ARTICLES OF RESTATEMENT

                               restating the

                                ASHLAND INC.

         Pursuant to the  provisions  of KRS Section  271B.10-070,  Ashland
Inc.  hereby  adopts  these  Articles  of  Restatement  for the  purpose of
restating its Restated Articles of Incorporation, as amended to date.

         First:  The name of the corporation is Ashland Inc.

         Second: The text of the corporation's  Second Restated Articles of
Incorporation is set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto.


         Pursuant to KRS Section  271B.10-070(4),  the  undersigned  hereby
certifies that:

                  (1)  the  text  of  the  corporation's   Second  Restated
         Articles of  Incorporation  set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto
         does  not  contain  an  amendment   to  the   articles   requiring
         shareholder approval; and

                  (2) the board of  directors  adopted the Second  Restated
         Articles of Incorporation.

         These Articles of Restatement  restating the Restated  Articles of
Incorporation  of Ashland  Inc.  have been  executed  as of the 21st day of
July, 2005.

                                ASHLAND INC.

                               By:  /s/ David L. Hausrath
                                    David L. Hausrath
                                    Senior Vice President


/s/ Linda L. Foss
- ---------------------------------
Linda L. Foss
50 E. RiverCenter Boulevard
Covington, Kentucky
(859) 815-3483

                                                                  EXHIBIT A

                                ASHLAND INC.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 ARTICLE I

         The name of the corporation is Ashland Inc. (hereinafter called the
"Company" or the "Corporation").

                                ARTICLE II

         The purpose for which the Company is organized is the  transaction
of any or all lawful  businesses  for which  corporations  may be organized
under the Kentucky Business Corporation Act, or any act amendatory thereof,
supplemental  thereto  or  substituted  therefor  (hereinafter  called  the
"Act"), and to do all things necessary,  convenient, proper or desirable in
connection with or incident to any of the Company's businesses.

                                ARTICLE III

         A.  The  Company  shall  have  all  the  powers  conferred  upon a
corporation  organized  under the Act and shall have all powers  necessary,
convenient  or desirable in order to fulfill and further the purpose of the

         B. The  Company  shall  have the power to  purchase  shares of the
stock of the Company to the extent of unreserved and  unrestricted  capital
and earned  surplus of the Company and to any greater  extent  permitted by
the Act.

         C. The Board of  Directors  of the Company may  distribute  to the
shareholders of the Company a portion of the Company's  assets,  in cash or
property,  out of capital  surplus of the Company and from any other source
permitted by the Act.
                                ARTICLE IV

         A. The aggregate  number of shares which the Company is authorized
to issue is 30,000,000  shares of Cumulative  Preferred Stock  (hereinafter
called the "Preferred Stock"),  and 200,000,000 shares of Common Stock, par
value $0.01 per share (hereinafter called the "Common Stock").

         B. Preferred Stock

            (1) To the extent  permitted by the Act, the Board of Directors
is authorized,  by resolution,  to cause the Preferred  Stock to be divided
into and  issued  from  time to time in one or more  series  and to fix and
determine the designation and number of shares, and the relative rights and
preferences of the shares, of each such series, and to change shares of one
series that have been redeemed or reacquired into shares of another series.

            (2) All shares of  Preferred  Stock  shall rank  equally and be
identical in all respects  except as to the relative rights and preferences
of any series fixed and  determined  by the Board of  Directors,  which may
vary to the extent permitted by the Act.

            (3) The  Preferred  Stock  shall be  preferred  over the Common
Stock as to payment of  dividends.  Before any  dividends or  distributions
(other than  dividends  or  distributions  payable in Common  Stock) on the
Common  Stock  shall be  declared  and set apart for  payment or paid,  the
holders of shares of each  series of  Preferred  Stock shall be entitled to
receive  dividends  (either in cash,  shares of Common  Stock or  Preferred
Stock, or otherwise) when, as and if declared by the Board of Directors, at
the rate and on the date or dates  fixed in the  resolution  adopted by the
Board of Directors  establishing such series,  and no more. With respect to
each series of Preferred  Stock, the dividends on each share of such series
shall be cumulative  from the date of issue of such share unless some other
date  is  fixed  in the  resolution  adopted  by  the  Board  of  Directors
establishing such series. Accruals of dividends shall not bear interest.

            (4) The  Preferred  Stock  shall be  preferred  over the Common
Stock as to assets so that the  holders of each series of  Preferred  Stock
shall  be  entitled  to  be  paid,   upon  the  voluntary  or   involuntary
liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up of the  Company  and  before any
distribution  is made to the holders of Common  Stock,  the amount fixed in
the resolution adopted by the Board of Directors  establishing such series,
but in such case the holders of such series of Preferred Stock shall not be
entitled  to any other or further  payment.  If upon any such  liquidation,
dissolution  or  winding  up  of  the  Company  its  net  assets  shall  be
insufficient  to permit the  payment in full of the  respective  amounts to
which the holders of all  outstanding  Preferred  Stock are  entitled,  the
entire  remaining net assets of the Company shall be distributed  among the
holders of each series of Preferred Stock in amounts  proportionate  to the
full amounts to which the holders of each such series are  respectively  so
entitled.  For purposes of this paragraph (4), the voluntary  sale,  lease,
exchange or transfer of all or substantially all of the Company's  property
or assets to, or its consolidation or merger with, one or more corporations
shall  not  be  deemed  to  be  a  voluntary  or  involuntary  liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the Company.

            (5) All  shares  of any  series  of  Preferred  Stock  shall be
redeemable to the extent  permitted by the Act and fixed in the  resolution
adopted by the Board of Directors  establishing such series.  All shares of
any series of Preferred  Stock shall be  convertible  into shares of Common
Stock or into shares of any other series of  Preferred  Stock to the extent
permitted  by the Act and fixed in the  resolution  adopted by the Board of
Directors establishing such series.

            (6) Unless  otherwise  provided herein or by the Act, or unless
otherwise  provided  in the  resolution  adopted by the Board of  Directors
establishing  any  series of  Preferred  Stock,  the  holders  of shares of
Preferred  Stock shall be entitled to one vote for each share of  Preferred
Stock held by them on all matters properly  presented to shareholders,  the
holders of Common  Stock and the holders of all series of  Preferred  Stock
voting together as one class.

            (7) So long as any shares of Preferred  Stock are  outstanding,
the Company shall not:

                (a)  Redeem,  purchase or  otherwise  acquire any shares of
Common  Stock  if at the  time  of  making  such  redemption,  purchase  or
acquisition,  the Company shall be in default with respect to any dividends
accrued on, or any obligation to retire, shares of Preferred Stock.


                (b) Without the affirmative  vote or consent of the holders
of at least 66-2/3% of the number of shares of Preferred  Stock at the time
outstanding,  voting or  consenting  (as the case may be)  separately  as a
class  without  regard to  series,  given in person or by proxy,  either in
writing or by resolution  adopted at a meeting called for the purpose,  (i)
create  any  class of stock  ranking  prior  to the  Preferred  Stock as to
dividends or upon  liquidation or increase the authorized  number of shares
of any such class of stock or (ii) alter or change any of the provisions of
these  Articles of  Incorporation  so as  adversely  to affect the relative
rights  and  preferences  of the  Preferred  Stock  or (iii)  increase  the
authorized number of shares of Preferred Stock.

                (c) Without the affirmative  vote or consent of the holders
of at least  66-2/3%  of the  number of shares of any  series of  Preferred
Stock at the time  outstanding,  voting or consenting  (as the case may be)
separately as a series,  given in person or by proxy,  either in writing or
by resolution adopted at a meeting called for the purpose,  alter or change
any of the provisions of these Articles of Incorporation so as adversely to
affect the relative rights and preferences of such series.

            (8) Series A Participating Cumulative Preferred Stock

                I.  Designation  and Number of Shares.  This  series of the
Cumulative  Preferred  Stock shall be designated as "Series A Participating
Cumulative Preferred Stock" (the "Series A Preferred Stock"). The number of
shares initially issuable as the Series A Preferred Stock shall be 500,000;
provided, however, that, if more than a total of 500,000 shares of Series A
Preferred  Stock  shall  be  issuable  upon the  exercise  of  Rights  (the
"Rights") issued pursuant to the Rights Agreement dated as of May 16, 1996,
between  Ashland Inc., a Kentucky  corporation,  and National City Bank, as
Rights Agent (the "Rights Agreement"),  as amended as of March 18, 2004 and
April 27,  2005,  the Board of Directors  of the  Corporation,  pursuant to
Section 271B.10-060 of the Kentucky Business  Corporation Act, shall direct
by resolution or resolutions  that Articles of Amendment of the Articles of
Incorporation  of the  Corporation be properly  executed and filed with the
Secretary  of State of Kentucky  providing  for the total  number of shares
issuable as Series A Preferred  Stock to be  increased  (to the extent that
the Articles of  Incorporation  then permit) to the largest number of whole
shares  (rounded up to the nearest whole number)  issuable upon exercise of
such Rights.

                II.  Dividends or  Distributions.  (a) Subject to the prior
and  superior  rights of the  holders  of  shares  of any  other  series of
Preferred Stock or other class of capital stock of the Corporation  ranking
prior and  superior to the shares of Series A Preferred  Stock with respect
to dividends,  the holders of shares of the Series A Preferred  Stock shall
be entitled to receive, when, as and if declared by the Board of Directors,
out of the  assets  of the  Corporation  legally  available  therefor,  (i)
quarterly  dividends payable in cash on the last day of each fiscal quarter
in each  year,  or such  other  dates  as the  Board  of  Directors  of the
Corporation  shall  approve  (each such date being  referred to herein as a
"Quarterly  Dividend  Payment  Date"),  commencing  on the first  Quarterly
Dividend  Payment Date after the first issuance of a share or a fraction of
a share of Series A Preferred  Stock, in the amount of $.01 per whole share
(rounded  to the  nearest  cent),  less the  amount  of all cash  dividends
declared on the Series A Preferred  Stock pursuant to the following  clause
(ii) since the immediately  preceding  Quarterly  Dividend Payment Date or,
with respect to the first Quarterly  Dividend Payment Date, since the first
issuance of any share or  fraction  of a share of Series A Preferred  Stock
(the total of which shall not, in any event, be less


than zero) and (ii) dividends  payable in cash on the payment date for each
cash  dividend  declared  on the Common  Stock in an amount per whole share
(rounded to the nearest cent) equal to the Formula  Number (as  hereinafter
defined)  then in effect times the cash  dividends  then to be paid on each
share of  Common  Stock.  In  addition,  if the  Corporation  shall pay any
dividend or make any  distribution  on the Common Stock  payable in assets,
securities or other forms of non-cash  consideration  (other than dividends
or  distributions  solely in shares of Common  Stock),  then,  in each such
case, the Corporation shall  simultaneously pay or make on each outstanding
whole share of Series A Preferred  Stock a dividend or distribution in like
kind equal to the  Formula  Number  then in effect  times such  dividend or
distribution  on each  share  of the  Common  Stock.  As used  herein,  the
"Formula Number" shall be 1,000;  provided,  however,  that, if at any time
after the Master Agreement Closing Date (as defined below), the Corporation
shall (x) declare or pay any dividend on the Common Stock payable in shares
of Common Stock or make any  distribution  on the Common Stock in shares of
Common Stock, (y) subdivide (by a stock split or otherwise) the outstanding
shares of Common  Stock into a larger  number of shares of Common  Stock or
(z) combine (by a reverse stock split or otherwise) the outstanding  shares
of Common Stock into a smaller  number of shares of Common Stock,  then, in
each  such  event,  the  Formula  Number  shall  be  adjusted  to a  number
determined by multiplying the Formula Number in effect immediately prior to
such event by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of shares of
Common  Stock  that are  outstanding  immediately  after such event and the
denominator  of which is the  number of shares  of  Common  Stock  that are
outstanding immediately prior to such event (and rounding the result to the
nearest whole number); and provided further, that, if at any time after the
Master  Agreement  Closing Date, the Corporation  shall issue any shares of
its capital stock in a merger, share exchange, reclassification,  or change
of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock,  then, in each such event,  the
Formula  Number  shall be  appropriately  adjusted to reflect  such merger,
share exchange,  reclassification or change so that each share of Preferred
Stock continues to be the economic equivalent of a Formula Number of shares
of Common Stock prior to such merger,  share exchange,  reclassification or
change.  For purposes of this  subsection  (a), the term "Master  Agreement
Closing  Date"  shall  mean  the  date  the  merger  of EXM  LLC  into  the
Corporation pursuant to the plan of merger contained in that certain Master
Agreement,  dated as of March 18, 2004,  among Ashland  Inc.,  ATB Holdings
Inc.,  EXM LLC, the  Corporation,  Marathon Oil  Corporation,  Marathon Oil
Company,  Marathon  Domestic LLC, and Marathon  Ashland  Petroleum  LLC, as
amended by Amendment No. 1, dated as of April 27, 2005, is effective.

                    (b)  The  Corporation   shall  declare  a  dividend  or
distribution on the Series A Preferred Stock as provided in Section (2) (a)
immediately  prior  to or at the  same  time  it  declares  a  dividend  or
distribution  on the Common  Stock  (other than a dividend or  distribution
solely in shares of Common Stock); provided, however, that, in the event no
dividend or  distribution  (other than a dividend or distribution in shares
of Common  Stock)  shall have been  declared on the Common Stock during the
period between any Quarterly  Dividend Payment Date and the next subsequent
Quarterly Dividend Payment Date, a dividend of $.01 per share on the Series
A  Preferred  Stock  shall  nevertheless  be  payable  on  such  subsequent
Quarterly  Dividend  Payment Date.  The Board of Directors may fix a record
date for the determination of holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock
entitled  to receive a dividend or  distribution  declared  thereon,  which
record  date  shall be the same as the  record  date for any  corresponding
dividend or distribution on the Common Stock.


                    (c)  Dividends  shall begin to accrue and be cumulative
on  outstanding  shares  of  Series A  Preferred  Stock  from and after the
Quarterly  Dividend  Payment Date next preceding the date of original issue
of such  shares  of  Series A  Preferred  Stock;  provided,  however,  that
dividends on such shares that are  originally  issued after the record date
for the  determination  of  holders of shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock
entitled  to  receive  a  quarterly  dividend  and on or  prior to the next
succeeding  Quarterly  Dividend  Payment  Date shall begin to accrue and be
cumulative   from  and  after  such   Quarterly   Dividend   Payment  Date.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  dividends on shares of Series A Preferred
Stock  that  are  originally  issued  prior  to the  record  date  for  the
determination  of holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock entitled to
receive a quarterly  dividend on the first Quarterly  Dividend Payment Date
shall be  calculated  as if  cumulative  from and after the last day of the
fiscal quarter next preceding the date of original issuance of such shares.
Accrued but unpaid dividends shall not bear interest. Dividends paid on the
shares of Series A Preferred  Stock in an amount less than the total amount
of such  dividends  at the time accrued and payable on such shares shall be
allocated pro rata on a  share-by-share  basis among all such shares at the
time outstanding and entitled to receive such dividends.

                    (d) So long as any  shares  of the  Series A  Preferred
Stock  are  outstanding,  no  dividends  or  other  distributions  shall be
declared, paid or distributed, or set aside for payment or distribution, on
the Common  Stock,  unless,  in each case,  the  dividend  required by this
Section II to be declared  on the Series A Preferred  Stock shall have been
declared and paid.

                    (e) The  holders  of the  shares of Series A  Preferred
Stock  shall  not  be  entitled   to  receive   any   dividends   or  other
distributions, except as provided herein.

                III.  Voting  Rights.  The  holders  of  shares of Series A
Preferred Stock shall have the following voting rights:

                    (a) Each  holder of Series A  Preferred  Stock shall be
entitled to a number of votes  equal to the Formula  Number then in effect,
for each share of Series A Preferred Stock held of record on each matter on
which holders of the Common Stock or shareholders generally are entitled to
vote,  multiplied by the maximum number of votes per share which any holder
of the Common  Stock or  shareholders  generally  then have with respect to
such matter  (assuming any holding  period or other  requirement  to vote a
greater number of shares is satisfied).

                    (b)  Except  as   otherwise   provided   herein  or  by
applicable  law, the holders of shares of Series A Preferred  Stock and the
holders of shares of Common  Stock shall vote  together as one voting group
for the election of directors of the  Corporation  and on all other matters
submitted to a vote of shareholders of the Corporation.

                    (c)  If,  at  the  time  of  any   annual   meeting  of
shareholders for the election of directors, the equivalent of six quarterly
dividends  (whether or not  consecutive)  payable on any share or shares of
Series  A  Preferred  Stock  are  in  default,   the  number  of  directors
constituting  the Board of Directors of the Corporation  shall be increased
by two. In addition to voting together with the holders of Common Stock for
the election of other directors of the  Corporation,  the holders of record
of the Series A Preferred Stock, voting separately as a voting group to the
exclusion of the holders of Common Stock, shall be entitled at said meeting
of shareholders  (and at each subsequent  annual meeting of  shareholders),
unless all dividends in arrears have been


paid or declared and set apart for payment prior  thereto,  to vote for the
election of two directors of the  Corporation,  the holders of any Series A
Preferred  Stock  being  entitled  to cast a number  of votes  per share of
Series A Preferred Stock equal to the Formula Number.  Until the default in
payments of all dividends  that  permitted  the election of said  directors
shall cease to exist,  any director who shall have been so elected pursuant
to the next preceding  sentence may be removed at any time,  either with or
without cause, only by the affirmative vote of the holders of the shares of
Series A Preferred  Stock at the time entitled to cast such number of votes
as are required by law for the  election of any such  director at a special
meeting of such holders  called for that purpose,  and any vacancy  thereby
created  may be filled only by the vote of such  holders.  If and when such
default shall cease to exist,  the holders of the Series A Preferred  Stock
shall be  divested  of the  foregoing  special  voting  rights,  subject to
revesting  in the  event of each  and  every  subsequent  like  default  in
payments of dividends. Upon the termination of the foregoing special voting
rights,  the  terms of  office of all  persons  who may have  been  elected
directors pursuant to said special voting rights shall forthwith  terminate
to the extent  permitted by law,  and the number of directors  constituting
the Board of Directors  shall be reduced by two. The voting rights  granted
by this  Section  III(c)  shall be in addition to any other  voting  rights
granted to the holders of the Series A Preferred Stock in this Section III.

                    (d)  Except as  provided  herein,  in  Section XI or by
applicable  law,  holders of Series A Preferred Stock shall have no special
voting rights and their consent shall not be required (except to the extent
they are entitled to vote with holders of Common Stock as set forth herein)
for authorizing or taking any corporate action.

                IV. Certain Restrictions.  (a) Whenever quarterly dividends
or other dividends or distributions payable on the Series A Preferred Stock
as provided in Section II are in arrears,  thereafter and until all accrued
and unpaid dividends and distributions,  whether or not declared, on shares
of Series A Preferred Stock  outstanding  shall have been paid in full, the
Corporation shall not:

                        (i)  declare or pay  dividends  on,  make any other
distributions   on,  or  redeem  or  purchase  or  otherwise   acquire  for
consideration any shares of stock ranking junior (either as to dividends or
upon  liquidation,  dissolution  or winding  up) to the Series A  Preferred

                        (ii) declare or pay  dividends on or make any other
distributions  on any  shares of stock  ranking  on a parity  (either as to
dividends or upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up) with the Series A
Preferred  Stock,  except  dividends paid ratably on the Series A Preferred
Stock  and all such  parity  stock on which  dividends  are  payable  or in
arrears in proportion to the total amounts to which the holders of all such
shares are then entitled;

                        (iii) redeem or purchase or  otherwise  acquire for
consideration  shares  of any  stock  ranking  on a  parity  (either  as to
dividends or upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up) with the Series A
Preferred  Stock;  provided  that the  Corporation  may at any time redeem,
purchase or otherwise  acquire  shares of any such parity stock in exchange
for shares of any stock of the  Corporation  ranking  junior  (either as to
dividends or upon  dissolution,  liquidation or winding up) to the Series A
Preferred Stock; or

                        (iv)    purchase   or    otherwise    acquire   for
consideration  any  shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock,  or any shares of
stock  ranking on a parity  with the Series A  Preferred  Stock,  except in
accordance  with a purchase  offer made in  writing or by  publication  (as
determined  by the Board of  Directors)  to all holders of such shares upon
such terms as the Board of Directors, after consideration of the respective
annual  dividend  rates and other  relative  rights and  preferences of the
respective series and classes, shall determine in good faith will result in
fair and equitable treatment among the respective series or classes.

                (b) The Corporation  shall not permit any subsidiary of the
Corporation to purchase or otherwise  acquire for  consideration any shares
of stock of the Corporation  unless the Corporation  could, under paragraph
(a) of this Section IV,  purchase or otherwise  acquire such shares at such
time and in such manner.

                V. Liquidation Rights. Upon the liquidation, dissolution or
winding  up of  the  Corporation,  whether  voluntary  or  involuntary,  no
distribution  shall be made (a) to the  holders of shares of stock  ranking
junior (either as to dividends or upon liquidation,  dissolution or winding
up) to the Series A Preferred Stock,  unless, prior thereto, the holders of
shares of Series A Preferred  Stock shall have  received an amount equal to
the accrued and unpaid dividends and distributions thereon,  whether or not
declared,  to the date of such payment, plus an amount equal to the greater
of (i) $.01 per whole share or (ii) an aggregate  amount per share equal to
the  Formula  Number  then in  effect  times  the  aggregate  amount  to be
distributed  per share to holders of Common  Stock or (b) to the holders of
stock  ranking on a parity  (either as to  dividends  or upon  liquidation,
dissolution  or  winding  up) with the  Series A  Preferred  Stock,  except
distributions  made  ratably on the Series A Preferred  Stock and all other
such parity stock in  proportion  to the total amounts to which the holders
of all such  shares are  entitled  upon such  liquidation,  dissolution  or
winding up.

                VI.  Consolidation,  Merger,  Etc. In case the  Corporation
shall enter into any consolidation,  merger, share exchange, combination or
other  transaction in which the shares of Common Stock are exchanged for or
changed into other stock or securities,  cash or any other property,  then,
in any such case, the then  outstanding  shares of Series A Preferred Stock
shall at the same time be similarly exchanged or changed into an amount per
share equal to the Formula Number then in effect times the aggregate amount
of stock, securities,  cash or any other property (payable in kind), as the
case may be,  into  which  or for  which  each  share  of  Common  Stock is
exchanged  or  changed.  In the event both this  Section VI and  Section II
appear to apply to a transaction, this Section VI will control.

                VII.  No  Redemption;  No Sinking  Fund.  (a) The shares of
Series  A  Preferred  Stock  shall  not be  subject  to  redemption  by the
Corporation  or at the  option of any holder of Series A  Preferred  Stock;
provided,  however,  that the Corporation may purchase or otherwise acquire
outstanding  shares of Series A  Preferred  Stock in the open  market or by
offer to any holder or holders of shares of Series A Preferred Stock.

                    (b) The shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall not be
subject to or entitled to the operation of a retirement or sinking fund.


                VIII.  Ranking.  The Series A  Preferred  Stock  shall rank
junior to all other series of Preferred  Stock of the  Corporation,  unless
the Board of Directors shall specifically determine otherwise in fixing the
powers, preferences and relative, participating, optional and other special
rights of the shares of such series and the qualifications, limitations and
restrictions thereof.

                IX. Fractional  Shares.  The Series A Preferred Stock shall
be  issuable  upon  exercise  of the Rights  issued  pursuant to the Rights
Agreement  in  whole  shares  or  in  any  fraction  of  a  share  that  is
one-thousandth  (1/1,000)  of a  share  or any  integral  multiple  of such
fraction  which shall  entitle the holder,  in  proportion to such holder's
fractional   shares,   to  receive   dividends,   exercise  voting  rights,
participate  in  distributions  and have the benefit of all other rights of
holders of Series A Preferred  Stock.  In lieu of  fractional  shares,  the
Corporation,  prior to the first  issuance  of a share or a  fraction  of a
share of Series A Preferred  Stock, may elect (a) to make a cash payment as
provided  in the  Rights  Agreement  for  fractions  of a share  other than
one-thousandth (1/1,000) of a share or any integral multiple thereof or (b)
to issue depository receipts evidencing such authorized fraction of a share
of Series A Preferred  Stock pursuant to an appropriate  agreement  between
the Corporation and a depository selected by the Corporation; provided that
such agreement shall provide that the holders of such  depository  receipts
shall have all the rights,  privileges  and  preferences  to which they are
entitled as holders of the Series A Preferred Stock.

                X.  Reacquired  Shares.  Any  shares of Series A  Preferred
Stock  purchased or  otherwise  acquired by the  Corporation  in any manner
whatsoever  shall be retired and canceled  promptly  after the  acquisition
thereof.  All such shares shall upon their  cancellation  become authorized
but  unissued  shares  of  Preferred  Stock,  without  par  value,  of  the
Corporation,  undesignated as to series,  and may thereafter be reissued as
part of a new series of such Preferred Stock as permitted by law.

                XI.  Amendment.   None  of  the  powers,   preferences  and
relative, participating,  optional and other special rights of the Series A
Preferred  Stock as provided  herein or in the  Articles  of  Incorporation
shall be  amended  in any manner  that  would  alter or change the  powers,
preferences,  rights or  privileges  of the  holders of Series A  Preferred
Stock so as to affect such holders  adversely  without the affirmative vote
of the holders of at least  66-2/3% of the  outstanding  shares of Series A
Preferred Stock, voting as a separate voting group; provided, however, that
no such  amendment  approved  by the  holders  of at least  66-2/3%  of the
outstanding  shares of Series A Preferred Stock shall be deemed to apply to
the powers,  preferences,  rights or  privileges of any holder of shares of
Series A Preferred Stock  originally  issued upon exercise of a Right after
the time of such approval without the approval of such holder.

        C. Common Stock

           (1) The holders of Common Stock of the Company shall be entitled
to one vote for each  share of  Common  Stock  held by them on all  matters
properly presented to shareholders,  except as otherwise provided herein or
by the Act.

           (2) Subject to the  preferential  rights of Preferred  Stock set
forth  herein  or in the  resolution  adopted  by the  Board  of  Directors
establishing any series of Preferred Stock, such dividends (either in cash,
shares of Common Stock or Preferred Stock, or otherwise) as may be


determined by the Board of Directors may be declared and paid on the Common
Stock from time to time in accordance with the Act.

           (3) Subject to the  preferential  rights of Preferred  Stock set
forth  herein  or in the  resolution  adopted  by the  Board  of  Directors
establishing  any series of  Preferred  Stock,  the holders of Common Stock
shall  be  entitled  to  receive  the  net  assets  of  the  Company   upon

         D. No holder of shares of any class of stock of the Company  shall
have any  preemptive  right to subscribe to stock,  obligations,  warrants,
subscription  rights  or other  securities  of the  Company  of any  class,
whether now or hereafter authorized.

                                 ARTICLE V

         The Company shall have perpetual existence.

                                ARTICLE VI

         Subject to the restriction  that the number of directors shall not
be less  than  the  number  required  by the  laws of the  Commonwealth  of
Kentucky, the number of directors may be fixed, from time to time, pursuant
to the By-laws of the Company.

         The members of the Board of Directors (other than those who may be
elected  by the  holders  of any class or series  of  capital  stock of the
Company  having a preference  over the Common Stock as to dividends or upon
liquidation  pursuant to the terms of these Articles of Incorporation or of
such class or series of stock)  shall be  classified,  with  respect to the
time for which they  severally hold office,  into three classes,  as nearly
equal in number as  possible,  as shall be  provided  in the By-laws of the
Company,  one class to be  originally  elected  for a term  expiring at the
first annual  meeting of the  shareholders  after their  election,  another
class to be  originally  elected for a term  expiring at the second  annual
meeting of the shareholders  after their election,  and another class to be
originally  elected for a term expiring at the third annual  meeting of the
shareholders after their election, with each class to hold office until the
successors of such class are elected and qualified.  At each annual meeting
of the shareholders, the date of which shall be fixed by or pursuant to the
By-laws of the Company, the successors of the class of directors whose term
expires at that meeting shall be elected to hold office for a term expiring
at the annual meeting of shareholders  held in the third year following the
year of their election.

         Subject to any  requirements of law and the rights of any class or
series of capital stock of the Company having a preference  over the Common
Stock as to  dividends or upon  liquidation  pursuant to the terms of these
Articles  of  Incorporation  or of such  class  or  series  of  stock  (and
notwithstanding  the fact that a lesser percentage may be specified by law,
these Articles of Incorporation or the terms of such class or series),  the
affirmative  vote of the holders of 80% or more of the voting  power of the
then outstanding  voting stock of the Company,  voting together as a single
class, shall be required to remove any director without cause. For purposes
of this Article VI, "cause" shall mean the willful and  continuous  failure
of a  director  to  substantially  perform  such  director's  duties to the
Company,  other than any such  failure  resulting  from  incapacity  due to
physical or mental illness,  or the willful engaging by a director in gross


misconduct materially and demonstrably injurious to the Company. As used in
these  Articles  of  Incorporation,  "voting  stock"  shall mean  shares of
capital stock of the Company  entitled to vote  generally in an election of

         Subject to any  requirements of law and the rights of any class or
series of capital stock of the Company having a preference  over the Common
Stock as to  dividends or upon  liquidation  pursuant to the terms of these
Articles  of  Incorporation  or of such  class or series  of  stock,  newly
created  directorships  resulting  from  any  increase  in  the  number  of
directors may be filled by the Board of Directors, or as otherwise provided
in the By-laws,  and any vacancies on the Board of Directors resulting from
death,  resignation,  removal  or other  cause  shall only be filled by the
affirmative  vote of a majority of the remaining  directors then in office,
even  though  less than a quorum of the  Board of  Directors,  or by a sole
remaining director,  or as otherwise provided in the By-laws.  Any director
elected in accordance with the preceding sentence shall hold office for the
remainder  of the full  term of the  class of  directors  in which  the new
directorship  was created or the vacancy occurred and until such director's
successors shall have been elected and qualified.

                                ARTICLE VII

         In furtherance and not in limitation of the powers  conferred upon
it by law, the Board of Directors is expressly authorized to:

         A.  adopt  any  By-laws  that  the  Board  of  Directors  may deem
necessary  or  desirable  for the  efficient  conduct of the affairs of the
Company,  including,  but not limited to, provisions  governing the conduct
of, and the matters which may properly be brought before, annual or special
meetings  of the  shareholders  and  provisions  specifying  the manner and
extent to which prior notice shall be given of the  submission of proposals
to be  considered  at any such  meeting or of  nominations  for election of
directors to be held at any such meeting; and

         B. repeal, alter or amend the By-laws.

         In addition to any requirements of law and any other provisions of
these  Articles  of  Incorporation  or the  terms of any class or series of
capital stock having a preference  over the Common Stock as to dividends or
upon liquidation (and notwithstanding the fact that a lesser percentage may
be specified by law, these Articles of  Incorporation  or the terms of such
class or series), the affirmative vote of the holders of 80% or more of the
voting power of the then  outstanding  voting stock of the Company,  voting
together as a single class, shall be required to amend, alter or repeal any
provision of the By-laws.

                               ARTICLE VIII

         A. A  higher  than  majority  vote  of  shareholders  for  certain
Business Combinations shall be required as follows:

            (1) In addition to any affirmative  vote otherwise  required by
law or these Articles of  Incorporation or the terms of any class or series
of capital stock of the Company  having a preference  over the Common Stock
as to dividends or upon  liquidation (and  notwithstanding  the fact that a
lesser  percentage may be specified by law, these Articles of Incorporation
or the terms


of such class or series)  and except as  otherwise  expressly  provided  in
Section B of this Article VIII:

               (a)  any  merger  or  consolidation  of the  Company  or any
Subsidiary  with an Interested  Shareholder or with any other  corporation,
whether or not itself an  Interested  Shareholder,  which is, or after such
merger or consolidation would be, an Affiliate of an Interested Shareholder
who was an Interested Shareholder prior to the transaction;

               (b) any sale, lease,  transfer, or other disposition,  other
than in the ordinary course of business,  in one transaction or a series of
transactions in any twelve-month  period, to any Interested  Shareholder or
any Affiliate of an Interested  Shareholder,  other than the Company or any
Subsidiary, of any assets of the Company or any Subsidiary having, measured
at the time the  transaction or  transactions  are approved by the Board of
Directors,  an  aggregate  book value as of the end of the  Company's  most
recently  ended  fiscal  quarter of 5% or more of the total market value of
the  outstanding  stock of the Company or of its net worth as of the end of
its most recently ended fiscal quarter;

               (c)  the   issuance  or  transfer  by  the  Company  or  any
Subsidiary,  in  one  transaction  or  a  series  of  transactions  in  any
twelve-month  period,  of  any  equity  securities  of the  Company  or any
Subsidiary  which have an aggregate market value of 5% or more of the total
market value of the outstanding stock of the Company,  determined as of the
end of the Company's  most recently ended fiscal quarter prior to the first
such issuance or transfer,  to any Interested  Shareholder or any Affiliate
of any Interested  Shareholder,  other than the Company or any  Subsidiary,
except  pursuant  to  the  exercise  of  warrants  or  rights  to  purchase
securities offered pro rata to all holders of the Company's voting stock or
any other method  affording  substantially  proportionate  treatment to the
holders of voting stock;

               (d) the adoption of any plan or proposal for the liquidation
or  dissolution  of the Company in which  anything  other than cash will be
received by an  Interested  Shareholder  or any  Affiliate of an Interested
Shareholder; or

               (e)  any  reclassification  of  securities,   including  any
reverse stock split;  any  recapitalization  of the Company;  any merger or
consolidation of the Company with any Subsidiary;  or any other transaction
which has the  effect,  directly or  indirectly,  in one  transaction  or a
series  of  transactions,  of  increasing  by 5% or more the  proportionate
amount of the outstanding  shares of any class of equity  securities of the
Company or any  Subsidiary  which is  directly or  indirectly  beneficially
owned by any  Interested  Shareholder  or any  Affiliate of any  Interested

shall  require  the  recommendation  of the  Board  of  Directors  and  the
affirmative  vote of the holders of at least (i) 80% of the voting power of
the then  outstanding  voting  stock of the Company,  voting  together as a
single  class,  and  (ii)  two-thirds  of the  voting  power  of  the  then
outstanding  voting stock other than voting stock beneficially owned by the
Interested  Shareholder  who is,  or  whose  Affiliate  is,  a party to the
Business  Combination  or by an Affiliate  or Associate of such  Interested
Shareholder, voting together as a single class.


            (2) The term  "Business  Combination"  as used in this  Article
VIII shall mean any transaction  which is referred to in any one or more of
clauses (a) through (e) of paragraph (1) of Section A of this Article VIII.

         B. The  provisions  of Section A of this Article VIII shall not be
applicable to any Business Combination, and such Business Combination shall
require  only such  affirmative  vote (if any) as is required  by law,  any
other  provision  of these  Articles of  Incorporation  or the terms of any
class or series of capital  stock of the Company  having a preference  over
the Common  Stock as to dividends or upon  liquidation,  if all  conditions
specified in either of the following paragraphs (1) or (2) are met:

            (1) The  Business  Combination  shall  have  been  approved  by
resolution  by a majority of the  Continuing  Directors at a meeting of the
Board of Directors at which a quorum  consisting  of at least a majority of
the then Continuing Directors was present; or

            (2) All the following five conditions have been met:

               (a) The aggregate amount of the cash and the market value as
of the Valuation Date of  consideration  other than cash to be received per
share by holders of Common Stock in such Business  Combination  is at least
equal to the highest of the following:

                   (i) the highest per share price, including any brokerage
commissions,  transfer  taxes and  soliciting  dealers'  fees,  paid by the
Interested  Shareholder  for any  shares of Common  Stock  (a)  within  the
two-year period  immediately  prior to the Announcement  Date or (b) in the
transaction  in which it became an  Interested  Shareholder,  whichever  is

                   (ii) the market  value per share of Common  Stock on the
Announcement Date or on the Determination Date, whichever is higher; and

                   (iii) the price per share equal to the market  value per
share of  Common  Stock  determined  pursuant  to clause  (ii)  immediately
preceding,  multiplied by the fraction  resulting  from (a) the highest per
share  price,  including  any  brokerage  commissions,  transfer  taxes and
soliciting dealers' fees, paid by the Interested Shareholder for any shares
of Common Stock acquired by it within the two-year period immediately prior
to the  Announcement  Date,  over (b) the market  value per share of Common
Stock on the first  day in such  two-year  period  on which the  Interested
Shareholder acquired any shares of Common Stock.

               (b) The aggregate amount of the cash and the market value as
of the Valuation Date of  consideration  other than cash to be received per
share by  holders  of shares of any  class or series of  outstanding  stock
other than Common Stock is at least equal to the highest of the  following,
whether or not the  Interested  Shareholder  has  previously  acquired  any
shares of a particular class or series of stock:

                   (i) the highest per share price, including any brokerage
commissions,  transfer  taxes and  soliciting  dealers'  fees,  paid by the
Interested Shareholder for any shares of such class of stock acquired by it
(a) within the two-year period  immediately  prior to the Announcement Date
or (b) in the  transaction  in which it became an  Interested  Shareholder,
whichever is higher;


                   (ii) the highest  preferential amount per share to which
the  holders of shares of such class of stock are  entitled in the event of
any voluntary or involuntary liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the

                   (iii) the market  value per share of such class of stock
on the Announcement Date or on the Determination Date, whichever is higher;

                   (iv) the price per share  equal to the market  value per
share  of  such  class  of  stock  determined   pursuant  to  clause  (iii)
immediately  preceding,  multiplied by the fraction  resulting from (a) the
highest per share price,  including  any  brokerage  commissions,  transfer
taxes and soliciting dealers' fees, paid by the Interested  Shareholder for
any shares of any class of voting stock  acquired by it within the two-year
period immediately prior to the Announcement Date over (b) the market value
per  share  of the same  class of  voting  stock on the  first  day in such
two-year period on which the Interested  Shareholder acquired any shares of
the same class of voting stock.

               (c) In making any price  calculation  under paragraph (2) of
this  Section  B,  appropriate  adjustments  shall be made to  reflect  any
reclassification or stock split (including any reverse stock split),  stock
dividend,  recapitalization or any similar transaction which has the effect
of  increasing or reducing the number of  outstanding  shares of the stock.
The  consideration  to be  received  by  holders  of any class or series of
outstanding  stock is to be in cash or in the same  form as the  Interested
Shareholder  has previously  paid for shares of the same class or series of
stock.  If the Interested  Shareholder  has paid for shares of any class of
stock with varying forms of  consideration,  the form of consideration  for
such class of stock shall be either in cash or the form used to acquire the
largest  number  of shares  of such  class or  series  of stock  previously
acquired by it.

               (d)  After  the   Interested   Shareholder   has  become  an
Interested  Shareholder  and  prior to the  consummation  of such  Business

                   (i) there  shall have been no failure to declare and pay
at the regular date  therefor any full periodic  dividends,  whether or not
cumulative,  on any  outstanding  Preferred  Stock of the  Company or other
capital  stock  entitled  to a  preference  over  the  Common  Stock  as to
dividends or upon liquidation;

                   (ii) there  shall have been no  reduction  in the annual
rate of dividends paid on the Common Stock,  except as necessary to reflect
any subdivision of the Common Stock,  and no failure to increase the annual
rate of dividends as necessary to reflect any  reclassification  (including
any reverse stock split), recapitalization, reorganization or other similar
transaction  which has the effect of  reducing  the  number of  outstanding
shares of Common Stock; and

                   (iii) the  Interested  Shareholder  did not  become  the
beneficial owner of any additional shares of stock of the Company except as
part of the transaction which resulted in such Interested Shareholder or by
virtue of proportionate stock splits or stock dividends.

The  provisions  of clauses (i) and (ii)  immediately  preceding  shall not
apply if neither an Interested  Shareholder  nor any Affiliate or Associate
of an Interested Shareholder voted as a director of the Company in a manner
inconsistent with such clauses and the Interested


Shareholder,  within ten days after any act or failure to act  inconsistent
with such  clauses,  notifies  the Board of  Directors  of the  Company  in
writing that the Interested Shareholder disapproves thereof and requests in
good faith that the Board of Directors rectify such act or failure to act.

               (e)  After  the   Interested   Shareholder   has  become  an
Interested Shareholder,  the Interested Shareholder shall not have received
the  benefit,   directly  or  indirectly,   except   proportionately  as  a
shareholder, of any loans, advance, guarantees,  pledges or other financial
assistance   provided  by  the  Company  or  any  Subsidiary,   whether  in
anticipation  of  or  in  connection  with  such  Business  Combination  or

        C.  For purposes of this Article VIII:

            (1)  "Affiliate"  or  "Associate"  shall  have  the  respective
meanings  ascribed  to such  terms in Rule 12b-2 of the  General  Rules and
Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as in effect on June
30, 2005 (the term "registrant" in such Rule 12b-2 meaning in this case the

            (2)   "Announcement   Date"  means  the  first  general  public
announcement  of the  proposal  or  intention  to  make a  proposal  of the
Business  Combination or its first communication  generally to shareholders
of the Company, whichever is earlier.

            (3)   "Beneficial owner"  when used with  respect to any voting
stock, means a person who,  individually or with any Affiliate or Associate

                   (i) the right to  acquire  voting  stock,  whether  such
right is  exercisable  immediately  or only  after the  passage of time and
whether or not such right is exercisable  only after  specified  conditions
are met pursuant to any agreement,  arrangement,  or  understanding or upon
the exercise of conversion rights, exchange rights, warrants or options, or

                   (ii) the  right to vote  voting  stock  pursuant  to any
agreement, arrangement, or understanding; or

                   (iii) any agreement,  arrangements, or understanding for
the purpose of acquiring, holding, voting or disposing of voting stock with
any other person who  beneficially  owns, or whose Affiliates or Associates
beneficially own, directly or indirectly, such shares of voting stock.

            (4)  "Continuing  Director"  means  any  member of the Board of
Directors who is not an Affiliate or Associate of an Interested Shareholder
or any of its Affiliates, other than the Company or any Subsidiary, and who
was a director of the Company prior to the time the Interested  Shareholder
became an  Interested  Shareholder,  and any  other  member of the Board of
Directors who is not an Affiliate or Associate of an Interested Director or
any of its Affiliates,  other than the Company or any  Subsidiary,  and was
recommended  or elected  by a majority  of the  Continuing  Directors  at a
meeting  at which a  quorum  consisting  of a  majority  of the  Continuing
Directors is present.

            (5) "Determination  Date" means the date on which an Interested
Shareholder first became an Interested Shareholder.


            (6) "Equity Security" means:

               (a) any stock or similar security,  certificate of interest,
or participation in any profit-sharing agreement, voting trust certificate,
or certificate of deposit for the foregoing;

               (b) any security convertible, with or without consideration,
into an equity  security,  or any warrant or other  security  carrying  any
right to subscribe to or purchase an equity security; or

               (c) any  put,  call,  straddle,  or other  option,  right or
privilege  of  acquiring  an  equity  security  from or  selling  an equity
security to another without being bound to do so.

            (7) "Interested  Shareholder" means any person,  other than ATB
Holdings  Inc., a  corporation  incorporated  under the laws of Delaware on
March 9, 2004 ("HoldCo"), the Company or any Subsidiary, who:

               (a) is the beneficial owner, directly or indirectly,  of 10%
or more of the voting power of the outstanding voting stock of the Company;

               (b) is an  Affiliate  of the  Company and at any time within
the  two-year  period  immediately  prior to the date in  question  was the
beneficial  owner,  directly  or  indirectly,  of 10% or more of the voting
power of the then outstanding voting stock of the Company.

For  the  purpose  of  determining   whether  a  person  is  an  Interested
Shareholder,  the number of shares of voting stock deemed to be outstanding
shall include  shares  deemed owned by the person  through  application  of
paragraph  (3) of this  Section C but shall not include any other shares of
voting stock which may be issuable pursuant to any agreement,  arrangement,
or  understanding,  or upon  exercise  of  conversion  rights,  warrants or
options, or otherwise. Furthermore, any such beneficial ownership or voting
power  arising  solely out of a trustee or  custodial  relationship  of any
person in connection with a Company  "employee benefit or stock plan" shall
be excluded for purposes of  determining  whether or not any such person is
an Interested Stockholder.  For purposes hereof, the term "employee benefit
or stock plan" of the Company shall mean any option,  bonus,  appreciation,
profit sharing,  retirement,  incentive,  thrift, employee stock ownership,
dividend reinvestment, savings or similar plan of the Company.

            (8) "Market Value" means:

               (a) in the case of stock,  the  highest  closing  sale price
during  the 30  calendar  day  period  immediately  preceding  the  date in
question of a share of such stock on the Composite  Tape for New York Stock
Exchange  listed stocks,  or, if such stock is not quoted on such Composite
Tape, on the New York Stock Exchange, or if such stock is not listed on the
New York Stock Exchange, on the principal United States securities exchange
registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 on which such stock is
listed,  or, if such stock is not listed on any such exchange,  the highest
closing bid  quotation  with respect to a share of such stock during the 30
calendar  day  period  preceding  the  date  in  question  on the  National
Association of Securities Dealers,  Inc. Automated Quotations System or any
system then in use, or if no such  quotation is available,  the fair market
value on the date in question of a share of such stock as


determined  by a majority of the  Continuing  Directors at a meeting of the
Board of Directors at which a quorum  consisting  of at least a majority of
the then Continuing Directors is present; and

               (b) in the case of  property  other than cash or stock,  the
fair market value of such property on the date in question as determined by
a  majority  of the  Continuing  Directors  at a  meeting  of the  Board of
Directors at which a quorum  consisting  of at least a majority of the then
Continuing Directors is present.

            (9)  "Subsidiary"  means any  corporation of which voting stock
having a majority of the votes  entitled  to be cast is owned,  directly or
indirectly, by the Company.

            (10) "Valuation Date" means:

               (a) for a Business  Combination  voted upon by shareholders,
the  later of the day  prior to the date of the  shareholders'  vote or the
date  20  business  days  prior  to  the   consummation   of  the  Business
Combination; and

               (b)  for  a   Business   Combination   not  voted   upon  by
shareholders, the date of the consummation of the Business Combination.

            (11)  "Voting  Stock"  means  shares  of  capital  stock of the
Company entitled to vote generally in an election of directors.

         D. In addition to any requirements of law and any other provisions
of these Articles of  Incorporation  or the terms of any class or series of
capital stock of the Company entitled to a preference over the Common Stock
as to dividends or upon  liquidation (and  notwithstanding  the fact that a
lesser  percentage may be specified by law, these Articles of Incorporation
or the terms of such class or series), the affirmative vote of

            (1) the holders of at least 80% of the voting power of the then
outstanding voting stock of the Company, voting together as a single class,
            (2) the holders of at least  two-thirds  of the voting power of
the then outstanding  voting stock of the Company other than the Interested
Shareholder, voting together as a single class,

shall be  required  to  amend,  alter or  repeal,  or adopt  any  provision
inconsistent with, this Article VIII.

         E. In addition to the higher voting requirements contained in this
Article  VIII,  the  Kentucky  Business   Combination   statutes  (Sections
271B.12-200  through  271B.12-230  of the Act, as amended or  supplemented)
shall apply to any Business Combination (as defined therein) of the Company
or any  Subsidiary  in  accordance  with their terms,  provided that HoldCo
shall be excluded from the definition of an "Interested Shareholder" of the
Corporation thereunder.


                                ARTICLE IX

         In addition to any requirements of law and any other provisions of
these  Articles  of  Incorporation  or the  terms of any class or series of
capital stock of the Company  having a preference  over the Common Stock as
to  dividends  or upon  liquidation  (and  notwithstanding  the fact that a
lesser  percentage may be specified by law, these Articles of Incorporation
or the terms of such class or series),  the affirmative vote of the holders
of 80% or more of the voting power of the then outstanding  voting stock of
the Company, voting together as a single class, shall be required to amend,
alter or repeal, or adopt any provision  inconsistent with, this Article IX
or Article VI or VII of these  Articles  of  Incorporation.  Subject to the
foregoing  provisions of this Article IX and Section D of Article VIII, the
Company reserves the right from time to time to amend,  alter,  change, add
to or repeal any provision  contained in these Articles of Incorporation in
any manner now or  hereafter  prescribed  by law and in these  Articles  of
Incorporation,  and all  rights  and  powers  at any  time  conferred  upon
shareholders,  directors  and officers of the Company by these  Articles of
Incorporation  or any  amendment  thereof are subject to the  provisions of
this Article IX and Section D of Article VIII.

                                 ARTICLE X

         The Company may, to the maximum extent permitted by law, indemnify
any director,  officer,  employee or agent of the Company against costs and
expenses (including but not limited to attorneys' fees) and any liabilities
(including but not limited to judgments,  fines, penalties and settlements)
paid by or imposed against any such person in connection with any actual or
threatened  claim,  action,  suit or proceeding,  whether civil,  criminal,
administrative,  legislative,  investigative or other (including any appeal
relating  thereto)  and  whether  made or brought by or in the right of the
Company or  otherwise,  in which any such person is involved,  whether as a
party,  witness,  or  otherwise,  because  he or she is or was a  director,
officer,  employee or agent of the Company or a predecessor  of the Company
or a director,  officer,  partner,  trustee, employee or agent of any other
corporation, partnership, employee benefit plan or other entity.

         The  indemnification  authorized  by  this  Article  X  shall  not
supersede or be exclusive of any other right of  indemnification  which any
such person may have or  hereafter  acquire  under any  provision  of these
Articles of Incorporation or the By-laws of the Company, agreement, vote of
shareholders or disinterested directors or otherwise.  The Company may take
such  steps as may be  deemed  appropriate  by the  Board of  Directors  to
provide indemnification to any such person, including,  without limitation,
entering  into  contracts  for  indemnification  between  the  Company  and
individual  directors,  officers,  employees  or agents  which may  provide
rights to indemnification which are broader or otherwise different than the
rights authorized by this Article X. The Company may take such steps as may
be deemed  appropriate by the Board of Directors to secure,  subject to the
occurrence  of such  conditions or events as may be determined by the Board
of  Directors,  the payment of such  amounts as are  required to effect any
indemnification  permitted  or  authorized  by this  Article X,  including,
without limitation,  purchasing and maintaining insurance, creating a trust
fund, granting security interests or using other means (including,  without
limitation, irrevocable letters of credit).


         Any   amendment  or  repeal  of  this  Article  X  shall   operate
prospectively  only and shall not affect any  action  taken,  or failure to
act, by the Company or any such person prior to such amendment or repeal.

                                ARTICLE XI

         No  director  shall be  personally  liable to the  Company  or its
shareholders  for  monetary  damages  for  breach of his or her duties as a
director  except to the extent that the applicable law from time to time in
effect shall provide that such liability may not be eliminated or limited.

         Neither the  amendment  nor repeal of this Article XI shall affect
the  liability  of any  director of the Company  with respect to any act or
failure to act which occurred prior to such amendment or repeal.

         This  Article  XI is  not  intended  to  eliminate  or  limit  any
protection otherwise available to the directors of the Company.

                                ARTICLE XII

         The name of the  Incorporator  is Linda L. Foss,  and the  mailing
address of the Incorporator is 50 E. RiverCenter  Boulevard,  P.O. Box 391,
Covington, Kentucky 41012-0391.

                               ARTICLE XIII

         The mailing  address of the principal  office of the Company is 50
E. RiverCenter Boulevard, P.O. Box 391, Covington, Kentucky 41012-0391.
