UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, DC 20549 FORM N-PX ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORD OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANIES Investment Company Act file number:			811-21576 Name of registrant:		Stock Dividend Fund Address:			8150 N. Central Expwy #M1120, Dallas, Texas 75206 Agent for service:		Laura S. Adams (same address) Registrants phone number:	214-360-7410 Date of fiscal year end:	December 31 Reporting period:		June 30, 2022 through June 30, 2023 Company			Mtg	Matter			Who	Mgmt	Vote Symbol/Cusip		Date	Voted On		From	Rec	Cast --------------		----	---------------		----	----	---- Universal Corp		8/2	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR UVV	913456109	8/2	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			8/2	Ratfy Appt of Ernst&Yng	Co	FOR	FOR Cisco Systems, Inc.	12/8	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR CSCO	17275R102	12/8	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			12/8	Ratfy Appt of PwC	Co	FOR	FOR 			12/8	Tax Transparency Report	Co	AGN	AGN Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. WBA	931427108	1/26	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR 			1/26	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			1/26	Ratfy Appt Deloitte&Tou	Co	FOR	FOR 			1/26	Prpsl Publc Health Cost	Co	AGN	AGN 			1/26	Prpsl Indp Brd Chairman	Co	AGN	AGN Apple Inc.		3/10	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR AAPL 037833100	3/10	Ratfy Appt of Ernst&Yng	Co	FOR	FOR 			3/10	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			3/10	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			3/10	Shrhldr Prpsl Civl Rght Co	AGN	AGN 			3/10	Prpsl Communist China 	Co	AGN	AGN 			3/10	Prpsl Shrhldr Proponent	Co	AGN	AGN 			3/10	Prpsl Racl Gndr Pay Gap	Co	AGN	AGN 			3/10	Prpsl Shrhldr Prxy Accs	Co	AGN	AGN Kimberly-Clark Corp	4/20	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR KMB	494368103	4/20	Ratification of Auditor	Co	FOR	FOR 			4/20	Advsry Vt Exec Ofr Comp	Co	FOR	FOR 			4/20	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR HP Inc.			4/24	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR HPQ	40434L105	4/24	Ratfy Appt of Ernst&Yng	Co	FOR	FOR 			4/24	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			4/24	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			4/24	Shrhldr Right Wrtn Cons	Co	AGN	AGN IBM Corp.		4/25	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR IBM	459200101	4/25	Ratify Indpt Acctng Frm	Co	FOR	FOR 			4/25	Advry Vote on Exec Comp	Co	FOR	FOR 			4/25	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			4/25	Indpndnt Board Chairman	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/25	Prpsl Lobbying Activity	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/25	Prpsl China Businss Opr	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/25	Prpsl Harrassm Discrim	Co	AGN	AGN Wells Fargo & Co.	4/25	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR WFC	949746101	4/25	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			5/25	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			4/25	Ratify Appt for KPMG	Co	FOR	FOR 			4/25	Prpsl Majority Vote	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/25	Prpsl Political Spendng	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/25	Prpsl Climt Lobbyng Rep Co	AGN	AGN 			4/25	Prpsl Climat Trnstn Rpt	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/25	Prpsl Fossil Fuel Lndng	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/25	Prpsl Workplc Harrassmt	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/25	Prpsl Polcy on Freedom	Co	AGN	AGN Citigroup Inc.		4/25	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR C	172967424	4/25	Ratify Appt for KPMG	Co	FOR	FOR 			4/25	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			4/25	Addtnl Shs Incntv Plan	Co	FOR	FOR 			4/25	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			4/25	Ratify Term Pay Sr Mgr	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/25	Prpsl Indpnt Brd Chairm	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/25	Prpsl Peoples' Rights	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/25	Prpsl Fossil Fuel Finan	Co	AGN	AGN Newmont Corporation	4/26	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR NEM	651639106	4/26	Apprv Exec Offcr Comp	Co	FOR	FOR 			4/26	Ratfy Appt of Ernst&Yng	Co	FOR	FOR 			4/26	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR Pfizer Inc.		4/27	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR PFE 717081103	4/27	Ratify Appt for KPMG	Co	FOR	FOR 			4/27	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			4/27	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			4/27	Ratify Termination Pay 	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/27	Prpsl Indpnt Brd Chairm	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/27	Prpsl Trnsf Intel Prprt	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/27	Prpsl Patent Exclusivts	Co	AGN	AGN 			4/27	Prpsl Poltcl Contrbutns	Co	AGN	AGN The Kraft Heinz Co	5/4	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR KHC	500754106	5/4	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			5/4	Ratfy Appt of PwC	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/4	Prpsl Smpl Mjority Vote	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/4	Prpsl Rpt on Water Risk	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/4	Prpsl Civil Rights Audt	Co	AGN	AGN AbbVie Inc.		5/5	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR ABBV	00287Y109	5/5	Ratfy Appt of Ernst&Yng	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/5	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			5/5	Prpsl Elimnt Suprmjrty	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/5	Prpsl Smpl Mjority Vote Co	AGN	AGN 			5/5	Prpsl Rpt Pltcl Spndng	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/5	Prpsl Rpt on Lobbying	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/5	Prpsl Patent Process	Co	AGN	AGN Paramount Global	5/8	Non-Voting Agenda	Co	FOR	FOR PARA	92556H206 Valero Energy Corp	5/9	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR VLO	91913Y100	5/9	Ratify Appt for KPMG	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/9	Apprv Exec Compensation	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/9	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			5/9	Prpsl GHG Redctn Targts	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/9	Prpsl Racial Equty Audt	Co	AGN	AGN Prudential Financial	5/9	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR PRU	744320102	5/9	Ratfy Appt of PwC	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/9	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			5/9	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			5/9	Prpsl Indpnt Brd Chairm	Co	AGN	AGN Cummins Inc.		5/9	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR CMI	231021106	5/9	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			5/9	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			5/9	Ratfy Appt of PwC	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/9	Emplyee Stock Prchs Pln	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/9	Prpsl Independ Chairman	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/9	Prpsl 1.5 C Emssn Redct	Co	AGN	AGN Verizon Communications	5/11 	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR VZ	92343V104	5/11	Apprv Exec Compensation	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/11	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			5/11	Ratify Indpt Acctng Frm Co	FOR	FOR 			5/11	Gvnmnt Rqusts Rmv Cntnt	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/11	Prohibt Poltcl Cntrbtns	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/11	Amend Clawback Policy 	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/11	Annual Equity Awards	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/11	Independent Chair	Co	AGN	AGN Intel Corp		5/11	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR INTC	458140100	5/11	Ratfy Appt of Ernst&Yng	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/11	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			5/11	Apprv Equty Incntv Plan	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/11	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			5/11	Prpsl Stk Retentn Polcy	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/11	Prpsl 3rd Party Review	Co	AGN	AGN AT&T Inc.		5/18	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR T 00206R102	5/18	Ratfy Indpt Auditors	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/18	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			5/18	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			5/18	Indpndnt Board Chairman	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/18	Racial Equity Audit	Co	AGN	AGN Altria Group, Inc.	5/18	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR MO	02209S103	5/18	Ratfy Indpt Acctng Firm	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/18	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			5/18	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			5/18	Congruency of Expenditr	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/18	Prpsl Civil Rghts Audit	Co	AGN	AGN Amgen Inc.		5/19	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR AMGN	031162100	5/19	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			5/19	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			5/19	Ratfy Appt of Ernst&Yng	Co	FOR	FOR Chevron Corp		5/31	Election of Directors	Co	FOR	FOR CVX	166764100	5/31	Ratfy Appt of PwC	Co	FOR	FOR 			5/31	Apprv Exec Compensation Co	FOR	FOR 			5/31	Frquncy Vote Exec Comp	Co	1YR	1YR 			5/31	Reduce Scope 3 Emissons	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/31	Set GHG Reducton Targt	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/31	Recalclt Emisson Baseln	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/31	Decarbonization Risk	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/31	Wrkr & Community Impact	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/31	Rpt Racial Equty Audit	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/31	Rpt On Tax Practices	Co	AGN	AGN 			5/31	Independent Chair	Co	AGN	AGN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940 Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. (Registrant) STOCK DIVIDEND FUND Signature and Title By: /s/ Laura S. Adams President Date: 07/21/23