
                             GRAY CREEK MINING, INC.

                              (the "Corporation")


Section 1 - Annual Meetings

The  annual  meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation shall be held at
the time fixed, from time to time, by the Board of Directors.

Section 2 - Special Meetings

Special meetings  of the shareholders may be called by the Board of Directors
or such person or persons authorized by the Board of Directors.

Section 3 - Place of Meetings

Meetings  of shareholders  shall  be  held  at the  registered  office  of  the
Corporation,  or at such other places, within or without the State of Nevada as
the Board of Directors may from time to time fix.

Section 4 - Notice of Meetings

A notice convening an annual or special meeting which specifies the place, day,
and hour of the meeting, and the general nature of the business of the meeting,
must  be  faxed,  personally delivered   or  mailed  postage  prepaid  to  each
shareholder of the Corporation entitled to vote at the meeting at the address
of the shareholder as it appears on the stock  transfer  ledger of the
Corporation, at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.  Accidental omission
to give notice of  a meeting to, or the non-receipt of notice of a meeting  by,
a  shareholder will not invalidate the proceedings at that meeting.

Section 5 - Action Without a Meeting

Unless  otherwise provided by law, any action required to be taken at a meeting
of the shareholders, or any other action which may be taken at a meeting of the
shareholders, may be taken without a meeting, without prior notice and without
a vote if written consents are signed by shareholders representing a majority
of the shares entitled to vote at such a meeting, except however, if a
different proportion of voting power is required by law, the Articles of
Incorporation or these  Bylaws,  than  that  proportion of written consents
is required.   Such written consents must be filed  with  the  minutes  of  the
proceedings  of the shareholders of the Corporation.

Section 6 - Quorum

a)   No business, other than the election of the chairman or the adjournment of
     the  meeting, will be transacted at an annual or special meeting unless  a
     quorum  of  shareholders,  entitled  to attend and vote, is present at the
     commencement of the meeting, but the quorum need not be present throughout
     the meeting.

b)   Except as otherwise provided in these  Bylaws,  a  quorum  is  two persons
     present   and  being,  or  representing  by  proxy,  shareholders  of  the

c)   If within half  an  hour  from the time appointed for an annual or special
     meeting a quorum is not present,  the  meeting  shall stand adjourned to a
     day, time and place as determined by the chairman of the meeting.

Section 7 - Voting

Subject  to  a  special voting rights or restrictions attached  to  a  class of
shares, each shareholder  shall be entitled to one vote for each share of stock
in his or her own name on the books of  the corporation, whether represented in
person or by proxy.

Section 8 - Motions

No motion proposed at an annual or special meeting need be seconded.

Section 9 - Equality of Votes

In the case of an equality of votes, the chairman  of  the meeting at which the
vote takes place is not entitled to have a casting vote in addition  to the
vote or votes to which he may be entitled as a shareholder of proxyholder.

Section 10 - Dispute as to Entitlement to Vote

In a dispute as to the admission or rejection of a vote at an annual or special
meeting, the decision of the chairman made in good faith is conclusive.

Section 11 - Proxy

a)   Each  shareholder entitled to vote at an annual or special meeting may  do
     so either in person or by proxy.  A form of proxy must be in writing under
     the hand  of  the  appointor  or of his or her attorney duly authorized in
     writing, or, if the appointor is  a  corporation, either under the seal of
     the  corporation  or  under  the  hand of a  duly  authorized  officer  or
     attorney.  A proxyholder need not be a shareholder of the Corporation.

b)   A form of proxy and the power of attorney  or  other  authority,  if  any,
     under which it is signed or a facsimiled copy thereof must be deposited at
     the  registered  office  of  the  Corporation or at such other place as is
     specified for that purpose in the notice convening

     the  meeting.   In  addition to any other  method  of  depositing  proxies
     provided for in these  Bylaws,  the  Directors  may  from  time to time by
     resolution  make  regulations relating to the depositing of proxies  at  a
     place or places and  fixing  the  time or times for depositing the proxies
     not  exceeding  48  hours  (excluding  Saturdays,  Sundays  and  holidays)
     preceding the meeting or adjourned meeting specified in the notice calling
     a meeting of shareholders.

                        ARTICLE II:  BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Section 1 - Number, Term, Election and Qualifications

a)   The first Board of Directors of the Corporation, and all subsequent Boards
     of the Corporation, shall consist of not  less  than  one (1) and not more
     than nine (9) directors.  The number of Directors may be fixed and changed
     from  time  to  time  by  ordinary resolution of the shareholders  of  the

b)   The first Board of Directors  shall  hold  office  until  the first annual
     meeting of shareholders and until their successors have been  duly elected
     and  qualified  or  until  there is a decrease in the number of directors.
     Thereinafter,  Directors  will   be  elected  at  the  annual  meeting  of
     shareholders  and  shall hold office  until  the  annual  meeting  of  the
     shareholders next succeeding  his  or  her  election,  or until his or her
     prior death, resignation or removal.  Any Director may resign  at any time
     upon written notice of such resignation to the Corporation.

c)   A  casual  vacancy  occurring  in the Board may be filled by the remaining

d)   Between  successive annual meetings,  the  Directors  have  the  power  to
     appoint one  or  more  additional  Directors  but not more than 1/2 of the
     number  of  Directors  fixed  at  the last shareholder  meeting  at  which
     Directors were elected.  A Director  so  appointed holds office only until
     the next following annual meeting of the Corporation,  but is eligible for
     election at that meeting.  So long as he or she is an additional Director,
     the number of Directors will be increased accordingly.

e)   A  Director  is  not  required  to  hold  a  share in the capital  of  the
     Corporation as qualification for his or her office.

Section 2 - Duties, Powers and Remuneration

a)   The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the control and management
     of the business and affairs, property and interests  of  the  Corporation,
     and  may  exercise all powers of the Corporation, except for those  powers
     conferred upon  or  reserved  for the shareholders or any other persons as
     required  under  Nevada  state  law,   the   Corporation's   Articles   of
     Incorporation or by these Bylaws.
b)   The  remuneration  of the Directors may from time to time be determined by
     the Directors or, if the Directors decide, by the shareholders.

Section 3 - Meetings of Directors

a)   The President of the  Corporation  shall  preside  as  chairman  at  every
     meeting of the Directors, or if the President is not present or is willing
     to act as chairman, the Directors present shall choose one of their number
     to be chairman of the meeting.

b)   The  Directors may meet together for the dispatch of business, and adjourn
     and otherwise  regulate  their  meetings  as  they  think  fit.  Questions
     arising at a meeting must be decided by a majority of votes.   In  case of
     an equality of votes the chairman does not have a second or casting  vote.
     Meetings  of  the Board held at regular intervals may be held at the place
     and time upon the notice (if any) as the Board may by resolution from time
     to time determine.

c)   A Director may  participate in a meeting of the Board or of a committee of
     the  Directors  using   conference   telephones  or  other  communications
     facilities by which all Directors participating  in  the  meeting can hear
     each   other   and   provided  that  all  such  Directors  agree  to  such
     participation.  A Director  participating  in a meeting in accordance with
     this Bylaw is deemed to be present at the meeting  and  to have so agreed.
     Such Director will be counted in the quorum and entitled to speak and vote
     at the meeting.

d)   A Director may, and the Secretary on request of a Director  shall,  call a
     meeting  of  the  Board.  Reasonable  notice of the meeting specifying the
     place, day and hour of the meeting must be given by mail, postage prepaid,
     addressed to each of the Directors and  alternate  Directors at his or her
     address as it appears on the books of the Corporation  or by leaving it at
     his  or  her  usual  business  or  residential  address  or  by telephone,
     facsimile  or other method of transmitting legibly recorded messages.   It
     is not necessary  to  give  notice of a meeting of Directors to a Director
     immediately following a shareholder meeting at which the Director has been
     elected,  or  is  the  meeting of  Directors  at  which  the  Director  is

e)   A Director of the Corporation  may  file  with  the  Secretary  a document
     executed  by  him  waiving notice of a past, present or future meeting  or
     meetings of the Directors being, or required to have been, sent to him and
     may  at  any time withdraw  the  waiver  with  respect  to  meetings  held
     thereafter.   After filing such waiver with respect to future meetings and
     until the waiver  is withdrawn no notice of a meeting of Directors need be
     given to the Director.   All  meetings  of  the  Directors so held will be
     deemed not to be improperly called or constituted  by reason of notice not
     having been given to the Director.

f)   The quorum necessary for the transaction of the business  of the Directors
     may  be  fixed by the Directors and if not so fixed is a majority  of  the
     Directors or, if the number of Directors is fixed at one, is one Director.

g)   The continuing  Directors  may act notwithstanding a vacancy in their body
     but, if and so long as their  number  is  reduced  below  the number fixed
     pursuant  to  these  Bylaws  as  the  necessary  quorum of Directors,  the
     continuing Directors may act for the purpose of increasing  the  number of
     Directors  to  that  number, or of summoning a shareholder meeting of  the
     Corporation, but for no other purpose.

h)   All acts done by a meeting  of the Directors, a committee of Directors, or
     a person acting as a Director, will, notwithstanding that it be afterwards
     discovered that there was some  defect  in  the qualification, election or
     appointment  of the Directors, shareholders of  the  committee  or  person
     acting as a Director,  or  that any of them were disqualified, be as valid
     as if the person had been duly  elected  or appointed and was qualified to
     be a Director.

i)   A resolution consented to in writing, whether by facsimile or other method
     of transmitting legibly recorded messages,  by  all of the Directors is as
     valid as if it had been passed at a meeting of the  Directors  duly called
     and held.  A resolution may be in two or more counterparts which  together
     are deemed to constitute one resolution in writing.  A resolution must  be
     filed  with  the  minutes  of  the  proceedings  of  the  directors and is
     effective  on  the  date  stated on it or on the latest date stated  on  a

j)   All Directors of the Corporation shall have equal voting power.

Section 4 - Removal

One or more or all the Directors  of  the  Corporation  may be  removed with or
without cause at any time by a vote of two-thirds of the shareholders
entitled to vote thereon, at  a  special  meeting  of  the  shareholders
called for that purpose.

Section 5 - Committees

a)   The Directors may from time to time by resolution designate from among its
     members  one or more committees, and alternate members  thereof,  as  they
     deem desirable,  each  consisting of one or more members, with such powers
     and authority (to the extent  permitted by law and these Bylaws) as may be
     provided in such resolution.  Unless  the  Articles  of  Incorporation  or
     Bylaws state otherwise, the Board of Directors may appoint natural persons
     who are not Directors to serve on such committees authorized herein.  Each
     such  committee  shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors and
     unless otherwise stated  by  law,  the Certificate of Incorporation of the
     Corporation  or  these  Bylaws,  shall  be   governed  by  the  rules  and
     regulations stated herein regarding the Board of Directors.

b)   Each Committee shall keep regular minutes of its transactions, shall cause
     them to be recorded in the books kept for that  purpose,  and shall report
     them  to  the  Board  at  such  times as the Board may from time  to  time
     require.  The Board has the power  at  any  time to revoke or override the
     authority given to or acts done by any Committee.

                             ARTICLE III:  OFFICERS

Section 1 - Number, Qualification, Election and Term of Office

a)   The Corporation's officers shall have such titles  and  duties as shall be
     stated in these Bylaws or in a resolution of the Board of  Directors which
     is  not  inconsistent with these Bylaws.  The officers of the  Corporation
     shall consist  of a president, secretary, treasurer, and also may have one
     or more vice presidents,  assistant  secretaries  and assistant treasurers
     and such

     other  officers  as  the  Board of Directors may from time  to  time  deem
     advisable.  Any officer may  hold  two or more offices in the Corporation,
     and may or may not also act as a Director.

b)   The officers of the Corporation shall be elected by the Board of Directors
     at the regular annual meeting of the Board following the annual meeting of

c)   Each officer shall hold office until  the  annual  meeting of the Board of
     Directors  next  succeeding  his  or her election, and until  his  or  her
     successor shall have been duly elected  and  qualified, subject to earlier
     termination by his or her death, resignation or removal.

Section 2 - Resignation

Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice of such resignation
to the Corporation.

Section 3 - Removal

Any officer appointed by the Board of Directors may be  removed  by a  majority
vote  of  the Board, either with or without cause, and a successor appointed
by the Board at  any  time,  and  any officer or assistant officer, if
appointed by another officer, may likewise be removed by such officer.

Section 4 - Remuneration

The remuneration of the Officers  of  the  Corporation  may from time to time
be determined by the Directors or, if the Directors decide, by the

Section 5 - Conflict of Interest

Each officer of the Corporation who holds another office  or possesses property
whereby, whether directly or indirectly, duties or interests might be created
in conflict  with  his or her duties or interests as an officer of the
Corporation shall, in writing,  disclose to the President the fact and the
nature, character and extent of the conflict.

                          ARTICLE V:  SHARES OF STOCK

Section 1 - Certificate of Stock

a)   The shares of the  Corporation  shall  be  represented  by certificates or
     shall be uncertificated shares.

b)   Certificated shares of the Corporation shall be signed, either manually or
     by facsimile, by officers or agents designated by the Corporation for such
     purposes, and shall certify the number of shares owned by  the shareholder
     in  the  Corporation.   Whenever  any  certificate  is  countersigned   or
     otherwise  authenticated  by  a transfer agent or transfer clerk, and by a
     registrar, then a facsimile of  the  signatures of the officers or agents,
     the transfer agent or transfer clerk or  the  registrar of the Corporation
     may be printed or lithographed upon the certificate  in lieu of the actual
     signatures.  If the Corporation uses facsimile signatures of its

     officers and agents on its stock certificates, it cannot  act as registrar
     of its own stock, but its transfer agent and registrar may be identical if
     the institution acting in those dual capacities countersigns  or otherwise
     authenticates  any stock certificates in both capacities.  If any  officer
     who has signed or  whose  facsimile  signature  has  been placed upon such
     certificate, shall have ceased to be such officer before  such certificate
     is issued, it may be issued by the Corporation with the same  effect as if
     he were such officer at the date of its issue.

c)   If the Corporation issued uncertificated shares as provided for  in  these
     Bylaws,  within  a  reasonable time after the issuance or transfer of such
     uncertificated shares,  and  at least annually thereafter, the Corporation
     shall send the shareholder a written  statement  certifying  the number of
     shares owned by such shareholder in the Corporation.

d)   Except  as  otherwise provided by law, the rights and obligations  of  the
     holders of uncertificated  shares  and  the  rights and obligations of the
     holders of certificates representing shares of  the  same class and series
     shall be identical.

e)   If a share certificate:

     (i)   is worn out or defaced, the Directors shall, upon production to them
           of the certificate and upon such other terms, if  any,  as  they may
           think  fit,  order  the certificate to be cancelled and issue a  new

     (ii)  is lost, stolen or destroyed,  then  upon  proof  being given to the
           satisfaction of the Directors and upon and indemnity,  if  any being
           given, as the Directors think adequate, the Directors shall  issue a
           new certificate; or

     (iii) represents  more  than one share and the registered owner surrenders
           it to the Corporation  with  a  written request that the Corporation
           issue in his or her name two or more certificates, each representing
           a specified number of shares and  in  the aggregate representing the
           same  number  of  shares  as  the certificate  so  surrendered,  the
           Corporation shall cancel the certificate  so  surrendered  and issue
           new certificates in accordance with such request.

Section 2 - Transfers of Shares

a)   Transfers or registration of transfers of shares of the Corporation  shall
     be  made  on the stock transfer books of the Corporation by the registered
     holder thereof,  or  by  his  or her attorney duly authorized by a written
     power of attorney;  and in the case of shares represented by certificates,
     only  after  the  surrender  to  the   Corporation   of  the  certificates
     representing  such  shares with such shares properly endorsed,  with  such
     evidence of the authenticity  of such endorsement, transfer, authorization
     and  other matters as the Corporation  may  reasonably  require,  and  the
     payment of all stock transfer taxes due thereon.

b)   The Corporation  shall  be  entitled  to treat the holder of record of any
     share  or  shares  as the absolute owner thereof  for  all  purposes  and,
     accordingly, shall not be bound to recognize any legal, equitable or other
     claim to, or interest in, such share or shares on the part of any

     other person, whether  or  not  it  shall  have  express  or  other notice
     thereof, except as otherwise expressly provided by law.

Section 3 - Record Date

a)   The  Directors may fix in advance a date, which must not be more  than  60
     days permitted by the preceding the date of a meeting of shareholders or a
     class  of shareholders, or of the payment of a dividend or of the proposed
     taking  of   any  other  proper  action  requiring  the  determination  of
     shareholders as  the record date for the determination of the shareholders
     entitled to notice  of,  or  to  attend  and  vote  at,  a  meeting and an
     adjournment of the meeting, or entitled to receive payment of  a  dividend
     or  for  any  other  proper  purpose  and,  in  such case, notwithstanding
     anything  in these Bylaws, only shareholders of records  on  the  date  so
     fixed will  be  deemed  to  be  the  shareholders for the purposes of this

b)   Where no record date is so fixed for the  determination of shareholders as
     provided in the preceding Bylaw, the date on which the notice is mailed or
     on which the resolution declaring the dividend is adopted, as the case may
     be, is the record date for such determination.

Section 4 - Fractional Shares

Notwithstanding anything else in these Bylaws, the Corporation, if the
Directors so resolve, will not be required to issue fractional  shares  in
connection with an  amalgamation, consolidation, exchange or conversion.  At
the  discretion  of the Directors,  fractional  interests  in  shares  may be
rounded to the nearest whole  number, with fractions of 1/2 being rounded to
the  next  highest  whole number,  or  may  be  purchased  for  cancellation
by  the Corporation for such consideration  as  the  Directors determine.  The
Directors  may  determine  the manner in which fractional  interests in  shares
are  to  be  transferred  and delivered  to  the Corporation in exchange for
consideration and a determination so  made  is  binding  upon  all shareholders
of  the  Corporation.   In  case shareholders having  fractional  interests in
shares fail to deliver them to the Corporation  in  accordance with a
determination  made  by  the  Directors,  the Corporation may deposit  with
the  Corporation's Registrar and Transfer Agent a sum sufficient to pay the
consideration  payable  by  the  Corporation  for  the fractional  interests
in shares, such deposit to be set aside in trust for such shareholders.  Such
setting  aside  is deemed to be payment to such shareholders for the fractional
interests in shares not so delivered which will thereupon not be considered as
outstanding and such  shareholders will not be considered to be shareholders of
the Corporation with respect  thereto  and  will  have  no right except  to
receive payment of the money so set aside and deposited upon delivery of  the
certificates for the shares held prior to the amalgamation, consolidation,
exchange or conversion which result in fractional interests in shares.

                             ARTICLE VI:  DIVIDENDS

a)   Dividends may be declared and paid out of any funds available therefor, as
     often,  in  such  amounts,  and  at  such  time  or times as the Board  of
     Directors  may  determine and shares may be issued pro  rata  and  without
     consideration to  the Corporation's shareholders or to the shareholders of
     one or more classes or series.

b)   Shares of one class  or  series  may  not be issued as a share dividend to
     shareholders  of  another  class or series  unless  such  issuance  is  in
     accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and:

     (i)   a majority of the current  shareholders of the class or series to be
           issued approve the issue; or
     (ii)  there are no outstanding shares  of  the  class  or series of shares
           that are authorized to be issued as a dividend.

                        ARTICLE VII:  BORROWING POWERS

a)   The Directors may from time to time on behalf of the Corporation:

     (i)   borrow money in such manner and amount, on such security,  from such
           sources and upon such terms and conditions as they think fit,

     (ii)  issue  bonds,  debentures and other debt obligations either outright
           or as security for  liability  or  obligation  of the Corporation or
           another person, and

     (iii) mortgage, charge, whether by way of specific or floating charge, and
           give other security on the undertaking, or on the whole or a part of
           the  property  and  assets  of  the  Corporation (both  present  and

b)   A  bond,  debenture or other debt obligation of  the  Corporation  may  be
issued at a discount, premium  or otherwise, and with a special privilege as to
redemption, surrender, drawing, allotment of or conversion into or exchange for
shares or other securities, attending and voting at shareholder meetings of the
Corporation, appointment of Directors or otherwise,  nd  may  by  its  terms be
assignable free from equities between the Corporation and the person to whom it
was issued or a subsequent holder thereof, all as the Directors may determine.

                           ARTICLE VIII:  FISCAL YEAR

The  fiscal year end of the Corporation shall be fixed, and shall be subject to
change, by the Board of Directors from time to time, subject to applicable law.

                          ARTICLE IX:  CORPORATE SEAL

The corporate  seal, if  any,  shall be in such form as shall be prescribed and
altered, from time to time, by the  Board  of  Directors.   The use of a seal
or stamp by the Corporation on corporate documents is not necessary  and  the
lack thereof shall not in any way affect the legality of a corporate document.

                             ARTICLE X:  AMENDMENTS

Section 1 - By Shareholders

All Bylaws of the Corporation shall be subject to alteration or repeal, and new
Bylaws  may be made by a majority vote of the shareholders at any annual
meeting or special meeting called for that purpose.

Section 2 - By Directors

The Board  of  Directors  shall  have the power to make, adopt, alter, amend
and repeal, from time to time, Bylaws of the Corporation.


a)   A Director who is, in any way,  directly  or  indirectly  interested in an
existing or proposed contract or transaction with the Corporation  or who holds
an  office  or  possesses  property  whereby, directly or indirectly, a duty or
interest might be created to conflict  with  his  or her  duty or interest as a
Director,  shall declare the nature and extent of his or her interest  in  such
contract or transaction or of the conflict with his or her duty and interest as
a Director, as the case may be.

b)   A Director shall not vote in respect of a contract or transaction with the
Corporation in which he is interested and if he does so his or her vote will
not be counted, but he will be counted in the quorum present at the meeting at
which the vote is taken.  The foregoing prohibitions do not apply to:

     (i)   a  contract  or  transaction  relating to a loan to the Corporation,
           which a Director or a specified  corporation  or a specified firm in
           which  he has an interest has guaranteed or joined  in  guaranteeing
           the repayment of the loan or part of the loan;

     (ii)  a contract or transaction made or to be made with or for the benefit
           of a holding  corporation  or  a  subsidiary  corporation of which a
           Director is a director or officer;

     (iii) a  contract by a Director to subscribe for or underwrite  shares  or
           debentures  to  be  issued by the Corporation or a subsidiary of the
           Corporation, or a contract,  arrangement  or  transaction in which a
           Director  is  directly  or indirectly interested if  all  the  other
           Directors  are  also  directly   or  indirectly  interested  in  the
           contract, arrangement or transaction;

     (iv)  determining the remuneration of the Directors;

     (v)   purchasing  and maintaining insurance  to  cover  Directors  against
           liability incurred by them as Directors; or

     (vi)  the indemnification of a Director by the Corporation.

c)    A Director may hold  an  office  or place  of profit with the Corporation
(other than the office of Auditor of the Corporation) in conjunction with his
or her office of Director for the period and on the terms  (as to  remuneration
or otherwise) as the Directors may determine.  No Director or

intended  Director  will  be disqualified by his or her office from contracting
with the Corporation either with regard  to the tenure of any such other office
or place of profit, or as vendor, purchaser or  otherwise,  and, no contract or
transaction entered into by or on behalf of the Corporation in which a Director
is interested is liable to be voided by reason thereof.

d)   A Director or his or her firm may act in a professional capacity  for  the
Corporation (except as Auditor of the Corporation), and he or his or her firm
is entitled to remuneration for professional services as if he were not a

e)   A Director may be or become a director or other officer or employee of, or
otherwise  interested in, a corporation or firm in which the Corporation may be
interested as a shareholder or otherwise, and the Director is not accountable
to the Corporation for remuneration  or other benefits received by him as
director, officer or employee of, or from his or her interest in, the other
corporation or firm, unless the shareholders otherwise direct.


The Corporation shall, within sixty  days  after  the  filing of its Articles
of Incorporation with the Secretary of State, and annually  thereafter on or
before the last day of the month in which the anniversary date of incorporation
occurs each  year, file with the Secretary of State a list of its president,
secretary and treasurer and all of its Directors, along with the post office
box or street address,  either  residence or business, and a designation of its
resident agent in the state of Nevada.   Such  list  shall  be  certified by an
officer of the Corporation.


a)   The  Directors  shall  cause the Corporation to indemnify  a  Director  or
former Director of the Corporation and  the Directors may cause the Corporation
to  indemnify  a director or former director  of  a corporation  of  which  the
Corporation is or was  a shareholder and the heirs and personal representatives
of any such person against all costs, charges and expenses, including an amount
paid to settle an action or satisfy a judgment, actually and reasonably
incurred by him or them including an amount  paid  to  settle  an  action  or
satisfy  a judgment inactive criminal or administrative action or proceeding to
which he is or they are made a party by reason of his or her being or having
been a Director of  the  Corporation  or  a  director  of  such corporation,
including an action brought by the Corporation or corporation.   Each Director
of the Corporation on being elected or appointed is deemed to have contracted
with the Corporation on the terms of the foregoing indemnity.

b)   The Directors may cause the Corporation to indemnify  an officer, employee
or agent of the Corporation or of a corporation of which the Corporation  is or
was  a shareholder (notwithstanding that he is also a Director), and his or her
heirs and  personal representatives  against  all  costs,  charges and expenses
incurred  by  him orthem and resulting from his or her acting  as  an  officer,
employee  or  agent  of  the  Corporation  or  corporation.   In  addition  the
Corporation shall indemnify the  Secretary  or  an  Assistance Secretary of the
Corporation (if he is not a full time employee of the

Corporation and notwithstanding that he is also a Director),  and  his  or  her
respective heirs  and  legal  representatives  against  all costs,  charges and
expenses  incurred  by him or them and arising out of the functions assigned
to the Secretary by the  Corporation  Act or these Articles and each such
ecretary and Assistant Secretary, on being appointed  is  deemed  to have
contracted with the Corporation on the terms of the foregoing indemnity.

c)   The Directors may cause the Corporation to purchase and maintain insurance
for  the  benefit  of  a  person  who is or was serving as a Director, officer,
employee or agent of the Corporation  or  as  a  director, officer, employee or
agent of a corporation of which the Corporation is or was a shareholder and his
or her heirs or personal representatives against a liability incurred by him
as a Director, officer, employee or agent.

                         CERTIFIED TO BE THE BYLAWS OF:

                             GRAY CREEK MINING INC.


                                /S/ ALAN J. COX

                             ALAN J. COX, SECRETARY