WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

       Date of Report (date of earliest event reported): January 13, 2005

                           M POWER ENTERTAINMENT INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

              Delaware                  000-22057         76-0513297
     (State or other jurisdiction     (Commission       (IRS Employer
          of incorporation)            File Number)   Identification No.)

                   2602 Yorktown Place, Houston, Texas 77056
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (212) 731-2310

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[ ]   Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under
      the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4 ))


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On  January  20, 2006, the Board of Directors of M Power Entertainment Inc. (the
"Company")  unanimously agreed by a written consent to action without a meeting,
to  adopt  a  Certificate of Designations for the creation of Series D preferred
stock  ("Series  D  Preferred  Stock").

     The Series D Preferred Stock has a par value of $.001 per share. The Series
D  Preferred  Stock  consists  of  one  thousand  (1,000) shares, each having no
dividend  rights,  no  liquidation  preference,  and no conversion or redemption

rights.  However,  the  one  thousand (1,000) shares of Series D Preferred Stock
have the right, voting in aggregate, to vote on all shareholder matters equal to
fifty-one  percent (51%) of the total vote. For example, if there are 10,000,000
shares  of  the  Company's  common stock issued and outstanding at the time of a
shareholder  vote, the holders of Series D Preferred Stock, voting separately as
a class, will have the right to vote an aggregate of 10,400,000 shares, out of a
total  number  of  20,400,000  shares  voting.

     Additionally,  the  Company shall not adopt any amendments to the Company's
Bylaws,  Articles  of  Incorporation,  as  amended,  make  any  changes  to  the
Certificate  of  Designations,  or  effect  any reclassification of the Series D
Preferred  Stock,  without  the  affirmative  vote  of  at  least 66-2/3% of the
outstanding shares of Series D Preferred Stock. However, the Company may, by any
means  authorized by law and without any vote of the holders of shares of Series
D Preferred Stock, make technical, corrective, administrative or similar changes
to  the  Certificate  of  Designations  that  do  not,  individually  or  in the
aggregate,  adversely  affect the rights or preferences of the holders of shares
of  Series  D  Preferred  Stock.

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     On  January  13, 2006, the Company's Chief Executive Officer and President,
Gary Kimmons determined the  Company's acquisitions of Corazong Music Management
B.V.;  White Canyon, Inc. and Channel Access, Inc.; Alan Howarth, Inc.; and R.S.
Entertainment,  Inc.  (now  M  Power  Releasing,  Inc.),  originally treated and
accounted  for as closed were not closed and therefore the financial information
related  to the acquisitions and the target companies previously included in the
Company's  March  31,  2005,  June  30,  2005  and  September 30, 2005 unaudited
financial statements, which were included in the Company's 10-QSB filings, which
were  made  with  the Commission on  June 22, 2005, August 22, 2005 and December
12,  2005,  respectively, and that as a result, such filings should no longer be
relied  upon.

     Based  on  these  findings,  we determined restatements would cause certain
items  in  the  financial statements in the March 31, 2005 10-QSB, June 30, 2005
10-QSB  and  the  September  30, 2005 10-QSB to be removed and reclassified. The
Company  estimates  that  the impact of these restatements will be material. The
Company  anticipates the restated filings to be completed prior to the filing of
our Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2005.

     The  Company's  Board  of  Directors  has discussed the non-reliance on the
Company's  previously  issued  financial  statements with the Company's previous
independent  accountants,  Hansen Barnett & Maxwell, LLC ("HB&M") up to the date
the  Company's  relationship  with  HB&M  ceased  (as  disclosed in our Form 8-K

filing,  filed  with  the  Commission on January 18, 2008). The Company has also
discussed  the  non-reliance  on  the  Company's  previously  issued  financial
statement  with  the Company's current independent accountants, Malone & Bailey,
PC, Certified Public Accountants.

     The  Company's  management  will  also  reconsider  the  Company's previous
disclosure  regarding the effectiveness and adequacy of the Company's disclosure
controls  and procedures in connection with the Company's failure to account for
the  fact  that the four acquisitions listed above had not closed as of the date
of  the  Company's  filing  which included its March 31, 2005, June 30, 2005 and
September 30, 2005 financial statements.

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     On  December  17,  2004, we entered into a purchase agreement with Corazong
Music Management B.V. ("Corazong" and the "Corazong Agreement"). Pursuant to the
Corazong Agreement, we agreed to pay $1,440,000 worth of our common stock to the
Corazong  sellers in consideration for 100% of the issued and outstanding common
stock  of  Corazong.  Additionally, we agreed to provide Corazong with a line of
credit  up  to  $1,200,000  by  February  15,  2005, and to provide the Corazong
sellers  an  additional  5,000  (Post Split) shares of our common stock for each
month thereafter that the line of credit is not available. To date, we have been
unable  to  provide  the  line  of credit and approximately 55,000 shares of our
common stock have been issued to Corazong sellers. As the line of credit has not
been provided to the Corazong sellers, the Corazong Agreement has not closed and
the  Corazong  sellers  have  the  right  to rescind the transaction. We plan to
negotiate  an  amendment  to the Corazong Agreement with the Corazong sellers in
the  near  future  to  remove the necessity of the line of credit as well as any
other  contingencies  from  the  Corazong Agreement and allow us to finalize and
close  the  acquisition.  Upon  closing  the  transaction,  of which there is no
assurance, we plan to operate Corazong as a wholly owned subsidiary.


     On  April  7, 2005, we entered into a Purchase Agreement (the "White Canyon
Agreement") with two unrelated individuals (the "White Canyon Sellers"), whereby
we  were  to  acquire  100%  of the issued and outstanding common stock of White
Canyon,  Inc.  ("White  Canyon")  and  Channel  Access, Inc. ("Channel Access").
According to the terms of the White Canyon Agreement, we were to issue the White
Canyon  Sellers  an  aggregate  of  1,000,000  shares of our restricted Series C
Convertible  Preferred Stock, each share of which may be converted into four (4)
shares  of  post-split  restricted  common stock, or redeemed by us at $4.00 per
share.  Additionally,  after our completion of our stock-split, we were to issue
to  the  White  Canyon  Sellers  an  additional 100,000 post-split shares of its
common stock as further consideration for the acquisitions.

     Pursuant  to  the  White Canyon Agreement, the Company agreed to redeem any
unconverted  shares  of  the  Company's Series C Convertible Preferred Stock for
$4.00  per  share,  upon  the  Company's  listing on the American Stock Exchange
("AMEX"), which was to occur no later than September 30, 2005.  The White Canyon
Agreement  also  contained a provision whereby the White Canyon Sellers retained
the  right to rescind the agreement if any of the unconverted shares of Series C
Convertible  Preferred  Stock were not redeemed by September 30, 2005.  Pursuant
to  the  White  Canyon  Agreement,  if  the  White  Canyon Sellers rescinded the
agreement  they were able to keep the 100,000 post split shares of the Company's
common  stock  as  liquidated  damages.

     No  shares  of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock were ever issued to the
White  Canyon Sellers in connection with the White Canyon Agreement, and we were
unable  to  redeem  such  shares  of Series C Convertible Preferred Stock and/or
obtain  listing  on  the  AMEX  prior  to  September  30, 2005.  As a result, on
September 30, 2005, the White Canyon Sellers elected to rescind the White Canyon
Agreement the shares of White Canyon and Channel Access have been returned by us
to the White Canyon Sellers.  The White Canyon Sellers retained the 100,000 post
split  shares of our common stock as liquidated damages in connection with their
rescission  of  the  White  Canyon  Agreement.  Neither  we nor the White Canyon
Sellers  have  any obligations to each other in connection with the White Canyon
Agreement  as  of  the  date  of  this  Report.


     On  May  18,  2005,  with  a closing date of May 19, 2005, our subsidiary M
Power  Futures,  Inc.,  which we own 82.4% of, entered into a Purchase Agreement
with  Alan  Howarth,  Inc. ("Howarth" and the "Howarth Agreement").  Pursuant to
the  Howarth  Agreement, we were to pay $650,000 in cash or shares of our common
stock  to  the  sellers  of  Howarth in consideration for 100% of the issued and
outstanding  shares  of  Howarth.  Additionally,  the Howarth Agreement provided
that  the  sellers may rescind the Howarth Agreement at any time if we failed to
have  our common stock listed on the American Stock Exchange ("AMEX") within 180
days  of the closing of the Howarth Agreement.  As our common stock was not, and
is  not  listed  on  AMEX,  Howarth has the right to rescind the transaction and
Howarth  has  not yet become a wholly owned subsidiary of M Power Futures, Inc.,
as  was  our  original  intention  at  the time of closing.  We are currently in
negotiations  with  the  Howarth  sellers  to enter into an amended agreement to
remove  the  requirement  that  we  obtain  listing  on  AMEX  from  the Howarth
Agreement,  as  well as any other contingencies so that we can close the Howarth


     On  March  2,  2005,  we  entered  into  a  Purchase  Agreement  with  R.S.
Entertainment,  Inc.  ("R.S."  and  the  "R.S. Agreement"), whereby we agreed to
purchase  100%  of the outstanding shares of R.S. in return for $1,000,000 worth
of  restricted shares our common stock.  Additionally, under the R.S. Agreement,
we  were  to  provide R.S. with a line of credit up to $2,500,000, which has not

been  provided  to date, and issue R.S. an additional 10,000 (Post Split) shares
of our common stock for each month until the line of credit is granted.  To date
100,000  shares  of  common  stock  have been issued to R.S.  As a result of our
inability to provide R.S. with a line of credit in the amount of $2,500,000, and
in  connection  with R.S.'s ability to rescind the R.S. Agreement if the line of
credit is not available after 120 days from the closing date, the R.S. Agreement
has  not  closed and the sellers of R.S. have provided us notice of their desire
to  rescind the R.S. Agreement.  As a result of this rescission we have received
and  are cancelling the 132,276 shares of Series B Preferred Stock issued to the
R.S.  shareholders  to date in connection with the R.S. Agreement and not having
any  affiliation with R.S. moving forward.  Additionally, we previously advanced
R.S.  $50,000  in  connection with the line of credit, which funds we anticipate
being  repaid  in  connection  with  rescinding  the  R.S.  Agreement.


Exhibit       Description
- ---------     ---------------
3.1*          Certificate  of  Designations  of  Series  D  Preferred  Stock

*  Attached  hereto.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                M POWER ENTERTAINMENT INC.

Date:  January 25, 2006         By /s/ Gary F. Kimmons
                                   Gary F. Kimmons
                                   President and Chief Executive Officer