DEAN HEUER STATE OF NEVADA CHARLES E. MOORE Secretary of State Securities Administrator RENEE L PARKER SCOTT ANDERSON Chief Deputy Secretary of State Deputy Secretary for Commercial Recordings Deputy Secretary for Southern Nevada OFFICE OF THE Deputy Secretary for Elections SECRETARY OF STATE Filing Acknowledgement February 21, 2006 Job Number C20060221-0791 Corporation C4136-1997 Number Document Filing Filing Description Number Date/Time of Filing Amendment 20060102159-06 February 21,2006 09:00:06AM Corporation Name Resident Agent UNITED ECOENERGY CORP. LAUGHLIN ASSOCIATES, Inc. The attached document(s) were filed with the Nevada Secretary of State, Commercial Recordings Division. The filing date and time have been affixed to each document, indicating the date and time of filing. A filing number is also affixed and can be used to reference this document in the future. DEAN HELLER Secretary of State Commercial Recording Division 202 N. Carson Street Carson City, Nevada 89701-4069 Telephone (775) 684-5708 Fax (775) 684-7138