************OUTSIDE OF FRONT COVER PAGE*************



June 3, 2005

Note: The following prospectus and financial statement contains
information of a highly confidential nature. Any disclosure
 of the contents of this plan or other information  provided
by Apollo Publication Corporation without the express
 written permission of  the company is prohibited.

***********INSIDE OF FRONT COVER PAGE*************

This registration statement is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of
an offer to buy these securities. This is made only by the Prospectus.
Copies of the prospectus can download at Apollo Publication Corporation
Website www.APCorps.com under Investor Page and may be obtained in
any State from the underwriter where they may legally offer these
securities in compliance with the securities law of such State.

August 15, 2005
Notice of EffectiVE Registration Statement
Initial Public Offering
On NASDAQ SmallCap Stock Markets
With 25,000,000 Unrestricted Common Shares
Of Beneficial Interest
At Price $145.00 Per Share
(Based on Ratio 0.16 Par Share, Fully Paid No Par Value and Voting Right)
In Outstanding 100,000,000 Common Shares

Joint Book-running Managers

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
CIBC World Markets
CIBC Investor Edge

Underwriter and Market Maker GROUP

CIBC World Markets
Credit Suisse First Boston
The Bear Stearns Companies Inc
SG Cowen Securities Corporation
Deutsche Bank Securities
Banc of America Securities LLC
A.G. Edwards, Inc.
J.P. Morgan chase
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.
Apollo Publication corporation
UPD-Unique Product Design and Development

Transfer Agent
CIBC World Markets
August 10, 2005

*********TABLE OF CONTENT*************


Corporation Information			1
Board of Directors			2
Business Overview			3
Strategic Plan			4
Business Development			4
Product (I)			5
Market Profile (I)			5
Customers (I)			5
Product (II)			6
Market Profile (II)			6
Customers (II)			6
Product (III)			6
Market Profile (III)			6
Customers (III)			6
Product (IV)			7
Market Profile (IV)			7
Customers (IV)			7
Security ownership of certain
beneficial owners and management		8

Financial Review			15

Investment			16

Working Capital			16

Canadian Tax Matter			16

Risk Factor			17

Control and Procedure			18

Audit Committee			19

Compensation Committee		20

Public Policy Committee			21

Finance Committee			22

Nominating and Governance Committee		23

Certifications			24




1547 York St.
Windsor, ON N8X 1W5
Tel: (519)252-3518
Fax: (519)967-9577
General Information: Info@APCorps.com
E-mail: E-mail@APCorps.com
Comment: Comment@APCorps.com


Simon Victor (Honorable Chairman of Director Board Committee)
George Herbert Bush Sr. (Honorable Chairman of Director Board Committee)
Rutang Luo (Honorable Chairman of Director Board Committee)
Xiaobo Lucy Luo (Chair and CEO, Chief Executive Officer/First Director)
George Walker Bush Sr. (Chair and President/Second Director)
Paul Martin (CFO, Chief Financial Officer)
Lishan Yang (COO, Chief Operating Officer/Third Director)
William Snow (Treasurer/USA)
Rongji Zhu(Treasurer/PRC)
John Paul Manley (Treasurer/Canada)
Joseph Liberman (CLO, Chief Legal Officer)
Jie Jenny Luo (CIO, Chief Information Officer)

   James Baker  (Independent Director)
   Jimmy Carter  (Independent Director)
   Jean Chretien  (Independent Director)
   Paul Oneil  (Independent Director)
   Al Greenspan  (Independent Director)



171: When the God created the Universe, her children have lived on the planets
 and stars like Earth all over the Universe. God Luo founded the Language
 with all other objects. All the Life include human being have carried
 God Luo's soul and her invention from one generation to another
generation until today. There are over 285 generations of God Luos
 Children and her kins derived in past years of 6116 on the Earth of
Solo Solar System.
 Apollo Publication Corporation is owned by God Luos Children with their family
 name of Luo, Marks(Marx)(Luo), Victor(Luo), Carlo(Luo), Louis, EL, Ross,
Roman, German and their kins with their family name of Bu(sh)lo, Zhanglo,
 Hu, Holo, Zhulo, Yanglo, ZhouLo, Castlo, Zedilo, Alexandlo, Paulo, Tedero,
Tylo/Tele, Tanglo/Tomlo, Ba(ker)lo, Qianlo, Marlo, Milo, Philo, Dulo(Zous),
Nilo, Tianlo and Babylon with family name of  Lu, Lott, Gore, Gao, Yao,
Huang, Yu,Jiang, etc.
Our mission is to found An Imperial Of Earth (IOE) with One God Luo, One
 Language, One Culture, One History, One Law, One Standard, One Currency,
One Postal, etc on One Land of Earth of Solo Solar System.
 Apollo Publication Corporation is here to Unify World Language, History and
Culture; to Form All Documents of Law on IOE; to Print All Specifications and
 Standards on IOE; to Issue New and Only Notes of Currency and Stamp on IOE;
to Publish News about Founding of IOE; to Consolidate Globe School Textbooks;
 to Web World Wide Customers Online Purchasing, Schooling, Banking,
Charting, etc.
	The Land of Earth is overcrowded with all kind of animals but
educated human beings. They sounds, acts and minds completely difference
due to totally different genes the human being carried. They quarrel, fight
and war for their unknown and unease heart and fate. Apollo Publication
Corporation is here to compose a symphony which has role for all the sounds,
 acts and minds  in one harmony tone and chapter.
Apollo Publication Corporation customer is whole world citizens on the
 Earth. They are nearly 70 billion populations around 200 countries. There
 will be over 100 trillion pages of papers pressed only on the globe
school textbooks in near future by the year of 2010. There will be over
100 billion dollars value of stamps printed annually. There also will have
 law books,  specifications and standards publicized. There is, there is
and there is again and again. There is a new world and future waiting
 for all of us.
Apollo Publication Corporation has her prospective future along with
 the birth of the Imperial of the Earth (IOE).



Apollo Publication Corporation has chosen her best working team globally.
There are over 40 presidents world wide as Controller of Apollo Publication
Corporation in Asia, America, European, and Australia. There will be more
Controllers needed for  Africa, Middle East and other areas.

Apollo Publication Corporation has world best the Board of Directors and
The Board has written Principle of Corporate Governance which include
 5 standing committees: Audit Committee, Compensation Committee,
Governance Committee, Public Policy Committee, Finance Committee.
 Each of these committee has a writtencharter.
Our Corporation practices and leaderships will be witnessed and
 proved by all over world citizens.

Apollo Publication Corporation provides the best and unique products with high
quality, speed and simplicity by using CIMS (Computer Integrated Manufacture
 System) and IIMS (Internet Integrated Management System) technology to
 world wide customers.

Apollo Publication Corporation will focus on building the reliable and secure
globe SDWS (shipping and delivery web system) for IOE Postal, School text
books and Bank Notes by partnership or acquisitions.

Apollo Publication Corporation has a solid plan for 5 year working capitals and
 funds to support our mission toward our goals by IPO on equity market of
NASDAQ of USA, TSE of Canada, ShenZhen of China, London Stock
Exchange of United Kingdom or CAC of French.

Apollo Publication Corporation develops and expands world wide sale and
 distribution teams by awarding a fair commission for sales of products made by
Apollo Publication Corporation.

Apollo Publication Corporation protects her works and products by registering
 her own copyright, patent, trade marks of products which satisfy a variety
of regulatory  requirements and standards on design and produce in IOE
 (included Canada, USA, European, Asia, etc.) .


LUO BOOK is written by the unique and only real language, called Luobus
Language  which its characteristic has meaning within the figure along
with sound out spelling language. Luobus Language expresses meaning
 with image box figure and sounds with spelling letter pattern.

There are several languages on the Earth, such as Chinese - image language;
Japanese - Alias language formed from partly of Chinese language;
Greek - Symbol  language; Old Roman English - Letter language formed
from partly of Chinese Pin Yin language; Russian - Symbol language;
 Arabic - sand pattern language; all other languages on the earth are
 from image, or symbol, or letter, or pattern language with different
 grammar and spelling.
The whole world has communication problem due to over 200 difference
languages and dialects mainly used on the earth.
 The Luobus Language is first time to introduce to the 70 billion world citizen
 since 6000 years. The market is large.

There are near 70 billion population who completely blind to Luobus Language
 on reading, speaking and writing. To educate everyone is great Human
 Engineering alike we build a Great Wall Street which will take 50 to
 100 years.
Apollo Publication Corporation prepares to publish the grade 1 text books which
start to educate all the children who were born in the year 2000 and go to
 school in the year 2007 for their Grade 1 globally.
There will be around 72 million kids for Grade 1 schooling in the year 2007.
There will be around 150 million kids for Grade 1 and 2 schooling in the
 year 2008.
There will be around 230 million kids for Grade 1, 2 and 3 schooling in the
 year 2009.
 There will be around 330 million kids for Grade 1, 2, 3 and 4 schooling
in 2010.
There will be around 415 million kids for Grade 1,2,3,4 and 5 schooling
 in 2011.
There will be around 500 million kids for Grade 1 - 6 schooling in the
year 2012.
There will be around 590 million kids for Grade 1 - 7 schooling in the
year 2013.
There will be around 680 million kids for Grade 1 - 8 schooling in the
year 2014.
There will be around 770 million kids for Grade 1 - 9 schooling in the
 year 2015.
There will be around 860 million kids for Grade 1 - 10 schooling in the
 year 2016.
There will be around 960 million kids for Grade 1 - 11 schooling in the
 year 2017.
There will be around 1.60 billion kids for Grade 1 - 12 schooling in the
year 2014.
There will be around 2.20 billion kids for Grade 1 - 12 and University I
in 2015.
There will be around 2.80 billion kids for Grade 1 - 12 and University I & II
 in 2016.


Bank Note of Currency, Called LUOBU is printed for the all earth citizen.
 The LUOBU is the only currency admitted bank note by law of IOE.

There are near 200 difference currency issued by different government
on the earth nowadays. The value of those currency is labeled by every
 government  based the Holding and Storage of Gold in their Treasury.
Searching the Gold, even having war for Gold has brought the triumph
 to all whole world citizen in 2000 year alike our ancient war for rice,
shell, cooper, silver, paper, etc which used by the measurement of trade.
 The truly value of land, water, energy, life, material, mind, object and
staff are not simple to be valued by Currency or any of measurement.
The more difference currency issued, the more unfair standard
 The LUOBU currency based the value of Earth is first time to introduce to
the 70 billion world citizen for fair trade on IOE.

There are near 70 billion population who use LUOBU as measurement for
 fair trade in this century. Apollo Publication Corporation will publish
reliable LUOBU for globally usage.

Bank Note of Stamp, Called POLUO is printed for the all earth citizen.
The POLUO is the only stamp admitted bank note by law of IOE.

There are near 200 difference state stamps issued by different government
 on the earth used by the measurement of postal service nowadays. The more
 difference stamps issued, the more paper, labor and management work involved.
 To speed up delivery and shipping service, to improve the quality, security
and fair  value of the postal business, the POLUO standard is a essential
stage for  the Globe Postal Revolution on IOE.
 The POLUO stamp based the fair value of service which is provided by
the postal and transportation business involved globally.

There are near 70 billion population who use POLUO stamp as measurement
of postal service for letter and package shipping business. Apollo Publication
Corporation will publish the security, reliable POLUO for globally usage.


Apollo Publication Corporation print all kind of publication such as Handbook,
Specification, Product Catalog, Financial Report, Account Books, Newspaper,
Magazine, Luo Books, Road sign, Label, Card, Business Forms, Cheque,
certificate, Government form, Bank statement, Policy brochure, Ad flyer, etc.

There are many different print house and publication companies produce
the books and paper printed products. Apollo Publication Corporation has
 her own experienced product designer and high standard book writer who
 are experts on all kind of field from politician, economist, historian,
scientist, doctor, languagist, educator, president, etc.
Apollo Publication Corporation has the world best standard for their
 publication requirement and the unique style of their publication.
The quality on topic, content, words, facts, logical, thought, print,
 editorial, management, etc is the most excellent on the
publication area.

There are near 15 billion Chinese reader and 30 billion English reader
world wide. If there are 1% readers who could be our Customer,
there will create 1.6 to 22.5 billion revenue annually.
There are near 10 million business customer in North America who
 may use publication service for their product catalog, Ad flyer,
financial report, invoice and shipper, Newspaper, Magazine,
Account Books, etc. If there are 1% business customers who
 could use our product or service, there will create 1to 50 million
revenue annually.
 There will be 1 to 20 billion accounts open on Luo Bank of IOE
 by 2010 to 2015. Apollo Publication Corporation will may have
 10 to 200 billion revenue from Luo bank business form,
deposit slip, bank book, certification, etc.



Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners
Ms. Xiaobo Lucy Luo, as of July 15, 2005, is the only person who
 beneficially owned or exercised control or direction over
more than five percent of the Company shares.
Security Ownership of Director and Management
The following table sets forth, as July 15, 2005, certain information
 with respect to all shareowner known by us to have been
 beneficial owners of more than five percent of our common
 stock, and information with respect to our common stock
 beneficially owned by our directors, our executive officers
 included all of our directors and executive officers as a group.

Number of share issued	Issue Value of  per share
        Entitle Exercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
        Unexercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
        Value of  Unexercisable
At Fiscal Year-End 2005	Percent of Share
Owned	Note
Simon Victor	1,000,000	0.0005	50,000
950,000	-	*	R
George H. Bush	1,000,000	0.0005	50,000
950,000	-	*	R
Rutang Luo	1,000,000	0.0005	50,000
950,000	-	*	R
Xiaobo Luo	60,000,000	0.000085	3,000,000
57,000,000	-	85%	R
George W. Bush	3,000,000	0.00015	150,000
2,850,000	-	*	R
Paul Martin	1,000,000	0.01	75,000
1,425,000	-	*	UR
LiShan Yang	1,000,000	0.01	75,000
1,425,000	-	*	UR
Lieberman	1,000,000	0.01	50,000
950,000	-	*	UR
Jie J. Luo	500,000	0.01	25,000
475,000	-	*	R
Laura M. Luo	500,000	0.01	25,000
475,000	-	*	R
John W. Snow	250,000	0.01	12,500
237,500	-	*	UR
Rongji Zhu	250,000	0.01	12,500
237,500	-	*	UR
John P. Manley	250,000	0.01	12,500
237,500	-	*	UR
Jacques Chirac	250,000	0.01	12,500
237,500	-	*	UR


Number of share issued	Issue Value of  per share
Entitle Exercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Unexercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Value of  Unexercisable
At Fiscal Year-End 2005	Percent of Share
Owned	Note
Tony Blair	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Vladimir Putin	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
G Schroeder	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
J Koizumi	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Fox Zedilo	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Jintao Hu	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Silvio Berlusconi 	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
GWB (USA)	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Koff Annan	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
John Howard	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Israel		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
India		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Pakistan		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Afghanistan	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Iran		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Jordon		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Iraq		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
North Korea	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
South Korea	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Twain		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Hong Kong	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Vietnam		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Philippine	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Singapore	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Indonesian	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Thailand		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR


Number of share issued	Issue Value of  per share
Entitle Exercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Unexercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Value of  Unexercisable
At Fiscal Year-End 2005	Percent of Share
Owned	Note
Lao		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Bangladesh	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Sri Lanka	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Poland		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Mongolia	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Oman		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Tibet		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Macao		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Malaya		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Cambodia	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
East Timor	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Malaysia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Lithuania	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Burma		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Ceylon		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Cyprus		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Qatar		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Maldives		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Brunei		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Nepal		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Myanmar	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Bahrain		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Albania		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Spain		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Greece		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Turkry		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR


Number of share issued	Issue Value of  per share
Entitle Exercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Unexercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Value of  Unexercisable
At Fiscal Year-End 2005	Percent of Share
Owned	Note
Syria		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Lebanon	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Palestine	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Portugal		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Saudi		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Yemen		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
U Arab Emirate	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Kuwait		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Azerbaijan	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Bhutan		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Bulgaria		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Armenia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Belarus		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Bosnia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Chechen	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Croatia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Cezch		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Georgia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Kazakhstan	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Estonia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Hungary		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Kyrgyzstan	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Lativia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Liechtenstein	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Macedonia	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Moldova		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR


Number of share issued	Issue Value of per share
Entitle Exercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Unexercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Value of  Unexercisable
At Fiscal Year-End 2005	Percent of Share
Owned	Note
Romania	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Sarawak		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Serbia	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Slovakia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Tajikistan	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Tatarstan	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Turkmenistan	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Ukraine		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Uzbekistan	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Austria		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Belgium		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Bohemia	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Denmark	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Finland		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Iceland	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Luxembourg	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Monaco		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Netherland	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Norway		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Scotland		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Sweden		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Switzerland	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Argentina	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Bolivia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Brazil		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Caribbean	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR


Number of share issued
Issue Value of  per share
Entitle Exercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Unexercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Value of Unexercisable At Fiscal Year-End 2005
Percent of Share
Owned	Note
Guiana		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Chile		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Colombia	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Ecuador		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Guyana		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Paraguay	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Peru		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Uruguay		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Cuba		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Costa Rica	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Jamaica		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Dominica	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Honduras	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Anguilla		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Aruba		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Bahamas	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Barbados	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Belize		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Bermuda	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
El Salvador	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Haiti		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Guatemala	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Fiji		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
New Zealand	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Soloman Island	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Slovenia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Malta		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Gibraltan	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Andorra		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Alegria		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Angola		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Chad		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR


Number of share issued	Issue Value of  per share
Entitle Exercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Unexercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Value of  Unexercisable
At Fiscal Year-End 2005	Percent of Share
Owned	Note
Egypt		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Ethiopia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Ghana		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Guinea		5,000	Award	0
	-	*	UR
Ivory Coast	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Kenya		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Lesotho		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Liberia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Libya		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Madagascaw	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Malawi		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Mali		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Mauritius	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Morocco		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Mozambique	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Namibia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Niger		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Nigeria		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Rhodesia	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Rwanda		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Somalia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
South Africa	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Sudan		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Tangier		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Tan Zania	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Togo		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Uganda		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Zaire		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Zambia		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Zimbabwe	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Mauritania	5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Maytto		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR
Zanzibar		5,000	Award	0
5,000	-	*	UR


Number of share issued	Issue Value of  per share
(USD)	Entitle Exercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Unexercisable Share at Fiscal Year-End 2005
Value of  Unexercisable
At Fiscal Year-End 2005	Percent of Share
Owned	Note
Dick Cheney	500,000	$0.10	25,000
475,000	-	*	UR
Jacob Bush	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Nile Bush	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Marvin Bush	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Bill Clinton	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
John Kerry	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Al Gore	1	00,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
John Edward	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Teddy Kennedy	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
John MaCain	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
John Remusfold	50,000	$1.00	2,500
42,500	-	*	UR
Dick Gardhard	50,000	$1.00	2,500
42,500	-	*	UR
Colin Paul	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Bob Dole	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
John Engler	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Trent Lott	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
John Ashfold	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Tom Dashfold	50,000	$1.00	2,500
42,500	-	*	UR
Paul Wolfriz	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Lou Dobb	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Jiahui Luo	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Al Scwiztar	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Luos I(6)	30,000	$0.10	1,500
28,500	-	*	R
Luos II (9)	45,000	$0.10	2,250
42,750	-	*	R
Luos III (7)	35,000	$0.10	1,750
33,250	-	*	R
John Zhangs (9)	45,000	$0.10	2,250
42,750	-	*	R
Luos IV(8)	40,000	$0.10	2,000
38,000	-	*	UR
Luos V(6)	30,000	$0.10	1,500
28,500	-	*	UR
Luos VI (4)	20,000	$0.10	1,000
19,000	-	*	R
Tony Blair	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Vladimir Putin	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Ian Dawson	100,000	$1.00	5,000
95,000	-	*	UR
Kayla Rick	5,000	$1.00	4,900
100	-	*	UR



Apollo Publication Corporation foresees that the revenue for
directing the NASDAQ Stock Market shareholder at the
 End of Fiscal Year 2005 is around 3,627,382,000.
The revenue at End of Fiscal Year 2006 is near
 7,500,000,000 to 9,500,000,000. The revenue
at End of Fiscal Year 2007 is 11,500,000,000 to
The table below shows the detail of the financial statement of
 Apollo Publication Corporation in three year.
Fiscal Year End December 31, 2005
(Dollars in Millions USD) 	2005	2006	2007
Selected results from continuing operation
Revenues	3,627.4	7,500.0	11,500.0
Gross Profit	3,264.9	5,200.0	7,500.0
Research and development expense	0.25	15.0	18.0
Selling and administrative expense	340.85	1,500.0	1,700.0
Depreciation and Amortization (EQ & Assets) 	0.93	1.3	2.5
Total operation expense	342.03	1,516.3	1,720.5
Operation earning (loss)	2,922.87	3,683.7	5,779.5
Interest income	2.43	34.25	98.77
Earnings (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes
	2,925.3	3,717.95	5,878.27
Income tax benefit (expense)	730.11	929.49	1,469.57
Net Earnings (loss)	2,195.19	2,788.46	4,408,70
Selected balance sheet data
Cash and cash equivalents	1,184.8	1,079.7	1,508.70
Current asset	1,002.43	2,700.0	5,598.77
Fix asset (EQ)	15.2	200.0	550.04
Total asset	2,195.19	4,838.34	8,257.51
Investment information
Shares outstanding at year-end (in million)	100	200	300
Book value per share at year- end (0.08 par value)	$282.2	$287.0	$344.07



Apollo Publication Corporation has her own investment plan
for speeding up and expending business rapidly by Joint
 Venture, Acquisition and Partnership with the company
who could reduce our cost and increase our revenue.
Apollo Publication Corporation primary liquidity is cash.
For considering the rule of investment on high return and
 low risk, the currency market and Guarantee Investment
certification are more likable choice.
Apollo Publication Corporation is interesting to invest the new
 and rapid developing company with Guarantee Return
and low risk.


Apollo Publication Corporation keeps sufficient unrestricted cash
 on hand to fund our working capital requirements and planned
expenditures. Also, our existing cash should be adequate
 to fund operation management expenditures for several years
 if we are able to at least maintain a break-even or positive flow
from business practice.
Apollo Publication Corporation may offer the note as working
capital to support and pay  the requirement expenditures from
 acquisition and operation management.



Under the United States-Canada Income Tax Convention (1980),
 or the Convention, Canadian withholding tax of 15% generally
applies to the gross amount of dividends ( including stock
dividends ) paid or credited to beneficial owners of Apollo
 Publication Corporation common shares:

(1) who are resident in the United States for the purposes
 of the Convention; and
(2) who do not hold the share in connection with a business
carried on through a permanent establishment or a fixed base in Canada.

The Convention provides an exemption from withholding tax
on dividends paid ot credited to certain tax-exempt organizations
 that are resident in the United States for purposes of the Convention.
Persons who are subject to the United States federal income tax on
 dividends may be entitled, subject to certain limitations, to either
a credit or deduction with respect to Canadian income taxes
 withheld with respect to dividends paid or credited on Apollo
 Publication Corporation common shares.


Sales or other dispositions of shares
Gains on sales or other dispositions of Apollo Publication
Corporation common shares by a non-resident of Canada
 are generally not subject to Canadian income tax, unless
 the holder realized the gains in connection with a business
 carried on in Canada. A gain realized upon the disposition of
 Apollo Publication Corporation common shares by a resident of
 the United States that is otherwise subject to Canadian tax may be
 exempt from Canadian tax under the Convention.  Where Apollo
Publication Corporation common shares are disposed of by way
 of an acquisition of such common shares by Apollo Publication
 Corporation, other than a purchase in the open market in
the manner in which common shares would normally be
purchased by any member of the public in open market,
the amount paid by Apollo Publication Corporation in excess
 of the paid-up capital of such common shares will be treated
as a dividend, and will be subject to non-resident withholding tax.

1.  Our ability to execute our strategic plan,
including expended business globally;
2.  Our ability to focus on the day-to-day operation of
our business while implementing improvements
in our internal control and procedures;
3.  Our ability to successfully manage our manufacture
 operations, upon high standard of  Quality and
in high demanded quantity;
4.  Our ability to successfully comply with increased
and complex regulations globally;
5.  Our ability to handle the global market risk from
foreign exchange rate and interest rate;
6.  Our ability to make investments, including acquisition,
 to strengthen our business;
7.  Our ability to sizing and timing of customer order and
8.  Our ability to maintain appropriate inventory level;
9.  Our ability to obtain payment from customers on
a timely basis;
10.Our ability to fund and manage the product development;
11.Our ability to control the sales channel, product cost
and the mix of products sold;
12.Our ability to obtain financial and hold sufficient working
capital to fund capital expend;
13.Our ability to solve and settle the conflict with our
customer and supplier;
14.Our ability to handle the all kind of technology problems
 related with business, such as computer viruses, computer
shut down, loss power, device problem, etc.
15.Our ability to manage all cost of labor, material,
 shipment, regulation, tax, etc.



1. Trade protection measures
2. Economic, social and political risk
3. Taxation
4. Acts of war or terrorism
5. Restriction of cash exchange and flow
6. The factor depending on the country involved
7. Copyright and Patent protection problems
8. The all kind catastrophic occurs on shipment and storage


Apollo Publication Corporation has the Board of director
committee which is consisted with Audit Committee,
Compensation Committee, Public Policy Committee,
Finance Committee and Nominating and Governance
 Committee. Each of these committee is independent
and has a written charter. The directors in Audit
Committee all meet  Independent standard by
The NASDAQ Stock Market.

Governance principle and Code of Ethics of Apollo
 Publication Corporation meet all NASDAQ Stock Market
 Listing Requirement, i.e. to distribution of Annual and
Interim Reports; to hold shareholder meeting; to take
shareholder approval and stockholder voting rights;
to nominating independent directors and consist Audit
Committee; to solve all conflicts of interest in public
 relationship; to solicitation of Proxies; to have enough
quorum in the Board of Director Committees and
 shareholders, etc.

Our code of Business Conduct has set forth our
 standards for ethical behavior and legal compliance
 and governs the manner in which we conduct our
business. Apollo Publication Corporation practice in
NASDAQ Stock Market is not prohibited by Canadian Law.

The detail of control and procedure is stated on
 following pages within the Board of director committee.


Committees of the Board of Directors

Audit Committee

Selects independent public accountants to audit
 APCorps books and records, Members:
subject to shareholder, reviews internal controls,
accounting practices, financial structure, and financial
reporting, including the results of the annual audit and
 the review of the interim financial statements with
 management and the independent public accountants.
 Discusses earnings releases and guidance provided
to the public and rating agencies.
Prepares an annual report of the Audit Committee
to be included in the Company proxy statement and
assesses annually the adequacy of the Audit Committee Charter.
Reports to the Board of Directors about these matters.

Number of Members: 5
James Baker (Independent Director) reviews internal
 controls, accounting practices, financial structure, and
 financial reporting, including the results of the annual
audit and the review of the interim financial statements
with management and the independent public accountants.
Jimmy Carter (Independent Director) peer quality control
 review, any issues raised by the United State government
and deals with the issues about assessing the independence
of the independent public accountants and all relationships
 between the independent public
accountants and the Company.
Jean Chretien (Independent Director) peer quality
control review, any issues raised by the government of
 Canada and deals with the issues about assessing the
independence of the independent public accountants and
 all relationships between the independent public
accountants and the Company.
Paul Oneil and Al Greenspan (Independent Director)
prepare an annual report of the Audit Committee to be
included in the Company proxy statement and assesses
 annually the adequacy of the Audit Committee Charter.
Reports to the Board of Directors about these matters.

Number of Meetings in 2005: 1
Peer quality control review, any issues raised
 by a governmental.
Deal with such issues about assessing the
 independence of the independent public accountants
and all relationships between the independent public
accountants and the Company.
Consults with the independent public accountants,
reviews and approves the scope of their audit, and reviews
 their independence and performance. Also reviews any
 proposed non-audit engagement between the Company
and the independent public accountants and approves
 in advance any such engagement, if appropriate.


Compensation Committee

Establishes and reviews the overall executive
 compensation philosophy of the Members:
Considers and makes recommendations on APCorps
 executive compensation plans.
Prepares an annual report of the Compensation Committee
 to be included in the Company proxy statement.
Assesses annually the adequacy of the Compensation
 Committee Charter.
Reports to the Board of Directors about these matters.

Number of Members: 4
Simon Victor (Honorable Chair) evaluates the performance
 of the CEO and other executive officers and makes
recommendations on APCorps executive
 compensation plans.
Xiaobo Lucy Luo (Chair/CEO) establishes goals and
objectives and, based on such evaluation, reviews and
approves the annual salary, bonus, stock options, other
incentive awards and other benefits, direct and indirect,
of the executive officers.
George Walker Bush Jr. (Chair/President) considers
recommendations on APCorps executive compensation
plans and prepares an annual report of the Compensation
 Committee to be included in the Company proxy statement.
Jenny Jie Luo (CIO, Chief Information Officer) assesses
 annually the adequacy of the Compensation Committee
 Charter and reports to the Board of Directors about these matters.

Number of Meetings in 2005: 5
Established goals and objectives and, based on such
evaluation, reviews and approves the annual salary, bonus,
stock options, other incentive awards and other benefits,
direct and indirect, of the CEO and other executive officers.


Public Policy Committee

Reviews public policy and issues facing Members
 of the Company around the world.
Deals with stakeholder relationships and conflicts
 of interest between shareholders and the Company,
products and public issues and policies.
Reports to the Board of Directors about these matters.

Number of Members: 17
George Herbert Bush Sr. (Honorable Chairman) reviews
 the management of the Company performance on public
 policy around the world.
Xiaobo Lucy Luo (Chair & CEO) deals with stakeholder
 relationships and conflicts of interest between shareholders
 and the Company, products and public issues and policies.
Jintao Hu (Controller) deals with products and
management of the Company performance on public
 policies in the region of P. R. China.
Tony Carlo Blair (Controller) deals with products and
 management of the Company performance on public
policies in the region of United Kingdom.
Vladimir Putin (Controller) deals with products and
management of the Company performance on public
policies in the region of Russia.
George W. Bush (Controller) deals with products
 and management of the Company performance on public
 policies in the region of United State.
Gerhard Schroeder (Controller) deals with products
 and management of the Company performance on public
policies in the region of German.
Junichiro Koizumi (Controller) deals with products
 and management of the Company performance on
 public policies in the region of Japan.
Ian Dowson (Controller) deals with products and
management of the Company performance on public
policies in the region of Canada.
Jacques Carlo Chirac (Controller) deals with products
 and management of the Company performance on publi
c policies in the region of French.
Fidel Castro (Controller) deals with products and
 management of the Company performance on public
policies in the region of Cuba.
Koff Annan (Controller) deals with products and
management of the Company performance on public
policies in the region of Africa.
Abdullah Bin Hussein (Controller) deals with
products and management of the Company performance
 on public policies in the region of Jordan.
Pervez Musharraf (Controller) deals with products
and management of the Company performance on public
 policies in the region of Pakistan.
John Howard (Controller) deals with products and
 management of the Company performance on public
policies in the region of Australia.


Silvio Berluscon (Controller) deals with products and
 management of the Company performance on public
 policies in the region of Italy.
Roh Moo-Hyun (Controller) deals with products
 and management of the Company performance on
 public policies in the region of South Korea.

Number of Meetings in 2005: 2
Committee Charter.
Reports to the Board of Directors about these matters.

Finance Committee
Reviews all aspects of the Company policies and
 practices that relate to the Members:
management of the Company financial affairs, Business
 Plan and Budget, Annual Report, the Company cash and
funding plans, the Company health care costs, financial
 risk assessment and risk management and capital
 expenditures for products.

Number of Members: 9

Rutang Luo (Honorable Chair) reviews Annual Report
with management the Company performance
on financial issues.
Xiaobo Lucy Luo (Chair/CEO) reviews all aspects
of the Company policies and practices that relate to
 the management of the Company financial affairs
and deals with APCorps Business Plan and Budget,
Annual Report, the Company cash and funding plans,
 the Company health care costs, financial risk
assessment and risk management and capital
 expenditures for products.
Paul Martin (CFO, Chief Financial Officer) deals
 with the management of the Company financial affairs,
Budget, financial risk assessment and risk
management and capital expenditures for products.
Lishan Yong (COO, Chief Operating Officer)
deals with the management of the Company financial
 affairs, financial risk assessment and risk
 management and capital expenditures for
products in the region of Asia.
Joseph Lieberman (CLO, Chief Legal Officer)
 deals with the law and specification on management
 of the Company financial affairs.
William Snow (Treasurer) deals with the
 management of the Company financial affairs,
the Company cash and funding plans in the
 region of America.
Rongji Zhu (Treasurer) deals with the
management of the Company financial affairs,
the Company cash and funding plans in the region of Asia.
John Paul Manley (Treasurer) deals with the
 management of the Company financial affairs,
 the Company cash and funding plans in the region of Canada.


Jacques Carlo Chirac (Treasurer) deals with the
management of the Company financial affairs, the Company
cash and funding plans in the region of European.

Number of Meetings in 2005: 1
Annual capital expenditure budget and schedule
approved by the Board of Directors.
Reviews the Corporate 5 year Business Plan, Budget
and detailed operational business and cash strategy.
Reviews the Company pension strategy and performance.
Performs such other functions and exercises such other
 powers as may be delegated to it by the Board of Directors
 from time to time.
Assesses annually the adequacy of the Finance Committee Charter.
Reports to the Board of Directors about these matters.

Nominating and Governance Committee
Establishes criteria for selecting new directors and
 the evaluation of the Board.
Develops the corporate governance principles guidelines
 to meet the requirement of Corporate Governance, include
Distribution of Annual and Interim Reports, Solicitation of
 Company proxy statement; Makes recommendations to
the Board for the selection of Independent Directors,
Organizes the company Audit Committees, Holds a
Shareholder Meetings; Clears the Stockholder Voting
 Rights, Rules of the Shareholder Approval, Solves the
 conflicts of interest between the shareholders and the
 Company, Reviews the issues related with Quorum and
 Code of Conduct.
Reviews the charter and composition of each
committee of the Board.
Makes recommendations to the Board for the
adoption of or revisions to the committee charters,
the creation of additional committees or the elimination
of committees.

Number of Members: 11
Xiaobo Lucy Luo (Chair) makes the nominations
or elections of directors; develops the corporate
governance principles guidelines;  reviews the charter
and composition of each committee of the Board;
makes recommendations to the Board for the selection
of Independent Directors; Organizes the company
Audit Committees.
George Walker Bush (Chair) establishes criteria
 for selecting new directors and the evaluation of the
Board, the nominations or elections of directors;
reviews the corporate governance principles guidelines;
makes recommendations to the Board for the adoption
of or revisions to the committee charters, the creation of
additional committees or the elimination of committees.
Paul Martin (CFO, Chief Financial Officer) deals
with the management of the Company financial affairs.


Lishan Yong (COO, Chief Operating Officer) deals with
the management of the Company financial, product
 and shareholder affairs in P. R. China.
Joseph Lieberman (CLO, Chief Legal Officer) reviews
 with the law and specification on management of the
Corporate governance principles guidelines; and
reviews the charter and composition of each committee
of the Board; Makes recommendations to the Board for
the adoption of or revisions to the committee charters,
the creation of additional committees or the elimination
 of committees.

Number of Meetings in 2005: 2
Considers the adequacy of the By-Laws and
the Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Company
and recommends to the Board, as appropriate,
that the Board (i) adopt amendments to the By-Laws,
and (ii) propose, for consideration by the shareholders,
amendments to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation.
Prepares and publishes an annual report of the
Nominating and Governance Committee to be included
in the Company proxy statement.
Considers shareholder suggestions for
nominees for director.
Assesses annually the adequacy of the Nominating
 and Governance Committee Charter.
Reports to the Board of Directors about these matters.


Apollo Publication Corporation is Ontario Corporation
which register on Ontario and Federal Government of Canada.
Apollo Publication Corporation has own vendor permit
and sales right globally.
Apollo Publication Corporation has own right of Import
and Export world wide.
Apollo Publication Corporation has own right of Financing,
Accounting, Trading, Noting, legal and law, etc.

(The number of certification is confidential and is given only
 for properly requirement and purpose.)


****************INSIDE OF BACK COVER PAGE**************



1547 York St.
Windsor, ON N8X 1W5
Tel: (519)252-3518
Fax: (519)967-9577
General Information: Info@APCorps.com
E-mail: E-mail@APCorps.com
Comment: Comment@APCorps.com

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