AMENDMENT NO. 2
                                ASHLAND INC.

         WHEREAS,  Ashland Inc.  (formerly known as Ashland Oil, Inc. prior
to January 28, 1995) first established the Ashland Inc.  Leveraged Employee
Stock  Ownership  Plan (the  "Plan"),  effective  October 1, 1985,  for the
benefit of the employees of the Sponsoring Company and of the Participating
Companies eligible to participate therein; and
         WHEREAS,   the  Plan  was  last  amended  and  restated  generally
effective October 1, 1997 and said restatement reserved to Ashland Inc. the
power and authority to further amend the Plan;
         NOW,  THEREFORE,  Ashland Inc. does hereby  further amend the Plan
effective as of June 30, 2005,  but  contingent  on the closing on June 30,
2005 of the  transaction  that is the  subject of a special  meeting of the
shareholders  of Ashland  Inc. on June 29,  2005,  in  accordance  with the
following terms and conditions:

         1. Effective  June 30, 2005, the paragraph  following the numbered
subsections  of  Section  2.1(b)  is  changed  in its  entirety  to read as

Effective  January 1, 1998,  the  Marathon  Ashland  Petroleum  LLC and its
subsidiaries  shall be included within the definition of Affiliated Company
hereunder  for the purpose of applying the  provisions of the Plan relating
to the  determination  of an  individual's  Period of  Service  and for the
purpose  of  applying  the   provisions   of  the  Plan   relating  to  the
determination  of whether an  individual  has  incurred  a  Termination  of
Employment.  Effective June 30, 2005, the reference to the Marathon Ashland
Petroleum LLC and its  subsidiaries  shall include their successors and the
Marathon Oil  Corporation  and its  subsidiaries  and  successors  shall be
included  within the  definition  of Affiliated  Company  hereunder for the
purpose  of  applying  the   provisions   of  the  Plan   relating  to  the
determination  of an individual's  Period of Service and for the purpose of
applying  the  provisions  of the Plan  relating  to the  determination  of
whether an individual has incurred a Termination of Employment with respect
to the following two groups of Members:

(i)      Members whose  employment was transferred to the Marathon  Ashland
         Petroleum  LLC or its  subsidiaries  after  December  31, 1997 and
         before June 30, 2005,  but excluding any such Member who ceased to
         work for the Marathon  Ashland  Petroleum LLC or its  subsidiaries
         and who  received  or who  thereby  became  eligible  to receive a
         distribution of the benefit provided under this Plan; and
(ii)     Members whose  employment is transferred on or about June 30, 2005
         to  the  Marathon  Oil   Corporation  or  its   subsidiaries   and
         successors,  excluding  any such  Member who worked for  Valvoline
         Instant Oil (VIOC Centers) on June 29, 2005.

         2. Effective June 30, 2005, the following new Section 4.7 is added
to the Plan as follows:

         4.7 Other Stock Payments  Regarding Common Stock. For all purposes
under the Plan, references to:
         (a)      Dividends, whether cash or in-kind;
         (b)      In-kind dividends;
         (c)      In-kind dividends which consist of stock;
         (d)      In-kind stock dividends; and (e) Stock dividends
shall  include any payment to the Plan in respect of or in exchange for any
Common Stock.  Therefore,  any such payment to the Plan in respect of or in
exchange  for any Common  Stock  shall be  allocated  in the same manner to
Accounts  under the Plan as would any  dividend  referred  to in (a)-(e) of
this Section 4.7.

         3. Effective June 30, 2005,  Section  7.5(c)(ii) is amended in its
entirety as follows:

         (ii)     Members  Employed by Certain  Affiliated  Companies.  For
                  purposes of this Section 7.5, a Member employed with -
                           I.       the Marathon  Ashland  Petroleum LLC or
                                    any of its subsidiaries or any of their
                                    successors; or
                           II.      the  Marathon Oil  Corporation  and its
                                    subsidiaries and successors
                  and  who  is   otherwise   a  Qualified   Member   shall,
                  notwithstanding  any  provisions  hereof to the contrary,
                  have the amount  subject to such Member's  election under
                  paragraph  (b) of this  Section 7.5  distributed  to such
                  Member. Such distribution shall, unless elected otherwise
                  by the  Member,  be  distributed  in Common  Stock,  with
                  fractional shares  distributed in cash. Such Member shall
                  be  allowed  to  elect  to  have  the  distribution  made
                  entirely in cash.  The  Sponsoring  Company may prescribe
                  administrative  procedures  to  effectuate  distributions
                  under this sub-paragraph (ii) of this paragraph (c), from
                  time to time, and such distributions  shall be subject to
                  the  provisions  of  Section  6.6 of the  Plan on  direct

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Sponsoring  Company  has  caused  this
Amendment No. 2 to the Plan to be executed this 6th day of June, 2005.

ATTEST:                                   ASHLAND INC.

  /s/ David L. Hausrath                   By:  /s/ Susan B. Esler
- -------------------------------------        ----------------------------
          Secretary                          Vice President, Human Resources