[GRAPHIC OMITTED]

Susan B. Esler                         Ashland Inc.
Vice President, Human Resources        50 E. RiverCenter Blvd.
                                       P.O. Box 391
                                       Covington, KY  41012-0391
                                       Tel: 859 815-3543, Fax: 859 815-3693

                                       August 15, 2006
- - Via Federal Express -

Robert K. Randolph
130 Millwick Cove
Alpharetta, GA 30005

Dear Kirk:

     Ashland  Inc.  ("Ashland")  considers  the services you provide as the
President  of the APAC group of  companies  ("APAC") to be essential to its
continuing  operations.  Due to the  potential  change in ownership of APAC
("the  Transaction"),  Ashland would like to extend the following  offer to
you, in order to encourage your continued employment during this transition
period. Your acceptance of this offer (the "Letter Agreement") will rescind
and replace any other written or verbal agreements in place between you and
Ashland and/or APAC concerning your continued employment prior to the close
of the Transaction  and the severance  benefits you are eligible to receive
upon a termination of your employment.

     Subject to the conditions  provided in this Letter  Agreement,  in the
event you remain  employed  through the date on which one of the  following
events occurs (your "Stay Date"), then Ashland will provide you with a lump
sum payment ("Retention Bonus") of $350,000, less applicable  withholdings,
to be paid within 15 days of your Stay Date.

     Your Stay Date will be determined as follows:

     i)   In the event your active  employment  with  Ashland ends prior to
          the  close of the sale of APAC,  then your Stay Date will be your
          last day of active employment with Ashland;

     ii)  In the event you accept an offer of employment from the purchaser
          of the APAC  business (the  "Buyer"),  your Stay Date will be the
          earlier of 6 months from the date of your  transfer to Buyer,  or
          the date on which you are released from active  employment by the

     iii) In the event your  position  with  Ashland is  eliminated  at the
          close of the Transaction, and you are not offered employment with
          the Buyer,  or you reject an offer of  non-equivalent  employment
          from the  Buyer,  then  your  Stay  Date will be your last day of
          active  employment  with  Ashland;  For the purpose of this offer
          "equivalent   employment"  means  an  offer  of  employment  that
          provides you with base compensation of at least the

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August 15, 2006
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          same amount you are receiving in your current position, at a work
          location not more than 50 miles from your current work location.

     iv)  In the event your active  employment with Ashland does not end at
          the  close  of the  Transaction,  and  you  continue  to  provide
          transitional  support to Ashland  relating to the APAC  business,
          then your Stay Date  will be the  earlier  of 24 months  from the
          date of the close of the Transaction,  or your last day of active
          employment with Ashland;

     v)   In the event the Transaction does not occur,  then your Stay Date
          will be the date on which  negotiations  with potential buyers of
          APAC have  concluded  without  an  agreement  for the sale of the
          business,  and the decision is made not to seek other prospective
          buyers for the APAC business.

     In the event your  active  employment  with  Ashland  terminates  as a
result of the  Transaction,  and you meet the  conditions  for  receipt  of
severance  benefits  under  the  APAC  Divestiture  Severance  Program  for
Executive Level Employees, a copy of which is enclosed, then in addition to
the  Retention  Bonus  provided  for  above,  Ashland  will  offer to you a
Separation  Agreement  and  General  Release,  which will  provide you with
severance benefits under this program, with the following exceptions:

     i)   your severance benefit shall be payroll continuation payments for
          the 24-month period following your Release Date;

     ii)  you will  continue  to earn age and  service  credit for  pension
          calculation  purposes  during  your entire  payroll  continuation

     iii) although  you are not  retirement  eligible,  during your payroll
          continuation  period  you  will be  eligible  to  participate  in
          company  provided  employee benefit programs as though you were a
          retirement eligible employee;

     v)   any award you would  otherwise  be eligible to receive  under any
          incentive  compensation  program in which you were a  participant
          during FY 2006 will be  calculated  as though your were  actively
          employed  for the full year,  regardless  of whether  your active
          employment ends prior to September 30, 2006.

Your  employment  will  then  terminate  on the  last  day of your  payroll
continuation period, and thereafter your treatment under Ashland's employee
benefit  plans  will be on the  same  terms  and  conditions  as  apply  to
non-retirement  eligible  employees.  Provided  that all your  Ashland Inc.
stock options issued prior to September 2006, that continued to vest during
your  payroll  continuation  period,  will become  fully  vested as of your
termination  date,  and will  thereafter  be fully  exercisable  for  their
remaining term(s).

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August 15, 2006
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     You understand that your Separation Agreement and General Release will
contain a general  release of any claims you may have against Ashland which
you must sign as a condition of receiving  these  severance  benefits.  You
further  understand  that these  severance  benefits will be in lieu of any
benefits you would otherwise be eligible to receive upon termination  under
the terms of your Executive Employment Agreement.

     In addition to the above referenced  severance benefits,  on your last
day of active  employment  with Ashland  (your  "Release  Date") a pro-rata
share of the  restricted  stock  previously  granted to you by Ashland will
become fully vested. The pro-rata vesting schedule will be calculated based
on the number of shares issued to you,  multiplied by the percentage of the
total grant period that has elapsed as of your Release Date.

     During the term of this Letter Agreement, you will continue to receive
compensation  at a rate at least  equivalent  to your  level of base pay in
effect at the time this Agreement is executed. Ashland agrees that you will
also continue to be eligible to participate  in those employee  benefits in
which you are a current  participant  to the same  extent as other  regular
full-time  employees,   including  participation  in  applicable  incentive
compensation plans.

     You agree that you will keep the terms of this  Letter  Agreement,  as
well as the  terms of the  earlier  retention  agreements  offered  to you,
completely  confidential,  and that you will  not  hereafter  disclose  any
information  concerning  any of these  agreements  to  anyone  except  your
immediate family,  financial advisor and/or attorney;  provided,  that they
agree in advance of said disclosure to keep this  information  confidential
and not disclose it to others.

     You further understand that this agreement will immediately  terminate
(an "Early Termination"), and Ashland will be relieved of any obligation to
provide the Retention Bonus or the additional  benefits  described above if
any of the following occurs during the term of this Agreement:

     i)   you voluntarily terminate your employment with Ashland;

     ii)  you elect to accept a different  position  with Ashland that does
          not support the APAC business;

     iii) you violate the confidentiality provisions contained herein;

     iv)  Ashland or Buyer  terminates your  employment for cause;  For the
          purposes of this letter, termination for cause will arise if you:
          (a)  substantially  fail to perform  your duties with  Ashland or
          Buyer,  unless such failure is due to your incapacity as a result
          of  physical  or mental  illness;  or (b) you  engage in  willful
          misconduct or gross negligence in performing your duties;

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August 15, 2006
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     v)   you become disabled and you become  eligible to receive  payments
          under Ashland's Long Term Disability Plan at any time thereafter;

     vi)  in the event of your death. Provided,  however, that Ashland will
          not be relieved of any  obligations  under its employee  benefits
          plans which arise due to your death.

     This Letter  Agreement  shall terminate on the earlier of i) your Stay
Date or ii) the  date on  which  an  Early  Termination  occurs.  Provided,
however,  that the confidentiality  provisions of this Letter Agreement and
any obligations on the part of Ashland arising under this Letter  Agreement
during its term,  or triggered  under this Letter  Agreement on the date of
its termination, shall survive the termination of this Letter Agreement.

     This Letter  Agreement does not, in any way,  constitute a contract or
agreement  guaranteeing  your continued  employment.  Ashland  reserves the
right to terminate your employment at any time, with or without cause.

     If you agree with the foregoing, please sign and date each original of
this Letter  Agreement in the space  provided for your  signature and fax a
copy of this executed  agreement to me at (859)  815-3823 no later than the
close of  business  on August  18,  2006.  Please  then  return  one signed
original  to me by  regular  mail that same day.  You may  retain the other
enclosed original for your records.

     Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

                                       Sincerely yours,

                                       /s/ Susan B. Esler
                                       Susan B. Esler

Agreed to and accepted
this 18 day of August, 2006.

/s/ Robert K. Randolph
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Robert K. Randolph

cc: David L. Hausrath