WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-PX



 NAME OF REGISTRANT:                     Highland Funds I

                                         Suite 700
                                         Dallas , TX 75201

 NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENT FOR SERVICE:  Highland Capital Management
                                         Fund Advisors, L.P.
                                         200 Crescent Court
                                         Suite 700
                                         Dallas, TX 75201

 REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER:          972-628-4100

 DATE OF FISCAL YEAR END:                06/30

 DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD:               07/01/2018 - 06/30/2019


Highland Long/Short Equity Fund
 AERIE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.                                                                 Agenda Number:  934982679
        Security:  00771V108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  23-May-2019
          Ticker:  AERI
            ISIN:  US00771V1089

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       G. D. Cagle, Ph.D.                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       R. Croarkin                                               Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2019.

3.     To approve, by a non-binding vote, the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive
       officers ("say-on-pay").

 ALPHABET INC.                                                                               Agenda Number:  935018956
        Security:  02079K305
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  19-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  GOOGL
            ISIN:  US02079K3059

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Larry Page                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Sergey Brin                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       John L. Hennessy                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       L. John Doerr                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Roger W. Ferguson, Jr.                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Ann Mather                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Alan R. Mulally                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Sundar Pichai                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       K. Ram Shriram                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Robin L. Washington                                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as Alphabet's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2019.

3.     The amendment and restatement of Alphabet's               Mgmt          For                            For
       2012 Stock Plan to increase the share
       reserve by 3,000,000 shares of Class C
       capital stock.

4.     A stockholder proposal regarding equal                    Shr           For                            Against
       shareholder voting, if properly presented
       at the meeting.

5.     A stockholder proposal regarding                          Shr           For                            Against
       inequitable employment practices, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

6.     A stockholder proposal regarding the                      Shr           Against                        For
       establishment of a societal risk oversight
       committee, if properly presented at the

7.     A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on sexual harassment risk management, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

8.     A stockholder proposal regarding majority                 Shr           For                            Against
       vote for the election of directors, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

9.     A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           Against                        For
       on gender pay, if properly presented at the

10.    A stockholder proposal regarding strategic                Shr           Against                        For
       alternatives, if properly presented at the

11.    A stockholder proposal regarding the                      Shr           Against                        For
       nomination of an employee representative
       director, if properly presented at the

12.    A stockholder proposal regarding simple                   Shr           Against                        For
       majority vote, if properly presented at the

13.    A stockholder proposal regarding a                        Shr           Against                        For
       sustainability metrics report, if properly
       presented at the meeting.

14.    A stockholder proposal regarding Google                   Shr           Against                        For
       Search in China, if properly presented at
       the meeting.

15.    A stockholder proposal regarding a clawback               Shr           For                            Against
       policy, if properly presented at the

16.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on content governance, if properly
       presented at the meeting.

 AMAZON.COM, INC.                                                                            Agenda Number:  934985954
        Security:  023135106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  22-May-2019
          Ticker:  AMZN
            ISIN:  US0231351067

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Jeffrey P. Bezos                    Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Rosalind G. Brewer                  Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Jamie S. Gorelick                   Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Daniel P.                           Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Judith A. McGrath                   Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Indra K. Nooyi                      Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Jonathan J.                         Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Thomas O. Ryder                     Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Patricia Q.                         Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Wendell P. Weeks                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF ERNST &                Mgmt          For                            For

3.     ADVISORY VOTE TO APPROVE EXECUTIVE                        Mgmt          For                            For

4.     SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING AN ANNUAL                 Shr           Against                        For

5.     SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REDUCTION               Shr           For                            Against

6.     SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A BAN ON                  Shr           Against                        For

7.     SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REPORT ON               Shr           For                            Against

8.     SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REPORT ON               Shr           For                            Against

9.     SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING AN                        Shr           Against                        For

10.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REPORT ON               Shr           For                            Against

11.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REPORT ON               Shr           For                            Against

12.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A BOARD                   Shr           Against                        For

13.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING CHANGES TO                Shr           Against                        For

14.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING A REPORT ON               Shr           Against                        For

15.    SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REGARDING                            Shr           Against                        For

 AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL, INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  934943069
        Security:  03076C106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  24-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  AMP
            ISIN:  US03076C1062

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: James M. Cracchiolo                 Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Dianne Neal Blixt                   Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Amy DiGeso                          Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Lon R. Greenberg                    Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Jeffrey Noddle                      Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Robert F. Sharpe, Jr.               Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: W. Edward Walter III                Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Christopher J.                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve the compensation of the named                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       executive officers by a nonbinding advisory

3.     To ratify the Audit Committee's selection                 Mgmt          For                            For
       of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
       Company's independent registered public
       accounting firm for 2019.

 ANDEAVOR                                                                                    Agenda Number:  934865948
        Security:  03349M105
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  24-Sep-2018
          Ticker:  ANDV
            ISIN:  US03349M1053

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                Mgmt          For                            For
       dated as of April 29, 2018, among Andeavor,
       Marathon Petroleum Corporation, Mahi Inc.
       and Mahi LLC, as such agreement may be
       amended from time to time, which is
       referred to as the merger agreement.

2.     To approve, by a non-binding advisory vote,               Mgmt          For                            For
       certain compensation that may be paid or
       become payable to Andeavor's named
       executive officers that is based on or
       otherwise relates to the merger
       contemplated by the merger agreement.

3.     To adjourn the special meeting, if                        Mgmt          For                            For
       reasonably necessary to provide
       stockholders with any required supplement
       or amendment to the joint proxy
       statement/prospectus or to solicit
       additional proxies in the event there are
       not sufficient votes at the time of the
       special meeting to approve Proposal 1

 AVAYA HOLDINGS CORP.                                                                        Agenda Number:  934978327
        Security:  05351X101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  15-May-2019
          Ticker:  AVYA
            ISIN:  US05351X1019

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       William D. Watkins                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       James M. Chirico, Jr.                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Stephan Scholl                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Susan L. Spradley                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Stanley J. Sutula, III                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Scott D. Vogel                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Jacqueline E. Yeaney                                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, our named               Mgmt          Against                        Against
       executive officers' compensation.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       frequency of future advisory votes to
       approve our named executive officers'

4.     To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending September
       30, 2019.

 BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  934985904
        Security:  090572207
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  BIO
            ISIN:  US0905722072

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Arnold A. Pinkston                  Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: Melinda Litherland                  Mgmt          For                            For

2.     PROPOSAL to ratify the selection of KPMG                  Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP to serve as the Company's independent

 BROADCOM INC                                                                                Agenda Number:  934928598
        Security:  11135F101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  AVGO
            ISIN:  US11135F1012

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Mr. Hock E. Tan                     Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Dr. Henry Samueli                   Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Mr. Eddy W.                         Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Ms. Diane M. Bryant                 Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Ms. Gayla J. Delly                  Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Mr. Check Kian Low                  Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Mr. Peter J. Marks                  Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Mr. Harry L. You                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Pricewaterhouse- Coopers LLP as Broadcom's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending November 3,

3.     To approve amendments to Broadcom's Second                Mgmt          For                            For
       Amended and Restated Employee Share
       Purchase Plan.

4.     Non-binding, advisory vote to approve                     Mgmt          Against                        Against
       compensation of Broadcom's named executive

 CDK GLOBAL, INC.                                                                            Agenda Number:  934881423
        Security:  12508E101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-Nov-2018
          Ticker:  CDK
            ISIN:  US12508E1010

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Leslie A. Brun                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Willie A. Deese                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Amy J. Hillman                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Brian P. MacDonald                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Eileen J. Martinson                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Stephen A. Miles                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert E. Radway                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       S.F. Schuckenbrock                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Frank S. Sowinski                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche               Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for fiscal year ending June
       30, 2019.

 CIT GROUP INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  934963922
        Security:  125581801
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  14-May-2019
          Ticker:  CIT
            ISIN:  US1255818015

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Ellen R. Alemany                    Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Michael L. Brosnan                  Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Michael A. Carpenter                Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Dorene C. Dominguez                 Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Alan Frank                          Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: William M. Freeman                  Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: R. Brad Oates                       Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Gerald Rosenfeld                    Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Vice Admiral John R.                Mgmt          For                            For
       Ryan, USN (Ret.)

1j.    Election of Director: Sheila A. Stamps                    Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Khanh T. Tran                       Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: Laura S. Unger                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as CIT's independent registered
       public accounting firm and external
       auditors for 2019.

3.     To recommend, by non-binding vote, the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of CIT's named executive

 CLOUDERA, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935025785
        Security:  18914U100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  20-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  CLDR
            ISIN:  US18914U1007

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Martin Cole                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Peter Fenton                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Rosemary Schooler                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of independent registered                    Mgmt          For                            For
       public accounting firm, Ernst & Young LLP,
       for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2020

3.     Non-binding advisory vote to approve the                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       compensation of our named executive

4.     Non-binding advisory vote on the frequency                Mgmt          1 Year                         Against
       of future non- binding advisory votes to
       approve the compensation of our named
       executive officers.

 CME GROUP INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  934879909
        Security:  12572Q105
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  29-Nov-2018
          Ticker:  CME
            ISIN:  US12572Q1058

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Approve an amendment and restatement of our               Mgmt          For                            For
       certificate of incorporation to eliminate
       all or some of the Class B Election Rights.

 CONCHO RESOURCES INC                                                                        Agenda Number:  934846671
        Security:  20605P101
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  17-Jul-2018
          Ticker:  CXO
            ISIN:  US20605P1012

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Approval of the issuance of shares of                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Concho common stock in connection with the
       Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated March
       27, 2018.

 CONTINENTAL RESOURCES, INC.                                                                 Agenda Number:  934966790
        Security:  212015101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-May-2019
          Ticker:  CLR
            ISIN:  US2120151012

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Harold G. Hamm                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       John T. McNabb, II                                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of selection of Grant Thornton               Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as independent registered public
       accounting firm.

3.     Approve, by a non-binding vote, the                       Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the named executive

4.     Publish long-term assessment of impact of                 Shr           For                            Against
       measures to limit global temperature rise
       to two degrees Celsius.

 CORNERSTONE ONDEMAND, INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  935010924
        Security:  21925Y103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  11-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  CSOD
            ISIN:  US21925Y1038

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Dean Carter                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Elisa A. Steele                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

3.     To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Cornerstone
       OnDemand, Inc.'s independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2019.

4.     To approve an amendment and restatement of                Mgmt          Against                        Against
       the Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. 2010 Equity
       Incentive Plan.

 CRYOLIFE, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  934957943
        Security:  228903100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  15-May-2019
          Ticker:  CRY
            ISIN:  US2289031005

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Thomas F. Ackerman                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Daniel J. Bevevino                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Marna P. Borgstrom                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       James W. Bullock                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Jeffrey H. Burbank                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       J. Patrick Mackin                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Ronald D. McCall, Esq.                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Harvey Morgan                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Jon W. Salveson                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, by non-binding vote, the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation paid to CryoLife's named
       executive officers, as disclosed pursuant
       to Item 402 of Regulation S-K, including
       the Compensation Discussion and Analysis,
       compensation tables, and narrative

3.     To approve certain amendments to the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Amended and Restated Articles of
       Incorporation of CryoLife, Inc. clarifying
       Company authority under Florida law and
       updating language related to preferred
       stock and statutory references.

4.     To ratify the approval of Ernst & Young LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as the independent registered public
       accounting firm for the company for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2019.

 DEVON ENERGY CORPORATION                                                                    Agenda Number:  935003169
        Security:  25179M103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  05-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  DVN
            ISIN:  US25179M1036

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Barbara M. Baumann                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       John E. Bethancourt                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Ann G. Fox                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       David A. Hager                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert H. Henry                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael M. Kanovsky                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       John Krenicki Jr.                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert A. Mosbacher Jr.                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Duane C. Radtke                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Keith O. Rattie                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Mary P. Ricciardello                                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratify the appointment of the Company's                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Independent Auditors for 2019.

3.     Advisory Vote to Approve Executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

 DIAMOND HILL INVESTMENT GROUP, INC.                                                         Agenda Number:  934949782
        Security:  25264R207
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-May-2019
          Ticker:  DHIL
            ISIN:  US25264R2076

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Christopher M.                      Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: Randolph J. Fortener                Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Director: James F. Laird                      Mgmt          For                            For

1.4    Election of Director: Paula R. Meyer                      Mgmt          For                            For

1.5    Election of Director: Paul A. Reeder, III                 Mgmt          For                            For

1.6    Election of Director: Bradley C. Shoup                    Mgmt          For                            For

1.7    Election of Director: Nicole R. St. Pierre                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2019.

3.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers.

 E*TRADE FINANCIAL CORPORATION                                                               Agenda Number:  934958921
        Security:  269246401
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-May-2019
          Ticker:  ETFC
            ISIN:  US2692464017

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Richard J. Carbone                  Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Robert J. Chersi                    Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Jaime W. Ellertson                  Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: James P. Healy                      Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Kevin T. Kabat                      Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: James Lam                           Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Rodger A. Lawson                    Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Shelley B. Leibowitz                Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Karl A. Roessner                    Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Rebecca Saeger                      Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Donna L. Weaver                     Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: Joshua A. Weinreich                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, by a non-binding advisory vote,               Mgmt          For                            For
       the compensation of the Company's Named
       Executive Officers (the "Say-on-Pay Vote"),
       as disclosed in the Proxy Statement for the
       2019 Annual Meeting.

3.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the Company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for 2019.

 EPAM SYSTEMS, INC.                                                                          Agenda Number:  934995816
        Security:  29414B104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  05-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  EPAM
            ISIN:  US29414B1044

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Richard Michael Mayoras                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Karl Robb                                                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Helen Shan                                                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the Company's Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2019.

3.     To approve, on an advisory and non-binding                Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation for our named
       executive officers as disclosed in this
       Proxy Statement.

 FACEBOOK, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  934995082
        Security:  30303M102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  30-May-2019
          Ticker:  FB
            ISIN:  US30303M1027

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Peggy Alford                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Marc L. Andreessen                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Kenneth I. Chenault                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       S. D. Desmond-Hellmann                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Sheryl K. Sandberg                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Peter A. Thiel                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Jeffrey D. Zients                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Mark Zuckerberg                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as Facebook, Inc.'s independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2019.

3.     To approve, on a non-binding advisory                     Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation program for
       Facebook, Inc.'s named executive officers
       as disclosed in Facebook, Inc.'s proxy

4.     To vote, on a non-binding advisory basis,                 Mgmt          1 Year                         Against
       whether a non-binding advisory vote on the
       compensation program for Facebook, Inc.'s
       named executive officers should be held
       every one, two or three years.

5.     A stockholder proposal regarding change in                Shr           For                            Against
       stockholder voting.

6.     A stockholder proposal regarding an                       Shr           Against                        For
       independent chair.

7.     A stockholder proposal regarding majority                 Shr           For                            Against
       voting for directors.

8.     A stockholder proposal regarding true                     Shr           Against                        For
       diversity board policy.

9.     A stockholder proposal regarding a content                Shr           For                            Against
       governance report.

10.    A stockholder proposal regarding median                   Shr           Against                        For
       gender pay gap.

11.    A stockholder proposal regarding workforce                Shr           Against                        For

12.    A stockholder proposal regarding strategic                Shr           Against                        For

 HERON THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  935021232
        Security:  427746102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  HRTX
            ISIN:  US4277461020

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A     Election of Director: Kevin Tang                          Mgmt          For                            For

1B     Election of Director: Barry Quart, Pharm.D.               Mgmt          For                            For

1C     Election of Director: Craig Johnson                       Mgmt          For                            For

1D     Election of Director: John Poyhonen                       Mgmt          For                            For

1E     Election of Director: Christian Waage                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of OUM & Co. LLP                Mgmt          For                            For
       as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2019.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis,                         Mgmt          Against                        Against
       compensation paid to the Company's Named
       Executive Officers during the year ended
       December 31, 2018.

4.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       frequency of future advisory votes to
       approve compensation paid to the Company's
       Named Executive Officers.

5.     To amend the Company's 2007 Amended and                   Mgmt          Against                        Against
       Restated Equity Incentive Plan to increase
       the number of shares of common stock
       authorized for issuance thereunder from
       18,800,000 to 25,800,000.

6.     To amend the Company's 1997 Employee Stock                Mgmt          For                            For
       Purchase Plan, as amended to increase the
       number of shares of common stock authorized
       for issuance thereunder from 475,000 to

 INTEL CORPORATION                                                                           Agenda Number:  934963679
        Security:  458140100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-May-2019
          Ticker:  INTC
            ISIN:  US4581401001

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Aneel Bhusri                        Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Andy D. Bryant                      Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Reed E. Hundt                       Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Omar Ishrak                         Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Risa Lavizzo-Mourey                 Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Tsu-Jae King Liu                    Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Gregory D. Smith                    Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Robert ("Bob") H.                   Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Andrew Wilson                       Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Frank D. Yeary                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of selection of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for 2019

3.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          Against                        Against
       compensation of our listed officers

4.     Approval of amendment and restatement of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2006 Equity Incentive Plan

5.     Stockholder proposal on whether to allow                  Shr           Against                        For
       stockholders to act by written consent, if
       properly presented

6.     Stockholder proposal requesting a report on               Shr           Against                        For
       the risks associated with emerging public
       policies addressing the gender pay gap, if
       properly presented

7.     Stockholder proposal requesting an annual                 Shr           Against                        For
       advisory vote on political contributions,
       if properly presented

 INTELSAT S.A.                                                                               Agenda Number:  935010380
        Security:  L5140P101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  I
            ISIN:  LU0914713705

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Approval of Statutory Stand-Alone Financial               Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval of Consolidated Financial                        Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Approval of Allocation of Annual Results                  Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Approval of Grant of Discharge to Directors               Mgmt          For                            For
       for Performance

5a.    Re-election of Director: John Diercksen                   Mgmt          For                            For

5b.    Re-election of Director: Edward Kangas                    Mgmt          For                            For

6.     Approval of Director Remuneration for the                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Year 2019

7.     Approval of Re-appointment of Independent                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Registered Accounting Firm (see notice for
       further details)

8.     Approval of Share Repurchases and Treasury                Mgmt          Against                        Against
       Share Holdings (see notice for further

9.     Acknowledgement of Report and Approval of                 Mgmt          Against                        Against
       an Extension of the Validity Period of the
       Authorized Share Capital and Related
       Authorization and Waiver, and the
       Suppression and Waiver of Shareholder
       Pre-Emptive Rights (see notice for further

 INTUITIVE SURGICAL, INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  934941938
        Security:  46120E602
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  25-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  ISRG
            ISIN:  US46120E6023

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Craig H. Barratt,                   Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Gary S. Guthart,                    Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Amal M. Johnson                     Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Don R. Kania, Ph.D.                 Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Keith R. Leonard, Jr.               Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Alan J. Levy, Ph.D.                 Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Jami Dover Nachtsheim               Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Mark J. Rubash                      Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Lonnie M. Smith                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, by advisory vote, the                         Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's Named
       Executive Officers.

3.     The ratification of appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2019.

4.     To approve the amendment and restatement of               Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2010 Incentive Award Plan.

5.     A stockholder proposal entitled "Simple                   Shr           For                            Against
       Majority Vote."

 JETBLUE AIRWAYS CORPORATION                                                                 Agenda Number:  934971208
        Security:  477143101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-May-2019
          Ticker:  JBLU
            ISIN:  US4771431016

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: B. Ben Baldanza                     Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Peter Boneparth                     Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Virginia Gambale                    Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Stephan Gemkow                      Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Robin Hayes                         Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Ellen Jewett                        Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Joel Peterson                       Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Sarah Robb O'Hagan                  Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Frank Sica                          Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Thomas Winkelmann                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

3.     To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young                  Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2019.

4.     To vote on the stockholder proposal related               Shr           For                            Against
       to the right to act by written consent, if
       properly presented at the annual meeting.

 KKR & CO. INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  934911985
        Security:  48251W104
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  28-Jan-2019
          Ticker:  KKR
            ISIN:  US48251W1045

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Approve the KKR & Co. Inc. 2019 Equity                    Mgmt          Against                        Against
       Incentive Plan.

 LHC GROUP, INC.                                                                             Agenda Number:  935010289
        Security:  50187A107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  LHCG
            ISIN:  US50187A1079

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Monica F. Azare                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Teri G. Fontenot                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       John L. Indest                                            Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To adopt, on an advisory basis, a                         Mgmt          For                            For
       resolution approving the compensation of
       our named executive officers.

3.     The ratification of the selection of KPMG                 Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2019.

 LIVE NATION ENTERTAINMENT, INC.                                                             Agenda Number:  935006901
        Security:  538034109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  06-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  LYV
            ISIN:  US5380341090

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Mark Carleton                       Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Maverick Carter                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Ariel Emanuel                       Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Robert Ted Enloe, III               Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Ping Fu                             Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Jeffrey T. Hinson                   Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: James lovine                        Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: James S. Kahan                      Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Gregory B. Maffei                   Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Randall T. Mays                     Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Michael Rapino                      Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Mark S. Shapiro                     Mgmt          For                            For

1M.    Election of Director: Dana Walden                         Mgmt          Against                        Against

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as Live Nation Entertainment's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the 2019 fiscal year.

 MICROSOFT CORPORATION                                                                       Agenda Number:  934884544
        Security:  594918104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  28-Nov-2018
          Ticker:  MSFT
            ISIN:  US5949181045

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: William H. Gates lll                Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Reid G. Hoffman                     Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Hugh F. Johnston                    Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Teri L. List-Stoll                  Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Satya Nadella                       Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Charles H. Noski                    Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Helmut Panke                        Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Sandra E. Peterson                  Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Penny S. Pritzker                   Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Charles W. Scharf                   Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Arne M. Sorenson                    Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: John W. Stanton                     Mgmt          For                            For

1m.    Election of Director: John W. Thompson                    Mgmt          For                            For

1n.    Election of Director: Padmasree Warrior                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve named executive                  Mgmt          For                            For
       officer compensation

3.     Ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as                  Mgmt          For                            For
       our independent auditor for fiscal year

 MORGAN STANLEY                                                                              Agenda Number:  934980423
        Security:  617446448
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  23-May-2019
          Ticker:  MS
            ISIN:  US6174464486

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Elizabeth Corley                    Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Alistair Darling                    Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Thomas H. Glocer                    Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: James P. Gorman                     Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Robert H. Herz                      Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Nobuyuki Hirano                     Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Jami Miscik                         Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Dennis M. Nally                     Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Takeshi Ogasawara                   Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Hutham S. Olayan                    Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Mary L. Schapiro                    Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: Perry M. Traquina                   Mgmt          For                            For

1m.    Election of Director: Rayford Wilkins, Jr.                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as independent auditor

3.     To approve the compensation of executives                 Mgmt          For                            For
       as disclosed in the proxy statement
       (non-binding advisory vote)

4.     Shareholder proposal regarding an annual                  Shr           Against                        For
       report on lobbying expenses

 NETFLIX, INC.                                                                               Agenda Number:  934997252
        Security:  64110L106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  06-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  NFLX
            ISIN:  US64110L1061

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Class II Director: Timothy M.                 Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Class II Director: Leslie                     Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Class II Director: Ann Mather                 Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Class II Director: Susan Rice                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2019.

3.     Advisory approval of the Company's                        Mgmt          Against                        Against
       executive officer compensation.

4.     Stockholder proposal regarding political                  Shr           Against                        For
       disclosure, if properly presented at the

5.     Stockholder proposal regarding simple                     Shr           For                            Against
       majority vote, if properly presented at the

 NEWMARK GROUP, INC.                                                                         Agenda Number:  934864984
        Security:  65158N102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  25-Sep-2018
          Ticker:  NMRK
            ISIN:  US65158N1028

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Howard W. Lutnick                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael Snow                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Virginia S. Bauer                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Peter F. Cervinka                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

3.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of the                    Mgmt          1 Year                         Against
       frequency of future advisory votes on
       executive compensation.

 PALO ALTO NETWORKS, INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  934891599
        Security:  697435105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  07-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  PANW
            ISIN:  US6974351057

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Class I Director: John M.                     Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Class I Director: Mary Pat                    Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Class I Director: Nir Zuk                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for our fiscal year ending
       July 31, 2019.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          Against                        Against
       compensation of our named executive

4.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       frequency of holding future advisory votes
       on executive compensation.

 PENDRELL CORP                                                                               Agenda Number:  934848132
        Security:  70686R500
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  06-Jul-2018
          Ticker:  PCOA
            ISIN:  US70686R5000

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Richard P. Emerson                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Nicolas Kauser                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Craig O. McCaw                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Lee E. Mikles                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       R. Gerard Salemme                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Stuart M. Sloan                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       H. Brian Thompson                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval of an amendment to the Articles of               Mgmt          Abstain                        Against
       Incorporation, as amended (the"Articles"),
       to effect a reverse stock split at an
       exchange ratio of 1-for-250.

3.     Approval of an amendment to the Articles to               Mgmt          Abstain                        Against
       authorize shareholders to approve by
       non-unanimous consent any matter required
       or permitted to be submitted to a
       shareholder vote.

4.     Approval of an amendment to the Articles to               Mgmt          Abstain                        Against
       conform the "exclusive forum" provision
       currently set forth in the Articles to
       Section 23B.02.080 of the Revised Code of

 PENSKE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP, INC.                                                               Agenda Number:  934957094
        Security:  70959W103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-May-2019
          Ticker:  PAG
            ISIN:  US70959W1036

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       John D. Barr                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Lisa Davis                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Wolfgang Durheimer                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael R. Eisenson                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert H. Kurnick, Jr.                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Kimberly J. McWaters                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Roger S. Penske                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Roger S. Penske, Jr.                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Sandra E. Pierce                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Greg C. Smith                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Ronald G. Steinhart                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       H. Brian Thompson                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Masashi Yamanaka                                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the selection of Deloitte &               Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the Company's independent
       auditing firm for the year ending December
       31, 2019.

3.     Approval, by non-binding vote, of executive               Mgmt          For                            For

 PIONEER NATURAL RESOURCES COMPANY                                                           Agenda Number:  934976652
        Security:  723787107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-May-2019
          Ticker:  PXD
            ISIN:  US7237871071

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Edison C. Buchanan                  Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Andrew F. Cates                     Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Phillip A. Gobe                     Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Larry R. Grillot                    Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Stacy P. Methvin                    Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Royce W. Mitchell                   Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Frank A. Risch                      Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Scott D. Sheffield                  Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Mona K. Sutphen                     Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: J. Kenneth Thompson                 Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Phoebe A. Wood                      Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: Michael D. Wortley                  Mgmt          For                            For

2.     RATIFICATION OF SELECTION OF ERNST & YOUNG                Mgmt          For                            For

3.     ADVISORY VOTE TO APPROVE NAMED EXECUTIVE                  Mgmt          For                            For

 PORTOLA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.                                                               Agenda Number:  935007371
        Security:  737010108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  PTLA
            ISIN:  US7370101088

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Laura Brege                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Scott Garland                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Hollings Renton                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers, as disclosed in this
       proxy statement.

3.     To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young                  Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2019.

 SAGE GROUP PLC                                                                              Agenda Number:  710475674
        Security:  G7771K142
    Meeting Type:  AGM
    Meeting Date:  27-Feb-2019
            ISIN:  GB00B8C3BL03

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1      TO RECEIVE AND CONSIDER THE ANNUAL REPORT &               Mgmt          For                            For

2      TO DECLARE A FINAL DIVIDEND OF 10.85 PENCE                Mgmt          For                            For
       SEPTEMBER 2018

3      TO RE-ELECT SIR DONALD BRYDON AS A DIRECTOR               Mgmt          For                            For

4      TO RE-ELECT NEIL BERKETT AS A DIRECTOR                    Mgmt          For                            For

5      TO RE-ELECT BLAIR CRUMP AS A DIRECTOR                     Mgmt          For                            For

6      TO RE-ELECT DRUMMOND HALL AS A DIRECTOR                   Mgmt          For                            For

7      TO RE-ELECT STEVE HARE AS A DIRECTOR                      Mgmt          For                            For

8      TO RE-ELECT JONATHAN HOWELL AS A DIRECTOR                 Mgmt          For                            For

9      TO RE-ELECT SONI JIANDANI AS A DIRECTOR                   Mgmt          For                            For

10     TO RE-ELECT CATH KEERS AS A DIRECTOR                      Mgmt          For                            For

11     TO RE-APPOINT ERNST & YOUNG LLP AS AUDITORS               Mgmt          For                            For

12     TO AUTHORISE THE AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE                 Mgmt          For                            For

13     TO APPROVE THE DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION                    Mgmt          For                            For

14     TO APPROVE THE DIRECTORS' REMUNERATION                    Mgmt          For                            For

15     TO AUTHORISE THE DIRECTORS TO ALLOT SHARES                Mgmt          For                            For

16     TO EMPOWER THE DIRECTORS TO ALLOT EQUITY                  Mgmt          For                            For

17     TO GRANT AUTHORITY TO THE COMPANY TO MAKE                 Mgmt          For                            For

18     TO ALLOW GENERAL MEETINGS (OTHER THAN                     Mgmt          For                            For

19     TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE SAGE GROUP 2019                  Mgmt          For                            For

20     TO APPROVE AMENDMENTS TO THE SAGE GROUP                   Mgmt          For                            For

 SBA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION                                                              Agenda Number:  934969695
        Security:  78410G104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-May-2019
          Ticker:  SBAC
            ISIN:  US78410G1040

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director for a three-year term:               Mgmt          For                            For
       Kevin L. Beebe

1.2    Election of Director for a three-year term:               Mgmt          For                            For
       Jack Langer

1.3    Election of Director for a three-year term:               Mgmt          For                            For
       Jeffrey A. Stoops

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as SBA's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the 2019 fiscal

3.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of SBA's named executive

 SELECT INCOME REIT                                                                          Agenda Number:  934904687
        Security:  81618T100
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  20-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  SIR
            ISIN:  US81618T1007

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Approval of the merger, or the Merger, of                 Mgmt          Against                        Against
       Select Income REIT with & into GOV MS
       REIT,a Maryland real estate investment
       trust that is a wholly owned subsidiary of
       Government Properties Income Trust, with
       GOV MS REIT as the surviving entity in the
       Merger, pursuant to the Agreement and Plan
       of Merger, dated as of September 14, 2018,
       as it may be amended from time to time, or
       the Merger Agreement, by and among
       Government Properties Income Trust, GOV MS
       REIT and Select Income REIT and the other
       transactions contemplated by Merger

2.     Approval of the adjournment of the special                Mgmt          Against                        Against
       meeting of shareholders of Select Income
       REIT from time to time, if necessary or
       appropriate, including to solicit
       additional proxies in favor of the Merger
       and the other transactions contemplated by
       the Merger Agreement to which Select Income
       REIT is a party if there are insufficient
       votes at the time of such adjournment to
       approve such proposal.

 SHIRE PLC                                                                                   Agenda Number:  934899622
        Security:  82481R106
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  05-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  SHPG
            ISIN:  US82481R1068

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the Scheme of Arrangement.                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Special Resolution: THAT for the purpose of               Mgmt          For                            For
       giving effect to the Scheme of Arrangement:
       (1) the Board of Directors of the Company
       (the "Board") be authorized to take all
       such action as they may consider necessary
       or appropriate for carrying the Scheme of
       Arrangement into effect, (2) the articles
       of association of the Company be amended by
       the adoption and inclusion of a new Article
       154 and (3) conditional upon and with
       effect from the sanctioning of the Scheme
       of Arrangement ...(due to space limits, see
       proxy material for full proposal).

 SHOPIFY INC.                                                                                Agenda Number:  935012372
        Security:  82509L107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-May-2019
          Ticker:  SHOP
            ISIN:  CA82509L1076

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Tobias Lutke                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert Ashe                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Gail Goodman                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Colleen Johnston                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Jeremy Levine                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       John Phillips                                             Mgmt          For                            For

2      Resolution approving the re-appointment of                Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors of
       the Company and authorizing the Board of
       Directors to fix their remuneration.

3      Non-binding advisory resolution that the                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       shareholders accept the Company's approach
       to executive compensation as disclosed in
       the Management Information Circular for the

 SSGA FUNDS                                                                                  Agenda Number:  934897123
        Security:  857492706
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  18-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  GVMXX
            ISIN:  US8574927062

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       John R. Costantino                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael A. Jessee                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Ellen M. Needham                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Donna M. Rapaccioli                                       Mgmt          For                            For

 SURGERY PARTNERS INC.                                                                       Agenda Number:  935024062
        Security:  86881A100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-May-2019
          Ticker:  SGRY
            ISIN:  US86881A1007

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       John A. Deane                                             Mgmt          Split 23% For                  Split
       Teresa DeLuca, M.D.                                       Mgmt          Split 23% For                  Split
       Wayne S. DeVeydt                                          Mgmt          Split 23% For                  Split

2.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of the                    Mgmt          Split 23% Against              Split
       compensation paid by the Company to its
       named executive officers.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte               Mgmt          Split 23% For                  Split
       & Touche LLP as our independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2019.

4.     Approval of an amendment to the Company's                 Mgmt          Split 23% For                  Split
       2015 Omnibus Incentive Plan to increase the
       number of authorized shares reserved for
       issuance under the 2015 Omnibus Incentive

 TAKE-TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE, INC.                                                         Agenda Number:  934862966
        Security:  874054109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  21-Sep-2018
          Ticker:  TTWO
            ISIN:  US8740541094

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Strauss Zelnick                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael Dornemann                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       J Moses                                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael Sheresky                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       LaVerne Srinivasan                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Susan Tolson                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Paul Viera                                                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval, on a non-binding advisory basis,                Mgmt          For                            For
       of the compensation of the Company's "named
       executive officers" as disclosed in the
       Proxy Statement.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as our Independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending March 31, 2019.

 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY                                                                Agenda Number:  934937876
        Security:  824348106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  17-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  SHW
            ISIN:  US8243481061

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: K.B. Anderson                       Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: A.F. Anton                          Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: J.M. Fettig                         Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: D.F. Hodnik                         Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: R.J. Kramer                         Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: S.J. Kropf                          Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: J.G. Morikis                        Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: C.A. Poon                           Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: J.M. Stropki                        Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: M.H. Thaman                         Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: M. Thornton III                     Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: S.H. Wunning                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory approval of the compensation of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the named executives.

3.     Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as our                  Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for 2019.

 U.S. BANCORP                                                                                Agenda Number:  934932131
        Security:  902973304
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  USB
            ISIN:  US9029733048

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Warner L. Baxter                    Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Dorothy J. Bridges                  Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Elizabeth L. Buse                   Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Marc N. Casper                      Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Andrew Cecere                       Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Arthur D. Collins,                  Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Kimberly J. Harris                  Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Roland A. Hernandez                 Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Doreen Woo Ho                       Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Olivia F. Kirtley                   Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Karen S. Lynch                      Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: Richard P. McKenney                 Mgmt          For                            For

1m.    Election of Director: Yusuf I. Mehdi                      Mgmt          For                            For

1n.    Election of Director: David B. O'Maley                    Mgmt          For                            For

1o.    Election of Director: O'dell M. Owens,                    Mgmt          For                            For
       M.D., M.P.H.

1p.    Election of Director: Craig D. Schnuck                    Mgmt          For                            For

1q.    Election of Director: Scott W. Wine                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     The ratification of the selection of Ernst                Mgmt          For                            For
       & Young LLP as our independent auditor for
       the 2019 fiscal year.

3.     An advisory vote to approve the                           Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our executives disclosed in
       the proxy statement.

 UNITED RENTALS, INC.                                                                        Agenda Number:  934953642
        Security:  911363109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  08-May-2019
          Ticker:  URI
            ISIN:  US9113631090

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Jose B. Alvarez                     Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Marc A. Bruno                       Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Matthew J. Flannery                 Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Bobby J. Griffin                    Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Kim Harris Jones                    Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Terri L. Kelly                      Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Michael J. Kneeland                 Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Gracia C. Martore                   Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Jason D. Papastavrou                Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Filippo Passerini                   Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Donald C. Roof                      Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: Shiv Singh                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of Appointment of Public                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Accounting Firm.

3.     Advisory Approval of Executive                            Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Approval of 2019 Long Term Incentive Plan.                Mgmt          For                            For

5.     Stockholder Proposal on Right to Act by                   Shr           For                            Against
       Written Consent.

 VISA INC.                                                                                   Agenda Number:  934911074
        Security:  92826C839
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-Jan-2019
          Ticker:  V
            ISIN:  US92826C8394

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Lloyd A. Carney                     Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Mary B. Cranston                    Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Francisco Javier                    Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Alfred F. Kelly, Jr.                Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: John F. Lundgren                    Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Robert W. Matschullat               Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Denise M. Morrison                  Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Suzanne Nora Johnson                Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: John A. C. Swainson                 Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Maynard G. Webb, Jr.                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the 2019 fiscal year.

 WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC.                                                                      Agenda Number:  934958933
        Security:  94106L109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  14-May-2019
          Ticker:  WM
            ISIN:  US94106L1098

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Frank M. Clark, Jr.                 Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: James C. Fish, Jr.                  Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Andres R. Gluski                    Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Patrick W. Gross                    Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Victoria M. Holt                    Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Kathleen M.                         Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: John C. Pope                        Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Thomas H. Weidemeyer                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as the independent registered
       public accounting firm for 2019.

3.     Approval of our executive compensation.                   Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Stockholder proposal regarding a policy                   Shr           Against                        For
       restricting accelerated vesting of equity
       awards upon a change in control, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

 WESTERN ALLIANCE BANCORPORATION                                                             Agenda Number:  934997264
        Security:  957638109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  04-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  WAL
            ISIN:  US9576381092

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Bruce Beach                         Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Howard N. Gould                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Steven J. Hilton                    Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Marianne Boyd Johnson               Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Robert P. Latta                     Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Todd Marshall                       Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Adriane McFetridge                  Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: James E. Nave, D.V.M.               Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Michael Patriarca                   Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Robert Gary Sarver                  Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Donald D. Snyder                    Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Sung Won Sohn, Ph.D.                Mgmt          For                            For

1M.    Election of Director: Kenneth A. Vecchione                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis,                 Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

3.     Ratify the appointment of RSM US LLP as the               Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's independent auditor.

Highland Long/Short Healthcare Fund
 ACADIA HEALTHCARE COMPANY, INC.                                                             Agenda Number:  934950189
        Security:  00404A109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  02-May-2019
          Ticker:  ACHC
            ISIN:  US00404A1097

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: William F. Grieco                   Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: Reeve B. Waud                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote on the compensation of the                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       Company's named executive officers as
       presented in the Proxy Statement.

3.     Advisory vote on the frequency of the                     Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       advisory vote on the compensation of the
       Company's named executive officers.

4.     Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2019.

 AERIE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.                                                                 Agenda Number:  934982679
        Security:  00771V108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  23-May-2019
          Ticker:  AERI
            ISIN:  US00771V1089

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       G. D. Cagle, Ph.D.                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       R. Croarkin                                               Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2019.

3.     To approve, by a non-binding vote, the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive
       officers ("say-on-pay").

 AGILE THERAPEUTICS INC                                                                      Agenda Number:  935011368
        Security:  00847L100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  06-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  AGRX
            ISIN:  US00847L1008

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Seth H. Z. Fischer                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       William T. McKee                                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2019.

 AIMMUNE THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  934981300
        Security:  00900T107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  23-May-2019
          Ticker:  AIMT
            ISIN:  US00900T1079

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Jayson D.A Dallas, M.D                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Mark T. Iwicki                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Gregory Behar                                             Mgmt          Withheld                       Against

2.     To ratify the selection, by the Audit                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Committee of the Company's Board of
       Directors, of KPMG LLP as the independent
       registered public accounting firm of the
       Company for its fiscal year ending December
       31, 2019.

3.     To approve the compensation of the named                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       executive officers as disclosed in the
       Company's proxy statement in accordance
       with the compensation disclosure rules of
       the Securities and Exchange Commission.

 AMARIN CORPORATION PLC                                                                      Agenda Number:  935013196
        Security:  023111206
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  20-May-2019
          Ticker:  AMRN
            ISIN:  US0231112063

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To re-elect Mr. Jan van Heek as a director.               Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To re-elect Ms. Kristine Peterson as a                    Mgmt          For                            For

3.     To hold an advisory (non-binding) vote to                 Mgmt          For                            For
       approve the compensation of the Company's
       "named executive officers" as described in
       full in the "Executive Compensation
       Discussion and Analysis" section, the
       tabular disclosure regarding such
       compensation, and the accompanying
       narrative disclosure on pages 25 to 55 of
       the accompanying Proxy Statement.

4.     To appoint Ernst & Young LLP as auditors of               Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company to hold office until the
       conclusion of the next general meeting at
       which accounts are laid before the Company
       and to authorize the Audit Committee of the
       Board of Directors of the Company to fix
       the auditors' remuneration as described in
       full on pages 9 to 10 of the accompanying
       Proxy Statement.

5.     To generally and unconditionally                          Mgmt          Against                        Against
       reauthorize the Board of Directors of the
       Company to exercise all powers of the
       Company to allot shares in the Company or
       grant rights to subscribe for or to convert
       any security into shares of the Company up
       to an aggregate nominal amount of GBP
       148,000,000 (being the aggregate nominal
       amount of GBP 125,000,000 in respect of
       ordinary shares and GBP 23,000,000 in
       respect of preference shares) as described
       in full on pages 11 to 12 of the
       accompanying Proxy Statement.

6.     To, subject to the passing of Resolution                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       No. 5, disapply statutory pre-emption
       rights otherwise applicable to shares in
       the Company allotted by the Board of
       Directors, up to an aggregate nominal
       amount of GBP 148,000,000 (being the
       aggregate nominal amount of GBP 125,000,000
       in respect of ordinary shares and GBP
       23,000,000 in respect of preference shares)
       as described in full on pages 13 to 14 of
       the accompanying Proxy Statement.

 AMGEN INC.                                                                                  Agenda Number:  934979266
        Security:  031162100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  21-May-2019
          Ticker:  AMGN
            ISIN:  US0311621009

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Dr. Wanda M. Austin                 Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Mr. Robert A. Bradway               Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Dr. Brian J. Druker                 Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Mr. Robert A. Eckert                Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Mr. Greg C. Garland                 Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Mr. Fred Hassan                     Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Dr. Rebecca M.                      Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Mr. Charles M.                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Holley, Jr.

1i.    Election of Director: Dr. Tyler Jacks                     Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Ms. Ellen J. Kullman                Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Dr. Ronald D. Sugar                 Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: Dr. R. Sanders                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve our executive                    Mgmt          For                            For

3.     To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young                  Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accountants for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2019.

 AMICUS THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                   Agenda Number:  935023767
        Security:  03152W109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  27-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  FOLD
            ISIN:  US03152W1099

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       John F. Crowley                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Margaret G. McGlynn                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael G. Raab                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Glenn P. Sblendorio                                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval of the Amended and Restated 2007                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Equity Incentive Plan to add 7,000,000
       shares to the equity pool.

3.     Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2019.

4.     Approval, on an advisory basis, the                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's executive compensation.

 ANTHEM, INC.                                                                                Agenda Number:  934964429
        Security:  036752103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  15-May-2019
          Ticker:  ANTM
            ISIN:  US0367521038

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director Nominee: Bahija Jallal               Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director Nominee: Elizabeth E.                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the independent registered public
       accounting firm for 2019.

3.     Advisory vote to approve the compensation                 Mgmt          For                            For
       of our named executive officers.

4.     To approve proposed amendments to our                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Articles of Incorporation to eliminate the
       classified board structure when permitted
       under our contractual obligations with the
       Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

5.     Shareholder proposal to elect each director               Shr           Against

 ASCENDIS PHARMA A S                                                                         Agenda Number:  935023375
        Security:  04351P101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-May-2019
          Ticker:  ASND
            ISIN:  US04351P1012

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Election of Chairman of the Meeting                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Report on the Company's Activities during                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the Past Year

3.     Presentation of Audited Annual Report with                Mgmt          For                            For
       Auditor's Statement for Approval and
       Discharge of the Board of Directors and

4.     Resolution on Application of Profits or                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Covering of Losses as per the Adopted
       Annual Report

5a.    Election of Board Member Class I, with a                  Mgmt          For                            For
       term expiring at the annual general meeting
       to be held in 2021: James I. Healy

5b.    Election of Board Member Class I, with a                  Mgmt          For                            For
       term expiring at the annual general meeting
       to be held in 2021: Jan Moller Mikkelsen

5c.    Election of Board Member Class I, with a                  Mgmt          For                            For
       term expiring at the annual general meeting
       to be held in 2021: Lisa Morrison

5d.    Election of Board Member Class I, with a                  Mgmt          For                            For
       term expiring at the annual general meeting
       to be held in 2021: Michael Wolff Jensen

6.     Election of State-authorized Public Auditor               Mgmt          For                            For

7A.    The Board of Directors proposes to amend                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Articles of Association by renewing the
       existing authorization in article 4d(1)
       that authorize to the Board of Directors to
       increase the company's share capital at one
       or more times by up to nominal 9,000,000
       with pre-emptive subscription rights for
       the company's shareholders.

7B.    The Board of Directors proposes to amend                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Articles of Association by renewing and
       amending the existing authorization in
       article 4d(2) that authorize the Board of
       Directors to increase the company's share
       capital at one or more times by up to
       nominal 9,000,000 without pre-emptive
       subscription rights for the company's

7C.    The Board of Directors proposes to amend                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Articles of Association by renewing and
       amending the existing authorization in
       article 4e that authorize the Board of
       Directors to issue convertible bonds which
       gives the right to subscribe for shares in
       the Company by a nominal value at up to

 ASTRAZENECA PLC                                                                             Agenda Number:  934956434
        Security:  046353108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  AZN
            ISIN:  US0463531089

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To receive the Company's Accounts, the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Reports of the Directors and Auditor and
       the Strategic Report for the year ended 31
       December 2018

2.     To confirm dividends                                      Mgmt          For                            For

3.     To reappoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as                Mgmt          For                            For

4.     To authorise the Directors to agree the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       remuneration of the Auditor

5a.    To elect or re-elect of the Director: Leif                Mgmt          For                            For

5b.    To elect or re-elect of the Director:                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Pascal Soriot

5c.    To elect or re-elect of the Director: Marc                Mgmt          For                            For

5d.    To elect or re-elect of the Director:                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Genevieve Berger

5e.    To elect or re-elect of the Director:                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Philip Broadley

5f.    To elect or re-elect of the Director:                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Graham Chipchase

5g.    To elect or re-elect of the Director:                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Deborah DiSanzo

5h.    To elect or re-elect of the Director: Sheri               Mgmt          For                            For

5i.    To elect or re-elect of the Director: Tony                Mgmt          For                            For

5j.    To elect or re-elect of the Director:                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Nazneen Rahman

5k.    To elect or re-elect of the Director:                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Marcus Wallenberg

6.     To approve the Annual Report on                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Remuneration for the year ended 31 December

7.     To authorise limited political donations                  Mgmt          For                            For

8.     To authorise the Directors to allot shares                Mgmt          For                            For

9.     To authorise the Directors to disapply                    Mgmt          For                            For
       pre-emption rights

10.    To authorise the Directors to further                     Mgmt          For                            For
       disapply pre-emption rights for
       acquisitions and specified capital

11.    To authorise the Company to purchase its                  Mgmt          For                            For
       own shares

12.    To reduce the notice period for general                   Mgmt          For                            For

 BIO-RAD LABORATORIES, INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  934985904
        Security:  090572207
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  BIO
            ISIN:  US0905722072

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Arnold A. Pinkston                  Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: Melinda Litherland                  Mgmt          For                            For

2.     PROPOSAL to ratify the selection of KPMG                  Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP to serve as the Company's independent

 BIOMARIN PHARMACEUTICAL INC.                                                                Agenda Number:  934995070
        Security:  09061G101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  04-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  BMRN
            ISIN:  US09061G1013

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Jean-Jacques Bienaime                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Willard Dere                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael Grey                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Elaine J. Heron                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert J. Hombach                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       V. Bryan Lawlis                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Alan J. Lewis                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Richard A. Meier                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       David E.I. Pyott                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Dennis J. Slamon                                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as the                Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for BioMarin for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2019.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's Named
       Executive Officers as disclosed in the
       Proxy Statement.

4.     To approve an amendment to the 2017 Equity                Mgmt          For                            For
       Incentive Plan.

5.     To approve amendments to the Amended and                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Restated 2006 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

 CENTENE CORPORATION                                                                         Agenda Number:  934917723
        Security:  15135B101
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  28-Jan-2019
          Ticker:  CNC
            ISIN:  US15135B1017

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Approval of an Amendment to the Company's                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Certificate of Incorporation to Increase
       the Number of Authorized Shares of Common

 CENTENE CORPORATION                                                                         Agenda Number:  934937927
        Security:  15135B101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  23-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  CNC
            ISIN:  US15135B1017

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Orlando Ayala                       Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: John R. Roberts                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Tommy G. Thompson                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     ADVISORY RESOLUTION TO APPROVE EXECUTIVE                  Mgmt          Against                        Against

3.     RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP AS                Mgmt          For                            For
       DECEMBER 31, 2019.

4.     THE STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL REQUESTING                       Shr           Against                        For

 CIGNA CORPORATION                                                                           Agenda Number:  934945900
        Security:  125523100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  24-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  CI
            ISIN:  US1255231003

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: David M. Cordani                    Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: William J. DeLaney                  Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Eric J. Foss                        Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Elder Granger, MD,                  Mgmt          For                            For
       MG, USA

1e.    Election of Director: Isaiah Harris, Jr.                  Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Roman Martinez IV                   Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Kathleen M.                         Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Mark B. McClellan,                  Mgmt          For                            For
       MD, PhD

1i.    Election of Director: John M. Partridge                   Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: William L. Roper, MD,               Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Eric C. Wiseman                     Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: Donna F. Zarcone                    Mgmt          For                            For

1m.    Election of Director: William D. Zollars                  Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory approval of Cigna's executive                    Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Ratification of appointment of                            Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Cigna's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for 2019.

4.     Shareholder proposal - Increase shareholder               Shr           For                            Against
       rights to include action by written

5.     Shareholder proposal - Cyber risk report                  Shr           Against                        For

6.     Shareholder proposal - Gender pay gap                     Shr           Against                        For

 COHERUS BIOSCIENCES INC                                                                     Agenda Number:  934983695
        Security:  19249H103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  22-May-2019
          Ticker:  CHRS
            ISIN:  US19249H1032

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Samuel Nussbaum, M.D.                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Mary T. Szela                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Ali J. Satvat                                             Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2019.

 COLLEGIUM PHARMACEUTICAL, INC.                                                              Agenda Number:  934946344
        Security:  19459J104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  25-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  COLL
            ISIN:  US19459J1043

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A     Election of Class I Director to hold office               Mgmt          For                            For
       until the 2022 Annual Meeting: John A.
       Fallon, M.D.

1B     Election of Class I Director to hold office               Mgmt          For                            For
       until the 2022 Annual Meeting: John G.
       Freund, M.D.

1C     Election of Class I Director to hold office               Mgmt          For                            For
       until the 2022 Annual Meeting: David
       Hirsch, M.D., Ph.D.

1D     Election of Class II Director to hold                     Mgmt          For                            For
       office until the 2020 Annual Meeting:
       Joseph Ciaffoni

2.     Approval of, on an advisory basis, the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers

3.     Indication of, on an advisory basis, the                  Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       preferred frequency of future shareholder
       advisory votes on the compensation of the
       Company's named executive officers

4.     Ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2019

 CVS HEALTH CORPORATION                                                                      Agenda Number:  934964203
        Security:  126650100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-May-2019
          Ticker:  CVS
            ISIN:  US1266501006

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Fernando Aguirre                    Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Mark T. Bertolini                   Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Richard M. Bracken                  Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: C. David Brown II                   Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Alecia A. DeCoudreaux               Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Nancy-Ann M. DeParle                Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: David W. Dorman                     Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Roger N. Farah                      Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Anne M. Finucane                    Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Edward J. Ludwig                    Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Larry J. Merlo                      Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: Jean-Pierre Millon                  Mgmt          For                            For

1m.    Election of Director: Mary L. Schapiro                    Mgmt          For                            For

1n.    Election of Director: Richard J. Swift                    Mgmt          For                            For

1o.    Election of Director: William C. Weldon                   Mgmt          For                            For

1p.    Election of Director: Tony L. White                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Proposal to ratify appointment of                         Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for 2019.

3.     Say on Pay, a proposal to approve, on an                  Mgmt          For                            For
       advisory basis, the Company's executive

4.     Stockholder proposal regarding exclusion of               Shr           For                            Against
       legal or compliance costs from financial
       performance adjustments for executive

 ENDOCYTE INC                                                                                Agenda Number:  934904714
        Security:  29269A102
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  20-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  ECYT
            ISIN:  US29269A1025

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                Mgmt          For                            For
       dated as of October 17, 2018 (as it may be
       amended from time to time, the "merger
       agreement"), by and among Novartis AG,
       Edinburgh Merger Corporation ("Merger Sub")
       and Endocyte, Inc., pursuant to which
       Merger Sub will be merged with and into
       Endocyte, Inc., with Endocyte, Inc.
       continuing as a wholly owned subsidiary of
       Novartis AG (the "merger").

2.     To approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       basis, certain compensation that may be
       paid or become payable to Endocyte Inc.'s
       named executive officers in connection with
       the merger.

3.     To approve the adjournment of the special                 Mgmt          For                            For
       meeting, if necessary or appropriate,
       including to solicit additional proxies if
       there are insufficient votes at the time of
       the special meeting to approve the proposal
       to adopt the merger agreement.

 ENVISION HEALTHCARE CORPORATION                                                             Agenda Number:  934868374
        Security:  29414D100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  11-Sep-2018
          Ticker:  EVHC
            ISIN:  US29414D1000

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                Mgmt          For                            For
       dated as of June 10, 2018 (as it may be
       amended from time to time, the "merger
       agreement"), by and among Envision
       Healthcare Corporation, a Delaware
       corporation ("Envision" or the "Company"),
       Enterprise Parent Holdings Inc., a Delaware
       corporation ("Parent") and Enterprise
       Merger Sub Inc., an indirect wholly owned
       subsidiary of Parent (the "Merger Sub"),
       pursuant to which Merger Sub will be merged
       with and into the Company (the "merger").

2.     To approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       basis, certain compensation that may be
       paid or become payable to Envision's named
       executive officers in connection with the

3.     To approve the adjournment of the annual                  Mgmt          For                            For
       meeting, if necessary or appropriate,
       including to solicit additional proxies if
       there are insufficient votes at the time of
       the annual meeting to approve the proposal
       to adopt the merger agreement or in the
       absence of a quorum.

4A.    Election of Class II Director: John T.                    Mgmt          For                            For

4B.    Election of Class II Director: Joey A.                    Mgmt          For                            For

4C.    Election of Class II Director: Kevin P.                   Mgmt          For                            For

4D.    Election of Class II Director: Leonard M.                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Riggs, Jr., M.D.

5.     To amend Envision's Second Amended and                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation,
       dated December 1, 2016 to declassify the
       Board of Directors and to eliminate the
       Series A-1 Mandatory Convertible Preferred

6.     To approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                  Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, of the compensation of Envision's
       named executive officers.

7.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as Envision Healthcare
       Corporation's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2018.

 ESTABLISHMENT LABS HOLDINGS INC.                                                            Agenda Number:  935004971
        Security:  G31249108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  03-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  ESTA
            ISIN:  VGG312491084

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Juan Jose Chacon                    Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Edward Schutter                     Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Nicholas Lewin                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     The ratification of Marcum LLP as the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       independent public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2019.

 EVOLENT HEALTH, INC.                                                                        Agenda Number:  935015431
        Security:  30050B101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  11-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  EVH
            ISIN:  US30050B1017

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Class I Director: Seth Blackley               Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Class I Director: David Farner                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Proposal to ratify the appointment of                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2019.

3.     Proposal to approve the compensation of our               Mgmt          For                            For
       named executive officers for 2018 on an
       advisory basis.

 EVOLUS, INC.                                                                                Agenda Number:  935016926
        Security:  30052C107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  10-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  EOLS
            ISIN:  US30052C1071

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       David Gill                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert Hayman                                             Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as Evolus' independent auditor
       for the year ending December 31, 2019.

 EYEPOINT PHARMACEUTICALS INC                                                                Agenda Number:  935022979
        Security:  30233G100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  25-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  EYPT
            ISIN:  US30233G1004

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Goran Ando                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Nancy Lurker                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       David J. Mazzo                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Douglas Godshall                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Jay Duker                                                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Kristine Peterson                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Ronald W. Eastman                                         Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       John B. Landis                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       David Guyer                                               Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval of an amendment to the EyePoint                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2016 Long-Term
       Incentive Plan to increase the number of
       shares authorized for issuance by

3.     Approval of the EyePoint Pharmaceuticals,                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Inc. 2019 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

4.     Approval on an advisory basis of                          Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation paid to EyePoint
       Pharmaceuticals, Inc.'s named executive

5.     Approval on an advisory basis on the                      Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       frequency of advisory stockholder votes on
       compensation paid to named executive

6.     Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte               Mgmt          For                            For
       & Touche LLP.

 GLAXOSMITHKLINE PLC                                                                         Agenda Number:  934979925
        Security:  37733W105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  08-May-2019
          Ticker:  GSK
            ISIN:  US37733W1053

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

A1     To receive and adopt the 2018 Annual Report               Mgmt          For                            For

A2     To approve the Annual report on                           Mgmt          Against                        Against

A3     To elect Iain Mackay as a Director                        Mgmt          For                            For

A4     To re-elect Philip Hampton as a Director                  Mgmt          For                            For

A5     To re-elect Emma Walmsley as a Director                   Mgmt          For                            For

A6     To re-elect Vindi Banga as a Director                     Mgmt          For                            For

A7     To re-elect Dr Hal Barron as a Director                   Mgmt          For                            For

A8     To re-elect Dr Vivienne Cox as a Director                 Mgmt          For                            For

A9     To re-elect Lynn Elsenhans as a Director                  Mgmt          For                            For

A10    To re-elect Dr Laurie Glimcher as a                       Mgmt          For                            For

A11    To re-elect Dr Jesse Goodman as a Director                Mgmt          For                            For

A12    To re-elect Judy Lewent as a Director                     Mgmt          For                            For

A13    To re-elect Urs Rohner as a Director                      Mgmt          For                            For

A14    To re-appoint the auditor                                 Mgmt          For                            For

A15    To determine remuneration of the auditor                  Mgmt          For                            For

A16    To authorise the company and its                          Mgmt          For                            For
       subsidiaries to make donations to political
       organisations and incur political

A17    To authorise allotment of shares                          Mgmt          For                            For

A18    To disapply pre-emption rights - general                  Mgmt          For                            For
       power (special resolution)

A19    To disapply pre-emption rights - in                       Mgmt          For                            For
       connection with an acquisition or specified
       capital investment (special resolution)

A20    To authorise the company to purchase its                  Mgmt          For                            For
       own shares (special resolution)

A21    To authorise exemption from statement of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       name of senior statutory auditor

A22    To authorise reduced notice of a general                  Mgmt          For                            For
       meeting other than an AGM (special

1      To approve the transaction between                        Mgmt          For                            For
       GlaxoSmithKline plc, GlaxoSmithKline
       Consumer Healthcare Holdings Limited and
       Pfizer, Inc for the purposes of Chapter 11
       of the Listing Rules of the Financial
       Conduct Authority

 GLOBAL BLOOD THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                             Agenda Number:  935018867
        Security:  37890U108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  GBT
            ISIN:  US37890U1088

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Ted Love, M.D.                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Glenn Pierce, M.D Ph.D.                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Dawn Svoronos                                             Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis,               Mgmt          For                            For
       of the compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers as disclosed in the
       proxy statement.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as the independent registered public
       accounting firm of the Company for its
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2019.

 HERON THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  935021232
        Security:  427746102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  HRTX
            ISIN:  US4277461020

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A     Election of Director: Kevin Tang                          Mgmt          For                            For

1B     Election of Director: Barry Quart, Pharm.D.               Mgmt          For                            For

1C     Election of Director: Craig Johnson                       Mgmt          For                            For

1D     Election of Director: John Poyhonen                       Mgmt          For                            For

1E     Election of Director: Christian Waage                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of OUM & Co. LLP                Mgmt          For                            For
       as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2019.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis,                         Mgmt          Against                        Against
       compensation paid to the Company's Named
       Executive Officers during the year ended
       December 31, 2018.

4.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       frequency of future advisory votes to
       approve compensation paid to the Company's
       Named Executive Officers.

5.     To amend the Company's 2007 Amended and                   Mgmt          Against                        Against
       Restated Equity Incentive Plan to increase
       the number of shares of common stock
       authorized for issuance thereunder from
       18,800,000 to 25,800,000.

6.     To amend the Company's 1997 Employee Stock                Mgmt          For                            For
       Purchase Plan, as amended to increase the
       number of shares of common stock authorized
       for issuance thereunder from 475,000 to

 HUMANA INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  934935694
        Security:  444859102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  HUM
            ISIN:  US4448591028

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a)    Election of Director: Kurt J. Hilzinger                   Mgmt          For                            For

1b)    Election of Director: Frank J. Bisignano                  Mgmt          For                            For

1c)    Election of Director: Bruce D. Broussard                  Mgmt          For                            For

1d)    Election of Director: Frank A. D'Amelio                   Mgmt          For                            For

1e)    Election of Director: Karen B. DeSalvo,                   Mgmt          For                            For

1f)    Election of Director: W. Roy Dunbar                       Mgmt          For                            For

1g)    Election of Director: David A. Jones, Jr.                 Mgmt          For                            For

1h)    Election of Director: William J. McDonald                 Mgmt          For                            For

1i)    Election of Director: James J. O'Brien                    Mgmt          For                            For

1j)    Election of Director: Marissa T. Peterson                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     The ratification of the appointment of                    Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting

3.     The approval of the compensation of the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       named executive officers as disclosed in
       the 2019 proxy statement.

4.     The approval of the Amended and Restated                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Humana Inc. Stock Incentive Plan.

 INSMED INCORPORATED                                                                         Agenda Number:  934971640
        Security:  457669307
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-May-2019
          Ticker:  INSM
            ISIN:  US4576693075

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Alfred F. Altomari                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Steinar J. Engelsen, MD                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       William H. Lewis                                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote on the 2018 compensation of                 Mgmt          Against                        Against
       our named executive officers.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as the independent registered
       public accounting firm for Insmed
       Incorporated for the year ending December
       31, 2019.

4.     Approval of the Insmed Incorporated 2019                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Incentive Plan.

 LABORATORY CORP. OF AMERICA HOLDINGS                                                        Agenda Number:  934966548
        Security:  50540R409
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-May-2019
          Ticker:  LH
            ISIN:  US50540R4092

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Kerrii B. Anderson                  Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Jean-Luc Belingard                  Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: D. Gary Gilliland,                  Mgmt          For                            For
       M.D., Ph.D.

1d.    Election of Director: David P. King                       Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Garheng Kong, M.D.,                 Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Peter M. Neupert                    Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Richelle P. Parham                  Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Adam H. Schechter                   Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: R. Sanders Williams,                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, by non-binding vote, executive                Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Laboratory
       Corporation of America Holdings'
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for 2019.

 MACROGENICS, INC.                                                                           Agenda Number:  934971575
        Security:  556099109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-May-2019
          Ticker:  MGNX
            ISIN:  US5560991094

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Paulo Costa                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Karen Ferrante, M.D.                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Edward Hurwitz                                            Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young                  Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the independent registered public
       accounting firm of the Company for its
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2019.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers as disclosed in the
       proxy materials.

 MERCK & CO., INC.                                                                           Agenda Number:  934988328
        Security:  58933Y105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  28-May-2019
          Ticker:  MRK
            ISIN:  US58933Y1055

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Leslie A. Brun                      Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Thomas R. Cech                      Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Mary Ellen Coe                      Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Pamela J. Craig                     Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Kenneth C. Frazier                  Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Thomas H. Glocer                    Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Rochelle B. Lazarus                 Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Paul B. Rothman                     Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Patricia F. Russo                   Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Inge G. Thulin                      Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Wendell P. Weeks                    Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: Peter C. Wendell                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Non-binding advisory vote to approve the                  Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

3.     Proposal to adopt the 2019 Incentive Stock                Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Ratification of the appointment of the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's independent registered public
       accounting firm for 2019.

5.     Shareholder proposal concerning an                        Shr           Against                        For
       independent board chairman.

6.     Shareholder proposal concerning executive                 Shr           Against                        For
       incentives and stock buybacks.

7.     Shareholder proposal concerning drug                      Shr           Against                        For

 MINERVA NEUROSCIENCES, INC.                                                                 Agenda Number:  934991236
        Security:  603380106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  31-May-2019
          Ticker:  NERV
            ISIN:  US6033801068

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Dr. Remy Luthringer                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Dr. Fouzia L. Thode                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Jeryl Hilleman                                            Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the Company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2019.

 NOVARTIS AG                                                                                 Agenda Number:  934927003
        Security:  66987V109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  28-Feb-2019
          Ticker:  NVS
            ISIN:  US66987V1098

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Approval of the Operating and Financial                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Review of Novartis AG, the Financial
       Statements of Novartis AG and the Group
       Consolidated Financial Statements for the
       2018 Financial Year

2.     Discharge from Liability of the Members of                Mgmt          For                            For
       the Board of Directors and the Executive

3.     Appropriation of Available Earnings of                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Novartis AG as per Balance Sheet and
       Declaration of Dividend

4.     Reduction of Share Capital                                Mgmt          For                            For

5.     Further Share Repurchase Program                          Mgmt          For                            For

6.     Special Distribution by Way of a Dividend                 Mgmt          For                            For
       in Kind to Effect the Spin-off of Alcon

7a.    Votes on Compensation for the Members of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Board of Directors and the Executive
       Committee: Binding Vote on the Maximum
       Aggregate Amount of Compensation for
       Members of the Board of Directors from the
       2019 Annual General Meeting to the 2020
       Annual General Meeting

7b.    Votes on Compensation for the Members of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Board of Directors and the Executive
       Committee: Binding Vote on the Maximum
       Aggregate Amount of Compensation for
       Members of the Executive Committee for the
       next Financial Year, i.e. 2020

7c.    Votes on Compensation for the Members of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Board of Directors and the Executive
       Committee: Advisory Vote on the 2018
       Compensation Report

8a.    Re-election of Joerg Reinhardt, Ph.D., and                Mgmt          For                            For
       re-election as Chairman of the Board of
       Directors (in a single vote)

8b.    Re-election of Director: Nancy C. Andrews,                Mgmt          For                            For
       M.D., Ph.D.

8c.    Re-election of Director: Ton Buechner                     Mgmt          For                            For

8d.    Re-election of Director: Srikant Datar,                   Mgmt          For                            For

8e.    Re-election of Director: Elizabeth Doherty                Mgmt          For                            For

8f.    Re-election of Director: Ann Fudge                        Mgmt          For                            For

8g.    Re-election of Director: Frans van Houten                 Mgmt          For                            For

8h.    Re-election of Director: Andreas von                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Planta, Ph.D.

8i.    Re-election of Director: Charles L.                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Sawyers, M.D.

8j.    Re-election of Director: Enrico Vanni,                    Mgmt          For                            For

8k.    Re-election of Director: William T. Winters               Mgmt          For                            For

8l.    Election of Director: Patrice Bula                        Mgmt          For                            For

9a.    Re-election of Srikant Datar, Ph.D., as                   Mgmt          For                            For
       member of the Compensation Committee

9b.    Re-election of Ann Fudge as member of the                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Compensation Committee

9c.    Re-election of Enrico Vanni, Ph.D., as                    Mgmt          For                            For
       member of the Compensation Committee

9d.    Re-election of William T. Winters as member               Mgmt          For                            For
       of the Compensation Committee

9e.    Election of Patrice Bula as member of the                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Compensation Committee

10.    Re-election of the Statutory Auditor                      Mgmt          For                            For

11.    Re-election of the Independent Proxy                      Mgmt          For                            For

12.    General instructions in case of alternative               Mgmt          Against
       motions under the agenda items published in
       the Notice of Annual General Meeting,
       and/or of motions relating to additional
       agenda items according to Article 700
       paragraph 3 of the Swiss Code of

 PACIRA BIOSCIENCES, INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  935004008
        Security:  695127100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  04-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  PCRX
            ISIN:  US6951271005

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Paul Hastings                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       John Longenecker                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Andreas Wicki                                             Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2019.

3.     Advisory vote to approve the compensation                 Mgmt          For                            For
       of our named executive officers.

4.     Advisory vote on the frequency of future                  Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       advisory votes to approve the compensation
       of our named executive officers.

5.     Approval of the Amended and Restated 2011                 Mgmt          Against                        Against
       Stock Incentive Plan

 PARATEK PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.                                                               Agenda Number:  935012411
        Security:  699374302
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  12-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  PRTK
            ISIN:  US6993743029

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Thomas J. Dietz, Ph.D.                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Timothy R. Franson, M.D                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Evan Loh, M.D.                                            Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the selection by the Audit                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Committee of the Board of Directors of
       Ernst & Young LLP as our independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       year ending December 31, 2019.

 PORTOLA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.                                                               Agenda Number:  935007371
        Security:  737010108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  PTLA
            ISIN:  US7370101088

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Laura Brege                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Scott Garland                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Hollings Renton                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers, as disclosed in this
       proxy statement.

3.     To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young                  Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2019.

 SAGE THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                     Agenda Number:  935003866
        Security:  78667J108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  05-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  SAGE
            ISIN:  US78667J1088

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Kevin P. Starr                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       James M. Frates                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       George Golumbeski, Ph.D                                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2019.

3.     To hold a non binding advisory vote to                    Mgmt          For                            For
       approve the compensation paid to our named
       executive officers.

 SHIRE PLC                                                                                   Agenda Number:  934899622
        Security:  82481R106
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  05-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  SHPG
            ISIN:  US82481R1068

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the Scheme of Arrangement.                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Special Resolution: THAT for the purpose of               Mgmt          For                            For
       giving effect to the Scheme of Arrangement:
       (1) the Board of Directors of the Company
       (the "Board") be authorized to take all
       such action as they may consider necessary
       or appropriate for carrying the Scheme of
       Arrangement into effect, (2) the articles
       of association of the Company be amended by
       the adoption and inclusion of a new Article
       154 and (3) conditional upon and with
       effect from the sanctioning of the Scheme
       of Arrangement ...(due to space limits, see
       proxy material for full proposal).

 SSGA FUNDS                                                                                  Agenda Number:  934897123
        Security:  857492706
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  18-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  GVMXX
            ISIN:  US8574927062

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       John R. Costantino                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael A. Jessee                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Ellen M. Needham                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Donna M. Rapaccioli                                       Mgmt          For                            For

 STEADYMED LTD.                                                                              Agenda Number:  934854111
        Security:  M84920103
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  30-Jul-2018
          Ticker:  STDY
            ISIN:  IL0011348997

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the Agreement and Plan of                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Merger, dated as of April 29, 2018, by and
       among SteadyMed Ltd., United Therapeutics
       Corporation, and Daniel 24043 Acquisition
       Corp. Ltd., the terms of the merger
       contemplated thereby, and all other
       documents, agreements and transactions
       contemplated under or related thereto,
       including the Contingent Value Rights
       Agreement attached thereto and the warrant
       amendments between Messrs. Brian J. Stark,
       Keith Bank, Ron Ginor, each a director of
       the Company, and/or their affiliates, and
       the Company.

1a.    Confirm that you are not Parent, Merger                   Mgmt          For
       Sub, any person holding at least 25% of the
       means of control of Merger Sub, anyone
       acting on their behalf, or any relative or
       corporation controlled by, any of the
       foregoing. Please confirm you are not a
       parent, merger sub or have a personal
       interest If you vote AGAINST or ABSTAIN
       your vote will not count for Proposal 1.

1b.    Confirm that you do not have a Personal                   Mgmt          Against
       Interest in the approval of Proposal 1.
       Please confirm you are not a parent, merger
       sub or have a personal interest  If you
       vote AGAINST or ABSTAIN your vote will not
       count for Proposal 1

2.     To approve, on a non-binding, advisory                    Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, certain compensation that will be
       paid or may become payable to SteadyMed
       Ltd.'s named executive officers in
       connection with the Transaction.

 TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL CO LTD                                                                Agenda Number:  935047351
        Security:  874060205
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  27-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  TAK
            ISIN:  US8740602052

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1      Appropriation of Surplus                                  Mgmt          For

2A     Election of Director who are not Audit and                Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Christophe

2B     Election of Director who are not Audit and                Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Masato

2C     Election of Director who are not Audit and                Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Andrew Plump

2D     Election of Director who are not Audit and                Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Constantine

2E     Election of Director who are not Audit and                Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Masahiro

2F     Election of Director who are not Audit and                Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Olivier

2G     Election of Director who are not Audit and                Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Ian Clark

2H     Election of Director who are not Audit and                Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Yoshiaki

2I     Election of Director who are not Audit and                Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Steven Gillis

2J     Election of Director who are not Audit and                Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Toshiyuki

2K     Election of Director who are not Audit and                Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Jean-Luc

2L     Election of Director who are not Audit and                Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Shiro Kuniya

3.1    Election of Director who are Audit and                    Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Emiko Higashi

3.2    Election of Director who are Audit and                    Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Committee Member: Michel

4      Revisions Pertaining to the Amount and the                Mgmt          For
       Contents of Stock Compensation, etc. for
       Directors who are not Audit and Supervisory
       Committee Members

5      Revisions Pertaining to the Contents of                   Mgmt          For
       Stock Compensation, etc. for Directors who
       are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members

6      Payment of Bonuses to Directors who are not               Mgmt          For
       Audit and Supervisory Committee Members

7      Partial Amendment to the Articles of                      Mgmt          For
       Incorporation (Individual disclosure of the
       directors' compensation)

8      Partial Amendment to the Articles of                      Mgmt          For
       Incorporation (Adoption of a clawback

 TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY LIMITED                                                       Agenda Number:  710203061
        Security:  J8129E108
    Meeting Type:  EGM
    Meeting Date:  05-Dec-2018
            ISIN:  JP3463000004

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Please reference meeting materials.                       Non-Voting

1      Approve Delegation of Authority to the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Board of Directors to Determine Details of
       Issuance of New Shares to Implement the
       Proposed Acquisition of Shire

2.1    Appoint a Director except as Supervisory                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Committee Members Ian Clark

2.2    Appoint a Director except as Supervisory                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Committee Members Olivier Bohuon

2.3    Appoint a Director except as Supervisory                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Committee Members Steven Gillis

 TAKEDA PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY LIMITED                                                       Agenda Number:  711256417
        Security:  J8129E108
    Meeting Type:  AGM
    Meeting Date:  27-Jun-2019
            ISIN:  JP3463000004

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Please reference meeting materials.                       Non-Voting

1      Approve Appropriation of Surplus                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.1    Appoint a Director who is not Audit and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Christophe

2.2    Appoint a Director who is not Audit and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Iwasaki,

2.3    Appoint a Director who is not Audit and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Andrew Plump

2.4    Appoint a Director who is not Audit and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Constantine

2.5    Appoint a Director who is not Audit and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Sakane,

2.6    Appoint a Director who is not Audit and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Olivier Bohuon

2.7    Appoint a Director who is not Audit and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Ian Clark

2.8    Appoint a Director who is not Audit and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Fujimori,

2.9    Appoint a Director who is not Audit and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Steven Gillis

2.10   Appoint a Director who is not Audit and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Shiga,

2.11   Appoint a Director who is not Audit and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Jean-Luc Butel

2.12   Appoint a Director who is not Audit and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Kuniya, Shiro

3.1    Appoint a Director who is Audit and                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Higashi, Emiko

3.2    Appoint a Director who is Audit and                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Supervisory Committee Member Michel

4      Approve Details of the Stock Compensation                 Mgmt          For                            For
       to be received by Directors (Excluding
       Directors who are Audit and Supervisory
       Committee Members)

5      Approve Details of the Stock Compensation                 Mgmt          For                            For
       to be received by Directors who are Audit
       and Supervisory Committee Members

6      Approve Payment of Bonuses to Directors                   Mgmt          For                            For
       (Excluding Directors who are Audit and
       Supervisory Committee Members)

7      Shareholder Proposal: Amend Articles of                   Shr           For                            Against
       Incorporation (Individual disclosure of the
       directors' compensation)

8      Shareholder Proposal: Amend Articles of                   Shr           For                            Against
       Incorporation (Adoption of a clawback

 TELADOC HEALTH, INC.                                                                        Agenda Number:  934988253
        Security:  87918A105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  30-May-2019
          Ticker:  TDOC
            ISIN:  US87918A1051

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Ms. Helen Darling                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Mr. William H. Frist MD                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Mr. Michael Goldstein                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Mr. Jason Gorevic                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Mr. Brian McAndrews                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Mr. Thomas G. McKinley                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Mr. Arneek Multani                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Mr. Kenneth H. Paulus                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Mr. David Shedlarz                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Mr. David B. Snow, Jr.                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Mr. Mark D. Smith, MD                                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approve, on an advisory basis, the                        Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of Teladoc Health's named
       executive officers.

3.     Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as Teladoc Health's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2019.

 ZOGENIX, INC.                                                                               Agenda Number:  934984801
        Security:  98978L204
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  22-May-2019
          Ticker:  ZGNX
            ISIN:  US98978L2043

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Erle T. Mast                        Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Renee P. Tannenbaum,                Mgmt          For                            For
       Pharm D.

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as our independent registered
       public accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2019.

3.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of the                    Mgmt          Against                        Against
       compensation of the named executive
       officers as disclosed in the proxy
       statement pursuant to the compensation
       disclosure rules of the Securities and
       Exchange Commission.

4.     Approval of an amendment to the Company's                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Amended and Restated Certificate of
       Incorporation to increase the authorized
       number of shares of common stock from
       50,000,000 to 100,000,000.

5.     Approval of an amendment and restatement of               Mgmt          Against                        Against
       the Company's 2010 Equity Incentive Award

Highland Merger Arbitrage Fund
 ANDEAVOR                                                                                    Agenda Number:  934865948
        Security:  03349M105
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  24-Sep-2018
          Ticker:  ANDV
            ISIN:  US03349M1053

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                Mgmt          For                            For
       dated as of April 29, 2018, among Andeavor,
       Marathon Petroleum Corporation, Mahi Inc.
       and Mahi LLC, as such agreement may be
       amended from time to time, which is
       referred to as the merger agreement.

2.     To approve, by a non-binding advisory vote,               Mgmt          For                            For
       certain compensation that may be paid or
       become payable to Andeavor's named
       executive officers that is based on or
       otherwise relates to the merger
       contemplated by the merger agreement.

3.     To adjourn the special meeting, if                        Mgmt          For                            For
       reasonably necessary to provide
       stockholders with any required supplement
       or amendment to the joint proxy
       statement/prospectus or to solicit
       additional proxies in the event there are
       not sufficient votes at the time of the
       special meeting to approve Proposal 1

 ASPEN INSURANCE HOLDINGS LIMITED                                                            Agenda Number:  934898389
        Security:  G05384105
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  10-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  AHL
            ISIN:  BMG053841059

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve an amendment to Aspen's bye-laws               Mgmt          For                            For
       to reduce the shareholder vote required to
       approve a merger with any third party from
       the affirmative vote of at least 66% of the
       voting power of the shares entitled to vote
       at a meeting of the shareholders to a
       simple majority of the votes cast at a
       meeting of the shareholders.

2.     To approve the merger agreement, the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       statutory merger agreement required in
       accordance with Section 105 of the Bermuda
       Companies Act 1981, as amended, and the

3.     To approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                  Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation that may be paid or
       become payable to Aspen's named executive
       officers in connection with the merger, as
       described in the proxy statement.

4.     To approve an adjournment of the special                  Mgmt          For                            For
       general meeting, if necessary or
       appropriate, to solicit additional proxies,
       in the event that there are insufficient
       votes to approve Proposals 1 or 2 at the
       special general meeting.

 ATHENAHEALTH INC                                                                            Agenda Number:  934917305
        Security:  04685W103
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  07-Feb-2019
          Ticker:  ATHN
            ISIN:  US04685W1036

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                Mgmt          For                            For
       dated as of November 11, 2018 (the merger
       agreement), among May Holding Corp., May
       Merger Sub Inc. and athenahealth (the

2.     To approve, on a non-binding advisory                     Mgmt          Against                        Against
       basis, specified compensation that may be
       paid or become payable to the named
       executive officers of athenahealth in
       connection with the merger and contemplated
       by the merger agreement.

3.     To approve the adjournment of the special                 Mgmt          For                            For
       meeting to a later date or time if
       necessary or appropriate, including to
       solicit additional proxies in favor of the
       proposal to adopt the merger agreement if
       there are insufficient votes at the time of
       the special meeting to adopt the merger

 ATLANTIC ACQUISITION CORP.                                                                  Agenda Number:  934859907
        Security:  048206106
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  10-Aug-2018
          Ticker:  ATAC
            ISIN:  US0482061068

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Business Combination Proposal - To approve                Mgmt          For                            For
       the authorization for Atlantic's board of
       directors to complete the merger of Merger
       Sub into HF Group Holding Corporation ("HF
       Group"), resulting in HF Group becoming a
       wholly owned subsidiary of Atlantic, as
       provided for in the Acquisition Agreement,
       or the "Business Combination."

1a.    Intention to Exercise Redemption Rights If                Mgmt          For
       you intend to exercise your redemption
       rights, please check this 'FOR' box.
       Checking this 'FOR' box, however,is not
       sufficient to exercise your redemption
       rights. You must comply with the procedures
       set forth in the definitive proxy statement
       under the section entitled "Special Meeting
       of Atlantic Shareholders - Redemption

1b.    Stockholder Certification I hereby certify                Mgmt          For
       that I am not acting in concert, or as a
       "group" (as defined in Section 13(d)(3) of
       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
       amended), with any other stockholder with
       respect to the shares of common stock of
       Atlantic, owned by me in connection with
       the proposed Business Combination between
       Atlantic and HF Group. "For"  = I am not
       acting in concert. "Against" = I am acting
       in concert.

2.     Name Change Proposal - To approve the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       amendment of the certificate of
       incorporation Atlantic to change Atlantic's
       name from "Atlantic Acquisition Corp." to
       "HF Foods Group Inc."

3.     Equity Incentive Plan Proposal - To approve               Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2018 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan.

4.     Nasdaq Proposal - To approve the issuance                 Mgmt          For                            For
       of more than 20% of the issued and
       outstanding shares of common stock of
       Atlantic pursuant to the terms of the
       Acquisition Agreement and Business
       Combination, as required by Nasdaq Listing
       Rules 5635(a) and (d).

5.     Adjournment Proposal - To approve the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       adjournment of the special meeting in the
       event Atlantic does not receive the
       requisite shareholder vote to approve the
       Business Combination.

 AVISTA HEALTHCARE PUBLIC ACQ. CORP.                                                         Agenda Number:  934878678
        Security:  G0726L125
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  04-Oct-2018
          Ticker:  AHPA
            ISIN:  KYG0726L1251

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To consider and vote upon a proposal to                   Mgmt          For                            For
       amend the Company's amended and restated
       memorandum and articles of association to
       extend the date by which the Company has to
       consummate a business combination from
       October 14, 2018 to February 15, 2019.

2.     To consider and vote upon a proposal to                   Mgmt          For                            For
       amend the Company's Investment Management
       Trust Agreement by and between AHPAC and
       Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company,
       to extend date on which to commence
       liquidating the trust account established
       in connection with Company's initial public
       offering in event the Company has not
       consummated a business combination.

3.     To consider and vote upon a proposal to                   Mgmt          For                            For
       approve the adjournment of the
       extraordinary general meeting to a later
       date or dates, if necessary, to permit
       further solicitation and vote of proxies in
       the event that there are insufficient votes
       for, or otherwise in connection with,
       approval of one or more proposals to be
       submitted for shareholder approval at
       general meeting.

3A.    You may exercise your redemption rights                   Mgmt          For
       with respect to all or a portion of your
       public shares by marking the "FOR" box. If
       you exercise your redemption rights, then
       you will be exchanging the indicated number
       of your public shares of the common stock
       of Company for cash and you will no longer
       own such public shares.

 BEMIS COMPANY, INC.                                                                         Agenda Number:  934973101
        Security:  081437105
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  02-May-2019
          Ticker:  BMS
            ISIN:  US0814371052

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the Transaction Agreement, dated               Mgmt          For                            For
       as of August 6, 2018 (which, as it may be
       amended from time to time, we refer to as
       the "Transaction Agreement"), by and among
       Amcor Limited, Amcor plc (f/k/a Arctic
       Jersey Limited) ("New Amcor"), Arctic Corp.
       ("Merger Sub") and Bemis Company, Inc.
       ("Bemis"), pursuant to which, among other
       transactions, Merger Sub shall merge with
       and into Bemis (which is referred to as the
       "merger"), with Bemis surviving the merger
       as a wholly- owned subsidiary of New Amcor.

2.     To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote,               Mgmt          Against                        Against
       certain compensation that may be paid or
       become payable to Bemis' named executive
       officers in connection with the

3.     To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote,               Mgmt          For                            For
       a provision of the New Amcor Articles of
       Association setting forth the requirements
       for shareholder nominations and other
       proposals to be considered at an annual
       general meeting of New Amcor or an
       extraordinary general meeting of New Amcor.

4.     To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote,               Mgmt          Against                        Against
       a provision of the New Amcor Articles of
       Association to the effect that directors
       may be removed from office by ordinary
       resolution of the New Amcor shareholders
       only for cause.

5.     To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote,               Mgmt          For                            For
       a provision of the New Amcor Articles of
       Association establishing that the holders
       of shares of New Amcor representing at
       least a majority of the total voting rights
       of all shareholders entitled to vote at a
       general meeting will be quorum for all

6.     To approve one or more adjournments of the                Mgmt          For                            For
       special meeting to a later date or dates
       for any purpose, including if necessary or
       appropriate to solicit additional proxies
       if there are insufficient votes to approve
       the Transaction Agreement at the time of
       the special meeting.

 CAS MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.                                                                   Agenda Number:  934948502
        Security:  124769209
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  18-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  CASM
            ISIN:  US1247692098

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                Mgmt          For                            For
       dated as of February 11, 2019, by and among
       CAS Medical Systems, Inc., Edwards
       Lifesciences Holding, Inc., and Crown
       Merger Sub, Inc.

2.     To adjourn the special meeting, if                        Mgmt          For                            For
       necessary, to solicit additional proxies if
       there are insufficient votes at the time of
       the special meeting to adopt the merger

3.     To approve a non-binding advisory proposal                Mgmt          For                            For
       to approve the golden parachute
       compensation payable to CAS Medical
       Systems, Inc.'s named executive officers in
       connection with the merger.

 COBIZ FINANCIAL INC.                                                                        Agenda Number:  934869934
        Security:  190897108
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  27-Sep-2018
          Ticker:  COBZ
            ISIN:  US1908971088

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Merger Proposal. The approval of the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Agreement and Plan of Merger by and among
       CoBiz Financial Inc, BOK Financial
       Corporation and BOKF Merger Corporation
       Number Sixteen.

2.     Compensation Proposal. An advisory                        Mgmt          Against                        Against
       (nonbinding) shareholder approval of
       executive compensation that certain
       executive officers of CoBiz Financial Inc.
       may receive that is based on or otherwise
       relates to the merger.

3.     Adjournment Proposal. The approval of one                 Mgmt          For                            For
       or more adjournments of the special
       meeting, if necessary or appropriate, to
       solicit additional proxies in favor of the
       merger proposal.

 CONVERGYS CORPORATION                                                                       Agenda Number:  934875266
        Security:  212485106
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  03-Oct-2018
          Ticker:  CVG
            ISIN:  US2124851062

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                Mgmt          For                            For
       as amended, by and among Convergys, SYNNEX,
       Delta Merger Sub I, Inc. and Concentrix CVG

2.     To approve the adjournment of the Convergys               Mgmt          For                            For
       special meeting, if necessary, to solicit
       additional proxies if there are not
       sufficient votes to adopt the merger
       agreement at the time of the Convergys
       special meeting or any adjournment or
       postponement thereof.

3.     To approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                  Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, compensation that will or may be
       paid or provided by Convergys to its named
       executive officers in connection with the

 DOMINION MIDSTREAM PARTNERS LP                                                              Agenda Number:  934925249
        Security:  257454108
    Meeting Type:  Consent
    Meeting Date:  15-Feb-2019
            ISIN:  US2574541080

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     The undersigned, being a holder of record                 Mgmt          For                            For
       as of the close of business on January 7,
       2019 (the "Record Date") of DEM Common
       Units and/or DEM Series A Preferred Units,
       hereby consents to and approves, by written
       consent without a meeting, the Merger
       Agreement and the transactions contemplated
       thereby, including the Merger.

 ENBRIDGE ENERGY MANAGEMENT, L.L.C.                                                          Agenda Number:  934901314
        Security:  29250X103
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  17-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  EEQ
            ISIN:  US29250X1037

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the Agreement and Plan of                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Merger, dated as of September 17, 2018 (as
       it may be amended from time to time, the
       "EEQ merger agreement"), entered into by
       and among Enbridge Energy Management,
       L.L.C. ("EEQ"), Enbridge Inc. ("Enbridge"),
       Winter Acquisition Sub I, Inc. ("Merger
       Sub") and, solely for purposes of Article
       I, Section 2.4 and Article X therein,
       Enbridge Energy Company, Inc. (the "General
       Partner") (the "EEQ Merger Proposal").

2.     To waive Section 9.01(a)(v) of the Amended                Mgmt          For                            For
       and Restated Limited Liability Company
       Agreement of EEQ, dated as of October 17,
       2002, as amended (the "EEQ LLC Agreement"),
       in connection with the merger provided for
       in the EEQ merger agreement (the "Waiver

3.     To adopt an amendment to the EEQ LLC                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Agreement (a form of which is attached as
       Exhibit A to the EEQ merger agreement) to
       increase certain voting rights to which the
       record holders of all of the outstanding
       listed shares of EEQ are entitled (the "EEQ
       LLC Agreement Amendment Proposal").

4.     To approve the adjournment of the special                 Mgmt          For                            For
       meeting from time to time, if necessary to
       solicit additional proxies if there are not
       sufficient votes to approve the EEQ Merger
       Proposal, the Waiver Proposal or the EEQ
       LLC Agreement Amendment Proposal, at the
       time of the special meeting.

5.     To approve the Agreement and Plan of                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Merger, entered into by and among Enbridge
       Energy Partners, L.P. ("EEP"), the General
       Partner, EEQ, Enbridge, Enbridge (U.S.)
       Inc., Winter Acquisition Sub II, LLC and,
       solely for purposes of Article I, Article
       II and Article XI therein, Enbridge US
       Holdings Inc., in order to determine how
       the EEP i-units will be voted at the
       special meeting in which the EEP
       unitholders will vote on the EEP merger
       agreement (the "EEP special meeting") on
       the proposal to approve the EEP merger

6.     To approve the adjournment of the EEP                     Mgmt          For                            For
       special meeting from time to time, if
       necessary to solicit additional proxies if
       there are not sufficient votes to approve
       the EEP merger agreement at the time of the
       EEP special meeting, in order to determine
       how the EEP i-units will be voted at the
       EEP special meeting on the proposal to
       approve the EEP merger agreement.

 EXPRESS SCRIPTS HOLDING COMPANY                                                             Agenda Number:  934858309
        Security:  30219G108
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  24-Aug-2018
          Ticker:  ESRX
            ISIN:  US30219G1085

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     A proposal to adopt the Agreement and Plan                Mgmt          For                            For
       of Merger, dated as of March 8, 2018, as
       amended by Amendment No. 1, dated as of
       June 27, 2018, and as it may be further
       amended from time to time (the "Merger
       Agreement"), by and among Cigna
       Corporation, Express Scripts Holding
       Company ("Express Scripts"), Halfmoon
       Parent, Inc., Halfmoon I, Inc. and Halfmoon
       II, Inc.

2.     A proposal to approve the adjournment of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Express Scripts special meeting, if
       necessary or appropriate, to solicit
       additional proxies if there are not
       sufficient votes to approve the proposal to
       adopt the Merger Agreement.

3.     A proposal to approve, by a non-binding                   Mgmt          Against                        Against
       advisory vote, certain compensation
       arrangements that may be paid or become
       payable to Express Scripts' named executive
       officers in connection with the mergers
       contemplated by the Merger Agreement.

 FCB FINANCIAL HOLDINGS, INC.                                                                Agenda Number:  934896121
        Security:  30255G103
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  29-Nov-2018
          Ticker:  FCB
            ISIN:  US30255G1031

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Merger Proposal: To adopt the Agreement and               Mgmt          For                            For
       Plan of Merger, dated as of July 23, 2018,
       as it may be amended from time to time, by
       and among Synovus Financial Corp.
       ("Synovus"), Azalea Merger Sub Corp., a
       wholly-owned subsidiary of Synovus, and FCB
       Financial Holdings, Inc. ("FCB") and the
       transactions contemplated thereby.

2.     Compensation Proposal: To approve, on a                   Mgmt          Against                        Against
       non-binding, advisory basis, the
       compensation to be paid to FCB's named
       executive officers that is based on or
       otherwise relates to the merger.

3.     Adjournment Proposal: To approve the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       adjournment of the FCB special meeting, if
       necessary or appropriate to permit further
       solicitation of proxies in favor of the
       merger proposal.

 FIRST DATA CORPORATION                                                                      Agenda Number:  934956662
        Security:  32008D106
    Meeting Type:  Consent
    Meeting Date:  11-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  FDC
            ISIN:  US32008D1063

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     The adoption of the Agreement and Plan of                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Merger, dated as of January 16, 2019, by
       and among First Data, Fiserv and 300
       Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation
       ("Merger Sub"), pursuant to which Merger
       Sub will merge with and into First Data
       (the "Merger"), with First Data surviving
       the Merger as a direct, wholly owned
       subsidiary of Fiserv.

2.     The adoption of the following resolution,                 Mgmt          For                            For
       on a non-binding, advisory basis:
       "RESOLVED, that compensation that will or
       may be made to First Data's named executive
       officers in connection with the Merger, and
       the agreements or understandings pursuant
       to which such compensation will or may be
       made, in each case, as disclosed pursuant
       to Item 402(t) of Regulation S-K under the
       heading "The Merger-Interests of Certain
       First Data Directors & Executive Officers
       in Merger" beginning on page 132 of Joint
       Proxy & Consent Solicitation

 FIRST DATA CORPORATION                                                                      Agenda Number:  934958907
        Security:  32008D106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-May-2019
          Ticker:  FDC
            ISIN:  US32008D1063

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Frank J. Bisignano                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Henry R. Kravis                                           Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Heidi G. Miller                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Cast an advisory vote on the compensation                 Mgmt          Against                        Against
       of named executive officers.

3.     Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as First Data's independent registered
       public accounting firm for our fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2019.

 GOLDCORP INC.                                                                               Agenda Number:  934942738
        Security:  380956409
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  04-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  GG
            ISIN:  CA3809564097

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1      A special resolution to approve an                        Mgmt          For                            For
       arrangement under Section 182 of the
       Business Corporations Act (Ontario)
       involving the Company and Newmont Mining
       Corporation, all as more particularly
       described in the management information
       circular of the Company dated March 4,

 GTY TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS INC                                                                 Agenda Number:  934888174
        Security:  G4182A102
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  30-Oct-2018
          Ticker:  GTYH
            ISIN:  KYG4182A1022

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     The Extension Proposal - To amend the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's second amended and restated
       memorandum and articles of association to
       extend the date by which the Company has to
       consummate a business combination from
       November 1, 2018 to May 1, 2019.

2.     The Adjournment Proposal - To approve the                 Mgmt          For                            For
       adjournment of the extraordinary general
       meeting to a later date or dates, if
       necessary or appropriate, to permit further
       solicitation and vote of proxies in the
       event that there are insufficient votes
       for, or otherwise in connection with, the
       approval of proposal 1.

 GUARANTY BANCORP                                                                            Agenda Number:  934870038
        Security:  40075T607
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  25-Sep-2018
          Ticker:  GBNK
            ISIN:  US40075T6073

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Approval and adoption of the Agreement and                Mgmt          For                            For
       Plan of Reorganization dated as of May 22,
       2018 by and between Independent Bank Group,
       Inc. (Independent) and Guaranty Bancorp
       (Guaranty) as such agreement may be
       amended, supplemented or modified from time
       to time, pursuant to which Guaranty will
       merge with and into Independent (the
       Guaranty merger proposal).

2.     Approval, on an advisory (non-binding)                    Mgmt          Against                        Against
       basis, of the compensation that certain
       executive officers of Guaranty may receive
       in connection with the merger of Guaranty
       with and into Independent pursuant to
       existing agreements or arrangements with

3.     Approval of the adjournment of the Guaranty               Mgmt          For                            For
       special meeting to a later date or dates,
       if the board of directors of Guaranty
       determines such an adjournment is necessary
       or appropriate, to permit solicitation of
       additional proxies in favor of the Guaranty
       merger proposal.

 ICC LABS INC.                                                                               Agenda Number:  934885205
        Security:  449234103
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  06-Nov-2018
          Ticker:  ICCLF
            ISIN:  CA4492341033

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1      To pass, with or without variation, a                     Mgmt          For                            For
       special resolution, the full text of which
       is set forth in Appendix "B" to the
       accompanying management information
       circular of the Corporation dated October
       3, 2018 (the "Circular"), to approve a plan
       of arrangement under Division 5 of Part 9
       of the Business Corporations Act (British
       Columbia) whereby, among other things,
       Aurora Cannabis Inc. will acquire all of
       the issued and outstanding common shares of
       the Corporation, all as more particularly
       described in the Circular.

 ILG INC                                                                                     Agenda Number:  934861952
        Security:  44967H101
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  28-Aug-2018
          Ticker:  ILG
            ISIN:  US44967H1014

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the transactions contemplated by               Mgmt          For                            For
       the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as
       of April 30, 2018 (the "merger agreement"),
       by and among ILG, Marriott Vacations
       Worldwide Corporation, a Delaware
       corporation ("MVW"), Ignite Holdco, Inc., a
       wholly-owned direct subsidiary of ILG
       ("Holdco"), Ignite Holdco Subsidiary, Inc.,
       a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of Holdco
       ("Ignite Merger Sub"), Volt Merger Sub,
       Inc., a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of
       MVW ("Volt Corporate Merger Sub"), (the
       "combination transactions").

2.     To approve, on a non-binding, advisory                    Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation that may be paid or
       become payable to ILG's named executive
       officers in connection with the combination

3.     To adjourn the ILG Special Meeting, if                    Mgmt          For                            For
       necessary or appropriate, to solicit
       additional proxies.

 INDUSTREA ACQUISITION CORP.                                                                 Agenda Number:  934903899
        Security:  45579J104
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  04-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  INDU
            ISIN:  US45579J1043

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     The Business Combination Proposal: Approve                Mgmt          For                            For
       and adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,
       dated as of September 7, 2018, by and among
       the Company, Concrete Pumping Holdings
       Acquisition Corp., a Delaware corporation
       and wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
       ("Newco"), Concrete Pumping Holdings, Inc.,
       a Delaware corporation ("CPH"), certain
       subsidiaries of Newco, and PGP Investors,
       LLC, solely in its capacity as the initial
       Holder Representative, a copy of which is
       attached to the proxy statement/prospectus
       as Annex A.

2.     The Nasdaq Proposal: To approve, for                      Mgmt          For                            For
       puposes of complying with applicable Nasdaq
       listing rules, the issuance of more than
       20% of the Company's issued and outstanding
       common stock pursuant to the Business

3.     The Charter Proposals: To approve the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       following material differences between the
       proposed amended and restated certificate
       of incorporation of Newco (the "Newco
       Charter"): The name of the new public
       company will be Concrete Pumping Holdings,
       Inc. as opposed to "Industrea Acquisition

4.     The Charter Proposals: To approve the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       following material differences between the
       proposed amended and restated certificate
       of incorporation of Newco (the "Newco
       Charter"): Newco will have 500,000,000
       authorized shares of common stock and
       10,000,000 authorized shares of preferred
       stock, as opposed to the Company having
       220,000,000 authorized shares of common
       stock and 1,000,000 authorized shares of
       preferred stock.

5.     The Charter Proposals: To approve the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       following material differences between the
       proposed amended and restated certificate
       of incorporation of Newco (the "Newco
       Charter"): The Newco Charter will not
       include the various provisions applicable
       only to special purpose acquisition
       companies that the Industrea Charter
       contains (such as the obligation to
       dissolve and liquidate if a business
       combination is not consummated in a certain
       period of time).

       Heather L. Faust                                          Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       David G. Hall                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Iain Humphries                                            Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Brian Hodges                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       John M. Piecuch                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Howard D. Morgan                                          Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       David A. B. Brown                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Tariq Osman                                               Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Bruce Young                                               Mgmt          Withheld                       Against

7.     The Incentive Plan Proposal: To approve the               Mgmt          For                            For
       Concrete Pumping Holdings, Inc. 2018
       Omnibus Incentive Plan, which is an
       incentive compensation plan for employees,
       directors and consultants of Newco and its
       subsidiaries, including CPH, a copy of
       which is attached to the proxy
       statement/prospectus as Annex C.

8.     The Adjournment Proposal: To approve the                  Mgmt          For                            For
       adjournment of the Special Meeting to a
       later date or dates, if necessary, to
       permit further solicitation and vote of
       proxies in the event that there are
       insufficient votes for, or otherwise in
       connection with, the approval of the
       Business Combination Proposal, the Nasdaq
       Proposal, the Charter Proposals or the
       Incentive Plan Proposal. This proposal will
       only be presented at the Special Meeting if
       there are not sufficient votes to approve
       the Business Combination Proposal the
       Nasdaq Proposal.

 LIFEPOINT HEALTH, INC.                                                                      Agenda Number:  934883352
        Security:  53219L109
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  29-Oct-2018
          Ticker:  LPNT
            ISIN:  US53219L1098

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                Mgmt          For                            For
       dated as of July 22, 2018, as it may be
       amended from time to time, by and among
       LifePoint Health, Inc., RegionalCare
       Hospital Partners Holdings, Inc. (D/B/A
       RCCH HealthCare Partners) and Legend Merger
       Sub, Inc.

2.     To approve one or more adjournments of the                Mgmt          For                            For
       special meeting, if necessary or advisable,
       to solicit additional proxies if there are
       insufficient votes at the time of the
       special meeting to adopt the Agreement and
       Plan of Merger.

3.     To approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       basis, the golden parachute compensation
       that may be payable to LifePoint Health,
       Inc.'s named executive officers in
       connection with the consummation of the

 MINDBODY, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  934923269
        Security:  60255W105
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  14-Feb-2019
          Ticker:  MB
            ISIN:  US60255W1053

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                Mgmt          For                            For
       dated as of December 23, 2018, by and among
       MINDBODY, Inc., Torreys Parent, LLC and
       Torreys Merger Sub, Inc. (the "Merger

2.     To approve, on a advisory (non-binding)                   Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation that may be paid or
       become payable to MINDBODY, Inc.'s named
       executive officers that is based or
       otherwise relates to the Merger Agreement
       and the transactions contemplated by the
       Merger Agreement.

3.     To approve any proposal to adjourn the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Special Meeting to a later date or dates,
       if necessary or appropriate, to solicit
       additional proxies if there are
       insufficient votes at the time of the
       Special Meeting to approve the proposal to
       adopt the Merger Agreement.

 NEVADA GOLD & CASINOS, INC.                                                                 Agenda Number:  934924831
        Security:  64126Q206
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  22-Feb-2019
          Ticker:  UWN
            ISIN:  US64126Q2066

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the Agreement and Plan of                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Merger, as amended by Amendment No. 1 to
       Agreement and Plan of Merger, by and among
       Nevada Gold & Casinos, Inc., a Nevada
       corporation, Maverick Casinos LLC, a Nevada
       limited liability company ("Parent"), and
       Maverick Casinos Merger Sub, Inc., a Nevada
       corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary
       of Parent, with the Company continuing as
       the surviving corporation and becoming a
       wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent. A copy
       of the Merger Agreement is attached as
       Appendix A to the accompanying proxy

2.     A proposal to approve, on an advisory and                 Mgmt          For                            For
       non-binding basis, certain compensation
       that will or may be paid or become payable
       to the Company's named executive officers
       in connection with the proposed merger.

3.     A proposal to adjourn the special meeting,                Mgmt          For                            For
       if necessary or appropriate, to solicit
       additional proxies if there are
       insufficient votes at the time of the
       special meeting to approve the proposal to
       approve the Merger Agreement.

 NIGHTSTAR THERAPEUTICS PLC                                                                  Agenda Number:  934992529
        Security:  65413A101
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  08-May-2019
          Ticker:  NITE
            ISIN:  US65413A1016

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

C1     To approve the scheme of arrangement                      Mgmt          For                            For
       proposed to be made between the Company and
       certain Company shareholders (the "Scheme")
       subject to the terms and conditions and as
       set out in the Scheme Document dated April
       9, 2019.

S1     THAT: notwithstanding anything contained in               Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company's articles of association, the
       board of directors of the Company (the
       "Board") be authorised to re-designate any
       ordinary share of GBP 0.01 in the capital
       of the Company (each, an "Ordinary Share")
       that is subject to a vesting agreement
       dated on or about 27 September 2017,
       entered into between the Company and
       certain then employee-holders of Ordinary
       Shares in the capital of the Company, as a
       Deferred Share in the capital ...(due to
       space limits, see proxy material for full

O2     THAT: conditional upon passing Resolution 1               Mgmt          For                            For
       and the Board so authorising, the terms of
       each of the buy-back agreements to acquire
       any Deferred Shares in the forms available
       for inspection on the Company's website and
       at its registered office be and is hereby

S3     THAT: for the purpose of giving effect to                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the scheme of arrangement dated April 9,
       2019 (the "Scheme") between the Company and
       the holders of the Nightstar Scheme Shares
       (as defined in the Scheme), a print of
       which has been produced to this meeting and
       for the purposes of identification signed
       by the Chairman hereof, in its original
       form or subject to such modification,
       addition or condition agreed between the
       Company and Biogen Switzerland Holdings
       GmbH and approved or imposed by ...(due to
       space limits, see proxy material for full

 NUTRISYSTEM, INC.                                                                           Agenda Number:  934926392
        Security:  67069D108
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  05-Mar-2019
          Ticker:  NTRI
            ISIN:  US67069D1081

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To consider and vote on a proposal to adopt               Mgmt          For                            For
       the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as
       of December 9, 2018, as it may be amended
       from time to time, by and among Tivity
       Health, Inc., Sweet Acquisition, Inc. and
       Nutrisystem, Inc.

2.     To consider and vote on a proposal to                     Mgmt          For                            For
       approve the adjournment of the special
       meeting if necessary or appropriate,
       including to solicit additional proxies in
       the event there are not sufficient votes at
       the time of the special meeting to approve
       Proposal 1.

3.     To consider and vote on a proposal to                     Mgmt          For                            For
       approve, on an advisory (non-binding)
       basis, certain compensation that may be
       paid or become payable to Nutrisystem,
       Inc.'s named executive officers in
       connection with, or following, the closing
       of the merger contemplated by the agreement
       referred to in Proposal 1 or in the absence
       of a quorum.

 OCLARO, INC.                                                                                Agenda Number:  934844449
        Security:  67555N206
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  10-Jul-2018
          Ticker:  OCLR
            ISIN:  US67555N2062

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                Mgmt          For                            For
       dated as of March 11, 2018, among Lumentum
       Holdings Inc., Oclaro, Inc., Prota Merger
       Sub, Inc., and Prota Merger, LLC, as it may
       be amended from time to time, which
       provides for the acquisition of Oclaro by
       Lumentum through a merger of Prota Merger,
       LLC and Oclaro followed by a merger of
       Oclaro with and into Prota Merger, Sub,

2.     To approve, on a non-binding, advisory                    Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation payments that will
       or may be made to Oclaro's named executive
       officers in connection with the Merger.

3.     To approve the adjournment of the special                 Mgmt          For                            For
       meeting, from time to time, if necessary or
       appropriate, to solicit additional proxies
       if there are not sufficient votes at the
       time of the special meeting to approve
       Proposal 1.

 OURPET'S COMPANY                                                                            Agenda Number:  934929879
        Security:  689890101
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  07-Mar-2019
          Ticker:  OPCO
            ISIN:  US6898901011

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the merger and the other                       Mgmt          For                            For
       transactions contemplated by the Agreement
       and Plan of Merger, dated as of December
       18, 2018, as may be amended from time to
       time, among OurPet's Company, Paws Merger
       Parent, LLC, and Paws Merger Sub, Inc.,
       which provides for the merger of Merger Sub
       with and into OurPet's, and the other
       transactions contemplated by the merger

2.     To approve an adjournment of the special                  Mgmt          For                            For
       meeting to a later date or time, if
       necessary or appropriate, including for the
       purpose of soliciting additional votes in
       favor of the proposal to approve the merger
       and the other transactions contemplated by
       the merger agreement.

 PINNACLE FOODS INC.                                                                         Agenda Number:  934878995
        Security:  72348P104
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  23-Oct-2018
          Ticker:  PF
            ISIN:  US72348P1049

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                   Mgmt          For                            For
       dated as of June 26, 2018, as it may be
       amended from time to time (the "merger
       agreement"), by and among Pinnacle Foods
       Inc., a Delaware corporation, Conagra
       Brands Inc., a Delaware corporation, and
       Patriot Merger Sub Inc., a Delaware

2.     Approve, on a non-binding, advisory basis,                Mgmt          For                            For
       the compensation that may be paid or may
       become payable to Pinnacle Foods Inc.'s
       named executive officers in connection
       with, or following, the closing of the
       merger contemplated by the merger

3.     Approve adjournments of the Special                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Meeting, if necessary or appropriate, to
       solicit additional proxies in favor of the
       proposal to adopt the merger agreement at
       the time of the Special Meeting.

 SBT BANCORP, INC.                                                                           Agenda Number:  935049521
        Security:  78391C106
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  26-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  SBTB
            ISIN:  US78391C1062

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To vote upon a proposal to approve the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of
       March 20, 2019, by and among Liberty Bank
       and SBT Bancorp and The Simsbury Bank &
       Trust Company, Inc.

2.     To vote upon a proposal to adjourn the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       special meeting to a later date or dates,
       if necessary, to permit further
       solicitation of proxies if there are not
       sufficient votes at the time of the special
       meeting to approve the Agreement and Plan
       of Merger.

 SELECT INCOME REIT                                                                          Agenda Number:  934904687
        Security:  81618T100
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  20-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  SIR
            ISIN:  US81618T1007

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Approval of the merger, or the Merger, of                 Mgmt          Against                        Against
       Select Income REIT with & into GOV MS
       REIT,a Maryland real estate investment
       trust that is a wholly owned subsidiary of
       Government Properties Income Trust, with
       GOV MS REIT as the surviving entity in the
       Merger, pursuant to the Agreement and Plan
       of Merger, dated as of September 14, 2018,
       as it may be amended from time to time, or
       the Merger Agreement, by and among
       Government Properties Income Trust, GOV MS
       REIT and Select Income REIT and the other
       transactions contemplated by Merger

2.     Approval of the adjournment of the special                Mgmt          Against                        Against
       meeting of shareholders of Select Income
       REIT from time to time, if necessary or
       appropriate, including to solicit
       additional proxies in favor of the Merger
       and the other transactions contemplated by
       the Merger Agreement to which Select Income
       REIT is a party if there are insufficient
       votes at the time of such adjournment to
       approve such proposal.

 SENDGRID, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  934916327
        Security:  816883102
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  30-Jan-2019
          Ticker:  SEND
            ISIN:  US8168831027

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger                 Mgmt          For                            For
       and Reorganization, dated October 15, 2018,
       among Twilio Inc., Topaz Merger Subsidiary,
       Inc., and SendGrid, Inc., as amended on
       December 13, 2018 and as such agreement may
       be further amended from time to time (the
       "merger agreement").

2.     To approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                  Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation that may be paid or
       become payable to SendGrid's named
       executive officers that is based on or
       otherwise relates to the merger agreement
       and the transactions contemplated by the
       merger agreement.

3.     To approve adjournments of the SendGrid                   Mgmt          For                            For
       special meeting, if necessary and
       appropriate, to solicit additional proxies
       if there are not sufficient votes to
       approve the SendGrid merger proposal.

 SHIRE PLC                                                                                   Agenda Number:  934899622
        Security:  82481R106
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  05-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  SHPG
            ISIN:  US82481R1068

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the Scheme of Arrangement.                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Special Resolution: THAT for the purpose of               Mgmt          For                            For
       giving effect to the Scheme of Arrangement:
       (1) the Board of Directors of the Company
       (the "Board") be authorized to take all
       such action as they may consider necessary
       or appropriate for carrying the Scheme of
       Arrangement into effect, (2) the articles
       of association of the Company be amended by
       the adoption and inclusion of a new Article
       154 and (3) conditional upon and with
       effect from the sanctioning of the Scheme
       of Arrangement ...(due to space limits, see
       proxy material for full proposal).

 SI FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  934932737
        Security:  78425V104
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  02-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  SIFI
            ISIN:  US78425V1044

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Approval of the Agreement and Plan of                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Merger, dated as of December 11, 2018, by
       and between Berkshire Hills Bancorp, Inc.
       ("Berkshire") and SI Financial Group, Inc.
       (the "Company"), pursuant to which, among
       other things, the Company will merge with
       and into Berkshire.

2.     An advisory (non-binding) proposal to                     Mgmt          For                            For
       approve compensation payable to the
       Company's named executive officers in
       connection with the merger.

3.     Approval of one or more adjournments of the               Mgmt          For                            For
       special meeting if necessary or appropriate
       to solicit additional proxies in favor of
       the approval of the merger agreement.

 SPARTON CORPORATION                                                                         Agenda Number:  934923586
        Security:  847235108
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  01-Mar-2019
          Ticker:  SPA
            ISIN:  US8472351084

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Proposal to adopt the Agreement and Plan of               Mgmt          For                            For
       Merger, dated as of December 11, 2018, by
       and among Sparton Corporation, Striker
       Parent 2018, LLC, and Striker Merger Sub
       2018, Inc.(the "Merger Agreement").

2.     Proposal to approve, on a non-binding,                    Mgmt          For                            For
       advisory basis, the compensation that
       certain executive officers of the Company
       may receive in connection with the merger
       pursuant to agreements or arrangements with
       the Company.

3.     Proposal to approve one or more                           Mgmt          For                            For
       adjournments of the special meeting, if
       necessary or advisable, to solicit
       additional proxies if there are
       insufficient votes to adopt the Merger
       Agreement at the time of the special

 TCF FINANCIAL CORPORATION                                                                   Agenda Number:  935026547
        Security:  872275102
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  07-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  TCF
            ISIN:  US8722751026

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Adoption of the Agreement and Plan of                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Merger, dated as of January 27, 2019 (as it
       may be amended from time to time), by and
       between TCF Financial Corporation ("TCF")
       and Chemical Financial Corporation
       ("Chemical"), pursuant to which TCF will
       merge with and into Chemical, with Chemical
       surviving the merger (the "TCF merger

2.     Approval, on a non-binding advisory basis,                Mgmt          For                            For
       of certain compensation that will or may be
       paid by TCF to its named executive officers
       that is based on or otherwise relates to
       the merger (the "TCF compensation

3.     Approval of the adjournment of the special                Mgmt          For                            For
       meeting of TCF stockholders to a later date
       or dates, if necessary or appropriate, for
       the purpose of soliciting additional votes
       for the approval of the TCF merger proposal
       if there are insufficient votes to approve
       the TCF merger proposal at the time of the
       special meeting (the "TCF adjournment

 TIER REIT, INC.                                                                             Agenda Number:  935030130
        Security:  88650V208
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  12-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  TIER
            ISIN:  US88650V2088

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the merger of the Company with                 Mgmt          For                            For
       and into Murphy Subsidiary Holdings
       Corporation ("Merger Sub"), with Merger Sub
       surviving the merger (the "Merger") as a
       wholly owned subsidiary of Cousins
       Properties Incorporated ("Cousins"), on the
       terms and subject to the conditions of the
       agreement and plan of merger, dated March
       25, 2019, as may be amended or supplemented
       from time to time, by and among the
       Company, Cousins and Merger Sub.

2.     To approve, on a non-binding advisory                     Mgmt          Against                        Against
       basis, the compensation that may be paid or
       become payable to the Company's named
       executive officers in connection with the

3.     To approve the adjournment of the special                 Mgmt          For                            For
       meeting, if necessary or appropriate, to
       solicit additional proxies in favor of the
       Merger, if there are insufficient votes at
       the time of such adjournment to approve the

 TOP IMAGE SYSTEMS LTD.                                                                      Agenda Number:  934948514
        Security:  M87896102
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  04-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  TISA
            ISIN:  IL0010827348

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     APPROVAL OF THE ACQUISITION OF TOP IMAGE                  Mgmt          For                            For

1a.    IN ORDER FOR YOUR VOTE FOR THE MERGER                     Mgmt          For

2.     APPROVAL, ON A NON-BINDING, ADVISORY BASIS,               Mgmt          For                            For

 TRANSMONTAIGNE PARTNERS L P                                                                 Agenda Number:  934925237
        Security:  89376V100
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  26-Feb-2019
          Ticker:  TLP
            ISIN:  US89376V1008

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the Agreement and Plan of                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Merger, dated as of November 25, 2018, by
       and among TransMontaigne Partners L.P.
       ("Partnership"), TransMontaigne GP L.L.C.
       TLP Finance Holdings, LLC ("Parent"), TLP
       Merger Sub, LLC ("Merger Sub"), TLP
       Acquisition Holdings, LLC and, solely for
       the purposes of Section 6.19 thereof, TLP
       Equity Holdings, LLC, as such agreement may
       be amended from time to time.

2.     To approve the adjournment of the Special                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Meeting, if necessary or appropriate, to
       solicit additional proxies if there are not
       sufficient votes to approve the Merger
       Agreement and the Merger, at the time of
       the Special Meeting.

 UQM TECHNOLOGIES, INC.                                                                      Agenda Number:  934945291
        Security:  903213106
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  23-Apr-2019
          Ticker:  UQM
            ISIN:  US9032131065

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To consider and vote on a proposal to adopt               Mgmt          For                            For
       and approve the Agreement and Plan of
       Merger dated as of January 21, 2019, by and
       among UQM, Danfoss Power Solutions (US)
       Company ("Danfoss") and a wholly owned
       subsidiary of Danfoss ("Merger Sub"),
       pursuant to which Merger Sub will be merged
       with and into UQM, with UQM surviving the
       merger as a wholly owned subsidiary of
       Danfoss (the "Merger" and, such proposal,
       the "Merger Proposal").

2.     To approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                  Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, specified compensation that may
       become payable to the named executive
       officers of the Company in connection with
       the Merger (the "Advisory Compensation

3.     To approve the adjournment or postponement                Mgmt          For                            For
       of the Special Meeting, if necessary or
       appropriate, for, among other reasons, the
       solicitation of additional proxies in the
       event that there are not sufficient votes
       at the time of the Special Meeting to adopt
       and approve the Merger Agreement.

 WABCO HOLDINGS INC.                                                                         Agenda Number:  935038249
        Security:  92927K102
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  27-Jun-2019
          Ticker:  WBC
            ISIN:  US92927K1025

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger                 Mgmt          For                            For
       (as it may be amended from time to time),
       dated as of March 28, 2019 (the "Merger
       Agreement"), by and among WABCO Holdings
       Inc., ZF Friedrichshafen AG and Verona
       Merger Sub Corp.

2.     To approve, by means of a non-binding,                    Mgmt          For                            For
       advisory vote, compensation that will or
       may become payable to the named executive
       officers of WABCO Holdings Inc. in
       connection with the merger.

3.     To approve one or more adjournments or                    Mgmt          For                            For
       postponements of the special meeting to a
       later date or dates, if necessary or
       appropriate, to solicit additional proxies
       if there are insufficient votes to adopt
       the Merger Agreement at the then- scheduled
       date and time of the special meeting.

 WESTERN GAS PARTNERS, LP                                                                    Agenda Number:  934923625
        Security:  958254104
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  27-Feb-2019
          Ticker:  WES
            ISIN:  US9582541044

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the Contribution Agreement and                 Mgmt          Abstain                        Against
       Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of
       November 7, 2018 (the Merger Agreement), by
       and among Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
       (Anadarko), Anadarko E&P Onshore LLC,
       Western Gas Equity Partners, LP (WGP),
       Western Gas Equity Holdings, LLC, Western
       Gas Partners, LP (WES), Western Gas
       Holdings, LLC, Clarity Merger Sub, LLC and
       other affiliates of Anadarko and WES. Due
       to systems limitations, please see the
       proxy statement for the full proposal.

2.     To approve the adjournment of the special                 Mgmt          For                            For
       meeting, if necessary, to solicit
       additional proxies if there are not
       sufficient votes to approve the Merger
       Agreement and the transactions contemplated
       thereby, including the Merger, at the time
       of the special meeting.

 WILDHORSE RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CORP.                                                        Agenda Number:  934917747
        Security:  96812T102
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  31-Jan-2019
          Ticker:  WRD
            ISIN:  US96812T1025

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                Mgmt          For                            For
       dated October 29, 2018, by and among
       Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Coleburn
       Inc. and WildHorse (as amended from time to
       time, the "merger agreement") and the
       transactions contemplated by the merger
       agreement, including the merger (the
       "merger proposal").

2.     To approve, on a non-binding, advisory                    Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, certain compensation that may be
       paid or become payable to WildHorse's named
       executive officers that is based on or
       otherwise relates to the merger (the
       "non-binding, advisory compensation

3.     To approve the adjournment of the WildHorse               Mgmt          For                            For
       special meeting to a later date or dates,
       if necessary or appropriate, to solicit
       additional proxies in the event there are
       not sufficient votes at the time of the
       special meeting to approve the merger
       proposal (the "adjournment proposal").

 WILDHORSE RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CORP.                                                        Agenda Number:  934921241
        Security:  96812T102
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  31-Jan-2019
          Ticker:  WRD
            ISIN:  US96812T1025

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt the Agreement and Plan of Merger,                Mgmt          For                            For
       dated October 29, 2018, by and among
       Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Coleburn
       Inc. and WildHorse (as amended from time to
       time, the "merger agreement") and the
       transactions contemplated by the merger
       agreement, including the merger (the
       "merger proposal").

2.     To approve, on a non-binding, advisory                    Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, certain compensation that may be
       paid or become payable to WildHorse's named
       executive officers that is based on or
       otherwise relates to the merger (the
       "non-binding, advisory compensation

3.     To approve the adjournment of the WildHorse               Mgmt          For                            For
       special meeting to a later date or dates,
       if necessary or appropriate, to solicit
       additional proxies in the event there are
       not sufficient votes at the time of the
       special meeting to approve the merger
       proposal (the "adjournment proposal").

 WILLIAMS PARTNERS, L.P.                                                                     Agenda Number:  934859642
        Security:  96949L105
    Meeting Type:  Consent
    Meeting Date:  09-Aug-2018
          Ticker:  WPZ
            ISIN:  US96949L1052

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Consent to, and hereby approve, the Merger                Mgmt          For                            For
       Agreement and the transactions contemplated
       thereby, including the merger of Merger Sub
       with and into Williams Partners, with
       Williams Partners surviving as a
       wholly-owned subsidiary of Williams. ("FOR"
       = Approve, "AGAINST" = do not approve,
       "ABSTAIN" votes will not be counted)

 WORLDPAY INC.                                                                               Agenda Number:  934967362
        Security:  981558109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-May-2019
          Ticker:  WP
            ISIN:  US9815581098

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Lee Adrean                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Mark Heimbouch                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Gary Lauer                                                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       preferred frequency of stockholder advisory
       votes on executive compensation.

4.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the Company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2019.

 XCERRA CORPORATION                                                                          Agenda Number:  934863728
        Security:  98400J108
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  30-Aug-2018
          Ticker:  XCRA
            ISIN:  US98400J1088

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the Agreement and Plan of                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Merger, dated as of May 7, 2018, by and
       among Cohu, Inc., Xavier Acquisition
       Corporation and the Company.

2.     To approve any proposal to adjourn the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Special Meeting to a later date or dates if
       necessary or appropriate to solicit
       additional proxies if there are
       insufficient votes to approve the Merger
       Agreement at the time of the Special

3.     To approve, by non-binding, advisory vote,                Mgmt          Against                        Against
       compensation that will or may become
       payable by Xcerra Corporation to its named
       executive officers in connection with the

Highland Opportunistic Credit Fund
 ARCH COAL, INC.                                                                             Agenda Number:  934945835
        Security:  039380407
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  02-May-2019
          Ticker:  ARCH
            ISIN:  US0393804077

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Patrick J. Bartels, Jr.                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       James N. Chapman                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       John W. Eaves                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Sherman K. Edmiston III                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert B. Hamill                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Holly Keller Koeppel                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Patrick A. Kriegshauser                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Richard A. Navarre                                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory approval of the Company's named                  Mgmt          Against                        Against
       executive officer compensation.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2019.

 AVAYA HOLDINGS CORP.                                                                        Agenda Number:  934978327
        Security:  05351X101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  15-May-2019
          Ticker:  AVYA
            ISIN:  US05351X1019

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       William D. Watkins                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       James M. Chirico, Jr.                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Stephan Scholl                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Susan L. Spradley                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Stanley J. Sutula, III                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Scott D. Vogel                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Jacqueline E. Yeaney                                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, our named               Mgmt          Against                        Against
       executive officers' compensation.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       frequency of future advisory votes to
       approve our named executive officers'

4.     To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending September
       30, 2019.

 MGM HOLDINGS INC.                                                                           Agenda Number:  100001082
        Security:  55303C101
    Meeting Type:  Annual and Special
    Meeting Date:  17-Dec-2018
            ISIN:  US55303C1018

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       James Dondero                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       David Krane                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Ann Mather                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Frederic G. Reynolds                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Nancy Tellem                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Kevin Ulrich                                              Mgmt          For                            For

 PENDRELL CORP                                                                               Agenda Number:  934848132
        Security:  70686R500
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  06-Jul-2018
          Ticker:  PCOA
            ISIN:  US70686R5000

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Richard P. Emerson                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Nicolas Kauser                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Craig O. McCaw                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Lee E. Mikles                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       R. Gerard Salemme                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Stuart M. Sloan                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       H. Brian Thompson                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval of an amendment to the Articles of               Mgmt          Abstain                        Against
       Incorporation, as amended (the"Articles"),
       to effect a reverse stock split at an
       exchange ratio of 1-for-250.

3.     Approval of an amendment to the Articles to               Mgmt          Abstain                        Against
       authorize shareholders to approve by
       non-unanimous consent any matter required
       or permitted to be submitted to a
       shareholder vote.

4.     Approval of an amendment to the Articles to               Mgmt          Abstain                        Against
       conform the "exclusive forum" provision
       currently set forth in the Articles to
       Section 23B.02.080 of the Revised Code of

 SSGA FUNDS                                                                                  Agenda Number:  934897123
        Security:  857492706
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  18-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  GVMXX
            ISIN:  US8574927062

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       John R. Costantino                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael A. Jessee                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Ellen M. Needham                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Donna M. Rapaccioli                                       Mgmt          For                            For

 VISTRA ENERGY CORP                                                                          Agenda Number:  935012005
        Security:  92840M102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  20-May-2019
          Ticker:  VST
            ISIN:  US92840M1027

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Paul M. Barbas                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Cyrus Madon                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Geoffrey D. Strong                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Bruce E. Zimmerman                                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approve, on an advisory basis, named                      Mgmt          For                            For
       executive officer compensation.

3.     Approve an amendment to the Vistra Energy                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Corp. 2016 Omnibus Incentive Plan (the
       "2016 Incentive Plan") to increase the
       number of shares available for issuance to
       plan participants under the Company's 2016
       Incentive Plan.

4.     Ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche                 Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2018.

Highland iBoxx Senior Loan Fund
 AVAYA HOLDINGS CORP.                                                                        Agenda Number:  934978327
        Security:  05351X101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  15-May-2019
          Ticker:  AVYA
            ISIN:  US05351X1019

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       William D. Watkins                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       James M. Chirico, Jr.                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Stephan Scholl                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Susan L. Spradley                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Stanley J. Sutula, III                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Scott D. Vogel                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Jacqueline E. Yeaney                                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, our named               Mgmt          Against                        Against
       executive officers' compensation.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       frequency of future advisory votes to
       approve our named executive officers'

4.     To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending September
       30, 2019.

 SSGA FUNDS                                                                                  Agenda Number:  934897123
        Security:  857492706
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  18-Dec-2018
          Ticker:  GVMXX
            ISIN:  US8574927062

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       John R. Costantino                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael A. Jessee                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Ellen M. Needham                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Donna M. Rapaccioli                                       Mgmt          For                            For

* Management position unknown


Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

(Registrant)         Highland Funds I
By (Signature)       /s/ Lauren Thedford
Name                 Lauren Thedford
Title                Secretary
Date                 08/19/2019