UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM N-PX ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORD OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANY INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT FILE NUMBER: 811-22882 NAME OF REGISTRANT: BMO Lloyd George Frontier Markets Equity Fund ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICES: 111 East Kilbourn Avenue Suite 200 Milwaukee, WI 53202 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT FOR SERVICE: Timothy Bonin 111 East Kilbourn Avenue Suite 200 Milwaukee, WI 53202 REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER: 414-287-8750 DATE OF FISCAL YEAR END: 08/31 DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD: 07/01/2013 - 06/30/2014 BMO LGM Frontier Markets Equity Fund -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS BANK NIGERIA PLC Agenda Number: 705138534 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: V0014P104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 30-Apr-2014 Ticker: ISIN: NGACCESS0005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 TO RECEIVE THE AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Mgmt For For FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2013 AND THE REPORTS OF THE DIRECTORS, AUDITORS AND AUDIT COMMITTEE THEREON 2 TO DECLARE A FINAL DIVIDEND Mgmt For For 3 TO RE-ELECT MR EMMANUEL NDUBISI CHIEJINA AS Mgmt For For A NON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 4 TO RE-ELECT MR ORITSEDERE SAMUEL OTUBU AS A Mgmt For For NON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 5 TO RE-ELECT MRS ANTHONIA OLUFEYIKEMI Mgmt For For OGUNMEFUN AS A NON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 6 TO ELECT DR MRS AJORITSEDERE AWOSIKA MFR Mgmt For For WHO WAS APPOINTED AS AN INDEPENDENT NON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BY THE BOARD SINCE THE LAST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 7 TO ELECT MR PAUL USORO SAN WHO WAS Mgmt For For APPOINTED A NON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BY THE BOARD SINCE THE LAST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 8 TO RE-APPOINT PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS AS THE Mgmt For For AUDITORS TO THE COMPANY FROM THE END OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING UNTIL THE END OF NEXT YEARS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 9 TO AUTHORISE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE Mgmt For For REMUNERATION OF THE AUDITORS 10 TO ELECT OR RE-ELECT MEMBERS OF THE AUDIT Mgmt For For COMMITTEE 11 THAT THE DIRECTORS FEES FOR THE FINANCIAL Mgmt For For YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31 2014 BE AND HEREBY FIXED AT NGN46,500,000.00 FORTY SIX MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND NAIRA ONLY 12 THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS BE AND IS Mgmt Against Against HEREBY AUTHORISED TO ESTABLISH A MEDIUM TERM NOTES PROGRAMME TO RAISE ADDITIONAL CAPITAL WHETHER BY WAY OF PUBLIC OFFERING, PRIVATE PLACEMENT, RIGHTS OFFERING, BOOK BUILDING PROCESS OR OTHER METHODS OR COMBINATION OF METHODS, ADDITIONAL CAPITAL, NOT EXCEEDING THE SUM OF USD1,000,000,000 ONE BILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS ONLY OR ITS EQUIVALENT IN OTHER CURRENCIES THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF CONVERTIBLE OR NON CONVERTIBLE LOANS MEDIUM TERM NOTES, BONDS OR OTHER SECURITIES IN SUCH TRANCHES, SERIES OR PROPORTIONS, DENOMINATED IN SUCH CURRENCIES AND AT SUCH COUPON OR INTEREST RATES WITHIN SUCH MATURITY PERIODS AND ON SUCH OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS THE DIRECTORS MAY DEEM FIT OR DETERMINE SUBJECT TO OBTAINING THE APPROVALS OF RELEVANT REGULATORY AUTHORITIES 13 THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS BE AND HEREBY Mgmt For For AUTHORISED TO TAKE ALL ACTIONS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY TO GIVE EFFECT TO THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFREN PLC, LONDON Agenda Number: 705238295 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G01283103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 04-Jun-2014 Ticker: ISIN: GB00B0672758 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 THAT THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR Mgmt For For ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013, TOGETHER WITH THE REPORTS OF THE DIRECTORS AND AUDITORS THEREON, BE RECEIVED AND ADOPTED 2 THAT THE DIRECTORS REMUNERATION REPORT Mgmt For For (EXCLUDING THE DIRECTORS REMUNERATION POLICY) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013, TOGETHER WITH THE AUDITORS REPORT THEREON, BE APPROVED 3 THAT THE DIRECTORS REMUNERATION POLICY Mgmt For For CONTAINED IN THE DIRECTORS REMUNERATION REPORT, BE APPROVED AND SHALL TAKE EFFECT FROM THE DATE ON WHICH THIS RESOLUTION IS PASSED 4 THAT SHEREE BRYANT BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 5 THAT LAIN MCLAREN BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 6 THAT EGBERT IMOMOH BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 7 THAT PETER BINGHAM BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 8 THAT JOHN ST JOHN BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 9 THAT TOBY HAYWARD BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 10 THAT ENNIO SGANZERLA BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 11 THAT PATRICK OBATH BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 12 THAT OSMAN SHAHENSHAH BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 13 THAT SHAHID ULLAH BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 14 THAT DARRA COMYN BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 15 THAT DELOITTE LLP BE REAPPOINTED AS Mgmt For For AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY 16 THAT THE DIRECTORS BE AND ARE HEREBY Mgmt Against Against GENERALLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY AUTHORISED TO ALLOT AND GRANT RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE FOR OR TO CONVERT SECURITIES INTO SHARES OF THE COMPANY 17 THAT THE DIRECTORS BE GIVEN POWER TO ALLOT Mgmt Against Against EQUITY SECURITIES 18 THAT THE COMPANY BE GENERALLY AND Mgmt For For UNCONDITIONALLY AUTHORISED TO MAKE ONE OR MORE MARKET PURCHASES 19 THAT A GENERAL MEETING OF THE COMPANY, Mgmt For For OTHER THAN AN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE COMPANY, MAY BE CALLED ON NOT LESS THAN 14 CLEAR DAYS NOTICE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALMACENES EXITO SA, COLOMBIA Agenda Number: 704974989 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P3782F107 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 20-Mar-2014 Ticker: ISIN: COG31PA00010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Verification of the quorum Mgmt For For 2 Reading and approval of the agenda Mgmt For For 3 Election of the committee to count the Mgmt For For votes and to review, approve and sign the general meeting minutes 4 Reading of the management report from the Mgmt For For board of directors and from the president 5 Presentation of the individual and Mgmt For For consolidated general purpose financial statements, their attachments, and other documents that are legally required, with a cutoff date of December 31, 2013 6 Reading of the reports from the auditor Mgmt For For 7 Approval of the management report, of the Mgmt For For financial statements with a cutoff date of December 31, 2013, together with their attachments and other legally required documents 8 Establishment of the allocation for the Mgmt For For board of directors 9 Election of the members of the board of Mgmt For For directors for the period from 2014 through 2016 10 Election of the auditor for the period from Mgmt For For 2014 through 2016 11 Proposals from the management plan for the Mgmt For For distribution of profit. Donations. Bylaws amendments. Rules for the functioning of the general meeting of shareholders 12 Proposals from the shareholders Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARAMEX PJSC Agenda Number: 705138394 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: M1463Z106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 16-Apr-2014 Ticker: ISIN: AEA002301017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO Non-Voting MEETING ID 288262 DUE TO POSTPONEMENT OF MEETING DATE FROM 07 APR 2014 TO 16 APR 2014 AND CHANGE IN RECORD DATE FROM 06 APR 2014 TO 15 APR 2014. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1 DISCUSS AND APPROVE THE REPORT OF THE BOARD Mgmt For For OF DIRECTORS ON THE ACTIVITY OF THE COMPANY AND ITS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING 31122013 2 DISCUSS AND APPROVE THE REPORT OF THE Mgmt For For AUDITORS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING 31122013 3 DISCUSS AND APPROVE THE BALANCE SHEET AND Mgmt For For PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING 31122013 4 TO DISCUSS THE BOD RECOMMENDATIONS TO Mgmt For For DISTRIBUTE 11.5 PERCENT CASH DIVIDENDS 5 TO DISCUSS THE BOD RECOMMENDATION REGARDING Mgmt For For BOD MEMBERS REMUNERATIONS 6 ABSOLVE THE BOARD MEMBERS AND THE AUDITORS Mgmt For For FROM LIABILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS DURING 2013 7 APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS FOR THE FINANCIAL Mgmt For For YEAR 2014 AND DETERMINE THEIR FEES 8 TO APPOINT THE BOD MEMBERS FOR THE 3 COMING Mgmt For For YEARS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.A.T. KENYA Agenda Number: 705123052 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: V0974F104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 29-Apr-2014 Ticker: ISIN: KE0000000075 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 TO RECEIVE, CONSIDER AND IF APPROVED, ADOPT Mgmt For For THE COMPANY'S AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013, TOGETHER WITH THE REPORTS OF THE CHAIRMAN, DIRECTORS AND AUDITORS THEREON 2 TO DECLARE A DIVIDEND Mgmt For For 3.i TO ELECT DIRECTOR: MR C. BURRELL, RETIRES Mgmt For For AND BEING ELIGIBLE OFFERS HIMSELF FOR RE-ELECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 95 OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 3.ii TO ELECT DIRECTOR: MR G. MAINA AND MS C. Mgmt For For MUSYOKA RETIRE BY ROTATION AND BEING ELIGIBLE, OFFER THEMSELVES FOR RE-ELECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 89 OF THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 3.iii TO ELECT DIRECTOR: MR G. R. MAY HAVING Mgmt For For ATTAINED THE AGE OF 70 IN MARCH 2013 RETIRES IN TERMS OF SECTION 186(2) OF THE COMPANIES ACT AND BEING ELIGIBLE BY VIRTUE OF A SPECIAL NOTICE GIVEN UNDER SECTION 186 (5) OFFERS HIMSELF FOR RE-ELECTION 4 TO AUTHORISE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE Mgmt For For REMUNERATION OF THE AUDITORS, PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANK MUSCAT SAOG, RUWI Agenda Number: 705000533 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: M1681X107 Meeting Type: MIX Meeting Date: 19-Mar-2014 Ticker: ISIN: OM0000002796 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management A.1 To consider and approve the report of the Mgmt For For board of directors for the financial year ended 31 December 2013 A.2 To consider and approve the report on Mgmt For For corporate governance for the financial year ended 31 December 2013 A.3 To consider the auditor's report and Mgmt For For approve the balance sheet and profit and loss accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 2013 A.4 To consider and approve the board of Mgmt For For directors recommendation to distribute cash dividend at the rate of 25 PCT of the issued share capital of the bank, being 25 BAISA per share of 100 BAISA, for the financial year ended 31 December 2013 A.5 To consider and ratify the sitting fees for Mgmt For For the board of directors and its committees meeting for the financial year ended 31 December 2013 and fix sitting fees for 2014 A.6 To consider and approve the board of Mgmt For For directors remuneration of RO 134850 for the financial year ended 31 December 2013 A.7 To consider a report on related party Mgmt For For transactions for transactions concluded during the financial year ended 31 December 2013 A.8 To consider and approve the board of Mgmt For For directors recommendations to renew lease agreements for three branch premises from relate parties for 2015 to 2019 on yearly renewable leases at the same rental amounts in addition to any increase at the applicable market rates, subject to the requirements of the bank A.9 To consider a report of sharia supervisory Mgmt For For board of meethaq, the Islamic banking window, for the financial year ended 31 December 2013 A.10 To appoint the statutory auditors and the Mgmt For For external independent sharia auditors for the financial year 2014 and fixing their fees, subject to the applicable regulatory approvals E.1 To approve an increase in the amount of the Mgmt For For euro medium term EMTN Programme, as approved at the extraordinary general meeting held by the bank on 6 Feb 2011, from USD 800 million to USD 2 billion. The EMTN Programme involves issuing negotiable bonds in the international markets through public subscription or private placement. The bond issue made pursuant to the EMTN program would be of different currencies, in different amounts on different dates and with varying terms of subscription. The total amount of bonds outstanding following the increase shall not exceed USD 2 billion E.2 To authorize the board of directors of the Mgmt For For bank, or such person or persons as the board of directors may delegate from time to time, to determine the amount, date and terms of subscription of each issue, provided that the total negotiable bonds offered shall not exceed USD 2 billion. Each bonds issue shall be available for subscription on obtaining the required approvals of the regulatory authorities E.3 To approve the setting up of RO 500 Mgmt For For million, or its equivalent in other currencies, Meethaq Sukuk program for the issuance of Sukuk by Meethaq in various tranches in the Muscat securities market and international markets through public subscription or private placement. The Sukuk tranches under Meethaq Sukuk program would be of different amounts, currencies, maturities, profit rates, issued on different dates and with varying terms and conditions of subscription. The total amount of Sukuk issued under Meethaq Sukuk program at any time shall not exceed RO 500 million, or its equivalent in other currencies E.4 To approve the setting up of SAR 1 billion Mgmt For For KSA branch Sukuk program for the issuance of Sukuk by KSA branch in various tranches in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia through public subscription or private placement. The Sukuk tranches under KSA branch Sukuk program would be of different amounts, maturities, profit rates, issued on different dates and with varying terms and conditions of subscription. The total amount of sukuk issued under KSA branch Sukuk program at any time shall not exceed SAR 1 billion E.5 To authorize the board of directors of the Mgmt For For bank, or such person or persons as delegated from time to time, by the board of directors to determine the amount, date and terms of subscription of each issue, provided that the total amount of Sukuk issued shall not exceed RO 500 million under Meethaq Sukuk program and SAR 1 billion under KSA branch Sukuk program. Each issue of sukuk, whether under Meethaq Sukuk program or KSA branch Sukuk program, shall be available for subscription on obtaining the requisite regulatory and sharia approvals E.6 To consider and approve the board of Mgmt For For director's recommendation to issue convertible bonds at the rate of 15pct per share of the issued share capital of the bank, being 15 bonds for each 100 shares with a nominal value of 100 Baisa and issue expense of 1 Baisa for each convertible bond. The convertible bonds would carry a coupon rate of 4.5PCT P.A. payable every six months CMMT 06 MAR 2014: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO MODIFICATION TO THE TEXT OF RESOLUTION A.9. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BANK OF GEORGIA HOLDINGS PLC, LONDON Agenda Number: 705238269 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G08195102 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 28-May-2014 Ticker: ISIN: GB00B759CR16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 TO RECEIVE THE COMPANY'S ANNUAL REPORT AND Mgmt For For ACCOUNTS, TOGETHER WITH THE REPORTS OF THE DIRECTORS AND AUDITORS 2 TO DECLARE A FINAL DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR Mgmt For For ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013 3 TO APPROVE THE DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION Mgmt For For REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013 4 TO APPROVE THE DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION Mgmt For For POLICY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013 5 TO RE-ELECT NEIL JANIN, THE CHAIRMAN Mgmt For For 6 TO RE-ELECT IRAKLI GILAURI, THE EXECUTIVE Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 7 TO RE-ELECT DAVID MORRISON, A NON-EXECUTIVE Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 8 TO RE-ELECT ALASDAIR BREACH, A Mgmt For For NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 9 TO RE-ELECT KAHA KIKNAVELIDZE, A Mgmt For For NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 10 TO ELECT KIM BRADLEY, AS A NON-EXECUTIVE Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 11 TO ELECT BOZIDAR DJELIC, AS A NON-EXECUTIVE Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 12 TO ELECT TAMAZ GEORGADZE, AS A Mgmt For For NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 13 TO RE-APPOINT ERNST & YOUNG LLP AS AUDITOR Mgmt For For TO THE COMPANY 14 TO AUTHORISE THE BOARD TO SET THE AUDITOR'S Mgmt For For FEES 15 TO AUTHORISE POLITICAL DONATIONS AND Mgmt For For EXPENDITURE 16 AUTHORITY TO ALLOT SECURITIES Mgmt Against Against 17 AUTHORITY TO DISAPPLY PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS Mgmt Against Against 18 AUTHORITY FOR THE COMPANY TO PURCHASE ITS Mgmt For For OWN SHARES 19 THAT THE DIRECTORS BE AUTHORISED TO CALL Mgmt For For GENERAL MEETINGS (OTHER THAN AN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING) ON NOT LESS THAN 14 CLEAR DAYS' NOTICE CMMT 01 MAY 2014: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO MODIFICATION TO TEXT OF RESOLUTION 7. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT VOTE AGAIN UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BARCLAYS BANK OF KENYA LTD, NAIROBI Agenda Number: 705289848 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: V0960A101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 23-May-2014 Ticker: ISIN: KE0000000067 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-FOURTH Mgmt For For ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON 30 MAY 2013 2 TO RECEIVE, CONSIDER AND THOUGHT FIT ADOPT Mgmt For For THE ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013 TOGETHER WITH THE DIRECTORS' AND AUDITORS REPORT THEREON 3 TO DECLARE A DIVIDEND Mgmt For For 4.1 TO ELECT DIRECTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mgmt For For ARTICLES 94, 95 AND 96 OF THE COMPANY ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION , THE FOLLOWING DIRECTOR IS DUE FOR RETIREMENT BY ROTATION AND BEING ELIGIBLE OFFER HIMSELF FOR RE-ELECTION: FRANCIS OKOMO 4.2 TO ELECT DIRECTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mgmt For For ARTICLES 94, 95 AND 96 OF THE COMPANY ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION , THE FOLLOWING DIRECTOR IS DUE FOR RETIREMENT BY ROTATION AND BEING ELIGIBLE OFFER HIMSELF FOR RE-ELECTION: OKELLO ROSE OGEGA 5 TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD TO FIX REMUNERATION Mgmt For For OF DIRECTORS 6 TO APPOINT THE AUDITORS AND TO AUTHORIZE Mgmt For For THE BOARD TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION 7 TO TRANSACT ANY OTHER BUSINESS OF WHICH DUE Mgmt Abstain For NOTICE HAVE BEEN GIVEN CMMT 15 MAY 2014: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO CHANGE IN TEXT OF RESOLUTIONS 4.1 AND 4.2. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT VOTE AGAIN UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOLSA DE VALORES DE COLOMBIA Agenda Number: 704989625 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: P17326102 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 27-Mar-2014 Ticker: ISIN: COR01PA00010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management I Verification of the quorum Mgmt For For II Chairperson and secretary of the general Mgmt For For meeting, paragraph, article 36 of the corporate bylaws III Reading and consideration of the agenda Mgmt For For IV Designation of the committee charged with Mgmt For For approving the minutes V Approval of the annual report from the Mgmt For For board of directors and from the president of Bolsa De Valores De Colombia S.A. VI Report from the auditor Mgmt For For VII Approval of the individual and consolidated Mgmt For For financial statements for 2013 VIII Profit Distribution Project Cash dividend Mgmt For For of COP 1,42 per shares. Such dividend will be paid as following: Ordinary dividend at a rate of COP 0,78 per share on 30th April 2014, Extraordinary dividend at a rate of COP 0,32 per share on 27th June 2014, Extraordinary dividend at a rate of COP 0,32 per share on 31st October 2014 IX Approval of the amendment of the rules for Mgmt For For general meetings of shareholders X Election of independent members of the Mgmt For For board of directors for the period from April 2014 through March 2015 XI Election of members who were not classified Mgmt For For as independent members of the board of directors for the period from April 2014 through March 2015 XII Establishment of compensation for the board Mgmt For For of directors XIII Election of the auditor and approval of the Mgmt For For budget allocation for its term XIV Report timetable for the implementation of Mgmt For For the international financial reporting standards, or IFRS XV That which is proposed by the shareholders Mgmt For For CMMT 03 MAR 2014: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT OF AMOUNT IN RESOLUTION NO. VIII. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO BANGLADESH CO LTD Agenda Number: 705118936 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y06294105 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 23-Apr-2014 Ticker: ISIN: BD0259BATBC9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 TO RECEIVE, CONSIDER AND ADOPT THE Mgmt For For FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013, AND THE REPORTS OF THE DIRECTORS AND THE AUDITORS THEREON 2 TO DECLARE DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 Mgmt For For DECEMBER 2013 3 TO ELECT DIRECTORS Mgmt For For 4 TO APPOINT STATUTORY AUDITORS FOR THE YEAR Mgmt For For 2014 AND TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CADBURY NIGERIA PLC Agenda Number: 705122531 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: V15768100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 13-May-2014 Ticker: ISIN: NGCADBURY001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 TO LAY BEFORE THE MEETING THE FINANCIAL Mgmt For For STATEMENTS OF THE COMPANY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013 AND THE REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS TOGETHER WITH THE REPORTS OF THE AUDITORS AND THE AUDIT COMMITTEE THEREON 2 TO DECLARE A DIVIDEND Mgmt For For 3 TO ELECT/RE-ELECT DIRECTORS Mgmt For For 4 TO AUTHORISE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE Mgmt For For REMUNERATION OF THE AUDITORS 5 TO ELECT MEMBERS OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE Mgmt For For 6 TO APPROVE THE REMUNERATION OF THE Mgmt For For DIRECTORS CMMT 21 APR 2014: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO MODIFICATION TO TEXT OF RESOLUTION 4. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT VOTE AGAIN UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK LTD, CAIRO Agenda Number: 704974143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 201712205 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 04-Mar-2014 Ticker: ISIN: US2017122050 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 Approve board report on company operations Mgmt For For 2 Approve auditors' report on company Mgmt For For financial statements 3 Accept financial statements Mgmt For For 4 Approve allocation of income Mgmt For For 5 Approve discharge of chairman and directors Mgmt For For and fix their remuneration 6 Ratify auditors and fix their remuneration Mgmt For For 7 Approve charitable donations Mgmt For For 8 Approve remuneration policy of directors Mgmt For For for the year 2014 9 Elect directors (Bundled) Mgmt For For 10 Approve related party transactions Mgmt For For CMMT 25 FEB 2014: PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MEETING Non-Voting TYPE WAS CHANGED FROM AGM TO OGM. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY VOTED ON THIS MEETING THERE IS NO NEED TO RE-VOTE AGAIN UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAGON OIL PLC, DUBLIN Agenda Number: 705061389 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G2828W132 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 23-Apr-2014 Ticker: ISIN: IE0000590798 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 To receive the Financial Statements for the Mgmt For For year ended 31 December 2013 2 To declare a dividend Mgmt For For 3.a To re-elect Mohammed Al Ghurair as a Mgmt For For Director 3.b To re-elect Abdul Jaleel Al Khalifa as a Mgmt For For Director 3.c To re-elect Thor Haugnaess as a Director Mgmt For For 3.d To re-elect Ahmad Sharaf as a Director Mgmt For For 3.e To re-elect Ahmad Al Muhairbi as a Director Mgmt For For 3.f To re-elect Saeed Al Mazrooei as a Director Mgmt For For 3.g To elect Justin Crowley as a Director Mgmt For For 4 To approve the Directors' Remuneration Mgmt For For Policy 5 To receive the Directors' Remuneration Mgmt For For Report for the year ended 31 December 2013 6 To authorise the Directors to fix the Mgmt For For Auditors' remuneration 7 To authorise general meetings outside the Mgmt For For Republic of Ireland 8 To authorise the calling of general Mgmt For For meetings on not less than 14 days' notice 9 To authorise the Directors to allot Mgmt For For relevant securities 10 To disapply statutory pre-emption rights Mgmt Against Against 11 To authorise the repurchase of the Mgmt For For Company's shares 12 To approve the adoption of the 2014 Mgmt For For Long-Term Incentive Plan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EASTERN COMPANY, CAIRO Agenda Number: 705091205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: M2932V106 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 13-Apr-2014 Ticker: ISIN: EGS37091C013 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT IMPORTANT MARKET PROCESSING REQUIREMENT: A Non-Voting BENEFICIAL OWNER SIGNED POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO LODGE AND EXECUTE YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MARKET. ABSENCE OF A POA, MAY CAUSE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO BE REJECTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE 1 Look into credence the budget planning for Mgmt Take No Action the fiscal year 2014-2015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAN MILK LTD, ACCRA Agenda Number: 705135235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: V3318T103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 07-May-2014 Ticker: ISIN: GH0000000078 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 TO RECEIVE THE REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS, THE Mgmt For For FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2013 AND THE REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS THEREON 2 TO DECLARE A DIVIDEND ON THE COMPANY'S Mgmt For For SHARES IN RESPECT OF THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2013 3 TO RE ELECT AS A DIRECTOR MR. KODJO BIAMAWU Mgmt For For AZIAGBE WHO RETIRES BY ROTATION 4 TO ELECT AS A DIRECTOR, MR. JACOB KHOLI Mgmt For For 5 TO ELECT AS A DIRECTOR , MR. MARIO REIS Mgmt For For 6 TO FIX THE REMUNERATION OF THE DIRECTORS Mgmt For For 7 TO AUTHORISE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE Mgmt For For REMUNERATION OF THE AUDITORS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUARANTY TRUST BANK PLC Agenda Number: 705055184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: V41619103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 14-Apr-2014 Ticker: ISIN: NGGUARANTY06 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 To receive the Audited Financial Statements Mgmt For For for the year ended December 31 2013 and the Reports of the Directors Auditor and Audit Committee thereon 2 To declare a dividend Mgmt For For 3 To elect a Director Mgmt For For 4 To authorize Directors to fix the Mgmt For For remuneration of the Auditor 5 To elect members of the Audit Committee Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUHAYNA FOOD INDUSTRIES Agenda Number: 705018821 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: M62324104 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 27-Mar-2014 Ticker: ISIN: EGS30901C010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT IMPORTANT MARKET PROCESSING REQUIREMENT: A Non-Voting BENEFICIAL OWNER SIGNED POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO LODGE AND EXECUTE YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MARKET. ABSENCE OF A POA, MAY CAUSE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO BE REJECTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE 1 Approving the BoD report regarding the Mgmt Take No Action company's activities during the fiscal year ended in 31.12.2013 2 Approving the financial auditors report Mgmt Take No Action regarding the financial statements for the fiscal year ended in 31.12.2013 3 Approving the company's financial Mgmt Take No Action statements for the fiscal year ended in 31.12.2013 4 Approving the suggested profit distribution Mgmt Take No Action for the fiscal year ended in 31.12.2013 5 Discharging the chairman and the BoD Mgmt Take No Action responsibilities for the fiscal year ended in 31.12.2013 6 Determining the BoD bonuses and allowances Mgmt Take No Action for year 2014 7 Hiring the financial auditors for the Mgmt Take No Action fiscal year 2014 and determining their salary 8 Delegate the BoD to donate during the Mgmt Take No Action fiscal year 2014 to an amount that exceeds 1000 EGP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUHAYNA FOOD INDUSTRIES Agenda Number: 705028834 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: M62324104 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 27-Mar-2014 Ticker: ISIN: EGS30901C010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT IMPORTANT MARKET PROCESSING REQUIREMENT: A Non-Voting BENEFICIAL OWNER SIGNED POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) IS REQUIRED IN ORDER TO LODGE AND EXECUTE YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MARKET. ABSENCE OF A POA, MAY CAUSE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS TO BE REJECTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE 1 Increase the company issued capital Mgmt Take No Action 235,351,271 EGP by distributing bonus share for every 3 shares already held from the company profit and modifying articles no.6 and 7 from the company memorandum 2 Selling the company productive assets and Mgmt Take No Action other assets to the Egyptian company for Diary products 3 Selling the company branches to Teeba Mgmt Take No Action Company for trade and distribution (a subsidiary) 4 Delegating the chairman to make any Mgmt Take No Action modifications seen by governmental agencies on the general meeting agencies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAGACORP LTD Agenda Number: 705010433 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G6382M109 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 09-Apr-2014 Ticker: ISIN: KYG6382M1096 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE AND Non-Voting PROXY FORM ARE AVAILABLE BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINKS: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/ SEHK/2014/0310/LTN20140310604.pdf AND http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/ SEHK/2014/0310/LTN20140310598.pdf CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED Non-Voting TO VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS, ABSTAIN IS NOT A VOTING OPTION ON THIS MEETING 1 To receive and adopt the audited Mgmt For For consolidated financial statements of the company and the reports of the Directors and independent auditor for the year ended 31 December 2013 (the "Year End") 2 To declare the final dividend in respect of Mgmt For For the Year End 3.I To re-elect the director who retired by Mgmt For For rotation in accordance with article 87(1) of the articles of association of the company: Mr. Philip Lee Wai Tuck as an executive director of the company 3.II To re-elect the director who retired by Mgmt For For rotation in accordance with article 87(1) of the articles of association of the company: Mr. Chen Yepern as an executive director of the company 3.III To re-elect the director who retired by Mgmt For For rotation in accordance with article 87(1) of the articles of association of the company: Mr. Michael Lai Kai Jin an independent non-executive director of the company 4 To approve the directors remuneration for Mgmt For For the year end and to authorize the board of directors to Fix directors remuneration for the year ending 31 December 2014 5 To re-appoint BDO limited as auditor of the Mgmt For For company and authorise the board of directors to fix its Remuneration 6.A To give a general mandate to the directors Mgmt Against Against to allot, issue and deal with additional shares not exceeding 20% of the issued share capital of the company 6.B To give a general mandate to the directors Mgmt For For to repurchase shares not exceeding 10% of the issued Share capital of the company 6.C Subject to the passing of ordinary Mgmt Against Against resolution nos. 6(a) and (b), to extend the authority given to the directors pursuant to ordinary resolution no. 6(a) to issue shares by adding to the issued share capital of the company the number of shares repurchased under ordinary resolution no. 6(B) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NESTLE FOODS NIGERIA PLC Agenda Number: 705245377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: V6702N103 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 12-May-2014 Ticker: ISIN: NGNESTLE0006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO Non-Voting MEETING ID 326370 DUE TO RECEIPT OF DIRECTOR NAMES. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED Non-Voting TO VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS, ABSTAIN IS NOT A VOTING OPTION ON THIS MEETING 1 TO DECLARE A FINAL DIVIDEND Mgmt For For 2 TO RE-ELECT MR. DHARNESH GORDHON AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 3 TO RE-ELECT MR. KAIS MARZOUKI AS A DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 4 TO RE-ELECT MR. GIUSEPPE BONANNO AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 5 TO RE-ELECT MR. GBENGA OYEBODE AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 6 TO RE-ELECT MRS. NDIDI OKONKWO NWUNELI AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 7 TO AUTHORISE DIRECTORS TO FIX THE Mgmt For For REMUNERATION OF AUDITORS 8 TO ELECT MEMBERS OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE Mgmt For For 9 TO FIX THE REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIGERIAN BREWERIES PLC Agenda Number: 705060414 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: V6722M101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 14-May-2014 Ticker: ISIN: NGNB00000005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 To lay before the meeting the Report of the Mgmt For For Directors and the statement of Financial position as at 31 December 2013 together with the income Statement for the year ended on that date and the Reports of the independent Auditors and Audit Committee thereon 2 To declare a dividend Mgmt For For 3 To re-elect Directors Mgmt For For 4 To authorize the Directors to fix the Mgmt For For remuneration of the independent Auditors 5 To elect members of the Audit Committee Mgmt For For 6 To fix the Remuneration of the Directors Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OCI N.V., AMSTERDAM Agenda Number: 705301858 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: N6667A111 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 26-Jun-2014 Ticker: ISIN: NL0010558797 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 OPENING AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Non-Voting 2 REPORT BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE Non-Voting 2013 FINANCIAL YEAR, INCLUDING THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE SECTION 3 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REMUNERATION POLICY Non-Voting IN 2013 4 PROPOSAL TO ADOPT THE ANNUAL ACCOUNTS AND Mgmt For For APPROPRIATION OF THE PROFITS TO THE RESERVES FOR THE 2013 FINANCIAL YEAR 5 EXPLANATION OF THE DIVIDEND POLICY Non-Voting 6 PROPOSAL TO DISCHARGE THE EXECUTIVE Mgmt For For DIRECTORS FROM LIABILITY 7 PROPOSAL TO DISCHARGE THE NON-EXECUTIVE Mgmt For For DIRECTORS FROM LIABILITY 8 PROPOSAL TO APPOINT MR. R.J. VAN DE KRAATS Mgmt For For AS NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 9 PROPOSAL TO APPOINT MR. J. GUIRAUD AS Mgmt For For NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 10 PROPOSAL TO APPROVE THE NEW REMUNERATION Mgmt For For POLICY, THE 2014 PERFORMANCE SHARE PLAN, THE 2014 BONUS/ MATCHING PLAN, AND THE 2013 EMPLOYEES INCENTIVE PLAN 11 PROPOSAL TO APPOINT KPMG AS AUDITOR CHARGED Mgmt For For WITH THE AUDITING OF THE ANNUAL ACCOUNTS FOR THE 2014 FINANCIAL YEAR 12 PROPOSAL TO EXTEND THE DESIGNATION OF THE Mgmt Against Against BOARD OF DIRECTORS AS THE AUTHORISED BODY TO ISSUE SHARES IN THE SHARE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY 13 PROPOSAL TO EXTEND THE DESIGNATION OF THE Mgmt Against Against BOARD OF DIRECTORS AS THE AUTHORISED BODY TO RESTRICT OR EXCLUDE PRE-EMPTIVE RIGHTS UPON THE ISSUANCE OF SHARES 14 PROPOSAL TO AUTHORISE THE BOARD OF Mgmt For For DIRECTORS TO REPURCHASE SHARES IN THE SHARE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY 15 QUESTIONS AND CLOSE OF MEETING Non-Voting CMMT 19 MAY 2014: PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MEETING Non-Voting TYPE WAS CHANGED FROM OGM TO AGM. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT VOTE AGAIN UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S.C. FONDUL PROPRIETATEA S.A., BUCHAREST Agenda Number: 704910341 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X3072C104 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 03-Feb-2014 Ticker: ISIN: ROFPTAACNOR5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT 14 JAN 2014: IF YOU WISH YOU TO VOTE IN Non-Voting THIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, YOU MUST RETURN YOUR INSTRUCTIONS BY THE INDICATED CUTOFF DATE; ADDITIONALLY, IN ORDER TO PROCESS YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS, PLEASE ALSO NOTE THAT THE COMPANY SPECIFIC POWER OF ATTORNEY MUST BE SIGNED AND SENT IN ORIGINAL (BANK REPLY DEADLINE -2) TO THE APPROPRIATE SUB CUSTODIAN. SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION CAN BE RETRIEVED FROM THE MATERIAL URL THAT IS PROVIDED WITH THIS BALLOT. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR INSTITUTION CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE TO OBTAIN THE NAME OF THE SUB-CUSTODIAN THAT THIS FORM SHOULD BE MAILED. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE ADDITIONAL Non-Voting DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS MEETING: DOCUMENTATION CONFIRMING THE QUALITY OF THE SIGNER AS LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE DELIVERED DIRECTLY TO THE COMPANY NO LATER THAN THE DEADLINE AS STATED ON THE COMPANIES MEETING NOTICE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE EVENT THE MEETING DOES Non-Voting NOT REACH QUORUM, THERE WILL BE A SECOND CALL ON 04 FEB 2014 AT 10:00 O' CLOCK. CONSEQUENTLY, YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS WILL REMAIN VALID FOR ALL CALLS UNLESS THE AGENDA IS AMENDED. THANK YOU. 1 The approval of the EGM agenda Mgmt No vote 2 The approval of the amendment of the Mgmt No vote Constitutive Act of SC Fondul Proprietatea SA, as follows: Art. 14, paragraphs "(4) and (5) will be amended and read as follows: (4) The attendance of shareholders representing at least 50% of the total number of the voting rights, both at the first and the second convocation, is required for the validity of deliberations of the extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders to adopt a decision regarding: (i) a share capital increase, (ii) the anticipated dissolution of Fondul Proprietatea, made under the conditions of the law. (5) For the validity of the deliberation of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders regarding a share capital decrease, the attendance of the shareholders representing: (i) at least a fourth of the shares having voting rights upon the first CONTD CONT CONTD convocation, and (ii) at least one Non-Voting fifth of the total number of the shares having voting rights, upon the second convocation is required". The amendment of the Constitutive Act enters in force after the endorsement of Financial Security Authority and after the publication in Official Gazette 3 The approval of the decrease of the Mgmt No vote subscribed share capital of SC Fondul Proprietatea SA as follows (in accordance with Article 14, paragraph (4) of the Constitutive Act of the Company in force at the time of this Convening Notice, in order for this point to be able to be voted on, the attendance for the meeting must be of at least 50% of the voting rights-this includes correspondence votes and shareholders attending the meeting): The approval of the decrease of the subscribed share capital of SC Fondul Proprietatea SA from RON 13,538,087,407 to RON 12,861,183,036.65 through the reduction of the par value of the shares of SC Fondul Proprietatea SA from RON 1.00 to RON 0.95. The decrease is motivated by the optimization of the share capital of Fondul Proprietatea, involving the return to the shareholders of a part of CONTD CONT CONTD their contributions, proportionally Non-Voting with their participation to the paid share capital of SC Fondul Proprietatea SA. After the decrease, the subscribed share capital of SC Fondul Proprietatea SA shall have a value of RON 12,861,183,036.65 being divided in 13,538,087,407 shares, each having a par value of RON 0.95. The decrease of the share capital is performed based on Article 207 para. (2) letter (b) of Law no. 31/1990 and shall be effective, in accordance with Article 208 para. (1) of Law no. 31/1990, after the expiry of a two months term starting with the publication of the general meeting of shareholders resolution in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part IV, provided that Financial Security Authority shall have endorsed the amendment of Article 7 para. (1) of the Constitutive Act of SC Fondul Proprietatea SA CONTD CONT CONTD as approved by shareholders during Non-Voting this meeting. The approval of the amendment of the Article 7 paragraph 1 of the Constitutive Act of SC Fondul Proprietatea SA as follows: "The subscribed share capital of Fondul Proprietatea is in amount of RON 12,861,183,036.65, divided in 13,538,087,407 ordinary, nominative shares, having a face value of RON 0.95/each. The capacity as shareholder of Fondul Proprietatea is attested by a statement of account issued by the Central Depository." The approval of the payment to the shareholders registered as such at the registration date of RON 0.05/share, proportionally with their participation to the paid share capital of SC Fondul Proprietatea SA. The payment shall start in 30 days after the decrease of the share capital mentioned above is effective 4 The ratification and the approval of all Mgmt No vote resolutions taken by the general shareholders meetings and all of the legal acts (including decisions and contracts) concluded, adopted and issued in the name of SC Fondul Proprietatea SA through Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited United Kingdom, Bucharest Branch, between 6 September 2010 and 2 February 2014 and the approval and ratification of any implementation acts, facts and operations based on such, including the management of the SC Fondul Proprietatea SA under an unitary system 5 The approval of 30 April 2014 as the Mgmt No vote registration date, in accordance with the provisions of Article 238 para. (1) of Capital Market Law no. 297/2004 6 The empowerment, with authority to be Mgmt No vote substituted, of Grzegorz Maciej Konieczny, as legal representative of Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited United Kingdom Bucharest Branch, to sign the shareholders' resolutions and the amended and restated form of the Constitutive Act, as well as any other documents in connection therewith, and to carry out all procedures and formalities set out by law for the purpose of implementing the shareholders' resolution, including formalities for publication and registration thereof with the Trade Register or with any other public institution CMMT 14 JAN 2014: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT OF COMPANY SPECIFIC POA. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S.C. FONDUL PROPRIETATEA S.A., BUCHAREST Agenda Number: 705046096 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X3072C104 Meeting Type: OGM Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2014 Ticker: ISIN: ROFPTAACNOR5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT 03 APR 2014: IF YOU WISH YOU TO VOTE IN Non-Voting THIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, YOU MUST RETURN YOUR INSTRUCTIONS BY THE INDICATED CUTOFF DATE; ADDITIONALLY, IN ORDER TO PROCESS YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS, PLEASE ALSO NOTE THAT THE COMPANY SPECIFIC POWER OF ATTORNEY MUST BE SIGNED AND SENT IN ORIGINAL (BANK REPLY DEADLINE -2) TO THE APPROPRIATE SUB CUSTODIAN. SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION CAN BE RETRIEVED FROM THE MATERIAL URL THAT IS PROVIDED WITH THIS BALLOT. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR INSTITUTION CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE TO OBTAIN THE NAME OF THE SUB-CUSTODIAN THAT THIS FORM SHOULD BE MAILED. THANK YOU. CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE ADDITIONAL Non-Voting DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS MEETING: DOCUMENTATION CONFIRMING THE QUALITY OF THE SIGNER AS LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE DELIVERED DIRECTLY TO THE COMPANY NO LATER THAN THE DEADLINE AS STATED ON THE COMPANIES MEETING NOTICE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE EVENT THE MEETING DOES Non-Voting NOT REACH QUORUM, THERE WILL BE A SECOND CALL ON 29 APR 2014 . CONSEQUENTLY, YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS WILL REMAIN VALID FOR ALL CALLS UNLESS THE AGENDA IS AMENDED. THANK YOU. 1 The approval of the OGM agenda Mgmt Take No Action 2 Approve the administrative investment Mgmt Take No Action agreement between Franklin Templeton Investment Management Ltd.UK, Bucharest branch and Fondul Proprietatea Sa, as negotiated by the representative committee and Franklin Templeton Investment Management Ltd.UK, Bucharest branch and empower the president of the representative committee on behalf of Fondul Proprietatea Sa 3 Approve to renew, to extend the mandate of Mgmt Take No Action the sole administrator Franklin Templeton Investment Management Ltd.UK, Bucharest branch for 2 more years starting with September 30th 2014 4 Approve the annual activity report of the Mgmt Take No Action sole administrator for the financial year 2013, including the financial statement as of 31.12.2013 5 Approve the allocation of 2013 net profit Mgmt Take No Action 6 Approve to update the 2014 expenses and Mgmt Take No Action revenues budget 7 Approve the addendum to the financial Mgmt Take No Action agreement with Deloitte audit SRL 8 Ratify and approve all OGM decision held Mgmt Take No Action between 06.09.2010 and 27.04.2014 9 The approval of 15th may 2014 as Mgmt Take No Action registration date, in accordance with the provisions of article 238, paragraph (1) of law no.297 per 2004 10 The empowerment, with authority to be Mgmt Take No Action substituted, of the legal representative of the sole administrator, Franklin Templeton Investment Management Ltd.UK, Bucharest branch to sign the shareholders resolutions, as well as any other documents in connection therewith, and to carry out all procedures and formalities for publication and registration thereof with the trade register or with any other public authority CMMT 03 APR 2014: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO RECEIPT OF COMPANY POA. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S.C. FONDUL PROPRIETATEA S.A., BUCHAREST Agenda Number: 705081507 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: X3072C104 Meeting Type: EGM Meeting Date: 28-Apr-2014 Ticker: ISIN: ROFPTAACNOR5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE ADDITIONAL Non-Voting DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS MEETING: DOCUMENTATION CONFIRMING THE QUALITY OF THE SIGNER AS LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE DELIVERED DIRECTLY TO THE COMPANY NO LATER THAN THE DEADLINE AS STATED ON THE COMPANIES MEETING NOTICE. CMMT PLEASE NOTE IN THE EVENT THE MEETING DOES Non-Voting NOT REACH QUORUM, THERE WILL BE A SECOND CALL ON 29 APR 2014 . CONSEQUENTLY, YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS WILL REMAIN VALID FOR ALL CALLS UNLESS THE AGENDA IS AMENDED. THANK YOU. CMMT IF YOU WISH YOU TO VOTE IN THIS GENERAL Non-Voting ASSEMBLY, YOU MUST RETURN YOUR INSTRUCTIONS BY THE INDICATED CUTOFF DATE; ADDITIONALLY, IN ORDER TO PROCESS YOUR VOTING INSTRUCTIONS, PLEASE ALSO NOTE THAT THE COMPANY SPECIFIC POWER OF ATTORNEY MUST BE SIGNED AND SENT IN ORIGINAL (BANK REPLY DEADLINE -2) TO THE APPROPRIATE SUB CUSTODIAN. SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION CAN BE RETRIEVED FROM THE MATERIAL URL THAT IS PROVIDED WITH THIS BALLOT. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR INSTITUTION CLIENT SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE TO OBTAIN THE NAME OF THE SUB-CUSTODIAN THAT THIS FORM SHOULD BE MAILED. THANK YOU. 1 Approval of the EGM agenda Mgmt Take No Action 2.1 Amendment of the Constitutive Act as Mgmt Take No Action follows: The amendment of Article 19, paragraph 1 of the Constitutive Act of Fondul Proprietatea SA as follows: "Fondul Proprietatea is managed by Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited United Kingdom Bucharest Branch, with headquarters in Bucharest, 78-80 Buzesti street, floors 7-8, district 1, fiscal registration no. 25851096, registration number at Trade Registry J40/8587/2009, legally represented by Grzegorz Maciej Konieczny, Polish citizen, born on 22.11.1970 at Slupsk, Poland, with home address in Poland, identified with identification documentation issued by Polish Authorities on 14.05.2009, with valability date by 14.05.2019, with personal identification number 7011220001 and by Adrian Cighi, Romanian citizen, with home CONTD CONT CONTD address on Bucharest, 57 Aron Cotrus Non-Voting street, D Entrance, 5 floor, ap. D31, district 1, identified with ID RT number 768358 issued by S.P.C.E.P. District 1 on 18.05.2011, valid by 10.08.2021, with personal identification number 1830810314000 and by Oana-Valentina Truta, Romanian citizen, domiciled in Cluj-Napoca, 18 Iuliu Moldovan street, ap.13, Cluj county, identified with Identity Card series KX number 361489 issued by Cluj-Napoca on 08.06.2004, valid by 20.08.2014, having as Personal Identification Number 2800820260032, which holds the position of sole director, as well as of asset management company referred to throughout this document as the Fund Manager." If the shareholders of Fondul Proprietatea SA will vote in favour for the amendment of the Constitutive Act, the amendment of the Constitutive Act is CONTD CONT CONTD effective after it is endorsed by the Non-Voting Financial Supervisory Authority ("FSA"), where required by applicable law or regulation 2.2 Amendment of the Constitutive Act as Mgmt Take No Action follows: The introduction after paragraph 4 of Article 34 of the Constitutive Act of a new paragraph having the following content: "(5) Fondul Proprietatea will not engage in any "raising of capital" activities, within the sense of Article 4 (1) (a) (i) of EU Directive 2011/61 as detailed by European Securities and Markets Authority's related guidelines and interpretations". If the shareholders of Fondul Proprietatea SA will vote in favour for the amendment of the Constitutive Act, the amendment of the Constitutive Act is effective after it is endorsed by the FSA, where required by applicable law or regulation 3 Approval of the secondary listing of Fondul Mgmt Take No Action Proprietatea SA on the London Stock Exchange, as follows: The approval of all arrangements to allow the admission to trading of Fondul Proprietatea SA's shares via direct or indirect ownership (such as through depositary receipts, depositary interests or other indirect ownership form) (the "Securities") on the London Stock Exchange; The approval of the empowerment of the Sole Administrator of the Company (i) to take all necessary actions in order to complete such listing, including to choose the type of listing, the section of the London Stock Exchange where the Securities will be listed, the execution of the intermediation and any other agreements, appointing a depositary bank and the execution of a depositary agreement, if the case, CONTD CONT CONTD appointing any advisers (other than Non-Voting the consortium mentioned below) and subcontractors if necessary and drafting and executing all listing related documentation; (ii) to represent Fondul Proprietatea SA with full power and authority in front of any third party and authorities in relation with secondary listing activities; (iii) to seek all necessary regulatory approvals thereof; (iv) to carry out any promotional campaign; and (v) to perform any other action or formality which may be necessary or desirable to ensure the full effectiveness of the actions specified in this point; such authorization of the Sole Administrator is valid until 31 December 2014; The appointment of the consortium composed of Jefferies International Limited as sole UK financial adviser, BRD Societe Generale as Romanian advisor and Swiss CONTD CONT CONTD Capital as Romanian advisor, that Non-Voting will work with the Sole Administrator mainly with respect to the admission to trading of Fondul Proprietatea SA's Securities, via direct or indirect ownership, on the London Stock Exchange; The approval of the secondary listing budget 4 Approval of the decrease of the subscribed Mgmt Take No Action share capital of Fondul Proprietatea SA as follows: The decrease of the subscribed registered share capital of Fondul Proprietatea SA from RON 12,861,183,036.65 to RON 11,815,279,886.85, pursuant to the cancellation of 1,100,950,684 own shares acquired by the Company. After the share capital decrease the subscribed share capital of the Company will be RON 11,815,279,886.85 being divided into 12,437,136,723 shares, with a nominal value of RON 0.95 / share. The subscribed share capital decrease will take place on the basis of Article 207 paragraph 1 letter c) of Law 31/1990. The first paragraph of the Article 7 of the Constitutive Act after the share capital decrease will be changed as follows: "The subscribed share capital of Fondul CONTD CONT CONTD Proprietatea is in amount of RON Non-Voting 11,815,279,886.85, divided in 12,437,136,723 ordinary, nominative shares, having a face value of RON 0.95 / each. The capacity as shareholder of Fondul Proprietatea is attested by a statement of account issued by the Central Depository." The subscribed share capital decrease will be effective after the following three conditions are met: The share capital decrease for the return of capital as approved by shareholders on 3 February 2014 is effective; This resolution is published in the Official Gazette, Part IV for at least two months; FSA endorses the changing of first paragraph of Article 7 of the Constitutive Act, as modified based on this decision, where required by applicable law or regulation 5 Approval of the amendment of the Investment Mgmt Take No Action Policy Statement 6 Approval of the authorization of the Sole Mgmt Take No Action Administrator to buy-back shares of Fondul Proprietatea S.A., for a maximum number of (i) 990,855,616 shares or (ii) 10% of the issued share capital at the relevant time, whichever is the lesser, starting with the date when the buy-back programme approved through the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Resolution no. 15/22 November 2013 is completed (or otherwise cancelled by the shareholders), for a maximum period of 18 months as of the date when the shareholders' resolution is published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part IV. The buy-back shall be performed at a price that cannot be lower than RON 0.2 / share or higher than RON 2 / share. The transaction can only have as object fully paid shares. The buy-back programme CONTD CONT CONTD is aimed at the share capital Non-Voting decrease. The shareholders' decision regarding the share capital decrease and the change of the Constitutive Act will be approved by the shareholders, with the observance of the provisions of the Constitutive Act, being agreed that the shareholders may approve one or more share capital decreases as the shares are being bought back and the shareholders are convened by the Sole Administrator. This buy-back programme implementation will be subject to the availability of the necessary cash 7 Ratification and the approval of all Mgmt Take No Action resolutions taken by the extraordinary general shareholders' meetings and all of the legal acts (including decisions and contracts) concluded, adopted and issued in the name of Fondul Proprietatea SA through Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited United Kingdom, Bucharest Branch, between 6 September 2010 and 27 April 2014 and the approval and ratification of any implementation acts, facts and operations based on such, including the management of the Company under an unitary system 8 Approval of 15 May 2014 as the registration Mgmt Take No Action date, in accordance with the provisions of Article 238 para. (1) of Capital Market Law no. 297/2004 9 Empowerment, with authority to be Mgmt Take No Action substituted, of Grzegorz Maciej Konieczny, as legal representative of Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited United Kingdom Bucharest Branch, to sign the shareholders' resolutions and the amended and restated form of the Constitutive Act, as well as any other documents in connection therewith, and to carry out all procedures and formalities set out by law for the purpose of implementing the shareholders' resolution, including formalities for publication and registration thereof with the Trade Register or with any other public institution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIVERSAL ROBINA CORP Agenda Number: 705154196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y9297P100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 12-May-2014 Ticker: ISIN: PHY9297P1004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO Non-Voting MEETING ID 293862 DUE TO RECEIPT OF DIRECTORS NAMES. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. 1 PROOF OF NOTICE OF THE MEETING AND Mgmt For For EXISTENCE OF A QUORUM 2 READING AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE Mgmt For For ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS HELD ON APRIL 18, 2013 3 PRESENTATION OF ANNUAL REPORT AND APPROVAL Mgmt For For OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE PRECEDING YEAR 4 APPROVAL TO AMEND ARTICLE THIRD OF THE Mgmt For For ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE CORPORATION IN ORDER TO CHANGE THE CORPORATION'S PRINCIPAL OFFICE ADDRESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEC MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 6, SERIES OF 2014 5 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JOHN L. GOKONGWEI, Mgmt For For JR` 6 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JAMES L. GO Mgmt For For 7 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: LANCE Y. GOKONGWEI Mgmt For For 8 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: PATRICK HENRY C. GO Mgmt For For 9 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: FREDERICK D. GO Mgmt For For 10 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: JOHNSON ROBERT G. GO, Mgmt For For JR 11 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: ROBERT G. COYIUTO, JR Mgmt For For 12 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: WILFRIDO E. SANCHEZ Mgmt For For (INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR) 13 ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: PASCUAL S. GUERZON Mgmt For For (INDEPENDENT DIRECTOR) 14 ELECTION OF EXTERNAL AUDITOR Mgmt For For 15 RATIFICATION OF ALL ACTS OF THE BOARD OF Mgmt For For DIRECTORS AND MANAGEMENT 16 CONSIDERATION OF SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS MAY Mgmt Abstain For PROPERLY COME DURING THE MEETING 17 ADJOURNMENT Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIETNAM DAIRY PRODUCT CORPORATION Agenda Number: 705169236 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: Y9365V104 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 25-Apr-2014 Ticker: ISIN: VN000000VNM8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO Non-Voting MEETING ID 292746 DUE TO RECEIPT OF UPDATED AGENDA. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU. CMMT MOST VIETNAM LISTED COMPANIES WILL ACCEPT Non-Voting VOTING ACCOMPANIED BY A GENERIC POWER OF ATTORNEY (POA) DOCUMENT AS PREPARED IN ADVANCE BY THE LOCAL MARKET SUBCUSTODIAN BANK THROUGH WHICH YOUR SHARES SETTLE. HOWEVER, CERTAIN ISSUERS MAY REQUIRE AN ISSUER-SPECIFIC POA SIGNED BY THE VOTING CLIENT. UPON RECEIPT OF AN ISSUER-SPECIFIC POA TEMPLATE FROM THE LOCAL MARKET SUBCUSTODIAN, BROADRIDGE WILL PROVIDE THIS TO YOU FOR YOUR COMPLETION AND SUBMISSION 1 APPROVAL OF AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Mgmt For For ACTIVITY REPORT OF BOD AND BOS IN 2013 2 APPROVAL OF PROFIT ALLOCATION IN 2013 AND Mgmt For For DIVIDEND RATE: THE AGM 2013 APPROVED CASH DIVIDEND IN 2013 AT 34% OF THE PAR VALUE (3.400 VND PER SHARE) 3 APPROVAL OF BONUS SHARES ISSUANCE FOR Mgmt For For EXISTING SHAREHOLDERS 4 APPROVAL OF PLANS FOR 2014 INCLUDING Mgmt For For REVENUE AND PROFIT, INVESTMENT PLAN, PROFIT ALLOCATION PLAN 5 APPROVAL OF SELECTION OF INDEPENDENT AUDIT Mgmt For For ENTITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014 6 APPROVAL OF REMUNERATION FOR BOD AND BOS IN Mgmt For For 2014 7 APPROVAL OF THE APPOINTMENT OF MR NG JUI Mgmt For For SIA TO BOD MEMBER FOR TERM 2012-2016 8 APPROVAL OF CHAIRMAN OF BOD ACTING Mgmt For For CONCURRENTLY AS GENERAL DIRECTOR 9 ADDITIONAL ELECTION OF BOS MEMBER TO Mgmt For For REPLACE MR NGOC VU CHUONG WHO HAS RESIGNED FROM BOS SINCE 08 APR 2014 10 ANY OTHER ISSUES WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF Mgmt Abstain For THE AGM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZENITH BANK PLC, LAGOS Agenda Number: 705031362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: V9T871109 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 02-Apr-2014 Ticker: ISIN: NGZENITHBNK9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 To receive and adopt the Audited Accounts Mgmt For For for the financial year ended 31st December 2013 the Reports of the Directors Auditors and Audit Committee thereon 2 To declare a dividend Mgmt For For 3 To elect/re-elect Directors Mgmt For For 4 To authorize the Directors to fix the Mgmt For For remuneration of the Auditors 5 To elect members of the Audit Committee Mgmt For For 6 To approve the remuneration of the Mgmt For For Directors for the year ending December 31 2014 CMMT 14 MAR 2014: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A Non-Voting REVISION DUE TO MODIFICATION TO THE TEXT OF RESOLUTION 3. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SENT IN YOUR VOTES, PLEASE DO NOT RETURN THIS PROXY FORM UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO AMEND YOUR ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS. THANK YOU * Management position unknown SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. (Registrant) BMO Lloyd George Frontier Markets Equity Fund By (Signature) /s/ John Blaser Name John Blaser Title President Date 08/27/2014