Your Event, Inc.
                        7065 W. Ann Road, #130-110
                         Las Vegas, Nevada  89130

March 14, 2008

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Mail Stop 3561

U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporate Finance
100 F. Street N.E.
Washington, DC  20549

Attention:  Blair Petrillo, Esq.

Re: Your Event, Inc.
    Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement on Form S-1
    Filed March 4, 2008
    File No. 333-148739

Dear Ms. Petrillo:

On behalf of Your Event, Inc. (the "Company"), this letter responds to your
March 13, 2008 comment letter, concerning our Registration Statement.
A marked copy of our revisions to the Registration Statement is enclosed for
your reference.  For your convenience, each of your comments has been
reproduced below, followed by the Company's response to such comment.

Description of Business, page 23
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1.  We note your response to prior comment four from our letter dated
    February 14, 2008 regarding the company's statement that it believes that
    $8,000 will be sufficient to fund the company's operations for the next
    12 months.  However, the disclosure on page 24 of the registration
    statement does not explain how $8,000 is sufficient to fund the company's
    operations for the next 12 months when (as disclosed in the next
    sentence) you state the company needs an additional $200,000 to "full(y)
    launch our operations."  In this regard, your minimum required to break
    escrow for the offering being registered is $5,000, and even if the
    maximum level is achieved, you will only receive $20,000 of proceeds.
    Please thoroughly revise to discuss the relationship of these amounts on
    your operations including how they relate to the timeline on page 31, and
    explain whether the company would be able to launch any part of its
    business plan if only the minimum funds are raised.  Further, please
    discuss your intentions and plans to attain additional funding and the
    impact on your operations in the interim.


RESPONSE:  We respectfully note the Staff's comment, and we agree with Staff
that our disclosure needs clarification.  We have thoroughly revised the
disclosure on Page 24 to discuss that management categories its funding
requirements for two separate areas of the companies business.  This first
area includes paying for the legal and accounting expenses to keep the
Company full reporting; the second area includes funding to build the actual
business operations, of the Company.  We explained how our original private
placement will help us keep our Company full reporting for the next twelve
months, and we plan to initiate our business operations on a limited basis,
whether or not we receive any funding from the offering.  We have also added
Item No. 5 to the timeline on Page 31.  This revised disclosure now ties into
the timeline on page 31.

Your Event Registry, page 26
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2.  Please revise the description of the Your Event Registry to provide
    additional detail regarding the "previous experience" that leads the
    company to believe the registry will "build a loyal following."

RESPONSE:  We respectfully note the Staff's comment.  We spent some time
reviewing your comment and our disclosure.  We concluded that there is no
definite correlation in management experience versus "building a loyal
following."  Management may have all of the experience possible, yet this may
not lead to any "loyal following."  Said differently, we are not sure we can
substantiate this statement; therefore, this sentence has been deleted from
the document.

Undertakings, page II-3
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3.  We note your response to prior comment eight from our letter dated
    February 14, 2008.  However, it appears that you have added the
    undertaking provided in Item 512(g)(1)(ii) of Regulation S-B relating to
    offerings made in reliance on Rule 430B as opposed to the undertaking
    provided in Item 512(g)(2) of Regulation S-B relating to offerings made
    in reliance in Rule 430C.  Please revise.

RESPONSE:  We apologize for including the wrong undertaking.  We have now
included the undertaking provided in Item 512(g)(2) of Regulation S-B
relating to offerings made in reliance in Rule 430C.

We want to thank you for your assistance in our compliance with the
applicable disclosure requirements.  We appreciate your helpfulness.

Respectfully yours,

Your Event, Inc.

By:  /s/  Marilyn Montgomery
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          Marilyn Montgomery
          Chief Executive Officer
