Exhibit 3.1



That  we,  the  undersigned,  have  this  day  voluntarily  associated ourselves
together for the purpose of forming a Corporation under and pursuant to the laws
of  the  State  of  Nevada,  and  we  do  hereby  certify  that:

the  exact  name  of  this  corporation  is:  national HealthCare Alliance, Inc.

The  principal  office  and  place  of  business  in the State of Nevada of this
Corporation  shall  be  located  at 2950 East Flamingo Road, Suite G, las Vegas,
Clark  County,  Nevada  89121.  The resident agent of the Corporation is the Law
Offices  of  Max  C.  Tanner, 2950 East Flamingo Road, Suite G, las Vegas, Clark
County,  Nevada  89121.

The  Corporation  shall  have  perpetual  existence

The  purpose,  object  and  nature  of the business of which this Corporation is
organized  are:

(a)  To  engage  in  any  lawful  activity;

(b)  To  carry on such business as may be necessary, convenient, or desirable to
accomplish  the  above  purposes,  and to do all other things incidental thereto
which  are  not  forbidden  by  law  or  by  these  Articles  of  Incorporation.

The powers of the Corporation shall be those powers granted by 78.060 and 78.070
of  the  Nevada  Revised  Statutes  under  which this Corporation is formed.  In
addition,  the  Corporation  shall  have  the  following  specific  powers:

     (a)  To  elect  or  appoint  officers  and agents of the Corporation and to
     fix  their  compensation;

     (b)  To  act  as  an  agent  for  any individual, association, partnership,
     corporation  or  other  legal  entity;

     (c)  To  receive,  acquire,  hold,  exercise  rights  arising  out  of  the
     ownership  or  possession thereof, sell, or otherwise dispose of, shares or
     other  interests  in,  or  obligations  of,  individuals,  associations,
     partnerships,  corporation,  or  governments;

(d)  To  receive, acquire hold, pledge, transfer, or otherwise dispose of shares
of  the  corporation,  but  such  shares  may  only  be  purchase,  directly  or
indirectly,  out  of  earned  surplus;

(e)  to  make  gifts  or contributions for the public welfare or for charitable,
scientific or educational purposes, and in time of war, to make donations in aid
of  war  activities.


The  total  number  of  shares  which this corporation is authorized to issue is
51,000,000  shares  of  common  Stock at $.001 par value per share and preferred
stock  at  a  par  value  set  by  the  Board  of  Directors.

The  Common Stock shall be issued for such consideration, as shall be fixed from
time  to  time by the board of Directors.  In the absence of fraud, the judgment
of the Directors as to the value of any property for shares shall be conclusive.
When  shares  are issued upon payment of the consideration fixed by the Board of
Directors,  such  shares  shall  be  taken  to  be fully paid stock and shall be
non-assessable.  The  Articles  shall  not  be  amended  in  this  particular.

Except  as may otherwise be provided by the Board of Directors, no holder of any
shares  of  the  stock  of  the Corporation, shall have any pre-emptive right to
purchase,  subscribe  for,  or  otherwise  acquire  any  shares  of stock of the
Corporation  of  any  class  now  or  hereafter  authorized,  or  any securities
exchangeable  for  or  convertible  into  such  shares, or any warrants or other
instruments  evidencing  rights  or  options  to  subscribe  for,  purchase,  or
otherwise  acquire  such  shares.

The  Corporation  shall  have the power to create and issue rights, warrants, or
options  entitling  the  holders  thereof  to  purchase from the Corporation any
shares  of  its  capital  stock  of  any  class  or classes, upon such terms and
conditions  and  at such times and prices as the Board of Directors may provide,
which terms and conditions shall be incorporated in an instrument or instruments
evidencing  such rights.  In the absence of fraud, the judgment of the Directors
as  to the ade4quacy of consideration for the issuance of such rights or options
and  the  sufficiency  thereof  shall  be  conclusive.

The  capital  stock  of  this  Corporation, after the amount of the subscription
price  has  been  fully paid in, shall not be assessable for any purpose, and no
stock issued as fully paid up shall ever be assessable or assessed.  The holders
of such stock shall not be individually responsible for the debts, contracts, or
liabilities  of  the  Corporation  and  shall  not  be liable for assessments to
restore  impairments  in  the  capital  of  the  Corporation.

For  the  management  of the business, and for the conduct of the affairs of the
Ciorporation,  and  for the future definition, limitation, and regulation of the
powers  of  the  Corporation  and  its directors and shareholders, it is further

The members of the governing board of the Corporation shall be styled directors.
The  number  of  directors  of  the  Corporation,  their qualification, terms of
office,  manner  of  election,  time and place of meeting, and powers and duties
shall  be  such  as  are  prescribed  by  statute  and  in  the  by-laws  of the
Corporation.  The  initial  number  of the shareholders will be less than three.
The  name  and  post  office address of the sole director constituting the first
board  of  directors,  which  shall  be  one  (1)  in  number  is:

     NAME                    ADDRESS
     Mac C. Tanner           2950  East  Flamingo  Road
                             Suite  G
                             Las  Vegas,  Clark  County,  Nevada  89121

In  furtherance and not in limitation of the powers conferred by the laws of the
State  of  Nevada, the Board of Directors is expressly authorized and empowered:

     (a)  To  make,  alter,  amend  and  repeal the By-Laws subject to the power
     of  the  shareholders  to  alter or repeal the By-Laws made by the Board of

     (b)  Subject  to  the  applicable  provisions  of  the  By-Laws  then  in
     effect, to determine, from time to time, whether and to what extent, and at
     that  times  and  places,  and  under  what conditions and regulations, the
     accounts  and  books  of  the  Corporation or any of them, shall be open to
     share holder inspection. No shareholder shall have any right to inspect any
     of the accounts, books or documents of the Corporation, except as permitted
     by  law, unless and until authorized to do so by resolution of the Board of
     Directors  or  of  the  shareholders  of  the  Corporation;

     (c)  To  issue  common  and  preferred  stock of the Corporation for money,
     property,  services  rendered, labor performed, cash advanced, acquisitions
     for  other corporations or for any other assets of value in accordance with
     the  action  of  the  Board  of  Directors  without  vote or consent of the
     shareholders  and  the

     judgment  of  the  Board  of  Directors  as to value received and in return
     therefore  shall  be  conclusive  and  said  stock,  when  issued, shall be
     fully-paid  and  non-assessable;

     (d)  To  authorize  and  issue,  without  shareholder  consent, obligations
     of  the Corporation, secured and unsecured, under such terms and conditions
     as  the  Board,  in  its  sole  discretion, may determine, and to pledge or
     mortgage,  as  security  therefore,  any  real  or personal property of the
     Corporation,  included  after-acquired  property;

     (e)  To  determine  whether  any  and,  if  so,  what  part,  of the earned
     surplus  of the Corporation shall be paid in dividends to the shareholders,
     and  to  direct  and determine other use and disposition of any such earned

     (f)  To  fix,  from  time  to  time,  the  amount  of  the  profits  of the
     Corporation  to  be  reserved  as  working  capital or for any other lawful

     (g)  To  establish  bonus,  profit-sharing,  stock  option,  or other types
     of  incentive  compensation plans for the employees, including officers and
     directors,  of  the  Corporation,  and  to  fix the amount of profits to be
     shared  or  distributed, and to determine the persons to participate in any
     such  plans  and  the  amount  of  their  respective  participation.

     (h)  To  designate,  by  resolution  or resolutions passed by a majority of
     the  whole  Board,  one  or more committees, each consisting of two or more
     directors,  which,  to  the  extent  permitted by law and authorized by the
     resolution  or  the  By-Laws, shall have and may exercise the powers of the

     (i)  To  provide  for  the  reasonable  compensation  of  its  own  members
     B-Law, and and to fix the terms and conditions upon which such compensation
     will  be  paid;

     (j)  In  addition  to  the  powers  and  authority  herein  before,  or  by
     statute,  expressly  conferred upon it, the Board of Directors may exercise
     all such powers and do all such acts and things as may be exercised or done
     by the Corporation, subject, nevertheless, to the provisions of the laws of
     the State of Nevada, of these Articles of Incorporation, and of the By-Laws
     of  the  Corporation.

No contract or transaction between this Corporation and any of its directors, or
between  this Corporation and any other corporation, firm, association, or other
legal entity shall be invalidated by reason of the fact that the director of the
Corporation has a director or indirect interest, pecuniary or otherwise, in such
corporation,  firm,  association,  or  legal  entity,  or because the interested
director  was  present  at  the

meeting  of  the  Board  of  Directors  which acted upon or in reference to such
contract  or  transaction,  or  because he participated in such action, provided
that:  (1)  the  interest  of each such director shall have been disclosed to or
known  by  the  Board  and  a  disinterested  majority  of  the Board shall have
nonetheless  ratified and approved such contract or transaction (such interested
director  or directors may be counted in determining whether a quorum is present
for  the  meeting  at  which  such ratification or approval is given; or (2) the
conditions  of  N.R.S.  78.140  are  met.

Each  director  and  each officer of the Corporation shall be indemnified by the
Corporation  as  follows:

     (a)  The  Corporation  shall  indemnify  any  person who was or is a party,
     or  is  threatened  to  be  made  a  party,  to  any threatened, pending or
     completed  action,  suit  or  proceeding,  whether  civil,  criminal,
     administrative or investigative (other than an action by or in the right of
     the  Corporation),  by  reason  of  the  fact that he is or was a director,
     officer,  employee or agent of the Corporation, or is or was serving at the
     request  of  the  Corporation  as a director, officer, employee or agent of
     another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise,
     against  expenses (including attorneys' fees), judgments, fines and amounts
     paid  in  settlement, actually and reasonably incurred by him in connection
     with  such  action,  suit or proceeding, if he acted in good faith and in a
     manner  he  reasonably  believed  to  be  in,  or  not opposed to, the best
     interests  of  the Corporation, and, with respect to any criminal action or
     proceeding,  had  no  reasonable cause to believe his conduct was unlawful.
     The  termination  of  any  action,  suit or proceeding, by judgment, order,
     settlement, conviction or upon a pleas of nolo contender or its equivalent,
     shall  not  of  itself  create a presumption that the person did not act in
     good  faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in, or not opposed
     to, the best interests of the Corporation and, with respect to any criminal
     action  or  proceeding,  had no reasonable cause to believe his conduct was

     (b)  The  Corporation  shall  indemnify  any  person who was or is a party,
     or  is  threatened  to  be  made  a  party,  to  any threatened, pending or
     completed  action or suit by or in the right of the Corporation, to procure
     a  judgment  in its favor by reason of the fact that he is or was by reason
     of the fact that he is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the
     Corporation,  or  is  or was serving at the request of the Corporation as a
     director,  officer,  employee or agent of another corporation, partnership,
     joint  venture,  trust  or  other  enterprise,  against expenses (including
     attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred by him in connection with
     the defense or settlement of such action or suit, if he acted in good faith
     and  in  a  manner  he reasonably believed to be in, or not opposed to, the
     best  interests of the Corporation, except that no indemnification shall be
     made in respect of any claim, issue or matter as to which such person shall
     have  been  adjudged  to  be  liable  for  negligence  or misconduct in the
     performance  of his duty to the Corporation, unless, and only to the extent
     that  the  court  in  which  such  action  or  suit  was

     brought  shall determine upon application that, despite the adjudication of
     liability,  but  in  view  of all circumstances of the case, such person is
     fairly  and  reasonably entitled to indemnification for such expenses which
     such  court  deems  proper.

     (c)  To  the  extent  that  a  director,  officer, employee or agent of the
     Corporation  has  been  successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of
     any action, suite or proceeding referred to in Sections (a) and (b) of this
     Article,  or  in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, he shall be
     indemnified  against  expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees)  actually and
     reasonably  incurred  by  him  in  connection  therewith.

     (d)  Any  indemnification  under  sections  (a)  or  (b)  of  this  Article
     (unless  ordered  by  a  court)  shall  be  made by the Corporation only as
     authorized  in  the specific case upon a determination that indemnification
     of  the  officer,  director  and  employee  or  agent  is  proper  in  the
     circumstances,  because  he  has met the applicable standard of conduct set
     forth  in  Sections (a) or (b) of this Article. Such determination shall be
     made  (i)  by  the  Board  of  Directors  by  a  majority vote of a quorum,
     consisting  of  directors  who  were  not  parties  to such action, suit or
     proceeding, or (ii) if such quorum is not obtainable or even if obtainable,
     a  quorum  of  disinterested  directors  so  directs,  by independent legal
     counsel  in  a  written  opinion,  or  (iii) by the affirmative vote of the
     holders  of  a  majority  of  the  shares  of  stock  entitled  to vote and
     represented  at  a  meeting  called  for  such  purpose.

     (e)  Expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees)  incurred in defending a civil
     or  criminal  action,  suit or proceeding may be paid by the Corporation in
     advance  of  the  final  disposition of such action, suit or proceeding, as
     authorized in Section (d) of this Article, upon receipt of an understanding
     by  or  on  behalf of the director officer, employee or agent to repay such
     amount,  unless it shall ultimately be determined that he is entitled to be
     indemnified  by  the  Corporation  as  authorized  in  this  Article.

     (f)  The  Board  of  Directors  may  exercise  the  Corporation's  power to
     purchase  and  maintain  insurance  on behalf of any person who is or was a
     director,  officer,  employee  or  agent  of  the Corporation, or is or was
     serving  at the request of the Corporation as a director, officer, employee
     or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust or other
     enterprise,  against any liability asserted against him and incurred by him
     in  any such capacity, or arising out of his status as such, whether or not
     the  corporation  would  have  the  power  to  indemnify  him  against such
     liability  under  this  Article;

     (g)  The  indemnification  provided  by  this  Article  shall not be deemed
     exclusive of any other rights to which those seeking indemnification may be
     entitled  under  these  Articles of Incorporation, the By-Laws, agreements,
     vote  of the shareholders or disinterested directors, or otherwise, both as
     to  action  in

     the  official  capacity  and as to action in another capacity while holding
     such  office,  and  shall  continue  as  to a person who has ceased to be a
     director  officer,  employee or agent and shall inure to the benefit of the
     heirs  and  personal  representatives  of  such  a  person.

Subject  ot  the laws of the State of Nevada, the shareholders and the Directors
shall  have power to hold their meetings, and Directors shall have power to have
an office or offices and to maintain the books of the Corporation outside of the
State  of Nevada, at such place or places as may from time to time be designated
in  the  By-Laws  or  by  appropriate  resolution.

The  provisions  of  these  Articles of Incorporation may be amended, altered or
repealed from time to time to the extent and in the manner prescribe by the laws
of the State of Nevada, and additional provisions authorized by such laws as are
then  in  fore  may  be  added.  All  rights  herein conferred on the directors,
officers  and  shareholders  are  granted  subject  to  this  reservation.

The  name  and  address  of  the  sole  incorporator  signing  these Articles of
Incorporation  is  as  follows:

     NAME                    POST  OFFICE  ADDRESS

     1.  Marlene  Llorens    2950  East  Flamingo  Road,  Suite  G
                             Las  Vegas,  Clark  County,  Nevada  89121

IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the undersigned President and Secretary has executed these
Restated  Articles  of  Incorporation  this  4th  day  of  September,  1995.

/s/  Melvin  Q.  Thorn
- ----------------------
Melvin Q. Thorn, Jr. President and Secretary, National HealthCare Alliance, Inc.

Secretary of State
204 North Carson Street, Suite 1
Carson City, Nevada 89701-4299
(775) 684-5708
Website:  secretaryofstate.biz

- ---------------------------------------------------------
Certificate of Amendment
(Pursuant to NRS 78.385 and 78.390)
- ---------------------------------------------------------

             Certificate of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
                         For Nevada Profit Corporation

         (Pursuant to NRS 78.385 and 78.390 - After Issuance of Stock)

1.     Name of corporation:


2.     The articles have been amended as follows (provide article numbers, if


               BERMAN HOLDINGS, INC.

3.     The vote by which the stockholders holding shares in the corporation
entitling them to exercise at least a majority of the voting power, or such
greater proportion of the voting power as may be required in the case of a vote
by classes or series, or as may be required by the provisions of the articles of
incorporation have voted in favor of the amendment is:  90%

4.     Effective date of filing (optional): June 9, 2008

5.     Officer signature (required):  /s/ Bruce Berman

*If any proposed amendment would alter or change any preference or any relative
or other right given to any class or series of outstanding shares, then the
amendment must be approved by the vote, in addition to the affirmative vote
otherwise required, of the holders of the shares representing a majority of the
voting power of each class or series affected by the amendment regardless of
limitations or restrictions on the voting power thereof.

IMPORTANT:  Failure to include any of the above information and submit the
proper fees may cause this filing to be rejected.

Secretary of State
204 North Carson Street, Suite 1
Carson City, Nevada 89701-4299
(775) 684-5708
Website:  secretaryofstate.biz

- ---------------------------------------------------------
Certificate of Amendment
(Pursuant to NRS 78.385 and 78.390)
- ---------------------------------------------------------

             Certificate of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
                         For Nevada Profit Corporation

         (Pursuant to NRS 78.385 and 78.390 - After Issuance of Stock)

1.     Name of corporation:

Berman Holdings, Inc. (C7098-1986)

2.     The articles have been amended as follows (provide article numbers, if

4. The capitalization shall be 1,000,000,000 common shares at a par value of

3.     The vote by which the stockholders holding shares in the corporation
entitling them to exercise at least a majority of the voting power, or such
greater proportion of the voting power as may be required in the case of a vote
by classes or series, or as may be required by the provisions of the articles of
incorporation have voted in favor of the amendment is:  51%

4.     Effective date of filing (optional): June 9, 2008

5.     Officer signature (required):  /s/ Bruce Berman

*If any proposed amendment would alter or change any preference or any relative
or other right given to any class or series of outstanding shares, then the
amendment must be approved by the vote, in addition to the affirmative vote
otherwise required, of the holders of the shares representing a majority of the
voting power of each class or series affected by the amendment regardless of
limitations or restrictions on the voting power thereof.

IMPORTANT:  Failure to include any of the above information and submit the
proper fees may cause this filing to be rejected.

Secretary of State
204 North Carson Street, Suite 1
Carson City, Nevada 89701-4299
(775) 684-5708
Website:  secretaryofstate.biz

- ---------------------------------------------------------
Certificate of Amendment
(Pursuant to NRS 78.385 and 78.390)
- ---------------------------------------------------------

             Certificate of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation
                         For Nevada Profit Corporation

         (Pursuant to NRS 78.385 and 78.390 - After Issuance of Stock)

1.     Name of corporation:


2.     The articles have been amended as follows (provide article numbers, if

(Current) Article 1: BERMAN HOLDINGS, INC. (C7098-1986)

(Change to) Article 1: PREPAID CARD HOLDINGS, INC.

3.     The vote by which the stockholders holding shares in the corporation
entitling them to exercise at least a majority of the voting power, or such
greater proportion of the voting power as may be required in the case of a vote
by classes or series, or as may be required by the provisions of the articles of
incorporation have voted in favor of the amendment is:  100%

4.     Effective date of filing (optional): June 9, 2008

5.     Officer signature (required):  /s/ Bruce Berman

*If any proposed amendment would alter or change any preference or any relative
or other right given to any class or series of outstanding shares, then the
amendment must be approved by the vote, in addition to the affirmative vote
otherwise required, of the holders of the shares representing a majority of the
voting power of each class or series affected by the amendment regardless of
limitations or restrictions on the voting power thereof.

IMPORTANT:  Failure to include any of the above information and submit the
proper fees may cause this filing to be rejected.