WASHINGTON, D. C. 20549

                                  AMENDMENT 3
                                    FORM 10



                                LEO MOTORS, INC.

             ____________________/     Zero-Emmission Vehicle

                                Leo Motors, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 (Name of Small Business Issuer in its charter)

            Delaware                                 95-3909667
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  (State or other jurisdiction            (I. R. S. Employer Identification No.)
of incorporation or organization)

     291-1, Hasangok-dong, Hanam City, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea 465-250
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (Address of principal executive offices)                    (Zip Code)

Issuer's telephone number:     +82 31 796 8805

                                    Copy to:

                                Cutler Law Group
                               9814 Crystal Blvd
                               Baytown, TX 77521
                               Fax: 800-836-0714

Securities to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

               Title of each class           Name of each exchange on which
               to be so registered           each class is to be registered

       None                                  N/A
     --------------------------------     ---------------------------------

Securities to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

                         Common Stock, $0.001 par value

Indicate  by  check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an
accelerated  filer, a non-accelerated filer, or a smaller reporting company. See
definitions  of  "large  accelerated  filer,"  "accelerated filer," and "smaller
reporting  company"  in  Rule  12b-2  of  the  Exchange  Act.  (Check  one):

Large accelerated filer   [ ]         Accelerated filer           [ ]
Non-accelerated filer     [ ]         Smaller reporting company   [X]
(Do not check if a
smaller reporting company)


Item 1.     Description of Business............................................3

Item 1A.    Risk Factors......................................................25

Item 2.     Financial Information.............................................32

Item 3.     Description of Property...........................................39

Item 4.     Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management....41

Item 5.     Directors and Executive Officers, Promoters and Control Persons...43

Item 6.     Executive Compensation............................................47

Item 7.     Certain Relationships and Related Transactions....................48

Item 8.     Legal Proceedings.................................................48

Item 9.     Market Price of and Dividends on the Registrant's Common
            Equity and Related Stockholder Matters............................48

Item 10.    Recent Sales of Unregistered Securities...........................49

Item 11.    Description of Securities.........................................51

Item 12.    Indemnification of Directors and Officers.........................53

Item 13.    Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.......................53

Item 14.    Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants.....................54

Item 15.    Financial Statements and Exhibits.................................54


                                     Page 2



Leo  Motors,  Inc.,  a  Delaware Corporation, through its wholly-owned operating
subsidiary  Leo Motors, Co. Ltd., a Korean Company ("Leozone"), is a development
stage  company  in  the  business  of developing electric vehicles ("EV") and EV

On  September 3, 2007, the Company acquired Leozone (then "Leozone Co. Ltd.") as
its  operating  business, and changed its name to Leo Motors, Inc. on October 2,
2007 to better reflect its operating business.  On November 5, 2007, the Company
changed  its  trading  symbol  from SCMA to LEOM.  The Company also subsequently
changed  the  name  of  Leozone  to  Leo  Motors,  Co.  Ltd.

The  Company  was  originally  incorporated  in  California  as N. Org., Inc. on
December 12, 1983.  The Company changed its name to Natural Organics Corporation
on January 3, 1986, to Classic Auto Accessories of North America on November 18,
1987, and to FCR Automotive Group, Inc. on July 26, 1988.  On September 20, 2004
the  Company  reincorporated  in  Delaware by merging into FCR Automotive Group,
Inc.,  a  Delaware  Corporation,  which  was  organized  on  September  8, 2004.

On  July  26,  2005,  the  Company acquired Shinil Precision Co., Ltd., a Korean
Company,  as  its  operating  business  and on July 18, 2005 changed its name to
Shinil  Precision Machinery, Inc. to reflect its anticipated new business.  Upon
failure  of  certain  terms  and  conditions  of  the acquisition agreement, the
Company  returned the shares of Shinil and recovered and cancelled the Company's
shares  issued  in  the  acquisition.

The Company has not been in bankruptcy, receivership, or any similar proceeding,
and,  to the best knowledge of management, has not defaulted on the terms of any
note,  loan, lease, or other indebtedness or financing arrangement requiring the
issuer  to  make  any material payments.  We had $394,320 in assets, $172,316 in
revenues  and  a  loss  of  $1,007,114 as of and for the year ended December 31,
2007.  We  had $281,222 in assets, $82,435 in revenues and a loss of $166,109 as
of  and  for  the  year  ended  December 31, 2008.  At July 22, 2009 we had cash
reserves  of $577,732.  Our auditor has issued an opinion expressing doubt as to
our  ability  to  continue  as  a  going  concern.


As  defined by generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"), we do not have
any  segments  separate  and  apart  from our business as a whole.  Accordingly,
there  are  no  measures of revenue from external customers, profit and loss, or
total assets aside from what is reported in the Financial Statements attached to
this  Form  10.

                                     Page 3



Leo  Motors,  Inc.,  a  Delaware  Company (the "Company"), through its operating
subsidiary  Leo Motors, Co. Ltd., a Korean Company ("Leozone"), is a development
stage  company  in  the  business  of developing and marketing Electric Vehicles
("EVs")  and  EV  components.  Our  current operations consist of developing the
designs  and  prototypes  of  our EV models, testing, establishing relationships
with  potential  customers,  small  scale  sales  of our EVs, and developing our
business  plan.  Our  ultimate  goal  is  to begin full scale manufacture of our
designs,  enter  the  Global  EV  market  and establish ourselves as a reputable
provider  of  EVs  and  EV  components.

Our  overarching  strategy  is to gain an initial foothold in the EV market as a
niche  supplier,  build  our  reputation  as  a technology leader and a socially
responsible  company,  and  develop our catalog of products and technology while
the  market  for  EV  develops.  We  believe that if we can properly develop our
brand,  reputation,  and  product  capability, then when the improving price and
quality  of EVs collides with the increasing demand, we will be able to reap the


The  following  is  a discussion of our overall business strategy, including our
plan  to gain an initial foothold in the EV market, potential avenues for future
growth, and an overview of the various steps we plan to take and their estimated
costs.  To  implement this plan, we need to successfully complete the testing of
our  products  and  obtain sufficient financing. If we are not successful in the
testing  of our products and in obtaining financing, there is a significant risk
that  we  will  not  be  able  to  continue  as  a  going  concern.

Initial  Strategy
- -----------------

Initially,  our  strategy  is  to  gain  a foothold in the market by focusing on
custom  orders  by fleets and sales of our EV components to other EV and Plug-in
Hybrid  EV  ("PHEV")  makers.

A  major  source  of  our initial operations will be to supply customized EVs to
fleets  such  as  logistics  operators,  government  offices,  and bigger retail
companies-anyone who operates and manages a significant number vehicles from one
location.  We  intend  to  develop  vehicles  such  as delivery vehicles, taxis,
police  and  government  office  cars,  military  vehicles, resort vehicles, and
driving  school  cars.  The development of vehicles is highly capital-intensive,
and  will require significant additions to capital as well as several additional
steps.  If  we are unable to obtain sufficient funding, complete development and
testing, secure manufacturing partners, or meet the standards of applicable laws
and  regulations, we may be unable to initiate this aspect of our business plan.

Along  with  being  a  fleet EV supplier, we intend to manufacture and market EV
components.  Once  we  have  obtained  sufficient  financing  and  completed the
development  of  these  components,  we  intend  to  diversify  our  business by
marketing  our components to other EV and PHEV makers, and possibly to major car
manufacturers  if  they  enter  the  EV  market.  If  we  ar

                                     Page 4

unable  to  obtain  sufficient funding, complete development and testing, secure
manufacturing  partners,  or  meet  the  standards  of  applicable  laws  and
regulations,  we  may  be  unable  to  initiate this aspect of our business plan

Future  Expansion  Potential
- ----------------------------

As  our  branding,  our  products  and  the  EV  market  as  a  whole  develops,
opportunities  to  expand into other areas of the EV market will open up for us.
One potential avenue is the mass production and marketing of consumer EVs, which
would  be an extremely high-risk, high-reward venture.  On the opposite extreme,
we  could  attempt  to  develop  the  Leo  Motors  brand as a niche leader in EV

With  the improving technology of EVs, several other niches may become possible.
We have already developed design concepts for electric boats, scooters and three
wheeled  vehicles.  Other  options  we may explore include lightweight aircraft,
sports  cars,  utility  vehicles, and smart low speed vehicles for the disabled.
Our  management  will  determine which projects present the best opportunity for
expansion  of  the  Company  as  the  Company  and  the  market  develops.

In  addition  to  focusing or broadening the scope of our products, we intend to
expand  our  business  by  entering  new potential markets.  One of our specific
goals  is  to  enter  the  U.S.  market by the end of 2009.  If we are unable to
timely  finance  our  operations, entering the U.S. market will not be feasible.

Steps toward Implementation
- ---------------------------

The  two  aspects  of our business plan are the development and sale of our EVs,
and  the  development  and  sales  of  our  EV  components.

We  have  already  completed  our  first  step  in  the implementation of our EV
business plan: initial product design.  Although we intend to continue to design
and  develop  new  EV  models,  it  was critical to develop our initial cache of
designs  in  order  to  progress  towards generating a recurring revenue stream.

Our  next  step is the development of working prototypes of our EV models, which
is  also  currently  underway.  As  discussed  in  more  detail in "Our Electric
Vehicle  Designs"  below, we have completed working prototypes, or test cars and
models,  of  some  of our current designs.  We anticipate that completion of the
prototypes we are currently working on will cost approximately $1,000,000 before
we have fully implemented our business.  After the development of prototypes, we
must pilot test the models, which we anticipate will cost approximately $300,000
to  test  our  current  prototypes  and the prototypes on which we are currently
working.  Completion  of  EV  development  depends  on  obtaining  sufficient
financing.  If  we  are  unable  to  raise  that amount, we will attempt to form
partnerships  in  order  to  finance the development of our EVs, in exchange for
regional  or international manufacturing rights or other such incentives.  There
is  no  guarantee  that  we  will  be  able  to  find  such  partners.

                                     Page 5

At  the  same  time as the development of our EVs, we will be working toward the
development  of  our  EV  component  technology.  We  anticipate  it  will  cost
approximately  $2,000,000 in further development before our components are ready
for  production.  As  with  EV  development, completion of component development
depends on obtaining sufficient financing, and if we do not raise that amount we
will  attempt  to  form  partnerships  to  finance  component  development.

The  next  step  is  to  develop  production capabilities of both our EVs and EV
components.  We  intend  to  initially either outsource production or enter into
joint  ventures  for  the  production  of  our electric vehicles and components.
Accordingly,  we  do  not expect the development of production capabilities will
represent  a  significant  cost.  Once  we  have entered into agreements for the
production  of  our  EVs  and components, we can begin full scale production and
build  our  inventory.  We  anticipate  these  steps  will  cost  approximately
$600,000,  $500,000  of  which  is attributable to the development of production
capability,  and  $100,000  of  which  represents costs of developing inventory.

One  crucial  step that we have begun is the marketing and sales of our product,
which  can occur at many steps in the development process.  Once we have designs
we  can  market  them  to potential fleet customers.  Our marketing efforts will
continue  throughout  our  implementation  process; we anticipate marketing will
cost  us  approximately  $200,000  before we have fully implemented our business

The  steps  toward  implementing  our  business  plan  can  be summarized by the
following  table:

     -----------------------  -----------------  ----------------------
     Initial Design                         N/A  Completed
     Initial Prototypes       $       1,000,000  In process
     EV Testing               $         300,000  In process
     Component Development    $       2,000,000  In process
     Production Capability    $         500,000  Varies by Model
     Production of Inventory  $         100,000  October 2009
     Marketing & Sales        $         200,000  In process
     -----------------------  -----------------  --------------------
     TOTAL                    $       4,100,000

To  date  we  have  raised approximately 1,776,200 in debt and equity financing,
approximately  $1,100,000  of  which  will  be  applied  towards  these  costs.
Accordingly  we  will  require  a  minimum  of  about  $3,000,000  in additional
financing  to  implement  our  initial  business  plan;  however  we are seeking
approximately  $10,000,000  in  total  financing in order to fully implement our
long  term  plans,  which  may include the development of additional designs and
exploring  the  possibility  of  developing  our own manufacturing capabilities.
Until  we  receive these funds, we intend to focus on manufacturing our electric
motor  cycles  and  scooters  with our manufacturing partner.  If the funding is
delayed,  we  will find attempt to find a manufacturing partner who will finance
the  test  and  development  of  other  production  ready  models.

Our fundraising efforts to date include attending road shows in December 2008 in
New York and San Francisco, and beginning discussions with investment banks.  On
May 27, 2009 we entered into a loan agreement with Shin Han Bank for 500,000,000
Korean Wan (approximately

                                     Page 6

$400,000),  which  was  guaranteed  by  KIBO  Technology  Fund.  We  continue to
negotiate with other financial institutions in and out of Korea, as well as with
venture  capital  firms.

Our  other efforts include private offerings to some of our business contacts in
Korea, which to date has resulted in approximately $440,000 in equity financing.


We  have  entered  into  the following agreements or memoranda for the potential
sales  of  our  products  and  our  services:

Bike  Lease  Electric  Motor  Cycles
- ------------------------------------

We  have  entered  into  an agreement with Bike Lease in Korea, which is a motor
cycle  leasing  company,  to  provide  them with our electric motor cycles.  The
agreement calls for the purchase of 3,000 units annually at a price of 3,500,000
Korean  Won  (approximately  $3,000).  Accordingly,  we  expect approximately $9
million  in  revenues  per year from this agreement.  The per unit manufacturing
price  of  our  manufacturing  partner, Chulin Home Tech Co., Ltd., has not been
determined  so  we  cannot  estimate  costs  of  sales  at  this  time.

Fulfillment of the Bike Lease agreement is conditional on the successful testing
by  Bike Lease of our production ready model.  Bike Lease was satisfied with our
initial  test  model,  but  in many cases the mass production model is different
from  the  test version because of the production cost factors, scale production
difficulties,  and  lack  of  production  capabilities.  We  cannot  therefore
guarantee  that  the  testing  of  the  production  model  will  be  successful.

We  have  contracted with Chulin Home Tech Co., Ltd. to manufacture the electric
motor  cycles  for  Bike  Lease.  Production  is conditional on Chulin receiving
adequate  funds,  and  so  Bike  Lease  must  pay the 30% of the total amount in
advance,  40% 30 days after initiation of production, and 30% when receiving the
products.  In  addition,  Chulin  cannot  accommodate  more than 1,000 units per

Puerto  Princesa  e-Taxis
- -------------------------

We  have  entered  into  an  agreement  with  the government of Puerto Princesa,
Phillipines  to  supply  2,500  e-Taxis  in Puerto Princesa The e-Taxi agreement
requires  us  to  pay  $300,000  into  the joint venture. We expect the consumer
purchase  price  to be about $4,000, which includes a $2,500 government subsidy.
Accordingly,  we  expect  revenues  of  about  239056054$10 million239056054MGCM
Gregory  Cutler2390560541725486146I  changed  this  from  $20 million because it
equals  2,500 units multiplied by $4,000 per unit for the sales of the vehicles,
with  costs  of  sales and distribution expected to be $2 million plus 2 million
shares  of  our  common  stock.

The  production of the e-Taxis is currently delayed because the required initial
capital  has  not  been  paid  into  the joint venture. We have currently raised
sufficient  funding  to  satisfy our obligation to pay $300,000 into it, however
the  city government has not yet paid its initial required contribution of Php14
million  (approximately $300,000). We expect that the venture will be funded and
will  begin  production  by  December  2009,  and  will begin receiving revenues

                                     Page 7

by  February  2010, however we cannot guarantee that we or the city will be able
to  obtain  adequate  financing  to  do  so.

Thailand  Reverse  Tricycle  Scooters
- -------------------------------------

We  have signed a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with Global Electric Motor
Cars  Asia  Co.,  Ltd.  in Thailand ("GEM Thailand") to develop, manufacture and
supply  Reverse  Tricycle  Scooters.  The  MOU  anticipates  the  execution of a
definitive  agreement,  but  currently  is  not  an  enforceable  contract.  GEM
Thailand  has  asked  that  we  contribute approximately $150,000 into the joint
venture  to  undertake  developing,  manufacturing,  and  selling  the  Reverse
Tricycles.  Accordingly,  until  we are adequately funded we will not be able to
execute  a  definitive  agreement,  and potential revenues cannot be determined.

MGM  Studio  City  (Korea)  Tourism  Vehicle
- --------------------------------------------

Effective  November  22,  2006, we entered into an agreement with CUSCO Group of
Seoul,  Korea,  for the development and design of the traffic and transportation
means  (mobile  vehicles,  monorails,  etc.)  to  be  available  internally  and
externally  in  the  theme  park  complex for the users of MGM Studio City.  MSC
Korea,  a  subsidiary of CUSCO Group, has been authorized by MGM Film Co. of USA
to  build  MGM  Studio City in Inchon, Korea.  Under the agreement, our services
include  research  and  development, economic feasibility of the moving path and
the  operation  system, technical feasibility study, and development and testing
of  the  transportation means selected.  Total amount to be paid to us under the
contract  is  1,500,000,000  Korean  Won (about $990,000 at the current exchange

The  agreement with CUSCO expires Dec 31 2010.  Under the agreement, the Company
delivered a V1 resort EV to CUSCO, and the sales amount of $462,107 was recorded
as  revenue  in  March  2009.  CUSCO  has  suspended the MGM Studio City project
currently  until negotiations with the local government to purchase the land are
completed.  During  this time we have stopped providing any services or products
to  CUSCO,  therefore  we  cannot  expect any further revenue from the agreement
within  near  future.

                                     Page 8


Multi Copper Plate Motor
- ------------------------


EVs  use  electric motors as power trains. These EV motors are sometimes used in
harsh  environments  such  as in wet conditions and on rough or dusty roads, and
must  also  perform  well  in  extremely  cold  or  warm  weather.

We  Instead  of  using  existing  electric motors which may or may not have been
specifically  designed  to  withstand  these  conditions,  we  developed  an
EV-specialized  motor  named Multi Copper Plate ("MPC") motor. Our MCP Motor has
multiple  copper  plates and bars instead of coils and/or a permanent magnet. In
addition,  the  MCP  Motor has the capability of electricity regeneration: using
the  wheels,  it  can  regenerate  some  of  its  expended  electricity.

We  are  in the process of applying for a patent for our MCP Motor. The expected
cost  of  completing  the  development  and  beginning  the  mass  production of
30  Kw, 7 Kw, and 5 Kw MCP motors is $1,000,000. We can develop the MCP Motor by
January  of  2010,  and  start  production  from  March  2010,  if we secure the
development  funds  by  May  2009.  The development is in the engineering design
stage  now.

We  intend  to  begin  mass  production  of  the MCP Motor through an outsourced
supplier by November 2009, which supplier will be selected by September 2009. We
are  in  the  process  of  applying  for  a  patent  for  our  MCP  Motor.

Multi Motor System
- ------------------

We believe we have overcome one of the primary barriers to cost-efficient larger
and  faster  vehicles.  Larger or faster vehicles require bigger, higher powered
motors  and  higher  voltage  batteries.  For  EVs,  an  increase  in  power has
traditionally  meant  an  exponentially  disproportionate increase in cost; e.g.
while  a  60  kW  motor  and  controller  costs approximately $2,000 on the open
market,  a  240  kW  motor  and controller costs around $20,000. Our Multi Motor
System  ("MMS")  uses  four  60  kW  motors instead of one 240 kW motor. Costing
around  $8,000,  it is less than half the cost, and we believe it may have other
benefits  as  well.

One benefit multiple motors may have is that it distributes the power among four
motors,  which is a potentially more efficient method of generating wheel power.
Another  is  the  energy saving potential of being able to operate anywhere from
one  low  powered  motor  to  all  four,  depending  on the driving mode.  After
accelerating  to  top  speed using all four motors of the MMS, the EV can switch
off  all  but  one  small motor to expend the minimal amount of energy needed to
maintain cruising speeds.  Also, our system results in changing the high voltage
system  of  larger  and  faster  EVs  to  a  low  voltage  system,  360V to 72V.


                                     Page 9

Finally,  the  MMS  may increase EV safety by reducing the risks involved with a
motor  breakdown.  Much  like  a  multiple  engine jetliner, when something goes
wrong  with  one of the motors, the other three are able to keep working and get
the  driver  to  safety.

We  have  completed  successful pilot testing of the four motor MMS, and hope to
begin  manufacturing  by  October 2009.  We also plan in the future to develop a
120  kW MMS by using two 60 kW for a mini bus.  This project will not be started
until  we  receive  an  order.  We  do not have any intention to develop any MMS
power  train  without  orders  for  120  kW  or  above  sized  power  trains.

Multi  Channel  Battery  Management  System
- -------------------------------------------

We have developed our own state of the art Battery Management System ("BMS").  A
BMS controls the flow of electricity charging and discharging the battery peck,
keeps the battery temperature stable, and maintains the battery cell balance.
The uncontrolled flow of electricity would destroy high priced Lithium Polymer
battery cells, but a BMS constantly maintains the battery's efficiency and


We  have  designed  our  Multi  Channel  BMS to fully integrate with the driving
experience.  Information  from  the  battery  is  incorporated into the on-board
computer,  so  that the driver can check the full detail of the battery's status
and  more  effectively  manage the battery. In addition, since we are developing
our  BMS  ourselves  we can incorporate this state of the art component into our
vehicles  at  cost,  meaning  a  lower  end-user  price.

We  have  already  finished  the development of BMS for 48, 53, 72, 144, and 300
Volts.  We  have  preliminarily  agreed to outsource the mass production to Nano
GP.  Once the definitive agreement is signed, the mass production can be started
anytime  on an order basis.  We intend to file for patents of our BMS designs in
October  2009.

Refeulable Zinc Air-Fueled Cell Power Pack
- ------------------------------------------

We  have  recently  developed,  completed  initial testing of, and applied for a
patent for the Refuelable Zinc Air-Fueled Cell ("ZAFC") power pack.  Previously,
we  reported  that we were going to make a rechargeable ZAFC power pack with the
company  who  invented  ZAFC  battery.  We  found  that  our  development with a
refuelable  type  would  be  more efficient as a power pack for EVs as it can be
used  as  the  generator  for  the zero emission Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
(PHEV).  The  Refuelable ZAFC power pack can generate electricity as it oxidizes
tiny  zinc  balls.  We  developed  the  automatic  fueling  devices  and  sludge
collection  filters.

The  expected cost of completing the production of working prototype, pilot test
model,  and  mass  production  ready  model  is $1,000,000.  Provided we receive
adequate  funding,  we  can finish the mass production model by 2010.  Delays in
financing  may  result  in  delays  in  production.

                                   Page 10

In  addition,  our power pack was requested to be developed as the power storage
system for wind or solar powered buildings and generators by customers in Japan,
Korea,  and UAE.  We intend to finish the prototype for these power packs during
September  2009,  and plan to sell them to these customers beginning in October.

EV  Conversion  Kit
- -------------------

In  April,  2009,  we  developed and completed testing of our EV Conversion Kit,
pictured  below.  The  kit  is  a  result  of  our EV component development, and
includes  (from  left)  60  kW water cooled AC motor, converter with driving and
whipping  mode,  30  kW  lithium  polymer  battery power pack with multi channel
battery  management  system,  home  charger,  and  transmission connecting gear.


The  kit  was successfully installed and tested on a Kia Morning model, pictured
to  the  right.  The converted Kia achieved speeds of 100 mph and a range of 150
miles  on  a  single  charge,  going  from  zero  to sixty mph in eight seconds.

Our  conversion  solution  can  be  used in any type of small to midsize vehicle
platform  (2,000  cc  engines  or  below),  for  any  manufacturer.  Using Leo's
solution, cars can be converted to electric vehicles for real world use both for
high-speed  highway  and  city  traffic.

Our long term goal is to convert and sell existing vehicle bodies into EVs,
however unless and until we find a partner to supply vehicle bodies we intend to
market the kit separately, as well as our services in converting customers'

                                   Page 11


Development  of  our  EV  designs  begins  with a concept.  After the concept is
verified in market research, we develop the concept design, and then engineering
design  using  clay  models  or  3  dimensional  computer  graphics.  From  the
engineering  designs,  we  develop  a prototype test vehicle individually in our
shop,  using methods standard to the automotive manufacturing industry.  We test
the  prototype  to  collect the necessary data to make a production ready model.
Using  the data achieved in the test, we or our manufacturing partner builds the
manufacturing  model  using  methods  standard  to  the automotive manufacturing

We  have  already  developed  several  EV  designs,  some  of which have working
prototypes  and  have completed initial pilot testing, and some of which we have
manufacturing  models  ready to begin production upon adequate funding.  The SGK
and  Reverse  Tricycle  Scooter  are  in the design phase and have no prototypes
built to date.  We have not begun commercial production of any of our designs to

S-65  Sport  Utility  Vehicle
- -----------------------------

The S-65 Sport Utility Vehicle was developed using the body of Toyota's Rav 4 as
a regular speed E-SUV.  We have finished the prototype of the S-65 and completed
successful initial testing of the prototype.  We will need further financing in
order to develop a production ready model and test it.

Once  we  develop  and  test  the  production  model, the S-65 will be initially
available  on an order basis only. When taking the order, we must receive 50% of
the  total  order  amount  because  we  also  need  to  pay 50% of the costs for
purchasing  the  parts, components, and labor. Our parts costs are about $25,000


                    ----------  ----------------  -----------------
                    Dimensions  Overall Length    3850 mm/12.6 ft
                                Overall Width     1785 mm/5.85 ft
                                Overall Height    1665 mm/5.46 ft
                                Wheelbase         2280 mm/7.48 ft
                                Tread             1480 mm/4.85 ft
                                Road Clearance    250 mm/.82 in
                                Vehicle Weight    1200 kg/2645.5
                                Riding Capacity   2 seater/4 seater
                    ----------  ----------------  -----------------
                    Speed       Max. Speed        184 kmh/68 mph
                                Economic Speed    60 kmh/37.2 mph
                    ----------  ----------------  -----------------
                                Gradability       16
                    ----------  ----------------  -----------------
                    Suspension  Front             shock absorber
                                Rear              shock absorber
                    ----------  ----------------  -----------------
                    Brakes      Front             disk
                                Rear              disk
                    ----------  ----------------  -----------------
                    Tire        Front             235/60 R13
                                Rear              235/60 R13
                    ----------  ----------------  -----------------
                                Transmission      Semi auto

                                   Page 12

                    ----------  ----------------  -----------------
                    Power       Motor Type        AC
                                Rated Power       30kw/40hp
                                Max. Power        70kw/100hp
                                Battery Type      Lithium Polymer
                                Battery Capacity  172V/200A
                                Charger           110V/100Ah
                                Controller        AC
                    ----------  ----------------  -----------------

Leo  SGK  Passenger  and  Utility  Vehicles
- -------------------------------------------

The  SGK  is  a  compact  two seat vehicle originally designed by LEOM for short
range  transportation  or  utility work.  The SGK can be customized into several
types including a regular speed E-passenger vehicle and both a regular speed and
low  speed  E-utility  vehicle.


The  utility SGK will be developed as a delivery vehicle, farming utility truck,
and service fleet vehicle.  We will be able to produce a regular speed SGK using
a  LIPO  battery,  and  a  low  speed  SGK  with  a  deep  cycle  battery.

Development  of  the  prototype  of the SGK has been delayed due to insufficient
financing.  We  are currently negotiating to outsource the production of the SGK
with  an  outside  manufacturer,  who  will  build  the  prototype  based on our
engineering  designs.  Both  types of SGK will be initially marketed on an order
basis  like the S-65.  We hope to have each of our SGK models ready for by-order
manufacturing  by  October,  2009.

                    ----------  ----------------  ---------------
                    Dimensions  Overall Length    3300mm/10.82ft
                                Overall Width     1540mm/5.05ft
                                Overall Height    1700mm/5.57ft
                                Wheelbase         2350mm/7.70ft
                                Tread             1347mm/4.41ft
                                Road Clearance    200mm/7.87in
                                Vehicle Weight    700kg/1543lb
                                Riding Capacity   4 seater
                    ----------  ----------------  ---------------
                    Speed       Max. Speed        130 kmh/80mph
                                Economic Speed    60kmh/37.2mph
                    ----------  ----------------  ---------------
                                Drive Distance    400km/248mi
                    ----------  ----------------  ---------------
                    Suspension  Front             shock
                                Rear              shock
                    ----------  ----------------  ---------------
                    Brakes      Front             disk
                                Rear              disk
                    ----------  ----------------  ---------------
                    Tire        Front             195/60 R14
                                Rear              195/60 R14
                    ----------  ----------------  ---------------
                                Transmission      auto
                    ----------  ----------------  ---------------
                    Power       Motor Type        PMDC
                                Rated Power       25kw/32.5hp
                                Max. Power        50kw/65hp
                                Battery Type      Lithium Polymer
                                Battery Capacity  72V/150A
                                Charger           72V/50Ah
                                Controller        PMDC
                    ----------  ----------------  ---------------

                                   Page 13

*  Above  specification  were  developed  from  our  engineering  designs  and
development  goals.  These may change due to technical issues in mass production
or  laws  and  regulations  of  the  region  where  the  vehicles  are  sold.

V1  Tourism  Vehicle
- --------------------

The  V1  is  Resort/Tourism  vehicle  originally designed by LEOM.  Based on the
concept  behind  existing  resort  and tourism vehicles, the V1 was designed for
transporting  passengers around resorts and other tourist destinations.  We have
agreed  to  a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with Bolwell Co., Ltd., one of
the  largest  resort marketers in Australia to distribute the V1 or other EVs in
Australia.  The  Australian  resort  vehicle  market  is  approximately  20,000
vehicles  per  year.  Entry  into  a  definitive agreement with Bolwell has been
delayed due to insufficient funding.  Unless we can obtain sufficient financing,
this  MOU  may  be  further  delayed  or  terminated.

We have developed and sold one V1 prototype pursuant to our agreement with CUSCO
group.  Further rollout of the V1 will depend on financing, government approval,
and the development of production capabilities.  We have produced three V1
prototypes in January, 2009 for pilot testing, and have yet to determine our
targeted roll out date or approximate cost of production.  In addition,
production will be dependent on the availability of sufficient financing, or
will be completed on an order basis with some or all of the purchase price paid
up front.


                    ----------  ----------------  --------------
                    Dimensions  Overall Length    4325mm/14ft
                                Overall Width     1550mm/5ft
                                Overall Height    2030mm/66.66ft
                                Wheelbase         3165mm/10.38ft
                                Tread             1480mm/4.85ft
                                Road Clearance    250mm/9in
                                Vehicle Weight    1300kg/1.43ton
                                Riding Capacity   11 seater
                    ----------  ----------------  --------------
                    Speed       Max. Speed        55kmh/34mph
                                Economic Speed    30kmh/18mph
                    ----------  ----------------  --------------
                                Gradiblility      10
                    ----------  ----------------  --------------
                    Suspension  Front             shock
                                Rear              shock
                    ----------  ----------------  --------------
                    Brakes      Front             disk
                                Rear              disk
                    ----------  ----------------  --------------
                    Tire        Front             165/65 R13
                                Rear              165/65 R13
                    ----------  ----------------  --------------
                                Transmission      auto

                                   Page 14

                    ----------  ----------------  --------------
                    Power       Motor Type        DC
                                Rated Power       9kw/12hp
                                Max. Power        15kw/20hp
                                Battery Type      deep cycle
                                Battery Capacity  72V/250A
                                Charger           72V/50Ah
                                Controller        SEPX
                    ----------  ----------------  --------------

Delivery and Passenger Scooters
- -------------------------------

We  had  previously  developed two models of electric scooters, the S 3 and S 5,
but  these  models  failed  pilot testing due to unforeseen issues with in-wheel
motors.  As  a  result  we  have developed our Hilless Electric Scooters using a
central  motor  and  chain  or  belt.


The Hilless Business (pictured left), was developed to sell to fleet customers
in the delivery business such as the post office, TV/Internet home shopping,
Pizza, and courier services.  We have completed the prototype and are testing
it.  The Hilless Business prototype has a top speed of 50 mph with range of 60
miles (as tested on a track with 48 volt, 53 ampere power pack) per single
charge.  It ran hills more than 30 degree for 1.25 miles.  Hilless Business uses
a lithium Polymer power pack including the Ultra BMS which balances the voltage
differences among battery cells within 0.05~0.01 volt.


We plan to produce the Hilless Business for Bike Lease with 30% down payments
starting in October of 2009 after proper tests by Bike Lease.  If testing fails
the order can be delayed or cancelled.  We will not sell this model to general
consumers, and will not carry any inventory except 5 demo bikes.

We have also developed the Hilless City scooter (pictured right) which also uses
a central motor and chain or belt.  The Hilless City can run with max speed of
37 mph with range of 75 miles (as tested on a track with 48 volt, 50 ampere
power pack).

Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV)
- ------------------------

Requested from Hyundai Rotem, one of the largest companies in the Korean Defense
Industry,  we  have developed a multipurpose strategic vehicle, or tank, for the
Korean  military.  An original design named the Fast Attack Vehicle ("FAV"), the
vehicle  can  be  manned  or  unmanned  and  has  remote  deployable  robotic
capabilities.  Its  6x6  in-wheel  motor system control with steering column and
skid drive control provides it the ability to traverse various harsh terrain and
the  ability  to  turn  around  360  degrees  in  one  spot.

                                   Page 15

It  is  well  equipped  with  an  advanced  GPS  and  laser  scan technology for
intelligent  3D geometrical navigation.  Additional features include specialized
control  technology  to  accomplish fast target tracking with silence and speed.

We  have  developed the design and a working prototype for the FAV.  The working
prototype  was  sold, and we will not begin further production  until we receive
definitive  orders from the military, because this vehicle does not have general
market.  We  have  not  developed our expected sale price or business model with
respect  to  the  FAV,  and  have  not  entered into any definitive agreement to
manufacture  or  sell  the  FAV.


               Max Speed                50kmh/31mph
               -----------------------  --------------------------
               Dimension                3.1m*2.1m*1.6m(L*W*H)
               -----------------------  --------------------------
                                        6*6 In wheel
               Type                     (Drive by wire)
               -----------------------  --------------------------
               Seater                   1 seater (manual-option)
               -----------------------  --------------------------
               Max. Weight              2.5 Tons
               -----------------------  --------------------------
               Suspension               double wishbone
               -----------------------  --------------------------
               Motor                    In wheel motor
               -----------------------  --------------------------
               Steering type            skid steering
               -----------------------  --------------------------
               Wheel/Tire               Skid
               -----------------------  --------------------------
               Battery                  Lithium Polymer (172V200A)
               -----------------------  --------------------------
               Waterproof/Radiant heat  IP64
               -----------------------  --------------------------

E-Princesa  Taxi
- ----------------

We  have  reached  an  agreement  with  the  city government of Puerto Princesa,
Philippines  to  supply  2,500  Taxis  in  Puerto Princesa in order to solve its
growing  pollution  and  gas  price  problems  with its existing tricycle taxis.
Named  the  E-Princesa,  the taxi is a Low Speed Vehicle-"LSV", a vehicle with a
maximum  speed  of  less  than  60  kph-and  is an original design by LEOM.  Our
agreement  with  Puerto  Princesa represents not only the sale of LSV taxis, but
the  opportunity  to  pilot test multiple thousand LSV taxis.  This will save us
the  expense  of  pilot  testing  the  vehicle  ourselves.


Pursuant to the agreement, the Company will provide parts, will provide $300,000
in  capital,  and  will operate the joint venture.  The city will provide Php200
million  (approximately  $4.2  million)  in capital over the course of the joint
venture, including an initial payment of Php14 million (approximately $300,000).
The  agreement contemplates entry into a definitive Joint Venture Agreement that
has  not  been  completed.

Our  business model under the Agreement is to allow tricycle drivers to spend no
more  on  monthly  payments  for the eTaxi than they currently spend on fuel for
their  current  vehicles:  the  total  purchase  price  of about $4,000 would be
reduced  to  about  $2,500  by government subsidy and trade-in value, which then
would  cost  approximately $80 per month on typical financing terms. Added to an
estimated  $100  per  month  charge  for  renting  and  swapping  the  eTaxi's

                                   Page 16

battery, and drivers pay no more than the $180 per month that they are currently
paying  for  gasoline/petrol.  We  anticipate  revenue  from  the  e-Princessa
beginning  in  February  2010.

The  city  government  has already secured Php 200 million in order to subsidize
approximately  $2,500  per  eTaxi.  The  agreement  calls for a minimum of 2,500
units  which  would  provide  the  Company  with  approximately  $10  million in
revenues,  not  including  costs  of  sales  such as our distribution fee to SEA
Motors. We are in the process of developing the E-Princesa.  We expected to have
three  prototype  models  delivered  by  March  2009,  but this schedule will be
delayed  because  the  joint  venture  company  has  not  received  the required
approximately  $600,000  payment  for  the  prototypes.

The  city  and  Leo Motors are required to invest about $300,000 each as initial
paid-in  capital,  none  of  which  has  been  paid.  Our  goal  is  to  begin
manufacturing  starting  in  December,  2009,  and  begin  receiving revenues in
Debruary  2010,  however  delays in obtaining financing may result in the futher
delay  or  cancellation  of  this  agreement.

                    ----------  ---------------  -------------
                    Dimensions  Overall Length   3300mm/10ft
                                Overall Width    1540mm/5ft
                                Overall Height   1700mm/5ft
                                Wheel Base       2350mm/7ft
                                Tread            1347mm/53in
                                Road Clearance   200mm/8in
                                Vehicle Weight   400kg/881lb
                                Riding Capacity  4 seater
                    ----------  ---------------  -------------
                    Speed       Max. Speed       50kmh/31mph
                                Economic Speed   30kmh/18mph
                    ----------  ---------------  -------------
                    Suspension  Front            Shock
                                Rear             Shock
                    ----------  ---------------  -------------
                    Brake       Front            Disk
                                Rear             Disk
                    ----------  ---------------  -------------
                    Tire        Front            2.75 - 17 41P
                                Rear             2.75 - 17 41P
                    ----------  ---------------  -------------
                                Transmission     Auto
                    ----------  ---------------  -------------
                    Power       Motor Type       ML-BLDC
                                Rated Power      5kw/6hp
                                Max. Power       10kw/13.1hp
                                Battery Type     48v/53a
                                Charger          48v/20ah
                                Controller Type  ML-BLDC
                    ----------  ---------------  -------------

Reverse  Tricycle  Scooter
- --------------------------


We have signed an MOU to form a joint venture with Global Electric Motor Cars
Asia Co., Ltd. in Thailand ("GEM Thailand") to develop a reverse tricycle
scooter.  The joint venture will create Leo Motorcars Co. Ltd. (Thailand)
("LMT") which will develop and operate the venture.  The MOU anticipates the
execution of a definitive agreement, but currently is not an enforceable
contract.  GEM Thailand has asked that we contribute approximately $150,000 into
the joint venture to to undertake developing, manufacturing, and

                                   Page 17

selling  the  Reverse Tricycles.  Accordingly, until we are adequately funded we
will  not  be  able  to  execute  a definitive agreement, and potential revenues
cannot  be  determined.  Delays  in obtaining sufficient financing may result in
cancellation  of  the  MOU.

Development  Schedule  of  Our  Products
- ----------------------------------------

The  following  is an overview of the stage and targeted manufacture date of our
EVs  and  components:

PRODUCT                              STAGE               TARGET
- -----------------------------------  ------------------  -------------
Multi Copper Plate Motor             Engineering Design  March 2010
Multi Motor System                   Pilot Test          October 2009
Multi Channel BMS                    Manufacture- Ready  N/A*
Refuelable ZAFC Power Pack           Engineering Design  August 2010
Power Pack for Wind/Solar Buildings  Engineering Design  October 2010
S 65                                 Working Prototype   N/A*
SGK                                  Working Prototype   February 2010
V1                                   Working Prototype   N/A*
Delivery Motorcycle                  Manufacture-Ready   N/A*
Scooter                              Manufacture-Ready   N/A*
E-Princesa Taxi                      Engineering Design  December 2009
Reverse Tricycle Scooter             Working Prototype   March 2010
Fast Attack Vehicle                  Working Prototype   N/A*

*  Further  progress  towards manufacturing is dependent on additional financing
and/or  placement  of  orders;  accordingly,  there  is  no  current  targeted
manufacturing  date.

"Target" means the expected month when mass production can be started. We are in
the  process  of  seeking  financing  for  the  cost  of  completing the working
prototype  and beginning mass production.  If the financing is delayed or is not
made,  the  target  month  will  be  accordingly  delayed, or the project may be


The  market for Electric Vehicles represents a narrow but rapidly growing sector
in  the overall vehicle market.  Currently the most productive market for EVs is
fleet  operators,  that  is, any organization that operates many vehicles from a
central  location,  primarily  government  agencies  and large companies.  These
organizations  include  delivery  operations, taxis, police and other government
offices,  the  military,  resorts, municipal bus lines, and rental car agencies.

The  consumer  market  for  EVs is still relatively small due to high prices and
lack  of EV infrastructure, however it is growing and is expected to continue to
grow as the technology and price of EVs improves.  As with the most new products
that  are  different  from  established  norms,  it  is impossible to accurately
forecast  the  market  for  EVs.  The future market for consumer EVs will depend
greatly  on the availability of EV infrastructure and the actions of governments
with  respect  to  EVs.

                                   Page 18


Currently  our operations consist of development of our products and technology,
and  marketing.  Although  we  plan  to have several manufacturing facilities or
partnerships  throughout  Asia  and  possibly  Australia, Europe, and the United
States,  we currently do not have any manufacturing facilities and have only one
manufacturing  partner.

Research  and  Development
- --------------------------

We  conduct all of our research and development ("R&D") in-house at our workshop
and  offices in South Korea. In 2007 we spent approximately $577,112 on research
and  development  activities.  Our  R&D activities in 2007 are summarized in the
following  table:

ITEM            MODEL                        STATUS             Amount(US$)
- --------------  ---------------------------  -----------------  -----------
Parts & System  BLDC  MOTOR                  Completed               78,000
                ---------------------------  -----------------  -----------
                BMS (battery
                management system)           Completed               37,871
- --------------  ---------------------------  -----------------  -----------
Scooter         Electric Scooter             Continue in 2008       103,763
- --------------  ---------------------------  -----------------  -----------
Other           EV3 (Neighborhood            Started in 2006;
Vehicles        Electric Vehicle)            Completed in 2007        6,360
                ---------------------------  -----------------  -----------
                S-15(Sport Utility Vehicle)  Continue in 2008        59,790
                ---------------------------  -----------------  -----------
                Electric Vehicle)            Continue in 2008       179,557
                ---------------------------  -----------------  -----------
                V1( Resort Mini
                Bus for Resort)              Completed              111,771
- --------------  ---------------------------  -----------------  -----------
TOTAL                                                               577,112
- --------------  ---------------------------  -----------------  -----------

We  spent approximately $419,298 on our R&D activities in 2008, as summarized by
the  following  table:

ITEM     MODEL                           STATUS            Amount(US$)
- -------  ------------------------------  ----------------  -----------
Scooter  Electric Scooter / Motorcycle   Continue in 2009      125,789
- -------  ------------------------------  ----------------  -----------
Vehicle  S-65 (Sport Utility Vehicle)    Continue in 2009       83,860
         ------------------------------  ----------------  -----------
         SGK / E Princesa                Continue in 2009      209,649
- -------  ------------------------------  ----------------  -----------
TOTAL                                                          419,298
- -------  ------------------------------  ----------------  -----------

Key  Suppliers
- --------------

We  depend  on  several  suppliers  of parts and raw materials for our products.
These  include  the  following:

     Part                               Supplier(s)
     ---------------------------------  ----------------------------------------
     Polymer Battery                    EIG, KOKAM, Power Tech
     Motor                              Ace electric Co., Ltd., Advanced DC
                                        Motor, SEN Motors, Presto Asia, Hyosung,
                                        Sidae, Sevcon.
     Controller                         Cutis, Nuri, Sen Motors, LS
                                   Page 19

     Charger                            Alpha Tronics, Nuri
     BMS                                Nano GP, Nuri
     Body Platform                      Mytech

- ---------

Our  initial marketing strategy is to focus on individual sales to fleets and EV
manufacturers.  We have already begun marketing our existing products and design
concepts  to  governments  and  companies throughout the world, and have several
deals  already  in  place.  In addition, we have developed strategic contacts in
Korea,  China,  Japan,  Europe,  Australia, and elsewhere, which we believe will
help  present  opportunity for additional sales.  The delays we have experienced
due  to  insufficient  financing  and other issues may threaten our relationship
with  these  contacts.

We  plan  to  emphasize  the  following  selling  points:

- -     The  current  crisis  in  combustion  fuel  prices
- -     Saving  the  globe  from  carbon  dioxide  and  global  warming
- -     Revolutionary  technological  development  of  EV  components  in terms of
      price,  size,  capacity,  and  efficiency
- -     The  overall  price  of  EV  is  dropping
- -     Favorable  social  supports  in  laws,  taxes,  and  subsidies

- ------------

The  Company  has  entered  into  an  agreement  with  SEA Motors Group, Inc., a
Delaware Company ("SEA"), to act as the Company's consultant in the Philippines.
SEA  will  distribute  the  products  assembled  in  our joint venture in Puerto
Princesa.  Pursuant  to  the  agreement,  SEA  will  receive 2.6% in cash of the
contract  amount  from sales and 1,300,000 shares for the sales of 2,500 e-Taxis
in  the  Philippines.  We  have not yet developed our plan of distribution other
than  for  the  E-Princesa.

- -------------

We  have  entered  into  an  OEM contract with Chulin to manufacture our Hilless
motor cycle and scooter in conjunction with our sales agreement with Bike Lease.
We  have no other definitive manufacturing agreement, but we intend to outsource
manufacturing  of  our other EV models or form joint ventures for the purpose of
establishing  and  operating  manufacturing  facilities.

We  have agreed to form a 50/50 joint venture with the city government of Puerto
Princesa  to  establish  and  operate  the  manufacturing the E-Princesa taxi in
Puerto  Princesa.  The  setting up of the joint venture company has been delayed
by delays in payment of initial capital, including $300,000 from us, but we hope
to  begin  manufacturing  of  the  e-Taxi  by  the  end  of  September  2009.

We have entered into an MOU with GEM Thailand to establish and operate the
manufacturing of the Reverse Tricycle Scooter.  Entry into a definitive
agreement has been delayed due to

                                   Page 20

insufficient  funding,  and  currently  we  do not have an enforceable contract.
Further  delays  may  result  in  cancellation  of  the  MOU.

We  have  preliminarily agreed to outsource the manufacturing of our BMS to Nano
GP.  Once  the  definitive  agreement  is  signed,  manufacturing  can  begin
immediately  upon  orders  being  placed.

We  do  not  have  any other agreements to either outsource manufacturing of, or
form  joint  ventures for the manufacturing of our EVs with any other party.  As
the  market  for  our  product  develops,  we  may  decide  to establish our own
manufacturing facilities, or enter into further agreements to manufacture EVs in
other  locations.


We  are  currently  in the process of developing our products for manufacturing,
and  so  to date we do not have any share of the EV market.  When we do, we will
face  competition from several sources.  Within the EV industry, there are a few
market leaders and numerous smaller companies attempting to gain a market share.
The  companies  include:

- -     Tesla  Motors
- -     Miles  Electric  Vehicles
- -     Think
- -     Universal  Electric  Vehicle  ("UEV")
- -     Phoenix  Motorcars
- -     ZENN  Motor  Company
- -     Global  Electric  Motorcars  ("GEM")  (a  division  of  Chrysler)
- -     Smart  EV  (developed  by  Daimler  Chrysler)
- -     Smith  Electric  Vehicles

Among  our EV competitors, we consider Tesla, Miles, and Think to be our biggest
competitors.  Tesla  has  developed  the  Roadster, an electric sports car for a
price  of  around $100,000 USD.  It has a top speed of 125 mph and can achieve 0
to  60  in around four seconds.  Think is developing the City, an urban commuter
with  a  top  speed  of  62  mph.  They  plan  to  release  it  in  Europe  this

year  for  a  price  of  $34,000  USD, and a year or two later in the U.S. for a
projected  price  of  around $17,000.  Miles already makes and sells 2 low speed
EVs, manufactured in China, and plans to roll out a highway speed EV in the near
future.  In  addition,  ZENN  Motors  has  products  very similar to our current
models  and  is  publicly  traded  on  the  Toronto  Stock  Exchange.

We  also face competition from traditional auto makers in two ways.  Not only do
EVs  compete  directly  with traditional combustion engine vehicles, but several
industry giants have begun development of EVs of their own.  For example, GM has
unveiled  the  concept design for its new Chevrolet Volt EV, and announced plans
to  have  it  on  the  market  by  2010.

Our component sales will also face competition from EV component suppliers, most
notably Power Motor Systems and EV Solution Business.  The biggest competitor of
our  EV conversion kit is AC Propulsion.  AC propulsion provided conversion kits
for  Tesla  and  BMW's  Mini  E.

                                   Page 21


- ---------

We  currently  have  17  employees,  all  of which are full time. We believe our
relationship  with  our  employees  is  good.

Intellectual  Property
- ----------------------

Our business model depends on the development and protection of our intellectual
property,  most  notably  the  technology  behind  our motors and batteries.  We
currently  have  two  patents,  one  for  our Multi Motor System ("MMS") and the
second  for  one  of  our  EV  designs.  Each  patent  was  filed with the Korea
Intellectual Property Office and is valid only in Korea.  As we have not applied
for  or  received  patent  protection in the US or any other country, there is a
distinct  risk  that  we will not be able to adequately protect our intellectual
property  rights  in  these  countries.

Granted Patents:

- ------------   -----------  -------------------------------------------------
Motor Patent   Patent No.   Korea 10-0682489
               -----------  -------------------------------------------------
               Issue Date   2007.2.7
               -----------  -------------------------------------------------
               Date         2027.2.7
               -----------  -------------------------------------------------
               Name         Multi Motor Device
               -----------  -------------------------------------------------
                            Connect more than 2 electric motors to an axis of
                            crank, normally use one motor, but operate other
               Description  electric motors in time of emergency.
- ------------   -----------  -------------------------------------------------
Design Patent  Patent No.   Korea 30-0490413
               -----------  -------------------------------------------------
               Issue Date   2008.5.6
               -----------  --------------------------------------------------
               Date         2023.5.5
               -----------  --------------------------------------------------
               creator      Lee Jung Yong, and 5 other persons
               -----------  --------------------------------------------------
                            Design being suited to Electric vehicles, it is an
                            original work of a Leo Motors design team. Being
                            submitted to the Seoul International Auto Show on
               Description  April, 2006.
- -------------  -----------  --------------------------------------------------

Patent  Applications:

Application     Application
Number          Date         Title of the Invention        Inventor
==============  ===========  ============================  =============
Korea 10-2008-               Air Cooled Water Proof
0124285           12/8/2008  Battery Stack Assembly        Jung Yong Lee
- --------------  -----------  ----------------------------  -------------
                             Zinc-Air fuel cell stack
Korea 10-2008-               assembly for Zero
0124286           12/8/2008  Emission-PHEV                 Jung Yong Lee
- --------------  -----------  ----------------------------  -------------
                             Electric automobile power
                             promotion apparatus (Air
Korea 10-2008-               Turbine Generator, Air Jet,
0124287           12/8/2008  Motor Drive Assistance)       Jung Yong Lee
- --------------  -----------  ----------------------------  -------------

                                   Page 22

Korea 09-27689  3/31/2009  Zinc-Air fuel cell stack assembly   Jung Yong Lee
- --------------  ---------  ----------------------------------  -------------
Korea 09-27688  3/31/2009  Battery Stack Assembly              Jung Yong Lee
- --------------  ---------  ----------------------------------  -------------
                           Electric Vehicle driving
                           mode control method
Korea 09-27684  3/31/2009                               (MMS)  Jung Yong Lee
- --------------  ---------  ----------------------------------  -------------
Korea 09-27686   4/9/2009                               (MMS)  Jung Yong Lee
- --------------  ---------  ----------------------------------  -------------
                           Electric Vehicle Power Generator
Korea 09-29491  4/16/2009  (Multi Copper Plate Motor, MMS)     Jung Yong Lee
- --------------  ---------  ----------------------------------  -------------

As  we  develop  new  technologies  and designs, we will need to file additional
patents  to  ensure  our  intellectual  property  rights  are  protected.

- ----------

Need  for  Government  Approval

In  South  Korea, those who want to fabricate, assemble or import automobiles in
accordance with the applicable automobile control laws must apply to Ministry of
Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs to register as a manufacturer and receive a
manufacturers'  registration  certificate.  We  received  the  manufacturer's
certificate  in  July  2006.

Effect  of  Government  Regulation

We  are  in  the  business  of  fabrication  and  sale  of automobiles and other
vehicles,  and  accordingly we are subject to several laws related to automobile
fabrication,  sales,  import,  and  operation.

South  Korea's  laws  related to automobile manufacturers regulate registration,
safety  criteria,  type  approval,  inspection,  maintenance,  testing,  etc. of
automobiles.  There are also laws regulating noise allowance and vibrations made
by  vehicles,  and  environmental  laws (as discussed below). Complying with the
strict  regulation of automobile manufacturing is costly and could significantly
affect  our  ability  to  become profitable. In addition, failure to comply with
these  laws  could  subject our Company to penalties, which could include severe
fines  or  the removal of government approval to do business in the EV industry.
Although we fully intend to comply with all applicable rules and regulations, we
cannot  assure  that  we  will  be  able  to  do  so.

                                   Page 23

In  addition,  the  operation  of  automobiles  is subject to several sources of
regulation,  including  traffic  laws and civil liability for negligent or other
harmful  use.  Although  these  laws  primarily  regulate  the  end  user of our
products,  it  is  possible  that  we  as the manufacturer may become subject to
derivative  liability  from  these laws.  We believe that the risk of these laws
affecting  us,  while  possible,  is  unlikely.

Also, it is important to note that the above laws of South Korea have no content
related  to  electric automobiles, so our electric automobile must be registered
as a general automobile, and must comply with the same standards if they will be
able  to  run on the general road.  The differences between EVs and conventional
vehicles  makes  it difficult and, in our opinion, unnecessary for EVs to comply
to  the same standards as conventional vehicles and so will make it difficult to
gain  approval  to  run  our  EVs  on  public  roads.

The government of South Korea is currently reviewing revision of laws related to
electric  automobiles.  Although  we  expect  law  changes  that  will  greatly
facilitate the incorporation of EVs into the mainstream of South Korean streets,
we  cannot  be  certain that these changes will occur.  If they do not, it could
materially  affect  our  ability  to  market our EVs to consumers.  We intend to
eventually  to  export  and  sell our EVs to the United States and Europe, where
laws  for  electric  automobiles  are  already  in  place.

Effect  of  Environmental  Regulation

Our  country's  automobiles  are  subject  to several environmental regulations,
including  air  preservation,  noise and vibration control.  Accordingly, we are
required  to limit the air contaminants, noise and vibrations of our vehicles to
certain  levels.  Failure  to  do  so may impose fines or other penalties on the
Company.  For  example,  light  oil vehicles generate more air contaminants than
gasoline  vehicles,  and  so  light oil vehicle users are paying the environment
improvement  tax.

However,  our  EVs  generate  almost  no noise or vibration because they have no
engine,  and  emit  no  air contaminants due to the use of gasoline because they
move through the operation of motors using electric batteries.  Therefore, it is
highly  unlikely  that  we  will  be  adversely  affected  by  air  environment
preservation  laws  and  noise/vibration  control  laws.

Moreover,  the  Korean  Ministry  of  Environment is currently proceeding with a
subsidy  support  project  for  governmental purchases of low pollution vehicles
(electric  scooters  and  hybrid  cars),  and  the subsidy support plan is under
review  for other electric automobiles in the future.  Several other governments
have  put  in  place  subsidy,  finance, and tax incentive programs as well.  We
believe  that  the  continued support of environmental regulation in South Korea
and  abroad  will  significantly  benefit  our  ability  to market our products.

                                   Page 24


The Company faces a number of risks and uncertainties.



Leo  Motors, Co. Ltd ("Leozone"), our operating business, was organized in July,
2006,  and  since  inception  has  spent the majority of its time developing its
products  and  business  plan.  The  Company accordingly has a limited operating
history,  which  may not be a reliable indicator of our future performance.  The
company  will not realize profitability unless it can successfully implement its
plan  of  operation.


The  automotive  industry  in  general,  and  the  EV  industry specifically, is
extremely capital intensive.  Our plan of operation requires substantial capital
investment;  we  estimate  the  implementation of our initial business plan will
require  a  minimum  of  approximately  $4,100,000  in additional financing, and
possibly up to $10,000,000 for full implementation.  To date we have raised only
approximately  $617,000  in equity financing, and have received about $1,500,000
in  cash  advances from Mr. Lee, one of our officers.  The loan is due on demand
and  Mr.  Lee  is under no obligation to advance additional cash, which presents
additional  risks  to investors and creditors that the Company will be unable to
repay  Mr.  Lee  and  meet  its  other  obligations.

Our  ability  to implement our plan of operation will depend upon our ability to
raise  additional  capital,  possibly  through  the  issuance  of  long-term  or
short-term  indebtedness  or the issuance of our equity securities in private or
public  transactions.

If we raise additional capital through the issuance of debt, this will result in
increased  interest  expense.  If we raise additional funds through the issuance
of  equity  or  convertible  debt  securities,  the  percentage ownership of the
Company held by existing shareholders will be reduced and those shareholders may
experience  significant  dilution.  In  addition,  new  securities  may  contain
rights,  preferences or privileges that are senior to those of our common stock.

Our  ability to raise sufficient financing both through debt and equity means is
substantially likely to be affected by the current economic crisis in the United
States  and  internationally.  With  the  tightening  of  credit markets and the
extreme  volatility of stock prices, it is much more difficult to find investors
willing  to  invest  in  a  young  Company  that  has yet to establish recurring

Accordingly,  we  may  be  unable  to  obtain  acceptable financing necessary to
implement  our  plan  of operation on suitable terms, if at all.  Our ability to
develop  our  business  would  suffer  if  we

                                   Page 25

are  unable  to raise the additional funds on acceptable terms, which would have
the  effect  of limiting our ability to increase our revenues or possibly attain
profitable  operations  in  the  future.


Our  future  success  is  largely  dependent  upon its existing management team,
including  Jung  Yong  Lee,  our  Chief Technology Officer, and Robert Kang, our
President  and  CEO.  The  loss  of  one  or more of these officers or directors
through  injury,  death  or  termination  of  employment  could  result  in  the
investment of significant time and resources for recruiting and replacement.  In
addition,  we  may not be able to find the right mix of talent and experience to
replace  our  existing  team.  The existing team may not be able to successfully
manage  the  growth  of  the  Company  or  attract  the  new talent that will be
necessary  to  run  the  Company  at  a  high  level.


Our  business  plan depends largely on our technological advantage over other EV
manufacturers.  In  the  EV  market,  it is extremely important to have the best
technology  available.  If  we  are  unable to establish ourselves as technology
leaders  in the industry, it will significantly affect our ability to market our

Moreover,  the  technology  in  the  EV  market is evolving rapidly.  Even if we
establish  our technology as an industry standard, we cannot be certain how long
it  will  remain as such.  We will be required to engage in continued and costly
R&D to continue to develop our technology in an effort to keep our technological
advantage,  and  even then we may not succeed.  If we are unable to maintain our
technological  advantage, it will significantly affect our ability to market our


Our  business  plan depends largely on our technological advantage over other EV
manufacturers.  Accordingly, our ability to become profitable will significantly
depend  on  our  ability  to  protect  our  intellectual  property  rights.

To  protect our rights, we will rely on a combination of copyright and trademark
laws, trade secrets, confidentiality agreements with employees and third parties
and  protective  contractual  provisions.  Further, we have two patents in place
and  several other patent applications in progress and will rely on patents once
they  are  issued.  Despite  our  efforts  to  protect  our  proprietary rights,
unauthorized  parties may copy aspects of our products or services or obtain and
use  information  that  we  regard  as  proprietary.  In  addition, others could
possibly  independently  develop substantially equivalent intellectual property.
If  we  do not effectively protect our intellectual property, our business could

Also,  our  two  patents  are  filed only in Korea, and have not received patent
protection  from  the  United  States  Patent  and  Trademark  Office  or
internationally,  and  our  current  patent  applications

                                   Page 26

will  also  only  be  filed in Korea.  Accordingly, we may encounter significant
difficulty  enforcing  our  intellectual property rights in countries other than
Korea.  We  may  be  unable to establish jurisdiction over persons infringing on
our  patents  in  countries  that  recognize our patent.  Even if we are able to
bring  an  action, the courts may not provide the same level of protection as in
Korea,  or  may rule that our patent does not extend to use in the country where
the  infringement  took  place.  If  we  are  unable  to  adequately protect our
intellectual  property  rights, our ability to effectively compete in the market
could  suffer.

In  addition,  we  may  have  to  litigate  to enforce our intellectual property
rights,  to  protect our trade secrets or to determine the validity and scope of
other  parties' proprietary rights.  From time to time, we may receive notice of
claims  of  infringement  of other parties' proprietary rights.  Any such claims
could  be  time-consuming,  result  in  costly  litigation,  divert management's
attention,  cause  product or service release delays, require us to redesign our
products  or  services  or  require  us  to  enter  into  royalty  or  licensing
agreements.  These  royalty  or  licensing  agreements,  if required, may not be
available  on acceptable terms or at all.  If a successful claim of infringement
were  made  against  us  and  we  could not develop non-infringing technology or
license  the  infringed  or  similar  technology  on a timely and cost-effective
basis,  our  business  could  suffer.


While  the  EV market comprises only a small percentage of the entire automotive
market,  there  are  numerous  companies  attempting  to develop and market EVs,
including  major players in the auto industry such as Mitsubishi, BMW, and Ford.
Mitsubishi  plans  to market the "i MiEV" in late 2009.  A compact electric car,
the  i  MiEV uses a single 47 kW motor to drive both rear wheels instead of four
in-wheel  electric  motors. It has a top speed of 130 km/h with a range of 160Km
with  a single charge.  BMW Group, which owns the British automotive brand Mini,
recently  revealed  its electric Mini.  The "Mini E" has a 150kw (204 hp) motor,
speed  electronically  limited  to  95  mph,  and  a  0-60 mph time of about 8.5
seconds.  The  eight  hour  charge  time  gives  a  range  of  about  150 miles.

With  the Congressional bailout and the strong supports from the new government,
the  "big three" auto makers may also be major competitors in the EV market.  GM
announced  the  final  prototype  of its Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV),
Volt.  It has an all-electric 161 hp motor, along with a gasoline/E85 combustion
engine  designed  solely to recharge the high voltage electric battery pack when
it  gets  low.  GM  claims the Volt will achieve 0 to 60 mph in 8.5 seconds, and
have  a top speed of at least 100 mph.  The 6 hour charge and a full tank of gas
will  have  a  range  of  about  400 miles.  Ford Motor Company plans to build a
zero-emission  lithium ion electric vehicle to go on sale in 2011.  According to
Ford, the Fusion-sized car has an expected range as far as 100 miles on a single
charge.  The  onboard battery charger will be capable of plugging into a 110- or
220-volt outlet.  Charging time is expected to be 12 hours at 110 volts and half
that  at  220  volts.  Chrysler  LLC's  ENVI  division  announced  plans to have
production  models  of  EVs  by  2010.

                                   Page 27

If  we  are  unable  to  adequately  separate ourselves from these sources of EV
competition,  we  may  be  unable to gain a sufficient share of the EV market to
become  profitable.

In  addition,  EVs  are in direct competition with combustion vehicles and other
forms  of transportation, including bus lines and trains.  The ability of the EV
market to grow will depend on their ability to compete with these other forms of
transportation,  which will in turn depend on the development of environmentally
friendly  laws,  the  changing attitudes of consumers, and the improvement of EV
price,  efficiency,  and  performance.  If  the  EV  market  as a whole does not
develop,  we may be unable to gain a sufficient share of the EV market to become


In  several  jurisdictions  in  which  we intend to market our products, EVs are
subject to the same regulatory standards as combustion vehicles.  Our management
believes  that  this  is  completely  unnecessary,  as  EVs  have  far different
capabilities  and safety concerns, particularly with Low Speed Vehicles ("LSVs")
and  Neighborhood  Electric  Vehicles  ("NEVs"), which are simpler forms of LSVs
such as golf carts.  Moreover, forcing EVs to comply with the rigorous standards
of  their more dangerous combustion equivalents makes is cost prohibitive for EV
manufacturers.  We  are  currently  only  able to market our products to private
fleets,  or to consumers in countries that provide different levels of access to
public  roads  depending  on  the  capability of the vehicle.  For instance, the
United States allows LSVs and NEVs only on roads with a posted speed limit of 35
mph or less.  In South Korea, these vehicles are not allowed on any public road.

Although  steps  are being taken in the legislative processes of South Korea and
other  of  our  key  intended  markets  to make law changes favorable to EVs, we
cannot be certain that these changes will occur.  If they do not, our ability to
market  our  EVs  in  those  jurisdictions  will  be  severely  limited.


Automobiles  and  other  motor  vehicles are by their nature highly dangerous to
operate.  Even  our electric LSVs such as scooters and NEVs carry a high risk of
injury  or  property  damage  if handled improperly.  As the manufacturer, it is
possible that we could face liability for such injury or damage.  Such potential
liability  will  depend  on  the  manufacturer's  liability  laws in the various
jurisdictions  in  which  we  intend  to  sell  our  products.

Moreover,  the  already  high risk of injury and property damage creates an even
greater  risk  to  the  Company  in  the event the Company is found to have been
actually  at  fault in the design, manufacture, or maintenance of its EVs or any
of  its components.  If we become liable for injury or property damage caused by
our  products,  it  could  materially  affect  our cash on hand and make it more
difficult  to  invest  in  the  development  of  our  business.

                                   Page 28


Several  of  our EV designs are still in the concept and design phase and do not
yet  have working prototypes.  In addition, we are attempting to incorporate new
and  innovative  concepts  into  the  design  of our EVs that have not been done
before.  This  process  inherently carries a significant risk that concepts will
not  translate  effectively  to  working  models.  If,  for  example,  we do not
sufficiently  account  for  differences  in  size, weight, energy use, heat, and
other  factors,  we  may  not be able to successfully transform our designs into
working production models.  If we encounter such unforeseen difficulties and are
unable  to  progress our designs into production models, our ability to generate
revenue  may  suffer.


Like  all  alternative  energy  industries,  the  demand  for  EVs  has a direct
relationship  with  the price of oil.  As the price of oil rises, the demand for
alternatives  to petroleum products, such as EVs, increases.  Since the price of
oil  is  volatile,  so  then  may  be the demand for our products.  For example,
during  the  recent  economic  slump  the  price of oil has collapsed, which has
reduced  the  strain of high gas prices on consumers.  This in turn has resulted
in  a  reduction  of interest in alternative energy vehicles.  The volatility of
the  demand for EVs makes it more difficult for investors to predict our revenue


The  functional  currency  in  our  operations is the Korean Won, and we conduct
business or plan to conduct business in several other currencies, including that
of  the  US, the Philippines, and Thailand.  Foreign currency exchange rates are
subject  to  significant  fluctuation  which could have a material effect on our
liquidity.  For example, a material advance payment made in Korean Won decreased
in  value  from  December  31,  2007  to  December  31,  2008 by over 25%.  This
represents  a  significant  risk  that assets we hold in foreign currencies will
lose  value  due  to  the  change  in  exchange rates, and that consequently our
liquidity  could  suffer.



There  is  a  limited public market for our common stock.  We cannot predict the
extent  to  which  investor  interest  in  us will lead to the development of an
active  trading  market  or  how  liquid that trading market might become.  If a
trading  market  does  not  develop or is not sustained, it may be difficult for
investors  to sell shares of our common stock at a price that is attractive.  As
a  result,  an  investment in our common stock may be illiquid and investors may
not  be able to liquidate their investment readily or at all when he/she desires
to  sell.

                                   Page 29


Our  common  stock is deemed to be "penny stock" as that term is defined in Rule
3a51-1 promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  The SEC generally
defines  "penny  stock"  to  be any equity security that has a market price less
than  $5.00  per  share,  subject  to  exceptions.

Broker/dealers  dealing  in  penny  stocks  are  required  to  provide potential
investors  with  a  document  disclosing  the  risks  of penny stocks. Moreover,
broker/dealers  are required to determine whether an investment in a penny stock
is  a  suitable  investment  for a prospective investor.  These requirements may
reduce  the  potential  market  for  our  common  stock  by

reducing  the  number of potential investors, and may make it more difficult for
investors  in  our  common stock to sell shares to third parties or to otherwise
dispose  of  them.  This  could  cause  our  stock  price  to  decline.


Sales  of  our common stock in the public market could lower the market price of
our  common  stock.  Sales may also make it more difficult for us to sell equity
securities  or  equity-related securities in the future at a time and price that
our  management  deems  acceptable  or  at  all.


In  its  report  to management, Gruber & Company LLC, our independent registered
public  accounting  firm,  has  issued  an opinion with respect to the Company's
ability  to continue as a going concern.  This opinion states that the company's
losses, among other items, raise substantial doubt about our ability to continue
as  a  going  concern,  and  that  the  financial  statements do not include any
adjustment  to  account  for  this  uncertainty.  If  the  Company  is unable to
continue  as a going concern, investors may be unable to rely on the information
contained  in  the  financial  statements.


The  Company  currently  has  2  directors,  each  of whom is an employee of the
Company.  This  presents  an  inherent  conflict  of  interests  as  there is no
separation  of  the Company's management and its Board of Directors.  One of the
primary  duties  of a Board of Directors is to provide supervision and oversight
of  management.  The  absence  of  any  directors  who  are  not also members of
management  raises  doubt as to the Board's willingness to fulfill its oversight
duties  to  the  shareholders  when they directly conflict with the interests of

                                   Page 30


The  Company's operations to date occur almost exclusively outside of the United
States. In the event legal action is needed against the Company or its directors
or  officers,  it  may  be  difficult  and costly, if possible at all, to do so.
Investors may not be able to bring suit in a court in the United States, and may
have  to travel overseas and/or hire foreign counsel. In addition, investors may
have to rely upon foreign laws, including conflict of law rules, with which they
may  be  unfamiliar or that may not provide as much protection as would the laws
of  the  United States. Even if investors are successful in obtaining a judgment
decree  against,  or  agreeing  to  a  settlement  with the Company in the US or
elsewhere,  a  Korean  court  may  not enforce such a decree or agreement on the
Company  or  its  directors  or  officers,  and  the  investor  may be unable to
subsequently bring an original cause of action in Korea. A foreign plaintiff may
be unable to bring an original action in a Korean court which is predicated upon
the  United  States  securities laws, other federal laws of the United States or
laws  of  the  individual states of the United States or foreign laws, including
Korean  laws.

                                   Page 31



This Management's Discussion and Analysis should be read in conjunction with the
following  financial  statements  included  in  this  Form  10  (the  "Financial

     -    Financial  statements  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  2008
     -    Financial  statements  for  the  years  ended  December  31,  2007 and
          December  31,  2006;
     -    Financial  statements  for  the  six  months  ended  June  30,  2009

The  financial  statements  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with generally
accepted accounting policies in the United States ("GAAP").  Except as otherwise
disclosed,  all  dollar figures included therein and in the following management
discussion  and  analysis  are  quoted  in  United  States  dollars.


Leo  Motors,  Inc. (the "Company") is currently in the process of finalizing the
design  and  production capability of several models of Electric Vehicle ("EV").
During  the  past  two years, we have developed seven models of EV, two electric
scooters,  three  electric cars, one three-wheeled vehicle, and one neighborhood
electric  vehicle  ("NEV").  We  also have several other projects in development

The  specific  goals  of  the  Company  over  the  next  twelve  months include:

     -    Production  and sale of our Hilless motor cycle and scooter by October
     -    Production  and  sale  of  S 65 SUV and SKG electric car by the end of
     -    Production  and  sale  of  Reverse  Tricycle  Scooters by October 2009
     -    Marketing  of  our  EV  conversion  kit and conversion services by the
          end  of  2009
     -    Testing  of  EV  conversion kit on Toyota RAV-4 model during September
     -    Manufacture  and  sale  of  our  power  storage  system  for solar and
          wind  power  houses  and  buildings  by  October  2009
     -    Manufacture  of  e-Princessa  Taxis  by  December  2009,  and Revenues
          by  February  2010

In  addition, we have developed and are in the process of developing several key
EV  components  that  we  believe  will  be  competitive  with  industry leading
technology.  During  the  next  twelve  months,  we  intend  to  continue  the
development  of  these  components,  integrate them into our own EVs, and market
them  to  other  EV  manufacturers.

                                   Page 32


Our  liquidity  requirements  arise  principally  from  our  plans to develop EV
production  capability,  additional  product  development,  and marketing costs.
Although  in  the  future we intend to fund our liquidity requirements through a
combination  of cash on hand and revenues from operations, during the year ended
December 31, 2008 the Company had incurred $317,761 in expenses and had realized
only  $82,435  in  revenues.  Accordingly,  our  ability to initiate our plan of
operations and continue as a going concern is currently dependent on our ability
to  raise  external  capital.

Our  monthly  operating cost including salaries and general expense is currently
approximately  $40,000,  after  changing  our operating plan in December 2008 to
reduce  our  intended fixed cost investment.  We have already secured our annual
operating  budget for 2009 with current cash holdings, which at our current burn
rate  will  sustain  operations  until  approximately  February  2010.

Through  2008  we  had  relied on approximately $1,500,000 in cash advances from
Jung  Yong  Lee,  one  of  our  officers,  which  we were able to use to develop
prototypes  of  seven  EV model designs.  The loan is not pursuant to any formal
agreement  and  is  due  on demand.  We are not currently relying on Mr. Lee for
additional  cash  advances,  and  he  is not under any obligation to advance any
further  cash.  However, if we should need to do so in the future, we believe we
could negotiate acceptable terms for cash advances from our officers or from our
majority  shareholder.  If  we  are  unable  to  do  so,  our ability to sustain
operations  through  2010  and  beyond  will  depend  on  our  ability to obtain
alternate  forms  of  financing.

Despite  being able to reach this stage in our development with limited funding,
the EV and general automotive industries are extremely capital intensive, and we
will need substantial additional financing in order to produce and sell our EVs.
Our  anticipated  minimum costs of implementing our business plan are summarized
as  follows:

     STEP                     ANTICIPATED COST
     -----------------------  -----------------
     Initial Prototypes       $       1,000,000
     EV Testing               $         300,000
     Component Development    $       2,000,000
     Production Capability    $         500,000
     Production of Inventory  $         100,000
     Marketing & Sales        $         200,000
     -----------------------  -----------------
     TOTAL                    $       4,100,000

To  date  we have raised approximately $936,200 in equity financing, $200,000 in
November  2008,  $417,000  in  January  2009,  and  $119,200  in  May  2009.

                                   Page 33

To  date  we  have  raised approximately $840,000 in debt financing, including a
loan  from  one  of  our  officers  of $440,000.  In addition, in May, 2009, the
Company  secured  a  loan  from  Shin  Han  Bank  for  500,000,000  Korean  Won
(approximately  $400,000),  with  a term of one year which can be extended under
certain conditions.  The loan is guaranteed by KIBO Technology Fund.  We believe
that  the  development  of  our  product  designs  into  working  prototypes and
production  models  that have tested successfully has improved our standing with
lenders,  and  will continue to explore additional debt financing opportunities.

Accordingly  we  will  require  a  minimum  of  about  $3,000,000  in additional
financing  to  implement our initial business plan, but are currently seeking up
to $10,000,000 in additional financing and we may be required to seek additional
funding.  Our  efforts  in  this regard include attending road shows in December
2008  in  New  York and San Francisco, and beginning discussions with investment
banks.  In  addition  to  the  above  financing,  we  continue to negotiate with
financial  institutions,  venture  capital firms, and individual investors among
our  business  contacts.

As  we have not generated significant revenues and have not raised a significant
amount of equity financing to date, there is substantial doubt as to our ability
to continue in the short term and long term as a going concern.  Our plan in the
short  term  is  to  continue  our  operations at their current level, which our
current  cash  holdings  will cover through fiscal 2009.  Our long term survival
will depend on the growth of our operations towards full scale manufacturing and
sales  of  our EVs, which in turn will depend on our ability to raise sufficient
financing.  If  our  fund raising efforts should fail or fall short of our goal,
we  will  have  to  restructure  our  business  plan  in  order  to  sustain our
operations.  However,  in  that event we may be unable to implement our business
plan  or  continue  operations.

In addition, the functional currency in our operations is the Korean Won, and we
conduct  business  or  plan  to  conduct  business  in several other currencies,
including  that  of  the  US,  the  Philippines, and Thailand.  Foreign currency
exchange  rates  are  subject  to  significant  fluctuation  which  could have a
material  effect on our liquidity.  For example, a material advance payment made
in  Korean Won decreased in value from December 31, 2007 to December 31, 2008 by
over  25%.  This  represents  a  significant risk that assets we hold in foreign
currencies  will  lose  value  due  to  the  change  in  exchange  rates.


Quarter  Ended  June  30,  2009
- -------------------------------


The Sales for the six months ended June 30, 2009 were $29,128 compared to $0 for
the  quarter  ended June 30, 2008.  Costs of sales were $25,063 and gross profit
was  $4,065  compared to $0 as costs of sales and $0 as gross profit in the same
period  in  2008.  The sales during this quarter were not generated from regular
business  as  most  of  our  sales  are  for  our product samples or development
services.  We  believe  recurring revenue will begin this year as our goal is to
begin  mass  production  and  marketing  of  our  designs.

                                   Page 34


During  the  quarter,  we incurred $947,544 in expenses, compared to $207,865 in
the  quarter ended June 30, 2008. The primary increase was due to a $320,101, or
341% increase in General and Administrative expenses, which reflects the payment
of  consulting  service  fees  and  development  costs.

Expenses  for  the  quarter  consisted  of  the  following:

Expenses:                      2008     2007
- --------------------------  -------  -------
Salaries and Benefits       236,131  116,581
Service Fees                 31,201   18,757
Service Fees paid by stock  287,584        -
General and Administrative  392,628   72,527

Salaries and Benefits - consist of total cash compensation paid to our employees
during  the  year  and  the  cost  of  all  benefits  provided to our employees.

Service  Fees  - consist of consist of accounting, legal, and professional fees.

General  and  Administrative  -  consists  of  travel  expenses,  entertainment
expenses,  communication  expenses,  utilities,  taxes  &  dues,  depreciation
expenses,  rent,  repairs,  vehicle  maintenance, ordinary development expenses,
shipping,  education  &  training,  printing,  storage,  advertising, insurance,
office  supplies and expense, payroll expenses, investor referral fees and other
miscellaneous  expenses.

Quarter  Ended  March  31,  2009
- --------------------------------


The  Sales  for the first quarter ended March 31, 2009 were $359,881 compared to
$2,254 for the first quarter ended March 31, 2008.  Costs of sales were $208,203
and  gross  profit  was  $151,678 compared to $0 as costs of sales and $2,254 as
gross profit in the same period in 2008.  The sales during this quarter were not
generated from regular business as most of our sales are for our product samples
or  development  services.  We believe recurring revenue will begin this year as
our  goal is to begin mass production and marketing of our designs.  The sale of
the  resort  EV bus for $358,166 was contracted with CUSCO in 2006, but has been
carried  forward  to  2009  and  was  recorded  as  revenue  in  March  2009.

The following is a detailed description of the products sold during the quarter:

                                   Page 35

Date  Product              Units  Price
- ----  -------------------  -----  --------
1/20  Electric Scooter         1  $  1,913
2/19  Electric Resort Bus      1  $358,166


During  the quarter, we incurred $2,262,428 in expenses, compared to $240,604 in
the March 31 2008. The primary increase was due to payment of consulting service
fees.  Other expenses during the quarter decreased due to downsizing of business
operations  during 2008.  The company reduced the number of employees from 15 in
March  31,  2008  to7  in  March  31,  2009.  We also moved our offices to a new
building  in  Gyeonggi  province  with  lower  rental  cost  and operation cost.

Expenses  for  the  quarter  consisted  of  the  following:

Expenses:                                         2008      2007
- ------------------------------------------  ----------  --------
Salaries and Benefits                       $   26,214  $117,748
Service Fees                                    23,132    24,758
Service Fees paid by Stock priced at $0.50   2,166,667         -
General and Administrative                      34,995    98,098

Salaries and Benefits - consist of total cash compensation paid to our employees
during  the  year  and  the  cost  of  all  benefits  provided to our employees.

Service  Fees  - consist of consist of accounting, legal, and professional fees.

General  and  Administrative  -  consists  of  travel  expenses,  entertainment
expenses,  communication  expenses,  utilities,  taxes  &  dues,  depreciation
expenses,  rent,  repairs,  vehicle  maintenance, ordinary development expenses,
shipping,  education  &  training,  printing,  storage,  advertising, insurance,
office  supplies and expense, payroll expenses, investor referral fees and other
miscellaneous  expenses.

Year  Ended December  31,  2008
- -------------------------------


Sales  for  the  year ended December 31, 2008, were $82,435 compared to $172,316
for  the  year  ended  December 31, 2007.  Costs of sales were $35,511 and gross
profit  was  $46,924 compared to $121,846 in costs of sales and $50,470 in gross
profit for 2007.  These sales are not generated from regular business operations
as  most  of  our  sales  are  of  product samples or development

                                   Page 36

services.  The company has almost completed the development of products for mass
production  which will be launched in the market beginning this year. During the
year  we  also  received a $390,000 prepayment for the resort EV pursuant to our
agreement with CUSCO, but the amount has been carried forward to 2009 and it was
recorded  as  revenues  at  March  2009.

The  following  is  a  detailed  description  of  the  products  sold  in  2008:

Date    Product                Unit  Price
- ------  ---------------------  ----  -------
1/24    4 wheel Cart              1  $ 1,764
2/25    Charger                   1  $   231
7/1     Scooter                   1  $ 1,294
7/9     Motor bike                1  $ 6,774
10/30   Jammer Battery            1  $ 2,865
11/26   Kia Morning Conversion    1  $60,988
11/27   Polymer Battery           1  $ 8,519

In  addition  to  revenues  from operations, we realized $105,268 in income from
consulting  services.  This  income  is  a  result  of  isolated  requests  for
consulting  services  occurring primarily in the second quarter of 2008 and does
not  reflect  our  future  earnings  potential.


During  the  year,  we  incurred $317,761 in expenses, compared to $1,061,916 in
2007.  The  primary decrease was due to downsizing the business operation during
2008.  The  company  cut  down  the  number of employees from 14 in 2007 to 5 in
2008.  The Office also moved to the new building in Gyeonggi province with lower
rental  cost  and  operation  cost.

Expenses  for  2008  and  2007  consisted  of  the  following:

Expenses:                         2008      2007
- ----------------------------  --------  --------
Salaries and Benefits         $169,149  $ 76,559
Service Fees                    23,132    64,708
General and Administrative     125,480   920,649

Salaries and Benefits - consist of total cash compensation paid to our employees
during  the  year  and  the  cost  of  all  benefits  provided to our employees.
Salaries  and  Benefits  during  the  period increased from $76,559 to $169,149,
which  we  attribute  to  the  growth  of  our business.  We do not anticipate a
significant  increase  in  salaries and benefits until and unless we are able to
further  grow  our  business  with  additional  financing.

Service  Fees  - consist of consist of accounting, legal, and professional fees.
Services  fees  decreased significantly from 2007 to 2008, which we attribute to
scaling  back  our  operations  pending  sufficient  financing.

General  and  Administrative  -  consists  of  travel  expenses,  entertainment
expenses,  communication  expenses,  utilities,  taxes  &  dues,  depreciation
expenses,  rent,  repairs,  vehicle

                                   Page 37

maintenance,  ordinary  development  expenses,  shipping,  education & training,
printing,  storage, advertising, insurance, office supplies and expense, payroll
expenses,  investor  referral fees and other miscellaneous expenses. General and
Administrative  expenses during the period decreased significantly from $920,649
in the same period in 2007 to $125,480. This represents payment of extraordinary
fixed  costs during 2007 as a result of beginning our operations, including some
of  the  costs  associated  with  acquiring  of  our  operating  subsidiary.

Year  Ended  December  31,  2007*
- ---------------------------------

*The following results of operation for the year ended December 31, 2007 combine
the  results  of  the  Company  and its operating subsidiary, Leo Motors Co. Ltd
(then  Leozone  Co.  Ltd.)  ("Leozone"),  which  was  acquired  during the year.


During  the year ended December 31, 2007, we had $172,316 in revenues from sales
of  our  EVs, compared to no revenue in 2006.  Costs of sales were $121,846, and
gross  profit was $50,470, compared to zero costs of sales and zero gross profit
in  2006.  These  sales primarily consisted of the special order of our Military
FAV  by  Hyundai  Rotem.  We  do  not  attribute  these  sales  to  the  full
implementation  of  our  business plan, but rather to isolated transactions, and
thus  they  are  not  indicative  of  our  future  potential  revenues.

The  following  is  a  detailed  description  of  the  products  sold  in  2007:

Date   Buyer         Product                        Unit  Price
- -----                -----------------------------  ----  -------
9/15   Jeil Excess   Motor Scooter                     1    9,605
10/31  Rotem         Military FAV                      1  159,545
12/12  Dalim Motors  Motors Scooter                    1    3,166


During  the  year,  we  incurred $1,108,291 in expenses, compared to $357,796 in
2006.  The  increase  in expenses represents the fact that Leozone was organized
during 2006 and that operations during the period were limited to developing our
business  plan  and  beginning  the  initial  stages  of our product development
programs.  Expenses  for  2007  and  2006  consisted  of  the  following:

     EXPENSES:                         2007      2006
     Salaries and Benefits         $ 76,559  $      -
     Stock for Services              46,375   122,508
     Service Fees                    64,708   143,817
     General and Administrative     920,649    91,471

Salaries and Benefits - consist of total cash compensation paid to our employees
during  the  year  and  the  cost  of  all  benefits  provided to our employees.

Stock  for Services - consist of the fair market value for the stock provided to
the  company  founder  and  investor  representatives  for  investor  referrals.

                                   Page 38

Service  Fees  - consist of consist of accounting, legal, and professional fees.

General  and  Administrative  -  consists  of  travel  expenses,  entertainment
expenses,  communication  expenses,  utilities,  taxes  &  dues,  depreciation
expenses,  rent,  repairs,  vehicle  maintenance, ordinary development expenses,
shipping,  education  &  training,  printing,  storage,  advertising, insurance,
office  supplies and expense, payroll expenses, investor referral fees and other
miscellaneous  expenses.  We  attribute  the significant increase from the prior
year  to  the  fact  that  Leozone was organized during 2006 and that operations
during the period were limited to developing our business plan and beginning the
initial  stages  of  our  product  development  programs.

Year  Ended  December  31,  2006
- --------------------------------

The  year ended December 31, 2006, represented a dormant period for the Company,
as  its  activities  were  limited  to seeking an operating business to acquire.
There  were  no  revenues  and  no  expenditures  during  the  period.


The  company  has  no  off-balance  sheet  arrangements.


We  operate out of an office and workshop located at 291-1, Hasangok-dong, Hanam
Ciry,  Gyeonggi-do,  Republic  of  Korea  465-250.

At  this  time  we  do  not  intend  to  establish  any manufacturing facilities
ourselves.  Instead  we  will either outsource manufacturing of our products, or
enter  into  joint  ventures  with  partners  who will provide the manufacturing

As  the  market  for  our  product  develops, we may decide to establish our own
facilities  in various locations, outsource manufacturing of our other products,
or  enter  into  additional  joint  ventures  for  the manufacturing of our EVs.


The  following  table  shows  the beneficial ownership of our common stock as of
February  25,  2009.  The  table  shows  the  amount  of  shares  owned  by:

     (1)  each person  known  to  us  who  owns  beneficially  more  than  five
          percent of the outstanding shares of any class of the Company's stock,
          based  on  the  number  of shares outstanding as of February 25, 2009;
     (2)  each  of  the  Company's  Directors  and  Executive  Officers;  and

                                   Page 39

     (3)  all  of  its  Directors  and  Executive  Officers  as  a  group.

                        AMOUNT OF SHARES     PERCENT OF SHARES
PERSON OR GROUP         OWNED                OWNED(1),(2)        CLASS
- ----------------------  ----------------     ------------------  ------
Robert Kang, CEO,
President and
Interim CFO                    2,450,000(3)               6.5 %  Common
- ----------------------  ----------------     ------------------  ------
Jung Yong Lee, CTO and
Director                       3,000,000                  7.9 %  Common
- ----------------------  ----------------     ------------------  ------
Chul Ho Kim, Director            200,000                  0.53%  Common
- ----------------------  ----------------     ------------------  ------
Gun Il Kim
611 Lotte Village
1642-25 Seocho-Dong
Seocho-Gu, Seoul Korea         2,000,000                  5.3 %  Common
- ----------------------  ----------------     ------------------  ------
Jong In Kwon
103-604 World Meridian
Apt 297
Yeomchang Dong
Kangseo Gu Seoul Korea         2,200,000                  5.8 %  Common
- ----------------------  ----------------     ------------------  ------
All Directors and
Officers as a Group            5,650,000                 15.0 %  Common
- ----------------------  ----------------     ------------------  ------

(1)  The  percentage  of  shares  owned  is  based  on  37,738,115  shares being
outstanding  as  of  September 3, 2009.  If the beneficially owned shares of any
individual  or  group in the above table include any options, warrants, or other
rights  to purchase shares in the Company's stock exercisable within sixty days,
such  right  to  purchase shares (if any) is disclosed by footnote below and the
percentage  of shares owned includes such shares as if the right to purchase had
been  duly  exercised.

(2)  BENEFICIAL  OWNERSHIP  OF  SECURITIES:  Pursuant  to  Rule  13d-3 under the
Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  involving  the determination of beneficial
owners of securities, a beneficial owner of securities is person who directly or
indirectly,  through  any  contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship or
otherwise  has,  or shares, voting power and/or investment power with respect to
the securities, and any person who has the right to acquire beneficial ownership
of  the  security  within sixty days through means including the exercise of any
option,  warrant  or  conversion  of  a  security.

(3)  On  August  20, 2009, Gun Il Kim transferred 1,750,000 of his shares to Mr.
Kang  for  his  services  as  an officer of the Company.  Mr. Kim also agreed to
transfer  an  additional  2,000,000  of  his shares to Mr. Kang on July 31, 2010
provided  that  he  remains  President  and  CEO  of  the  Company.

                                   Page 40



The  following  table  sets  forth  the  names,  ages, and principal offices and
positions  of our current directors, executive officers, and persons we consider
to  be  significant  employees.  The  Board  of  Directors  elects our executive
officers  annually. Our directors serve one-year terms or until their successors
are  elected, qualified and accept their positions. The executive officers serve
terms  of  one year or until their death, resignation or removal by the Board of
Directors.  There  are  no family relationships or understandings between any of
the  directors  and executive officers. In addition, there was no arrangement or
understanding  between  any  executive  officer and any other person pursuant to
which  any  person  was  selected  as  an  executive  officer.

- ---------------------------  ---  -------------------------------------
Shi Chul ("Robert") Kang      47  Chief Executive Officer, President
                                  and Interim Chief Financial Officer
Jung Yong ("John") Lee        43  Chief Technical Officer and Director
Chul Ho Kim                   53  Director


Shi Chul (Robert) Kang,Chief Executive Officer and President
- ------------------------------------------------------------

Dr.  Kang  is  a marketing Ph.D. and has worked in international advertising and
corporate  marketing  for  more  than  25 years.  He began his carrier at Oricom
between  November  193  and  August  1985,  the largest ad agency in Korea and a
McCann  Ericson  affiliate.  Dr.  Kang  managed  Leo Burnett Korea and BBDO Dong
Bang,  advertising  companies,  introducing  these  companies  to  Korea between
January  1986  to  August  1989.  He  founded  one  of  the  leading advertising
companies  in  Korea in September 1989, Ad Express and On & Off, and managed the
firms  until  September  2000.  One  &  Off  merged  into WPP Group as he became
president  of  META B, a management consulting firm from October 2000 to October
2001.  Between  November 2001 and December 2005 he founded and ran the marketing
consulting  firm MN Research as chairman and Chief Executive Officer.  Recently,
he  served  as  president  of  Pico  North  Asian,  a multinational global event
marketing  company  in Hong Kong for from February 2006 to March 2008.  Dr. Kang
joined the Company as its chairman, CEO and interim CFO on November 1, 2008, and
will  focus  on  business  development,  global  marketing, and financing of Leo

He  got  his  BS  (Literature)  at Korea Univ. MA (Advertising) in University of
Oregon,  and  Ph.D.  (Marketing)  at  Dongguk  Univ.  in  Korea.

Jung Yong (John) Lee,Chief Technical Officer and Director
- ---------------------------------------------------------

Mr.  Lee  joined  the Company's operating subsidiary as its CEO and President in
June 2006, and joined the Company upon its acquisition on September 3, 2007.  In
November  2008 he resigned as CEO and President but remained with the Company as
CTO  and  Director.  Prior  to  joining  the

                                   Page 41

Company,  Mr.  Lee  has  held  several positions in EV design and projects. From
March  2002  to June 2004 he was Chief of Research and Development for Pyeonghwa
Motors,  a Korean car manufacturer and dealer. From January 2005 to October 2005
he  was Chief of Research and Development for GEO EV Co. Ltd. He founded Leozone
in  January  2006  and  has  been  with  the  Company since then. His experience
includes heading projects that have incorporated the Polymer Battery, Dual Motor
System,  and  alternative  energy vehicle design. He has also worked on the Ford
SUV  Concept  Project for 1997's Melbourne Motor show, the City Car Project, and
the  Limousine  Project.

Mr.  Lee  received  his Masters of Industrial Design (Vehicle Styling) from RMIT
University  in  Melbourne,  Australia, and his PhD in Industrial Design from the
University  of  New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.  He has taught Engineering
Industrial  Design  at  Dankook  University  in  Seoul,  South  Korea.

Chul-Ho Kim, Director
- ---------------------

For  more  than  10  years,  Mr.  Kim  has been a professor in the Department of
Automotive  Engineering  at  Seoul  National  University  of Technology in South
Korea, involved with ongoing research in Electric Vehicles and EV Solutions.  He
is  also  currently  the  Vice President for the Korea Association of Automotive
Technicians and heads the Center for Automotive Engineering Research.  With more
than  20  years  as  a  professional  engineer,  he has won the Korean Excellent
Technology  (KT)  Award  and  the Jang Young Sil Invention Award from the Korean
Ministry of Science and Technology (both in 1989) and continues to contribute to
the  changing  automotive  world.  Mr. Kim has been with the Company's operating
subsidiary  since  its inception, and joined the Company upon its acquisition on
September  3,  2007.


No  officer,  director or control person of the Company has been the subject of:

1.   A conviction  in a criminal proceeding or named as a defendant in a pending
     criminal  proceeding  (excluding  traffic  violations  and  other  minor

2.   The entry  of  an  order,  judgment,  or decree, not subsequently reversed,
     suspended or vacated, by a court of competent jurisdiction that permanently
     or  temporarily  enjoined,  barred,  suspended  or  otherwise  limited such
     person's  involvement  in any type of business, securities, commodities, or
     banking  activities;

3.   A finding  or  judgment  by  a  court of competent jurisdiction (in a civil
     action),  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission, the Commodity Futures
     Trading  Commission,  or  a  state  securities  regulator of a violation of
     federal  or  state securities or commodities law, which finding or judgment
     has  not  been  reversed,  suspended,  or  vacated;  or

4.   The entry of an order by a self-regulatory organization that permanently or
     temporarily  barred,  suspended  or  otherwise  limited  such  person's
     involvement  in  any  type  of  business  or  securities  activities.

                                   Page 42



Objectives  and  Philosophy  ofour  Executive  Compensation  Program
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

We  do  not have a standing compensation committee.  Our board of directors as a
whole  makes  the  decisions  as  to  employee  benefit programs and officer and
employee  compensation.  The  primary  objectives  of our executive compensation
programs  are  to:

- -    attract,  retain  and  motivate  skilled  and  knowledgeable  individuals;
- -    ensure  that  compensation  is  aligned  with  our corporate strategies and
     business  objectives;
- -    promote the achievement of key strategic and financial performance measures
     by  linking  short-term  and  long-term  cash  and equity incentives to the
     achievement  of  measurable corporate and individual performance goals; and
- -    align executives'  incentives  with  the  creation  of  stockholder  value.

To  achieve  these  objectives,  our  board of directors evaluates our executive
compensation  program  with the objective of setting compensation at levels they
believe  will allow us to attract and retain qualified executives.  In addition,
a  portion  of  each  executive's overall compensation is tied to key strategic,
financial  and  operational  goals  set  by  our  board  of  directors.  We also
generally provide a portion of our executive compensation in the form of options
that  vest  over time, which we believe helps us retain our executives and align
their  interests  with  those  of our stockholders by allowing the executives to
participate  in  our  longer term success as reflected in asset growth and stock
price  appreciation.

Named  Executive  Officers
- --------------------------

The  following  table  identifies our principal executive officer, our principal
financial  officer  and  our most highly paid executive officers during the last
full  fiscal  period  reported  herein,  who,  for purposes of this Compensation
Disclosure  and  Analysis  only,  are referred to herein as the "named executive

     Name                      Corporate Office
     ----------------------    ------------------------------
     Shi Chul (Robert) Kang    President, CEO and Interim CFO
     Jung Yong Lee             Former CEO
     Han Young Kim             Former CEO

Components  of  our  Executive  Compensation  Program
- -----------------------------------------------------

At  this  time,  the  primary elements of our executive compensation program are
base salaries and option grant incentive awards, although the board of directors
has  the  authority  to  award  cash  bonuses,  benefits  and  other  forms  of
compensation  as  it  sees  fit.

We  do  not  have  any  formal  or  informal  policy  or  target  for allocating
compensation  between  short-term  and  long-term compensation, between cash and
non-cash  compensation  or  among  the

                                   Page 43

different  forms  of  non-cash  compensation.  Instead,  we  have  determined
subjectively  on  a  case-by-case  basis  the  appropriate  level and mix of the
various  compensation  components.  Similarly,  we  do  not  rely extensively on
benchmarking  against  our competitors in making compensation related decisions,
although  we may consider industry compensation trends as one of many factors in
our  case-by-case  determination  of  proper  compensation.

Base  salaries
- --------------

Base  salaries  are  used  to  recognize  the  experience, skills, knowledge and
responsibilities  required  of  our  named executive officers.  Base salary, and
other components of compensation, may be evaluated by our board of directors for
adjustment  based  on  an  assessment  of  the  individual's  performance  and
compensation  trends  in  our  industry.

Equity Awards
- -------------

Our  stock  option  award  program is the primary vehicle for offering long-term
incentives  to  our  executives.  Our equity awards to executives have typically
been made in the form of warrants.  We believe that equity grants in the form of
warrants provide our executives with a direct link to our long-term performance,
create  an  ownership culture, and align the interests of our executives and our

Cash  bonuses
- -------------

Our  board  of  directors  has the discretion to award cash bonuses based on our
financial  performance  and  individual  objectives.  The  corporate  financial
performance measures (revenues and profits) will be given the greatest weight in
this  bonus  analysis.  We  have  not  yet granted any cash bonuses to any named
executive  officer  nor have we yet developed any specific individual objectives
while we wait to attain revenue and profitability levels sufficient to undertake
any  such  bonuses.

Benefits and other compensation
- -------------------------------

Our  named  executive officers are permitted to participate in such health care,
disability  insurance,  bonus  and  other  employee  benefits plans as may be in
effect  with  the  Company  from  time  to  time  to the extent the executive is
eligible  under  the  terms of those plans.  As of the date of this Registration
Statement,  we  have  not  implemented  any  such  employee  benefit  plans.


Summary  Annual  Salary
- -----------------------

As discussed above, we have agreed to pay the Named Executive Officers an annual
salary.  Base salary may be increased from time to time with the approval of the
board  of directors.  The following table summarizes the agreed annual salary of
each  of  the  named  executive  officers.

                                   Page 44

     Name           Annual Salary
     -----------    --------------
     Robert Kang    $      300,000

Agreed Compensation
- -------------------

Robert  Kang,  President,  Chief  Executive  Officer and Interim Chief Financial
Officer  -  Mr. Kang will earn an annual Salary of $ 300,000 as compensation for
his  services  as  president, CEO, and interim CFO.


The  Company  currently  does  not  participate in any equity award plan. During
fiscal  2007 and 2008, we did not grant any equity awards under any equity award


During  fiscal  2007  and  2008,  none of the named executive officers exercised


We  currently  offer no defined contribution or other plan that provides for the
deferral  of  compensation  on  a  basis that is not tax-qualified to any of our
employees,  including  the  named  executive  officers.


We  intend to use a combination of cash and equity-based compensation to attract
and  retain candidates to serve on our board of directors.  We do not compensate
directors  who  are  also  our  employees  for  their  service  on  our board of
directors.  We  have  not  provided  any other compensation to any member of our
Board  of  Directors  for  the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2007.


We do not currently have a standing Compensation Committee.  Our entire board of
directors  participated  in  deliberations  concerning  executive  officer


The  board  of  directors has reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion
and  Analysis  required  by  Item  402(b) of Regulation S-K with management and,
based  on  such  review  and discussions, the board of directors has recommended
that  this Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in this Registration
Statement  on  Form  10.

                                   Page 45


The  following  table  sets forth the total compensation paid to, or accrued by,
the  Company's  highest  paid  executive  officers during the fiscal years ended
December  31, 2008, December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006. No restricted stock
awards,  long-term  incentive  plan payout or other types of compensation, other
than  the compensation identified in the chart below and its accompanying notes,
were  paid  to  these  executive  officers  during  that  fiscal  year.

NAMED                   ANNUAL         ANNUAL         OTHER         COMPENSATION   LONG TERM
- --------------    ----  -------------  -------------  ------------  -------------  ------------  -------  ---------
Han Young Kim(1)  2006              0              0             0              0             0        0          0
                  2007              0              0             0              0             0        0          0
Sang Bo Lee(2)    2006              0              0             0              0             0        0          0
                  2007              0              0             0              0             0        0          0
Jung Yong Lee(3)  2007      86,093(4)              0             0              0             0        0          0
Robert Kang(5)    2008      25,000(5)              0             0              0             0        0          0

(1) Han Young Kim was the Company's President and CEO from September 30, 2005 to
September  19,  2007.
(2)  Sang  Bo  Lee  was the Company's Chief Financial Officer and Secretary from
September  30,  2005  to  September  19,  2007.
(3) Jung Yong Lee was the Company's President and CEO from September 19, 2007 to
November  18,  2008.  On  November  18, 2008, Shi Chul Kang became the Company's
President  and  CEO.
(4)  Number  represents  average  2007 exchange rate between US$ and Korean Won.
Mr.  Lee  was  paid  8  million  Korean  Won  for  his  services  in  2007.
(5)  Robert  Kang  became  the Company's President and CEO on November 18, 2008.
Salary  amount  represents  one  month's prorated portion of agreed $300,000 per
year  salary.


The  following  table  sets forth information regarding the outstanding warrants
held  by  our  named  officers  as  of August 31, 2009.

                                                   OPTION AWARDS
               NUMBER OF              NUMBER OF              EQUITY INCENTIVE PLAN AWARDS:  OPTION
NAME           (#) EXERCISABLE        (#) UNEXERCISABLE      UNEARNED OPTIONS               ($)        DATE
- -------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------------  ---------  ----------
Shi Chul Kang                      0                      0                              -          -           -

                                   Page 46



The  Company  has  entered  into  a  Letter  of  Intention with Sea Motors, Inc.
("SEA"),  whereby SEA would receive 10% of the contract amount from our sales in
the  Philippines, half in common stock and half in cash proceeds.  Subsequent to
entering the agreement, Shi Chul Kang, an executive officer of Sea Motors, Inc.,
joined  the Company as its President and CEO.  In January 2009 we entered into a
definitive  consulting  agreement with SEA superseding the LOI whereby we agreed
to  pay  1,300,000 shares of common stock and 2.6% of the cash proceeds from the
sales  of  2,500  E-Taxis  in  Puerto  Princesa.

Dr.  Kang  resigned  his  position with SEA prior to execution of the definitive
agreement  but  after  performing  certain  consulting  services in anticipation
thereof,  and  thus the Company agreed to pay a consulting fee of 700,000 shares
of  common  stock and 2.4% cash of the amount from the sales of 2,500 E-Taxis in
Puerto  Princesa  directly  to Dr. Kang.  The consulting fee owed to Mr. Kang in
this transaction does not reduce the amount of shares or cash to be paid to SEA.

Cash  fees  will  be  paid on a pro rata basis as sales are made, and the shares
will  be  issued  to SEA and Dr. Kang once the sales agreement between the joint
venture  and  the  Company is executed.  If all sales are made, SEA will receive
cash of approximately $520,000 and Dr. Kang will receive approximately $480,000,
based  on  a sale price of about $4,000 per vehicle and $4,000 per battery.  Dr.
Kang  continues  to  have  a  direct  material  interest  in  this  transaction.


The  Company  has  received  approximately $1,500,000 in cash advances from Jung
Yong Lee, one of its officers.  The loan is without interest, is not pursuant to
any  formal  agreement  and  is  due  on  demand.

As  of  the  date  hereof, the Company has not entered into any other agreements
with  related  parties,  and there are no other conflicts of interests of any of
the  Company's  officers,  directors  or  affiliates  known  to  the  Company.


The  Company  is  not  listed  on  any  national  exchange,  or  quoted  on  any
inter-dealer  quotation  service,  that imposes independence requirements on any
committee  of  the  Company's  directors,  such  as  an  audit,  nominating  or
compensation  committee.  As all of the Company's directors are employees of the
Company,  the  Company  does  not have any independent directors on its Board as
defined  by  the  New  York  Stock  Exchange.  Mr.  Kang  is  the Company's CEO,
President, and Interim CEO.  Mr. Kim is a non-executive employee of the Company.

                                   Page 47


The  Company  is  not  a  party  to  any  material legal proceedings and, to the
Company's  knowledge,  no such proceedings are threatened or contemplated by any



Our  common  stock  is  quoted  in  United  States  markets  on the Pink Sheets,
maintained  by  Pink  Sheets LLC, a privately owned company headquartered in New
York City, under the symbol "LEOM."  There is no assurance that the common stock
will  continue  to be traded on the Pink Sheets or that any liquidity exists for
our  shareholders.  We  currently have no plan to apply to have our common stock
listed  or quoted on any other market, quotation service or exchange, however we
may  in  the  future.


The  following  table  shows  the high and low per share price quotations of the
Company's common stock as reported by the Pink Sheets for the periods presented.
These  quotations reflect inter-dealer prices, without retail mark-up, mark-down
or commissions, and may not necessarily represent actual transactions.  The Pink
Sheets  market  is  extremely limited and the prices quoted by brokers are not a
reliable  indication  of  the  value of the common stock.  The periods presented
represent  fiscal  quarters,  with  the  fourth  quarter  of each year ending on
December  31.

The  Company  acquired its current operating business on October 2, 2007.  Prior
to  then,  the  Company's  common  stock  rarely  traded and did not reflect any
existing  business.  As  a  consequence,  pricing  prior  to such date would not
reflect  any  real  stock  transactions  or  pricing  and  has  been  omitted.

                                                       HIGH           LOW
     Fiscal 2007
          Fourth Quarter (from October 2)              $0.56          $0.11

     Fiscal 2008
          First Quarter                                $0.56          $0.10
          Second Quarter                               $0.27          $0.05
          Third Quarter                                $1.01          $0.07
          Fourth Quarter                               $0.40          $0.15

     Fiscal 2009
          First Quarter                                $1.01          $0.11
          Second Quarter                               $1.05          $0.10
          Third Quarter (through September 1, 2009)    $0.80          $0.39

                                   Page 48

As  of  September  3,  2009,  the Company had 100,000,000 shares of common stock
authorized  with  37,738,115  shares  issued  and outstanding, and approximately
5,912,315 freely tradable shares in the public float.  These shares were held by
approximately  862  shareholders  of  record and Company estimates by over 1,000
beneficial  shareholders.


The  Company  has not issued any dividends on the common stock to date, and does
not  intend  to  issue any dividends on the common stock in the near future.  We
currently intend to use all profits to further the growth and development of the


Our  common  stock  is  quoted  in  United  States  markets  on the Pink Sheets,
maintained  by  Pink  Sheets LLC, a privately owned company headquartered in New
York City, under the symbol "LEOM."  On September 2, 2009 the last reported sale
price  of  our  common stock was $0.60 per share.  As such, the Company's common
stock  may  be  subject  to  provisions  of  Section 15(g) and Rule 15g-9 of the
Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  as  amended (the "Exchange Act"), commonly
referred  to  as  the  "penny  stock  rule."

Section 15(g) and Rule 15g-9 sets forth certain requirements for transactions in
penny  stocks,  in particular that either (1) the transaction meets one of a few
specific  exemptions,  or  (2) the broker dealer executing the transaction for a
customer  (a)  obtain  informed  consent  from  the  customer  and  (b)  make an
individualized  determination of the customer's suitability for trading in penny
stocks  based on personal financial information.  Rule 15g-9(d) incorporates the
definition  of  "penny  stock" that is found in Rule 3a51-1 of the Exchange Act.
The  SEC  generally  defines  "penny stock" to be any equity security that has a
market  price less than $5.00 per share, subject to certain exceptions.  As long
as  the  Company's  common  stock  is deemed to be a penny stock, trading in the
shares  will  be  subject  to  additional  sales  practice  requirements  on
broker-dealers who sell penny stocks to persons other than established customers
and  accredited  investors.


On May 11, 2009, the Company issued 1,250,000 shares to a creditor of the
Company in consideration for the reduction of debt, valued at $212,500.  This
issuance was completed in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Securities Act and
Regulation D in an offering without any public offering or distribution.  These
shares are restricted securities and include an appropriate restrictive legend.

On May 11, 2009, the Company issued a total of 291,666 shares to three
consultants in consideration for consulting services valued at $35,584.  These
issuances were completed in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Securities Act
and Regulation D in an offering without any public offering or distribution.
These shares are restricted securities and include an appropriate restrictive

                                   Page 49

On May 11, 2009, the Company issued 250,000 shares of common stock to a Korean
individual investor in exchange for 150,000,000 Korean Won (approximately
$119,200).  This issuance was completed as an offer and sale of securities made
outside of the United States pursuant to Regulation S.

On  January  28,  2009,  we  issued  833,334  shares  of  our common stock to an
accredited  investor  for the amount of about $417,000 (500,000,000 Korean Won).
This  issuance  was  completed in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Securities
Act and Regulation D in an offering without any public offering or distribution.
These  shares  are  restricted securities and include an appropriate restrictive
legend.  The  accredited  investor  executed  and  delivered  representations
containing  facts  that  establish him as an "Accredited Investor" as defined by
Rule 501(a) of the Securities Act.  The Company investigated the representations
and  determined  that  they  were  accurate.

On  January  28,  2009,  we  issued 700,000 shares to Robert Kang, currently our
Chief  Executive  Officer,  President  and  Interim  Chief Financial Officer, in
consideration  for  consulting  services  performed prior to joining the Company
valued at $252,000.  This issuance was completed in accordance with Section 4(2)
of  the  Securities  Act  and  Regulation  D  in  an offering without any public
offering  or  distribution.

On  January  28,  2009,  we  issued  1,300,000  shares  to  SEA  Motors, Inc. in
consideration  for  consulting  services  valued  at $468,000. This issuance was
completed in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Securities Act and Regulation D
in  an  offering  without  any  public  offering  or  distribution.

On  January  28,  2009,  we  issued  500,000  shares  to  a  consulting  firm in
consideration  for  consulting  services  valued at $180,000.  This issuance was
completed in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Securities Act and Regulation D
in  an  offering  without  any  public  offering  or  distribution.

On  January  28,  2009,  we  issued  1,000,000  shares  to  a consulting firm in
consideration  for  consulting  services  valued at $360,000.  This issuance was
completed in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Securities Act and Regulation D
in  an  offering  without  any  public  offering  or  distribution.

On  October  24,  2008,  we  issued  1,000,800  shares of our common stock to 27
accredited  investors  for  the  amount  of  about  $200,000.  This issuance was
completed in accordance with Section 4(2) of the Securities Act and Regulation D
in  an  offering  without  any public offering or distribution. These shares are
restricted  securities  and  include  an  appropriate  restrictive  legend. Each
accredited investor executed and delivered representations containing facts that
establish  them  as  "Accredited  Investors"  as  defined  by Rule 501(a) of the
Securities Act. The Company investigated the representations and determined that
they  were  accurate.

On  February  1,  2008,  the  Company  issued  300,000 shares to consultants for
services  valued  at  $60,000.  This  issuance  was completed in accordance with
Section 4(2) of the Securities Act in an offering without any public offering or
distribution.  These shares are restricted securities and include an appropriate
restrictive  legend.  The  consultants  executed  and  delivered representations

                                   Page 50

containing  facts  that  establish  them as "Accredited Investors" as defined by
Rule 501(a) of the Securities Act.  The Company investigated the representations
and  determined  that  they  were  accurate.

On  November  5,  2007,  the  Company  issued  200,000 shares to consultants for
services  valued  at  $44,800.  This  issuance  was completed in accordance with
Section 4(2) of the Securities Act in an offering without any public offering or
distribution.  These shares are restricted securities and include an appropriate
restrictive  legend.  The  consultants  executed  and  delivered representations
containing  facts  that  establish  them as "Accredited Investors" as defined by
Rule 501(a) of the Securities Act.  The Company investigated the representations
and  determined  that  they  were  accurate.

On  November 12, 2007, the Company issued 24,200,000 shares valued at $24,200 to
the shareholders of Leozone in exchange for 100% of the outstanding common stock
of  Leozone.  This issuance was completed in accordance with Section 4(2) of the
Securities  Act  in  an  offering  without  any public offering or distribution.
These  shares  are  restricted securities and include an appropriate restrictive


The  following  sets  forth  the  material  terms  of  the Company's securities.
However,  a  more  detailed  description  of  our securities is contained in the
Company's  Articles  of  Incorporation.


Our Articles of Incorporation authorize the issuance of up to 100,000,000 shares
of common stock, par value $0.001.  There were 35,946,449 shares of common stock
issued  and  outstanding  as  of  April  27,  2009.

Holders of our common stock are entitled to one vote per share on all matters to
be voted on by the stockholders. Holders of common stock are entitled to receive
ratably such dividends, if any, as may be declared by the Board of Directors out
of funds legally available therefor. In the event of a liquidation, dissolution,
or  winding up of the Company, the holders of common stock are entitled to share
ratably  in all of our assets which are legally available for distribution after
payment  of  all  debts  and other liabilities and liquidation preference of any
outstanding  common  stock.

Holders  of our common stock have no preemptive rights to purchase common stock.
There  are  no  conversion  or redemption rights or sinking fund provisions with
respect to the common stock.  The outstanding shares of common stock are validly
issued,  fully  paid  and  non-assessable.


As  of  December  31,  2008,  the Company had 100,000,000 shares of common stock
authorized  with  31,613,115  shares  issued  and  outstanding and approximately
5,912,315  freely  tradable

                                   Page 51

shares  in  the  public  float.  These  shares  were  held  by approximately 850
shareholders  of  record  and  Company  estimates  by more than 1,000 beneficial

As  of  December  31,  2008,  the Company had 100,000,000 shares of common stock
authorized  with  31,613,115  shares  issued  and  outstanding and approximately
5,912,315 freely tradable shares in the public float.  These shares were held by
approximately  828  shareholders  of  record  and Company estimates by more than
1,000  beneficial  shareholders.

As  of  December  31,  2007,  the Company had 100,000,000 shares of common stock
authorized  with  30,312,315  shares  issued  and  outstanding and approximately
5,912,315 freely tradable shares in the public float.  These shares were held by
approximately  800  shareholders  of  record  and Company estimates by more than
1,000  beneficial  shareholders.

As  of  December  31,  2006,  the Company had 100,000,000 shares of common stock
authorized  with  28,537,315  shares  issued  and  outstanding and approximately
3,412,315 freely tradable shares in the public float.  These shares were held by
approximately  800  shareholders  of  record  and Company estimates by more than
1,000  beneficial  shareholders.


Our  Articles of Incorporation do not authorize the issuance of Preferred Stock.
There  are  presently  no  shares  of  preferred  stock  outstanding.


The  Company  currently  has no outstanding warrants or other rights to purchase
shares  of  the  Company's  common  stock.


Holders of the Company's common stock will be entitled to receive cash dividends
when  declared  by  the  Board of Directors of the Company, out of funds legally
available  for  payment  thereof.  However, if dividends are not declared by the
Board  of  Directors,  no  dividends  shall  be  paid.  Under  Delaware  General
Corporation  Law,  a  corporation  is  prohibited  from  paying dividends if the
Company,  as  a  result  of  paying such dividends, would not be able to pay its
debts as they come due, or if the Company's total liabilities and preferences to
preferred  shareholders  if  any  exceed  total  assets.  Any  payment  of  cash
dividends of the Common Stock in the future will be dependent upon the Company's
financial  condition,  results  of  operations,  current  and  anticipated  cash
requirements,  plans  for  expansion,  as  well  as  other  factors the Board of
Directors  deems  relevant.

It  is  not  anticipated that any cash dividends will be paid in the foreseeable
future.  While  the  Company's  dividend  policy  will be based on the operating
results  and capital needs of the business, it is anticipated that all earnings,
if  any,  will  be  retained  to  finance  the future expansion of the Company's
business.  Therefore,  prospective  investors  who  anticipate  the  need  for
immediate  income  by  way  of  cash  dividends from their investment should not
purchase  the  Shares  offered.

                                   Page 52


The  Company  intends  to comply with the periodic reporting requirements of the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934.  The Company plans to furnish its stockholders
with  an  annual  report  for  each  fiscal  year ending December 31, containing
financial  statements  audited  by its independent certified public accountants.

The  SEC  maintains an Internet site at www.sec.gov that contains reports, proxy
and  information  statements,  and other information regarding issuers that file
electronically with the SEC.  The public may also read and copy any materials we
file  with  the  SEC  at  the SEC's Public Reference Room at 100 F Street, N.E.,
Washington,  D.C.  20549  (call  1-800-SEC-0330  for  information).


The  transfer  agent  and  registrar  for  our  Common  Stock  is:

Madison  Stock  Transfer  Inc.
PO  Box  145
Brooklyn,  NY  11229


The Delaware General Corporation Law provides, in effect, that any person made a
party to any action by reason of the fact that he is or was a director, officer,
employee  or agent of our company may and, in certain cases, must be indemnified
by  our  company  against,  in  the  case of a non-derivative action, judgments,
fines,  amounts paid in settlement and reasonable expenses (including attorneys'
fees)  incurred  by  him  as  a  result  of  such  action,  and in the case of a
derivative  action,  against  expenses (including attorneys' fees), if in either
type  of action he acted in good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to
be  in  or  not opposed to the best interests of our company and in any criminal
proceeding  in which such person had reasonable cause to believe his conduct was
lawful.  This indemnification does not apply, in a derivative action, to matters
as  to  which  it  is  adjudged that the director, officer, employee or agent is
liable  to  our  company, unless upon court order it is determined that, despite
such  adjudication  of  liability,  but  in view of all the circumstances of the
case,  he  is  fairly  and  reasonably entitled to indemnification for expenses.

At present, there is no pending litigation or proceeding involving any director
or officer as to which indemnification is being sought, nor are we aware of any
threatened litigation that may result in claims for indemnification by any
director or officer.


Set Forth Below.

                                   Page 53


Prior  to  appointing  Gruber & Company LLC as our registered independent public
auditing  firm,  the  Company  was  dormant  and  had  not  engaged a registered
independent  public  auditing  firm.

Since  engaging  Gruber  & Company, there have been no disagreements between the
Company  and  our  registered  independent public auditing firm on any matter of
accounting  principles  or practices, financial statement disclosure or auditing
scope  of procedure, which disagreements, if not resolved to the satisfaction of
such  firm,  would  have  caused  them  to  make reference to the subject matter
thereof  in their report on the Company's financial statements for such periods.



Please  see the following financial statements set forth below beginning on page

  -   Financial  statements  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  2008
  -   Financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2007 and December
      31, 2006;
  -   Financial statements for the six months ended June 30, 2009


3.1     Articles of Incorporation Leo Motors, Inc. as amended. (1)
3.2     Restated bylaws of Leo Motors, Inc. (1)
10.1    Agreement between the Company and Keimyung University dated November
        14, 2007.(1)
10.2    Memorandum of Agreement between the City Government of Puerto Princesa,
        Philippines, Leo Motors, Inc., and Sea Motors, Inc. (1)
10.3    Agreement between the Company and Cusco, Inc. dated November 22, 2006.
10.4    Agreement between the Company and Leo Motorcars Co. Ltd. (Thailand)
        dated February 15, 2008.  (2)
10.5    Letter of Intention between the Company and SEA Motors dated December
        29, 2008. (2)
10.6    Agreement between the Company and Bike Lease Co. Ltd. dated April 14,
        2009. (3)
10.7    OEM Supply Contract between the Company and Chulin dated April 23,
        2009. (3)
10.8    Loan Agreement with Shinhan Bank dated May 27, 2009. (4)
10.9    Letter of Guarantee by KIBO Technology Fund dated May 27, 2009. (4)

(1) Filed with the Company's registration statement on Form 10 filed December
10, 2008, and hereby incorporated herein by this reference.
(2) Filed with the Company's registration statement on Form 10 filed December
10, 2008, and hereby incorporated herein by this reference.
(3) Filed with the Company's Quarterly report on Form 10-Q filed May 15, 2009.
(4) Filed with the Company's Quarterly report on Form 10-Q filed August 18,

                                   Page 54


Pursuant  to  the  requirements  of Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this registration statement to be signed on
its  behalf  by  the  undersigned,  thereunto  duly  authorized.

                                        LEO MOTORS, INC.

Date:     September 8, 2009             By: \s\ Robert Kang
                                        Robert  Kang
                                        President, Chief  Executive  Officer
                                        and Interim Chief Financial Officer

                                   Page 55

                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)



Year Ended December31, 2008
- ---------------------------
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm......................F-2
Consolidated Balance Sheets as at December 31................................F-3
Consolidated Statement of Operations for the year ended
     December 31, 2008.......................................................F-4
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the
     year ended December 31, 2008............................................F-5
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
     for the year ended December 31, 2008....................................F-6
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the year ended
     December 31, 2008.......................................................F-7
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements...............................F-8

Years Ended December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006
- ---------------------------------------------------
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.....................F-14
Consolidated Balance Sheets as at December 31, 2007 and
     December 31, 2006......................................................F-15
Consolidated Statement of Operations for the years ended
     December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006................................F-16
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the
     years ended December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006....................F-17
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
     for the years ended December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006............F-18
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended
     December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006................................F-19
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements..............................F-20

Six Months Ended June 30, 2009
- ------------------------------
Consolidated Balance Sheets as at June 30, 2009.............................F-29
Consolidated Statement of Operations for the Six Months Ended
     June 30, 2009..........................................................F-30
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the Six
     Months Ended June 30, 2009.............................................F-31
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Equity
     for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2009.................................F-32
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Six Months
     Ended June 30, 2009....................................................F-33
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements..............................F-34




The Board of Leo Motors, Inc.,

We  have  audited  the  accompanying  balance  sheet  of  Leo Motors, Inc. as of
December  31,  2008  and  2007  and  the  related  statements  of  operations,
stockholders  equity  and cash flows for the years then ended and for the period
from  inception (July 1, 2006) to December 31, 2008.  These financial statements
are  the  responsibility  of  the Company's management. Our responsibility is to
express  an  opinion  on  these  financial  statements  based  on  our  audit.

We  conducted  our  audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements  are  free  of  material misstatement. The Company is not required to
have,  nor  were  we  engaged  to perform, an audit of its internal control over
financial  reporting.  Our audit included consideration of internal control over
financial  reporting  as  a  basis  for  designing  audit  procedures  that  are
appropriate  in  the  circumstances,  but  not  for the purpose of expressing an
opinion  on  the  effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial
reporting.  Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit includes examining
on  a  test  basis,  evidence  supporting  the  amounts  and  disclosures in the
financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles
used  and  significant  estimates  made by management, as well as evaluating the
overall  financial  statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a
reasonable  basis  for  our  opinion.

In  our  opinion,  the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of the Company  as at December 31,
2008  and  2007  and the results of its' operations and its' stockholders equity
and  cash  flows  for  the  years then  in conformity with accounting principles
generally  accepted  in  the  United  States  of  America.

The  accompanying  financial  statements have been prepared assuming the Company
will  continue  as  a  going concern. As discussed in the notes to the financial
statements,  the  Company  has  incurred losses.  This item among others, raises
substantial  doubt  about  its  ability  to  continue  as a going concern. These
financial  statements  do not include any adjustments that might result from the
outcome  of  this  uncertainty

\s\ Gruber & Company LLC
- ------------------------
Gruber & Company LLC

Dated March 20, 2009
Lake St. Louis, MO 63367


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (A Development Stage Company)
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                           December 31, 2008 and 2007

                                        DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,
                                            2008            2007
                                       --------------  --------------
  Current Assets:
  Cash in Bank                         $      32,181   $      38,061
  Accounts Receivable-net of
    allowance of $11,735 and 0                13,854          14,541
  Inventory                                   35,575          19,315
  Prepaid Costs                              130,568         162,335
                                       --------------  --------------
  Total Current Assets                       212,178         234,252

  Fixed Assets-Net                             5,940          24,541
                                       --------------  --------------

  Deposits                                    63,104         111,327
                                       --------------  --------------

TOTAL ASSETS                           $     281,222   $     370,120
                                       ==============  ==============

  Current Liabilities

  Accounts Payable and
    Accrued Expenses                          16,850          14,945
  Taxes Payable                                2,080          34,788
  Payments Received in Advance               396,197         534,300
  Related Party Payable                      804,794         991,591
                                       --------------  --------------

  Total Current Liabilities                1,219,921       1,575,624
                                       --------------  --------------

  Total Liabilities                        1,219,921       1,575,624

  Common Stock, Authorized
    100,000,000 Shares, $0.01 par
    value, 31,613,115 and 30,312,315
    shares issued and outstanding             31,613          30,312
  Additional Paid in Capital                 323,351         181,570
  Comprehensive Income (Loss)                237,386         (52,446)
  Retained Deficit                        (1,531,049)     (1,364,940)
                                       --------------  --------------
  Stockholders' Deficit                     (938,699)     (1,205,504)
                                       --------------  --------------
  STOCKHOLDERS' DEFICIT                $     281,222   $     370,120
                                       ==============  ==============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (A Development Stage Company)
                     Years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007
               and the Period from Inception to December 31, 2008

                                                                FOR THE PERIOD
                                                                FROM INCEPTION
                                 YEAR ENDED      YEAR ENDED    JULY 1, 2006 TO
                                DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,     DECEMBER 31,
                                    2008            2007             2008
                               --------------  --------------  -----------------

SALES                          $      82,435   $     172,316   $        254,751

COST OF SALES                        (35,511)       (121,846)          (157,357)
                               --------------  --------------  -----------------

GROSS PROFIT                          46,924          50,470             97,394

  Salaries and Benefits              169,149          76,559            368,216
  Service Fees                        23,132          64,708            231,658
  General and Administrative         125,480         920,649          1,137,600
                               --------------  --------------  -----------------
TOTAL EXPENDITURES                   317,761       1,061,916          1,737,473

NET LOSS FROM OPERATIONS            (270,837)     (1,011,446)        (1,640,079)

 Consulting Income                   105,268           5,769            111,037
                               --------------  --------------  -----------------
NET LOSS                       $    (165,569)  $  (1,005,677)  $     (1,529,042)

Loss per share                        (0.005)         (0.033)

Weighted Avg. Shares              30,637,515      30,312,315

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (A Development Stage Company)
                     Years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007
               and the Period from Inception to December 31, 2008

                                                               FOR THE PERIOD
                                                               FROM INCEPTION
                                    YEAR ENDED    YEAR ENDED   JULY 1, 2006 TO
                                   DECEMBER 31,  DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,
                                       2008          2007            2008
                                   ------------  ------------  ---------------

Net Loss                           $  (165,569)  $(1,005,677)  $   (1,529,042)

Currency Transaction Loss                 (540)       (1,467)          (2,007)

Total Comprehensive Income (Loss)  $  (166,109)  $(1,007,144)  $   (1,531,049)

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                               LEO MOTORS, INC.
                                        (A Development Stage Company)
                                    Years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007
                                                         Additional      Other            Retained
                                    Common      Stock    Paid in         Comprehensive    Earnings
                                    Shares      Amount   Income (Loss)   Income (Loss)    (Deficit)     Total
                                    ----------  -------  --------------  ---------------  ------------  ------------
Balance, January 1, 2007            30,312,315  $30,312  $           -                -   $  (357,796)  $  (145,914)
Foreign Currency Translation                 -        -        (52,446)         (52,446)                    (52,446)
Net Loss for the year                        -        -              -                -    (1,007,144)   (1,007,144)
                                    ----------  -------  --------------  ---------------  ------------  ------------
Balance December 31, 2007           30,312,315   30,312        (52,446)         (52,446)   (1,364,940)   (1,205,504)

Stock issued for debt and services   1,300,800    1,301              -                -             -       143,082
Foreign Currency Translation                 -        -        289,832          289,832                     289,832
Net Loss for the year                        -        -              -                -      (166,109)     (166,109)
                                    ----------  -------  --------------  ---------------  ------------  ------------
Balance December 31, 2008           31,613,115  $31,613  $     237,386   $      237,386   $(1,531,049)  $  (938,699)
                                    ==========  =======  ==============  ===============  ============  ============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (A Development Stage Company)
                     Years ended December 31, 2008 and 2007

                                                                  FOR THE PERIOD
                                                                  FROM INCEPTION
                                      YEAR ENDED    YEAR ENDED   JULY 1, 2006 TO
                                     DECEMBER 31,  DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,
                                         2008          2007            2008
                                     ------------  ------------  --------------
  Net Loss                           $  (166,109)  $(1,007,144)  $  (1,531,049)
  Adjustments to reconcile net
    loss to net cash
  provided by operating activities:
   Stock issued                          143,082             -         143,082
  Depreciation                            18,601        35,000          61,866
  (Increase) in Inventory                (16,260)      (19,315)        (35,575)
  (Increase) Decrease in Accounts
    Receivable                               687          (139)        (13,854)
  (Increase) Decrease in Deposits/
    Prepaid                               79,990       224,763         (61,318)
  Increase (Decrease) in Accounts
    Payable and Accrued Expenses/
    Payments in Advance                 (136,198)     (127,348)       (121,253)
  Increase in Taxes and Advances         (32,708)       27,148         536,380
                                     ------------  ------------  --------------

  OPERATING ACTIVITIES                  (108,915)     (867,035)      (1,021,721)

  Fixed Assets                                 -      (159,153)       (200,160)

  Proceeds from Stock Advances                         104,158         211,882
  Proceeds from related party                  -       991,591         991,591
  Debt reduction related party          (186,797)            -        (186,797)
                                     ------------  ------------  --------------

  ACTIVITIES                            (186,797)    1,095,749       1,016,676

  CURRENCY TRANSLATION ADJUSTMENT        289,832       (45,457)        237,386

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH           (5,880)       24,104          32,181

CASH AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD       38,061        13,957
                                     ------------  ------------

CASH AT THE END OF THE PERIOD        $    32,181   $    38,061   $      32,181
                                     ============  ============  ==============

Income taxes paid                              -             -               -

Interest expense paid                          -             -               -

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (A Development Stage Company)
                               December 31, 2008



Leo  Motors,  Inc,  Inc. (the "Company")  was originally incorporated as Classic
Auto  Accessories,  a  California  Corporation on July 2, 1986. The Company then
underwent  several  name  changes  from  FCR  Automotive  Group,  Inc. to Shinil
Precision  Machinery,  Inc.  to  Simco  America Inc. and then to Leo Motors. The
Company  had  been  dormant  since  1989,  and  effectuated  a reverse merger on
November  12, 2007 with Leozone Inc., a South Korean Company, which is the maker
of electrical transportation devices. The merger essentially exchanges shares in
Leo  Motors,  Inc.  for  shares  in  Leozone.  As  this  is a reverse merger the
accounting  treatment  of such is that of a combination of the two entities with
the activity of Leozone, Inc. the surviving entity, going forward. The financial
statements  reflect  the activity for all periods presented as if the merger had
occurred  January  1, 2007.  The Company is a development stage enterprise under
SFAS  No. 7, as principal operations have begun but the Company has not realized
substantial  revenues.

Basis of Presentation and Going Concern

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have  been prepared in conformity with
accounting  principles generally accepted in the United States of America, which
contemplate  continuation  of  the  Company  as a going concern. The company has
incurred  material  losses  and  has  a negative equity.  These conditions raise
substantial  doubt  as  to the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.
These financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from
the  outcome of this uncertainty.  These financial statements do not include any
adjustments  relating to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset
amounts, or amounts and classification of recorded asset amounts, or amounts and
classification  of  liabilities  that  might  be necessary should the Company be
unable  to  continue  as  a  going  concern.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally  accepted  in the United States of America requires management to make
estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect  reported  amounts  of  assets  and
liabilities,  disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the
financial  statements,  and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during
the  reporting  period.  Actual  results  could  differ  from  those  estimates.


Fair Value of Financial Instruments

For  certain  of  the  Company's  financial instruments, including cash and cash
equivalents,  accounts  receivable  inventory  and  prepaid  expenses,  accounts
payable  and  deferred revenues, the carrying amounts approximate fair value due
to  their  short  maturities.

Revenue Recognition

Revenues are recognized upon sale and shipment of the product.

Accounts  receivables of the Company are reviewed to determine if their carrying
value  has  become  impaired.

The Company considers the assets to be impaired if the balances are greater than
six  months  old.  Management  regularly  reviews  accounts  receivable and will
establish  an  allowance for potentially uncollectible amounts when appropriate.
When  accounts  are  written  off,  they  will be charged against the allowance.
Receivables  are  not  collateralized  and do not bear interest. The Company has
established  a  reserve  on  receivables  of  $11,735  in  2008.

The  Company  anticipates  adopting  a warranty and return policy granting a one
year  limited  warranty.  The policy will warrant that the products will be free
from  defects  in  material  and  workmanship  and  meet  Seller's  published
specifications  at the time of shipment under normal use and regular service and
maintenance.  The  Company  is  evaluating  the accounting treatment for product
returns  and  warranties  and  will  provide  an  allowance at the time of sale.

Concentration of Credit Risk

Financial instruments which subject the Company to concentrations of credit risk
include cash and cash equivalents.

The  Company  maintains  its  cash  in  well-known  banks  selected  based  upon
management's  assessment  of  the  bank's  financial  stability.  Balances  may
periodically  exceed  the  $250,000 federal depository insurance limit; however,
the  Company  has  not  experienced any losses on deposits.  The Company extends
credit  based  on an evaluation of the customer's financial condition, generally
without  collateral.  Exposure to losses on receivables is principally dependent
on  each  customer's financial condition.  The Company monitors its exposure for
credit  losses  and  maintains  allowances  for anticipated losses, as required.

Cash Equivalents

For purposes of reporting cash flows, the Company considers all short-term
investments with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash

Fixed Assets

Fixed assets are stated at cost, less accumulated depreciation.  Depreciation is
provided principally on the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives
of  the  assets,  which  is  generally  3  to 10 years.  The cost of repairs and
maintenance  is  charged  to  expense  as  incurred.  Expenditures  for property
betterments  and  renewals are capitalized.  Upon sale or other disposition of a
depreciable  asset,  cost


and  accumulated depreciation are removed from the accounts and any gain or loss
is  reflected  in  other  income  (expense).

The  Company  will  periodically  evaluate whether events and circumstances have
occurred that may warrant revision of the estimated useful lives of fixed assets
or  whether  the  remaining  balance  of  fixed  assets  should be evaluated for
possible  impairment.  We use an estimate of the related undiscounted cash flows
over  the  remaining life of the fixed assets in measuring their recoverability.

Comprehensive Income

Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  (SFAS)  No.  130,  "Reporting
Comprehensive  Income,"  establishes  standards for the reporting and display of
comprehensive  income  and  its  components  in  the  financial  statements.

The functional currency of the Company is the Korean Won. Assets and liabilities
are  translated  to  U.S. Dollars at the period-end exchange rates ($.000792393)
and  ($.00107527)  respectively  and  revenues  and  expenses  are translated at
weighted  average  exchange  rates  for  the  period, which was (.000924059) and
(00119269)  respectively.  Resulting  translation  adjustments are recorded as a
component  of  stockholders'  equity  in  other  comprehensive  income  (loss).

Advertising Costs

Advertising costs are expensed as incurred.

Income Taxes

The  Company  accounts  for  income taxes under SFAS 109, "Accounting for Income
Taxes."  Under  the  asset and liability method of SFAS 109, deferred tax assets
and  liabilities  are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to
differences between the financial statements carrying amounts of existing assets
and  liabilities  and  their  respective  tax  bases.  Deferred  tax  assets and
liabilities  are  measured  using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable
income  in  the  years  in  which those temporary differences are expected to be
recovered  or  settled.

Loss per Share

In accordance with SFAS No. 128, "Earnings Per Share," the basic income / (loss)
per common share is computed by dividing net income / (loss) available to common
stockholders  by  the  weighted  average  number  of  common shares outstanding.
Diluted  income  per  common share is computed similar to basic income per share
except  that  the  denominator  is increased to include the number of additional
common  shares  that  would have been outstanding if the potential common shares
had  been  issued  and  if  the  additional  common  shares  were  dilutive.

Stock-Based Compensation

SFAS  No.  123,  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation,"  establishes  and
encourages  the use of the fair value based method of accounting for stock-based
compensation  arrangements under which compensation cost is determined using the
fair value of stock-based compensation determined as of the date of grant and is
recognized  over  the  periods  in which the related services are rendered.  For
stock  based  compensation  the Company recognizes an expense in accordance with
SFAS  No.  123  and  values


the  equity  securities  based  on the fair value of the security on the date of
grant.  Stock  option  awards  are valued using the Black-Scholes option-pricing

For  the  year  ended  December  31,  2008  the Company issued 1,300,800 shares,
1,000,000 for a reduction of debt and 300,000 for services both valued at market
at  .11  per  share.  The  shares  for services were recognized as an expense in
general  and  administrative  at  $33,000.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In  December  2007,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 141(R), Business Combinations (FAS
141(R)).  This  Statement  provides  greater  consistency  in the accounting and
financial  reporting  of business combinations. It requires the acquiring entity
in  a  business  combination  to  recognize  all assets acquired and liabilities
assumed  in  the transaction, establishes the acquisition-date fair value as the
measurement  objective  for  all  assets  acquired  and liabilities assumed, and
requires  the  acquirer  to  disclose  the  nature  and  financial effect of the
business  combination.  FAS 141(R) is effective for fiscal years beginning after
December  15,  2008. We will adopt FAS 141(R) no later than the first quarter of
fiscal 2009 and are currently assessing the impact the adoption will have on our
financial  position  and  results  of  operations.

In  December  2007,  the  FASB  issued SFAS No. 160. Noncontrolling Interests in
Consolidated  Financial  Statements  (FAS 160). This Statement amends Accounting
Research  Bulletin  No.  51,  Consolidated  Financial  Statements,  to establish
accounting  and  reporting  standards  for  the  noncontrolling  interest  in  a
subsidiary and for the deconsolidation of a subsidiary. FAS 160 is effective for
fiscal  years  beginning after December 15, 2008. We will adopt FAS 160 no later
than the first quarter of fiscal 2009 and are currently assessing the impact the
adoption  will  have  on  our  financial  position  and  results  of operations.

In  February  2007,  the  FASB  issued  SFAS  No. 159, The Fair Value Option for
Financial  Assets and Financial Liabilities, which permits entities to choose to
measure  at  fair  value  eligible financial instruments and certain other items
that  are  not  currently  required  to  be measured at fair value. The standard
requires  that  unrealized  gains  and  losses on items for which the fair value
option  has  been  elected  be reported in earnings at each subsequent reporting
date.  SFAS  No.  159 is effective for fiscal years beginning after November 15,
2007.  We  have  adopted  SFAS No. 159 which has had no impact  on our financial
position  and  results  of  operations.

In  September  2006,  the  FASB  issued  SFAS No. 158, Employers' Accounting for
Defined  Benefit  Pension  and  Other Postretirement Plans, an amendment of FASB
Statements  No.  87,  88,  106,  and  132(R). SFAS No. 158 requires company plan
sponsors  to display the net over- or under-funded position of a defined benefit
postretirement  plan  as  an  asset  or  liability,  with any unrecognized prior
service  costs,  transition  obligations or actuarial gains/losses reported as a
component of other comprehensive income in shareholders' equity. SFAS No. 158 is
effective  for  fiscal  years  ending  after  December  15, 2006. We adopted the
recognition  provisions  of  SFAS  No.  158  as  of  the end of fiscal 2007. The
adoption  of  SFAS  No.  158  did  not have an effect on the Company's financial
position  or  results  of  operations.

In  September  2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 157, Fair Value Measurements. SFAS
No.  157  establishes a framework for measuring fair value in generally accepted
accounting  principles,  clarifies  the  definition  of  fair  value and expands
disclosures about fair value measurements. SFAS No. 157 does not require any new
fair  value  measurements.  However,  the application of SFAS No. 157 may change


current  practice  for  some  entities.  SFAS No. 157 is effective for financial
statements  issued  for  fiscal  years  beginning  after  November 15, 2007, and
interim  periods  within those fiscal years. We have adopted SFAS No. 157 and it
has  had  no  impact   on  our  financial  position  and  results of operations.

In  July 2006, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 48, Accounting for Uncertainty
in  Income  Taxes  -  an interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109 (FIN 48). This
interpretation  clarifies the application of SFAS No. 109, Accounting for Income
Taxes, by defining a criterion that an individual tax position must meet for any
part  of  the  benefit  of  that  position  to  be recognized in an enterprise's
financial  statements  and also provides guidance on measurement, derecognition,
classification,  interest  and  penalties,  accounting  in  interim  periods,
disclosure  and transition. FIN 48 is effective for fiscal years beginning after
December  15,  2006,  but earlier adoption is permitted. The Company has adopted
this  and  there  is  no  impact of the application of the Interpretation to its
financial  statements.


Basic  earnings  per share are calculated by dividing net income by the weighted
average  number  of  common  shares  outstanding  during  the  period.


The Company recognizes a receivable on sales of parts and electrical motor
equipment. The Company has  established a reserve for allowance for doubtful
accounts in 2008 equal to $11,735.


The Company accounts for its inventory under the FIFO method and lower of cost
or market method of costing. The company's inventory consists of parts for the
electric transportation industry.


The Company's assets consist of the following:

Furniture Fixtures and Equipment     $ 41,007     $ 41,007
Less Accumulated Depreciation         (35,067)     (16,466)

Net                                  $  5,940     $ 24,541

The Company depreciates it assets over useful lives of between 3 and 7 years.
Depreciation expense was $18,601 in 2008.


The company is indebted to its officer for advances. Repayment is on demand
without interest.  The Company reduced this obligation by the issuance of
1,000,800 valued at $110,088 during 2008.



The Company during the periods received payments from potential customers, or
deposits, on future orders. The Company's policy is to record these payments as
a liability until the product is completed and shipped to the customer at which
the Company recognizes revenue.


                              GRUBER & COMPANY LLC


The Board of Leozone, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of Leozone, Inc. as of December
31, 2007 and 2006 and the related statements of operations, stockholders equity
and cash flows for the years then ended and for the period July 1, 2006 to
December 31, 2007.  These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and perform our audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. The Company is not required to
have, nor were we engaged to perform, an audit of its internal control over
financial reporting. Our audit included consideration of internal control over
financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an
opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal control over financial
reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit includes examining
on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles
used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the
overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of the Company as at December 31,
2007 and 2006  and the results of its' operations and its' stockholders equity
and cash flows for the years then ended and for the period of inception from
July 1, 2006 to December 31, 2007  in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.

The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming the Company
will continue as a going concern. As discussed in the notes to the financial
statements, the Company has incurred losses.  This item among others raises
substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern. These
financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the
outcome of this uncertainty

\s\ Gruber & Company LLC
- ------------------------
Gruber & Company LLC

Dated September 6,2008
Lake St. Louis, MO 63367


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (A Development Stage Company)
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                           December 31, 2007 and 2006

                                             DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,
                                             2007            2006
                                             --------------  --------------
  Current Assets:
  Cash in Bank                               $      38,061   $      13,957
  Accounts Receivable                               14,541          14,402
  Inventory                                         19,315
                                             --------------  --------------
  Prepaid Costs                                     29,981
  Total Current Assets                             101,898          28,359
                                             --------------  --------------

  Fixed Assets-Net                                 156,895          32,742
                                             --------------  --------------

  Deposits                                         111,327         366,071
                                             --------------  --------------

TOTAL ASSETS                                 $     370,120   $     427,172
                                             ==============  ==============

  Current Liabilities

  Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses             14,945         142,293
  Taxes Payable                                     34,788           3,320
  Payments Received in Advance                     534,300         538,620
  Related Party Payable                            991,591
                                             --------------  --------------

  Total Current Liabilities                      1,575,624         684,233

  Total Liabilities                              1,575,624         684,233
                                             --------------  --------------

  Stockholders' Equity
  Common Stock, Authorized
  100,000,000 Shares, $0.01
  par value, 30,312,315, shares
  issued and outstanding                            30,312          30,312

  Additional Paid in Capital                       181,570          77,412

  Comprehensive Loss
   -Translation (loss)                             (52,446)         (6,989)

  Retained Deficit                              (1,364,940)       (357,796)
                                             --------------  --------------
  Stockholders' Deficit                         (1,205,504)       (257,061)
                                             --------------  --------------
                                             ==============  ==============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (A Development Stage Company)
                           December 31, 2007 and 2006
               and the Period from Inception to December 31, 2007

                                             FOR THE PERIOD      FOR THE PERIOD
                              FOR THE        FROM INCEPTION      FROM INCEPTION
                             YEAR ENDED     JULY 1, 2006) TO    JULY 1, 2006) TO
                            DECEMBER 31,      DECEMBER 31,        DECEMBER 31,
                                2007              2006                2007
                           --------------  ------------------  -----------------

SALES                      $     172,316   $               -   $        172,316

COST OF SALES                    121,846                   -            121,846
                           --------------  ------------------  -----------------

GROSS PROFIT                      50,470                   -             50,470

  Salaries and Benefits           76,559             122,508            199,067
  Service Fees                    64,708             143,817            208,526
                           --------------  ------------------  -----------------
  General and
    Administrative               920,649              91,471          1,012,120
TOTAL EXPENDITURES             1,061,916             357,796          1,419,712
                           --------------  ------------------  -----------------

NET LOSS FROM OPERATIONS      (1,011,446)           (357,796)        (1,369,242)

  Consulting Income                5,769                   -              5,769

NET LOSS                   $  (1,005,677)  $        (357,796)  $     (1,363,473)
                           ==============  ==================  =================
  Weighted Avg. Shares        30,312,315          30,312,315
  Loss per Share                  (0.033)             (0.012)

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (A Development Stage Company)
                           December 31, 2007 and 2006
               and the Period from Inception to December 31, 2007

                                          FOR THE PERIOD       FOR THE PERIOD
                          FOR THE         FROM INCEPTION       FROM INCEPTION
                         YEAR ENDED     (JULY 1, 2006) TO    (JULY 1, 2006) TO
                        DECEMBER 31,       DECEMBER 31,          DECEMBER 31,
                            2007               2006                  2007
                       --------------  -------------------  -------------------

Net Loss               $  (1,005,677)  $         (357,796)  $       (1,363,473)

Transaction loss on
currency Differential         (1,467)                   -               (1,467)
                       --------------  -------------------  -------------------

Total Comprehensive
income                 $  (1,007,144)  $         (357,796)  $       (1,364,940)


                                LEO MOTORS, INC
                         (A Development Stage Company)
                           December 31, 2007 and 2006

                                                                          Comprehensive     Retained
                                                        Common Stock           Loss         Earnings
                                                    Shares      Amount         APIC         (Deficit)      Total
                                                 ------------  --------  ---------------  ------------  ------------
Balance, July 1, 2006                                       -  $      -  $            -   $         -   $         -
Common Stock issued to founders                    30,312,315    30,312          77,412             -       107,724
Net Loss for the period ended December 31, 2006             -         -          (6,989)     (357,796)     (364,785)
                                                 ------------  --------  ---------------  ------------  ------------
Balance December 31, 2006                          30,312,315    30,312          70,423     (357,796)     (257,061)

Capital Contribution                                        -         -         104,158             -       104,158
 Net loss for the year ended December 31, 2007              -         -         (45,457)   (1,007,144)   (1,052,601)
                                                 ------------  --------  ---------------  ------------  ------------
 Balance December 31, 2007                         30,312,315    30,312         129,124    (1,364,940)   (1,205,504)
                                                 ============  ========  ===============  ============  ============

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (A Development Stage Company)
                           December 31, 2007 and 2006

                                                                 FOR THE PERIOD
                                      FOR THE        FOR THE     FROM INCEPTION
                                     YEAR ENDED    PERIOD ENDED  (JULY 1, 2006)
                                    DECEMBER 31,   DECEMBER 31,  TO DECEMBER 31,
                                        2007           2006            2007
                                   -------------  -------------  ---------------
  Net Loss                         $ (1,007,144)  $   (357,796)  $   (1,364,940)
  Adjustments to reconcile
    net loss to net cash
  provided by operating
  Depreciation                           35,000          8,265           43,265
  (Increase) in Inventory               (19,315)                        (19,315)
  (Increase) Decrease in
    Accounts Receivable                    (139)       (14,402)         (14,541)
  (Increase) Decrease in
    Deposits/Prepaid                    224,763       (366,071)        (141,308)
  Increase (Decrease) in Accounts
    Payable and Accrued Expenses       (127,348)       142,293           14,945
  Increase in Taxes and Advances         27,148        541,940          569,088
                                   -------------  -------------  ---------------

  OPERATING ACTIVITIES                 (63,458)       (860,046)        (969,275)

  Fixed Assets                         (159,153)       (41,007)        (200,160)

  Proceeds for Sale of Stock            104,158        107,724          211,882
  Proceeds from related party           991,591                         991,591
                                   -------------  -------------  ---------------

  FINANCING ACTIVITIES                1,095,749        107,724        1,203,473

  CURRENCY TRANSLATION ADJUSTMENT       (45,457)        (6,989)         (52,446)

  CASH                                   24,104         13,957           38,061

  THE PERIOD                             13,957              -
                                   -------------  -------------  ---------------

CASH AT THE END OF THE PERIOD      $     38,061   $     13,957   $       38,061
                                   =============  =============  ===============

INCOME TAXES PAID                             -              -

INTEREST EXPENSE PAID                         -              -

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (A Development Stage Company)
                           December 31, 2007 and 2006



Leo  Motors,  Inc,  (the  "Company") was originally incorporated as Classic Auto
Accessories,  a  California  Corporation  on  July  2,  1986.  The  Company then
underwent  several  name  changes  from  FCR  Automotive  Group,  Inc.  to Shini
Precision  Machinery,  Inc.  to  Simco  America Inc. and then to Leo Motors. The
Company  has  been  dormant  since  1989,  and  effectuated  a reverse merger on
November  12, 2007 with Leozone Inc., a South Korean Company, which is the maker
of electrical transportation devices. The merger essentially exchanges shares in
Leo  Motors,  Inc.  for  shares  in  Leozone.  As  this  is a reverse merger the
accounting  treatment  of such is that of a combination of the two entities with
the  activity of Leozone, Inc. the surviving entity, going forward.  The Company
is a development stage enterprise under SFAS No. 7, as operations have commenced
but  the  Company  has  not  yet  begun  to  realize  substantial  revenues.

Basis of Presentation and Going Concern

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have  been prepared in conformity with
accounting  principles generally accepted in the United States of America, which
contemplate  continuation  of  the  Company  as a going concern. The company has
incurred  material  losses  and  has  a  negative  equity.

These conditions raise substantial doubt as to the Company's ability to continue
as  a  going concern.  These financial statements do not include any adjustments
that  might  result  from  the  outcome  of  this  uncertainty.  These financial
statements  do  not  include  any adjustments relating to the recoverability and
classification  of  recorded  asset  amounts,  or  amounts and classification of
recorded  asset amounts, or amounts and classification of liabilities that might
be  necessary  should  the  Company  be  unable  to continue as a going concern.

Management plans to take the following steps that it believes will be sufficient
to provide the Company with the ability to continue in existence.

Management intends to merge with a public "shell" vehicle and raise money
through the sale of its stock. Financing enabling the Company to complete the
transaction has been completed.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally  accepted  in the country-regionplaceUnited States of America requires
management  to  make  estimates  and assumptions that affect reported amounts of
assets  and  liabilities,  disclosure  of  contingent  assets


and  liabilities  at  the  date  of  the  financial statements, and the reported
amounts  of  revenues  and  expenses during the reporting period. Actual results
could  differ  from  those  estimates

Fair Value of Financial Instruments

For  certain  of  the  Company's  financial instruments, including cash and cash
equivalents,  accounts  receivable  inventory  and  prepaid  expenses,  accounts
payable  and  deferred revenues, the carrying amounts approximate fair value due
to  their  short  maturities.

Revenue Recognition

Revenues are recognized upon sale and shipment of the product.

Accounts  receivable  of the Company are reviewed to determine if their carrying
value  has  become  impaired.

The Company considers the assets to be impaired if the balances are greater than
six  months  old.  Management  regularly  reviews  accounts  receivable and will
establish  an  allowance for potentially uncollectible amounts when appropriate.
When  accounts  are  written  off,  they  will be charged against the allowance.
Receivables are not collateralized and do not bear interest. The Company has not
established  a  reserve  as  receivables  are  minimal.

Concentration of Credit Risk

Financial instruments which subject the Company to concentrations of credit risk
include cash and cash equivalents.

The  Company  maintains  its  cash  in  well-known  banks  selected  based  upon
management's  assessment  of  the  bank's  financial  stability.  Balances  may
periodically  exceed  the  $100,000 federal depository insurance limit; however,
the  Company  has  not  experienced any losses on deposits.  The Company extends
credit  based  on an evaluation of the customer's financial condition, generally
without  collateral.  Exposure to losses on receivables is principally dependent
on  each  customer's financial condition.  The Company monitors its exposure for
credit  losses  and  maintains  allowances  for anticipated losses, as required.

Cash Equivalents

For purposes of reporting cash flows, the Company considers all short-term
investments with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash

Fixed Assets

Fixed assets are stated at cost, less accumulated depreciation.  Depreciation is
provided principally on the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives
of  the  assets,  which  is  generally  3  to 10 years.  The cost of repairs and
maintenance  is  charged  to  expense  as  incurred.  Expenditures  for property
betterments  and  renewals  are  capitalized.  Upon  sale  or  other


disposition  of  a  depreciable  asset,  cost  and  accumulated depreciation are
removed  from  the  accounts  and  any gain or loss is reflected in other income

The  Company  will  periodically  evaluate whether events and circumstances have
occurred that may warrant revision of the estimated useful lives of fixed assets
or  whether  the  remaining  balance  of  fixed  assets  should be evaluated for
possible  impairment.  We use an estimate of the related undiscounted cash flows
over  the  remaining life of the fixed assets in measuring their recoverability.

Comprehensive Income

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 130, "Reporting
Comprehensive Income," establishes standards for the reporting and display of
comprehensive income and its components in the financial statements.

The  functional  currency of the Company is the Korean WonAssets and liabilities
are translated to U.S. Dollars at the period-end exchange rates ($.00107527) and
revenues  and expenses are translated at weighted average exchange rates for the
year,  which was (.00104564) . Resulting translation adjustments are recorded as
a  component  of  stockholders'  equity  in  other  comprehensive income (loss).

Advertising Costs

Advertising costs are expensed as incurred.

Income Taxes

The  Company  accounts  for  income taxes under SFAS 109, "Accounting for Income
Taxes."  Under  the  asset and liability method of SFAS 109, deferred tax assets
and  liabilities  are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to
differences between the financial statements carrying amounts of existing assets
and  liabilities  and  their  respective  tax  bases.  Deferred  tax  assets and
liabilities  are  measured  using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable
income  in  the  years  in  which those temporary differences are expected to be
recovered  or  settled.

Loss per Share

In accordance with SFAS No. 128, "Earnings Per Share," the basic income / (loss)
per common share is computed by dividing net income / (loss) available to common
stockholders  by  the  weighted  average  number  of  common shares outstanding.
Diluted  income  per  common share is computed similar to basic income per share
except  that  the  denominator  is increased to include the number of additional
common  shares  that  would have been outstanding if the potential common shares
had  been  issued  and if the additional common shares were dilutive.  As of May
31,  the  company  has  a  conversion  feature  basic  and  dilutive  shares are


Stock-Based Compensation

Effective  January  1, 2006, the Company prospectively adopted FAS 123 R , Stock
- -Based  Payments,  and related Securities and Exchange Commission rules included
in  Staff  Accounting  Bulletin  No.  107.  Under this method, compensation cost
recognized  beginning  January  1,  2006  will  include  costs  related  to  all
share-based  payments  granted  subsequent  to  December  31,  2005 based on the
grant-date  fair value estimated in accordance with the provisions of FAS 123 R.
Compensation  cost  for stock options granted to employees is recognized ratably
over  the  vesting  period.

Prior  to  January  1,  2006  the Company has retroactively adopted FAS 123R and
recorded compensation expense at the determined market price.  That market price
was  the  amount  after  founder  shares  that the Company raised money at. This
amount, for the most part was $0.25 per share. In 2005 the company issued shares
for  services  valued  at  $30,000.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In  January  2003,  the  FASB  issued  Interpretation  No  46, "Consolidation of
Variable  Interest  Entities" (an interpretation of Accounting Research Bulletin
(ARB)  No. 51, Consolidation Financial Statements).  Interpretation 46 addresses
consolidation  by  business enterprises of entities to which the usual condition
of  consolidation described in ARB-5 does not apply.  The Interpretation changes
the  criteria  by  which one company includes another entity in its consolidated
financial  statements.

The  general requirement to consolidate under ARB-51 is based on the presumption
that  an  enterprise's financial statement should include all of the entities in
which  it has a controlling financial interest (i.e., majority voting interest).
Interpretation  46  requires a variable interest entity to receive a majority of
the  entity's  residual returns or both.  A company that consolidated a variable
interest  entity  is  called the primary beneficiary of that entity. In December
2003,  the  FASB  concluded  to  revise certain elements of FIN 46, primarily to
clarify  the  required  accounting  for interests in variable interest entities.
FIN-46R  replaces  FIN-46.  that  was  issued in January, 2003.  FIN-46R exempts
certain  entities from its requirements and provides for special effective dates
for  entities  that  have  fully  or partially applied FIN-46 as of December 24,
2003.  In certain situations, entities have the option of applying or continuing
to  apply  FIN-46 for a short period of time before applying IN-46R. In general,
for  all  entities that were previously considered special purpose entities, FIN
46  should  be  applied  for registrants who file under Regulation SX in periods
ending  after  March 31, 2004, and for registrants who file under Regulation SB,
in  periods  ending  after  December  15, 2004.  The Company does not expect the
adoption  to  have  a  material  impact  on  the Company's financial position or
results  of  operations.

During  April  2003,  the  FASB issued SFAS 149 - "Amendment of Statement 133 on
Derivative  Instruments and Hedging Activities", effective for contracts entered
into  or  modified  after  September  30,  2003,  except as stated below and for
hedging  relationships designated after September 30, 2003.  In addition, except
as  stated  below,  all  provisions  of  this  Statement  should  be  applied
prospectively.  The  provisions  of  this Statement that relate to Statement 133
Implementation  Issues  that  have been effective for fiscal quarters that began
prior  to  June  15,


2003,  should  continue  to  be  applied  in  accordance  with  their respective
effective  dates.  In  addition,  paragraphs  7(a)  and  23(a),  which relate to
forward purchases or sales of when-issued securities or other securities that do
not  yet  exist,  should be applied to both existing contracts and new contracts
entered  into  after  September 30, 2003.  The adoption of this statement had no
impact  on  the  Company's  financial  statements.

During  May  2003,  the FASB issued SFAS 150 - "Accounting for Certain Financial
Instruments  with Characteristics of both Liabilities and Equity", effective for
financial instruments entered into or modified after May 31, 2003, and otherwise
is  effective  for  public entities at the beginning of the first interim period
beginning  after June 15, 2003.  This Statement establishes standards for how an
issuer classifies and measures certain financial instrument with characteristics
of  both  liabilities  and  equity.  It  requires  that  an  issuer  classify  a
freestanding financial instrument that is within its scope as a liability (or an
asset  in  some  circumstances).  Many  of  those  instruments  were  previously
classified  as  equity.  Some of the provisions of this Statement are consistent
with  the  current  definition  of liabilities in FASB Concepts Statement No. 6,
Element of Financial Statements. The adoption of this statement had no impact on
the  Company's  financial  statements.

In  December  2003,  the  FASB  issued  a  revised  SFAS  No.  132,  "Employers'
Disclosures about Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits" which replaces the
previously  issued  Statement.  The  revised  Statement  increases  the existing
disclosures  for  defined  benefit  pension  plans  and  other  defined  benefit
postretirement plans. However, it does not change the measurement or recognition
of  those  plans  as  required  under  SFAS  No.  88, "Employers' Accounting for
Settlements  and  Curtailments  of  Defined  Benefit  Pension  Plans  and  for
Termination  Benefits,"  and  SFAS  No.  106,  "Employers'  Accounting  for
Postretirement  Benefits  Other  Than  Pensions."  Specifically,  the  revised
Statement  requires  companies  to  provide additional disclosures about pension
plan  assets,  benefit  obligations,  cash  flows,  and benefit costs of defined
benefit  pension  plans  and  other  defined benefit postretirement plans. Also,
companies  are  required to provide a breakdown of plan assets by category, such
as debt, equity and real estate, and to provide certain expected rates of return
and  target  allocation  percentages for these asset categories. The Company has
implemented  this  pronouncement  and  has  concluded  that  the adoption has no
material  impact  to  the  financial  statements.

In  December,  2003, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") issued Staff
Accounting  Bulletin ("SAB") No. 104, "Revenue Recognition."  SAB 104 supersedes
SAB  11,  "Revenue  Recognition  in  Financial  Statements."  SAB  104's primary
purpose  is  to  rescind  accounting  guidance  contained  in SAB 101 related to
multiple element revenue arrangements, superseded as a result of the issuance of
EITF  00-21,  "Accounting  for Revenue Arrangements with Multiple Deliverables."
Additionally,  SAB  104  rescinds  the  SEC's  Revenue  Recognition in Financial
Statements  Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (the FAQ) issued with SAB 101
that had been codified in SEC Topic, 13, Revenue Recognition.  Selected portions
of  the  FAQ  have been incorporated into SAB 104.  While the wording of SAB 104
has  changed  to  reflect  the  issuance  of EITF 00-21, the revenue recognition
principles of SAB 101 remain largely unchanged by the issuance of SAB 104, which
was  effective  upon  issuance.  The  adoption  of  SAB  104  did not impact the
financial  statements.


In  March,  2004, the FASB approved the consensus reached on the Emerging Issues
Task  Forces  (ETIF)  Issue  No.  03-1,  "The  Meaning  of  Other-Than-Temporary
Impairment  and  Its Application to Certain Investments."  The objective of this
Issue  is  to  provide guidance for identifying impaired investments.  EITF 03-1
also  provides  new  disclosure requirements for investments for investments are
deemed  to  be  temporarily  impaired.  In September 204, the FASB issued a FASB
Staff  Position  (FSP)  EITF  03-1-1  that  delays  the  effective  date  of the
measurement  and  recognition are effective only for annual periods ending after
June15,2004.  The  Company  has  evaluated  the  impact  of  the adoption of the
disclosure requirements of EITF 03-1 and does not believe it will have an impact
to  the  Company's  overall combined results of operations or combined financial
position.  Once  the  FASB  reaches  a  final  decision  on  the measurement and
recognition  provisions, the Company will evaluate the impact of the adoption of
EITF  03-1.

In November 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 151 "Inventory Costs, an amendment of
ARB  No. 43, Chapter 4 ("SFAS No. 151".  The amendments made by SFAS 151 clarify
that  abnormal     amount of idle facility expense, freight, handling costs, and
wasted  materials  (spoilage) should be recognized as current-period charges and
require  the  allocation of fixed production overheads to inventory based on the
normal  capacity  of  the  production facilities.  The guidance is effective for
inventory  costs  incurred  during  fiscal  years beginning after June 15, 2005.
Earlier  application  is  permitted  for  inventory costs incurred during fiscal
years  beginning  after November 23, 2004.  The Company has evaluated the impact
of the adoption of SFAS 151, and does not believe the impact will be significant
to  the  Company's  overall  results  of  operations  or  financial  position.

In  December  2004,  the  FASB  issued SFAS No. 152, "Accounting for Real Estate
Time-Sharing  Transactions-an amendment of FASB Statements No. 66 and 67" ("SFAS
152")  SFAS  152  amends  SFAS No. 66, "Accounting for Sales of Real Estate", to
reference  the  financial  accounting  and  reporting  guidance  for real estate
time-sharing  transactions that is provided in AICPA Statement of Position (SOP)
04-2,  "Accounting  for  Real  Estate  Time-Sharing Transactions". SFAS 152 also
amends  SFAS No. 67, "Accounting for Costs and Initial Rental Operations of Real
Estate  Projects",  to state that the guidance for (a) incidental operations and
(b)  costs  incurred  to sell real estate projects does not apply to real estate
time-sharing  transactions.  The  accounting  for  those operations and costs is
subject  to  the  guidance  in  SOP04-2.  SFAS  152  is  effective for financial
statements  for  fiscal  years  beginning  after  June  15,  2005,  with earlier
applications  encouraged.  The  Company has evaluated the impact of the adoption
of  SFAS  152,  and  does  not believe the impact will be     significant to the
Company's  overall  results  of  operations  or  financial  position.


In December 2004, the FASB issued SFAS No. 153, "Exchanges of Nonmonetary Asset,
an  amendment  of  APB Opinion No. 29, Accounting for Nonmonetary Transactions."
The  amendments  made  by  SFAS 153 are based on the principle that exchanges of
nonmonetary  assets  should  be  measured  based on the fair value of the assets
exchanged.  Further,  the  amendments  eliminate  the  narrow  exception  for
nonmonetary exchanges of similar productive assets and replace it with a broader
exception  for  exchanges  of  nonmonetary  assets  that  do not have commercial
substance.  Previously,  Opinion 29 required that the accounting for an exchange
of  a  productive asset for a similar productive asset or an equivalent interest
in  the  same or similar productive asset should be based on the recorded amount
of  the  asset  relinquished.  Opinion  29  provided  an  exception to its basis
measurement  principle  (fair value) for exchanges of similar productive assets.
That  exception  required that some nonmonetary exchanges, although commercially
substantive,  to be recorded on a carryover basis.  By focusing the exception on
exchanges  that  lack  commercial  substance,  the FASB believes SFAS No. 153 is
effective  for nonmonetary asset exchanges occurring in fiscal periods beginning
after  June  15,  2005.  Earlier  application is permitted for nonmonetary asset
exchanges occurring in fiscal periods beginning after the date of issuance.  The
provisions  of  SFAS  No.  153  shall be applied prospectively.  The Company has
evaluated  the  impact  of  the  adoption  of SFAS 153, and does not believe the
impact  will  be  significant  to the Company's overall results of operations or
financial  position.

In  December  2004,  the  FASB  issued SFAS No. 123 (revised 2004), "Share-Based
Payment"  ("SFAS  123R").  SFAS  123R  will provide investors and other users of
financial  statements  with  more  compete  and neutral financial information by
requiring  that  the  compensation  costs  relating  to  share-based  payment
transactions  be recognized in financial statements.  That cost will be measured
based  on the fair value of the equity or liability instruments issued SFAS 123R
covers  a  wide  range  of share-based compensation arrangements including share
options,  restricted  share  plans, performance-based awards, share appreciation
rights  and  employee  share  purchase  plans.  SFAS 123R replaces SFAS No. 123,
"Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation", and supersedes APB Opinion No. 25,
"Accounting  for  Stock Issued to Employees".  SFAS 123, as originally issued in
1995,  established  as  preferable  a  fair-value-based method of accounting for
share-based  payment  transactions  with  employees.  However,  that  statement
permitted entities the option of continuing to apply the guidance in Opinion 25,
as long as the footnotes to financial statements disclosed what net income would
have been had the preferable fair-value based method been used.  Public entities
(other  than  those  filing as small business issuers) will be required to apply
SFAS  123R  as of the first interim or annual reporting period that begins after
June 15, 2005. The Company has evaluated the impact of the adoption of SFAS 123R
and  does  not  believe  the impact will be significant to the Company's overall
results  of  operations  or  financial  position.

In June, 2005, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ('FASB") issued SFAS No.
154,  Accounting Changes and Error Corrections - a replacement of APB No. 20 and
FAS  No.  3"  ("SFAS No. 154"). SFAS No. 154 provides guidance on the accounting
for  and  reporting  of  accounting  changes  and     error  corrections.  It
establishes,  unless  impracticable,  retrospective  application as the required
method for reporting a change in accounting principle in the absence of explicit
transition requirements specify to the newly adopted accounting principle.  SFAS
No. 154 also provides guidance for determining whether retrospective application
of  a  change  in a accounting principle is impracticable.  The correction of an
error  in  previously  issued  financial


statements  is  not  an  accounting  change.  However, the reporting of an error
correction  involves  adjustments  to  previously  issued  financial  statements
similar  to  those  generally  applicable  to  reporting  an  accounting  change
retrospectively.  Therefore,  the  reporting  of  a  correction  of  an error by
restating  previously  issued financial is also addressed by SFAS No. 154.  SFAS
No.  154  is required to be adopted in fiscal years beginning after December 15,
2005.  The Company does not believe its adoption in fiscal year 2007 will have a
material  impact  on  its  results  of  operations  or  financial  position.

In  March,  2005,  the  SEC  issued  guidance  on  FASB  SFAS 123R, "Share-Based
Payments"  ("SFAS No. 123R").  Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 107 ("SAB 107") was
issued  to assist preparers by simplifying some of the implementation challenges
of  SFAS  No.  123R while enhancing the information that investors receive.  SAB
107  creates  a  framework  that  is  premised  on  two themes: (a) considerable
judgment  will be required by preparers to successfully implement SFAS no. 123R,
specifically  when  valuing  employee  stock  options;  and  (b)  reasonable
individuals, acting in good faith, may conclude differently on the fair value of
employee  stock  options.  Key  topics  covered by SAB 107 include (a) valuation
models  -  SAB 107 reinforces the flexibility allowed by SFAS No. 123R to choose
an  option-pricing  model  that  meets  the  standard's  fair  value measurement
objective;  (b) expected volatility - SAB 107 provides guidance on when it would
be  appropriate  to rely exclusively on either historical or implied volatility;
and  ( c) expected term - the new guidance includes examples and some simplified
approaches  to  determining  the  expected term under certain circumstances. The
Company  will  apply the principles of SAAB 107 in conjunction with its adoption
of  SOFAS  No.  123R.

In  June,  2005,  the  Emerging  Issues  Task  Force  (EAT)  issued  No.  05-06,
"Determining  the  Abortinaction  Period of Leasehold Improvements Acquired in a
Business  Combination"  (EAT  No.  05-06).  EAT  No.  05-06  provides  that  the
amortization  period  for  leasehold  improvements  acquired  in  a  business
combination or purchased after the inception of a lease to be the shorter of (a)
the useful life of the assets or (b) a term that includes required lease periods
and  renewals  that are reasonably assured upon the acquisition of the purchase.
The guidance in EAT No. 05-06 will be applied prospectively and is effective for
periods beginning afar June 29, 2005.  The Company does not believe its adoption
will  have  a  material  impact  on  its  consolidated  results of operations or
financial  position.


Basic  earnings  per share are calculated by dividing net income by the weighted
average  number  of  common  shares  outstanding  during  the  period.


The Company recognizes a receivable on sales of parts and electrical motor
equipment. The Company has not established a reserve for allowance for doubtful
accounts, as all accounts to date have been satisfied in full.



The Company accounts for its inventory under the fifo method and lower of cost
or market method of costing. The company's inventory consists of parts at
December 31, 2007 for the electric transportation industry.


The Company's assets consist of the following:

Furniture Fixtures and Equipment  $191,895   $41,007
Less Accumulated Depreciation      (35,000)   (8,265)

Net                               $156,895   $32,742

The Company depreciates it assets over useful lives of between 5 and 7 years.
Depreciation expense was $35,000 and $8,265 for the years respectively.


The company is indebted to its officer for advances. Repayment is on demand
without interest.


The Company during the periods received payments from potential customers, or
deposits, on future orders. The Company's policy is to record these payments as
a liability until the product is completed and shipped to the customer at which
the Company recognizes revenue.


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (a development stage company)
                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 June 30, 2009

                                                JUNE 30,     DECEMBER 31,
                                                 2009            2008
                                             ------------  --------------
Current Assets:
  Cash in Bank                               $   564,800   $      32,181
  Accounts Receivable-net of
    allowance of $11,735 and 0                    46,414          13,854
  Inventory                                        5,175          35,575
  Prepaid Costs                                  115,332         130,568
                                             ------------  --------------
  Total Current Assets                           731,721         212,178

  Fixed Assets-Net                               131,228           5,940
  Deposits                                        76,125          63,104
                                             ------------  --------------

TOTAL ASSETS                                 $   939,074   $     281,222
                                             ============  ==============

  Current Liabilities
  Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses          102,255          16,850
  Taxes Payable                                        -           2,080
  Payments Received in Advance                         -         396,197
  Related Party Payable                          600,397         804,794
  Bank Loan                                      392,083               -
                                             ------------  --------------

  Total Current Liabilities                    1,094,735       1,219,921
                                             ------------  --------------

  Total Liabilities                            1,094,735       1,219,921

  Stock not yet issued                         1,169,988               -
  Common Stock, Authorized 100,000,000
  Shares, $0.001 par value, 37,638,115
  and 31,613,115  shares issued and
  outstanding                                     37,638          31,613
  Additional Paid in Capital                   2,811,823         323,351
  Comprehensive Loss - Translation                (3,450)        237,386
  Retained Deficit                            (4,171,660)     (1,531,049)
                                             ------------  --------------
  Stockholders' Deficit                         (155,661)       (938,699)
                                             ------------  --------------
                                             ============  ==============

          The notes are an integral part of these financial statements


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (a development stage company)
                For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2009 and 2008
       and for the period from Inception (July 1, 2006) to June 30, 2009

                                                                   JULY1, 2006
                                                                    (DATE OF
                                       FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED     INCEPTION)
                                               JUNE 30,             TO JUNE 30,
                                         2009           2008           2009
                                   ---------------  -------------  -------------

SALES                              $      389,009   $      2,254   $    641,760
COST OF SALES                            (233,266)             -       (233,266)
                                   ---------------  -------------  -------------

GROSS PROFIT                              155,743          2,254        408,494

  Salaries and Benefits                   262,345        234,329        656,775
  Service Fees                             65,753         43,545        297,411
  General and Administrative            2,465,207        170,625      3,733,956
                                   ---------------  -------------  -------------

TOTAL EXPENSES                          2,793,305        448,499      4,688,142

  OPERATIONS                           (2,637,562)      (446,245)    (4,279,648)

  Consulting Income                             -        107,988        107,988
  Other Expense                            (3,049)             -              -
                                   ---------------  -------------  -------------

NET LOSS FOR THE PERIOD                (2,640,611)      (431,058)    (4,171,660)
                                   ===============  =============  =============

BASIC AND DILUTED LOSS PER SHARE   $       (0.076)  $      (0.01)
                                   ===============  =============

  SHARES OUTSTANDING                   34,625,615     30,312,315
                                   ===============  =============

          The notes are an integral part of these financial statement


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (a development stage company)
           For the Three and Six Months Ended June 30, 2009 and 2008
       and for the period from Inception (July 1, 2006) to June 30, 2009

                                                                 JULY1, 2006
                                 FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED    (DATE OF INCEPTION)
                                         JUNE 30,                 TO JUNE 30,
                                  2009             2008              2009
                             ---------------  -------------  -------------------

Net Profit (Loss)            $   (2,639,602)  $   (432,428)  $       (4,167,317)

Currency Transaction Loss            (1,029)         1,370               (4,343)
                             ---------------  -------------  -------------------

Total Comprehensive Income   $   (2,640,611)  $   (431,058)  $       (4,171,660)

          The notes are an integral part of these financial statement


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (a development stage company)
               For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2009 and 2008
       and for the period from Inception (July 1, 2006) to June 30, 2009
                                                                                       THE PERIOD
                                                      THE THREE       THE THREE      FROM INCEPTION
                                                     MONTHS ENDED    MONTHS ENDED    (JULY 1, 2006)
                                                       JUNE 30,        MARCH 31,      TO MARCH 31,
                                                         2009            2008             2009
                                                    --------------  --------------  ----------------
  Net Loss                                          $  (4,735,658)  $    (660,780)  $    (4,171,660)
  Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash
    provided by operating activities: Stock issued      4,204,251               -         2,180,666
  Depreciation                                             10,690           8,000            67,806
  (Increase) in Inventory                                  61,203           3,900            (5,175)
  (Increase) Decrease in Accounts Receivable              (65,120)         (4,772)          (46,414)
  (Increase) Decrease in Deposits/Prepaid                   3,070         239,050          (191,457)
  Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Payable
     and Accrued Expenses/Payments in
     Advance                                             (220,425)         33,033           102,255
  Increase in Taxes and Advances                           35,123         (24,704)                -
                                                    --------------  --------------  ----------------

NET CASH FLOWS USED IN OPERATING ACTIVITIES              (361,656)       (265,886)         (953,184)

  Fixed Assets                                                  -               -           (41,007)

  Proceeds from Stock Advances                          1,626,901               -         2,831,263
  Proceeds from related party /Bank                       938,890         333,513         2,143,892
  Debt reduction related party / Payments
    in advance                                           (600,594)              -        (2,143,892)
                                                    --------------  --------------  ----------------

NET CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                1,965,197         333,513         2,831,263
                                                    --------------  --------------  ----------------

TRANSLATION ADJUSTMENT                                   (457,010)         82,792            (3,450)

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH                           656,949         (49,231)          564,800

CASH AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD                        64,362          76,122                 -
                                                    --------------  --------------  ----------------

CASH AT THE END OF THE PERIOD                             721,311          26,891   $       564,800
                                                    ==============  ==============  ================

Income taxes paid                                               -               -                 -

Interest expense paid                                           -               -                 -

          The notes are an integral part of these financial statements


                                LEO MOTORS, INC.
                         (a development stage company)
                                 June 30, 2009



Leo  Motors,  Inc,  Inc.  (the "Company") was originally incorporated as Classic
Auto  Accessories,  a  California  Corporation on July 2, 1986. The Company then
underwent  several  name  changes  from  FCR  Automotive  Group,  Inc.  to Shini
Precision  Machinery,  Inc.  to  Simco  America Inc. and then to Leo Motors. The
Company  had  been  dormant  since  1989,  and  effectuated  a reverse merger on
November  12, 2007 with Leozone Inc., a South Korean Company, which is the maker
of electrical transportation devices. The merger essentially exchanges shares in
Leo  Motors,  Inc.  for  shares  in  Leozone.  As  this  is a reverse merger the
accounting  treatment  of such is that of a combination of the two entities with
the  activity  of  Leozone,  Inc.  the  surviving  entity,  going  forward.

The  Company  is  a  development stage enterprise under SFAS No. 7, as principal
operations  have  begun  but  the Company has not realized substantial revenues.

Basis of Presentation and Going Concern

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have  been prepared in conformity with
accounting  principles generally accepted in the PostalCodeplaceUnited States of
America,  which  contemplate continuation of the Company as a going concern. The
company  has  incurred material losses. These conditions raise substantial doubt
as  to  the  Company's ability to continue as a growing concern. These financial
statements  do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of
this  uncertainty.  These  financial  statements  do not include any adjustments
relating  to the recoverability and classification of recorded asset amounts, or
amounts  and  classification  of  recorded  asset  amounts,  or  amounts  and
classification  of  liabilities  that  might  be necessary should the Company be
unable  to  continue  as  a  going  concern.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally  accepted  in  the  PostalCodeplaceUnited  States  of America requires
management  to  make  estimates  and assumptions that affect reported amounts of
assets  and  liabilities, disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the
date  of  the  financial  statements,  and  the reported amounts of revenues and
expenses  during  the  reporting  period. Actual results could differ from those


Fair Value of Financial Instruments

For  certain  of  the  Company's  financial instruments, including cash and cash
equivalents,  accounts  receivable  inventory  and  prepaid  expenses,  accounts
payable  and  deferred revenues, the carrying amounts approximate fair value due
to  their  short  maturities.

Revenue Recognition

Revenues are recognized upon sale and shipment of the product.

Accounts receivables of the Company are reviewed to determine if their carrying
value has become impaired.

The Company considers the assets to be impaired if the balances are greater than
six  months  old.  Management  regularly  reviews  accounts  receivable and will
establish  an  allowance for potentially uncollectible amounts when appropriate.
When  accounts  are  written  off,  they  will be charged against the allowance.
Receivables  are  not  collateralized  and do not bear interest. The Company has
established  a  reserve  on  receivables  of  $11,735.

Concentration of Credit Risk

Financial instruments which subject the Company to concentrations of credit risk
include cash and cash equivalents.

The  Company  maintains  its  cash  in  well-known  banks  selected  based  upon
management's  assessment  of  the  bank's  financial  stability.  Balances  may
periodically  exceed  the  $250,000 federal depository insurance limit; however,
the  Company  has  not  experienced  any losses on deposits. The Company extends
credit  based  on an evaluation of the customer's financial condition, generally
without  collateral.  Exposure to losses on receivables is principally dependent
on  each  customer's  financial condition. The Company monitors its exposure for
credit  losses  and  maintains  allowances  for anticipated losses, as required.

Cash Equivalents

For  purposes  of  reporting  cash  flows,  the Company considers all short-term
investments  with  an  original  maturity  of  three  months  or less to be cash

Fixed Assets

Fixed  assets are stated at cost, less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation is
provided principally on the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives
of  the  assets,  which  is  generally  3  to  10 years. The cost of repairs and
maintenance  is  charged  to  expense  as  incurred.  Expenditures  for property
betterments  and  renewals  are capitalized. Upon sale or other disposition of a
depreciable  asset,  cost  and  accumulated  depreciation  are  removed from the
accounts  and  any  gain  or  loss  is  reflected  in  other  income  (expense).


The  Company  will  periodically  evaluate whether events and circumstances have
occurred that may warrant revision of the estimated useful lives of fixed assets
or  whether  the  remaining  balance  of  fixed  assets  should be evaluated for
possible  impairment.  We use an estimate of the related undiscounted cash flows
over  the  remaining life of the fixed assets in measuring their recoverability.

Comprehensive Income

Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  (SFAS)  No.  130,  "Reporting
Comprehensive  Income,"  establishes  standards for the reporting and display of
comprehensive  income  and  its  components  in  the  financial  statements.

The functional currency of the Company is the Korean Won. Assets and liabilities
are translated to U.S. Dollars at the period-end exchange rates ($.00023014) and
($.000792393)  for  first quarter 2009 and 2008, respectively and ($.0007584166)
and  ($.000955292)  for second quarter 2009 and 2008, respectively. Revenues and
expenses are translated at weighted average exchange rates for the period, which
was  (.0006959899) and (001044067) for first quarter 2009 and 2008, respectively
and (.000742274) and (001009135) for second quarter 2009 and 2008, respectively.
Resulting  translation  adjustments are recorded as a component of stockholders'
equity  in  other  comprehensive  income  (loss).

Advertising Costs

Advertising costs are expensed as incurred.

Income Taxes

The  Company  accounts  for  income taxes under SFAS 109, "Accounting for Income
Taxes."  Under  the  asset and liability method of SFAS 109, deferred tax assets
and  liabilities  are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to
differences between the financial statements carrying amounts of existing assets
and  liabilities  and  their  respective  tax  bases.  Deferred  tax  assets and
liabilities  are  measured  using enacted tax rates expected to apply to taxable
income  in  the  years  in  which those temporary differences are expected to be
recovered  or  settled.

Loss per Share

In accordance with SFAS No. 128, "Earnings Per Share," the basic income / (loss)
per common share is computed by dividing net income / (loss) available to common
stockholders  by  the  weighted  average  number  of  common shares outstanding.
Diluted  income  per  common share is computed similar to basic income per share
except  that  the  denominator  is increased to include the number of additional
common  shares  that  would have been outstanding if the potential common shares
had  been  issued  and  if  the  additional  common  shares  were  dilutive.


Stock-Based Compensation

SFAS  No.  123,  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation,"  establishes  and
encourages  the use of the fair value based method of accounting for stock-based
compensation  arrangements under which compensation cost is determined using the
fair value of stock-based compensation determined as of the date of grant and is
recognized  over  the  periods  in  which the related services are rendered. For
stock  based  compensation  the Company recognizes an expense in accordance with
SFAS  No.  123  and  values the equity securities based on the fair value of the
security  on  the  date  of  grant.  Stock  option  awards  are valued using the
Black-Scholes  option-pricing  model.

For  the  year  ended  December  31,  2008  the Company issued 1,300,800 shares,
1,000,000 for a reduction of debt and 300,000 for services both valued at market
at  .11  per  share.  The  shares  for services were recognized as an expense in
general  and  administrative  at  $33,000.

For  the  quarter  ended  March  31,  2009  the Company issued 4,333,334 shares,
833,334  for cash and the balance valued at market at .50 and recognized a stock
for  services  expense  of  $1,750,000.

For  the  quarter  ended  June  30,  2009 1,691,666 shares were issued valued at
market  of  .17  and  recognized  a  stock  for  services  expense  of $287,584.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In  December  2007,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 141(R), Business Combinations (FAS
141(R)).  This  Statement  provides  greater  consistency  in the accounting and
financial  reporting  of business combinations. It requires the acquiring entity
in  a  business  combination  to  recognize  all assets acquired and liabilities
assumed  in  the transaction, establishes the acquisition-date fair value as the
measurement  objective  for  all  assets  acquired  and liabilities assumed, and
requires  the  acquirer  to  disclose  the  nature  and  financial effect of the
business  combination.  FAS 141(R) is effective for fiscal years beginning after
December  15,  2008. We will adopt FAS 141(R) no later than the first quarter of
fiscal 2009 and are currently assessing the impact the adoption will have on our
financial  position  and  results  of  operations.

In  December  2007,  the  FASB  issued SFAS No. 160. Noncontrolling Interests in
Consolidated  Financial  Statements  (FAS 160). This Statement amends Accounting
Research  Bulletin  No.  51,  Consolidated  Financial  Statements,  to establish
accounting  and  reporting  standards  for  the  noncontrolling  interest  in  a
subsidiary and for the deconsolidation of a subsidiary. FAS 160 is effective for
fiscal  years  beginning after December 15, 2008. We will adopt FAS 160 no later
than the first quarter of fiscal 2009 and are currently assessing the impact the
adoption  will  have  on  our  financial  position  and  results  of operations.

In  February  2007,  the  FASB  issued  SFAS  No. 159, The Fair Value Option for
Financial  Assets and Financial Liabilities, which permits entities to choose to
measure  at  fair  value  eligible financial instruments and certain other items
that  are  not  currently  required  to  be measured at fair value. The standard
requires  that  unrealized  gains  and  losses on items for which the fair value


option  has  been  elected  be reported in earnings at each subsequent reporting
date.  SFAS  No.  159 is effective for fiscal years beginning after November 15,
2007.  We  have  adopted  SFAS  No. 159 which has had no impact on our financial
position  and  results  of  operations.

In  September  2006,  the  FASB  issued  SFAS No. 158, Employers' Accounting for
Defined  Benefit  Pension  and  Other Postretirement Plans, an amendment of FASB
Statements  No.  87,  88,  106,  and  132(R). SFAS No. 158 requires company plan
sponsors  to display the net over- or under-funded position of a defined benefit
postretirement  plan  as  an  asset  or  liability,  with any unrecognized prior
service  costs,  transition  obligations or actuarial gains/losses reported as a
component of other comprehensive income in shareholders' equity. SFAS No. 158 is
effective  for  fiscal  years  ending  after  December  15, 2006. We adopted the
recognition  provisions  of  SFAS  No.  158  as  of  the end of fiscal 2007. The
adoption  of  SFAS  No.  158  did  not have an effect on the Company's financial
position  or  results  of  operations.

In  September  2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 157, Fair Value Measurements. SFAS
No.  157  establishes a framework for measuring fair value in generally accepted
accounting  principles,  clarifies  the  definition  of  fair  value and expands
disclosures about fair value measurements. SFAS No. 157 does not require any new
fair  value  measurements.  However,  the application of SFAS No. 157 may change
current  practice  for  some  entities.  SFAS No. 157 is effective for financial
statements  issued  for  fiscal  years  beginning  after  November 15, 2007, and
interim  periods  within those fiscal years. We have adopted SFAS No. 157 and it
has  had  no  impact  on  our  financial  position  and  results  of operations.

In  July 2006, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 48, Accounting for Uncertainty
in  Income  Taxes  -  an interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109 (FIN 48). This
interpretation  clarifies the application of SFAS No. 109, Accounting for Income
Taxes, by defining a criterion that an individual tax position must meet for any
part  of  the  benefit  of  that  position  to  be recognized in an enterprise's
financial  statements  and also provides guidance on measurement, derecognition,
classification,  interest  and  penalties,  accounting  in  interim  periods,
disclosure  and transition. FIN 48 is effective for fiscal years beginning after
December  15,  2006,  but earlier adoption is permitted. The Company has adopted
this  and  there  is  no  impact of the application of the Interpretation to its
financial  statements.


Basic  earnings  per share are calculated by dividing net income by the weighted
average  number  of  common  shares  outstanding  during  the  period.


The  Company  recognizes  a  receivable  on  sales of parts and electrical motor
equipment.  The  Company  has  established  a reserve for allowance for doubtful
accounts  in  2008  equal  to  $11,735.



The  Company  accounts for its inventory under the FIFO method and lower of cost
or  market  method of costing. The company's inventory consists of parts for the
electric  transportation  industry.


The Company's assets consist of the following:     6/09     12/31/08

Furniture Fixtures and Equipment    $ 172,985     $ 41,007
Less Accumulated Depreciation         (41,757)     (35,067)

Net                                 $ 131,228     $  5,940

The  Company  depreciates  it assets over useful lives of between 3 and 7 years.
Depreciation  expense  was  $5,940  in  2009.


The  company  at  June 30, 2009 owed $600,397 for officer advances; repayment is
without  interest  on  demand.


The  Company  during  the periods received payments from potential customers, or
deposits,  on future orders. The Company's policy is to record these payments as
a  liability until the product is completed and shipped to the customer at which
the  Company  recognizes  revenue.


The  Company  is indebted to Shin Han Bank at June 30, 2009 for $392,083 payable
within  one  year,  interest  at  prime.
