Exhibit 10.10

                                                   Final Draft February 14, 2006


                               FACILITY AGREEMENT

                             dated February 14 2006


                             AHR CAPITAL MS LIMITED

                                 as the Borrower

                                   arranged by


                         acting as the Security Trustee


                               MORGAN STANLEY BANK

                         as the Initial Lender and Agent


CLAUSE                                                                      Page
1.     Definitions And Interpretation..........................................1
2.     The Facility...........................................................19
3.     Purpose................................................................19
4.     Conditions Of Loans....................................................20
5.     Procedure For Loans....................................................20
6.     Optional Currencies....................................................26
7.     Repayment..............................................................27
8.     Repayment, Pre-Payment And Cancellation................................27
9.     Interest...............................................................31
10.    Changes To The Calculation Of Interest.................................32
11.    Fees...................................................................33
12.    Tax Gross Up And Indemnities...........................................34
13.    Increased Costs........................................................38
14.    Other Indemnities......................................................39
15.    Costs And Expenses.....................................................40
16.    Mitigation By The Lenders..............................................41
17.    Representations........................................................43
18.    Information Undertakings...............................................47
19.    General Undertakings...................................................48
20.    Events Of Default......................................................53
21.    Changes To The Lenders.................................................58
22.    Changes To The Obligors................................................61
23.    Role Of The Agent......................................................61
24.    Conduct Of Business By The Finance Parties.............................68
25.    Sharing Among The Finance Parties......................................68
26.    Payment Mechanics......................................................70
27.    Set-Off................................................................72
28.    Notices................................................................72
29.    Calculations And Certificates..........................................74
30.    Partial Invalidity.....................................................74
31.    Remedies And Waivers...................................................74
32.    Amendments And Waivers.................................................75
33.    Counterparts...........................................................75
34.    Governing Law..........................................................79
35.    Enforcement............................................................79

SCHEDULE 1 THE ORIGINAL PARTIES...............................................
       Part I The Obligors....................................................
       Part II The Initial Lender.............................................

SCHEDULE 2 CONDITIONS PRECEDENT...............................................
       Part I Conditions Precedent To First Loan Under This Agreement.........
       Part II Conditions Precedent To All Loans..............................
       Part III Additional Requirements.......................................

SCHEDULE 3 REQUEST FOR BORROWING..............................................

SCHEDULE 4 MANDATORY COST FORMULAE............................................

SCHEDULE 5 FORM OF TRANSFER CERTIFICATE.......................................

SCHEDULE 6 [RESERVED].........................................................

SCHEDULE 7 [RESERVED].........................................................


SCHEDULE 9 [RESERVED].........................................................

SCHEDULE 10 PRICING MATRIX....................................................


SCHEDULE 12 FORM OF CUSTODIAL AGREEMENT.......................................

SCHEDULE 13 FORM OF OPINIONS COUNSEL TO BORROWER..............................

SCHEDULE 14 [RESERVED]........................................................

SCHEDULE 15 [RESERVED]........................................................

SCHEDULE 16 SERVICER NOTICE...................................................

THIS AGREEMENT is dated February 14, 2006 and made between:

(1)      AHR CAPITAL MS LIMITED (the "Borrower");

(2)      MORGAN STANLEY MORTGAGE SERVICING LTD. ("the Security Trustee"); and

(3)      MORGAN STANLEY BANK (the "Initial Lender" and "the Agent").

IT IS AGREED as follows:

                                    SECTION 1


1.1      Definitions
         In this Agreement:

         "Additional Cost Rate" has the meaning given to it in Schedule 4
         (Mandatory Cost formulae).

         "Advance Rate" shall mean, for each item of Collateral, the advance
         rate set forth in the Request for Borrowing which shall be consistent
         with the Pricing Matrix, as set forth in Schedule 10 (Pricing Matrix).

         "Affiliate" shall mean, in relation to any person, a Subsidiary of that
         person or a Holding Company of that person or any other Subsidiary of
         that Holding Company and, with respect to the Borrower, any Person
         managed by the Borrower.

         "the Agent's Spot Rate of Exchange" shall mean the Agent's spot rate of
         exchange for the purchase of the relevant currency with the Base
         Currency in the London foreign exchange market at or about 11:00 a.m.
         London Time on a particular day.

         "Applicable Margin" shall mean, with respect to each item of Collateral
         the Applicable Margin applicable to such item of Collateral as set
         forth in Schedule 10 (Pricing Matrix) or such other Applicable Margin
         as may be mutually agreed to by the Borrower and the Agent.

         "Appraisal" shall mean a valuation of any Property prepared by a valuer
         reasonably acceptable to the Agent.

         "Asset-Specific Loan Balance" shall mean the portion of any Loan
         allocable to each item of Eligible Collateral (converted into the Base
         Currency using the Agent's Spot Rate of Exchange as at the day which
         was one (1) Business Day prior to the relevant Funding Date of such
         Loan). Such portion shall initially consist of the sum of the Loans
         made on account of such Eligible Collateral, advance costs and fees to
         the extent properly incurred by the Lenders and the Agent and the
         Security Trustee hereunder and borrowed by the Borrower hereunder.
         Whenever this Agreement states that principal payments on account of a
         Loan are to be allocated or applied to or against the Asset-Specific
         Loan Balance of a specific item of Eligible Collateral, the
         Asset-Specific Loan Balance of such item of Eligible Collateral shall
         be deemed reduced accordingly by the amount of the principal payments
         so applied (such principal repayments being first converted into the
         Base Currency suing the Agent's Spot Rate of Exchange on the day which
         was one (1) Business Day before the relevant Funding Date of such

         "Asset Value" shall mean, as of any date in respect of any item of
         Eligible Collateral, the price at which such item of Eligible
         Collateral could readily be sold, after giving effect to the value of
         any Interest Rate Protection Agreements with respect to such item of
         Eligible Collateral which are to be secured in favour of the Security
         Trustee as Collateral, as determined in good faith discretion by the
         Agent, which price may be determined to be zero and in no event shall
         exceed the then outstanding par value (where applicable) of the subject
         Eligible Collateral which consists of a Collateral Loan. The Agent's
         determination of Asset Value, which may be made at any time and from
         time to time, shall be conclusive, absent manifest error, upon the
         parties to this Agreement; provided that, without limiting the effect
         of Clause 8.3 (Mandatory Pre-Payment or granting of further security to
         the Security Trustee), the Asset Value shall be deemed to be:

         (1)      zero or such greater amount as determined in sole but good
                  faith discretion by the Agent in respect of each item of
                  Eligible Collateral in respect of which there is a breach of a
                  representation or warranty by a Collateral Obligor;

         (2)      zero or such greater amount as determined in good faith, by,
                  but at the sole discretion of the Agent in respect of each
                  item of Eligible Collateral in respect of which there is a
                  delinquency in the payment of principal and/or interest which
                  continues for a period in excess of thirty (30) days (after
                  taking into account any applicable grace periods);

         (3)      zero or such greater amount as determined in good faith, by,
                  but at the sole discretion of, the Agent, in respect of each
                  item of Collateral which has been released from the possession
                  of the Custodian under the Custodial Agreement to the Borrower
                  for a period in excess of fourteen (14) days unless the Agent
                  and Custodian have approved such release for a longer period
                  of time; and

         (4)      zero or such greater amount as determined in good faith, but
                  at the sole discretion of, the Agent following the failure of
                  Borrower to deliver the Collateral File associated with such
                  item of Eligible Collateral to the Custodian within five (5)
                  Business Days after the Funding Date associated with the Loan
                  made in respect of such item of Eligible Collateral.

         Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this definition,
         whenever an Asset Value determination is required under this Agreement:

         (a)      the Borrower shall cooperate with the Agent in its good faith
                  determination of the Asset Value of each item of Eligible
                  Collateral (including, without limitation, providing all
                  information and documentation in the possession of the
                  Borrower or otherwise within the control of the Borrower
                  regarding such item of Eligible Collateral); and

         (b)      the Agent shall be entitled to consider any and all factors
                  relevant to the determination of Asset Value including,
                  without limitation, general and specific changes in the
                  capital markets and the real estate markets, and other factors
                  affecting any item of Eligible Collateral, the Borrower, any
                  Collateral Obligor or the transactions contemplated hereunder.
                  Each communication by the Agent to the Borrower of an Asset
                  Value determination pertaining to one or more items of
                  Eligible Collateral shall be subject to the disclaimer
                  provisions set forth in Clause 33.3 (Disclaimers).

         "Authorisation" shall mean an authorisation, consent, approval,
         resolution, licence, exemption, filing, notarisation or registration.

         "Availability Period" shall mean the period from and including the
         Effective Date to and including the Termination Date.

         "Available Credit" shall mean, with respect to any Lender, such
         Lender's Maximum Credit minus:

         (a)      the Base Currency Amount of its participation in any
                  outstanding Loans; and

         (b)      the Base Currency Amount of its proportional participation in
                  any Loans that are due to be made on or before the proposed
                  Funding Date,

         other than such Lender's participation in any Loans that are due to be
         repaid or prepaid on or before the proposed Funding Date.

         "B Notes" shall mean the original executed subordinated note or other
         evidence of a subordinated interest with respect to a Mortgage Loan or
         a Mezzanine Loan (to which the applicable representations and
         warranties in Clause 17.13 (Collateral; Collateral Security) hereof are

         "Bank Agreement" shall mean the Collection Account Control Agreement
         between inter alios the Borrower and the Security Trustee of even date

         "Base Currency" shall mean dollars.

         "Base Currency Amount" shall mean, in relation to a Loan, the amount
         specified in the Request for Borrowing for that Loan (or, if the amount
         requested is not denominated in the Base Currency, that amount
         converted into the Base Currency at the Agent's Spot Rate of Exchange
         on the date which is one (1) Business Day before the Funding Date or,
         if later, on the date the Agent receives a Request for Borrowing)
         adjusted to reflect any repayment, pre-payment, consolidation or
         division of the Loans.

         "Borrower Bank Accounts" or "Accounts" means the Borrower Sterling
         Account and the Borrower Euro Account or either of them as the context
         may require (and any renewal or redesignation of such accounts)
         maintained with the Account Bank, the Irish Bank Account and any other
         bank accounts as the Borrower may open and maintain from time to time
         in accordance with the Bank Agreement and notified to the Agent and the

         "Borrower Euro Account" means the euro denominated Borrower Bank
         Account maintained by the Account Bank with account number 40183181,
         account name AHR Capital MS Limited Euro Account (and any redesignation
         of such account).

         "Borrower Irish Tax Requirements" shall mean the following:

         (a)      the Borrower is and shall continue to be resident in the
                  Republic of Ireland for the purposes of the Irish Taxes Act;

         (b)      the Borrower carries on and shall continue to carry on in the
                  Republic of Ireland the business of holding, managing or both
                  the holding and managing of the Eligible Collateral or
                  interests in the Eligible Collateral;

         (c)      apart from activities ancillary to the business of managing or
                  holding the Eligible Collateral or interests in the Eligible
                  Collateral, the Borrower carries on and shall continue to
                  carry on no other activities;

         (d)      the market value of the Eligible Collateral or interests in
                  the Eligible Collateral held or managed by the Borrower was
                  not less than EUR 10,000,000 on the day on which the Eligible
                  Collateral or interests in the Eligible Collateral were first
                  held by it;

         (e)      all of the transactions entered into or that will be entered
                  into by the Borrower have been or will be entered into, as the
                  case may be, on an arm's length basis, apart from any
                  transaction or arrangement where Section 110(4) of the Irish
                  Taxes Act applies to any interest or other distribution
                  payable under the transaction or arrangement unless the
                  transaction or arrangement concerned is excluded from that
                  provision by virtue of Section 110(5) of the Irish Taxes Act;

         (f)      the Borrower has notified the Irish Revenue Commissioners in
                  the prescribed form that it is or intends to be a qualifying
                  company for the purposes of Section 110(1) of the Irish Taxes
                  Act and has supplied to the Irish Revenue Commissioners such
                  other particulars relating to it as may be specified in the
                  prescribed form;

         (g)      the proceeds of all monies or funding received by the Borrower
                  have been, or as applicable, shall be used by the Borrower in
                  the course of its business as a qualifying company within the
                  meaning of Section 110 of the Irish Taxes Act;

         (h)      any material expenses incurred or to be incurred by the
                  Borrower including interest payable by the Borrower shall be
                  deductible in computing its profits for the purposes of the
                  Irish Taxes Act; and

         (i)      any transaction entered into by the Borrower is not or will
                  not be entered into by such Borrower for tax avoidance

         "Borrower Sterling Account" means the sterling denominated Borrower
         Bank Account maintained by the Account Bank with account number
         40183203, account name AHR Capital MS Limited Sterling Account (and any
         redesignation of such account).

         "Borrowing Base" shall mean the aggregate Collateral Value of the
         Collateral utilised pursuant to the Debenture to secure the amounts
         from time to time outstanding under the Finance Documents, including,
         but not limited to, the Loans.

         "Borrowing Base Deficiency" shall have the meaning provided in
         paragraph (a) of Clause 8.3(a) (Mandatory Pre-Payment or granting of
         further security to the Security Trustee) hereof.

         "Business Day" shall mean, a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on
         which banks are open for general business in:

         (a)      London, or in relation to any date for payment or purchase of
                  a currency other than sterling or euro the principal financial
                  centre of the country of that currency;

         (b)      in relation to any date for payment or purchase of euro, any
                  TARGET Day; or

         (c)      in relation to any notice to be given to a party pursuant to
                  this Agreement (including a Request for Borrowing) the city in
                  which such party's office for service is located.

         "Capital Lease Obligations" shall mean, for any person, all obligations
         of such person to pay rent or other amounts under a lease of (or other
         agreement conveying the right to use) Property to the extent such
         obligations are required to be classified and accounted for as a
         capital lease on a balance sheet of such person under GAAP, and, for
         purposes of this Agreement, the amount of such obligations shall be the
         capitalised amount hereof, determined in accordance with GAAP.

         "CMBS" shall mean, in the singular or plural as the context requires,
         debt securities backed by mortgages or other comparable security over
         commercial real estate or by securities, interests or other obligations
         backed directly or indirectly by such mortgages or other comparable
         security with the assigned Rating by the corresponding Rating Agency as
         set forth in Schedule 10 (Pricing Matrix).

         "Collateral" shall mean, all of the Borrower's right, title and
         interest in, to and under each of the following items of Property,
         whether now owned or hereafter acquired, now existing or hereafter
         created and wherever located:

         (a)      All Eligible Collateral with respect to which a Loan is made

         (b)      All Collateral Documents with respect to which a Loan is made
                  hereunder and as to which the Custodian has been instructed to
                  hold for the Security Trustee pursuant to the Custodial

         (c)      All guarantees and insurance (issued by any Governmental
                  Authority or otherwise) and any insurance certificate or other
                  document evidencing such guarantees or insurance relating to
                  any Collateral and all claims and payments thereunder;

         (d)      All Interest Rate Protection Agreements;

         (e)      All other insurance policies and insurance proceeds relating
                  to the Collateral or related Property;

         (f)      All collateral or security however defined, under any other
                  agreement between or any Obligor and the Lender and/or or any
                  of their respective Affiliates; and

         (g)      Any and all replacements, substitutions, distributions on or
                  proceeds of any and all of the foregoing.

         "Collateral Documents" shall mean the documents comprising the
         Collateral File for each item of Eligible Collateral.

         "Collateral File" shall mean, as to each item of Collateral, those
         documents set forth in a schedule to be delivered by the Borrower or
         the Agent to the Custodian and which are delivered to the Custodian
         pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or the Custodial Agreement
         including, without limitation, all documents required by the Agent to
         better enable the Borrower to grant in favour of the Security Trustee
         and to perfect a first priority security interest in such item of

         "Collateral Loan" shall mean, any Eligible Collateral consisting of a
         loan or an interest in a loan.

         "Collateral Obligor" shall mean, any obligor with respect to any
         Eligible Collateral any issuer of any debt security comprising any
         portion of the Collateral and the issuer of any Preferred Equity

         "Collateral Schedule" shall mean a list of the Eligible Collateral to
         be granted by way of security to the Security Trustee for the Secured
         Obligations under the Finance Documents attached to a Custodial
         Identification Certificate setting forth, as to each item of Eligible
         Collateral, the applicable information for such Collateral type
         specified in the Custodial Agreement.

         "Collateral Schedule and Exception Report" shall mean any collateral
         schedule and exception report prepared by the Custodian pursuant to the
         Custodial Agreement.

         "Collateral Value" shall mean on any day, with respect to each item of
         Collateral, the product obtained by multiplying the Asset Value of such
         item of Collateral (converted into the Base Currency (calculated by the
         Agent determining the Base Currency equivalent of such Asset Value by
         converting such Asset Value into the Base Currency using the Agent's
         Spot Rate of Exchange on such day)) by the Advance Rate set forth in
         the Request for Borrowing associated therewith.

         "Commitment Fee" shall have the meaning provided in Clause 11 (Fees)

         "Corporate Services Agreement" shall mean the Management Agreement
         dated January 27th, 2006 between the Borrower and Citco Corporate
         Services (Ireland) Limited.

         "Custodian" shall mean, LaSalle Bank National Association, as Custodian
         under the Custodial Agreement, and its successors and permitted assigns

         "Custodial Agreement" shall mean the Custodial Agreement, dated as of
         the date hereof, between the Borrower, the Custodian and the Agent,
         substantially in the form of Schedule 12 (Form of Custodial Agreement)
         hereto, as the same shall be modified and supplemented and in effect
         from time to time.

         "Custodial Identification Certificate" shall mean, the certificate
         executed by the Borrower in connection with the pledge of Eligible
         Collateral to the Security Trustee in the form of Schedule 3 to the
         Custodial Agreement.

         "Debenture" shall mean the Debenture to be entered into by, inter
         alios, the Borrower in favour of the Security Trustee.

         "Default" shall mean an Event of Default or any event or circumstance
         which would (with the expiry of a grace period, the giving of notice,
         or any combination of any of the foregoing) be an Event of Default.

         "Diligence Materials" shall mean the Preliminary Due Diligence Package
         together with the materials requested in the Supplemental Due Diligence

         "dollars" or "$" shall mean the lawful currency of the United States of

         "Due Diligence Review" shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 33.2
         (Periodic Due Diligence Review).

         "Effective Date" shall mean, February 14, 2006.

         "Eligible Collateral" shall mean collectively: Mortgage Loans,
         Mezzanine Loans, B Notes, Preferred Equity Interests and CMBS and Other
         Approved Collateral to which the applicable section of Schedule 11
         (Representations and Warranties Re: Eligible Collateral) hereof is

         "Eligible Collateral Asset" shall mean any particular item of Eligible

         "Encumbered Property" shall mean the real property (including all
         improvements, buildings, fixtures, building equipment and personal
         property thereon and all additions, alterations and replacements made
         at any time with respect to the foregoing) and all other collateral
         securing repayment of the debt comprised in a Mortgage Loan, or, in the
         case of any Mezzanine Loan, the Equity Interests and the real property
         related thereto.

         "Equity Interest" shall mean any interest in a person constituting a
         share of stock or a partner or membership interest or other right or
         interest in a person not characterised as indebtedness under GAAP
         (including, without limitation, a Preferred Equity Interest).

         "Equity Proceeds" shall mean with respect to the Guarantor, an amount
         equal to the net proceeds from the issuance of any securities of the
         Guarantor or the net proceeds due to the Guarantor from contributions
         to capital or otherwise by another person.

         "euro" or "EUR" shall mean the single currency unit of the
         Participating Member States.

         "EU Insolvency Regulation" means Council Regulation (EC) No. 1346/2000
         of 20 May 2000.

         "Event of Default" shall mean any event or circumstance specified as
         such in Clause 20 (Events of Default).

         "Examiner" has the meaning given to it in Section 2 of the Companies
         (Amendment) Act, 1990 of the Republic of Ireland and "Examinership"
         shall be construed accordingly.

         "Exit Fee" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 11.2 (Exit

         "Exit Fee Related Collateral" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in
         Clause 11.2 (Exit Fee).

         "Facility" shall mean the revolving loan facility made available under
         this Agreement as described in Clause 2 (The Facility).

         "Facility Office" shall mean the office or offices notified by a Lender
         to the Agent in writing on or before the date it becomes a Lender (or,
         following that date, by not less than five (5) Business Days' written
         notice) as the office or offices through which it will perform its
         obligations under this Agreement.

         "Finance Documents" shall mean this Agreement, the Debenture, the
         Guarantee, the Custodial Agreement, the Bank Agreement, each Interest
         Rate Protection Agreement and any other document designated as such by
         the Agent and the Borrower.

         "Finance Party" shall mean the Agent, the Security Trustee and each
         Lender as the case may be and the context requires.

         "Funding Costs" shall mean, collectively, the actual costs to a Lender
         of breaking an interbank contract for LIBOR (or the costs that would
         have been incurred if such a Lender had entered into a broken interbank
         contract prior to the expiration of the contract period applicable
         thereto in connection with (a) a pre-payment (whether voluntary or
         involuntary) of all or any portion of an Asset-Specific Loan Balance or
         other principal repayment required or permitted under the Finance
         Documents that is made at any time other than at the expiration of an
         Interest Period, (b) any voluntary or involuntary acceleration of the
         Termination Date that in effect occurs on any date that is not the last
         day of an Interest Period with respect to any Asset-Specific Loan
         Balance, and (c) any other set of circumstances not attributable solely
         to a Lender's acts, or related to an amendment of this Agreement by the
         parties hereto. Subject to the foregoing, Funding Costs shall not
         include a diminution in yield suffered by a Lender upon re-lending or
         re-investing the principal of a Loan after any pre-payment of such

         "Funding Date" shall mean the date on which a Loan is made hereunder.

         "GAAP" shall mean

         (a)      in respect of the Borrower, generally accepted accounting
                  principles in effect from time to time in the Republic of
                  Ireland; and

         (b)      in respect of the Guarantor, generally accepted accounting
                  principles in effect from time to time in the United States of

         "Governmental Authority" shall mean, any nation or government, any
         state or other political subdivision thereof, any entity exercising
         executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory or administrative
         functions of or pertaining to government and any court or arbitrator
         having jurisdiction over the Borrower, the Guarantor or any of their
         respective Subsidiaries or any of their respective properties.

         "Guarantee" shall mean the Parent Guaranty and Indemnity executed by
         the Guarantor in favour of the Security Trustee of even date herewith.

         "the Guarantor" shall mean Anthracite Capital, Inc., a Maryland

         "Holding Company" means, in relation to a company or corporation, any
         other company or corporation in respect of which it is a Subsidiary.

         "Indebtedness" shall mean any indebtedness for or in respect of:

         (a)      moneys borrowed;

         (b)      any amount raised by acceptance under any acceptance credit
                  facility or dematerialised equivalent;

         (c)      any amount raised pursuant to any note purchase facility or
                  the issue of bonds, notes, debentures, loan stock or any
                  similar instrument;

         (d)      the amount of any liability in respect of any lease or hire
                  purchase contract which would, in accordance with GAAP, be
                  treated as a finance or capital lease;

         (e)      receivables sold or discounted (other than any receivables to
                  the extent they are sold on a non-recourse basis);

         (f)      any amount raised under any other transaction (including any
                  forward sale or purchase agreement) having the commercial
                  effect of a borrowing;

         (g)      any derivative transaction entered into in connection with
                  protection against or benefit from fluctuation in any rate or
                  price (and, when calculating the value of any derivative
                  transaction, only the marked to market value shall be taken
                  into account);

         (h)      any counter-indemnity obligation in respect of a guarantee,
                  indemnity, bond, standby or documentary letter of credit or
                  any other instrument issued by a bank or financial

         (i)      any Capital Lease Obligations;

         (j)      any amount of any liability under an advance or deferred
                  purchase agreement if one of the primary reasons behind the
                  entry into this agreement is to raise finance;

         (k)      (without double counting) the amount of any liability in
                  respect of any guarantee or indemnity for any of the items
                  referred to in paragraphs (a) to (k) above; and

         (l)      any other indebtedness of the Borrower whether financial or

         "Information Memorandum" shall mean, the document in the form approved
         by the Borrower concerning the Borrower which, at its request and on
         its behalf, is to be prepared in relation to this transaction and
         distributed prior to the Syndication Date in connection with

         "Institutional Investor" shall mean a bank, insurance company, pension
         fund, real estate investment trust, registered investment advisor or
         other institutional investor or a corporation whose shares are publicly
         traded on the New York Stock Exchange or the American Stock Exchange,
         the London Stock Exchange, the Irish Stock Exchange or a similar
         internationally recognised stock exchange of another nation or any
         Affiliate of the foregoing, in each case, having not less than
         $500,000,000 in assets and $250,000,000 in equity, and having a long
         term unsecured debt rating of "A" by S&P or the equivalent by Moody's.

         "Institutional Owner" shall mean an insurance company, bank, savings
         and loan association, REIT, Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit,
         grantor trust, trust company, commercial credit corporation, pension
         plan, pension fund or pension fund advisory firm, mutual fund or other
         investment company, governmental entity or plan, "qualified
         institutional buyer", within the meaning of Rule 144A under the
         Securities Act (U.S.) of 1993, as amended (other than a broker/dealer)
         or an institution substantially similar to any of the foregoing, or any
         entity wholly owned by any one or more such institutions, in each case,
         having not less than $500,000,000 in assets and $250,000,000 in equity,
         and having a long term unsecured debt rating of "A" by S&P or the
         equivalent by Moody's.

         "Intangible Assets" shall mean the excess of the cost over book value
         of assets acquired, patents, trademarks, trade names, copyrights,
         franchises and other intangible assets (excluding, in any event, the
         value of any residual securities and the value of any owned or
         purchased mortgage servicing rights).

         "Interest Payment Date" shall mean the first Business Day of each month
         and for the last month of this Agreement, the first Business Day of
         such last month and the Termination Date.

         "Interest Period" for any Loan shall mean (i) the period commencing on
         the Funding Date and ending on the day immediately preceding the next
         succeeding Interest Payment Date, and thereafter (ii) the period
         commencing on each Interest Payment Date and ending on the date
         immediately preceding the next succeeding Interest Payment Date.

         "Interest Rate Protection Agreement" shall mean, any, futures contract,
         options related contract, interest rate swap, cap or collar agreement
         or similar arrangement providing for protection against fluctuations in
         interest rates or the exchange of nominal interest obligations, either
         generally or under specific contingencies.

         "Investment Management Agreement" shall mean the Investment Management
         Agreement dated January 27th, 2006 between the Borrower and BlackRock
         Financial Management, Inc.

         "Irish Bank Account" means such account in the name of the Borrower
         with the Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland the account number
         of which shall be notified by the Borrower to the Security Trustee.

         "Irish Taxes Act" has the meaning given to it in Clause 12.1

         "the Lender" shall mean:

         (a)      Morgan Stanley Bank, a Utah Corporation; and

         (b)      any bank, financial institution, trust, fund or other entity
                  which has become a Party in accordance with Clause 21 (Changes
                  to the Lenders),

         which in each case has not ceased to be a Party in accordance with the
         terms of this Agreement.

         "Lenders' Net Aggregate Exposure" shall mean, with respect to all
         Loans, a fraction:

         (a)      the numerator of which shall be the sum of (i) the aggregate
                  Loans plus (ii) the amount of any and all senior Indebtedness
                  and senior Preferred Equity Interest(s) secured in whole or in
                  part by real property or direct or indirect beneficial
                  interests therein relating to all Eligible Collateral securing
                  such Loans; and

         (b)      the denominator of which shall be the fair market value of the
                  real property or direct or indirect beneficial interests
                  referred to in (a) above as determined by the Agent in its
                  sole good faith discretion.

         "Lenders' Net Exposure" shall mean, with respect to each Loan, a

         (a)      the numerator of which shall be sum of (i) such Loan plus (ii)
                  the amount of any and all Indebtedness and senior preferred
                  equity interest(s) secured in whole or in part by real
                  property or direct or indirect beneficial interests therein
                  relating to the Eligible Collateral granted as security to the
                  Security Trustee in connection with such Loan; and

         (b)      the denominator of which shall be the fair market value of the
                  real property or direct or indirect beneficial interests
                  referenced in (a) above as determined by the Agent in its sole
                  good faith discretion.

         "LIBOR" shall mean, in relation to any Loan (other than a Loan in

         (a)      the applicable Screen Rate; or

         (b)      (if no Screen Rate is available for the currency or Interest
                  Period of that Loan) the arithmetic mean of the rates (rounded
                  upwards to four decimal places) as supplied to the Agent at
                  its request quoted by the Reference Banks to leading banks in
                  the London interbank market,

         on or about 11:00 a.m. London time on the Quotation Day for the
         offering of deposits in the currency of that Loan and for a period of
         thirty (30) days.

         "LMA" shall mean the Loan Market Association.

         "Loan" shall mean a loan made or to be made under the Facility (and in
         the Base Currency) or the principal amount outstanding for the time
         being of that loan (and in the Base Currency).

         "Loan-To-Value Ratio" or "LTV" shall mean, as of any date in respect to
         any item of Eligible Collateral, the ratio that (x) the aggregate
         outstanding principal balances of all loans and preferred equity
         interests secured in whole or in part by real property or direct or
         indirect beneficial interests therein relating to such Eligible
         Collateral bears to (y) the value, determined by an Appraisal in a form
         reasonably acceptable to the Agent, of the real property (together with
         all applicable appurtenant interests and subject to all applicable
         security interests, encumbrances and tenancies), or direct or indirect
         beneficial interests which form the basis of such Eligible Collateral.

         "Majority Lenders" shall mean:

         (a)      if there are no Loans then outstanding, a Lender or Lenders
                  whose Total Maximum Credit aggregate more than 66(2)/3% of the
                  Total Maximum Credit (or, if the Total Maximum Credit have
                  been reduced to zero, aggregated more than 66(2)/3% of the
                  Total Maximum Credit immediately prior to the reduction); or

         (b)      at any other time, a Lender or Lenders whose participations in
                  the Loans then outstanding aggregate more than 66(2)/3% of all
                  the Loans then outstanding.

         "Mandatory Cost" shall mean the percentage rate per annum calculated by
         the Agent in accordance with Schedule 4 (Mandatory Cost formulae).

         "Material Adverse Effect" shall mean a material adverse effect on:

         (a)      the business, operations, Property, condition (financial or
                  otherwise) or prospects of the Borrower or the Guarantor;

         (b)      the ability of an Obligor to perform its obligations under any
                  of the Finance Documents;

         (c)      the validity or enforceability of any of the Finance Documents
                  or the rights or remedies of any Finance Party under any of
                  the Finance Documents;

         (d)      the timely payment of principal or of interest on a Loan or
                  other amounts payable in connection therewith; or

         (e)      the Collateral.

         "Maximum Credit" shall mean in relation to any Lender, the amount in
         the Base Currency set opposite its name under the heading "Maximum
         Credit" in Part II of Schedule 1 (The Original Parties) and the amount
         in the Base Currency of any other Maximum Credit transferred to it
         under this Agreement as the same may be reduced in accordance with this
         Agreement to the extent not cancelled, reduced or transferred by it
         under this Agreement.

         "Mezzanine Loan" shall mean indebtedness of an owner or owners of any
         Equity Interest or any other equity or ownership interests in property
         secured only by such Equity Interest or other equity or ownership
         interest, each encumbering one or more commercial (including retail
         office, industrial, self-storage, hospitality or other commercial uses)
         or multi-family residential properties to which the applicable
         representations and warranties in Clause 17.13 (Collateral: Collateral
         Security) hereof are correct.

         "Moody's" shall mean Moody's Investors Service Inc. or any successor to
         its rating business.

         "Mortgage" shall mean the mortgage, charge or other instrument securing
         a Mortgage Loan, which creates a first ranking security interest on
         real property.

         "Mortgage Loan" shall mean a performing mortgage loan encumbering one
         or more commercial (including retail, office, industrial, self storage,
         hospitality or other commercial uses) or multi-family residential
         properties to which the applicable representations and warranties in
         Clause 17.13 (Collateral; Collateral Security) hereof are correct.

         "MS & Co." shall mean Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, a registered

         "MS Indebtedness" means any Indebtedness of any Obligor owed to the
         Initial Lender or any of its respective Affiliates.

         "Net Worth" shall mean the amount which would be included under
         shareholders equity on a consolidated balance sheet of the Borrower and
         the Guarantor and its subsidiaries determined on a consolidated basis
         in accordance with GAAP.

         "Obligors" shall mean the Borrower and the Guarantor and "Obligor"
         shall mean either one of them as the context may require.

         "Optional Currency" shall mean either sterling or euros or any other
         currency mutually agreed to by the Borrower and the Agent.

         "Optional Currency Amount" means, in relation to a Loan, the amount and
         type of Optional Currency specified in a Request for Borrowing for that
         Loan (converted from the Base Currency at the Agent's Spot Rate of
         Exchange on the date which is three (3) Business Days before the
         Funding Date or, if later, on the date the Agent receives the Request
         for Borrowing) adjusted to reflect any repayment, pre-payment,
         consolidation or division of the Loans.

         "Other Approved Collateral" shall mean such other proposed Property of
         the Borrower as the Agent shall accept as Collateral for a Loan.

         "Participating Member State" shall mean any member state of the
         European Communities that adopts or has adopted the euro as its lawful
         currency in accordance with legislation of the European Community
         relating to Economic and Monetary Union.

         "Party" shall mean a party to this Agreement.

         "Post Default Rate of Interest" shall have the meaning ascribed to it
         in Clause 9.3 (Default Interest).

         "Preferred Equity Interest" shall mean any interest in a person
         constituting preference shares or a preferred partnership or membership
         interest or other preferred right or interest in a person that is not
         characterised as indebtedness under GAAP.

         "Preliminary Due Diligence Package" shall mean, with respect to any
         item of Eligible Collateral, the following due diligence information
         relating to such item of Eligible Collateral to be provided by the
         Borrower to the Agent pursuant to this Agreement:

         (a)      a summary memorandum outlining the proposed transaction,
                  including potential transaction benefits and all material
                  underwriting risks, all Underwriting Issues and all other
                  characteristics of the proposed transaction that a prudent
                  lender would consider material;

         (b)      a cash flow pro-forma, plus historical information, if

         (c)      a description of the Property comprised in such Eligible
                  Collateral (whether real property, a loan or other

         (d)      the indicative relevant Loan-To-Value Ratio;

         (e)      the Borrower's or the Guarantor's or any Affiliate thereof's
                  relationship with its Collateral Obligor or any Affiliate of
                  such Collateral Obligor, if any;

         (f)      a Phase I environmental report (including asbestos and lead
                  paint report);

         (g)      third party reports, to the extent available and applicable,

                  (i)      current Appraisal;

                  (ii)     Phase II environmental report or other follow-up
                           environmental report if such was recommended in the
                           relevant Phase I environmental report;

                  (iii)    seismic reports; and

                  (iv)     an operations and maintenance plan with respect to
                           asbestos containing materials;

         (h)      documents comprising such Eligible Collateral, or current
                  drafts thereof, including, without limitation, the underlying
                  debt and the related finance documents (including any
                  guarantees), the Collateral Obligor's organisational, or
                  constitutional, documents, warrant agreements, and loan and
                  collateral security agreements, as applicable;

         (i)      a list that specifically and expressly identifies any
                  Collateral Documents that relate to such Eligible Collateral
                  but which are not in the Borrower's possession; and

         (j)      in the case of Eligible Collateral which is other than an
                  actual Mortgage Loan, all information and other materials
                  described in this definition which would otherwise be provided
                  for the underlying mortgage loan if it were an item of
                  Eligible Collateral, except that, as to the items set forth in
                  paragraphs (g) and (h), to the extent the Borrower possesses
                  such information or has access to such information because it
                  was provided to the related lead lender and made available to
                  the Borrower.

         "Principal Receipts" means in relation to any Eligible Collateral
         purchased or otherwise acquired by the Borrower, any monies arising
         from such Eligible Collateral and received by the Borrower which are of
         a principal nature or are on account of principal, or are on account of
         a return of capital in relation to a Preferred Equity Interest.

         "Property" shall mean, any right or interest in or to property of any
         kind whatsoever, whether real, personal or mixed and whether tangible
         or intangible.

        "Proposed Eligible Collateral" means any item of Collateral that the
        Borrower proposes should be the subject of a Loan prior to the approval
        by the Agent as Eligible Collateral.

         "Qualifying Lender" has the meaning given to it in Clause 12.1

         "Quotation Day" means in relation to any period for which an interest
         rate is to be determined:

         (a)      (if the currency is sterling) the first date of that period;

         (b)      (if the currency is euro) two TARGET Days before the first
                  date of that period;

         (c)      (for any other currency) two (2) Business Days before the
                  first day of that period,

         unless market practice differs in the Relevant Interbank Market for a
         currency, in which case the Quotation Day for that currency will be
         determined by the Agent in accordance with market practice in the
         Relevant Interbank market (and if quotations would normally be given by
         leading banks in the Relevant Interbank Market on more than one day,
         the Quotation Day will be the last of those days).

         "Rating" shall mean the rating (or its equivalent) assigned by each
         Rating Agency for CMBS as set forth in Schedule 10 (Pricing Matrix).

         "Rating Agency" shall mean Moody's and S&P.

         "Reference Banks" shall mean, in relation to LIBOR the principal London
         offices of HSBC Bank plc, The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Barclays Bank
         plc and Lloyds TSB Bank plc or such other banks as may be appointed by
         the Agent in consultation with the Borrower.

         "Relevant Interbank Market" shall mean in relation to euro, the
         European interbank market, in relation to sterling the London interbank
         market and, in relation to any other currency, the London interbank

         "Request for Borrowing" shall mean a notice substantially in the form
         set out in Schedule 3 (Request for Borrowing).

         "Reservations" shall mean (i) the effect of bankruptcy, examination,
         insolvency or similar laws affecting generally the enforcement of
         creditor's rights, as such laws would apply in the event of any
         bankruptcy, examination, receivership, insolvency or similar event
         applicable to the relevant Obligor and (ii) general equitable
         principles (whether enforceability of such principles is considered in
         a proceeding at law or in equity).

         "Repeating Representations" shall mean the representation and
         warranties of the Borrower set forth in Clauses 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.4,
         17.5, 17.6, 17.7, 17.9, 17.10, 17.11, 17.12, 17.13, 17.15, 17.16,
         17.17, 17.18 and 17.19 of this Agreement.

         "Responsible Officer" shall mean, as to any person, the chief executive
         officer, chairman of the board, president, executive vice president,
         and, with respect of financial matters, executive vice president, vice
         president or the treasurer of such person.

         "Revenue Receipts" means any monies received by the Borrower which are
         not Principal Receipts (or the proceeds of the investment of the
         Borrower Principal Receipts).

         "S&P" shall mean Standard and Poor's Rating Services, a division of The
         McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. or any successor to its rating business.

         "Screen Rate" means in relation to LIBOR, the British Bankers'
         Association Interest Settlement Rate for the relevant currency and
         period, and displayed on the appropriate page of the Telerate screen.
         If the agreed page is replaced or service ceases to be available, the
         Agent may specify another page or service displaying the appropriate
         rate after consultation with the Borrower and the Lenders.

         "Secured Parties" or "Secured Party" shall have the meaning provided in
         the Debenture.

         "the Security Trustee" has the meaning provided in the heading to this

         "the Servicer" shall have the meaning provided in Clause 33.1
         (Servicing) hereof.

         "Servicer Notice" shall have the meaning provided in Clause 33.1
         (Servicing) hereof.

         "Servicing Agreement" shall have the meaning provided in Clause 33.1
         (Servicing) hereof.

         "Servicing Records" shall have the meaning provided in Clause 33.1
         (Servicing) hereof.

         "sterling" or "(pound)" shall mean the lawful currency of the United

         "Subordinated Loan Agreement" shall mean the agreement made between the
         Borrower and the Guarantor evidencing the subordinated debt of the
         Borrower to the Guarantor which shall not be dated later than the date
         of the initial loan under this Agreement.

         "Subsidiary" shall mean in the case of a company incorporated in
         England and Wales a subsidiary within the meaning of Section 736 of the
         Companies Act 1985 and in the case of the Borrower only a subsidiary
         within the meaning of Section 155 of the Companies Act, 1963 (as
         amended) of the Republic of Ireland:

         (a)      which is controlled, directly or indirectly, by the first
                  mentioned company or corporation;

         (b)      more than half the issued share capital of which is
                  beneficially owned, directly or indirectly by the first
                  mentioned company or corporation; or

         (c)      which is a Subsidiary of another Subsidiary of the first
                  mentioned company or corporation,

         and for this purpose, a company or corporation shall be treated as
         being controlled by another if that other company or corporation is
         able to direct its affairs and/or to control the composition of its
         board of directors or equivalent body.

         "Supplemental Due Diligence List" shall mean with respect to any item
         of Proposed Eligible Collateral, information or deliveries concerning
         such Proposed Eligible Collateral that the Agent shall request in
         addition to the Preliminary Due Diligence Package.

         "Syndication Date" shall mean the day which is the day specified by as
         the day on which primary syndication of the Facility is completed.

         "Table Funded Eligible Collateral" shall mean Eligible Collateral to be
         acquired by the Borrower contemporaneously with the making of a Loan to
         it, where substantially all of the proceeds of the relevant Loan will
         be used to acquire such Eligible Collateral.

         "Tangible Net Worth" shall mean, as of a particular date:

         (a)      all amounts which would be included under equity on the
                  balance sheet of the Guarantor at such date, determined in
                  accordance with GAAP, less

                  (i)      all amounts owing to the Guarantor from Affiliates;

                  (ii)     Intangible Assets.

         "TARGET" means Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement
         Express Transfer payment system.

         "TARGET Day" means any day on which TARGET is open for the settlement
         of payments in euro.

         "Tax" shall mean any tax, levy, impost, duty or other charge or
         withholding of a similar nature (including any penalty or interest
         payable in connection with any failure to pay or any delay in paying
         any of the same).

         "Taxes Act" shall mean the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988.

         "Termination Date" shall mean February 14, 2008 or such earlier date on
         which this Agreement may terminate in accordance with its terms or by
         operation of law.

         "Total Maximum Credit" shall mean the aggregate of the Maximum Credit
         being $200,000,000 as at the date of this Agreement.

         "Transfer Certificate" shall mean a certificate substantially in the
         form set out in Schedule 5 (Form of Transfer Certificate) or any other
         form agreed between the Agent and the Borrower.

         "Transfer Date" shall mean in relation to a transfer, the later of:

         (a)      the proposed Transfer Date specified in the Transfer
                  Certificate; and

         (b)      the date on which the Agent executes the Transfer Certificate.

         "Trust Receipt" shall mean the receipt delivered by the Custodian
         pursuant to the Custodial Agreement acknowledging receipt of a
         Collateral File in connection with a Loan.

         "Underwriting Issues" shall mean, with respect to any Collateral as to
         which the Borrower intends to request a Loan, all information that has
         come to the Borrower's attention, based on the making of reasonable
         inquiries and the exercise of reasonable care and diligence under the
         circumstances, which would be considered a materially "negative" factor
         (either separately or in the aggregate with other information), or a
         material defect in loan documentation or closing deliveries (such as
         any absence of any material Collateral Documents), to a reasonable
         institutional lender in determining whether to originate or acquire the
         Collateral in question.

         "Unpaid Sum" shall mean any sum due and payable but unpaid by an
         Obligor under the Finance Documents.

         "VAT" shall mean value added tax as provided for in the Value Added Tax
         Act 1972 as amended, of the Republic of Ireland and any other tax of a
         similar nature.

         "VAT Group" shall mean a VAT group as defined by Section 8(8) of the
         Value Added Tax Act, 1972, as amended of the Republic of Ireland.

1.2      Construction

         (a)      Unless a contrary indication appears any reference in this
                  Agreement to:

                  (i)      the "the Agent", "the Security Trustee" any "Finance
                           Party", any "the Lender", any "Obligor" or any
                           "Party" shall be construed so as to include its
                           successors in title, permitted assigns and permitted

                  (ii)     "assets" includes present and future properties,
                           revenues and rights of every description;

                  (iii)    a "Finance Document" or any other agreement or
                           instrument is a reference to that Finance Document or
                           other agreement or instrument as amended or novated;

                  (iv)     "indebtedness" includes any obligation (whether
                           incurred as principal or as surety) for the payment
                           or repayment of money, whether present or future,
                           actual or contingent;

                  (v)      a "person" includes any person, firm, company,
                           corporation, government, state or agency of a state
                           or any association, trust or partnership (whether or
                           not having separate legal personality) of two or more
                           of the foregoing;

                  (vi)     a "regulation" includes any regulation, rule,
                           official directive, request or guideline (whether or
                           not having the force of law) of any governmental,
                           intergovernmental or supranational body, agency,
                           department or regulatory, self-regulatory or other
                           authority or organisation;

                  (vii)    a provision of law is a reference to that provision
                           as amended or re-enacted; and

                  (viii)   a time of day is a reference to London time.

         (b)      Section, Clause and Schedule headings are for ease of
                  reference only.

         (c)      Unless a contrary indication appears, a term used in any other
                  Finance Document or in any notice given under or in connection
                  with any Finance Document has the same meaning in that Finance
                  Document or notice as in this Agreement.

         (d)      A Default (other than an Event of Default) and an Event of
                  Default is "continuing" if it has not been remedied or waived.

         (e)      Unless a contrary intention appears words importing the
                  singular shall include the plural and vice versa.

1.3      Third party rights

         A person who is not a Party has no right under the Contracts (Rights of
         Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce or to enjoy the benefit of any term
         of this Agreement.

                                    SECTION 2
                                  THE FACILITY


2.1      The Facility

         Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Lenders make available to
         the Borrower a multicurrency revolving loan facility in a maximum
         aggregate amount from time to time outstanding equal to the Total
         Maximum Credit.

2.2      Finance Parties' rights and obligations

         (a)      The obligations of each Finance Party under the Finance
                  Documents are several. Failure by a Finance Party to perform
                  its obligations under the Finance Documents does not affect
                  the obligations of any other party under the Finance
                  Documents. No Finance Party is responsible for the obligations
                  of any other Finance Party under the Finance Documents.

         (b)      Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, during
                  the Availability Period the Borrower may borrow, repay and
                  reborrow hereunder, provided that, notwithstanding the
                  foregoing, no Lender shall have any obligation to make a Loan
                  to the Borrower in excess of its Available Credit.

         (c)      The rights of each Finance Party under or in connection with
                  the Finance Documents are separate and independent rights and
                  any debt arising under the Finance Documents to a Finance
                  Party from an Obligor shall be a separate and independent

         (d)      A Finance Party may, except as otherwise stated in the Finance
                  Documents, separately enforce its rights under the Finance

3.                PURPOSE

3.1      Purpose

         The Borrower shall apply all amounts borrowed by it under the Facility
         towards the acquisition or funding of Eligible Collateral and the
         purchase of Interest Rate Protection Agreements relating to such
         Eligible Collateral.

3.2      Monitoring

         No Finance Party is bound to monitor or verify the application of any
         amount borrowed pursuant to this Agreement.

                                    SECTION 3


4.1      Initial conditions precedent

         The Borrower may not deliver its initial Request for Borrowing unless
         the Agent has received all of the documents and other evidence listed
         in Part I of Schedule 2 (Conditions Precedent) in form and substance
         satisfactory to the Agent. The Agent shall notify the Borrower and the
         Lenders, promptly upon being so satisfied.

4.2      Further conditions precedent

         The Agent will only be obliged to comply with a Request for Borrowing
         if on the Effective Date the representations and warranties made by
         each Obligor under each Finance Document are true in all material
         respects and on any proposed Funding Date:

         (a)      the Borrower has complied with the provisions of Part II and
                  III of Schedule 2 (Conditions Precedent);

         (b)      the Repeating Representations to be made by the Borrower and
                  any other representations and warranties made by an Obligor
                  under each Finance Document (other than this Agreement) are
                  true in all material respects and in the case of the Repeating
                  Representations, are deemed to be made by the Borrower by
                  reference to the facts and circumstances then existing;

         (c)      the procedures set out in Clause 5 (Procedure for Loans) have
                  been complied with; and

         (d)      the Availability Period has not expired.


5.1      Preliminary Approval of Eligible Collateral

         In respect of any assets which the Borrower proposes to be included in
         the Borrowing Base and to be granted as security to the Security
         Trustee pursuant to the Debenture the Borrower shall:

         (a)      submit to the Agent a Preliminary Due Diligence Package for
                  the Agent's review and approval;

         (b)      not later than five (5) Business Days after the Agent has
                  received a complete Preliminary Due Diligence Package, the
                  Agent may: (i) request in the Agent's sole but good faith
                  discretion additional information that the Agent shall specify
                  on a Supplemental Due Diligence List; (ii) notify the Borrower
                  of the Asset Value for the Proposed Eligible Collateral; or
                  (iii) deny, in the Agent's sole and absolute discretion, the
                  Borrower's request for a Loan hereunder; and

         (c)      In the event of a request for supplemental information by the
                  Agent pursuant to paragraph (b)(i) of Clause 5.1, the Agent
                  shall thereafter advise the Borrower in accordance with
                  paragraph (b)(ii) of Clause 5.1 or paragraph (b)(iii) not
                  later than five (5) Business Days following receipt of the
                  requested information;

         The Agent's failure to respond to the Borrower's request shall be
         deemed to be a denial of the Borrower's request for a Loan, unless
         otherwise agreed to between the Borrower and the Agent in writing.
         Nothing in this Clause 5.1 or elsewhere in this Agreement shall, or be
         deemed to prohibit the Agent from determining in its sole but good
         faith discretion the adequacy, completeness and appropriateness of or
         from disapproving any and all financial and other underwriting data
         required to be supplied by the Borrower under this Agreement.

5.2      Final Approval of Proposed Eligible Collateral

         In the event that the Agent notifies the Borrower of the Asset Value
         for the Proposed Eligible Collateral and the Borrower desires to obtain
         a Loan secured by the Proposed Eligible Collateral the Borrower shall:

         (a)      Notify the Agent of the Advance Rate selected by the Borrower
                  with respect to such Loan which for greater certainty shall
                  not cause the Lenders' Net Aggregate Exposure and the Lenders'
                  Net Exposure for such Loan to exceed 80% and 85%,

         (b)      Satisfy the conditions precedent set forth in Part I and/or
                  II, as applicable, of Schedule 2 (Conditions Precedent); and

         (c)      Provide the Agent, for the Agent's review, the following to
                  the extent not otherwise included in the Preliminary Due
                  Diligence Package:

                  (i)      Environmental and Engineering. If applicable an
                           environmental report and an engineering report, each
                           in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent, by
                           an engineer and environmental consultant reasonably
                           acceptable to the Agent.

                  (ii)     Appraisal. If applicable an Appraisal.

                  (iii)    Insurance. With respect to Eligible Collateral that
                           is secured on real property, certificates or other
                           evidence of insurance demonstrating insurance
                           coverage in respect of such real property of types,
                           in amounts, with insurers and otherwise in compliance
                           with the terms, provisions and conditions set forth
                           in the related Collateral Documents or the finance
                           documents related to such Eligible Collateral. Such
                           certificates or other evidence shall indicate that
                           the lead lender on the whole loan in which the
                           Borrower is a participant will be named as an
                           additional insured as its interest may appear and
                           shall contain a loss payee endorsement in favour of
                           such additional insured with respect to the property
                           policies required to be maintained under the related
                           Collateral Documents.

                  (iv)     Survey. With respect to the Collateral, and to the
                           extent obtained by the Borrower from the Collateral
                           Obligor at the origination of the underlying loan,
                           relating thereto, a current survey of such real
                           property in a form reasonably satisfactory to the

                  (v)      Security Search Reports. Satisfactory reports of any
                           registered security interests, tax security, judgment
                           and litigation searches and certificate of title
                           reports and updates, as applicable, conducted by a
                           reputable law firm reasonably acceptable to the Agent
                           with respect to the Collateral, the Borrower and the
                           related Collateral Obligor; such searches to be
                           conducted in each location the Agent shall reasonably

                  (vi)     Security Instruments. All security instruments and
                           documents granting, to the extent not already done so
                           by the Debenture, to the Security Trustee a perfected
                           first ranking security interest in the Eligible
                           Collateral (and in or over any Interest Rate
                           Protection Agreements held by the Borrower with
                           respect thereto) which shall be subject to no
                           additional security interest except as expressly
                           permitted by the Agent. Such security instruments and
                           documents shall contain such representations and
                           warranties concerning the Eligible Collateral and
                           such other terms as shall be reasonably satisfactory
                           to the Agent.

                  (vii)    Opinions of Counsel. A copy of an opinion to the
                           underlying lender on the Eligible Collateral and its
                           successors and assigns from counsel to the Collateral
                           Obligor on the underlying loan transaction, as
                           applicable, as to the enforceability of the loan
                           documents governing such transaction and such other
                           matters as the Agent shall require (including,
                           without limitation, opinions as to due formation and
                           incorporation, authority, choice of law and
                           perfection of security interests).

                  (viii)   Additional Real Property Matters. To the extent
                           obtained by the Borrower from the Collateral Obligor
                           relating to any item of Eligible Collateral at the
                           origination of the underlying loan or equity interest
                           relating thereto, the Borrower shall have delivered
                           to the Agent such other real estate related
                           certificates and documentation as may have been
                           requested by the Agent pursuant to the terms of this
                           Agreement, such as reports or certificates on title
                           or other information in connection with the relevant
                           real property.

                  (ix)     Eligible Collateral. In the case of Eligible
                           Collateral which represents a participation interest
                           in a Mortgage Loan, in addition to the delivery of
                           the items in paragraphs (vi) and (vii) of Clause 5.2,
                           the Agent shall have received all documentation
                           specified in paragraphs (i) and (v) of Clause 5.2 as
                           if the underlying mortgage loan were the direct
                           Collateral to the extent the Borrower possesses such
                           documentation or has access to such documentation
                           because it was provided to the related lead lender
                           and made available to the Borrower and, in addition,
                           all documents evidencing the Eligible Collateral,
                           including, but not limited to, an original
                           participation certificate and the related
                           participation agreement.

                  (x)      B Notes, Mezzanine Notes, and Preferred Equity
                           Interests. In the case of a B Note, or Mezzanine Loan
                           or Preferred Equity Interest, the Agent shall have
                           received all documentation specified herein as if the
                           underlying loan were the direct item of Collateral
                           and, in addition, all documentation evidencing or
                           otherwise relating to such B Note, Mezzanine Loan or
                           Preferred Equity Interest, as applicable.

                  (xi)     CMBS. In the case of CMBS, the Agent shall have
                           received (a) a copy of the applicable servicing
                           agreement, trust deed, participation agreement or
                           similar document governing the issuance and
                           administration of the CMBS; (b) a copy of any new
                           issue asset summary books; (c) copy of the applicable
                           prospectus or offering memorandum; (d) to the extent
                           that the CMBS is certificated, an original of the
                           relevant certificate duly endorsed in blank to the
                           Security Trustee; (e) to the extent that the CMBS is
                           not certificated, all documents requested by the
                           Agent to confirm that the CMBS is being held in an
                           appropriate security account or such other evidence
                           of confirmation of the sale to the Agent as the Agent
                           shall require; and (f) a copy of any other agreement
                           or instrument evidencing or otherwise governing the

                  (xii)    Other Documents. The Agent shall have received such
                           other documents as the Agent or its counsel shall
                           request with respect to each or any item of Eligible

5.3      Collateral Approval or Disapproval

         Following the date upon which the Borrower satisfied the conditions set
         out in Clause 5.2, or has delivered such items or documents fully
         executed, if applicable, in final form, the Agent shall either:

         (a)      if the Collateral Documents with respect to the Collateral or
                  the security interest to be granted over such Collateral in
                  favour of the Security Trustee are not reasonably satisfactory
                  in form and substance to the Agent, notify the Borrower that
                  the Lender has not approved the Proposed Eligible Collateral;

         (b)      notify the Borrower and the Custodian that the Agent has
                  approved the Proposed Eligible Collateral as Eligible
                  Collateral and such notice shall identify the documents to be
                  delivered to the Custodian in connection with such Eligible
                  Collateral pursuant to Clause 5.2 (Final Approval of Proposed
                  Eligible Collateral) and Error! Reference source not found.
                  and Error! Reference source not found. of Schedule 2
                  (Conditions Precedent) and the party whom the Agent shall
                  designate to record or register and/or file, as the case may
                  be, any security interest or any document or agreement
                  evidencing such security interest necessary to perfect the
                  Security Trustee's security interest in the Eligible

         The terms of delivery and filing and/or recordation or registration of
         such security interest shall if the Agent and the Security Trustee deem
         it necessary to do so be set forth in a separate agreement between the
         Agent, the Security Trustee and their designee. The Agent's failure to
         respond to the Borrower within two (2) Business Days shall be deemed to
         be a denial of the Borrower's request that the Agent approve the
         Proposed Eligible Collateral, unless the Agent and the Borrower have
         agreed otherwise in writing.

5.4      Procedure for Loan with Respect to Eligible Collateral

         Once the Agent has approved the Eligible Collateral in accordance with
         Clause 5.3 (Collateral Approval or Disapproval) above the Borrower may
         request a Loan hereunder, on any Business Day during the period from
         and including the Effective Date to and including the day falling
         fifteen (15) Business Days prior to the Termination Date, by delivering
         to the Agent, with a copy to the Security Trustee, a Request for
         Borrowing, which request must be received by the Agent prior to 2:00
         p.m., London time, one (1) Business Day prior to the requested Funding

5.5      Completion of Request for Borrowing

         The Request for Borrowing shall:

         (a)      attach a schedule identifying the Eligible Collateral that the
                  Borrower proposes to grant by way of security to the Security
                  Trustee and to be included in the Borrowing Base;

         (b)      specify the Funding Date;

         (c)      specify the Advance Rate selected by the Borrower, which in no
                  event shall cause: (i) the Lenders' Net Aggregate Exposure to
                  exceed 80%; and (ii) the Lenders' Net Exposure for such Loan
                  to exceed 85%;

         (d)      specify the Applicable Margin;

         (e)      specify the account into which the aggregate amount of the
                  Loan will be transferred;

         (f)      specify the currency and amount of the Loan in order to comply
                  with Clause 6 (Optional Currencies); and

         (g)      attach a certificate signed by a Responsible Officer of the
                  Borrower certifying as to the truth, accuracy and completeness
                  of the above, which certificate shall specifically include a
                  statement that the Borrower is in compliance with any
                  requirements of any Governmental Authority and is qualified to
                  do business in all required jurisdictions.

         Contemporaneously with the delivery of Request for Borrowing the
         Borrower shall deliver to the Agent, with a copy to the Custodian, a
         Custodial Identification Certificate along with the accompanying
         Collateral Schedule with respect to all proposed Eligible Collateral.
         In the event the Borrower revokes the Request for Borrowing delivered
         to the Agent, the Borrower shall be liable to pay, no later than one
         (1) Business Day after written request from the Agent, and hereby
         agrees to indemnify and hold the Agent and the Lenders harmless from
         and against, all losses, costs and expenses incurred by the Agent or
         the Lenders in connection with the revocation of such Request for

5.6      Delivery of Collateral Files and Finance Documents.

         In connection with the approval of the Eligible Collateral and the
         delivery of a Request for Borrowing the Borrower shall comply with the
         following requirements,

         (a)      The Borrower shall deliver the Collateral Files in the
                  following manner:

                  (i)      in the case of Eligible Collateral that is not Table
                           Funded Eligible Collateral, the Borrower shall
                           deliver to the Custodian no later than 3:00 p.m.,
                           London time, two (2) Business Days prior to the
                           Funding Date all fully executed original or copy
                           documents and instruments required by the Agent to
                           comprise the Collateral File; and

                  (ii)     in the case of Table Funded Eligible Collateral, the
                           Borrower shall deliver to the Custodian no later than
                           three (3) Business Days after the Funding Date all
                           fully executed original or copy documents and
                           instruments required by the Agent to comprise the
                           Collateral File.

         (b)      No later than 5:00 p.m., London time, (1) Business Day prior
                  to each Funding Date, the Borrower shall provide the Custodian
                  with a final Custodial Identification Certificate and related
                  Collateral Schedule with respect to the Eligible Collateral,
                  indicating any changes, if any, from the Custodial
                  Identification Certificate and related Collateral Schedule
                  heretofore delivered to the Agent and the Custodian pursuant
                  to Clause 5.5 (Completion of Request for Borrowing) above.

         (c)      If the Borrower shall deliver the Request for a Borrowing
                  pursuant to Clause 5.4 (Procedure for Loan with respect to
                  Eligible Collateral) and all conditions precedent set forth in
                  Clauses 5.1 (Preliminary Approval of Eligible Collateral), 5.2
                  (Final Approval of Proposed Eligible Collateral), 5.3
                  (Collateral Approval or Disapproval), 5.4 (Procedure for Loan
                  with respect to Eligible Collateral) and Parts I and II of
                  Schedule 2 (Conditions Precedent) have been met, and provided
                  no Default or Event of Default shall have occurred and be
                  continuing, the Agent shall advise the Lender(s) and the
                  Lender(s) shall make a Loan to the Borrower on the Funding
                  Date, in the amount so requested and approved by the Agent.

         (d)      Subject to the satisfaction of the conditions set out in this
                  Clause 5 and to the provisions of Schedule 2 Parts I and II, a
                  Loan will be made available to the Borrower on the Funding
                  Date by no later then 3:00 p.m., London time, on such date,
                  and the fund comprised in such Loan will then be made
                  available to the Borrower by the Lender transferring, via wire
                  transfer, to the relevant account identified by the Borrower
                  in the related Request for Borrowing in the aggregate amount
                  of such Loan in funds immediately available to the Borrower.
                  The Agent may consider on a case-by-case basis in its sole and
                  absolute discretion, alternative funding arrangements
                  requested by the Borrower.

         (e)      From time to time, the Borrower shall forward to the Custodian
                  additional original documents or additional documents
                  evidencing any: (i) assumption, modification, consolidation or
                  extension of a Collateral Loan Document comprising a portion
                  of the Collateral; or (ii) any amendment to the operative
                  documents with respect to Other Approved Collateral, in each
                  case approved by the Agent in accordance with the terms of
                  this Agreement and upon receipt of any such other documents,
                  the Custodian shall hold such other documents as the Agent
                  shall request from time to time.

         (f)      With respect to any documents which have been delivered or are
                  being delivered to recording or registration offices for
                  recording or registration and have not been returned to the
                  Borrower in time to permit their delivery hereunder at the
                  time required, in lieu of delivering such original documents,
                  the Borrower shall deliver to the Custodian a true copy
                  thereof with a certificate of a Responsible Officer of the
                  Borrower certifying that such copy is a true, correct and
                  complete copy of the original, which has been transmitted for
                  recordation. The Borrower shall deliver such original
                  documents to the Custodian promptly when they are received.

         (g)      Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, if
                  the Borrower proposes that Other Approved Collateral should
                  serve as the Collateral for a Loan, then the procedure for the
                  approval of such Other Approved Collateral, shall follow,
                  mutatis mutandis, the procedures described in Clauses 5.1
                  (Preliminary Approval of Eligible Collateral), 5.2 (Final
                  Approval of Proposed Eligible Collateral), 5.3 (Collateral
                  Approval or Disapproval), paragraphs (a) - (d), (f) and (g) of
                  this Clause 5.6 and such other procedures including those set
                  out in Schedule 2 Part III as the Agent shall in its sole
                  discretion require.

5.7      Lenders' participation

         (a)      If the conditions set out in this Agreement have been met,
                  each Lender shall make its participation in each Loan
                  available by the Funding Date through its Facility Office.

         (b)      The amount of each Lender's participation in each Loan will be
                  equal to the proportion borne by its Available Credit to the
                  Total Maximum Credit immediately prior to making the Loan.

         (c)      The Agent shall determine the Base Currency Amount of each
                  Loan which is to be made in an Optional Currency and shall
                  notify each Lender of the amount, currency and the Base
                  Currency Amount of each Loan and the amount of its
                  participation in that Loan, in each case on or about 11:00 am
                  London time.


6.1      Selection of currency

         The Borrower shall select the currency and amount of a loan in a
         Request for Borrowing.

6.2      Currency and amount

         The currency specified in a Request for Borrowing shall be any Optional
         Currency but not dollars.

6.3      Unavailability of a currency

         If on the Funding Date:

         (a)      a Lender notifies the Agent that the Optional Currency
                  requested is not readily available to it in the amount
                  required; or

         (b)      a Lender notifies the Agent that compliance with its
                  obligation to participate in a Loan in the proposed Optional
                  Currency would contravene a law or regulation applicable to

         the Agent will give notice to the Borrower to that effect on the
         Funding Date. In this event, any Lender that gives notice pursuant to
         this Clause 6.3 will be required to participate in the Loan in the Base
         Currency, sterling or euros as the relevant Lender may select in an
         amount equal to that Lender's proportionate amount of the proposed Loan
         converted to the selected currency at the Agent's Spot Rate of Exchange
         for the purchase of the requested optional currency at or around 11:00
         am (London time) on the relevant Funding Date. Such Lender's
         participation will be treated as a separate Loan denominated in the
         Base Currency, sterling or euros as the Lender may indicate during the
         relevant Interest Period.

6.4      Participation in a Loan

         Each Lender's participation in a Loan will be determined in accordance
         with paragraph (b) of Clause 5.7 (Lenders' participation).

                                    SECTION 5
                          MANDATORY REPAYMENT OR PLEDGE

7.       REPAYMENT

         The Borrower shall repay the Base Currency Amount of the aggregate
         outstanding principal amount of the Loans and all accrued and unpaid
         interest thereon on the Termination Date and in the Base Currency.


8.1      Illegality

         If, at any time, it is or will become unlawful in any applicable
         jurisdiction for a Lender to perform any of its obligations as
         contemplated by this Agreement or to fund or maintain its participation
         in any Loan:

         (a)      the Lender shall promptly notify the Agent upon becoming aware
                  of that event;

         (b)      upon the Agent notifying the Borrower, the relevant Loan of
                  that Lender will be immediately cancelled; and

         (c)      the Borrower shall repay that Lender's participation in the
                  relevant Loan made to the Borrower on the date specified by
                  the Lender in the notice delivered to the Agent (being no
                  earlier than the last day of any applicable grace period
                  permitted by law). Any such repayment shall be in the Base
                  Currency and is an amount calculated by the Agent by
                  converting the amount of the relevant Lender's participation
                  in such Loan into the Base Currency at the Agent's Spot Rate
                  of Exchange as at the date which is one (1) Business Day
                  before the relevant Funding Date of such Loan.

8.2      Voluntary pre-payment of Loans

         The Borrower may, if it gives the Agent not less than two (2) Business
         Days' (or such shorter period as the Majority Lenders may agree) prior
         notice, prepay the whole or any part of a Loan (but, if in part, being
         an amount that reduces the Base Currency Amount of such Loan by a
         minimum amount of $100,000), provided that any such pre-payment shall
         be accompanied by an amount representing any accrued but unpaid amounts
         due under the Finance Documents, and the Exit Fee, if applicable.

8.3      Mandatory Pre-Payment or granting of further security to the Security

         (a)      Pre-Payment or granting of further security on Borrowing Base
                  Deficiency The Agent may determine and re-determine the
                  Borrowing Base on any Business Day and on as many Business
                  Days as it may elect. If at any time the Base Currency amount
                  of the aggregate outstanding principal amount of the Loans
                  exceeds the Borrowing Base (a "Borrowing Base Deficiency"), as
                  determined by the Agent and notified to the Borrower on any
                  Business Day, the Borrower shall, not later than one (1)
                  Business Day after receipt of such notice, either prepay the
                  Loans in part or in whole or grant to the Security Trustee by
                  way of security for the Secured Obligations such additional
                  Eligible Collateral (which Eligible Collateral shall be in all
                  respects acceptable to the Agent in accordance with the
                  provisions of this Agreement) such that after giving effect to
                  such pre-payment or the granting of such security the Base
                  Currency Amount of the aggregate outstanding principal amount
                  of the Loans will not exceed the Borrowing Base.

         (b)      Pre-payment on event of default relating to the Collateral If
                  at any time under any Collateral Document evidencing
                  Collateral: (i) there is an "Event of Default" (as defined in
                  the applicable documents in the Collateral File), or event
                  with which the giving of notice or lapse of time or both would
                  become an "Event of Default" (as defined in the applicable
                  documents in the Collateral File); or (ii) any representation
                  or warranty made by or on behalf of the relevant Collateral
                  Obligor becomes false or misleading in any material respect;
                  or (iii) the relevant Collateral Obligor or person fails to
                  perform or observe any material covenant or other obligation,
                  the Agent may, in its sole discretion and without regard to
                  any determination of the Asset Value of such Collateral,
                  notify the Borrower of such occurrence and may require that
                  the Asset-Specific Loan Balance related to the relevant
                  Collateral be prepaid, in whole or in part, in the
                  determination of the Lender; provided, however, the Borrower
                  may reallocate the Asset-Specific Loan Balance relating to the
                  relevant Collateral to other Collateral securing the Loans (if
                  applicable) to the extent consistent with the terms of this
                  Agreement, and the Borrower shall only be required to prepay
                  that portion of such Asset-Specific Loan Balance to the extent
                  such reallocation would cause a Borrowing Base Deficiency. Not
                  later than one (1) Business Day after the receipt of such
                  notice, the Borrower shall prepay such portion of the
                  Asset-Specific Loan Balance related to such Collateral as
                  shall have been required by the Agent. The Agent may, in its
                  sole discretion, determine and re-determine the amount to be
                  prepaid irrespective of whether or not any statement of fact
                  contained in any officer's certificate delivered pursuant to
                  paragraph (g) of Clause 5.5 (Completion of Request for
                  Borrowing) or any representation or warranty of the Borrower
                  set forth in Clause 17.16 (True and Complete Disclosure) was
                  true to the Borrower's actual knowledge.

         (c)      Pre-payment, Amortisation

                  The Borrower shall utilise all Principal Receipts in
                  pre-paying the relevant Loan or Loans related to the Eligible
                  Collateral from which such Principal Receipts have arisen and
                  in any event shall strictly comply with the provisions of
                  Clause 19.19 (Remittance of Pre-payments).

         (d)      Re-payment, General

                  With respect to any item of Collateral, the Borrower shall
                  pre-pay to the Agent an amount equal to the amount of casualty
                  or condemnation proceeds (if any) paid to, or for the benefit
                  of, the Borrower or any Collateral Obligor in respect of such
                  item of Collateral that is destroyed to the extent that the
                  Borrower is not required under the underlying collateral
                  documents with the Collateral Obligor to reserve, escrow,
                  re-advance or apply such proceeds for the benefit of such
                  Collateral Obligor or the underlying collateral. So long as no
                  Default or Event of Default has occurred and is then
                  continuing, such amounts paid to the Agent shall be applied in
                  reduction of the Asset-Specific Loan Balance relating to such
                  item of Collateral. Each voluntary pre-payment received during
                  the continuation of any Default or Event of Default hereunder
                  shall be applied in accordance with provisions contained in
                  Clause 15 of the Debenture.

8.4      Right of repayment and cancellation in relation to a single Lender

         (a)      If:

                  (i)      any sum payable to any Lender by the Borrower is
                           required to be increased under paragraph (c) of
                           Clause 12.2 (Tax gross-up);

                  (ii)     any Lender claims indemnification from the Borrower
                           under Clause 12.3 (Tax indemnity) or Clause 13.1
                           (Increased costs); or

                  (iii)    any Lender notifies the Agent of its Additional Cost
                           Rate under paragraph 3 of Schedule 4 (Mandatory Cost

                  the Borrower may, whilst (in the case of paragraphs (i) and
                  (ii) above) the circumstance giving rise to the requirement or
                  indemnification continues or, (in the case of paragraph (iii)
                  above) that Additional Cost Rate is greater than zero, give
                  the Agent notice of cancellation of a Loan of that Lender and
                  its intention to procure the repayment of that Lender's
                  participation in the Loans.

         (b)      On receipt of a notice referred to in paragraph (a) above, the
                  Loan of that Lender shall immediately be reduced to zero.

         (c)      Promptly after the Borrower has given notice under paragraph,
                  the Borrower shall repay that Lender's participation in that

8.5      Restrictions

         (a)      Any notice of cancellation or pre-payment given by any Party
                  under this Clause 8 shall be irrevocable and, unless a
                  contrary indication appears in this Agreement, shall specify
                  the date or dates upon which the relevant cancellation or
                  pre-payment is to be made and the amount of that cancellation
                  or pre-payment.

         (b)      Any pre-payment under this Agreement shall be made together
                  with accrued interest on the amount prepaid and, subject to
                  any Funding Costs (except in the case of a pre-payment under
                  paragraphs (b) and (d) of Clause 8.3 and paragraph (b) of
                  Clause 10.2 in respect of which the applicable Funding Costs
                  shall be waived), without premium or penalty, except for all
                  amounts due under Clause 11 (Fees) hereof

         (c)      Unless a contrary indication appears in this Agreement, any
                  part of the Facility which is prepaid may be re-borrowed in
                  accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

         (d)      The Borrower shall not repay or prepay all or any part of the
                  Loans or cancel all or any part of the Total Maximum Credit
                  except at the times and in the manner expressly provided for
                  in this Agreement.

         (e)      No amount of the Total Maximum Credit cancelled under this
                  Agreement may be subsequently reinstated.

         (f)      So long as no Default or Event of Default has occurred and is
                  then continuing, each voluntary pre-payment shall be applied
                  to reduce any Asset Specific Loan Balance as designated by the
                  Borrower to the Agent in writing.

         (g)      Each voluntary pre-payment received during the continuation of
                  any Default or Event of Default hereunder shall be applied in
                  such manner as the Security Trustee shall determine in its
                  sole and absolute discretion subject always to the provisions
                  contained in Clause 15 of the Debenture.

         (h)      For the avoidance of doubt in order to prepay the whole of a
                  Loan, such Loan will be required to be prepaid in the Base
                  Currency and in an amount as calculated by the Agent by
                  converting the aggregate principal amount outstanding of the
                  relevant Loan into the Base Currency at the Agent's Spot Rate
                  of Exchange as at the date which was one (1) Business Day
                  before the relevant Funding Date of such Loan.

8.6      Release of Security Interest

         Upon the termination of this Agreement and the repayment by the
         Borrower or the Guarantor to Lender of all Loans and the performance of
         all of the Obligors' other obligations under the Finance Documents and
         related documents in accordance with the Debenture and the discharge in
         full of all of the other Secured Obligations the Security Trustee shall
         release its security interest in any remaining Collateral.

                                    SECTION 6
                                  COSTS OF LOAN

9.       INTEREST

9.1      Calculation of Interest

         The Agent shall calculate the rate of interest on each Loan for each
         Interest Period which will be the percentage rate per annum which is
         the aggregate of:

         (a)      the Applicable Margin;

         (b)      LIBOR, plus;

         (c)      Mandatory Costs, if any.

9.2      Payment of Interest

         On each relevant Interest Payment Date the Borrower shall pay all
         accrued and unpaid interest on each Loan in respect of the preceding
         Interest Period in the Base Currency (calculated by converting all such
         accrued and unpaid interest into the Base Currency using the Agent's
         Spot Rate of Exchange).

9.3      Default Interest

         (a)      If an Obligor fails to pay any amount payable by it under a
                  Finance Document on its due date, interest shall accrue on the
                  overdue amount from the due date up to the date of actual
                  payment (both before and after judgment) at a rate which,
                  subject to paragraph (b) below, is two per cent higher than
                  the rate which would have been payable if the overdue amount
                  had, during the period of non-payment, constituted a Loan in
                  the currency of the overdue amount for successive Interest
                  Periods, each of a duration selected by the Agent (acting
                  reasonably) (the "Post Default Rate of Interest"). Any
                  interest accruing under this Clause 9.3 shall be immediately
                  payable by the Obligor on demand by the Agent and in the Base
                  Currency (calculated by converting all such accrued and unpaid
                  interest into the Base Currency using the Agent's Spot Rate of
                  Exchange) on the day of such demand.

         (b)      Default interest (if unpaid) arising on an overdue amount will
                  be compounded with the overdue amount at the end of each
                  Interest Period applicable to that overdue amount but will
                  remain immediately due and payable.

9.4      Notification of rates of interest

         The Agent shall at the request of a Lender or the Borrower notify the
         requesting party of the determination of the rate of interest
         applicable to any Interest Period under this Agreement.

9.5      Non-Business Days

         If an Interest Period would otherwise end on a day which is not a
         Business Day, that Interest Period will instead end on the next
         Business Day in that calendar month (if there is one) or the preceding
         Business Day (if there is not).


10.1     Absence of quotations

         Subject to Clause 10.2 (Market disruption), if LIBOR is to be
         determined by reference to the Reference Banks but a Reference Bank
         does not supply a quotation on or about 11am London time on the
         Quotation Day, LIBOR shall be determined on the basis of the quotations
         of the remaining Reference Banks.

10.2     Market disruption

         (a)      If a Market Disruption Event occurs in relation to a Loan then
                  the Borrower shall be notified promptly thereof by the Agent
                  and the rate of interest shall be the sum of:

                  (i)      the Applicable Margin;

                  (ii)     the rate notified to the Agent by each Lender of such
                           Loan as soon as practicable and in any event before
                           interest is due to be paid in respect of the correct
                           Interest Period in respect of such Loan, to be that
                           which expresses as a percentage rate per annum the
                           cost to that Lender of funding its participation in
                           that Loan from whatever source it may reasonably
                           select; and

                  (iii)    the Mandatory Cost, if any, applicable to that
                           Lender's participation in a Loan.

         (b)      Promptly after determination of the rate of interest in
                  relation to a Loan in accordance with paragraph (a) of Clause
                  10.2, the Agent shall notify the Borrower of such rate of
                  interest whereupon the Borrower shall either: (i) proceed with
                  the Loan at the rate of interest provided for in this
                  Agreement; (ii) prepay the Loan in relation to which the rate
                  of interest in paragraph (a) of Clause 10.2 was determined; or
                  (iii) revoke the Request for Borrowing in relation of which
                  the rate of interest was determined in paragraph (a) of Clause

         (c)      In this Agreement "Market Disruption Event" means:

                  (i)      at 11:00 am, London time on the Quotation Day for the
                           relevant Interest Period the Screen Rate is not
                           available and none or only one of the Reference Banks
                           supplies a rate to the Agent to determine LIBOR for
                           the relevant Interest Period; or

                  (ii)     the Lender determines in its discretion that before
                           close of business in London on the Quotation Day for
                           the relevant calculating interest the Agent receives
                           notifications from a Lender that the cost to it of
                           obtaining matching deposits in the Relevant Interbank
                           Market would be in excess of LIBOR.

10.3     Alternative basis of interest or funding

         (a)      If a Market Disruption Event occurs and the Agent or the
                  Borrower so requires, the Agent and the Borrower shall enter
                  into negotiations (for a period of not more than thirty (30)
                  days) with a view to agreeing to a substitute basis for
                  determining the rate of interest.

         (b)      Any alternative basis agreed pursuant to paragraph (a) above
                  shall, with the prior consent of the Agent and the Borrower,
                  be binding on all Parties.

         (c)      During the period of negotiations set forth in paragraph (a)
                  above the rate of interest shall be either:

                  (i)      the rate of interest on such Loan during the last
                           Interest Period preceding the Market Disruption
                           Event; or

                  (ii)     if no interest rate existed in respect of such Loan
                           prior to the Market Disruption Event then the rate of
                           interest calculated in accordance with Clause 10.1

                  Following the determination of the rate of interest in
                  accordance with paragraph (a) above such rate of interest
                  shall be deemed to be the rate of interest in respect of such
                  Interest Period, replacing the default rate of interest
                  stipulated under this paragraph (c) and the amount paid, or
                  overpaid, by the Borrower to the Agent in respect of the
                  difference between the two such interest rates, if any, shall
                  forthwith be paid to the Agent or Borrower as the case may be.

11.      FEES

11.1     Commitment Fee

         On the date hereof, the Borrower shall pay to the Agent (for the
         account of the Lenders) a fee in the Base Currency computed at the rate
         of 0.35 per cent. of the Total Maximum Credit.

11.2     Exit Fee

         (a)      Notwithstanding anything else herein the Borrower shall pay to
                  the Agent an exit fee (the "Exit Fee") in the Base Currency in
                  respect of any Collateral released with respect to a Loan
                  being repaid or pre-paid pursuant to paragraph (a) of Clause
                  8.2 (Voluntary pre-payment of Loans) in an amount equal to
                  0.20 per cent. of the Collateral Value applicable to such
                  Collateral (the "Exit Fee Related Collateral"). The Exit Fee
                  contemplated by this Clause 11.2 shall be waived by the Agent
                  in connection with any voluntary or mandatory pre-payment in
                  whole as a result of a corresponding payment of amounts of a
                  principal nature arising from the Exit Fee Related Collateral
                  pursuant to the terms of the Collateral Documents related

         (b)      In circumstances where Exit Fee Related Collateral has been
                  released and the Borrower has duly paid to the Agent the Exit
                  Fee required by paragraph (a) of this Clause 11.2, the Agent
                  hereby agrees that if a securitisation of the Exit Fee Related
                  Collateral whose refinancing or proposed refinancing has given
                  rise to the relevant prepayment or re-payment of such Loan is
                  not consummated within six (6) calendar months following the
                  date of the relevant repayment or pre-payment then the Agent
                  will refund to the Borrower the related Exit Fee in the Base
                  Currency on the next succeeding Interest Payment Date.

                                    SECTION 7


12.1     Definitions

         (a)      In this Agreement:

                  "Codified Banking Directive" means EU Council Directive
                  2000/12/EC of 20 March 2000.

                  "Irish Taxes Act" means the Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 of
                  the Republic of Ireland, as amended.

                  "Protected Party" means a Finance Party which is or will be
                  subject to any liability, or required to make any payment, for
                  or on account of Tax in relation to a sum received or
                  receivable (or any sum deemed for the purposes of Tax to be
                  received or receivable) under a Finance Document.

                  "Qualifying Lender" means any of the following persons:

                  (a)      the holder of a licence for the time being in force
                           granted under section 9 of the Irish Central Bank Act
                           1971 or an authorised credit institution under the
                           terms of EU Council Directive 2000/12/EC of 20 March
                           2000 which has duly established a branch in the
                           Republic of Ireland or has made all necessary
                           notifications to its home state competent authorities
                           required thereunder in relation to its intention to
                           carry on banking business in the Republic of Ireland
                           provided in each case it is carrying on a bona fide
                           banking business in the Republic of Ireland and its
                           Facility Office is located in the Republic of
                           Ireland; or

                  (b)      (i)      a person that is resident for the purposes
                                    of tax in a member state of the European
                                    Communities (other than the Republic of
                                    Ireland) or in a territory with which the
                                    Republic of Ireland has concluded a double
                                    taxation treaty that is in effect (residence
                                    for these purposes to be determined in
                                    accordance with the laws of the territory of
                                    which the lender claims to be resident); or

                           (ii)     a U.S. corporation, provided the U.S.
                                    corporation is incorporated in the U.S. and
                                    subject to tax in the U.S. on its worldwide
                                    income; or

                           (iii)    a U.S. LLC, provided the ultimate recipients
                                    of the interest are resident in and under
                                    the laws of a country with which the
                                    Republic of Ireland has a double taxation
                                    treaty or registered in and under the laws
                                    of a member state of the European
                                    Communities (other than the Republic of
                                    Ireland) and the business conducted through
                                    the LLC is so structured for market reasons
                                    and not for tax avoidance purposes;

                           provided in each case at (i), (ii) or (iii) the
                           Lender is not carrying on a trade or business in the
                           Republic of Ireland through an agency or branch with
                           which the interest paid on the Facility is connected;

                  (c)      a Treaty Lender; or

                  (d)      a body corporate which is resident in the Republic of
                           Ireland for the purposes of Irish tax or which
                           carries on a trade in the Republic of Ireland through
                           a branch or agency:

                           (i)      which advances money under the Facility in
                                    the ordinary course of a trade which
                                    includes the lending of money; and

                           (ii)     in whose hands any interest payable in
                                    respect of the Facility is taken into
                                    account in computing the trading income of
                                    the company; and

                           (iii)    which has complied with all of the
                                    provisions of Section 246(5)(a) of the Irish
                                    Taxes Act, including making the appropriate
                                    notifications thereunder to the Irish
                                    Revenue Commissioners and to the relevant
                                    Obligor and has not ceased to be a company
                                    to which Section 246(5)(a) applies; or

                  (e)      a qualifying company within the meaning of Section
                           110 of the Irish Taxes Act.

                  "Tax Credit" means a credit against, relief or remission for,
                  or repayment of any Tax.

                  "Tax Deduction" means a deduction or withholding for or on
                  account of Tax from a payment under a Finance Document.

                  "Tax Payment" means either the increase in a payment made by
                  an Obligor to a Finance Party under Clause 12.2 (Tax gross-up)
                  or a payment under Clause 12.3 (Tax indemnity).

                  "Treaty Lender" means a Lender which:

                  (i)      is treated as a resident of a Treaty State for the
                           purposes of a Treaty;

                  (ii)     does not carry on a business in the Republic of
                           Ireland through a permanent establishment with which
                           the Lender's commitment under the Facility is
                           effectively connected; and

                  (iii)    has completed any procedural formalities reasonably
                           available to it to enable the relevant payment to be
                           made without a Tax deduction.

                  "Treaty State" means a jurisdiction having a double taxation
                  agreement (a "Treaty") with the Republic of Ireland which
                  makes provision for full exemption from tax imposed by the
                  Republic of Ireland on interest.

         (b)      Unless a contrary indication appears, in this Clause 12 a
                  reference to "determines" or "determined" means a reasonable
                  determination made in the good faith discretion of the person
                  making the determination.

12.2     Tax gross-up

         (a)      The Borrower shall make all payments to be made by it without
                  any Tax Deduction, unless a Tax Deduction is required by law.

         (b)      The Borrower shall promptly upon becoming aware that an
                  Obligor must make a Tax Deduction (or that there is any change
                  in the rate or the basis of a Tax Deduction) notify the Agent
                  accordingly. Similarly, a Lender shall notify the Agent on
                  becoming so aware in respect of a payment payable to that
                  Lender. If the Agent receives such notification from a Lender
                  it shall notify each Obligor.

         (c)      If a Tax Deduction is required by law to be made by an
                  Obligor, the amount of the payment due from that Obligor shall
                  be increased to an amount which (after making any Tax
                  Deduction) leaves an amount equal to the payment which would
                  have been due if no Tax Deduction had been required.

         (d)      An Obligor is not required to make an increased payment to a
                  Lender under paragraph (c) above for a Tax Deduction in
                  respect of tax imposed by the Republic of Ireland from a
                  payment of interest on a Loan, if on the date on which the
                  payment falls due the payment could have been made to the
                  relevant Lender without a Tax Deduction if it was a Qualifying
                  Lender, but on that date that Lender is not or has ceased to
                  be a Qualifying Lender other than as a result of any change
                  after the date it became a Lender under this Agreement in (or
                  in the interpretation, administration, or application of) any
                  law or Treaty, or any published practice or concession of any
                  relevant taxing authority;

         (e)      If an Obligor is required to make a Tax Deduction, that
                  Obligor shall make that Tax Deduction and any payment required
                  in connection with that Tax Deduction within the time allowed
                  and in the minimum amount required by law.

         (f)      Within thirty (30) days of making either a Tax Deduction or
                  any payment required in connection with that Tax Deduction,
                  the Obligor making that Tax Deduction shall deliver to the
                  Agent for the Finance Party entitled to the payment evidence
                  reasonably satisfactory to that Finance Party that the Tax
                  Deduction has been made or (as applicable) any appropriate
                  payment paid to the relevant taxing authority.

         (g)      A Treaty Lender and each Obligor which makes a payment to
                  which that Treaty Lender is entitled shall complete all
                  procedural formalities necessary for that Obligor to obtain
                  authorisation to make that payment without a Tax Deduction.

         (h)      The Initial Lender represents to the Borrower that, on the
                  Effective Date, it is a Qualifying Lender within the meaning
                  of paragraph (b)(ii) of the definition of Qualifying Lender.

         (i)      The Lender shall promptly notify the Borrower and the Agent in
                  the event that it ceases to be a Qualifying Lender.

12.3     Tax indemnity

         (a)      The Borrower shall (within three (3) Business Days of demand
                  by the Agent) pay to a Protected Party an amount equal to the
                  loss, liability or cost which that Protected Party determines
                  will be or has been (directly or indirectly) suffered for or
                  on account of Tax by that Protected Party in respect of a
                  Finance Document.

         (b)      Paragraph (a) above shall not apply:

                  (i)      with respect to any Tax assessed on a Finance Party:

                           (A)      under the law of the jurisdiction in which
                                    that Finance Party is incorporated or, if
                                    different, the jurisdiction (or
                                    jurisdictions) in which that Finance Party
                                    is treated as resident for tax purposes; or

                           (B)      under the law of the jurisdiction in which
                                    that Finance Party's Facility Office is
                                    located in respect of amounts received or
                                    receivable in that jurisdiction,

                           if that Tax is imposed on or calculated by reference
                           to the net income received or receivable (but not any
                           sum deemed to be received or receivable) by that
                           Finance Party; or

                  (ii)     to the extent a loss, liability or cost:

                           (A)      is compensated for by an increased payment
                                    under Clause 12.2 (Tax gross-up); or

                           (B)      would have been compensated for by an
                                    increased payment under Clause 12.2 (Tax
                                    gross-up) but was not so compensated solely
                                    because the exclusion in paragraph (d) of
                                    Clause 12.2 (Tax gross-up) applied.

         (c)      A Protected Party making, or intending to make a claim under
                  paragraph (a) above shall promptly notify the Agent of the
                  event which will give, or has given, rise to the claim,
                  following which the Agent shall notify the Borrower.

         (d)      A Protected Party shall, on receiving a payment from an
                  Obligor under this Clause 12.3, notify the Agent.

12.4     Tax Credit

         If an Obligor makes a Tax Payment and the relevant Finance Party
         determines that:

         (a)      a Tax Credit is attributable either to an increased payment of
                  which that Tax Payment forms part, or to that Tax Payment; and

         (b)      that Finance Party has obtained, utilised and retained that
                  Tax Credit,

         the Finance Party shall pay an amount to the Obligor which that Finance
         Party determines will leave it (after that payment) in the same
         after-Tax position as it would have been in had the Tax Payment not
         been required to be made by the Obligor.

12.5     Stamp taxes

         The Borrower shall pay and, within three (3) Business Days of demand,
         indemnify each Finance Party against any cost, loss or liability that
         Finance Party incurs in relation to all stamp duty, registration and
         other similar Taxes payable in respect of any Finance Document, except
         for any such Taxes payable in connection with any transfer or
         assignment by any Lender of the rights, benefits or obligations under
         this Agreement (including, without limitation the entry into of a
         Transfer Certificate).

12.6     Value added tax

         (a)      All amounts set out, or expressed to be payable under a
                  Finance Document by any Party to a Finance Party which (in
                  whole or in part) constitute the consideration for VAT
                  purposes shall be deemed to be exclusive of any VAT which is
                  chargeable on such supply, and accordingly, subject to
                  paragraph (c) below, if VAT is chargeable on any supply made
                  by any Finance Party to any Party under a Finance Document and
                  payable to the Finance Party, that Party shall pay to the
                  Finance Party (in addition to and at the same time as paying
                  the consideration) an amount equal to the amount of the VAT
                  (and such Finance Party shall promptly provide an appropriate
                  VAT invoice to such Party).

         (b)      If VAT is chargeable on any supply made by any Finance Party
                  (the "Supplier") to any other Finance Party (the "Recipient")
                  under a Finance Document, and any Party (the "Relevant Party")
                  is required by the terms of any Finance Document to pay an
                  amount equal to the consideration for such supply to the
                  Supplier (rather than being required to reimburse the
                  recipient in respect of that consideration), such Party shall
                  also pay to the Supplier (in addition to and at the same time
                  as paying such amount) an amount equal to the amount of such
                  VAT if payable to the Supplier. The Recipient will promptly
                  pay to the Relevant Party an amount equal to any credit or
                  repayment from the relevant tax authority which it reasonably
                  determines relates to the VAT chargeable on that supply.

         (c)      Where a Finance Document requires any Party to reimburse a
                  Finance Party for any costs or expenses, that Party shall also
                  at the same time pay and indemnify the Finance Party against
                  all VAT incurred by the Finance Party in respect of the costs
                  or expenses to the extent that the Finance Party reasonably
                  determines that neither it nor any other member of any group
                  of which it is a member for VAT purposes is entitled to credit
                  or repayment from the relevant tax authority in respect of the


13.1     Increased costs

         (a)      Subject to Clause 13.3 (Exceptions) the Borrower shall, within
                  five (5) Business Days of a demand by the Agent, pay for the
                  account of a Finance Party the amount of any Increased Costs
                  incurred by that Finance Party or any of its Affiliates as a
                  result of (i) the introduction of or any change in (or in the
                  interpretation, administration or application of) any law or
                  regulation or (ii) compliance with any law or regulation made
                  after the date of this Agreement.

         (b)      In this Agreement "Increased Costs" means:

                  (i)      a reduction in the rate of return from the Facility
                           or on a Finance Party's (or its Affiliate's) overall

                  (ii)     an additional or increased cost; or

                  (iii)    a reduction of any amount due and payable under any
                           Finance Document,

                  which is incurred or suffered by a Finance Party or any of its
                  Affiliates to the extent that it is attributable to that
                  Finance Party having entered into its Loan or funding or
                  performing its obligations under any Finance Document.

13.2     Increased cost claims

         (a)      A Finance Party intending to make a claim pursuant to Clause
                  13.1 (Increased costs) shall notify the Agent of the event
                  giving rise to the claim, following which the Agent shall
                  promptly notify the Borrower.

         (b)      Each Finance Party shall, as soon as practicable after a
                  demand by the Agent, provide a certificate confirming the
                  amount of its Increased Costs.

13.3     Exceptions

         (a)      Clause 13.1 (Increased costs) does not apply to the extent any
                  Increased Cost is:

                  (i)      attributable to a Tax Deduction required by law to be
                           made by an Obligor;

                  (ii)     compensated for by Clause 12.3 (Tax indemnity) (or
                           would have been compensated for under Clause 12.3
                           (Tax indemnity) but was not so compensated solely
                           because any of the exclusions in paragraph (b) of
                           Clause 12.3 (Tax indemnity) applied);

                  (iii)    compensated for by the payment of the Mandatory Cost;

                  (iv)     attributable to the wilful breach by the relevant
                           Finance Party or its Affiliates of any law or
                           regulation; or

                  (v)      attributable to the implementation or application or
                           compliance with the "International Convergence of
                           Capital Measurement and Capital Standards, a Revised
                           Framework" published by the Basel Committee on
                           Banking Supervision in June 2004 in the form existing
                           on the date of this Agreement ("Basel II") or any
                           other law or regulation which implements Basel II
                           (whether such implication, application or compliance
                           is by a government, regulator or Finance Party).

         (b)      In this Clause 13.3, a reference to a "Tax Deduction" has the
                  same meaning given to the term in Clause 12.1 (Definitions).


14.1     Currency indemnity

         (a)      If any sum due from an Obligor under the Finance Documents (a
                  "Sum"), or any order, judgment or award given or made in
                  relation to a Sum, has to be converted from the currency (the
                  "First Currency") in which that Sum is payable into another
                  currency (the "Second Currency") for the purpose of:

                  (i)      making or filing a claim or proof against that

                  (ii)     obtaining or enforcing an order, judgment or award in
                           relation to any litigation or arbitration

                  that Obligor shall as an independent obligation, within three
                  (3) Business Days of demand, indemnify each Finance Party to
                  whom that Sum is due against any cost, loss or liability
                  arising out of or as a result of the conversion including any
                  discrepancy between (A) the rate of exchange used to convert
                  that Sum from the First Currency into the Second Currency and
                  (B) the rate or rates of exchange available to that person at
                  the time of its receipt of that Sum.

         (b)      Each Obligor waives any right it may have in any jurisdiction
                  to pay any amount under the Finance Documents in a currency or
                  currency unit other than that in which it is expressed to be


15.1     Indemnification and Expenses

         (a)      The Borrower agrees to hold each Finance Party and their
                  Affiliates and their officers, directors, employees, agents
                  and advisors (each an "Indemnified Party") harmless from and
                  indemnify any Indemnified Party against all liabilities,
                  losses, damages, judgments, costs and expenses of any kind
                  which may be imposed on, incurred by or asserted against such
                  Indemnified Party (collectively, the "Costs") relating to or
                  arising out of this Agreement, and any other Finance Document
                  or any transaction contemplated hereby or thereby, or any
                  amendment, supplement or modification of, or any waiver or
                  consent under or in respect of, this Agreement, or any other
                  Finance Document or any transaction contemplated hereby or
                  thereby, that, in each case, results from anything other than
                  any Indemnified Party's gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

         (b)      Without limiting the generality of the foregoing in clause
                  15.1(a) the Borrower agrees to hold any Indemnified Party
                  harmless and indemnify such Indemnified Party against all
                  Costs with respect to all Collateral relating to or arising
                  out of:

                  (i)      the occurrence of a Default;

                  (ii)     a failure by an Obligor to pay any amount due under a
                           Finance Document on its due date, including without
                           limitation, any cost, loss or ability or liability
                           arising as a result of Clause 25 (Sharing among the
                           Finance Parties);

                  (iii)    funding, or making arrangements to fund, its
                           participation in a Loan requested by the Borrower in
                           a Request for Borrowing but not made by reason of the
                           operation of any one or more of the provisions of
                           this Agreement (other than by reason of default or
                           negligence by that Finance Party alone);

                  (iv)     a Loan (or part of a Loan) not being prepaid in
                           accordance with a notice of pre-payment given by the

                  (v)      in the case of the Agent, (i) investigating any event
                           which it reasonably believes is a Default (and a
                           Default then exists), (ii) acting or relying on any
                           notice, request or instruction which it reasonably
                           believes to be genuine, correct and appropriately
                           authorised; and

                  (vi)     any violation or alleged violation of any
                           environmental law, rule or regulation or any consumer
                           credit laws, including without limitation laws with
                           respect to unfair or deceptive lending practices, and
                           predatory lending practices, that, in each case,
                           results from anything other than such Indemnified
                           Party's gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

         (c)      In any suit, proceeding or action brought by an Indemnified
                  Party in connection with any Collateral for any sum owing
                  thereunder, or to enforce any provisions of any Collateral
                  Document or Finance Document, the Borrower will save,
                  indemnify and hold such Indemnified Party harmless from and
                  against all expense, loss or damage suffered by reason of any
                  defence, set-off, counterclaim, recoupment or reduction or
                  liability whatsoever of the account debtor or obligor
                  thereunder, arising out of any other agreement, indebtedness
                  or liability at any time owing to or in favour of such account
                  debtor or obligor or its successors from the Borrower.

         (d)      The Borrower also agrees to reimburse an Indemnified Party
                  within five (5) Business Days of when billed by such
                  Indemnified Party for all such Indemnified Party's costs and
                  expenses incurred in connection with the enforcement or the
                  preservation of such Indemnified Party's rights under this
                  Agreement, any other Finance Document or any transaction
                  contemplated hereby or thereby, including without limitation
                  the reasonable fees and disbursements of its counsel.

15.2     Costs

         The Borrower agrees to pay within five (5) Business Days of when billed
         by the Agent or a Lender all of the out-of-pocket costs and expenses
         incurred by the Agent or such Lender in connection with the
         development, preparation and execution of, and any amendment,
         supplement or modification to, this Agreement, and the Finance
         Documents or any other document prepared in connection herewith or
         therewith. The Borrower agrees to pay within five (5) Business Days
         when billed by a Lender and the Agent all of the out-of-pocket costs
         and expenses incurred in connection with the consummation and
         administration of the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby
         including without limitation (i) all the reasonable fees, disbursements
         and expenses of counsel to such Lender and the Agent and (ii) all the
         due diligence, inspection, testing and review costs and expenses
         incurred by such Lender and the Agent with respect to Collateral under
         this Agreement, including, but not limited to, those costs and expenses
         incurred by a Lender or the Agent pursuant to Clause 15.1
         (Indemnification and Expenses), Clause 33.1 (Servicing) and Clause 33.2
         (Periodic Due Diligence Review) (it being understood and agreed that
         neither the Agent nor the Lender has incurred any costs under this
         Clause 15.2 as of the date of this Agreement) hereof.


16.1     Mitigation

         (a)      Each Finance Party shall, in consultation with the Borrower,
                  take all reasonable steps to mitigate any circumstances which
                  arise and which would result in any amount becoming payable
                  under or pursuant to, or cancelled pursuant to, any of Clause
                  8.1 (Illegality), Clause 12 (Tax gross up and indemnities),
                  Clause 13 (Increased Costs) or paragraph 3 of Schedule 4
                  (Mandatory Cost formulae) including (but not limited to)
                  transferring its rights and obligations under the Finance
                  Documents to another Affiliate or Facility Office.

         (b)      Paragraph (a) above does not in any way limit the obligations
                  of any Obligor under the Finance Documents.

16.2     Limitation of liability

         (a)      The Borrower shall indemnify each Finance Party for all costs
                  and expenses reasonably incurred by that Finance Party as a
                  result of steps taken by it under Clause 16.1 (Mitigation).

         (b)      A Finance Party is not obliged to take any steps under Clause
                  16.1 (Mitigation) if, in the opinion of that Finance Party
                  (acting reasonably), to do so might be prejudicial to it.

                                    SECTION 8


         The Borrower makes the representations and warranties set out in this
         Clause 17 to each Finance Party on the Effective Date and the Repeating
         Representations on each day of this Agreement from the Effective Date
         unto and including the Termination Date.

17.1     Status and Name

         (a)      The Borrower is a corporation, duly incorporated and validly
                  existing under the law of its jurisdiction of incorporation.

         (b)      The Borrower has the power to own its assets and carry on its
                  business as it is being conducted.

         (c)      On the Effective Date the exact legal name of the Borrower is
                  AHR Capital MS Limited.

         (d)      On the Effective Date the Borrower is a wholly owned
                  Subsidiary of the Guarantor and has no Subsidiaries.

         (e)      The Borrower, as of the date hereof:

                  (i)      maintains its registered head office and head office
                           in the Republic of Ireland;

                  (ii)     holds all meetings of its board of directors in the
                           Republic of Ireland;

                  (iii)    has not opened any office or branch outside of the
                           Republic of Ireland; and

                  (iv)     has not knowingly done anything (except to the extent
                           that entering into the Finance Documents and the
                           performance of their terms cause it to be so
                           resident) which may result in the Borrower creating
                           an establishment in another jurisdiction other than
                           the Republic of Ireland.

         (f)      (based on the representations and warranties contained in
                  sub-claues 17.1(e)(i) to 17.1(e)(iv) inclusive) The Borrower
                  believes that its "centre of main interests" for the purposes
                  of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1346/2000 of 20 May 2000 is in
                  the Republic of Ireland and that it has no establishment (for
                  the purposes of such Regulation) other than in the Republic of

17.2     Binding obligations

         The obligations expressed to be assumed by the Borrower in each Finance
         Document are, subject to the Reservations, legal, valid, binding and
         enforceable obligations.

17.3     Non-conflict with other obligations

         The entry into and performance by the Borrower of, and the transactions
         contemplated by, the Finance Documents do not and will not conflict

         (a)      any law or regulation applicable to it;

         (b)      its constitutional documents; or

         (c)      any agreement or instrument binding upon it or any of its

17.4     Power and authority

         The Borrower has the power to enter into, perform and deliver, and has
         taken all necessary action to authorise its entry into, performance and
         delivery of, the Finance Documents to which it is a party and the
         transactions contemplated by those Finance Documents. No
         authorisations, approvals or consents of, and no filings or
         registrations with, any Governmental Authority or any securities
         exchange are necessary for the execution, delivery or performance by
         the Borrower of the Finance Documents or for the legality, validity, or
         subject to the Reservations, the enforceability thereof, except for
         filings, recordings and registrations in respect of the security
         created pursuant to the Debenture and any other Finance Document.

17.5     Validity and admissibility in evidence

         All authorisations required:

         (a)      to enable the Borrower lawfully to enter into, exercise its
                  rights and comply with its obligations in the Finance
                  Documents to which it is a party; and

         (b)      to make the Finance Documents to which the Borrower is a party
                  admissible in evidence in its jurisdiction of incorporation,

         have been obtained or effected and are in full force and effect.

17.6     Governing law and enforcement

         (a)      The relevant choice of English law as the governing law of the
                  Finance Documents to which the Borrower is a party will be
                  recognised and enforced in its jurisdiction of incorporation.

         (b)      Subject to the Reservations, any judgment obtained in England
                  in relation to a Finance Document will be recognised and
                  enforced in the Borrower's respective jurisdiction of

17.7     Deduction of Tax

         The Borrower is not required to make any deduction for or on account of
         Tax from any payment it may make under any Finance Document.

17.8     No filing or stamp taxes

         Under the law of the jurisdiction of the Borrower's incorporation it is
         not necessary that the Finance Documents be filed, recorded or enrolled
         with any court or other authority in that jurisdiction or that any
         stamp, registration or similar tax be paid on or in relation to the
         Finance Documents or the transactions contemplated by the Finance
         Documents except for (a) the delivery to the Companies Registration
         Office in the Republic of Ireland within twenty-one (21) days of their
         creation of the particulars of the security interests created by the
         Borrower pursuant to the Debenture and each other security document
         entered into by the Borrower, and (b) the stamping of the original of
         the Debenture with stamp duty of (euro)630 and each counterpart thereof
         and each collateral security document with (euro)12.50, within thirty
         (30) days of its execution.

17.9     No default

         (a)      No Event of Default and on the date of this Agreement and on
                  any Funding Date no Default is continuing or might reasonably
                  be expected to result from the making of any Loan.

         (b)      No other event or circumstance is outstanding which
                  constitutes a default under any other agreement or instrument
                  which is binding on the Borrower or any of its Subsidiaries or
                  to which its (or any of its Subsidiaries') assets are subject
                  which might have a Material Adverse Effect.

17.10    Pari passu ranking

         The Borrower's payment obligations under the Finance Documents rank at
         least pari passu with the claims of all its other unsecured and
         unsubordinated creditors, except for obligations preferred by law
         applying to companies generally.

17.11    Litigation

         There are no actions, suits, arbitrations, investigations (including,
         without limitation, any of the foregoing which are pending or, to the
         best of its knowledge, threatened) or other legal or arbitrable
         proceedings affecting the Borrower or affecting any of the Collateral
         of any of them before any Governmental Authority that: (i) questions or
         challenges the validity or enforceability of any the Finance Documents
         or any action to be taken in connection with the transactions
         contemplated hereby; (ii) makes a claim or claims in an aggregate
         amount greater than $5,000,000; (iii) which, individually or in the
         aggregate, if adversely determined, could reasonably be likely to have
         a Material Adverse Effect; or (iv) requires filing with the Securities
         and Exchange Commission in accordance with the 1934 Act or any rules
         thereunder which filing has not been made.

17.12    Taxation

         (a)      The Borrower has duly and punctually paid and discharged all
                  Taxes imposed upon it or its assets within the time period
                  allowed without incurring penalties (save to the extent that
                  (i) payment is being contested in good faith, (ii) it has
                  maintained adequate reserves for those Taxes and (iii) payment
                  can be lawfully withheld).

         (b)      The Borrower is not materially overdue in the filing of any
                  Tax returns.

         (c)      No claims are being or are reasonably likely to be asserted
                  against it with respect to Taxes.

17.13    Collateral; Collateral Security

         (a)      The Borrower has not assigned, pledged, or otherwise conveyed
                  or encumbered the Eligible Collateral to any other person, and
                  immediately prior to the granting of security over the
                  Eligible Collateral to the Security Trustee, the Borrower was
                  the sole owner of the Eligible Collateral and had good and
                  marketable title thereto, free and clear of all security
                  interests and other Encumbrances, in each case except for such
                  security interests that were to be released simultaneously
                  with the security interests which are to be granted in favour
                  of the Security Trustee to secure the Secured Obligations. No
                  Eligible Collateral granted by way of security to the Security
                  Trustee under the Debenture or any other Finance Document was
                  acquired (by purchase or otherwise) by the Borrower or from
                  one of its Affiliates.

         (b)      The provisions of the Debenture and the other Finance
                  Documents are effective to create in favour of the Security
                  Trustee a valid security interest in all right, title and
                  interest of the Borrower in, to and under the Eligible

17.14    Jurisdiction of Organisation

         On the Effective Date the Borrower's jurisdiction of incorporation and
         location of its registered office is the Republic of Ireland.

17.15    Location of Books and Records

         The location where the Borrower keeps its books and records, including
         all computer tapes and records relating to the Collateral, is its
         registered office.

17.16    True and Complete Disclosure

         The information, reports, financial statements, exhibits and schedules
         furnished in writing by or on behalf of the Borrower to the Agent in
         connection with the negotiation, preparation or delivery of this
         Agreement and the other Finance Documents or included herein or therein
         or delivered pursuant hereto or thereto, when taken as a whole, do not
         contain any untrue statement of material fact or omit to state any
         material fact necessary to make the statements herein or therein, in
         light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.
         All written information furnished after the date hereof by or on behalf
         of the Borrower to the Agent in connection with this Agreement and the
         other Finance Documents and the transactions contemplated hereby and
         thereby will be true, complete and accurate in every material respect,
         or (in the case of projections) based on reasonable estimates, on the
         date as of which such information is stated or certified. There is no
         fact known to a Responsible Officer of the Borrower, after due inquiry,
         that could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect
         that has not been disclosed herein, in the other Finance Documents or
         in a report, financial statement, exhibit, schedule, disclosure letter
         or other writing furnished to the Agent for use in connection with the
         transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.

17.17    Defined Benefit Scheme

         The Borrower does not maintain a pension scheme in respect of which
         there is an unfunded deficit.

17.18    Business Affairs

         (a)      The Borrower's business and affairs have at all times been,
                  and will at all times be, managed, controlled and conducted in
                  its own name as an identifiable business, separate,
                  independent and identifiable from the business of the other
                  Obligor or any other person;

         (b)      The Borrower's records, books, accounts and minutes have at
                  all times been, and will continue at all future times to be,
                  maintained separate and distinct from those of the other
                  Obligor or any other person;

         (c)      The Borrower's assets and liabilities and the funds have at
                  all times been, and will continue at all future times to be,
                  kept separate and distinct from the other Obligor or any other
                  person; and it has received, deposited, withdrawn, paid and
                  disbursed, and will at all future times receive, deposit,
                  withdraw, pay and disburse, all monies, funds and receivables
                  in the ordinary course of its business and in a manner
                  separate and distinct from the other Obligor or any other

         (d)      The Borrower has not paid and will not pay, and is not and
                  will not become liable for, any debt of the other Obligor or
                  any other person; and

         (e)      That all dealings and transactions of the Borrower with all
                  other persons have at all times been and will continue at all
                  times to be at arms-length.

17.19    Borrower Irish Tax Requirements

         The Borrower satisfies the Borrower Irish Tax Requirements.

17.20    Borrower Documents

         Other than the Finance Documents, the Subordinated Loan Agreement (and
         the hedging arrangements entered into pursuant to the Subordinated Loan
         Agreement the Corporate Services Agreement and the Investment
         Management Agreement, the Borrower has not entered into any other
         agreements or instruments save for such agreements or instruments as
         may have been agreed to in advance of their entry into by the Borrower
         by the Security Trustee.


         The undertakings in this Clause 18 remain in force from the date of
         this Agreement for so long as any amount is outstanding under the
         Finance Documents or any Loan is in force.

18.1     Financial statements

         The Borrower shall supply to the Agent in sufficient copies for all the

         (a)      as soon as available and in any event within forty-five (45)
                  days after the end of each of the first three quarterly fiscal
                  periods of each fiscal year of the Borrower, the unaudited
                  balance sheet of the Borrower as at the end of such period and
                  the related unaudited statement of income and retained
                  earnings, statement of cash flows and statement of equity for
                  the Borrower for such period and the portion of the fiscal
                  year through the end of such period, setting forth in each
                  case in comparative form the figures for the previous year,
                  accompanied by a certificate of a Responsible Officer of the
                  Borrower, which certificate shall state that said financial
                  statements fairly present the financial condition and results
                  of operations of the Borrower in accordance with GAAP,
                  consistently applied, as at the end of, and for, such period
                  (subject to normal year-end audit adjustments);

         (b)      as soon as available and in any event within ninety (90) days
                  after the end of each fiscal year of the Borrower, the balance
                  sheet of the Borrower as at the end of such fiscal year and
                  the related statement of income and retained earnings,
                  consolidated statement of cash flows and statement of equity
                  for the Borrower for such year, setting forth in each case in
                  comparative form the figures for the previous year,
                  accompanied by an opinion thereon of independent certified
                  public accountants of recognised national standing, which
                  opinion shall not be qualified as to scope of audit or going
                  concern and shall state that said financial statements fairly
                  present the financial condition and results of operations of
                  the Borrower as at the end of, and for, such fiscal year in
                  accordance with GAAP, and a certificate of such accountants
                  stating that, in making the examination necessary for their
                  opinion, they obtained no knowledge, except as specifically
                  stated, of any Default or Event of Default;

         (c)      within fifteen (15) Business Days after the Agent's request,
                  such other information regarding the operation of or the
                  Collateral, or the financial condition, operations, or
                  business of the Borrower as may be reasonably requested by the
                  Agent, including all business plans prepared by or for the
                  Borrower; and

         (d)      upon the Agent's request, a copy of any financial or other
                  report the Borrower shall receive from any Collateral Obligor
                  with respect to an item of Collateral within fifteen (15) days
                  after the Borrower's receipt thereof.

18.2     Information: miscellaneous

         The Borrower shall supply to the Agent (in sufficient copies for all
         the Lenders, if the Agent so requests):

         (a)      Promptly, and in any event within ten (10) ten days after
                  service of process on any of the following, give to the Agent
                  notice of all litigation, actions, suits, arbitrations,
                  investigations (including, without limitation, any of the
                  foregoing which are pending or, to Borrower's knowledge
                  threatened) or other legal or arbitration proceedings
                  affecting the Borrower or affecting any of the Property of the
                  Borrower before any Governmental Authority that (i) questions
                  or challenges the validity or enforceability of any of the
                  Finance Documents or any action to be taken in connection with
                  the transactions contemplated hereby; (ii) makes a claim or
                  claims in an aggregate amount greater than $5,000,000; (iii)
                  which, individually or in the aggregate, if adversely
                  determined, could be reasonably likely to have a Material
                  Adverse Effect; or (iv) requires filing with the Securities
                  and Exchange Commission in accordance with the Securities
                  Exchange Act of 1934 (US) and any rules thereunder which
                  filing has not been made; and

         (b)      promptly, such further information regarding the financial
                  condition, business and operations of the Borrower as any
                  Finance Party (through the Agent) may reasonably request.

18.3     Notification of default

         (a)      The Borrower shall notify the Agent of any Default (and the
                  steps, if any, being taken to remedy it) promptly upon
                  becoming aware of its occurrence.

         (b)      Promptly upon a request by the Agent (not more than twice
                  annually commencing on the date of this Agreement), the
                  Borrower shall supply to the Agent a certificate signed by a
                  Responsible Officer certifying that no Default is continuing
                  (or if a Default is continuing, specifying the Default and the
                  steps, if any, being taken to remedy it).


         The undertakings in this Clause 19 remain in force from the date of
         this Agreement for so long as any amount is outstanding under the
         Finance Documents.

19.1     Authorisations

         The Borrower shall promptly:

         (a)      obtain, comply with and do all that is necessary to maintain
                  in full force and effect; and

         (b)      supply certified copies to the Agent of,

         any Authorisation required under any law or regulation of its
         jurisdiction of incorporation to enable it to perform its obligations
         under the Finance Documents and to ensure the legality, validity,
         enforceability or admissibility in evidence in its jurisdiction of
         incorporation of any Finance Document.

19.2     Compliance with laws

         The Borrower shall comply in all respects with all laws to which it may
         be subject, if failure so to comply would have a Material Adverse
         Effect on its ability to perform its obligations under the Finance

19.3     Negative pledge

         Other than security interests permitted or contemplated pursuant to the
         terms hereof the Borrower shall not create or permit to subsist any
         security interest over any of its assets.

19.4     Disposals

         The Borrower shall not, without the prior written consent of the Agent,
         enter into a single transaction or a series of transactions (whether
         related or not) and whether voluntary or involuntary to sell, lease,
         transfer, exchanged or otherwise dispose of any of or substantially all
         of its assets or enter into any agreements having a similar effect.

19.5     Merger

         The Borrower shall not enter into any amalgamation, demerger, merger or
         corporate reconstruction.

19.6     Change of Business

         The Borrower shall make no substantial change to the general nature of
         its business from that carried on at the date of this Agreement.

19.7     Taxation

         The Borrower shall duly and punctually pay and discharge all Taxes
         imposed upon it or its assets within the time period allowed without
         incurring penalties (except to the extent (i) that such payment is
         being contested in good faith, (ii) adequate reserves are being
         maintained for those Taxes and (iii) where such payment can be lawfully

19.8     Loans and Guarantees

         The Borrower shall not, save as permitted under the Finance Documents,
         make any loans, grant any credit or give any guarantee or indemnity
         (except as required under any of the Finance Documents) to or for the
         benefit of any person or otherwise voluntarily assume any liability,
         whether actual or contingent, in respect of any obligation of any

19.9     Syndication

         At the cost of the Lenders, the Borrower shall provide reasonable
         assistance in the preparation of the Information Memorandum and the
         primary syndication of the Facility (including, without limitation, by
         making senior management available for the purpose of making
         presentations to, or meeting, potential lending institutions) and will
         comply with all reasonable requests for information from potential
         syndicate members prior to completion of syndication.

19.10    Existence, Etc.

         The Borrower will:

         (a)      comply with the requirements of all applicable laws, rules,
                  regulations and orders of Governmental Authorities (including,
                  without limitation, all environmental laws, all laws with
                  respect to unfair and deceptive lending practices and
                  predatory lending practices) if failure to comply with such
                  requirements would be reasonably likely (either individually
                  or in the aggregate) to have a Material Adverse Effect;

         (b)      keep adequate records and books of account, in which complete
                  entries will be made in accordance with GAAP consistently

         (c)      not move its registered head office from the address referred
                  to in Clause 17.14 (Jurisdiction of Organisation) or change
                  its jurisdiction of organisation from the jurisdiction
                  referred to in Clause 17.14 (Jurisdiction of Organisation);

         (d)      permit representatives of the Agent, during normal business
                  hours, to examine, copy and make extracts from its books and
                  records, to inspect any of its Property or assets, and to
                  discuss its business and affairs with its officers, all to the
                  extent reasonably requested by the Agent; and

         (e)      not amend or permit the amendment of its memorandum and
                  articles of association without the prior written consent of
                  the Security Trustee and thereafter shall provide the Agent
                  and the Security Trustee with copies of all amendments to the
                  memorandum and articles of association or other
                  organisational, constitutional or governing documents of the
                  Borrower within five (5) Business Days of the date of the
                  subject amendment.

19.11    No establishment

         The Borrower shall not knowingly establish (except to the extent that
         entering into the Finance Documents and the performance of their terms
         cause it to be resident) which may result in the Borrower creating an
         "establishment" as that term is used in Article 2(h) of the EU
         Insolvency Regulation, outside of the Republic of Ireland.

19.12    Notices

         The Borrower shall give notice to the Agent and the Security Trustee:

         (a)      promptly upon receipt of notice or knowledge of the occurrence
                  of any Default or Event of Default;

         (b)      with respect to any Eligible Collateral granted by way of
                  security to the Security Trustee under the Debenture or the
                  other Finance Documents hereunder, immediately upon receipt of
                  any principal pre-payment (in full or partial) of such
                  Eligible Collateral including, but not limited to, the receipt
                  of any condemnation and casualty proceeds;

         (c)      with respect to any Eligible Collateral granted by way of
                  security to the Security Trustee under the Debenture or the
                  other Finance Documents, immediately upon receipt of notice or
                  knowledge that the underlying Encumbered Property has been
                  materially damaged by waste, fire, earthquake or earth
                  movement, windstorm, flood, tornado or other casualty, or
                  otherwise damaged so as to affect adversely the Asset Value of
                  such Eligible Collateral; and

         (d)      promptly upon receipt of notice or knowledge of (i) any
                  default related to any Collateral; (ii) any security interest
                  (other than the security interests created by the Debenture or
                  by the other Finance Documents) on, or claim asserted against,
                  any of the Collateral; or (iii) any event or change in
                  circumstances which could reasonably be expected to have a
                  Material Adverse Effect.

         (e)      promptly upon any material change in the market value of any
                  or all of the Borrower's assets;

         Each notice pursuant to this Clause shall be accompanied by a statement
         of a Responsible Officer of the Borrower setting forth details of the
         occurrence referred to therein and stating what action the Borrower has
         taken or proposes to take with respect thereto.

19.13    Collateral

         The Borrower shall not acquire any Collateral or other assets save in
         the manner contemplated by this Agreement and with the consent of the
         Agent. Upon acquiring any such Collateral, the Borrower shall not amend
         or permit the amendment of any documents or agreements pertaining to
         such Collateral without the prior written consent of the Agent and the
         Security Trustee.

19.14    Reports

         The Borrower shall provide the Agent with a quarterly report, which
         report shall include, among other items, a summary of the Borrower's
         delinquency and loss experience with respect to the Collateral, plus
         any such additional reports relating to the Property underlying the
         Collateral as the Borrower may have received or is otherwise entitled
         to receive from the Servicer or the Collateral Obligor and as
         reasonably requested by the Agent.

19.15    Limitation on security

         The Borrower will defend the Collateral against, and will take such
         other action as is necessary to remove, any security, security interest
         or claim on or to the Collateral, other than the security interests
         created under this Agreement, and the Borrower will defend the right,
         title and interest of the Security Trustee in and to any of the
         Collateral against the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever.

19.16    Lender Exposure

         The Lenders' Net Aggregate Exposure shall not be greater than 80% and
         the Lenders' Net Exposure shall not be greater than 85%.

19.17    Servicer; Servicing Tape

         The Borrower shall provide to the Agent promptly within ten (10)
         Business Days after the end of each month a computer readable file in
         the form reasonably requested by the Agent from time to time, on a
         loan-by-loan basis and in the aggregate, with respect to the Collateral
         serviced hereunder by the Borrower or any Servicer. The Borrower shall
         not cause the Collateral to be serviced by any servicer other than a
         servicer mutually agreed to by the Agent and the Borrower.

19.18    No Adverse Selection

         The Borrower shall not select the Collateral in a manner so as to
         adversely affect the Lenders' interests.

19.19    Remittance of Pre-payments

         The Borrower shall remit or cause to be remitted, with sufficient
         detail to enable the Lender to appropriately identify the Eligible
         Collateral to which any amount remitted applies, to the Agent on each
         Business Day all principal pre-payments (whether full or partial) that
         the Borrower or the Servicer has received during the previous Business
         Day, in an amount equal to the sum of the Asset-Specific Loan Balances
         being prepaid.

19.20    Specific Covenants of the Borrower

         During the term of this Agreement and for so long as any amount is
         outstanding under any Finance Documents, the Borrower, unless permitted
         by the Finance Documents shall not:

         (a)      pay dividends or make other distributions to its members out
                  of profits available for distribution and then only in the
                  manner permitted by the Finance Documents, its memorandum and
                  articles of association and by applicable laws;

         (b)      incur or permit to subsist any Indebtedness whatsoever other
                  than the Indebtedness of the Borrower pursuant to the
                  Subordinated Loan Agreement and, with the prior written
                  consent of the Agent, to hedge its exposure under the
                  Subordinated Loan Agreement with a third party;

         (c)      make any loans, grant any credit or give any guarantee or
                  indemnity to or for the benefit of any person or otherwise
                  voluntarily assume any liability, whether actual or
                  contingent, in respect of any obligation of any other person;

         (d)      be a member of a VAT Group;

         (e)      surrender any losses to any other company;

         (f)      have any employees or premises or have any subsidiary
                  undertaking within the meaning of Regulation 4 of the European
                  Communities (Companies Group Accounts) Regulation 1992, as
                  amended, of the Republic of Ireland or become a director of
                  any company;

         (g)      have an interest in any bank account other than the Borrower
                  Bank Accounts unless such account or interest is permitted or
                  contemplated by the Finance Documents;

         (h)      permit the validity or effectiveness of any of the Security
                  Trustee's security to be impaired or to be amended,
                  hypothecated, subordinated, terminated or discharged;

         (i)      acquire any interest in real property.

         (j)      engage in any business or agreements other than:

                  (i)      acquiring, holding, managing and disposing of the
                           assets of the Borrower comprised in the Eligible

                  (ii)     entering into, exercising its rights and performing
                           its obligations under or enforcing its rights under
                           the Finance Documents and the other agreements
                           ancillary thereto or contemplated thereby; or

                  (iii)    performing any act incidental to or necessary in
                           connection with any of the above;

         (k)      not permit or consent to any of the following occurring:

                  (i)      its books and records being maintained with or
                           co-mingled with those of any other person or entity;

                  (ii)     its bank accounts and the debts represented thereby
                           being co-mingled with those of any other person or

                  (iii)    its assets or revenues being co-mingled with those of
                           any other person or entity; or

                  (iv)     its business being conducted other than in its own

         (l)      procure that, with respect to itself:

                  (i)      separate financial statements in relation to its
                           financial affairs are maintained;

                  (ii)     all corporate formalities with respect to its affairs
                           are observed;

                  (iii)    separate stationery, invoices and cheques are used;

                  (iv)     it always holds itself out as a separate entity; and

                  (v)      any known misunderstandings regarding its separate
                           identity are corrected as soon as possible.

19.21    Borrower Irish Tax Requirements
        The Borrower shall fulfil the Borrower Irish Tax Requirements.


         Each of the events or circumstances set out in this Clause 20 is an
         Event of Default.

20.1     Non-payment

         (a)      The Borrower shall default in the payment of any principal of
                  or interest on any Loan when due (whether at stated maturity,
                  upon acceleration or at mandatory or optional pre-payment or
                  repayment); and

         (b)      The Borrower shall default in the payment of any other amount
                  payable by it hereunder or under any Finance Document or
                  Finance Document after notification by the Agent of such
                  default, and such default shall have continued unremedied for
                  five (5) Business Days.

20.2     Financial covenants

         Any of the covenants of the Guarantor contained in the Guarantee
         relating to the maintenance of its Tangible Net Worth and the
         maintenance of the Ratio of Total Indebtedness to Net Worth has been

20.3     Other obligations

         An Obligor does not comply with any provision of the Finance Documents
         (other than those referred to in Clause 20.1 (Non-payment) and Clause
         20.2 (Financial covenants); or shall fail to observe or perform any
         other covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement or any other
         Finance Documents and such failure to observe or perform shall continue
         for a period of thirty (30) days (following notice of such default)
         unless a shorter cure period is established in any Finance Document, in
         which event the shorter cure period shall be applicable.

20.4     Misrepresentation

         Any representation or statement made or deemed to be made by an Obligor
         in any Finance Documents or any other document delivered by or on
         behalf of any Obligor under or in connection with any Finance Document
         is or proves to have been incorrect or misleading in any material
         respect when made or deemed to be made or furnished (other than the
         representations and warranties set forth in Schedule 11
         (Representations and Warranties Re: Eligible Collateral), which shall
         be considered solely for the purpose of determining the Asset Value of
         the Collateral; unless (i) the Borrower shall have made any such
         representations and warranties with knowledge that they were materially
         false or misleading at the same time; or (ii) any such representations
         and warranties have been determined by the Agent in its sole discretion
         to be materially false or misleading on a regular basis).

20.5     Cross default

         (a)      Any Indebtedness of any Obligor is not paid when due nor
                  within any originally applicable grace period.

         (b)      Any Indebtedness of any Obligor is declared to be or otherwise
                  becomes due and payable prior to its specified maturity as a
                  result of an event of default (however described).

         (c)      Any commitment for any Indebtedness of any Obligor is
                  cancelled or suspended by a creditor of such Obligor as a
                  result of an event of default (however described).

         (d)      Notwithstanding anything contained in this Clause 20.5, other
                  than Indebtedness that is MS Indebtedness, no Event of Default
                  will occur under this Clause 20.5 if the aggregate amount of
                  such Indebtedness falling within paragraphs (a) to (c) above
                  is less than $5,000,000 (or its equivalent in any other
                  currency or currencies).

20.6     Insolvency

         (a)      An Obligor is unable or is deemed to be unable or admits
                  inability to pay its debts as they fall due or suspends making
                  payments on any of its debts.

         (b)      The value of the assets of any Obligor is less than its
                  liabilities (taking into account contingent and prospective

         (c)      A moratorium is declared in respect of any indebtedness of any

         (d)      The Borrower is unable to pay its debts within the meaning of
                  section 214 of the Companies Act, 1963, as amended, of the
                  Republic of Ireland.

         (e)      Any corporate action is taken by the Borrower for the
                  suspension of its debts generally (or any class of them) or
                  for a declaration of a moratorium of its debt (or any class of

20.7     Insolvency proceedings

         Any corporate action, legal proceedings or other such procedure or step
         is taken in relation to:

         (a)      the suspension of payments, a moratorium of any indebtedness,
                  winding-up, dissolution, administration, Examinership or
                  reorganisation (by way of voluntary arrangement, scheme of
                  arrangement or otherwise) of any Obligor other than a solvent
                  liquidation or reorganisation of any Obligor;

         (b)      a composition, compromise, assignment or arrangement with any
                  creditor of any Obligor;

         (c)      the appointment of a liquidator, receiver, administrative
                  receiver, administrator, Examiner, compulsory manager, trustee
                  in bankruptcy or other similar officer in respect of any
                  Obligor or any of its assets; or

         (d)      enforcement of any security interest over any assets of any

         or any analogous procedure or step is taken in any jurisdiction.

20.8     Creditors' process

         Any expropriation, attachment, sequestration, distress or execution
         affects any asset or assets and is not discharged within five (5) days
         in respect of the Borrower and twenty-one (21) days in respect of the

20.9     Unlawfulness

         It is or becomes unlawful for an Obligor to perform any of its
         obligations under the Finance Documents.

20.10    Repudiation

         An Obligor repudiates a Finance Document or evidences an intention to
         repudiate a Finance Document.

20.11    Borrowing Base Deficiency

         A Borrowing Base Deficiency shall have occurred and the Borrower shall
         have failed to timely cure the same in accordance with the provisions
         of Clause 8.3 (Mandatory Pre-Payment).

20.12    Other Events of Default

         Each of the following events shall constitute an Event of Default

         (a)      final judgment or judgments for the payment of money in excess
                  of $5,000,000 (or its equivalent in the currency in which such
                  judgment is rendered) in the aggregate shall be rendered
                  against any Obligor by one or more courts, administrative
                  tribunals or other bodies having jurisdiction and the same
                  shall not be satisfied, discharged (or provision shall not be
                  made for such discharge) or bonded, or a stay of execution
                  thereof shall not be procured, within thirty (30) days from
                  the date of entry thereof, and such Obligor shall not, within
                  said period of thirty (30) days, or such longer period during
                  which execution of the same shall have been stayed or bonded,
                  appeal there from and cause the execution thereof to be stayed
                  during such appeal;

         (b)      any Finance Document shall for whatever reason be terminated
                  or cease to be in full force and effect, or the enforceability
                  thereof shall be contested by any Obligor unless replacements
                  are entered into by the Finance Parties prior to such events;

         (c)      the Borrower shall grant, or suffer to exist, any security on
                  any Collateral except the security contemplated hereby; or the
                  security contemplated hereby shall cease to be first priority
                  perfected security on the Collateral in favour of the Security
                  Trustee or shall be security in favour of any person other
                  than the Security Trustee;

         (d)      the discovery by the Agent of a condition or event which
                  existed at or prior to the execution hereof and which the
                  Agent, in its sole discretion, determines materially and
                  adversely effects: (i) the condition (financial or otherwise)
                  of any Obligor; or (ii) the ability of either any Obligor or
                  the Finance Parties to fulfil its respective obligations under
                  the Finance Documents.

         (e)      any materially adverse change in the Property, business,
                  financial condition or prospects of any of the Obligors shall
                  occur, as determined by the Agent in its sole discretion, or
                  any other condition shall exist which, in the Agent's sole
                  discretion, constitutes a material impairment of any Obligor's
                  ability to perform its obligations under any of the Finance

20.13    Acceleration

         On and at any time after the occurrence of an Event of Default, which
         is continuing the Agent may, and shall if so directed by the Majority
         Lenders, by notice to the Borrower:

         (a)      cancel the Total Maximum Credit;

         (b)      declare that all or part of the Loans, together with accrued
                  interest, and all other amounts accrued or outstanding under
                  the Finance Documents be immediately due and payable,
                  whereupon they shall become immediately due and payable;

         (c)      declare that all or part of the Loans be payable on demand,
                  whereupon they shall immediately become payable on demand by
                  the Agent on the instructions of the Majority Lenders.

20.14    Other Remedies on Event of Default

         (a)      On and any time after an Event of Default which is continuing,
                  the Security Trustee may, and shall if so directed by the
                  Majority Lenders, by notice to the Custodian obtain physical
                  possession of the Servicing Records and other files of the
                  Custodian relating to the Collateral and all documents
                  relating to the Collateral which are then or may thereafter
                  come in to the possession of the Agent or any third party
                  acting for the Borrower.

         (b)      If an Event of Default shall occur and be continuing, the
                  Agent may, at its option, enter into one or more Interest Rate
                  Protection Agreements covering all or a portion of the
                  Eligible Collateral granted by way of security to the Security
                  Trustee under the Debenture or the other Finance Documents,
                  and the Borrower shall be responsible for all damages,
                  judgments, costs and expenses of any kind which may be imposed
                  on, incurred by or asserted against the Agent relating to or
                  arising out of such Interest Rate Protection Agreements,
                  including without limitation any losses resulting from such
                  Interest Rate Protection Agreements.

20.15    Proceeds

         If an Event of Default shall occur and be continuing, (a) all proceeds
         of Collateral received by the Borrower consisting of cash, cheques and
         other near-cash items shall be held by Borrower in trust for the
         Security Trustee, segregated from other funds of Borrower, and shall
         forthwith upon receipt by Borrower be turned over to the Security
         Trustee or as the Security Trustee may otherwise direct in the exact
         form received by Borrower (duly endorsed by Borrower to the Agent, if
         required). For purposes hereof, proceeds shall include, but not be
         limited to, all principal and interest payments, all prepayments and
         payoffs, insurance claims, condemnation awards, sale proceeds, real
         estate owned rents and any other income and all other amounts received
         with respect to the Collateral.

20.16    No Duty of the Security Trustee

         The powers conferred on the Security Trustee hereunder are solely to
         protect the Security Trustee's interests in the Collateral and shall
         not impose any duty upon it to exercise any such powers. The Security
         Trustee shall be accountable only for amounts that it actually receives
         as a result of the exercise of such powers, and neither it nor any of
         its officers, directors, employees or agents shall be responsible to
         the Borrower for any act or failure to act hereunder, except for its or
         their own gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

                                   SECTION 10
                               CHANGES TO PARTIES


21.1     Assignments and transfers by the Lender

         A Lender (the "Existing Lender") may not, except as noted in paragraphs
         (a) and (b) of this Clause 21.1, and subject to the consent of the
         Borrower, assign any of its rights; or transfer by novation any of its
         rights and obligations under this Agreement to any other person (the
         "New Lender"). Notwithstanding the aforementioned a Lender may without
         the consent of the Borrower:

         (a)      sell participations to one or more persons in or to all or a
                  portion of its rights and obligations under this Agreement
                  provided, however, that (i) the Lender's obligations under
                  this Agreement shall remain unchanged; (ii) the Lender shall
                  remain solely responsible to the other parties hereto for the
                  performance of such obligations; and (iii) Borrower shall
                  continue to deal solely and directly with the Agent in
                  connection with lender's rights and obligations under and in
                  respect of this Agreement and Finance Documents. Each
                  participant or New Lender shall be entitled to the additional
                  compensation and other rights and protections afforded the
                  Lender under this Agreement to the same extent as the Lender
                  would have been entitled to receive them with respect to the
                  participation sold to such participant; and

         (b)      assign, transfer or otherwise convey its rights under this
                  Agreement to an Affiliate (meeting the definition of
                  Institutional Investor and Institutional Owner), an
                  Institutional Owner or Institutional Investor any of which is
                  in the business of making loans similar to the Loans, provided
                  that such Affiliate, Institutional Investor or Institutional
                  Owner shall execute and deliver the document required under
                  Clause 21.2 (Conditions of Assignment or Transfer).

21.2     Conditions of assignment or transfer

         (a)      The consent of the Borrower required under paragraph (a) of
                  Clause 21.1 (Assignments and Transfers by the Lender) to an
                  assignment or transfer must not be unreasonably withheld or

         (b)      An assignment will only be effective on:

                  (i)      receipt by the Agent of written confirmation from the
                           New Lender (in form and substance satisfactory to the
                           Agent) that the New Lender will assume the same
                           obligations to the other Finance Parties as it would
                           have been under if it was an Initial Lender; and

                  (ii)     performance by the Agent of all necessary "know your
                           customer" or other similar checks under all
                           applicable laws and regulations in relation to such
                           assignment to a New Lender, the completion of which
                           the Agent shall promptly notify to the Existing
                           Lender and the New Lender.

         (c)      A transfer will only be effective if the procedure set out in
                  Clause 21.4 (Procedure for transfer) is complied with.

         (d)      If:

                  (i)      a Lender assigns or transfers any of its rights or
                           obligations under the Finance Documents or changes
                           its Facility Office; and

                  (ii)     as a result of circumstances existing at the date the
                           assignment, transfer or change occurs, the Borrower
                           would be obliged to make a payment to the New Lender
                           or a Lender acting through its new Facility Office
                           under Clause 12 (Tax gross-up and indemnities) or
                           Clause 13 (Increased costs),

                  then the New Lender or a Lender acting through its new
                  Facility Office is only entitled to receive payment under
                  those Clauses to the same extent as the Existing Lender or a
                  Lender acting through its previous Facility Office would have
                  been if the assignment, transfer or change had not occurred.

21.3     Limitation of responsibility of Existing Lenders

         (a)      Unless expressly agreed to the contrary, an Existing Lender
                  makes no representation or warranty and assumes no
                  responsibility to the Lender for:

                  (i)      the legality, validity, effectiveness, adequacy or
                           enforceability of the Finance Documents or any other

                  (ii)     the financial condition of any Obligor;

                  (iii)    the performance and observance by any Obligor of its
                           obligations under the Finance Documents or any other
                           documents; or

                  (iv)     the accuracy of any statements (whether written or
                           oral) made in or in connection with any Finance
                           Document or any other document,

                  and any representations or warranties implied by law are

         (b)      The Lender confirms to the Existing Lender and the other
                  Finance Parties that it:

                  (i)      has made (and shall continue to make) its own
                           independent investigation and assessment of the
                           financial condition and affairs of each Obligor and
                           its related entities in connection with its
                           participation in this Agreement and has not relied
                           exclusively on any information provided to it by the
                           Existing Lender in connection with any Finance
                           Document; and

                  (ii)     will continue to make its own independent appraisal
                           of the creditworthiness of each Obligor and its
                           related entities whilst any amount is or may be
                           outstanding under the Finance Documents or any Loan
                           is in force.

         (c)      Nothing in any Finance Document obliges an Existing Lender to:

                  (i)      accept a re-transfer from a New Lender of any of the
                           rights and obligations assigned or transferred under
                           this Clause 21; or

                  (ii)     support any losses directly or indirectly incurred by
                           the New Lender by reason of the non-performance by
                           any Obligor of its obligations under the Finance
                           Documents or otherwise.

21.4     Procedure for transfer

         (a)      Subject to the conditions set out in Clause 21.2 (Conditions
                  of assignment or transfer) a transfer is effected in
                  accordance with paragraph (c) below when the Agent executes an
                  otherwise duly completed Transfer Certificate delivered to it
                  by the Existing Lender and the New Lender. The Transfer
                  Certificate shall be substantially in the form set out at
                  Schedule 5 to this Agreement and shall (i) indicate the
                  category of Qualifying Lender that the person beneficially
                  entitled to interest payable to the New Lender in respect of
                  an advance under a Finance Document is (the "Beneficial
                  Owner"); and (ii) in the case of a Beneficial Owner that is a
                  Qualifying Lender within the meaning of paragraph (d) of the
                  definition of Qualifying Lender set out in Clause 12.1 above,
                  be accompanied by a copy of the notification it is required to
                  make under Section 246(5)(a) of the Irish Taxes Act to the
                  Irish Revenue Commissioners and the notification it is
                  required to make under Section 246(5)(a) of the Irish Taxes
                  Act to the relevant Obligor. The Agent shall, subject to
                  paragraph (b) below, as soon as reasonably practicable after
                  receipt by it of a duly completed Transfer Certificate
                  appearing on its face to comply with the terms of this
                  Agreement and delivered in accordance with the terms of this
                  Agreement, execute that Transfer Certificate.

         (b)      The Agent shall only be obliged to execute a Transfer
                  Certificate delivered to it by the Existing Lender and the New
                  Lender once it is satisfied it has complied with all necessary
                  "know your customer" or other similar checks under all
                  applicable laws and regulations in relation to the transfer to
                  such New Lender.

         (c)      On the Transfer Date:

                  (i)      to the extent that in the Transfer Certificate the
                           Existing Lender seeks to transfer by novation its
                           rights and obligations under the Finance Documents
                           the Borrower and the Existing Lender shall be
                           released from further obligations towards one another
                           under the Finance Documents and their respective
                           rights against one another under the Finance
                           Documents shall be cancelled (being the "Discharged
                           Rights and Obligations");

                  (ii)     the Borrower and the New Lender shall assume
                           obligations towards one another and/or acquire rights
                           against one another which differ from the Discharged
                           Rights and Obligations only insofar as the Borrower
                           and the New Lender have assumed and/or acquired the
                           same in place of the Borrower and the Existing

                  (iii)    the Agent, the New Lender and other Lenders shall
                           acquire the same rights and assume the same
                           obligations between themselves as they would have
                           acquired and assumed had the New Lender been an
                           Original the Lender with the rights and/or
                           obligations acquired or assumed by it as a result of
                           the transfer and to that extent the Agent, and the
                           Existing Lender shall each be released from further
                           obligations to each other under the Finance
                           Documents; and

                  (iv)     the New Lender shall become a Party as "the Lender".

21.5     Copy of Transfer Certificate to the Borrower

         The Agent shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after it has
         executed a Transfer Certificate, send to the Borrower a copy of that
         Transfer Certificate.

21.6     Disclosure of information

         Any Lender may disclose to any of its Affiliates and any other person:

         (a)      to (or through) whom that the Lender assigns or transfers (or
                  may potentially assign or transfer) all or any of its rights
                  and obligations under this Agreement;

         (b)      with (or through) whom that the Lender enters into (or may
                  potentially enter into) any sub-participation in relation to,
                  or any other transaction under which payments are to be made
                  by reference to, this Agreement or any Obligor; or

         (c)      to whom, and to the extent that, information is required to be
                  disclosed by any applicable law or regulation,

         any information about any Obligor, and the Finance Documents as that
         the Lender shall consider appropriate if, in relation to paragraphs (a)
         and (b) above, the person to whom the information is to be given has
         entered into a Confidentiality Undertaking.

21.7     Use of the Collateral

         Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in any
         Finance Documents, the Security Trustee shall have free and
         unrestricted use of all Collateral (subject to the provisions of the
         Finance Documents) and, except as provided below, nothing in this
         Agreement shall preclude the Security Trustee from engaging in
         repurchase transactions with the Collateral or otherwise pledging,
         repledging, transferring, hypothecating, or rehypothecating the
         Collateral, on terms, and subject to conditions, within the Security
         Trustee's absolute discretion. Nothing contained in this Agreement
         shall oblige the Security Trustee to segregate any Collateral delivered
         to the Security Trustee by the Borrower; provided however, the
         documents evidencing such repurchase transaction or pledge or
         hypothecation shall be consistent with the terms of this Agreement and
         the other Finance Documents including, but not limited to, the rights
         of the Borrower to have the Collateral delivered to the Borrower upon
         repayment of all of the Loans.


         The Borrower may not assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights or
         transfer any of its rights or obligations under the Finance Documents.

                                   SECTION 11
                               THE FINANCE PARTIES


23.1     Appointment of the Agent and the Security Trustee

         (a)      Each other Finance Party appoints the Agent to act as its
                  agent under and in connection with the Finance Documents.

         (b)      Each other Finance Party authorises the Agent to exercise the
                  rights, powers, authorities and discretions specifically given
                  to the Agent under or in connection with the Finance Documents
                  together with any other incidental rights, powers, authorities
                  and discretions.

23.2     Duties of the Agent

         (a)      The Agent shall promptly forward to a Party the original or a
                  copy of any document which is delivered to the Agent for that
                  Party by any other Party.

         (b)      Except where a Finance Document specifically provides
                  otherwise, the Agent is not obliged to review or check the
                  adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any document it forwards
                  to another Party.

         (c)      If the Agent receives notice from a Party referring to this
                  Agreement, describing a Default and stating that the
                  circumstance described is a Default, it shall promptly notify
                  the other Finance Parties.

         (d)      If the Agent is aware of the non-payment of any principal,
                  interest, commitment fee or other fee payable to a Finance
                  Party (other than the Agent) under this Agreement it shall
                  promptly notify the other Finance Parties.

         (e)      The Agent's duties under the Finance Documents are solely
                  mechanical and administrative in nature.

23.3     No fiduciary duties

         (a)      Except as provided in Clause 23.16 (Deduction from amounts
                  payable by the Agent) nothing in this Agreement constitutes
                  the Agent as a trustee or fiduciary of any other person.

         (b)      The Agent shall not be bound to account to any Lender for any
                  sum or the profit element of any sum received by it for its
                  own account.

23.4     Business with Affiliates

         The Agent may accept deposits from, lend money to and generally engage
         in any kind of banking or other business with any Obligor or any
         Affiliate thereof.

23.5     Rights and discretions of the Agent

         (a)      The Agent may rely on:

                  (i)      any representation, notice or document believed by it
                           to be genuine, correct and appropriately authorised;

                  (ii)     any statement made by a director, authorised
                           signatory or employee of any person regarding any
                           matters which may reasonably be assumed to be within
                           his knowledge or within his power to verify.

         (b)      The Agent may assume (unless it has received notice to the
                  contrary in its capacity as agent for the Lenders) that:

                  (i)      no Default has occurred (unless it has actual
                           knowledge of a Default arising under Clause 20.1

                  (ii)     any right, power, authority or discretion vested in
                           any Party or the Majority Lenders has not been
                           exercised; and

                  (iii)    any notice or request made by the Borrower (other
                           than a Request for Borrowing) is made on behalf of
                           and with the consent and knowledge of the Guarantor.

         (c)      The Agent may engage, pay for and rely on the advice or
                  services of any lawyers, accountants, surveyors or other

         (d)      The Agent may act in relation to the Finance Documents through
                  its personnel and agents.

         (e)      The Agent may disclose to any other Party any information it
                  reasonably believes it has received as agent under this

         (f)      Notwithstanding any other provision of any Finance Document to
                  the contrary, the Agent is not obliged to do or omit to do
                  anything if it would or might in its reasonable opinion
                  constitute a breach of any law or regulation or a breach of a
                  fiduciary duty or duty of confidentiality.

23.6     Majority Lenders' instructions

         (a)      Unless a contrary indication appears in a Finance Document,
                  the Agent shall (i) exercise any right, power, authority or
                  discretion vested in it as the Agent in accordance with any
                  instructions given to it by the Majority Lenders (or, if so
                  instructed by the Majority Lenders, refrain from exercising
                  any right, power, authority or discretion vested in it as the
                  Agent) and (ii) not be liable for any act (or omission) if it
                  acts (or refrains from taking any action) in accordance with
                  an instruction of the Majority Lenders.

         (b)      Unless a contrary indication appears in a Finance Document,
                  any instructions given by the Majority Lenders will be binding
                  on all the Finance Parties.

         (c)      The Agent may refrain from acting in accordance with the
                  instructions of the Majority Lenders (or, if appropriate, the
                  Lenders) until it has received such security as it may require
                  for any cost, loss or liability (together with any associated
                  VAT) which it may incur in complying with the instructions.

         (d)      In the absence of instructions from the Majority Lenders, (or,
                  if appropriate, the Lenders) the Agent may act (or refrain
                  from taking action) as it considers to be in the best interest
                  of the Lenders.

         (e)      The Agent is not authorised to act on behalf of a Lender
                  (without first obtaining that Lender's consent) in any legal
                  or arbitration proceedings relating to any Finance Document.

23.7     Responsibility for documentation

         The Agent is not:

         (a)      responsible for the adequacy, accuracy and/or completeness of
                  any information (whether oral or written) supplied by the
                  Agent, an Obligor or any other person given in or in
                  connection with any Finance Document or the Information
                  Memorandum; or

         (b)      responsible for the legality, validity, effectiveness,
                  adequacy or enforceability of any Finance Document or any
                  other agreement, arrangement or document entered into, made or
                  executed in anticipation of or in connection with any Finance

23.8     Exclusion of liability

         (a)      Without limiting paragraph (b) below (and without prejudice to
                  the provisions of paragraph (e) of Clause 26.9 (Disruption to
                  Payment Systems etc.), the Agent will not be liable (including
                  without limitation, for negligence or any other category of
                  liability whatsoever) for any action taken by it under or in
                  connection with any Finance Document, unless directly caused
                  by its gross negligence or wilful misconduct.

         (b)      No Party (other than the Agent) may take any proceedings
                  against any officer, employee or agent of the Agent in respect
                  of any claim it might have against the Agent or in respect of
                  any act or omission of any kind by that officer, employee or
                  agent in relation to any Finance Document and any officer,
                  employee or agent of the Agent may rely on this Clause subject
                  to Clause 1.3 (Third Party Rights) and the provisions of the
                  Third Parties Act.

         (c)      The Agent will not be liable for any delay (or any related
                  consequences) in crediting an account with an amount required
                  under the Finance Documents to be paid by the Agent if the
                  Agent has taken all necessary steps as soon as reasonably
                  practicable to comply with the regulations or operating
                  procedures of any recognised clearing or settlement system
                  used by the Agent for that purpose.

         (d)      Nothing in this Agreement shall oblige the Agent to carry out
                  any "know your customer" or other checks in relation to any
                  person on behalf of any Lender and each Lender confirms to the
                  Agent that it is solely responsible for any such checks it is
                  required to carry out and that it may not rely on any
                  statement in relation to such checks made by the Agent.

23.9     Lenders' indemnity to the Agent

         Each Lender shall (in proportion to its share of the Total Maximum
         Credit or, if the Total Maximum Credit is then zero, to its share of
         the Total Maximum Credit immediately prior to their reduction to zero)
         indemnify the Agent, within three Business Days of demand, against any
         cost, loss or liability (including, without limitation, for negligence
         or any other category of liability whatsoever) incurred by the Agent
         (otherwise than by reason of the Agent's gross negligence or wilful
         misconduct) (or, in the case of any cost, loss or liability pursuant to
         Clause 26.9 (Disruption to Payment Systems etc.) notwithstanding the
         Agent's negligence, gross negligence, or any other category of
         liability whatsoever but not including any claim based on the fraud of
         the Agent) in acting as the Agent under the Finance Documents (unless
         the Agent has been reimbursed by an Obligor pursuant to a Finance

23.10    Resignation of the Agent

         (a)      The Agent may resign and appoint one of its Affiliates acting
                  through an office in the United Kingdom as successor by giving
                  notice to the other Finance Parties and the Borrower.

         (b)      Alternatively the Agent may resign by giving notice to the
                  other Finance Parties and the Borrower, in which case the
                  Majority Lenders (after consultation with the Borrower) may
                  appoint a successor agent.

         (c)      If the Majority Lenders have not appointed a successor agent
                  in accordance with paragraph (b) above within thirty (30) days
                  after notice of resignation was given, the Agent (after
                  consultation with the Borrower) may appoint a successor agent
                  (acting through an office in the United Kingdom).

         (d)      The Agent shall, at its own cost, make available to the
                  successor agent such documents and records and provide such
                  assistance as the successor agent may reasonably request for
                  the purposes of performing its functions as the Agent under
                  the Finance Documents.

         (e)      The Agent's resignation notice shall only take effect upon the
                  appointment of a successor.

         (f)      Upon the appointment of a successor, the retiring Agent shall
                  be discharged from any further obligation in respect of the
                  Finance Documents but shall remain entitled to the benefit of
                  this Clause 23. Its successor and each of the other Parties
                  shall have the same rights and obligations amongst themselves
                  as they would have had if such successor had been an original

         (g)      After consultation with the Borrower, the Majority Lenders
                  may, by notice to the Agent, require it to resign in
                  accordance with paragraph (b) above. In this event, the Agent
                  shall resign in accordance with paragraph (b) above.

23.11    Confidentiality

         (a)      In acting as agent for the Finance Parties, the Agent shall be
                  regarded as acting through its agency division which shall be
                  treated as a separate entity from any other of its divisions
                  or departments.

         (b)      If information is received by another division or department
                  of the Agent, it may be treated as confidential to that
                  division or department and the Agent shall not be deemed to
                  have notice of it.

23.12    Relationship with the Lenders

         (a)      The Agent may treat each Lender as a Lender, entitled to
                  payments under this Agreement and acting through its Facility
                  Office unless it has received not less than five (5) Business
                  Days prior notice from that Lender to the contrary in
                  accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

         (b)      Each Lender shall supply the Agent with any information
                  required by the Agent in order to calculate the Mandatory Cost
                  in accordance with Schedule 4 (Mandatory Cost formulae).

23.13    Credit appraisal by the Lenders

         Without affecting the responsibility of any Obligor for information
         supplied by it or on its behalf in connection with any Finance
         Document, each Lender confirms to the Agent that it has been, and will
         continue to be, solely responsible for making its own independent
         appraisal and investigation of all risks arising under or in connection
         with any Finance Document including but not limited to:

         (a)      the financial condition, status and nature of each Obligor;

         (b)      the legality, validity, effectiveness, adequacy or
                  enforceability of any Finance Document and any other
                  agreement, arrangement or document entered into, made or
                  executed in anticipation of, under or in connection with any
                  Finance Document;

         (c)      whether that Lender has recourse, and the nature and extent of
                  that recourse, against any Party or any of its respective
                  assets under or in connection with any Finance Document, the
                  transactions contemplated by the Finance Documents or any
                  other agreement, arrangement or document entered into, made or
                  executed in anticipation of, under or in connection with any
                  Finance Document; and

         (d)      the adequacy, accuracy and/or completeness of the Information
                  Memorandum and any other information provided by the Agent,
                  any Party or by any other person under or in connection with
                  any Finance Document, the transactions contemplated by the
                  Finance Documents or any other agreement, arrangement or
                  document entered into, made or executed in anticipation of,
                  under or in connection with any Finance Document.

23.14    Reference Banks

         If a Reference Bank (or, if a Reference Bank is not a Lender, the
         Lender of which it is an Affiliate) ceases to be a Lender, the Agent
         shall (in consultation with the Borrower) appoint another Lender or an
         Affiliate of a Lender to replace that Reference Bank.

23.15    The Agent's Management Time

         Except for any amount to be paid to the Agent in respect of any
         proposed or actual syndication of a Loan (which amount shall be paid by
         the Lenders) any amount payable to the Agent under Clause 15 (Costs and
         expenses) and Clause 23.9 (Lenders' indemnity to the Agent) shall
         include the cost of utilising the Agent's management time or other
         resources and will be calculated on the basis of such reasonable daily
         or hourly rates as the Agent may agree with the Borrower and the
         Lenders, and is in addition to any fee paid or payable to the Agent
         under Clause 11 (Fees).

23.16    Deduction from amounts payable by the Agent

         If any Party owes an amount to the Agent under the Finance Documents
         the Agent may, after giving notice to that Party, deduct an amount not
         exceeding that amount from any payment to that Party which the Agent
         would otherwise be obliged to make under the Finance Documents and
         apply the amount deducted in or towards satisfaction of the amount
         owed. For the purposes of the Finance Documents that Party shall be
         regarded as having received any amount so deducted.

23.17    The Security Trustee as trustee

         (a)      The Security Trustee declares that it holds all rights, title
                  and interests in, to and under those Finance Documents to
                  which it is a party and expressed to be a trustee (acting as
                  trustee for the Finance Parties), and all proceeds of the
                  enforcement of such Finance Documents, on trust for the
                  Finance Parties from time to time. This trust shall remain in
                  force even if the Security Trustee (in whatever capacity) is
                  at any time the sole Finance Party.

         (b)      The Security Trustee, in its capacity as trustee or otherwise
                  under any Finance Document is not liable for any failure:

                  (i)      to require the deposit with it of any title deed, any
                           Finance Document; or any other documents in
                           connection with any Finance Document;

                  (ii)     in it (or its solicitors) holding any title deed, any
                           Finance Document or any other documents in connection
                           with any Finance Document in its own possession or to
                           take any steps to protect or preserve the same
                           including permitting the Borrower to retain any such
                           title deeds, any Finance Documents or any other

                  (iii)    to obtain any licence, consent or other authority for
                           the execution, delivery, validity, legality,
                           adequacy, performance, enforceability or
                           admissibility in evidence of any such Finance

                  (iv)     to effect or ensure registration of or otherwise
                           protect any of the security created by any such
                           Finance Document by registering the same under the
                           Land Registration Act 2002 or any other applicable
                           registration laws in any jurisdiction or otherwise by
                           registering any notice, caution or other entry
                           prescribed by or pursuant to the provisions of the
                           said Act or laws;

                  (v)      to take or require the Borrower to take any step to
                           render the security created or purported to be
                           created by or pursuant to any such Finance Document
                           effective or to secure the creation of any ancillary
                           security under the laws of any jurisdiction;

                  (vi)     to require any further assurances in relation to any
                           such Finance Document; or

                  (vii)    to insure any asset or require any other person to
                           maintain any such insurance or be responsible for any
                           loss which may be suffered by any person as a result
                           of the lack, or inadequacy or insufficiency, of any
                           such insurance.

         (c)      The Security Trustee may accept, without enquiry, any right or
                  title that the Borrower may (or may purport to) have to any
                  asset which is the subject of any such Finance Document and
                  shall not be bound or concerned to investigate or make any
                  enquiry into the right or title of the Borrower to any such
                  asset or to require the Borrower to remedy any defect in its
                  right or title to the same.

         (d)      Save as otherwise provided in the Finance Documents, all
                  moneys, which under the trusts contained in any Finance
                  Document are received by the Security Trustee in its capacity
                  as trustee or otherwise, may be invested in the name of, or
                  under the control of, the Security Trustee in any investment
                  for the time being authorised by English law for the
                  investment by a trustee of trust money or in any other
                  investments which may be selected by the Security Trustee.
                  Additionally, the same may be placed on deposit in the name
                  of, or under the control of, the Security Trustee at such bank
                  or institution (including the Security Trustee) and upon such
                  terms as the Agent may think fit.

         (e)      Section 1 of the Trustee Act 2000 shall not apply to the
                  duties of the Security Trustee in relation to the trusts
                  constituted by any Finance Document. Where there are any
                  inconsistencies between that Act and the provisions of that
                  Finance Document, the provisions of that Finance Document
                  shall, to the extent allowed by law, prevail and, in the case
                  of any inconsistency with that Act, the provisions of that
                  Finance Document shall constitute a restriction or exclusion
                  for the purposes of that Act.

         (f)      The perpetuity period for the trusts in this Agreement is 80


         No provision of this Agreement will:

         (a)      interfere with the right of any Finance Party to arrange its
                  affairs (tax or otherwise) in whatever manner it thinks fit;

         (b)      oblige any Finance Party to investigate or claim any credit,
                  relief, remission or repayment available to it or the extent,
                  order and manner of any claim; or

         (c)      oblige any Finance Party to disclose any information relating
                  to its affairs (tax or otherwise) or any computations in
                  respect of Tax.


25.1     Payments to Finance Parties

         If a Finance Party (a "Recovering Finance Party") receives or recovers
         any amount from an Obligor other than in accordance with Clause 26
         (Payment mechanics) and applies that amount to a payment due under the
         Finance Documents then:

         (a)      the Recovering Finance Party shall, within three (3) Business
                  Days, notify details of the receipt or recovery, to the Agent;

         (b)      the Agent shall determine whether the receipt or recovery is
                  in excess of the amount the Recovering Finance Party would
                  have been paid had the receipt or recovery been received or
                  made by the Agent and distributed in accordance with Clause 26
                  (Payment mechanics), without taking account of any Tax which
                  would be imposed on the Agent in relation to the receipt,
                  recovery or distribution; and

         (c)      the Recovering Finance Party shall, within three (3) Business
                  Days of demand by the Agent, pay to the Agent an amount (the
                  "Sharing Payment") equal to such receipt or recovery less any
                  amount which the Agent determines may be retained by the
                  Recovering Finance Party as its share of any payment to be
                  made, in accordance with the Debenture.

25.2     Redistribution of payments

         The Agent shall treat the Sharing Payment as if it had been paid by the
         relevant Obligor and distribute it between the Finance Parties (other
         than the Recovering Finance Party) in accordance with the Debenture.

25.3     Recovering Finance Party's rights

         (a)      On a distribution by the Agent under Clause 25.2
                  (Redistribution of payments), the Recovering Finance Party
                  will be subrogated to the rights of the Finance Parties which
                  have shared in the redistribution.

         (b)      If and to the extent that the Recovering Finance Party is not
                  able to rely on its rights under paragraph (a) above, the
                  relevant Obligor shall be liable to the Recovering Finance
                  Party for a debt equal to the Sharing Payment which is
                  immediately due and payable.

25.4     Reversal of redistribution

         If any part of the Sharing Payment received or recovered by a
         Recovering Finance Party becomes repayable and is repaid by that
         Recovering Finance Party, then:

         (a)      each Finance Party which has received a share of the relevant
                  Sharing Payment pursuant to Clause 25.2 (Redistribution of
                  payments) shall, upon request of the Agent, pay to the Agent
                  for the account of that Recovering Finance Party an amount
                  equal to the appropriate part of its share of the Sharing
                  Payment (together with an amount as is necessary to reimburse
                  that Recovering Finance Party for its proportion of any
                  interest on the Sharing Payment which that Recovering Finance
                  Party is required to pay); and

         (b)      that Recovering Finance Party's rights of subrogation in
                  respect of any reimbursement shall be cancelled and the
                  relevant Obligor will be liable to the reimbursing Finance
                  Party for the amount so reimbursed.

25.5     Exceptions

         (a)      This Clause 25 shall not apply to the extent that the
                  Recovering Finance Party would not, after making any payment
                  pursuant to this Clause, have a valid and enforceable claim
                  against the relevant Obligor.

         (b)      A Recovering Finance Party is not obliged to share with any
                  other Finance Party any amount which the Recovering Finance
                  Party has received or recovered as a result of taking legal or
                  arbitration proceedings, if:

                  (i)      it notified that other Finance Party of the legal or
                           arbitration proceedings; and

                  (ii)     that other Finance Party had an opportunity to
                           participate in those legal or arbitration proceedings
                           but did not do so as soon as reasonably practicable
                           having received notice and did not take separate
                           legal or arbitration proceedings.

                                   SECTION 12


26.1     Payments to the Agent

         (a)      On each date on which an Obligor or a Lender is required to
                  make a payment under a Finance Document, that Obligor or the
                  Lender shall make the same available to the Agent (unless a
                  contrary indication appears in a Finance Document) for value
                  on the due date at the time and in such funds specified by the
                  Agent as being customary at the time for settlement of
                  transactions in the relevant currency in the place of payment.

         (b)      Payment shall be made to such account in the principal
                  financial centre of the country of that currency (or, in
                  relation to euro, in a principal financial centre in a
                  Participating Member State or London) with such bank as the
                  Agent specifies.

26.2     Distributions by the Agent

         Each payment received by the Agent under the Finance Documents for
         another Party shall, subject to Clause 26.3 (Distributions to an
         Obligor), Clause 26.4 (Clawback) and Clause 23.16 (Deduction from
         amounts payable by the Agent) be made available by the Agent as soon as
         practicable after receipt to the Party entitled to receive payment in
         accordance with this Agreement (in the case of a Lender, for the
         account of its Facility Office), to such account as that Party may
         notify to the Agent by not less than five (5) Business Days' notice
         with a bank in the principal financial centre of the country of that
         currency (or, in relation to euro, in the principal financial centre of
         a Participating Member State or London).

26.3     Distributions to an Obligor

         The Agent may (with the consent of the Obligor or in accordance with
         Clause 27 (Set-off)) apply any amount received by it for that Obligor
         in or towards payment (on the date and in the currency and funds of
         receipt) of any amount due from that Obligor under the Finance
         Documents or in or towards purchase of any amount of any currency to be
         so applied.

26.4     Clawback

         (a)      Where a sum is to be paid to the Agent under the Finance
                  Documents for another Party, the Agent is not obliged to pay
                  that sum to that other Party (or to enter into or perform any
                  related exchange contract) until it has been able to establish
                  to its satisfaction that it has actually received that sum.

         (b)      If the Agent pays an amount to another Party and it proves to
                  be the case that the Agent had not actually received that
                  amount, then the Party to whom that amount (or the proceeds of
                  any related exchange contract) was paid by the Agent shall on
                  demand refund the same to the Agent together with interest on
                  that amount from the date of payment to the date of receipt by
                  the Agent, calculated by the Agent to reflect its cost of

26.5     No set-off by Obligors

         All payments to be made by an Obligor under the Finance Documents shall
         be calculated and be made without (and free and clear of any deduction
         for) set-off or counterclaim.

26.6     Business Days

         (a)      Any payment which is due to be made on a day that is not a
                  Business Day shall be made on the next Business Day.

         (b)      During any extension of the due date for payment of any
                  principal or Unpaid Sum under this Agreement interest is
                  payable on the principal or Unpaid Sum at the rate payable on
                  the original due date.

26.7     Currency of account

         (a)      Subject to paragraphs (d) and (e) below, the Base Currency is
                  the currency of account and payment for any sum due from an
                  Obligor under any Finance Document.

         (b)      A repayment of a Loan or Unpaid Sum or a part of a Loan or
                  Unpaid Sum shall be made in the Base Currency amount of such
                  Loan or Unpaid Sum.

         (c)      Each payment of interest shall be made in the Base Currency.

         (d)      Each payment in respect of costs, expenses or Taxes shall be
                  made in the currency in which the costs, expenses or Taxes are

         (e)      Any amount expressed to be payable in a currency other than
                  the Base Currency shall be paid in that other currency.

26.8     Change of currency

         (a)      Unless otherwise prohibited by law, if more than one currency
                  or currency unit are at the same time recognised by the
                  central bank of any country as the lawful currency of that
                  country, then:

                  (i)      any reference in the Finance Documents to, and any
                           obligations arising under the Finance Documents in,
                           the currency of that country shall be translated
                           into, or paid in, the currency or currency unit of
                           that country designated by the Agent (after
                           consultation with the Borrower); and

                  (ii)     any translation from one currency or currency unit to
                           another shall be at the official rate of exchange
                           recognised by the central bank for the conversion of
                           that currency or currency unit into the other,
                           rounded up or down by the Agent (acting reasonably).

         (b)      If a change in any currency of a country occurs, this
                  Agreement will, to the extent the Agent (acting reasonably and
                  after consultation with the Borrower) specifies to be
                  necessary, be amended to comply with any generally accepted
                  conventions and market practice in the Relevant Interbank
                  Market and otherwise to reflect the change in currency.

26.9     Disruption to Payment Systems etc.

         If either the Agent determines (in its discretion) that a Disruption
         Event has occurred or the Agent is notified by the Borrower that a
         Disruption Event has occurred:

         (a)      the Agent may, and shall if requested to do so by the
                  Borrower, consult with the Borrower with a view to agreeing
                  with the Borrower such changes to the operation or
                  administration of the Facility as the Agent may deem necessary
                  in the circumstances;

         (b)      the Agent shall not be obliged to consult with the Borrower in
                  relation to any changes mentioned in paragraph (a) if, in its
                  opinion, it is not practicable to do so in the circumstances
                  and, in any event, shall have no obligation to agree to such

         (c)      the Agent may consult with the Finance Parties in relation to
                  any changes mentioned in paragraph (a) but shall not be
                  obliged to do so if, in its opinion, it is not practicable to
                  do so in the circumstances;

         (d)      any such changes agreed upon by the Agent and the Borrower
                  shall (whether or not it is finally determined that a
                  Disruption Event has occurred) be binding upon the Parties as
                  an amendment to (or, as the case may be, waiver of) the terms
                  of the Finance Documents notwithstanding the provisions of
                  Clause 32 (Amendments and Waivers);

         (e)      the Agent shall not be liable for any damages, costs or losses
                  whatsoever (including, without limitation for negligence,
                  gross negligence or any other category of liability whatsoever
                  but not including any claim based on the fraud of the Agent)
                  arising as a result of its taking, or failing to take, any
                  actions pursuant to or in connection with this Clause 26.9;

         (f)      the Agent shall notify the Finance Parties of all changes
                  agreed pursuant to paragraph (d) above.

27.      SET-OFF

         In addition to any rights and remedies of the Lender provided by this
         Agreement and by law, the Lender shall have the right, without prior
         notice to the Borrower, and such notice being expressly waived by the
         Borrower to the extent permitted by applicable law, upon any amount
         becoming due and payable by the Borrower hereunder (whether at the
         stated maturity, by acceleration or otherwise) to set-off and
         appropriate and apply against such amount any and all deposits of the
         Borrower (general or special, time or demand, provisional or final), in
         any currency, and any other credits, indebtedness or claims, in any
         currency, in each case whether direct or indirect, absolute or
         contingent, matured or unmatured, at any time held or owing by the
         Lender or any Affiliate thereof to or for the credit or the account of
         the Borrower. The Lender agrees promptly to notify the Borrower after
         any such set-off and application made by the Lender provided that the
         failure to give such notice shall not affect the validity of such
         set-off and application.

28.      NOTICES

28.1     Communications in writing

         Any communication to be made under or in connection with the Finance
         Documents shall be made in writing and, unless otherwise stated, may be
         made by fax or letter.

28.2     Addresses

         The address and fax number (and the department or officer, if any, for
         whose attention the communication is to be made) of each Party for any
         communication or document to be made or delivered under or in
         connection with the Finance Documents is:

         (a)      in the case of the Borrower, that identified with its name

         (b)      in the case of each Lender, that notified in writing to the
                  Agent on or prior to the date on which it becomes a Party;

         (c)      in the case of the Initial Lender, that identified with its
                  name below; and

         (d)      in the case of the Agent, that identified with its name below,

         or any substitute address or fax number or department or officer as the
         Party may notify to the Agent (or the Agent may notify to the other
         Parties, if a change is made by the Agent) by not less than five (5)
         Business Days' notice.

28.3     Delivery

         (a)      Any communication or document made or delivered by one person
                  to another under or in connection with the Finance Documents
                  will only be effective:

                  (i)      if by way of fax, when received in legible form; or

                  (ii)     if by way of letter, when it has been left at the
                           relevant address or five (5) Business Days after
                           being deposited in the post postage prepaid in an
                           envelope addressed to it at that address,

                  and, if a particular department or officer is specified as
                  part of its address details provided under Clause 28.2
                  (Addresses), if addressed to that department or officer.

         (b)      Any communication or document to be made or delivered to the
                  Agent will be effective only when actually received by the
                  Agent and then only if it is expressly marked for the
                  attention of the department or officer identified with the
                  Agent's signature below (or any substitute department or
                  officer as the Agent shall specify for this purpose).

         (c)      All notices from or to an Obligor shall be sent through the

         (d)      Any communication or document made or delivered to the
                  Borrower in accordance with this Clause will be deemed to have
                  been made or delivered to the Guarantor.

28.4     Notification of address and fax number

         Promptly upon receipt of notification of an address and fax number or
         change of address or fax number pursuant to Clause 28.2 (Addresses) or
         changing its own address or fax number, the Agent shall notify the
         other Parties.

28.5     Electronic communication

         (a)      Any communication to be made between the Agent and a Lender
                  under or in connection with the Finance Documents may be made
                  by electronic mail or other electronic means, if the Agent and
                  the relevant Lender:

                  (i)      agree that, unless and until notified to the
                           contrary, this is to be an accepted form of

                  (ii)     notify each other in writing of their electronic mail
                           address and/or any other information required to
                           enable the sending and receipt of information by that
                           means; and

                  (iii)    notify each other of any change to their address or
                           any other such information supplied by them.

         (b)      Any electronic communication made between the Agent and a
                  Lender will be effective only when actually received in
                  readable form and in the case of any electronic communication
                  made by a Lender to the Agent only if it is addressed in such
                  a manner as the Agent shall specify for this purpose.

28.6     English language

         (a)      Any notice given under or in connection with any Finance
                  Document must be in English.

         (b)      All other documents provided under or in connection with any
                  Finance Document must be:

                  (i)      in English; or

                  (ii)     if not in English, and if so required by the Agent,
                           accompanied by a certified English translation and,
                           in this case, the English translation will prevail
                           unless the document is a constitutional, statutory or
                           other official document.


29.1     Accounts

         In any litigation or arbitration proceedings arising out of or in
         connection with a Finance Document, the entries made in the accounts
         maintained by a Finance Party are prima facie evidence of the matters
         to which they relate.

29.2     Certificates and Determinations

         Any certification or determination by a Finance Party of a rate or
         amount under any Finance Document is, in the absence of manifest error,
         conclusive evidence of the matters to which it relates.

29.3     Day count convention

         Any interest, commission or fee accruing under a Finance Document will
         accrue from day to day and is calculated on the basis of the actual
         number of days elapsed and a year of 360 days or, in any case where the
         practice in the Relevant Interbank Market differs, in accordance with
         that market practice.


         If, at any time, any provision of the Finance Documents is or becomes
         illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under any law of any
         jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or enforceability of the
         remaining provisions nor the legality, validity or enforceability of
         such provision under the law of any other jurisdiction will in any way
         be affected or impaired.


         No failure to exercise, nor any delay in exercising, on the part of any
         Finance Party, any right or remedy under the Finance Documents shall
         operate as a waiver, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any
         right or remedy prevent any further or other exercise or the exercise
         of any other right or remedy. The rights and remedies provided in this
         Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies
         provided by law.


32.1     Required consents

         (a)      Subject to Clause 32.2 (Exceptions) any term of the Finance
                  Documents may be amended or waived only with the consent of
                  the Majority Lenders and the Obligors and any such amendment
                  or waiver will be binding on all Parties.

         (b)      The Agent may effect, on behalf of any Finance Party, any
                  amendment or waiver permitted by this Clause.

32.2     Exceptions

         (a)      An amendment or waiver that has the effect of changing or
                  which relates to:

                  (i)      the definition of "Majority Lenders" in Clause 1.1

                  (ii)     an extension to the date of payment of any amount
                           under the Finance Documents;

                  (iii)    a reduction in the amount of any payment of
                           principal, interest, fees or commission payable;

                  (iv)     an increase in or an extension of any Loan;

                  (v)      a change to the Borrower or the Guarantor;

                  (vi)     any provision which expressly requires the consent of
                           all Lenders; or

                  (vii)    Clause 24 (Conduct of Business by the Finance
                           Parties), Clause 21 (Changes to the Lenders) or this
                           Clause 32.

                  shall not be made without the prior consent of all the

         (b)      An amendment or waiver which relates to the rights or
                  obligations of the Agent may not be effected without the
                  consent of the Agent.


         Each Finance Document may be executed in any number of counterparts,
         and this has the same effect as if the signatures on the counterparts
         were on a single copy of the Finance Document.

33.1     Servicing

         (a)      The Borrower covenants to maintain or cause the servicing of
                  the Collateral to be maintained in conformity with accepted
                  and prudent servicing practices in the industry for the same
                  type of collateral as the Collateral and in a manner at least
                  equal in quality to the servicing the Borrower provides for
                  mortgage loans, mezzanine loans and equity interests which it
                  owns. In the event that the preceding language is interpreted
                  as constituting one or more servicing contracts, each such
                  servicing contract shall terminate automatically upon the
                  earliest of (i) an Event of Default; or (ii) the transfer of
                  servicing approved by the Borrower.

         (b)      If the Collateral is serviced by the Borrower, (i) the
                  Borrower agrees and acknowledges that the Security Trustee is
                  the assignee by way of security of all servicing records,
                  including but not limited to any and all servicing agreements,
                  files, documents, records, data bases, computer tapes, copies
                  of computer tapes, proof of insurance coverage, insurance
                  policies, appraisals, other closing documentation, payment
                  history records, and any other records relating to or
                  evidencing the servicing of Collateral (the "Servicing
                  Records"). The Borrower covenants to safeguard such Servicing
                  Records and to deliver them promptly to the Lender or its
                  designee (including the Custodian) at the Security Trustee's

         (c)      If the Collateral is serviced by a third party servicer (such
                  third party servicer, "the Servicer"), the Borrower (i) shall
                  provide a copy of the servicing agreement to the Security
                  Trustee and the Agent, which shall be in form and substance
                  acceptable to the Agent, together with all addendums thereto
                  (collectively, the "Servicing Agreement"); and (ii) shall
                  provide a Servicer Notice to the Servicer substantially in the
                  form of Schedule 16 (Servicer Notice) (a "Servicer Notice")
                  and shall cause the Servicer to acknowledge and agree to the
                  same. Any successor or assignee of a Servicer shall be
                  approved in writing by the Agent and shall acknowledge and
                  agree to a Servicer Notice prior to such successor's
                  assumption of servicing obligations with respect to any or all
                  of the Collateral.

         (d)      If the servicer of the Collateral is the Borrower or the
                  Servicer is an Affiliate of the Borrower, the Borrower shall
                  provide to the Agent and the Security Trustee a letter from
                  the Borrower or the Servicer, as the case may be, to the
                  effect that upon the occurrence and during the continuance of
                  an Event of Default, the Security Trustee may terminate any
                  Servicing Agreement and in any event transfer servicing to the
                  Security Trustee's designee, at no cost or expense to the
                  Security Trustee, it being agreed that the Borrower will pay
                  any and all fees required to terminate the Servicing Agreement
                  and to effectuate the transfer of servicing to the designee of
                  the Security Trustee.

         (e)      In the event the Borrower or its Affiliate is servicing the
                  Collateral, the Borrower shall permit the Security Trustee and
                  the Agent, upon advance written notice to the Borrower (unless
                  a Default or Event of Default shall have occurred and be
                  continuing, in which case no notice shall be required), from
                  time to time to inspect the Borrower's or its Affiliate's
                  servicing facilities, as the case may be, for the purpose of
                  satisfying the Security Trustee and the Agent that the
                  Borrower or its Affiliate, as the case may be, has the ability
                  to service the Collateral as provided in this Agreement.

         (f)      Irrespective of whether the Servicer is the Borrower or a
                  third party servicer, the Borrower undertakes to procure that
                  any monies received in respect of or derived from the
                  Collateral will be paid forthwith into a Borrower Bank

33.2     Periodic Due Diligence Review

         The Borrower acknowledges that the Agent and the Security Trustee has
         the right to perform continuing due diligence reviews (a "Due Diligence
         Review") with respect to the Collateral and the manner in which they
         were originated, for the purposes of verifying compliance with the
         representations, warranties and specifications made hereunder, or
         otherwise, and the Borrower agrees that upon reasonable (but no less
         than five (5) Business Days) prior notice to the Borrower (unless a
         Default or Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing, in
         which case no notice shall be required), the Agent and the Security
         Trustee or its authorised representatives will be permitted during
         normal business hours to examine, inspect, and make copies and extracts
         of, the Collateral Files and any and all documents, records,
         agreements, instruments or information relating to such Collateral in
         the possession or under the control of the Borrower and/or the
         Custodian. The Borrower also shall make available to the Agent and the
         Security Trustee a knowledgeable financial or accounting officer for
         the purpose of answering questions respecting the Collateral Files and
         the Collateral. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the
         Borrower acknowledges that the Lenders may make the Loans to the
         Borrower based solely upon the information provided by the Borrower to
         the Agent and the representations, warranties and covenants contained
         herein, and that the Agent, at its option, has the right at any time to
         conduct a partial or complete due diligence review on some or all of
         the Collateral Files securing the Secured Obligations, including
         without limitation ordering new credit reports and new Appraisals from
         a valuer and in a form each reasonably acceptable to the Borrower on
         the related Encumbered Properties and otherwise re-generating the
         information used to originate such Eligible Collateral. The Agent may
         underwrite the Eligible Collateral itself or engage a mutually agreed
         upon third party underwriter to perform such underwriting. The Borrower
         agrees to cooperate with the Agent and any third party underwriter in
         connection with such underwriting, including, but not limited to,
         providing the Agent and any third party underwriter with access to any
         and all documents, records, agreements, instruments or information
         relating to the Eligible Collateral in the possession, or under the
         control, of the Borrower. The Borrower further agrees that the Borrower
         shall reimburse the Agent and the Security Trustee for any and all
         out-of-pocket costs and expenses incurred by the Agent and the Security
         Trustee in connection with the their respective activities pursuant to
         this Clause 33.2. Provided that the Borrower shall not reimburse the
         Agent in respect of any Due Diligence Review carried out in respect of
         the origination of any item of Collateral, sourced or provided by MS &

33.3     Disclaimers

         Each determination by the Agent of the Asset Value of one or more items
         of Eligible Collateral or the communication to the Borrower of any
         other information pertaining to Asset Value under this Agreement shall
         be subject to the following disclaimers:

         (a)      the Agent has assumed and relied upon, with the Borrower's
                  consent and without independent verification, the accuracy and
                  completeness of the information provided by the Borrower and
                  reviewed by the Agent. The Agent has not made any independent
                  inquiry of any aspect of the subject items of Eligible
                  Collateral or collateral underlying such item of Eligible
                  Collateral or of the other assets or liabilities or
                  creditworthiness of any Collateral Obligor. The Agent's view
                  is based on economic, market and other conditions as in effect
                  on, and the information made available to the Agent as at, the
                  date of any such determination or communication of
                  information, and such view may change at any time without
                  prior notice to the Borrower.

         (b)      Asset Value determinations and other information provided to
                  the Borrower constitute a statement of the Agent's view of the
                  value of one or more assets at a particular point in time and
                  neither (i) constitute a bid for a particular trade, (ii)
                  indicate a willingness on the part of the Agent or any
                  Affiliate thereof to make such a bid, nor (iii) reflect a
                  valuation for substantially similar assets at the same or
                  another point in time, or for the same assets at another point
                  in time.

         (c)      Asset Value determinations and other information provided to
                  the Borrower do not necessarily reflect the Agent's internal
                  bookkeeping or theoretical model-based valuations of the
                  subject items of Eligible Collateral or substantially similar

         (d)      Asset Value determinations and other information provided to
                  the Borrower may vary significantly from valuation
                  determinations and other information which may be obtained
                  from other sources.

         (e)      Asset Value determinations and other information provided to
                  the Borrower are provided for information purposes only in
                  furtherance of the provisions of this Agreement, and are not
                  an offer to enter into, transfer and assign, or terminate any

         (f)      Asset Value determinations and other information provided to
                  the Borrower are communicated to the Borrower solely for its
                  use and may not be relied upon by any other person and may not
                  be disclosed or referred to publicly or to any third party
                  without the prior written consent of the Agent, which consent
                  the Agent may withhold or delay in its sole and absolute

         (g)      the Agent makes no representations or warranties with respect
                  to any Asset Value determinations or other information
                  provided to the Borrower, the Agent nor the Lender shall be
                  liable for any incidental or consequential damages arising out
                  of any inaccuracy in such valuation determinations and other
                  information provided to the Borrower, including as a result of
                  any act of gross negligence or breach of any warranty.

         (h)      Valuation indications and other information provided to the
                  Borrower in connection with Clause 5 (Procedure for Loans) are
                  only indicative of the Asset Value of the subject item of
                  Eligible Collateral submitted to the Agent for consideration
                  thereunder, and may change without notice to the Borrower
                  prior to, or subsequent to, the pledge by the Borrower of such
                  item of Eligible Collateral pursuant to Clause 5 (Procedure
                  for Loans). No indication is provided as to the Agent's
                  expectation of the future value of such item of Eligible

         (i)      Valuation indications and other information provided to the
                  Borrower in connection Clause 5 (Procedure for Loans) are to
                  be used by the Borrower for the sole purpose of determining
                  whether to proceed in accordance with Clause 5 (Procedure for
                  Loans) and for no other purpose.

                                   SECTION 13
                          GOVERNING LAW AND ENFORCEMENT


         This Agreement is governed by English law.


35.1     Limited Recourse

         (a)      Neither the Security Trustee or any Secured Party or any of
                  the other parties hereto (nor any person acting on their
                  behalf) shall be entitled at any time to institute against the
                  Borrower, or join in any institution against the Borrower, of
                  any bankruptcy, administration, monitoring, reorganisation,
                  controlled management, arrangement, insolvency, examinership,
                  winding up or liquidation proceedings or similar insolvency
                  proceedings under any applicable bankruptcy or similar law in
                  connection with any obligation of the Borrower under any
                  Finance Document, save for lodging claims and exercising
                  voting and all other rights available to creditors in the
                  liquidation, winding-up, examinership or other insolvency or
                  reorganisation proceedings of the Borrower which is initiated
                  by another party or taking proceedings to obtain a declaration
                  or judgment as to the obligation of the Borrower and provided
                  that the Security Trustee or any Secured Party or any of the
                  other parties hereto may appoint a receiver pursuant to the
                  Law of Property Act, 1925 or the Conveyancing and Law of
                  Property Act, 1881 of Ireland (as applicable) over any of the
                  Borrower's assets if entitled to do so in accordance with and
                  pursuant to this Debenture.

         (b)      The Security Trustee each of the Secured Parties and the other
                  parties hereto hereby agree that they shall have recourse in
                  respect of any claim against the Borrower only to the assets
                  of the Borrower (provided always that this clause 35.1(b)
                  shall in no way restrict or diminish the rights of a Finance
                  Party under the Guarantee which shall remain in full force and
                  effect notwithstanding that the recourse against the Borrower
                  hereunder is so limited). In furtherance of the foregoing
                  sentence, no recourse shall be had for the payment or
                  performance of any obligation or liability hereunder or under
                  any Finance Document or any claim based thereon against any
                  director, officer or independent contractor of the Borrower
                  except in the case of gross negligence or fraud on the part of
                  such a person or in the event of statutory liability arising
                  as a result of breach of law by that person.

35.2     Jurisdiction

         (a)      The courts of England have non-exclusive jurisdiction to
                  settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with this
                  Agreement (including a dispute regarding the existence,
                  validity or termination of this Agreement) (a "Dispute").

         (b)      The Parties agree that the courts of England are the most
                  appropriate and convenient courts to settle Disputes and
                  accordingly no Party will argue to the contrary.

         (c)      This Clause 35.12 is for the benefit of the Finance Parties
                  only. As a result, no Finance Party shall be prevented from
                  taking proceedings relating to a Dispute in any other courts
                  with jurisdiction. To the extent allowed by law, the Finance
                  Parties may take concurrent proceedings in any number of

35.3     Service of process

         Without prejudice to any other mode of service allowed under any
         relevant law, each Obligor (other than an Obligor incorporated in
         England and Wales):

         (a)      irrevocably appoints Dechert LLP, (Attention: Andrew Petersen)
                  counsel to the Borrower and Guarantor as its agent for service
                  of process in relation to any proceedings before the English
                  courts in connection with any Finance Document; and

         (b)      agrees that failure by an agent for service of process to
                  notify the relevant Obligor of the process will not invalidate
                  the proceedings concerned.

    This Agreement has been entered into on the date stated at the beginning
                               of this Agreement.