WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT


                         COMMISSION FILE NO.: 000-50541

                             DRAGON GOLD RESOURCES, INC.

            NEVADA                                          88-0507007
- -------------------------------                ---------------------------------


                            (ISSUER TELEPHONE NUMBER)

                                (FORMER ADDRESS)


     As  a  result  of  the  acquisition  of  Dragon  Minerals Holdings Inc., an
International Business Company incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin
Islands ("Dragon"), as discussed below under "Item 2. Acquisition or Disposition
of  Assets,"  Gregory  Corcoran's  ownership  has decreased with the issuance of
shares  to  the  former  shareholder  of Dragon.  The following individuals will
exercise  control  over  the  Registrant:

     Name               No.  of  Shares               Percentage
     ----               ---------------               ----------

     Greg  Corcoran          28,000,000                41.9%
     Raoul  Tsakok           11,500,000                17.2%


     On  July  15,  2004,  the  Registrant  acquired  100%  of  the  issued  and
outstanding  common  stock  of  Dragon  in  exchange for 16,500,000 newly issued
shares  of  the  Registrant's  common  stock  pursuant  to an Exchange Agreement
whereby  Dragon  became  a  wholly-owned   subsidiary  of  the  Registrant  (the
"Exchange").  At closing, there were 66,896,794 issued and outstanding shares of
the  Registrant  following  the  issuance  to  the  Dragon  shareholder.

     Subsequent  to  the Exchange, the Registrant entered into an agreement with
Gregory  Corcoran  whereby  the  Registrant   transferred  certain  assets  held
immediately  prior  to  the   Exchange,  and  the   Registrant's  then  existing
liabilities  related  thereto,  to  Gregory  Corcoran,  the  Registrant's former
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  in  consideration  for  $1,000.  The
Registrant  is  transferring  the following assets to Mr. Corcoran: the tangible
assets  excluding  cash  and the intangible assets including i) the right to the
name  "Folix  Technologies,  Inc.";  ii)  the  right  to operate the business of
developing a Linux based application server and thin client system; and iii) any
contracts,  agreements,  rights  or  other  intangible  property,  owned  by the
Registrant  immediately  prior  to the Exchange (collectively referred to as the
"Assets").  The  Registrant  also transferred the liabilities that relate to the
Assets  to  Mr.  Corcoran.

     The  Registrant  is a holding company for Dragon which in turn holds all of
the  common  stock  of  Dragon  Minerals Inc., an International Business Company
incorporated  under  the laws of the British Virgin Islands ("Dragon Minerals").
The  term  "Company"  as used in this report includes Dragon and Dragon Minerals
unless  specifically stated otherwise.  The business operations discussed herein
are  those  contemplated  by  the  Company.


     Dragon  Minerals Holdings, Inc. was incorporated on February 25, 2004 as an
International Business Company incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin
Islands.  Dragon owns 100% of the common stock of Dragon Minerals, Inc.  On July
15,  2004,  the  Registrant  acquired  100% of the issued and outstanding common
stock  of  Dragon,  as discussed above.  The Company is headquartered in London,
UK.  The  Company  intends  to   engage  in  gold  exploration  and  development
activities  in  the  Southern  Shaanxi  Province  of  China  ("Shaanxi").


     The Company does not currently offer any products or services.  The Company
has signed two letters of intent (the "Letters of Intent") to enter into two (2)
joint  ventures  for  gold  exploration and potential development on a choice of
properties  located in Shaanxi, discussed in more detail below under the heading
"Description  of  Property."  The  Letters of Intent anticipate that the Company
will  contribute  cash  to  the  joint ventures.  The other parties to the joint
ventures  would  contribute  permits  for  exploration  and  development  on  an
aggregate  of up to thirteen (13) properties (the "Permits").  The government of
China  owns  the  properties to which the Permits relate.  The Permits grant the
right  to  the  mineral  resources  found  below  the surface of the properties.

     The Letters of Intent contemplate two phases of activities: the exploration
phase  and  the  development phase.  The development phase is contingent on, and
will  not proceed unless there are, positive results from the exploration phase.
At  this  time,  the Company has not entered into any joint ventures, raised any
cash  or  contributed any cash to any joint ventures, or selected any properties
for  gold  exploration  and  potential  development.


     Most  multi-metallic and gold deposits in the Shaanxi Province of China are
located in the Qinling Mountain belt and surrounding regions.  The gold deposits
can be divided into three (3) gold provinces: Xiao Qinling, Qinling and Southern
Shaanxi  gold provinces.  The Xiao Qinling gold province is currently the second
largest  gold producing area in China.  The Qinling gold province is west of the
Xiao  Qinling  gold  province.  Explorers unrelated to the Company have recently
discovered  gold deposits in the Qinling gold province.  The Company has entered
into  two  (2)  agreements  whereby  the  Company  will enter into two (2) joint
ventures  for the exploration and development of up to thirteen (13) properties.
One (1) of the properties covered by the agreements to enter into joint ventures
is  located  within the Xiao Qinling gold province.  Seven (7) of the properties
are  located  within  the Qinling gold province.  Four (4) of the properties are
located  within  the  Southern Shaanxi gold province.  A fifth (5th) property is
also  located  within the Southern Shaanxi gold province, but more specifically,
in  an  area  called  Chuan-Shaan-Gan  gold  triangular  zone.


     The  gold  exploration  and  development  industry  in the Southern Shaanxi
Province  of China is very competitive with well established companies that have
more  experience  and resources than the Company.  These companies are generally
better  able  to  compete  than  the  Company.


     The  Company  does not have any copyrights, patents, trademarks, license or
other  types  of  intellectual  property.


     The  Bureau  and  Northwest  are  local  government  departments  that have
exploration permits from the Chinese government regarding the properties subject
to  the Letters of Intent and have also carried out previous exploratory work on
the  properties.  The  Permits  grant  the  right to the mineral resources found
below  the surface of the properties.  Actual exploration and development on the
property  will  require   additional   governmental   permits  such  as  certain
environmental  permits.


     The Company has not conducted any research and development activities since
inception.  The  Company  does  not  have  plans  to  conduct  any  research and
development  during  the next twelve months.  The Company does however intend to
conduct exploration and development activities on up to thirteen (13) properties
in  Shaanxi  during  the  next  twelve  months.


     The  Company does not currently have any employees on either a part-time or
full-time  basis.  The  Company  intends  to  use consultants and other forms of
contract  or  outsourced  labor  during  the  next  twelve  months.


     The  Company  has  entered  into  two Letters of Intent whereby the Company
would  enter  into two (2) joint ventures for the exploration and development of
up to thirteen (13) properties in Shaanxi (the "Shaanxi Property").  Pursuant to
one  Letter  of  Intent, the Company would enter into a Sino-Foreign cooperative
joint  venture  company  with  the  Bureau  of Geology and Mineral Exploration &
Development  of  Shaanxi  Province  (the  "Bureau")   for  the  exploration  and
development  of  up  to twelve (12) properties.  Pursuant to the other Letter of
Intent,  the  Company  would enter into a Sino-Foreign cooperative joint venture
company  with  Northwest  Geology  and  Exploration Bureau for Nonferrous Metals
("Northwest")  for exploration and development of one (1) property.  Pursuant to
the  Letters of Intent, the Company would contribute cash to the joint ventures.
The  other  parties to the joint ventures would contribute the Permits and their
previous  exploratory  finding for up to thirteen (13) properties (listed below)
on  which  the  Company  intends  to  conduct  gold  exploration  and  potential
development  activities.

The  Company  has  not  completed any work on any of the properties or otherwise
confirmed  the rock formations thereon.  Any work done on the properties will be
exploratory  in  nature.

Permits to  be  contributed  by  the  Bureau
- --------------------------------------------

     Shaliangzi  Silver  -  Gold  Multi-Metallic Ore Deposits.  This property is
located  in  the  Qinling  gold  province.  It is accessible by roads or country
highways.  Previous  work  on  the  property  consisted  of a geological and ore
deposit  survey.  The Company's understanding based on the previous work is that
exposed  rocks  include  marble  and  metamorphosed  sandstone  in the north and
phyllite,  metamorphosed  sandstone,  and biotite-plagionite rocks in the south.

     Xunyang  Huijiagou  Gold Deposit.  This property is located in the Southern
Shaanxi  gold  province.  It  is accessible by country roads. Geologically it is
situated in the subsidence center of the Shan-za-xun basin. Previous work on the
property  consisted  of  geochemical  prospecting,  ore  deposit survey, surface
trenching  and  shallow  aditting.  The  Company's  understanding  based  on the
previous  work is that Upper Devonian clastic rocks and carbonates are the rocks
that  are  mainly  exposed.

     Xunyang  Xiaohe  Gold  Deposit.  This  property  is located in the Southern
Shaanxi  gold  province.  It  is  accessible by county roads. Geologically it is
situated in the subsidence center of the Shan-za-xun basin. Previous work on the
property  consisted  of  geochemical  prospecting, surface trenching and limited
drilling.  The  Company's understanding based on the previous work is that there
are  middle  Devonian  silty  phylites  with  occurrence of gold mineralization.

     Wangjiaping - Xinchang Copper Ore Deposit.  This property is located in the
Southern  Shaanxi   gold   province.   It  is   located   tectonically   in  the
Chuan-Shaan-Gan  triangular  zone,  within Guanping-Yangpingguan brittle-ductile
deformation  zone.  It  is accessible by country highways.  Previous work on the
property  consisted  of drilling, aditting, trenching, comprehensive geophysical
prospecting  and  geochemical prospecting.  The Company's understanding based on
the  previous  work  is  that  the exposed rocks are marine volcanic sedimentary
rocks  with  an  intrusion  of  quartz  diorite.

     Anjiaqi  Gold  Deposit.  This  property  is  located  in  the  Qinling gold
province.  It  is  accessible  by  state highway.  Previous work on the property
consisted  of  a  geological  survey,  identification  of geological structures,
characteristics of rock and minerals and dressing and recovery. The Company does
not  have  information  regarding the rock formations on this property regarding
the  rock  formations.

     Shuimoping  Silver  - Arsenic Ore Deposit.  This property is located in the
Qinling  gold  province.  It  is  accessible  by  highway.  Previous work on the
property  consisted  of  a  regional  survey, geological mapping and geochemical
prospecting  in  major  mineralization  zones,  and  preliminary  trenching  and
aditting.  The  Company's  understanding  based on the previous work is that the
exposed  rocks  include  Carboniferous  slate  and  Devonia slate and limestone.

     Yinpan  Silver  -  Stibium  Ore  Deposit.  This  property is located in the
Qinling gold province.  The property has an area of 15 square kilometers.  It is
accessible  by  unpaved  road.  Previous  work done on the property consisted of
systematic,  geochemical  and  geological  measurements, cumulative aditting and
trenching.  The  Changping  -  Yakou fault passes through the ore district.  The
Company's  understanding based on this previous work is that to the north of the
fault  Devonian  and  Triassic carcalcous classtic rocks are mainly exposed, and
that  to  the  south,  middle  -  upper  Silurian meta-classtic rocks are mainly
exposed.  Granites  intrude  the  area  and  various  type  veins  occur.

     Aigaogou  Gold  Ore  Deposit.  This property is located in the Qinling gold
province.  It  is  accessible  by  highway.   Previous work done on the property
consisted  of  trenching  in  which  a  12  kilometer long, 10 to 500 meter wide
gold-bearing zone was discovered, limited aditting and small scale heap leaching
on surface gold ores.  The Company's understanding based on the previous work is
that  the  major  gold-bearing  rocks  are  breccia.

     Huangbaiyuan  Gold  Deposit.  This  property is located in the Qinling gold
province.  It  is  accessible  by highways.  The ore district is situated in the
middle  part of Southern Qinling gold mineralization belt. Previous work done on
the  property consisted of a regional geological survey, geochemical prospecting
and trenching and aditting in mineralization zones.  The Company's understanding
based  on  the  previous work is that the exposed rocks are Devonian breccia and

     Yingchanggou  -  Gumugou  Multi-metallic  Ore  Deposit.  This  property  is
located  in the Southern Shaanxi gold province.  The property has an area of 160
square  kilometers.  It  is  accessible  by  four  roads.  It is situated in the
eastern  part  of  the   Qinling  Lead,  Zinc,   Silver,  Mercury,  and  Stibium
mineralization belt. Previous work done on the property consisted of testing and
verification  of  anomalies  and  local  survey and explorations.  The Company's
understanding  based  on  the  previous  work  is that the exposed rocks include
breccia  and  limestone.

     Huangjinmei Gold Ore Deposit.  This property is located in the Qinling gold
province.  It  is  accessible  by  road.  Previous  work  done  on  the property
consisted  of  a  district  survey,  identification  of  geological  structures,
characteristics  of  rocks  and  minerals,  and  ore dressing and recovery.  The
Company  does  not  have  any  information  on  this property regarding the rock

     Taiyu  Gold  Deposit.  This  property  is  located in the Xiao Qinling gold
province.  It  is  accessible by a simple road.  The ore district is situated at
the  southern  wing  of Dayueping - Jingluoban anticline.  Previous work done on
the  property  consisted  of  local  surface  trenching.  It  is  the  Company's
understanding  based on the previous work that acidic granites commonly occur on
the  property,  and  that  faults  are  the  major  ore  control  structures.

Permit  to  be  contributed  by  Northwest
- ------------------------------------------

     Shiquan  Yangpinwuan   Gold  Ore  Deposit.  This  property  is  located  in
Yangpinwan,  Shiquan County, Southern Shaanxi gold Province.  Previous work done
on  the  property  consisted of trenching.  The Company's understanding based on
the  previous  work  is  that  ore  bodies occur in carbonaceous silicilites and
meta-clastic  rocks.

     The  Company  has  not  currently entered into any definitive agreements or
joint  ventures.  The  Company  is in continued negotiations with the Bureau and
Northwest  regarding   contributions   of  the   properties  and  the  Company's
contribution  of  cash.  Currently, the joint ventures have not been formed, the
Company has not raised or contributed any cash, none of the properties have been
contributed,  and  there  is  no  program  of  exploration and development.  The
Company  will  be  required  to  contribute  cash  to  the  joint  ventures on a
continuing  basis,  however, the amount of continued capital commitment required
by  the  Company  is  not  known  at  this  time.


     The  Company  is  not  a  party  to  any  pending  legal  proceeding.


Risks  Related  to  Our  Business

     LETTERS  OF INTENT.  The Company has entered into two (2) letters of intent
whereby  the  Company will enter into two (2) joint ventures for the exploration
and  development  of up to thirteen (13) properties in Shaanxi.  Pursuant to one
letter  of  intent,  the  Company will enter in a Sino-Foreign cooperative joint
venture  company  with  the  Bureau for the exploration and development of up to
twelve  (12)  properties.  Pursuant  to  the other letter of intent, the Company
will  enter into a Sino-Foreign cooperative joint venture company with Northwest
for exploration and development of one (1) property.  Pursuant to the letters of
intent,  the  Company  will  contribute  cash  to the joint ventures.  The other
parties  to the joint ventures will contribute up to thirteen (13) properties on
which  the  gold  exploration  and potential development will be conducted.  The
Company  has  not  currently  entered  into  any  definitive agreements or joint
ventures.  The  Company  is  in continued negotiations with the other parties to
the  letters  of  intent  regarding  contributions  of  the  properties  and the
Company's  contribution  of  cash.  Currently,  the joint ventures have not been
formed,  the  Company  has  not  raised  or  contributed  any  cash, none of the
properties  have  been  contributed,  and there is no program of exploration and
development.  There  can  be  no  assurance that the Company will enter into any
definitive  agreements  or  joint  ventures, that the Company will make any cash
contributions or that other parties to the letters of intent will contribute any
property.  In  the  event  that  any  of  the foregoing events do not occur, the
Company's  business  will  fail.

     NEED  FOR ADDITIONAL FINANCING.  The Company will be required to contribute
cash  to  the joint ventures on a continuing basis, however, the exact amount of
continued  capital commitment required by the Company is not known at this time.
The  Company does not have any commitments or identified sources of capital from
third  parties  or   from  the   Company's   officers,   directors  or  majority
shareholders.  There  is  no  assurance  that  financing  will  be  available on
favorable  terms,  if at all.  If the Company is unable to raise such financing,
it will not be able to enter into the joint ventures and its business will fail.

     TITLE  TO  THE  PROPERTIES.  The government of China owns the land on which
the  Company  intends  to  conduct  exploration  and development through a joint
venture  with  the  Bureau  and  a joint venture with Northwest.  The Bureau and
Northwest  are  local  government departments.  They have permits that give them
the  right  to  the mineral resources found under the surface of the properties.
Pursuant  to  the  letters  of  intent, the Bureau and Northwest will contribute
Permits  for up to an aggregate of thirteen (13) properties and the Company will
contribute  cash  to  the  joint venture.  The Company has not currently entered
into  any  definitive agreements or joint ventures.  The Company is in continued
negotiations  with  the  Bureau  and  Northwest  regarding  contributions of the
properties  and  the  Company's  contribution  of  cash.  Currently,  the  joint
ventures  have  not  been  formed, the Company has not raised or contributed any
cash,  none  of the properties have been contributed, and there is no program of
exploration  and  development.  If  the  Company, the Bureau or Northwest do not
make  the  contributions  contemplated  under the letters of intent, the Company
will  not  have  any  rights  with  respect  to  the  properties.

     RELIANCE  ON  KEY  MANAGEMENT.  The  Company's  success  depends  upon  the
personal  efforts  and  abilities  of  Johannes  Petersen,  a  Director  of  the
Registrant  and  the  Registrant's  Chief  Executive  Officer and President, and
Xiaojun  ("Albert") Cui, a Director of the Registrant.  The Company's ability to
operate  and  implement  its business plan is heavily dependent on the continued
service  of  Messrs.  Petersen  and  Cui,  and the Company's ability to attract,
retain  and   motivate   qualified  consultants   and  other  outsourced  labor,
particularly in the area of gold exploration and development.  The Company faces
aggressive  and  continued competition for such personnel, qualified consultants
and  other outsourced labor.  The Company cannot be certain that it will be able
to  attract, retain and motivate such personnel, qualified consultants and other
outsourced  labor.  The  loss  of  Mr.  Petersen  or  Mr.  Cui, or the Company's
inability attract, retain and motivate such personnel, qualified consultants and
other  outsourced  labor  would  have a material adverse effect on the Company's
business  and  operations.

a former Director of the Registrant and the Registrant's former President, Chief
Executive  Officer,  Secretary, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, and Raoul
Tsakok  beneficially  own  an  aggregate  of 59.1% of the issued and outstanding
shares  of  the  Registrant's  common  stock.  Accordingly,  they  will exercise
control  in  determining  the  outcome  of  all  corporate transactions or other
matters,  including mergers, consolidations and the sale of all or substantially
all  of  our assets, and also the power to prevent or cause a change in control.
The  interests  of  Messrs. Corcoran and Tsakok may differ from the interests of
the  other  stockholders and thus result in corporate decisions that are adverse
to  other  shareholders.

Risks  Related  to  Our  Common  Stock

If  there's  a market for our common stock, we anticipate that such market would
be  subject  to wide fluctuations in response to several factors, including, but
not  limited  to:

     (1)     actual  or  anticipated  variations  in  our results of operations;
     (2)     our  ability  or  inability  to  generate  new  revenues;
     (3)     increased  competition;  and
     (4)     conditions  and  trends  in  the  gold exploration, development and
             production  industry.

Further,  because  our  common  stock  is  traded  on  the NASD over the counter
bulletin board, our stock price may be impacted by factors that are unrelated or
disproportionate  to  our  operating performance.  These market fluctuations, as
well  as  general economic, political and market conditions, such as recessions,
interest  rates  or international currency fluctuations may adversely affect the
market  price  of  our  common  stock.

ITEM  5.          OTHER  EVENTS

     Effective  June  14,  2004,  the  Registrant  changed  its  name  to Dragon
Gold  Resources,  Inc.,  affected  a  7:1  forward  stock  split,  increased the
amount  of  authorized  shares  to  Five Hundred Million (500,000,000) shares of
common   stock,  and   reauthorized  the  par   value  of  $.001  per  share  of
common  stock.  Approximately 50,396,794 shares of common stock were outstanding
following  the  forward  stock  split.  As  a  result  of  the  name change, the
Registrant's  common  stock  trades  under  the  new  stock  symbol  "DRGO.

     On  July  15,  2004,  Gregory  Corcoran, acting as the sole Director of the
Registrant,  increased  the  number of directors from one to three.  On July 15,
2004,  the  Registrant's  Board  of  Directors  appointed  Johannes Petersen and
Xiaojun  ("Albert")  Cui  to  fill vacancies created thereon.  On July 15, 2004,
Gregory  Corcoran  resigned  as  a  Director  and  as President, Chief Executive
Officer, Secretary, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer of the Registrant   On
that  same  day, the Registrant's Board of Directors appointed Johannes Petersen
as  the  President,  Chief  Executive  Officer,  Secretary,  Treasurer and Chief
Financial  Officer  of  the  Registrant.


(c)     Exhibits:

2.1*    Exchange  Agreement

*  Filed  herein.


Pursuant  to  the  requirement  of  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of 1934, the
Registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  thereunto  duly  authorized.

Dragon  Gold  Resources,  Inc.

July  29,  2004

/s/  Johannes  Petersen
- -----------------------
Johannes  Petersen
Chief  Executive  Officer


                               EXCHANGE AGREEMENT


                           DRAGON GOLD RESOURCES, INC.


                          DRAGON MINERALS HOLDINGS INC.

                               Dated July 15, 2004

                               EXCHANGE AGREEMENT

     THIS  EXCHANGE  AGREEMENT  (hereinafter referred to as this "Agreement") is
entered  into  as  of  this  15th  day of July, 2004, by and between DRAGON GOLD
RESOURCES,  INC.,  a   Nevada  corporation   (hereinafter  referred  to  as  the
"Company"),  DRAGON  MINERALS  HOLDINGS  INC., an International Business Company
incorporated under the laws of  the British Virgin Islands (hereinafter referred
to  as  "Dragon"),  the  person executing this Agreement listed on the signature
page  hereto  (hereinafter referred to as the "Dragon Shareholder") who owns one
hundred  percent  (100%) of the outstanding shares of Dragon, upon the following


     WHEREAS,  the  Dragon  Shareholder  owns  one hundred percent (100%) of the
issued  and  outstanding  shares  of  the  capital  stock  of  Dragon;

     WHEREAS,  the  Company is a publicly held corporation whose common stock is
quoted  on  the  OTC  Bulletin  Board  under  the  symbol  "DRGO";

     WHEREAS, Dragon is a privately held corporation organized under the laws of
the  British  Virgin  Islands;

     WHEREAS,  the Company desires to acquire 100% of the issued and outstanding
shares  of  Common Stock of Dragon in exchange for unissued shares of its Common
Stock  (the "Common Stock") (the "Exchange Offer"), so that Dragon will become a
wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  the  Company;  and

          WHEREAS,  the  Dragon  Shareholder  desires  to  exchange all of their
shares  of  capital  stock  of  Dragon  solely  in  exchange  for  the shares of
authorized  but  unissued  Common  Stock,  $.001  par  value,  of  the  Company.


     NOW  THEREFORE,  on the stated premises and for and in consideration of the
mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth and the mutual benefits to
the  parties  to  be  derived  herefrom,  it  is  hereby  agreed  as  follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                           AND THE DRAGON SHAREHOLDER

     As  an  inducement  to and to obtain the reliance of the Company, except as
set  forth  on  the  Dragon  Schedules  (as hereinafter defined), Dragon and the
Dragon  Shareholder  represent  and  warrant  as  follows:

     Section  1.01     Organization.  (i)  Dragon  is  an International Business
Company duly organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of
the  British  Virgin Islands and has the corporate power and is duly authorized,
qualified,  franchised,  and  licensed  under  all applicable laws, regulations,
ordinances,  and  orders  of public authorities to own all of its properties and
assets  and to carry on its business in all material respects as it is now being
conducted,  including  qualification  to do business as a foreign corporation in
the  states or countries in which the character and location of the assets owned
by  it  or  the  nature of the business transacted by it requires qualification,
except where failure to be so qualified would not have a material adverse effect
on  its  business.  Included  in  the  Dragon Schedules are complete and correct
copies of the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of Dragon as
in effect on the date hereof.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement does
not,  and  the  consummation  of  the transactions contemplated hereby will not,
violate  any  provision  of  Dragon's  Memorandum  of Association or Articles of
Association.  Dragon  has  taken  all actions required by law, its Memorandum of
Association  or  otherwise  to  authorize  the  execution  and  delivery of this
Agreement.  Dragon  has full power, authority, and legal right and has taken all
action  required  by  law,  its  Memorandum  of  Association,  and  otherwise to
consummate  the  transactions  herein  contemplated.

Section  1.01(ii)  For  purposes  of  this  Agreement the terms "shareholder" or
     "shareholders"  when  used  in  connection  with Dragon shall have the same
     meaning  as  the  term  "member"  as  defined in the British Virgin Islands
     International  Business  Companies  Act  of  1984.

Section  1.02     Capitalization.    The  authorized  capitalization  of  Dragon
     consists  of One  Hundred  (100)  shares  of  common stock, $1.00 par value
     per  share,  of  which  One  Hundred  (100) shares are currently issued and
     outstanding  and  no  shares of preferred stock. All issued and outstanding
     shares are legally issued, fully paid, and non-assessable and not issued in
     violation  of  the  preemptive  or  other  rights  of  any  person.

Section  1.03   Subsidiaries   and   Predecessor   Corporations.   Dragon   does
     not  have  any predecessor  corporation(s)  or  subsidiary(ies),  and  does
     not  own,  beneficially  or of record, any shares of any other corporation,
     unless  otherwise  disclosed  to  the  Company  in  writing.

Section  1.04  Other  Information.

(a)  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  the  Dragon  Schedules,  Dragon has no
     liabilities  with  respect  to  the  payment of any federal, state, county,
     local  or  other taxes (including any deficiencies, interest or penalties),
     except  for  taxes  accrued  but  not  yet  due  and  payable.

(b)  Dragon  has  filed  all state, federal or local income and/or franchise tax
     returns  required to be filed by it from inception to the date hereof. Each
     of  such  income  tax returns reflects the taxes due for the period covered
     thereby,  except  for  amounts  which,  in  the  aggregate, are immaterial.

(c)  The  books  and records of Dragon are in all material respects complete and
     correct  and  have  been  maintained  in  accordance with good business and
     accounting  practices.

(d)  Dragon  has  no  material  liabilities,  direct  or  indirect,  matured  or
     unmatured,  contingent  or  otherwise  in  excess  of  Twenty-Five Thousand
     Dollars  ($25,000),  except  as  disclosed  in  writing  to  the Company on
     Schedule  1.04.

Section  1.05  Information.  The  information  concerning  Dragon  set  forth in
     this  Agreement and in the Dragon Schedules is complete and accurate in all
     material  respects  and does not contain any untrue statement of a material
     fact or omit to state a material fact required to make the statements made,
     in  light  of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.
     In  addition, Dragon has fully disclosed in writing to the Company (through
     this Agreement or the Dragon Schedules) all information relating to matters
     involving  Dragon  or  its  assets  or  its  present  or past operations or
     activities  which  (i)  indicated  or  may  indicate, in the aggregate, the
     existence  of  a  greater  than   Twenty-Five  Thousand  Dollars  ($25,000)
     liability  or  diminution  in  value,  (ii)  have  led  or  may  lead  to a
     competitive disadvantage on the part of Dragon, or (iii) either alone or in
     aggregation  with other information covered by this Section, otherwise have
     led  or  may  lead  to  a  material  adverse  effect  on  the  transactions
     contemplated  herein  or  on  Dragon,  its  assets,  or  its  operations or
     activities  as presently conducted or as contemplated to be conducted after
     the  Closing  Date,  including, but not limited to, information relating to
     governmental,  employee,  environmental,  litigation and securities matters
     and  transactions  with  affiliates.

Section  1.06  Options  or  Warrants.  There  are  no  existing  options,
     warrants,  calls, or  commitments  of Dragon  of any character  relating to
     the  authorized and unissued Dragon shares of common stock, except options,
     warrants,  calls or commitments, if any, to which Dragon is not a party and
     by  which  it  is  not  bound.

Section  1.07  Absence  of  Certain  Changes  or  Events.  Except  as  set forth
     in this Agreement  or the Dragon  Schedules,  since  inception  on February
     25,  2004:

(a)  there  has  not  been  (i)  any  material  adverse  change  in the proposed
     business,  operations,  properties,  assets, or condition of Dragon or (ii)
     any  damage,  destruction,  or  loss  to  Dragon (whether or not covered by
     insurance)  materially  and  adversely  affecting the business or financial
     condition  of  Dragon;

(b)  Dragon  has  not  (i)  amended its Memorandum of Association or Articles of
     Association  (ii)  declared  or  made,  or  agreed  to declare or make, any
     payment  of dividends or distributions of any assets of any kind whatsoever
     to  stockholders or purchased or redeemed, or agreed to purchase or redeem,
     any  of  its  capital  stock; (iii) waived any rights of value which in the
     aggregate  are  outside  of  the  ordinary  course  of business or material
     considering  the  business  of Dragon; (iv) made any material change in its
     method  of  management, operation or accounting; (v) entered into any other
     material  transaction  other  than  sales  in  the  ordinary  course of its
     business;  (vi)  made  any accrual or arrangement for payment of bonuses or
     special compensation of any kind or any severance or termination pay to any
     present  or  former  officer  or  employee;  (vii)  increased  the  rate of
     compensation  payable  or to become payable by it to any of its officers or
     directors  or  any  of  its  salaried  employees whose monthly compensation
     exceeds  Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000); or (viii) made any increase in any
     profit   sharing,   bonus,   deferred  compensation,   insurance,  pension,
     retirement,  or  other  employee benefit plan, payment, or arrangement made
     to,  for,  or  with  its  officers,  directors,  or  employees;

(c)  Dragon  has  not (i) borrowed or agreed to borrow any funds or incurred, or
     become  subject  to,  any  material  obligation  or  liability (absolute or
     contingent)  in  excess  of  $25,000  except as disclosed herein and except
     liabilities  incurred  in  the  ordinary  course  of business; (ii) paid or
     agreed  to  pay  any   material  obligations  or   liability  (absolute  or
     contingent)  other  than  current   liabilities,  and  current  liabilities
     incurred in the ordinary course of business and professional and other fees
     and  expenses  in connection with the preparation of this Agreement and the
     consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby;  (iii)  sold  or
     transferred,  or agreed to sell or transfer, any of its assets, properties,
     or  rights  (except assets, properties, or rights not used or useful in its
     business  which,  in  the  aggregate  have a value of less than Twenty-Five
     Thousand Dollars ($25,000)), or canceled, or agreed to cancel, any debts or
     claims  (except  debts  or  claims which in the aggregate are of a value of
     less  than  Twenty-Five  Thousand  Dollars  ($25,000));  or  (iv)  made  or
     permitted  any  amendment  or  termination  of  any contract, agreement, or
     license  to  which  it  is  a  party  if  such  amendment or termination is
     material,  considering  the  business  of  Dragon;  and

(d)  To  the  best knowledge of Dragon, Dragon has not become subject to any law
     or  regulation which materially and adversely affects, or in the future may
     adversely  affect,  the  business,   operations,   properties,  assets,  or
     condition  of  Dragon.

Section  1.08  Title  and  Related  Matters.  No  third  party  has  any  right
     to,  and  Dragon  has  not  received  any  notice  of  infringement  of  or
     conflict  with  asserted  rights  of  others  with respect to, any product,
     technology,  data,  trade   secrets,   know-how,  proprietary   techniques,
     trademarks,  service  marks, trade names, or copyrights which, individually
     or  in  the aggregate, if the subject of an unfavorable decision, ruling or
     finding,  would  have a materially adverse effect on the proposed business,
     operations, financial condition, income, or business prospects of Dragon or
     any  material  portion  of  its  properties,  assets, or rights. Dragon has
     signed  a  letter  of  intent  to acquire the following twelve (12) mineral
     claims  in Shaanxi Province, China as more fully provided in Schedule 1.08:
     Xiao  Qinling  Gold  Province, Qinling Gold Province, Southern Shaanxi Gold
     Province,  Ore  District  Geology of Gold Deposits, Shaliang Zi Silver-Gold
     Multi-Metallic  Ore Deposits, Northern Xunyang Gold Ore Field, Wangjia Ping
     - Xinchang Copper Ore Deposit, Anjia Qi Gold Deposit, Shuimo Ping Au-As Ore
     Deposit,  Yinpan  Ag-Sb  Ore  Deposit, Aigao Gou Gold Ore Deposit, Huangbai
     Yuan  Gold  Deposit,  Yingchang  Gou - Gumu Gou Multi-metallic Ore Deposit,
     Huangjinmei  Gold Ore Deposit, Shiquan Yangpin Wuan Gold Ore Deposit, Taiyu
     Gold  Deposit.

Section  1.09  Litigation  and  Proceedings.  Except  as  provided  in  the
     Dragon  Schedules, there are no  actions,  suits,  or  proceedings  pending
     or,  to  the knowledge of Dragon after reasonable investigation, threatened
     by  or  against  Dragon or affecting Dragon or its properties, at law or in
     equity,  before  any court or other governmental agency or instrumentality,
     domestic  or foreign, or before any arbitrator of any kind. Dragon does not
     have  any knowledge of any material default on its part with respect to any
     judgment,  order,  injunction,  decree,  award,  rule, or regulation of any
     court,  arbitrator,  or  governmental  agency  or instrumentality or of any
     circumstances  which,  after  reasonable investigation, would result in the
     discovery  of  such  a  default.

Section  1.10  Contracts.

          (a)  There  are no material contracts, agreements, franchises, license
     agreements,  debt  instruments  or  other  commitments to which Dragon is a
     party  or  by  which  it  or  any  of  its assets, products, technology, or
     properties  are  bound  other than those incurred in the ordinary course of
     business  (as  used  in  this  Agreement, a "material" contract, agreement,
     franchise,  license  agreement,  debt instrument or commitment is one which
     (i)  will  remain  in effect for more than six (6) months after the date of
     this  Agreement  and  (ii)  involves  aggregate  obligations  of  at  least
     Twenty-Five  Thousand Dollars ($25,000) unless otherwise disclosed pursuant
     to  this  Agreement;

          (b)  All  contracts,  agreements,  franchises, license agreements, and
     other  commitments,  if  any,  to  which  Dragon  is  a party and which are
     material  to  the  operations  of  Dragon  taken  as  a whole are valid and
     enforceable  by Dragon in all respects, except as limited by bankruptcy and
     insolvency  laws  and  by  other  laws  affecting  the  rights of creditors

          (c) Dragon is not a party to or bound by, and the properties of Dragon
     are  not  subject  to,   any  contract,  agreement,   other  commitment  or
     instrument;  any  charter  or other corporate restriction; or any judgment,
     order,  writ,  injunction,  decree, or award which materially and adversely
     affects,  the  business  operations,  properties,  assets,  or condition of
     Dragon;  and

          (d) Except as included or described in the Dragon Schedules, Dragon is
     not  a  party to any oral or written (i) contract for the employment of any
     officer  or  employee  which is not terminable on thirty (30) days, or less
     notice;  (ii)  profit  sharing, bonus, deferred compensation, stock option,
     severance  pay,  pension  benefit  or  retirement  plan;  (iii)  agreement,
     contract, or indenture relating to the borrowing of money; (iv) guaranty of
     any  obligation,  other  than one on which Dragon is a primary obligor, for
     the  borrowing  of  money  or  otherwise,  excluding  endorsements made for
     collection  and  other guaranties of obligations which, in the aggregate do
     not  exceed  more  than  one  (1) year or provide for payments in excess of
     Twenty-Five  Thousand  Dollars  ($25,000)  in the aggregate; (v) collective
     bargaining  agreement; or (vi) agreement with any present or former officer
     or  director  of  Dragon.

Section  1.11  Material  Contract  Defaults.  Dragon  is  not   in   default  in
     any  material  respect  under   the  terms  of  any  outstanding   material
     contract,  agreement,  lease,  or other commitment which is material to the
     business,  operations,  properties, assets or condition of Dragon and there
     is  no  event  of  default in any material respect under any such contract,
     agreement,  lease,  or  other commitment in respect of which Dragon has not
     taken  adequate  steps  to  prevent  such  a  default  from  occurring.

Section  1.12  No  Conflict  With  Other  Instruments.  The  execution  of  this
     Agreement  and   the  consummation   of the  transactions  contemplated  by
     this  Agreement  will not result in the breach of any term or provision of,
     constitute  an  event  of default under, or terminate, accelerate or modify
     the  terms  of  any  material  indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, or other
     material  contract,  agreement, or instrument to which Dragon is a party or
     to  which  any  of  its  properties  or  operations  are  subject.

Section  1.13  Governmental  Authorizations.  Except  as  set  forth  in  the
     Dragon  Schedules,  Dragon  has  all  licenses,  franchises,  permits,  and
     other governmental authorizations that are legally required to enable it to
     conduct  its  business  in  all  material respects as conducted on the date
     hereof.  Except  for  compliance  with  federal  and  state  securities and
     corporation  laws,  as  hereinafter  provided,  no authorization, approval,
     consent,  or  order  of,  or registration, declaration, or filing with, any
     court  or  other  governmental  body  is  required  in  connection with the
     execution  and delivery by Dragon of this Agreement and the consummation by
     Dragon  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby.

Section  1.14  Compliance  With  Laws  and  Regulations.  Except  as  set  forth
     in  the  Dragon  Schedules,  to  the  best  of  its  knowledge  Dragon  has
     complied  with  all  applicable  statutes  and  regulations of any federal,
     state, or other governmental entity or agency thereof, except to the extent
     that  noncompliance would not materially and adversely affect the business,
     operations,  properties,  assets,  or  condition of Dragon or except to the
     extent  that  noncompliance  would  not  result  in  the  occurrence of any
     material  liability  for  Dragon.

Section  1.15  Approval  of  Agreement.  The  Board  of  Directors  of  Dragon
     has  authorized the  execution  and  delivery  of this  Agreement by Dragon
     and  has  approved this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby,
     and  will  recommend  to  the Dragon Shareholder that the Exchange Offer be
     accepted  by  him.

Section  1.16  Material  Transactions  or  Affiliations.  Set  forth  in  the
     Dragon  Schedules  is a  description,  if applicable,  of  every  contract,
     agreement, or arrangement between Dragon and any predecessor and any person
     who was at the time of such contract, agreement, or arrangement an officer,
     director,  or  person  owning  of  record,   or  known  by  Dragon  to  own
     beneficially,  five  percent  (5%)  or  more  of the issued and outstanding
     common  stock  of  Dragon  and which is to be performed in whole or in part
     after  the  date  hereof  or which was entered into not more than three (3)
     years prior to the date hereof. Except as disclosed in the Dragon Schedules
     or  otherwise  disclosed herein, no officer, director, or five percent (5%)
     shareholder  of Dragon has, or has had since inception of Dragon, any known
     interest,  direct  or  indirect,  in  any transaction with Dragon which was
     material  to  the  business  of Dragon. There are no commitments by Dragon,
     whether written or oral, to lend any funds, or to borrow any money from, or
     enter  into  any  other  transaction  with,  any  such  affiliated  person.

Section  1.17  Dragon  Schedules.  Dragon  will  deliver  to  the  Company  the
     following  schedules,  if such  schedules  are  applicable  to the business
     of  Dragon,  which  are collectively referred to as the " Dragon Schedules"
     and  which  consist of separate schedules dated as of the date of execution
     of  this  Agreement,  all  certified  by the principal executive officer of
     Dragon  as  complete, true, and correct as of the date of this Agreement in
     all  material  respects:

(a)  a  schedule  containing  complete  and  correct copies of the Memorandum of
     Association  in  effect  as  of  the  date  of  this  Agreement;

(b)  a  schedule  containing  complete  and  correct  copies  of the Articles of
     Association  of  Dragon  in  effect  as  of  the  date  of  this Agreement;

(c)  a  schedule containing any Corporate Resolutions of the Dragon Shareholder;

(d)  a  schedule  containing  Minutes  of  meetings of the Board of Directors of

(e)  a  schedule listing any and all federal, state and local tax identification
     numbers  of  Dragon  and  containing  complete  and  correct  copies of all
     federal,  state  and  local  tax  returns  filed  by  Dragon;  and

(f)  a  schedule setting forth any other information, together with any required
     copies  of documents, required to be disclosed by Dragon. Any fact known to
     be,  or  to  the  best  knowledge of Dragon or the Dragon Shareholder after
     reasonable  investigation,  reasonably  believed  to  be,  contrary  to the
     representations,  covenants,  and warranties made in Article I are required
     to  be  disclosed in the Dragon Schedules pursuant to this Section 1.17(f).

     Dragon  shall  cause  the  Dragon  Schedules  and  the instruments and data
delivered  to the Company hereunder to be promptly updated after the date hereof
up  to  and  including  the  Closing  Date.

     It is understood and agreed that not all of the schedules referred to above
have  been  completed  or are available to be furnished by Dragon.  Dragon shall
have  until  July 28, 2004 to provide such schedules.  If Dragon cannot or fails
to  do  so,  or  if  the  Company  acting reasonably finds any such schedules or
updates  provided  after  the  date  hereof  to be unacceptable according to the
criteria  set  forth  herein, the Company may terminate this Agreement by giving
written  notice  to  Dragon  within five (5) days after the schedules or updates
were  due  to  be produced or were provided.  For purposes of the foregoing, the
Company  may  consider a disclosure in the Dragon Schedules to be "unacceptable"
only  if  that  item  would  have  a  material  adverse  impact on the financial
condition  of  Dragon,  taken  as  a  whole.

Section  1.18  Valid  Obligation.  This  Agreement  and  all  agreements  and
     other  documents  executed  by  Dragon  in connection  herewith  constitute
     the  valid and binding obligation of Dragon, enforceable in accordance with
     its  or  their  terms,  except as may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency,
     moratorium  or  other  similar laws affecting the enforcement of creditors'
     rights  generally and subject to the qualification that the availability of
     equitable  remedies  is subject to the discretion of the court before which
     any  proceeding  therefor  may  be  brought.

Section  1.19  Acquisition  of  the  Shares  by  the  Dragon  Shareholder.  The
     Dragon  Shareholder  is  acquiring  the   Shares   for  their  own  account
     without  the  participation  of  any  other  person  and with the intent of
     holding  the Shares for investment and without the intent of participating,
     directly  or  indirectly,  in  a distribution of the Shares, or any portion
     thereof,  and  not  with  a  view to, or for resale in connection with, any
     distribution  of the Shares, or any portion thereof. The Dragon Shareholder
     has  read,  understands  and has consulted with his legal counsel regarding
     the  limitations  and requirements of Section 5 of the 1933 Act. The Dragon
     Shareholder  will  offer,  sell,  pledge,  convey or otherwise transfer the
     Shares,  or  any  portion  thereof,  only  if: (i) pursuant to an effective
     registration  statement under the 1933 Act and any and all applicable state
     securities  or  Blue  Sky  laws  or  in a transaction which is otherwise in
     compliance  with  the  1933  Act and such laws; or (ii) pursuant to a valid
     exemption  from  registration.

Section  1.20  Exemption  from  Registration.  The  Exchange  and  the
     transactions  contemplated  thereby,  meet an  exemption from registration
     pursuant  to  Rule  506  of  Regulation  D  promulgated under the 1933 Act.

                                   ARTICLE II


     As  an  inducement  to, and to obtain the reliance of Dragon and the Dragon
Shareholder,  except  as  set  forth  in  the  Company Schedules (as hereinafter
defined),  the  Company  represents  and  warrants  as  follows:

Section  2.01     Organization.  The  Company  is  a  corporation  duly
     organized,  validly  existing,  and  in  good  standing  under  the laws of
     the  State  of  Nevada  and has the corporate power and is duly authorized,
     qualified, franchised, and licensed under all applicable laws, regulations,
     ordinances,  and  orders of public authorities to own all of its properties
     and  assets, to carry on its business in all material respects as it is now
     being conducted, and except where failure to be so qualified would not have
     a  material  adverse  effect  on  its business, there is no jurisdiction in
     which it is not qualified in which the character and location of the assets
     owned  by  it  or  the  nature  of  the  business transacted by it requires
     qualification.  Included  in the Company Schedules are complete and correct
     copies  of  the  Articles  of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Company as in
     effect  on  the  date  hereof. The execution and delivery of this Agreement
     does not, and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will
     not,  violate  any  provision of the Company's Articles of Incorporation or
     Bylaws.  The  Company has taken all action required by law, its Articles of
     Incorporation,  its  Bylaws,  or  otherwise  to authorize the execution and
     delivery  of this Agreement, and the Company has full power, authority, and
     legal  right  and  has  taken  all  action required by law, its Articles of
     Incorporation,  Bylaws,  or otherwise to consummate the transactions herein

Section  2.02     Capitalization.  The  Company  is  authorized  to  issue
     500,000,000  shares  of  Common  Stock,  par  value  $.001  per  share,  of
     which  50,396,794  post  7:1  forward  split  ("Post-Split") shares will be
     issued  and  outstanding  on  the closing date prior to the issuance of the
     shares  to  the  Dragon  Shareholder  as  set forth in Section 3.01(ii), as
     defined  herein,  and  no  shares  of  preferred  stock.  All  issued  and
     outstanding  shares  are legally issued, fully paid, and non-assessable and
     not issued in violation of the preemptive or other rights of any person. On
     June  14,  2004,  prior  to  the  execution  of this Agreement, the Company
     amended  its  articles  of  incorporation  to  change  its  name from Folix
     Technologies, Inc. to Dragon Gold Resources, Inc. At that time, the Company
     also  amended  its  capitalization to reflect a 7:1 forward stock split, to
     increase the authorized shares to 500,000,000 shares of Common Stock and to
     reauthorize  the  par  value  $.001  per  share  of  Common  Stock.

Section  2.03     Subsidiaries  and  Predecessor Corporations.  The Company does
     not  have any predecessor corporation(s)  or  subsidiaries,  and  does  not
     own,  beneficially  or  of  record,  any  shares  of any other corporation.

Section  2.04     Financial  Statements.

(a)  Included in the Company Schedules are (i) the audited balance sheets of the
     Company  and  the related statements of operations and cash flows as of and
     for  the  twelve  (12)  months ended March 31, 2004, and (ii) the unaudited
     balance  sheet  of  the Company and the related statement of operations and
     cash  flows  for  the  three (3) months ended June 30, 2004, to be provided
     within  the  time  period  specified in the flush language of Section 2.17.

(b)  All  such  financial  statements  have  been  prepared  in  accordance with
     generally  accepted  accounting  principles consistently applied throughout
     the periods involved. The Company balance sheets present fairly as of their
     respective  dates the financial condition of the Company. As of the date of
     such  balance  sheets,  except  as  and to the extent reflected or reserved
     against therein, the Company had no liabilities or obligations (absolute or
     contingent)  which  should  be reflected in the balance sheets or the notes
     thereto  prepared  in  accordance   with   generally  accepted   accounting
     principles,  and  all  assets  reflected  therein are properly reported and
     present  fairly  the value of the assets of the Company, in accordance with
     generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  The statements of operations,
     stockholders' equity and cash flows reflect fairly the information required
     to  be  set  forth  therein  by  generally  accepted accounting principles.

(c)  The  Company has no liabilities with respect to the payment of any federal,
     state,  county,  local or other taxes (including any deficiencies, interest
     or  penalties),  except  for  taxes  accrued  but  not yet due and payable.

(d)  The  books  and records, financial and otherwise, of the Company are in all
     material  aspects  complete  and  correct  and  have  been  maintained  in
     accordance  with  good  business  and  accounting  practices.

(e)  All of the Company's assets are reflected on its financial statements, and,
     except as set forth in the Company Schedules or the financial statements of
     the  Company or the notes thereto, the Company has no material liabilities,
     direct  or  indirect,  matured  or  unmatured,  contingent   or  otherwise.

Section  2.05  Information.  The  information  concerning  the  Company  set
     forth  in  this   Agreement  and  the Company  Schedules  is  complete  and
     accurate  in  all  material  respects  and  does  not  contain  any  untrue
     statements  of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to
     make  the  statements  made, in light of the circumstances under which they
     were  made, not misleading. In addition, the Company has fully disclosed in
     writing  to  Dragon  (through  this Agreement or the Company Schedules) all
     information  relating to matters involving the Company or its assets or its
     present  or  past  operations  or  activities  which  (i)  indicated or may
     indicate,  in  the  aggregate, the existence of a greater than One Thousand
     Dollars  ($1,000)  liability  or  diminution in value, (ii) have led or may
     lead  to  a  competitive  disadvantage  on the part of the Company or (iii)
     either  alone  or  in  aggregation  with  other information covered by this
     Section, otherwise have led or may lead to a material adverse effect on the
     transactions  contemplated  herein  or  on  the Company, its assets, or its
     operations  or  activities  as presently conducted or as contemplated to be
     conducted  after  the   Closing  Date,  including,  but   not  limited  to,
     information  relating  to governmental, employee, environmental, litigation
     and  securities  matters  and  transactions  with  affiliates.

Section  2.06  Options  or  Warrants.  There  are  no  existing  options,
     warrants,  calls,  or  commitments   of   any  character  relating  to  the
     authorized  and  unissued  stock  of  the  Company.

Section  2.07  Absence  of  Certain  Changes  or  Events.  Except  as  disclosed
     in Schedule 2.07, or  permitted  in writing  by Dragon,  since  the date of
     the  most  recent  Company  balance  sheet:

(a)  there  has  not  been  (i)  any  material  adverse  change in the business,
     operations,  properties,  assets  or  condition  of the Company or (ii) any
     damage,  destruction  or  loss  to  the  Company (whether or not covered by
     insurance)  materially  and  adversely  affecting the business, operations,
     properties,  assets  or  condition  of  the  Company;

(b)  The Company has not and will not (i) amend its Articles of Incorporation or
     Bylaws  except  to  complete  the  performance  of the Company as set forth
     herein;  (ii)  declare  or make, or agree to declare or make any payment of
     dividends  or  distributions  of  any  assets  of  any  kind  whatsoever to
     stockholders  or purchase or redeem, or agree to purchase or redeem, any of
     its  capital  stock; (iii) waive any rights of value which in the aggregate
     are  outside of the ordinary course of business or material considering the
     business  of  the  Company;  (iv) make any material change in its method of
     management,  operation,  or  accounting;  (v) enter into any transaction or
     agreement  other  than  in  the  ordinary course of business; (vi) make any
     accrual or arrangement for or payment of bonuses or special compensation of
     any  kind  or  any  severance  or  termination pay to any present or former
     officer  or employee; (vii) increase the rate of compensation payable or to
     become  payable  by  it  to  any of its officers or directors or any of its
     salaried  employees  whose monthly compensation exceed One Thousand Dollars
     ($1,000);  or  (viii)  make  any  increase  in  any  profit sharing, bonus,
     deferred  compensation,  insurance,  pension, retirement, or other employee
     benefit  plan,  payment, or arrangement, made to, for or with its officers,
     directors,  or  employees;

(c)  The Company has not (i) granted or agreed to grant any options or warrants;
     (ii)  borrowed or agreed to borrow any funds or incurred, or become subject
     to,  any  material  obligation or liability (absolute or contingent) except
     liabilities  incurred  in  the  ordinary  course of business; (iii) paid or
     agreed  to  pay  any  material  obligations  or  liabilities  (absolute  or
     contingent)  other  than  current  liabilities reflected in or shown on the
     most  recent  Company  balance sheet and current liabilities incurred since
     that  date  in  the  ordinary course of business and professional and other
     fees  and expenses in connection with the preparation of this Agreement and
     the  consummation  of  the  transaction  contemplated  hereby; (iv) sold or
     transferred,  or agreed to sell or transfer, any of its assets, properties,
     or  rights  (except assets, properties, or rights not used or useful in its
     business  which,  in  the  aggregate have a value of less than One Thousand
     Dollars  ($1,000)),  or  canceled, or agreed to cancel, any debts or claims
     (except debts or claims which in the aggregate are of a value less than One
     Thousand  Dollars  ($1,000));  and  (v)  made or permitted any amendment or
     termination  of  any contract, agreement, or license to which it is a party
     if  such  amendment or termination is material, considering the business of
     the  Company;  and

(d)  The  Company  has  not  become  subject  to  any  law  or  regulation which
     materially  and  adversely affects, or in the future, may adversely affect,
     the  business,  operations, properties, assets or condition of the Company.

Section  2.08  Title  and  Related  Matters.  The  Company  has  good  and
     marketable  title  to   all  of  its  properties,  inventory,  interest  in
     properties,  and assets, real and personal, which are reflected in the most
     recent  Company   balance  sheet  or   acquired  after  that  date  (except
     properties, inventory, interest in properties, and assets sold or otherwise
     disposed  of  since such date in the ordinary course of business), free and
     clear  of all liens, pledges, charges, or encumbrances except (a) statutory
     liens  or  claims  not  yet delinquent; (b) such imperfections of title and
     easements  as do not and will not materially detract from or interfere with
     the  present  or proposed use of the properties subject thereto or affected
     thereby  or otherwise materially impair present business operations on such
     properties;  and  (c)  as described in the Company Schedules. Except as set
     forth  in  the  Company  Schedules, the Company owns, free and clear of any
     liens,  claims,  encumbrances,  royalty interests, or other restrictions or
     limitations  of any nature whatsoever, any and all products it is currently
     manufacturing,  including  the  underlying  technology  and  data,  and all
     procedures,  techniques,  marketing  plans,   business  plans,  methods  of
     management,  or other information utilized in connection with the Company's
     business.  Except as set forth in the Company Schedules, no third party has
     any  right  to, and the Company has not received any notice of infringement
     of  or conflict with asserted rights of others with respect to any product,
     technology,  data,  trade   secrets,  know-how,   proprietary   techniques,
     trademarks,  service  marks, trade names, or copyrights which, individually
     or  in  the aggregate, if the subject of an unfavorable decision, ruling or
     finding,  would  have  a  materially   adverse  effect  on  the   business,
     operations,  financial  condition,  income,  or  business  prospects of the
     Company  or  any  material  portion  of  its properties, assets, or rights.

Section  2.09  Litigation  and  Proceedings.  There  are  no  actions,  suits,
     proceedings  or  investigations  pending   or,  to  the  knowledge  of  the
     Company  after  reasonable  investigation,  threatened  by  or  against the
     Company  or  affecting  the Company or its properties, at law or in equity,
     before  any court or other governmental agency or instrumentality, domestic
     or  foreign,  or  before  any  arbitrator  of  any kind. The Company has no
     knowledge  of  any default on its part with respect to any judgment, order,
     writ,  injunction,  decree,  award,  rule  or  regulation   of  any  court,
     arbitrator,  or governmental agency or instrumentality, or any circumstance
     which  after reasonable investigation would result in the discovery of such

     Section  2.10     Contracts.

(a)  The  Company  is  not  a party to, and its assets, products, technology and
     properties  are  not  bound  by,  any material contract, franchise, license
     agreement,  agreement,  debt  instrument  or other commitments whether such
     agreement  is  in  writing  or  oral.

(b)  All  contracts,  agreements,  franchises,  license  agreements,  and  other
     commitments  to which the Company is a party or by which its properties are
     bound  and  which  are material to the operations of the Company taken as a
     whole  are  valid and enforceable by the Company in all respects, except as
     limited  by  bankruptcy and insolvency laws and by other laws affecting the
     rights  of  creditors  generally;

(c)  The  Company  is  not  a  party  to  or bound by, and the properties of the
     Company  are  not  subject  to any contract, agreement, other commitment or
     instrument;  any  charter  or other corporate restriction; or any judgment,
     order,  writ,  injunction,  decree, or award which materially and adversely
     affects,  the  business operations, properties, assets, or condition of the
     Company;  and

(d)  Except  as  included  or described in the Company Schedules or reflected in
     the  most  recent  Company balance sheet, the Company is not a party to any
     oral  or written (i) contract for the employment of any officer or employee
     which  is  not  terminable on thirty (30) days, or less notice; (ii) profit
     sharing, bonus, deferred compensation, stock option, severance pay, pension
     benefit  or  retirement  plan,  (iii)  agreement,  contract,  or  indenture
     relating  to the borrowing of money, (iv) guaranty of any obligation, other
     than  one  on  which the Company is a primary obligor, for the borrowing of
     money  or  otherwise,  excluding endorsements made for collection and other
     guaranties  of  obligations which, in the aggregate do not exceed more than
     one  (1)  year  or  provide  for payments in excess of Twenty-Five Thousand
     Dollars ($25,000) in the aggregate; (v) collective bargaining agreement; or
     (vi)  agreement  with  any  present  or  former  officer or director of the

Section  2.11  Material  Contract  Defaults.  The  Company  is  not  in  default
     in any  respect under the  terms of  any  outstanding contract,  agreement,
     lease,  or  other commitment which is material to the business, operations,
     properties,  assets  or  condition  of the Company and there is no event of
     default  in any material respect under any such contract, agreement, lease,
     or  other commitment in respect of which the Company has not taken adequate
     steps  to  prevent  such  a  default  from  occurring.

Section  2.12  No  Conflict  With  Other  Instruments.  The  execution  of  this
     Agreement  and  the  consummation  of   the  transactions  contemplated  by
     this  Agreement  will not result in the breach of any term or provision of,
     constitute  a  default  under, or terminate, accelerate or modify the terms
     of,  any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, or other material agreement or
     instrument to which the Company is a party or to which any of its assets or
     operations  are  subject.

Section  2.13  Governmental  Authorizations.  The  Company  has  all
     licenses,  franchises,  permits,  and  other  governmental  authorizations,
     that  are  legally required to enable it to conduct its business operations
     in  all  material  respects  as  conducted  on  the date hereof. Except for
     compliance  with  federal  and  state  securities  or  corporation laws, as
     hereinafter  provided,  no authorization, approval, consent or order of, or
     registration,  declaration  or filing with, any court or other governmental
     body  is  required  in  connection  with  the execution and delivery by the
     Company  of  this  Agreement  and  the  consummation  by the Company of the
     transactions  contemplated  hereby.

Section  2.14  Compliance  With  Laws  and  Regulations.  To  the  best  of  its
     knowledge,  the  Company has complied  with  all  applicable  statutes  and
     regulations  of any federal, state, or other applicable governmental entity
     or  agency  thereof,  except  to  the  extent  that noncompliance would not
     materially  and  adversely  affect  the  business,  operations, properties,
     assets  or  condition  of  the  Company  or   except  to  the  extent  that
     noncompliance would not result in the occurrence of any material liability.
     This compliance includes, but is not limited to, the filing of all reports,
     filings  and  schedules  to   date  with  federal   and  state   securities

     Section  2.15     Approval  of  Agreement.  The  Board  of Directors of the
Company  has  authorized  the  execution  and  delivery of this Agreement by the
Company  and  has  approved  this  Agreement  and  the transactions contemplated

Section  2.16  Material  Transactions  or  Affiliations.  Except  as
     disclosed   herein  and  in   the   Company   Schedules,  there  exists  no
     contract,  agreement or arrangement between the Company and any predecessor
     and  any  person  who  was  at  the  time  of  such  contract, agreement or
     arrangement  an  officer,  director, or person owning of record or known by
     the  Company  to  own beneficially, five percent (5%) or more of the issued
     and outstanding Common Stock of the Company and which is to be performed in
     whole  or  in  part after the date hereof or was entered into not more than
     three  (3)  years  prior to the date hereof. Neither any officer, director,
     nor  five  percent  (5%)  shareholder  of the Company has, or has had since
     inception  of  the  Company, any known interest, direct or indirect, in any
     such transaction with the Company which was material to the business of the
     Company.  The  Company  has no commitment, whether written or oral, to lend
     any  funds  to,  borrow any money from, or enter into any other transaction
     with,  any  such  affiliated  person.

Section  2.17  The  Company  Schedules.  Within  ten  (10)  days  following  the
     Closing,  the  Company will  deliver  to  Dragon  the following  schedules,
     which  are  collectively  referred  to as the "Company Schedules" and which
     consist  of separate schedules, which are dated the date of this Agreement,
     all  certified  by  the  principal  executive  officer of the Company to be
     complete,  true,  and  accurate  in all material respects as of the date of
     this  Agreement:

(a)  a  schedule  containing  complete  and  accurate  copies of the Articles of
     Incorporation and Bylaws of the Company as in effect as of the date of this

(b)  a  schedule  containing  the financial statements of the Company identified

(c)  a  certified  list from the Company's Transfer Agent setting forth the name
     and  address of each shareholder of the Company together with the number of
     shares  owned  by  him,  her  or  it;

(d)  a  schedule  containing  a  description  of  all real property owned by the
     Company,  together  with  a  description  of every mortgage, deed of trust,
     pledge,  lien,  agreement,  encumbrance,  claim,  or equity interest of any
     nature  whatsoever  in  such  real  property;

(e)  copies  of all licenses, permits, and other governmental authorizations (or
     requests or applications therefor) pursuant to which the Company carries on
     or proposes to carry on its business (except those which, in the aggregate,
     are  immaterial  to  the  present  or  proposed  business  of the Company);

(f)  a  schedule listing the accounts receivable and notes and other obligations
     receivable  of the Company as of June 30, 2004, or thereafter other than in
     the  ordinary  course of business of the Company, indicating the debtor and
     amount,  and  classifying  the  accounts  to  show in reasonable detail the
     length  of  time, if any, overdue, and stating the nature and amount of any
     refunds,  set  offs,  reimbursements, discounts, or other adjustments which
     are  in  the  aggregate  material  and  due  to  or claimed by such debtor;

(g)  a  schedule  listing  the  accounts payable and notes and other obligations
     payable  of the Company as of June 30, 2004, or that arose thereafter other
     than  in the ordinary course of the business of the Company, indicating the
     creditor  and amount, classifying the accounts to show in reasonable detail
     the  length  of time, if any, overdue, and stating the nature and amount of
     any  refunds,  set  offs,  reimbursements, discounts, or other adjustments,
     which  in  the  aggregate are material and due to or claimed by the Company
     respecting  such  obligations;

(h)  a  schedule  setting  forth a description of any material adverse change in
     the  business, operations, property, inventory, assets, or condition of the
     Company  since  March  31,  2004;

(i)  a  schedule listing any and all federal, state and local tax identification
     numbers  of  the  Company and containing complete and correct copies of all
     federal,  state  and  local  tax  returns  filed  by  the  Company;  and

(j)  a  schedule setting forth any other information, together with any required
     copies  of  documents,  required  to  be disclosed by the Company. Any fact
     known  to  be,  or  to  the  best knowledge of the Company after reasonable
     investigation,  reasonably believed to be, contrary to the representations,
     covenants,  and  warranties made in Article II are required to be disclosed
     in  the  Company  Schedules  pursuant  to  this  Section  2.17(j).

     The  Company shall cause the Company Schedules and the instruments and data
delivered to Dragon hereunder to be promptly updated after the date hereof up to
and  including  the  Closing  Date.

     It is understood and agreed that not all of the schedules referred to above
have  been  completed  or  are  available  to  be furnished by the Company.  The
Company  shall have until July 28, 2004 to provide such schedules, except in the
case  of  providing  the  unaudited balance sheet of the Company and the related
statement  of  operations and cash flows for the three (3) months ended June 30,
2004  and  the  schedules listing accounts receivable and accounts payable as of
such  date, the Company shall have until August 23, 2004.  If the Company cannot
or  fails to provide the schedules required by this Section, or if Dragon or the
Dragon  Shareholder  find  any such schedules or updates provided after the date
hereof  to  be unacceptable, Dragon or the Dragon Shareholder may terminate this
Agreement by giving written notice to the Company within five (5) days after the
schedules  or updates were due to be produced or were provided.  For purposes of
the  foregoing, the Dragon may consider a disclosure in the Company Schedules to
be  "unacceptable" only if that item would have a material adverse impact on the
financial  condition  of  the  Company,  taken  as  a  whole.

Section  2.18  Valid  Obligation.  This  Agreement  and  all  agreements  and
     other  documents  executed   by  the   Company   in   connection   herewith
     constitute  the valid and binding obligation of the Company, enforceable in
     accordance with its or their terms, except as may be limited by bankruptcy,
     insolvency,  moratorium  or other similar laws affecting the enforcement of
     creditors'  rights  generally  and  subject  to  the qualification that the
     availability  of  equitable  remedies  is  subject to the discretion of the
     court  before  which  any  proceeding  therefor  may  be  brought.

Section  2.19  Liabilities.  The  Company  acknowledges  that  it  will
          have  no  liabilities  outstanding  on  the  Closing  Date.

Section  2.20  Reporting  Requirements  of  the  Company.  The  Company  is
     subject  to  the  reporting  and  filing  requirements  of  the  Securities
     Exchange  Act  of  1934  ("the  Exchange  Act')  including (1) the periodic
     reporting  requirements  and  (2) the Proxy Rules set forth thereunder. The
     Company  and  its officers, directors, and beneficial owners are subject to
     the  provisions  of  the  Exchange  Act  Section 16 relating to short-swing
     profit  recapture,   reports  of   beneficial  ownership  and  short   sale
     prohibitions  and  the  Company and its officers, directors, and beneficial
     owners have timely complied in all respects with the filing requirements of
     the  Exchange  Act.

Section  2.21  Quotation  on  the  OTC  Bulletin  Board.  The  Company's  Common
     Stock  is quoted on the OTC Bulletin  Board  under  the  symbol  "DRGO" and
     the  Company will retain such quotation on the OTC Bulletin Board until the
     Closing  of  the  transactions  contemplated  herein.

Section  2.22     Approval  of  the Exchange by the Company's Shareholders.  The
     transactions  contemplated   by   this  Agreement   do  not   require   the
     approval  of  the Company's shareholders and the Company is not required to
     file a Schedule 14A or 14C with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a
     result  of  this  Agreement.

Section 2.23 The Directors of the Company shall have approved the Exchange Offer
     and  the  related  transactions  described  herein.

Section  2.24  Approval  of  the  Exchange Offer and related transactions by the
     Company's  shareholders  is  not  required  by  Nevada law or the Company's
     Articles  of  Incorporation  or  Bylaws  or  any  amendments  thereto.

                                  ARTICLE III

                                PLAN OF EXCHANGE

Section  3.01  The  Exchange.  (i)  On  the  terms  and  subject  to  the
     conditions  set  forth  in  this  Agreement,   on   the  Closing  Date  (as
     defined in Section 3.02), each Dragon Shareholder who shall elect to accept
     the  Exchange  Offer  described  herein shall assign, transfer and deliver,
     free  and  clear of all liens, pledges, encumbrances, charges, restrictions
     or  known  claims of any kind, nature, or description, the number of shares
     of  common  stock of Dragon set forth herein, in the aggregate constituting
     100%  of the issued and outstanding shares of common stock of Dragon. After
     the  acquisition  of 100% of the outstanding shares of Dragon, Dragon shall
     become  a  wholly  or  majority  owned  subsidiary  of  the  Company.

Section 3.01(ii) The Dragon Shareholder will receive 165,000 Post-Split share(s)
     of  the  Company's  common  stock  for every one (1) share of Dragon common
     stock  held  or  an aggregate amount of 16,500,000 Post-Split shares of the
     Company's  Common  Stock. Following the execution of this Agreement and the
     Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  the  Dragon  Shareholder  shall own 16,500,000
     Post-Split  shares  out  of 66,896,794 Post-Split shares outstanding in the
     Company,  representing  Twenty-Four  and  Sixty-Six  One Hundredths percent
     (24.66%)  of  the  Company's  then  outstanding  Common  Stock.

Section  3.02  Closing.  The  closing  ("Closing")  of  the  transaction
     contemplated  by  this  Agreement shall  be  on a  date and at such time as
     the  parties  may  agree ("Closing Date") but not later than July 19, 2004,
     subject  to  the right of the Company or Dragon to extend such Closing Date
     by  up  to  an additional ten (10) days. Such Closing shall take place at a
     mutually  agreeable  time and place. At Closing, or immediately thereafter,
     the  following  will  occur:

a)   The Dragon Shareholder shall surrender the certificates evidencing at least
     100% of the shares of Dragon stock, duly endorsed so as to make the Company
     the  sole  owner  thereof;
b)   The  Company  will  issue  and  deliver  16,500,000 newly issued Post-Split
     treasury  shares  of  the  Company's Common Stock in the name of the Dragon
     Shareholder  in  accordance  with  this  Agreement;
c)   At  Closing,  the sole Director of the Company shall increase the number of
     Directors  to three (3) Directors and appoint Johannes Petersen and Xiaojun
     ("Albert")  Cui  as  Directors  to fill vacancies created by such increase.
     After  making  these  appointments,  the sole Director shall resign and the
     remaining  Directors  shall decrease the number of Directors from three (3)
     to  two  (2)  Directors;
d)   At  Closing, the sole Director of Dragon shall appoint Johannes Petersen to
     serve  as  a  Director  and  as President and then the sole Director Dragon
     shall  resign;  and
e)   At  the  Closing,  the  Company,  Dragon and each of the Dragon Shareholder
     shall  execute,  acknowledge,  and deliver (or shall ensure to be executed,
     acknowledged,  and delivered) any and all certificates, opinions, financial
     statements,   schedules,   agreements,  resolutions,   rulings   or   other
     instruments  required  by  this Agreement to be so delivered at or prior to
     the  Closing, together with such other items as may be reasonably requested
     by  the  parties  hereto  and  their  respective  legal counsel in order to
     effectuate  or  evidence  the transactions contemplated hereby. Among other
     things,  the  Company  shall  provide  an  opinion of counsel acceptable to
     Dragon  as  to  such  matters as Dragon may reasonably request, which shall
     include,  but  not  be  limited to, a statement, to the effect that to such
     counsel's  best  knowledge,  after reasonable investigation, from inception
     until  the  Closing  Date,  the  Company  has  complied with all applicable
     statutes  and  regulations  of  any  federal,  state,  or  other applicable
     governmental  entity  or  agency  thereof,  except  to   the  extent   that
     noncompliance  would  not  materially  and  adversely  affect the business,
     operations, properties, assets or condition of the Company or except to the
     extent  that  noncompliance  would  not  result  in  the  occurrence of any
     material  liability  (such  compliance including, but not being limited to,
     the  filing  of  all  reports  to  date  with  federal and state securities

Section  3.03  Name  Change.  Prior  to  the  Closing,  the  Company
     changed  its  name  from   Folix   Technologies,   Inc.  to   Dragon   Gold
     Resources,  Inc.,  pursuant  to  a  Certificate of Amendment to Articles of
     Incorporation  filed  with  the  Nevada Secretary of State on June 1, 2004,
     that  took  effect  on  June  14,  2004.

Section  3.04  Tradability  of  Shares.  The  shares  of  the  Common  Stock  of
     the  Company  to  be  issued  to  the  Dragon  Shareholder  have  not  been
     registered  under  the  1933 Act, nor registered under any state securities
     law,  and  are  "restricted securities" as that term is defined in Rule 144
     under  the  1933  Act.  The securities may not be offered for sale, sold or
     otherwise  transferred   except  pursuant  to  an   effective  registration
     statement under the 1933 Act, or pursuant to an exemption from registration
     under  the 1933 Act. The shares to be issued to the Dragon Shareholder will
     bear  the  following  restrictive  legend:  "THE SHARES REPRESENTED BY THIS

Section  3.05  Anti-Dilution.  The  number  of  shares  of  the  Company's
     Common  Stock  issuable upon  the  Exchange  Offer shall  be  appropriately
     adjusted  to  take  into  account  any  other  stock split, stock dividend,
     reverse  stock  split, recapitalization, or similar change in the Company's
     Common  Stock which may occur (i) between the date of the execution of this
     Agreement  and  the  Closing  Date.

Section  3.06  Termination.

(a)  This  Agreement  may  be terminated by the Board of Directors of either the
     Company  or  Dragon  or  by the Dragon Shareholder at any time prior to the
     Closing  Date  if:

(i)  there  shall  be  any  actual or threatened action or proceeding before any
     court  or  any governmental body which shall seek to restrain, prohibit, or
     invalidate  the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement and which, in
     the  judgment of such Board of Directors, made in good faith and based upon
     the  advice  of its legal counsel, makes it inadvisable to proceed with the

(ii) any  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  are  disapproved  by  any
     regulatory  authority  whose  approval   is  required  to  consummate  such
     transactions  (which  does   not   include  the  Securities  and   Exchange
     Commission)  or  in  the  judgment of such board of directors, made in good
     faith  and  based on the advice of counsel, there is substantial likelihood
     that  any  such approval will not be obtained or will be obtained only on a
     condition  or  conditions  which  would  be  unduly  burdensome,  making it
     inadvisable  to  proceed  with  the  Exchange;  or

     (iii)     if  less  than  one  hundred  percent  (100%)  of  the  Dragon
Shareholders  agree  to  the  Exchange  Offer.

In  the event of termination pursuant to this paragraph, no obligation, right or
liability  shall  arise hereunder, and each party shall bear all of the expenses
incurred  by  it  in connection with the negotiation, drafting, and execution of
this  Agreement  and  the  transactions  herein  contemplated.

(b)  This  Agreement  may be terminated by the Board of Directors of the Company
     at  any  time  prior  to  the  Closing  Date  if:

(i)  the  Board of Directors of the Company determines in good faith that one or
     more  of  the  Company's conditions to Closing has not occurred, through no
     fault  of  the  Company.

(ii) The  Company  takes  the  termination action specified in Section 1.17 as a
     result  of  Dragon  Schedules  or  updates  thereto which the Company finds
     unacceptable;  or

(iii)  Dragon  shall  fail  to  comply  in  any material respect with any of its
     covenants  or  agreements  contained  in  this  Agreement  or if any of the
     representations  or  warranties  of   Dragon  contained  herein   shall  be
     inaccurate  in any material respect, where such noncompliance or inaccuracy
     has  not  been  cured  within  ten  (10) days after written notice thereof.

If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this paragraph, this Agreement shall
be  of  no  further force or effect, and no obligation, right or liability shall
arise  hereunder, except that Dragon shall bear the costs in connection with the
negotiation,  preparation,  and  execution  of this Agreement and qualifying the
offer and sale of securities to be issued in the Exchange under the registration
requirements,  or  exemption  from  the  registration requirements, of state and
federal  securities  laws.

(c)  This  Agreement may be terminated by the Board of Directors of Dragon or by
     the  Dragon  Shareholder  at  any  time  prior  to  the  Closing  Date  if:

(i)  there shall have been any change after the date of the latest balance sheet
     of  the  Company in the assets, properties, business or financial condition
     of  the Company which could have a material adverse effect on the financial
     statements  of the Company listed in Section 2.04(a) and 2.04(b) taken as a
     whole,  except  any  changes  disclosed  in  the  Company  Schedules;

(ii) the  Board of Directors of Dragon determines in good faith that one or more
     of  Dragon's  conditions  to  Closing has not occurred, through no fault of

(iii)  Dragon takes the termination action specified in Section 2.17 as a result
     of  the  Company  Schedules  or  updates  thereto  which  Dragon  finds

(iv) on  or  before  July  8, 2004, if Dragon notifies the Company that Dragon's
     investigation  pursuant  to  Section  4.01  below has uncovered information
     which  it  finds  unacceptable  by  the  same criteria set forth herein; or

(v)  The  Company  shall  fail to comply in any material respect with any of its
     covenants  or  agreements  contained  in  this  Agreement  or if any of the
     representations  or  warranties  of  the  Company contained herein shall be
     inaccurate  in any material respect, where such noncompliance or inaccuracy
     has  not  been  cured  within  ten  (10) days after written notice thereof.

If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this paragraph, this Agreement shall
be  of  no  further force or effect, and no obligation, right or liability shall
arise  hereunder.

     No  revenue  ruling or opinion of counsel will be sought as to the tax-free
nature  of  the  subject  Exchange  and such tax treatment is not a condition to
Closing  herein.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                                SPECIAL COVENANTS

Section  4.01  Access  to  Properties  and  Records. The Company and Dragon will
     each  afford  to  the   officers  and  authorized  representatives  of  the
     other  full  access  to the properties, books and records of the Company or
     Dragon,  as the case may be, in order that each may have a full opportunity
     to  make  such  reasonable  investigation as it shall desire to make of the
     affairs  of the other, and each will furnish the other with such additional
     financial  and  operating data and other information as to the business and
     properties of the Company or Dragon, as the case may be, as the other shall
     from  time  to  time  reasonably   request.  Any  such   investigation  and
     examination  shall  be  conducted  at reasonable times and under reasonable
     circumstances,  and  each  party  hereto  shall cooperate fully therein. No
     investigation  by  a  party hereto shall, however, diminish or waive in any
     way  any of the representations, warranties, covenants or agreements of the
     other  party under this Agreement. In order that each party may investigate
     as  it may wish the business affairs of the other, each party shall furnish
     the  other  during such period with all such information and copies of such
     documents  concerning  the  affairs of it as the other party may reasonably
     request,  and  cause   its   officer,   employees,   consultants,   agents,
     accountants,  and  attorneys  to  cooperate  fully  in connection with such
     review  and  examination,  and to make full disclosure to the other parties
     all  material facts affecting its financial condition, business operations,
     and  the  conduct of operations. Without limiting the foregoing, as soon as
     practicable  after the end of each fiscal quarter (and in any event through
     the  last  fiscal  quarter  prior  to  the Closing Date), the Company shall
     provide  Dragon  with quarterly internally prepared and unaudited financial
     statements  for  all  periods  up  to  the  date  of  Closing.

Section  4.02  Delivery  of  Books,  Recordsand  Accounts.     At  the  Closing,
     Dragon  shall  deliver  to  the Company  copies  of  the  corporate  minute
     books,  books  of  account,  contracts,  records,  and  all  other books or
     documents of Dragon now in the possession of Dragon or its representatives.
     At  the  Closing, the Company shall execute such documents as are necessary
     to  make  Johannes  Petersen  or such other person or persons designated by
     Dragon,  the  authorized  signor  on  all of the Company's bank accounts or
     other  accounts  maintained  by  the  Company  at  financial  institutions.

Section  4.03  Third  Party  Consents  and  Certificates.  The  Company  and
     Dragon  agree  to  cooperate  with  each   other  in order  to  obtain  any
     required third party consents to this Agreement and the transactions herein

Section  4.04  Consent  of  Dragon  Shareholder.  Dragon  shall  use  its   best
     efforts to obtain the  consent  of the Dragon  Shareholder  to  participate
     in  the  Exchange.

Section  4.05     Exclusive  Dealing  Rights.  Until  5:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight
          Time  on  July  18,  2004.

(a)  In  recognition  of  the  substantial time and effort which the Company has
     spent  and  will continue to spend in investigating Dragon and its business
     and  in  addressing  the  matters  related to the transactions contemplated
     herein,  each  of  which  may preempt or delay other management activities,
     neither  Dragon,  nor  any  of  its officers, employees, representatives or
     agents  will  directly or indirectly solicit or initiate any discussions or
     negotiations with, or, except where required by fiduciary obligations under
     applicable  law as advised by counsel, participate in any negotiations with
     or provide any information to or otherwise cooperate in any other way with,
     or  facilitate  or  encourage  any  effort  or attempt by, any corporation,
     partnership,  person  or  other entity or group (other than the Company and
     its  directors, officers, employees, representatives and agents) concerning
     any  merger,  sale  of substantial assets, sale of shares of capital stock,
     (including without limitation, any public or private offering of the common
     stock  of  Dragon)  or  similar  transactions  involving  Dragon  (all such
     transactions  being  referred to as " Dragon Acquisition Transactions"). If
     Dragon  receives  any  proposal  with  respect  to  a  Dragon   Acquisition
     Transaction,  it  will immediately communicate to the Company the fact that
     it  has  received  such  proposal  and  the  principal  terms  thereof.

(b)  In  recognition  of  the substantial time and effort which Dragon has spent
     and  will  continue  to spend in investigating the Company and its business
     and  in  addressing  the  matters  related to the transactions contemplated
     herein,  each  of  which  may preempt or delay other management activities,
     neither  the  Company, nor any of its officers, employees, representatives,
     shareholders  or agents will directly or indirectly solicit or initiate any
     discussions  or  negotiations  with, or, except where required by fiduciary
     obligations  under applicable law as advised by counsel, participate in any
     negotiations  with  or provide any information to or otherwise cooperate in
     any  other  way  with, or facilitate or encourage any effort or attempt by,
     any  corporation,  partnership, person or other entity or group (other than
     Dragon  and its directors, officers, employees, representatives and agents)
     concerning  any  merger,  sale  of  substantial  assets,  sale of shares of
     capital  stock,  (including  without  limitation,  any  public  or  private
     offering  of  the  Common  Stock  of  the  Company  or similar transactions
     involving  the Company (all such transactions being referred to as "Company
     Acquisition  Transactions").  If  the  Company  receives  any proposal with
     respect  to  a  Company  Acquisition   Transaction,  it  will   immediately
     communicate  to  Dragon the fact that it has received such proposal and the
     principal  terms  thereof.

Section  4.06  Actions  Prior  to  Closing.

(a)  From and after the date of this Agreement until the Closing Date and except
     as  set  forth in the Company Schedules or Dragon Schedules or as permitted
     or  contemplated  by  this  Agreement,  the Company and Dragon respectively
     (subject  to  paragraph  (b)  below),  will  each:

(i)  carry  on  its  business  in  substantially  the  same  manner  as  it  has

(ii) maintain  and keep its properties in states of good repair and condition as
     at  present,  except  for  depreciation  due  to ordinary wear and tear and
     damage  due  to  casualty;

(iii)  maintain  in  full force and effect insurance comparable in amount and in
     scope  of  coverage  to  that  now  maintained  by  it;

(iv) perform  in  all  material  respects  all of its obligations under material
     contracts,  leases,  and  instruments  relating to or affecting its assets,
     properties,  and  business;

(v)  use  its  best  efforts  to maintain and preserve its business organization
     intact,  to retain its key employees, and to maintain its relationship with
     its  material  suppliers  and  customers;  and

(vi) fully  comply with and perform in all material respects all obligations and
     duties  imposed  on  it  by  all  federal  and  state  laws  and all rules,
     regulations,  and  orders   imposed  by  federal   or  state   governmental

(b)  From  and  after the date of this Agreement until the Closing Date, neither
     the  Company  nor  Dragon  will:

(i)  make  any  changes  in  their  Articles  of  Incorporation,  Memorandum  of
     Association, Bylaws or Articles of Association, as the case may be,, except
     as  otherwise  provided  in  this  Agreement;

(ii) take  any  action  described  in  Section 1.07 in the case of Dragon, or in
     Section  2.07,  in the case of the Company (all except as permitted therein
     or  as  disclosed  in  the  applicable  party's  schedules);

(iii) enter into or amend any contract, agreement, or other instrument of any of
     the  types  described  in  such  party's schedules, except that a party may
     enter  into  or  amend  any contract, agreement, or other instrument in the
     ordinary  course  of  business  involving the sale of goods or services; or

(iv) sell  any  assets or discontinue any operations, sell any shares of capital
     stock or conduct any similar transactions other than in the ordinary course
     of  business.

Section  4.07  Indemnification.

(a)  The  Company  hereby  agrees  to indemnify Dragon and each of the officers,
     agents,  and  directors of Dragon and the Dragon Shareholder as of the date
     of  execution of this Agreement against any loss, liability, claim, damage,
     or  expense  (including, but not limited to, any and all expense whatsoever
     reasonably  incurred  in investigating, preparing, or defending against any
     litigation,  commenced or threatened, or any claim whatsoever), to which it
     or  they  may  become  subject  arising  out  of or based on any inaccuracy
     appearing in or misrepresentation made by the Company under this Agreement.
     The  indemnification  provided  for  in  this  paragraph  shall survive the
     Closing  and  consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and
     termination  of  this  Agreement.

Section  4.08     Indemnification  of  Subsequent  Corporate  Actions.

(a)  No  officer,  director, controlling shareholder, agent or representative of
     the Company, or any other person currently affiliated with the Company, has
     offered  or  agreed to assist in the promotion, market making, development,
     enhancement,  or  support  of  the  Company's business, capital raising, or
     securities  market.

(b)  Dragon  hereby  represents  and  warrants  that  it will indemnify and hold
     harmless  any   officer,  director,   controlling  shareholder,  agent   or
     representative  of  the  Company,  or  any other person affiliated with the
     Company,  from  any  decisions,  activities,  or  conduct  of  the  Company
     contemporaneous  with,  or  subsequent  to  this  Agreement.

Section  4.09  Audited  Financial  Statements.  The  Company  shall  file
     audited  financial   statements of Dragon as  required  by  the  Securities
     and  Exchange  Commission  within  seventy-five  (75) days from the date of

Section  4.10  Blue  Sky  Manual  Exemption.     The  Company  shall  file  with
     Standard & Poor's  or  Moody's within  one  hundred twenty  (120) days from
     the  date  of  Closing.

                                    ARTICLE V


     The  obligations  of  the  Company  under this Agreement are subject to the
satisfaction,  at  or  before  the  Closing  Date,  of the following conditions:

Section  5.01  Accuracy   of  Representations  and - Performance  of  Covenants.
     The  representations  and  warranties  made  by Dragon  in  this  Agreement
     were  true  when  made  and shall be true at the Closing Date with the same
     force and effect as if such representations and warranties were made at and
     as  of  the  Closing  Date  (except  for  changes therein permitted by this
     Agreement).  Dragon shall have performed or complied with all covenants and
     conditions  required  by this Agreement to be performed or complied with by
     Dragon  prior  to  or at the Closing. The Company shall be furnished with a
     certificate,  signed  by  a duly authorized executive officer of Dragon and
     dated  the  Closing  Date,  to  the  foregoing  effect.

Section  5.02  Officer's   Certificate.     The   Company  shall   have   been
     furnished  with  a  certificate  dated  the  Closing  Date and  signed by a
     duly  authorized  officer  of  Dragon  to  the  effect  that no litigation,
     proceeding,  investigation, or inquiry is pending, or to the best knowledge
     of  Dragon threatened, which might result in an action to enjoin or prevent
     the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, or, to
     the  extent  not  disclosed  in the Dragon Schedules, by or against Dragon,
     which  might  result  in  any material adverse change in any of the assets,
     properties,  business,  or  operations  of  Dragon.

Section  5.03  No  Material  Adverse  Change.   Prior  to  the   Closing   Date,
     there  shall  not  have  occurred any  material  change  in  the  financial
     condition,  business,  or  operations  of  Dragon  nor shall any event have
     occurred  which,  with  the  lapse  of  time  or  the  giving of notice, is
     determined to be unacceptable using the criteria set forth in Section 1.17.

Section  5.04  Approval  by  Dragon  Shareholder.   The  Exchange   shall   have
               ---------------------- -----------
     been  approved,  and shares  delivered  in accordance  with  Section  3.01,
     by  the  holders  of  not less than eighty percent (80%) of the outstanding
     common  stock  of  Dragon.

Section  5.05  No  Governmental  Prohibition.     No   order,   statute,   rule,
     regulation,  executive   order,   injunction,   stay,  decree,  judgment or
     restraining order shall have been enacted, entered, promulgated or enforced
     by  any  court  or  governmental or regulatory authority or instrumentality
     which  prohibits  the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

Section  5.06  Consents.  All  consents,  approvals,   waivers   or   amendments
     pursuant  to  all  contracts,   licenses,  permits,  trademarks  and  other
     intangibles in connection with the transactions contemplated herein, or for
     the continued operation of the Company and Dragon after the Closing Date on
     the  basis  as  presently  operated  shall  have  been  obtained.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                           AND THE DRAGON SHAREHOLDER

     The  obligations  of Dragon and the Dragon Shareholder under this Agreement
are subject to the satisfaction, at or before the Closing Date, of the following

Section  6.01  Accuracy  of  Representations  and   Performance  of   Covenants.
     The  representations  and   warranties   made  by   the  Company   in  this
     Agreement  were  true  when  made  and shall be true as of the Closing Date
     (except  for  changes  therein  permitted  by this Agreement) with the same
     force and effect as if such representations and warranties were made at and
     as  of the Closing Date. Additionally, the Company shall have performed and
     complied with all covenants and conditions required by this Agreement to be
     performed  or  complied  with  by  the Company and shall have satisfied all
     conditions  set  forth herein prior to or at the Closing. Dragon shall have
     been  furnished  with  a  certificate,  signed by duly authorized executive
     officers  of  the  Company  and  dated  the  Closing Date, to the foregoing

Section  6.02  Officer's  Certificate.   Dragon  shall   have   been   furnished
     with  a  certificate  dated  the  Closing  Date  and  signed  by  the  duly
     authorized  executive  officer  of  the  Company,  to  the  effect  that no
     litigation, proceeding, investigation or inquiry is pending, or to the best
     knowledge  of  the  Company  threatened, which might result in an action to
     enjoin or prevent the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this
     Agreement  or,  to the extent not disclosed in the Company Schedules, by or
     against  the  Company, which might result in any material adverse change in
     any  of  the  assets,  properties  or  operations  of  the  Company.

Section  6.03  No  Material  Adverse  Change.     Prior  to  the  Closing  Date,
     there  shall  not  have occurred  any change  in the  financial  condition,
     business  or  operations  of  the Company nor shall any event have occurred
     which,  with the lapse of time or the giving of notice, is determined to be
     unacceptable  using  the  criteria  set  forth  in  Section  2.17.

Section  6.04  No  Governmental  Prohibition.  No  order,        statute,  rule,
     regulation,   executive  order,  injunction,   stay,  decree,  judgment  or
     restraining order shall have been enacted, entered, promulgated or enforced
     by  any  court  or  governmental or regulatory authority or instrumentality
     which  prohibits  the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

Section  6.05  Consents.     All  consents,  approvals,  waivers  or  amendments
     pursuant  to  all  contracts,  licenses,   permits,  trademarks  and  other
     intangibles in connection with the transactions contemplated herein, or for
     the continued operation of the Company and Dragon after the Closing Date on
     the  basis  as  presently  operated  shall  have  been  obtained.

Section  6.06  Other  Items.  Dragon  shall   have  received  further  opinions,
     documents,  certificates,  or  instruments  relating  to  the  transactions
     contemplated  hereby  as  Dragon  may  reasonably  request.

                                   ARTICLE VII


Section  7.01  No  Bankruptcy  and  No  Criminal  Convictions.     None  of  the
     Parties to  the  Agreement, nor  their officers,  directors  or affiliates,
     promoters,  beneficial shareholders or control persons, nor any predecessor
     thereof  have  been  subject  to  the  following:

(a)  Any  bankruptcy  petition  filed  by  or against any business of which such
     person  was a general partner or executive officer within the past five (5)

(b)  Any  conviction  in  a  criminal  proceeding  or being subject to a pending
     criminal  proceeding  (excluding   traffic   violations   and  other  minor

(c)  Being subject to any order, judgment, or decree, not subsequently reversed,
     suspended  or  vacated, of any court of competent jurisdiction, permanently
     or  temporarily  enjoining,  barring,  suspending or otherwise limiting his
     involvement  in any type of business, securities or banking activities; and

(d)  Being  found  by a court of competent jurisdiction (in a civil action), the
     Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC") or the Commodity Futures
     Trading  Commission  to  have  violated  a  federal  or state securities or
     commodities  law,  and  the  judgment  has not been reversed, suspended, or

Section  7.02  Broker/Finder's  Fee.   No  broker's  or  finder's  fee  will  be
     paid in  connection  with the transaction  contemplated  by this  Agreement
     other than fees payable to persons registered as broker-dealers pursuant to
     Section  15  of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The Company and Dragon
     agree  that,  except  as  set  forth  herein  and on Schedule 7.02 attached
     hereto,  there  were no brokers or finders involved in bringing the parties
     together  or  who  were  instrumental  in  the  negotiation,  execution  or
     consummation  of  this  Agreement.  The  Company  and  Dragon each agree to
     indemnify  the other against any claim by any third person other than those
     described above for any commission, brokerage, or finder's fee arising from
     the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  based  on any alleged agreement or
     understanding between the indemnifying party and such third person, whether
     express  or  implied  from  the  actions  of  the  indemnifying  party.

Section  7.03  Governing  Law  and  Arbitration.      This  Agreement  shall  be
     governed  by, enforced,  and construed  under  and in  accordance  with the
     laws  of  the  United States of America and, with respect to the matters of
     state  law,  with  the  laws of the State of Texas without giving effect to
     principles  of  conflicts of law thereunder. All controversies, disputes or
     claims  arising  out  of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved by
     binding  arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with
     the  Commercial  Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association.
     All  arbitrators  shall  possess  such experience in, and knowledge of, the
     subject  area  of  the controversy or claim so as to qualify as an "expert"
     with  respect to such subject matter. The governing law for the purposes of
     any  arbitration  arising hereunder shall be in Texas. The prevailing party
     shall  be  entitled to receive its reasonable attorney's fees and all costs
     relating  to  the  arbitration.  Any award rendered by arbitration shall be
     final  and  binding  on the parties, and judgment thereon may be entered in
     any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction.

Section  7.04     Notices.  Any  notice  or  other  communications  required  or
     permitted  hereunder  shall  be  in   writing  and  shall  be  sufficiently
     given  if personally delivered to it or sent by telecopy, overnight courier
     or  registered  mail  or  certified  mail,  postage  prepaid,  addressed as

     If to the Company, to:          Gregory  Corcoran
                                     Dragon  Gold  Resources,  Inc.
                                     205-1072  Davie  Street
                                     Vancouver,  British  Columbia
                                     Canada  V6E  1M3

     If to Dragon, to:               Raoul  Tsakok
                                     Dragon  Minerals  Holdings  Inc.
                                     900-789  West  Pender  Street
                                     Vancouver,  British  Columbia
                                     Canada  V6C  1H2

     With copies to:                 David  M.  Loev,  Attorney  at  Law
                                     2777  Allen  Parkway
                                     Suite  1000
                                     Houston,  Texas  77019

or  such  other  addresses  as shall be furnished in writing by any party in the
manner  for giving notices hereunder, and any such notice or communication shall
be  deemed to have been given (i) upon receipt, if personally delivered, (ii) on
the  day  after  dispatch, if sent by overnight courier, (iii) upon dispatch, if
transmitted by telecopy and receipt is confirmed by telephone and (iv) three (3)
days  after  mailing,  if  sent  by  registered  or  certified  mail.

Section  7.05  Attorney's  Fees.         In   the   event  that   either   party
     institutes  any  action or suit  to  enforce this Agreement  or  to  secure
     relief  from  any  default hereunder or breach hereof, the prevailing party
     shall be reimbursed by the losing party for all costs, including reasonable
     attorney's  fees,  incurred  in  connection  therewith  and in enforcing or
     collecting  any  judgment  rendered  therein.

Section  7.06  Confidentiality.    Each  party  hereto  agrees  with  the  other
     that, unless and until the  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement
     have  been  consummated,  it  and  its  representatives will hold in strict
     confidence  all data and information obtained with respect to another party
     or  any  subsidiary  thereof  from any representative, officer, director or
     employee, or from any books or records or from personal inspection, of such
     other  party,  and  shall  not use such data or information or disclose the
     same  to  others,  except  (i)  to  the  extent such data or information is
     published,  is  a  matter  of public knowledge, or is required by law to be
     published; or (ii) to the extent that such data or information must be used
     or  disclosed  in order to consummate the transactions contemplated by this
     Agreement.  In  the  event of the termination of this Agreement, each party
     shall  return to the other party all documents and other materials obtained
     by  it or on its behalf and shall destroy all copies, digests, work papers,
     abstracts or other materials relating thereto, and each party will continue
     to  comply  with  the   confidentiality   provisions   set   forth  herein.

Section  7.07  Public  Announcements  and  Filings.         Unless  required  by
     applicable law or  regulatory  authority, none  of the  parties  will issue
     any report, statement or press release to the general public, to the trade,
     to  the general trade or trade press, or to any third party (other than its
     advisors   and   representatives   in  connection   with  the  transactions
     contemplated  hereby)  or file any document, relating to this Agreement and
     the  transactions  contemplated hereby, except as may be mutually agreed by
     the  parties.  Copies  of  any  such  filings,  public  announcements  or
     disclosures,  including any announcements or disclosures mandated by law or
     regulatory  authorities,  shall be delivered to each party at least one (1)
     business  day  prior  to  the  release  thereof.

Section  7.08     Schedules;  Knowledge.  Each  party  is  presumed to have full
     knowledge  of  all  information  set forth  in the  other party's schedules
     delivered  pursuant  to  this  Agreement.

Section  7.09  Third  Party  Beneficiaries.         This  contract  is  strictly
     between the Company and  Dragon  and the  Dragon  Shareholder,  and, except
     as specifically provided, no director, officer, stockholder (other than the
     Dragon  Shareholder),  employee, agent, independent contractor or any other
     person  or  entity  shall be deemed to be a third party beneficiary of this

Section  7.10  Expenses.  The  Company  and  Dragon  each  hereto  agree  to pay
     its  own  costs  and  expenses   incurred  in  negotiating  this  Agreement
     including  legal,  accounting and professional fees, incurred in connection
     with the Exchange or any of the other transactions contemplated hereby, and
     those  costs  and  expenses  incurred  in  consummating   the  transactions
     described  herein.  The  Company  and Dragon specifically agree that Dragon
     will  complete  an  audit of Dragon's financial statements pursuant to form
     and  content  of  and  requirements for financial statements as provided in
     Regulation  S-X  promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
     "Audit")  within  seventy-five  (75)  days of July 8, 2004, and that Dragon
     will  pay  all  expenses,  fees  and other costs associated with the Audit.

Section  7.11  Entire  Agreement.       This  Agreement  represents  the  entire
     agreement  between  the  parties relating  to the  subject  matter  thereof
     and  supersedes  all  prior  agreements,  understandings  and negotiations,
     written  or  oral,  with  respect  to  such  subject  matter.

Section  7.12  Survival;  Termination.        The  representations,  warranties,
     and covenants of the respective  parties  shall  survive  the  Closing Date
     and  the  consummation of the transactions herein contemplated for a period
     of  two  (2)  years.

Section  7.13  Counterparts.    This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  multiple
     counterparts,  each  of  which  shall  be  deemed  an  original  and all of
     which  taken  together  shall  be  but  a  single  instrument.

Section  7.14  Amendment  or  Waiver.        Every  right  and  remedy  provided
     herein  shall be cumulative  with  every other  right and  remedy,  whether
     conferred  herein,  at  law, or in equity, and may be enforced concurrently
     herewith,  and  no waiver by any party of the performance of any obligation
     by  the  other  shall  be  construed  as  a waiver of the same or any other
     default then, theretofore, or thereafter occurring or existing. At any time
     prior  to  the  Closing  Date,  this  Agreement may by amended by a writing
     signed  by  all  parties hereto, with respect to any of the terms contained
     herein,  and  any  term or condition of this Agreement may be waived or the
     time  for  performance  may be extended by a writing signed by the party or
     parties  for  whose  benefit  the  provision  is  intended.

Section  7.15  Best  Efforts.   Subject  to  the  terms  and  conditions  herein
     provided,  each party shall use its best  efforts  to  perform  or  fulfill
     all  conditions  and  obligations  to be performed or fulfilled by it under
     this  Agreement  so  that  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby shall be
     consummated  as  soon  as practicable. Each party also agrees that it shall
     use  its best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions and to do,
     or  cause  to  be  done,  all  things  necessary, proper or advisable under
     applicable  laws  and  regulations  to  consummate  and make effective this
     Agreement  and  the  transactions  contemplated  herein.

Section  7.16  Faxed  Copies.        For   purposes   of   this   Agreement,   a
          faxed  signature  will  constitute  an  original  signature.

Section  7.17  Severability.       The   invalidity   or   unenforceability   of
     any  term,  phrase,  clause,  paragraph,  restriction,  covenant, agreement
     or other provision of this Agreement shall in no way affect the validity or
     enforcement  of  any  other  provision  or  any  part  thereof.

IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the corporate parties hereto have caused this Agreement to
be  executed  by  their respective officers, hereunto duly authorized, as of the
date  first-above  written.

                              Dragon  Gold  Resources,  Inc.

                              BY:   /s/ Gregory Corcoran
                                    Gregory  Corcoran,  Chief  Executive Officer

                              Dragon  Minerals  Holdings  Inc.

                              BY:   /s/ Raoul Tsakok
                                    Raoul  Tsakok


/s/ Raoul Tsakok_______________________________________
Raoul  Tsakok               100  shares

Schedule  1.08


          2.1.  Xiao  Qinling  Gold  Province
          2.2.  Qinling  Gold  Province
          2.3.  Southern  Shaanxi  Gold  Province
    3.    Ore  District  Geology  of  Gold  Deposits
          3.1.  Shaliang  Zi  Silver-Gold  Multi-Metallic  Ore  Deposits
          3.2.  Northern  Xunyang  Gold  Ore  Field
          3.3.  Wangjia  Ping  -  Xinchang  Copper  Ore  Deposit
          3.4.  Anjia  Qi  Gold  Deposit
          3.5.  Shuimo  Ping  Au-As  Ore  Deposit
          3.6.  Yinpan  Ag-Sb  Ore  Deposit
          3.7.  Aigao  Gou  Gold  Ore  Deposit
          3.8.  Huangbai  Yuan  Gold  Depositt
          3.9.  Yingchang  Gou  -  Gumu  Gou  Multi-metallic  Ore  Deposit
          3.10.  Huangjinmei  Gold  Ore  Deposit
          3.11.  Shiquan  Yangpin  Wuan  Gold  Ore  Deposit
          3.12.  Taiyu  Gold  Deposit
     TABLE  1.  Summary  of  gold  ore  properties  in  Shaanxi  province, China
     FIGURE 1. Regional geological setting of gold deposits in Shaanxi Province,
     FIGURE  2.  Location  of  gold  ore  deposits in southern Shaanxi Province,

     Most  multi-metallic  and  gold  deposits  in  Shaanxi province, China, are
located  in  the  Qinling  mountain belt and surrounding regions (Figure 1). The
gold  deposits  can  be  divided approximately into three gold provinces, namely
Xiao  Qinling,  Qinling,  and  Southern  Shaanxi gold provinces. The No. 12 gold
property  is  located  within  the  Xiao Qinling gold province, the Qinling gold
province include the No. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 gold properties, and the other
ore  properties of No. 2, 9, and 11 belong to the Southern Shaanxi gold province
(Figure  1).


2.1.  Xiao  Qinling  Gold  Province  (No.  12)
     The  Xiao  Qinling  gold  province, located between Tongguan in Shaanxi and
Lingbao  in  Henan  province  (Figure  1),  is currently the second largest gold
producing area in China. Annual production is about 15-23 t Au. The Xiao Qinling
area  is  underlain  by gneiss, marble, quartzite, migmatite, and amphibolite of
the  Late  Archean  Taihua  Group.  Indosinian  alkalic porphyries and dykes and
Yanshanian  granites  are  widespread. The Wenyu granite (just west of Tongguan)
intruded  the central part of the gold-rich area, and is exposed over an area of
about  20  km2.  Regional  structures  are  dominated  by  the  E-W-trending,
north-dipping,   60-km-long Maxundao deep fault zone (from Tongguan to Lingbao).
A  series of large gold deposits, with total resources of 300-450 t Au, occur at
intersections  of  second-order  WNW-EW-striking faults with NE- and NW-striking
faults to the north of the first-order Maxundao fault zone. From west to east in
the  Xiao  Qinling  gold  province,  gold deposits hosted in rocks of the Taihua
Group  are  concentrated  in three gold fields, i.e., the Tongyu, Wenyu and gold
fields.  A  series  of  4-  to  20-m-wide and  4-km-long quartz veins lie within
second-order  faults.  Lesser  amounts  of  gold  occur  in  altered rocks along
ductile-brittle  shear zones and in breccia bodies. More than 1,200 gold-bearing
quartz  veins  have  been  discovered in this part of the Qinling gold province.
Ores  are  noted  to  contain  pyrite,  galena, sphalerite, and minor magnetite,
scheelite,  wolframite,  molybdenite, stibnite, pyrrhotite, and gold. The gangue
minerals comprise quartz, calcite, ankerite, minor rutile, barite, siderite, and
fluorite.  The  alteration  halos  around  quartz  veins or shear zones comprise
mainly quartz, sulfide minerals, white mica, and carbonate minerals, with lesser
chlorite,  epidote,  and  biotite.

A  few  large gold deposits in areas of Proterozoic basement in the Xiao Qinling
area,  i.e.,  Kangshan,  Shanggong,  and  Qiyugou,  are controlled by a group of
NE-striking  faults  and  shear  zones, which are the second-order structures to
another  major  E-W-striking  fault  zone. The Shanggong ( 30 t Au) and Kangshan
( 20 t Au) deposits are located in the 33-km-long, NE-trending Kangshan-Qiliping
ductile-brittle  shear.  Mineralization  is  hosted in Mesoproterozoic felsic to
intermediate  volcanic  rocks.  The  steeply  dipping  orebodies  are  250-  to
750-m-long  and  1-  to  2.8-m-wide  veins filling brittle structures, lenses in
tension gashes, alteration bands along shear zones, and brecciated country rock.
The  ores  commonly  contain anomalous Ag, Te, and Pb concentrations. Alteration
halos  around  the  orebodies  are  characterized  by  a 1- to 3-m-wide proximal
sulfide-ankerite-muscovite  zone,  a  1-  to  20-m-wide
pyrite-ankerite-muscovite-chlorite  transitional  zone,  and  a 50-m-wide distal
chlorite-calcite  zone.

2.2.  Qinling  Gold  Province  (No.  1,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  and  10)

     In  the  Qinling  gold  province,  to  the  west  of  the Xiao Qinling gold
province,  many  recently discovered orogenic gold deposits occur in the Qinling
Mountain  (Figure  1). The ores are confined to an ENE trending belt of Devonian
and Carboniferous flysch, which was highly-deformed and regionally-metamorphosed
during  Indosinian  collision  between  the  North  China  and  Yangtze cratons.
Granites,  mainly granodiorites and monzogranites, also were intruded throughout
the  western Qinling province between 240 and 180 Ma. The belt extends from near
Lixian  in Gansu Province to Zhenan in Shaanxi Province (Figure 2), over an area
600  km long and 3 km wide. A resource exceeding 300 t Au has been identified in
the  Liuba Pangjiahe, Baguamiao, Shuangwang, and Maanqiao orogenic gold deposits
(Figures  1  and  2), as well as many smaller deposits. The major ore bodies are
localized  by  the  intersection  of  NE  and  NW  structures  with the regional
EW-WNW-striking  fold  and  shear  zones,  mostly dipping 50-70N. Gold occurs in
small  quartz  stockworks  and  veinlets  along major ductile shear zones (e.g.,
Baguamiao), disseminated in wall rocks along brittle fractures in hornfels zones
(e.g.,  Liuba),  or  in  large  breccia  zones  (e.g.,  Shuangwang).

2.3.  Southern  Shaanxi  Gold  Province  (No.  2,  3,  9,  and  11)

     The  southern  Shaanxi Gold Province is located tectonically in the eastern
part  of  Liuba-Baihe  rift-sedimentary  basin,  at  which  the southern Qinling
Indosinian  fold  belt  merges  with  the  northern  Daba Shan fold belt and the
northern  margin  of the Yangtz platform. Multiple stage structures on different
scales  were  developed  because  of  the  late  Caledonian regional uplift, the
horizontal  shearing  of  Hercynian  extension,  Indo-China  orogenesis,  and
Indo-China-Yanshanian  thrust  faulting.  Gold  ores  are  mainly  hosted  by
carbonate,  siliciclastic,  tuffaceous  sedimentary  or  meta-sedimentary rocks,
particularly  argillaceous  limestone, calcareous sillstone, and silty argillite
of  early  Paleozoic  to  Triassic  age,  controlled  by  secondary  geological
structures  such  as folds, faults, and shear fractures. The gold properties No.
2, 9, and 11 are located within this gold province (Figures 1 and 2). Though the
property  No.  3  is  also  in  the  southern  Shaanxi  province,  it is located
tectonically  in  an  area  called  Chuan-Shaan-Gan  gold  triangular  zone.


     The  available  geology  features  of  individual  gold  ore  deposits  are
described  in  the following section. The order or number of each ore deposit is
labeled the same as in Figures and 2 (see Table 1 for other information of these
gold  deposits).

3.1.  Shaliang  Zi  Silver-Gold  Multi-Metallic  Ore  Deposits

This  ore  deposit is located in the Qinling gold province, along the both sides
of the Shang-dan fault. Major exposed formations consist of amphibolite, marble,
and  argillaceous  meta-sandstone,  calcareous  sillstone,  and  quartz
meta-sandstone.  Shear  zones were well developed locally and folds are complex.

3.2.  Northern  Xunyang  Gold  Ore  Field

The  gold  field  geologically  is  located  in  the eastern part of Liuba-Baihe
rift-sedimentary basin (Southern Shaanxi gold Province). The multiple geological
events  provided the environment for the gold and other ore mineralizations. The
northern  gold  mineralization belt is 55-km long in east-west direction and 5-8
km  wide,  mainly  controlled  by  fracture zones associated with Nanyang fault.
Three  gold  ore  deposits, Xiaohe, Huijia Gou, Qingtong Gou deposits, and seven
gold ore sites occur in this major metallogenic belt. The southern belt is about
25-km  long in east-west direction and 2-3.5 km wide, mainly controlled by upper
Silurian  silty  phyllite.  Along  the  southern  wing  of  the  Nangyang  Shan
synclinorium, the Xiangling gold deposit, Shuishi Gou, Gongjia Shan, Caojia Gou,
and  Jiaosha  Zai  gold  ore sites occur in this belt. For Huijia Gou and Xiaohe
gold  deposit,  gold-bearing  minerals  are pyrite and asernopyrite, gold occurs
mainly  as  submicron grains in host minerals, and some in interstititial spaces
between  mineral  grains  or  in microfractures, and the hosting rocks are silty
phyllite,  quartz/dolomite  vein,  and breccis, having features of "Carlin-type"
gold  deposits.  Preliminary dressing test results in a refined-gold grade of 45
g/T  from  the  original  grade of 3.2 g/T, with   80% recovery. Large Hg-Sb and
Pb-Zn  ore  deposits  occur  in  the  ore  field,  associated  with  the  gold
mineralization  zones.

Ore  bodies  vary  in shape and size, normally from tens upto two hundred meters
long  and  one  meter  thick,  occurring  along  bedding  or  in fracture zones.
Controlled  gold  reserve is 14.58 tonnes of grade C+D+E (80x80 m or coarser ore
control),  with  gold grade of 0.8-56 g/T. Additional perspective potential gold
resource  is  speculated  as  117  tonnes.

3.3.  Wangjia  Ping  -  Xinchang  Copper  Ore  Deposit

It  is  located  tectonically in the Chuan-Shaan-Gan Triangular zone, within the
Guanping-Yangpingguan  brittle-ductile  deformation  zone. The upper Proterozoic
marine-volcanic  sediments  were  exposed in the area, with intrusions of quartz
diorites.  Alterations  that are well consistent with the copper anomalies occur
with  high  concentration,  well-zoned,  in  a  large  area.  About  10 sites of
multi-metallic  ores  have  been  discovered.

3.4.  Anjia  Qi  Gold  Deposit

This  gold  ore  deposit  is  controlled by the Shangdan fault and the secondary
fracture  and foliation zones with east-west strike. The eastern part dips 70-85
N  and  the  western part dips 60-82 S. Eight gold ore bodies were discovered in
the  district.

3.5.  Shuimo  Ping  Au-As  Ore  Deposit

The ore deposit is located within the occurrence zone of Caboniferous slates and
Devonian  argillaceous  slates, controlled by the Guanlingzi - Dashishang fault.
The  Au-As  anomaly  occurs  in  zones  intensively.

3.6.  Yinpan  Ag-Sb  Ore  Deposit

The Changpin-Yakoushi fault cut through the ore district in east-west direction.
The  middle  to upper Devonian and lower Triassic carbonaceous clastic rocks are
extensively exposed on the northern side of the fault and low-grade middle-upper
Silurian  meta-clastic  rocks  occur  in  the  southern  wing  of the fault. The
Guandoushan granites and Jiuzigou granitic porphyry occur in the region. Various
types  of  veins  were  well  developed  and  ore  alternations  occur in zones.

3.7.  Aigao  Gou  Gold  Ore  Deposit

A  gold-bearing  structured breccia zone extends  12 km with a width of 10-500 m
in  the  area.

3.8.  Huangbai  Yuan  Gold  Dpeosit

The  gold  district  is located in the middle part of the Hercynian - Indosinian
gold  mineralization  zones  in Southern Qinling. The exposed formations include
Devonian  clastic  rocks  and  carbonates, and lamprophyre veins also occur. The
region  has  undergone  strong  mineralization and tectonic activities with good
zonation  of  gold anomaly. Gold mineralization zone is   12 km long, controlled
by  brittle-ductile  fractures  and  along-bed  shear  structures.

3.9.  Yingchang  Gou  -  Gumu  Gou  Multi-metallic  Ore  Deposit

This  ore  deposit  is  located  in  the  eastern part of the Pb, Zn, Au, Hg, Sb
mineralization  belt  of  the  Indosinian  Qinling  fold  belt.  The  Silurian -
Carboniferous  clastic  and  limestone  were  exposed  in  the  region  with
well-developed  E-W  extending  folds  and  faults.  The gold-mineralization was
controlled  by  formations,  folds,  and  fault  breccia  zones.

3.10.  Huangjinmei  Gold  Ore  Deposit

No geology information is available. Five ore bodies were discovered with length
of 60 - 890 m and thickness of 0.56 - 6.18 m, extending in depth of 126 - 493 m.

3.11.  Shiquan  Yangpin  Wuan  Gold  Ore  Deposit

The  ore-bearing  formations are the Silurian Meiyazi group. Ore bodies occur in
the carbonaceous silicalites, meta-clastic rocks. Gold ores are mainly hosted in
sulphide-bearing  two-mica  quartz  schist  and carbonaceous two-mica quartzite.
Gold-bearing minerals are pyrite, quartz, chalcopyrite, and pyrrhotite. Wallrock
alternations  mainly  are silicification and pyritization. Near the surface were
discovered three gold-mineralization zones with eight ore bodies. The ore bodies
have  350 - 1300 m long, 0.4 - 7 m thick, with an average gold grade of 1.0 - 11

3.12.  Taiyu  Gold  Deposit

The  ore  deposit  is  located in the southern wing of the Dayueping - Jinnuoban
fold.  The  mainly  exposed  rocks  include  Taihuaqun group. The magmatites are
mainly  acidic  and  intruded  as plutons. Also basic magmatites occur in veins.
Faults  and fractures are the major ore-control structures in NE, near SN and EW
strikes. The SN group of structures was most developed, in which most ore bodies
occur.  In part of the whole region, three gold ore quartz veins were discovered
with control length of 700 - 900 m. Ore bodies have been delineated in the three
veins  with  thickness of 0.5 - 2 m, length of 60 - 90 m, and average gold grade
of  8-25  g/t.

                 *see map for ore deposit numbers and locations
 (1 t = 32151 oz = 2681 lb; 1 oz = 31.103 g; t - tonne; oz - ounce; pound - lb)

  #  NAME                RESOURCE / RESERVE                         PREVIOUS WORK                      FUTURE WORK
     ------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------

  1  Shaliang Zi Ag-     Three paralleling E-W Au-Ag-Cu             1:10,000                           Aditting 500 m,
     Au Multi-           mineralization zones; about 20 Au-         geological and ore                 trenching 5000 m3,
     metallic Ore        mineralization sites; Locally estimated    deposit survey                     geochemical
     Deposits            D-E grade gold reserve of 50 T (1.60                                          prospecting section
     Exploration,        MILLION OZ).                                                                  of 20 km.
     Zhouzhi County     (type ?)
 --  ------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------
  2  Nothern             Coarsely controlled gold reserve 14.6 T    District                           Densify deep
     Xunyang             (0.45 MILLION OZ) and perspective gold     geochemical gold                   controls, local
     Deposits            resource of 117 T (3.7 MILLION OZ)         prospecting; gold                  detailed exploration;
     Exploration         (type: likely lode and Carlin type)        ore deposit survey                 drilling 8000 m;
                                                                                                       pitting 4000 m;
     See "               (Arsenic micro-grained disseminated                                           trenching 5000 m3;
     PRELIMINARY         gold ores)
    CHINA" for details
 --  ------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------
  3  Wangjia Ping -      8 Cu ore bodies with grade of 1.24-        drilling of 6080 m,                Drilling 10,000 m,
     Xinchang            5.34%, average  3%. Controlled C, D,       aditting of 2104 m,                pitting 8000 m,
     Copper Ore          E grade Cu of 0.11 MILLION T (294.9        trenching of 16000                 trenching 6000 m3
     Deposit             MILLION LB); perspective Cu resources      m; 1:10000                         with geophysical and
     Exploration,        of 0.6 MILLION T (1,608.5 MILLION LB)      comprehensive                      geochemical
     Ningqiang           Cu, 20 THOUSAND T (53,619,000 LB) Pb-      geophysical                        explorations.
     County              Zn, minor Au-Ag ores. (type ?)             prospecting of 28
                                                                    km2 and
                                                                    prospecting of 35
 --  ------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------
  4  Aijia Qi Gold       8 delineated gold ore bodies with          Geological survey;                 Drilling 10,000 m,
     Ore Exploration,    length of 200-1528 m and thickness of      identification of                  pitting 5000 m,
     Zhouzhi County      0.8-4.8 m; gold grade - 3.46-28.33 g/t,    geological                         trenching 50,000 m3
                         Ag grade - 18.40-96.44 g/t; controlled     structures,                        for surface and deep
                         gold resource 24 T (0.77 MILLION OZ);      characteristics of                 controls.
                         50-T (1.6 MILLION OZ) perspective gold     rocks and minerals
                         resource and  15-T (0.48 MILLION OZ)       and dressing and
                         recoverable gold.                          recovery.

                         (type: fault and foliation controlled)
 --  ------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------
  5  Shuimo Ping Sb-     Delineated 5 ore blocks of 1000-3000-      1:50,000 regional                  Drilling 4000 m and
     Au-As Ore           m long, 400-m wide, and 35 Sb-Au-As        survey and                         aditting 2000 m.
     Deposit             mineralization zones of 120-400-m          1:10,000
     Exploration         long and 1.72-7.21-m thick; Sb grade       geological mapping
                         of 0.51-41.91%, gold grade of  0.30-       and geochemical
                         21.58 g/t, and As grade of 5-36%;          prospecting in
                         perspective controllable 0.1 million t     major
                         (268.0 MILLION LB) Sb resource and 6-T     mineralization
                         (0.19 MILLION OZ) gold resource. (type:    zones; preliminary
                         fracture controlled)                       trenching, aditting,
                                                                    and drilling;
 --  ------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------
  6  Yingpan Ag-Sb       16-km-long and 5-km-wide                   Systematic                         Drilling 4000 m,
     Ore Exploration,    mineralization zone; one Ag-Sb and         1:50,000 and                       pitting 2000 m, and
     Liuba County        one Ag-Cu ore deposits with multiple       1:10,000                           trenching 6000 m3.
                         mineralization sites; controlled 170-T     geochemical and
                         (5.4 MILLION OZ) Ag reserve with           geological
                         average grade of 386-485 g/t, 20,000 T     measurements;
                         (53.6 MILLION LB) Cu reserve with          of 1300 m and
                         average grade of 1.69-4.3% and 7200-t      trenching of 15000
                         Sb with average grade of 1.81%;            m3.
                         perspective reserves of 2000-T (64.3
                         MILLION OZ) AG, 0.3 MILLION T (804.2
                         MILLION LB) CU, 0.1 MILLION T (268.1
                         MILLION LB) SB, AND 5-T (0.16 MILLION
                         OZ) GOLD. (type ?)
 --  ------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------
  7  Aigao Gou Gold        10 T (0.3 MILLION OZ) of D+E grade       Trenching                          Experiments on ore
     Mine                gold reserve; 3.3 million t of ores with   discovered the 12-                 dressing and gold
     Exploration and     average grade of 3.6 g/t                   km-long, 10 to                     recovery; exploration
     Development                                                    500-m-wide gold-                   and mining
                         (type:?)                                   bearing zones;                     engineering;
                                                                    adits were partly                  developing mining
                                                                    done in middle parts;              factory
                                                                    small scale
                                                                    of heap leaching
                                                                    was conducted on
                                                                    surface gold ores.
 --  ------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------
  8  Huangbai Yuan       E-W 15-km-long and S-N 2-km-wide           1:50000 regional                   Drilling 2500 m and
     Gold Ore            mineralization zone; a number of pyrite    geological survey                  aditting 800 m.
     Exploration,        and  magnetite mineralization and          and geochemical
     Taibei County       quartz veins, bearing gold with grade of   prospecting;
                         0.3 - 126.03 g/t; delineated 4 ore         trenching and
                         blocks with length of 30-88 m,             aditting in
                         thickness of 2-5m, and grade of 2-4 g/t.   mineralization
                         perspective gold reserve 5-10 T (0.16 -    zones.
                         0.32 MILLION OZ).

                       (type: hydrothermal veins)
 --  ------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------
  9  Yinchang Gou -      Many Cu (Ag), Pb (Zn) ore bodies;          Test and                           Drilling 20,000 m,
     Gumu Gou Cu-        seven ore bodies occur in eastern part     verification of                    pitting 10,000 m,
     Ag Multi-           of mineralization zone, with length of     anomalies; local                   trenching 50,000 m3;
     metallic Ore        100-1000 m, thickness of 1-5.22 m, and     survey and                         geological,
     Deposits            Pb grade of 3.395-36.38%, Cu grade of      explorations.                      geophysical and
     Exploration,        0.2-5.32%, Ag grade of 20-474 g/t; Co-                                        geochemical
     Shanyang            occurrence of Ni, Co etc ores;                                                prospecting;
     County              perspective of 1-2, large to middle                                           petrologic and
                         scale, Cu-Ag ore deposits.                                                    mineral
                                                                                                       measurements and
                         (Type: formation, fold and fault                                              assays.
 --  ------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------
 10  Huangjing Mei       Five delineated gold ore bodies with       Conduction of ore                  Pitting 800 m,
     Gold Ore            length of 70-890 m, thickness of 0.56-     district survey;                   trenching 6000 m3 for
     Exploration,        6.18 m, extension of 126-493 m, and        identification of                  ore body control and
     Ningshaan           grade of 2.75-8.49 g/t; D+E grade gold     geological                         gold reserve; feasible
     County              reserve of 5 T (0.16 MILLION OZ)           structure,                         to build 10,000 t/year
                                                                    characteristics of                 heap leaching, or 50
                         (type ?)                                   rocks and minerals,                t/day flotation.
                                                                    and ore dressing
                                                                    and recovery.
 --  ------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------
 11  Shiquan County      Delineated two major gold                  Surface trenching;                 Ore engineering
     Yangpingwuan        mineralization zones and 8 ore bodies,     the total control                  4000 m. control in depth.
     Gold Ore            with potential gold resources of 40 t      lengths of the
     Deposit             (1.28 million oz) claimed by the           bodies are about
                         original report, with average grade of
                         1.2 - 3.9 g/t.  However, with about
                         4000 m control length of ore bodies,
                         the gold resource would only about
                         21.6 T (0.69 MILLION OZ) if they extend
                         about 500 m in depth.

                         (sediment-hosted gold type)
 --  ------------------  -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ----------------------
 12  Deposit             Delineated three gold ore veins; The
     Taiyu Gold          accumulative length of ore bodies in
                         the three ore veins is about 380 m, the
                         average thickness is about 0.4 m, and
                         the average grade is 14.5 g/t. If the
                         extension of ore bodies in depth is 5
                         times of its horizontal extension, then
                         the total gold resource would be about
                         11 T (0.36 MILLION OZ). Near surface
                         gold ores have been mined by local
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