WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 8-K/A
                                Amendment No. 1

                                 CURRENT REPORT


                         COMMISSION FILE NO.: 000-50541

                             DRAGON GOLD RESOURCES, INC.

            NEVADA                                          88-0507007
- -------------------------------                ---------------------------------


                            (ISSUER TELEPHONE NUMBER)

     This Amended 8-K is being filed to take into account the audited
financial statements of Dragon Mineral Holdings Inc. as well as to reflect a
change in control of the Registrant and add additional Risk Factors.

Item 2.01 Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.

     On  July  15,  2004,  the  Registrant  acquired  100%  of  the  issued  and
outstanding  common  stock  of  Dragon  Minerals Holdings Inc., an International
Business  Company  incorporated  under  the  laws  of the British Virgin Islands
("Dragon"),  in  exchange for 16,500,000 newly issued shares of the Registrant's
common  stock  pursuant  to  an  Exchange  Agreement  whereby  Dragon  became  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary  of  the Registrant (the "Exchange"). At the closing of
the  Exchange,  there  were  66,896,794  issued  and  outstanding  shares of the
Registrant  following  the  issuance  to  the  Dragon  shareholder.

     Subsequent  to  the Exchange, the Registrant entered into an agreement with
Gregory  Corcoran  whereby  the  Registrant   transferred  certain  assets  held
immediately  prior  to  the   Exchange,  and  the   Registrant's  then  existing
liabilities  related  thereto,  to  Gregory  Corcoran,  the  Registrant's former
President  and  Chief  Executive  Officer,  in  consideration  for  $1,000.  The
Registrant  is  transferring  the following assets to Mr. Corcoran: the tangible
assets  excluding  cash  and the intangible assets including i) the right to the
name  "Folix  Technologies,  Inc.";  ii)  the  right  to operate the business of
developing a Linux based application server and thin client system; and iii) any
contracts,  agreements,  rights  or  other  intangible  property,  owned  by the
Registrant  immediately  prior  to the Exchange (collectively referred to as the
"Assets").  The  Registrant  also transferred the liabilities that relate to the
Assets  to  Mr.  Corcoran.

     The  Registrant  is a holding company for Dragon which in turn holds all of
the  common  stock  of  Dragon  Minerals Inc., an International Business Company
incorporated  under  the laws of the British Virgin Islands ("Dragon Minerals").
The  term  "Company"  as used in this report includes Dragon and Dragon Minerals
unless  specifically stated otherwise.  The business operations discussed herein
are  those  contemplated  by  the  Company.


     Dragon  Minerals Holdings, Inc. was incorporated on February 25, 2004 as an
international business company incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin
Islands.  Dragon owns 100% of the common stock of Dragon Minerals, Inc.  On July
15,  2004,  the  Registrant  acquired  100% of the issued and outstanding common
stock  of  Dragon,  as discussed above.  The Company is headquartered in London,
UK.  The  Company  intends  to   engage  in  gold  exploration  and  development
activities  in  the  Southern  Shaanxi  Province  of  China  ("Shaanxi").


     The Company does not currently offer any products or services.  The Company
has signed two letters of intent (the "Letters of Intent") to enter into   joint
ventures   for  gold  exploration  and  potential  development  on  a  choice of
properties  located  in  Shaanxi, discussed in more detail below. The Letters of
Intent  anticipate  that  the  Company  will  contribute  cash   to  the   joint
ventures.  The  other  parties to the joint ventures  would  contribute  permits
for  exploration  and  development  on  an  aggregate  of  up  to  thirteen (13)
properties  (the  "Permits").  The Company anticipates forming a separate  joint
venture for each  property  the  Company decides to develop.  The government  of
China owns the properties to which the Permits  relate.  The  Permits  grant the
right to  the mineral  resources  found  below  the  surface  of the properties.

     The Letters of Intent contemplate two phases of activities: the exploration
phase  and  the  development  phase. The development phase is contingent on, and
will  not proceed unless there are, positive results from the exploration phase.
At  this  time, the Company has not entered into any joint ventures, contributed
any  cash to any joint ventures, or selected any properties for gold exploration
and  potential  development.  However,  during  the last fiscal year the Company
raised  $100,000 from a SB-2 Registration Statement which was declared effective
December  19,  2003.  Additionally, on August 30, 2004, the Company sold 400,000
shares  of common stock for $200,000. There can be no assurance that these funds
will  be  able to sustain our business operations until more money is be raised,
provided  that  we  will  raise  any  additional  funds  at  all.


     Most  multi-metallic and gold deposits in the Shaanxi Province of China are
located  in the Qinling Mountain belt and surrounding regions. The gold deposits
can be divided into three (3) gold provinces: Xiao Qinling, Qinling and Southern
Shaanxi  gold  provinces. The Xiao Qinling gold province is currently the second
largest  gold  producing area in China. The Qinling gold province is west of the
Xiao  Qinling  gold  province.  Explorers unrelated to the Company have recently
discovered  gold  deposits in the Qinling gold province. The Company has entered
into  two  (2) agreements whereby the Company will enter into joint ventures for
the  exploration  and  development  of  up  to  thirteen  (13)  properties.

     One  (1)  of  the  properties covered by the agreements to enter into joint
ventures  is  located  within  the  Xiao Qinling gold province. Seven (7) of the
properties  are  located  within  the  Qinling  gold  province.  Four (4) of the
properties  are located within the Southern Shaanxi gold province. A fifth (5th)
property  is  also  located  within the Southern Shaanxi gold province, but more
specifically,  in  an  area  called  Chuan-Shaan-Gan  gold  triangular  zone.


     The  gold  exploration  and  development  industry  in the Southern Shaanxi
Province  of China is very competitive with well established companies that have
more  experience  and  resources than the Company. These companies are generally
better  able  to  compete  than  the  Company.


     The  Company  does not have any copyrights, patents, trademarks, license or
other  types  of  intellectual  property.


     The  Bureau  and  Northwest  are  local  government  departments  that have
exploration permits from the Chinese government regarding the properties subject
to  the Letters of Intent and have also carried out previous exploratory work on
the properties. The Permits grant the right to the mineral resources found below
the  surface  of  the  properties.  Actual  exploration  and  development on the
property  will  require  additional  governmental  permits  such  as  certain
environmental  permits.


     The Company has not conducted any research and development activities since
inception.  The  Company  does  not  have  plans  to  conduct  any  research and
development  during  the next twelve months.  The Company does however intend to
conduct exploration and development activities on up to thirteen (13) properties
in  Shaanxi  during  the  next  twelve  months.


     The  Company does not currently have any employees on either a part-time or
full-time  basis.  The  Company  intends  to  use consultants and other forms of
contract  or  outsourced  labor  during  the  next  twelve  months.


     The  Company  has  entered  into  two Letters of Intent whereby the Company
would  enter  into joint ventures for the exploration and development of  up  to
thirteen  (13)  properties  in  Shaanxi  (the  "Shaanxi Property").  Pursuant to
one  Letter  of  Intent, the Company  would  enter into Sino-Foreign cooperative
joint  venture companies with  the  Bureau  of Geology and Mineral Exploration &
Development  of  Shaanxi  Province  (the  "Bureau")   for  the  exploration  and
development  of  up  to twelve (12) properties.  Pursuant to the other Letter of
Intent,  the  Company  would enter into a Sino-Foreign cooperative joint venture
company  with  Northwest  Geology  and  Exploration Bureau for Nonferrous Metals
("Northwest")  for exploration and development of one (1) property.  Pursuant to
the  Letters of Intent, the Company would contribute cash to the joint ventures.
The  other  parties to the joint ventures would contribute the Permits and their
previous  exploratory  finding for up to thirteen (13) properties (listed below)
on  which  the  Company  intends  to  conduct  gold  exploration  and  potential
development  activities.

The  Company  has  not  completed any work on any of the properties or otherwise
confirmed  the rock formations thereon.  Any work done on the properties will be
exploratory  in  nature.

Permits to  be  contributed  by  the  Bureau
- --------------------------------------------

     Shaliangzi  Silver  -  Gold  Multi-Metallic Ore Deposits.  This property is
located  in  the  Qinling  gold  province.  It is accessible by roads or country
highways.  Previous  work  on  the  property  consisted  of a geological and ore
deposit  survey.  The Company's understanding based on the previous work is that
exposed  rocks  include  marble  and  metamorphosed  sandstone  in the north and
phyllite,  metamorphosed  sandstone,  and biotite-plagionite rocks in the south.

     Xunyang  Huijiagou  Gold Deposit.  This property is located in the Southern
Shaanxi  gold  province.  It  is accessible by country roads. Geologically it is
situated in the subsidence center of the Shan-za-xun basin. Previous work on the
property  consisted  of  geochemical  prospecting,  ore  deposit survey, surface
trenching  and  shallow  aditting.  The  Company's  understanding  based  on the
previous  work is that Upper Devonian clastic rocks and carbonates are the rocks
that  are  mainly  exposed.

     Xunyang  Xiaohe  Gold  Deposit.  This  property  is located in the Southern
Shaanxi  gold  province.  It  is  accessible by county roads. Geologically it is
situated in the subsidence center of the Shan-za-xun basin. Previous work on the
property  consisted  of  geochemical  prospecting, surface trenching and limited
drilling.  The  Company's understanding based on the previous work is that there
are  middle  Devonian  silty  phylites  with  occurrence of gold mineralization.

     Wangjiaping - Xinchang Copper Ore Deposit.  This property is located in the
Southern  Shaanxi   gold   province.   It  is   located   tectonically   in  the
Chuan-Shaan-Gan  triangular  zone,  within Guanping-Yangpingguan brittle-ductile
deformation  zone.  It  is accessible by country highways.  Previous work on the
property  consisted  of drilling, aditting, trenching, comprehensive geophysical
prospecting  and  geochemical prospecting.  The Company's understanding based on
the  previous  work  is  that  the exposed rocks are marine volcanic sedimentary
rocks  with  an  intrusion  of  quartz  diorite.

     Anjiaqi  Gold  Deposit.  This  property  is  located  in  the  Qinling gold
province.  It  is  accessible  by  state highway.  Previous work on the property
consisted  of  a  geological  survey,  identification  of geological structures,
characteristics of rock and minerals and dressing and recovery. The Company does
not  have  information  regarding the rock formations on this property regarding
the  rock  formations.

     Shuimoping  Silver  - Arsenic Ore Deposit.  This property is located in the
Qinling  gold  province.  It  is  accessible  by  highway.  Previous work on the
property  consisted  of  a  regional  survey, geological mapping and geochemical
prospecting  in  major  mineralization  zones,  and  preliminary  trenching  and
aditting.  The  Company's  understanding  based on the previous work is that the
exposed  rocks  include  Carboniferous  slate  and  Devonia slate and limestone.

     Yinpan  Silver  -  Stibium  Ore  Deposit.  This  property is located in the
Qinling gold province.  The property has an area of 15 square kilometers.  It is
accessible  by  unpaved  road.  Previous  work done on the property consisted of
systematic,  geochemical  and  geological  measurements, cumulative aditting and
trenching.  The  Changping  -  Yakou fault passes through the ore district.  The
Company's  understanding based on this previous work is that to the north of the
fault  Devonian  and  Triassic carcalcous classtic rocks are mainly exposed, and
that  to  the  south,  middle  -  upper  Silurian meta-classtic rocks are mainly
exposed.  Granites  intrude  the  area  and  various  type  veins  occur.

     Aigaogou  Gold  Ore  Deposit.  This property is located in the Qinling gold
province.  It  is  accessible  by  highway.   Previous work done on the property
consisted  of  trenching  in  which  a  12  kilometer long, 10 to 500 meter wide
gold-bearing zone was discovered, limited aditting and small scale heap leaching
on surface gold ores.  The Company's understanding based on the previous work is
that  the  major  gold-bearing  rocks  are  breccia.

     Huangbaiyuan  Gold  Deposit.  This  property is located in the Qinling gold
province.  It  is  accessible  by highways.  The ore district is situated in the
middle  part of Southern Qinling gold mineralization belt. Previous work done on
the  property consisted of a regional geological survey, geochemical prospecting
and trenching and aditting in mineralization zones.  The Company's understanding
based  on  the  previous work is that the exposed rocks are Devonian breccia and

     Yingchanggou  -  Gumugou  Multi-metallic  Ore  Deposit.  This  property  is
located  in the Southern Shaanxi gold province.  The property has an area of 160
square  kilometers.  It  is  accessible  by  four  roads.  It is situated in the
eastern  part  of  the   Qinling  Lead,  Zinc,   Silver,  Mercury,  and  Stibium
mineralization belt. Previous work done on the property consisted of testing and
verification  of  anomalies  and  local  survey and explorations.  The Company's
understanding  based  on  the  previous  work  is that the exposed rocks include
breccia  and  limestone.

     Huangjinmei Gold Ore Deposit.  This property is located in the Qinling gold
province.  It  is  accessible  by  road.  Previous  work  done  on  the property
consisted  of  a  district  survey,  identification  of  geological  structures,
characteristics  of  rocks  and  minerals,  and  ore dressing and recovery.  The
Company  does  not  have  any  information  on  this property regarding the rock

     Taiyu  Gold  Deposit.  This  property  is  located in the Xiao Qinling gold
province.  It  is  accessible by a simple road.  The ore district is situated at
the  southern  wing  of Dayueping - Jingluoban anticline.  Previous work done on
the  property  consisted  of  local  surface  trenching.  It  is  the  Company's
understanding  based on the previous work that acidic granites commonly occur on
the  property,  and  that  faults  are  the  major  ore  control  structures.

Permit  to  be  contributed  by  Northwest
- ------------------------------------------

     Shiquan  Yangpinwuan   Gold  Ore  Deposit.  This  property  is  located  in
Yangpinwan,  Shiquan County, Southern Shaanxi gold Province.  Previous work done
on  the  property  consisted of trenching.  The Company's understanding based on
the  previous  work  is  that  ore  bodies occur in carbonaceous silicilites and
meta-clastic  rocks.

     The  Company  has  not  currently entered into any definitive agreements or
joint  ventures.  The  Company  is in continued negotiations with the Bureau and
Northwest  regarding   contributions   of  the   properties  and  the  Company's
contribution  of  cash.  Currently, the joint ventures have not been formed, the
Company has not raised or contributed any cash, none of the properties have been
contributed,  and  there  is  no  program  of  exploration and development.  The
Company  will  be  required  to  contribute  cash  to  the  joint  ventures on a
continuing  basis,  however, the amount of continued capital commitment required
by  the  Company  is  not  known  at  this  time.


The Company currently is not a party to any material legal proceedings and, to
the Company's knowledge, no such proceedings are threatened or contemplated.


Risks  Related  to  Our  Business

     LETTERS  OF INTENT.  The Company has entered into two (2) letters of intent
whereby  the  Company will enter into joint ventures  for  the  exploration  and
development of up to thirteen (13) properties in Shaanxi. Pursuant to one letter
of  intent,  the Company will enter into Sino-Foreign cooperative joint  venture
companies  with  the  Bureau for the exploration and development of up to twelve
(12)  properties.  Pursuant  to  the other letter of  intent,  the Company  will
enter into a Sino-Foreign cooperative joint venture company with Northwest   for
exploration and development of one  (1) property.  Pursuant  to  the  letters of
intent,  the  Company  will  contribute  cash  to the joint ventures.  The other
parties  to the joint ventures will contribute up to thirteen (13) properties on
which  the  gold  exploration  and potential development will be conducted.  The
Company  has  not  currently  entered  into  any  definitive agreements or joint
ventures.  The  Company  is  in continued negotiations with the other parties to
the  letters  of  intent  regarding  contributions  of  the  properties  and the
Company's  contribution  of  cash.  Currently,  the joint ventures have not been
formed,  the  Company  has  not  contributed  any  cash,  none of the properties
have  been  contributed,  and  there  is  no  program  of  exploration  and
development.  There  can  be  no  assurance that the Company will enter into any
definitive  agreements  or  joint  ventures,  or  that the Company will make any
cash  contributions  or  that  other  parties  to  the  letters  of  intent will
contribute  any property.  In the  event  that  any  of  the foregoing events do
not  occur,  the  Company's  business  will  fail.

     NEED  FOR ADDITIONAL FINANCING.  The Company will be required to contribute
cash  to  the joint ventures on a continuing basis, however, the exact amount of
continued  capital commitment required by the Company is not known at this time.
The Company believes it  can  continue  for  approximately  six (6) months if no
additional financing is raised,  and  will  require  approximately  $140,000  of
additional financing to continue administrative activities for  the  next twelve
(12) months,  which  does  not  include  any  additional  amounts  which will be
required for exploration activities.  The  Company does not have any commitments
or  identified sources of capital from third  parties  or   from  the  Company's
officers, directors  or  majority  shareholders.  There  is  no  assurance  that
financing  will  be  available on favorable  terms,  if at all.  If the  Company
is unable to raise such financing, it will not be able to enter into  the  joint
ventures or continue business operations and its business will fail.

     TITLE  TO  THE  PROPERTIES.  The government of China owns the land on which
the  Company  intends  to  conduct  exploration  and development through a joint
venture  with  the  Bureau  and  a joint venture with Northwest.  The Bureau and
Northwest  are  local  government departments.  They have permits that give them
the  right  to  the mineral resources found under the surface of the properties.
Pursuant  to  the  letters  of  intent, the Bureau and Northwest will contribute
Permits  for up to an aggregate of thirteen (13) properties and the Company will
contribute  cash  to  the  joint venture.  The Company has not currently entered
into  any  definitive agreements or joint ventures.  The Company is in continued
negotiations  with  the  Bureau  and  Northwest  regarding  contributions of the
properties  and  the  Company's  contribution  of  cash.  Currently,  the  joint
ventures  have  not  been  formed, the Company has not raised or contributed any
cash,  none  of the properties have been contributed, and there is no program of
exploration  and  development.  If  the  Company, the Bureau or Northwest do not
make  the  contributions  contemplated  under the letters of intent, the Company
will  not  have  any  rights  with  respect  to  the  properties.

     RELIANCE  ON  KEY  MANAGEMENT.  The  Company's  success  depends  upon  the
personal  efforts  and  abilities  of  Johannes  Petersen,  a  Director  of  the
Company  and  the  Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  President,  and
Xiaojun  ("Albert")  Cui,  a  Director of the Company.  The Company's ability to
operate  and  implement  its business plan is heavily dependent on the continued
service  of  Messrs.  Petersen  and  Cui,  and the Company's ability to attract,
retain  and   motivate   qualified  consultants   and  other  outsourced  labor,
particularly in the area of gold exploration and development.  The Company faces
aggressive  and  continued competition for such personnel, qualified consultants
and  other outsourced labor.  The Company cannot be certain that it will be able
to  attract, retain and motivate such personnel, qualified consultants and other
outsourced  labor.  The  loss  of  Mr.  Petersen  or  Mr.  Cui, or the Company's
inability attract, retain and motivate such personnel, qualified consultants and
other  outsourced  labor  would  have a material adverse effect on the Company's
business  and  operations.

TO  OTHER  MINORITY  SHAREHOLDERS.  Raoul  Tsakok beneficially owns 22.6% of the
issued  and  outstanding shares of the Company's common stock.  Accordingly,  he
will  exercise  significant  control  in  determining  the  outcome  of  all
corporate  transactions  or  other matters including mergers, consolidations and
the  sale  of  all  or  substantially  all  of our assets, and also the power to
prevent  or  cause a change in control.  The interest  of  Mr. Tsakok may differ
from  the  interests  of  the  other  stockholders  and thus result in corporate
decisions  that  are  adverse  to  other  shareholders.

CONTINUE AS A GOING CONCERN.  Our Company is in  its  early  development stage,
as the Company does not currently offer any products or services and planned
principal activities have not begun.  We have not generated any revenues since
inception and have incurred substantial losses.  These factors among others
indicate that the Company may be unable to continue as a going concern,
particularly in the event that it cannot generate sufficient cash flow to
conduct its operations and/or obtain additional sources of capital and


If  there  is a market for our common stock, we anticipate that such market will
be  subject  to wide fluctuations in response to several factors, including, but
not  limited  to:

     (1)     actual  or  anticipated  variations  in  our results of operations;
     (2)     our  ability  or  inability  to  generate  new  revenues;
     (3)     the  number  of  shares  in  our  public  float;
     (4)     increased  competition;  and
     (5)     conditions and  trends  in  the  gold  exploration, development and
             production  industry.

Furthermore,  because  our  common  stock  is  traded  on  the  NASD  over  the
counter  bulletin  board,  our  stock  price may be impacted by factors that are
unrelated  or  disproportionate  to  our  operating  performance.  These  market
fluctuations,  as  well  as  general  economic, political and market conditions,
such  as recessions, interest  rates  or international currency fluctuations may
adversely  affect  the  market  price  of  our  common  stock.


     On  July  15,  2004,  the  Registrant  issued 16,500,000 restricted shares
of the Registrant's common  stock  pursuant to the Exchange. The Company claims
an exemption from registration afforded by Section 4(2) of the Act since the
foregoing issuances did not involve a public offering, the recipients had access
to information that would be included in a registration statement, took the
shares for investment and not resale and the Company took appropriate measures
to restrict transfer.

     On August 30, 2004, the Registrant issued 400,000 restricted shares of the
Registrant's  common  stock  in  a transaction that was not registered under the
Securities  Act  of  1933 to an entity unrelated to the Registrant in exchange
for  $200,000.  The  Company  claims  an  exemption  from registration afforded
by Section 4(2) of the Act since the foregoing issuance did not involve a public
offering,  the  recipient  had  access  to  information that would be included
in  a  registration  statement, took the shares for investment and not resale
and  the  Company  took  appropriate  measures to restrict transfer. The Company
also  claims  an  exemption  from registration afforded by Regulation S under
the  Act.


     On July  15, 2004, the Registrant entered into the Exchange with Dragon as
discussed above under "Item 2.01 Acquisition or Disposition of Assets." On
September 6th, 2004, Gregory Corcoran, a former director and the former Chief
Executive Officer of the Registrant, sold an aggregate of 11,600,000 shares
of the Registrant's common stock for an aggregate purchase price of $154,800
to seven individuals and one entity.  Johannes Petersen, a director and the
Chief Executive Officer of the Registrant, purchased 1,000,000 of these shares
of common stock from Mr. Corcoran.  On that same date, Mr. Corcoran agreed to
cancel 16,400,000 shares of the Registrant's common stock.  Mr. Corcoran has
since cancelled his shares of the Registrant's common stock.  Prior to his
cancellation, Mr. Corcoran owned 41.6% of the Registrant's common stock and
together with Raoul Tsakok, who owned 17.1% at the time, exercised control
over the Registrant. The Registrant currently has 50,896,794 shares of common
stock outstanding.

As a result of the above transactions, the following individual will exercise
significant influence over the Registrant:

     Name               No.  of  Shares               Percentage
     ----               ---------------               ----------
     Raoul Tsakok         11,500,000                    22.6%


(b)  On July 15, 2004, Gregory Corcoran resigned as a Director and as President,
Chief Executive Officer, Secretary, Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer of the

(c)  On July 15, 2004, the Registrant's Board of Directors appointed Johannes
Petersen as the President,  Chief  Executive  Officer,  Secretary,  Treasurer
and Chief Financial  Officer  of  the  Registrant.

(d)  On  July  15,  2004,  Gregory  Corcoran, acting as the sole Director of the
Registrant,  increased  the  number of directors from one to three.  On July 15,
2004,  the  Registrant's  Board  of  Directors  appointed  Johannes Petersen and
Xiaojun  ("Albert")  Cui  to  fill vacancies created thereon.

Item 8.01 Other Events.

     Effective  June  14,  2004,  the Registrant changed its name to Dragon Gold
Resources,  Inc.,  affected  a  7:1 forward stock split, increased the amount of
authorized  shares to Five Hundred Million (500,000,000) shares of common stock,
and reauthorized the par value of $.001 per share of common stock. Approximately
50,396,794  shares  of common stock were outstanding following the forward stock
split.  As  a  result  of  the name change, the Registrant's common stock trades
under  the  new  stock  symbol  "DRGO."

     On  July  15,  2004,  Gregory  Corcoran, acting as the sole Director of the
Registrant,  increased  the  number of directors from one to three.  On July 15,
2004,  the  Registrant's  Board  of  Directors  appointed  Johannes Petersen and
Xiaojun  ("Albert")  Cui  to  fill vacancies created thereon.

Item 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits.

(a)  Financial  Statements  of  Dragon  Minerals  Holdings Inc. included in this

Dragon Minerals Holdings Inc.
(An Exploration Stage Company)


Independent Auditors' Report                                                 F-1

Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                  F-2

Consolidated Statements of Operations                                        F-3

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                                        F-4

Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity                               F-5

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements                               F-6

                                MANNING ELLIOTT
                              CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS

       11th floor, 1050 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 3S7
          Phone: 604.714.3600 Fax 604.714.3669 Web:manningelliott.com

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

To the Stockholders and Directors
of Dragon Minerals Holdings Inc.
(An Exploration Stage Company)

We  have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Dragon Minerals
Holdings  Inc.  (An Exploration Stage Company) as of July 15, 2004 and March 31,
2004  and  the  related  consolidated  statements  of operations, cash flows and
stockholders'  equity for the periods from February 25, 2004 (Date of Inception)
to  July  15,  2004 and March 31, 2004 and the period from April 1, 2004 to July
15,  2004. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's  management.  Our  responsibility  is  to  express an opinion on these
consolidated  financial  statements  based  on  our  audits.

We  conducted  our audits in accordance with the Standards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and  perform  the  audits  to  obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the
financial  statements  are  free  of  material  misstatement.  An audit includes
examining,  on  a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in
the  financial  statements.  An  audit  also  includes  assessing the accounting
principles  used  and  significant  estimates  made  by  management,  as well as
evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement presentation. We believe that our
audits  provide  a  reasonable  basis  for  our  opinion.

In  our  opinion,  the  aforementioned consolidated financial statements present
fairly,  in  all  material  respects,  the financial position of Dragon Minerals
Holdings Inc.  (An Exploration Stage Company), as of July 15, 2004 and March 31,
2004,  and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the periods from
February  25,  2004  (Date of Inception) to July 15, 2004 and March 31, 2004 and
the  period  from  April 1, 2004 to July 15, 2004, in conformity with accounting
principles  generally  accepted  in  the  United  States.

The  accompanying  consolidated financial statements have been prepared assuming
the  Company  will  continue  as  a going concern. As discussed in Note 1 to the
consolidated  financial  statements,  the  Company has incurred operating losses
since  inception.  The  Company  has  a  working  capital deficiency and has not
generated  any  revenue  since  inception. These factors raise substantial doubt
about  the  Company's ability to continue as a going concern. Management's plans
in  regard  to  these  matters  are  also  discussed in Note 1. The consolidated
financial  statements  do not include any adjustments that might result from the
outcome  of  this  uncertainty.

/s/ "Manning Elliott"

Vancouver, Canada
October 28, 2004


Dragon Minerals Holdings Inc.
(An Exploration Stage Company)
Consolidated Balance Sheets
(expressed in U.S. dollars)

                                                                                             July 15,   March 31,
                                                                                              2004       2004
                                                                                                $          $

Total Assets                                                                                    -          -
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)

Current Liabilities

Accounts payable                                                                              5,344      787
Accrued liabilities                                                                           2,000        -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Current Liabilities                                                                     7,344        -
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commitments (Notes 1and 5)

Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)

Common Stock, 100 common shares authorized with a par value
of $1.00, 100 common shares issued and outstanding                                              100      100

Donated Capital (Note 4)                                                                      2,486    2,486

Deficit Accumulated During the Exploration Stage                                             (9,930)  (3,373)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)                                                         (7,344)    (787)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity (Deficit)                                              -        -


   (The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

Dragon Mineral Holdings Inc.
(An Exploration Stage Company)
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(expressed in U.S. dollars)

                                   Accumulated From        For the       Accumulated From
                                  February 25, 2004      Period From     February 25, 2004
                                 (Date of Inception)    April 1, 2004   (Date of Inception)
                                    to July 15,          to July 15,       to March 31,
                                          2004             2004                2004
                                           $                 $                   $

Revenue                                    -                  -                   -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Foreign exchange loss                      128               128                  -
Professional fees                        7,216             6,429                787
Filing and regulatory fees               2,586                -               2,586
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         9,930             6,557              3,373
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Loss for the Period                 (9,930)           (6,557)            (3,373)

Net Loss Per Share - Basic and Diluted  (99.30)           (65.57)            (33.73)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Weighted Average Shares Outstanding        100               100                100
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


   (The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

Dragon Minerals Holdings Inc.
(An Exploration Stage Company)
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(expressed in U.S. dollars)

                                                  From              For the                  From
                                            February 25, 2004     Period From          February 25, 2004
                                          (Date of Inception)     April 1, 2004       (Date of Inception)
                                                to July 15,        to July 15,          to March 31,
                                                   2004               2004                  2004
                                                     $                  $                     $

Cash Flows to Operating Activities

Net loss for the period                            (9,930)            (6,557)               (3,373)

Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash:

  Donated expenses                                  2,486                  -                 2,486
  Expenses settled with issuance of stock             100                  -                   100

Change in operating assets and liabilities:

  Increase in accounts payable and accrued
   liabilities                                      7,344              6,557                   787
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities               -                  -                     -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Increase in cash                                        -                  -                     -

Cash - beginning of period                              -                  -                     -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash - end of period                                    -                  -                     -
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Non-Cash Financing Activities

  Common stock issued for payment of expenses         100                  -                   100

Supplemental Disclosures

  Interest paid                                         -                  -                     -
  Income tax paid                                       -                  -                     -


   (The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

Dragon Minerals Holdings Inc.
(An Exploration Stage Company)
Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity
From February 25, 2004 (Date of Inception) to July 15, 2004
(expressed in U.S. dollars)

                                                                                              During the
                                                                               Donated       Development
                                               Shares          Amount          Capital          Stage          Total
                                                  #               $               $                $             $
Balance - February 25, 2004 (Date of Inception)    -               -               -                -             -

Common stock issued for expenses                 100             100               -                -           100

Donated capital                                    -               -           2,486                -         2,486

Net loss for the period                            -               -               -           (3,373)       (3,373)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance - March 31, 2004                         100              100          2,486           (3,373)         (787)

Net loss for the period                            -                -              -           (6,557)       (6,557)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance - July 15, 2004                          100              100          2,486           (9,930)       (7,344)


   (The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial

Dragon Minerals Holdings Inc.
(An Exploration Stage Company)
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
July 15, 2004
(expressed in U.S. dollars)

1.   Exploration  Stage  Company

Dragon  Minerals  Holdings Inc. (the "Company") was incorporated on February 25,
2004  under the laws of the British Virgin Islands. The Company owns 100% of the
issued  and outstanding common shares of Dragon Minerals Inc. (the "Subsidiary")
a  company  incorporated  under  the  laws  of the British Virgin Islands, whose
principal business is the exploration and development of gold properties located
in  China.

The  Company  is  an  Exploration  Stage  Company,  as  defined  by Statement of
Financial Accounting Standard ("SFAS") No.7. The Company's principal business is
the  acquisition  and  exploration  of  mineral  resources.  The Company has not
presently  determined  whether  its properties contain mineral reserves that are
economically  recoverable.

These  financial  statements  have been prepared on a going concern basis, which
implies  the  Company  will  continue  to  realize  its assets and discharge its
liabilities  in  the  normal course of business. The Company has never generated
revenues since inception and has never paid any dividends and is unlikely to pay
dividends  or  generate  earnings  in  the  immediate or foreseeable future. The
continuation  of  the Company as a going concern is dependent upon the continued
financial  support  from  its shareholders, the ability of the Company to obtain
necessary  equity  financing  to  continue  operations  and  to  determine  the
existence,  discovery  and  successful  exploitation of economically recoverable
reserves  in its resource properties, confirmation of the Company's interests in
the  underlying  properties,  and the attainment of profitable operations. As at
July  15,  2004,  the  Company  has working capital deficiency of $7,344 and has
accumulated  losses of $9,930 since inception. These financial statements do not
include  any  adjustments  to  the recoverability and classification of recorded
asset  amounts  and classification of liabilities that might be necessary should
the  Company  be  unable  to  continue  as  a going concern. These factors raise
substantial  doubt  regarding  the  Company's  ability  to  continue  as a going

On July 15, 2004, Dragon Gold Resources, Inc, a Nevada corporation listed on the
OTC Bulletin Board under the trading symbol DRGO.OB, acquired 100% of the issued
and  outstanding  common  shares  of  the  Company.

2.     Summary  of  Significant  Accounting  Policies

     (a)  Basis  of  Presentation

          The  Company has not produced any revenues from its principal business
          and  is  an  Exploration  Stage  Company  as  defined  by Statement of
          Financial  Accounting  Standard  ("SFAS")  No.  7.

     (b)  Principles  of  Consolidation

          These financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its
          wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Dragon  Minerals  Inc.,  a  private British
          Virgin  Islands  company.  All  intercompany transactions and balances
          have  been  eliminated.

     (c)  Use  of  Estimates

          The  preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting
          principles generally accepted in the United States requires management
          to  make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
          assets  and  liabilities  and  disclosure  of  contingent  assets  and
          liabilities  at  the date of the financial statements and the reported
          amounts  of  revenues  and expenses during the periods. Actual results
          could  differ  from  those  estimates.

     (d)  Fiscal  Year

          The  Company's  fiscal  year  end  is  March  31.

     (e)  Cash  and  Cash  Equivalents

          The Company considers all highly liquid instruments with a maturity of
          three  months  or less at the time of issuance to be cash equivalents.


Dragon Minerals Holdings Inc.
(An Exploration Stage Company)
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
July 15, 2004
(expressed in U.S. dollars)

2.   Summary  of  Significant  Accounting  Policies  (continued)

     (f)  Foreign  Currency  Translation

          The  Company's  functional and reporting currency is the United States
          dollar.  Monetary  assets  and  liabilities  denominated  in  foreign
          currencies  are  translated  using the exchange rate prevailing at the
          balance  sheet  date.  Gains  and  losses  arising  on  translation or
          settlement  of  foreign  currency denominated transactions or balances
          are  included  in  the  determination  of  income.  Foreign  currency
          transactions are primarily undertaken in Canadian dollars. The Company
          has  not,  to  the  date  of these financials statements, entered into
          derivative  instruments  to  offset  the  impact  of  foreign currency

     (g)  Basic  and  Diluted  Net  Income  (Loss)  Per  Share

          The  Company  computes  net income (loss) per share in accordance with
          SFAS  No.  128,  "Earnings  per  Share"  (SFAS 128). SFAS 128 requires
          presentation of both basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) on the
          face  of  the  income statement. Basic EPS is computed by dividing net
          income  (loss)  available  to  common  shareholders (numerator) by the
          weighted average number of shares outstanding (denominator) during the
          period.  Diluted  EPS  gives  effect  to all dilutive potential common
          shares  outstanding  during  the period including stock options, using
          the  treasury stock method, and convertible preferred stock, using the
          if-converted method. In computing Diluted EPS, the average stock price
          for  the period is used in determining the number of shares assumed to
          be  purchased  from the exercise of stock options or warrants. Diluted
          EPS  excludes  all  dilutive  potential shares if their effect is anti

     (h)  Financial  Instruments

          Financial  instruments  which  include  accounts  payable  and accrued
          liabilities were estimated to approximate their carrying values due to
          the  immediate  or short-term maturity of these financial instruments.
          The  Company's  operations  are  in  China  and  virtually  all of its
          liabilities  are  giving  rise to significant exposure to market risks
          from changes in foreign currency rates. The financial risk is the risk
          to  the  Company's  operations that arise from fluctuations in foreign
          exchange rates and the degree of volatility of these rates. Currently,
          the Company does not use derivative instruments to reduce its exposure
          to  foreign  currency  risk.

     (i)  Comprehensive  Loss

          SFAS  No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income," establishes standards
          for the reporting and display of comprehensive loss and its components
          in  the  financial  statements. As of July 15, 2004 the Company has no
          items  that  represent  comprehensive  loss  and,  therefore,  has not
          included a schedule of comprehensive loss in the financial statements.

     (j)  Mineral  Property  Costs

          The  Company  has been in the exploration stage since its formation on
          February  25,  2004  and  has  not  yet realized any revenues from its
          planned  operations.  It  is  primarily engaged in the acquisition and
          exploration  of  mining  properties.  Mineral property acquisition and
          exploration  costs  are  expensed  as  incurred.  When  it  has  been
          determined  that a mineral property can be economically developed as a
          result  of  establishing  proven  and  probable  reserves,  the  costs
          incurred to develop such property, are capitalized. Such costs will be
          amortized using the units-of-production method over the estimated life
          of  the  probable  reserve


Dragon Minerals Holdings Inc.
(An Exploration Stage Company)
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
July 15, 2004
(expressed in U.S. dollars)

2.     Summary  of  Significant  Accounting  Policies  (continued)

     (k)  Income  Taxes
          Potential  benefits  of  income  tax  losses are not recognized in the
          accounts  until  realization  is more likely than not. The Company has
          adopted  SFAS  No.  109  "Accounting  for  Income  Taxes"  as  of  its
          inception. Pursuant to SFAS No. 109 the Company is required to compute
          tax asset benefits for net operating losses carried forward. Potential
          benefit  of  net  operating  losses  have not been recognized in these
          financial  statements  because  the  Company  has  generated  minimal
          operations  since  inception,  there  are  no  significant  tax  loss
          carry-forwards, and  the  Company  cannot be assured it is more likely
          than  not  it will utilize the net operating losses carried forward in
          future  years.

     (l)  Recent  Accounting  Pronouncements

          In December 2003, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission
          issued  Staff  Accounting Bulletin No. 104, "Revenue Recognition" (SAB
          104),  which  supersedes  SAB  101,  "Revenue Recognition in Financial
          Statements."  The  primary purpose of SAB 104 is to rescind accounting
          guidance  contained  in  SAB  101  related to multiple element revenue
          arrangements, which was superseded as a result of the issuance of EITF
          00-21,  "Accounting  for  Revenue  Arrangements  with  Multiple
          Deliverables." While the wording of SAB 104 has changed to reflect the
          issuance  of EITF 00-21, the revenue recognition principles of SAB 101
          remain  largely  unchanged by the issuance of SAB 104. The adoption of
          SAB  104  did  not  have  a material impact on the Company's financial

3.     Common  Shares

On  February 25, 2004, the Company issued 100 shares of common stock to the sole
shareholder  in consideration for payment of $100 in legal fees on behalf of the

4.     Related  Party  Transactions

The sole shareholder of the Company paid legal expenses on behalf of the Company
and  its  wholly-owned  Subsidiary  in the amount of $2,486. The shareholder has
forgiven  reimbursement  of  this  amount,  which  has  been recorded as donated

5.     Mineral Property Agreements

     (a)  On  February  24, 2004, the Subsidiary entered into a Letter of Intent
          with  the  Bureau  of Geology and Mineral Exploration & Development of
          Shaanxi  Province   ("Bureau")   in   China   to   form   Sino-Foreign
          cooperative   joint   venture   companies  for  the  exploration  and
          development  of up to twelve properties (the "Permits") located in the
          Southern  Shaanxi  Province.  Pursuant  to  the  Letter of Intent, the
          Company  would  contribute  cash  to  the joint venture and the Bureau
          would  contribute the Permits and their previous exploratory findings.

     (b)  On  March 1, 2004, the Subsidiary entered into a Letter of Intent with
          the  Northwest  Geology  and  Exploration Bureau for Nonferrous Metals
          Party  ("Party")  in  China  to  form a Sino-Foreign cooperative joint
          venture   company    for   the    exploration  and  development  of  a
          property (the "Permit") located in Southern Shaanxi Province. Pursuant
          to  the  Letter  of  Intent,  the Company would contribute cash to the
          joint  venture  and  the  Party  would contribute the Permit and their
          previous  exploratory  findings.


(b)  Pro  Forma Financial Information was filed as an exhibit to our Form 10-QSB
     filed  on  November  15,  2004,  and  is  incorporated by reference herein.

(c)  Exhibits:

     2.1(1)  Exchange  Agreement

     (1)  Filed  as  an  exhibit  to  our  Form  8-K  filed  on  July  30, 2004.


Pursuant  to  the  requirement  of  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of 1934, the
Registrant  has  duly  caused  this  report  to  be  signed on its behalf by the
undersigned  thereunto  duly  authorized.

Dragon  Gold  Resources,  Inc.

November 16,  2004

/s/  Johannes  Petersen
- -----------------------
Johannes  Petersen
Chief  Executive  Officer