June 22, 2009

						     direct dial:  214/745-5600

Peter J. Tennyson, Esq.				`	      VIA FACSIMILE AND
Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP				 CERTIFIED MAIL
695 Town Center Drive, 17th Floor
Costa Mesa, CA  92626

Dear Mr. Tennyson:

	This firm represents Forgent Networks, Inc. d/b/a Asure Software.
Reference is made to the June 15, 2009 letter from Pinnacle Fund, LLLP to
Forgent (copy attached).  Forgent has asked us to respond to you, as counsel
for Pinnacle.

	Pinnacle's demand to inspect certain books and records of the Company
is deficient in that it fails to state a proper purpose as required under
Delaware law.  Consequently, the Company will not be providing Pinnacle access
to the Company's books and records and other documents as demanded.

							Very truly yours,

							Mark G. Johnson


cc:  Nancy Harris, President and CEO