UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM N-PX ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORD OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANY INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT FILE NUMBER: 811-21488 NAME OF REGISTRANT: Cohen & Steers Global Infrastructure Fund, Inc. ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICES: 280 Park Avenue, 10th Floor New York, NY 10017 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT FOR SERVICE: Tina M. Payne 280 Park Avenue, 10th Floor New York, NY 10017 REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER: 212-832-3232 DATE OF FISCAL YEAR END: 12/31 DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD: 07/01/2010 - 06/30/2011 Cohen & Steers Global Infrastructure Fund, Inc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABERTIS INFRAESTRUCTURAS S A Agenda Number: 703173461 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: E0003D111 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 21-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: ES0111845014 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 844791 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1 a) To approve the individual and consolidated Mgmt For For Annual Accounts corresponding to the 2010 financial year, the report on the remuneration policy and the respective Management Reports, which have been verified by company Auditors. The Annual Accounts comprise the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Statement of Changes in the Net Equity, Cash Flow Statement and Report, recording a profit of EUR 590,846,117.22 in the individual accounts. b) To approve the proposed profit distribution and the distribution of the active dividend for the business year which closed on 31 December 2010 as specified. Specifically, to distribute a complementary gross dividend of EUR 0.30 to each share currently in existence and in circulation with the right to receive a dividend on the payment date. Said complementary dividend, in addition to the interim dividend already distributed, results in a total gross dividend arising from the profit in the 2010 financial year of EUR 0.60 per share with the right to receive the dividend on its respective payment date. In the event that, on the date of distribution of the interim or complementary dividend, the company has shares without entitlement to receive a dividend, the amount that would have corresponded to the same shall be applied to the voluntary reserves. The payment of this complementary dividend shall be made through the participating companies of Sociedad de Gestion de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensacion y Liquidacion de Valores, S.A. (Iberclear) in the last week of June 2011. c) To approve the management of the company's Board of Directors during the financial year which closed on 31 December 2010 2 To confirm notification and, wherever applicable, Mgmt For For to ratify the agreements adopted by the Company Board of Directors with regard to: (i) the incorporation of Saba Infraestructuras, S.A.; (ii) the non-monetary contribution to the same of the shares which the company owns in Saba Aparcamientos, S.A. and in Abertis Log stica, S.A. for the sum of three hundred and ninety-nine million twenty thousand four hundred and two Euros and eighty-two cents (399,020,402.82 Euros). Said non-monetary contribution has been the object of a report drafted by the independent expert "Ernst & Young, S.L.", appointed by the Commercial Registry of Barcelona in accordance with the provisions established in article 67 of Royal Decree 1/2010, of 2 July, which approves the Revised Text of the Capital Companies Law 3 To ratify the agreement of the Board of Directors Mgmt For For for the distribution of an interim dividend for the result of the 2011 financial year of EUR 0.67 per share, the shareholders being able, until 22 July of the present year, to opt between receiving said dividend (i) in cash, or (ii) through the issue of shares in Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. at the rate of one (1) share in this company for one (1) share in Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. with EUR 0.13 per share in cash. In the absence of any statement to the contrary within the established deadline, the shareholder will be deemed to have opted to receive the payment of said dividend in cash only. The payment of the dividend to the shareholders shall be in full and by 31 July of the present year. All of the above is in accordance with the Fairness Opinions issued by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (BBVA), KPMG Asesores, S.L. and Lazard Asesores Financieros, S.A., under the supervision of the Independent Experts Committee 4 To ratify and, wherever applicable, authorise Mgmt For For the Board of Directors to transfer the company-owned shares in Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. that have not been awarded to shareholders in the agreed interim dividend to Viana SPE, S.L.; ProA Capital Iberian Buyout Fund I USA, F.C.R. de Regimen Simplificado; ProA Capital Iberian Buyout Fund I Europa, F.C.R. de Regimen Simplificado; ProA Capital Iberian Buyout Fund I Espana, F.C.R. de Regimen Simplificado; and to Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A., which shall transfer its status of purchaser to Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, "la Caixa" (or a subsidiary company controlled by the same) as part of the reorganisation of the "la Caixa" group, for the price of 0.54 Euros per share 5 To approve the refund of contributions to company Mgmt For For shareholders charging this to the Issue Premium reserve, for the sum of 0.40 Euros per share, authorising the Board of Directors of the company to establish the payment date for the refund of contributions, not later than 31 July 2011, and to establish any other condition necessary to such effect 6 a) Once the interim dividend referred to in Mgmt For For point three of the present draft agreement has been paid, and the refund of contributions referred in point five of the same document has been made, in accordance with the report and proposal formulated by the Company Board of Directors on 17 May 2011, based on the Balance Sheet approved at the present General Meeting dated 31 December 2010 and verified by the auditors of the company accounts, it is agreed to increase the capital of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A., which was established at EUR 2,217,113,349, fully subscribed and paid up, by 110,855,667 Euros, in other words to 2,327,969,016 Euros, through the issue and circulation of 36,951,889 new ordinary shares which belong to the single class and series of the company, subject to the legal proceedings before the National Securities and Exchange Commission, once the actions described in the following sections of the present agreement are completed. Said actions shall each have a nominal value of three (3) Euros, represented by 36,951,889 book entries, and shall be issued and charged to the reserves, under the terms set forth in the following sections. b) The capital increase shall be charged to the Issue Premium reserve. c) In the terms established in the legislation, the shareholders will be entitled to the free allocation of the new shares, at the rate of one (1) share for every twenty (20) old shares they possess. For the purpose of the above, company shareholders shall mean all physical and legal persons who, at the close of the day that immediately precedes the period of free allocation referred to below, appear as shareholders of the same on the accounting registers of the companies participating in Sociedad de Gestion de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensacion y Liquidacion de Valores, S.A. (Iberclear). In accordance with the provisions established in article 306.2 of the Capital Company Law, the rights to the free allocation of new shares will be transferable, establishing a period of fifteen days, counting from the date indicated in the appropriate announcement published in the Official Gazette of the Commercial Registry (BORME) for the allocation and transfer of said rights, without prejudice to the fact that, once this deadline has passed, any shares that have not been allocated shall be registered on behalf of whoever can accredit ownership, and that they may be sold three years after registration, in accordance with article 117 of the Capital Companies Law, at the risk and expense of the interested parties and for the net selling price deposited in the Spanish Government Depositary. To accept the waiver, formulated by the shareholder "Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A." in the present act, to 3 rights to which it is entitled, in order to balance the capital increase. d) The payment of the capital increase, which totals 110,855,667 Euros, shall be charged in its entirety to the Issue Premium reserve, which includes, among others, the Revaluation Reserves of companies absorbed in mergers carried out in previous financial years. The aforementioned capital increase shall be executed before 31 December 2011 and once the Free Allocation Period has terminated, and in all cases once the dividend referred to in point three of the present draft agreement has been paid and the refund of contributions referred in point five has been made, which shall be deemed to have occurred at the moment it is declared in accordance with section c) of the present agreement, formalising in accounting terms the application of reserves by the sum of the capital increase. e) The new shares issued shall confer upon their owners, from the moment of issue, identical political and economic rights to the company shares already in circulation, in the manner specified in the legislation and by the Corporate Bylaws. f) Admission for negotiation in official and other organised markets will be requested for the ordinary shares, which shall be issued with a nominal value of 3 Euros per share. To this end, to expressly authorise the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Salvador Alemany Mas, the Managing Director, Francisco Reynes Massanet, the Secretary of the Board of Directors, Miquel Roca Junyent, the Vice-secretary of the same management body, Josep Maria Coronas Guinart and the General Financial Manager, Jose Aljaro Navarro, so that either of them, indistinctly, may carry out the required procedures and actions and formalise the corresponding requests before the National Securities and Exchange Commission (hereinafter, the "CNMV") and the aforementioned markets, and in particular, to formalise and apply for the corresponding proceedings in the CNMV prior to commencing the allocation stage of the new shares and to establish the starting and closing date of the same, the period for which shall be fifteen days. g) To formally and expressly state that, in the event that in the future it is decided to request the exclusion from negotiation in official markets of the shares representing the share capital of the company, the corresponding agreements shall be adopted with the same formalities as the ones adopted for the admission for negotiation, and in this case, shall at all times guarantee the interests of the shareholders, in accordance with the provisions established in article 10 of Royal Decree 1066/2007, of 27 July, on the system of public share tenders. h) To agree that the above agreement for the admission for negotiation in stock markets is subject to the stock market regulations that currently exist or may exist in the future, in particular those relating to contracting, permanence and exclusion from negotiation. i) To delegate in favour of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Chairman and the Managing Director, indistinctly, the power to establish the conditions of the capital increase in relation to any matter not envisaged in the present agreement. In particular, without limitation, the broadest powers to declare the capital increase paid and executed. j) Once the capital increase has been executed in accordance with the provisions established in the above sections and the agreement envisaged in point seven of the agenda has been approved, article 5 of the Corporate Bylaws will be redrafted in the following terms as specified 7 It is agreed to modify the following articles Mgmt For For of the Corporate Bylaws in order to adapt them to recent legislative changes and improve the drafting of the same: article 3 ("Registered Address"), article 5 ("Capital"), article 14 ("Types of General Meetings"), article 15 ("Meeting Requests"), article 16 ("Quorum"), article 20 ("Composition of the Board"), sections a) and c.2) of article 22 ("Convening and quorum of Board meetings. Deliberations and adoption of resolutions. Board Committees"), article 24 ("Remuneration of Directors") and article 26 ("Accounting documents"). The aforementioned articles shall be redrafted as specified 8 It is agreed to redraft the following articles Mgmt For For of the General Meeting of Shareholders Regulations: article 1 ("Aims and publication of the Regulations"), article 2 ("General Meeting of Shareholders"), article 3 ("Types of Meetings"), article 4 ("Power and obligation to call meetings"), article 5 ("Notification"), article 8 ("Representation"), article 10 ("Organisation of the General Meeting"), article 11 ("Constitution of the General Meeting") and article 20 ("Adoption of agreements and termination of the General Meeting"), in order to adapt its text to the bylaw modifications referred to in the above point and to recent legislative changes, and also to include the new article 6 bis, which refers to the "Shareholders' Electronic Forum. The redrafted General Meeting of Shareholders Regulations are set out in Annex II and are approved by the present General Meeting 9 The General Meeting is hereby notified of the Mgmt Abstain Against modification to the following articles of the General Meeting of Shareholders Regulations, approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 17 May 2011: article 4 ("Mission"), article 13 ("The Audit and Review Committee"), article 15 ("Procedure for Adopting Agreements"), article 16 ("Appointment of Directors"), article 22 ("Remuneration of Directors"), article 24 ("Duty of Diligent Administration"), article 27 ("Duty of loyalty"), article 28 ("Conflicts of interest"), article 34 ("Related parties") and article 40 ("Relations with auditors"); the elimination of article 25 ("Duty of loyalty") and the introduction of a new article referring to the "Duty of non-competition". The content of the revised Board Regulations are set out in a single text attached hereto as Annex III, including the modifications approved by the Board of Directors, entitling articles 4 and 15 in accordance with their content and renumbering the articles affected by such modifications, wherever applicable 10.1a In accordance with the proposals of the Board Mgmt For For of Directors, at the request of its Appointments and Remunerations Committee, to ratify the appointments made by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 30 November 2010 and 17 May 2011, pursuant to the provisions established in article 244 of the Capital Companies Law, and to appoint as company directors, for the statutory term of five years, the following: Theatre Directorship Services Alpha, S.a.r.l., as a significant shareholder, on the proposal of the coordinated action between Trebol International BV and Admirabilia, S.L. 10.1b In accordance with the proposals of the Board Mgmt For For of Directors, at the request of its Appointments and Remunerations Committee, to ratify the appointments made by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 30 November 2010 and 17 May 2011, pursuant to the provisions established in article 244 of the Capital Companies Law, and to appoint as company directors, for the statutory term of five years, the following: Theatre Directorship Services Beta, S.a.r.l., as a significant shareholder, on the proposal of the coordinated action between Trebol International BV and Admirabilia, S.L 10.1c In accordance with the proposals of the Board Mgmt For For of Directors, at the request of its Appointments and Remunerations Committee, to ratify the appointments made by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 30 November 2010 and 17 May 2011, pursuant to the provisions established in article 244 of the Capital Companies Law, and to appoint as company directors, for the statutory term of five years, the following: Theatre Directorship Services Gama, S.a.r.l., as a significant shareholder, on the proposal of the coordinated action between Trebol International BV and Admirabilia, S.L. 10.1d In accordance with the proposals of the Board Mgmt For For of Directors, at the request of its Appointments and Remunerations Committee, to ratify the appointments made by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 30 November 2010 and 17 May 2011, pursuant to the provisions established in article 244 of the Capital Companies Law, and to appoint as company directors, for the statutory term of five years, the following: Antonio Tunon Alvarez, as a significant shareholder, on the proposal of the coordinated action between Trebol International BV and Admirabilia, S.L. 10.1e In accordance with the proposals of the Board Mgmt For For of Directors, at the request of its Appointments and Remunerations Committee, to ratify the appointments made by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 30 November 2010 and 17 May 2011, pursuant to the provisions established in article 244 of the Capital Companies Law, and to appoint as company directors, for the statutory term of five years, the following: Gonzalo Gortazar Rotaeche, as a significant shareholder, on the proposal of Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A. 10.2a In accordance with the proposal of the Board Mgmt For For of Directors, at the request of its Appointments and Remunerations Committee, to re-elect as company directors for an additional term of five years, pursuant to article 21 of the Corporate Bylaws, the following: G3T, S.L., as a significant shareholder, on the proposal of Inversiones Autopistas, S.L. 10.2b In accordance with the proposal of the Board Mgmt For For of Directors, at the request of its Appointments and Remunerations Committee, to re-elect as company directors for an additional term of five years, pursuant to article 21 of the Corporate Bylaws, the following: Leopoldo Rodes Castane, as a significant shareholder, on the proposal of Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A. 10.2c In accordance with the proposal of the Board Mgmt For For of Directors, at the request of its Appointments and Remunerations Committee, to re-elect as company directors for an additional term of five years, pursuant to article 21 of the Corporate Bylaws, the following: Manuel Raventos Negra, as a significant shareholder, on the proposal of Criteria CaixaCorp, S.A. 11 To delegate to the Board of Directors, pursuant Mgmt For For to the general system for the issue of bonds in accordance with the provisions established in article 319 of the current Commercial Registry Regulations, whatever powers are required for the issue, in one or several tranches, of promissory notes, bonds and other fixed-income securities which are simple, exchangeable and/or convertible into new company share issues and/or company shares in circulation and/or shares of a company other than the issuing company, in addition to other, similar securities that give direct or indirect entitlement to the subscription or acquisition of such shares, under the following conditions: 1. Securities referred to in the issue The marketable securities referred to in the present delegation (hereinafter, "the securities") may be promissory notes, bonds and other fixed-income securities which are simple, exchangeable and/or convertible into new company share issues and/or company shares in circulation and/or shares of a company other than the issuing company, in addition to other, similar securities that give direct or indirect entitlement to the subscription or acquisition of such shares. 2. Delegation period The issue of securities the Board of Director is authorised to make by virtue of the present agreement may be carried out in one or several tranches, at any time within a maximum period five (5) years counting from the date on which the present agreement is adopted. 3. Maximum amount of the delegation The maximum total amount of the issue or issues of securities agreed in the adoption of the present agreement and in virtue of the present delegation shall be 8 billion Euros or its equivalent in other currencies, of which and in terms of the outstanding balance at any given moment, up to 1 billion Euros may be allocated to the establishment of an annual programme of company promissory notes. 4. Scope of the delegation The execution of the delegation of powers in favour of the Board of Directors includes, but is not limited to, the establishment of the various aspects and conditions of each issue (nominal value, type of issue, premiums and strike price, currency of the issue, means of representation, interest rate, amortisation, anti-dilution clauses, subordination clauses, issue guarantees, place of issue, establishment of the internal regulations of the bondholder syndicate and appointment of the trustee, in the case of the issue of simple bonds, wherever required, admission for listing, etc.) and the drafting of whatever procedures are necessary, including those relating to any stock market regulations that may apply, for the execution of the specific issued agreed in accordance with the present delegation. With regard to the issue of promissory notes, bonds or similar representative securities of non-convertible loan agreements referred to above, the present delegation shall be granted indistinctly in favour of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Chairman and the Managing Director. 5. Terms and conditions of conversion and/or exchange In the case of the issue of convertible and/or bonds, and for the purpose of determining the terms and conditions of conversion and/or exchange, it is agreed to establish the following criteria: a) Fixed income securities (whether bonds or any other type permitted in law) that are issued in accordance with the present agreement (either directly or through a subsidiary that may or may not be a Spanish company) shall be convertible into new company shares and/or exchangeable for shares in circulation either of the company and/or any of its subsidiaries and/or shares of a company other than the issuing company, in accordance with a conversion and/or exchange rate established by the Board of Directors, which shall also be authorised to determine whether they are necessarily or voluntarily convertible and/or exchangeable, and in cases where they are voluntarily convertible and/or exchangeable, at the discretion of their owner or the issuer, the period established in the issue agreement, which must not exceed 20 years from the date of issue. b) In cases where they are convertible and/or exchangeable, the Board of Directors may also establish that the issuer reserves the right at any moment to opt between the conversion of new shares or their exchange for shares in circulation belonging to the company or its subsidiaries or companies other than the issuing company, specifying the nature of the shares to be issued when making the conversion or exchange, with the option to issue a combination of newly-issued and pre-existing shares or even paying the difference in cash. In all cases, the issuer must apply equal treatment to all holders of fixed income securities that convert and/or exchange on the same date. c) For the purposes of conversion and/or exchange, fixed income securities and shares shall be valued on exchange or in accordance with the procedure established to said effect in the agreement of the Board of Directors under which said delegation is authorised. Under no circumstances can the value of the share, according to the bonds for shares exchange rate, be lower than its nominal value. In accordance with the provisions established in article 415 of the Capital Companies Law, bonds cannot be converted into shares when the nominal value of the latter is lower than the former. At the same time an issue of convertible bonds is approved in accordance with the authorisation granted by the General Meeting, a report of the Board of Directors will be issued specifying and implementing the terms and conditions of conversion specifically applicable to said issue, based on the criteria described above. Said report shall be accompanied by the corresponding Auditors Report referred to in article 414 of the Capital Companies Law. 6. Rights of the holders of convertible securities Wherever possible, in the conversion and/or exchange into shares that may be issued under the present delegation, the holders of the same shall enjoy the rights conferred upon them by the current legislation, in particular the right to protection through the appropriate anti-dilution clauses in the legal cases, except where the General Meeting of the Board of Directors, in accordance with the terms and requirements of articles 308 and 511 of the current Capital Companies Law, opts for the partial or total exclusion of the pre-emptive subscription right. 7. Capital increase in convertible securities The delegation also includes, but is not limited to, the following: a) The power to increase the capital by the amount necessary to attend to the applications to convert and/or exercise the right to share subscription. Said power may be exercised insofar as the Board, totalling the capital it increases in order to attend to the issue of convertible and similar securities, and any other capital increases it has agreed under the authorisation granted by the General Meeting, does not exceed the limit of half of the share capital figure envisaged in article 297.1 b) of the Capital Companies Law. Said authorisation to increase the capital includes the power to issue and put into circulation, in one or several tranches, the representative shares necessary to carry out the conversion and/or exercise of the right to share subscription, in addition to the power to redraft the article of the Corporate Bylaws relative to the share capital figure and, wherever applicable, CONTD CONT CONTD to cancel the part of the capital increase Non-Voting No vote that was not necessary for the conversion. b) The power to specify and implement the terms and conditions of the conversion, exchange and/or exercise of the right to share subscription and/or acquisition, based on the securities to be issued and taking the aforementioned criteria into account. 8. Listing of fixed income securities Wherever applicable, the company shall apply for the admission for negotiation in official or unofficial, organised or non-organised, national or international markets for the bonds and other securities being issued by the same in virtue of the present delegation, authorising the Board to carry out the required procedures and actions for the admission for listing before the competent bodies of the various national and international securities markets. 9. Authorisation granted by the Ordinary General Meeting of 27 April 2010 To declare null and void the previous authorisation granted by the Ordinary General Meeting of 27 April of 2010 for 6 billion Euros, or its equivalent in another currency, with regard to the unused amount. It is also agreed to ratify the activities of the Board of Administration to date in virtue of said authorisation. The delegation in favour of the Board of Directors includes, with express powers to replace the director or directors it considers appropriate, the broadest powers required in law for the interpretation, application, execution and implementation of the aforementioned agreements for the issue of convertible or exchangeable securities, in one or several tranches, and the corresponding capital increase, in addition to powers for the 20 remedy and complement of the same by any means necessary, as well as compliance with any legal requirements to execute the same, including the remedy of omissions or defects in said agreements indicated by any national or foreign authorities, civil servants or bodies, and the power to adopt whatever agreements and execute whatever public or private documents it considers necessary or appropriate in order to adapt the above agreements for the issue of convertible or exchangeable securities and the corresponding capital increase, in the verbal or written opinion of the Commercial Registrar or, in general, any other competent national or foreign authorities, civil servants or institutions 12 1. 2011 Share Issue Plan. In accordance with Mgmt For For the proposal of the Board of Directors, at the request of its Appointments and Remunerations Committee, to approve as part of its general remuneration policy for the Group, a share issue plan for the group of employees of the company and its subsidiaries, according to the definition of "group" and "subsidiaries" set out below, called the "2011 Share Issue Plan". Aim: The aim of the plan is to increase the participation of employees in the shareholding of the company and to reward the ownership of the issued shares over a 3 year period with an addition and free issue. Group: Employees who maintain an employment relationship with Abertis Infraestructuras or its subsidiaries and render their services in Spain under the company-recognised category of General Managers and Managers and the company and subsidiary-recognised category of Managers, Heads and Technical Experts, according to the company catalogue of corporate posts (hereinafter, the "Beneficiaries"). Subsidiaries: "Subsidiaries" includes companies in which, at 31 December 2010, Abertis Infraestructuras has a direct or indirect holding of more than 51% of the share capital with voting rights (hereinafter, "Subsidiaries" and jointly with the company, "Grupo Abertis"), provided that, at the moment the Beneficiaries decide to participate in said 2011 Share Issue Plan, the subsidiaries have "Subsidiary" status under the terms defined in the present section. Limit: Each Beneficiary may opt to receive all or part of their variable remuneration in the form of shares in Abertis Infraestructuras up to a maximum of EUR 12,000 per annum. Exceptionally, and only in the case of employees with the category of Technical Experts (according to the company catalogue of corporate posts) who do not have variable remuneration, this will be applied to the fixed remuneration wherever permitted in the employment legislation and this does not require any modification or alteration to the salaries established in their respective Collective Bargaining Agreement or the corresponding Social Security contribution basis. Price and issue of the shares: The total number of shares finally issued will depend on the listed price of the Abertis Infraestructuras share at the close of the stock market on the payment date of the variable remuneration. Additional award: Abertis Infraestructuras or the corresponding Subsidiary shall issue the Beneficiary, three years after the date of the initial share issue, an additional quantity of shares equivalent to 10% of the shares maintained during this period, provided that the employment relationship with Beneficiary remains in force. Effectiveness of the Plan The effectiveness of the plan is subject to its ratification by the General Meeting of Shareholders of the company, in addition to compliance with any legal requirements. 2. Adaptation of the 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Share Option Plans to the future structure of Grupo Abertis. In accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors, at the request of its Appointments and Remunerations Committee, with regard to the Share Option Plans approved in the General Meetings corresponding to the financial years 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, to agree and approve the continuance of the conditions approved in said Meetings to those considered Beneficiaries of such Option Plans even though, as a consequence of the operation described in point two of the present draft agreement: (i) they are no longer employees of the company or of Serviabertis, S.L. and have been transferred to Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. or (ii) remain employees of companies that have no longer have "Subsidiary" status under the terms defined in the aforementioned Options Plans as a result of said operation. Said Beneficiaries received from the company a determined number of options with entitlement to acquire the same number of company shares, at a pre-established price within a pre-established deadline. To delegate indistinctly in favour of the Chairman, the Managing Director, the Vice-chairmen, the Secretary and the vice-secretary individual or joint powers, in relation to the Share Option Plans approved in the General Meetings corresponding to the financial years 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, to determine and draft whatever contractual documents are required to be formalised with the Beneficiaries, Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. and/or third parties, with powers to formalise whatever documents are required in order to implement the present agreement 13 In accordance with the proposal of the Board Mgmt For For of Directors, at the request of its Audit and Review Committee, to re-elect as Auditors of the company's individual and consolidated accounts, for a term of one year, specifically for the 2011 financial year, the firm "PriceWaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L." 14 To delegate indistinctly in favour of the Chairman, Mgmt For For the Managing Director, the Secretary and the Vice-Secretary of said management body, whatever powers are required for the formalisation and execution of the agreements adopted by the General Meeting in the fullest terms, and consequently, for the execution of whatever public or private documents are required, in particular authorising them to remedy any possible errors or omissions, executing whatever acts are necessary until registration of the agreements of the present General Meeting, as required by the Commercial Registry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGL ENERGY LTD Agenda Number: 702614199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q01630104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 21-Oct-2010 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000AGK9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 2 Approve the remuneration report Mgmt For For 3 Re-elect of Mr. Bruce Phillips as a Director Mgmt For For 4 Approve to increase the maximum aggregate remuneration Mgmt For For of Non-Executive Directors VOTING EXCLUSIONS APPLY TO THIS MEETING FOR Non-Voting No vote PROPOSAL 4 AND VOTES CAST BY ANY INDIVIDUAL OR RELATED PARTY WHO BENEFIT FROM THE PASSING OF THE PROPOSAL/S WILL BE DISREGARDED BY THE COMPANY. HENCE, IF YOU HAVE OBTAINED BENEFIT OR EXPECT TO OBTAIN FUTURE BENEFIT YOU SHOULD NOT VOTE (OR VOTE "ABSTAIN") ON THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL ITEMS. BY DOING SO, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE OBTAINED BENEFIT OR EXPECT TO OBTAIN BENEFIT BY THE PASSING OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL/S. BY VOTING (FOR OR AGAINST) ON PROPOSAL (4), YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE NOT OBTAINED BENEFIT NEITHER EXPECT TO OBTAIN BENEFIT BY THE PASSING OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL/S AND YOU COMPLY WITH THE VOTING EXCLUSION. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF VOTING EXCLUSION COMMENT. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL-AMERICA LATINA LOGISTICA S A Agenda Number: 702581100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 01643R606 Meeting Type: SGM Meeting Date: 09-Sep-2010 Ticker: ISIN: BRALLLCDAM10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management IMPORTANT MARKET PROCESSING REQUIREMENT: A BENEFICIAL Non-Voting No vote OWNER SIGNED POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO LODGE AND EXECUTE YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MARKET. ABSENCE OF A POA, MAY CAUSE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO BE REJECTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE PLEASE NOTE THAT VOTES 'IN FAVOR' AND 'AGAINST' Non-Voting No vote IN THE SAME AGENDA ITEM ARE NOT ALLOWED. ONLY VOTES IN FAVOR AND/OR ABSTAIN OR AGAINST AND/ OR ABSTAIN ARE ALLOWED. THANK YOU 1. Approve to decide, as a result of the Company Mgmt For For listing on the special stock market segment of the BM and Fbovespa, which is called the Novo Mercado, regarding the conversion of the all the preferred shares issued by the Company into common shares, at the ratio of the one preferred share for one common share -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL-AMERICA LATINA LOGISTICA S A Agenda Number: 702581136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 01643R606 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 09-Sep-2010 Ticker: ISIN: BRALLLCDAM10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT IMPORTANT MARKET PROCESSING REQUIREMENT: A BENEFICIAL Non-Voting No vote OWNER SIGNED POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO LODGE AND EXECUTE YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MARKET. ABSENCE OF A POA, MAY CAUSE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO BE REJECTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT VOTES 'IN FAVOR' AND 'AGAINST' Non-Voting No vote IN THE SAME AGENDA ITEM ARE NOT ALLOWED. ONLY VOTES IN FAVOR AND/OR ABSTAIN OR AGAINST AND/ OR ABSTAIN ARE ALLOWED. THANK YOU 1 Approve the listing the Company on the special Mgmt For For stock market segment of the Bm and Fbovespa, called the Novo Mercado 2 Approve the result of the resolution stated Mgmt For For in Item I above, regarding the conversion of all of the preferred shares issued by the company into common shares, at the ratio of one preferred share for one common share 3 Approve the reverse split of shares issued by Mgmt For For the Company at the ratio of five shares for one new share, in such a way as to maintain the continuity of the trading prices of the securities of the Company 4 Approve to take cognizance, subject to the approval Mgmt For For of the resolutions stated in the previous items, of the extinction of the units representative of shares issued by the Company 5 Approve the resolutions contained in the previous Mgmt For For items, regarding the overall amendment of the Corporate Bylaws of the Company, in such a way as to adapt them to the regulations of the Bm and Fbovespa Novo Mercado and other adaptations required by the national agency for land transportation, also known as Antt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL-AMERICA LATINA LOGISTICA S A Agenda Number: 702972527 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P01627242 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 05-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: BRALLLACNOR6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT IMPORTANT MARKET PROCESSING REQUIREMENT: A BENEFICIAL Non-Voting No vote OWNER SIGNED POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO LODGE AND EXECUTE YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MARKET. ABSENCE OF A POA, MAY CAUSE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO BE REJECTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT VOTES 'IN FAVOR' AND 'AGAINST' Non-Voting No vote IN THE SAME AGENDA ITEM ARE NOT ALLOWED. ONLY VOTES IN FAVOR AND/OR ABSTAIN OR AGAINST AND/ OR ABSTAIN ARE ALLOWED. THANK YOU CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS SUBMITTING A VOTE Non-Voting No vote TO ELECT A MEMBER MUST INCLUDE THE NAME OF THE CANDIDATE TO BE ELECTED. IF INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTE ON THIS ITEM IS RECEIVED WITHOUT A CANDIDATE'S NAME, YOUR VOTE WILL BE PROCESSED IN FAVOR OR AGAINST OF THE DEFAULT COMPANY'S CANDIDATE. THANK YOU. 1 To take knowledge of the directors accounts, Mgmt For For to examine, discuss and approve the company s consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010 2 Proposal for the allocation of the net profits Mgmt Against Against from the fiscal year, and the distribution of dividends 3 To elect the members of the board of directors Mgmt Against Against 4 To set the annual global remuneration of the Mgmt For For administrators 5 To install and elect the members of the finance Mgmt For For committee 6 To set the annual global remuneration of the Mgmt For For finance committee CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN MEETING DATE FROM 29 APR TO 05 MAY 2011. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL-AMERICA LATINA LOGISTICA S A Agenda Number: 702995626 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P01627242 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 05-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: BRALLLACNOR6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 825123 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTION. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT IMPORTANT MARKET PROCESSING REQUIREMENT: A BENEFICIAL Non-Voting No vote OWNER SIGNED POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO LODGE AND EXECUTE YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MARKET. ABSENCE OF A POA, MAY CAUSE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO BE REJECTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT VOTES 'IN FAVOR' AND 'AGAINST' Non-Voting No vote IN THE SAME AGENDA ITEM ARE NOT ALLOWED. ONLY VOTES IN FAVOR AND/OR ABSTAIN OR AGAINST AND/ OR ABSTAIN ARE ALLOWED. THANK YOU. 1 To ratify the amounts paid as aggregate remuneration Mgmt Against Against attributed to the managers of the company for the 2010 fiscal year 2 To approve, in the form of article 32, paragraph Mgmt Against Against 5, of the corporate bylaws of the company, the internal rules of the board of directors of the company 3 To decide on the newspapers in which company Mgmt For For notices will be published -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMERICAN STATES WATER COMPANY Agenda Number: 933398655 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 029899101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 10-May-2011 Ticker: AWR ISIN: US0298991011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR JAMES F. MCNULTY Mgmt For For ROBERT J. SPROWLS Mgmt For For JANICE F. WILKINS Mgmt For For 02 TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE BYLAWS TO INCREASE Mgmt For For THE MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM SIZE OF THE BOARD FROM A RANGE OF FIVE TO NINE DIRECTORS TO A RANGE OF SIX TO ELEVEN DIRECTORS. 03 NON-BINDING RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE COMPENSATION Mgmt For For PAID TO THE COMPANY'S NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS, AS DISCLOSED PURSUANT TO ITEM 402 OF REGULATION S-K, INCLUDING THE COMPENSATION DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS, COMPENSATION TABLES AND NARRATIVE DISCUSSION. 04 NON-BINDING RESOLUTION TO DETERMINE HOW FREQUENTLY Mgmt 1 Year Against (EVERY ONE, TWO OR THREE YEARS), WE SHOULD CONDUCT AN ADVISORY VOTE ON THE COMPENSATION OF OUR EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. 05 TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS Mgmt For For LLP AS THE INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION Agenda Number: 933406438 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 029912201 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 18-May-2011 Ticker: AMT ISIN: US0299122012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: RAYMOND P. DOLAN Mgmt For For 1B ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: RONALD M. DYKES Mgmt For For 1C ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: CAROLYN F. KATZ Mgmt For For 1D ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: GUSTAVO LARA CANTU Mgmt For For 1E ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JOANN A. REED Mgmt For For 1F ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: PAMELA D.A. REEVE Mgmt For For 1G ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: DAVID E. SHARBUTT Mgmt For For 1H ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JAMES D. TAICLET, JR. Mgmt For For 1I ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: SAMME L. THOMPSON Mgmt For For 02 TO RATIFY THE SELECTION OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE Mgmt For For LLP AS INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR 2011. 03 TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION'S Mgmt For For AMENDED AND RESTATED CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. 04 TO CONDUCT AN ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. Mgmt For For 05 TO CONDUCT AN ADVISORY VOTE ON WHETHER TO HOLD Mgmt 1 Year For THE STOCKHOLDER ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION EVERY ONE, TWO OR THREE YEARS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASCIANO GROUP, MELBOURNE VIC Agenda Number: 702613046 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q0557G103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 27-Oct-2010 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000AIO7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING EXCLUSIONS APPLY TO THIS MEETING FOR Non-Voting No vote PROPOSALS 4, 5 AND 8 AND VOTES CAST BY ANY INDIVIDUAL OR RELATED PARTY WHO BENEFIT FROM THE PASSING OF THE PROPOSAL/S WILL BE DISREGARDED BY THE COMPANY. HENCE, IF YOU HAVE OBTAINED BENEFIT OR EXPECT TO OBTAIN FUTURE BENEFIT YOU SHOULD NOT VOTE (OR VOTE "ABSTAIN") ON THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL ITEMS. BY DOING SO, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE OBTAINED BENEFIT OR EXPECT TO OBTAIN BENEFIT BY THE PASSING OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL/S. BY VOTING (FOR OR AGAINST) ON PROPOSAL (4, 5 AND 8), YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE NOT OBTAINED BENEFIT NEITHER EXPECT TO OBTAIN BENEFIT BY THE PASSING OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL/S AND YOU COMPLY WITH THE VOTING EXCLUSION. 2 Adopt the remuneration report for the FYE 30 Mgmt Against Against JUN 2010 3 Election of Peter George as a Director of the Mgmt For For Company CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE RESOLUTION 4 IS FOR THE Non-Voting No vote COMPANY & TRUST. THANK YOU 4 Approve the grant of options to Chief Executive Mgmt For For Officer CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE RESOLUTION 5 IS FOR THE Non-Voting No vote COMPANY ONLY. THANK YOU. 5 Approve the Non-Executive Directors' remuneration Mgmt For For CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE RESOLUTION 6 IS FOR THE Non-Voting No vote COMPANY ONLY. THANK YOU. 6 Amend the Company's Constitution to approve Mgmt For For Destapling CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE RESOLUTION 7 IS FOR THE Non-Voting No vote TRUST ONLY. THANK YOU. 7 Amend the Trust Constitution Mgmt For For CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE RESOLUTION 8 IS FOR THE Non-Voting No vote TRUST ONLY. THANK YOU. 8 Approve the Acquisition Resolution Mgmt For For CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE RESOLUTION 9 IS FOR THE Non-Voting No vote COMPANY ONLY. THANK YOU. 9 Approve the resolution to effect Share Consolidation Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATLANTIA SPA, ROMA Agenda Number: 702848966 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: T05404107 Meeting Type: MIX Meeting Date: 20-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: IT0003506190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN MEETING DATE FROM 19 APR TO 20 APR 2011. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. O.1 Financial statements and as at consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements as at December 31st, 2010. Report of board of directors. Report of the board of statutory auditors and auditing firm. Inherent and consequent resolutions O.2 Adjustment of the stock option plan of 2009 Mgmt For For as a result of capital increase without charge and increasing the number of options purpose of the plan O.3 More incentive plans based on long-term financial Mgmt Against Against instruments as stock option and/or stock grant O.4 Authorization pursuant to art. the 2357 civil Mgmt For For code for the purchase of own shares E.1 Capital increase without charge, pursuant to Mgmt For For the CC .2442 an amount of EUR 30,014,857 through the issuance of n. 30,014,857 ordinary shares to be implemented by allocation of reserves E.2 Proposal to amend art 12,14,16,20,27, 28 E 32 Mgmt For For of company by laws -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUCKLAND INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LTD Agenda Number: 702628895 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q06213104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Oct-2010 Ticker: ISIN: NZAIAE0001S8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 734037 DUE TO CHANGE IN DIRECTOR NAME. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1. To re-elect Joan Withers as a Director Mgmt For For 2. To re-elect Hugh Richmond Lloyd Morrison as Mgmt Against Against a Director 3. To re-elect Brett Godfrey as a Director Mgmt For For 4. To authorize the Directors to fix the fees and Mgmt For For expenses of the Auditor 5. To increase the total quantum of annual Directors' Mgmt For For fees by NZD 140,000 to NZD 1,290,000 per annum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUSTRALIAN INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Agenda Number: 702650929 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q09994106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 17-Nov-2010 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000AIX8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING EXCLUSIONS APPLY TO THIS MEETING FOR Non-Voting No vote PROPOSALS 6 TO 8 AND VOTES CAST BY ANY INDIVIDUAL OR RELATED PARTY WHO BENEFIT FROM THE PASSING OF THE PROPOSAL/S WILL BE DISREGARDED BY THE COMPANY. HENCE, IF YOU HAVE OBTAINED BENEFIT OR EXPECT TO OBTAIN FUTURE BENEFIT YOU SHOULD NOT VOTE (OR VOTE "ABSTAIN") ON THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL ITEMS. BY DOING SO, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE OBTAINED BENEFIT OR EXPECT TO OBTAIN BENEFIT BY THE PASSING OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL/S. BY VOTING (FOR OR AGAINST) ON PROPOSAL (6 TO 8), YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE NOT OBTAINED BENEFIT NEITHER EXPECT TO OBTAIN BENEFIT BY THE PASSING OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL/S AND YOU COMPLY WITH THE VOTING EXCLUSION. 2 To re-elect Mr. John Harvey as a Director of Mgmt For For the Company (Company only) 3 To re-elect Mr. Robert Humphris OAM as a Director Mgmt For For of the Company (Company only) 4 To elect Mr. James Evans as a Director of the Mgmt Against Against Company (Company only) 5 To adopt the Remuneration Report for the FYE Mgmt For For 30 JUN 2010 (Company only) 6 Hastings Remuneration Structure - Provision Mgmt For For for the payment of performance fees in AIX securities (Company and Trust) 7 Previous Issue of Capital (Company and Trust) Mgmt For For 8 Directors' Remuneration (Company only) Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRISA AUTO ESTRADAS DE PORTUGAL SA, SAO DOMINGOS DE RANA Agenda Number: 702705534 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X07448107 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 17-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: PTBRI0AM0000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 To deliberate on the Company's reorganization Mgmt For For process PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN BLOCKING FROM "Y" TO "N" AND MEETING TYPE FROM AGM TO EGM AND MEETING HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO 17 DEC 2010 FROM 03 DEC 2010. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUCKEYE PARTNERS, L.P. Agenda Number: 933437205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 118230101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 07-Jun-2011 Ticker: BPL ISIN: US1182301010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: FORREST E. WYLIE Mgmt For For 1B ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JOSEPH A. LASALA, JR. Mgmt For For 1C ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: MARTIN A. WHITE Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP. Mgmt For For 03 ADVISORY RESOLUTION ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. Mgmt For For 04 ADVISORY VOTE ON THE FREQUENCY OF FUTURE ADVISORY Mgmt 1 Year Against VOTES ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTERPOINT ENERGY, INC. Agenda Number: 933380139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 15189T107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 21-Apr-2011 Ticker: CNP ISIN: US15189T1079 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: DONALD R. CAMPBELL Mgmt For For 1B ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: MILTON CARROLL Mgmt For For 1C ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: O. HOLCOMBE CROSSWELL Mgmt For For 1D ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: MICHAEL P. JOHNSON Mgmt For For 1E ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JANIECE M. LONGORIA Mgmt For For 1F ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: DAVID M. MCCLANAHAN Mgmt For For 1G ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: SUSAN O. RHENEY Mgmt For For 1H ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: R. A. WALKER Mgmt For For 1I ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: PETER S. WAREING Mgmt For For 1J ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: SHERMAN M. WOLFF Mgmt For For 02 RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE Mgmt For For LLP AS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS FOR 2011. 03 APPROVE THE ADVISORY RESOLUTION ON EXECUTIVE Mgmt For For COMPENSATION. 04 ADVISORY VOTE ON THE FREQUENCY OF FUTURE ADVISORY Mgmt 1 Year For SHAREHOLDER VOTES ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. 05 APPROVE THE MATERIAL TERMS OF THE PERFORMANCE Mgmt For For GOALS OF THE SHORT TERM INCENTIVE PLAN. 06 APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE STOCK PLAN FOR Mgmt For For OUTSIDE DIRECTORS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTRAL JAPAN RAILWAY COMPANY Agenda Number: 703142454 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: J05523105 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 23-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: JP3566800003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management Please reference meeting materials. Non-Voting No vote 1. Approve Appropriation of Retained Earnings Mgmt For For 2.1 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 2.2 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 2.3 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 2.4 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 2.5 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA WATER AFFAIRS GROUP LTD Agenda Number: 702562477 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G21090124 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 10-Sep-2010 Ticker: ISIN: BMG210901242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100730/LTN20100730211.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED Non-Voting No vote TO VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 Receive the audited financial statements and Mgmt For For the reports of the Directors and the Auditors for the YE 31 MAR 2010 2 Declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3.I Re-elect Mr. Li Ji Sheng as an Executive Director Mgmt For For 3.II Re-elect Mr. Zhou Wen Zhi as a Non-Executive Mgmt Against Against Director 3.III Re-elect Mr. Ong King Keung as an Independent Mgmt For For Non-Executive Director 3.IV Authorize the Board of Directors to fix the Mgmt For For Directors' remuneration 4 Re-appoint Messrs Grant Thornton as the Auditors Mgmt For For and authorize the Board of Directors to fix their remuneration 5 Authorize the Board of Directors to issue and Mgmt Against Against allot shares 6 Authorize the Board of Directors to repurchase Mgmt For For the Company's own shares 7 Approve to extend the general mandate given Mgmt Against Against to the Board of Directors to issue, allot and deal with additional shares in the capital of the Company by the number of shares repurchased by the Company PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA WATER AFFAIRS GROUP LTD Agenda Number: 702734686 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G21090124 Meeting Type: SGM Meeting Date: 05-Jan-2011 Ticker: ISIN: BMG210901242 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101217/LTN20101217406.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR RESOLUTIONS "1 AND 2". THANK YOU. 1 To appoint BDO Limited as auditor and to authorise Mgmt For For the directors to fix their remuneration 2 To approve the grant of options to Mr. Duan Mgmt Against Against Chuan Liang, chairman and executive director -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIA DE CONCESSOES RODOVIARIAS, SAO PAULO Agenda Number: 702602550 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P1413U105 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 27-Sep-2010 Ticker: ISIN: BRCCROACNOR2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT IMPORTANT MARKET PROCESSING REQUIREMENT: A BENEFICIAL Non-Voting No vote OWNER SIGNED POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO LODGE AND EXECUTE YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MARKET. ABSENCE OF A POA, MAY CAUSE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO BE REJECTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT VOTES 'IN FAVOR' AND 'AGAINST' Non-Voting No vote IN THE SAME AGENDA ITEM ARE NOT ALLOWED. ONLY VOTES IN FAVOR AND/OR ABSTAIN OR AGAINST AND/ OR ABSTAIN ARE ALLOWED. THANK YOU 1.1 Amend the wording of the main part of Article Mgmt For For 13, to change the maximum number of Members of the Executive Committee of the Company, from eight to nine Members, with the mentioned bylaws provision coming into effect, on approval by the shareholders, with the following wording, the daily management of the Company will be the responsibility of an Executive Committee, composed of, at least, four and, at most, nine officers, who must live in brazil, except for the Chief Executive Officer, the other officers will have their title and authority established by the Board of Directors, note the other Bylaws provisions will remain unchanged, with it being the case that the corporate Bylaws of the Company must be consolidated, CONT CONT CONT to include the corporate changes approved Non-Voting No vote by the EGM's held on 29 NOV 2007, and 22 DEC 2008, and the amendments proposed in Items 1.1 and 1.2 1.2 Amend the wording of the main part of Article Mgmt For For 5, to reflect the current share capital, in accordance with the minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company held on 19 NOV 2009, with the mentioned Bylaws provision coming into effect with the following wording, Article 5, the share capital is BRL 2,055,495,430.54, divided into 441,396,800 common, nominative, book entry shares with no par value, note the other Bylaws provisions will remain unchanged, with it being the case that the Corporate Bylaws of the Company must be consolidated, to include the corporate changes approved by the EGM's held on 29 NOV 2007, and 22 DEC 2008, and the amendments proposed in Items 1.1 and 1.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIA DE CONCESSOES RODOVIARIAS, SAO PAULO Agenda Number: 702774767 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P1413U105 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 16-Feb-2011 Ticker: ISIN: BRCCROACNOR2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT IMPORTANT MARKET PROCESSING REQUIREMENT: A BENEFICIAL Non-Voting No vote OWNER SIGNED POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO LODGE AND EXECUTE YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MARKET. ABSENCE OF A POA, MAY CAUSE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO BE REJECTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT VOTES 'IN FAVOR' AND 'AGAINST' Non-Voting No vote IN THE SAME AGENDA ITEM ARE NOT ALLOWED. ONLY VOTES IN FAVOR AND/OR ABSTAIN OR AGAINST AND/ OR ABSTAIN ARE ALLOWED. THANK YOU 1 Amendment of article 1 of the corporate bylaws Mgmt For For of the company, as a result of the change of the corporate name of the company to CCR S.A. in light of this, said bylaws provision will come into effect, on approval of the shareholders, with the following wording, article 1. CCR S.A. is a share corporation, governed by these bylaws and by the applicable laws. the other provisions of the bylaws will remain unaltered, with it being the case that the corporate bylaws of the company must be consolidated, to include the amendment proposed in this item 2 The appointment of Paulo Roberto Reckziegel Mgmt For For Guedes and Gustavo Pelliciari De Andrade, until this point alternate members of the board of directors of the company, to occupy the positions of full members of the said board of directors 3 Election of Jose Henrique Braga Polido Lopes, Mgmt For For Ricardo Antonio Mello Castanheira, Marco Antonio Zangari and Fernando Augusto Camargo de Arruda Botelho to occupy the positions of alternate members of the board of directors of the company 4 Appointment of Newton Brandao Ferraz Ramos, Mgmt For For until this point an alternate member of the finance committee of the company, to occupy the position of full member of said finance committee 5 Election of Tarcisio Augusto Carneiro to occupy Mgmt For For the position of alternate member of the finance committee of the company -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIA DE CONCESSOES RODOVIARIAS, SAO PAULO Agenda Number: 702899898 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P1413U105 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 19-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: BRCCROACNOR2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT IMPORTANT MARKET PROCESSING REQUIREMENT: A BENEFICIAL Non-Voting No vote OWNER SIGNED POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO LODGE AND EXECUTE YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MARKET. ABSENCE OF A POA, MAY CAUSE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO BE REJECTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS SUBMITTING A VOTE Non-Voting No vote TO ELECT A MEMBER MUST INCLUDE THE NAME OF THE CANDIDATE TO BE ELECTED. IF INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTE ON THIS ITEM IS RECEIVED WITHOUT A CANDIDATE'S NAME, YOUR VOTE WILL BE PROCESSED IN FAVOR OR AGAINST OF THE DEFAULT COMPANY'S CANDIDATE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT VOTES 'IN FAVOR' AND 'AGAINST' Non-Voting No vote IN THE SAME AGENDA ITEM ARE NOT ALLOWED. ONLY VOTES IN FAVOR AND/OR ABSTAIN OR AGAINST AND/ OR ABSTAIN ARE ALLOWED. THANK YOU 1 To take knowledge of the directors accounts, Mgmt For For to examine, discuss and approve the board of directors report, the companys consolidated financial statements and explanatory notes accompanied by the independent auditors report and the finance committee for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010 2 To decide and approve on the revision of the Mgmt For For capital budget 3 To decide on the distribution of profits from Mgmt For For the fiscal year ending December 31, 2010 4 Decide on the number of seats on the board of Mgmt Against Against directors of the company for the next term and election of members of the board of directors of the company. under the terms of the applicable legislation, cumulative voting can be adopted for this item 5 To decide on administrators remuneration Mgmt Against Against 6 To decide on the setting up of the finance committee Mgmt For For PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO MODIFICATION Non-Voting No vote IN THE TEXT OF THE RESOLUTION 2. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLP HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 702860734 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y1660Q104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 12-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0002007356 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110325/LTN20110325202.pdf 1 To adopt the audited Financial Statements for Mgmt For For the year ended 31 December 2010 and the Reports of the Directors and Independent Auditor thereon 2 To endorse the practice to pay four interim Mgmt For For dividends each year as decided by the Board of Directors, instead of three interim dividends and a final dividend 3.a To re-elect Mr. John Andrew Harry Leigh as Director Mgmt For For 3.b To re-elect Professor Tsui Lam Sin Lai Judy Mgmt For For as Director 3.c To re-elect Sir Roderick Ian Eddington as Director Mgmt For For 3.d To re-elect Mr. Ronald James McAulay as Director Mgmt For For 3.e To re-elect Mr. Ian Duncan Boyce as Director Mgmt For For 4 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as Independent Mgmt For For Auditors of the Company and authorise the Directors to fix Auditors' remuneration for the year ended 31December 2011 5 To give a general mandate to the Directors to Mgmt Against Against issue and dispose of additional shares in the Company; not exceeding five per cent of the issued share capital at the date of this Resolution 6 To give a general mandate to the Directors to Mgmt For For exercise all the powers of the Company to purchase or otherwise acquire shares of HKD 5.00 each in the capital of the Company; not exceeding ten per cent of the issued share capital at the date of this Resolution 7 To add the aggregate nominal amount of the shares Mgmt Against Against which are purchased or otherwise acquired under the general mandate in Resolution (6) to the aggregate nominal amount of the shares which may be issued under the general mandate in Resolution (5) CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COSCO PACIFIC LTD Agenda Number: 702929160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G2442N104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 16-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: BMG2442N1048 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110408/LTN20110408424.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To receive and consider the financial statements Mgmt For For and the directors' and independent auditor's reports for the year ended 31st December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend for the year ended Mgmt For For 31st December 2010 3.i.a To re-elect Mr. Xu Minjie as director Mgmt For For 3.i.b To re-elect Mr. He Jiale as director Mgmt For For 3.i.c To re-elect Mr. Wang Zenghua as director Mgmt Against Against 3.i.d To re-elect Mr. Feng Jinhua as director Mgmt For For 3.i.e To re-elect Mr. Wang Haimin as director Mgmt Against Against 3.i.f To re-elect Mr. Gao Ping as director Mgmt For For 3.i.g To re-elect Dr. Wong Tin Yau, Kelvin as director Mgmt For For 3.i.h To re-elect Mr. Chow Kwong Fai, Edward as director Mgmt Against Against 3.i.i To re-elect Dr. Fan Hsu Lai Tai, Rita as director Mgmt For For 3.ii To authorise the board of directors to fix the Mgmt For For remuneration of directors 4 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditor Mgmt For For of the Company and authorise the board of directors to fix the remuneration of auditor of the Company 5 To approve the increase in authorised share Mgmt For For capital of the Company as set out in the Ordinary Resolution in item 5 of the notice of Annual General Meeting 6A To grant a general mandate to the directors Mgmt For For to allot, issue and deal with the additional shares of the Company as set out in the Ordinary Resolution in item 6(A) of the notice of Annual General Meeting 6.B To grant a general mandate to the directors Mgmt For For to repurchase shares of the Company as set out in the Ordinary Resolution in item 6(B) of the notice of Annual General Meeting 6.C To extend the general mandate granted to the Mgmt Against Against directors to allot, issue and deal with the additional shares of the Company as set out in the Ordinary Resolution in item 6(C) of the notice of Annual General Meeting 7 To approve the amendments to the Bye-laws of Mgmt For For the Company as set out in the Special Resolution in item 7 of the notice of Annual General Meeting CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROWN CASTLE INTERNATIONAL CORP Agenda Number: 933410247 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 228227104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 24-May-2011 Ticker: CCI ISIN: US2282271046 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR DALE N. HATFIELD Mgmt For For LEE W. HOGAN Mgmt For For ROBERT F. MCKENZIE Mgmt For For DAVID C. ABRAMS Mgmt For For 02 THE RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERSMgmt For For LLP AS THE COMPANY'S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011. 03 THE NON-BINDING, ADVISORY VOTE REGARDING THE Mgmt For For COMPENSATION OF THE COMPANY'S NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. 04 THE PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE COMPANY'S AMENDED Mgmt For For AND RESTATED CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION TO PERMIT THE COMPANY TO IMPLEMENT MAJORITY VOTING IN UNCONTESTED DIRECTOR ELECTIONS. 05 THE NON-BINDING, ADVISORY VOTE ON THE FREQUENCY Mgmt 1 Year For OF VOTING ON THE COMPENSATION OF THE COMPANY'S NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E.ON AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT EON, DUESSELDORF Agenda Number: 702858032 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: D24914133 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 05-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: DE000ENAG999 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management ACCORDING TO GERMAN LAW, IN CASE OF SPECIFIC Non-Voting No vote CONFLICTS OF INTEREST IN CONNECTION WITH SPECIFIC ITEMS OF THE AGENDA FOR THE GENERAL MEETING YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO EXERCISE YOUR VOTING RIGHTS. FURTHER, YOUR VOTING RIGHT MIGHT BE EXCLUDED WHEN YOUR SHARE IN VOTING RIGHTS HAS REACHED CERTAIN THRESHOLDS AND YOU HAVE NOT COMPLIED WITH ANY OF YOUR MANDATORY VOTING RIGHTS NOTIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO THE GERMAN SECURITIES TRADING ACT (WHPG). SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR DOUBTS IN THIS REGARD, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE SO THAT THIS ISSUE CAN BE CLARIFIED. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY INDICATION REGARDING SUCH CONFLICT OF INTEREST, OR ANOTHER EXCLUSION FROM VOTING, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR VOTE AS USUAL. THANK YOU. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHARES MAY BE BLOCKED Non-Voting No vote DEPENDING ON SOME SUBCUSTODIANS' PROCESSING IN THE MARKET. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE TO OBTAIN BLOCKING INFORMATION FOR YOUR ACCOUNTS. COUNTER PROPOSALS MAY BE SUBMITTED UNTIL 20.04.2011. Non-Voting No vote FURTHER INFORMATION ON COUNTER PROPOSALS CAN BE FOUND DIRECTLY ON THE ISSUER'S WEBSITE (PLEASE REFER TO THE MATERIAL URL SECTION OF THE APPLICATION). IF YOU WISH TO ACT ON THESE ITEMS, YOU WILL NEED TO REQUEST A MEETING ATTEND AND VOTE YOUR SHARES DIRECTLY AT THE COMPANY'S MEETING. 1. Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Non-Voting No vote Statements and the approved Consolidated Financial Statements for the 2010 financial year, along with the Management Report Summary for E.ON AG and the E.ON Group and the Report of the Supervisory Board as well as the Explanatory Report of the Board of Management regarding the statements pursuant to Sections 289 para. 4, 315 para. 4 and Section 289 para. 5 German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch - HGB) 2. Appropriation of balance sheet profits from Mgmt For For the 2010 financial year 3. Discharge of the Board of Management for the Mgmt For For 2010 financial year 4. Discharge of the Supervisory Board for the 2010 Mgmt For For financial year 5. Approval of the compensation system applying Mgmt For For to the Members of the Board of Management 6.a Elections for the Supervisory Board: Baroness Mgmt For For Denise Kingsmill CBE 6.b Elections for the Supervisory Board: B rd Mikkelsen Mgmt For For 6.c Elections for the Supervisory Board: Ren Obermann Mgmt For For 7.a Election of the auditor for the 2011 financial Mgmt For For year as well as for the inspection of financial statements: Election of PricewaterhouseCoopers Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftspruefungsgesellschaft, Duesseldorf, as the auditor for the annual as well as the consolidated financial statements for the 2011 financial year 7.b Election of the auditor for the 2011 financial Mgmt For For year as well as for the inspection of financial statements: Election of PricewaterhouseCoopers Aktiengsellschaft Wirtschaftspruefungsgesellschaft, Duesseldorf, as the auditor for the inspection of the abbreviated financial statements and the interim management report for the first half of the 2011 financial year 8. Resolution on the modification of Supervisory Mgmt For For Board compensation and amendment of Articles of Association 9.a Approval of amendment agreement regarding the Mgmt For For control and profit and loss transfer agreement between E.ON AG and E.ON Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH 9.b Approval of amendment agreement regarding the Mgmt For For control and profit and loss transfer agreement between E.ON AG and E.ON Energy Trading Holding GmbH 9.c Approval of amendment agreement regarding the Mgmt For For control and profit and loss transfer agreement between E.ON AG and E.ON Finanzanlagen GmbH 9.d Approval of amendment agreement regarding the Mgmt For For control and profit and loss transfer agreement between E.ON AG and E.ON Ruhrgas Holding GmbH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EAST JAPAN RAILWAY COMPANY Agenda Number: 703129076 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: J1257M109 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 23-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: JP3783600004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management Please reference meeting materials. Non-Voting No vote 1. Proposal for appropriation of retained earnings Mgmt For For 2. Partial amendment to the Articles of Incorporation Mgmt For For 3. Election of Director Mgmt For For 4.1 Election of Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 4.2 Election of Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 4.3 Election of Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 5. Payment of bonuses to Directors and Corporate Mgmt For For Auditors 6. Shareholders' Proposals:Partial amendment to Shr Against For the Articles of Incorporation 7. Shareholders' Proposals:Request for investigation Shr Against For of violation of the Medical Practitioners' Law (1) 8. Shareholders' Proposals:Request for investigation Shr Against For of violation of the Medical Practitioners' Law (2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDP-ENERGIAS DE PORTUGAL SA, LISBOA Agenda Number: 702885267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X67925119 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 14-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: PTEDP0AM0009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 798907 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1 Resolve on the individual and consolidated accounts' Mgmt For For reporting documents for the 2010 financial year, including the sole management report (which includes a chapter regarding corporate governance), the individual accounts and consolidated accounts, the annual report and the opinion of the General and Supervisory Board and the legal certification of individual and consolidated accounts 2 Resolve on the proposal for the allocation of Mgmt For For profits in relation to the 2010 financial year 3.A.1 Resolve on the general appraisal of the management Mgmt For For and supervision of the company, in accordance with article 455 of the Portuguese Companies Code: Proposal whose proponent is Parpublica (SGPS), S.A: Vote of confidence to the General and Supervisory Board 3.A.2 Resolve on the general appraisal of the management Mgmt For For and supervision of the company, in accordance with article 455 of the Portuguese Companies Code: Proposal whose proponent is Parpublica (SGPS), S.A: Vote of confidence to the Executive Board of Directors 3.A.3 Resolve on the general appraisal of the management Mgmt For For and supervision of the company, in accordance with article 455 of the Portuguese Companies Code: Proposal whose proponent is Parpublica (SGPS), S.A: Vote of confidence to the Statutory Auditor 3.B Resolve on the general appraisal of the management Mgmt For For and supervision of the company, in accordance with article 455 of the Portuguese Companies Code: Proposal whose proponent is the General and Supervisory Board 4 Granting of authorization to the Executive Board Mgmt For For of Directors for the acquisition and sale of treasury stock by EDP and subsidiaries of EDP 5 Granting of authorization to the Executive Board Mgmt For For of Directors for the acquisition and sale of treasury bonds by EDP and subsidiaries of EDP 6 Resolve on the members of the Executive Board Mgmt For For of Directors remuneration policy presented by the Remuneration Committee of the General and Supervisory Board 7 Resolve on the remaining members of corporate Mgmt For For bodies remuneration policy presented by the Remuneration Committee elected by the General Shareholders Meeting 8.A Resolve on the election of two members of the Mgmt For For General and Supervisory Board, for the current 2009-2011 term of office: Proposal of the election of Parpublica (SGPS), S.A 8.B Resolve on the election of two members of the Mgmt For For General and Supervisory Board, for the current 2009-2011 term of office: Proposal of the election of Jose de Mello Energia, SGPS, S.A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL PASO CORPORATION Agenda Number: 933400753 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 28336L109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 17-May-2011 Ticker: EP ISIN: US28336L1098 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JUAN CARLOS BRANIFF Mgmt For For 1B ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: DAVID W. CRANE Mgmt For For 1C ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: DOUGLAS L. FOSHEE Mgmt For For 1D ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: ROBERT W. GOLDMAN Mgmt For For 1E ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: ANTHONY W. HALL, JR. Mgmt For For 1F ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: THOMAS R. HIX Mgmt For For 1G ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: FERRELL P. MCCLEAN Mgmt For For 1H ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: TIMOTHY J. PROBERT Mgmt For For 1I ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: STEVEN J. SHAPIRO Mgmt For For 1J ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: J. MICHAEL TALBERT Mgmt For For 1K ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: ROBERT F. VAGT Mgmt For For 1L ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JOHN L. WHITMIRE Mgmt For For 02 APPROVAL OF THE ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. Mgmt For For 03 ADVISORY VOTE ON THE FREQUENCY OF THE ADVISORY Mgmt 1 Year For VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. 04 RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF ERNST & YOUNG Mgmt For For LLP AS OUR INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENAGAS S A Agenda Number: 702797424 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: E41759106 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 25-Mar-2011 Ticker: ISIN: ES0130960018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MEETING DATE HAS BEEN CHANGED Non-Voting No vote FROM 24 MARCH TO 25 MARCH 2011. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 Examination and approval, if any, of the Annual Mgmt For For Accounts (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, the rule which reflects changes in equity for the year, cash flow statements and Annual Report) and Management Report for the fiscal year 2010 both Enagas, Limited and its Consolidated Group 2 Approval, if any, of the proposed implementation Mgmt For For of the results of Enagas, Incorporated for the fiscal year 2010 3 Approval, if appropriate, the management of Mgmt For For the Board of Directors of Enagas, Incorporated for the fiscal year 2010 4 Re-election of Deloitte Limited Company as Auditor Mgmt For For of Enagas, Limited and its consolidated Group for the fiscal year 2011 5.1 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 1 (Designation) 5.2 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 8 (Rights of members) 5.3 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 10 (Usufruct of shares) 5.4 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 11 (Pledge of shares) 5.5 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 14 (Right of preferent subscription) 5.6 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 15 (Reduction of capital through the purchase of own shares) 5.7 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 16 (Sigue of obligations) 5.8 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 18 (General Meeting) 5.9 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 21 (Extraordinary meetings) 5.10 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 22 (Call of meeting) 5.11 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 23 (Singular call) 5.12 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 26 (Special quorum) 5.13 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 27 (Attendance at meetings, representation and voting) 5.14 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 32 (Minutes) 5.15 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 33 (Notarial minute) 5.16 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 34 (Contestation of the decisions of the minute) 5.17 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 35 (Council Composition) 5.18 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 42 (Contestation of decisions) 5.19 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 44 (Audit and Compliance) 5.20 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 47 (Personal) 5.21 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 50 (Appointment of auditors) 5.22 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 52 (Application of results) 5.23 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Bylaws: Article 54 (Dividend refund) 6.1 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Regulations of the Shareholders General meeting: Article 4 (Powers of the Board) 6.2 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Regulations of the Shareholders General meeting: Article 5 (Call of General Meeting) 6.3 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Regulations of the Shareholders General meeting: Article 7 (Shareholders right to information) 6.4 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Regulations of the Shareholders General meeting: Article 9 (Right to attend) 6.5 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Regulations of the Shareholders General meeting: Article 10 (Right of representation) 6.6 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Regulations of the Shareholders General meeting: Article 11 (Right of vote) 6.7 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Regulations of the Shareholders General meeting: Article 12 (Organization and constitution of the General Meeting) 6.8 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Regulations of the Shareholders General meeting: Article 13 (General Meeting Development) 6.9 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Regulations of the Shareholders General meeting: Article 14 (Assistance and intervention of others) 6.10 Modification of the following article of the Mgmt For For Regulations of the Shareholders General meeting: Article 15 (Minutes of the Meeting) 7.1 Re-election as Directors for the statutory period Mgmt For For of four years of Jesus David Alvarez Mezquiriz. Mr Alvarez Mezquiriz is considered Independent director 7.2 Re-election as Directors for the statutory period Mgmt For For of four years of Mr. Luis Javier Navarro Vigil. Mr. Navarro Vigil is considered External director 7.3 Re-election as Directors for the statutory period Mgmt Abstain Against of four years of Caja de Ahorros de Valencia, Castellon y Alicante (BANCAJA). BANCAJA has the condition of Dominical director 7.4 Re-election as Directors for the statutory period Mgmt For For of four years of Sultan Hamed Khamis Al Burtamani. Mr. Al Burtamani is considered to be proposed by the Director Proprietary shareholder Oman OilHoldings Spain, Sociedad Limitada Sole 8 Approval of the remuneration of members of the Mgmt For For Governing Council for 2011 9 Authorization to the Board of Directors to issue Mgmt For For bonds or other fixed income securities, for an amount of four billion euros (four billion euros) within five years from the approval of the Board 10 Explanatory report on the matters referred to Mgmt Abstain Against in Article 116 bis of the Securities Exchange Act 11 Delegation of powers to complement, develop, Mgmt For For execute, correct and formalize the resolutions adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO MODIFICATION Non-Voting No vote OF TEXT IN RESOLUTIONS 5.1, 7.1, 7.2 AND 7.3. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENBRIDGE INC. Agenda Number: 933394671 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 29250N105 Meeting Type: Annual and Special Meeting Date: 11-May-2011 Ticker: ENB ISIN: CA29250N1050 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR DAVID A. ARLEDGE Mgmt For For JAMES J. BLANCHARD Mgmt For For J. LORNE BRAITHWAITE Mgmt For For PATRICK D. DANIEL Mgmt For For J. HERB ENGLAND Mgmt For For CHARLES W. FISCHER Mgmt For For V.M. KEMPSTON DARKES Mgmt For For DAVID A. LESLIE Mgmt For For GEORGE K. PETTY Mgmt For For CHARLES E. SHULTZ Mgmt For For DAN C. TUTCHER Mgmt For For CATHERINE L. WILLIAMS Mgmt For For 02 APPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP AS Mgmt For For AUDITORS 03 AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES TO ALLOW FOR A DIVISION Mgmt For For OF COMMON SHARES ON A TWO FOR ONE BASIS 04 INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF COMMON SHARES RESERVED Mgmt For For UNDER THE STOCK OPTION PLANS 05 AMENDMENT, CONTINUATION AND APPROVAL OF THE Mgmt For For SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS PLAN 06 APPROACH TO EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENN ENERGY HLDGS LTD Agenda Number: 702922142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G3066L101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 31-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KYG3066L1014 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110406/LTN20110406739.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To receive and consider the audited financial Mgmt For For statements and the directors and independent auditor's reports for the year ended 31 December 2010 2.1 To declare a final dividend of HKD28.35 cents Mgmt For For per share for the year ended 31 December 2010 2.2 To declare a special dividend of HKD5.66 cents Mgmt For For per share for the year ended 31 December 2010 3.a.1 To re-elect Mr. Cheng Chak Ngok as director Mgmt For For 3.a.2 To re-elect Mr. Zhao Shengli as director Mgmt For For 3.a.3 To re-elect Mr. Wang Dongzhi as director Mgmt Against Against 3.a.4 To re-elect Ms. Yien Yu Yu, Catherine as director Mgmt For For 3.a.5 To re-elect Mr. Kong Chung Kau as director Mgmt For For 3.b To resolve not to fill up the vacated offices Mgmt For For resulting from the retirement of Mr. Liang Zhiwei and Ms. Zhai Xiaoqin as directors 3.c To authorise the board of directors to fix the Mgmt For For directors' fees 4 To re-appoint Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu as auditor Mgmt For For and to authorise the board of directors to fix their remuneration 5A To give a general mandate to the directors to Mgmt Against Against issue new shares of the Company (ordinary resolution in item No.5A of the notice of annual general meeting) 5B To give a general mandate to the directors to Mgmt For For repurchase shares of the Company (ordinary resolution in item No.5B of the notice of annual general meeting) 5C To extend the general mandate to be given to Mgmt Against Against the directors to issue shares (ordinary resolution in item No.5C of the notice of annual general meeting) CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTERGY CORPORATION Agenda Number: 933395382 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 29364G103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 06-May-2011 Ticker: ETR ISIN: US29364G1031 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: M.S. BATEMAN Mgmt For For 1B ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: G.W. EDWARDS Mgmt For For 1C ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: A.M. HERMAN Mgmt For For 1D ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: D.C. HINTZ Mgmt For For 1E ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: J.W. LEONARD Mgmt For For 1F ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: S.L. LEVENICK Mgmt For For 1G ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: B.L. LINCOLN Mgmt For For 1H ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: S.C. MYERS Mgmt For For 1I ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: W.A. PERCY, II Mgmt For For 1J ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: W.J. TAUZIN Mgmt For For 1K ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: S.V. WILKINSON Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF SELECTION OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE Mgmt For For LLP AS INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FOR 2011. 03 APPROVAL OF ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. Mgmt For For 04 RECOMMEND FREQUENCY ON ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE Mgmt 1 Year For COMPENSATION. 05 APPROVAL OF THE 2011 ENTERGY CORPORATION EQUITY Mgmt For For OWNERSHIP AND LONG TERM CASH INCENTIVE PLAN. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EUTELSAT COMMUNICATIONS, PARIS Agenda Number: 702627603 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: F3692M128 Meeting Type: MIX Meeting Date: 09-Nov-2010 Ticker: ISIN: FR0010221234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE FRENCH MARKET THAT THE ONLY Non-Voting No vote VALID VOTE OPTIONS ARE "FOR" AND "AGAINST" A VOTE OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED AS AN "AGAINST" VOTE. CMMT French Resident Shareowners must complete, sign Non-Voting No vote and forward the Proxy Card directly to the sub custodian. Please contact your Client Service Representative to obtain the necessary card, account details and directions. The following applies to Non-Resident Shareowners: Proxy Cards: Voting instructions will be forwarded to the Global Custodians that have become Registered Intermediaries, on the Vote Deadline Date. In capacity as Registered Intermediary, the Global Custodian will sign the Proxy Card and forward to the local custodian. If you are unsure whether your Global Custodian acts as Registered Intermediary, please contact your representative CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL MEETING Non-Voting No vote INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE BY CLICKING ON THE MATERIAL URL LINKS: https://balo.journal-officiel.gouv.fr/pdf/2010/1001/201010011005449.pdf and https://balo.journal-officiel.gouv.fr/pdf/2010/1025/201010251005640.pdf 1 Approval of the annual corporate financial statements Mgmt For For for the financial year ended on 30 JUN 2010 2 Approval of the consolidated financial statements Mgmt For For for the financial year ended on 30 JUN 2010 3 Allocation of income for the financial year Mgmt For For ended on 30 JUN 2010 and distribution of Euros 0.76 per share 4 Approval of the Agreements pursuant to Article Mgmt Against Against L.225-38 of the Commercial Code 5 Approval of the Board of Directors' special Mgmt For For report on free allocations of shares granted by Eutelsat Communications and on the transactions carried out pursuant to Articles L.225-177 to L.225-186-1 of the Commercial Code 6 Appointment of Mrs. Carole PIWNICA as Board Mgmt For For member 7 Ratification of the co-optation of Mr. Francisco Mgmt Against Against REYNES as Board member 8 Ratification of the co-optation of Mr. Olivier Mgmt For For ROZENFELD as Board member 9 Determination of the amounts for attendance Mgmt For For allowances for the financial year 2010-2011 10 Authorization to the Board of Directors to purchase Mgmt Against Against Company's shares 11 Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For to issue common shares of the Company and/or securities giving access to common shares of the Company with preferential subscription rights of the shareholders 12 Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For to issue common shares of the Company and/or securities giving access to common shares of the Company with cancellation of preferential subscription rights of the shareholders, as part of a public offer 13 Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For to issue common shares of the Company and/or securities giving access to common shares of the Company with cancellation of preferential subscription rights of the shareholders, as part of an offer through private investment pursuant to Article L.411-2, II of the Monetary and Financial Code 14 Authorization to the Board of Directors in the Mgmt Against Against event of issuance without preferential subscription rights, to set the issue price according to the terms determined by the General Meeting, within the limit of 10% of the capital per year 15 Authorization to the Board of Directors to increase Mgmt For For the number of issuable securities in the event of capital increase with maintaining or with cancellation of preferential subscription rights, decided under the eleventh to fourteenth resolutions 16 Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For to increase the share capital by incorporation of reserves, profits, premiums or other amounts which capitalization is authorized 17 Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors Mgmt Against Against to issue stock subscription warrants for free allocation to shareholders in the event of public offer involving the Company's securities 18 Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For to issue common shares and/or securities giving access to common shares of the Company in the event of public exchange offer initiated by the Company 19 Delegation of authority granted to the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to increase the share capital by issuing common shares of the Company and/or securities giving access to common shares of the Company, in consideration for contributions in kind, within the limit of 10% of the share capital of the Company 20 Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For to issue common shares resulting from issuance of securities by the Subsidiaries of the Company giving access to common shares of the Company 21 Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For to issue securities giving right to the allotment of debt securities 22 Authorization to the Board of Directors to increase Mgmt For For the share capital by issuing common shares or securities giving access to the capital of the Company reserved for members of a company savings plan of the Company or its group 23 Authorization to the Board of Directors to allocate Mgmt Against Against for free common shares of the Company to eligible employees and corporate officers of the Company or of its group 24 Authorization to the Board of Directors to allocate Mgmt Against Against options to subscribe for and/or purchase common shares of the Company to eligible employees and corporate officers of the Company or of its group 25 Authorization to the Board of Directors to reduce Mgmt For For the share capital by cancellation of common shares acquired by the Company as part of the share repurchase program 26 Powers to accomplish all formalities Mgmt For For PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO ADDITION Non-Voting No vote OF A URL LINK IN THE COMMENT. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FERROVIAL S A Agenda Number: 702816591 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: E49512119 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 31-Mar-2011 Ticker: ISIN: ES0118900010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE EVENT THE MEETING DOES NOT Non-Voting No vote REACH QUORUM, THERE WILL BE A SECOND CALL ON 01 April 2011 CONSEQUENTLY, YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS WILL REMAIN VALID FOR ALL CALLS UNLESS THE AGENDA IS AMENDED. THANK YOU 1 Report on the additional content included in Non-Voting No vote the management report in accordance with Article 116.bis. the Securities Market Law 2 Review and approval of annual accounts (balance Mgmt For For sheet, income statement, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement and notes) and individual management report Ferrovial SA, as well as the annual accounts consolidated management report and the consolidated group for the year ended December 31, 2010 3.1 Application of Profit and dividend distribution. Mgmt For For Proposed application of the profit for 2010 3.2 Application of Profit and dividend distribution. Mgmt For For Distribution of dividends charged to voluntary reserves 4 Examination and approval of management developed Mgmt For For by the Board of Directors in 2010 5 Establishment of the number of members of the Mgmt For For Board of Directors of Grupo Ferrovial, SA 6 Amendment of Articles 1 (Company name), 8 (Non-voting Mgmt For For shares), 10 (Multiple Ownership), 12 (Dividends Liabilities),13 (Capital Increase), 16 (Reduction of Capital), 17 (Compulsory Redemption ), 22 (Distribution of Powers), 25 (School of General Meetings), 26 (right and obligation to convene), 27 (Convocation of General Meeting), 34 (Deliberation and Adoption of Agreements), 42 (Composition of the Board Qualitative ), 49 (Delegation of Powers), 52 (Powers of the Audit and Control), 56 (General Obligations of Counsel) and 57 (Compensation to members of the Board of Directors) of the Bylaws in order to adapt their content the amendments made by (i) Royal Decree 1 / 2010 of July 2, approving the Revised Text of the Capital Company Act and (ii) Law 12/2010, of June 30, which amended Law 19/1988 of 12 July, Auditing, Law 24/1988 of 28 July, the Securities Market and the revised Corporations Law approved by Royal Decree 1564/1989 of 22 December 7.1 Modification of the Rules of the General Meeting Mgmt For For of Shareholders: No Amendment of the following articles and paragraphs of the Rules of the Board: Preamble, Articles 4 (Types of General Meetings), 5 (Powers of the General Meeting), 6 (right and obligation to convene the General Meeting), 7 (Call General Meeting), 13 (Public Application of representation), 24 (Voting on proposed resolutions), 25 (Adoption of Resolutions and completion of the Board) in order to adapt the wording to the amendment of statutes operated in point the agenda above 7.2 Modification of the Rules of the General Meeting Mgmt For For of Shareholders: Include a new paragraph 3 of Article 8 on the Electronic Forum Meeting 8 Approval of the participation of members of Mgmt For For senior management and members of the Board in executive functions in a payment system whereby the payment of up to12,000 EUROS of their variable remuneration can be made by delivery of shares of the Company 9 Delegation of powers to formalize, registration Mgmt For For and implementation of the resolutions adopted by the Board, and empowerment to formalize the filing of annual accounts referred to in Article 279 of the Companies Act Capital PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO MODIFICATION Non-Voting No vote IN THE TEXT OF THE RESOLUTION 6. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLUGHAFEN ZUERICH AG, KLOTEN Agenda Number: 702856468 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: H26552101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 14-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CH0010567961 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE NOTICE FOR THIS MEETING Non-Voting No vote WAS RECEIVED AFTER THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE. IF YOUR SHARES WERE REGISTERED PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE OF 15 MAR 2011 [BOOK CLOSING/REGISTRATION DEADLINE DATE], YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THIS MEETING. HOWEVER, VOTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR SHARES THAT WERE NOT REGISTERED PRIOR TO THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. CMMT BLOCKING OF REGISTERED SHARES IS NOT A LEGAL Non-Voting No vote REQUIREMENT IN THE SWISS MARKET, SPECIFIC POLICIES AT THE INDIVIDUAL SUB-CUSTODIANS MAY VARY. UPON RECEIPT OF THE VOTING INSTRUCTION, IT IS POSSIBLE THAT A MARKER MAY BE PLACED ON YOUR SHARES TO ALLOW FOR RECONCILIATION AND RE-REGISTRATION FOLLOWING A TRADE. IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNTS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE. 1 Presentation of the Annual Report and financial Non-Voting No vote statements as of 31 December 2010 2 Presentation of the auditors' report Non-Voting No vote 3.a The Board of Directors requests that the Annual Mgmt For For Report and the financial statements be approved 3.b The Board of Directors requests that the report Mgmt For For on compensations, as shown within the Annual Report (pages 65, 96, 121/22, 138/39), be approved 4 The Board of Directors requests that its members Mgmt For For be discharged from their responsibility for the conduct of business in 2010 5 Appropriation of the profit available for distribution: Mgmt For For the Board of Directors recommends the following appropriation of the profit available for distribution: Net profit for 2010 CHF 145,328,606; Carried forward from 2009 CHF 208,860,896; Total CHF 354,189,502; Legal reserves CHF 0; Ordinary Dividend of CHF 7.00 per share CHF 42,982,625; Profit carried forward CHF 311,206,877 6.1 Re-election of the member of the Board of Directors Mgmt For For for a term of one year: Martin Candrian 6.2 Re-election of the member of the Board of Directors Mgmt For For for a term of one year: Dr. Kaspar Schiller 6.3 Re-election of the member of the Board of Directors Mgmt For For for a term of one year: Andreas Schmid 6.4 Re-election of the member of the Board of Directors Mgmt For For for a term of one year: Ulrik Svensson 6.5 Election of the member of the Board of Directors Mgmt For For for a term of one year: Corine Mauch 7 The Board of Directors recommends that KPMG Mgmt For For AG, Zurich, be selected as auditors for the 2011 business year 8 Miscellaneous Mgmt Abstain For CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN TEXT OF RESOLUTION 5 AND CHANGE IN MEETING TYPE FROM OGM TO AGM. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRAPORT AG FRANKFURT AIRPORT SERVICES WORLDWIDE, FRANKFURT AM MAIN Agenda Number: 702995006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: D3856U108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 01-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: DE0005773303 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management ACCORDING TO GERMAN LAW, IN CASE OF SPECIFIC Non-Voting No vote CONFLICTS OF INTEREST IN CONNECTION WITH SPECIFIC ITEMS OF THE AGENDA FOR THE GENERAL MEETING YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO EXERCISE YOUR VOTING RIGHTS. FURTHER, YOUR VOTING RIGHT MIGHT BE EXCLUDED WHEN YOUR SHARE IN VOTING RIGHTS HAS REACHED CERTAIN THRESHOLDS AND YOU HAVE NOT COMPLIED WITH ANY OF YOUR MANDATORY VOTING RIGHTS NOTIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO THE GERMAN SECURITIES TRADING ACT (WHPG). FOR QUESTIONS IN THIS REGARD PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE FOR CLARIFICATION. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY INDICATION REGARDING SUCH CONFLICT OF INTEREST, OR ANOTHER EXCLUSION FROM VOTING, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR VOTE AS USUAL. THANK YOU. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE TRUE RECORD DATE FOR THIS Non-Voting No vote MEETING IS 11.05.2011, WHEREAS THE MEETING HAS BEEN SETUP USING THE ACTUAL RECORD DATE - 1 BUSINESS DAY. THIS IS DONE TO ENSURE THAT ALL POSITIONS REPORTED ARE IN CONCURRENCE WITH THE GERMAN LAW. THANK YOU. COUNTER PROPOSALS MAY BE SUBMITTED UNTIL 17.05.2011. Non-Voting No vote FURTHER INFORMATION ON COUNTER PROPOSALS CAN BE FOUND DIRECTLY ON THE ISSUER'S WEBSITE (PLEASE REFER TO THE MATERIAL URL SECTION OF THE APPLICATION). IF YOU WISH TO ACT ON THESE ITEMS, YOU WILL NEED TO REQUEST A MEETING ATTEND AND VOTE YOUR SHARES DIRECTLY AT THE COMPANY'S MEETING. COUNTER PROPOSALS CANNOT BE REFLECTED IN THE BALLOT ON PROXYEDGE. 1. Presentation of the financial statements and Non-Voting No vote annual report for the 2010 financial year with the report of the Supervisory Board, the group financial statements and annual report, and the report pursuant to Sections 289(4) and 315(4) of the German Commercial Code 2. Resolution on the appropriation of the distributable Mgmt For For profit of EUR 119,925,087.59 as follows: Payment of a dividend of EUR 1.25 per share EUR 5,127,308.84 shall be allocated to the other revenue reserves Ex-dividend date: June 2, 2011 Payable date: June 3, 2011 3. Ratification of the acts of the Board of MDs Mgmt For For 4. Ratification of the acts of the Supervisory Mgmt For For Board 5. Appointment of auditors for the 2011 financial Mgmt For For year: KPMG AG, Berlin 6.1 Election to the Supervisory Board: Dr. Margarete Mgmt For For Haase 6.2 Elections to the Supervisory Board: Stefan H. Mgmt For For Lauer 6.3 Election to the Supervisory Board: Prof. Klaus-Dieter Mgmt For For Scheurle 7. Amendment to the articles of association in Mgmt For For connection with the Shareholder Rights Directive Implementation Act (ARUG) Section 17 shall be amended to allow absentee voting at the shareholders' meeting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GDF SUEZ, PARIS Agenda Number: 702967526 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: F42768105 Meeting Type: MIX Meeting Date: 02-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: FR0010208488 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 806203 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTION. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE FRENCH MARKET THAT THE ONLY Non-Voting No vote VALID VOTE OPTIONS ARE "FOR" AND "AGAINST" A VOTE OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED AS AN "AGAINST" VOTE. CMMT French Resident Shareowners must complete, sign Non-Voting No vote and forward the Proxy Card directly to the sub custodian. Please contact your Client Service Representative to obtain the necessary card, account details and directions. The following applies to Non-Resident Shareowners: Proxy Cards: Voting instructions will be forwarded to the Global Custodians that have become Registered Intermediaries, on the Vote Deadline Date. In capacity as Registered Intermediary, the Global Custodian will sign the Proxy Card and forward to the local custodian. If you are unsure whether your Global Custodian acts as Registered Intermediary, please contact your representative CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL MEETING Non-Voting No vote INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE BY CLICKING ON THE MATERIAL URL LINKS: https://balo.journal-officiel.gouv.fr/pdf/2011/0328/201103281100891.pdf AND https://balo.journal-officiel.gouv.fr/pdf/2011/0413/201104131101250.pdf O.1 Approval of transactions and annual financial Mgmt For For statements for the financial year 2010 O.2 Approval of the consolidated financial statements Mgmt For For for the financial year 2010 O.3 The shareholders' meeting approves the recommendations Mgmt For For of the board of directors and resolves that the income for the fiscal year be appropriated as follows: income for the financial year ending on December 31st 2010: EUR 857,580,006.00 retained earnings at December 31st 2010: EUR 15,684,887,218.00 distributable total: EUR 16,542,467,224.00 net dividends paid for the fiscal year 2010: EUR 3,353,576,920.00 net interim dividends of EUR 0.83 per share paid on November 15th 2010: EUR 1,845,878,763.00to be set off against the dividend of the fiscal year 2010 remainder of the net dividends to be paid for the financial year 2010: EUR 1,507,698,157.00 the total amount of the net dividends paid for the financial year 2010 i.e. EUR 3,353,576,920.00will be deducted as follows: from the income from the said fiscal year up to: EUR 857,580,006.00 and from the prior retaining earnings up to: EUR 2,495,996,914.00 the shareholders' meeting reminds that a net interim dividend of EUR 0.83 per share was already paid on November 15th 2010. The net remaining dividend of EUR 0.67 per share will be paid in cash on may 9th 2011, and will entitle natural persons to the 40 per cent allowance. In the event that the company holds some of its own shares on such date, the amount of the unpaid dividend on such shares shall be allocated to the other reserves account. as required by law, it is reminded that, for the last three financial years, the dividends paid, were as follows: EUR 1.26 for fiscal year 2007, EUR 2.20 for fiscal year 2008, EUR 1.47 for fiscal year 2009 O.4 Approval of the regulated Agreements pursuant Mgmt For For to Article L. 225-38 of the Commercial Code O.5 Authorization to be granted to the Board of Mgmt For For Directors to trade the Company's shares O.6 Renewal of Mr. Albert Frere's term as Board Mgmt Against Against member O.7 Renewal of Mr. Edmond Alphandery's term as Board Mgmt For For member O.8 Renewal of Mr. Aldo Cardoso's term as Board Mgmt For For member O.9 Renewal of Mr. Rene Carron's term as Board member Mgmt For For O.10 Renewal of Mr. Thierry de Rudder's term as Board Mgmt For For member O.11 Appointment of Mrs. Francoise Malrieu as Board Mgmt For For member O.12 Ratification of transfer of the registered office Mgmt For For E.13 Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For to decide to increase share capital by issuing shares with cancellation of preferential subscription rights in favor of employees participating in GDF SUEZ Group savings plans E.14 Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For to decide to increase share capital with cancellation of preferential subscription rights in favor of all entities created in connection with the implementation of GDF SUEZ Group international employees stock ownership plan E.15 Authorization to be granted to the Board of Mgmt For For Directors to carry out free allocation of shares in favor of employees and/or corporate officers of the Company and/or Group companies E.16 Powers to execute General Meeting's decisions Mgmt For For and for formalities A PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS RESOLUTION IS A SHAREHOLDER Shr Against For PROPOSAL: Amendment of Resolution 3 that will be presented by the Board of Directors at the Combined General Meeting of May 2, 2011: Decision to set the amount of dividends for the financial year 2010 at EUR 0.83 per share, including the partial payment of EUR 0.83 per share already paid on November 15, 2010, instead of the dividend proposed under the third resolution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUPE EUROTUNNEL, PARIS Agenda Number: 702928512 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: F477AL114 Meeting Type: MIX Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: FR0010533075 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 804633 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE FRENCH MARKET THAT THE ONLY Non-Voting No vote VALID VOTE OPTIONS ARE "FOR" AND "AGAINST" A VOTE OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED AS AN "AGAINST" VOTE. CMMT French Resident Shareowners must complete, sign Non-Voting No vote and forward the Proxy Card directly to the sub custodian. Please contact your Client Service Representative to obtain the necessary card, account details and directions. The following applies to Non-Resident Shareowners: Proxy Cards: Voting instructions will be forwarded to the Global Custodians that have become Registered Intermediaries, on the Vote Deadline Date. In capacity as Registered Intermediary, the Global Custodian will sign the Proxy Card and forward to the local custodian. If you are unsure whether your Global Custodian acts as Registered Intermediary, please contact your representative CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL MEETING Non-Voting No vote INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE BY CLICKING ON THE MATERIAL URL LINK: https://balo.journal-officiel.gouv.fr/pdf/2011/0406/201104061101141.pdf O.1 Review and approval of the corporate financial Mgmt For For statements for the financial year ended on December 31, 2010 O.2 Allocation of income for the financial year Mgmt For For ended December 31, 2010 O.3 Review and approval of the consolidated financial Mgmt For For statements for the financial year ended on December 31, 2010 O.4 Regulated Agreements and Commitment pursuant Mgmt For For to Articles L. 225-38 and L.225-42-1 of the Commercial Code for the financial year ended on December 31, 2010 O.5 Authorization to be granted to the Board of Mgmt For For Directors to implement a Company's share purchase program O.6 Ratification of the registered office transfer Mgmt For For E.7 Authorization to be granted to the Board of Mgmt For For Directors to carry out free allocation of shares to all of the staff employed by the Company and group companies, except for executive officers and corporate officers E.8 Renewal of the delegation of authority granted Mgmt For For to the Board of Directors to issue ordinary shares of the Company and securities providing access to ordinary shares of the Company or Group companies of the Company, while maintaining shareholders' preferential subscription rights E.9 Renewal of the delegation of authority granted Mgmt For For to the Board of Directors to issue by way of a public offer ordinary shares of the Company and securities providing access to ordinary shares of the Company or Group companies of the Company, with cancellation of shareholders' preferential subscription rights, but with a priority period E.10 Delegation of authority granted to the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to issue by way of an offer pursuant to Article L.411-2 II of the Monetary and Financial Code ordinary shares of the Company and securities providing access to ordinary shares of the Company or Group companies of the Company, with cancellation of shareholders' preferential subscription rights E.11 Delegation of authority granted to the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to issue ordinary shares of the Company and securities providing access to ordinary shares of the Company, in consideration for in-kind contributions granted to the Company and composed of equity securities or securities providing access to capital E.12 Overall limitation of authorizations Mgmt For For E.13 Authorization granted to the Board of Director Mgmt For For to reduce capital by cancellation of shares E.14 Capital increase reserved for employees - Delegation Mgmt For For of authority granted to the Board of Directors to carry out the transfer or capital increases by issuing ordinary shares or securities providing access to capital of the Company reserved for employees participating in a company savings plan O.15 Ratification of the cooptation of the company Mgmt For For Le Shuttle Limited as Board member O.16 Powers Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUANGDONG INVT LTD Agenda Number: 703019718 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y2929L100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 03-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0270001396 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110426/LTN20110426463.pdf 1 To receive and consider the audited Consolidated Mgmt For For Financial Statements and the Reports of the Directors and the Auditors for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To declare a Final Dividend for the year ended Mgmt For For 31 December 2010 3.i To re-elect Mr. Zhang Hui as a Director Mgmt For For 3.ii To re-elect Mr. Tsang Hon Nam as a Director Mgmt Against Against 3.iii To re-elect Mr. Fung Daniel Richard as a Director Mgmt For For 3.iv To re-elect Mr. Wu Jianguo as a Director Mgmt Against Against 3.v To authorize the Board to fix the remuneration Mgmt For For of Directors 4 To re-appoint auditors and authorize the Board Mgmt For For to fix their remuneration 5 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt Against Against to issue shares in the Company 6 To grant a general mandate to the Directors Mgmt For For to repurchase shares in the Company 7 To extend the general mandate granted to the Mgmt Against Against Directors to issue shares by adding the number of shares repurchased CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GZI TRANSPORT LTD Agenda Number: 702971753 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G4211X107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 25-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: BMG4211X1074 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110418/LTN20110418745.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To adopt the audited consolidated financial Mgmt For For statements for the year ended 31 December 2010 and the reports of the directors and independent auditor thereon 2 To declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3.i To re-elect Mr Liang Ningguang as director Mgmt For For 3.ii To re-elect Mr Fung Ka Pun as director Mgmt For For 3.iii To re-elect Mr Cheung Doi Shu as director Mgmt For For 3.iv To authorise the board to fix directors' remuneration Mgmt For For 4 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as auditor Mgmt For For of the Company and to authorise the board to fix their remuneration 5.A To give a general mandate to the directors to Mgmt For For issue and deal with additional shares in the Company 5.B To give a general mandate to the directors to Mgmt For For repurchase shares of the Company 5.C To include the nominal amount of the shares Mgmt Against Against repurchased by the Company to the mandate granted to the directors under Resolution 5A 6 The name of the Company be changed from "GZI Mgmt For For Transport Limited" to "Yuexiu Transport Infrastructure Limited" and the Chinese name "as specified" be adopted as the secondary name of the Company -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HONGKONG ELECTRIC HOLDINGS LTD Agenda Number: 702742354 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y33549117 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 26-Jan-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0006000050 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20101229/LTN20101229168.pdf 1 The special resolution set out in the notice Mgmt For For convening the extraordinary general meeting- to approve the proposed change of name of the company -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HONGKONG ELECTRIC HOLDINGS LTD, HONG KONG Agenda Number: 702577531 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y33549117 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 09-Sep-2010 Ticker: ISIN: HK0006000050 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100823/LTN20100823429.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 Approve the entering into of the JV Transaction Mgmt For For and all transactions contemplated thereunder PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ACTUAL RECORD DATE. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITC HOLDINGS CORP. Agenda Number: 933435895 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 465685105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 26-May-2011 Ticker: ITC ISIN: US4656851056 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR EDWARD G. JEPSEN Mgmt For For RICHARD D. MCLELLAN Mgmt For For WILLIAM J. MUSELER Mgmt For For HAZEL R. O'LEARY Mgmt For For G. BENNETT STEWART, III Mgmt For For LEE C. STEWART Mgmt For For JOSEPH L. WELCH Mgmt For For 02 TO APPROVE, BY NON-BINDING VOTE, EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. Mgmt For For 03 TO RECOMMEND, BY NON-BINDING VOTE, THE FREQUENCY Mgmt 1 Year Against OF THE EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION VOTES. 04 APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT AND RESTATEMENT TO Mgmt Against Against OUR AMENDED AND RESTATED 2006 LONG TERM INCENTIVE PLAN TO PROVIDE FOR AN EXTENSION OF THE TERM OF THE PLAN FOR AN ADDITIONAL FOUR YEARS AND RATIFYING THE PERFORMANCE MEASURES AVAILABLE. 05 APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO OUR EMPLOYEE STOCK Mgmt For For PURCHASE PLAN TO PROVIDE FOR AN EXTENSION OF THE TERM OF THE PLAN FOR AN ADDITIONAL FOUR YEARS. 06 RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE Mgmt For For & TOUCHE LLP AS INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FOR 2011. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JIANSU EXPWY CO LTD Agenda Number: 702774224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y4443L103 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 18-Mar-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000003J5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110128/LTN20110128023.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR RESOLUTION "1". THANK YOU. 1 That the appointment of Mr. Chang Qing as Supervisor Mgmt For For of the Company be and is hereby approved and that an appointment letter of Supervisor be entered into with Mr. Chang with a tenure commencing from the date of the 2011 First Extraordinary General Meeting and ending on the date of the 2011 Annual General Meeting CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO MODIFICATION Non-Voting No vote IN VOTING OPTIONS COMMENT. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JIANSU EXPWY CO LTD Agenda Number: 702851963 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y4443L103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 11-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE1000003J5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110320/LTN20110320027.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED TO Non-Voting No vote VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' ONLY FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS. THANK YOU. 1 To approve the report of the Board of Directors Mgmt For For of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 2 To approve the report of the Supervisory Committee Mgmt For For of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2010 3 To approve the annual budget report for year Mgmt For For 2010 4 To approve the audited accounts and the auditor Mgmt For For report for the year ended 31 December 2010 5 To approve the profit distribution scheme of Mgmt For For the Company in respect of the final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2010: the Company proposed to declare a cash dividend of RMB0.36 per share (tax inclusive) 6 To approve the appointment of Deloitte Touche Mgmt For For Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants Limited as the Company's accountants and auditors for internal control for the year 2011, and to determine its aggregate remunerations at RMB2.65 million/year; and 7 To approve the issue of not more than RMB2 billion Mgmt For For short-term commercial papers and the authorisation of Mr. Yang Gen Lin and Mr. Qian Yong Xiang, both being Directors, to deal with the matters related to the issue; and the issue be taken place within one year from the approval date of the annual general meeting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KONINKLIJKE VOPAK N V Agenda Number: 702624708 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: N5075T159 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 11-Nov-2010 Ticker: ISIN: NL0009432491 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT BLOCKING WILL NOT APPLY WHEN Non-Voting No vote THERE IS A RECORD DATE ASSOCIATED WITH THIS MEETING. THANK YOU 1 Opening Non-Voting No vote 2 Appointment of Mr. E.M. Hoekstra as a member Mgmt For For of the Executive Board 3 Any other business Non-Voting No vote 4 Closing Non-Voting No vote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KONINKLIJKE VOPAK NV, ROTTERDAM Agenda Number: 702849653 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: N5075T159 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 27-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: NL0009432491 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 799747 DUE TO CHANGE IN VOTING STATUS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT BLOCKING WILL NOT APPLY WHEN Non-Voting No vote THERE IS A RECORD DATE ASSOCIATED WITH THIS MEETING. THANK YOU 1 Opening of the general meeting Non-Voting No vote 2 Report of the managing board on the fiscal year Non-Voting No vote 2010 3 Approval of the annual accounts on the fiscal Mgmt For For year 2010 4 Explanation on the dividend and reservation Non-Voting No vote policy 5 It is proposed that a dividend over the fiscal Mgmt For For year 2010 will be declared at EUR 0.70 gross per share, payable as from 4 May 2011 6 It is proposed to discharge the managing board Mgmt For For in respect of the duties performed during the past fiscal year 7 It is proposed to discharge the supervisory Mgmt For For board in respect of the duties performed during the past fiscal year 8 Discussion on the remuneration policy for the Non-Voting No vote managing board 9 It is proposed to set the yearly remuneration Mgmt For For for the members of the supervisory board as follows the members EUR 47,000, - the chairman EUR 66,000, - above these amounts a supplement is set for board committee members as follows: audit committee chairman EUR 13,000, - members EUR 7,500, - remuneration committee: chairman EUR 9,000, - members EUR 6,000, - selection and appointment committee: chairman EUR 6,000, - members EUR 4,000 10 It is proposed to (re)appoint A.Van Rossum and Mgmt For For C.K.Lam as member of the supervisory board where all details as laid down in article 2:158 paragraph 5, section 2:142 paragraph 3 of the Dutch Civil Code are available for the general meeting of shareholders 11 It is proposed that the managing board be authorised Mgmt For For subject to the approval of the supervisory board, to cause the company to acquire its own shares for valuable consideration, up to a maximum number which, at the time of acquisition, the company is permitted to acquire pursuant to the provisions of section 98, subsection 2, of book 2 of the Netherlands civil code. Such acquisition may be effected by means of any type of contract, including stock exchange transactions and private transactions. The price must lie between the nominal value of the shares and an amount equal to 110 percent of the market price. By 'market price ' is understood the average of the prices reached by the shares on each of the 5 stock exchange business days preceeding the date of acquisition, as evidenced by the official price list of Euronext Amsterdam NV. The authorisation will be valid for a period of 18 months, commencing on 27 April 2011 12 It is proposed that the general meeting assigns Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants NV as the auditors responsible for auditing the financial accounts for the year 2011 13 Any other business Non-Voting No vote 14 Closing of the general meeting Non-Voting No vote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOREA ELEC PWR CORP Agenda Number: 702926366 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y48406105 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 22-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KR7015760002 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Election of Permanent Director Byeon Jun Yeon Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOREA ELEC PWR CORP GLOBAL MEDIUM SR TERM NTS BOOK ENTRY REG S Agenda Number: 702743229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y48406105 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 17-Jan-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KR7015760002 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 773954 DUE TO RECEIPT OF PAST RECORD DATE. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT IN THE KOREAN MARKET, THE VOTE OPTION OF "ABSTAIN" Non-Voting No vote IS DETERMINED TO BE ACCEPTABLE OR NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL SUB CUSTODIAN'S REGULATIONS. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE TO SEE IF THE RECIPIENT OF YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS WILL TREAT "ABSTAIN" AS A VALID VOTE OPTION. 1 Amendment of the article of incorporation Mgmt For For 2 Election of directors candidates:Dae-Soo Han Mgmt For For 3 Election of auditors. The elected directors Mgmt For For according to resolution 2 will be appointed as full time auditor candidate. Candidates:Dae-Soo Han 4 Election of the member of audit committee who Mgmt For For is the external director. Candidates:Jung-Gook Kim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOREA GAS CORP Agenda Number: 702541649 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y48861101 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 22-Jul-2010 Ticker: ISIN: KR7036460004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management IN THE KOREAN MARKET, THE VOTE OPTION OF "ABSTAIN" Non-Voting No vote IS DETERMINED TO BE ACCEPTABLE OR NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL SUB CUSTODIAN'S REGULATIONS. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE TO SEE IF THE RECIPIENT OF YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS WILL TREAT "ABSTAIN" AS A VALID VOTE OPTION. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 722275 DUE TO RECEIPT OF DIRECTOR NAMES. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALTHOUGH THERE ARE 02 CANDIDATES Non-Voting No vote TO BE ELECTED AS DIRECTORS, THERE ARE ONLY 01 VACANCIES AVAILABLE TO BE FILLED AT THE MEETING. THE STANDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS MEETING WILL BE DISABLED AND, IF YOU CHOOSE, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO VOTE FOR ONLY 01 OF THE 02 DIRECTORS. THANK YOU. 1.1 Election of Jae Bong Bae as a Director Mgmt For For 1.2 Election of Byung Gil Seo as a Director Mgmt No vote PLEASE BE ADVISED YOU ARE ONLY ALLOWED TO VOTE Non-Voting No vote FOR 1 CANDIDATE IN RESOLUTION NO. 2. THANK YOU. 2.1 Election of Jae Bong Bae as an Audit Committee Mgmt Against Against Member 2.2 Election of Byung Gil Seo as an Audit Committee Mgmt Against Against Member 2.3 Election of Audit Committee Member: nominee Mgmt Against Against who elected from Item No.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOREA GAS CORPORATION, SONGNAM Agenda Number: 702834474 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y48861101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 29-Mar-2011 Ticker: ISIN: KR7036460004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Approval of financial statement Mgmt For For 2.1.1 Election of executive directors (3): nominee Mgmt For For 1: Dae Chun Jeon 2.1.2 Election of executive directors (3): nominee Mgmt Against Against 2: Young Sung Park 2.1.3 Election of executive directors (3): nominee Mgmt Against Against 3: Suk Soon Lee 2.1.4 Election of executive directors (3): nominee Mgmt For For 4: Jong Ho Lee 2.1.5 Election of executive directors (3): nominee Mgmt For For 5: In Soon Chang 2.2.1 Election of non-executive directors (5): nominee Mgmt Against Against 1: Ki Heung Kim 2.2.2 Election of non-executive directors (5): nominee Mgmt Against Against 2: Myung Hwan Kim 2.2.3 Election of non-executive directors (5): nominee Mgmt For For 3: Sung Ki Kim 2.2.4 Election of non-executive directors (5): nominee Mgmt For For 4: Jong Kyu Namgung 2.2.5 Election of non-executive directors (5): nominee Mgmt For For 5: Kil Hwan Park 2.2.6 Election of non-executive directors (5): nominee Mgmt Against Against 6: Hyun Soo Park 2.2.7 Election of non-executive directors (5): nominee Mgmt For For 7: Seung Chul Yoon 2.2.8 Election of non-executive directors (5): nominee Mgmt Against Against 8: Sin Won Lee 2.2.9 Election of non-executive directors (5): nominee Mgmt For For 9: Ki Ryeon Choi 2.210 Election of non-executive directors (5): nominee Mgmt Against Against 10: Ju Ho Choi 3.1 Election of audit committee members (2 non-executive Mgmt Against Against audit committee members): nominee 1: Jong Gap Kim 3.2 Election of audit committee members (2 non-executive Mgmt For For audit committee members): nominee 2: Sung Ki Kim 3.3 Election of audit committee members (2 non-executive Mgmt Against Against audit committee members): nominee 3: Hyun Su Park 3.4 Election of audit committee members (2 non-executive Mgmt For For audit committee members): nominee 4: Seung Chul Yoon 4 Approval of limit of remuneration for directors Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP GROUP Agenda Number: 702974444 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q5763C127 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 19-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000MAP6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 0 PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BELOW RESOLUTIONS IS FOR Non-Voting No vote THE AGM OF MAP AIRPORTS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (MAIL) 1 Re-appoint KPMG as auditors Mgmt For For 2 Re-elect Stephen Ward as director Mgmt For For 0 PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BELOW RESOLUTIONS IS FOR Non-Voting No vote THE OGM OF MAP AIRPORTS LIMITED TRUST 2 (MAT 2) 1 Re-elect Bob Morris as director Mgmt For For 2 Elect Stephen Ward as director Mgmt For For 3 Re-elect Michael Lee as director Mgmt Against Against CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN THE MEETING TYPE FROM MIX MEETING TO AGM MEETING. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKWEST ENERGY PARTNERS LP Agenda Number: 933439704 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 570759100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 01-Jun-2011 Ticker: MWE ISIN: US5707591005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR FRANK M. SEMPLE Mgmt For For DONALD D. WOLF Mgmt For For KEITH E. BAILEY Mgmt For For MICHAEL L. BEATTY Mgmt Withheld Against CHARLES K. DEMPSTER Mgmt For For DONALD C. HEPPERMANN Mgmt For For WILLIAM A. KELLSTROM Mgmt For For ANNE E. FOX MOUNSEY Mgmt For For WILLIAM P. NICOLETTI Mgmt For For 02 TO APPROVE, ON AN ADVISORY BASIS, THE COMPENSATION Mgmt For For OF THE PARTNERSHIP'S NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AS DESCRIBED IN THE PARTNERSHIP'S PROXY STATEMENT FOR THE 2011 ANNUAL MEETING OF COMMON UNITHOLDERS. 03 TO RECOMMEND, ON AN ADVISORY BASIS, THE FREQUENCY Mgmt 1 Year Against OF THE ADVISORY VOTE ON THE COMPENSATION OF THE PARTNERSHIP'S NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. 04 RATIFICATION OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP AS THE Mgmt For For PARTNERSHIP'S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2011. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL GRID PLC, LONDON Agenda Number: 702493177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G6375K151 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 26-Jul-2010 Ticker: ISIN: GB00B08SNH34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Receive the annual report and accounts Mgmt For For 2 Declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3 Re-elect Sir John Parker Mgmt For For 4 Re-elect Steve Holliday Mgmt For For 5 Re-elect Ken Harvey Mgmt For For 6 Re-elect Steve Lucas Mgmt For For 7 Re-elect Stephen Pettit Mgmt For For 8 Re-elect Nick Winser Mgmt For For 9 Re-elect George Rose Mgmt For For 10 Re-elect Tom King Mgmt For For 11 Re-elect Maria Richter Mgmt For For 12 Re-elect John Allan Mgmt For For 13 Re-elect Linda Adamany Mgmt For For 14 Re-elect Mark Fairbairn Mgmt For For 15 Re-elect Philip Aiken Mgmt For For 16 Re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Mgmt For For Auditors 17 Authorize the Directors to set the Auditors' Mgmt For For remuneration 18 Approve the Directors remuneration report Mgmt For For 19 Authorize the Directors to allot ordinary shares Mgmt For For S.20 Approve to disapply pre-emptive rights Mgmt For For S.21 Authorize the Company to purchase its own ordinary Mgmt For For shares S.22 Authorize the Directors to hold general meetings Mgmt For For on 14 clear days' notice -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXTERA ENERGY, INC. Agenda Number: 933401286 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 65339F101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 20-May-2011 Ticker: NEE ISIN: US65339F1012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR SHERRY S. BARRAT Mgmt For For ROBERT M. BEALL, II Mgmt For For J. HYATT BROWN Mgmt For For JAMES L. CAMAREN Mgmt For For KENNETH B. DUNN Mgmt For For J. BRIAN FERGUSON Mgmt For For LEWIS HAY, III Mgmt For For TONI JENNINGS Mgmt For For OLIVER D. KINGSLEY, JR. Mgmt For For RUDY E. SCHUPP Mgmt For For WILLIAM H. SWANSON Mgmt For For MICHAEL H. THAMAN Mgmt For For HANSEL E. TOOKES, II Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE Mgmt For For LLP AS INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR 2011. 03 APPROVAL OF THE NEXTERA ENERGY, INC. 2011 LONG Mgmt For For TERM INCENTIVE PLAN. 04 APPROVAL, BY NON-BINDING ADVISORY VOTE, OF NEXTERA Mgmt For For ENERGY'S COMPENSATION OF ITS NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AS DISCLOSED IN THE PROXY STATEMENT. 05 NON-BINDING ADVISORY VOTE ON WHETHER NEXTERA Mgmt 1 Year For ENERGY SHOULD HOLD A NON-BINDING SHAREHOLDER ADVISORY VOTE TO APPROVE NEXTERA ENERGY'S COMPENSATION OF ITS NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS EVERY 1, 2 OR 3 YEARS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NISOURCE INC. Agenda Number: 933396598 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 65473P105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 10-May-2011 Ticker: NI ISIN: US65473P1057 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management I1 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: RICHARD A. ABDOO Mgmt For For I2 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: STEVEN C. BEERING Mgmt For For I3 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: MICHAEL E. JESANIS Mgmt For For I4 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: MARTY R. KITTRELL Mgmt For For I5 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: W. LEE NUTTER Mgmt For For I6 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: DEBORAH S. PARKER Mgmt For For I7 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: IAN M. ROLLAND Mgmt For For I8 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: ROBERT C. SKAGGS, JR. Mgmt For For I9 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: RICHARD L. THOMPSON Mgmt For For I10 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: CAROLYN Y. WOO Mgmt For For II TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE Mgmt For For LLP AS THE COMPANY'S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. III TO CONSIDER AN ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. Mgmt For For IV TO CONSIDER AN ADVISORY VOTE ON THE FREQUENCY Mgmt 1 Year For OF THE ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. V TO CONSIDER A STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL REGARDING Shr Against For STOCKHOLDER ACTION BY WRITTEN CONSENT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OHL MEXICO SAB DE CV Agenda Number: 702960673 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P7356Z100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 29-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: MX01OH010006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management I Presentation of the reports and opinions from Mgmt For For the board of directors that are referred to in article 28, Part IV, Line A, B, C, D and E of the Securities Market Law, with relation to the fiscal year that ended on December 31, 2010, with the inclusion of the opinion from the commissioner and of the fiscal report II Presentation of the report from the general Mgmt For For director and opinion of the outside auditor III Discussion, approval and, if deemed appropriate, Mgmt Against Against modification of the reports that are referred to in items I and II above. Resolutions in this regard IV Allocation of results and increase of reserves, Mgmt For For approval of the fund for the repurchase of shares of the company and, if deemed appropriate, declaration of dividends. Resolutions in this regard V Designation or ratification, if deemed appropriate, Mgmt For For of members of the board of directors, alternate members of the board of directors and chairpersons of special committees. Resolutions in this regard VI Designation of special delegates Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIGIN ENERGY LTD Agenda Number: 702626079 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q71610101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 29-Oct-2010 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000ORG5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING EXCLUSIONS APPLY TO THIS MEETING FOR Non-Voting No vote PROPOSALS 4, 5, AND 6 AND VOTES CAST BY ANY INDIVIDUAL OR RELATED PARTY WHO BENEFIT FROM THE PASSING OF THE PROPOSAL/S WILL BE DISREGARDED BY THE COMPANY. HENCE, IF YOU HAVE OBTAINED BENEFIT OR EXPECT TO OBTAIN FUTURE BENEFIT YOU SHOULD NOT VOTE (OR VOTE "ABSTAIN") ON THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL ITEMS. BY DOING SO, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE OBTAINED BENEFIT OR EXPECT TO OBTAIN BENEFIT BY THE PASSING OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL/S. BY VOTING (FOR OR AGAINST) ON PROPOSAL (X AND Y), YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE NOT OBTAINED BENEFIT NEITHER EXPECT TO OBTAIN BENEFIT BY THE PASSING OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL/S AND YOU COMPLY WITH THE VOTING EXCLUSION. 2 Re-election of Gordon M Cairns as a Director Mgmt For For 3 Adoption of remuneration report Mgmt For For 4 Increase in aggregate cap of Non-executive Directors' Mgmt For For remuneration 5 Grant of long term incentives to Mr. Grant A Mgmt For For King - Managing Director 6 Grant of long term incentives to Ms. Karen A Mgmt For For Moses Executive Director 7 Adoption of new constitution Mgmt For For 8 Renewal of proportional takeover provisions Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OSAKA GAS CO.,LTD. Agenda Number: 703112893 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: J62320114 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 29-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: JP3180400008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management Please reference meeting materials. Non-Voting No vote 1. Approve Appropriation of Retained Earnings Mgmt For For 2.1 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.2 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.3 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.4 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.5 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.6 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.7 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.8 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.9 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.10 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.11 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.12 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.13 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 3. Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PENNON GROUP PLC, EXETER Agenda Number: 702538426 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G8295T213 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 29-Jul-2010 Ticker: ISIN: GB00B18V8630 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Receive and adopt the Directors' Report and Mgmt For For the financial statements for the YE 31 MAR 2010, together with the report of the Auditors 2 Declare a final dividend of 15.60 pence per Mgmt For For ordinary share recommended by the Directors for the YE 31 MAR 2010 for payment on 08 OCT 2010 3 Approve the Directors' remuneration report for Mgmt For For the FY 2009/10, as contained in the Company's annual report 2010 4 Re-elect Mr. K G Harvey as a Director, who retires Mgmt For For in accordance with corporate governance best practice 5 Re-elect Mr. G D Connell as a Director, who Mgmt For For retires in accordance with the Articles of Association 6 Re-elect Mr. C Loughlin as a Director, who retires Mgmt For For in accordance with the Articles of Association 7 Appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Auditors Mgmt For For of the Company to hold office until the conclusion of the next AGM at which accounts are laid before the Company 8 Authorize the Directors to fix the remuneration Mgmt For For of the auditors. 9 Authorize the Company, in accordance with Section Mgmt For For 366 of the Companies Act 2006, and all companies that are subsidiaries of the Company at any time during the period for which the resolution has effect to: a make political donations to political parties and/or independent election candidates not exceeding GBP 75,000 in total; b make political donations to political organizations other than political parties not exceeding GBP 75,000 in total: and c incur political expenditure not exceeding GBP 75,000 in total, Authority expires at the date of the next AGM of the Company in 2011 ; provided that the aggregate amount of any such donations and expenditure shall not exceed GBP 75,000 and that for the purpose of this resolution CONTD CONTD CONTD the terms 'political donations', 'political Non-Voting No vote parties', 'independent election candidates', 'political organisations' and 'political expenditure' have the meanings set out in Sections 363 to 365 of the Companies Act 2006, it continues to be the policy of the Company and its subsidiaries not to make political donations, but as explained in more detail under the 'Political Donations' section of the Explanatory Notes on page 6 of this Notice, it is considered to be necessary to obtain such authorization to avoid any possible technical breach of the Companies Act 2006 due to the uncertainty created by the wide definitions in the Act of what can be regarded as a political donation or political expenditure 10 Authorize the Directors, in accordance with Mgmt For For Section 551 of the Companies Act 2006, to exercise all powers of the Company, to allot shares in the Company or grant rights to subscribe for, or convert any security into, shares in the Company: i up to a maximum nominal amount of GBP 47,958,483 such amount to be reduced by the nominal amount of any equity securities as specified in Section 560 of the Companies Act 2006 allotted under Paragraph ii below in excess of GBP 47,958,483; and ii comprising equity securities as defined in Section 560 of the Companies Act 2006 up to a maximum nominal amount of GBP 95,916,966 such amount to be reduced by any shares allotted or rights granted under Paragraph i above in connection CONTD CONTD CONTD with an offer by way of a rights issue: Non-Voting No vote A to holders of ordinary shares in proportion as nearly as may be practicable to their existing holdings; and B to holders of other equity securities if this is required by the rights of those securities or, if the Directors consider it necessary, as permitted by the rights of those securities; and so that the Directors may make such exclusions or other arrangements as they consider expedient in relation to treasury shares, fractional entitlements, record dates, shares represented by depositary receipts, legal or practical problems under the laws in any territory or the requirements of any relevant regulatory body or stock exchange or any other matter; CONTD CONTD CONTD Authority expires at the earlier of Non-Voting No vote the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company after the passing of this resolution or at the close of business on 1 OCT 2011 ; c the Company may, before this authority expires, make an offer or enter into an agreement which would or might require shares to be allotted or rights to be granted after it expires and the Directors may allot shares or grant rights in pursuance of such offer or agreement as if this authority had not expired; CONTD CONTD CONTD and d all previous unutilized authorities Non-Voting No vote under Section 80 of the Companies Act 1985 and Section 551 of the Companies Act 2006 shall cease to have effect save to the extent that the same are exercisable pursuant to Section 551 7 of the Companies Act 2006 by reason of any offer or agreement made prior to the date of this resolution which would or might require shares to S.11 Authorize the Directors, subject to the passing Mgmt For For of Resolution 10 above, to allot equity securities as specified in Section 560 of the Companies Act 2006 for cash pursuant to the authority conferred on them by that resolution under Section 551 of that Act; and ii to allot equity securities as defined in Section 560 3 of that Act sale of treasury shares for cash, in either case as if Section 561 of that Act did not apply to the allotment, but this power shall be limited: A to the allotment of equity securities in connection with an offer or issue of equity securities but in the case of the authority granted under Resolution 10 a ii , by way of a rights issue only to or in favour of: I holders of ordinary shares in proportion as nearly as may be practicable CONTD CONTD CONTD to their existing holdings; and II holders Non-Voting No vote of other equity securities if this is required by the rights of those securities or, if the Directors consider it necessary, as permitted by the rights of those securities; and so that the Directors may make such exclusions or other arrangements as they consider expedient in relation to treasury shares, fractional entitlements, record dates, shares represented by depositary receipts, legal or practical problems under the laws in any territory or the requirements of any relevant regulatory body or stock exchange or any other matter; and B to the allotment of equity securities pursuant to the authority granted under Resolution 10 a i and/or by virtue of Section 560 3 of the Companies Act 2006 CONTD CONTD CONTD in each case otherwise than under paragraph Non-Voting No vote A above up to a maximum nominal amount of GBP 7,297,339; Authority expires at the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company after the passing of this resolution or at the close of business on 1 OCT 2011 ; c all previous unutilized authorities under Section 95 of the Companies Act 1985 and Sections 570 and 573 of the Companies Act 2006 shall cease to have effect; and d the Company may, before this power expires, make an offer or enter into an agreement which would or might require equity securities to be allotted after it expires and the Directors may allot equity securities in pursuance of such offer or agreement as if this power had not expired S.12 Authorize the Company, in accordance with the Mgmt For For Companies Act 2006, to make market purchases within the meaning of Section 693 of the Companies Act 2006 of ordinary shares of 40.7p each in the capital of the Company on such terms and in such manner as the Directors of the Company may from time to time determine, provided that: a the maximum number of ordinary shares that may be purchased under this authority is 35,350,233 being no more than 10% of the issued share capital exclusive of treasury shares of the Company as at 20 JUN 2010 ; b the minimum price which may be paid for each ordinary share is 40.7p exclusive of expenses payable by the Company in connection with the purchase ; c the maximum price which may be paid for each ordinary share purchased CONTD CONTD CONTD under this authority shall not be more Non-Voting No vote than the higher of i an amount equal to 105% of the average of the middle market quotations for such ordinary shares as derived from the London Stock Exchange Daily Official List for the 5 business days immediately preceding the day on which that ordinary share is purchased; and ii the amount stipulated by Article 5 i of the Buyback and Stabilisation Regulation 2003 in each case exclusive of expenses payable by the Company in connection with the purchase ; Authority expires at the earlier of the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of the Company or on 1 OCT 2011 ; CONTD CONTD CONTD but the Company may make a contract or Non-Voting No vote contracts to purchase ordinary shares under this authority before its expiry which will or may be executed wholly or partly after the expiry of this authority and may make purchases of ordinary shares pursuant to any such contract; and e all existing authorities for the Company to make market purchases of ordinary shares are revoked, except in relation to the purchase of shares under a contract or contracts concluded before the date of this resolution and which has or have not yet been executed S.13 Amend, with effect from the conclusion of the Mgmt For For AGM: a the Articles of Association of the Company by deleting all the provisions of the Company's Memorandum of Association which, by virtue of Section 28 of the Companies Act 2006, are to be treated as provisions of the Company's Articles of Association; and b the Articles of Association produced to the meeting and initialled by the Chairman of the meeting for the purpose of identification be adopted as the Articles of Association of the Company in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the existing Articles of Association of the Company S.14 Amend, with effect from midnight on the day Mgmt For For of this AGM, Article 68 Power to borrow money of the Articles of Association of the Company in force as at that time as follows: i by deleting the words "two and a half 2 times" from the eighth line of Article 68 b and replacing them with the words "three 3 times"; and ii by adding the following as a new sub-paragraph D to Article 68 b : " D excluding therefrom the impact of market price movements on the accounting treatment of financial derivatives to which any member of the Group is a party arising under the requirements in relation to hedging instruments of International Accounting Standard 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement S.15 Approve that a general meeting, other than an Mgmt For For AGM, may be called on not less than 14 clear days' notice -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PG&E CORPORATION Agenda Number: 933396601 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 69331C108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 11-May-2011 Ticker: PCG ISIN: US69331C1080 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: DAVID R. ANDREWS Mgmt For For 1B ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: LEWIS CHEW Mgmt For For 1C ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: C. LEE COX Mgmt For For 1D ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: PETER A. DARBEE Mgmt For For 1E ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: MARYELLEN C. HERRINGER Mgmt For For 1F ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: ROGER H. KIMMEL Mgmt For For 1G ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: RICHARD A. MESERVE Mgmt For For 1H ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: FORREST E. MILLER Mgmt For For 1I ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: ROSENDO G. PARRA Mgmt For For 1J ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: BARBARA L. RAMBO Mgmt For For 1K ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: BARRY LAWSON WILLIAMS Mgmt Against Against 02 RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF THE INDEPENDENT Mgmt For For REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM 03 ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Mgmt For For 04 ADVISORY VOTE ON FREQUENCY OF ADVISORY VOTE Mgmt 1 Year For ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION 05 INDEPENDENT BOARD CHAIRMAN Shr Against For 06 NEUTRAL PG&E PERSONNEL POLICIES Shr Against For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POWER ASSETS HLDGS LTD Agenda Number: 702901299 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y33549117 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 18-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0006000050 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110404/LTN20110404643.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. 1 To receive the audited Financial Statements Mgmt For For and the Reports of the Directors and Auditor for the year ended 31st December 2010 2 To declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3.(a) To elect Mr. Fok Kin Ning, Canning as a Director Mgmt For For 3.(b) To elect Mr. Tso Kai Sum as a Director Mgmt For For 3.(c) To elect Mr. Ronald Joseph Arculli as a Director Mgmt For For 3.(d) To elect Mrs. Chow Woo Mo Fong, Susan as a Director Mgmt For For 3.(e) To elect Mr. Andrew John Hunter as a Director Mgmt For For 3.(f) To elect Mr. Kam Hing Lam as a Director Mgmt For For 3.(g) To elect Mr. Holger Kluge as a Director Mgmt For For 3.(h) To elect Mr. Li Tzar Kuoi, Victor as a Director Mgmt For For 3.(i) To elect Mr. George Colin Magnus as a Director Mgmt For For 3.(j) To elect Mr. Yuen Sui See as a Director Mgmt Against Against 4 To re-appoint KPMG as Auditor of the Company Mgmt For For and to authorise the Directors to fix the Auditor's remuneration 5 To pass Resolution 5 of the Notice of Annual Mgmt For For General Meeting ("AGM Notice") - to give a general mandate to the Directors to issue and dispose of additional shares not exceeding 20% of the issued share capital of the Company 6 To pass Resolution 6 of the AGM Notice - to Mgmt For For give a general mandate to the Directors to repurchase shares not exceeding 10% of the issued share capital of the Company 7 To pass Resolution 7 of the AGM Notice - to Mgmt For For add the number of shares repurchased to the general mandate given to the Directors to issue additional shares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PPL CORPORATION Agenda Number: 933416756 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 69351T106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 18-May-2011 Ticker: PPL ISIN: US69351T1060 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR FREDERICK M. BERNTHAL Mgmt For For JOHN W. CONWAY Mgmt Withheld Against STEVEN G. ELLIOTT Mgmt For For LOUISE K. GOESER Mgmt For For STUART E. GRAHAM Mgmt Withheld Against STUART HEYDT Mgmt For For JAMES H. MILLER Mgmt For For CRAIG A. ROGERSON Mgmt For For NATICA VON ALTHANN Mgmt For For KEITH W. WILLIAMSON Mgmt For For 02 APPROVAL OF THE SHORT-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN Mgmt For For 03 RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT Mgmt For For REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM 04 ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Mgmt Against Against 05 ADVISORY VOTE ON THE FREQUENCY OF FUTURE EXECUTIVE Mgmt 1 Year For COMPENSATION VOTES 06 SHAREOWNER PROPOSAL - DIRECTOR ELECTION MAJORITY Shr For Against VOTE STANDARD PROPOSAL 07 SHAREOWNER PROPOSAL - SPECIAL SHAREOWNER MEETINGS Shr For Against -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTAR CORPORATION Agenda Number: 933393883 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 748356102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 10-May-2011 Ticker: STR ISIN: US7483561020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: TERESA BECK Mgmt For For 1B ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: R.D. CASH Mgmt For For 1C ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: LAURENCE M. DOWNES Mgmt For For 1D ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: RONALD W. JIBSON Mgmt For For 1E ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: GARY G. MICHAEL Mgmt For For 1F ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: BRUCE A. WILLIAMSON Mgmt For For 02 PROPOSAL TO RATIFY THE SELECTION OF ERNST & Mgmt For For YOUNG LLP AS THE COMPANY'S INDEPENDENT AUDITOR. 03 PROPOSAL FOR ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. Mgmt For For 04 TO RECOMMEND, BY NON-BINDING VOTE, THE FREQUENCY Mgmt 1 Year For OF EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION VOTES. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RWE AG, ESSEN Agenda Number: 702829017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: D6629K109 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 20-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: DE0007037129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management ACCORDING TO GERMAN LAW, IN CASE OF SPECIFIC Non-Voting No vote CONFLICTS OF INTEREST IN CONNECTION WITH SPECIFIC ITEMS OF THE AGENDA FOR THE GENERAL MEETING YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO EXERCISE YOUR VOTING RIGHTS. FURTHER, YOUR VOTING RIGHT MIGHT BE EXCLUDED WHEN YOUR SHARE IN VOTING RIGHTS HAS REACHED CERTAIN THRESHOLDS AND YOU HAVE NOT COMPLIED WITH ANY OF YOUR MANDATORY VOTING RIGHTS NOTIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO THE GERMAN SECURITIES TRADING ACT (WHPG). SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR DOUBTS IN THIS REGARD, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE SO THAT THIS ISSUE CAN BE CLARIFIED. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY INDICATION REGARDING SUCH CONFLICT OF INTEREST, OR ANOTHER EXCLUSION FROM VOTING, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR VOTE AS USUAL. THANK YOU. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE TRUE RECORD DATE FOR THIS Non-Voting No vote MEETING IS 30 MAR 2011, WHEREAS THE MEETING HAS BEEN SETUP USING THE ACTUAL RECORD DATE -1 BUSINESS DAY. THIS IS DONE TO ENSURE THAT ALL POSITIONS REPORTED ARE IN CONCURRENCE WITH THE GERMAN LAW. THANK YOU. COUNTER PROPOSALS MAY BE SUBMITTED UNTIL 05 Non-Voting No vote APR 2011. FURTHER INFORMATION ON COUNTER PROPOSALS CAN BE FOUND DIRECTLY ON THE ISSUER'S WEBSITE (PLEASE REFER TO THE MATERIAL URL SECTION OF THE APPLICATION). IF YOU WISH TO ACT ON THESE ITEMS, YOU WILL NEED TO REQUEST A MEETING ATTEND AND VOTE YOUR SHARES DIRECTLY AT THE COMPANY'S MEETING. 1. Presentation of the financial statements and Non-Voting No vote the abbreviated annual report for the 2010 financial year with the report of the Supervisory Board, the group financial statements and group annual report as well as the report on the control and risk management system, and the proposals for the appropriation of the distributable profit by the Board of MDs 2. Resolution on the appropriation of the distributable Mgmt For For profit of EUR 1,867,493,811.19 as follows: Payment of a dividend of EUR 3.50 per no-par share EUR 38,966.69 shall be carried forward Ex-dividend and payable date: April 21, 2011 3. Ratification of the acts of the Board of MDs Mgmt For For 4. Ratification of the acts of the Supervisory Mgmt For For Board 5. Appointment of auditors for the 2011 financial Mgmt For For year: PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Essen 6. Appointment of auditors for the review of the Mgmt For For financial report for the first half of the 2011 financial year: PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Essen 7.a. Election to the Supervisory Board: Paul Achleitner Mgmt For For 7.b. Election to the Supervisory Board: Carl-Ludwig Mgmt Against Against von Boehm-Benzing 7.c. Election to the Supervisory Board: Roger Graef Mgmt For For 7.d. Election to the Supervisory Board: Frithjof Mgmt Against Against Kuehn 7.e. Election to the Supervisory Board: Dagmar Muehlenfeld Mgmt Against Against 7.f. Election to the Supervisory Board: Manfred Schneider Mgmt Against Against 7.g. Election to the Supervisory Board: Ekkehard Mgmt For For D. Schulz 7.h. Election to the Supervisory Board: Wolfgang Mgmt For For Schuessel 7.i. Election to the Supervisory Board: Ullrich Sierau Mgmt Against Against 7.j. Election to the Supervisory Board: Dieter Zetsche Mgmt For For 8. Acquisition of own shares The company shall Mgmt For For be authorized to acquire own shares of up to 10 percent of its share capital, at a price not deviating more than 10 percent from the market price of the shares, on or before October 19, 2012. The Board of MDs shall be authorized to retire the shares, to use the shares for mergers and acquisitions, to dispose of the shares in a manner other than through the stock exchange or by way of a public offer to all shareholders at a price not materially below the market price of the shares, to use the shares for satisfying option and/or conversion rights, and to offer the shares to holders of conversion and/or option rights within the scope of a public offer to all shareholders 9. Amendment to Section 18 of the articles of association Mgmt For For in respect of the shareholders' meeting being authorized to the distribution of profit in cash instead of a distribution in kind -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOTTISH AND SOUTHERN ENERGY PLC, PERTH Agenda Number: 702517307 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G7885V109 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 22-Jul-2010 Ticker: ISIN: GB0007908733 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive the report and accounts Mgmt For For 2. Approve the remuneration report Mgmt For For 3. Declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 4. Re-appoint Nick Baldwin Mgmt For For 5. Re-appoint Richard Gillingwater Mgmt For For 6. Re-appoint Alistair Phillips-Davies Mgmt For For 7. Re-appoint KPMG Audit Plc as the Auditors Mgmt For For 8. Authorize the Directors to determine the Auditors' Mgmt For For remuneration 9. Grant authority for the allotment of shares Mgmt For For S.10 Approve to disapply pre-emption rights Mgmt For For S.11 Authorize the Company to purchase its own Ordinary Mgmt For For Shares S.12 Approve the 14 days' notice of general meetings Mgmt For For S.13 Adopt the new Articles of Association Mgmt For For 14. Authorize the Directors to offer a Scrip Dividend Mgmt For For Scheme -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEMPRA ENERGY Agenda Number: 933398566 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 816851109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 13-May-2011 Ticker: SRE ISIN: US8168511090 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: ALAN L. BOECKMANN Mgmt For For 1B ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JAMES G. BROCKSMITH JR. Mgmt For For 1C ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: DONALD E. FELSINGER Mgmt For For 1D ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: WILFORD D. GODBOLD JR. Mgmt For For 1E ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: WILLIAM D. JONES Mgmt For For 1F ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: WILLIAM G. OUCHI Mgmt For For 1G ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: CARLOS RUIZ Mgmt For For 1H ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: WILLIAM C. RUSNACK Mgmt For For 1I ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: WILLIAM P. RUTLEDGE Mgmt For For 1J ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: LYNN SCHENK Mgmt For For 1K ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: NEAL E. SCHMALE Mgmt For For 1L ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: LUIS M. TELLEZ Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC Mgmt For For ACCOUNTING FIRM. 03 ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. Mgmt For For 04 ADVISORY VOTE ON THE FREQUENCY OF ADVISORY VOTES Mgmt 1 Year For ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. 05 SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL TO ALLOW SHAREHOLDER ACTION Shr Against For BY WRITTEN CONSENT. 06 SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REGARDING RETIREMENT BENEFITS. Shr For Against 07 SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REGARDING SUSTAINABILITY. Shr Against For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SES S.A., LUXEMBOURG Agenda Number: 702880116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: L8300G135 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 07-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: LU0088087324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management cmmt PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO MEETING Non-Voting No vote ID 805154 DUE TO RECEIPT OF ADDITIONAL RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT IN ADDITION TO YOUR INSTRUCTION, A VOTING CERTIFICATE Non-Voting No vote MUST BE FILLED OUT BY THE BENEFICIAL OWNER AND BE SENT TO: BANQUE ET CAISSE D'EPARGNE DE L'ETAT, LUXEMBOURG SECURITIES DEPARTMENT V MESSRS. PAULO RIBEIRO AND PASCAL KOPP URG L-2954 LUXEMBOURG ALBERT II FAX +352 400 093 MAIL : CORPORATEACTIONS.SEC(AT)BCEE.LU 1 Attendance list, quorum and adoption of the Mgmt Abstain Against agenda 2 Nomination of a secretary and of two scrutineers Mgmt Abstain Against 3 Presentation by the Chairman of the Board of Mgmt Abstain Against Directors of the 2010 activities report of the Board 4 Presentation on the main developments during Mgmt Abstain Against 2010 and perspectives 5 Presentation of the 2010 financial results Mgmt Abstain Against 6 Presentation of the audit report Mgmt Abstain Against 7 Approval of the balance sheet and of the profit Mgmt For For and loss accounts as of December 31, 2010 8 Decision on allocation of 2010 profits Mgmt For For 9 Transfers between reserve accounts Mgmt For For 10 Discharge of the members of the Board of Directors Mgmt For For 11 Discharge of the auditor Mgmt For For 12 Appointment of the auditor for the year 2011 Mgmt For For and determination of its remuneration 13 Resolution on company acquiring own FDRs and/or Mgmt For For own A- or B-shares 14.a Renewal of the Board of Directors: Determination Mgmt Against Against of the number of Board members 14.b Renewal of the Board of Directors: Determination Mgmt For For of the duration of the mandate of Board members 14c.1 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category A Mr. Marc Beuls 14c.2 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category A Mr. Marcus Bicknell 14c.3 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category A Mrs. Bridget Cosgrave 14c.4 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category A Mr. Hadelin de Liedekerke Beaufort 14c.5 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category A Mr. Jacques Espinasse 14c.6 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category A Mr. Robert W. Ross 14c.7 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category A Mr. Karim Sabbagh 14c.8 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category A Mr. Christian Schaack 14c.9 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category A Mr. Terry Seddon 14c10 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category A Mr. Marc Speeckaert 14c11 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category A Mr. Gerd Tenzer 14c12 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt Against Against representing shareholders of category A Mr. Francois Tesch 14c13 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category B Mr. Serge Allegrezza 14c14 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category B Mr. Jean-Claude Finck 14c15 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category B Mr. Gaston Reinesch 14c16 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category B Mr. Victor Rod 14c17 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category B Mr. Rene Steichen 14c18 Appointment of the Board members: Candidates Mgmt For For representing shareholders of category B Mr. Jean-Paul Zens 14d.1 Determination of the duration of the mandate Mgmt For For of each appointed Board member: 1 year term: Mr. Hadelin de Liedekerke Beaufort, Mr. Christian Schaack, Mr. Marc Speeckaert, Mr. Gerd Tenzer, Mr. Serge Allegrezza, Mr. Victor Rod 14d.2 Determination of the duration of the mandate Mgmt For For of each appointed Board member: 2 year term: Mr. Jacques Espinasse, Mr. Robert W. Ross, Mr. Terry Seddon, Mr. Francois Tesch, Mr. Jean-Claude Finck, Mr. Gaston Reinesch 14d.3 Determination of the duration of the mandate Mgmt For For of each appointed Board member: 3 year term: Mr. Marc Beuls, Mr. Marcus Bicknell, Mrs. Bridget Cosgrave, Mr. Karim Sabbagh, Mr. Rene Steichen, Mr. Jean-Paul Zens 14.e Determination of the remuneration of Board members Mgmt For For 15 Miscellaneous Mgmt Abstain For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEVERN TRENT PLC Agenda Number: 702527132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G8056D159 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 20-Jul-2010 Ticker: ISIN: GB00B1FH8J72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Receive the reports and accounts Mgmt For For 2 Declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3 Approve the Directors remuneration report Mgmt For For 4 Re-appointment of Andrew Duff as a Director Mgmt For For 5 Re-appointment of Martin Kane as a Director Mgmt For For 6 Re-appointment of Martin Lamb as a Director Mgmt For For 7 Re-appointment of Baroness Noakes as a Director Mgmt For For 8 Re-appointment of Andy Smith as a Director Mgmt For For 9 Re-appoint the Auditors Mgmt For For 10 Authorize the Directors to determine Auditors Mgmt For For remuneration 11 Authorize the political donations Mgmt For For 12 Ratify the infringements of duty to restrict Mgmt For For borrowings 13 Authorize the allotment of shares Mgmt For For S.14 Approve to disapply pre emption rights Mgmt For For S.15 Authorize the purchase of own shares Mgmt For For S.16 Approve to reduce notice period for general Mgmt For For meetings S.17 Adopt new Articles of Association Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHENZHEN EXPWY CO Agenda Number: 703023414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y7741B107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 17-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: CNE100000478 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110330/LTN20110330629.pdf 1 To consider and approve the report of the directors Mgmt For For for the year 2010 2 To consider and approve the report of the supervisory Mgmt For For committee for the year 2010 3 To consider and approve the audited accounts Mgmt For For for the year 2010 4 To consider and approve the proposed distribution Mgmt For For scheme of profits for the year 2010 (including declaration of final dividend) 5 To consider and approve the budget report for Mgmt For For the year 2011 6 To consider and approve that PricewaterhouseCoopers Mgmt For For Zhong Tian CPAs Company Limited be appointed as the auditors of the Company for 2011 and undertake the role of the international auditors in compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited at the annual audit fees of RMB 2,980,000, and that Messrs. PricewaterhouseCoopers (Certified Public Accountants, Hong Kong) be no more appointed as the international auditors 7 To consider and approve the resolution in relation Mgmt For For to the grant of a general mandate to the board of directors of the Company to issue debentures denominated in Renminbi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SICHUAN EXPRESSWAY CO LTD Agenda Number: 702623491 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y79325109 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 16-Nov-2010 Ticker: ISIN: CNE100000494 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20100929/LTN20100929208.pdf 1 To approve the proposed issue of Debt Financing Mgmt For For Instruments and to grant authority to the Board or any two Directors to deal with the matters relating to the issue of the Debt Financing Instruments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNAM RETE GAS SPA Agenda Number: 702838244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: T8578L107 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 13-Apr-2011 Ticker: ISIN: IT0003153415 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE EVENT THE MEETING DOES NOT Non-Voting No vote REACH QUORUM, THERE WILL BE A SECOND CALL ON 14 APR 2011. CONSEQUENTLY, YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS WILL REMAIN VALID FOR ALL CALLS UNLESS THE AGENDA IS AMENDED. THANK YOU. 1 Balance sheet as 31 December 2010. Consolidated Mgmt For For balance sheet as of 31 December 2010. Directors, board of auditors and auditing company's reportings. Related resolutions 2 Profits allocation and dividend distribution Mgmt For For 3 Amendment to the Snam Rete Gas Spa shareholder's Mgmt For For meeting regulations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPARK INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP Agenda Number: 702712375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q8604W120 Meeting Type: SCH Meeting Date: 09-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000SKI7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE BELOW RESOLUTION IS FOR THE SPARK Non-Voting No vote INFRASTRUCTURE HOLDINGS NO 1 LIMITED. THANK YOU. 1 Approval of the spark holdings 1 member scheme Mgmt For For CMMT PLEASE NOTE BELOW RESOLUTION IS FOR THE SPARK Non-Voting No vote INFRASTRUCTURE HOLDINGS NO 2 LIMITED. THANK YOU. 1 Approval of the spark holdings 2 member scheme Mgmt For For CMMT PLEASE NOTE BELOW RESOLUTION IS FOR THE SPARK Non-Voting No vote INFRASTRUCTURE RE LIMITED. THANK YOU. 1 Approval of the note scheme Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPARK INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP Agenda Number: 702716866 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q8604W120 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 09-Dec-2010 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000SKI7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE BELOW RESOLUTION IS FOR THE SPARK Non-Voting No vote INFRASTRUCTURE TRUST ("SPARK TRUST") - EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING 1 Amendments to the Spark Trust Constitution, Mgmt For For including the Stapling Provisions CMMT PLEASE NOTE BELOW RESOLUTION IS FOR THE SPARK Non-Voting No vote INFRASTRUCTURE RE LIMITED - EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. THANK YOU 1 Amendments to the Loan Note Trust Deed, including Mgmt For For the Stapling Provisions 2 Direction to the Note Trustee to execute any Mgmt For For supplemental deeds to give effect to proposed Loan Note Trust Deed amendments and to do all things necessary or desirable to give effect to or incidental to the Restructure, including resolution 1 CMMT PLEASE NOTE BELOW RESOLUTION IS FOR THE SPARK Non-Voting No vote INFRASTRUCTURE HOLDINGS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED ("SPARK INTERNATIONAL") - EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. THANK YOU 1 Amendments to the Spark International Memorandum Mgmt For For and Articles of Association, including the Stapling Provisions 2 Approve redemption of ordinary shares in Spark Mgmt For For International 3 Direction to CHESS Depositary Nominees Pty Ltd Mgmt For For to do all things necessary or desirable to give effect to or incidental to the Restructure, including resolutions 1 and 2 CMMT PLEASE NOTE BELOW RESOLUTION IS FOR THE SPARK Non-Voting No vote INFRASTRUCTURE HOLDINGS NO.1 LIMITED - EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. THANK YOU 1 Amendments to the Spark Holdings 1 Constitution, Mgmt For For including the Stapling Provisions CMMT PLEASE NOTE BELOW RESOLUTION IS FOR THE SPARK Non-Voting No vote INFRASTRUCTURE HOLDINGS NO.2 LIMITED - EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. THANK YOU 1 Amendments to the Spark Holdings 2 Constitution, Mgmt For For including the Stapling Provisions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPARK INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP Agenda Number: 702980663 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q8604W120 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 20-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000SKI7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT VOTING EXCLUSIONS APPLY TO THIS MEETING FOR Non-Voting No vote PROPOSALS 1 TO 3 AND VOTES CAST BY ANY INDIVIDUAL OR RELATED PARTY WHO BENEFIT FROM THE PASSING OF THE PROPOSAL/S WILL BE DISREGARDED BY THE COMPANY. HENCE, IF YOU HAVE OBTAINED BENEFIT OR EXPECT TO OBTAIN FUTURE BENEFIT YOU SHOULD NOT VOTE (OR VOTE "ABSTAIN") ON THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL ITEMS. BY DOING SO, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE OBTAINED BENEFIT OR EXPECT TO OBTAIN BENEFIT BY THE PASSING OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL/S. BY VOTING (FOR OR AGAINST) ON PROPOSALS (1 TO 3), YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE NOT OBTAINED BENEFIT NEITHER EXPECT TO OBTAIN BENEFIT BY THE PASSING OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL/S AND YOU COMPLY WITH THE VOTING EXCLUSION. 1 Remuneration report Mgmt For For 2 Election of Director: Cheryl Bart AO Mgmt For For 3 Election of Director: Brian Scullin Mgmt For For CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF VOTING EXCLUSION COMMENT. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPARK INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP Agenda Number: 703040662 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q8604W120 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 20-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000SKI7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Approve the internalisation of the management Mgmt For For function as described in the Explanatory Memorandum and Notice of Meeting 2 Elect Mr Andrew Fay as a Director of Spark Infrastructure Mgmt For For RE Limited, Spark Infrastructure Holdings No. 1 Limited (to be renamed Spark Infrastructure Holdings No. 1 Pty Limited), Spark Infrastructure Holdings No. 2 Limited (to be renamed Spark Infrastructure Holdings No. 2 Pty Limited), Spark Infrastructure Holdings International Limited (to be renamed Spark Infrastructure Holdings No. 3 Pty Limited) and CKI RREEF JV Holdings Pty Limited 3 Elect Ms Laura Reed as Managing Director of Mgmt For For Spark Infrastructure RE Limited, Spark Infrastructure Holdings No. 1 Limited (to be renamed Spark Infrastructure Holdings No. 1 Pty Limited), Spark Infrastructure Holdings No. 2 Limited (to be renamed Spark Infrastructure Holdings No. 2 Pty Limited), Spark Infrastructure Holdings International Limited (to be renamed Spark Infrastructure Holdings No. 3 Pty Limited) and CKI RREEF JV Holdings Pty Limited CMMT VOTING EXCLUSIONS APPLY TO THIS MEETING FOR Non-Voting No vote PROPOSALS 1 TO 3 AND VOTES CAST BY ANY INDIVIDUAL OR RELATED PARTY WHO BENEFIT FROM THE PASSING OF THE PROPOSAL/S WILL BE DISREGARDED BY THE COMPANY. HENCE, IF YOU HAVE OBTAINED BENEFIT OR EXPECT TO OBTAIN FUTURE BENEFIT YOU SHOULD NOT VOTE (OR VOTE "ABSTAIN") ON THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL ITEMS. BY DOING SO, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE OBTAINED BENEFIT OR EXPECT TO OBTAIN BENEFIT BY THE PASSING OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL/S. BY VOTING (FOR OR AGAINST) ON PROPOSALS (1 TO 3), YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE NOT OBTAINED BENEFIT NEITHER EXPECT TO OBTAIN BENEFIT BY THE PASSING OF THE RELEVANT PROPOSAL/S AND YOU COMPLY WITH THE VOTING EXCLUSION. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF VOTING EXCLUSION COMMENT. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT COMPANY, PARIS Agenda Number: 702961966 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: F4984P118 Meeting Type: MIX Meeting Date: 19-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: FR0010613471 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE FRENCH MARKET THAT THE ONLY Non-Voting No vote VALID VOTE OPTIONS ARE "FOR" AND "AGAINST" A VOTE OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED AS AN "AGAINST" VOTE. CMMT French Resident Shareowners must complete, sign Non-Voting No vote and forward the Proxy Card directly to the sub custodian. Please contact your Client Service Representative to obtain the necessary card, account details and directions. The following applies to Non-Resident Shareowners: Proxy Cards: Voting instructions will be forwarded to the Global Custodians that have become Registered Intermediaries, on the Vote Deadline Date. In capacity as Registered Intermediary, the Global Custodian will sign the Proxy Card and forward to the local custodian. If you are unsure whether your Global Custodian acts as Registered Intermediary, please contact your representative CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL MEETING Non-Voting No vote INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE BY CLICKING ON THE MATERIAL URL LINK: https://balo.journal-officiel.gouv.fr/pdf/2011/0413/201104131101270.pdf O.1 Approval of the corporate financial statements Mgmt For For for the financial year ended December 31, 2010 O.2 Approval of the consolidated financial statements Mgmt For For for the financial year ended December 31, 2010 O.3 Allocation of income for the financial year Mgmt For For ended December 31, 2010 O.4 Option to pay dividend in shares Mgmt For For O.5 Approval of the regulated Agreements and Commitments Mgmt For For pursuant to Articles L. 225-38 et seq. and L.225-42-1 of the Commercial Code O.6 Ratification of the registered office transfer Mgmt For For O.7 Ratification of the cooptation of Mrs. Penelope Mgmt Against Against Chalmers-Small as Board member O.8 Appointment of Mrs. Valerie Bernis as Board Mgmt Against Against member O.9 Appointment of Mr. Nicolas Bazire as Board member Mgmt For For O.10 Appointment of Mr. Jean-Francois Cirelli as Mgmt Against Against Board member O.11 Appointment of Mr. Lorenz d'este as Board member Mgmt For For O.12 Appointment of Mr. Gerard Lamarche as Board Mgmt Against Against member O.13 Appointment of Mr. Olivier Pirotte as Board Mgmt Against Against member O.14 Authorization to allow the Company to trade Mgmt For For its own shares E.15 Authorization to be granted to the Board of Mgmt For For Directors to reduce share capital by cancellation of treasury shares of the Company E.16 Delegation of authority granted to the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to carry out a share capital increase, with cancellation of preferential subscription rights, in favor of a given category (ies) of designated beneficiaries as part of the implementation of international employee share ownership and savings plans of the Suez Environnement Group E.17 Powers to accomplish all formalities Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T.E.R.N.A.- RETE ELETTRICA NAZIONALE SPA, ROMA Agenda Number: 703017574 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: T9471R100 Meeting Type: MIX Meeting Date: 12-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: IT0003242622 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE EVENT THE MEETING DOES NOT Non-Voting No vote REACH QUORUM, THERE WILL BE A SECOND CALL ON 13 MAY 2011 AT 14.30 (AND A THIRD CALL FOR EGM ON 14 MAY 2011 AT 11.00). CONSEQUENTLY, YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS WILL REMAIN VALID FOR ALL CALLS UNLESS THE AGENDA IS AMENDED. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL MEETING Non-Voting No vote INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE BY CLICKING ON THE MATERIAL URL LINKS: https://materials.proxyvote.com/Approved/99999Z/19840101/NPS_88029.PDF O.1 Financial Statement as of December 31, 2010. Mgmt For For Reports by the Board of Directors, the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Independent Auditors. Related resolutions. Presentation of the Consolidated Financial Statement as of December 31, 2010 O.2 Allocation of the net income of the fiscal year Mgmt For For O.3 Determination of the number of members of the Mgmt For For Board of Directors and their term of office CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT ALTHOUGH THERE ARE 3 SLATES Non-Voting No vote TO BE ELECTED AS DIRECTORS, THERE IS ONLY 1 VACANCY AVAILABLE TO BE FILLED AT THE MEETING. THE STANDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS MEETING WILL BE DISABLED AND, IF YOU CHOOSE, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO VOTE FOR ONLY 1 OF THE 3 SLATES. THANK YOU. O.4.1 Appointment of the members of the Board of Directors: Shr No vote list presented by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti - CDP shareholder of Terna with 599,999,999 ordinary shares, equal to 29.86% of the share capital: Luigi Piergiuseppe Ferdinando Roth, Flavio Cattaneo, Andrea Camporese, Paolo Dal Pino, Matteo Del Fante and Michele Polo O.4.2 Appointment of the members of the Board of Directors: Shr No vote candidate presented by ENEL S.p.A owner of more than 1% of Terna's share capital: Simone Mori O.4.3 Appointment of the members of the Board of Directors: Shr For Against list presented by Romano Minozzi, Iris Ceramica S.p.A, Castellarano Fiandre S.p.A, Fortifer S.A., A.T.S. Finanziaria s.r.l., Canalfin S.p.A., Finanziaria Cer. Castellarano S.p.A and Fincea S.p.A together holders of 4.858% of Terna: Romano Minozzi, Fabio Buscarini and Salvatore Machi O.5 Appointment of the Chairman of the Board of Mgmt For For Directors O.6 Determination of the remuneration of the members Mgmt Against Against of the Board of Directors 0000 PLEASE NOTE THAT ALTHOUGH THERE ARE 2 SLATES Non-Voting No vote TO BE ELECTED AS AUDITORS, THERE IS ONLY 1 VACANCY AVAILABLE TO BE FILLED AT THE MEETING. THE STANDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THIS MEETING WILL BE DISABLED AND, IF YOU CHOOSE, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO VOTE FOR ONLY 1 OF THE 2 SLATES. THANK YOU O.7.1 Appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors: Shr Against For list presented by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti - CDP shareholder of Terna with 599,999,999 ordinary shares, equal to 29.86% of the share capital: Standing Auditors: Alberto Luigi Gusmeroli and Lorenzo Pozza and Alternate Auditor: Flavio Pizzini O.7.2 Appointment of the members of the Board of Directors: Shr For Against list presented by Romano Minozzi, Iris Ceramica S.p.A, Castellarano Fiandre S.p.A, Fortifer S.A., A.T.S. Finanziaria s.r.l., Canalfin S.p.A., Finanziaria Cer. Castellarano S.p.A and Fincea S.p.A together holders of 4.858% of Terna: Statutory Auditor: Luca Aurelio Guarna and Standing Auditor: Stefania Bettoni O.8 Determination of the remuneration of the Statutory Mgmt For For Auditors of the Board of Statutory Auditors O.9 Mandate for the statutory auditing for the 2011 Mgmt For For - 2019 period, and consequent resolutions O.10 Adapting the Regulations of the meetings to Mgmt For For the provisions of Legislative Decree No. 27 of January 27, 2010. Amendments to articles1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 4.2, 4.8, 6.4 and 6.6 E.1 Amendments to Art 9.1 and Art 13 of the Corporate Mgmt For For Bylaws, respectively, in compliance with the provisions introduced by Art 1 of Legislative Decree No. 27 of January 27, 2010 and for the implementation of the Procedure for Related Party Transactions under the "Regulations on provisions relating to Transactions with Related Parties" (adopted by Consob with Resolution No. 17221 of March 12, 2010 and as subsequently amended by Resolution No. 17389 of June 23, 2010) as well as the re-numbering of the individual paragraphs that make up Art 13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE HONG KONG AND CHINA GAS COMPANY LIMITED Agenda Number: 703020139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y33370100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 03-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: HK0003000038 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE HONG KONG MARKET THAT A VOTE Non-Voting No vote OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED THE SAME AS A "TAKE NO ACTION" VOTE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE IS AVAILABLE Non-Voting No vote BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINK: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110421/LTN20110421590.pdf 1 To receive and consider the statement of accounts Mgmt For For for the financial year ended 31st December 2010 and the reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon 2 To declare a final dividend Mgmt For For 3.I To re-elect Dr. the Hon. Lee Shau Kee as Director Mgmt For For 3.II To re-elect Mr. Colin Lam Ko Yin as Director Mgmt Against Against 3.III To re-elect Dr. the Hon. David Li Kwok Po as Mgmt Against Against Director 3.IV To re-elect Mr. Alfred Chan Wing Kin as Director Mgmt For For 4 To re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as Auditors Mgmt For For and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration 5.I To approve the issue of Bonus Shares Mgmt For For 5.II To approve the renewal of the general mandate Mgmt For For to the Directors for repurchase of Shares 5.III To approve the renewal of the general mandate Mgmt Against Against to the Directors for the issue of additional Shares 5.IV To authorise the Board of Directors to allot, Mgmt Against Against issue or otherwise deal with additional Shares equal to the number of Shares repurchased under Resolution 5(II) 5.V To approve the amendments to the Company's Articles Mgmt For For of Association -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE KANSAI ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY,INCORPORATED Agenda Number: 703150881 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: J30169106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 29-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: JP3228600007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management Please reference meeting materials. Non-Voting No vote 1. Approve Appropriation of Retained Earnings Mgmt For For 2.1 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.2 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.3 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.4 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.5 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.6 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.7 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.8 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.9 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.10 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.11 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.12 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.13 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.14 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.15 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.16 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.17 Appoint a Director Mgmt Against Against 2.18 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.19 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 3.1 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 3.2 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 3.3 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 3.4 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 3.5 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 3.6 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt Against Against 3.7 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 4. Approve Payment of Bonuses to Directors Mgmt For For 5. Shareholders' Proposal: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Additional Article to Run the Company Based on International Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Standards 6. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Amendment of Article with Regard to Official Minutes of Shareholders' Meeting for Website Disclosure 7. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Reduce Total Number of Directors within 12 8. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Reduce Total Number of Corporate Auditors within 6, and Ensure 3 of them Recommended by Environmental NGOs 9. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Additional Article With Regard to Business Operation Based on CSR For Global Environment Conservation 10. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Additional Article With Regard to Business Operation Based on CSR to Declare Change From Nuclear Power Generation to Natural Energy Generation 11. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Additional Article With Regard to Business Operation Based on CSR to Abandon All-Electric Policy 12. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Additional Article With Regard to Business Operation Based on CSR to Improve Basic Human Rights for Employees, Consumers and Local Residents, and Always Prioritize Improvement of Work Environment of Whole Group of the Company 13. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Additional Article With Regard to Business Operation Based on CSR to Always Prioritize Business Investment and Manpower Maintenance For Enhancement Lifeline Utilities 14. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Additional Article With Regard to Business Operation Based on CSR to Develop Power Network Throughout Japan 15. Shareholders' Proposals: Approve Appropriation Shr Against For of Retained Earnings 16. Shareholders' Proposals: Remove a Director Shr Against For 17. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Close of Nuclear Power Stations Without Radiation Treatment System 18. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Additional Article With Regard to Suspension of Compensation for Directors Until Abandonment of Nuclear Power Generation 19. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Additional Article With Regard to Establishment of Examination Committee for Seismic Adequacy of Nuclear Power Stations 20. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Additional Article With Regard to Abandonment of Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing 21. Shareholders' Proposals: Amend Articles of Incorporation- Shr Against For Require Additional Article With Regard to Freeze Plutonium-thermal Project -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SOUTHERN COMPANY Agenda Number: 933425402 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 842587107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 25-May-2011 Ticker: SO ISIN: US8425871071 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR J.P. BARANCO Mgmt For For J.A. BOSCIA Mgmt For For H.A. CLARK III Mgmt For For T.A. FANNING Mgmt For For H.W. HABERMEYER, JR. Mgmt For For V.M. HAGEN Mgmt For For W.A. HOOD, JR. Mgmt For For D.M. JAMES Mgmt For For D.E. KLEIN Mgmt For For J.N. PURCELL Mgmt For For W.G. SMITH, JR. Mgmt For For S.R. SPECKER Mgmt For For L.D. THOMPSON Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE Mgmt For For & TOUCHE LLP AS THE COMPANY'S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR 2011 03 ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Mgmt For For 04 ADVISORY VOTE ON THE FREQUENCY OF VOTE ON EXECUTIVE Mgmt 1 Year For COMPENSATION 05 APPROVAL OF OMNIBUS INCENTIVE COMPENSATION PLAN Mgmt For For 06 STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL ON COAL COMBUSTION BYPRODUCTS Shr Against For ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE TOKYO ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY,INCORPORATED Agenda Number: 703157087 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: J86914108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: JP3585800000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management Please reference meeting materials. Non-Voting No vote 1.1 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.2 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.3 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.4 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.5 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.6 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.7 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.8 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.9 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.10 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.11 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.12 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.13 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.14 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.15 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.16 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 1.17 Election of a Director Mgmt For For 2.1 Election of an Auditor Mgmt For For 2.2 Election of an Auditor Mgmt For For 3. Shareholders' Proposals : Partial Amendments Shr Against For to the Articles of Incorporation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE WILLIAMS COMPANIES, INC. Agenda Number: 933416821 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 969457100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 19-May-2011 Ticker: WMB ISIN: US9694571004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: ALAN S. ARMSTRONG Mgmt For For 1B ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JOSEPH R. CLEVELAND Mgmt For For 1C ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JUANITA H. HINSHAW Mgmt For For 1D ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: FRANK T. MACINNIS Mgmt For For 1E ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JANICE D. STONEY Mgmt For For 1F ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: LAURA A. SUGG Mgmt For For 02 RATIFICATION OF ERNST & YOUNG LLP AS AUDITORS Mgmt For For FOR 2011. 03 ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. Mgmt For For 04 ADVISORY VOTE ON THE FREQUENCY OF FUTURE ADVISORY Mgmt 1 Year For VOTES ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOKYO GAS CO.,LTD. Agenda Number: 703112881 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: J87000105 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 29-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: JP3573000001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management Please reference meeting materials. Non-Voting No vote 1. Approve Appropriation of Retained Earnings Mgmt For For 2.1 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.2 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.3 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.4 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.5 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.6 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.7 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.8 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.9 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.10 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 2.11 Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 3. Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSCANADA CORPORATION Agenda Number: 933379706 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 89353D107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 29-Apr-2011 Ticker: TRP ISIN: CA89353D1078 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR K.E. BENSON Mgmt For For D.H. BURNEY Mgmt For For W.K. DOBSON Mgmt For For E.L. DRAPER Mgmt For For P. GAUTHIER Mgmt For For R.K. GIRLING Mgmt For For S.B. JACKSON Mgmt For For P.L. JOSKOW Mgmt For For J.A. MACNAUGHTON Mgmt For For D.P. O'BRIEN Mgmt For For W.T. STEPHENS Mgmt For For D.M.G. STEWART Mgmt For For 02 APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Mgmt For For AS AUDITORS AND AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION. 03 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRANSCANADA CORPORATION'S Mgmt For For APPROACH TO EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION, AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING MANAGEMENT PROXY CIRCULAR. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSURBAN GROUP, MELBOURNE VIC Agenda Number: 702617587 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Q9194A106 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 26-Oct-2010 Ticker: ISIN: AU000000TCL6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT IF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE MEETINGS IS YOUR PROXY Non-Voting No vote AND YOU HAVE NOT DIRECTED HIM/HER HOW TO VOTE ON ITEMS 5 & 6 BELOW, PLEASE MARK THE BOX IN THIS SECTION. IF YOU DO NOT MARK THIS BOX AND YOU HAVE NOT DIRECTED YOUR PROXY HOW TO VOTE, THE CHAIRMAN OF THE MEETINGS WILL NOT CAST YOUR VOTES ON ITEMS 5 & 6 AND YOUR VOTES WILL NOT BE COUNTED IN COMPUTING THE REQUIRED MAJORITY IF A POLL IS CALLED ON THESE ITEMS. THE CHAIRMAN OF THE MEETINGS INTENDS TO VOTE UNDIRECTED PROXIES IN FAVOUR OF ITEMS 5 & 6 OF BUSINESS. 2.a Elect Bob Officer as a Director of THL Mgmt For For 2.b Re-elect Geoff Cosgriff as a Director of THL Mgmt For For 2.c Re-elect Jeremy Davis as a Director of THL Mgmt For For 2.d Re-elect Jennifer Eve as a Director of TIL Mgmt For For 3 Adopt the remuneration report (THL only) Mgmt For For 4 Re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as the Auditors Mgmt For For of TIL (TIL only) 5 Approve the grant of Performance Awards to the Mgmt For For CEO (THL, TIL & THT) 6 Approve the Non-Executive Director Remuneration Mgmt For For (THL, TIL & THT) CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO CHANGE Non-Voting No vote IN TEXT OF RESOLUTION NUMBER 2.D AND CHANGE IN VOTING EXCLUSION COMMENT. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNITED UTILITIES GROUP PLC, WARRINGTON Agenda Number: 702532640 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G92755100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 23-Jul-2010 Ticker: ISIN: GB00B39J2M42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Receive the financial statements and the reports Mgmt For For of the Directors and Auditors for the YE 31 MAR 2010 2. Declare a final dividend of 23.13 pence per Mgmt For For ordinary share 3. Approve the Directors' remuneration report for Mgmt For For the YE 31 MAR 2010 4. Re-appoint Charlie Cornish as a Director Mgmt For For 5. Re-appoint Dr. Catherine Bell as a Director Mgmt For For 6. Re-appoint Nick Salmon as a Director Mgmt For For 7. Re-appoint Deloitte LLP as the Auditors of the Mgmt For For Company 8. Authorize the Directors to set the Auditors' Mgmt For For remuneration 9. Authorize the Board to allot ordinary shares Mgmt For For pursuant to Section 551 of the Companies Act 2006 ('the Act') in the Company and to grant rights to subscribe for or convert any security into ordinary shares in the Company: (A) up to a nominal amount of GBP 11,358,933 (such amount to be reduced by the nominal amount allotted or granted under Paragraph (B) below in excess of such sum); and (B) comprising equity securities (as defined in Section 560(1) of the Act) up to a nominal amount of GBP 22,717,867 (such amount to be reduced by any allotments or grants made under Paragraph (A) above) in connection with an offer by way of a rights issue: (i) to ordinary shareholders in proportion (as nearly as may be practicable) to their existing holdings; and (ii) to holders of other equity securities as required by the rights of those securities or as the Board otherwise considers necessary; and so that the board may impose any limits or restrictions and make any arrangements which it considers necessary or appropriate to deal with treasury shares, fractional entitlements, record dates, legal, regulatory or practical problems in, or under the laws of, any territory or any other matter; [Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or 22 OCT 2011]; and the Directors may allot shares or grant rights after the expiry of this authority in pursuance of such an offer or agreement made prior to such expiry S.10 Authorize the Board, if Resolution 9 is passed Mgmt For For to allot equity securities (as defined in the Companies Act 2006 ('the Act')) for cash under the authority given by that resolution and/or to sell ordinary shares of five pence each held by the Company as treasury shares for cash as if Section 561 of the Act did not apply to any such allotment or sale, such power to be limited: (A) to the allotment of equity securities and sale of treasury shares for cash in connection with an offer of, or invitation to apply for, equity securities (but in the case of the authority granted under Paragraph (B) of Resolution 9, by way of a rights issue only): (i) to ordinary shareholders in proportion (as nearly as may be practicable) to their existing holdings; and (ii) to holders of other equity securities, as required by the rights of those securities or, as the Board otherwise considers necessary, and so that the Board may impose any limits or restrictions and make any arrangements which it considers necessary or appropriate to deal with treasury shares, fractional entitlements, record dates, legal, regulatory or practical problems in, or under the laws of, any territory or any other matter; and (B) in the case of the authority granted under Paragraph (A) of Resolution 9 and/or in the case of any sale of treasury shares for cash, to the allotment (otherwise than under Paragraph (A) above) of equity securities or sale of treasury shares up to a nominal amount of GBP 1,703,840; [Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or 22 OCT 2011]; and the Company may make offers, and enter into agreements which would, or might, require equity securities to be allotted (and treasury shares to be sold) and the Directors may allot equity securities (and sell treasury shares) under any such offer or agreement as if the power had not ended S.11 Authorize the Company, for the purposes of Section Mgmt For For 701 of the Companies Act 2006 ('the Act') to make one or more market purchases (as defined in Section 693(4) of the Act) of its ordinary shares of 5 pence each, such power to be limited: (A) to a maximum number of 68,153,603 ordinary shares; (B) by the condition that the minimum price which may be paid for an ordinary share is the nominal amount of that share and the maximum price which may be paid for an ordinary share is the higher of: (i) an amount equal to 5% above the average market value of an ordinary share for the 5 business days immediately preceding the day on which that ordinary share is contracted to be purchased; and (ii) the higher of the price of the last independent trade and the highest current independent bid on the trading venues where the purchase is carried out, in each case, exclusive of expenses; [Authority expires the earlier of the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company or 22 OCT 2011]; the Company, before the expiry, may make a contract to purchase ordinary shares which will or may be executed wholly or partly after such expiry S.12 Approve a general meeting other than an AGM Mgmt For For may be called on not less than 14 clear days' notice S.13 Amend the Articles of Association of the Company Mgmt For For by deleting all the provisions of the Company's Memorandum of Association which, by virtue of Section 28 of the Companies Act 2006, are to be treated as provisions of the Company's Articles of Association and the Articles of Association produced to the meeting and initialled by the Chairman of the meeting for the purpose of identification be adopted as the Articles of Association of the Company in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the existing Articles of Association 14. Authorize the Company, in accordance with Part Mgmt For For 14 of the Companies Act 2006 ('the Act'), the Company and each Company which is or becomes a subsidiary of the Company at any time during the period for which this resolution has effect: (A) to make political donations to political parties and/or independent election candidates to which Part 14 of the Act applies, not exceeding GBP 50,000 in total; (B) to make political donations to political organizations other than political parties, not exceeding GBP 50,000 in total; and (C) to incur political expenditure, not exceeding GBP 50,000 in total; in any event, the aggregate amount of political donations and political expenditure made or incurred by the Company and its subsidiaries pursuant to this resolution shall not exceed GBP 150,000; [Authority expires at the conclusion of the next AGM of the Company and 22 OCT 2011] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VINCI SA, RUEIL MALMAISON Agenda Number: 702860784 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: F5879X108 Meeting Type: MIX Meeting Date: 02-May-2011 Ticker: ISIN: FR0000125486 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE FRENCH MARKET THAT THE ONLY Non-Voting No vote VALID VOTE OPTIONS ARE "FOR" AND "AGAINST" A VOTE OF "ABSTAIN" WILL BE TREATED AS AN "AGAINST" VOTE. CMMT French Resident Shareowners must complete, sign Non-Voting No vote and forward the Proxy Card directly to the sub custodian. Please contact your Client Service Representative to obtain the necessary card, account details and directions. The following applies to Non-Resident Shareowners: Proxy Cards: Voting instructions will be forwarded to the Global Custodians that have become Registered Intermediaries, on the Vote Deadline Date. In capacity as Registered Intermediary, the Global Custodian will sign the Proxy Card and forward to the local custodian. If you are unsure whether your Global Custodian acts as Registered Intermediary, please contact your representative CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL MEETING Non-Voting No vote INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE BY CLICKING ON THE MATERIAL URL LINKS: https://balo.journal-officiel.gouv.fr/pdf/2011/0325/201103251100853.pdf AND https://balo.journal-officiel.gouv.fr/pdf/2011/0411/201104111101132.pdf O.1 Approval of the consolidated financial statements Mgmt For For for the financial year 2010 O.2 Approval of the corporate financial statements Mgmt For For for the financial year 2010 O.3 Allocation of income for the financial year Mgmt For For 2010 O.4 Renewal of Mrs. Pascale Sourisse's term as Board Mgmt For For member O.5 Renewal of Mr. Robert Castaigne's term as Board Mgmt For For member O.6 Renewal of Mr. Jean-Bernard Levy's term as Board Mgmt For For member O.7 Appointment of Mrs. Elisabeth Boyer as Board Mgmt For For member representing employee shareholders pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Statutes O.8 Appointment of Mr. Gerard Duez as Board member Mgmt Against Against representing employee shareholders pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Statutes O.9 Appointment of Mr. Gerard Francon as Board member Mgmt Against Against representing employee shareholders pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Statutes O.10 Appointment of Mr. Bernard Klemm as Board member Mgmt Against Against representing employee shareholders pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Statutes O.11 Appointment of Mr. Bernard Chabalier as Board Mgmt Against Against member representing employee shareholders pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Statutes O.12 Appointment of Mr. Jean-Luc Lebouil as Board Mgmt Against Against member representing employee shareholders pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Statutes O.13 Appointment of Mr. Denis Marchal as Board member Mgmt Against Against representing employee shareholders pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Statutes O.14 Appointment of Mr. Rolland Sabatier as Board Mgmt Against Against member representing employee shareholders pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Statutes O.15 Appointment of Mr. Pascal Taccoen as Board member Mgmt Against Against representing employee shareholders pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Statutes O.16 Appointment of Mr. Cosimo Lupo as Board member Mgmt Against Against representing employee shareholders pursuant to the provisions of Article 11 of the Statutes O.17 Renewing the delegation of powers to the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to allow the Company to purchase its own shares O.18 Approval of the Agreements concluded by Vinci Mgmt For For as part of the renegotiation of the financing documents of Prado Sud E.19 Renewing the authorization granted to the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to reduce share capital by cancellation of Vinci shares held by the Company E.20 Delegation of authority granted to the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to increase share capital by incorporation of reserves, profits or issuance premiums E.21 Delegation of authority granted to the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to issue - while maintaining shareholders' preferential subscription rights - any shares and securities providing access to share capital of the Company or to its subsidiaries' E.22 Delegation of authority granted to the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to issue bonds convertible into and/or exchangeable for new and/or existing shares (Oceanes) of the Company and/or of its subsidiaries with cancellation of preferential subscription rights E.23 Delegation of authority granted to the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to issue any securities representing debt securities and providing access to share capital of the Company and/or of its subsidiaries, other than bonds convertible into and/or exchangeable for new and/or existing shares (Oceanes) with cancellation of preferential subscription rights E.24 Authorization to be granted to the Board of Mgmt For For Directors to increase the number of issuable securities in case of surplus demands E.25 Delegation granted to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For to issue any shares and securities providing access to share capital, in consideration for in-kind contributions of stocks or securities granted to the Company E.26 Delegation of authority to the Board of Directors Mgmt For For to carry out capital increases reserved for employees of the Company and Vinci Group companies in the context of savings plans E.27 Delegation of authority granted to the Board Mgmt For For of Directors to carry out capital increases reserved for a category of beneficiaries in order to offer to employees of certain foreign subsidiaries the same benefits than those offered to employees participating directly or indirectly by way of a corporate mutual fund (FCPE) in a savings plan E.28 Authorization to the Board of Directors to grant Mgmt Against Against share subscription options to employees pursuant to the provisions of Articles L.225-177 et seq. of the Commercial Code E.29 Powers for the formalities Mgmt For For CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT Non-Voting No vote OF ADDITIONAL URL. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEST JAPAN RAILWAY COMPANY Agenda Number: 703115522 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: J95094108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 23-Jun-2011 Ticker: ISIN: JP3659000008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management With regard to Proposition No. 5 (Dismissal Non-Voting No vote of Director) made by some of our shareholders, we, all members of the Board of Directors of the Company, object to it as described in the "Reference Document for the General Meeting of Shareholders". If you agree with us, we would advise you to vote "AGAINST" Proposition No. 5. 1. Approve Appropriation of Retained Earnings Mgmt For For 2. Amend Articles to: Establish Articles Related Mgmt For For to adopted resolutions for a stock split to subdivide each share into 100 shares and the adoption of a unit-of-share system under which the number of shares constituting one unit of shares should be 100 shares (As a result, Capital Shares will be 800,000,000 shares), Adopt Reduction of Liability System for Outside Directors, Adopt Reduction of Liability System for Outside Auditors 3. Appoint a Director Mgmt For For 4.1 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 4.2 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 4.3 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt Against Against 4.4 Appoint a Corporate Auditor Mgmt For For 5. Shareholders' Proposals: Dismissal of Director Shr Against For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WISCONSIN ENERGY CORPORATION Agenda Number: 933402202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 976657106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-May-2011 Ticker: WEC ISIN: US9766571064 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 01 DIRECTOR JOHN F BERGSTROM Mgmt For For BARBARA L BOWLES Mgmt For For PATRICIA W CHADWICK Mgmt For For ROBERT A CORNOG Mgmt For For CURT S CULVER Mgmt For For THOMAS J FISCHER Mgmt For For GALE E KLAPPA Mgmt For For ULICE PAYNE, JR. Mgmt For For FREDERICK P STRATTON JR Mgmt For For 02 VOTE TO INITIATE THE PROCESS TO ELECT DIRECTORS Mgmt For For BY MAJORITY VOTE IN UNCONTESTED ELECTIONS. 03 RATIFICATION OF DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP AS INDEPENDENT Mgmt For For AUDITORS FOR 2011. 04 APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE WISCONSIN ENERGY Mgmt For For CORPORATION 1993 OMNIBUS STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN, AS AMENDED AND RESTATED. 05 ADVISORY VOTE ON COMPENSATION OF THE NAMED EXECUTIVE Mgmt For For OFFICERS. 06 ADVISORY VOTE TO ESTABLISH THE FREQUENCY OF Mgmt 1 Year Against THE ADVISORY VOTE ON THE COMPENSATION OF THE NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XCEL ENERGY INC. Agenda Number: 933410259 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 98389B100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 18-May-2011 Ticker: XEL ISIN: US98389B1008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: FREDRIC W. CORRIGAN Mgmt For For 1B ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: RICHARD K. DAVIS Mgmt For For 1C ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: BENJAMIN G.S. FOWKE III Mgmt For For 1D ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: RICHARD C. KELLY Mgmt For For 1E ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: ALBERT F. MORENO Mgmt For For 1F ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: CHRISTOPHER J. POLICINSKI Mgmt For For 1G ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: A. PATRICIA SAMPSON Mgmt For For 1H ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JAMES J. SHEPPARD Mgmt For For 1I ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: DAVID A. WESTERLUND Mgmt For For 1J ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: KIM WILLIAMS Mgmt For For 1K ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: TIMOTHY V. WOLF Mgmt For For 02 COMPANY PROPOSAL TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO Mgmt For For INCREASE THE NUMBER OF SHARES UNDER THE XCEL ENERGY INC. NON-EMPLOYEE DIRECTORS' STOCK EQUIVALENT PLAN, AS AMENDED AND RESTATED 03 COMPANY PROPOSAL TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO Mgmt Against Against OUR RESTATED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION TO ELIMINATE CUMULATIVE VOTING IN THE ELECTION OF DIRECTORS 04 COMPANY PROPOSAL TO APPROVE OTHER AMENDMENTS Mgmt For For TO, AND THE RESTATEMENT OF, OUR RESTATED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION 05 COMPANY PROPOSAL TO HOLD AN ADVISORY VOTE ON Mgmt 1 Year For THE FREQUENCY OF THE ADVISORY VOTE ON EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION 06 COMPANY PROPOSAL TO HOLD AN ADVISORY VOTE ON Mgmt For For EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION 07 COMPANY PROPOSAL TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF Mgmt For For DELOITTE & TOUCHE LLP AS XCEL ENERGY INC.'S INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR 2011 * Management position unknown SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. (Registrant) Cohen & Steers Global Infrastructure Fund, Inc. By (Signature) /s/ Tina M. Payne Name Tina M. Payne Title Assistant Secretary Date 08/22/2011