Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [ X ]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[  X  ]Preliminary Proxy Statement
[  ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-
[  ]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[  ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[  ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-11(c) or Sec. 240.14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee  (Check the appropriate box):

[ X ] No fee required.
[  ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

      1. Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

      2. Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

      3. Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

      4. Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

      5. Total fee paid:

[  ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary proxy materials.
[  ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
      Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement
      number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      1)    Amount Previously Paid:

      2)    Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

      3)    Filing Party:

      4)    Date Filed:

                          TO BE HELD OCTOBER 19, 2006

            A  special  meeting  of the shareholders of Federated Municipal High
Yield Advantage Fund, Inc. (the "Fund"  or  "Corporation")  will be held at 5800
Corporate  Drive,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania 15237-7000, at 2:00  p.m.  (Eastern
Time), on October 19, 2006 to consider proposals:

               (1)To approve or disapprove  a  proposed  Agreement  and  Plan of
                  Reorganization   between  the  Fund  and  Federated  Municipal
                  Securities  Income   Trust,  on  behalf  of  its  series,  the
                  Federated   Municipal   High   Yield   Advantage   Fund   (the
                  "Reorganized  Fund"),  whereby   the  Reorganized  Fund  would
                  acquire all of the assets (subject  to the stated liabilities)
                  of the Fund in exchange for shares of  beneficial  interest of
                  the Reorganized Fund to be distributed pro rata by the Fund to
                  its  shareholders  in complete liquidation and dissolution  of
                  the Fund.

                (2)To transact such other  business  as may properly come before
                  the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

The  Board  of  Directors  has  fixed  August 22, 2006 as the  record  date  for
determination of shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting.

                                                 By Order of the Board of

                                                 John W. McGonigle

September 13, 2006


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS







   COMPARISON OF INVESTMENT LIMITATIONS.............................








                                PROXY STATEMENT

                           Federated Investors Funds
                              5800 Corporate Drive
                           Pittsburgh, PA 15237-7000


     The enclosed  proxy is solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of the
Fund  (the  "Board").  The  proxies  will be voted  at the  special  meeting  of
shareholders of the Fund to be held on October 19, 2006 at 5800 Corporate Drive,
Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania 15237-7000,  at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern time) (such special
meeting and any  adjournment  or  postponement  thereof  are  referred to as the
"Special Meeting").

     The cost of the  solicitation,  including the printing and mailing of proxy
materials,  will be borne by the Fund. In addition to solicitations  through the
mails, proxies may be solicited by officers,  employees,  and agents of the Fund
or through a communications  firm retained for this purpose.  Such solicitations
may  be  by  telephone,  telegraph,  through  the  Internet  or  otherwise.  Any
telephonic  solicitations will follow procedures designed to ensure accuracy and
prevent  fraud,   including  requiring  identifying   shareholder   information,
recording the  shareholder's  instructions,  and  confirming to the  shareholder
after the fact.  Shareholders  who communicate  proxies by telephone or by other
electronic  means  have the same  power  and  authority  to  issue,  revoke,  or
otherwise change their voting instruction as shareholders  submitting proxies in
written form. The Fund will reimburse custodians,  nominees, and fiduciaries for
the reasonable costs incurred by them in connection with forwarding solicitation
materials to the beneficial owners of shares held of record by such persons.

     At  its  meeting  on  May  18,  2006,   the  Board  reviewed  the  proposed
reorganization of the Fund and approved it subject to shareholder approval.  The
purposes of the Special Meeting are set forth in the  accompanying  Notice.  The
Directors  know of no business other than that mentioned in the Notice that will
be presented for  consideration  at the Special  Meeting.  Should other business
properly  be  brought  before  the  Special  Meeting,  proxies  will be voted in
accordance  with the best judgment of the persons  named as proxies.  This proxy
statement  and the  enclosed  proxy card are  expected  to be mailed on or about
September 13, 2006, to shareholders of record at the close of business on August
22, 2006 (the "Record Date"). On the Record Date, the Fund had outstanding
__________________ shares of common stock.

     At a meeting on February 16, 2006, the Board approved  revisions to certain
investment  limitations  of the Fund,  which action did not require  shareholder
approval.  This action was reflected in a supplement to the Fund's  Statement of
Additional  Information,  which  was dated and  filed  with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  ("SEC") on February 22, 2006,  and is  available,  free of
charge, by calling the Fund's toll-free telephone number identified below.

     The Fund's annual report,  which includes audited financial  statements for
the fiscal year ended August 31, 2005, was previously mailed to shareholders.  A
copy of the Fund's  most recent  annual  report is  available  free of charge by
calling the Fund's  toll-free  number  identified  below.  The Fund's  principal
executive  offices are located at  Federated  Investors  Funds,  5800  Corporate
Drive,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania  15237-7000.  The Fund's  toll-free  telephone
number is 1- 800-341-7400.

                                 PROPOSAL #1:


      The  Board of Directors of the Fund has voted to recommend to shareholders
of the Fund  the  approval  of  an  Agreement  and  Plan  of Reorganization (the
"Reorganization Agreement") whereby Federated Municipal Securities Income Trust,
a Massachusetts business trust ("FMSIT"), on behalf of its  portfolio, Federated
Municipal High Yield Advantage Fund (the "Reorganized Fund"),  would acquire all
of the assets (subject to stated liabilities) of the Fund in exchange for shares
of beneficial interest of the Reorganized Fund to be distributed pro rata by the
Fund  to its shareholders in complete liquidation and dissolution  of  the  Fund
(the "Reorganization").   A  copy of the Reorganization Agreement is attached as
Appendix I to this Proxy Statement.   As  a  result  of the Reorganization, each
shareholder of the Fund will become the owner of the same  number of Reorganized
Fund shares having a total net asset value equal to the total net asset value of
his or her holdings in the Fund on the date of the Reorganization.

      FMSIT  will  not issue share certificates with respect to  shares  of  the
Reorganized Fund issued in connection with the Reorganization.  Shareholders who
currently hold certificates  for  their Fund shares are urged to surrender those
certificates before the Reorganization takes place.

Description of the Reorganization Agreement

       Significant  aspects  of  the  Reorganization   and   provisions  of  the
 Reorganization  Agreement are summarized below; however, this  summary  of  the
 Reorganization Agreement  is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full
 text of the Reorganization  Agreement  between  the  Fund  and FMSIT, a copy of
 which is attached as Appendix I to this Proxy Statement.

        The Reorganization Agreement provides that all of the assets of the Fund
 will be transferred to the Reorganized Fund, subject to the  stated liabilities
 of  the  Fund.  In exchange for these assets, the Reorganized Fund  will  issue
 shares in the same  amount  as  each class of outstanding shares of the Fund at
 the time of the Reorganization. The  Fund  will distribute these shares so that
 each holder of shares of the Fund will receive  the  same number (with the same
 aggregate  value) of the same class of shares of the Reorganized  Fund  as  the
 shareholder had in the Fund immediately prior to the Reorganization. The Fund's
 shareholders  will not pay a sales charge, commission or other transaction cost
 in connection with  their  receipt  of  the shares of the Reorganized Fund. Any
 contingent deferred sales charges payable upon redemption of shares received in
 the Reorganization will be calculated as  if  those  shares had continued to be
 Fund shares.

      As a condition to the Reorganization, the Fund and  FMSIT  will receive an
opinion  of  counsel  that  the  Reorganization  will  be  considered a tax-free
"reorganization" under applicable provisions of the Internal  Revenue  Code,  so
that  no  gain  or  loss  for  federal income tax purposes will be recognized by
either the Fund or the Reorganized Fund or by the shareholders of the Fund.  The
tax basis of the Reorganized Fund  shares  received by Fund shareholders will be
the same as the tax basis of their shares in the Fund.

Reasons for the Proposed Reorganization

      The Reorganization is being proposed to  convert  the Fund from a Maryland
corporation to a series of a Massachusetts business trust  in order to eliminate
the need to pay Pennsylvania franchise tax.  Unlike the Fund,  as a portfolio of
FMSIT,  the  Reorganized Fund will not be subject to the Pennsylvania  franchise
tax.  Due to the  differences in investment limitations between the Fund and the
Reorganized Fund as  described below (See "Comparison of Investment Limitations"
below), after the Reorganization, the Trustees of the Reorganized Fund will have
the ability to respond  more  quickly  to  changes in competitive and regulatory
conditions, which will also allow the Reorganized  Fund  to  operate  in  a more
efficient and economical manner.


      The  Fund is an open-end management investment company currently organized
as a Maryland  corporation.  The  Fund  offers  four classes of shares (Class A,
Class B, Class C and Class F Shares). FMSIT is an open-end management investment
company that consists of a number of portfolios,  each  of  which  has  its  own
investment  objective.  The  Reorganized  Fund is a newly organized portfolio of
FMSIT that will offer four classes of shares  that  are identical to each of the
four  classes  of  shares offered by the Fund.  The Reorganized  Fund  will  not
engage in any operations prior to the Reorganization.

Comparison of Investment Objectives, Strategy, and Risks

      The  investment   objective,   investment   strategy,  and  risks  of  the
Reorganized Fund are the same as the investment objective,  investment  strategy
and risks of the Fund.

      The  Fund's  investment  objective  is  to provide a high level of current
income which is generally exempt from the federal  regular income tax.  The Fund
invests its assets so that, normally, distributions  of  annual  interest income
are  exempt  from  federal  regular  income  tax  (except  when  investing   for
"defensive"  purposes).  Interest  from the Fund's investments may be subject to
the federal alternative minimum tax  for  individuals  and corporations ("AMT").
The  Fund invests primarily in long-term, tax-exempt securities  that  are:  (1)
medium  quality  (i.e.,  securities  rated in the third or fourth highest rating
category by a nationally recognized statistical  rating  organization (NRSRO) or
unrated  securities  of  comparable  quality);  or (2) non-investment  grade  or
unrated  securities  of  comparable  quality.   The  Fund's  investment  adviser
(Adviser) actively manages the Fund's portfolio, seeking  to  manage credit risk
assumed by the Fund and provide superior levels of income.

      The  Adviser  manages  credit  risk  by  performing  a fundamental  credit
analysis on all tax-exempt securities before the Fund purchases such securities.
The  Adviser  considers various factors, including the economic  feasibility  of
revenue bond financings  and general purpose financings; the financial condition
of the issuer or guarantor;  and  political  developments that may affect credit
quality. The Adviser monitors the credit risks  of  all tax exempt securities on
an ongoing basis by reviewing periodic financial data  and  ratings  of  NRSROs.
The  Adviser  performs a more intensive credit analysis on non-investment grade,
tax-exempt securities.  In  addition  to the review process described above, the
Adviser may visit the site that the issuer  is  developing  with the proceeds of
the offering and engages in detailed discussions with the issuer  regarding  the

      The  Adviser  also  attempts  to  provide  superior  levels  of  income by
investing in long-term, tax-exempt securities and managing the duration  of  the
Fund.  "Duration"  measures  the sensitivity of a security's price to changes in
interest rates. The greater a  portfolio's  duration,  the greater the change in
the  portfolio's  value in response to a change in market  interest  rates.  The
Adviser increases or reduces the Fund's portfolio duration based on its interest
rate outlook. When  the  Adviser  expects interest rates to fall, it maintains a
longer portfolio duration. When the  Adviser expects interest rates to increase,
it shortens the portfolio duration. The  Adviser  uses  hedging transactions for
purposes of duration management. The Adviser considers a  variety  of factors in
formulating  its  interest  rate  outlook,  including current and expected  U.S.
economic growth; current and expected interest  rates and inflation; the Federal
Reserve's  monetary  policy;  and  supply  and demand  factors  related  to  the
municipal market and the effect they may have on the returns offered for various
bond maturities. Duration management is less important when a greater portion of
the Fund is allocated to non-investment grade,  tax-exempt  securities,  because
such securities are less sensitive to interest rate changes.

      The  Adviser  also  attempts  to  provide  superior  levels  of  income by
investing  in  non-investment  grade,  tax-exempt  securities,  which  generally
provide  higher  yields.  The  percentage  that  the  Adviser  allocates to non-
investment grade securities will vary depending on the supply of  non-investment
grade,  tax-exempt  securities  and the credit spread between investment  grade,
tax-exempt securities and non-investment  grade,  tax-exempt  securities. If the
credit  spread  narrows, the Adviser may increase its allocation  to  investment
grade securities  without limitation; if the credit spread broadens, the Adviser
may  increase  its  allocation   to   non-investment  grade  securities  without
limitation. The Adviser may invest up to  100%  of  the  Fund's  assets  in non-
investment grade, tax-exempt securities.

      The Fund may enter into derivatives contracts as hedging transactions,  as
more  fully  described  herein.  The  Fund  also may use derivative contracts to
implement  its  overall  investment  strategies in  a  more  cost  effective  or
efficient  manner.  For example, the Fund  may  purchase  derivatives  contracts
rather than individual  securities  in  order  to gain exposure to the municipal
bond sector.

      The Fund invests its assets so that at least  80%  of  the  income that it
distributes  will  be  exempt  from  federal  regular  income  tax, except  when
investing for "defensive" purposes.

      The  Fund  is  subject to credit risk, call risk, sector risk,  tax  risk,
leverage risks, liquidity  risks,  prepayment  risks,  the risks of investing in
derivative contracts, the risks associated with non-investment  grade securities
and non-diversification risk.

      As noted above, the investment objective, investment strategy,  and  risks
of  the  Reorganized  Fund  are the same as the investment objective, investment
strategy and risks of the Fund.   Also, like the Fund, the Reorganized Fund will
be non-diversified.

Comparison of Investment Limitations

      In addition to the investment objectives and strategy described above, the
Fund  and  the  Reorganized  Fund  are  each   subject   to  certain  investment
limitations.   A  summary  of  the  fundamental  and non-fundamental  investment
limitations  of  the  Fund  and  the  Reorganized  Fund  is   set  forth  below.
"Fundamental investment limitations" cannot be changed unless authorized  by the
Board  of Directors/Trustees of a mutual fund and by the "vote of a majority  of
its outstanding  voting  securities" as defined in the Investment Company Act of
1940 ("1940 Act").  "Non-fundamental  investment  limitations" may be changed by
the Board of Directors/Trustees of a mutual fund without shareholder approval.

      FUND        REORGANIZED FUND                                    EXPLANATION OF DIFFERENCES
The Fund does not The Reorganized
have a            Fund does not
diversification   have a
limitation.  It   diversification
is a non-         limitation.  It
diversified fund. is a non-
BUYING ON MARGIN  BUYING ON MARGIN "Buying on Margin" is a non-fundamental investment limitation for the Reorganized Fund, meaning
(Fundamental)     (Non-            that this investment limitation may be changed by the Board of Trustees of the Reorganized Fund
The Fund will not Fundamental)     without shareholder approval.
purchase any      The Reorganized  The Reorganized Fund's "Buying on Margin" non-fundamental investment limitation also differs from
securities on     Fund does not    the Fund's fundamental investment limitation in that the types of derivatives contracts for which
margin, but may   have a similar   margin deposits can be made are not limited to certain specific-types of derivatives contracts
obtain such       fundamental      enumerated in the investment limitation.  This difference is reflected in the generic reference
short-term        investment       to "permissible activities" in the Reorganized Fund's investment limitation (rather than listing
credits as are    limitation.      specific types of derivatives contracts).
necessary for     The Reorganized
clearance of      Fund has a
transactions.     similar non-
The deposit or    fundamental
payment by the    investment
Fund of initial   limitation,
or variation      which reads as
margin in         follows:
connection with   "The Fund will
financial futures not purchase any
contracts or      securities on
related options   margin, provided
transactions is   that the Fund
not considered    may obtain
the purchase of a short-term
security on       credits
margin.           necessary for
                  the clearance of
                  purchases and
                  sales of
                  securities, and
                  further provided
                  that the Fund
                  may make margin
                  deposits and/or
                  arrangements in
                  connection with
SELLING SHORT     SELLING SHORT    The Reorganized Fund does not have an investment limitation prohibiting the Reorganized Fund from
The Fund will not                  selling securities short.
sell securities   The Reorganized  Certain restrictions imposed by state laws and regulations were preempted by the National
short.            Fund does not    Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996 ("NSMIA") and no longer apply to mutual funds created
                  have a similar   after 1996.   Until NSMIA was adopted in 1996, the securities laws of several states required
                  fundamental or   every investment company which intended to sell its shares in those states to adopt policies
                  non-fundamental  governing a variety of operational issues, including investments in certain securities.  As a
                  investment       consequence of those restrictions, the Fund adopted the investment limitation on "Selling Short"
                  limitation.      and agreed that the limitation would be changed only upon the approval of shareholders.  Since
                                   these prohibitions are no longer required under current law, the Board of the Reorganized Fund
                                   did not believe this policy was necessary.  Without this policy, the Reorganized Fund has greater
                                   flexibility in the management of the Reorganized Fund because the Reorganized Fund is permitted
                                   to purchase a broader range of securities that are permitted investments and that are consistent
                                   with the Reorganized Fund's investment objectives and policies.
ISSUING SENIOR    BORROWING MONEY  The Reorganized Fund's fundamental investment limitation on
SECURITIES AND    AND ISSUING      Borrowing Money and Issuing Senior Securities" differs from the Fund's fundamental investment
BORROWING MONEY   SENIOR           limitation in that the Reorganized Fund's investment limitation will permit the Adviser to borrow
(Fundamental)     SECURITIES       money and engage in reverse repurchase agreement transactions, including for investment leverage,
The Fund will not (Fundamental)    subject only to the limitations on borrowing under the 1940 Act.  The Reorganized Fund also will
issue senior      The Reorganized  be able to issue senior securities to the maximum extent permitted under the 1940 Act.
securities except Fund may borrow
that the Fund may money, directly
borrow money and  or indirectly,
engage in reverse and issue senior
repurchase        securities to
agreements in     the maximum
amounts up to     extent permitted
one-third of the  under the 1940
value of its      Act, any rule or
total assets,     order
including the     thereunder, or
amounts borrowed. any SEC staff
The Fund will not interpretation
borrow money or   thereof.
engage in reverse
agreements for
leverage, but
rather as a
extraordinary, or
emergency measure
or to facilitate
management of the
portfolio by
enabling the Fund
to meet
requests when the
liquidation of
securities is
deemed to be
inconvenient or
During the period
any reverse
agreements are
outstanding, but
only to the
extent necessary
to assure
completion of the
agreements, the
Fund will
restrict the
purchase of
instruments to
money market
maturing on or
before the
expiration date
of the reverse
PLEDGING ASSETS   PLEDGING ASSETS  "Pledging Assets" is a non-fundamental investment limitation for the Reorganized Fund, meaning
(Fundamental)     (Non-            that this investment limitation may be changed by the Board of Trustees of the Reorganized Fund
The Fund will not Fundamental)     without shareholder approval.
mortgage, pledge  The Reorganized  The Reorganized Fund's "Pledging Assets" non-fundamental investment limitation also differs from
or hypothecate    Fund does not    the Fund's fundamental investment limitation in that there is no express 10% of total assets
any assets except have a similar   limitation on the amount of assets the Reorganized Fund is permitted to pledge to secure
to secure         fundamental      permitted borrowings and the Reorganized Fund's non-fundamental investment policy makes clear
permitted         investment       that the Reorganized Fund may pledge assets for collateral arrangements in connection with
borrowings.  In   limitation.      permissible activities, such as, for example, derivative contracts (rather than listing specific
those cases, it   The Reorganized  types of instruments for which collateral arrangements may be made without being deemed a pledge
may pledge assets Fund has a       of assets).
having a market   similar non-
value not         fundamental
exceeding the     investment
lesser of the     limitation,
dollar amounts    which reads as
borrowed or 10%   follows:
of the value of   "The Reorganized
total assets at   Fund will not
the time of the   mortgage,
borrowing.        pledge, or
Neither the       hypothecate any
deposit of        of its assets,
underlying        provided that
securities and    this shall not
other assets in   apply to the
escrow in         transfer of
connection with   securities in
the writing of    connection with
put or call       any permissible
options on        borrowing or to
municipal bonds   collateral
nor margin        arrangements in
deposits for the  connection with
purchase and sale permissible
of financial      activities."
futures contracts
and related
options are
deemed to be a
INVESTING IN REAL INVESTING IN     The Reorganized Fund's fundamental investment limitation on "Investing in Real Estate" differs
ESTATE            REAL ESTATE      from the Fund's fundamental investment limitation in that it makes clear that the Reorganized
(Fundamental)     (Fundamental)    Fund may invest in issuers which not only invest, but also deal or otherwise engage in,
The Fund will not The Reorganized  transactions in real estate, or interests therein, and that the Reorganized Fund may exercise
buy or sell real  Fund may not     rights under arrangements relating to securities that are secured by real estate, including the
estate, although  purchase or sell right to enforce security interests and to hold real estate acquired by reason of such
it may invest in  real estate,     enforcement until that real estate can be liquidated.
securities of     provided that
companies whose   this restriction
business involves does not prevent
the purchase or   the Reorganized
sale of real      Fund from
estate or in      investing in
securities which  issuers which
are secured by    invest, deal, or
real estate or    otherwise engage
interests in real in transactions
estate.           in real estate
                  or interests
                  therein, or
                  investing in
                  securities that
                  are secured by
                  real estate or
                  therein.  The
                  Reorganized Fund
                  may exercise its
                  rights under
                  relating to such
                  including the
                  right to enforce
                  interests and to
                  hold real estate
                  acquired by
                  reason of such
                  until that real
                  estate can be
                  liquidated in an
                  orderly manner.
INVESTING IN      INVESTING IN     The Reorganized Fund's fundamental investment limitation on "Investing in Commodities" differs
COMMODITIES       COMMODITIES      from the Fund's fundamental investment limitation in that the Reorganized Fund is permitted to
(Fundamental)     (Fundamental)    invest in commodities to the maximum extent permitted under the 1940 Act (rather than
The Fund will not                  specifically listing the types of activities that the Reorganized Fund may engage in).  This
purchase or sell  The Fund may     difference makes clear that the Board and Adviser have greater flexibility as to the types of
commodities,      invest in        instruments in which the Reorganized Fund may invest (such as, for example, particular types of
except that the   commodities to   derivative contracts, including non-cash settled, as well as cash settled, derivatives
Fund may purchase the maximum      contracts).
and sell          extent permitted
financial futures under the 1940
contracts and     Act.
related options.
UNDERWRITING      UNDERWRITING     The Reorganized Fund's fundamental investment limitation on "Underwriting" differs from the
(Fundamental)     (Fundamental)    Fund's fundamental investment limitation in that it makes clear that the Reorganized Fund may
The Fund will not The Fund may not engage in transactions involving the acquisition, disposition or resale of its portfolio
underwrite any    underwrite the   securities (rather than just "restricted securities," or securities subject to restrictions on
issue of          securities of    resale under federal securities laws) under circumstances where the Reorganized Fund may be
securities,       other issuers,   considered to be an underwriter under the Securities Act of 1933.
except as it may  except that the
be deemed to be   Fund may engage
an underwriter    in transactions
under the         involving the
Securities Act of acquisition,
1933 in           disposition or
connection with   resale of its
the sale of       portfolio
restricted        securities,
securities which  under
the Fund may      circumstances
purchase pursuant where it may be
to its investment considered to be
objective,        an underwriter
policies and      under the
limitations.      Securities Act
                  of 1933.
LENDING           LENDING          The Reorganized Fund's fundamental investment limitation on "Lending" differs from the Fund's
(Fundamental)     (Fundamental)    fundamental investment limitation in that there is no express reference to the "one-third of the
The Fund will not The Reorganized  value of its total assets" limitation contained in the Fund's fundamental investment limitation,
lend any of its   Fund may not     and the Reorganized Fund is expressly permitted to engage in inter-fund lending with affiliated
assets except     make cash loans, investment companies.
portfolio         provided that
securities up to  this restriction The SEC has granted an exemption that permits the Reorganized Fund and all other funds advised by
one-third of the  does not prevent subsidiaries of Federated Investors, Inc. (Federated funds) to lend and borrow money for certain
value of its      the Reorganized  temporary purposes directly to and from other Federated funds.  Participation in this inter-fund
total assets      Fund from        lending program is voluntary for both borrowing and lending Federated funds, and an inter-fund
(this shall not   purchasing debt  loan is only made if it benefits each participating Federated fund.  Federated Investors, Inc.
prevent the       obligations,     (Federated) and its subsidiaries, administers the program according to procedures approved by the
purchase or       entering into    Reorganized Fund's Board, and the Board monitors the operation of the program.  Any inter-fund
holding of        repurchase       loan must comply with certain conditions set out in the exemption, which are designed to assure
municipal bonds,  agreements       fairness and protect all participating Federated funds.
repurchase        and/or
agreements, or    derivative       For example, inter-fund lending is permitted only (a) to meet shareholder redemption requests,
other             contracts,       and (b) to meet commitments arising from "failed" trades.  All inter-fund loans must be repaid in
transactions      lending its      seven days or less.  The Reorganized Fund's participation in this program must be consistent with
which are         assets to        its investment policies and limitations, and must meet certain percentage tests.  Inter-fund
permitted by the  broker/dealers   loans may be made only when the rate of interest to be charged is more attractive to the lending
Fund's investment or institutional Federated fund than market-competitive rates on overnight repurchase agreements (Repo Rate) and
objective and     investors,       more attractive to the borrowing Federated fund than the rate of interest that would be charged
policies).        making loans to  by an unaffiliated bank for short-term borrowings (Bank Loan Rate), as determined by the Board.
                  affiliated       The interest rate imposed on inter-fund loans is the average of the Repo Rate and the Bank Loan
                  investment       Rate.
                  pursuant to an
                  lending program,
                  and investing in
                  loans, including
                  assignments and
CONCENTRATION     CONCENTRATION    The Reorganizing Fund's fundamental investment limitation on "Concentration" differs from the
(Fundamental)     (Fundamental)    Fund's fundamental investment limitation in that it clarifies, by eliminating certain language,
The Fund will not The Fund will    that the concentration policy of the Reorganizing Fund applies to its investments in industrial
make investments  not make         development bonds and that bank instruments are not included as a type of securities (such as
that will result  investments that government securities and municipal securities) that will not be deemed to constitute an
in the            will result in   industry.
concentration of  the
its investments   concentration of
in the securities its investments
of issuers        in the
primarily engaged securities of
in the same       issuers
industry,         primarily
provided that the engaged in the
Fund may invest   same industry.
more than 25% of  For purposes of
the value of its  this limitation,
assets in         the term
industrial        concentration
development       has the meaning
bonds.  For       set forth in the
purposes of this  1940 Act, any
restriction, the  rule or order
term              thereunder, or
concentration has any SEC staff
the meaning set   interpretation
forth in the 1940 thereof.
Act, any rule or  Government
order thereunder, securities and
or any SEC staff  municipal
interpretation    securities will
thereof.          not be deemed to
Government        constitute an
securities,       industry.
securities and
bank instruments
will not be
deemed to
constitute an
industry.  As to
bonds, the Fund
may purchase
securities of an
issuer resulting
in the ownership
of more than 25%
of the Fund's
assets in one
industry, and the
Fund reserves the
right to invest
more than 25% of
its assets in
development bonds
in the same
RESTRICTED        RESTRICTED       There are no significant differences with respect to the Fund's and Reorganized Fund's non-
ILLIQUID          SECURITIES AND   fundamental investment limitations on investments in restricted or illiquid securities.
(Non-Fundamental) SECURITIES
The Fund may      (Non-
invest in         Fundamental)
restricted        The Reorganized
securities.       Fund's
Restricted        investment
securities are    limitations on
any securities    "Restricted
that are subject  Securities" and
to restrictions   "Illiquid
on resale under   Securities" are
federal           broken out
securities law.   separately as
Under criteria    follows:
established by    RESTRICTED
the Directors,    SECURITIES
certain           The Reorganized
restricted        Fund may
securities are    purchase
determined to be  securities
liquid.  To the   subject to
extent that       restriction on
restricted        resale under the
securities are    federal
not determined to securities laws.
be liquid, the    ILLIQUID
Fund will limit   SECURITIES
their purchase,   The Reorganized
together with     Fund will not
other illiquid    purchase
securities, to    securities for
15% of its net    which there is
assets.           no readily
                  market, or enter
                  into repurchase
                  agreements or
                  purchase time
                  deposits that
                  the Fund cannot
                  dispose of
                  within seven
                  days, if
                  after and as a
                  result, the
                  value of such
                  securities would
                  exceed, in the
                  aggregate, 15%
                  of the
                  Fund's net

            In addition to the investment limitations  noted above, the Board of
 Directors of the Fund adopted the following clarifying  language related to the
 Fund's investment limitations:

       "The Fund considers certificates of deposits and demand and time deposits
       issued by a U.S. branch of a domestic bank or savings and loan having
       capital, surplus, and undivided profits in excess of $100,000,000 at the
       time of investment to be "cash items.  Except with respect to borrowing
       money, if a percentage limitation is adhered to at the time of the
       investment, a later increase or decrease in percentage resulting from any
       change in value or net assets will not result in a violation of such
       limitation.  The preceding limitations regarding buying on margin,
       borrowing money and pledging assets do not apply to intra-day cash
       advances made by the Fund's custodian, or the grant of a security
       interest in securities by the Fund to its custodian to collateralize such
       intra-day cash advances, in order to enable the Fund to settle securities
       purchases or to redeem Shares of the Fund."

       The  Board  of Trustees of the Reorganized Fund also  adopted  the  above
 language regarding  the  Reorganized  Fund's investment limitations, as well as
 the following additional language:

       "In applying the Fund's concentration limitation, investments in certain
       industrial development bonds funded by activities in a single industry
       will be deemed to constitute investment in an industry.  The Fund's
       concentration limitation will not restrict the Fund's investment in
       economic sectors.  The Fund will consider concentration to be the
       investment of more than 25% of the value of its total assets in any one

       "The Fund will not invest more than 25% of the value of its total assets
       in securities insured by the same single bond insurer."

       "The preceding limitations regarding buying on margin, borrowing money,
       lending, and pledging assets do not apply to the Fund's use of derivative
       contracts, including, without limitation, the Fund's granting of a
       security interest in connection with such permissible activities."

       Of the differences in investment limitations between the Fund and the
 Reorganized Fund noted above, the most significant difference is that, under
 the investment limitations of the Reorganized Fund, the Reorganized Fund,
 unlike the Fund, is permitted to borrow money and engage in reverse repurchase
 agreement transactions for the purpose of investment leverage.  Reverse
 repurchase agreements involve the purchase of securities with the agreement to
 sell them at a higher price at a specific future date.  For the party selling
 the security (and agreeing to repurchase it in the future) it is a repurchase
 agreement transaction (a "repo"); for the party on the other end of the
 transaction (buying the security and agreeing to sell in the future) it is a
 reverse repurchase agreement.

       For example, in a repurchase agreement transaction, the Reorganized Fund
 could buy a security from a dealer or bank and agree to sell the security back
 at a mutually agreed upon time and price.  The repurchase price would exceed
 the sale price, reflecting the Reorganized Fund's return on the transaction.
 This return is unrelated to the interest rate on the underlying security.  The
 Reorganized Fund's custodian or subcustodian typically would take possession of
 the securities subject to repurchase agreements, and the Adviser would monitor
 the value of the underlying security each day to ensure that the value of the
 security equals or exceeds the repurchase price.

       Reverse repurchase agreements are repurchase agreements in which the
 Reorganized Fund is the seller (rather than the buyer) of the securities, and
 agrees to repurchase them at an agreed upon time and price.  A reverse
 repurchase agreement may be viewed as a type of borrowing by the Reorganized
 Fund.  Reverse repurchase agreements are subject to credit risks.  In addition,
 reverse repurchase agreements create leverage risks because the Reorganized
 Fund must repurchase the underlying security at a higher price, regardless of
 the market value of the security at the time of repurchase.  Using leverage,
 the Reorganized Fund may invest more than it owns, up to the limit permitted
 under the 1940 Act (or one-third of its total assets).

      The Fund's fundamental investment limitation regarding issuing senior
 securities and borrowing money limits the ability of the Fund to borrow money
 or engage in reverse repurchase agreements to one-third of the total assets of
 the Fund and prevents borrowing money or the use of reverse repurchase
 agreements for investment leverage (borrowing money and reverse repurchase
 agreements may only be used for temporary, extraordinary, or emergency measures
 or to facilitate the management of the Fund's portfolio by enabling the Fund to
 meet redemption requests when the liquidation of portfolio securities is deemed
 to be inconvenient or disadvantageous).  Under the Fund's fundamental
 investment limitation, during the period any reverse repurchase agreements are
 outstanding, but only to the extent necessary to assure completion of the
 reverse repurchase agreements, the Fund also is required to restrict the
 purchase of portfolio instruments to money market instruments maturing on or
 before the expiration date of the reverse repurchase agreement.

Comparison of Share Classes, Loads and Expenses

       Like the Fund, the Reorganized Fund  will have four share classes:  Class
 A Shares; Class B Shares; Class C Shares and  Class  F  Shares.  Like the Fund,
 the Reorganized Fund's share classes will have expense ratios  and  fees, after
 the Reorganization, as described below.

Maximum Front End Sales Load     4.50%           None          1.00%          1.00%
Maximum Deferred Sales Load      0.00%          5.50%          1.00%          1.00%
Management Fee                   0.60%          0.60%          0.60%          0.60%
12b-1 Fees                       0.25%          0.75%          0.75%          0.25%

            Like  the  Fund,  the  Adviser  will  waive  management  fees on the
 Reorganized  Fund  in  compliance  with  the  Assurance of Discontinuance dated
 November  17, 2005.  The net management fee on the  Reorganized  Fund  will  be
 reduced to  0.3233%  and  will not be able to be increased until after December
 31, 2010.  Also, like the Fund, as a separate matter, although not obligated to
 do so, the Adviser will waive  the  amount,  if  any,  by which the Reorganized
 Fund's aggregate annual operating expenses for Class A Shares,  Class B Shares,
 Class C Shares and Class F Shares exceed 0.7949%, 1.5449%, 1.5449% and 0.7949%,
 respectively.  The Adviser also has no present intention of paying  or accruing
 the  distribution (12b-1) fee for Class A Shares and Class F Shares during  the
 Reorganized Fund's fiscal year ending August 31, 2006.

 Comparison of Massachusetts and Maryland Law

      The  table  below compares certain important aspects of Maryland corporate
law and Massachusetts trust law.  The Reorganized Fund is a series of a business
trust organized under  the  laws  of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. and will
operate  under  Massachusetts  law.   The   Fund  is  organized  as  a  Maryland
corporation.  For purposes of the Reorganization,  it  is  important to note the
differences between Massachusetts trust law and Maryland corporate law.

   CATEGORY        MARYLAND                                           MASSACHUSETTS TRUST LAW
                CORPORATE LAW
Liability of    Under Maryland Under Massachusetts  law,  shareholders  of  a fund operating as a Massachusetts business trust could
Shareholders    corporate  law under certain circumstances be held personally  liable  for  the obligations of the trust.  Typically
                no    personal this liability can be waived by the declaration of trust.  If  the  declaration  of  trust includes a
                liability      provision declaring shareholders will not be subject to any personal liability in connection with the
                passes through assets  of  the  trust  or the acts, obligations or affairs of the trust, then the liability  of  the
                to             shareholders will be waived.   However,  the  waiver  of  liability  must  be accomplished through an
                shareholders   affirmative provision within the fund's organizational documents.
                of  the  fund.
                Under Maryland The Declaration of Trust for the Fund provides that the Trustees, officers,  employees  or  agents of
                corporate law, the  Trust  shall have no power to bind any shareholder of any series or class personally or to  call
                there       is upon any shareholder for the payment of any sum of money or assessment whatsoever, other than such as
                generally   no the shareholder  may at any time agree to pay by way of subscription to any shares or otherwise.  The
                shareholder    Declaration of Trust for the Reorganized Fund also provides that no shareholder or former shareholder
                liability  for of any series or class shall be liable solely by reason of his being or having been a shareholder for
                acts        or any debt, claim, action,  demand,  suit, proceeding, judgment, decree, liability or obligation of any
                obligations of kind, against, or with respect to the Trust or any series or class arising out of any action taken or
                the            omitted for or on behalf of the Trust  or such series or class, and the Trust or such series or class
                corporation.   shall be solely liable therefore and resort  shall  be  had  solely  to  the property of the relevant
                               series or class of the Trust for the payment or performance thereof.
Liquidation or  Maryland   law The trustees of a Massachusetts business trust may resolve to liquidate or  dissolve  a  fund  or new
Dissolution     requires       fund, or any class thereof, without prior shareholder approval and without first redeeming all of the
                shareholder    shares  of  the  respective  fund.   Although Massachusetts law allows the trust to liquidate without
                approval    to shareholder approval, the declaration  of  trust  can amend this allowance.  The declaration of trust
                dissolve     a for the Federated Municipal Securities Income Trust  provides  that  the  Trust  may  sell all of its
                fund.       To assets upon approval by a majority of the shareholders.
                circumvent the
                the  Directors
                can      first
                redeem all  of
                shares  of the
                fund.      The
                Directors  can
                redeem     the
                shares without
                approval,  and
                once       the
                shares    have
                been redeemed,
                the  Directors
                can  liquidate
                the series  or
                class  without
                Also,  in  the
                event  that no
                shares  of   a
                class       or
                series     are
                outstanding, a
                majority    of
                the  Directors
                may  vote   to
                liquidate  any
                class       or
                series without
Liability of    The     Fund's The  Declaration  of  Trust for the Reorganized Fund provides that Trustees acting on behalf  of  the
Trustees and    Articles    of trust will be indemnified for their actions provided those actions were not the result of (i) willful
Indemnification Incorporation  misfeasance, (ii) bad faith, (iii) gross negligence or (iv) reckless disregard of the duties involved
                provide   that in the conduct of his office.
                Directors      The Bylaws for the Reorganized  Fund  provide  that  indemnitee  was not liable for an act of willful
                acting      on misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence, or reckless disregard of duties.
                behalf   of  a
                will        be
                for      their
                actions to the
                permitted   by
                law,  provided
                those  actions
                were  not  the
                result  of (i)
                (ii)       bad
                faith,   (iii)
                negligence  or
                (iv)  reckless
                disregard   of
                the     duties
                involved    in
                the conduct of
                the office.
Rights of       Under      the Under Massachusetts law, and under the Bylaws of the Trust, the trustees  of a Massachusetts business
Inspection      General   Laws trust may from time to time determine whether and to what extent, and at what  times  and places, and
                of  the  State under  what  conditions and regulations the accounts and books of the trust maintained on  behalf  of
                of   Maryland, each series and  class  of  shares  of  the trust or any of them may be open to the inspection of the
                the    by-laws shareholders of any series or class; and  no shareholder may have any right to inspect any account or
                and        the book or document of the trust except that,  to the extent such account or book or document relates to
                minutes   must the series or class in which he is a shareholder  or  the trust generally, such shareholder will have
                be   available such right of inspection as conferred by laws or authorized  by  the trustees or by resolution of the
                for inspection shareholders of the relevant series or class.
                Maryland   law
                provides  that
                one   or  more
                persons    who
                together   are
                of at least 5%
                of         the
                shares  of the
                for  at  least
                six months may
                inspect    the
                fund's   books
                of account and
                stock  ledger,
                statement   of
                affairs,   and
                present to any
                officer     or
                resident agent
                a      written
                request  for a
                list   of  the
Derivative and  Under Maryland Massachusetts  law applicable to business trusts is silent on this  issue.   Massachusetts  corporate
Class Actions   law,           law, while not entirely  on point for Massachusetts business trusts, can provide persuasive authority
                shareholders   for matters concerning derivative  actions  by  a Massachusetts business trust's shareholders.  Under
                may  not bring Massachusetts corporate law any shareholder, who  was  a  shareholder  at  the  time  that the act or
                derivative     omission occurred, may commence a derivative proceeding after written demand has been made  upon  the
                actions unless corporation  to  take  suitable  action  and at least 90 days have elapsed.  The 90-day period can be
                they      have avoided if it is shown that irreparable injury  to  the corporation will occur as a result of waiting
                first  made  a for the expiration of such 90-day period.
                demand    upon
                corporation to
                sue on its own
                behalf,    and
                that    demand
                refused.    If
                the  Directors
                refuse  demand
                to   bring   a
                suit   or   if
                demand      is
                excused,   the
                bring      the
                suit must then
                make demand on

Comparative Information on Shareholder Rights and Obligations

      As noted above, the Fund is organized as a Maryland corporation, while the
Reorganized Fund is a series of a business trust organized under the laws of the
Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts.  The rights of shareholders  of  the  Fund,  as
defined in its Charter, By-Laws and under the laws of the State of Maryland, and
the rights of shareholders  of  the  Reorganized  Fund,  as set forth in FMSIT's
Charter,  By-Laws,  and  under  the  laws of the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts,
relating to voting, distributions and  redemptions,  are  substantively similar.
The  chart  below  describes  certain  differences  between  your  rights  as  a
shareholder  of  the  Fund  and your rights as a shareholder of the  Reorganized

                                                       FUND                                                 REORGANIZED FUND
Preemptive    None                                                                                   None
Appraisal     None                                                                                   None
Conversion    None                                                                                   None
Rights (other
than the
conversion of
Class B into
Class A
shares as
provided in
of the Fund
and the
Exchange      None                                                                                   None
Rights (other
than the
right to
exchange for
shares of
other mutual
funds as
provided in
of the Fund
and the
Minimum       None                                                                                   Determined by the Trustees in
Account Size                                                                                         their sole discretion.
Annual        The Corporation is not required to hold an annual meeting of shareholders in any year  No annual meeting held.
Meetings      in which the election of directors is not required to be acted upon under the 1940     Shareholder meeting held after
              Act.  The Board of Directors must meet annually to elect officers and conduct any      the initial public offering as
              other business.                                                                        set by the Trustees.
Right to Call May be called as requested in writing by Shareholders entitled to cast at least 10% of Special Meetings of the
Shareholder   the shares entitled to be cast at the meeting.                                         shareholders may be called by
Meetings                                                                                             the Trustees or the Chief
                                                                                                     Executive Officer of the Trust
                                                                                                     and must be called by the
                                                                                                     Trustees upon the written
                                                                                                     request of shareholders owning
                                                                                                     at least one-tenth of the
                                                                                                     outstanding shares entitled to
                                                                                                     fifteen days' notice of any
Notice of     Not less than ten or more than ninety days before the date of every Special Meeting of Notice must be given by the
Meetings      shareholders, the Secretary of the Corporation must give each shareholder written      Secretary of the Trust at
              notice of such meeting.                                                                least 15 days before the
Action by     Action taken at any meeting of shareholders may be taken without a meeting, if a       Any action required or
Unanimous     consent signed by all the shareholders entitled to vote on the subject matter thereof, permitted to be taken at any
Written       and any other shareholders, entitled to notice of a meeting, but not entitled to vote, meeting of shareholders may be
Consent of    have waived in writing any rights which they may have to dissent from such action, and taken without a meeting, if a
Shareholders  such consent and waiver are filed with the records of the Corporation.                 consent in writing, setting
                                                                                                     forth such action, is signed
                                                                                                     by all the shareholders
                                                                                                     entitled to vote on the
                                                                                                     subject matter thereof, and
                                                                                                     such consent is filed with the
                                                                                                     records of the Trust.
Personal      The Corporation will indemnify its directors to the fullest extent that                The Trust will indemnify
liability of  indemnification of directors is permitted by the Maryland General Corporation Law.     Trustees against liabilities
Directors or  This does not protect such person against any liability to the Corporation to which    and expenses that are incurred
Trustees      the person would otherwise be subject by reason of (i) willful misfeasance, (ii) bad   by virtue of having been a
              faith, (iii) gross negligence or (iv) reckless disregard of the duties involved in the Trustee.  However, Trustees
              conduct of the office.                                                                 and officers of the Trust will
                                                                                                     be liable for their willful
                                                                                                     misfeasance, bad faith, gross
                                                                                                     negligence or reckless
                                                                                                     disregard of the duties
                                                                                                     involved in the conduct of the
                                                                                                     office of Trustee or officer,
                                                                                                     as the case may be, and for
                                                                                                     nothing else.
Election of   Requires a majority shareholder vote under the Investment Company Act of 1940.         A plurality of the votes cast
Directors or                                                                                         is required to elect a
Trustees                                                                                             Trustee.  (All other matters
                                                                                                     must be decided by a majority
                                                                                                     of the votes cast entitled to
                                                                                                     vote thereon).
Removal of    At any meeting of shareholders duly called for the purpose, any Director may be        A Trustee may be removed at
Directors or  removed from office by the vote of a majority of all of the shares entitled to vote.   any special meeting of
Trustees by                                                                                          shareholders of the Trust by a
Shareholders                                                                                         vote of two-thirds of the
                                                                                                     outstanding shares.
Quorum for    Presence in person or by proxy of holders of (a) one-half of the shares of stock of    There must be present in
Shareholder   the Corporation on all matters requiring a majority shareholder vote or (b) one-third  person or by proxy, holders of
Meeting       of shares of stock of the Corporation on all other matters permitted by law.           more than fifty percent of the
                                                                                                     total number of outstanding
                                                                                                     Shares of all series or class
                                                                                                     entitled to vote.
Adjournment   Meetings may be adjourned from time to time without further notice other than by       In the absence of a quorum, a
of Meetings   announcement to be given at the meeting to a date not more than 120 days after the     majority of the Trustees
              record date and any business may be transacted at the meeting as originally called.    present may adjourn the
                                                                                                     meeting from time to time
                                                                                                     until a quorum is present.
                                                                                                     Notice of any adjourned
                                                                                                     meeting need not be given.
Quorum for    One-third of the entire Board of Directors but not less than two directors constitutes A majority of the Trustees
Director or   a quorum.                                                                              constitutes a quorum for the
Trustee                                                                                              transaction of business.
Number of     500,000,000 shares of the Class A Shares; 500,000,000 shares of the Class B Shares;    The number of shares for the
Authorized    500,000,000 shares of the Class C Shares; 500,000,000 shares of the Class F Shares.    newly created series of the
Shares; Par                                                                                          Trust will be unlimited.
Value         The Articles of Incorporation provide that par value will be $0.001 per share.
                                                                                                     The beneficial interest in the
                                                                                                     Trust shall at all times be
                                                                                                     divided into transferable
                                                                                                     Shares, without par value.


      The Reorganization is subject  to  certain conditions, including: approval
 of the Reorganization Agreement and the transactions  and exchange contemplated
 thereby as described in this Proxy Statement by the shareholders  of  the Fund;
 the  receipt  of  a  legal  opinion  described  in the Reorganization Agreement
 regarding  tax matters; the receipt of certain certificates  from  the  parties
 concerning the continuing accuracy of the representations and warranties in the
 Reorganization  Agreement  and  other matters; and the parties' performance, in
 all material respects, of the agreements and undertakings in the Reorganization
 Agreement.  The  Fund  is  not aware  that  any  federal  or  state  regulatory
 requirement must be complied  with  or  approval must be obtained in connection
 with  the  Reorganization.  Assuming satisfaction  of  the  conditions  in  the
 Reorganization  Agreement,  the Reorganization is expected to occur on or after
 October 19, 2006.

      The Reorganization may be terminated at any time prior to its consummation
by either the Fund or FMSIT if circumstances should develop that, in the opinion
of either the Board of Directors  of the Fund or the Board of Trustees of FMSIT,
make   proceeding   with   the   Reorganization   Agreement   inadvisable.   The
Reorganization  Agreement provides  further  that  at  any  time  prior  to  the
consummation of the  Reorganization: (i) the parties thereto may amend or modify
any  of the provisions  of  the  Reorganization  Agreement  provided  that  such
amendment  or  modification  would  not  have  a  material adverse effect on the
benefits intended under the Reorganization Agreement  and  would  be  consistent
with  the  best  interests  of  the shareholders of the Fund and the Reorganized
Fund; and (ii) either party may waive  any  of  the  conditions set forth in the
Reorganization Agreement if, in the judgment of the waiving  party,  such waiver
will  not  have  a  material  adverse effect on the benefits intended under  the
Reorganization Agreement to the  shareholders of the Fund or the shareholders of
the Reorganized Fund, as the case may be.

      Following  the  Reorganization,   shareholders   of   the   Fund  will  be
 shareholders   of   the   Reorganized   Fund.   Upon   the  completion  of  the
 Reorganization,  the Fund will be deregistered as an investment  company  under
 the 1940 Act and its  existence  terminated under state law. The stock transfer
 books of the Fund will be permanently  closed  after the Reorganization.  FMSIT
 will not issue share certificates with respect to  shares  of  the  Reorganized
 Fund  issued  in connection with the Reorganization. Shareholders who currently
 hold  certificates   for  their  Fund  shares  are  urged  to  surrender  those
 certificates before the Reorganization takes place.

      In considering the  Reorganization, the Board of Directors of the Fund and
the Board of Trustees of FMSIT determined that the Reorganization is in the best
interest of the Reorganized Fund and the Fund, and will not dilute the interests
of the shareholders of the  Reorganized  Fund  and  the  Fund.   The  Board also
requested and evaluated certain other information necessary for it to make these
determinations,  including,  without  limitation,  that  (1)  there would be  no
adverse tax consequences to either the Reorganized Fund or the  Fund,  or  their
respective  shareholders;  (2)  the  investment  objectives  and policies of the
Reorganized  Fund  and  the  Fund  are  the same, except for the differences  in
investment   limitations  described  above  (See   "Comparison   of   Investment
Limitations" above),  and  (3)  that  the  Fund and Reorganized Fund are to bear
registration fees, on an as incurred basis,  and  the expenses of soliciting the
Fund's shareholders.  Regarding the last factor, the  Board  considered that the
Reorganization  is  being proposed to benefit the shareholders of  the  Fund  by
reducing operating expenses  and  that,  due  to  the  differences in investment
limitations between the Fund and the Reorganized Fund as  described  above  (See
"Comparison  of  Investment  Limitations"  above), after the Reorganization, the
Trustees of the Reorganized Fund will have the  ability  to  act more quickly to
changes  in  competitive  and regulatory conditions, which will also  allow  the
Reorganized Fund to operate in a more efficient and economical manner.  Finally,
the Board considered that expenses  to shareholders are not expected to increase
as a result of the Reorganization and that shareholders of the Fund are expected
to get the benefit of cost savings through  an  elimination  of the Pennsylvania
franchise  tax  (which  was  payable by the Fund as a Maryland corporation)  and
increased efficiency and business flexibility.

                           INFORMATION ABOUT THE FUND


      Only shareholders of record on the Record Date will be entitled to vote at
the  Special  Meeting.   Each share  of  the  Fund  is  entitled  to  one  vote.
Fractional  shares are entitled  to  proportionate  shares  of  one  vote.   The
favorable vote  of:  (a)  the  holders  of 67% or more of the outstanding voting
securities present at the Special Meeting,  if the holders of 50% or more of the
outstanding voting securities of the Fund are  present  or represented by proxy;
or  (b)  the  vote  of  the  holders of more than 50% of the outstanding  voting
securities, whichever is less,  is  required  to  approve  all of the proposals,
except the election of Directors and the ratification of the  selection  of  the
Auditors.   Any  person giving a proxy has the power to revoke it any time prior
to its exercise by  executing  a  superseding  proxy  or by submitting a written
notice of revocation to the Secretary of the Fund.  In  addition,  although mere
attendance at the Special Meeting will not revoke a proxy, a shareholder present
at  the  Special Meeting may withdraw his or her proxy and vote in person.   All
properly executed and unrevoked proxies received in time for the Special Meeting
will be voted  in  accordance with the instructions contained in the proxies. If
no instruction is given ON THE PROXY, the persons named as proxies will vote the
shares represented thereby  in  favor  of  the matters set forth in the attached

      In order to hold the Special Meeting,  a  "quorum" of shareholders must be
present.  Holders of one-half of the total number  of  outstanding shares of the
Fund, present in person or by proxy, are required to constitute a quorum for the
purpose of voting on the proposals made.

      For  purposes  of  determining a quorum for transacting  business  at  the
Special Meeting, abstentions  and  broker  "non-votes"  (that  is,  proxies from
brokers  or nominees indicating that such persons have not received instructions
from the beneficial  owner  or  other  persons  entitled  to  vote  shares  on a
particular  matter  with  respect  to  which the brokers or nominees do not have
discretionary power) will be treated as  shares  that are present but which have
not been voted.  For this reason, abstentions and broker non-votes will have the
effect of a "no" vote for purposes of obtaining the  requisite  approval of some
of the proposals.

      If  a quorum is not present, the persons named as proxies may  vote  those
proxies that  have been received to adjourn the Special Meeting to a later date.
In the event that  a  quorum  is present but sufficient votes in favor of one or
more of the proposals have not  been  received, the persons named as proxies may
propose  one  or more adjournments of the  Special  Meeting  to  permit  further
solicitations  of   proxies   with   respect  to  such  proposal(s).   All  such
adjournments will require the affirmative  vote  of  a  majority  of  the shares
present  in  person  or  by  proxy  at the session of the Special Meeting to  be
adjourned.  The persons named as proxies  will vote AGAINST an adjournment those
proxies that they are required to vote against  the  proposal,  and will vote in
FAVOR of such an adjournment all other proxies that they are authorized to vote.
A  shareholder vote may be taken on the proposals in this proxy statement  prior
to any such adjournment if sufficient votes have been received for approval.


Officers and Directors of the Fund own less than 1% of the Fund's outstanding

At the close of business on the Record Date, the following persons owned, to the
knowledge of management, more than 5% of the outstanding shares of the Fund:



      The Fund is not required, and does not intend, to hold regular meetings of
shareholders.    Shareholders  wishing to submit proposals for consideration for
inclusion in a proxy statement for  the next meeting of shareholders should send
their written proposals to Federated  Municipal High Yield Advantage Fund, Inc.,
Federated Investors Funds, 5800 Corporate Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-
7000,  so  that they are received within  a  reasonable  time  before  any  such
meeting.  Any proposal submitted after this date will be deemed untimely and not

      No business  other  than  the  matters described above is expected to come
before the Special Meeting, but should  any  other  matter  requiring  a vote of
shareholders  arise, including any question as to an adjournment or postponement
of the Special  Meeting,  the persons named on the enclosed proxy card will vote
on such matters according to their best judgment in the interests of the Fund.

                                 UNITED STATES.

                                             By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                                               John W. McGonigle
September 13, 2006


In an effort to reduce costs  and  avoid duplicate mailings, the Fund intends to
deliver a single copy of certain documents  to each household in which more than
one shareholder of the Fund resides so-called  "householding",  as  permitted by
applicable  rules.  The  Fund's "householding" program covers their Prospectuses
and Statements of Additional  Information,  and  supplements to each, as well as
Semi-Annual  and  Annual  Shareholder  Reports and any  Proxies  or  information
statements. Shareholders must give their  written  consent to participate in the
"householding" program. The Fund is also permitted to  treat  a  shareholder  as
having  given  consent  "implied consent" if (i) shareholders with the same last
name, or believed to be members  of  the  same family, reside at the same street
address or receive mail at the same post office  box, (ii) the Fund gives notice
of  its  intent  to  "household"  at  least  sixty  60 days  before  they  begin
"householding" and (iii) none of the shareholders in the household have notified
the Fund or its agent of the desire to "opt out" of "householding." Shareholders
who have granted written consent, or have been deemed  to  have  granted implied
consent, can revoke that consent and opt out of "householding" at  any  time  by
contacting  the  Fund  by  mail  at:  Federated Investors Funds., 5800 Corporate
Drive, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15237-7000:  shareholders  who  purchased  shares
through  a  financial  intermediary  should  contact their representative; other
shareholders may call the Fund at 1-800-341-7400.


Federated Investors Tower
1001 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3779

Federated Investors Tower
1001 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3779

Federated Investors Tower
1001 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3779

Cusip 313910200
Cusip 313910309
Cusip 313910408
Cusip 313910101

                                         APPENDIX I


      This AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF REORGANIZATION, dated as of August ___________,
2006  (the "Agreement") is made between Federated Municipal High Yield Advantage
Fund, Inc.  a  Maryland  corporation  (the  "Fund"), with its principal place of
business at 5800 Corporate Drive, Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania 15237, and Federated
Municipal Securities Income Trust, (the "Federated  Trust"),  with its principal
place  of  business  located  at 5800 Corporate Drive, Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania
15237, on behalf of its portfolio, Federated Municipal High Yield Advantage Fund
(the "Successor Fund").


      WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees  of  the  Federated  Trust and the Board of
Directors of the Fund have determined that it is in the best  interests  of  the
Federated  Trust  and  the  Fund,  respectively,  that the assets of the Fund be
acquired by the Successor Fund pursuant to this Agreement; and

      WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into a plan  of  exchange which would
constitute a "reorganization" within the meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(F)  of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").


      NOW  THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the covenants  and
agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

      1.    Plan of Exchange.

            (a)   Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the Fund
shall assign,  transfer and convey its assets, including all securities and cash
held by the Fund  (subject  to the stated liabilities of the Fund which shall be
assumed by the Successor Fund)  to  the  Successor  Fund, and the Successor Fund
shall acquire all of the assets of the Fund (subject  as aforesaid to the stated
liabilities  of  the  Fund)  in  exchange  for  full  and fractional  shares  of
beneficial interest of the Successor Fund (the "Successor  Fund  Shares"), to be
issued  by  the Federated Trust, in an aggregate number equal to the  number  of
shares of the  Fund  then  outstanding,  and having an aggregate net asset value
equal to the net assets of the Fund.  The  value  of  the assets of the Fund and
the net asset value per share of the Successor Fund Shares  shall be computed as
of the close of the New York Stock Exchange (normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time) on
the Exchange Date (as hereinafter defined) (such time and date being hereinafter
called the "Valuation Time") in accordance with the procedures  for  determining
the  value  of  the  Successor  Fund's  assets set forth in the Successor Fund's
organizational  documents  and  the then-current  prospectus  and  statement  of
additional information for the Successor Fund that forms a part of the Successor
Fund's  Registration Statement on  Form  N-1A  (the  "Registration  Statement").
Successor Fund will not issue certificates representing Successor Fund Shares in
connection  with the Reorganization.  In lieu of delivering certificates for the
Successor Fund  Shares,  the  Federated  Trust  shall  credit the Successor Fund
Shares to the Fund's account on the share record books of  the  Federated  Trust
and  shall  deliver  a  confirmation  thereof  to the Fund.  The Fund shall then
deliver  written  instructions  to  the  Federated  Trust's  transfer  agent  to
establish accounts for the shareholders on the share  record  books  relating to
the Successor Fund.

            (b)   When  the  Successor  Fund Shares are distributed pursuant  to
paragraph 1(a), all outstanding shares of the Fund, including any represented by
certificates,  shall  be  canceled  on  the Fund's  share  transfer  books.   No
redemption or repurchase of Successor Fund  Shares  credited  to a shareholder's
account  in  respect  of  shares of the Fund represented by unsurrendered  share
certificates shall be permitted until such certificates have been surrendered to
the Federated Trust for cancellation  or,  if  such  certificates  are  lost  or
misplaced,  lost  certificate affidavits and/or such other documentation that is
satisfactory to the Federated Trust or its transfer agent have been executed and
delivered thereto.

            (c)   Delivery  of the assets of the Fund to be transferred shall be
made on the Exchange Date (as hereinafter defined).  Assets transferred shall be
delivered  to  State  Street Bank  and  Trust  Company,  the  Federated  Trust's
custodian (the "Custodian"),  for  the  account  of  the Federated Trust and the
Successor  Fund  with  all  securities  not in bearer or book  entry  form  duly
endorsed, or accompanied by duly executed  separate assignments or stock powers,
in proper form for transfer, with signatures  guaranteed, and with all necessary
stock transfer stamps, sufficient to transfer good  and marketable title thereto
(including all accrued interest and dividends and rights  pertaining thereto) to
the Custodian for the account of the Federated Trust and the Successor Fund free
and clear of all liens, encumbrances, rights, restrictions and claims.  All cash
delivered  shall be in the form of immediately available funds  payable  to  the
order of the  Custodian for the account of the Federated Trust and the Successor

            (d)   The  Fund  will pay or cause to be paid to the Federated Trust
any interest received on or after  the  Exchange  Date  with  respect  to assets
transferred from the Fund to the Successor Fund hereunder and any distributions,
rights  or  other  assets  received  by  the  Fund  after  the  Exchange Date as
distributions on or with respect to the securities transferred from  the Fund to
the  Successor  Fund  hereunder.   All  such assets shall be deemed included  in
assets transferred to the Successor Fund  on  the Exchange Date and shall not be
separately valued.

            (e)   The Exchange Date shall be October  20,  2006, or such earlier
or later date as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties.

            (f)   As soon as practicable after the Exchange Date, the Fund shall
distribute all of the Successor Fund Shares received by it to  the  shareholders
of  the Fund in numbers equal to the number of shares that each such shareholder
holds  in  the  Fund,  and  shall  take  all other steps necessary to effect its
dissolution  and  termination.  After the Exchange  Date,  the  Fund  shall  not
conduct any business except in connection with its dissolution and termination.

      2.    The Fund's  Representations and Warranties.  The Fund represents and
warrants to and agrees with  the Federated Trust on behalf of the Successor Fund
as follows:

            (a)   The Fund is  a  Maryland  corporation  duly organized, validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of the State  of  Maryland  and has
power  to  own all of its properties and assets and, subject to the approval  of
its shareholders as contemplated hereby, to carry out this Agreement.

            (b)   This   Agreement   has  been  duly  authorized,  executed  and
delivered by and is valid and binding  on  the  Fund,  enforceable in accordance
with  its  terms,  except  as  such  enforcement  may be limited  by  applicable
bankruptcy, insolvency, and other similar laws of general applicability relating
to  or  affecting creditors' rights and to general principles  of  equity.   The
execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  does  not  and  will not, and the
consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement  will  not,
violate  the Fund's Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws  or  any  agreement  or
arrangement to which it is a party or by which it is bound.

            (c)   The  Fund  is  registered  under the Investment Company Act of
1940, as amended (the "1940 Act"), as an open-end management investment company,
and such registration has not been revoked or rescinded and is in full force and

            (d)   Except as shown on the audited  financial  statements  of  the
Fund  for  its  most  recently  completed  fiscal  period and as incurred in the
ordinary course of the Fund's business since then, the  Fund  has no liabilities
of  a  material  amount,  contingent  or  otherwise,  and  there  are no  legal,
administrative  or  other  proceedings  pending  or,  to  the  Fund's knowledge,
threatened against the Fund.

            (e)   On the Exchange Date, the Fund will have full right, power and
authority  to  sell, assign, transfer and deliver the Fund's assets  and  stated
liabilities to be transferred by it hereunder.

            (f)   For  each taxable year of its operation (including the taxable
year  ending on the Exchange  Date),  the  Fund  has  met  the  requirements  of
Subchapter  M  of  the  Code  for  qualification  and  treatment  as a regulated
investment company.

            (g)   At  the  Exchange Date, all Federal and other tax returns  and
reports of the Fund required  by law then to be filed shall have been filed, and
all Federal and other taxes shall  have  been  paid  so  far as due or provision
shall  have  been made for the payment thereof, and to the best  of  the  Fund's
knowledge no such  return  is  currently  under audit and no assessment has been
asserted with respect to such returns.

      3.    The Federated Trust's Representations and Warranties.  The Federated
Trust, on behalf of the Successor Fund, represents  and  warrants  to and agrees
with the Fund as follows:

            (a)   The  Federated  Trust  is  a  business  trust  duly organized,
validly  existing  and  in  good standing under the laws of the Commonwealth  of
Massachusetts; the Successor Fund is a duly organized portfolio of the Federated
Trust; and the Federated Trust  has  the power to carry on its business as it is
now being conducted and to carry out this Agreement.

            (b)   This  Agreement  has  been   duly   authorized,  executed  and
delivered  by  the  Federated Trust and is valid and binding  on  the  Federated
Trust, enforceable in  accordance with its terms, except as such enforcement may
be limited by applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  and  other  similar  laws of
general  applicability relating to or affecting creditors' rights and to general
principles of equity.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement does not and
will not,  and  the  consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this
Agreement  will  not,  violate the Federated Trust's Declaration of Trust or By-
Laws or any agreement or  arrangement  to  which it is a party or by which it is

            (c)   The Federated Trust is registered  under  the  1940  Act as an
open-end  management  investment  company  and  such  registration  has not been
revoked or rescinded and is in full force and effect.

            (d)   The Successor Fund does not have any liabilities of a material
amount, contingent or otherwise, and there are no legal, administrative or other
proceedings  pending or, to the Federated Trust's knowledge, threatened  against
the Successor  Fund.   Other  than organizational activities, the Successor Fund
has not engaged in any business activities.

            (e)   At the Exchange  Date,  the Successor Fund Shares to be issued
to  the  Fund will have been duly authorized  and,  when  issued  and  delivered
pursuant to this Agreement, will be legally and validly issued and will be fully
paid and non-assessable by the Federated Trust.  No Federated Trust or Successor
Fund shareholder  will  have any preemptive right of subscription or purchase in
respect thereof.

      4.    The Federated  Trust's Conditions Precedent.  The obligations of the
Federated Trust hereunder shall be subject to the following conditions:

            (a)   The  Fund shall  have  furnished  to  the  Federated  Trust  a
statement of the Fund's assets, including a list of securities owned by the Fund
with their respective tax  costs  and values determined as provided in Section 1
hereof, all as of the Exchange Date.

            (b)   As of the Exchange Date, all representations and warranties of
the Fund made in this Agreement shall  be  true and correct as if made at and as
of  such date, and the Fund shall have complied  with  all  the  agreements  and
satisfied  all  the  conditions  on  its part to be performed or satisfied at or
prior to such date.

            (c)   A meeting of the shareholders  of  the  Fund  to  approve this
Agreement and the transactions and exchange contemplated hereby shall  have been
duly called and held on this Agreement and the transactions contemplated  hereby
shall have been approved by the vote required by applicable law.

      5.    The  Fund's  Conditions  Precedent.   The  obligations  of  the Fund
hereunder  shall  be  subject to the condition that as of the Exchange Date  all
representations and warranties  of  the  Federated  Trust and the Successor Fund
made in this Agreement shall be true and correct as if  made  at  and as of such
date,  and  that the Federated Trust and the Successor Fund shall have  complied
with all of the  agreements  and  satisfied all the conditions on its part to be
performed or satisfied at or prior to such date.

      6.    The  Federated  Trust's  and   Fund's   Conditions  Precedent.   The
obligations of both the Federated Trust and the Fund  hereunder shall be subject
to the following conditions:

            (a)   The Federated Trust's initial Registration Statement, filed on
Form N-1A, relating to the Successor Fund under the Securities  Act  of 1933, as
amended, and the 1940 Act shall have become effective, and any additional  post-
effective  amendments  to  such  Registration Statement as are determined by the
Trustees of the Federated Trust to  be necessary and appropriate shall have been
filed  with  the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  and  shall  have  become

            (b)   No action, suit  or  other  proceeding  shall be threatened or
pending  before  any  court or governmental agency which seeks  to  restrain  or
prohibit, or obtain damages  or  other relief in connection with, this Agreement
or the transactions contemplated herein.

            (c)   Each party shall have received an opinion of Reed Smith LLP to
the effect that the reorganization contemplated by this Agreement qualifies as a
"reorganization" under Section 368(a)(1)(F) of the Code.

            (d)   The Fund and Successor  Fund  shall receive an opinion of Reed
Smith LLP, counsel to the Successor Fund and the  Fund,  in  form  and substance
reasonably acceptable to the Fund and Successor Fund, covering such  matters  as
may  be reasonably requested (unless the officers of the Fund and Successor Fund
determine that such opinion is not required).

            Provided,  however, that at any time prior to the Exchange Date, any
of the foregoing conditions  in  this Section 6 may be waived by the parties if,
in the judgment of the parties, such  waiver  will  not  have a material adverse
effect on the benefits intended under this Agreement to the  shareholders of the

      7. Expenses.

            The Successor Fund, the Fund, and the Federated Trust  will bear the
expenses  associated  with  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this Agreement,
including that the Successor Fund may incur registration fees, on an as incurred
basis, as the parties mutually agree.

      8.    Termination  of  Agreement.   This  Agreement  and  the transactions
contemplated hereby may be terminated and abandoned by the mutual  agreement  of
the  Federated  Trust  and the Fund.  In addition, either the Federated Trust or
the Fund may at its option  terminate  this  Agreement at or before the Exchange
Date due to:

            (a)   a material breach by the other of any material representation,
warranty,  or  agreement  contained herein to be  performed  at  or  before  the
Exchange Date, if not cured within 30 days;

            (b)   a  condition  herein  expressed  to  be  a  precedent  to  the
obligations of the terminating  party  that  has  not been met and it reasonably
appears that it will not or cannot be met;

            (c)   a resolution of the Board of Trustees  of  the Federated Trust
or  the  Board of Directors of the Fund at any time prior to the  Exchange  Date
(and notwithstanding  any vote of the shareholders of the Fund) if circumstances
should develop that, in  the  opinion  of  either  the  Board of Trustees of the
Federated  Trust  or  the Board of Directors of the Fund, proceeding  with  this
Agreement is no longer  in the best interests of the Fund or the Successor Fund,

            If this Agreement is terminated and the exchange contemplated hereby
is abandoned pursuant to  the provisions of this Section 8, this Agreement shall
become void and have no effect,  without  any liability on the part of any party
hereto or the Directors, officers or shareholders  of  the Fund or the Trustees,
officers or shareholders of the Federated Trust, in respect of this Agreement.

      9.    Waiver and Amendments.  At any time prior to  the Exchange Date, any
of the conditions set forth in Section 4 may be waived by the  Board of Trustees
of the Federated Trust, and any of the conditions set forth in Section  5 may be
waived by the Board of Directors of the Fund, if, in the judgment of the waiving
party,  such  waiver  will  not  have  a material adverse effect on the benefits
intended  under  this  Agreement  to  the  shareholders   of  the  Fund  or  the
shareholders of the Successor Fund, as the case may be.  In  addition,  prior to
the Exchange Date, any provision of this Agreement may be amended or modified by
the Boards of the Fund and the Federated Trust if such amendment or modification
would  not have a material adverse effect upon the benefits intended under  this
Agreement  and  would  be consistent with the best interests of the Fund and the
Successor Fund.

      10.   No Survival  of  Representations.   None  of the representations and
warranties  included or provided for herein shall survive  consummation  of  the
transactions contemplated hereby.

      11.   Governing  Law.   This  Agreement shall be governed and construed in
accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania,  without  giving
effect to principles of conflict of laws.

      12.   Capacity of Trustees, Etc.

            (a)   The names "Federated Municipal High Yield Advantage Fund"  and
"Board  of Trustees of the Federated Municipal High Yield Advantage Fund" refer,
respectively,  to  the  trust  created  and  the  trustees,  as trustees but not
individually or personally, acting from time to time under the Federated Trust's
Declaration of Trust, which is hereby referred to and a copy of which is on file
at the office of the State Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and at
the principal office of the Federated Trust.  The obligations  of  the Federated
Trust entered into in the name or on behalf of the Successor Fund by  any of the
trustees,  representatives  or  agents  are  made  not individually, but in such
capacities,  and  are  not  binding  upon any of the trustees,  shareholders  or
representatives of the Federated Trust  personally,  but bind only the Successor
Fund's trust property, and all persons dealing with any  portfolio  of shares of
the  Federated  Trust must look solely to the trust property belonging  to  such
portfolio for the enforcement of any claims against the Federated Trust.

            (b)   Both  parties  specifically  acknowledge  and  agree  that any
liability of the Federated Trust under this Agreement, or in connection with the
transactions contemplated herein, shall be discharged only out of the assets  of
the  Successor  Fund and that no other portfolio of the Federated Trust shall be
liable with respect thereto.

      13.   Counterparts.   This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each
of which, when executed and delivered, shall be deemed to be an original.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the  Federated  Trust  and  the  Fund have caused this
Agreement and Plan of Reorganization to be executed as of the  date  above first

                                           Federated Municipal High Yield
                                           Advantage Fund, Inc.,



                                           Federated Municipal Securities Income
                                           on behalf of its portfolio, Federated
                                           Municipal High Yield Advantage Fund



KNOW  ALL  PERSONS  BY  THESE  PRESENTS  that  the  undersigned  Shareholders of
Federated  Municipal  High  Yield  Advantage Fund, Inc. (the "Fund"),  a  hereby
appoint George Magera, Jamie Whetzel,  Catherine  Ryan,  Allison  Miller, Alicia
Allison and Suzy Land, or any one of them, true and lawful attorneys,  with  the
power  of  substitution  of  each,  to  vote  all  shares  of the Fund which the
undersigned  is  entitled  to  vote at the Special Meeting of Shareholders  (the
"Meeting") to be held on October  19, 2006, at 5800 Corporate Drive, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, at 2:00 p.m. and at any adjournment thereof.

The attorneys named will vote the shares represented by this proxy in accordance
with the choices made on this ballot.  If no choice is indicated as to the item,
this proxy will be voted affirmatively  on the matters.  Discretionary authority
is hereby conferred as to all other matters  as  may  properly  come  before the
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.



                         FOR                     [   ]
                         AGAINST                 [   ]
                         ABSTAIN                 [   ]

                                           YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT
                                           Please complete, sign and return
                                           this card as soon as possible.



                                           Signature (Joint Owners)

Please sign this  proxy  exactly as your name appears on the books of the Trust.
Joint  owners should each sign  personally.   Directors  and  other  fiduciaries
should indicate  the  capacity  in which they sign, and where more than one name
appears, a majority must sign.  If  a corporation, this signature should be that
of an authorized officer who should state his or her title.