GEOLOGICAL EVALUATION REPORT

                                     on the

                            LUCKY TODD MINERAL CLAIMS

Similkameen Mining Division                                    NTS 092H.045/046

Vancouver, B.C.                                     Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
July 31, 2005                                        Laurence Sookochoff, P.Eng

                              Claron Ventures Inc.
                          Geological Evaluation Report
                               Lucky Todd Property

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Introduction                                                                 3.
Summary                                                                      3.
Property Description, Location & Access                                      4.
Physiography, Climate, and Vegetation                                        4.
Infrastructure                                                               5.
Water and Power                                                              5.
Area History                                                                 6.
Property History                                                             6.
Regional Geology                                                             7.
Property Geology                                                             8.
Mineralization                                                               8.
Phase I Exploration Program (Completed)                                      9.
Conclusions                                                                 10.
Recommended Exploration Program & Estimated Cost                            11.
Selected References                                                         12.
Certificate                                                                 13.


Figure 1.     Location Map                                  following page   3.
Figure 2.     Claim Map                                     following page   4.
Figure 3.     Regional Geology                              following page   7.
Figure 4.     Relief Map                                    following page   9.
Figure5.      Aeromag Map                                   following page  10.


Appendix 1    Assay Certificate


At  the  request  of  officials  of  Claron  Ventures Inc. ("Claron") the writer
prepared  this  evaluation  report  on  the Lucky Todd Mineral Claim ground, the
results  of  former  and  current  exploration,  and to recommend an exploration
program to continue the exploration and development of the ground with a view to
establish  sufficient  gold  bearing  reserves  on  which  to  base a productive
economic  operation.
Information  for  this  report was obtained from sources as cited under Selected
References  and  from  personal  reports  the writer has written on the specific


The  Lucky  Todd property is comprised of a twelve-cell claim block with an area
of  approximately 550 acres located in southwestern British Columbia, Canada, 22
miles  west  of  Princeton,  an  historic  mining  center.

The property is situated to the west of the western periphery of the Nicola Belt
of  rocks  within  an area of Jurassic tonalite intrusives (Ljto), the Princeton
Group  of  conglomerates  (coarse elastics) and sedimentary (sandstones) and the
Cretaceous  Pasayton Group. The property appears to occur within the intrusives,
however,  the  property is reported to be underlain by the Pasayton Group, which
in  this  location,  is  comprised  of mainly grits and shale. Intrusive stocks,
plugs,  and  dykes  are  common  on  and  peripheral  to  the  property.

The  mineralization  at  the  Lucky Todd showings is reported to occur in poorly
defined  zones  and  disseminations  hosted  by  a  shear within greenstones and
associated  intrusives. Evidence of copper mineralization is reportedly observed
for  approximately  2,000  feet  above  the valley floor in a northerly trending
mineralized zone that has been explored by eleven adits for an aggregate footage
of  more  than  600  feet.

Sulphides  within  the  shear  zones  include  chalcopyrite, pyrite, bomite, and
tetrahedrite  with reported assays of Trace Au; 11 oz Ag/ton; and 1.6% Cu across
50  inches.  In  addition  to  the  shear  zone mineralization there is reported
mineralization  of pyrite and chalcopyrite as a stockwork hosted by granodiorite
of  the Eagle Plutonic complex and as porphyry related gold, with assays of 0.69
oz  Au/ton  over  an  unreported  width. The location of this zone is not known.

A  1980  exploration  program  over  ground  covering  the  Lucky  Todd workings
reportedly  resulted  in  the  delineation  of a pronounced VLF-EM anomaly, some
correlative  high  copper  and high silver values, and a significant geochemical
anomaly of an elongated zone of high copper values paralleling the strike of the
large  VLF-EM  anomaly.

In a July 2005 initial exploration program completed on the Lucky Todd Property,
by  Claron  Ventures  Inc.  a selected grab sample from the adit 1 dump returned
2.129%  copper.

An  exploration  program  of  data  compilation,  followed  by  geochemical  and
geophysical  surveys'  is  recommended to delineate potentially economic mineral
zones  hosted  by  the  Lucky  Todd  structure.


The  property  consists of a 12-cell claim covering an area of approximately 500
acres.  Particulars  are  as  follows:

Claim Name        Cells        Tenure No.        Expiry Date
- ----------        -----        ----------       --------------
Lucky Todd          4            509396         March 22, 2006
Lucky Todd 2        8            516354           July 8, 2006

The  property is located in southwestern British Columbia, Canada, 22 miles west
of  Princeton at the confluence of Vuich and Railroad Creeks and within one mile
southwest  of  the  junction  of  Vuich  Creek  with  the  Tulameen  River.

Favourable  access  is  provided by gravel road from Tulameen, a small community
some  16  miles  north of Princeton, for 16 road miles westward to, and through,
the  central  portion  of  the  property.


The  property is situated within a mountainous region at the western edge of the
Douglas  Plateau,  which  is  within  the  physiographic  area designated as the
Interior  Plateau of British Columbia The property area is one moderate to steep
mountainous slopes with incised valleys. Elevations range from 3,350 feet within
the  Vuich Creek valley at the northeast of the Property, to 4,450 feet along an
east-facing  slope  of  a  mountain. Much of the property covers low to moderate
relief  within  the  Railroad  and  Vuich  Creek  valleys.

The  region  is  situated  within  the  dry belt of British Columbia with yearly
rainfall  between  10 and 12 inches. Temperatures during the summer months could
reach  a  high  of  85  F  with an average of 40 ; the winter temperatures could
reach a low of -20  with an average of 15  F. On the property, snow cover on the
ground  could  be  from  December  to  April  and  would not hamper a year-round
exploration  and/or  development  program.

There  are  adequate  sites  on  and/or peripheral to the property for potential
tailings  storage  areas,  waste  disposal  areas  and  processing  plant sites.


Princeton,  a  historic  mining  centre,  would  be  a source of experienced and
reliable  exploration  and mining personnel and a supply for most mining related
equipment.  Princeton has a non-commercial airport that could be used to fulfill
the  immediate requirements for an active exploration and/or development program
on  the  property.  Otherwise,  commercial  airline  services  are  provided  at
Penticton,  some  55  air  miles  distant.

Vancouver,  a port city on the southwest corner of, and the largest city, in the
Province  of  British  Columbia, is 100 air miles east-southeast of the property
and  less  than  one  hour  by  air  from  Penticton.


Sufficient  water  for  all phases of the exploration program could be available
from  the  many  creeks  that  are  located within the confines of the property.
Electrical  power may be available from a high voltage transmission line that is
within  twenty  miles  east  of  the  property.

Diesel-electrical power would be required in the initial stages of development
and production.


The  history  of  the  immediate area stems the late 1890's when copper deposits
were  discovered in the area. It was not until the discovery of placer gold near
Princeton  that the copper discoveries gained interest and the first claims were
staked  in  1892 at Copper Mountain, 10 miles east of Princeton,. After years of
exploration  and  development,  and the increase in copper prices resulting from
higher  wartime  copper  prices,  a  2,000 ton per day concentrator was built to
process  the ores mined at Copper Mountain, however, the concentrator only began
treating  ore  in  1925. To 1936 the concentrator had treated 34,775,101 tons of
ore, mostly from underground operations, producing 613,139,846 pounds of copper,
187,294  ounces  of  gold,  and  4,384,097  ounces  of  silver.

Exploration  and  underground  development  continued  to  1970 resulting in ore
reserves  estimated  at  76  million tons averaging 0.53 per cent copper. In the
same year a concentrator was constructed with a capacity of 15,000 tons per day.


Underground  exploration  and  minimal  surface development was completed on the
Lucky  Todd  showings  prior to 1937. According to the 1937 BC Minister of Mines
Report,  the  workings  consist  of a little surface work and eleven adits of an
aggregate  footage  of more than 600 feet. The adits are all crosscuts except in
two  instances,  and  many  have  been  abandoned  either  before reaching their
objective  or  because  results  were  not  promising.

In  1980,  a  magnetic, VLF-EM & soil geochemistry survey was completed over the
then  Lucky  Todd  claim  group  that included the Lucky Todd showings. D. Mark,
Geophysicist of Geotronics Surveys Ltd, in a report on the program dated May 28,
1981  reported  that:  a  pronounced VLF-EM anomaly probably reflects underlying
structure,  eg, a shear or fault zone; there was some correlation of high copper
and high silver values; an elongated zone of high copper values, parallel to the
strike of the large VLF-EM anomaly, is the most significant geochemical anomaly;
and  high  copper  concentrations  were  recorded  close  to  Vuich  Creek.


Copper  Mountain  is  situated  near the southern terminus of the Nicola Belt, a
northerly  trending  terrain  some  25 miles wide extending from near the United
States  border  to  Kamloops Lake, united by similar stratigraphy and tectonics,
and noted for its large number of copper mines and prospects. The terrain has as
its  fundamental  rock  unit the Upper Triassic Nicola Group, composed mainly of
basaltic  andesite  flows  and  pyroclastic rocks with greywacke, argillite, and
reefoid  limestone, although the stratigraphy is still poorly known. The belt is
largely  bounded  by  plutons  but  has  older  rocks  on  parts of it s eastern
periphery.  Structurally  it  is  characterized by much faulting which generally
includes  older  east-west  and northwest trending structures cut by later north
trending  ones, the largest of which is the Summers Creek and Quilchena Creek to
Nicola  Lake  and  Moore  Creek.


The  Nicola  Group  within  the  map-area  includes a variety of volcanic rocks,
sedimentary bodies that are directly related to the volcanic suite. The volcanic
rocks  are  generally  rocks  that are largely of volcanic derivation, and minor
dykes,  sills,  and  irregular  intrusive  andesites.


The  Princeton  Group  is  comprised  of  units of conglomerates and sandstones,
volcanics,  and  extrusive  rocks.

At  Copper  Mountain  the  conglomerates  and sandstones are comprised of coarse
boulder  conglomerate  and  minor  sandstone.  The conglomerate contains rounded
pebbles,  cobbles,  and  boulders  suggesting  that  the  conglomerate  probably
occupies  an ancient stream course that followed a fault. Interbeds of sandstone
occur  within  the  conglomerate.

The  volcanic formation is comprised of both extrusive and intrusive phases. The
most  common  rock  type  is  the extrusive and is of fine-grained oxyhornblende
andesite  porphyry.  This  rock is grey to brownish grey where fresh, but can be
pink,  brick  red,  or light green depending on the degree and type of oxidation
and  weathering.  It  is  typified  by  a  fine-grained, quartz-poor matrix with
needles  of basaltic hornblende that are commonly preferentially oriented and up
to  five  millimeters  long.  Associated with the andesite flows are subordinate
amounts  of  tuff,  lapilli  tuff,  and,  in  places,  coarse  volcanic breccia.


Rocks of the Pasayton Group, as occurring at the Copper Mountain area, consist
of volcanic rocks and predominantly sedimentary rocks that are comprised of
massive grit, dark and sandy argillite, purple volcanic rocks, and conglomerate.


The property is situated to the west of the western periphery of the Nicola Belt
of  rocks.  A  northerly  trending zone of Late Jurassic aged, unnamed, tonalite
intrusives  (Ljto) occurs adjacent to the western border of the Nicola Group for
approximately  four  miles  to a contact with the Eocene aged Princeton Group of
conglomerates  (coarse  elastics)  and sedimentary (sandstones). The property is
located  within  the intrusive within half a mile of the contact. To the west of
the Princeton Group and approximately one mile west of the property, is a thrust
fault  contact  with  the  Cretaceous aged Pasayton Group of coarse elastics and
sedimentary  rocks.

The  property  appears  to occurs within the tonalite intrusives as indicated on
the  Regional  Geology  Map  (Figure 4), however, the property is reported to be
underlain  by the Pasayton Group, which in this location, is comprised of mainly
grits and shale. Intrusive stocks, plugs, and dykes are common on and peripheral
to  the  property.  The interrelated rock type proximal to an intrusive/sediment
contact  is  a  common  occurrence.

According  to the British Columbia MINFILE Report 092H240 This copper showing is
on  the east bank of Vuich Creek, 100 metres east of the mouth of Railroad Creek
and  20  kilometres  southwest  of  Tulameen.


The  mineralization  at  the  Lucky Todd showings is reported to occur in poorly
defined  zones  and  disseminations  hosted  by  a  shear within greenstones and
associated  intrusives. Evidence of copper mineralization is reportedly observed
for  approximately  2,000  feet  above  the valley floor in a northerly trending
mineralized zone that has been explored by eleven adits for an aggregate footage
of  more  than  600  feet.


Reported  mineralization  in  one  adit  at an elevation of 4,550 feet, 770 feet
above  the  road  and paralleling the creek, is of a copper-bearing shear-hosted
zone  that  is  terminated  after 25 feet by a fault. The shear (same?) again is
exposed in the last 15 feet of the 60-foot drift. Sparse pyrite and chalcopyrite
occur  over  a width of between three and six feet. A second adit 60 feet to the
south,  driven  in  partly sheared greenstone near a contact with diorite, shows
traces  of  mineralization.

A  third  adit  100  feet  north  from  the  first  and 15 feet higher reveals a
westerly-dipping  zone  of  shearing  with  easterly-dipping components and flat
rolls.  Near  the  end  of  the northwesterly trending adit, a southerly-dipping
fault  in  greenstone  and  some  talcose  schist,  with  slight  evidence  of
mineralization  is  exposed.  The  adit  was driven on a greenstone with talcose
shear  exposed in an open-cut at the portal where mineralization is evident over
a normal width of 15 feet in both easterly and westerly-dipping bands. Sulphides
include chalcopyrite, pyrite, bomite, and tetrahedrite. A reported sample across
50  inches  at  the west side of this exposure returned: Trace Au; 11 oz Ag/ton;
and  1.6%  Cu.

The  BC Government MINDEP files on the "Superior; Lucky Todd; Reilly" report the
significant  minerals  as  pyrite  and  chalcopyrite  as  a  stockwork hosted by
granodiorite of the Eagle Plutonic complex and as porphyry related gold, as well
as  porphyry  Cu   Mo   Au.  The MINDEP file includes an assay of 0.69 oz Au/ton
over  an  unreported  width.


In the Phase I exploration program completed for Claron Ventures Inc., the
following was completed:

     1)   Prospecting  was  done  to  locate  the MINDEP reported porphyry style
          stockwork zone of copper/gold mineralization;

     2)   Samples  were  taken  from  Adit  1  (770  feet above the road) of the
          Lucky Todd shear zone which adit is as described in the Mineralization
          section of this report.

     3)   An  additional  eight  cells  were  staked  peripheral to the original
          Lucky Todd claim


          1)  The  prospecting  failed  to  locate  the  zone of MINDEP reported
     porphyry style Intrusive-hosted copper/gold mineralization.

          2) Sample Results from the Adit 1 area are reported in Table I


Sample                          Type                                    Description                   %Cu
- ------------  ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------  -----

LUCKY TODD 1  Dump grab                                 Heavy chalcopyrite in greenstone             1.657
- ------------  ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------  -----
LUCKY TODD 2  Chip across 2.5 feet at portal            Sparse pyrite and chalcopyrite               0.026
- ------------  ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------  -----
LUCKY TODD 3  Dump grab                                 Moderate pyrite and chalcopyrite in breccia  2.129
- ------------  ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------  -----
LUCKY TODD 4  Chip across 4.0 feet 1 0 feet into drift  Sparse pyrite and chalcopyrite               0.039
- ------------  ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------  -----

          3)  The eight newly-staked cells adjoining the Lucky Todd claim to the
     west, north, and the east and are designated as the Lucky Todd 2 claim.


The  Lucky Todd property covers two types of mineral zones; a shear zone hosting
significant  values  in  copper  and  an  intrusive-hosted  potential  porphyry
copper-gold  mineral zone. The shear zone, although hosting inconsistent, spotty
and  discontinuous  copper  values,  has  the potential of containing continuous
mineral  zones  of  "ore-grade"  values.  The known zone is ideally situated for
economic  mining  methods, being above the valley floor where a production drift
can be driven on the zone at the valley level and the mineral zone developed and
mined  by  a  series  of  raises  and  stopes.

The porphyry type copper-gold mineralization, although reported to be within the
confines  of  the  property  but  not located, indicates the potential for large
tonnage,  consistent grade mineralization; potentially a Princeton type deposit.


A  continuing  exploration program of initial prospecting, sampling, and mapping
to  determine  the  prime  localities  of  mineralization  on  which  to  focus
concentrated  exploration.  Systematic  sampling of the veins and host rock with
analysis  of  the vein material would be required to determine the nature of the
veins  and  potential  mineral  controls.

Phase I     (Completed)

Phase II
       Coverage of the Lucky Todd property in prospecting
       and a VLF-EM survey over the shear zone
Phase III
       Sampling and geological mapping of the veins within
       anomalous zones
Phase IV
       Test diamond drilling of the prime targets
                Total Estimated Cost                                 $ 52,500.00

Phase II of the recommended exploration program is estimated to take three weeks
to complete.

It is the author's opinion that the geological character of the Lucky Todd
property is of sufficient merit to justify the recommended exploration program.

                                         Respectfully submitted
                                         Sookochoff Consultants Inc.

                                         /s/ Laurence Sookochoff, P. Eng.
                                         Laurence Sookochoff, P. Eng.

Vancouver, BC
July 31, 2005


MINFILE - 092H240 Superior; Lucky Todd; Reilly

PRETO, V.A. - Geology of Copper Mountain. Bulletin 59 Ministry of Energy, Mines
               and Petroleum Resources. 1972.

RICE, H.M.A. - Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Princeton Mp-Area, British
               Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada. Memoir 243, 1960.

SOOKOCHOFF, L. - Geological Report on the Lucky Todd Property for Royalon
                 Ventures Inc. 1980.


I, Laurence Sookochoff, of the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British
Columbia, do hereby certify:

That I am a Consulting Geologist and principal of Sookochoff Consultants Inc.
with an office address at 1305-1323 Homer Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 5T1.

I, Laurence Sookochoff, further certify that:

1)   I  am  a  graduate  of  the  University of British Columbia (1966) and hold
     a B.Sc. degree in Geology.

2)   I have been practicing my profession for the past thirty-eight years.

3)   I  am  registered  and  in  good  standing  with  the  Association  of
     Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia.

4)   The  information  for  this  report  is based on information as itemized in
     the Selected Reference section of this report.

5)   I  do  not  have  any  direct  or  indirect  interest  in  the  Lucky  Todd
     Mineral Claim nor in the securities of Claron Ventures Inc.

                                               Laurence Sookochoff, P. Eng.

                                               /s/ Laurence Sookochoff, P. Eng.

Vancouver, BC
July 31, 2005

                                   Appendix 1

                                ASSAY CERTIFICATE