Exhibit 10.2


      Aircastle Advisor LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Aircastle"),
and Mark Zeidman ("Employee") have entered into this Separation Agreement and
General Release (this "Agreement") as of this 12th day of April, 2007
(collectively referred to as the "Parties"). Aircastle Limited, a Bermuda
exempted company ("Parent"), is a signatory to this Agreement solely with
respect to obligations herein related to its shares. In consideration of the
mutual promises contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:

1.    Last Day of Employment. Employee and Aircastle agree that Employee's
      employment with Aircastle shall terminate on April 30, 2007, or such
      earlier date as may be agreed upon by Employee and Aircastle (the date on
      which such a qualifying termination occurs being called the "Termination
      Date"). If Employee's employment is terminated in accordance with the
      preceding sentence, Aircastle will pay Employee all earned but unpaid
      salary and all accrued but unused paid time off (including vacation time)
      earned by Employee (or which would have been earned if employment had
      continued) through the Termination Date, less applicable withholdings and
      deductions, as soon as practicable after the Termination Date. In
      addition, Aircastle will reimburse Employee for all business expenses
      incurred on behalf of Aircastle through the Termination Date, in
      accordance with Aircastle's policies with respect to the reimbursement of
      expenses. Employee hereby confirms that effective on the Termination Date
      (or any other termination of employment), Employee will no longer hold any
      positions as an officer, director or employee of Aircastle (including its
      parents, subsidiaries and affiliates at any level), and Employee agrees to
      promptly execute such customary documents and take such customary actions
      as may be necessary or reasonably requested by Aircastle to effectuate or
      memorialize the termination of such positions. Employee and Aircastle
      agree that Employee shall serve as Aircastle's Chief Financial Officer
      until the Termination Date, or such earlier date as Aircastle may hire
      another individual to serve as Chief Financial Officer (the "Transition
      Date"). If a Transition Date occurs, then, effective as of such date,
      Employee hereby resigns his position as Chief Financial Officer and any
      positions as an officer or director of Aircastle (and its parents,
      subsidiaries and affiliates at any level), and agrees to promptly execute
      such customary documents and take such customary actions as may be
      necessary or reasonably requested by Aircastle to effectuate or
      memorialize the termination of such positions. Employee shall continue to
      serve as a key employee of Aircastle after the Transition Date, assisting
      in the transition until the Termination Date.

2.    Special Payments

      (a)   Separation Payment I. Subject to this Agreement having been
            completely executed and not revoked during the revocation period
            described in Section 17 hereof, and if (and only if) Employee's
            employment is terminated in accordance with the first sentence of
            Section 1 hereof, 30,000 of the shares subject to the terms of the
            Restricted Share Agreement dated as of March 8, 2006, between
            Employee and Aircastle (the "Restricted Share Agreement") under the
            Amended and Restated Aircastle Limited 2005 Equity and Incentive
            Plan, shall become


            fully vested on, or as of, the Termination Date. Such vested shares
            shall be delivered to Employee as soon as practicable after their
            vesting (such vesting and delivery being called the "Separation
            Payment I"). Employee acknowledges that this Separation Payment I is
            in addition to any amounts to which Employee is already entitled and
            that the payment is adequate and satisfactory consideration for the
            assurances made by Employee in this Agreement, including, without
            limitation, the general release of claims given in Section 3 hereof.

      (b)   Separation Payment II and Final Separation Agreement. A form of
            "Final Separation Agreement" is attached hereto as Exhibit A. If
            (and only if) Employee's employment is terminated in accordance with
            the first sentence of Section 1 hereof, Employee will be asked to
            execute a Final Separation Agreement substantially in the form
            attached hereto on or after the Termination Date; however, the
            provisions of this Agreement are not contingent upon Employee's
            execution of the Final Separation Agreement. Subject to the Final
            Separation Agreement having been completely executed by Employee and
            not revoked during the revocation period described therein, 20,000
            of the shares subject to the Restricted Share Agreement shall become
            fully vested in accordance with the provisions of the Final
            Separation Agreement and shall be delivered as soon as practicable
            after such vesting (such vesting and delivery being called the
            "Separation Payment II").

      (c)   Possible Forfeiture of Shares. Employee agrees that those 50,000
            restricted shares described in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) hereof shall
            vest only in accordance with those Sections and shall otherwise be
            forfeited upon a termination of employment.

3.    Employee General Release of Claims. Employee for Employee, Employee's
      estate, Employee's heirs, family members, successors and assigns hereby
      voluntarily, knowingly and willfully forever releases and discharges
      Aircastle and its Parent, affiliates, successors, assigns, employees,
      officers, directors, representatives, shareholders, agents and all persons
      acting by, through, under or in concert with Aircastle in both their
      official and personal capacities (the "Releasees") from any and all
      claims, whether or not known, accrued, vested or ripe, that Employee has
      or may have against the Releasees arising from or in any way related to
      Employee's employment with Aircastle up to and including the date of
      execution of this Agreement or related to the termination of that
      employment relationship in accordance with the contractual provisions of
      this Agreement, including, but not limited to, any such claim for an
      alleged violation of the following statutes and court-made legal

            o   Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended;

            o   The Civil Rights Act of 1991;

            o   Any claim arising under the provisions of the False Claims Act,
                31 U.S.C.A. ss. 3730, including, but not limited to, any right
                to personal gain with respect to any claim asserted under its
                "qui tam" provisions;


            o   Sections 1981 through 1988 of Title 42 of the United States
                Code, as amended;

            o   The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended;

            o   The Immigration Reform and Control Act, as amended;

            o   The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended;

            o   The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended;

            o   The Older Workers' Benefit Protection Act of 1990, as amended;

            o   The Workers Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, as

            o   The Occupational Safety and Health Act, as amended;

            o   The Connecticut Fair Employment Practices Act;

            o   Connecticut labor laws, as contained in Title 31 of the General
                Statutes of Connecticut;

            o   any other federal, state or local civil or human rights law or
                any other local, state or federal law, regulation or ordinance;

            o   any claims arising out of or related to an express or implied
                employment contract (including, without limitation, the letter
                agreement between Employee and Aircastle Investment Limited
                dated February 3, 2005, and the letter agreement between
                Employee and Aircastle Advisor LLC dated March 8, 2006,
                together, the "Employment Letter") or a covenant of good faith
                and fair dealing;

            o   any public policy, contract, tort, or common law; or

            o   any allegation for costs, fees, or other expenses including
                attorneys' fees incurred in these matters.

            Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Agreement shall
            release or waive any rights or claims Employee may have: (i) under
            this Agreement; (ii) for indemnification under any written
            indemnification agreement by and between Employee and Aircastle
            and/or under applicable law or Aircastle's charter or bylaws; (iii)
            under any applicable insurance coverage(s); or (iv) with respect to
            any accrued and vested benefits under any tax-qualified retirement

4.    Aircastle Release. Aircastle also agrees to waive all known claims against
      Employee, but such waiver shall exclude, whether known or unknown: (a) any
      claims arising out of alleged criminal, fraudulent or willful conduct by
      Employee in connection with his activities as an employee of Aircastle,
      (b) any violation by Employee of any policies of Aircastle relating to the
      performance of his duties which results in a claim against


      Aircastle or any affiliate or a loss to Aircastle or any affiliate arising
      out of such violation, (c) a violation of any securities or other
      governmental laws, rules or regulations relating to Employee's duties as
      an employee of Aircastle, and (d) claims initiated by any third parties or
      claims for indemnification and/or contribution arising from any claims
      initiated by third parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Aircastle does
      not release its right to have Employee perform his obligations under this
      Agreement (including, without limitation, his obligations under Section 9
      hereof with respect to the restrictive covenants section of the Employment

5.    Affirmations. Employee and Aircastle each affirm that neither has filed,
      caused to be filed, or presently is a party to any claim, complaint, or
      action against the other in any forum or form. Employee furthermore
      affirms that Employee has no known workplace injuries or occupational
      diseases, and has been provided and has not been denied any leave
      requested under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Employee disclaims and
      waives any right of reinstatement with Aircastle. Aircastle and Parent
      affirm that, in accordance with the terms of the Restricted Share
      Agreement, Employee is entitled to receive all dividends declared, with a
      record date prior to any forfeiture of such shares, on the shares subject
      to the Restricted Share Agreement, without regard to any restrictions on
      dividend receipt under the award's governing documents which might
      otherwise apply. Aircastle and Parent further affirm that, after the
      Termination Date has passed and vesting has occurred as provided in this
      Agreement, the vested shares granted pursuant to the Restricted Share
      Agreement will be freely transferable by Employee, without restriction
      under (i) any agreement to which Aircastle or Parent is a party and (ii)
      any policy of Aircastle or Parent (other than any applicable provision of
      the Amended and Restated Insider Trading compliance Program of Aircastle
      Limited adopted as of February 22, 2007). The vested shares granted
      pursuant to the Restricted Share Agreement will be subject to certain
      requirements under state or federal securities law.

6.    Benefits and COBRA. Except as otherwise provided in this Section 6,
      effective as of the Termination Date, Employee will cease all Aircastle
      health benefit coverage and (except as provided in this Agreement) other
      benefit coverage. Employee acknowledges that Aircastle has advised
      Employee that pursuant to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
      Act of 1985 (COBRA), Employee has a right to elect continued coverage
      under the Aircastle group health plan for a period of eighteen (18) months
      from the Termination Date.

7.    Non-Disparagement. Employee agrees not to make critical, negative or
      disparaging remarks about Aircastle, including, but not limited to,
      comments about any of its products, services, management, business or
      employment practices, and not to voluntarily aid or voluntarily assist any
      person in any way with respect to any third party claims pursued against
      Aircastle. Aircastle agrees to cause its "executive officers" (as defined
      in Rule 3b-7 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) not to
      engage in, conduct or make statements or representations that are
      critical, negative or disparaging with respect to Employee, Employee's
      business or personal reputation. If called to provide information to any
      actual or prospective subsequent employer of Employee, Aircastle will only
      disclose those matters covered in public filings, and that Employee's
      departure was amicable. Any description of Employee's departure from
      Aircastle in any public


      filing or document (or otherwise) by or on behalf of Aircastle shall be
      accurate and fully consistent with that contained herein and shall be
      fully agreed to by Employee except to the extent that Aircastle in good
      faith views its disclosure requirements under applicable law to require
      disclosure which is not so agreed to. Aircastle will attempt in good faith
      to provide Employee with an opportunity to review and comment on any such
      filing or document (or any written internal or external announcement of
      his departure) before it is publicly disclosed (or announced). Nothing in
      this Section will prevent the Employee or Aircastle from responding fully
      and accurately to any question, inquiry or request for information when
      required by applicable law or legal process.

8.    '34 Act Filing. Aircastle will disclose the existence and terms and will
      file this Agreement with the Securities and Exchange Commission in
      satisfaction of its reporting obligations under the Securities and
      Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The Form 8-K to be filed to which this
      Agreement shall be attached as an exhibit and any press release issued in
      connection with Employee's departure from Aircastle shall first be
      furnished to Employee with an opportunity for Employee to comment, and
      Aircastle will attempt in good faith to provide Employee with an
      opportunity to review any changes or additions to any such disclosure in
      any other public filings or disclosure in advance.

9.    Continuing Obligations to Aircastle. The Parties' rights and obligations
      under the provisions of the restrictive covenants section of the
      Employment Letter relating to non-competition, non-solicitation of
      employees, clients and others, and confidentiality are unaffected by the
      execution of this Agreement and are incorporated by reference herein;
      provided, however, that the Parties agree that the non-competition
      covenant of the Employment Letter shall apply for six (6) months following
      a termination of Employee's employment in accordance with the first
      sentence of Section 1 hereof and that the non-solicitation covenant of the
      Employment Letter shall apply for eighteen (18) months following a
      termination of Employee's employment in accordance with the first sentence
      of Section 1 hereof, except as is otherwise mutually agreed by the
      Parties. Commencing on the Termination Date, Employee will cooperate in
      all reasonable respects with Aircastle and its affiliates in connection
      with any and all existing or future litigation, actions or proceedings
      (whether civil, criminal, administrative, regulatory or otherwise) brought
      by or against Aircastle or any of its affiliates, to the extent Aircastle
      reasonably deems Employee's cooperation necessary. Employee shall be
      reimbursed for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Employee as a result
      of such cooperation. With respect to any and all existing or future
      litigation, actions or proceedings (whether civil, criminal,
      administrative, regulatory or otherwise) brought against Employee in
      connection with his employment by Aircastle, Aircastle will honor, and
      proceed in accordance with, its bylaws.

10.   Return of Personal Property. Aircastle has promised to return to Employee
      all items of personal property located at Employer's business premises
      prior to the Termination Date. Employee promises to return to Aircastle
      all items of Aircastle property in Employee's possession no later than the
      Termination Date.

11.   Notices. All notices, demands, consents or communications required or
      permitted hereunder shall be in writing. Any notice, demand or other
      communication given under this Agreement shall be deemed to be given if
      given in writing (including facsimile or similar transmission) addressed
      as provided below (or at such other address as the addressee shall have
      specified by notice actually received by the sender) and if either (a)


      actually delivered in fully legible form to such address or (b) in the
      case of a letter, five (5) days shall have elapsed after the same shall
      have been deposited in the United States mail, with first-class postage
      prepaid and registered or certified:

      To Employer Corporation:           Aircastle Limited.
                                         c/o Aircastle Advisor LLC
                                         300 First Stamford Place, 5th
                                         Stamford, Connecticut  06902
                                         Attention:  General Counsel

                                         With a copy to:

                                         Skadden Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
                                         4 Times Square
                                         New York, NY, 10036-6522
                                         Fax: (212) 735-2000
                                         Attention: Joseph A. Coco, Esq.

                                         To Employee:

                                         Mark Zeidman
                                         At address currently on Aircastle's

                                         With a copy to:

                                         Pearl Zuchlewski
                                         500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100
                                         New York, New York 10110-5197
                                         Fax: (212) 869-4648

12.   Governing Law and Interpretation. This Agreement shall be governed and
      controlled by and in accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut
      without regard to its conflict of laws provision. In the event Employee or
      Aircastle breaches any provision of this Agreement, Employee and Aircastle
      affirm that either may institute an action to specifically enforce any
      term or terms of this Agreement. Venue for any action brought to enforce
      the terms of this Agreement or for breach thereof shall lie in any court
      of competent jurisdiction in Stamford, Connecticut. Should any provision
      of this Agreement be declared illegal or unenforceable by any court of
      competent jurisdiction and cannot be modified to be enforceable, excluding
      the general release language, such provision shall immediately become null
      and void, leaving the remainder of this Agreement in full force and
      effect. The Parties affirm that this Agreement is the product of
      negotiation and agree that it shall not be construed against either Party
      on the basis of sole authorship.


13.   Nonadmission of Wrongdoing. The Parties agree that neither this Agreement
      nor the furnishing of the consideration for same shall be deemed or
      construed at anytime for any purpose as an admission by either party of
      any liability, wrongdoing or unlawful conduct of any kind.

14.   Amendment. This Agreement may not be modified, altered or changed except
      upon express written consent of both Parties wherein specific reference is
      made to this Agreement.

15.   Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between
      the Parties hereto and fully supersedes any prior agreements or
      understandings between the Parties, except as certain provisions of other
      prior agreements are specifically incorporated by reference herein. Each
      Party acknowledges that such Party has not relied on any representations,
      promises, or agreements of any kind made to such Party in connection with
      the other Party's decision to enter into this Agreement, except for those
      set forth in this Agreement.

16.   Payments and Withholding. In accordance with Section 10 of the Restricted
      Share Agreement, Employee shall pay Parent promptly upon request, and in
      any event at the time he recognizes taxable income in respect to the
      restricted shares which vest pursuant to this Agreement or the Final
      Separation Agreement, an amount equal to the taxes Parent determines it is
      required to withhold. Employee shall make such payment in cash.

17.   Revocation. Employee may revoke this Agreement for a period of seven (7)
      calendar days following the day that Employee executes this Agreement. Any
      revocation within this period must be submitted, in writing, to Aircastle
      Limited, c/o Aircastle Advisor LLC, 300 First Stamford Place, 5th Floor,
      Stamford, Connecticut 06902, as follows: "I hereby revoke my acceptance of
      our Agreement." The revocation must be personally delivered to Aircastle's
      General Counsel or mailed to his office at the above address and
      postmarked within seven (7) calendar days of execution of this Agreement.
      This Agreement shall not become effective or enforceable until the
      revocation period has expired without this Agreement having been revoked.
      If the last day of the revocation period is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal
      holiday, then the revocation period shall not expire until the next
      following day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.






                  [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank]


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto knowingly and voluntarily executed
      this Agreement as of the date first written above:

                                             AIRCASTLE ADVISOR LLC

                                             By: /s/ Ron Wainshal


                                             By: /s/  Mark Zeidman
                                                 Mark Zeidman

Solely as to obligations contained herein with
respect to its shares:


By:  /s/ Ron Wainshal


                                    Exhibit A
                           Final Separation Agreement

      This will confirm the understanding of "Employee" and "Aircastle" (as
defined in the Separation Agreement and General Release entered into between
them as of April 12, 2007 (the "Separation Agreement") and their final agreement
(this "Final Separation Agreement") with respect to the termination of
Employee's employment with Aircastle. Aircastle Limited, a Bermuda exempted
company ("Parent"), is a signatory to this Final Separation Agreement solely
with respect to obligations herein related to its shares.

1.    A form of this Final Separation Agreement was attached to the Separation
      Agreement. The Separation Agreement (including, but not limited to the
      release of all Claims, as set forth and defined in Section 3 of the
      Separation Agreement) is hereby incorporated and made a part of this Final
      Separation Agreement. Employee affirms that Employee has been paid and has
      received all leave (paid or unpaid), compensation, wages, bonuses,
      commissions, and benefits to which Employee may be entitled (other than
      payments to be provided after the Termination Date in accordance with the
      Separation Agreement and this Final Separation Agreement) and that no
      other leave (paid or unpaid), compensation, wages, bonuses, commissions
      and benefits are due to Employee (other than payments to be provided after
      the Termination Date in accordance with the Separation Agreement and this
      Final Separation Agreement). Employee agrees that, with Employee's
      execution of this Final Separation Agreement (and upon the provisions of
      this Final Separation Agreement becoming effective and enforceable after
      the revocation period described in Section 3 hereof has passed without
      this Final Separation Agreement having been revoked), the release of
      Claims in Section 3 of the Separation Agreement shall cover any and all
      Claims associated with Employee's entire employment with Aircastle and
      Employee's actual separation from such employment, including, but not
      limited to, any Claims arising from the date on which Employee initially
      signed the Separation Agreement through Employee's last day of employment
      with Aircastle. Aircastle also agrees to waive all known claims against
      Employee, but such waiver shall exclude, whether known or unknown: (a) any
      claims arising out of alleged criminal, fraudulent or willful conduct by
      Employee in connection with his activities as an employee of Aircastle,
      (b) any violation by Employee of any policies of Aircastle relating to the
      performance of his duties which results in a claim against Aircastle or
      any affiliate or a loss to Aircastle or any affiliate arising out of such
      violation, (c) a violation of any securities or other governmental laws,
      rules or regulations relating to Employee's duties as an employee of
      Aircastle, and (d) claims initiated by any third parties or claims for
      indemnification and/or contribution arising from any claims initiated by
      third parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Aircastle does not release
      its right to have Employee perform his obligations under the Separation
      Agreement and this Final Separation Agreement (including, without
      limitation, his obligations under Section 9 of the Separation Agreement
      with respect to the restrictive covenants section of the Employment

2.    Subject to this Final Separation Agreement having been completely executed
      and delivered and the revocation period described in Section 3 hereof
      having passed without this Final Separation Agreement having been revoked,
      20,000 of the restricted shares


      subject to the Restricted Share Agreement shall become fully vested as of
      the Termination Date. Such vested shares shall be delivered to Employee as
      soon as practicable after their vesting (such vesting and delivery being
      called the "Separation Payment II"). This vesting shall be in addition to
      the vesting provided in Section 2(a) of the Separation Agreement. Employee
      agrees that the Separation Payment II is consideration in addition to any
      amounts to which Employee is already entitled and that this consideration
      is adequate and satisfactory in exchange for the assurances Employee makes
      in this Final Separation Agreement.

3.    Employee acknowledges Employee has been given more than twenty-one (21)
      days to consider entering into this Final Separation Agreement and that
      Employee has seven (7) days after Employee's execution of this Final
      Separation Agreement to revoke such execution. Any revocation within this
      period must be submitted, in writing, to Aircastle Limited, c/o Aircastle
      Advisor LLC, 300 First Stamford Place, 5th Floor, Stamford, Connecticut
      06902, "I hereby revoke my acceptance of our Final Separation Agreement."
      The revocation must be personally delivered to Aircastle's General Counsel
      or mailed to his office at the above address and postmarked within seven
      (7) calendar days of execution of this Final Separation Agreement. This
      Final Separation Agreement shall not become effective or enforceable until
      the revocation period has expired without this Final Separation Agreement
      having been revoked. If the last day of the revocation period is a
      Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, then the revocation period shall not
      expire until the next following day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or
      legal holiday. No provision of this Final Separation Agreement, including
      Aircastle's obligations under Section 2 hereof, shall become effective or
      enforceable, until Employee's right of revocation has been fully

                  [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank]


4.    Employee acknowledges Employee's last day of employment with Aircastle
      coincided with or preceded Employee's signing of this Final Separation

5.    In the event of Employee's death prior to the execution of this Final
      Separation Agreement, it may be executed by a representative of Employee's

EMPLOYEE                                    AIRCASTLE ADVISOR LLC

- ---------------------------------               -----------------------------
Mark Zeidman

Date:                                       Date:
      ---------------------------                 ---------------------------

Solely as to obligations contained herein with
respect to its shares:


