THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT dated for reference the 5th day of July, 2005.

BETWEEN:     DYNAMIC RESOURCES CORP., a company duly incorporated in the
             Province of Alberta having an office at 200-675 West Hastings
             Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

             420 - 625 Howe Street
             Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6C 2T6

WHEREAS Timmins (the "Vendor") is the beneficial owner of a 100% interest in the
"ALAN"  mineral  claim  located in the Northwest Territories, and have agreed to
grant to DYR the exclusive  right  to acquire an undivided 100% interest therein
on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES  that  in consideration of the payment by
DYR to the Vendor of the sum of $10.00 (the receipt  and sufficiency of which is
hereby  expressly acknowledged by the Vendor) and of the  mutual  covenants  and
agreements herein contained, the parties agree as follows:


1.1 In this  Agreement  and in the Schedules and the recitals hereto, unless the
    context  otherwise  requires,   the  following  expressions  will  have  the
    following meanings:

"AGREEMENT DATE" means the date at the top of this Agreement.

"EXCHANGE" means the CNQ Exchange.

"PROPERTY" means those mineral claims  covering,  more particularly described in
Schedule  "A"  hereto,  together  with all prospecting,  research,  exploration,
exploitation,  operating and mining  permits,  licences  and  leases  associated
therewith, mineral, surface, wat3er and ancillary or appurtenant rights attached
or  accruing thereto,  and  any  mining  licence  or other form of substitute of
successor mineral title or interest granted, obtained  or  issued  in connection
with or in place of or in substitution for any such Property (including  without
limitation,  any  Property  issued  to   cover any internal gaps or fractions in
respect of such ground).



2.1    The  Vendor  herby  gives  and  grants to  DYR  the  sole  and  exclusive
       irrevocable right to Purchase an undivided 100% right, title and interest
       in and to the Property in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

2.2    To exercise the Purchase, DYR must:

   (a) pay the total of U.S. $4,000.00 to  the Vendor and issue 1,000,000 shares
          of Dynamic Resources Corp. to the  Vendor  within  5  business days of
          acceptance of this agreement by the CNQ Exchange.

The cash payments and share issuances are herein collectively referred to as the
"Purchase Price" to earn a 100% interest in the Property.

2.3    This  Agreement is an option agreement only, and all Payments  comprising
       the Purchase  Price  are  and shall remain optional to DYR, such DYR need
       not pay any of the same, other  than the payment due on Acceptance.  Upon
       the failure of DYR to deliver the  consideration  comprising the Purchase
       Price within the time periods set forth herein, DYR will have a period of
       30 days following receipt of notice of such default  to rectify the same,
       otherwise  the  option  and  this Agreement will automatically  terminate
       without further notice from the Vendor.

2.4    Once DYR has paid the Purchase Price in full, DYR will have exercised its
       right and have acquired an undivided  100%  right,  title and interest in
       and to the Property, and will give notice to the Vendor  to  that effect.
       Upon  the  exercise  o  the  Purchase, the Vendor will take the necessary
       actions to transfer to DYR a 100%  interest  in  and  to  the Property in
       accordance with the provisions of applicable legislation.


3.1    DYR Represents and warrants to the Vendor that:

   (a) it is a company duly incorporated, organized and validly subsisting under
       the  laws of its incorporating jurisdiction and is qualified  to  acquire
       and dispose  of  interest in, and to explore, develop and exploit, mining
       properties in Canada;

   (b) it has full power, capacity and authority to carry on its business and to
       enter into and perform  its  obligations  under  this  Agreement  and any
       agreement or instrument referred to or contemplated by this Agreement;

   (c) all necessary corporate and shareholder approvals have been obtained  and
       are  in  effect with respect to the transactions contemplated hereby, and
       no further  action on the part the directors or shareholders is necessary
       or desirable to make this Agreement valid and binding on a party;

   (d) neither the execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement  nor any of the
       agreements   referred   to   herein   or  contemplated  hereby,  nor  the
       consummation of the transactions herby contemplated conflict with, result


       in the breach of or accelerate the performance required by its constating
       documents or any agreement to which it is a party;

   (e) DYR is a public company whose shares are listed and posted for trading on
       the CNQ Exchange; and DYR is a reporting issuer in Alberta

3.2    The Vendor hereby represents and warrants to DYR that:

   (a) he has the full power, capacity and authority to enter into  and  perform
       his  obligations  under  this  Agreement  and any agreement or instrument
       referred to or contemplated here;

   (b) neither  the execution and delivery of this  Agreement  nor  any  of  the
       agreements referred to herein or contemplated herby, nor the consummation
       of the transactions  hereby  contemplated  conflict  with,  result in the
       breach  of  or  accelerate the performance required by, any agreement  to
       which he is a party;

   (c) the mineral claims  comprising  the  Property  have been duly and validly
       stake  and submitted for recording with the applicable  mining  authority
       pursuant to all applicable laws and regulations; are accurately described
       in Schedule "A" hereto and the Vendor' interest therein is free and clear
       of all liens,  charges, royalties and encumbrances, subject to the rights
       of the Government of Canada;

   (d) The Vendor has the  exclusive  right to enter into this Agreement and has
       all necessary authority to dispose  of an interest in and to the Property
       in accordance with the terms of this  Agreement, subject only to Exchange
       approval of this Agreement and any underlying agreement; and

   (e) There are no pending or threatened actions, suits, claims, or proceedings
       regarding the Property or any portion thereof  of  which  the  Vendor  is

3.3    The representations and warranties hereinbefore set out are conditions on
which  the  parties have relied in entering into this Agreement and will survive
the acquisition  for any interest in the Property by DYR and each of the parties
will indemnify and save the other harmless from all loss, damage, costs, actions
and suits arising our of or in connection with any breach of any representation,
warranty, covenant,  agreement  or  condition  made  by it and contained in this


4.1    During  the currency of this Agreement the Vendor  covenants  and  agrees
       with DYR to:

   (a) for so long  as  DYR is not in default hereunder, not do any act or thing
       which would in any way adversely affect the rights of DYR hereunder;


   (b) make available to  DYR  and  its representatives all records and files in
       its  possession  relating  to  the   Property  and  permit  DYR  and  its
       representatives at their own risk and expense to take abstracts therefrom
       and make copies thereof;

   (c) co-operate as reasonably necessary with  DYR in obtaining any surface and
       other rights on or related to the Property as DYR deems desirable; and

   (d) promptly provide DYR with any and all notices and correspondence received
       by him from government agencies in respect  of  the  Property and further
       arrange  for  government  agencies to copy DYR on all correspondence  and


5.1    This Agreement, except for the provisions of section 7, (unless otherwise
       agreed by the Vendor in writing)  will  terminate upon the failure of DYR
       to  pay  any portion of the Purchase price  pursuant  to  subsection  2.2
       within the time periods specified therein.


6.1    Each party  agrees  that  all  information obtained hereunder will be the
exclusive property of the parties and not  publicly disclosed or used other than
for the activities contemplated hereunder except  as  required  by law or by the
rules  and  regulations  of  any  regulatory authority or stock exchange  having
jurisdiction or with the written consent of the other party, such consent not to
be unreasonably withheld.


7.1    Either party may at any time  assign  or  transfer  any  or  all  of  its
interest  herein,  provided  such assignee agree to abide by and be bound by the
terms of this Agreement in the  same  manner  and  to  the  same effect as if an
original signatory hereto.

8.     NOTICES

8.1    Any  notice, direction or other instrument required or  permitted  to  be
       given  under  this  Agreement  will be in writing and may be given by the
       delivery of the same or by mailing  the  same  by  prepaid  registered or
       certified  mail  or  by  sending  the same by facsimile, e-mail or  other
       similar form of communication, in each  case  addressed  to  the  address
       first   listed  above  or  the  following  facsimile  numbers  or  e-mail

   (a) If to Bill Timmins, 420-625 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2T6;

   (b) If to DYR at facsimile no. (604) 608-0344.

8.2    Any notice, direction or other instrument will:

   (a) if delivered, be deemed to have been given and received on the day it was


   (b) if mailed,  be  deemed to have been given and received on the fifth (5th)
       business day following  the  day  of  mailing,  except  in  the  event of
       disruption of the postal service in which event notice will be deemed  to
       be received only when actually received; and

   (c) if  sent  by  facsimile, email or other similar form of communication, be
       deemed to have been received by each party by that party acknowledging in
       writing receipt of the same.

8.3    Any party may at  anytime  give  to  the  other  notice in writing of any
change of address of the party giving such notice and from  and after the giving
of such notice the address or addresses therein specified will  be  deemed to be
the address of such party for the purposes of giving notice hereunder.


9.1    If any question, difference or dispute shall arise between the parties or
any of them in respect of any matter arising under this Agreement or relation to
the  construction  here  the  same  shall  be  determined  by  the  award of one
arbitrator.   The decision of the arbitrator shall be made within 30 days  after
the selection.   The expense of the arbitration shall be paid accordingly as the
arbitrator shall decide  in  his  award.   The arbitration shall be conducted in
accordance  with  the  provisions  of the Commercial  Arbitration  Act  (British
Columbia), as amended, and the decision  of  the  arbitrator shall be conclusive
and  binding  upon the parties.  The rules and procedures  for  the  arbitration
shall be procedures established by the B.C. Arbitrators Institute.  The place of
arbitration shall be Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

10.    GENERAL

10.1   The parties  will  execute  such  further and other documents and do such
       further and other things as may be  necessary  or convenient to carry out
       and give effect to the intent of this Agreement.

10.2   All  references  to  moneys  hereunder will be in Canadian  funds  unless
       otherwise specified.  All payments  to be made to any party hereunder may
       be made by cheque or bank draft mailed  or delivered to such party as its
       address  for notice purposes as provided herein,  or  deposited  for  the
       account of  such  party at such bank or banks in Canada as such party may
       designate from time to time by notice to the paying party.

10.3   This Agreement will  enure the benefit of and be binding upon the parties
       hereto and their respective successors and assigns.

10.4   This Agreement shall constitute  the entire agreement between the parties
       and  except  as  hereafter set out, replaces  and  supersedes  all  prior
       agreements, memoranda,  correspondence,  communications, negotiations and
       representations, whether oral  or written, express or  implied, statutory


       or otherwise between  the  parties  with  respect  to  the subject matter

10.5   This Agreement will be governed by and construed according to the laws of
       British Columbia and the laws of Canada applicable therein.   All actions
       arising  from  this  Agreement  will  be commenced and maintained in  the
       Supreme Court of British Columbia.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed these presents as of the day
and year first above written.

by its authorized signatory:

G Macdonald

/s/ Bill Timmins
- -------------------------------			-------------------------------
BILL TIMMINS  					G Macdonald


                                  SCHEDULE "A"

                            DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY


 	 Alan   		  F91913   		206.60