Exhibit 10.1

                              Aircastle Advisor LLC
                       300 First Stamford Place, 5th Floor
                           Stamford, Connecticut 06902

April 12, 2007

Michael Inglese

Dear Mike:

         It is with great pleasure that we extend to you an offer to join
Aircastle Advisor LLC (the "Company" or "Aircastle"), a wholly owned subsidiary
of Aircastle Limited.

         The details relating to our offer of employment are set forth below.
Your responsibilities may change from time to time in accordance with the
Company's business practices.

Title:                    Chief Financial Officer.
- -----

Start Date:               April 12, 2007.
- ----------

Location:                 Stamford, CT, or another location subsequently
- --------                  specified by the Company within 60 miles of Stamford,

Base Salary:              Your base salary shall be paid at the rate of
- -----------               US$300,000, less statutory and voluntary deductions,
                          payable in accordance with the regular payroll
                          practices of the Company.

Discretionary Bonus:      In addition, you are eligible to receive a
- --------------------      discretionary annual bonus, however, nothing in this
                          offer letter will entitle you to a discretionary bonus
                          payment, except that you shall be paid a guaranteed
                          bonus in respect of calendar year 2007 (the "2007
                          Guaranteed Bonus") in an amount equal to $450,000 in
                          cash. The 2007 Guaranteed Bonus will be paid in
                          January 2008. The description of the Company's bonus
                          plan does not amount to a contract of employment for
                          a definite period of time, and payment of a
                          discretionary bonus in any given fiscal or calendar
                          year does not entitle you to additional compensation
                          or any such bonus in any subsequent year. In order
                          to be eligible for any bonus while employed by the
                          Company, you must be an active employee at, and not
                          have given or received notice of termination prior
                          to, the time of the bonus payment. For the sake of
                          clarity, you are not entitled to any portion of any
                          discretionary bonus if your employment terminates
                          for any reason prior to the payment of any such
                          bonus, except, in the case of the 2007 Guaranteed
                          Bonus, as provided below.

Co-invest:                Within six months following your Start Date, and
- ----------                subject to compliance with the Company's trading
                          policy and applicable law, it is understood that you
                          will purchase 35,000 shares of Aircastle Limited at
                          market price on the date of purchase.

Benefits:                 Effective your first day of employment, you (and your
- --------                  spouse, registered domestic partner and/or eligible
                          dependents, if any) may at your election be covered
                          under such health insurance plan as covers the
                          Company's employees, subject to applicable
                          exclusions and limitations. You are eligible to
                          participate in all other perquisite and benefit
                          arrangements generally made available by the Company
                          to employees,

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                          subject to the terms of such plans or programs. Each
                          such benefit is subject to modification, including
                          elimination, from to time, at the Company's sole

                          In addition, the Company shall pay or reimburse to you
                          for up to $5,000 in legal fees and $2,000 in
                          accounting fees incurred by you in seeking advice on
                          this Agreement and related agreements.

Vacation:                 20 days per year (prorated for 2007) in accordance
- ---------                 with the Company's vacation policy applicable to
                          employees, as amended from time to time.

Policies and Procedures:  You agree to comply fully with all of the Company's
- ------------------------  policies and procedures applicable to employees, as
                          amended from time to time, copies of which shall be
                          provided to you or made available to you by
                          electronic means.

Certain Definitions:      "Cause" means (i) the continued failure by you
- --------------------      substantially to perform your duties and obligations
                          to the Company, including without limitation,
                          repeated refusal to follow the reasonable directions
                          of the Company, knowing violation of law in the
                          course of performance of the duties of your
                          employment with the Company (or any subsidiary or
                          affiliate), engaging in misconduct which is
                          materially injurious to the Company (or any
                          subsidiary or affiliate), repeated absences from
                          work without a reasonable excuse, or intoxication
                          with alcohol or illegal drugs while on the Company's
                          (or any subsidiary's or affiliate's) premises during
                          regular business hours, which alcohol intoxication
                          prevents you from performing your duties (other than
                          any such failure resulting from your incapacity due
                          to physical or mental illness), provided that, with
                          respect to a continued failure substantially to
                          perform your duties and obligations to the Company
                          which does not include any of the specific actions
                          listed in this clause (i), you have received written
                          notice of such failure and have not cured such
                          failure within 30 days of receiving such notice;
                          (ii) fraud or material dishonesty against the
                          Company or any subsidiary or affiliate; (iii) a
                          conviction or plea of guilty or nolo contendere for
                          the commission of a felony or a crime involving
                          material dishonesty; or (iv) your willful failure to
                          comply with any material policies or procedures of
                          the Company as in effect from time to time provided
                          that you shall have been delivered a copy of such
                          policies or notice that they have been posted on a
                          Company, subsidiary or affiliate website prior to
                          such compliance failure, and provided that you have
                          received written notice of such compliance failure
                          and have not cured such failure within 30 days of
                          receiving such notice; or (v) your commission of any
                          material breach of any of the provisions or
                          covenants hereof, provided that you have received
                          written notice of such material breach and, if such
                          material breach is curable, have not cured such
                          material breach within 30 days of receiving such

                          With respect to any grants made to you under the
                          Amended and Restated Aircastle Limited 2005 Equity and
                          Incentive Plan, the foregoing definition of "Cause"
                          shall override the definition of "Cause" in such Plan.

                          "Good Reason" means (i) the Company's failure to pay
                          any portion of base salary or other agreed payments
                          within 30 days after the same are due; (ii) a
                          requirement for

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                          you to report to anyone other than the Chief
                          Executive Officer or President or the Board of
                          Directors (or committee thereof) of the Company;
                          (iii) if you shall receive less than $600,000 in
                          base salary, discretionary bonus and dividends on
                          unvested Aircastle Limited shares (if any) in any
                          calendar year, and shall resign within 60 days
                          following the end of such calendar year; (iv) any
                          change in your title as Chief Financial Officer or
                          any material diminution in duties and
                          responsibilities; or (v) any relocation of your
                          principal place of employment beyond the limits
                          described in Location above.

Employment                You are an at-will employee. This employment offer
Relationship:             letter is not a contract of employment for any
- -------------             specific period of time, and your employment may be
                          terminated by you or by the Company at any time for
                          any reason, no reason with or without prior notice
                          or Cause. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you agree
                          to provide the Company with at least 30 days advance
                          written notice of any resignation.

                          In the event that you are terminated by the Company,
                          then, provided you sign a separation agreement
                          prepared by the Company which includes a general
                          release of claims against the Company and its
                          subsidiaries and affiliates (a "Separation
                          Agreement"), but which otherwise does not increase any
                          of your post-termination obligations (whether under
                          this letter or the Agreement (as defined below)):

                             (i) if you are terminated without Cause, then:

                                 (a)   an amount equal to one year's
                                       then-current salary, such amount to be
                                       paid within thirty (30) days of such
                                       termination; and

                                 (b)   if such termination occurs at any time
                                       after your Start Date and prior to the
                                       date on which you have been paid your
                                       Guaranteed 2007 Bonus in full, you shall
                                       be paid an amount equal to that portion
                                       of your Guaranteed 2007 Bonus which then
                                       remains unpaid (in addition to any base
                                       salary or dividends that you may have
                                       already received), such amount to be paid
                                       within thirty (30) days of such
                                       termination; and

                            (ii) if you are terminated for any other reason
                                 (including Cause, or because of your death or
                                 disability), then no termination payments
                                 shall be made by the Company; provided that if
                                 your employment is terminated because of your
                                 death or disability prior to receiving the
                                 Guaranteed 2007 Bonus in full, you will be
                                 entitled to receive a pro rata portion of the
                                 Guaranteed 2007 Bonus, based on the number of
                                 days elapsed between the Start Date and such
                                 termination as compared to the number of days
                                 between the Start Date and December 31, 2007
                                 (to the extent that such pro rata portion
                                 exceeds any portion of the Guaranteed 2007
                                 Bonus which has already been paid), such pro
                                 rata portion to be paid within thirty (30)
                                 days of such termination.

                          If you resign from the Company with Good Reason, then
                          clause (i) above will apply as if you were terminated
                          without Cause. If you resign for any other reason,
                          then no termination payments shall be made by the

                          Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions as to the
                          timing of payments following

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                          termination, if payment of a specified amount within
                          the stated time period would result in the
                          imposition of a tax on you by reason of the
                          application of Section 409A(a)(2)(B)(i) of the
                          Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
                          "Code"), the Company shall pay the specified amount
                          to you on the earliest subsequent date that will
                          avoid the imposition of a tax under Section 409A of
                          the Code.

Your Representations:     You represent that:
- ---------------------
                             (i) you are free to be employed hereunder without
                                 any contractual restrictions, express or
                                 implied, with respect to any of your prior

                            (ii) you have not taken or otherwise
                                 misappropriated and you do not have in your
                                 possession or control any confidential or
                                 proprietary information belonging to any of
                                 your prior employer(s) or connected with or
                                 derived from your services to prior
                                 employer(s), and you have returned to all
                                 prior employers any and all such confidential
                                 or proprietary information.

                           (iii) the Company and its affiliates (the "Aircastle
                                 Group") have informed you that you are not to
                                 use or cause the use of such confidential or
                                 proprietary information in any manner
                                 whatsoever in connection with your employment
                                 by the Company or any affiliate, and that you
                                 have agreed and hereby do agree that you will
                                 not use any such confidential or proprietary

Certain Covenants:        Enclosed is a Confidentiality, Developments and
- ------------------        No-solicitation Agreement ("Agreement") for your
                          review and execution. Your execution of the
                          Agreement is a term and condition of employment and
                          must be presented on your Start Date.

Entire Offer:             This letter contains the entire terms of the Company's
- ------------              employment offer and supersedes all
                          prior statements, promises, agreements, covenants,
                          arrangements, communications, representations or
                          warranties, whether oral or written by any office,
                          manager, employee or representative of the Company
                          and is not subject to modification, except in
                          writing signed by the parties. In addition, you
                          represent and agree that you shall not be entitled
                          to any equity interest, profits interest or other
                          interest in any member of the Aircastle Group
                          (including any fund or other business managed by it
                          or any of its affiliates) except as set forth in a
                          writing signed by the Company. The Company's
                          affiliates are intended beneficiaries of your
                          agreement in this regard.

Governing Law;            The Company's offer of employment shall be governed
Jurisdiction:             by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
- -------------             State of Connecticut without regard to the
                          principles of conflicts of law thereof. THE PARTIES
                          SUCH COURT.

                       *        *        *        *

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We look forward to a successful employment relationship with you. If the
foregoing terms of employment are acceptable, please so indicate by signing in
the space provided below and returning to us an executed copy of this letter
agreement on or prior to April 12, 2007, the date on which the offer of
employment set out in this letter agreement shall expire if not accepted by you.

Very truly yours,


By: /s/ Ron Wainshal

Accepted and agreed to, this 12th day of April, 2007:

/s/ Michael Inglese
- ---------------------------------