Exhibit 10.1

                                AMENDMENT NO. 15

     THIS AMENDMENT NO. 15 (this "Agreement") is entered into as of December 23,
corporation organized under the laws of the State of Nevada ("Best"), BOB BEEMAN
DRILLING  COMPANY,  a  corporation organized under the laws of the State of Utah
("BBD")  and  BEST WELL SERVICE, INC., a corporation organized under the laws of
the  State  of  Kansas  ("BWS")  (Best,  BBD  and  BWS,  each  a "Borrower", and
collectively  "Borrowers"),  the  financial  institutions  party  hereto
(collectively, the "Lenders" and individually a "Lender") and PNC BANK, NATIONAL
ASSOCIATION  ("PNC"), as agent for Lenders (PNC, in such capacity, the "Agent").


Borrowers,  Lenders and Agent are parties to that certain Revolving Credit, Term
Loan and Security Agreement dated as of February 14, 2008 (as amended, restated,
supplemented  or  otherwise  modified  from  time to time, the "Loan Agreement")
pursuant  to  which  Agent  and Lenders provide Borrowers with certain financial

Borrowers  have requested that Agent and Lenders amend certain provisions of the
Loan Agreement as hereafter provided, and Agent and Lenders are willing to do so
on  the  terms  and  conditions  hereafter  set  forth.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  any  loan or advance or grant of credit
heretfore  or  hereafter  made  to  or  for the account of Borrowers by Agent or
Lenders,  and  for  other  good  and  valuable  consideration,  the  receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby agree as

1.     Definitions.  All  capitalized  terms  not  otherwise  defined or amended
herein  shall  have  the  meanings  given  to  them  in  the  Loan  Agreement.

2.     Reservation  of  Rights: Borrowers acknowledge that the Events of Default
set  forth  on Schedule I hereto (the "Existing Defaults") have occurred and are
continuing  under  the  Loan  Agreement.

(a)     As  a  result of the Existing Defaults, Agent has the immediate right to
exercise  its  rights and remedies under the Loan Agreement, the Other Documents
or  at  law.

(b)     To the extent Agent makes any additional Advances after the date hereof,
such  Advances shall not constitute either a waiver of, nor agreement to forbear
by  Agent with respect to the Existing Defaults or any future violation or Event
of  Default  under the Loan Agreement or the Other Documents, including, without
limitation,  the  Existing Default.  No such additional Advances by Agent shall,
directly  or  indirectly,  in any way whatsoever, impair, prejudice or otherwise
adversely effect Agent's right at any time and from time to time to exercise any
right,  privilege  or  remedy  in  connection with the Loan Agreement or related
documents  or  amend  or alter the provisions of the Loan Agreement or the Other
Documents  or  constitute  a  course  of dealing or other basis for altering any
Obligation of Borrowers or any other Person or any right, privilege or remedy of
Agent  under  the  Loan  Agreement  or  the  Other  Documents.

(c)     Although Agent is not presently taking any immediate action with respect
to  the  Existing  Defaults except as set forth above, Agent hereby reserves all
its  rights  and  remedies  under  the  Loan  Agreement, the Other Documents and
applicable law, and its election not to exercise any such right or remedy at the


present  time  shall  not  (a)  preclude  Agent from ceasing at any time to make
Advances,  (b)  limit  in  any manner whatsoever Borrowers' obligation to comply
with,  and Agent's right to insist on Borrowers' compliance with, each and every
term of the Loan Agreement and the Other Documents or (c) constitute a waiver of
any  Event  of  Default or any right or remedy available to Agent under the Loan
Agreement,  the  Other  Documents  or applicable law, and Agent hereby expressly
reserves  its  rights  with  respect  to  the  same.

(d)     No  failure  or  delay  on  the part of Agent in exercising any right or
remedy  under  the Loan Agreement and no course of dealing between Borrowers and
Agent shall operate as a waiver of any such right or remedy nor shall any single
or partial exercise of any right or remedy under the Loan Agreement preclude any
other  or  further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy
under  the  Loan  Agreement.  Agent  expressly  reserves  all  of its rights and
remedies  under  the  Loan  Agreement.

3.     Amendments  to  Loan Agreement.  Subject to the satisfaction of Section 4
below,  the  Loan  Agreement  is  hereby  amended  as  follows:

(a)     The definition of Special Advance Amount set forth in Section 1.1 of the
Loan  Agreement  is  hereby  amended to read in its entirety as set forth below:

"Special Advance Amount" shall mean (w) $1,750,000, prior to December 21, 2010,
(x) $1,875,000 from December 21, 2010 through and including January 14, 2011,
(y)  $1,750,000 from January 15, 2001 through and including March 30, 2011 and
(z) $0 on and after March 31, 2011.

     (b)     The  Borrowers covenant and agree that the incremental availability
created  by  the  increase  in  the  Special  Advance  Amount  for  the  period
contemplated by this Agreement will be used solely for the purpose of mobilizing
to  rigs  to the Eagle Ford in South Texas and, if requested by Agent, Borrowers
will provide a certification to Agent that the incremental availability is being
used  for  such  purpose.

4.     Conditions  of Effectiveness.  This Agreement shall become effective when
Agent  shall  have  received:

(a)     four  (4)  copies of this Agreement executed by the Required Lenders and
each  Borrower;

(b)     a  common  stock  purchase warrant for 250,000 shares of common stock of
Best  at an exercise price of $0.10 per share in form and substance satisfactory
to  Agent  and  its  counsel;

(c)     such other certificates, instruments, documents, agreements and opinions
of counsel as may be required by Agent or its counsel, each of which shall be in
form  and  substance  satisfactory  to  Agent  and  its  counsel.

5.     Representations,  Warranties  and  Covenants.  Each  Borrower  hereby
represents,  warrants  and  covenants  as  follows:

(a)     This  Agreement  and  the  Loan  Agreement  constitute  legal, valid and
binding  obligations  of such Borrower and are enforceable against such Borrower
in  accordance  with  their  respective  terms.


(b)     Upon the effectiveness of this Agreement, each Borrower hereby reaffirms
all  covenants, representations and warranties made in the Loan Agreement to the
extent  the  same  are  not  amended  or  waived hereby and agrees that all such
covenants, representations and warranties shall be deemed to have been remade as
of  the  effective  date  of  this  Agreement.

(c)     The  execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and all other
documents  in  connection  therewith  has  been duly authorized by all necessary
corporate  action,  and  does not contravene, violate or cause the breach of any
agreement,  judgment,  order,  law  or  regulation  applicable  to any Borrower.

(d)     No  Event  of Default or Default has occurred and is continuing or would
exist  after  giving effect to this Agreement (other than the Existing Default).

(e)     No  Borrower has any defense, counterclaim or offset with respect to the
Loan  Agreement  or  the  Obligations.

6.     Effect  on  the  Loan  Agreement.

(a)     Upon  the  effectiveness  of  this Agreement, each reference in the Loan
Agreement  to "this Agreement," "hereunder," "hereof," "herein" or words of like
import  shall  mean  and be a reference to the Loan Agreement as amended hereby.
Except  as  specifically  amended  herein,  the  Loan  Agreement,  and all other
documents,  instruments  and  agreements executed and/or delivered in connection
therewith,  shall  remain  in full force and effect, and are hereby ratified and
confirmed.  This Agreement shall constitute an "Other Document" for all purposes
under  the  Loan  Agreement.

(b)     Except  as  expressly  provided  herein,  the  execution,  delivery  and
effectiveness  of  this  Agreement  shall  not operate as a waiver of any right,
power or remedy of Agent or any Lender, nor constitute a waiver of any provision
of  the  Loan  Agreement,  or  any  other  documents,  instruments or agreements
executed  and/or  delivered  under  or  in  connection  therewith.

     7.     Release.  The  Borrowers  hereby  acknowledge  and  agree that:  (a)
neither  they  nor  any  of  their  Affiliates have any claim or cause of action
against  Agent  or  any  Lender  (or  any of Agent's or any Lender's Affiliates,
officers,  directors, employees, attorneys, consultants or agents) and (b) Agent
and  each  Lender  have  heretofore properly performed and satisfied in a timely
manner  all  of  their  respective  obligations  to the Borrowers under the Loan
Agreement  and  the  Other  Documents.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Agent and
each Lender wish (and the Borrowers agree) to eliminate any possibility that any
past  conditions,  acts,  omissions,  events  or  circumstances  would impair or
otherwise  adversely  affect  any of Agent's or such Lender's rights, interests,
security  and/or  remedies  under  the  Loan  Agreement and the Other Documents.
Accordingly,  for  and  in  consideration  of  the  agreements contained in this
Agreement  and  other good and valuable consideration, each Borrower (for itself
and  its  Affiliates  and  the successors, assigns, heirs and representatives of
each  of  the  foregoing)  (each a "Releasor" and collectively, the "Releasors")
does  hereby fully, finally, unconditionally and irrevocably release and forever
discharge  Agent, each Lender and each of their respective Affiliates, officers,
directors, employees, attorneys, consultants and agents (each a "Released Party"
and  collectively,  the  "Released  Parties")  from  any  and all debts, claims,
obligations,  damages,  costs,  attorneys'  fees,  suits,  demands, liabilities,
actions,  proceedings  and  causes  of  action,  in  each case, whether known or
unknown,  contingent  or  fixed,  direct  or indirect, and of whatever nature or
description,  and  whether in law or in equity, under contract, tort, statute or
otherwise,  which any Releasor has heretofore had or now or hereafter can, shall
or  may  have against any Released Party by reason of any act, omission or thing
whatsoever done or omitted to be done on or prior to the date hereof arising out
of,  connected  with or related in any way to this Agreement, the Loan Agreement
or  any  Other  Document,  or any act, event or transaction related or attendant


thereto,  or  Agent's  or  any  Lender's  agreements  contained  therein, or the
possession,  use,  operation  or  control  of  any  of  the assets of agreements
contained  therein,  or  the possession, use, operation or control of any of the
assets of the Borrowers, or the making of any advance, or the management of such
advance  or  the  Collateral.

8.     Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall  be binding upon and inure to the
benefit  of  the  parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns and
shall  be  governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
New  York  (other  than  those  conflict  of  law  rules that would defer to the
substantive  law  of  another  jurisdiction).

9.     Cost  and Expenses.   Borrowers hereby agree to pay the Agent, on demand,
all  costs  and  reasonable  expenses  (including reasonable attorneys' fees and
legal  expenses)  incurred in connection with this Agreement and any instruments
or  documents  contemplated  hereunder.

10.     Headings.  Section  headings  in  this Agreement are included herein for
convenience  of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement
for  any  other  purpose.

11.     Counterparts;  Facsimile  Signatures.  This Agreement may be executed by
the  parties hereto in one or more counterparts of the entire document or of the
signature  pages  hereto,  each  of which shall be deemed an original and all of
which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement.  Any signature
received  by  facsimile  or  electronic transmission shall be deemed an original
signature  hereto.

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     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed as of the day and
year  first  written  above.

                                        PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION,
                                        as Lender and as Agent


                                        BEST ENERGY SERVICES, INC.


                                        BOB BEEMAN DRILLING COMPANY


                                        BEST WELL SERVICE, INC.




                                Existing Default

     1.     An  Event  of  Default  as a result of the Borrowers' failure to pay
certain  taxes  as  required  pursuant  to  Section  4.13 of the Loan Agreement.

     2.     An Event of Default as a result of the imposition of tax Liens as
evidenced by (i) that certain Tax Warrant of the Kansas Department of Revenue
and (ii) the Notices of Federal Tax Lien received from the Internal Revenue
Service and attached hereto as Exhibit A.