Exhibit 3.1

                                   BYLAWS OF

                         COMPETITIVE TECHNOLOGIES. INC.

                     As Amended Effective December 2, 2010

                                   ARTICLE I
                            MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

     SECTION  1.01.  Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of stockholders for the
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election  of  Directors  and  for the transaction of such other proper business,
notice  of  which  is  given in the notice of the meeting, shall be held on such
date  and  at  such  time and place, within or without the State of Delaware, as
shall  be  designated  by  the Board of Directors and set forth in the notice of
such  meeting.  Annual  meetings shall be held within thirteen months subsequent
to  the  date  of  the  last  annual  meeting  of  stockholders.

     SECTION 1.02. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the stockholders may be
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called  at  any  time  by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or by the Chief
Executive  Officer of the Corporation or by the Board of Directors. If requested
in  writing  by  the  holders  of  not  less  than  25%  of the aggregate of the
Corporation's  then outstanding capital stock specifying the purpose or purposes
of  the  meeting and delivered to the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive
Officer  or  the  Secretary, special meetings of stockholders shall be called by
the  Chairman  of  the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or the Secretary. Only
such  business  as  is  specified  in  the  notice of any special meeting of the
stockholders  shall  come  before  a  special  meeting.  If a special meeting is
properly  called by the stockholders, the Board of Directors shall determine the
time  and  place  of  such  special  meeting,  which shall be held not less than
thirty-five  (35) and not more than one hundred twenty (120) days after the date
of  receipt  of  the request. For a special meeting to be properly called by the
stockholders,  the request in writing for such special meeting shall be adequate
as  provided in Section 1.08 below. Special meetings shall be held at such place
within or without the State of Delaware and at such hour as may be designated in
the  notice of such meeting and the business transacted shall be confined to the
object  stated  in  the  notice  of  the  meeting.

     SECTION 1.03.  Notice of Stockholders' Meetings. The notice of all meetings
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of  stockholders shall be in writing and shall state the place, date and hour of
the  meeting.  The  notice  of an annual meeting shall state that the meeting is
called  for  the election of the Directors to be elected at such meeting and for
the  transaction  of  such  other  business  as  is  stated in the notice of the
meeting. The notice of a special meeting shall state the purpose or purposes for
which  the  meeting is called and shall also indicate that it is being issued by
or  at  the  direction  of  the  person  or  persons  calling  the  meeting.

     A  copy  of  the  notice  of  each  meeting of stockholders shall be given,
personally  or  by  mail, not less than ten days nor more than sixty days before
the date of the meeting, to each stockholder entitled to vote at such meeting at
his  or  her record address or at such other address as he may have furnished by
request  in  writing  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Corporation.  If a meeting is
adjourned  to  another  time or place, and, if any announcement of the adjourned
time  or  place is made at the meeting, it shall not be necessary to give notice
of  the adjourned meeting unless the adjournment is for more than thirty days or
the  Directors,  after  adjournment,  fix  a  new  record date for the adjourned

     Notice  of  a  meeting  need  not be given to any stockholder who submits a
signed  waiver  of  notice,  in  person or by proxy, whether before or after the
meeting.  The  attendance  of a stockholder at a meeting, in person or by proxy,
without  protesting prior to the conclusion of the meeting the lack of notice of
such  meeting  shall  constitute  a  waiver  of  notice  of  the  meeting.

     SECTION  1.04.  Quorum  at  Stockholders'  Meetings:  Vote Required. At any
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meeting  of the stockholders the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares
entitled to vote thereat shall constitute a quorum.  If there shall be less than
a  quorum  at  any  meeting  of  the stockholders a majority of those present in
person  or  by  proxy  may  adjourn  the  meeting.

     Directors shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast at a meeting of
stockholders by the holders of shares entitled to vote in the election. Whenever
any  corporate  action,  other  than  the  election  of  Directors,  is  to  be

taken by vote of the stockholders, it shall, except as otherwise required by the
General  Corporation  Law,  be  authorized  by a majority of the votes cast at a
meeting  of  stockholders  by  the  holders  of shares entitled to vote thereon.

     SECTION  1.05.  Organization.  The Chairman of the Board, if there shall be
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an  incumbent  Chairman of the Board, or, otherwise the person designated by the
Board  of Directors (or, in the absence of such designation, the highest ranking
officer  of  the  Corporation who is present at the meeting) shall call to order
meetings  of  stockholders  and  shall  act  as  chairman of such meetings.  The
Secretary of the Corporation shall act as secretary of meetings of stockholders.
If the Secretary of the Corporation is absent from the meeting, the secretary of
the  meeting  shall be such person as the chairman of the meeting shall appoint.

     SECTION  1.06.  Conduct  of  Business.  The  chairman  of  any  meeting  of
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stockholders  shall  determine  the  order  of business and the procedures to be
followed at the meeting, including regulation of the manner of voting and of the
conduct  of  discussion. The chairman or secretary of the meeting shall announce
at the meeting the date and time of the opening and the closing of the polls for
each  matter  upon  which  the  stockholders  will  vote.

     SECTION  1.07.  Inspectors  at  Stockholders'  Meetings.  The  Board  of
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Directors,  in  advance  of  any  stockholders  meeting, may appoint one or more
inspectors  to  act at the meeting or any adjournment thereof. If inspectors are
not  so appointed, the person presiding at the stockholders' meeting may, and on
the  request  of  any stockholder entitled to vote thereat shall, appoint one or
more  inspectors.  In  case  any  person  appointed  fails to appear or act, the
vacancy  may  be filled by appointment made by the Board of Directors in advance
of  the  meeting  or  at  the  meeting  by  the  person  presiding thereat. Each
inspector,  before  entering upon the discharge of his or her duties, shall take
and  sign  an oath faithfully to execute the duties of inspector at such meeting
with  strict  impartiality  and  according  to  the  best of his or her ability.

     The  inspectors  shall  determine  the number of shares outstanding and the
voting  power of each, the shares represented at the meeting, the existence of a
quorum,  the validity and effect of proxies, and shall receive votes, ballots or
consents,  hear and determine all challenges and questions arising in connection
with  the  right  to  vote,  count  and tabulate all votes, ballots or consents,
determine  the result, and do such acts as are proper to conduct the election or
vote  with  fairness  to all stockholders. On request of the person presiding at
the  meeting  or  any stockholder entitled to vote thereat, the inspectors shall
make a report in writing of any challenge, question or matter determined by them
and  execute  a certificate of any fact found by them. Any report or certificate
made  by  them shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated and of the vote
as  certified  by  them.

     SECTION  1.08.   Proper  Business;  Stockholder  Proposals;  Notice
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Requirements; Nomination of Directors for Election.  At an annual meeting of the
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stockholders,  only such business shall be conducted as shall have been properly
brought  before the meeting. To be properly brought before the meeting, business
must  be (i) specified in the notice of the meeting given by or at the direction
of the Board of Directors, (ii) properly brought before the meeting by or at the
direction  of the Board of Directors, or (iii) otherwise properly brought before
the  meeting  by  a stockholder of the Corporation who gives timely and adequate
written  notice  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Corporation  of such business such
stockholder  intends to bring before the meeting, was a stockholder of record at
the  time  such stockholder gives such notice and who is entitled to vote at the

     To  be  timely,  such  notice must be received by the Secretary not earlier
than  one  hundred  fifty  (150)  and not later than ninety (90) days before the
first  anniversary  of  the  annual  meeting  in  the  preceding  year.

     To  be  adequate,  such  notice  shall  set  forth  as  to  each matter the
stockholder  proposes to bring before the meeting (i) a brief description of the
business  desired  to  be  brought  before the meeting which business shall be a
proper matter for stockholder action under the Delaware General Corporation Law,
(ii) the reasons for conducting such business at the meeting, (iii) any material
interest  in  such  business  of  the  stockholder  of record and the beneficial
owners,  if any, on whose behalf the proposal is made, (iv) the name and address
of  the  stockholder of record and such beneficial stockholders, if any, (v) the
class  and  number  of  shares  owned  by  the  stockholder  of  record and such
beneficial owners, (vi) a representation by such stockholder of record that such
stockholder  intends to appear at the meeting in person or by proxy to bring the
business  before  the meeting, and (vii) if such business includes a proposal to
amend  the  Certificate  of  corporation  or the By-Laws of the Corporation, the
language  of  the  proposed  amendment.

     Where  the  business proposed is the nomination for election or re-election
of a Director or Directors at an annual or special meeting, a notice of proposed
business intended to be brought before an annual meeting or a request in writing
for  a  special  meeting  by  holders  of the proper amount of the Corporation's
capital  stock, shall, in order to be adequate, set forth as to each person whom
the  stockholder  or stockholders propose to nominate for election or reelection
as  a Director, (i) the name, age, business address and residence address of the
person,  (ii)  the  principal occupations or employments of the person currently
and  for  the  prior  five  years,  (iii)  a  description of all arrangements or
understandings  between or among the person or persons proposed as a nominee and
the  proposing stockholder or stockholders and any other persons including their
names,  and  (iv)  a statement signed by the person that such person consents to
being  named  as  a  nominee,  and, if elected, the person intends to serve as a

     The  Corporation  may  require  any  proposed nominee to furnish such other
information  as  may  reasonably be required by the Corporation to determine the
eligibility  of  the proposed nominee to serve as a Director of the Corporation.
Information  concerning  the  proposed nominee need not be included in the proxy
statement  furnished  to  stockholders  by the Corporation in connection with an
annual  meeting  and  nothing  in this Section is intended to govern or shall be
deemed  to  affect  any  rights of stockholders or the Corporation to request or
deny  inclusion  of  proposals  in  a  proxy statement issued by the Corporation
pursuant  to  Rule  14a-8  under  the  Securities  Exchange  Act  of 1934. These
provisions  shall  not  apply  to  nomination  of  any  persons  entitled  to be
separately  elected  by holders of any class or series of capital stock pursuant
to  the  terms of such capital stock or pursuant to the terms of any contract to
which  the  Corporation  shall  be  a  party.

     SECTION  1.09.  Proxies  and  Voting.  At any meeting of stockholders, each
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stockholder  entitled  to vote may vote in person or by proxy.  Each stockholder
shall  have  one  vote for each share of capital stock entitled to vote which is
registered  in  his  or  her  name on the record date for the meeting, except as
otherwise provided in these By-Laws or as otherwise required by law.  All voting
by  stockholders,  except  on  the election of Directors and except as otherwise
required  by  law,  may  be  by  voice vote; provided, however, that upon demand
therefor  by  a  stockholder  (or by his or her proxy) entitled to vote, a stock
vote shall be taken.  Each stock vote shall be taken by written ballots, each of
which  shall  state  the  name  of the stockholder (or proxy) voting.  Each vote
taken by ballots shall be counted by an inspector or inspectors appointed by the
chairman  of  the  meeting.  Elections  of  Directors  shall  be determined by a
plurality  of  the  votes  cast;  except as otherwise required by law, all other
matters  shall  be  determined  by  a  majority  of  votes  cast.

     SECTION  1.10.  Adjournment.  Any  meeting  of  stockholders,  annual  or
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special,  may  be  adjourned from time to time to reconvene at the same place or
another  place.  Notice  need  not be given of any such adjourned meeting if the
date,  time,  and  place  thereof  are  announced  at  the  meeting at which the
adjournment  is  taken;  provided,  however, that if the adjournment is for more
than  thirty  (30)  days  or  if  a  new  record date is fixed for the adjourned
meeting,  written  notice  of the date, time, and place of the adjourned meeting
shall  be  given to each stockholder of record entitled to vote at the adjourned
meeting.  At  the  adjourned meeting, any business may be transacted which might
have  been  transacted  at  the  original  meeting.

                                   ARTICLE II

     SECTION 2.01.  Qualifications and Number; Vacancies. A Director need not be
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a  stockholder,  a  citizen  of the United States, or a resident of the State of
Delaware.  The number of Directors constituting the entire Board is hereby fixed
at four (4) Directors of which group up to one (1) Director may be an officer or
employee  of  the  Company.

     The  Directors  shall  be chosen from among the four (4) nominees receiving
the  greatest  plurality  of  votes  from  stockholders at the annual meeting of

     The number of Directors may be increased or decreased by amendment of these
by-laws duly adopted by either the stockholders or by resolution of the Board of
Directors adopted by the same vote that is necessary under Article VII hereof to
amend  these  bylaws,  provided  that  the  number of Directors constituting the
entire  Board  shall not be less than three.  No decrease shall shorten the term
of any incumbent Director.  Any Director may be removed for cause by the vote of
stockholders  holding  50% or more of the issued and outstanding common stock of
the  Company.

Vacancies  and  newly  created  directorships resulting from any increase in the
authorized number of Directors may be filled by a majority of the Directors then
in  office,  though  less  than  a  quorum,  or  by  a  sole remaining Director.

     SECTION  2.02.  Term. Each director shall hold office until the next annual
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meeting  of  stockholders  and  until  his or her successor has been elected and
qualified, or until the Director shall sooner resign, retire, become deceased or
be  removed  by  the  stockholders.  Any  Director  may  resign  at  any time by
submitting  an  electronic  transmission  or  by  delivering a written notice of
resignation,  signed  by  such  Director  to  the  Chairman, the Chief Executive
Officer  or  the Secretary. Unless otherwise specified therein, such resignation
shall  take  effect  upon  delivery.

     SECTION  2.03. Place and Time of Meetings of the Board. Regular and special
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meetings  of the Board shall be held at such places (within or without the State
of  Delaware) and at such times as may be fixed by the Board or upon call of the
Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the Corporation (or of the executive committee if
constituted) or of any two Directors, provided that the Board of Directors shall
hold  at  least  four  meetings  a  year.

     SECTION  2.04.  Quorum and Manner of Acting. A majority of the entire Board
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of  Directors  shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but if
there  shall  be  less  than a quorum at any meeting of the Board, a majority of
those present (or if only one be present, then that one) may adjourn the meeting
from  time  to  time  and  the  meeting may be held as adjourned without further
notice.  At all meetings of Directors, a quorum being present, all matters shall
be decided by the vote of a majority of the Directors present at the time of the

     SECTION 2.05.  Chairman of the Board.  The Directors may elect one of their
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members  to be Chairman of the Board of Directors.  The Chairman of the Board of
Directors shall be subject to the control of, and may be removed with or without
cause  by, the Board of Directors.  The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall
perform  such  duties  as may from time to time be assigned to him or her by the
Board  of  Directors.

     SECTION  2.06.  Remuneration of Directors. In addition to reimbursement for
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his  or  her  reasonable expenses incurred in attending meetings or otherwise in
connection  with  his  or  her attention to the affairs of the Corporation, each
Director  as  such,  and  as  a  member  of any committee of the Board, shall be
entitled  to  receive such remuneration as may be fixed from time to time by the

     SECTION  2.07.  Notice  of  Meetings  of the Board. Regular meetings of the
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Board  may  be  held  without  notice if the time and place of such meetings are
fixed  by  the  Board.  All regular meetings of the Board, the time and place of
which  have  not  been fixed by the Board, and all special meetings of the Board
shall be held upon twenty-four hours' notice to the Directors given by letter or
confirmed  facsimile email or other electronic means. No notice need specify the
purpose of the meeting. Any requirement of notice shall be effectively waived by
any  Director  who  signs  a waiver of notice before or after the meeting or who
attends  the  meeting  without protesting (prior thereto or at its commencement)
the  lack  of  notice  to  him.  Meetings  of the Board of Directors may be held
without  notice  immediately  after  annual  meetings  of  stockholders.

     SECTION  2.08.  Executive  Committee  and  Other  Committees.  The Board of
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Directors,  by  resolution  adopted  by  a  majority  of  the  entire Board, may
designate  from among its members an Executive Committee and other committees to
serve  at  the  pleasure  of the Board. Each committee shall consist of three or
more  Directors. If constituted during the intervals between the meetings of the
Board,  the  Executive Committee shall have all of the authority of the Board of
Directors.  Each other committee shall be empowered to perform such functions as
may,  by  resolution,  be  delegated  to  it  by  the  Board.

     The  Board  of  Directors  may designate one or more Directors as alternate
members  of  any such committee, who may replace any absent member or members at
any  meetings  of  such committee. Vacancies in any committee, whether caused by
resignation or by increase in the number of members constituting said committee,
shall  be  filled  by a majority of the entire Board of Directors. The Executive
Committee  (if  constituted)  may  fix  its  own  quorum.  In  the  absence  or
disqualification  of  any  member  of  any such committee, the member or members
thereof  present  at any meeting and not disqualified from voting whether or not
he  or  they  constitute a quorum, may unanimously appoint another member of the
Board  of  Directors  to  act  at  the  meeting  in  place of any such absent or
disqualified  member.

     SECTION 2.09.  Action Without Meeting.  Any action required or permitted to
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be  taken at any meeting of the Board of Directors, or of any committee thereof,
may  be  taken  without  a  meeting,  if  prior to such action a written consent
thereto  is signed by all members of the board, or of such committee as the case
may be, and such written consent is filed with the minutes of proceedings of the
board  or  committee.  Such  written  consent  may  be executed in any number of
counterparts  each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed to be
an  original  without  the  production  of any other counterpart.  Any signature
delivered  by  facsimile  or  other electronic means shall be deemed an original
signature  thereto.

     SECTION  2.10.  Telephonic  Meetings.  Nothing  contained  in these By-Laws
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shall  be  deemed to restrict the power of members of the Board of Directors, or
of  any  committee  of  the Board of Directors to participate in meetings of the
Board  of  Directors (or of such committees) by means of conference telephone or
other  communications  equipment  by means of which all persons participating in
such  meeting  can  hear  each  other.

     SECTION  2.11.  Removal of a Director.  Any director of the Corporation may
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be  removed  by  a  vote  or  consent  of  a majority of the Stockholders of the
Company.  Any  director  of  the  Corporation may also be removed by a vote of a
majority  of  the Board of Directors in the event such Director has violated his
or her fiduciary duties to the Corporation or has violated the Corporate Code of
Conduct  as  then  in  effect.

                                  ARTICLE III

     SECTION  3.01.  Officers. The Board of Directors, at its first meeting held
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after  the annual meeting of stockholders in each year shall elect a Chairman of
the  Board, a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Chief Financial Officer,
and  a Secretary and may, in its discretion, also appoint from time to time such
other  officers or agents as it may deem proper. The Chairman of the Board shall
be  elected  from  among the members of the Board of Directors.  The Board shall
consider  the  recommendations of the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation
for  any  such  positions,  but  shall  not  be  bound  by such recommendations.

Any  two  or  more  offices  may  be  held  by  the  same  person.

Unless otherwise provided in the resolution of election or appointment or in the
employment  agreement  with an officer, each officer shall hold office until the
meeting  of  the  Board  of  Directors  following  the  next  annual  meeting of
stockholders  and  until  his  or  her successor has been elected and qualified;
provided, however, that the Board of Directors may, unless otherwise provided in
such  resolution  or agreement, remove any officer for cause or without cause at
any  time.

     SECTION  3.02.  Chairman  of  the  Board.  The  Chairman shall, if present,
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preside at all meetings of the stockholders and Board of Directors. The Chairman
shall act as lead director and serve as principal interface between the Board of
Directors  and  management  of  the  Corporation  and  shall work with the Chief
Executive Officer to develop agendas for all meetings of the Board of Directors.
He  shall  also  consult  with  and  recommend  to  the Nominating and Corporate
Governance  Committee,  the membership of the various committees of the Board of
Directors. The Chairman shall have the right to attend committee meetings of the
Board  of Directors whenever appropriate. The Chairman shall also do and perform
any and all other acts and duties which may be assigned to him from time to time
by  the  Board  of  Directors.

     SECTION  3.03.  Chairman  of  Executive  Committee.  The  Chairman  of  the
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Executive  Committee shall, if present, preside at all meetings of the Executive
Committee  (if  constituted)  and shall do and perform all other acts and duties
which  may  be  assigned  to  him  from  time to time by the Board of Directors.

     SECTION  3.04.  President.  In  the absence of the Chairman of the Board or
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his  or her inability to act, the President shall preside at all meetings of the
stockholders  and  of the Board of Directors. The President shall do and perform
all  other acts and duties which may be assigned to him from time to time by the
Board  of  Directors  or  the  Chairman  of  the  Board.

     SECTION  3.05.  The  Chief  Financial Officer.  The Chief Financial Officer
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shall  be  responsible  for  the  financial affairs of the Corporation as may be
delegated  to  the  Chief  Financial  Officer  by  the  Chief  Executive

Officer  and,  if  the Chief Financial Officer shall be absent or unable to act,
the  Board  of  Directors  shall  promptly  elect a permanent or temporary Chief
Financial  Officer.

     SECTION  3.06.  Vice  Presidents.  The Vice Presidents shall do and perform
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such  acts  and duties as may be assigned to them from time to time by the Board
of  Directors,  the  Chairman  of  the  Board  or  the  President.

     SECTION  3.07.  Designations  of  CEO,  CFO and COO. The Board of Directors
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shall  from  time  to  time designate the persons, whether by name or title, who
shall  be  the  Chief Executive Officer ("CEO"), Chief Financial Officer ("CFO")
and  Chief  Operating  Officer  ("COO")  of  the Corporation. The CEO shall have
general  supervision of the affairs of the Corporation subject to the control of
the  Board  of  Directors.  Each  of the CEO, the CFO and the COO shall have the
power  on  behalf  of  the  Corporation  to  execute  and deliver all contracts,
instruments,  conveyances  or documents and to affix the corporate seal thereto.

     SECTION  3.08.  Secretary.  The  Secretary  shall  keep  minutes  of  the
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proceedings  and the resolutions adopted at all meetings of the stockholders and
the  Board  of  Directors,  and  shall  give  due  notice of the meetings of the
stockholders and the Board of Directors. He or she shall have charge of the seal
and  all  books  and  papers  of  the  Corporation, and shall perform all duties
incident  to  his  or  her  office.  In case of the absence or disability of the
Secretary,  his  or her duties and powers may be exercised by such person as may
be  appointed  by  the  Board  of  Directors  or  the  Executive  Committee.

     SECTION  3.09.  Delegation  of  Authority.  The Board of Directors may from
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time  to  time delegate the powers or duties of any officer to any other officer
or  agent,  notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  these  By-Laws.

     SECTION  3.10. Facsimile Signatures of Officers and Directors. Facsimile or
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electronic signatures of any officer or director may be used whenever authorized
by  these  By-Laws  or  by  the  Board  of  Directors.

     SECTION  3.11.  Action with Respect to Securities of Other Entities. Unless
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otherwise prescribed by the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, the
President  or  Secretary (or any other officer designated by the Chief Executive
Officer  to  act  in  their  stead)  shall  have  power  and  authority  on  the
Corporation's  behalf  to attend (and to act and vote at) meetings of holders of
securities  of any entity in which the Corporation shall own or hold securities.
At such meetings, the Chief Executive Officer, the President, Secretary or Chief
Executive  Officer's  designee,  as  the  case  may  be,  shall possess (and may
exercise)  all  rights  and  powers incident to the ownership or holding of such
securities  which  the Corporation might have possessed and exercised. The Chief
Executive Officer, the President, the Secretary or the Chief Executive Officer's
designee may execute and deliver on the Corporation's behalf powers of attorney,
proxies,  consents,  waivers,  and  other instruments relating to the securities
owned  or  held  by  the  Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE IV

     SECTION  4.01.  Indemnification.  (a)  The  Corporation shall indemnify any
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person  who  was  or  is  a  party  or  is  threatened to be made a party to any
threatened,  pending  or  completed  action,  suit or proceeding, whether civil,
criminal,  administrative  or  investigative  (other than an action by or in the
right  of  the  Corporation) by reason of the fact that he is or was a director,
officer,  employee  or  agent  of  the  Corporation, or is or was serving at the
request  of the Corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another
corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust  or other enterprise, against
expenses  (including  attorneys'  fees),  judgments,  fines  and amounts paid in
settlement  actually  and  reasonably  incurred  by  him in connection with such
action,  suit  or  proceeding  if  he  acted  in  good  faith and in a manner he
reasonably  believed  to  be  in  or  not  opposed  to the best interests of the
Corporation,  and,  with  respect  to  any criminal action or proceeding, had no
reasonable  cause to believe his or her conduct was unlawful. The termination of
any  action,  suit  or proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or
upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent, shall not, of itself, create a
presumption  that  the person did not act in good faith and in a manner which he
reasonably  believed  to  be  in  or  not  opposed  to the best interests of the
Corporation,  and,  with  respect  to  any  criminal  action  or proceeding, had
reasonable  cause  to  believe  that  his  or  her  conduct  was  unlawful.

     (b)     The Corporation shall indemnify any person who was or is a party or
is  threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action
or  suit  by  or  in  the  right  of  the  Corporation  to  procure  a

judgment  in  its  favor  by  reason  of  the fact that he is or was a director,
officer,  employee  or  agent  of  the  Corporation, or is or was serving at the
request  of the Corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of another
corporation,  partnership,  joint  venture,  trust  or  other enterprise against
expenses  (including attorneys' fees) actually and reasonably incurred by him in
connection  with the defense or settlement of such action or suit if he acted in
good faith and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the
best  interests  of  the Corporation and except that no indemnification shall be
made in respect of any claim, issue or matter as to which such person shall have
been  adjudged  to  be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of
his  or her duty to the Corporation unless and only to the extent that the Court
of  Chancery  of  Delaware or the court in which such action or suit was brought
shall determine upon application that, despite the adjudication of liability but
in  view  of  all  the  circumstances  of  the  case,  such person is fairly and
reasonably  entitled to indemnity for such expenses which such Court of Chancery
or  such  other  court  shall  deem  proper.

     (c)     To  the  extent  that a director, officer, employee or agent of the
Corporation  has  been  successful  on the merits or otherwise in defense of any
action, suit or proceeding referred to in subsections (a) and (b), or in defense
of  any claim, issue or matter therein, he shall be indemnified against expenses
(including  attorneys'  fees)  actually  and  reasonably  incurred  by  him  in
connection  therewith.

     (d)     Any  indemnification  under subsections (a) and (b) (unless ordered
by  a court) shall be made by the Corporation only as authorized in the specific
case  upon  a  determination  that  indemnification  of  the  director, officer,
employee  or  agent  is  proper  in  the  circumstances  because  he has met the
applicable  standard  of  conduct  set  forth  in  subsections (a) and (b). Such
determination  shall be made (1) by the Board of Directors by a majority vote of
a  quorum  consisting  of directors who were not parties to such action, suit or
proceeding,  or (2) if such a quorum is not obtainable, or, even if obtainable a
quorum  of disinterested directors so directs, by independent legal counsel in a
written  opinion,  or  (3)  by  the  stockholders.

     (e)     Expenses  incurred in defending a civil or criminal action, suit or
proceeding may be paid by the Corporation in advance of the final disposition of
such  action,  suit or proceeding as authorized by the Board of Directors in the
manner provided in subsection (d) upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf
of the director, officer, employee or agent to repay such amount unless it shall
ultimately  be  determined  that  he  is  entitled  to  be  indemnified  by  the
Corporation  as  authorized  in  this  Article  IV.

     (f)     The indemnification provided by this Article IV shall not be deemed
exclusive  of  any other rights to which those indemnified may be entitled under
any  by-law,  agreement,  vote  of  stockholders  or  disinterested directors or
otherwise, both as to action in his or her official capacity and as to action in
another  capacity  while  holding such office, and shall continue as to a person
who  has  ceased to be a director, officer, employee or agent and shall inure to
the  benefit  of  the  heirs,  executors  and  administrators  of such a person.

     (g)     The  Board  of  Directors may authorize, by a vote of a majority of
the  full Board, the Corporation to purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of
any  person  who  is  or  was  a  director,  officer,  employee  or agent of the
Corporation,  or  is  or  was  serving  at  the  request of the Corporation as a
director,  officer, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, joint
venture,  trust  or  other enterprise against any liability asserted against him
and incurred by him in any such capacity, or arising out of his or her status as
such,  whether  or  not  the  Corporation  would have the power to indemnify him
against  such  liability  under  the  provisions  of  this  Article  IV.

                                   ARTICLE V
                                 CAPITAL STOCK

     SECTION  5.01.  Share Certificates. Each certificate representing shares of
     -------------   ------------------
the  Corporation  shall  be  in  such  form  as  may be approved by the Board of
Directors  and,  when  issued,  shall  contain upon the face or back thereof the
statements  prescribed  by the Delaware General Corporation Law and by any other
applicable  provision  of  law.  Each  such  certificate  shall be signed by the
Chairman,  Chief  Executive  Officer or President or a Vice President and by the
Secretary,  Chief  Financial Officer or Treasurer or an Assistant Secretary. The
signatures  of  said  officers  upon  a  certificate  may  be  facsimile  if the
certificate  is  countersigned  by a transfer agent or registered by a registrar
other  than  the Corporation itself or its employee. In case any officer who has
signed  or  whose  facsimile  signature has been placed upon a certificate shall
have  ceased  to  be  such  officer before such certificate is issued, it may be
issued by the Corporation with the same effect as if he were such officer at the
date  of  issue.

     If  the  Corporation  shall  be  authorized to issue more than one class of
stock  or  more  than one series of any class, the designations, preferences and
relative,  participating optional or other special rights of each class of stock
or  series  thereof  and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions of such
preferences  and/or  rights shall be set forth in full or summarized on the face
or  back of the certificates which the Corporation shall issue to represent such
class  or series of stock or there shall be set forth on the face or back of the
certificates which the Corporation shall issue to represent such class or series
of  stock, a statement that the Corporation will furnish, without charge to each
stockholder  who  so  requests,  the  designations,  references  and  relative,
participating, optional or other special rights of each class of stock or series
thereof  and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions of such preferences
and/or  rights.  Any  restriction  imposed  upon  the  transfer  of  shares  or
registration  of  transfer  of  shares  shall  be  noted  conspicuously  on  the
certificate  representing  the  shares  subject  to  such  restriction.

     SECTION  5.02.  Lost,  Destroyed  or  Stolen  Certificates.  No certificate
     -------------   ------------------------------------------
representing  shares shall be issued in place of any certificate alleged to have
been  lost,  destroyed  or  stolen, except on production of an affidavit stating
that  such certificate has been lost, stolen, or destroyed and/or other evidence
of  such  loss,  destruction  or  theft  as  may  be  requested  by the Board of
Directors,  and  on delivery to the Corporation, if the Board of Directors shall
so  require,  of a bond of indemnity in such amount, upon such terms and secured
by  such  surety  as  the  Board  of  Directors  may  in its discretion require.

     SECTION  5.03.  Transfer  of Shares. The shares of stock of the Corporation
     -------------   ------------------
shall  be transferable or assignable on the books of the Corporation only by the
person  to  whom  they  have  been issued or his or her legal representative, in
person  or  by  attorney,  and  only  upon  surrender  of  the  certificate  or
certificates  representing  such  shares  properly assigned. The person in whose
name  shares  of  stock  shall  stand  on  the  record  of  stockholders  of the
Corporation  shall  be  deemed the owner thereof for all purposes as regards the

     SECTION  5.04.  Record  Dates.  For  the  purpose  of  determining  the
     -------------   -------------
stockholders  entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of stockholders or
any  adjournment  thereof,  or to express consent to corporate action in writing
without  a  meeting,  or  entitled  to  receive payment of any dividend or other
distribution  or  allotment of any rights, or entitled to exercise any rights in
respect of any change, conversion or exchange of stock or for the purpose of any
other  action,  the Board may fix, in advance, a date as the record date for any
such  determination  of stockholders. Such date shall not be more than sixty nor
less  than  ten  days  before the date of such meeting, nor more than sixty days
prior  to  any  other  action.

                                   ARTICLE VI

     SECTION  6.01.  Signing  of  Instruments.  All  checks,  drafts,  notes,
     -------------   ------------------------
acceptances,  bills  of  exchange,  and orders for the payment of money shall be
signed  in  such  manner and by such person or persons as may be authorized from
time  to  time  by  the  Board  of  Directors  or  by  the  by-laws.

     SECTION 6.02. Corporate Seal. The seal of the Corporation shall be in such
     ------------  --------------
form and shall have such content as the Board of Directors shall from time to
time determine.

     SECTION  6.03.  Pro-Forma  Banking  and  Qualification  Resolutions.
     -------------   ---------------------------------------------------
Resolutions  from  time  to  time  necessary  or  appropriate for the opening or
maintenance  by  the Corporation of any account with any bank, trust company, or
broker-dealer  or  for the qualification of the Corporation to do business under
the laws of any state shall be effective and shall be adopted in the exact words
of  such pro-forma resolution as of the date of certification thereof so long as
such  resolutions  shall be certified by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary
of  the  Corporation  and filed with the permanent records of the resolutions of
the  Directors  of  the  Corporation.

     SECTION  6.04.  Fiscal  Year.  The  Corporation's  fiscal year shall be the
     -------------   ------------
twelve calendar months ending December 31 in each year unless otherwise fixed by
the  Board  of  Directors.

     SECTION 6.05.  Time Periods.  Whenever these By-Laws require that an act be
     ------------   ------------
done  or not be done a specified number of days prior to or after the occurrence
of  any  event  (or  require  that  an  act  be  done  or  not  be  done

within  a period of days prior to or after the occurrence of an event), calendar
days  shall  be used, with the day of the doing of such act excluded and the day
of  the  occurrence  of  such  event  included.

                                  ARTICLE VII
                             AMENDMENTS OF BY-LAWS

     SECTION  7.01.  Amendments  by  Directors.  These  by-laws  may be altered,
     -------------   -------------------------
amended  or  repealed  at  any  meeting,  by  vote of a majority of the Board of
Directors, provided that notices of the proposed amendments shall have been sent
by  mail  to  all  the  Directors not less than three days before the meeting at
which  they are to be acted upon, or at any regular meeting of the Directors, by
the  unanimous  vote  of  all  the  Directors  present.

     SECTION  7.02.  Amendment  by  Stockholders.  New  Bylaws may be adopted or
     -------------   ---------------------------
these  Bylaws  may  be  amended  or  repealed  by the vote or written consent of
holders  of  a  majority  of  the  outstanding  shares  entitled  to  vote.