AMENDMENT NO. 3
                                ASHLAND INC.

         WHEREAS,  Ashland Inc.  (formerly known as Ashland Oil, Inc. prior
to January 28, 1995) first established the Ashland Inc.  Leveraged Employee
Stock  Ownership  Plan (the  "Plan"),  effective  October 1, 1985,  for the
benefit of the employees of the Sponsoring Company and of the Participating
Companies eligible to participate therein; and
         WHEREAS,   the  Plan  was  last  amended  and  restated  generally
effective October 1, 1997 and said restatement reserved to Ashland Inc. the
power and authority to further amend the Plan;
         NOW,  THEREFORE,  Ashland Inc. does hereby  further amend the Plan
effective August 1, 2005 for the Plan Year that ends in calendar year 2005,
in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

         1.  Effective  August  1,  2005 for the  Plan  Year  that  ends in
calendar  year 2005,  Section  2.1(y) is changed in its entirety to read as

         (y)      "Qualified  Member"  shall,  effective  for the Plan Year
                  ending in  calendar  year  2005,  mean a Member who is at
                  least age 45 by the end of a calendar  year within  which
                  ends a  Plan  Year  that  is in  the  Qualified  Election
                  Period.  A  Qualified  Member  must be an Employee at the
                  time the  diversification  election  under Section 7.5 of
                  the  Plan is made and must  still be an  Employee  on the
                  date that the amount  subject  to such a  diversification
                  election  is  transferred   from  this  Plan.  For  these
                  purposes,  a Member who is deemed not to have  incurred a
                  Termination  of  Employment  shall be considered to be an

         2.  Effective  August  1,  2005 for the  Plan  Year  that  ends in
calendar  year 2005,  Section  7.5(a) is changed in its entirety to read as

         (a)      Election by Qualified Member. Effective for the Plan Year
                  ending in calendar year 2005, each Qualified Member shall
                  be permitted to direct the Plan (as prescribed  under (b)
                  and (c) below) as to the  investment of 50 percent of the
                  shares  of  Common  Stock  allocated  to  his  Non-Offset
                  Account  and 50  percent  of the  shares of Common  Stock
                  allocated to his PAYSOP Account (as determined  under (d)
                  below) during the period  beginning on July 15 and ending
                  on the immediately following October 15 for the Plan Year
                  in which  falls  such  July 15 and  which is part of such
                  Qualified   Member's   Qualified   Election  Period.  The
                  Sponsoring  Company may prescribe  another period of time
                  during  which  such   elections   may  be  made  that  is
                  permissible   under  law.  In  addition  to  the  amounts
                  identified  above,  each  Qualified  Member shall also be
                  permittedto direct the Plan as to the  investment of:
                  (i)      50% of the shares of Common  Stock  allocated to
                           his PAYSOP Account and 100% of the of the shares
                           of  Common  Stock  allocated  to his  Non-Offset
                           Account  attributable to in-kind stock dividends
                           that were used to acquire Common Stock; and
                  (ii)     50% of the shares of Common  Stock  allocated to
                           his PAYSOP Account and 100% of the of the shares
                           of  Common  Stock  allocated  to his  Non-Offset
                           Account  attributable  to cash dividends paid on
                           in-kind  stock  dividends  that were paid to his
                           Common Stock  Account.
Elections hereunder can only be made for the percentage of shares of Common
Stock allocated to the particular Non-Offset Account and PAYSOP Account (as
determined  under (d) below);  such elections cannot be made for any lesser
or greater  percentage  of such Common  Stock;  and such  elections  shall,
subject to the applicable limits prescribed in (d) below,  apply equally to
both such Accounts.

         3.  Effective  August  1,  2005 for the  Plan  Year  that  ends in
calendar  year 2005,  Section  7.5(d) is changed in its entirety to read as

         (d)      Determination   of  Amount  Subject  to   Diversification
                  Requirements.   The  portion  of  a  Qualified   Member's
                  Non-Offset  Account  and  PAYSOP  Account  subject to the
                  investment  direction  provided  under  (a) above for all
                  Plan  Years in the  Qualified  Election  Period  shall be
                  equal to (1) 50 percent of the total  number of shares of
                  Common Stock  allocated to each such  Qualified  Member's
                  Non-Offset  Account and PAYSOP Account as of September 30
                  of the  Plan  Year  to  which  the  investment  direction
                  relates  (determined  separately  for each such Account),
                  plus any shares of Common  Stock  that were  subject to a
                  prior investment  direction pursuant to the provisions of
                  this  Section 7.5 (also  determined  separately  for each
                  such  Account),  less, (2) the number of shares of Common
                  Stock previously subject to an investment direction under
                  this Section  7.5,  determined  separately  for each such
                  Account. For purposes of determining the number of shares
                  of Common Stock subject to an investment  direction,  the
                  number  of  shares  derived  from  the  foregoing  may be
                  rounded to the nearest whole integer. For these purposes,
                  shares of Common Stock allocated to a Member's Non-Offset
                  Account  which  are  invested  pursuant  to  an  election
                  hereunder  shall be deemed to first  consist of shares of
                  Common  Stock  allocated  to such  Member's  Common Stock
                  Account  which were  acquired by the Plan after  December
                  31, 1986.  Effective for the Plan Year ending in calendar
                  year 2005, the portion of a Qualified Member's Non-Offset
                  Account  and PAYSOP  Account  subject  to the  investment
                  direction  provided under (a) above for all Plan Years in
                  the Qualified  Election Period shall also include (1) for
                  the  Non-Offset  Account  100  percent and for the PAYSOP
                  Account  50  percent  of the  total  number  of shares of
                  Common Stock  attributable  to in-kind stock dividends or
                  cash  dividends on in-kind stock  dividends  allocated to
                  each  such  Qualified  Member's  Non-Offset  Account  and
                  PAYSOP  Account  as of  September  30 of the Plan Year to
                  which  the  investment   direction  relates   (determined
                  separately for each such  Account),  plus any such shares
                  of Common Stock that were  subject to a prior  investment
                  direction  pursuant to the provisions of this Section 7.5
                  (also determined separately for each such Account), less,
                  (2) the number of such shares of Common Stock  previously
                  subject to an  investment  direction  under this  Section
                  7.5,  determined  separately  for each such Account.  For
                  purposes  of  determining  the number of shares of Common
                  Stock subject to an investment  direction,  the number of
                  shares  derived from the  foregoing may be rounded to the
                  nearest whole integer.

         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Sponsoring  Company  has  caused  this
Amendment  No. 3 to the Plan to be executed  this  2nd day of August,

ATTEST:                              ASHLAND INC.

/s/ David L. Hausrath                   By: /s/ Susan B. Essler
- -------------------------------           ----------------------------------
          Secretary                       Vice President, Human Resources