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                               GOOD HOPE PROPERTY

THIS AGREEMENT made as of the  26TH day of FEBRUARY 2004.


            CONSOLIDATED   GLOBAL  MINERALS  LTD.,  a  company  duly
            incorporated under  the laws of the Province of Alberta,
            having  an  office  at  3003   -   438  Seymour  Street,
            Vancouver, British Columbia  V6B 6H4

            (hereinafter called "Global")

                                                               OF THE FIRST PART


            DYNAMIC VENTURES LTD., a company duly incorporated under
            the laws of the Province of Alberta, having an office at
            200  -  675  West  Hastings  Street, Vancouver,  British
            Columbia  V6B 1N2

            (hereinafter called the "Dynamic")

                                                         OF THE SECOND PART


A.    Global is the beneficial owner of 100% of the right, title and interest
      in and to 97 unpatented lode mining  claims  situated  in  Elko County,
      Nevada,  which  claims are more particularly described in Schedule  "A"
      attached hereto and  forming part hereof (hereinafter together with any
      form of successor or substitute mineral tenure called the "Claims");

B.    The parties now wish to enter  into  an  agreement granting to Dynamic the
      exclusive right and option to acquire an undivided 60% of the right, title
      and interest of Global in and to the Claims on the terms and conditions as
      hereinafter set forth.

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that in consideration of the premises and
the  mutual  promises, covenants and agreements herein  contained,  the  parties
hereto agree as follows:


1.1   In this Agreement:

      (a)  "Cease  Trade  Order"  means  the  cease  trade order issued against
            Dynamic by the Alberta Securities Commission on July 22, 1999;

      (b)   "Claims"  means  those  Claims  listed  in  Schedule   "A"  of  this

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      (c)   "dollars" means legal currency of the United States of America;

      (d)   "Effective  Date"  means the date that all parties have signed  this

      (e)   "Expenditures" shall  include  all  expenditures  and  costs made or
            incurred  by Dynamic or its affiliates or assigns relating  directly
            or indirectly  to  the  Claims,  including  without  limitation  all
            expenditures  and  costs  made  or  incurred:  in doing geophysical,
            geochemical,   land,   airborne,  environmental  and/or   geological
            examinations,  assessments,   assays,   audits  and/or  surveys;  in
            linecutting,  mapping,  trenching  and staking;  in  searching  for,
            digging,  trucking,  sampling, working,  developing,  mining  and/or
            extracting ores, minerals  and  metals;  in  doing diamond and other
            drilling;  in  obtaining,  providing, erecting, mining  and  milling
            including,  without  limitation,  installing  and  operating  mining
            plant,  milling  or other  treatment  plant,  ancillary  facilities,
            buildings,  machinery,   tools,   appliances  and/or  equipment;  in
            construction of access roads and other  facilities  on  or  for  the
            benefit   of  the  Claims  or  any  part  thereof,  in  transporting
            personnel,  supplies,  mining,  milling  or  other  treatment plant,
            buildings, machinery, tools, appliances or equipment  in, to or from
            the  Claims  or  any  part  thereof, in paying reasonable wages  and
            salaries (including "fringe benefits") of personnel directly engaged
            in performing work on or with  respect  to the Claims; in payment of
            assessments or contributions under applicable employment legislation
            relating to workers' compensation, unemployment  insurance and other
            applicable legislation or ordinances relating to such  personnel; in
            supplying   food,  lodging  and  other  reasonable  needs  for  such
            personnel; in  obtaining  and  maintaining  any  insurance;  in  the
            management  of  and  accounting  for work and providing supervisory,
            legal, accounting, consulting and  other  contract  or  professional
            services or facilities relating to work performed or to be performed
            hereunder,  in paying any taxes, fees, charges, payments or  rentals
            (including payments  made  in  lieu of assessment work) or otherwise
            incurred to transfer the Claims  or  any  part  thereof  or interest
            therein  pursuant  to this Agreement and to keep the Claims  or  any
            part thereof in good  standing;  in  acquiring  access  and  surface
            rights   to  the  Claims;  in  carrying  out  any  negotiations  and
            preparing,  settling and executing any agreements or other documents
            relating   to   environmental   or   indigenous   peoples'   claims,
            requirements  or  matters;  in  carrying  out  any  requirements  or
            prerequisites in order  to  obtain  and  obtaining  all necessary or
            appropriate approvals, permits, consents or permissions  relating to
            the   carrying   out   of   work,   including,  without  limitation,
            environmental  permits,  approvals  or  consents;  in  carrying  out
            reclamation or remediation; in improving,  protecting, or perfecting
            title in the Claims or any part thereof, in  carrying  out  mineral,
            soil,  water,  air  or  other  testing;  in  preparing  engineering,
            geological,  financing,  marketing  or environmental studies  and/or
            reports and test work related thereto;  and in preparing one or more
            feasibility  studies including any work or  reports  preliminary  or
            supplementary thereto.

            Where Expenditures are charged to Dynamic by an affiliate of Dynamic
            for services rendered by such affiliate, such Expenditures shall not
            exceed the fair market value of the services rendered.

            The certificate  of  an  officer of Dynamic or its affiliate setting
            forth the Expenditures incurred  by  Dynamic  in  reasonable  detail
            shall be primafacie evidence of the same.

      (f)   "Joint  Venture" means the joint venture which may be formed by  the
            parties pursuant to Subsection 6.1;

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      (g)   "Joint Venture  Agreement"  means  the joint venture agreement to be
            entered  into  between  the parties and  containing  the  terms  and
            conditions set out in Schedule "B";

      (h)   "Mineral Products" means  the  products  derived  from operating the
     	    Claims as a mine;

      (i)   "NSR Royalty" means a 3% net smelter returns royalty  to  be paid by
            Dynamic  pursuant  to  Subsection  12.1,  all as further set out  in
            Schedule "C";

      (j)   "Net Smelter Returns" has the meaning set out in Schedule "C";

      (k)   "Operator" has the meaning set forth in the Joint Venture Agreement;

      (l)   "Option" means the option granted by Global  to  Dynamic pursuant to
            Subsection 3.1;

      (m)   "Post-Consolidated  Shares"  means  up  to  1,000,000 (ONE  MILLION)
            common shares without par value in the capital  stock of Dynamic, as
            constituted  after  Dynamic has completed the consolidation  of  its
            share capital on the  basis  of   ten  (10)  existing  shares  being
            consolidated into one new share, to be allotted and issued to Global
            pursuant to Subsection 3.1.


2.1   Each party represents and warrants to the other party hereto that:

      (a)   it  is  a  body  corporate  duty incorporated, organized and validly
            subsisting under the laws of its incorporating jurisdiction;

      (b)   it has full power and authority  to  carry  on  its  business and to
            enter  into this Agreement and any agreement or instrument  referred
            to or contemplated by this Agreement;

      (c)   neither  the execution and delivery of this Agreement nor any of the
            agreements  referred  to  herein  or  contemplated  hereby,  nor the
            consummation  of  the transactions hereby contemplated will conflict
            with, result in the breach of or accelerate the performance required
            by any agreement to which it is a party; and

      (d)   the execution and delivery  of  this  Agreement  and  the agreements
            contemplated hereby will not violate or result in the breach of laws
            of  any  jurisdiction  applicable  or pertaining thereto or  of  its
            constating documents.

2.2   Global represents and warrants to Dynamic that:

      (a)   the  Claims  have been duly and validly  staked  and  recorded,  are
            accurately described in Schedule "A", are presently in good standing
            under the laws  of  the  jurisdiction in which they are located and,
            except as set forth herein, are free and clear of all liens, charges
            and encumbrances;

      (b)   Global is the sole beneficial owner of a 100% interest in and to the
            Claims and has the exclusive  right to enter into this Agreement and
            all necessary authority to dispose  of  an undivided 60% interest in
            and to the Claims in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

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      (c)   Global is the registered owner of the Claims;

      (d)   no  person,  firm or corporation has any proprietary  or  possessory
            interest in the  Claims  other than Global and no person is entitled
            to any royalty or other payment  in the nature of rent or royalty on
            any  minerals,  ores,  metals  or concentrates  or  any  other  such
            products removed from the Claims;

      (e)   there are no actions, suits, investigations  or  proceedings  before
            any  court,  arbitrator, administrative agency or other tribunal  or
            governmental authority,  whether  current,  pending  or  threatened,
            which directly or indirectly relate to or affect the Claims  or  the
            interests  of  Global  therein nor is Global aware of any acts which
            would  lead it to suspect  that  the  same  might  be  initiated  or

      (f)   there are  no  outstanding  agreements  or  options  to  purchase or
            otherwise acquire the Claims or any portion thereof or any  interest
            therein; and

      (g)   to  the  best  of  the  knowledge, information and belief of Global,
            there are no obligations  or commitments for reclamation, closure or
            other  environmental  corrective,  clean-up  or  remediation  action
            directly or indirectly relating to the Claims.

2.3   The representations and warranties  hereinbefore set out are conditions on
      which the parties have relied in entering  into  this  Agreement  and will
      survive the acquisition of any interest in the Claims by Dynamic and  each
      party  will  indemnify  and  save  the other party harmless from all loss,
      damage, costs, actions and suits arising  out of or in connection with any
      breach or any representation, warranty, covenant,  agreement  or condition
      made by the other party and contained in this Agreement.

3.    OPTION

3.1   Global hereby gives and grants to Dynamic the sole and exclusive right and
      option  to  acquire  an undivided 60% of the right, title and interest  of
      Global in and to the Claims in accordance with the terms of this Agreement
      for and in consideration of the following:

      (a)   cash payments by  Dynamic  to Global totaling $90,000 and payable as

            (i)   on the EFFECTIVE DATE                         -   $  15,000
            (ii)  on or before the first anniversary of
		  the EFFECTIVE DATE				-      20,000
            (iii) on or before the second anniversary of
	          the EFFECTIVE DATE				-      25,000
            (iv)  on or before the third anniversary of
                  the EFFECTIVE DATE				-      30,000
                  TOTAL                                             $  90,000

      (b)   the issuance to Global and the  delivery of certificates for a total
            of 1,000,000 Post - Consolidated Shares as follows:

            (i)   on MAY 1, 2004                                -     500,000
            (ii)  on or before NOVEMBER 1, 2004                 -     500,000
                  TOTAL                                             1,000,000

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      (c)   aggregate Expenditures of not less  than  $600,000 to be incurred by
            Dynamic, or its successors or assigns, on the  Claims  on  or before
            the  third  anniversary  of  the  EFFECTIVE  DATE,  and  subject  to
            Subsection 4.1, as follows:

            (i)   on or before the first anniversary of
		  the EFFECTIVE DATE				-   $ 100,000
            (ii)  on or before the second anniversary of
		  the EFFECTIVE DATE				-   $ 300,000
                                                             in the aggregate

            (iii) on or before the third anniversary of
		  the EFFECTIVE DATE				-   $ 600,000
                                                             in the aggregate

3.2   The  Post-Consolidated  Shares  to  be issued to Global will be subject to
      applicable  hold  periods  imposed  under   the   laws   of  the  relevant


4.1   Global  understands  and confirms that the amounts required  to  be  spent
      within  the  periods referred  to  in  paragraph  3.1(c)  are  cumulative,
      aggregate amounts  and  that,  accordingly, all Expenditures incurred in a
      particular period, including any  excess  in  the  amount  of Expenditures
      required  to be incurred to maintain the Option during such period,  shall
      be carried  over  and included in the aggregate amount of Expenditures for
      the subsequent period.

4.2   Unless Global is the Operator, within 60 DAYS following the anniversary of
      the Effective Date  each year, Dynamic shall deliver to Global a statement
      showing in reasonable  detail  the Expenditures incurred by Dynamic during
      the period just expired and the aggregate Expenditures incurred to the end
      of such period and Global shall  have  45 DAYS from the time of receipt of
      such statement to question the accuracy  thereof in writing, failing which
      such statement shall be deemed to be correct and unimpeachable thereafter.
      If  Global  is  the  Operator, a statement of  Expenditures  will  not  be

4.3   If a statement is delivered  pursuant  to Subsection 4.2 and is questioned
      by Global:

      (a)   Global shall have TWO (2) MONTHS from  the  time  of delivery of the
            statement to have such audited,

      (b)   the audited results shall be final and determinative  of  the amount
            of  Expenditures incurred for the audited period; provided that,  if
            such  audit  discloses  a  deficiency  in the amount of Expenditures
            required to be incurred to maintain its  option  in  good  standing,
            Dynamic  may  pay to Global the amount of such deficiency within  15
            DAYS following  receipt of notice of such audited results, whereupon
            such amount shall  be  deemed  to  have  been  Expenditures incurred
            during the audited period, and

      (c)   the  costs  of  the  audit  shall  be borne by Global  if  Dynamic's
            statement was accurate within 1% and  shall  be  borne by Dynamic if
            such statement was not accurate within 1%.

4.4   Notwithstanding  paragraph  3.1(c),  if  Dynamic  has  not  incurred   the
      requisite  Expenditures  to  maintain its option in good standing prior to
      the anniversary of the Effective  Date  of any given year, Dynamic may pay
      to Global, within 60 DAYS following the expiry  of such period, the amount
      of the deficiency and such amount shall thereupon  be  deemed to have been
      Expenditures incurred by Dynamic during such period.

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5.1   Global will be the Operator until such time as the Joint  Venture has been
      formed after which time the Operator shall be appointed in accordance with
      the terms of the Joint Venture Agreement.

5.2   The  Operator shall be entitled to charge for management, supervision  and
      administrative  services,  the  full  amount of which shall be included as
      Expenditures, as follows:

      (a)   five percent (5%) of all expenditures  or  costs made or incurred by
            the Operator with a third party; and

      (b)   ten percent (10%) of all expenditures or costs  made  or incurred by
            the Operator internally.

5.3   The  Operator shall be responsible for preparing exploration programs  and
      budgets and for carrying out the exploration programs on the Claims. Prior
      to carrying  out  any exploration program, the Operator shall first submit
      the proposed program  and  budget  in  writing  to  Global for approval by


6.1   Upon the exercise of the Option, Global will then have  a  period  of  120
      days in which to provide Dynamic with a written notice electing to either:

      (a)   form the Joint Venture in which event the parties shall be deemed to
            have  associated  themselves  as  at  the  date  thereof  into  a 60
            (Dynamic)  /  40  (Global)  Joint  Venture  and enter into the Joint
            Venture Agreement containing substantially the  terms and conditions
            set forth in Schedule "B"; or

      (b)   not  participate  in  a  Joint Venture with Dynamic in  which  event
            Dynamic will be deemed to  have  earned  an  undivided  100%  of the
            right,  title  and interest of Global in the Claims and Global shall
            be granted the NSR Royalty, as set out in Section 12.


7.1   During the currency of  this Agreement, Dynamic, its employees, agents and
      independent contractors, will have the sole and exclusive right and option

      (a)   enter upon the Claims;

      (b)   have exclusive and quiet possession thereof,

      (c)   do such prospecting,  exploration,  development or other mining work
            thereon  and  thereunder  as  Dynamic in  its  sole  discretion  may
            consider advisable;

      (d)   bring  and erect upon the Claims  such  facilities  as  Dynamic  may
      consider advisable.


8.1   Subject to Subsection 22.1, this Agreement and the Option will terminate:

                                     - 7 -

      (a)   on MAY 1, 2004, unless on or before that date, Dynamic has allotted,
            issued and  delivered  to  Global  Certificates representing 500,000
            Post-Consolidated  Shares registered  in  the  name  of  Global  and
            Dynamic has paid to Global the sum of $15,000;

      (b)   on the first anniversary  of  the EFFECTIVE DATE, unless Dynamic has
            paid Global the further sum of $20,000 and has incurred Expenditures
            of $100,000 on the Claims;

      (c)   on  NOVEMBER  1,  2004, unless Dynamic  has  allotted,  issued,  and
            delivered to Global  Certificates  representing  a  further  500,000
            Post-Consolidated Shares registered in the name of Global;

      (d)   on the second anniversary of the EFFECTIVE DATE, unless Dynamic  has
            paid  Global  the  further sum of $25,000 and has incurred Aggregate
            Expenditures of $300,000 on the Claims; and

      (e)   on the third anniversary  of  the EFFECTIVE DATE, unless Dynamic has
            paid Global the further sum of  $30,000  and  has incurred aggregate
            Expenditures of $600,000 on the Claims.

8.2   Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement,  Dynamic shall have
      the right at any time after payment and issuance of the amounts set out in
      sub-paragraphs  3.1(a)(i) and 3.1(b)(i) and prior to its exercise  of  the
      Option to give notice to Global terminating the Option and this Agreement.
      If Dynamic gives  such  notice  of  termination,  then the Option and this
      Agreement shall terminate and Dynamic shall, subject  to the provisions of
      Section  13,  have  no  further  rights or interest in the Claims  and  no
      further obligations or liabilities  to Global (including in respect of any
      cash payments as contemplated in paragraph  3.1(a),  any  Expenditures  as
      contemplated in paragraph 3.1(c) and the issuance of any Post-Consolidated
      Shares  as  contemplated  in  paragraph 3.1(b) which have not been made or


9.1   During the currency of this Agreement and the Option, Global will:

      (a)   not do any act or thing which  would  or  might in any way adversely
            affect  the  rights of Dynamic hereunder to earn  an  undivided  60%
            interest in the Claims;

      (b)   make available  to  Dynamic  and its representatives all records and
            files in the possession of Global relating to the Claims, and permit
            Dynamic and its representatives at its own expense to take abstracts
            therefrom and make copies thereof; and

      (c)   promptly provide Dynamic with any and all notices and correspondence
            from government agencies in respect of the Claims.


10.1  During the currency of this Agreement and the Option, Dynamic will:

      (a)   keep  the  Claims  free  and  clear   of   all  liens,  charges  and
            encumbrances  arising  from  its operations hereunder  and  in  good
            standing by the doing and filing  of  all  necessary work and by the
            doing  of all other acts and things and making  all  other  payments
            which may be necessary in that regard;

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      (b)   permit Global,  or  its  representatives  duly  authorized  by it in
            writing,  at  its own risk and expense, access to the Claims at  all
            reasonable  times   and  to  all  records  prepared  by  Dynamic  in
            connection with work done on or with respect to the Claims;

      (c)   conduct all work on or  with  respect to the Claims in a careful and
            minerlike  manner and in compliance  with  all  applicable  Federal,
            Provincial and  local  laws,  rules,  orders  and  regulations,  and
            indemnify  and  save Global harmless from any and all claims, suits,
            actions made or brought  against  it  as  a  result  of work done by
            Dynamic on or with respect to the Claims;

      (d)   obtain  and  maintain, or cause any contractor engaged hereunder  to
            obtain and maintain,  during  any  period  in  which  active work is
            carried out hereunder, adequate insurance; and

      (e)   make  all  filings and disclosures as required and within  the  time
            periods specified  under  all applicable securities legislation with
            respect to the allotment and  issuance  of  the  Shares  pursuant to
            Subsection 3.1 of this Agreement.


11.1  Once  Dynamic  has  made  the  payments  totaling  $90,000  as  set out in
      paragraph  3.1(a),  issued  certificates  for  1,000,000 Post-Consolidated
      Shares  as  set out in paragraph 3.1(b) and incurred  or  deemed  to  have
      incurred Expenditures  totaling  $600,000  as set out in paragraph 3.1(c),
      Dynamic will be deemed to have exercised the  Option and to have earned an
      undivided 60% interest in and to the Claims and  in  all  rights of Global
      with respect thereto.

11.2  Once  Dynamic  has  exercised  the  Option, Global will have 120  days  to
      provide Dynamic with the written notice  of election set out in Subsection


12.1  If Global elects not to form the Joint Venture  and  elects to receive the
      NSR Royalty, Dynamic will pay to Global an annual royalty  equal  to THREE
      PERCENT (3.0%) of Net Smelter Returns, subject to Subsection 12.4.

12.2  Payment of the NSR Royalty will be made quarterly within 30 DAYS after the
      end of each yearly quarter based upon a year commencing on the 1ST  day of
      MAY  and expiring on the 30TH day of APRIL in any year in which production
      occurs.  Within  60  DAYS  after  the  end  of each year for which the NSR
      Royalty is payable, the records relating to the calculation of Net Smelter
      Returns for such year will be audited by Dynamic  and  any  adjustments in
      the payment of the NSR Royalty will be made forthwith after completion  of
      the audit. All payments of the NSR Royalty for a year will be deemed final
      and  in full satisfaction of all obligations of Dynamic in respect thereof
      if such payments or calculations thereof are not disputed by Global within
      60 DAYS  after receipt by Global of the said audit statement. Dynamic will
      maintain accurate  records  relevant  to  the determination of Net Smelter
      Returns and Global, or its authorized agent,  shall be permitted the right
      to examine such records at all reasonable times.

12.3  The determination of Net Smelter Returns royalty hereunder is based on the
      premise that production will be developed solely on the Claims except that
      Dynamic will have the right to commingle ore mined  from  the  Claims with
      ore mined and produced from other properties provided Dynamic  will  adopt

                                     - 9 -

      and  employ reasonable practices and procedures for weighing, sampling and
      assaying,  in  order  to  determine  the amounts of products derived from,
      or attributable to ore mined and produced  from the Claims.  Dynamic  will
      maintain  accurate  records of the  results of such sampling, weighing and
      analysis with respect to any  ore  mined  and  produced  from  the Claims.
      Global or its authorized agent  will  be  permitted  the right to  examine
      at  all  reasonable  times  such  records pertaining to commingling of ore
      or to the calculation of Net Smelter Returns.

12.4  Dynamic  shall have the right at any time to purchase up  to  two  of  the
      THREE royalty percentage points, and thus reduce the NSR Royalty from 3.0%
      to 1.0%, by  paying  to  Global  the  sum  of  $1,000,000 for each royalty
      percentage point so purchased.


13.1  In the event of the termination of the Option, Dynamic will:

      (a)   leave  the  Claims  in good standing for a minimum  of  TWELVE  (12)
            MONTHS under all applicable  legislation,  free  and  clear  of  all
            liens, charges and encumbrances arising from this Agreement or their
            operations hereunder and in a safe and orderly condition; and

      (b)   deliver   to  Global  within  60  DAYS  of  its  written  request  a
            comprehensive  report  on  all  work  carried  out by Dynamic on the
            Claims (limited to factual matter only) together  with copies of all
            maps, drill logs, assay results and other technical data compiled by
            Dynamic with respect to the Claims; and

      (c)   have the right, and obligation on demand made by Global,  to  remove
            from  the  Claims  within  SIX  (6)  MONTHS of the effective date of
            termination all facilities erected, installed  or  brought  upon the
            Claims by or at the instance of Dynamic provided that at the  option
            of  Global, any or all of facilities not so removed will become  the
            property of Global; and

      (d)   deliver to Global a duly executed transfer in registrable form of an
            undivided  100%  right,  title  and interest in and to the Claims in
            favour of Global, or its nominee.


14.1  Upon  the  request  of Dynamic, Global will  deliver  to  Dynamic  a  duly
      executed transfer in registrable form of an undivided 60% right, title and
      interest in and to the  Claims  in favour of Dynamic which Dynamic will be
      entitled to register against title to the Claims provided that transfer of
      legal title to the Claims as set  forth  in  this  Subsection  14.1 is for
      administrative  convenience  only and beneficial ownership of an undivided
      60% interest in the Claims will  pass  to  Dynamic only in accordance with
      the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


15.1  Notwithstanding Subsection 14.1 of this Agreement,  Dynamic or Global will
      have  the  right at any time to register this Agreement  or  a  Memorandum
      thereof against title to the Claims.

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16.1  Dynamic may  at any time sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of all or any
      portion of its  interest  in and to the Claims and this Agreement provided
      that, at any time, Dynamic  has  first  obtained the consent in writing of
      Global, such consent not to be unreasonably  withheld and further provided
      that, at any time during the currency of this  Agreement,  any  purchaser,
      grantee  or  transferee of any such interest will have first delivered  to
      Global  its agreement  related  to  this  Agreement  and  to  the  Claims,

      (a)   a covenant  with  Global  by  such  transferee  to  perform  all the
            obligations  of  Dynamic  to  be  performed  under this Agreement in
            respect of the interest to be acquired by it from Dynamic, and

      (b)   a  provision  subjecting  any  further  sale,  transfer   or   other
            disposition of such interest in the Claims and this Agreement or any
            portion  thereof  to  the  restrictions contained in this Subsection

16.2  The provisions or Subsection 16.1  of  this  Agreement  will  not  prevent
      Dynamic  from  entering  into  an amalgamation or corporate reorganization
      which will have the effect in law  of the amalgamated or surviving company
      possessing all the property, rights and interests and being subject to all
      the debts, liabilities and obligations of each amalgamating or predecessor


17.l  At any time prior to the exercise of  the  Option,  Dynamic shall have the
      unfettered right at any time to abandon all or any part of its interest in
      the Claims by delivering a notice in writing of its intention  to do so to
      Global,  such  notice  to  list  the  part  or  parts  of the Claims to be
      abandoned, and if within 30 DAYS of receipt of such notice Global delivers
      to  Dynamic  a  notice ("Reacquisition Notice") stating its  intention  to
      reacquire all or  part  or  parts  of  the Claims, Dynamic will deliver to
      Global duly executed recordable transfers  of its interest in such part or
      parts of the Claims as Global has set forth  in  the Reacquisition Notice,
      such  part  or  parts  to be in good standing for at least  twelve  months
      beyond the date of delivery  of such transfers and to be free and clear of
      all  liens,  charges, and encumbrances  arising  from  the  operations  of
      Dynamic or its agents or subcontractors hereunder.


18.1  The parties agree  that all information obtained from the work carried out
      hereunder and under  the operation of this Agreement will be the exclusive
      property of the parties and will not be used other than for the activities
      contemplated hereunder  except  as  required  by  law  or by the rules and
      regulations of any regulatory authority having jurisdiction,  or  with the
      written  consent  of  both  parties,  such  consent not to be unreasonably
      withheld.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is understood and agreed that
      a  party  will  not be liable to the other party  for  the  fraudulent  or
      negligent disclosure  of  information by any of its employees, servants or
      agents, provided that such  party has taken reasonable steps to ensure the
      preservation of the confidential nature of such information.

                                     - 11 -


19.1  The parties hereto agree that  they  and  each  of  them  will execute all
      documents  and  do all acts and things within their respective  powers  to
      carry out and implement the provisions or intent of this Agreement.

20.   NOTICE

20.1  Any notice, direction  or  other  instrument  required  or permitted to be
      given  under this Agreement will be in writing and will be  given  by  the
      delivery  or  the  same  or  by  mailing the same by prepaid registered or
      certified mail in each case addressed as follows:

            (a)   if to Dynamic
                  200 - 675 West Hastings Street
                  Vancouver, B.C.  V6B 1N2
                  Attention:  Robert Fedun

            (b)   if to Global
                  3003 - 438 Seymour Street
                  Vancouver, B.C.  V6B 6H4
                  Attention:  George Heard

20.2  Any notice, direction or other instrument aforesaid will, if delivered, be
      deemed to have been given and received on the day it was delivered, and if
      mailed, be deemed to have been given  and  received  on the tenth business
      day following the day of mailing, except in the event of disruption of the
      postal services in which event notice will be deemed to  be  received only
      when actually received.

20.3  Any  party  may  at  any time give to the other notice in writing  of  any
      change of address of the  party  giving such notice and from and after the
      giving of such notice, the address  or addresses therein specified will be
      deemed to be the address of such party  for  the  purpose of giving notice


21.1  The headings to the respective sections herein will  not be deemed part of
      this  Agreement but will be regarded as having been used  for  convenience


22.1  If any  party  (a  "Defaulting  Party")  is  in default of any requirement
      herein  set forth, the party affected by such default  will  give  written
      notice to  the  defaulting Party specifying the default and the Defaulting
      Party will not lose  any  rights  under  this Agreement, if within 30 DAYS
      after the giving of notice of default by the affected party the Defaulting
      Party  has cured the default by the appropriate  performance  and  if  the
      Defaulting  Party  fails  within such period to cure any such default, the
      affected party will be entitled  to seek any remedy it may have on account
      of such default.

                                     - 12 -


23.1  All references to monies hereunder  will  be in United States funds except
      where  otherwise  designated.   All  payments to  be  made  to  any  party
      hereunder will be mailed or delivered  to  such  party  at its address for
      notice purposes as provided herein, or for the account of  such  party  at
      such  bank  or  banks  in  Canada  or  the United States as such party may
      designate from time to time by written notice.  Said bank or banks will be
      deemed the agent of the designating party  for  the  purpose of receiving,
      collecting and receiving such payment.


24.1  This  Agreement  will  enure  to  the benefit of and be binding  upon  the
      parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

25.   TERMS

25.1  The  terms  and  provisions  of this Agreement  shall  be  interpreted  in
      accordance with the laws of British Columbia.


26.1  No party will be liable for its  failure to perform any of its obligations
      under  this Agreement due to a cause  beyond  its  control  (except  those
      caused by  its  own  lack  of funds) including, but not limited to acts of
      God,  fire,  flood,  explosion,  strikes,  lockouts  or  other  industrial
      disturbances,  laws,  rules   and   regulations  or  orders  of  any  duly
      constituted governmental authority or  non-availability  of  materials  or
      transportation (each an "Intervening Event").

26.2  All  time  limits  imposed  by this Agreement will be extended by a period
      equivalent to the period of delay  resulting  from  an  Intervening  Event
      described in Subsection 26.1.

26.3  A  party  relying  on  the  provisions  of  Subsection  26.1 will take all
      reasonable steps to eliminate an Intervening Event and, if  possible, will
      perform  its  obligations  under  this Agreement as far as practical,  but
      nothing herein will require such party  to  settle  or  adjust  any labour
      dispute  or  to  question  or  to  test  the  validity  of  any law, rule,
      regulation or order of any duly constituted governmental authority  or  to
      complete  its  obligations  under  this  Agreement if an Intervening Event
      renders completion impossible.


27.1  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement  between  the  parties and
      replaces  and  supersedes all prior agreements, memoranda, correspondence,
      communications,   negotiations  and  representations,  whether  verbal  or
      written, express or  implied,  statutory  or otherwise between the parties
      with respect to the subject matter herein.

                                     - 13 -


28.1  This  Agreement  provides for an option only,  and  except  for  the  cash
      payment of $15,000  set out in paragraph 3.1(a)(i) hereof and the issuance
      of 500,000 Post-Consolidated  Shares  set out in paragraph 3.1(b)(i) (both
      of  which  are  firm  commitments),  nothing  herein  contained  shall  be
      construed  as  obligating Dynamic to do  any  acts  or  make  any  payment
      hereunder and any  act  or  acts  or  payment or payments as shall be made
      hereunder shall not be construed as obligating  Dynamic  to do any further
      act or make any further payment.


29.1  This Agreement is subject to the revocation of the Cease Trade Order on or
      before May 1, 2004.


30.1  Time will be of the essence in this Agreement.


31.1  Disputes  between  the parties arising out of or in connection  with  this
      Agreement or its interpretation  shall  be settled in accordance with this
      Section  31  and  shall  be settled in the first  instance  available.  If
      amicable settlement cannot  be  reached  within thirty (30) days following
      written notice by one party to the other party  of  the  existence  of any
      such  dispute,  the  matter  will  be  submitted to binding arbitration in
      accordance with the provisions of this Section 31.

31.2  Following the expiry of the thirty (30)  day  notice period, any party may
      refer  any  matter to arbitration by written notice  to  the  others  and,
      within ten days  after  receipt  of such notice, the parties will agree on
      the appointment of an arbitrator.  No  person  will  be  appointed  as  an
      arbitrator hereunder unless such person agrees in writing to act.

31.3  If  the  parties  cannot  agree  on  a  single  arbitrator  as provided in
      Subsection 31.2 either party may submit the matter to arbitration  (before
      a single arbitrator) in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Act  of
      the Province of British Columbia (the "Act").

31.4  Except  as  specifically  provided  in  this  Section  31,  an arbitration
      hereunder  shall  be conducted in accordance with the Act. The  arbitrator
      shall fix a time and  place in Vancouver, British Columbia for the purpose
      of hearing the evidence  and  representations  of the parties and he shall
      preside over the arbitration and determine all questions  of procedure not
      provided for under such Act or this Section 31. After hearing any evidence
      and representations that the parties may submit, the arbitrator shall make
      an  award and reduce the same to writing and deliver one copy  thereof  to
      each of the parties. The decision of the arbitrator will be made within 45
      days  after  his  appointment,  subject  to  any  reasonable  delay due to
      unforeseen circumstances. The expense of the arbitration shall  be paid as
      specified  in  the  award.  The parties agree that the award of the single
      arbitrator shall be final and  binding  upon each of them and shall not be
      subject to appeal.

                                     - 14 -


32.1  The covenants, promises, terms and conditions  contained  herein  will  be
      binding upon the parties jointly and severally and may be enforced by each
      as against each other inter  se.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day
and year first above written.


Per:    /s/ Robert Fedun
      	Authorized Signatory


Per:    /s/ George Heard
      	Authorized Signatory

                                     - 15 -

                                  SCHEDULE "A"
                               GOOD HOPE PROPERTY
                    made as of the 26th day of February 2004
          Dynamic Ventures Ltd. and Consolidated Global Minerals Ltd.

                                     - 16 -

                                  SCHEDULE "B"
                               GOOD HOPE PROPERTY
                    made as of the 26th day of February 2004
          Dynamic Ventures Ltd. and Consolidated Global Minerals Ltd.

                                     - 17 -

                                  SCHEDULE "C"
                               GOOD HOPE PROPERTY
                   made as of the 26th day of  February 2004
          Dynamic Ventures Ltd. and Consolidated Global Minerals Ltd.

                              PRODUCTION ROYALTIES

Upon commencing production of valuable minerals from the property, Dynamic shall
pay  Global  a  royalty on production equal to three percent (3%) of net smelter
returns.  The term  "net  smelter returns" shall mean the gross value of ores or
concentrates shipped to a smelter or other processor (as reported on the smelter
settlement sheet) less the  following  expenses  actually  incurred and borne by

         a) Sales,  use,  gross receipts, severance, and other  taxes,  if  any,
            payable with respect  to  severance,  production,  removal,  sale or
            disposition  of  the  minerals  from the property, but excluding any
            taxes on net income;

         b) Charges and costs, if any, for transportation  from the mine or mill
            to places where the minerals are smelted, refined, and/or sold; and

c)   Charges, costs (including assaying and sampling costs specifically  related
     to  smelting  and/or  refining),  and  all  penalties, if any, for smelting
     and/or refining.

In  the  event  smelting  or refining are carried out  in  facilities  owned  or
controlled, in whole or in  part,  by  Dynamic, charges, costs and penalties for
such  operations  shall mean the amount Dynamic  would  have  incurred  if  such
operations were carried  out  at  facilities  not owned or controlled by Dynamic
then offering comparable services for comparable products on prevailing terms.