS SWITZERLAND S.A.,
                                        as Guarantor


                                        NOVELIS TECHNOLOGY AG,
                                        as Guarantor


                                        NOVELIS ALUMINIUM HOLDINGS COMPANY,
                                        as Guarantor



                                        CITICORP NORTH AMERICA, INC.,
                                        as Administrative Agent under the
                                        Credit Agreement
