ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT

of July 1, 2008, amended and restated as of November 1, 2009, and further
amended and restated as of August 1, 2014, November 9, 2015 and February 1,
2017, by and between each Trust listed on Appendix A annexed hereto (each, a
"Trust"), each a Delaware statutory trust, and Pioneer Investment Management,
Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Administrator").

   WHEREAS, each Trust is a registered management investment company under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act");

   WHEREAS, the Trust wishes to engage the Administrator to provide certain
administrative services listed in Appendix B annexed hereto to each Trust with
respect to the series of the Trust designated in Appendix A annexed hereto from
time to time (the "Funds"); and the Administrator is willing to furnish such
services on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and

   WHEREAS, the Administrator has entered into an agreement with Brown Brothers
Harriman & Co. ("BBH") pursuant to which BBH will act as a sub-administrator to
the Administrator (as amended from time to time, the "BBH Agreement") and to
which each Trust has joined as a party solely for the purposes specified

   NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual covenants herein
contained, it is agreed as follows:

   1. Each Trust hereby engages the Administrator to provide and perform the
administrative services listed on Appendix B annexed hereto (as such Appendix
may be revised from time to time by agreement of the parties) with respect to
each Fund, except that it is understood that the Administrator has entered into
the BBH Agreement, with the approval of the Trusts' Boards of Trustees (the
"Board"), to perform certain accounting an other services listed in Appendix B
and, for the closed-end Funds, certain additional services specified in the BBH
Agreement, for the period and on the terms set forth in this Agreement. The
Administrator accepts such engagement and agrees to render the services herein
set forth, for the compensation herein provided.

   2. Subject to the direction and control of the Board, the Administrator
shall perform the administrative services listed on Appendix B, except as
otherwise provided in the BBH Agreement with respect to the performance of
accounting and other services to be provided by BBH. In no event shall the
Administrator be deemed to have assumed any duties with respect to, or be
responsible for, the distribution of the shares of any Fund, nor shall the
Administrator be deemed to have assumed, or have any responsibility with
respect to, functions specifically assumed by any investment adviser, transfer
agent, fund accounting agent, custodian, shareholder servicing agent or other
agent, in each case directly employed by a Trust or a Fund to perform such
functions. With respect to the legal services listed in Appendix B, it is
recognized that such legal services are provided for the benefit of the Funds
in conjunction with legal services separately provided to the

Funds by their counsel, and nothing in this Agreement shall cause the
Administrator to be responsible for bearing the fees and disbursements of
counsel to the Funds.

   3. With the Board's approval, BBH has been employed by the Administrator to
provide sub-administrative services to the Trust as provided in the BBH
Agreement. Subject to the Board's approval, the Administrator may employ one or
more other service providers, including affiliates of the Administrator, to
provide certain of the services to be provided by the Administrator under this
Agreement, by entering into a written agreement with each such entity on such
terms as the Administrator determines to be necessary, desirable or
appropriate, provided that in each case such contracts are entered into in
accordance with all applicable requirements of the 1940 Act. Except as
otherwise provided in paragraph 9, each Trust agrees that the Administrator
shall not be accountable to the Trust or any Fund or any Fund's shareholders
for any loss or other liability arising out of any error or omission by BBH or
any such other service provider. The Administrator will cooperate with any Fund
or Funds in the event that such Fund or Funds seek to assert against BBH claims
arising from the performance by BBH of its services under the BBH Agreement,
and acknowledges the Funds' status as named beneficiaries under the BBH
Agreement. Similarly, the Administrator will cooperate with any Fund or Funds
in the event that such Fund or Funds seek to assert against a transfer agent
claims arising from the performance by such transfer agent of its services.

   4. Each Trust shall furnish to the Administrator such documents and
information as may be necessary or appropriate to enable the Administrator to
perform its duties hereunder and with such other documents and information with
regard to each Fund's affairs as the Administrator may from time to time
reasonably request.

   5. In compliance with the requirements of Rule 3la-3 under the 1940 Act, the
Administrator hereby agrees that any records that it maintains hereunder for
any Fund are the property of the Fund, and further agrees to surrender promptly
to the Fund any of such records upon the Fund's request. The Administrator
further agrees to arrange for the preservation of any of such records required
to be maintained by Rule 3la-1 under the 1940 Act for the periods prescribed by
Rule 31a-2 under the 1940 Act.

   6. The Administrator shall supply the Board and the officers of each Trust
with all information and reports reasonably required by them and reasonably
available to the Administrator relating to the services provided by the
Administrator hereunder.

   7. (a)(i) As compensation for the services performed by the Administrator
under this Agreement, each Fund shall reimburse the Administrator its pro rata
share, based on the Fund's average daily net assets (or the Fund's average
daily managed assets if so set forth on Appendix A hereto), of the
Administrator's costs of providing the services hereunder (or such alternative
allocation methodology based on the nature of the services), provided that the
costs attributed to services being provided by BBH or any other third party
shall be reduced accordingly. In determining the Administrator's costs of
providing services hereunder, personnel-related costs associated with the
Administrator's legal, compliance, fund treasury ("Fund Treasury") and
investor-related services shall be allocated in accordance with prescribed
allocation percentages reviewed by the Board from time to time. On a quarterly
basis, the Administrator will provide the


Board with information comparing the Administrator's actual costs of providing
services hereunder and the budgeted amount of such costs to the Funds.

   (ii) The Administrator and each Fund agree that the Administrator and the
Board will review at least annually a budget as to the costs relating to the
provision of services by the Administrator hereunder, which budget shall
include the allocation percentages applicable to personnel-related costs
associated with the Administrator's legal, compliance, Fund Treasury and
investor-related services. Such budgeted costs and/or such allocation
percentages also will be reviewed at other times should the budgeted costs or
the circumstances affecting the allocation percentages, as the case may be,
change materially. In connection with each review, the Administrator will
provide the Board with such information as the Board may reasonably request.

   (iii) Each Fund shall pay amounts due from it hereunder as promptly as
possible after the last day of each month. If this Agreement is terminated with
respect to any Fund as of any date not the last day of the month, such Fund
shall pay amounts due from it hereunder as promptly as possible after such date
of termination.

   (b) The Administrator shall furnish all facilities and personnel necessary
for performing the Administrator's services hereunder and shall furnish to each
Trust office space in the offices of the Administrator or in such other place
as may be agreed upon from time to time. The Administrator shall pay directly
or reimburse each Trust for all expenses not hereinafter specifically assumed
by the Trust where such expenses are incurred by the Administrator or by the
Trust in connection with the management of the affairs of, and the investment
and reinvestment of the assets of, the Trust. Each Trust, on behalf of each
Fund that is a series of the Trust, shall assume and shall pay (i) charges and
expenses for fund accounting, pricing and appraisal services and related
overhead, including, to the extent such services are performed by personnel of
a Fund's investment adviser (the "Manager") or its affiliates, office space and
facilities, and personnel compensation, training and benefits; (ii) the charges
and expenses of auditors; (iii) the charges and expenses of any investment
adviser, administrator, custodian, transfer agent, plan agent, dividend
disbursing agent, registrar or any other agent appointed by the Trust;
(iv) issue and transfer taxes chargeable to the Trust in connection with
securities transactions to which the Trust is a party; (v) insurance premiums,
interest charges, any expenses in connection with any preferred shares or other
form of leverage, dues and fees for membership in trade associations and all
taxes and corporate fees payable by the Trust to federal, state or other
governmental agencies; (vi) fees and expenses involved in registering and
maintaining registrations of the Trust and/or its shares with federal
regulatory agencies, state or blue sky securities agencies and foreign
jurisdictions, including the preparation of prospectuses and statements of
additional information for filing with such regulatory authorities; (vii) all
expenses of shareholders' and Board of Trustees' (the "Board", and each Board
member, a "Trustee") meetings and of preparing, printing and distributing
prospectuses, notices, proxy statements and all reports to shareholders and to
governmental agencies; (viii) charges and expenses of legal counsel to the
Trust and the Trustees; (ix) any fees paid by the Trust in accordance with Rule
12b-l promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission")
pursuant to the 1940 Act; (x) compensation of those Trustees of the Trust who
are not affiliated with, or "interested persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act)
of, the Manager, the Trust (other than as Trustees), Pioneer Investment
Management USA Inc. or Pioneer Funds Distributor, Inc.; (xi) the cost of
preparing and printing share certificates; (xii) any fees and other expenses of
listing the Trust's shares on the New York Stock Exchange,


American Stock Exchange or any other national stock exchange, (xiii) interest
on borrowed money, if any; (xiv) fees payable by the Trust under management
agreements and under this Agreement; and (xv) extraordinary expenses. Each
Trust shall also assume and pay any other expense that the Trust, the Manager
or any other agent of the Trust may incur not listed above that is approved by
the Board (including a majority of the independent Trustees) as being an
appropriate expense of the Trust. Each Trust shall pay all fees and expenses to
be paid by the Trust under the BBH Agreement. In addition, each Trust, on
behalf of each Fund that is a series of the Trust, agrees to pay all brokers'
and underwriting commissions chargeable to the Trust in connection with
securities transactions to which the Fund is a party.

   8. The Administrator assumes no responsibility under this Agreement other
than to render the services called for hereunder, in good faith, and shall not
be liable for any error of judgment or mistake of law, or for any act or
omission in the performance of the services, provided that nothing in this
Agreement shall protect the Administrator against any liability to a Fund to
which the Administrator otherwise would be subject by reason of willful
misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence in the performance of its duties or
by reason of its reckless disregard of its obligations and duties hereunder. As
used in paragraph 9 and paragraph 10, the term "Administrator" shall include
any affiliates of the Administrator performing services for a Trust or any Fund
pursuant to this Agreement and the partners, shareholders, directors, officers
and employees of the Administrator and such affiliates.

   9. Each Fund separately shall indemnify and hold the Administrator harmless
from all loss, cost, damage and expense, including reasonable fees and expenses
for counsel, incurred by the Administrator resulting from or arising out of the
provision of the Administrator's services, provided that this indemnification
shall not apply to actions or omissions of the Administrator, its officers or
employees resulting from or arising out of its or their own willful
misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence. The Administrator shall indemnify
and hold each Fund harmless from all loss, cost, damage and expense, including
reasonable fees and expenses for counsel, incurred by a Fund resulting from or
arising out of the Administrator's, or its officers' or employees' own willful
misfeasance, bad faith or gross negligence.

   10. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or restrict the right of any
director, officer, or employee of the Administrator who may also be a Trustee,
officer, or employee of a Trust or any Fund to engage in any other business or
to devote his time and attention in part to the management or other aspects of
any other business, whether of a similar nature or a dissimilar nature, nor to
limit or restrict the right of the Administrator to engage in any other
business or to render services of any kind, including investment advisory and
management services, to any other fund, firm, individual or association.

   11. For purposes of this Agreement, a Fund's "net assets" shall be
determined as provided in the Fund's then-current Prospectus and Statement of
Additional Information, and references to the "1940 Act" shall include any
rule, regulation or applicable exemptive order of the Securities and Exchange
Commission (the "SEC") thereunder and the interpretive guidance with respect to
the 1940 Act by the SEC or its staff. "Managed assets" means (a) the total
assets of a Trust, including any form of investment leverage, minus (b) all
accrued liabilities incurred in the normal course of operations, which shall
not include any liabilities or obligations attributable to investment leverage
obtained through (i) indebtedness of any type (including, without


limitation, borrowing through a credit facility or the issuance of debt
securities), (ii) the issuance of preferred stock or other similar preference
securities, and/or (iii) any other means. The liquidation preference on any
preferred shares is not a liability.

   12. This Agreement will become effective with respect to each Fund on the
date first above written or such later date set forth opposite the Fund's name
on Appendix A annexed hereto, provided that it shall have been approved by the
applicable Trust's Board, and, unless sooner terminated as provided herein,
will continue in effect for each Fund designated on Appendix A on the date
hereof until December 31, 2012, and for each Fund added to Appendix A
hereafter, until the date specified in Appendix A. Thereafter, if not
terminated, this Agreement shall continue in effect with respect to each Fund
for successive one-year terms, so long as each such term is approved by the

   13. This Agreement is terminable with respect to any Fund (i) without
penalty, by the Board or (ii) by the Administrator upon not less than 90 days'
written notice to the applicable Trust. This Agreement may be terminated with
respect to one or more Funds without affecting the validity of this Agreement
with respect to any other Fund designated on Appendix A.

   14. The Administrator agrees that for services rendered to each Fund, or for
any claim by it in connection with the services rendered to the Fund under this
Agreement, it shall look only to assets of the Fund for satisfaction and that
it shall have no claim against the assets of any other portfolios of any Trust.
The undersigned officer of the Trusts has executed this Agreement not
individually, but as an officer under each Trust's Declaration of Trust and the
obligations of this Agreement are not binding upon any of the Trustees,
officers or shareholders of the Trusts individually.

   15. No provision of this Agreement may be changed, waived, discharged or
terminated orally, but only by an instrument in writing signed by the party
against which enforcement of the change, waiver, discharge or termination is

   16. This Agreement embodies the entire agreement and understanding between
the parties hereto and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings
relating to the subject matter hereof. Should any part of this Agreement be
held or made invalid by a court decision, statute, rule or otherwise, the
remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. This Agreement shall
be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their
respective successors.

   17. This Agreement shall be construed and the provisions hereof interpreted
under and in accordance with the laws of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

   18. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute
one and the same instrument.

   19. This Agreement amends and restates in its entirety the prior
administration agreement in effect for each Trust and Fund.


   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their officers thereunto duly authorized.

                                       THE PIONEER TRUSTS LISTED ON APPENDIX A
                                       On behalf of the Funds named therein

                                       By:     /s/ Mark E. Bradley
                                       Name:   Mark E. Bradley
                                       Title:  Treasurer

                                       PIONEER INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, INC.

                                       By:     /s/ Gregg M. Dooling
                                       Name:   Gregg M. Dooling
                                       Title:  Chief Financial Officer


                                                                     Appendix A

(Updated as of February 1, 2017)

Open-End Funds

 Trust                Fund                   Effective Date/Initial Term Date

 Pioneer Bond Fund    Pioneer Bond Fund      Effective Date: July 1, 2008

                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Emerging     Pioneer Emerging       Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Markets Fund         Markets Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Equity       Pioneer Equity Income  Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Income Fund          Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Fund         Pioneer Fund           Effective Date: July 1, 2008

                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer High Yield   Pioneer High Yield     Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Fund                 Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Asset        Pioneer Solutions -    Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Allocation Trust     Conservative Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                      Pioneer Solutions -    Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                      Growth Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31,2009

                      Pioneer Solutions -    Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                      Balanced Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Mid Cap      Pioneer Mid Cap Value  Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Value Fund           Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31,2009

 Pioneer Money        Pioneer U.S.           Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Market Trust         Governemnt Money
                      Market Fund            Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Real Estate  Pioneer Real Estate    Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Shares               Shares
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Series       Pioneer AMT-Free       Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Trust II             Municipal Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31,2009

                      Pioneer Select Mid     Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                      Cap Growth Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31,2009

 Pioneer Series       Pioneer Disciplined    Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Trust III            Value Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31,2009

 Pioneer Series       Pioneer Classic        Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Trust IV             Balanced Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                      Pioneer Multi-Asset    Effective Date: December 1, 2011
                      Income Fund
                                             Initial Term: December 1,
                                             2011-December 31, 2012

 Pioneer Series       Pioneer Global Equity  Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Trust V              Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                      Pioneer High Income    Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                      Municipal Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                      Pioneer U.S.           Effective Date: July 12, 2016
                      Corporate High Yield
                      Fund                   Initial Term: July 12,
                                             2016-December 31, 2017

 Pioneer Series       Pioneer Floating Rate  Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Trust VI             Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                      Pioneer Flexible       Effective Date: March 5, 2010
                      Opportunities Fund
                                             Initial Term: March 5,
                                             2010-December 31, 2011

 Pioneer Series       Pioneer Global High    Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Trust VII            Yield Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                      Pioneer Global         Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                      Multisector Income
                      Fund                   Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Series       Pioneer International  Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Trust VIII           Equity Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Series       Pioneer Dynamic        Effective Date: March 8, 2011
 Trust X              Credit Fund
                                             Initial Term: March 8,
                                             2011-December 31, 2012

                      Pioneer Fundamental    Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                      Growth Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                      Pioneer Multi-Asset    Effective Date: March 8, 2011
                      Ultrashort Income Fund
                                             Initial Term: March 8,
                                             2011-December 31, 2012

 Pioneer Series       Pioneer Core Equity    Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Trust XI             Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Series       Pioneer Disciplined    Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Trust XII            Growth Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Short Term   Pioneer Short Term     Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Income Fund          Income Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Strategic    Pioneer Strategic      Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Income Fund          Income Fund
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Variable     Pioneer Bond VCT       Effective Date: July 1, 2008
 Contracts Trust      Portfolio
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                      Pioneer Emerging       Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                      Markets VCT Portfolio
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                      Pioneer Equity Income  Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                      VCT Portfolio
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                      Pioneer Fund VCT       Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                      Pioneer High Yield     Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                      VCT Portfolio
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                      Pioneer Mid Cap Value  Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                      VCT Portfolio
                                             Initial Term: July 1,
                                             2008-December 31, 2009

                       Pioneer Real Estate     Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                       Shares VCT Portfolio
                                               Initial Term: July 1,
                                               2008-December 31, 2009

                       Pioneer Select Mid      Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                       Cap Growth VCT
                       Portfolio               Initial Term: July 1,
                                               2008-December 31, 2009

                       Pioneer Strategic       Effective Date: July 1, 2008
                       Income VCT Portfolio
                                               Initial Term: July 1,
                                               2008-December 31, 2009

 Closed-End Funds

 Trust                                         Effective Date/Initial Term Date

 Pioneer Diversified High Income Trust         Effective Date: November 1, 2009

                                               Initial Term: November 1,
                                               2009-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Floating Rate Trust                   Effective Date: November 1, 2009

                                               Initial Term: November 1,
                                               2009-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer High Income Trust                     Effective Date: November 1, 2009

                                               Initial Term: November 1,
                                               2009-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer ILS Interval Fund                     Effective Date: December 10, 2014

                                               Initial Term: December 10,
                                               2014-November 30, 2015

 Pioneer Multi-Asset Credit Trust              Effective Date: February 13, 2013

                                               Initial Term: February 13,
                                               2013-December 31, 2013

 Pioneer Municipal High Income Trust           Effective Date: November 1, 2009

                                               Initial Term: November 1,
                                               2009-December 31, 2009

 Pioneer Municipal High Income                 Effective Date: November 1, 2009
 Advantage Trust
                                               Initial Term: November 1,
                                               2009-December 31, 2009

                                                                     Appendix B

                           ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT

                              Accounting Services

Fund Accounting

Maintain all accounting records for Funds

    .  Calculate and report daily net asset values per share and yields

    .  Recommend income and capital gains distribution rates

    .  Prepare Funds' financial statements and assist in Fund audits

    .  Provide bank loan administration services, including reconciling and
       validating positions, cash, paydowns and interest accruals, supporting
       other accounting processes, and managing related systems

Shareholder Reporting and Audit Liaison

    .  Prepare and file (via EDGAR) shareholder reports required by Rule 30e-l
       under the 1940 Act and reports on Forms N-CSR, N-Q and N-SAR as required
       by Rules 30d-1 and 30b-1 under the 1940 Act

    .  Manage the Funds' audit processes to ensure timely completion of
       financial statements and shareholder reports

    .  Prepare reports related to advisory contract renewals for the Trustees'
       review, as well as other materials that any Board may request from time
       to time

    .  Provide financial information for prospectus updates and other
       regulatory filings

    .  Prepare and furnish the Funds with performance information (including
       yield and total return information) calculated in accordance with
       applicable U.S. securities laws and report to external entities such

Pricing and Corporate Actions

    .  Ensure accuracy and timeliness of prices supplied by external sources to
       be used in daily valuations of all security positions held by each Fund

    .  Support corporate actions and bankruptcy proof of claim analyses

    .  Validate and communicate class action and bankruptcy proof of claim

    .  Present periodic valuation reports to Funds' Boards

Systems and Administration

    .  Provide direction, supervision and administrative support to all Fund
       Treasury teams providing Accounting Services hereunder

    .  Provide systems support to users of fund accounting and portfolio
       pricing software, and manage relationships with applicable software and
       hardware vendors

    .  Develop and maintain applications and systems interfaces for Fund
       Treasury teams

Controllership Services

    .  Manage Fund expense payment cycles (e.g., timeliness and accuracy of
       payments, allocation of costs among Funds)

    .  Coordinate and standardize Fund expense accruals and budgeting

    .  Provide expense reports as required

    .  Compile daily reports of shareholder transactions from all sources for
       entry into Fund books

    .  Provide daily reconciliation of receivable, payable and share accounts
       between Funds' records and sources of shareholder transactions

    .  Manage the daily process to minimize "as of" gains and losses to Funds

    .  Communicate daily Fund prices

    .  Provide information and consultation on financial matters relating to
       the Funds including, without limitation, dividend distributions, expense
       pro formas, expense accruals and other matters

Tax Services

    .  Manage the Funds' federal, state and applicable local tax preparation
       and reporting

    .  Prepare fiscal and excise tax distribution calculations

    .  Prepare and file federal, state and any local income tax returns,
       including tax return extension requests

    .  Prepare shareholder year-end reporting statements

    .  Provide the appropriate amounts and characterization of distributions
       declared during the calendar year for Forms 1099 and similar reporting

    .  Periodically review and determine distributions to be paid to
       shareholders pursuant to Sub Chapter M requirements

    .  Consult with the Funds' Treasurer on various tax issues as they arise
       and with the Funds' auditors when appropriate

                           ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT

                                Legal Services

Registration Statements, Proxy Statements and Related Securities and Exchange
Commission ("SEC") Filings

    .  Maintain SEC filing calendar for the Funds' Registration Statement

    .  Prepare and file (via EDGAR) amendments to the Funds' Registration
       Statements, including preparing prospectuses and statements of
       additional information (SAIs)

    .  Prepare and file (via EDGAR) supplements to the Funds' prospectuses and
       registration statements

    .  Prepare and file (via EDGAR) Fund proxy statements; provide consultation
       on proxy solicitation matters (i.e., with regard to the solicitation and
       tabulation of proxies in connection with shareholder meetings; the
       coordination of the printing and distribution of proxy materials, etc.)

    .  Review comments from the SEC on Fund registration statements and proxy
       statement filings and contribute to the preparation of responses to such

    .  Conduct and manage use of software utilized to aid in maintaining
       content of disclosure in Fund prospectuses and SAIs, including related
       language database

    .  Prepare and file (via EDGAR) Rule 24f-2 Notices

    .  SEC Electronic Filing (EDGAR) Responsibilities

       .  Maintain and develop enhancements to Pioneer's EDGAR-related systems
          and procedures, including contingency planning

       .  Maintain EDGAR related databases and document archives

       .  Liaise with third party EDGAR agents when necessary

Shareholder Report Review and Support

    .  Review annual and semi-annual shareholder reports, including review of
       text of footnotes, as well as management's discussion of Fund
       performance, Trustee and officer background information and other
       non-financial statement aspects of reports

    .  Provide consulting to Fund Treasury in meeting regulatory requirements
       applicable to financial statements

    .  With Fund counsel and Fund Treasury, review comments from the SEC on
       Fund financial statement filings and assist in the preparation of
       responses to such comments

Corporate Secretarial and Governance Matters

    .  Maintain general calendar for Trustee meetings (including meetings of
       committees of Boards); track items that require annual or other periodic
       review and/or approval by Trustees; coordinate meeting presentations

    .  Maintain awareness of regulatory changes and track compliance dates with
       respect thereto

    .  Prepare agenda and background materials for Trustee and Board committee
       meetings (i.e., memoranda, proposed resolutions), attend meetings,
       prepare minutes and follow up on matters raised at meetings

    .  Review draft materials and coordinate review by Trustees and external
       personnel (i.e., Fund counsel and auditors)

    .  Produce and distribute materials to Trustees and other meeting attendees

    .  Oversee vendors and technology that facilitate assembly, production and
       distribution of Trustee materials

    .  Attend and assist in coordination of shareholder meetings

    .  Monitor fidelity bond and directors' and officers' errors and omissions
       policies and make required filings with the SEC; act as principal
       liaison with Funds' insurance carriers and agents; coordinate amendments
       to and annual renewals of policies and coverage, including completion of
       materials for Board consideration

    .  Maintain Fund records required by Section 31 of the 1940 Act and the
       rules thereunder, except those records that are either the
       responsibility of the Fund's Manager under the management agreements
       with the Funds or otherwise are maintained by the Funds' other service
       providers (e.g., subadviser, custodian, transfer agent)

    .  Maintain corporate records on behalf of the Funds, including, but not
       limited to, copies of minutes, contracts and Trustee meeting materials

    .  Review and administer the payment of invoices from legal counsel to the
       Trusts and counsel to the independent Trustees

Miscellaneous Services

    .  Preparation and filing of the Funds' Form N-SAR, Form N-CSR, Form N-Q
       and Form N-PX filings

    .  Prepare and make Section 16 filings on behalf of the officers and
       Trustees of the closed-end Funds

    .  Meet regulatory requirements applicable to the status of certain Funds
       as exempt from treatment as commodity pools under Commodity Futures
       Trading Commission (CFTC) Rule 4.5, including related regulatory filings

                           ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT

                              Compliance Services

    .  Assist the Funds in responding to routine and non-routine regulatory
       inquiries, examinations and investigations

    .  Provide consultation on regulatory matters relating to Fund operations
       and any potential changes in the Funds' investment policies, operations
       or structure

    .  Develop or assist in developing guidelines and procedures to improve
       overall compliance by the Funds and their various agents

    .  Oversee implementation and testing of the Funds' compliance-related
       policies and procedures

                           ADMINISTRATION AGREEMENT

                    Investor Services Group (ISG) Services

    .  Coordinate and monitor services of the Funds' transfer agents, including
       with regard to:

       .  Service level quality

       .  Compliance with applicable regulations and Fund procedures

       .  Training as to Fund policies, strategies and initiatives

       .  Shareholder mailings and other communications

       .  Planning and implementing Fund initiatives and projects

       .  Coordination of systems upgrades and other significant projects of
          transfer agents that relate to Fund policies

    .  Coordinate shareholder proxy solicitation activities, including planning
       of proxy-related projects and the use of proxy tabulation and
       solicitation firms

    .  Provide analysis and historical information to assist with shareholder
       inquiries and reports, as well as inquiries from other Fund service

    .  Provide oversight of the Funds' anti-money laundering program, including
       monitoring related activities delegated by the Funds to transfer agents
       or other entities

    .  Coordinate program designed to limit frequent and/or excessive trading
       in Fund shares, including implementation of shareholder information
       agreements under Rule 22c-2 under the 1940 Act and associated monitoring
       systems and procedures

    .  Perform activities and and provide reporting in support of the Funds'
       compliance program

    .  Enter into investor servicing relationships on behalf of the Funds with
       omnibus account administrators, retirement plan administrators and other
       investor service organizations

    .  Provide oversight of investor service organizations under a vendor
       management program, including service and compensation review

Blue Sky Administration (State Registration)

    .  Principal liaison with Blue Sky vendor (the fees and expenses of which
       are charged separately to the applicable Funds)

    .  Coordinate SEC filing schedule and Fund documentation with Blue Sky

    .  Monitor status of state filings with Blue Sky vendor

    .  Transfer agent coordination

    .  Review Blue Sky vendor statements and invoices

    .  Conduct Blue Sky vendor due diligence, as appropriate

       .  Hiring oversight

       .  In-person meetings

       .  Independent audit of services