                                ASHLAND INC.

                          as amended and restated

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         The principal  office of the  Corporation in the  Commonwealth  of
Kentucky shall be at 50 E. RiverCenter Boulevard, City of Covington, County
of Kenton.  The  Corporation  may also have offices at other places  either
within or without  the  Commonwealth  of  Kentucky  as may be useful in the
business of the Corporation.

                                 ARTICLE I

                          MEETINGS OF SHAREHOLDERS

     SECTION 1. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the shareholders for
the election of directors and for the transaction of such other business as
may properly come before the meeting shall be held at the principal  office
of the Corporation on the last Thursday of January,  annually,  at the hour
of 10:30 a.m., or at such other place  (within or without the  Commonwealth
of  Kentucky),  date and hour as fixed  by the  Board of  Directors  of the
Corporation (the "Board") and designated in the notice thereof.

     SECTION 2. Annual Meeting  Business.  To be properly brought before an
annual meeting, business must be (i) specified in the notice of the meeting
(or any supplement thereto) given by or at the direction of the Board; (ii)
otherwise properly brought before the meeting by or at the direction of the
Board;  or  (iii)  otherwise  properly  brought  before  the  meeting  by a
shareholder.  For business to be properly  brought before an annual meeting
by a shareholder,  the shareholder  must have given written notice thereof,
either by personal delivery or by United States mail,  postage prepaid,  to
the Secretary of the Corporation,  not later than ninety days in advance of
such meeting  (provided that if the annual meeting of  shareholders is held
earlier than the last Thursday in January, such notice must be given within
ten days after the first  public  disclosure,  which may include any public
filing with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  of the date of the
annual  meeting).  Any such  notice  shall set forth as to each  matter the
shareholder  proposes  to  bring  before  the  annual  meeting  (i) a brief
description  of the business  desired to be brought  before the meeting and
the reasons for  conducting  such  business at the meeting and in the event
that such  business  includes a proposal  to amend  either the  articles of
incorporation or By-laws of the  Corporation,  the language of the proposed
amendment;  (ii) the name and  address of the  shareholder  proposing  such
business; (iii) a representation that the shareholder is a holder of record
of stock of the Corporation entitled to vote at such meeting and intends to
appear in person or by proxy at the meeting to propose such business;  (iv)
any  material  interest  of the  shareholder  in such  business;  and (v) a
representation as to whether or not the

shareholder  will solicit  proxies in support of the proposal.  No business
shall  be  conducted  at  an  annual  meeting  of  shareholders  except  in
accordance  with this  paragraph and the chairman of any annual  meeting of
shareholders  may refuse to permit  any  business  to be brought  before an
annual  meeting which fails to comply with the foregoing  procedures or, in
the case of a shareholder proposal, if the shareholder fails to comply with
the representations set forth in the notice.

     SECTION 3. Special Meetings. A special meeting of the shareholders may
be called by a majority  of the members of the Board,  the  Chairman of the
Board or the President,  at such place (within or without the  Commonwealth
of Kentucky), date and hour as shall be designated in the notice thereof.

         A  special  meeting  of the  shareholders  shall be  called by the
Secretary on the written  request of the holders of not less than one-third
of all the shares entitled to vote at such meeting.  Such request shall set
forth:  (i) the action proposed to be taken at such meeting and the reasons
for the  action;  (ii) the name and  address  of each of such  holders  who
intends to propose action be taken at such meeting;  (iii) a representation
that each is a holder of record  of stock of the  Corporation  entitled  to
vote at such  meeting  and  intends to appear in person or by proxy at such
meeting to propose the action  specified in the request;  (iv) any material
interest of any  shareholder in such action;  and (v) in the event that any
proposed  action  consists of or  includes a proposal  to amend  either the
articles of incorporation  or the By-laws of the Corporation,  the language
of the proposed amendment.  The Secretary shall determine the place (within
or without the  Commonwealth  of Kentucky),  date and hour of such meeting.
The  Secretary may refuse to call a special  meeting  unless the request is
made in compliance with the foregoing procedure.

     SECTION 4. Notice of Meetings. Notice stating the place, date and hour
of the  meeting  and,  in the case of a special  meeting,  the  purpose  or
purposes  for  which  the  meeting  is  called,  shall  be  given  to  each
shareholder  entitled  to vote at such  meeting  not less than ten nor more
than  sixty  days  before  the date of the  meeting  by any form of  notice
permitted by Kentucky law. Except as otherwise  expressly  required by law,
notice of any adjourned  meeting of the  shareholders  need not be given if
the date,  hour and place thereof are announced at the meeting at which the
adjournment is taken,  unless the adjournment is for more than 120 days or,
unless after the  adjournment  a new record date is fixed for the adjourned

     SECTION 5. Record of Shareholders. It shall be the duty of the officer
or agent of the  Corporation  who shall have  charge of its stock  transfer
books to prepare and make a complete record of the shareholders entitled to
vote at any meeting of  shareholders  or adjournment  thereof,  arranged by
voting group (and within each voting group by class or series), and showing
the address of each shareholder and the number of shares  registered in the
name of each  shareholder.  Such  record  shall be produced at the time and
place of the meeting and shall be open to the inspection of any shareholder
entitled  to vote at such  meeting or any  adjournment  thereof  during the
whole time of such meeting or adjournment for the purposes thereof.

     SECTION 6. Fixing Date for Determination of Shareholders of Record. In
order that the  Corporation  may  determine  the  shareholders  entitled to
notice of or to vote at any  meeting  of  shareholders  or any  adjournment
thereof  or  entitled  to  receive   payment  of  any   dividend  or  other


distribution or allotment of any rights, or entitled to exercise any rights
in respect  of any  change,  conversion  or  exchange  of shares or for the
purpose of any other lawful action, the Board may fix, in advance, a record
date,  which  shall  not be less  than  ten  days  before  the date of such
meeting,  nor  more  than  seventy  days  prior  to  any  other  action.  A
determination of shareholders entitled to notice of or to vote at a meeting
of the  shareholders  shall  apply  to  any  adjournment  of  the  meeting;
provided,  however,  that  the  Board  may fix a new  record  date  for the
adjourned  meeting if the meeting is  adjourned  to a date 120 days or less
after the date fixed for the  original  meeting.  The Board shall fix a new
record date if the meeting is  adjourned to a date more than 120 days after
the date fixed for the original meeting.

     SECTION 7. Quorum.  At each meeting of the shareholders or adjournment
thereof,  except as otherwise  expressly  required by law, these By-laws or
the  articles  of  incorporation,  shareholders  holding a majority  of the
shares of the  Corporation  issued and outstanding and entitled to be voted
thereat  shall be present in person or by proxy to  constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business.  The shareholders  present at a duly organized
meeting can continue to do business until adjournment,  notwithstanding the
withdrawal of enough shareholders to leave less than a quorum.

SECTION 8.  Organization.  At each meeting of the shareholders,  one of the
following shall act as chairman of the meeting and preside thereat,  in the
following order of precedence:

         (a) the Chairman of the Board;

         (b) the President; or

         (c) any other officer of the  Corporation  designated by the Board
or the executive  committee of the Board to act as chairman of such meeting
and to preside thereat if the Chairman of the Board and the President shall
be absent from such meeting.

         The  Secretary  or, if the  Secretary  shall be  absent  from such
meeting,   the  person  (who  shall  be  an  Assistant   Secretary  of  the
Corporation,  if one of such  officers  shall be present  thereat) whom the
chairman of such  meeting  shall  appoint,  shall act as  secretary of such
meeting and keep the minutes thereof.

     SECTION  9.  Order  of  Business.  The  chairman  of  any  meeting  of
shareholders  shall have the right and  authority to prescribe  such rules,
regulations  and  procedures and to do all such acts as, in the judgment of
such  chairman,  are  appropriate  for the proper  conduct of the  meeting.
Unless and to the extent  determined  by the Board or the  chairman  of the
meeting,  meetings  of  shareholders  shall not be  required  to be held in
accordance with the rules of parliamentary procedure.

     SECTION 10.  Voting.  Except as otherwise  expressly  required by law,
these By-laws, or the articles of incorporation,  each shareholder entitled
to vote  shall,  at each  meeting of the  shareholders,  have one vote,  in
person  or by  proxy,  for  each  share  of  the  Corporation  held  by the
shareholder  and registered in the  shareholder's  name on the books of the


         (a) on the date fixed  pursuant to the provisions of these By-laws
as the  record  date for the  determination  of  shareholders  who shall be
entitled to receive notice of and to vote at such meeting, or

         (b) if no record date shall have been so fixed,  then at the close
of business on the day on which notice of such meeting shall be given.

     Any vote of shares of the  Corporation  may be given at any meeting of
the shareholders by the shareholders entitled thereto in person or by proxy
appointed  by  the  shareholder.   The  attendance  at  any  meeting  of  a
shareholder  shall not have the effect of revoking a previously given proxy
unless the  shareholder  shall  give the  Secretary  written  notice of the

     At all meetings of the shareholders  each matter,  except as otherwise
expressly  required by law, these By-laws or the articles of incorporation,
shall be  approved  if the votes  cast in favor of such  matter  exceed the
votes cast opposing such matter.

     Except as otherwise expressly required by law, the vote at any meeting
of the  shareholders  on any  question  need not be by  ballot,  unless  so
directed by the chairman of the meeting.  On a vote by ballot,  each ballot
shall be signed by the shareholder  voting, or by the shareholder's  proxy,
if there be such proxy, and shall state the number of shares voted.

                                ARTICLE II

                             BOARD OF DIRECTORS

     SECTION 1. General Powers. The business and affairs of the Corporation
shall be managed under the direction of the Board.

     SECTION 2. Number and Term of Office.  Except as otherwise provided by
law,  the number of  directors  which shall  constitute  the Board shall be
fixed from time to time by a resolution adopted by a majority of the Board;
provided,  however, that a vote of the shareholders is required to increase
or decrease by more than 30% the number of directors  from that number last
fixed by the  shareholders.  The directors shall be classified with respect
to the time for which they shall  severally  hold office,  by dividing them
into three classes, as nearly equal in number as possible.

     The terms of office of the initial  directors of the Corporation shall
expire at the first meeting of shareholders at which directors are elected.
At such meeting, the directors shall be elected into classes as provided in
the  Articles  of  Incorporation.   Thereafter,  at  each  annual  meeting,
successors  to the class of  directors  whose  term then  expires  shall be
elected to serve for a term expiring at the annual meeting of  shareholders
held in the third year following the year of their election and until their
successors shall have been elected and qualified.  The Board shall increase
or  decrease  the  number of  directors  in one or more  classes  as may be
appropriate  whenever it increases or decreases  the number of directors in
order to ensure that the three classes  remain as nearly equal in number as
possible.  No decrease in the number of  directors  constituting  the Board
shall shorten the term of any incumbent director.


     SECTION 3.  Nomination.  Nominations for the election of directors may
be  made by the  Board  or by any  shareholder  entitled  to  vote  for the
election of directors. Any shareholder entitled to vote for the election of
directors  at a meeting may  nominate a person or persons  for  election as
directors only if written notice of such shareholder's  intent to make such
nomination is given,  either by personal delivery or by United States mail,
postage prepaid, to the Secretary, not later than (i) with respect to an to
be held at an annual  meeting of  shareholders,  ninety  days in advance of
such meeting  (provided that if the annual meeting of  shareholders is held
earlier than the last Thursday in January, such notice must be given within
ten days after the first  public  disclosure,  which may include any public
filing with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  of the date of the
annual  meeting)  and (ii)  with  respect  to an  election  to be held at a
special meeting of shareholders for the election of directors, the close of
business  on the  seventh day  following  the date on which  notice of such
meeting is first given to  shareholders.  Each such notice shall set forth:
(a) the  name  and  address  of the  shareholder  who  intends  to make the
nomination   and  of  the  person  or  persons  to  be  nominated;   (b)  a
representation  that the  shareholder  is a  shareholder  of  record of the
Corporation  entitled  to vote at such  meeting  and  intends  to appear in
person  or by proxy at the  meeting  to  nominate  the  person  or  persons
specified  in  the  notice;  (c)  a  description  of  all  arrangements  or
understandings  between  the  shareholder  and each  nominee  and any other
person or persons  (naming  such person or  persons)  pursuant to which the
nomination or nominations are to be made by the shareholder; (d) such other
information  regarding each nominee  proposed by such  shareholder as would
have been required to be included in a proxy  statement  filed  pursuant to
the proxy rules of the Securities and Exchange  Commission had each nominee
been nominated,  or intended to be nominated by the Board;  (e) the consent
of each  nominee to serve as a director of the  Corporation  if so elected;
and (f) a representation  as to whether or not the shareholder will solicit
proxies in support of the  shareholder's  nominee(s).  The  chairman of any
meeting  of  shareholders  to elect  directors  and the Board may refuse to
acknowledge  the  nomination of any person not made in compliance  with the
foregoing  procedure  or if  the  shareholder  fails  to  comply  with  the
representations set forth in the notice.

     SECTION 4.  Election.  Except as otherwise  expressly  provided in the
articles of  incorporation,  at each  meeting of the  shareholders  for the
election of directors at which a quorum is present,  the persons  receiving
the greatest  number of votes, up to the number of directors to be elected,
shall be the directors.

     SECTION 5. Resignation, Removal and Vacancies. Any director may resign
at any time by giving written notice of such resignation to the Chairman of
the Board, the President or the Secretary.  Any such  resignation  shall be
effective when the notice is delivered  unless the notice specifies a later
effective date.

     Any or all directors  may be removed at a meeting of the  shareholders
called  expressly for that purpose.  In the case of a removal of a director
without cause,  removal shall require a vote of the holders of at least 80%
of  the  voting  power  of  the  then  outstanding   voting  stock  of  the
Corporation, voting together as a single voting group. For purposes of this
Section,  "cause"  shall  mean the  willful  and  continuous  failure  of a
director to substantially perform such director's duties to the Corporation
(other than any failure resulting from incapacity due to physical or mental
illness)  or  the  willful  engaging  by a  director  in  gross  misconduct
materially and


demonstrably  injurious  to the  Corporation.  As  used in  these  By-laws,
"voting  stock"  shall  mean  shares of  capital  stock of the  Corporation
entitled to vote generally in the election of directors.

     Any vacancy  occurring on the Board may be filled by a majority of the
directors  then in  office,  though  less than a quorum,  and the  director
elected to fill such  vacancy  shall hold office for the  remainder  of the
full term of the class of directors in which the vacancy occurred and until
the director's successor is elected and qualified.

     SECTION 6. Meetings.

         (a) Annual  Meetings.  As soon as  practicable  after each  annual
election of directors, the Board shall meet for the purpose of organization
and the transaction of other business.

         (b) Regular Meetings.  Regular meetings of the Board shall be held
at such  dates,  times  and  places as the  Board  shall  from time to time

         (c) Special Meetings.  Special meetings of the Board shall be held
whenever  called by the  Chairman of the Board,  the  President or upon the
written  request of a majority of the members of the whole Board filed with
the Secretary.  Any and all business may be transacted at a special meeting
which may be transacted at a regular meeting of the Board.

         (d) Place of  Meeting.  The Board  may hold its  meetings  at such
place or places within or without the Commonwealth of Kentucky as the Board
may from time to time by resolution  determine or as shall be designated in
the respective notices or waiver of notices thereof.

         (e) Notice of Meetings.  Notices of regular  meetings of the Board
or of any adjourned meeting need not be given.  Notices of special meetings
of the Board, or of any meeting of any committee of the Board which has not
been fixed in advance as to hour and place by such committee, shall be sent
by the Secretary to each director, or member of such committee, by any form
of notice  permitted by Kentucky law at the  director's  residence or usual
place of business at least two days before the day on which such meeting is
to be held.  Such notice  shall  include  the date,  hour and place of such
meeting, but any such notice need not specify the business to be transacted
at, or the purpose of, any such  meeting.  Notice of any such  meeting need
not be given to any director or member of any committee, however, if waived
by the director in writing,  whether  before or after such meeting shall be
held,  or if the  director  shall be  present at such  meeting,  unless the
director at the beginning of the meeting (or promptly upon such  director's
arrival)  objects to holding  the  meeting or  transacting  business at the
meeting and does not  thereafter  vote for or assent to action taken at the

         (f)  Quorum and  Manner of  Acting.  A  majority  of the number of
directors  fixed by or in the manner  provided  in these  By-laws or in the
articles of  incorporation  shall be present at any meeting of the Board in
order to  constitute  a quorum  for the  transaction  of  business  at such
meeting,  and the vote of a majority of those  directors shall be necessary
for the passage of any resolution or act of the Board,  except as otherwise
expressly  required by law, these By-laws or the articles of incorporation.
The  directors  present at a duly  organized  meeting


can  continue  to  do  business  until  adjournment,   notwithstanding  the
withdrawal of enough directors to leave less than a quorum.

         (g) Action by  Consent.  Any action  required or  permitted  to be
taken at any  meeting of the Board,  or of any  committee  thereof,  may be
taken  without a meeting if all members of the Board or  committee,  as the
case may be, consent  thereto in writing,  and such writings are filed with
the minutes of the proceedings of the Board or committee.

         (h) Presence at a Meeting. Any or all directors may participate in
any meeting of the Board or any committee  thereof,  or conduct the meeting
through  the use of,  any  means  of  communication  by which  all  persons
participating  may  simultaneously  hear and speak to each other during the
meeting.  Any  director  participating  in a meeting by such means shall be
deemed to be present in person at the meeting for all purposes.

     SECTION 7.  Compensation.  The Board may, from time to time,  fix such
amount per annum and such fees to be paid by the  Corporation  to Directors
for attendance at meetings of the Board or of any  committee,  or both. The
Board may  likewise  provide  that the  Corporation  shall  reimburse  each
director or member of a committee for any expenses incurred by the director
on  account  of the  director's  attendance  at any such  meeting.  Nothing
contained in this Section  shall be construed to preclude any director from
serving the  Corporation in any other  capacity and receiving  compensation

     SECTION 8.  Committees.  The Board  may,  by  resolution  adopted by a
majority of the Board,  designate committees,  each committee to consist of
one or more  directors  and to have such duties and  functions  as shall be
provided in such  resolution.  The Board shall have the power to change the
members  of any  such  committee  at any  time,  to fill  vacancies  and to
discharge any such  committee,  either with or without cause,  at any time.
The Board may  establish an  executive  committee  in  accordance  with and
subject to the  restrictions set out in the statutes of the Commonwealth of

                                ARTICLE III


     SECTION  1.  Officers.  The  officers  of  the  Corporation  shall  be
determined  by the Board and,  to the extent  provided in Section 2 of this
Article IV, the Chairman of the Board.  The officers of the Corporation may

         (a) a Chairman of the Board;

         (b) a President;

         (c) one or more Executive Vice Presidents;

         (d) one or more Senior Vice Presidents;

         (e) one or more Administrative Vice Presidents;


         (f) one or more Vice Presidents;

         (g) a Secretary and one or more Assistant Secretaries;

         (h) a Treasurer and one or more Assistant Treasurers;

         (i) a Controller and one or more Assistant Controllers; and

         (j) an Auditor and one or more Assistant Auditors.

     In  addition,  the Board may elect  such  other  officers  as it deems
necessary or  appropriate  and such other  officers shall have such powers,
authority, and duties as may be delegated or assigned to such officer, from
time to time, by the Board, the Chairman of the Board, or the President.

     The Board shall  designate  which of the  officers  shall be executive
officers of the Corporation.

     SECTION 2. Election and Appointment  and Term of Office.  Each officer
shall be elected by the Board at its annual  meeting and hold office  until
the next annual  meeting of the Board and until the officer's  successor is
elected or until the officer's earlier death, resignation or removal in the
manner  hereinafter  provided.  If  additional  officers are elected by the
Board during the year, each of them shall hold office until the next annual
meeting of the Board at which officers are regularly  elected and until the
officer's  successor is elected or appointed or until the officer's earlier
death, resignation or removal in the manner hereinafter provided.

     In addition to the  foregoing,  the Chairman of the Board,  by written
designation  filed  with  the  Secretary,  may  appoint  one or  more  Vice
Presidents,   Assistant   Secretaries,   Assistant  Treasurers,   Assistant
Controllers and Assistant Auditors of the Corporation.  If appointed during
the year,  each of them shall hold office until the next annual  meeting of
the Board at which  officers are regularly  elected and until the officer's
successor  is elected or appointed or until the  officer's  earlier  death,
resignation or removal in the manner hereinafter  provided.  Subject to the
authority of the Board, the Chairman of the Board shall also have authority
to fix the salary of such officer.

     SECTION 3. Resignation,  Removal and Vacancies. Any officer may resign
at any time by giving  written  notice to the  Chairman  of the Board,  the
President or the Secretary,  and such  resignation  shall be effective when
the notice is  delivered,  unless the notice  specifies  a later  effective
date.  All  officers and agents  elected or  appointed  shall be subject to
removal  at any time by the Board  with or  without  cause.  All  appointed
officers  may be removed at any time by the  Chairman  of the Board  acting
jointly with the  President or any Executive or Senior Vice  President,  by
written  designation filed with the Secretary.  A vacancy in any office may
be  filled  for the  unexpired  portion  of the term in the same  manner as
provided for election or appointment to such office.


     SECTION 4. Duties and Functions.

         (a) Chairman of the Board.  The Chairman of the Board, if present,
shall  preside  at all  meetings  of the  shareholders  and the  Board.  If
designated  by Board  resolution,  the Chairman of the Board shall be Chief
Executive Officer of the Corporation, and if so designated, shall be vested
with  executive  control and  management of the business and affairs of the
Corporation  and have the  direction  of all  other  officers,  agents  and
employees. The Chairman of the Board shall perform all such other duties as
are  incident to the office or as may be properly  required of the Chairman
by the Board, subject in all matters to the control of the Board.

         (b) The President.  The President,  in the absence of the Chairman
of the Board,  shall  preside at all meetings of the  shareholders  and the
Board.  If designated  by Board  resolution,  the President  shall be Chief
Executive Officer of the Corporation, and if so designated, shall be vested
with  executive  control and  management of the business and affairs of the
Corporation  and have the  direction  of all  other  officers,  agents  and
employees.  The President  shall have such powers,  authority and duties as
may be  delegated  or  assigned to the  President  from time to time by the
Board or the Chairman of the Board.

         (c) Vice Presidents.  The Executive Vice  Presidents,  Senior Vice
Presidents,  Administrative  Vice Presidents and Vice Presidents shall have
such powers,  authority  and duties as may be delegated or assigned to them
from time to time by the Board, the Chairman of the Board or the President.

         (d)  Secretary.  The  Secretary  shall  attend to the  giving  and
serving  of all  notices  required  by law or these  By-laws,  shall be the
custodian of the corporate  seal and shall affix and attest the same to all
papers requiring it; shall have responsibility for preparing minutes of the
meetings  of the Board and  shareholders;  shall  have  responsibility  for
authenticating records of the Corporation; and shall in general perform all
the duties incident to the office of the Secretary,  subject in all matters
to the control of the Board.

         (e) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have custody and control of the
funds and  securities of the  Corporation  and shall perform all such other
duties  as are  incident  to the  office  of the  Treasurer  or that may be
properly  required of the Treasurer by the Board, the Chairman of the Board
or the President.

         (f) Controller.  The Controller shall maintain adequate records of
all assets, liabilities and transactions of the Corporation; shall see that
adequate  audits  thereof are  currently  and  regularly  made;  shall have
general supervision of the preparation of the Corporation's balance sheets,
income  accounts  and other  financial  statements  or  records;  and shall
perform such other duties as shall,  from time to time, be assigned to him,
by the Board, the Chairman of the Board or the President.  These duties and
powers  shall  extend to all  subsidiary  corporations  and,  so far as the
Board, the Chairman of the Board or the President may deem practicable,  to
all affiliated corporations.

         (g) Auditor.  The Auditor shall review the  accounting,  financial
and related  operations of the  Corporation  and shall be  responsible  for
measuring  the  effectiveness  of  various  controls  established  for  the
Corporation.  The Auditor's duties shall include,  without limitation,


the appraisal of procedures, verifying the extent of compliance with formal
controls and the  prevention  and detection of fraud or dishonesty and such
other duties as shall, from time to time, be assigned to the Auditor by the
Board, the Chairman of the Board or the President.  These duties and powers
shall extend to all subsidiary  corporations  and, so far as the Board, the
Chairman  of the  Board  or the  President  may  deem  practicable,  to all
affiliated corporations.

         (h)  General  Provision.  The  powers,  authorities,   and  duties
established  pursuant  to this  Section  4 may be  delegated  or  assigned,
directly or indirectly by the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board
or the President, as the case may be.

                                ARTICLE IV

                             BOOKS AND RECORDS

     The  Corporation  shall keep correct and complete books and records of
account and shall keep minutes of the proceedings of its shareholders,  the
Board and the committees of the Board.

                                 ARTICLE V

                      CONTRACTS, CHECKS, AND DEPOSITS

     SECTION 1.  Contracts  and  Agreements.  The Board may  authorize  any
officer or agent to enter into any  contract  or  agreement  or execute and
deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Corporation, and
such authority may be general or limited to specific instances.

     SECTION 2. Checks,  Drafts,  Orders, Etc. All checks, drafts, or other
orders for the payment of money,  notes or other  evidences of indebtedness
issued in the name of the  Corporation  shall be signed by such  officer or
agent of the  Corporation  and in such manner as shall from time to time be
prescribed by the Board in a duly authorized resolution.

     SECTION  3.  Deposits.  All  funds of the  Corporation  not  otherwise
employed  shall  be  deposited  from  time  to time  to the  credit  of the
Corporation in such banks,  trust companies,  or other depositories in such
manner  as shall  from  time to time be  prescribed  by the Board in a duly
authorized resolution.

                                ARTICLE VI

                         SHARES AND THEIR TRANSFER

     SECTION 1. Certificates for Shares.  The shares of the Corporation may
be  represented  by  certificates  or may be  uncertificated.  Certificates
representing  shares of the Corporation  shall be in such form as the Board
shall prescribe.  Such certificates shall be in the name of the Corporation
and signed by the Chairman of the Board,  the President or a Vice President
and by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary and shall be sealed with the
corporate seal or contain a facsimile thereof.  In case any officer who has
signed or whose  facsimile  signature  has been


placed upon a certificate  shall have ceased to be such officer before such
certificate is issued,  it may  nevertheless  be issued by the  Corporation
with the same  effect as if the  person  were such  officer  at the date of
issue.  Where any such certificate is manually  countersigned by a transfer
agent or registrar (other than the Corporation itself or an employee of the
Corporation),  any of the  other  signatures  on the  certificate  may be a

     SECTION 2. Record. The Corporation shall keep at its registered office
or principal  place of business,  or at the office of its transfer agent or
registrar,  a record of its  shareholders,  as required by applicable  law.
Except as  otherwise  expressly  required by law,  the person in whose name
shares  stand on the books of the  Corporation  shall be  deemed  the owner
thereof for all purposes as regards the Corporation.

     SECTION 3. Transfer of Shares.  Transfers of shares of the Corporation
shall  be made  only on the  books  of the  Corporation  by the  registered
shareholder thereof, or by the registered  shareholder's attorney thereunto
duly  authorized  by written power of attorney duly executed and filed with
the Secretary or with a transfer  agent  appointed as provided in Section 4
of this Article,  and on the surrender of any  certificate or  certificates
for such shares properly endorsed.

     SECTION 4. Regulations.  The Board may make such rules and regulations
as it may deem expedient,  not inconsistent with these By-laws,  concerning
the issue,  transfer and  registration  of shares of the  Corporation.  The
Board may  appoint or  authorize  any officer or officers to appoint one or
more  transfer  agents  and one or more  registrars  and  may  require  all
certificates for shares to bear the signature or signatures of any of them.

                                ARTICLE VII

                                FISCAL YEAR

     SECTION 1. The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin on the first
day of October in each year.

                               ARTICLE VIII


     SECTION 1. Every  person who is or was an officer or  employee  of the
Corporation or a director,  officer or employee of any other corporation or
entity in which that person  served as a  director,  officer or employee at
the request of the Corporation  (hereinafter  collectively referred to as a
"Covered Person"),  shall be indemnified by the Corporation against any and
all reasonable costs and expenses  (including but not limited to attorney's
fees) and any liabilities  (including but not limited to judgments,  fines,
penalties  and  reasonable  settlements)  that  may be paid  by or  imposed
against  that  Covered  Person in  connection  with or  resulting  from any
pending, threatened or completed claim, action, suit or proceeding (whether
brought by or in the right of the Corporation or such other  corporation or
entity  or  otherwise),   and  whether  civil,  criminal,   administrative,
investigative or legislative  (including any appeal relating  thereto),  in
which  the  Covered  Person  may be  involved,  as a party  or  witness  or
otherwise,  by  reason of the  Covered


Person's  being or  having  been an
officer or employee of the  Corporation or a predecessor of the Corporation
or a director,  officer or employee of such other corporation or entity, or
by reasons of any action  taken or not taken in such  capacity,  whether or
not the Covered  Person  continues to be such at the time such liability or
expense shall have been paid or imposed, if the Covered Person:

         (a) has been successful on the merits or otherwise with respect to
such claim, action, suit or proceeding; or

         (b) acted in good  faith,  in what the Covered  Person  reasonably
believed  to be  the  best  interests  of the  Corporation  or  such  other
corporation or entity, as the case may be, and in addition, in any criminal
action or proceeding,  had no reasonable  cause to believe that the Covered
Person's conduct was unlawful.

     As used in this Article,  the terms  "expense" and  "liability"  shall
include,  but not be limited to, counsel fees and disbursements and amounts
of judgments,  fines or penalties  against,  and reasonable amounts paid in
settlement by, a Covered Person. The termination of any claim, action, suit
or  proceeding  by  judgment,  settlement  (whether  with or without  court
approval),  conviction or upon a plea of guilty or nolo contendere,  or its
equivalent,  shall not create a presumption  that a Covered  Person did not
meet the standards of conduct set forth in paragraph (b) of this Section 1.

     SECTION 2.  Indemnification  under paragraph (b) of Section 1 shall be
made  unless it is  determined  by any of the  following  that the  Covered
Person has not met the  standard of conduct set forth in  paragraph  (b) of
Section 1:

         (a) the Board, acting by a quorum consisting of directors who were
not parties to (or who are determined to have been  successful with respect
to) the claim, action, suit or proceeding;

         (b) a committee of the Board  established  pursuant to Article III
Section 8 of the By-laws  consisting  of directors  who were not parties to
(or who are determined to have been  successful with respect to) the claim,
action, suit or proceeding;

         (c) any officer or group of officers  of the  Corporation  who, by
resolution  adopted by the Board,  has been  given  authority  to make such
determinations; or

         (d)  either  of  the   following   selected  by  the  Board  if  a
disinterested committee of the Board (as described in paragraph (b) of this
Section 2) cannot be obtained or by the person(s)  designated in paragraphs
(a), (b) or (c) of this Section 2:

     SECTION 3.  independent  legal counsel (who may be the regular counsel
of the  Corporation)  who  has  delivered  to  the  Corporation  a  written
determination; or

     SECTION 4. an  arbitrator or a panel of  arbitrators  (which panel may
include  directors,  officers,  employees or agents of the Corporation) who
has delivered to the Corporation a written determination.


     SECTION 5. Expenses incurred with respect to any claim,  action,  suit
or proceeding of the character described in Section 1 of this Article shall
be  advanced  to a  Covered  Person by the  Corporation  prior to the final
disposition  thereof,  but the Covered  Person  shall be obligated to repay
such advances if it is ultimately determined that the Covered Person is not
entitled  to   indemnification.   As  a  condition  to  advancing  expenses
hereunder, the Corporation may require the Covered Person to sign a written
instrument acknowledging such obligation to repay any advances hereunder if
it  is  ultimately  determined  the  Covered  Person  is  not  entitled  to

     Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Corporation may refuse to
advance expenses or may discontinue  advancing expenses to a Covered Person
if such  advancement  is  determined  by the  Corporation,  in its sole and
exclusive discretion, not to be in the best interest of the Corporation.

     SECTION 6.  Notwithstanding  anything in this Article to the contrary,
no person shall be  indemnified  in respect of any claim,  action,  suit or
proceeding  initiated  by such  person or such  person's  personal or legal
representative,   or  which   involved  the   voluntary   solicitation   or
intervention   of  such   person  or  such   person's   personal  or  legal
representative  (other  than an action to  enforce  indemnification  rights
hereunder  or an action  initiated  with the  approval of a majority of the

     SECTION  7. The rights of  indemnification  provided  in this  Article
shall be in  addition to any other  rights to which any Covered  Person may
otherwise be entitled to by contract, vote of shareholders or disinterested
directors,  other  corporate  action or otherwise;  and in the event of any
such  Covered  Person's  death,  such  rights  shall  extend to the Covered
Person's heirs and legal representatives.

                                ARTICLE IX


     Any By-law may be adopted repealed, altered or amended by the Board at
any regular or special meeting thereof. The shareholders of the Corporation
shall  have the power to  amend,  alter or repeal  any  By-law  only to the
extent and in the manner provided in the articles of  incorporation  of the
