5800 Corporate Drive
                      Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15237-7000

                                October 23, 2006

EDGAR Operations Branch
Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Investment Management
100 F Street, N. E.
Washington, DC  20549

           1933 Act File No. 333-137591
          1940 Act File No. 811-3181

Dear Sir or Madam:

       The  following  responds  to  your specific instruction that we furnish a
written review of the responses provided  to the oral comments received from the
Commission's staff on October 10, 2006 and  on October 16, 2006, with respect to
the  N-14 filing for the above referenced Fund  filed  with  the  Commission  on
September 26, 2006.

Responses to October 10, 2006 comments:

       (1)   In response to your first comment, the accounting survivor of the
Reorganization will be Federated Short-Term Municipal Trust (STMT).  This
determination was made by applying the criteria outlined in the North American
Security Trust no-action letter (available August 5, 1994).  In applying these
criteria it was determined that STMT should be the accounting survivor because:

   {circle}STMT will contribute a majority of the assets of the surviving fund;

   {circle}The investment objective, policies and restrictions of STMT will be
       the investment objective, policies and restrictions of the surviving

   {circle}The expense structures and ratios of the surviving funds' shares will
       be those of STMT;

   {circle}The portfolio composition of the surviving fund following the
       Reorganization will most resemble that of STMT.

The investment adviser of the two funds is the same.  Accordingly, no weight was
given to this factor.

       (2)   In  response  to your second comment, the Valuation Policies of the
funds are identical and are  discussed  in  each  fund's  prospectus  under  the
section  titled  "What  Do Shares Cost?"  The prospectuses for the two funds are
incorporated  by  reference   into   the  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement,  and  the
prospectus for STMT will be sent with  the  Prospectus/Proxy  Statement  to  the
shareowners of LTMF.

       (3)  In  response  to  your  third  comment, please note that the section
titled "Certain Effect of the Reorganization  on  LTMF Class F Shareholders" has
been deleted.  It is Federated's intention to grandfather  the Federated Limited
Term  Municipal  Fund  Class  F  shareowners  such that their accounts  are  not
liquidated due to their balances being below the  $25,000 level.   The following
disclosure to this effect has been added to the Prospectus/Proxy Statement under
the  caption  "Purchase,  Redemption  and  Exchange  Procedures;  Dividends  and
Distributions; Tax Information; Frequent Trading; Portfolio Holdings Information
- - Purchases:"

             "Although the normal minimum account size for Institutional Service
       Shares of STMT is $25,000, accounts of holders of LTMF Class F Shares
       which are in existence at the date of the Reorganization and which become
       STMT Institutional Service Share accounts as a result of the
       Reorganization will remain subject to the same $1,500 minimum account
       size requirements as were applicable to the account prior to the
       Reorganization.  Any new accounts established after the Reorganization
       will be subject to the $25,000 minimum investment requirement applicable
       generally to STMT Institutional Service Share accounts.  The minimum
       account size applicable to Class A shares of STMT is the same $1,500
       applicable to Class A Shares of LTMF."

       (4)   In  response to your fourth comment, the following  disclosure  has
been added to the  "Tax  Consequences"  section  discussing the Reorganization's
impact on portfolio securities:

       "The Funds' investment adviser does not intend to sell securities in
       connection with the Reorganization except to fund redemptions or in the
       normal course of business."

       (5)   In  response to your fifth comment, please  see  the  attached  fee
table  for  Class A  Shares,  which  has  been  added  to  the  Prospectus/Proxy

       (6)   In response to your sixth comment, the following disclosure
discussing limitations on the use of capital loss-carry forwards has been added
to the section titled "Federal Income Tax Consequences":

       "It is anticipated that any capital loss carryover for LTMF, which was
       generated prior to the Reorganization and which is unutilized as of the
       time of the Reorganization, will be subject to an annual limitation on
       use because it is anticipated that the Reorganization will result in an
       "ownership change" under Section 382 of the Code with respect to LTMF.
       Under Section 382, the amount of such unutilized capital losses which may
       be used to offset capital gain of STMT after the Reorganization in any
       year are generally limited to an amount equal to the value of the Shares
       of LTMF immediately prior to the Reorganization multiplied by the long-
       term tax-exempt rate (an interest rate set monthly by the Internal
       Revenue Service by reference to the interest rate on long-term federal
       obligation, as adjusted).  There are certain exceptions and adjustments
       to the annual limitation under Section 382 of the Code which may or may
       not be applicable to the STMT after the Reorganization."

       (7)   In response to your seventh comment, the following disclosure
discussing any potential sales of securities due to the Reorganization has been
added to the end of the "Pro Forma Combining Portfolios of Investments" section
of the SAI:

       "All securities held by LTMF meet the investment criteria for STMT. The
       Fund's investment adviser does not intend to sell securities in
       connection with the Reorganization except to fund redemptions or in the
       normal course of business."

Responses to October 16, 2006 comments:

       (1)   In response to your first comment, Tandy Representation was
provided in the N-14 letter filed with the Commission on September 26, 2006.

       (2)   In  response to your second comment, to the section titled "Summary
- - Certain Effects  of  the  Reorganization  on LTMF Class F Shareholders", it is
Federated's intention to grandfather the Federated  Limited  Term Municipal Fund
Class  F shareowners with accounts less than $25,000.  Therefore,  this  section
has been  deleted,  and  the language quoted above has been added to the section
captioned,  "Purchase,  Redemption   and   Exchange  Procedures;  Dividends  and
Distributions; Tax Information; Frequent Trading; Portfolio Holdings Information
- - Purchases."

       (3)   In response to your third comment, to the section titled
"Comparison of Investment Objectives, Policies and Limitations", the following
disclosure has been added to describe the word "primarily".

       "meaning that a majority in value of the securities will be investment
       grade at the time of purchase."

       (4)   In response to your fourth comment, the following duration example
has been added to the section titled "Comparison of Investment Objectives,
Policies and Limitations":

       "For example, at June 30, 2006, the dollar weighted average duration of
       STMT and LTMF was 2.15 years and 1.99 years respectively.  If interest
       rates were to decline by 50 basis points (0.5%), and all other
       factors held constant, then STMT and LTMF would theoretically experience
       net asset value appreciation of 1.1% and 1.0% respectively.  Conversely,
       if interest rates were to rise by 50 basis points, then STMT and LTMF
       would experience net asset value depreciation of (1.1%) and (1.0%)
       respectively.  In this example, the portfolio of STMT is slightly more
       sensitive to changes in interest rates, which can lead to greater price
       appreciation in declining interest rate environments and greater price
       depreciation in declining interest rate environments."

       (5)   In response to your fifth comment,  the  following  disclosure  has
been  added  amplifying  the  disclosure  provided  in  the  table of each funds
limitation on borrowing money:

       "Under the 1940 Act, LTMF is permitted to borrow from banks provided that
       immediately after any such borrowing the value of LTMF's assets, minus
       all liabilities other than such borrowings, is at least three times the
       aggregate amount of such borrowings.  While under its fundamental
       limitations STMT may borrow similar amounts, it may not do so for
       investment leverage, but only on a temporary or emergency basis to fund

       (6)   In response to your sixth comment on the Class A Shares in the STMT
"Average Annual Return Table," the table has been revised to remove the returns
for STMT Class A Shares, which were erroneously included in the original filing,
and the introductory paragraph has been revised to indicate that historical
returns for STMT Class A Shares are not available, since this is a new class,
but would be substantially similar to those of STMT's Institutional Service
Shares, differing only to the extent that the expenses of the two classes

Please contact Heidi Loeffert at 412.288.4827 with any questions.

                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                     /s/ Heidi Loeffert
                                                     Heidi Loeffert