Exhibit 10.7

                              OEM SUPPLY CONTRACT

Leo  Motors  Co.,  Ltd.  (hereinafter called "X") and Chulin Home Tech Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter called "Y") execute this contract under the following condition for
OEM  production  of  electric  motor  cycles  (hereinafter  called  "Products").

Article  1  [Product]

X  shall  provide  Y  with  product  specifications such as size, color, design,
packaging  method,  etc.  of  Products  to be produced by OEM arrangement, and Y
shall complete Products subject to such specifications and supply the same to X.

Article  2  [Delivery  Price]

1.  The  delivery  price of Products shall be the price including transportation
costs  to  the  place  designated  by  X,  and  shall  be  decided  by  separate
consultation  between  X  and  Y.

2.  The  delivery  price under the above Paragraph 1 may be changed by agreement
between  X  and  Y  if  necessary.

Article  3  [Delivery]

1.  Y  shall  deliver  Products  to  the  place  designated  by X and within the
designated  delivery  time.

2.  When Y cannot deliver Products within the delivery time, Y shall immediately
notify  such  fact  to  X  and  shall  follow  instruction  of  X.

Article  4  [Products  Inspection]

1. Y shall execute in-house inspection before delivery of Products in accordance
with  standard  separately  set  by  X  and  Y.

2.  X  may  inspect  Products at the factory of Y before delivery, and in such a
case,  Y  shall  cooperate  with  such  inspection  by  X.

Article  5  [Trademark]

1.  Y  shall  indicate  trademark,  logo,  and  other  necessary matters of X on
Products  and  package,  etc.  as  instructed  by  X.

2.  Y may not sell Products attaching trademark of X to a third party other than
X,  and use trademark or logo for purposes other than the same of this Contract.

Article  6  [Expected  Order  Placement  Quantity]

X  expects  to  place order of Products exceeding 2,000 units per year to Y, and
quantity  to  be  delivered  shall  be  decided  by  Order  Placement  Plan.

Article  7  [Individual  Contract]

1.  X  shall  submit Expected Order Placement Plan to Y every 3 months one month
before  starting  of  relevant  period  during  contract  period  hereof.

2.  X  shall  place  individual  order  on  Y  in accordance with Expected Order
Placement  Plan  under  the  above Paragraph 1, and purchase Products subject to
conditions  of  individual  order  consented  by  Y.

Individual  purchase  order  shall  be  bound  by  this  Contract.

Article  8  [Defects]

1.  Y  shall  not be held responsible for defects in Products manufactured based
upon  products  specifications  provided  by  X.

2.  Y  shall  be responsible for defects in Products due to its own default, and
defective  Products  shall  be  re-manufactured and delivered in accordance with
instruction of X. All the expense incurred by such re-manufacture shall be borne
by  Y.

Article  9  [Payment]

Y  shall  invoice  the price for delivered Products by end of every month, and X
shall  pay  the  same  to  Y  by  end  of  the  next  month.

Article  10  [Subcontract]

Y  may  not  produce  ordered Products by subcontracting to a third party unless
there  is  a  prior  written  consent  by  X.

Article  11  [Product  Liability]

When  a  third  party  including  user of Products incurs damage due to Products
delivered to X or in relation therewith, Y shall treat the same at its own total
responsibility  and  may  not  impute  any responsibility in relation therewith.

Article  12  [Industrial  Property  Right]

1.  When  disputes  over  industrial property right are incurred between Y and a
third  party  in  relation  with  Products,  Y  shall settle the same at its own
responsibility,  and  when  X  incurs damages due to the same, Y shall indemnify
such  damages. Provided however that disputes over industrial property right due
to  specifications, design, or trademark designated by X shall be responsibility
of  X.

2.  This  clause shall be effective even after expiration of this Contract.

Article  13  [Confidentiality]

X  and  Y  shall not divulge technology or secrets on the job of the other party
known  during  performance  of this Contract and individual contract for 3 years
after  expiration of this Contract as well as during the validity period hereof.

Article  14  [Suspension  of  Production]

When  concluded  that  Products  production  by  Y  outstandingly shows slump or
becomes  impossible,  Y  shall  notify to X the cause thereof by 3 months before
suspension  of  production,  and  final  order  placement  quantity and measures
thereafter  shall  be  consulted.

Article  15  [Termination]

When  the following causes are incurred by X or Y, the other party may terminate
all  or  part  of  this  Contract  and  individual  contract,  and  may  claim
indemnification  of  damages  incurred  thereby.

1.  When  violating clauses of this Contract and individual contract and failing
to  rectify  such  violation  matters  even  after call notice over considerable

2.  When receiving from supervisory authority dispositions such as suspension of
business  and

cancellation  of  business  license  or  business  registration;

3.  When  entering liquidation by becoming subject to auction due to provisional
attachment,  temporary injunction, compulsory execution, or exercise of security
right,  etc.  or  becoming  subject  to  bankruptcy,  composition,  or  company
reorganization,  etc.;  or

4.  When  causes  such  as  suspension  of  payment  or  insolvency,  etc.

Article  16  [Contract  Period]

The  validity  period  hereof  shall  be  2 years as from execution date hereof.
Provided  however  that this Contract shall be automatically renewed for 2 years
unless contract expiration intent is notified in writing to the other party by X
or  Y.

Article  17  [Settlement  of  Disputes]

All  disputes  arising  due  to  this Contract or in relation therewith shall be
finally  settled  by  arbitration  by  Korean  Commercial  Arbitration  Board.

In  witness  whereof,  X  and Y prepare 2 copies of this Contract and retain one
copy  each  thereof  after  respectively  signing  and  affixing  seal  thereon.

                                 April 23, 2009

"X"  Address:  291-1  Hasangok-dong,  Hanam-si,  Gyeonggi-do
     Trade  Name:  Leo  Motors  Inc.
     Representative  Director:  Jung  Yong  Lee  (seal)

"Y"  Address:  Lot  8  Bloc  167,  733-7  Gojan-dong,  Namdong-gu,  Incheon
       Metropolitan  City
     Trade  Name:  Chulin  Home  Tech  Co.,  Ltd.
     Representative  Director:  Inchul  Han  (seal)