UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM N-PX ANNUAL REPORT OF PROXY VOTING RECORD OF REGISTERED MANAGEMENT INVESTMENT COMPANY INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT FILE NUMBER: 811-05379 NAME OF REGISTRANT: SPROTT FOCUS TRUST INC. ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICES: SPROTT ASSET MANAGEMENT LP 200 BAY ST., RBC PLZ.,SO TOWER, SUITE 2600 TORONTO, ON 11111 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT FOR SERVICE: THE PRENCIE-HALL CORP. SYSTEM, MA 7 ST. PAUL STREET SUITE 820 BALTIMORE, MD 21202 REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER: 4169434071 DATE OF FISCAL YEAR END: 12/31 DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD: 07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019 Sprott Focus Trust -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGNICO EAGLE MINES LIMITED Agenda Number: 934972072 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 008474108 Meeting Type: Annual and Special Meeting Date: 26-Apr-2019 Ticker: AEM ISIN: CA0084741085 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 DIRECTOR Dr. Leanne M. Baker Mgmt For For Sean Boyd Mgmt For For Martine A. Celej Mgmt For For Robert J. Gemmell Mgmt For For Mel Leiderman Mgmt For For Deborah McCombe Mgmt For For James D. Nasso Mgmt For For Dr. Sean Riley Mgmt For For J. Merfyn Roberts Mgmt For For Jamie C. Sokalsky Mgmt For For 2 Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as Mgmt For For Auditors of the Company for the ensuing year and authorizing the Directors to fix their remuneration. 3 Consideration of and, if deemed advisable, Mgmt For For the passing of an ordinary resolution approving an amendment to the Company's Incentive Share Purchase Plan. 4 Consideration of and, if deemed advisable, Mgmt For For the passing of a non-bindary, advisory resolution accepting the Company's approach to executive compensation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMGEN INC. Agenda Number: 934979266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 031162100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 21-May-2019 Ticker: AMGN ISIN: US0311621009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Dr. Wanda M. Austin Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Mr. Robert A. Bradway Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Dr. Brian J. Druker Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Mr. Robert A. Eckert Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Mr. Greg C. Garland Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Mr. Fred Hassan Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Dr. Rebecca M. Mgmt For For Henderson 1h. Election of Director: Mr. Charles M. Mgmt For For Holley, Jr. 1i. Election of Director: Dr. Tyler Jacks Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Ms. Ellen J. Kullman Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Dr. Ronald D. Sugar Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Dr. R. Sanders Mgmt For For Williams 2. Advisory vote to approve our executive Mgmt For For compensation. 3. To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young Mgmt For For LLP as our independent registered public accountants for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLE INC. Agenda Number: 934919359 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 037833100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 01-Mar-2019 Ticker: AAPL ISIN: US0378331005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of director: James Bell Mgmt For For 1b. Election of director: Tim Cook Mgmt For For 1c. Election of director: Al Gore Mgmt For For 1d. Election of director: Bob Iger Mgmt For For 1e. Election of director: Andrea Jung Mgmt For For 1f. Election of director: Art Levinson Mgmt For For 1g. Election of director: Ron Sugar Mgmt For For 1h. Election of director: Sue Wagner Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Mgmt For For Young LLP as Apple's independent registered public accounting firm for 2019 3. Advisory vote to approve executive Mgmt For For compensation 4. A shareholder proposal entitled Shr Against For "Shareholder Proxy Access Amendments" 5. A shareholder proposal entitled "True Shr Against For Diversity Board Policy" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARCOSA, INC. Agenda Number: 934955418 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 039653100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 07-May-2019 Ticker: ACA ISIN: US0396531008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1A. Election of Class I Director: Ronald J. Mgmt For For Gafford 1B. Election of Class I Director: Douglas L. Mgmt For For Rock 1C. Election of Class I Director: Melanie M. Mgmt For For Trent 2. Approve, on an Advisory Basis, Named Mgmt For For Executive Officer Compensation. 3. On an Advisory Basis, the frequency of the Mgmt 1 Year For Advisory Vote on Named Executive Officer Compensation. 4. Ratify the Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP Mgmt For For as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTISAN PARTNERS ASSET MANAGEMENT INC Agenda Number: 934971638 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 04316A108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 21-May-2019 Ticker: APAM ISIN: US04316A1088 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Matthew R. Barger Mgmt For For Seth W. Brennan Mgmt For For Eric R. Colson Mgmt For For Tench Coxe Mgmt For For Stephanie G. DiMarco Mgmt For For Jeffrey A. Joerres Mgmt For For Andrew A. Ziegler Mgmt For For 2. Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive Mgmt For For Officer Compensation 3. Ratification of the Appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2019 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASHMORE GROUP PLC Agenda Number: 709946264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G0609C101 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 19-Oct-2018 Ticker: ISIN: GB00B132NW22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 TO RECEIVE AND ADOPT THE FINANCIAL Mgmt For For STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 TOGETHER WITH THE REPORTS OF THE DIRECTORS AND AUDITORS THEREON 2 TO DECLARE A FINAL DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR Mgmt For For ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 OF 12.1 PENCE PER ORDINARY SHARE 3 TO RE-ELECT MARK COOMBS AS A DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 4 TO RE-ELECT TOM SHIPPEY AS A DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 5 TO RE-ELECT CLIVE ADAMSON AS A DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 6 TO RE-ELECT DAVID BENNETT AS A DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 7 TO ELECT JENNIFER BINGHAM AS A DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 8 TO RE-ELECT DAME ANNE PRINGLE AS A DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 9 TO APPROVE THE REMUNERATION REPORT SET OUT Mgmt For For IN THE REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 10 TO RE-APPOINT KPMG LLP AS AUDITORS Mgmt For For 11 TO AUTHORISE THE AUDIT AND REMUNERATION Mgmt For For COMMITTEE TO AGREE THE REMUNERATION OF THE AUDITORS 12 TO AUTHORISE POLITICAL DONATIONS AND Mgmt For For POLITICAL EXPENDITURE 13 TO AUTHORISE THE DIRECTORS TO ALLOT SHARES Mgmt For For 14 TO AUTHORISE THE DIS-APPLICATION OF Mgmt For For PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS UP TO 35,637,040 SHARES 15 TO AUTHORISE THE DIS-APPLICATION OF Mgmt For For PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS UP TO A FURTHER 35,637,040 SHARES 16 TO AUTHORISE MARKET PURCHASES OF SHARES Mgmt For For 17 TO APPROVE THE RENEWAL OF THE WAIVER OF THE Mgmt For For OBLIGATION UNDER RULE 9 OF THE TAKEOVER CODE 18 TO REDUCE THE NOTICE PERIOD FOR GENERAL Mgmt For For MEETINGS OTHER THAN AN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BARRICK GOLD CORPORATION Agenda Number: 934976260 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 067901108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 07-May-2019 Ticker: GOLD ISIN: CA0679011084 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 DIRECTOR D. M. Bristow Mgmt For For G. A. Cisneros Mgmt For For C. L. Coleman Mgmt For For J. M. Evans Mgmt For For B. L. Greenspun Mgmt For For J. B. Harvey Mgmt For For A. J. Quinn Mgmt For For J. L. Thornton Mgmt For For 2 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE APPOINTMENT OF Mgmt For For PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP as the auditor of Barrick and authorizing the directors to fix its remuneration 3 ADVISORY RESOLUTION ON APPROACH TO Mgmt For For EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC. Agenda Number: 934943362 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 084670702 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 04-May-2019 Ticker: BRKB ISIN: US0846707026 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Warren E. Buffett Mgmt For For Charles T. Munger Mgmt For For Gregory E. Abel Mgmt For For Howard G. Buffett Mgmt For For Stephen B. Burke Mgmt For For Susan L. Decker Mgmt For For William H. Gates III Mgmt For For David S. Gottesman Mgmt For For Charlotte Guyman Mgmt For For Ajit Jain Mgmt For For Thomas S. Murphy Mgmt For For Ronald L. Olson Mgmt For For Walter Scott, Jr. Mgmt For For Meryl B. Witmer Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIOGEN INC. Agenda Number: 935015556 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 09062X103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 19-Jun-2019 Ticker: BIIB ISIN: US09062X1037 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: John R. Chiminski Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Alexander J. Denner Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Caroline D. Dorsa Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: William A. Hawkins Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Nancy L. Leaming Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Jesus B. Mantas Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Richard C. Mulligan Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Robert W. Pangia Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Stelios Papadopoulos Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Brian S. Posner Mgmt For For 1k. Election of Director: Eric K. Rowinsky Mgmt For For 1l. Election of Director: Lynn Schenk Mgmt For For 1m. Election of Director: Stephen A. Sherwin Mgmt For For 1n. Election of Director: Michel Vounatsos Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the selection of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Biogen Inc.'s independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. Say on Pay - To approve an advisory vote on Mgmt For For executive compensation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIRCHCLIFF ENERGY LTD. Agenda Number: 934989267 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 090697103 Meeting Type: Annual and Special Meeting Date: 23-May-2019 Ticker: BIREF ISIN: CA0906971035 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 To fix the number of directors of the Mgmt For For Corporation to be elected at the Meeting at five. 2 DIRECTOR Dennis A. Dawson Mgmt For For Debra A. Gerlach Mgmt For For Stacey E. McDonald Mgmt For For James W. Surbey Mgmt For For A. Jeffery Tonken Mgmt For For 3 To appoint KPMG LLP, Chartered Professional Mgmt For For Accountants, as the auditors of the Corporation, to hold office until the close of the next annual meeting of shareholders of the Corporation, and to authorize the board of directors to fix their remuneration as such. 4 To pass an ordinary resolution, the full Mgmt For For text of which is set forth in the information circular of the Corporation dated March 28, 2019, approving the amendment of the outstanding performance warrants of the Corporation, to extend the expiry date of such performance warrants from January 31, 2020 to January 31, 2025. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAL-MAINE FOODS, INC. Agenda Number: 934853094 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 128030202 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 20-Jul-2018 Ticker: CALM ISIN: US1280302027 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Class A Common Stock Amendment to amend Mgmt For For certain terms of capital stock as described in the Proxy Statement 2. Ancillary Amendment to update certain Mgmt For For provisions that are out-of-date, obsolete or inoperative and correct one typographical error as described in the Proxy Statement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAL-MAINE FOODS, INC. Agenda Number: 934874290 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 128030202 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-Oct-2018 Ticker: CALM ISIN: US1280302027 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Adolphus B. Baker Mgmt For For Max P. Bowman Mgmt For For Letitia C. Hughes Mgmt For For Sherman L. Miller Mgmt For For James E. Poole Mgmt For For Steve W. Sanders Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of Frost, PLLC as the Mgmt For For Company's Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for fiscal year 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTAMIN PLC Agenda Number: 710670870 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G2055Q105 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 08-Apr-2019 Ticker: ISIN: JE00B5TT1872 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 TO RECEIVE AND ADOPT THE COMPANY'S ANNUAL Mgmt For For ACCOUNTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 TOGETHER WITH THE STRATEGIC AND GOVERNANCE REPORTS AND THE AUDITOR'S REPORT ON THOSE ACCOUNTS 2 TO DECLARE A FINAL DIVIDEND OF 3 US CENTS Mgmt For For (USD 0.03) PER ORDINARY SHARE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE DIRECTORS IN RESPECT OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018, TO HOLDERS OF ORDINARY SHARES ON THE REGISTER OF MEMBERS ON THE RECORD DATE OF 23 APRIL 2019 3.1 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE THE DIRECTORS' Mgmt For For REMUNERATION REPORT (OTHER THAN THE DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION POLICY) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 AS DETAILED IN THE ANNUAL REPO 3.2 TO RECEIVE AND APPROVE THE DIRECTORS' Mgmt For For REMUNERATION POLICY CONTAINED IN THE DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION REPORT 3.3 TO APPROVE CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES Mgmt For For OF THE PERFORMANCE SHARE PLAN 4 THAT PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 39 OF THE ARTICLES Mgmt For For OF ASSOCIATION (THE "ARTICLES") OF THE COMPANY, THE MAXIMUM AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF FEES THAT THE COMPANY IS AUTHORISED TO PAY THE DIRECTORS FOR THEIR SERVICES AS DIRECTORS BE INCREASED TO GBP 950,000 WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT 5.1 TO RE-ELECT JOSEF EL-RAGHY, WHO RETIRES IN Mgmt For For ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 33 OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES AND, BEING ELIGIBLE, OFFERS HIMSELF FOR RE-ELECTION AS A DIRECTOR 5.2 TO RE-ELECT ANDREW PARDEY, WHO RETIRES IN Mgmt For For ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 33 OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES AND, BEING ELIGIBLE, OFFERS HIMSELF FOR RE-ELECTION AS A DIRECTOR 5.3 TO RE-ELECT ROSS JERRARD, WHO RETIRES IN Mgmt For For ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 33 OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES AND, BEING ELIGIBLE, OFFERS HIMSELF FOR RE-ELECTION AS A DIRECTOR 5.4 TO RE-ELECT EDWARD HASLAM, WHO RETIRES IN Mgmt For For ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 33 OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES AND, BEING ELIGIBLE, OFFERS HIMSELF FOR RE-ELECTION AS A DIRECTOR 5.5 TO RE-ELECT ALISON BAKER, WHO RETIRES IN Mgmt For For ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 33 OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES AND, BEING ELIGIBLE, OFFERS HERSELF FOR RE-ELECTION AS A DIRECTOR 5.6 TO ELECT DR IBRAHIM FAWZY, WHO RETIRES IN Mgmt For For ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 29 OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES AND, BEING ELIGIBLE, OFFERS HIMSELF FOR ELECTION AS A DIRECTOR 5.7 TO RE-ELECT MARK ARNESEN, WHO RETIRES IN Mgmt For For ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 33 OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES AND, BEING ELIGIBLE, OFFERS HIMSELF FOR RE-ELECTION AS A DIRECTOR 5.8 TO RE-ELECT MARK BANKES, WHO RETIRES IN Mgmt For For ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 33 OF THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES AND, BEING ELIGIBLE, OFFERS HIMSELF FRO RE-ELECTION AS A DIRECTOR 6.1 TO APPOINT PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP AS Mgmt For For THE COMPANY'S AUDITOR TO HOLD OFFICE FOR THE CONCLUSION OF THIS MEETING UNTIL THE CONCLUSION OF THE NEXT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AT WHICH THE ACCOUNTS ARE LAID BEFORE THE MEETING 6.2 TO AUTHORISE THE DIRECTORS TO AGREE THE Mgmt For For REMUNERATION OF THE AUDITOR 7 ALLOTMENT OF RELEVANT SECURITIES Mgmt For For 8.1 DISAPPLICATION OF PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS Mgmt For For 8.2 THAT, SUBJECT TO THE PASSING OF RESOLUTION Mgmt For For 7 ABOVE, THE DIRECTORS BE GENERALLY EMPOWERED IN ADDITION TO 8.1, TO ALLOT EQUITY SECURITIES (AS SUCH TERM IS DEFINED IN THE COMPANY'S ARTICLES) PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY CONFERRED BY RESOLUTION 7 9 MARKET PURCHASES OF ORDINARY SHARES Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRRUS LOGIC, INC. Agenda Number: 934850048 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 172755100 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 03-Aug-2018 Ticker: CRUS ISIN: US1727551004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR John C. Carter Mgmt For For Alexander M. Davern Mgmt For For Timothy R. Dehne Mgmt For For Christine King Mgmt For For Jason P. Rhode Mgmt For For Alan R. Schuele Mgmt For For David J. Tupman Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Mgmt For For Young LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending March 30, 2019. 3. Advisory vote to approve executive Mgmt For For compensation. 4. Approval of the Company's 2018 Long-Term Mgmt For For Incentive Plan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLARKSON PLC Agenda Number: 710886372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G21840106 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 09-May-2019 Ticker: ISIN: GB0002018363 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 RECEIVE THE ANNUAL REPORT Mgmt For For 2 APPROVE THE ANNUAL STATEMENT FROM THE Mgmt For For REMUNERATION COMMITTEE CHAIR AND THE ANNUAL REPORT ON REMUNERATION 3 DECLARE A FINAL DIVIDEND OF 51 PENCE PER Mgmt For For SHARE 4 ELECT BILL THOMAS AS A DIRECTOR OF THE Mgmt For For COMPANY 5 RE-ELECT ANDI CASE AS A DIRECTOR OF THE Mgmt For For COMPANY 6 RE-ELECT JEFF WOYDA AS A DIRECTOR OF THE Mgmt For For COMPANY 7 RE-ELECT PETER BACKHOUSE AS A DIRECTOR OF Mgmt For For THE COMPANY 8 RE-ELECT MARIE-LOUISE CLAYTON AS A DIRECTOR Mgmt For For OF THE COMPANY 9 RE-ELECT JAMES HUGHES-HALLETT AS A DIRECTOR Mgmt For For OF THE COMPANY 10 ELECT DR TIM MILLER AS A DIRECTOR OF THE Mgmt For For COMPANY 11 RE-ELECT BIRGER NERGAARD AS A DIRECTOR OF Mgmt For For THE COMPANY 12 REAPPOINT PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP AS Mgmt For For AUDITOR OF THE COMPANY 13 AUTHORISE THE BOARD TO DETERMINE THE Mgmt For For REMUNERATION OF THE AUDITOR OF THE COMPANY 14 AUTHORISE THE DIRECTORS TO ALLOT SHARES IN Mgmt For For THE COMPANY 15 AUTHORISE THE COMPANY AND ANY SUBSIDIARY OF Mgmt For For THE COMPANY TO MAKE POLITICAL DONATIONS 16 APPROVE THE RULES OF THE CLARKSON PLC U.S. Mgmt For For EMPLOYEE SHARE PURCHASE PLAN FOR ADOPTION BY THE COMPANY 17 AUTHORISE THE DIS-APPLICATION OF Mgmt For For PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS 18 AUTHORISE THE COMPANY TO PURCHASE ITS OWN Mgmt For For SHARES 19 APPROVE GENERAL MEETINGS, OTHER THAN AN Mgmt For For ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, BEING CALLED ON NOT LESS THAN 14 CLEAR DAYS' NOTICE 20 APPROVE NEW ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION Agenda Number: 934991488 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 30231G102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 29-May-2019 Ticker: XOM ISIN: US30231G1022 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Susan K. Avery Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Angela F. Braly Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Ursula M. Burns Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Kenneth C. Frazier Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Steven A. Kandarian Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Douglas R. Oberhelman Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Samuel J. Palmisano Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Steven S Reinemund Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: William C. Weldon Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: Darren W. Woods Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of Independent Auditors (page Mgmt For For 28) 3. Advisory Vote to Approve Executive Mgmt For For Compensation (page 30) 4. Independent Chairman (page 58) Shr For Against 5. Special Shareholder Meetings (page 59) Shr For Against 6. Board Matrix (page 61) Shr For Against 7. Climate Change Board Committee (page 62) Shr For Against 8. Report on Risks of Gulf Coast Petrochemical Shr For Against Investments (page 64) 9. Report on Political Contributions (page 66) Shr For Against 10. Report on Lobbying (page 67) Shr For Against -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRANCO-NEVADA CORPORATION Agenda Number: 934971741 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 351858105 Meeting Type: Annual and Special Meeting Date: 08-May-2019 Ticker: FNV ISIN: CA3518581051 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 DIRECTOR Pierre Lassonde Mgmt For For David Harquail Mgmt For For Tom Albanese Mgmt For For Derek W. Evans Mgmt For For Catharine Farrow Mgmt For For Louis Gignac Mgmt For For Jennifer Maki Mgmt For For Randall Oliphant Mgmt For For David R. Peterson Mgmt For For 2 Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Mgmt For For Chartered Accountants, as Auditors of the Corporation for the ensuing year and authorizing the Directors to fix their remuneration. 3 Acceptance of the Corporation's approach to Mgmt For For executive compensation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRESNILLO PLC Agenda Number: 710995664 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G371E2108 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 21-May-2019 Ticker: ISIN: GB00B2QPKJ12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 RECEIVING THE 2018 REPORT AND ACCOUNTS Mgmt For For 2 APPROVAL OF THE FINAL DIVIDEND Mgmt For For 3 APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL REPORT ON Mgmt For For REMUNERATION 4 RE-ELECTION OF MR ALBERTO BAILLERES AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 5 RE-ELECTION OF MR ALEJANDRO BAILLERES AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 6 RE-ELECTION OF MR JUAN BORDES AS A DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 7 RE-ELECTION OF MR ARTURO FERNANDEZ AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 8 RE-ELECTION OF MR JAIME LOMELIN AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 9 RE-ELECTION OF MR FERNANDO RUIZ AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 10 RE-ELECTION OF MR CHARLES JACOBS AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 11 RE-ELECTION OF MS BARBARA GARZA LAGUERA AS Mgmt For For A DIRECTOR 12 RE-ELECTION OF MR ALBERTO TIBURCIO AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 13 RE-ELECTION OF DAME JUDITH MACGREGOR AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 14 RE-ELECTION OF MS GEORGINA KESSEL AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR 15 ELECTION OF MR LUIS ROBLES AS A DIRECTOR Mgmt For For 16 APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION Mgmt For For POLICY 17 RE-APPOINTMENT OF ERNST & YOUNG LLP AS Mgmt For For AUDITORS 18 AUTHORITY TO SET THE REMUNERATION OF THE Mgmt For For AUDITORS 19 DIRECTORS' AUTHORITY TO ALLOT SHARES Mgmt For For 20 AUTHORITY TO DISAPPLY PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS Mgmt For For FOR SHARES ISSUED WHOLLY FOR CASH 21 AUTHORITY TO DISAPPLY PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS Mgmt For For FOR SHARES ISSUED WHOLLY FOR CASH AND USED ONLY FOR FINANCING ACQUISITIONS OR CAPITAL INVESTMENTS 22 AUTHORITY FOR THE COMPANY TO PURCHASE ITS Mgmt For For OWN SHARES 23 NOTICE PERIOD OF 14 CLEAR DAYS FOR A Mgmt For For GENERAL MEETING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRP HOLDINGS, INC. Agenda Number: 934981893 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 30292L107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 06-May-2019 Ticker: FRPH ISIN: US30292L1070 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR John D. Baker II Mgmt For For Charles E Commander III Mgmt For For H.W. Shad III Mgmt For For Martin E. Stein, Jr. Mgmt For For William H. Walton III Mgmt For For Margaret B. Wetherbee Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the audit committee's Mgmt For For selection of FRP's independent registered public accounting firm, Hancock Askew & Co., LLP (the "Auditor Proposal"). 3. Approval of, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt For For compensation of FRP's named executive officers (the "Compensation Proposal"). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GARMIN LTD Agenda Number: 935005012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: H2906T109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 07-Jun-2019 Ticker: GRMN ISIN: CH0114405324 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Approval of Garmin Ltd.'s 2018 Annual Mgmt For For Report, including the consolidated financial statements of Garmin Ltd. for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2018 and the statutory financial statements of Garmin Ltd. for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2018 2. Approval of the appropriation of available Mgmt For For earnings 3. Approval of the payment of a cash dividend Mgmt For For in the aggregate amount of US $2.28 per outstanding share out of Garmin Ltd.'s reserve from capital contribution in four equal installments 4. Discharge of the members of the Board of Mgmt For For Directors and the members of Executive Management from liability for the fiscal year ended December 29, 2018 5a. Re-election of Director: Min H. Kao Mgmt For For 5b. Re-election of Director: Joseph J. Hartnett Mgmt For For 5c. Re-election of Director: Clifton A. Pemble Mgmt For For 5d. Re-election of Director: Jonathan C. Mgmt For For Burrell 5e. Re-election of Director: Charles W. Peffer Mgmt For For 5f. Election of Director: Catherine A. Lewis Mgmt For For 6. Re-election of Min H. Kao as Executive Mgmt For For Chairman of the Board of Directors for a term extending until completion of the next annual general meeting 7a. Re-election of Compensation Committee Mgmt For For Member: Joseph J. Hartnett 7b. Re-election of Compensation Committee Mgmt For For Member: Charles W. Peffer 7c. Re-election of Compensation Committee Mgmt For For Member: Jonathan C. Burrell 7d. Election of Compensation Committee Member: Mgmt For For Catherine A. Lewis 8. Election of the law firm of Wuersch & Mgmt For For Gering LLP as independent voting rights representative 9. Ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Mgmt For For Young LLP as Garmin Ltd.'s independent registered public accounting firm for the 2019 fiscal year and re-election of Ernst & Young Ltd. as Garmin Ltd.'s statutory auditor for another one-year term 10. Advisory vote on executive compensation Mgmt For For 11. Binding vote to approve fiscal year 2020 Mgmt For For maximum aggregate compensation for the Executive Management 12. Binding vote to approve maximum aggregate Mgmt For For compensation for the Board of Directors for the period between the 2019 Annual General Meeting and the 2020 Annual General Meeting 13. Amendment to the Garmin Ltd. Employee Stock Mgmt For For Purchase Plan to increase the number of shares authorized for issuance under the Plan from 6 million to 8 million 14. Amendment to the Garmin Ltd. 2005 Equity Mgmt For For Incentive Plan to increase the maximum number of shares authorized for issuance under the Plan that may be delivered as Restricted Shares or pursuant to Performance Units or Restricted Stock Units from 6 million to 10 million -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GEMFIELDS GROUP LIMITED Agenda Number: 711072847 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G37751107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 10-May-2019 Ticker: ISIN: GG00BG0KTL52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 TO ADOPT THE COMPANY'S ANNUAL REPORT FOR Mgmt For For THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 2 TO RE-ELECT CAREL MALAN, WHO IS RETIRING BY Mgmt For For ROTATION, AS A DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 3 TO RE-ELECT BRIAN GILBERTSON, WHO IS Mgmt For For RETIRING BY ROTATION, AS A DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 4 TO ELECT EACH OF MARTIN TOLCHER, LUMKILE Mgmt For For MONDI AND CAREL MALAN (SUBJECT TO HIS RE-ELECTION AS DIRECTOR PURSUANT TO ORDINARY RESOLUTION 2) TO THE COMPANY'S AUDIT COMMITTEE 5 TO REAPPOINT BDO LLP AS THE COMPANY'S Mgmt For For AUDITOR (UNTIL THE CONCLUSION OF THE 2020 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING) AND TO AUTHORISE THE DIRECTORS TO FIX THEIR REMUNERATION 6 GENERAL AUTHORITY TO ISSUE SHARES FOR CASH Mgmt For For 7 GENERAL AUTHORITY TO ACQUIRE (REPURCHASE) Mgmt For For ORDINARY SHARES 8 GENERAL AUTHORITY TO CANCEL SHARES Mgmt For For 9 ENDORSEMENT OF THE COMPANY'S REMUNERATION Mgmt For For POLICY 10 ENDORSEMENT OF THE COMPANY'S REMUNERATION Mgmt For For IMPLEMENTATION REPORT CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN AMENDMENT TO Non-Voting MEETING ID 215442 DUE TO ADDITION OF RESOLUTIONS. ALL VOTES RECEIVED ON THE PREVIOUS MEETING WILL BE DISREGARDED AND YOU WILL NEED TO REINSTRUCT ON THIS MEETING NOTICE. THANK YOU -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENTEX CORPORATION Agenda Number: 934964241 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 371901109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 16-May-2019 Ticker: GNTX ISIN: US3719011096 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Ms. Leslie Brown Mgmt For For Mr. Gary Goode Mgmt For For Mr. James Hollars Mgmt For For Mr. John Mulder Mgmt For For Mr. Richard Schaum Mgmt For For Mr. Frederick Sotok Mgmt For For Ms. Kathleen Starkoff Mgmt For For Mr. Brian Walker Mgmt For For Mr. James Wallace Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young Mgmt For For LLP as the Company's auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. 3. To approve, on an advisory basis, Mgmt For For compensation of the Company's named executive officers. 4. To approve the Gentex Corporation 2019 Mgmt For For Omnibus Incentive Plan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HELMERICH & PAYNE, INC. Agenda Number: 934921405 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 423452101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 05-Mar-2019 Ticker: HP ISIN: US4234521015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Delaney M. Bellinger Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Kevin G. Cramton Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Randy A. Foutch Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Hans Helmerich Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: John W. Lindsay Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Jose R. Mas Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Thomas A. Petrie Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Donald F. Robillard, Mgmt For For Jr. 1i. Election of Director: Edward B. Rust, Jr. Mgmt For For 1j. Election of Director: John D. Zeglis Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as Mgmt For For auditors for 2019. 3. Advisory vote on executive compensation. Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOCHSCHILD MINING PLC Agenda Number: 711144600 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G4611M107 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 06-Jun-2019 Ticker: ISIN: GB00B1FW5029 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 THAT, THE AUDITED ACCOUNTS OF THE COMPANY Mgmt For For FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018, TOGETHER WITH THE DIRECTORS' REPORT AND THE AUDITORS' REPORT THEREON BE RECEIVED 2 THAT, THE DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION REPORT Mgmt For For FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 BE APPROVED 3 THAT, A FINAL DIVIDEND FOR THE FINANCIAL Mgmt For For YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 OF 1.959 US CENTS PER ORDINARY SHARE BE APPROVED 4 THAT, GRAHAM BIRCH BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 5 THAT, JORGE BORN JR BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 6 THAT, IGNACIO BUSTAMANTE BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 7 THAT, EDUARDO HOCHSCHILD BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 8 THAT, EILEEN KAMERICK BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 9 THAT, DIONISIO ROMERO PAOLETTI BE Mgmt For For RE-ELECTED AS A DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 10 THAT, MICHAEL RAWLINSON BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 11 THAT, SANJAY SARMA BE RE-ELECTED AS A Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 12 THAT, ERNST & YOUNG LLP BE RE-APPOINTED AS Mgmt For For AUDITORS OF THE COMPANY (THE 'AUDITORS') UNTIL THE CONCLUSION OF THE NEXT GENERAL MEETING AT WHICH ACCOUNTS ARE LAID BEFORE THE COMPANY 13 THAT, THE AUDIT COMMITTEE OF THE COMPANY BE Mgmt For For AUTHORISED TO SET THE REMUNERATION OF THE AUDITORS 14 THAT, THE DIRECTORS BE AND ARE HEREBY Mgmt For For GENERALLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY AUTHORISED PURSUANT TO AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 551 OF THE COMPANIES ACT 2006 (THE '2006 ACT') TO EXERCISE ALL THE POWERS OF THE COMPANY TO ALLOT SHARES OR GRANT RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE FOR OR TO CONVERT ANY SECURITY INTO SHARES: 14.1 UP TO AN AGGREGATE NOMINAL AMOUNT OF GBP 42,541,905 14.2 COMPRISING EQUITY SECURITIES (AS DEFINED IN SECTION 560(1) OF THE 2006 ACT) UP TO A FURTHER AGGREGATE NOMINAL AMOUNT OF GBP 42,541,905 IN CONNECTION WITH AN OFFER BY WAY OF A RIGHTS ISSUE, SUCH AUTHORITIES TO APPLY IN SUBSTITUTION FOR ALL PREVIOUS AUTHORITIES AND TO EXPIRE AT THE END OF THE NEXT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE COMPANY OR ON 30 JUNE 2020, WHICHEVER IS THE EARLIER BUT, IN EACH CASE, SO THAT THE COMPANY MAY MAKE OFFERS AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS DURING THE RELEVANT PERIOD WHICH WOULD OR MIGHT REQUIRE SHARES TO BE ALLOTTED OR RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE FOR OR TO CONVERT ANY SECURITY INTO SHARES TO BE GRANTED AFTER THE AUTHORITY ENDS. FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS RESOLUTION 'RIGHTS ISSUE' MEANS AN OFFER TO: (I) ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS IN PROPORTION (AS NEARLY AS MAY BE PRACTICABLE) TO THEIR EXISTING HOLDINGS; AND (II) PEOPLE WHO ARE HOLDERS OF OTHER EQUITY SECURITIES IF THIS IS REQUIRED BY THE RIGHTS OF THOSE SECURITIES OR, IF THE DIRECTORS CONSIDER IT NECESSARY, AS PERMITTED BY THE RIGHTS OF THOSE SECURITIES, TO SUBSCRIBE FOR FURTHER SECURITIES BY MEANS OF THE ISSUE OF A RENOUNCEABLE LETTER (OR OTHER NEGOTIABLE DOCUMENT) WHICH MAY BE TRADED FOR A PERIOD BEFORE PAYMENT FOR THE SECURITIES IS DUE, BUT SUBJECT IN BOTH CASES TO SUCH EXCLUSIONS OR OTHER ARRANGEMENTS AS THE DIRECTORS MAY DEEM NECESSARY OR EXPEDIENT IN RELATION TO TREASURY SHARES, FRACTIONAL ENTITLEMENTS, RECORD DATES OR LEGAL, REGULATORY OR PRACTICAL PROBLEMS IN, OR UNDER THE LAWS OF, ANY TERRITORY 15 THAT, SUBJECT TO THE PASSING OF RESOLUTION Mgmt For For 14 ABOVE, THE DIRECTORS BE AUTHORISED TO ALLOT EQUITY SECURITIES (AS DEFINED IN SECTION 560(1) OF THE 2006 ACT) WHOLLY FOR CASH: 15.1 PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY GIVEN BY PARAGRAPH 14.1 OF RESOLUTION 14 ABOVE OR WHERE THE ALLOTMENT CONSTITUTES AN ALLOTMENT OF EQUITY SECURITIES BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 560(3) OF THE 2006 ACT IN EACH CASE: (I) IN CONNECTION WITH A PRE-EMPTIVE OFFER; AND (II) OTHERWISE THAN IN CONNECTION WITH A PRE-EMPTIVE OFFER, UP TO AN AGGREGATE NOMINAL AMOUNT OF GBP 6,381,924; AND 15.2 PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY GIVEN BY PARAGRAPH 14.2 OF RESOLUTION 14 ABOVE IN CONNECTION WITH A RIGHTS ISSUE, AS IF SECTION 561(1) OF THE 2006 ACT DID NOT APPLY TO ANY SUCH ALLOTMENT; SUCH AUTHORITY TO EXPIRE AT THE END OF THE NEXT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE COMPANY OR AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON 30 JUNE 2020, WHICHEVER IS EARLIER BUT SO THAT THE COMPANY MAY, BEFORE SUCH EXPIRY, MAKE OFFERS, AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS DURING THIS PERIOD WHICH WOULD, OR MIGHT, REQUIRE EQUITY SECURITIES TO BE ALLOTTED AND TREASURY SHARES TO BE SOLD AFTER THE AUTHORITY GIVEN BY THIS RESOLUTION HAS EXPIRED AND THE DIRECTORS MAY ALLOT EQUITY SECURITIES AND SELL TREASURY SHARES UNDER ANY SUCH OFFER OR AGREEMENT AS IF THE AUTHORITY HAD NOT EXPIRED. FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS RESOLUTION: (I) 'RIGHTS ISSUE' HAS THE SAME MEANING AS IN RESOLUTION 14 ABOVE; (II) 'PRE-EMPTIVE OFFER' MEANS AN OFFER OF EQUITY SECURITIES OPEN FOR ACCEPTANCE FOR A PERIOD FIXED BY THE DIRECTORS TO (A) HOLDERS (OTHER THAN THE COMPANY) ON THE REGISTER ON A RECORD DATE FIXED BY THE DIRECTORS OF ORDINARY SHARES IN PROPORTION TO THEIR RESPECTIVE HOLDINGS AND (B) OTHER PERSONS SO ENTITLED BY VIRTUE OF THE RIGHTS ATTACHING TO ANY OTHER EQUITY SECURITIES HELD BY THEM, BUT SUBJECT IN BOTH CASES TO SUCH EXCLUSIONS OR OTHER ARRANGEMENTS AS THE DIRECTORS MAY DEEM NECESSARY OR EXPEDIENT IN RELATION TO TREASURY SHARES, FRACTIONAL ENTITLEMENTS, RECORD DATES OR LEGAL, REGULATORY OR PRACTICAL PROBLEMS IN, OR UNDER THE LAWS OF, ANY TERRITORY; (III) REFERENCES TO AN ALLOTMENT OF EQUITY SECURITIES SHALL INCLUDE A SALE OF TREASURY SHARES; AND (IV) THE NOMINAL AMOUNT OF ANY SECURITIES SHALL BE TAKEN TO BE, IN THE CASE OF RIGHTS TO SUBSCRIBE FOR OR CONVERT ANY SECURITIES INTO SHARES OF THE COMPANY, THE NOMINAL AMOUNT OF SUCH SHARES WHICH MAY BE ALLOTTED PURSUANT TO SUCH RIGHTS 16 THAT, SUBJECT TO THE PASSING OF RESOLUTION Mgmt For For 14 ABOVE AND IN ADDITION TO ANY AUTHORITY GRANTED UNDER RESOLUTION 15 ABOVE, THE DIRECTORS BE AUTHORISED TO ALLOT EQUITY SECURITIES (AS DEFINED IN SECTION 560(1) OF THE 2006 ACT) WHOLLY FOR CASH PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY GIVEN BY RESOLUTION 14 ABOVE OR WHERE THE ALLOTMENT CONSTITUTES AN ALLOTMENT OF EQUITY SECURITIES BY VIRTUE OF SECTION 560(3) OF THE 2006 ACT AS IF SECTION 561(1) OF THE 2006 ACT DID NOT APPLY TO ANY SUCH ALLOTMENT, SUCH AUTHORITY TO BE: 16.1 LIMITED TO THE ALLOTMENT OF EQUITY SECURITIES OR SALE OF TREASURY SHARES UP TO AN AGGREGATE NOMINAL AMOUNT OF GBP 6,381,924; AND 16.2 USED ONLY FOR THE PURPOSES OF FINANCING (OR REFINANCING, IF THE AUTHORITY IS TO BE USED WITHIN SIX MONTHS AFTER THE ORIGINAL TRANSACTION) A TRANSACTION WHICH THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY DETERMINES TO BE AN ACQUISITION OR OTHER CAPITAL INVESTMENT OF A KIND CONTEMPLATED BY THE STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES ON DISAPPLYING PRE-EMPTION RIGHTS MOST RECENTLY PUBLISHED BY THE PRE-EMPTION GROUP PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE, SUCH AUTHORITY TO EXPIRE AT THE END OF THE NEXT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE COMPANY OR AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON 30 JUNE 2020, WHICHEVER IS THE EARLIER, BUT SO THAT THE COMPANY MAY, BEFORE SUCH EXPIRY, MAKE OFFERS AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WHICH WOULD, OR MIGHT, REQUIRE EQUITY SECURITIES TO BE ALLOTTED AND TREASURY SHARES TO BE SOLD AFTER THE AUTHORITY GIVEN BY THIS RESOLUTION HAS EXPIRED AND THE DIRECTORS MAY ALLOT EQUITY SECURITIES AND SELL TREASURY SHARES UNDER ANY SUCH OFFER OR AGREEMENT AS IF THE AUTHORITY HAD NOT EXPIRED 17 THAT, THE COMPANY BE AND IS HEREBY Mgmt For For GENERALLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY AUTHORISED FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECTION 701 OF THE 2006 ACT TO MAKE ONE OR MORE MARKET PURCHASES (AS DEFINED IN SECTION 693 OF THAT ACT) OF ORDINARY SHARES OF GBP 0.25 EACH IN THE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY PROVIDED THAT: 17.1 THE MAXIMUM AGGREGATE NUMBER OF ORDINARY SHARES AUTHORISED TO BE PURCHASED IS 51,055,392 (REPRESENTING AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO 10 PER CENT OF THE COMPANY'S ISSUED ORDINARY SHARE CAPITAL AS AT 23 APRIL 2019); 17.2 THE MINIMUM PRICE WHICH MAY BE PAID FOR AN ORDINARY SHARE IS GBP 0.25 PER ORDINARY SHARE; 17.3 THE MAXIMUM PRICE WHICH MAY BE PAID FOR AN ORDINARY SHARE IS AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE HIGHER OF (I) AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO 5% ABOVE THE AVERAGE CLOSING PRICE OF SUCH ORDINARY SHARES FOR THE FIVE BUSINESS DAYS ON THE LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE PRIOR TO THE DATE OF PURCHASE; AND (II) AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE HIGHER OF THE PRICE OF THE LAST INDEPENDENT TRADE OF ANY ORDINARY SHARE AND THE HIGHEST CURRENT INDEPENDENT BID FOR AN ORDINARY SHARE AS DERIVED FROM THE LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE ELECTRONIC TRADING SERVICE; 17.4 THIS AUTHORITY SHALL EXPIRE AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE COMPANY HELD IN 2020 OR, IF EARLIER, 30 JUNE 2020 (EXCEPT IN RELATION TO THE PURCHASE OF SHARES THE CONTRACT FOR WHICH WAS CONCLUDED BEFORE THE EXPIRY OF SUCH AUTHORITY AND WHICH MIGHT BE EXECUTED WHOLLY OR PARTLY AFTER SUCH EXPIRY) UNLESS SUCH AUTHORITY IS RENEWED PRIOR TO SUCH TIME 18 THAT, A GENERAL MEETING OTHER THAN AN Mgmt For For ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MAY BE CALLED ON NOT LESS THAN 14 CLEAR DAYS' NOTICE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUSTRIAS BACHOCO, S.A.B. DE C.V. Agenda Number: 934962918 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 456463108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 24-Apr-2019 Ticker: IBA ISIN: US4564631087 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. Presentation and approval, as appropriate Mgmt For of: a) the Chief Executive Officer's report, together with the opinion of the External Auditor of the Company, relating to the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2018, as well as the opinion of the Board of Directors on the contents of such report; b) the report of the Board of Directors with respect to the main accounting and reporting policies and criteria used in the preparation of the financial information of the Company, and report on the ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). 2. Presentation of the report on compliance Mgmt For with tax obligations of the last audited fiscal year of the Company. Resolutions in this regard. 3. Proposal of application of the income Mgmt For statement for fiscal year 2018, which includes the presentation and approval, as appropriate, of the proposal to declare and pay cash dividends. Resolutions in this regard. 4. Proposal to establish the maximum amount of Mgmt For funds that may be used to buy Company shares. Resolutions in this regard. 5. Appointment, or as appropriate, Mgmt For ratification of the members of the Board of Directors and Secretary, as well as determination of independence of independent board members, in terms of the Securities Market Law. Resolutions in this regard. 6. Appointment or, as appropriate, Mgmt For ratification of the Chairman and members of the Auditing and Corporate Practices Committee of the Company. Resolutions in this regard. 7. Determine the compensation corresponding to Mgmt For the members of the Board of Directors of the Company and the Secretary of the Board of Directors, as well as to the Chairman and members of the Auditing and Corporate Practices Committee of the Company. Resolutions in this regard. 8. Appointment of special delegates of the Mgmt For Company to attend General Shareholders Meetings of the Company's subsidiaries, as well as to formalize the resolutions of the Meeting. Resolutions in this regard. 9. Reading and approval, as appropriate, of Mgmt For the minutes of meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KENNEDY-WILSON HOLDINGS, INC. Agenda Number: 935016546 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 489398107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 13-Jun-2019 Ticker: KW ISIN: US4893981070 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1.1 Election of Director: Trevor Bowen Mgmt For For 1.2 Election of Director: Cathy Hendrickson Mgmt For For 1.3 Election of Director: John Taylor Mgmt For For 1.4 Election of Director: Stanley Zax Mgmt For For 2. To approve an amendment to the Company's Mgmt For For Second Amended and Restated 2009 Equity Participation Plan to, among other things, increase the number of shares of the Company's common stock that may be issued thereunder by an additional 3.3 million shares. 3. To approve, on an advisory nonbinding Mgmt For For basis, the compensation of the Company's named executive officers. 4. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as Mgmt For For the Company's independent registered accounting firm for the 2019 fiscal year. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAM RESEARCH CORPORATION Agenda Number: 934879098 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 512807108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 06-Nov-2018 Ticker: LRCX ISIN: US5128071082 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Martin B. Anstice Mgmt For For Eric K. Brandt Mgmt For For Michael R. Cannon Mgmt For For Youssef A. El-Mansy Mgmt For For Christine A. Heckart Mgmt For For Catherine P. Lego Mgmt For For Stephen G. Newberry Mgmt For For Abhijit Y. Talwalkar Mgmt For For Lih Shyng Tsai Mgmt For For 2. Advisory vote to approve the compensation Mgmt For For of the named executive officers of Lam Research, or "Say on Pay." 3. Approval of the adoption of the Lam Mgmt For For Research Corporation 1999 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, as amended and restated. 4. Ratification of the appointment of the Mgmt For For independent registered public accounting firm for fiscal year 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAJOR DRILLING GROUP INTERNATIONAL INC. Agenda Number: 934862726 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 560909103 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 07-Sep-2018 Ticker: MJDLF ISIN: CA5609091031 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 DIRECTOR Edward J. Breiner Mgmt For For Jean Desrosiers Mgmt For For Fred J. Dyment Mgmt For For Denis Larocque Mgmt For For Janice G. Rennie Mgmt For For David B. Tennant Mgmt For For Jo Mark Zurel Mgmt For For John Burzynski Mgmt For For Louis-Pierre Gignac Mgmt For For 2 In respect of accepting the advisory Mgmt For For resolution to accept the Board's approach to executive compensation as set forth in the Management Proxy Circular of the Corporation dated July 10, 2018. 3 In respect of the appointment of Deloitte Mgmt For For LLP as independent auditors of the Corporation for the ensuing year and authorizing the directors to fix their remuneration. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARCUS & MILLICHAP, INC. Agenda Number: 934953882 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 566324109 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 02-May-2019 Ticker: MMI ISIN: US5663241090 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR George M. Marcus Mgmt For For George T. Shaheen Mgmt For For Don C. Watters Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young Mgmt For For LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2019. 3. To approve, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt For For compensation of the Company's named executive officers as disclosed in the proxy statement. 4. To indicate, on an advisory basis, the Mgmt 1 Year For preferred frequency of stockholder advisory votes on the compensation of the Company's named executive officers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MKS INSTRUMENTS, INC. Agenda Number: 934955836 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 55306N104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 08-May-2019 Ticker: MKSI ISIN: US55306N1046 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Jacqueline F. Moloney Mgmt For For Michelle M. Warner Mgmt For For 2. The approval, on an advisory basis, of Mgmt For For executive compensation. 3. The ratification of the selection of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAN AMERICAN SILVER CORP. Agenda Number: 934912040 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 697900108 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 08-Jan-2019 Ticker: PAAS ISIN: CA6979001089 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 To consider and, if thought appropriate, to Mgmt For For pass a special resolution approving the increase of the maximum number of common shares (the "Pan American Shares") of Pan American Silver Corp. ("Pan American") that Pan American is authorized to issue from 200,000,000 Pan American Shares to 400,000,000 Pan American Shares. The full text of the special resolution approving this increase in authorized capital (the "Authorized Capital Resolution") is attached as Part I of Schedule B to the accompanying management information circular (the "Circular"). 2 To consider and, if thought appropriate, to Mgmt For For pass an ordinary resolution approving the issuance of up to 72,533,152 Pan American Shares as consideration in respect of an arrangement involving Pan American and Tahoe Resources Inc. ("Tahoe") under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia), pursuant to which Pan American will acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Tahoe, as more fully described in the accompanying Circular. The full text of the ordinary resolution approving this share issuance (the "Share Issuance Resolution") is attached as Part II of Schedule B to the accompanying Circular. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAN AMERICAN SILVER CORP. Agenda Number: 934966853 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 697900108 Meeting Type: Annual and Special Meeting Date: 08-May-2019 Ticker: PAAS ISIN: CA6979001089 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 DIRECTOR Ross J. Beaty Mgmt For For Michael Steinmann Mgmt For For Michael L. Carroll Mgmt For For Neil de Gelder Mgmt For For Walter T. Segsworth Mgmt For For Gillian D. Winckler Mgmt For For Charles A. Jeannes Mgmt For For C. Kevin McArthur Mgmt For For 2 Appointment of Deloitte LLP as Auditors of Mgmt For For the Corporation for the ensuing year and authorizing the Directors to fix their remuneration. 3 To consider and, if thought appropriate, to Mgmt For For pass an ordinary resolution approving the Corporation's approach to executive compensation, the complete text of which is set out in the information circular for the Meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PASON SYSTEMS INC. Agenda Number: 934970004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 702925108 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 02-May-2019 Ticker: PSYTF ISIN: CA7029251088 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 To vote for or against fixing the number of Mgmt For For directors at five (5). 2 DIRECTOR James D. Hill Mgmt For For James B. Howe Mgmt For For Marcel Kessler Mgmt For For T. Jay Collins Mgmt For For Judi M. Hess Mgmt For For 3 Appointment of Deloitte LLP as Auditors of Mgmt For For the Corporation for the ensuing year and authorizing the Directors to fix their remuneration. 4 To vote for or against a non-binding, Mgmt For For advisory ("Say on Pay") vote to Pason's approach to executive compensation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRETIUM RESOURCES INC. Agenda Number: 934981134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 74139C102 Meeting Type: Annual and Special Meeting Date: 02-May-2019 Ticker: PVG ISIN: CA74139C1023 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 To set the Number of Directors at seven Mgmt For For (7). 2 DIRECTOR ROBERT A. QUARTERMAIN Mgmt For For JOSEPH J. OVSENEK Mgmt For For GEORGE PASPALAS Mgmt For For PETER BIRKEY Mgmt For For DAVID SMITH Mgmt For For FAHEEM TEJANI Mgmt For For ROBIN BIENENSTOCK Mgmt For For 3 To appoint PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP as Mgmt For For Auditors of the Company for the ensuing year and to authorize the Directors to fix their remuneration. 4 To authorize and approve the Company's Mgmt For For Incentive Stock Option Plan, including the amendments thereto, and the unallocated options issuable thereunder. 5 To authorize and approve the Company's Mgmt For For Restricted Share Unit Plan, including the amendments thereto, and the unallocated units issuable thereunder. 6 To authorize and approve the amendments to Mgmt For For the Articles and, as applicable, Notice of Articles of the Company to increase the quorum requirement for meetings of shareholders and to delete preferred shares from the Company's share capital. 7 To authorize and approve a non-binding Mgmt For For advisory resolution accepting the Company's approach to executive compensation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RANDGOLD RESOURCES LIMITED Agenda Number: 934885243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 752344309 Meeting Type: Special Meeting Date: 07-Nov-2018 Ticker: GOLD ISIN: US7523443098 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management C1. To approve the scheme of arrangement (the Mgmt For For "Scheme") set out in the Scheme Document dated October 4, 2018. E1. THAT for the purpose of giving effect to Mgmt For For the Scheme in its original form or subject to such modification, addition or condition approved or imposed by the Royal Court of Jersey (the "Jersey Court") and agreed by the Company and Barrick Gold Corporation: (A) the directors of the Company (or a duly authorised committee thereof) be authorised to take all such action as they may consider necessary or appropriate for carrying the Scheme into full effect; and (B) with effect from ...(due to space limits, see proxy material for full proposal). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELIANCE STEEL & ALUMINUM CO. Agenda Number: 934979343 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 759509102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 15-May-2019 Ticker: RS ISIN: US7595091023 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Sarah J. Anderson Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Karen W. Colonias Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: John G. Figueroa Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: David H. Hannah Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Mark V. Kaminski Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Robert A. McEvoy Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Gregg J. Mollins Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Andrew G. Sharkey, Mgmt For For III 1i. Election of Director: Douglas W. Stotlar Mgmt For For 2. To consider a non-binding, advisory vote to Mgmt For For approve the compensation of the Company's named executive officers. 3. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as Mgmt For For the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SANDERSON FARMS, INC. Agenda Number: 934920681 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 800013104 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 14-Feb-2019 Ticker: SAFM ISIN: US8000131040 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Fred L. Banks, Jr.# Mgmt For For Robert C. Khayat# Mgmt For For Gail Jones Pittman# Mgmt For For Toni D. Cooley# Mgmt For For David Barksdale* Mgmt For For Edith Kelly-Green@ Mgmt For For 2. Proposal to approve, in a non-binding Mgmt For For advisory vote, the compensation of the Company's Named Executive Officers. 3. Proposal to ratify the appointment of Ernst Mgmt For For & Young LLP as the Company's independent auditors for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEABRIDGE GOLD INC. Agenda Number: 935036132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 811916105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 26-Jun-2019 Ticker: SA ISIN: CA8119161054 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1 To fix the number of Directors of the Mgmt For For Corporation at nine (9). 2 DIRECTOR A. Frederick Banfield Mgmt For For Rudi P. Fronk Mgmt For For Eliseo Gonzalez-Urien Mgmt For For Richard C. Kraus Mgmt For For Jay S. Layman Mgmt For For Melanie Miller Mgmt For For Clem Pelletier Mgmt For For John W. Sabine Mgmt For For Gary A. Sugar Mgmt For For 3 To appoint KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants, Mgmt For For as Auditors of the Corporation for the ensuing year. 4 To authorize the Directors to fix the Mgmt For For remuneration to be paid to the auditors. 5 To approve an amendment to the Mgmt For For Corporation's Restricted Share Unit Plan ("RSU Plan") to make directors eligible to receive awards of RSUs. 6 To approve amendments to the Corporation's Mgmt For For Stock Option Plan and RSU Plan (the "Plans") to reserve a maximum number of shares issuable under both Plans combined which can be used for grants under either one of the Plans and to increase the number of shares reserved for issue under the Plans (but not issued), collectively, by 800,000 shares. 7 To approve, by a majority of disinterested Mgmt For For shareholders, the grants of 408,000 stock options to directors of the Corporation. 8 To approve, by a majority of disinterested Mgmt For For shareholders, the proposed grant of 50,000 options to the new director, subject to her election as a director. 9 To transact such other business as may Mgmt For For properly come before the Meeting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SMART SAND, INC. Agenda Number: 935016003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 83191H107 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 18-Jun-2019 Ticker: SND ISIN: US83191H1077 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Charles E. Young Mgmt For For Jose E. Feliciano Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of the selection of Grant Mgmt For For Thornton LLP as the Company's independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2019. 3. Approval on an advisory (and non-binding) Mgmt For For basis of the compensation paid to the Company's named executive officers for the year ended December 31, 2018. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BUCKLE, INC. Agenda Number: 935001975 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 118440106 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 03-Jun-2019 Ticker: BKE ISIN: US1184401065 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Daniel J. Hirschfeld Mgmt For For Dennis H. Nelson Mgmt For For Thomas B. Heacock Mgmt For For Kari G. Smith Mgmt For For Hank M. Bounds Mgmt For For Bill L. Fairfield Mgmt For For Bruce L. Hoberman Mgmt For For Michael E. Huss Mgmt For For John P. Peetz, III Mgmt For For Karen B. Rhoads Mgmt For For James E. Shada Mgmt For For 2. Proposal to ratify the selection of Mgmt For For Deloitte & Touche LLP as independent registered public accounting firm for the Company for the fiscal year ending February 1, 2020. 3. Proposal to approve the Company's 2019 Mgmt For For Management Incentive Plan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THOR INDUSTRIES, INC. Agenda Number: 934894280 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 885160101 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 14-Dec-2018 Ticker: THO ISIN: US8851601018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Andrew Graves Mgmt For For Amelia A. Huntington Mgmt For For Christopher Klein Mgmt For For 2. Ratification of appointment of Deloitte & Mgmt For For Touche LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for our Fiscal Year 2019. 3. Non-binding advisory vote to approve the Mgmt For For compensation of our named executive officers (NEOs). 4. Vote to declassify the Board of Directors. Mgmt For For -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALUE PARTNERS GROUP LIMITED Agenda Number: 710786801 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: G93175100 Meeting Type: AGM Meeting Date: 26-Apr-2019 Ticker: ISIN: KYG931751005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COMPANY NOTICE AND Non-Voting PROXY FORM ARE AVAILABLE BY CLICKING ON THE URL LINKS: HTTP://WWW3.HKEXNEWS.HK/LISTEDCO/LISTCONEWS /SEHK/2019/0322/LTN20190322396.PDF AND HTTP://WWW3.HKEXNEWS.HK/LISTEDCO/LISTCONEWS /SEHK/2019/0322/LTN20190322463.PDF CMMT PLEASE NOTE THAT SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALLOWED Non-Voting TO VOTE 'IN FAVOR' OR 'AGAINST' FOR ALL RESOLUTIONS, ABSTAIN IS NOT A VOTING OPTION ON THIS MEETING 1 TO RECEIVE AND CONSIDER THE AUDITED Mgmt For For FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND THE REPORTS OF THE DIRECTORS AND THE AUDITOR FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 2 TO DECLARE A FINAL DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR Mgmt For For ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018: 6.0 HK CENTS PER SHARE 3.A.I TO RE-ELECT DR. AU KING LUN AS AN EXECUTIVE Mgmt For For DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 3.AII TO RE-ELECT MS. HUNG YEUK YAN RENEE AS AN Mgmt For For EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 3AIII TO RE-ELECT MR. WONG POH WENG AS AN Mgmt For For INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE COMPANY 3.B TO AUTHORISE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO FIX Mgmt For For THE DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION 4 TO RE-APPOINT AUDITOR AND TO AUTHORISE THE Mgmt For For BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO FIX ITS REMUNERATION: PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS 5.A TO APPROVE THE GENERAL MANDATE TO ALLOT AND Mgmt For For ISSUE ADDITIONAL SHARES OF THE COMPANY 5.B TO APPROVE THE GENERAL MANDATE TO Mgmt For For REPURCHASE ISSUED SHARES OF THE COMPANY 5.C TO APPROVE THE GENERAL MANDATE TO ALLOT AND Mgmt For For ISSUE THE SHARES REPURCHASED BY THE COMPANY 6 TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES Mgmt For For OF ASSOCIATION OF THE COMPANY 7 TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE AMENDED AND Mgmt For For RESTATED ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF THE COMPANY (WHICH CONSOLIDATES ALL AMENDMENTS APPROVED AT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING) IN SUBSTITUTION FOR AND TO THE EXCLUSION OF THE EXISTING ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF THE COMPANY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WESTERN DIGITAL CORPORATION Agenda Number: 934880673 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 958102105 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 07-Nov-2018 Ticker: WDC ISIN: US9581021055 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1a. Election of Director: Martin I. Cole Mgmt For For 1b. Election of Director: Kathleen A. Cote Mgmt For For 1c. Election of Director: Henry T. DeNero Mgmt For For 1d. Election of Director: Tunc Doluca Mgmt For For 1e. Election of Director: Michael D. Lambert Mgmt For For 1f. Election of Director: Len J. Lauer Mgmt For For 1g. Election of Director: Matthew E. Massengill Mgmt For For 1h. Election of Director: Stephen D. Milligan Mgmt For For 1i. Election of Director: Paula A. Price Mgmt For For 2. To approve on an advisory basis the named Mgmt For For executive officer compensation disclosed in the Proxy Statement. 3. To approve an amendment and restatement of Mgmt For For our 2017 Performance Incentive Plan that would, among other things, increase by 6,000,000 the number of shares of our common stock available for issuance under the plan. 4. To approve an amendment and restatement of Mgmt Against Against our 2005 Employee Stock Purchase Plan that would, among other things, increase by 10,000,000 the number of shares of our common stock available for issuance under the plan. 5. To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as Mgmt For For our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending June 28, 2019. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WESTLAKE CHEMICAL CORPORATION Agenda Number: 934959365 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Security: 960413102 Meeting Type: Annual Meeting Date: 17-May-2019 Ticker: WLK ISIN: US9604131022 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prop.# Proposal Proposal Proposal Vote For/Against Type Management 1. DIRECTOR Albert Chao Mgmt For For David Chao Mgmt For For Michael J. Graff Mgmt For For 2. To ratify the appointment of Mgmt For For PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to serve as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2019. * Management position unknown SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. (Registrant) SPROTT FOCUS TRUST INC. By (Signature) /s/ TOM ULRICH Name TOM ULRICH Title President Date 07/29/2019