One Gorham Island
                          Westport, Connecticut 06880

                                February 2, 2011

Bonds.com Group, Inc.
529 5th Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, New York 10017
Attn: Michael Sanderson,
         Chief Executive Officer

Bonds.com, Inc.
529 5th Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, New York 10017
Attn: Michael Sanderson,
         Chief Executive Officer

Re:       NASD Rule 1017

Dear Mr. Sanderson:

      This   letter   (the   "Letter   Agreement")   shall  confirm  our  mutual
understanding and agreement with respect to: (i) certain regulatory requirements
to which Bonds.com, Inc. ("Bonds"), a Delaware corporation  that  is  registered
with  the Securities and Exchange Commission as a broker-dealer and is a  member
of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA"), is subject to pursuant
to NASD  Rule  1017  in connection with the consummation of the Transactions (as
defined below) by Parent  and  Oak (both as defined below); and (ii) the related
undertakings of the Parties as described  herein.   As  used  herein,  the  term
"Parties"   means,  collectively,  Bonds,  Bonds.com  Group,  Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation and  the  parent  company  of  Bonds  ("Parent")  and Oak Investment
Partners XII, Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership ("Oak").

      Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings set
forth  in  the  Asset  Purchase  Agreement,  dated February 2, 2011 (the  "Asset
Purchase  Agreement"), among Parent, Bonds.com  MBS,  Inc.  and  Beacon  Capital
Strategies,  Inc. ("Seller"), and the Unit Purchase Agreement, dated February 2,
2011 (the "Unit Purchase Agreement"), by and among Parent, Oak, and GFINet, Inc.
(the transactions  contemplated  in  the  Asset  Purchase Agreement and the Unit
Purchase Agreement are collectively referred to herein as the "Transactions").

      As a result of the Transactions, Oak may become,  directly and indirectly,
the owner of  approximately 27.08% of the equity of Parent.  Such ownership will
result from the following:


      (i)  The  Asset  Purchase  Agreement provides for the issuance  of  10,000
      shares  of  Parent's  Series  C   Preferred  Stock  to  Seller,  which  is
      convertible  into  a maximum of 100,000,000  shares  of  Common  Stock  of
      Parent.  Oak, as a shareholder of Seller, may indirectly own approximately
      11.78% of Parent as a result of this issuance.

      (ii) The Unit Purchase Agreement provides for the issuance by Parent of 40
      Units to Oak, with each  Unit  consisting  of  1,000  shares  of  Series D
      Convertible  Preferred  Stock,  and warrants exercisable for 1,428,571.429
      shares of Common Stock of Parent.   Each  share  of  Series  D Convertible
      Preferred Stock is convertible into 14,285.714 shares of Common  Stock  as
      of  the Closing Date.  Oak may directly own approximately 15.30% of Parent
      as a result of this issuance.

      We are  aware  of  the existence, and applicability to Bonds, of NASD Rule
1017 ("Application for Approval  of  Change  in  Ownership, Control, or Business
Operations").  As a result of the Transactions and the above-described issuances
to Oak, Bonds will become subject to the application  requirement  set  forth in
NASD  Rule  1017.   Specifically,  clause  (a)(4)  of NASD Rule 1017 provides as

            "A member shall file an application for  approval of any
            of  the following changes to its ownership,  control  or
            business operations:

            (4) a  change  in  the  equity  ownership or partnership
            capital  of the member that results  in  one  person  or
            entity directly  or  indirectly owning or controlling 25
            percent or more of the  equity  or  partnership  capital

      In order to ensure compliance by Bonds with NASD Rule 1017  in  connection
with the Transactions, Oak, Bonds and Parent hereby agree as follows:

      (i)  Prior to the submission by Bonds to FINRA of an application  pursuant
      to  NASD  Rule  1017(a)(4)  (as  described  below) and the approval of the
      application,  or  indication of no-action regarding  the  application,  by
      FINRA, the Series C  Preferred  Stock  directly or indirectly owned by Oak
      shall only convert into the number of shares  of  Common  Stock  of Parent
      such  that  Oak's aggregate direct and indirect ownership of Parent  shall
      not exceed 24.99% of the equity capital of Parent.

      (ii)  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of this Letter Agreement, if there
      are changes to the equity capital of Parent and/or Bonds:

            (a) such that after the NASD Rule 1017  application  is submitted to
      FINRA by Bonds, such changes result in Oak's aggregate direct and indirect
      ownership of Parent not exceeding 24.99% of the equity capital  of Parent,
      then Bonds (and Parent shall cause Bonds to) shall request from FINRA that
      such application be withdrawn, or

            (b)  such that at the time the Series C Preferred Stock is converted
      into shares  of  Common  Stock  of Parent, such conversion pursuant to the
      terms of the Series C Preferred Stock  will  not result in Oak's aggregate
      direct and indirect ownership of Parent exceeding  24.99%  of  the  equity
      capital of Parent, then this Letter Agreement shall have


            no  effect on such conversion and Oak shall be issued by Parent  the
      number of shares  of  Common  Stock  required by the terms of the Series C
      Preferred Stock.

      (iii)  Upon the approval of the NASD Rule  1017 application, or indication
      of no-action regarding the application, by FINRA,  Parent  shall  issue to
      Oak  all  additional  shares  of  Common  Stock  of Parent to which Oak is
      entitled pursuant to the Transactions and that were  not previously issued
      to  Oak  as  a  result  of  clause (i) above (such shares, the  "Remaining

      (iv)  Bonds will, and Parent  shall  cause  Bonds to, use its best efforts
      to: (a) timely submit to FINRA an application  pursuant  to NASD Rule 1017
      regarding the acquisition by Oak of an equity interest in  Parent equal to
      or   greater  than  25  percent  (which  application  shall  contain   all
      information  and  documentation  required  by  NASD Rule 1017 and which is
      necessary  to enable FINRA to review and process  the  application  on  an
      expedited basis);  and  (ii)  timely  take  such other actions (including,
      without  limitation, subsequent communications  with  and  submissions  to
      FINRA) as  may  be  required  in  order  to  provide  Oak  with all of the
      Remaining Shares as soon as possible.

      (v) Bonds agrees, and Parent shall cause Bonds, to provide Oak with drafts
      of any submissions, correspondence or other documentation to  be  sent  to
      FINRA  with  respect  to  the NASD Rule 1017 application at least five (5)
      business days prior to any  such submission; and, further, Bonds will, and
      Parent  shall  cause Bonds to,  make  any  changes  to  such  submissions,
      correspondence or  other  documentation  as may be reasonably requested by
      Oak or its legal counsel.

      (vi)  Bonds agrees, and Parent shall cause  Bonds,  to  provide  Oak  with
      copies  of  any  communications  or  documentation  received  by  FINRA in
      connection  with  the  NASD  Rule  1017 application, promptly after Bonds'
      receipt thereof.

      (vii)  As promptly as possible, but in no event later than one hundred and
      eighty (180) days following the date  hereof,  Parent  shall  use its best
      efforts  to  undertake any and all actions necessary to create, authorize,
      approve and effect  a  new series of preferred stock pursuant to its blank
      check  preferred authority  in  its  certificate  of  incorporation,  with
      rights, preferences and privileges substantially identical to those of the
      Series A  Preferred  Stock  of  Parent,  par  value $0.0001 per share (the
      "Series A Preferred Stock"), as of the date hereof,  and in any event with
      rights,  preferences and privileges no more favorable than  those  of  the
      Series A Preferred  Stock,  as  of  the  date  hereof  (the "New Series of
      Preferred").   The  authorized  number  of  shares  of the New  Series  of
      Preferred  shall  be  sufficient  to  permit  Parent  to comply  with  its
      obligations under paragraph (viii) below.  Such actions  of  Parent  shall
      include, without limitation, obtaining the approval of all stockholders of
      Parent  required  for  the creation, authorization, approval and effect of
      the New Series of Preferred.   Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Bonds has
      received the approval of FINRA or  a  FINRA  no-action indication has been
      obtained by Bonds prior to the creation of the  New  Series  of Preferred,
      the  obligations under this paragraph (vii) shall terminate.  Each  holder
      of Parent's  Series  D  Convertible Preferred Stock, par value $0.0001 per
      share, and/or Parent's Series  D-1  Convertible Preferred Stock, par value
      $0.0001 per share, is a third party beneficiary  of  this  paragraph (vii)
      and is entitled to


      enforce   the   provisions   herein   (collectively,   the   "Third  Party
      Beneficiaries"),  and  such  third  party  beneficiary  rights may not  be
      amended  or modified in any respect without the prior written  consent  of
      such Third Party Beneficiaries.

      (viii)  If  the  NASD  Rule  1017 Application is denied by FINRA and is no
      longer appealable by Bonds as the applicant, then in lieu of the Remaining
      Shares, Parent shall issue to  Oak a number of shares of the New Series of
      Preferred of Parent, that equals the number of Remaining Shares divided by
      one  hundred  (100),  or  as  otherwise   calculated   such  that  Oak  is
      economically in the same position as if it had been issued  the  Remaining
      Shares but without the voting rights of such Remaining Shares.

      (ix)   If  there  is  a  liquidation,  dissolution or winding-up of Parent
      (including any deemed liquidation, dissolution  or  winding-up  of  Parent
      pursuant to the Series C Preferred Stock Certificate of Designation) prior
      to Bonds' receipt of the approval of FINRA or a FINRA no-action indication
      from  FINRA,  then  the  liquidation  preference rights of Oak's shares of
      Series C Preferred Stock under the Series C Preferred Stock Certificate of
      Designation shall be calculated regardless  of  the  terms  of this Letter
      Agreement  (i.e.,  the Pre-Determination Date Liquidation Preference,  the
      Post-Determination  Date  Liquidation  Preference  and/or  the  Change  of
      Control Liquidation Preferred  (each  as defined in the Series C Preferred
      Stock Certificate of Designation) shall  be  calculated  as  if such FINRA
      approval or no-action indication had been received).

      Oak  hereby  agrees  to  provide  Bonds  and/or Parent with all reasonably
necessary cooperation and documentation required  from  it  with  respect to the
NASD Rule 1017 application.

      This Letter Agreement is and shall continue to be in full force and effect
as  of  the  Closing  Date  of  the  Transactions.  The execution, delivery  and
effectiveness of this Letter Agreement  shall  not, except as expressly provided
herein, operate as a waiver of any right, power or remedy of the Parties, or any
other Person under, or provision of, the Transaction Agreements.

      Section  8(a) of the Unit Purchase Agreement  is  hereby  incorporated  by
reference, mutatis  mutandis.   No  party  may  assign  its  rights,  duties  or
obligations  under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other
party.  This Letter  Agreement  may  not  be  amended  and/or  terminate, and no
provision hereof may be waived, without the prior written consent  of all of the
Parties  (subject to the rights of the Third Party Beneficiaries as provided  in
paragraph  (vii)  of this Agreement).  The invalidity or unenforceability of any
provision  of  this  Letter   Agreement   shall   not  affect  the  validity  or
enforceability  of  any other provision of this Letter  Agreement,  which  shall
remain in full force  and  effect.  This Letter Agreement may be executed in any
number  of  separate  counterparts,   each  of  which  shall,  collectively  and
separately, constitute one agreement.    Legal delivery of this Letter Agreement
may be made by, among other methods, telecopy or by e-mail (PDF format).

                 (Remainder of page intentionally left blank.)





                                     By: Oak Associates XII,  LLC,
                                         its General Partner

                                           By: /s/Ann Lamont
                                              Name:  Ann Lamont
                                              Title:    Managing Partner

                                           BONDS.COM GROUP, INC.

                                           By:/s/Jeffrey Chertoff
                                              Name:  Jeffrey Chertoff
                                              Title:    CFO

                                           BONDS.COM, INC.

                                           By:/s/Jeffrey Chertoff
                                              Name:  Jeffrey Chertoff
                                              Title:    CFO
