From: David Sandberg
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2009 12:22 PM
To: ''
Cc: 'James S. Gladney'; 'Tennyson, Peter J.'
Subject: response?

Dear Lou,

Jim Gladney informed me that you proactively emailed him immediately pursuant
to last Thursday's earnings call informing him you had been looking forward to
his questions (you emailed him 23 minutes after the call's start time, writing:
"Was looking forward to your questions. L."  Unless I am mistaken - and if so,
please correct me - I will assume your email reflected your expectation that
Mr. Gladney (and others) would be provided with an opportunity to communicate
with management on this call.  As you are aware, on Friday (the day after the
earnings call), I cc'd you on an email I wrote to Dick Snyder where I inquired
- - among other things - as to why at least six individuals (and others from
message boards) were not permitted to ask questions on Asure's earnings call on
Thursday.  As I am sure you are also aware, opening calls for questions from
the audience is customary with public earnings calls and is consistent with
every earnings call Asure has provided at least since you personally joined the
Board back in 2003.

Assuming your email to Mr. Gladney confirms the intent was to maintain industry
(and Asure) standard practice and allow questions on the earnings calls, can
you inform us as to when a new call will be held which offers shareholders
(such as Mr. Gladney and others) this opportunity?  Alternatively, if callers
were intentionally blocked from asking questions we would appreciate this
information as well as we need to understand why this is the first time since
you joined the Board that shareholders have been denied their right to ask
questions.  Given your pro-active, real-time communication and interaction with
Jim Gladney I felt that you would be the right person to contact, especially as
Dick Snyder has not replied to this same inquiry.

For reference, as Asure set a July 10 record date (just 20 days prior to the
upcoming Annual Meeting vs. 50 days prior for all other meetings decided by
this same Board) and recently reported its earnings, we believe there is plenty
of time for management to hold this important call with the investing public in
the near-term.  Consistent with past calls, we expect this would take under one
hour.  As a large shareholder, communication with the management team of a
company I have invested real dollars with is of great importance, especially
given the expectation for this type of communication on at least a quarterly
basis.  Given the contested proxy, I am happy to have Red Oak and Pinnacle
employees abstain from asking questions so as to not place Asure's management
in difficult situations facing tough questions from us in a public forum.
Again, our interest is in allowing shareholders as a whole to ask questions
about a company which they collectively own.  Your timely reply as to whether
this was intentional or was an error - and will be corrected - is appreciated.
A brief email will suffice.


David Sandberg
Portfolio Manager
Red Oak Partners, LLC
(212) 614-8952 direct
(646) 773-6277 cell
(646) 390-6784 fax
654 Broadway, Suite 5
New York , NY 10012