THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 17th day of November, 2005.


             BARON  RESOURCES  LLC,  a body corporate, with an office in Norman,
             Oklahoma, (hereinafter referred to as "Assignor")


             DYANMIC RESOURCES CORP.,  a  body  corporate, with an office in Las
             Vegas, Nevada, (hereinafter referred to as "Assignee")


   A.  Assignor is the holder of the freehold sublease described in Schedule "A"
       hereto (such freehold sublease, including all amendments thereto, if any,
       hereinafter referred to as the "Freehold Lease");

   B.  Assignor has agreed to execute an Assignment  of  the  Freehold  Lease to
       Assignee  pursuant  to the terms and conditions set forth therein and  in
       accordance with the terms hereof;

       NOW THEREFORE in consideration  of  the premises hereto and the covenants
and agreements hereinafter set forth and contained,  the Parties hereto covenant
and agree as follows:

   1.  Assignor shall execute, on November 24, 2005, or  such  other date as the
       parties   may  agree,  the  Assignment,  effective  as  at  closing,   in
       consideration  of  the  payment by the Assignee of US$320,000 cash and by
       the issuance of 3,000,000 common shares of the Assignee.

   2.  The Assignment shall contain an 18month 4 well drill commitment.

   3.  The Assignor is the legal  beneficial  owner  of  the Freehold Lease, its
       interest is unencumbered and it has the unfettered  right  to  enter into
       this agreement and the Assignment.

   4.  The   usual   covenants,   representations,  warranties  and  indemnities
       contained  in  an  Assignment  are   incorporated  herein  as  fully  and
       effectively as if they were set out herein  and  there  shall  not be any
       merger  of  any covenant, representation, warranty or indemnity contained
       in the Assignment by virtue of the execution and deliver hereof, any rule
       of law, equity  or  statue to the contrary notwithstanding.  Either party
       may request a more formal agreement prior to closing, which is subject to
       the usual due diligence by both parties.

   5.  This Agreement shall,  in  all  respects,  be subject to and interpreted,
       construed  and enforced in accordance with and  under  the  laws  of  the
       Province of  Alberta and shall, in every regard, be treated as a contract
       made in the Province  of  Alberta.  The Parties hereto irrevocably attorn
       and submit to the jurisdiction  of  the courts of the Province of Alberta
       in respect to all matters arising out of this Agreement.

   6.  This Agreement shall be binding upon  and  shall endure to the benefit of
       each of the Parties hereto and their respective administrators, trustees,
       receivers, successors and assigns.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have executed  this Agreement as of
the date first above written.

                                        BARON RESOURCES LLC

 					PER: /s/  Russ Smith
                                        Russ Smith (as Assignor)

                                        DYNAMIC RESOURCES CORP.

 					PER: /s/ Robert Fedun
                                        Robert Fedun (as Assignee)

                                     SCHEDULE "A"

       Tract 1:     (320 acres) south half, section 29, Block 1

                    AB&M Survey Floys Co, Texas

       Tract 2:     (320 acres) west half, section 28, Block 1

                    AB&M Survey Floys Co, Texas

       Tract 3:     (320 acres) east half, section 30, Block 1

                    AB&M Survey Floys Co, Texas

       Tract 4:     (640 acres) section 57, Block D-3

                    AB&M Survey Floys Co, Texas