Updated Notice to Directors and Executive Officers

                                                              July 15, 2005

           Important Notice to Directors and Executive Officers
                 Regarding the Prohibition of Your Ability To
Purchase or Sell Ashland Inc. Securities Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

Dear Director or Executive Officer of Ashland Inc.:

                  This letter is an update of the notice you received dated
July 6,  2005,  containing  information  about the  blackout  period in the
Ashland Inc.  Employee Savings Plan (the "Savings  Plan").  The blackout is
related to the June 30, 2005,  transfer by Ashland Inc.  ("Ashland") of its
38-percent  interest  in  Marathon  Ashland  Petroleum  LLC and  two  other
businesses  to Marathon Oil  Corporation  ("Marathon")  through a series of
steps involving the reorganization of Ashland.  The blackout period,  which
was  expected  to end  during  the week that  started  July 10,  2005,  was
necessary  because  Ashland  was in  discussions  with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  regarding  the  appropriate  application  of
certain  Federal  securities laws to the Savings Plan following the closing
of the transaction with Marathon.

                  The matter being  discussed with the SEC has not yet been
clarified,  and discussions with the SEC are continuing.  Consequently,  in
order to ensure  compliance with applicable  securities  laws, the blackout
period will be  extended  further.  During the  extended  blackout  period,
participants  are  unable  to  make  investment  exchanges  or  direct  new
investments  into the Ashland Stock Fund of the Savings Plan.  Participants
are,  however,  able to make investment  exchanges out of the Ashland Stock
Fund (as well as out of the new Marathon Stock Fund).

                  The extended  blackout period for the Savings Plan is now
expected to end during the week that starts July 24, 2005.  During the week
that starts  July 24,  participants  can  determine  whether  the  extended
blackout period has ended by accessing  Fidelity's web site  (www.401k.com;
log in and choose  "NetBenefits")  or contacting  Fidelity on the automated
telephone response system (1-800-827-4526).

                  You may contact Ron  Griffith,  c/o  Ashland  Inc.,  3499
Blazer    Parkway,    Lexington,    KY   40509   (Tel:    (859)   357-7314;
rrgriffith@ashland.com)  if you  have  any  questions  about  the  blackout

                  We  wish to  remind  you  that,  generally,  pursuant  to
Section  306(a) of the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002,  during  the  blackout
period, it is unlawful for you, directly or indirectly,  to purchase,  sell
or  otherwise  acquire or transfer  any shares of Ashland  common  stock or
other equity securities of Ashland (including any derivative securities) if
you acquire or previously  acquired such securities in connection with your
service or employment as a director or executive officer.

                              Sincerely yours,

                              /s/ Susan B. Esler
                              Susan B. Esler
                              Vice President, Human Resources