654 Broadway, Suite 5 | New York, New York 10012
Telephone (212) 614-8952 | Facsimile (646) 390-6784

June 29, 2009

Management and Board of Directors
Forgent Networks, Inc.
108 Wild Basin Road
Austin, TX 78746

Re:	Request to Give Shareholders an opportunity to Communicate with You

Dear Management and the Board of Directors:

I am writing to request - for a third time - that you not deprive Asure
shareholders of an open question and answer session for shareholders,
individuals, and interested parties relating to the release of quarterly
earnings.  It has been Asure's (and the industry's) long-established practice
to do this, and in your June 12 announcement of the June 18 call you gave
instructions for participation, but those who tried could not comment,
according to at least seven holders we are aware of.  Two recent
communications - one sent to Asure's Chairman Dick Snyder and one sent to
Asure's Director Lou Mazzuchelli directly addressing this same topic have gone

In our recent communications to Mr. Snyder and Mr. Mazzuchelli (which we have
attached), we informed them we've heard from several (now at least seven)
individuals who attempted to ask questions during the June 18th earnings call
and were unable to.  Importantly, only one of these individuals was affiliated
with Red Oak or Pinnacle.  Message boards indicate other shareholders were
similarly denied the chance to speak.

Given one of Asure's largest shareholders, James Gladney, informed us that he
contacted Mr. Snyder in advance of the June 18th call in order to confirm
whether he would be permitted to ask questions and given Asure Director Lou
Mazzuchelli pro-actively emailed Mr. Gladney just 23 minutes after the earnings
call started to inquire about Mr. Gladney's questions, it appears possible that
there may have been an intent to provide a question and answer session and that
an error occurred.  However, the lack of any response from Mr. Snyder, Mr.
Mazzuchelli, or anyone at ASUR now more than one week after being informed of
this starts to suggest that the failure to hold a Q&A session may not have been
an error.  As such, if there was an error please rectify it by holding a new
question and answer session as soon as possible - we believe anytime in the
next few days would work well and further believe that ASUR's shareholders care
enough about their company that only two days advance notification is necessary
to ensure a well-attended call.  We already informed Mr. Mazzuchelli in our
email to him that we want what's best for all shareholders and have offered
that Red Oak and Pinnacle employees will refrain from asking questions in a new
call - all we want is for shareholders and interested individuals to be given
their expected chance to ask about the business which they collectively own and
have interest in.

Frankly, speaking, given that you are recommending that shareholders re-ratify
the appointment of an auditor who billed ASUR what we believe is an absurd
$420,000 in 2008, we view the 45-60 minutes of expected question and answer
time as perhaps one of your most reasonable expenses and uses of time.  If Mr.
Snyder, Mr. Peterson, or Mrs. Harris are traveling, they can easily be
conferenced in as the call has always taken one hour or less.  Lastly, we
remind you that your effort to take ASUR private failed by a wide enough margin
that you called off the entire special meeting, a fact you may not appreciate
but which clearly indicates that shareholders want the public accountability,
visibility, and communication expected from a public company.  We believe
shareholders are owed the same opportunity to ask questions as they have
received, consistent with industry practice, and would hope that you agree.  As
this is the last chance for shareholders and interested parties to ask
questions before the scheduled Annual Meeting, you really ought to hold this

Further, as an owner of record of Asure's shares, Pinnacle Fund wrote you a
letter on Monday, June 15th requesting information which Red Oak and Pinnacle
clearly believe shareholders have a right to know.  You replied - one week
later - that you would not provide this information.  This behavior coupled
with the absence of a response or correction to the skipped June 18 question
and answer session is making us increasingly concerned with the intent of
Asure's management team and Board to communicate with its shareholders and
provide the transparency for which you have publicly patted yourselves on the
back (please refer to your May 18, 2009 press release).  We ask that you
provide this transparency and further reinforce that anything less indicates
poor governance.

Lastly, we wish to again address your assertion that we are seeking control of
ASUR without a tender offer.  Because Red Oak and Pinnacle employees comprise
just two of the six nominees, we reject this claim entirely.  Instead, Pinnacle
asked other large ASUR shareholders to refer qualified nominees, and in this
manner Pat Goepel, Bob Graham, and Jeffrey Vogel were introduced to Pinnacle.
Beyond this, Pinnacle and Red Oak have no relationships with nor have ever
worked with any of the four unaffiliated nominees.  As such, nominees Goepel,
Graham, Vogel, and Ferris are truly independent of Pinnacle and Red Oak.  The
last time we checked, four out-votes two.  If your math tells you differently
then that perhaps explains why instead of attempting to reduce costs you are
seeking to re-appoint Ernst & Young and saddle shareholders with yet another
egregious audit bill.


        its general partner

	its general partner

By: ______________________________
    David Sandberg, Managing Member

cc: Corporate Secretary