940 NORTHEAST 79TH STREET, SUITE A
                                MIAMI, FL 33238

                                (305) 754-3603
                           Facsimile (305) 754-2668

                                                October 31, 2006

Matthew Maulbeck
Staff Accountant
US Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Mail Stop 4561
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re:  Change of Auditors - Atlas Futures Fund, L.P., Bromwell Financial
     Fund, L.P., Providence Select Fund, L.P., TriView Global Fund, LLC
     Item 4.01 Forms 8-K filed October 26, 2006
     Your file numbers 333-53111, 333-85755, 333-108629 & 333-119655.

Dear Mr. Maulbeck,

The issuers of the above captioned offerings will fully comply with the
requests made in your letter of October 30, 2006 addressed to Michael P.
Pacult, Chief Executive Officer.  By separate letters to the Commission filed
herewith, the issuers have made the acknowledgements requested on page two of
your letter in the fourth full paragraph.  We will file the issuers' amended
Form 8-K's upon receipt from the former accountants of their updated letters,
which will refer to the amended 8-K's.

The issuers under the leadership of Mr. Pacult have always intended to
strictly comply with all regulatory requirements.  They accomplish that
result by the employment of lawyers, accountants, and consultants who they
believe are knowledgeable in regulatory and other compliance matters.  In
that regard, we have been engaged in the review and compliance with
securities laws for over thirty years.  We do not profess to be perfect, but
we do the best we can toward achievement of that goal.  The issuers presently
under review have provided us with the authority to inquire of accountants
and other experts when we believe we need their assistance.

In regard to the third full paragraph on page 2 of your letter, our firm was
selected by the issuers to be primarily responsible for the preparation and
filing of their Form 8-K's.

We normally rely upon the auditor selected by the issuer to keep us fully
informed of the applicable sections of Regulation S-K.  In this case, the
pending dismissal of the prior auditor and delay in assumption of duties by
the new auditor until after the prior auditor signed off, eliminated our
normal back-up on Regulation S-K review.  We respectfully request to be
excused from our oversight that caused us to fail to mention that there were
no adverse events concerning the audited statements of the issuers during the
past two years.

Our clients fully authorized us to obtain any back-up we felt we needed and,
therefore, although they are legally responsible as acknowledged in our first
paragraph above, we believe they had a right to trust us when they delegated
the filing responsibility to us.  As further mitigation in favor of the
issuers, we point to the fact that there have been no adverse audit
consequences during the past two years and interim period.  If there had been
adverse problems, we would have conducted additional research into compliance
on our own motion.

We trust that the above explanation is adequate, however, should you have any
question about our performance of due diligence or any other matter, please
let me know and we promptly respond.

                                              Very truly yours,

                                              /s/ William S. Scott
                                              William Sumner Scott, J.D.
                                              For the Firm


cc:  Issuers
     Michael P. Pacult

                       TRIVIEW CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC.
                               5914 N. 300 West
                              Fremont, IN  46737

                                (260) 833-1306

                                                 October 31, 2006

Mr. Matthew Maulbeck
Staff Accountant
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549

RE:   TriView Global Fund, LLC (the "Issuer")
      Item 4.01 Form 8-K Filed October 26, 2006
      File No. 333-119655

Dear Mr. Maulbeck,

      The undersigned managing member of the Issuer hereby acknowledges that:

*     the Issuer is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the
disclosure in the filings;

*     the staff comments or changes to disclosure in response to staff
comments do not foreclose the Commission from taking any action with respect
to the filings; and

*     the Issuer may not assert staff comments as a defense in any proceeding
initiated by the Commission or any person under the Federal securities laws
of the United States.

      We are available to amplify or clarify our response.

                                                Very truly yours,

                                                /s/ Michael Pacult
                                                Michael Pacult
