COVER TO CORRESPONDENCE FORM 1-A-W WITHDRAWAL OF: ACCESSION # 0001372184-24-000011 ACCESSION # 0001372184-24-000013 ACCESSION # 0001372184-24-000015 R.E.I.C. Holdings, Inc. VIA EDGAR - UPLOADED AS 'CORRESPONDENCE' IN .txt FORMAT From: R.E.I.C. Holdings, Inc. VIA: Anthony Ramos, Filer Support Specialist OTC 251, Inc. 347-994-9960 and Vic Devlaeminck, Attorney/CPA Project Reg. A+ Reviewing Attorney for R.E.I.C. Holdings, Inc. and, Weston Willett, Project IT specialist OTC 251, Inc. To: Margaret Sawicki, Analyst United States Securities & Exchange Commission Division of Corporate Finance Office of Industrial Applications and Services Date: September 25, 2024 Re: S.E.C. CIK # 0001372184 ______________________________________________________________________ Ms. Sawicki: Attached please find our withdrawal letter on the above-captioned accession numbers. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Tanen Andrews, CEO & Board Chair R.E.I.C. Holdings, Inc. 40 Wall Street Suite 2854 New York, NY 10005 September 25, 2024 VIA EDGAR Margaret Sawicki, Analyst United States Securities and Exchange Commission cc: Vic Devlaeminck, Attorney/CPA, project legality opinion letter writer a nd project attorney Weston Willett, Project IT specialist Anthony Ramos, Filer Support Specialist FORM 1-A-W WITHDRAWAL OF: ACCESSION # 0001372184-24-000011 ACCESSION # 0001372184-24-000013 ACCESSION # 0001372184-24-000015 Ms. Sawicki: Our filer support specialist, Tony Ramos, of OTC 251,Inc., is providing continuing assistance to us with regards to our Form 1-A filings. The project IT specialist, Weston Willett, also of OTC 251, Inc., is provid ing continuing file upload services to us as well. The project legality opinion letter writer on the Form 1-A, attorney/CPA, V ic Devlaeminck, is also copied here. We provide this Form 1-A-W as to the above-captioned accession numbers. The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge a discrepancy and absence of guidance from the S.E.C. regarding this particular EDGAR file. A meeting was held, which included you and other S.E.C. personnel. Whereas a difference of opinion is continuing, the Issuer nevertheless accepts the position of the S.E.C. and, therefore, withdraws the said Form 1-A offerings. Therefore, pursuant to Rule 259 of Regulation A, promulgated pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, R.E.I.C. Holdings, Inc., respectfully requests the withdrawal of Forms 1-A bearing accession numbers 0001372184-24-00001, 10001372184-24-000013 and 0001372184-24-000015. The offering statements relate to the public offerings R.E.I.C. Holdings, I nc. Sincerely, Tanen Andrews, CEO & Board Chair