WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-PX



 NAME OF REGISTRANT:                     Tax-Managed Small-Cap Portfolio

                                         Boston, MA 02110

                                         Two International Place
                                         Boston, MA 02110

 REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER:          617-482-8260

 DATE OF FISCAL YEAR END:                10/31

 DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD:               07/01/2019 - 06/30/2020


Tax-Managed Small-Cap Portfolio
 ACI WORLDWIDE, INC.                                                                         Agenda Number:  935196647
        Security:  004498101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  ACIW
            ISIN:  US0044981019

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Odilon Almeida                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Janet O. Estep                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       James C. Hale                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Pamela H. Patsley                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Charles E. Peters, Jr.                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       David A. Poe                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Adalio T. Sanchez                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Thomas W. Warsop III                                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche               Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2020

3.     Advisory approval of the Company's named                  Mgmt          For                            For
       executive officer compensation

4.     Approval of the Company's 2020 Equity and                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Incentive Compensation Plan

 ALLETE, INC.                                                                                Agenda Number:  935157051
        Security:  018522300
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  12-May-2020
          Ticker:  ALE
            ISIN:  US0185223007

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Kathryn W. Dindo                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: George G. Goldfarb                  Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Alan R. Hodnik                      Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: James J. Hoolihan                   Mgmt          Against                        Against

1E.    Election of Director: Heidi E. Jimmerson                  Mgmt          Against                        Against

1F.    Election of Director: Madeleine W. Ludlow                 Mgmt          Against                        Against

1G.    Election of Director: Susan K. Nestegard                  Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Douglas C. Neve                     Mgmt          Against                        Against

1I.    Election of Director: Bethany M. Owen                     Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Robert P. Powers                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Ratification of the selection of                          Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as ALLETE's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for 2020.

 ALTAIR ENGINEERING INC                                                                      Agenda Number:  935169943
        Security:  021369103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  19-May-2020
          Ticker:  ALTR
            ISIN:  US0213691035

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Class III Director to serve                   Mgmt          Against                        Against
       until the 2023 annual meeting of
       stockholder: James R. Scapa

1B.    Election of Class III Director to serve                   Mgmt          Against                        Against
       until the 2023 annual meeting of
       stockholders: Steve Earhart

2.     To vote, on an advisory basis, on the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers

3.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2020

 AMEDISYS, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935192827
        Security:  023436108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  AMED
            ISIN:  US0234361089

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Vickie L. Capps                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Molly J. Coye, MD                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Julie D. Klapstein                                        Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Teresa L. Kline                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Paul B. Kusserow                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Richard A. Lechleiter                                     Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Bruce D. Perkins                                          Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Jeffery A. Rideout, MD                                    Mgmt          Withheld                       Against

2.     To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company's independent registered public
       accountants for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2020.

3.     To approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                  Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation paid to the
       Company's Named Executive Officers, as set
       forth in the Company's 2020 Proxy Statement
       ("Say on Pay" Vote).

 AMERISAFE, INC.                                                                             Agenda Number:  935207197
        Security:  03071H100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  05-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  AMSF
            ISIN:  US03071H1005

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Michael J. Brown                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       G. Janelle Frost                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Sean M. Traynor                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, our                     Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation as described in the
       Proxy Statement.

3.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for 2020.

 APPLIED INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.                                                       Agenda Number:  935079992
        Security:  03820C105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-Oct-2019
          Ticker:  AIT
            ISIN:  US03820C1053

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Mary Dean Hall                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Dan P. Komnenovich                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Joe A. Raver                                              Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Say on Pay - To approve, through a                        Mgmt          For                            For
       nonbinding advisory vote, the compensation
       of Applied's named executive officers.

3.     To approve the 2019 Long-Term Performance                 Mgmt          For                            For

4.     To ratify the Audit Committee's appointment               Mgmt          For                            For
       of independent auditors.

 BALCHEM CORPORATION                                                                         Agenda Number:  935201816
        Security:  057665200
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  BCPC
            ISIN:  US0576652004

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       David B. Fischer                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Perry W. Premdas                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Dr. John Y. Televantos                                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of RSM US                 Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the year 2020.

3.     Non-binding advisory approval of Named                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Executive Officers compensation as
       described in the Proxy Statement.

 CALAVO GROWERS, INC.                                                                        Agenda Number:  935143800
        Security:  128246105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  22-Apr-2020
          Ticker:  CVGW
            ISIN:  US1282461052

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Lecil E. Cole                                             Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Steven Hollister                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       James D. Helin                                            Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Donald M. Sanders                                         Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Marc L. Brown                                             Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Michael A. DiGregorio                                     Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Scott Van Der Kar                                         Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       J. Link Leavens                                           Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Dorcas H. Thille                                          Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       John M. Hunt                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Egidio Carbone, Jr.                                       Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Harold Edwards                                            Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Kathleen M. Holmgren                                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF DELOITTE &                 Mgmt          For                            For
       THE YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 31, 2020.

3.     ADVISORY VOTE APPROVING THE EXECUTIVE                     Mgmt          For                            For

4.     SHAREHOLDER PROPOSAL REGARDING INDEPENDENT                Shr           For                            Against

 CATALENT, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935078661
        Security:  148806102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  30-Oct-2019
          Ticker:  CTLT
            ISIN:  US1488061029

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Madhavan Balachandran               Mgmt          Against                        Against

1B.    Election of Director: J. Martin Carroll                   Mgmt          Against                        Against

1C.    Election of Director: John J. Greisch                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as our independent auditor for Fiscal 2020.

3.     To approve, by non-binding vote, the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive
       officers (say-on-pay).

 CBIZ, INC.                                                                                  Agenda Number:  935174247
        Security:  124805102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  14-May-2020
          Ticker:  CBZ
            ISIN:  US1248051021

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Joseph S. DiMartino                 Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: Sherrill W. Hudson                  Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify KPMG, LLP as CBIZ's independent                 Mgmt          For                            For
       registered public accounting firm.

3.     To conduct an advisory vote approving named               Mgmt          For                            For
       executive officer compensation.

 CDK GLOBAL, INC.                                                                            Agenda Number:  935089626
        Security:  12508E101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  21-Nov-2019
          Ticker:  CDK
            ISIN:  US12508E1010

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Leslie A. Brun                      Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Willie A. Deese                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Amy J. Hillman                      Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Brian M. Krzanich                   Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Stephen A. Miles                    Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Robert E. Radway                    Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Stephen F.                          Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Frank S. Sowinski                   Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Eileen J. Voynick                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve the compensation                 Mgmt          For                            For
       of the Named Executive Officers.

3.     Ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche               Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for fiscal year ending June
       30, 2020.

 CHEMED CORPORATION                                                                          Agenda Number:  935180947
        Security:  16359R103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-May-2020
          Ticker:  CHE
            ISIN:  US16359R1032

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Kevin J. McNamara                   Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Ron DeLyons                         Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Joel F. Gemunder                    Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Patrick P. Grace                    Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Christopher J. Heaney               Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Thomas C. Hutton                    Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Andrea R. Lindell                   Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Thomas P. Rice                      Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Donald E. Saunders                  Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: George J. Walsh III                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of Audit Committee's selection               Mgmt          For                            For
       of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as
       independent accountants for 2020.

3.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Stockholder proposal requesting a                         Shr           For                            Against
       semi-annual report on (a) the Company's
       policies on political spending, and (b)
       political contributions made.

 CHOICE HOTELS INTERNATIONAL, INC.                                                           Agenda Number:  935182066
        Security:  169905106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-May-2020
          Ticker:  CHH
            ISIN:  US1699051066

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Barbara T. Alexander                Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Brian B. Bainum                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Stewart W. Bainum,                  Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: William L. Jews                     Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Monte J.M. Koch                     Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Liza K. Landsman                    Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Patrick S. Pacious                  Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Ervin R. Shames                     Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Maureen D. Sullivan                 Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: John P. Tague                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as the Company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2020.

 CITY HOLDING COMPANY                                                                        Agenda Number:  935149282
        Security:  177835105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  15-Apr-2020
          Ticker:  CHCO
            ISIN:  US1778351056

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Class III director to serve for               Mgmt          For                            For
       a term of three years: Thomas L. Burnette

1.2    Election of Class III director to serve for               Mgmt          Against                        Against
       a term of three years: Robert D. Fisher

1.3    Election of Class III director to serve for               Mgmt          Against                        Against
       a term of three years: Jay C. Goldman

1.4    Election of Class III director to serve for               Mgmt          For                            For
       a term of three years: Charles R. Hageboeck

2.     Proposal to ratify, on an advisory basis,                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the Audit Committee and the Board of
       Directors' appointment of Crowe LLP as the
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for City Holding Company for 2020.

3.     Proposal to approve a non-binding advisory                Mgmt          For                            For
       proposal on the compensation of the Named
       Executive Officers.

 COHEN & STEERS, INC.                                                                        Agenda Number:  935147771
        Security:  19247A100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  07-May-2020
          Ticker:  CNS
            ISIN:  US19247A1007

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Martin Cohen                        Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Robert H. Steers                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Joseph Harvey                       Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Peter L. Rhein                      Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Richard P. Simon                    Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Edmond D. Villani                   Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Frank T. Connor                     Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Reena Aggarwal                      Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Dasha Smith                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the company's independent registered public
       accounting firm for fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2020.

3.     Approval, by non-binding vote, of the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the company's named
       executive officers.

 COLUMBIA BANKING SYSTEM,INC.                                                                Agenda Number:  935182220
        Security:  197236102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  27-May-2020
          Ticker:  COLB
            ISIN:  US1972361026

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Craig D. Eerkes                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Ford Elsaesser                      Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Mark A. Finkelstein                 Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Eric S. Forrest                     Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Thomas M. Hulbert                   Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Michelle M. Lantow                  Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Randal L. Lund                      Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: S. Mae Fujita Numata                Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Elizabeth W. Seaton                 Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Clint E. Stein                      Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Janine T. Terrano                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To vote on an advisory (non-binding)                      Mgmt          For                            For
       resolution to approve the compensation of
       Columbia's named executive officers.

3.     To vote on an advisory (non-binding)                      Mgmt          For                            For
       resolution to appoint Deloitte & Touche LLP
       as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2020.

 COLUMBIA SPORTSWEAR COMPANY                                                                 Agenda Number:  935187559
        Security:  198516106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  03-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  COLM
            ISIN:  US1985161066

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Timothy P. Boyle                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Stephen E. Babson                                         Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Andy D. Bryant                                            Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Walter T. Klenz                                           Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Kevin Mansell                                             Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Ronald E. Nelson                                          Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Sabrina L. Simmons                                        Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Malia H. Wasson                                           Mgmt          Withheld                       Against

2.     To ratify the selection of Deloitte &                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as our independent registered
       public accounting firm for 2020.

3.     To approve, by non-biding vote, executive                 Mgmt          For                            For

4.     To approve the Columbia Sportswear Company                Mgmt          Against                        Against
       2020 Stock Incentive Plan.

 COMMUNITY BANK SYSTEM, INC.                                                                 Agenda Number:  935174437
        Security:  203607106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  20-May-2020
          Ticker:  CBU
            ISIN:  US2036071064

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director for a one (1) year                   Mgmt          Against                        Against
       term if Proposal 2 is approved: Brian R.

1B.    Election of Director for a one (1) year                   Mgmt          For                            For
       term if Proposal 2 is approved: Mark J.

1C.    Election of Director for a one (1) year                   Mgmt          Against                        Against
       term if Proposal 2 is approved: Jeffrey L.

1D.    Election of Director for a one (1) year                   Mgmt          Against                        Against
       term if Proposal 2 is approved: Neil E.

1E.    Election of Director for a one (1) year                   Mgmt          For                            For
       term if Proposal 2 is approved: Michael R.

1F.    Election of Director for a one (1) year                   Mgmt          For                            For
       term if Proposal 2 is approved: Kerrie D.

1G.    Election of Director for a one (1) year                   Mgmt          For                            For
       term if Proposal 2 is approved: John

1H.    Election of Director for a one (1) year                   Mgmt          For                            For
       term if Proposal 2 is approved: Raymond C.
       Pecor, III

1I.    Election of Director for a one (1) year                   Mgmt          For                            For
       term if Proposal 2 is approved: Sally A.

1J.    Election of Director for a one (1) year                   Mgmt          For                            For
       term if Proposal 2 is approved: Eric E.

1K.    Election of Director for a one (1) year                   Mgmt          For                            For
       term if Proposal 2 is approved: Mark E.

1L.    Election of Director for a one (1) year                   Mgmt          Against                        Against
       term if Proposal 2 is approved: John F.
       Whipple, Jr.

1M.    Election of Director for a three (3) year                 Mgmt          Against                        Against
       term if Proposal 2 is not approved: Brian
       R. Ace

1N.    Election of Director for a three (3) year                 Mgmt          For                            For
       term if Proposal 2 is not approved: Michael
       R. Kallet

1O.    Election of Director for a three (3) year                 Mgmt          For                            For
       term if Proposal 2 is not approved: John

1P.    Election of Director for a three (3) year                 Mgmt          Against                        Against
       term if Proposal 2 is not approved: John F.
       Whipple, Jr.

2.     Approval of an amendment to the Company's                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Certificate of Incorporation to declassify
       the Board of Directors.

3.     Advisory vote on executive compensation.                  Mgmt          Against                        Against

4.     Ratify the appointment of                                 Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for 2020.

 CSW INDUSTRIALS, INC.                                                                       Agenda Number:  935059849
        Security:  126402106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-Aug-2019
          Ticker:  CSWI
            ISIN:  US1264021064

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Joseph Armes                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael Gambrell                                          Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Terry Johnston                                            Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Robert Swartz                                             Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Kent Sweezey                                              Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, by non-binding vote, executive                Mgmt          For                            For

3.     The ratification of Grant Thornton LLP to                 Mgmt          For                            For
       serve as independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ended
       March 31, 2020.

 CUBESMART                                                                                   Agenda Number:  935152633
        Security:  229663109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  12-May-2020
          Ticker:  CUBE
            ISIN:  US2296631094

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Piero Bussani                                             Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Dorothy Dowling                                           Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       John W. Fain                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Marianne M. Keler                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Christopher P. Marr                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Deborah Ratner Salzberg                                   Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       John F. Remondi                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Jeffrey F. Rogatz                                         Mgmt          Withheld                       Against

2.     To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as                  Mgmt          For                            For
       our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2020.

3.     To cast an advisory vote to approve our                   Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

 DORMAN PRODUCTS, INC.                                                                       Agenda Number:  935197079
        Security:  258278100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  14-May-2020
          Ticker:  DORM
            ISIN:  US2582781009

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Steven L. Berman                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Kevin M. Olsen                      Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: John J. Gavin                       Mgmt          Against                        Against

1D.    Election of Director: Paul R. Lederer                     Mgmt          Against                        Against

1E.    Election of Director: Richard T. Riley                    Mgmt          Against                        Against

1F.    Election of Director: Kelly A. Romano                     Mgmt          Against                        Against

1G.    Election of Director: G. Michael Stakias                  Mgmt          Against                        Against

2.     Advisory approval of the compensation of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company's named executive officers.

3.     Ratification of KPMG LLP as the Company's                 Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the 2020 fiscal year.

 EASTGROUP PROPERTIES, INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  935171708
        Security:  277276101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  21-May-2020
          Ticker:  EGP
            ISIN:  US2772761019

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: D. Pike Aloian                      Mgmt          Against                        Against

1B.    Election of Director: H.C. Bailey, Jr.                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: H. Eric Bolton, Jr.                 Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Donald F. Colleran                  Mgmt          Against                        Against

1E.    Election of Director: Hayden C. Eaves III                 Mgmt          Against                        Against

1F.    Election of Director: David H. Hoster II                  Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Marshall A. Loeb                    Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Mary E. McCormick                   Mgmt          Against                        Against

1I.    Election of Director: Leland R. Speed                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2020.

3.     To approve by a non-binding advisory vote                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the compensation of the Company's Named
       Executive Officers as described in the
       Company's definitive proxy statement.

 EMERGENT BIOSOLUTIONS INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  935174540
        Security:  29089Q105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  21-May-2020
          Ticker:  EBS
            ISIN:  US29089Q1058

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    To elect  Class II director to hold office                Mgmt          For                            For
       for a term expiring at our 2023 Annual
       Meeting: Zsolt Harsanyi, Ph.D.

1B.    To elect  Class II director to hold office                Mgmt          For                            For
       for a term expiring at our 2023 Annual
       Meeting: General George A. Joulwan

1C.    To elect  Class II director to hold office                Mgmt          For                            For
       for a term expiring at our 2023 Annual
       Meeting: Louis W. Sullivan, M.D.

2.     To ratify the appointment by the audit                    Mgmt          For                            For
       committee of Ernst & Young LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2020.

3.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

 ENERSYS                                                                                     Agenda Number:  935053986
        Security:  29275Y102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Aug-2019
          Ticker:  ENS
            ISIN:  US29275Y1029

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A     Election of Class III Director: Howard I.                 Mgmt          For                            For

1B     Election of Class III Director: David M.                  Mgmt          For                            For

1C     Election of Class III Director: Ronald P.                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for fiscal year
       ending March 31, 2020.

3.     An advisory vote to approve the                           Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of EnerSys' named executive

 ENVESTNET, INC.                                                                             Agenda Number:  935182561
        Security:  29404K106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-May-2020
          Ticker:  ENV
            ISIN:  US29404K1060

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Luis A. Aguilar                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Ross Chapin                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       William Crager                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       James Fox                                                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     The approval, on an advisory basis, of 2019               Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

3.     The ratification of KPMG LLP as the                       Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2020.

 ENVISTA HOLDINGS CORPORATION                                                                Agenda Number:  935183068
        Security:  29415F104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  27-May-2020
          Ticker:  NVST
            ISIN:  US29415F1049

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Kieran T. Gallahue                                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the selection of Ernst and Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as Envista's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2020.

3.     To approve on an advisory basis Envista's                 Mgmt          For                            For
       named executive officer compensation

4.     To hold an advisory vote relating to the                  Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       frequency of future shareholder(s) advisory
       votes on Envista's named executive officer

 ESSENT GROUP LTD                                                                            Agenda Number:  935193552
        Security:  G3198U102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  28-May-2020
          Ticker:  ESNT
            ISIN:  BMG3198U1027

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Mark A. Casale                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Douglas J. Pauls                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       William Spiegel                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     REAPPOINTMENT OF PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP               Mgmt          For                            For

3.     PROVIDE A NON-BINDING, ADVISORY VOTE ON OUR               Mgmt          For                            For

 ESSENTIAL PROPERTIES REALTY TRUST, INC.                                                     Agenda Number:  935148418
        Security:  29670E107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  30-Apr-2020
          Ticker:  EPRT
            ISIN:  US29670E1073

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Paul T. Bossidy                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Joyce DeLucca                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Anthony K. Dobkin                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Scott A. Estes                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Peter M. Mavoides                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Lawrence J. Minich                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Heather L. Neary                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Stephen D. Sautel                                         Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Janaki Sivanesan                                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       frequency of future advisory votes
       approving the compensation of the Company's
       named executive officers.

4.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2020.

 EURONET WORLDWIDE, INC.                                                                     Agenda Number:  935177320
        Security:  298736109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  21-May-2020
          Ticker:  EEFT
            ISIN:  US2987361092

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Andrzej Olechowski                                        Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Eriberto R. Scocimara                                     Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Mark R. Callegari                                         Mgmt          Withheld                       Against

2.     Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as Euronet's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2020.

3.     Advisory vote on executive compensation.                  Mgmt          For                            For

 FIRST AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION                                                        Agenda Number:  935171429
        Security:  31847R102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  05-May-2020
          Ticker:  FAF
            ISIN:  US31847R1023

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       James L. Doti                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael D. McKee                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Thomas V. McKernan                                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

3.     To approve the Company's 2020 Incentive                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Compensation Plan.

4.     To ratify the selection of                                Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2020.

 FIRST CITIZENS BANCSHARES, INC.                                                             Agenda Number:  935137972
        Security:  31946M103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  28-Apr-2020
          Ticker:  FCNCA
            ISIN:  US31946M1036

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       John M. Alexander, Jr.                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Victor E. Bell III                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Peter M. Bristow                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Hope H. Bryant                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       H. Lee Durham, Jr.                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Daniel L. Heavner                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Frank B. Holding, Jr.                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert R. Hoppe                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Floyd L. Keels                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert E. Mason IV                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert T. Newcomb                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Non-binding advisory resolution                           Mgmt          For                            For
       ("say-on-pay" resolution) to approve
       compensation paid or provided to
       BancShares' named executive officers as
       disclosed in the proxy statement for the
       Annual Meeting.

3.     Proposal to ratify the appointment of Dixon               Mgmt          For                            For
       Hughes Goodman LLP as BancShares'
       independent accountants for 2020.

 FIVE BELOW, INC.                                                                            Agenda Number:  935205256
        Security:  33829M101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  FIVE
            ISIN:  US33829M1018

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Joel D. Anderson                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Kathleen S. Barclay                 Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Thomas M. Ryan                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the current fiscal year
       ending January 30, 2021.

3.     To approve, by non-binding advisory vote,                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company's Named Executive Officer

 HAEMONETICS CORPORATION                                                                     Agenda Number:  935050043
        Security:  405024100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  25-Jul-2019
          Ticker:  HAE
            ISIN:  US4050241003

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Mark W. Kroll                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Claire Pomeroy                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Ellen M. Zane                                             Mgmt          Withheld                       Against

2.     Advisory vote to approve the compensation                 Mgmt          For                            For
       of our named executive officers.

3.     Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as our                  Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending March 28,

4.     Amendments to the Company's Restated                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Articles of Organization to provide for the
       annual election of directors.

5.     Approval of the Haemonetics Corporation                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2019 Long-Term Incentive Compensation Plan.

 HEALTHCARE REALTY TRUST INCORPORATED                                                        Agenda Number:  935149357
        Security:  421946104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  12-May-2020
          Ticker:  HR
            ISIN:  US4219461047

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Todd J. Meredith                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       John V. Abbott                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Nancy H. Agee                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Edward H. Braman                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       James J. Kilroy                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Peter F. Lyle, Sr.                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       John Knox Singleton                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Bruce D. Sullivan                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Christann M. Vasquez                                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of BDO USA, LLP                 Mgmt          For                            For
       as the independent registered public
       accounting firm for the Company and its
       subsidiaries for the Company's 2020 fiscal

3.     To approve, on a non-binding advisory                     Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the following resolution: RESOLVED,
       that the shareholders of Healthcare Realty
       Trust Incorporated approve, on a
       non-binding advisory basis, the
       compensation of the Named Executive
       Officers as disclosed pursuant to Item 402
       of Regulation S-K in the Company's proxy
       statement for the 2020 Annual Meeting of

 HEXCEL CORPORATION                                                                          Agenda Number:  935202907
        Security:  428291108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  HXL
            ISIN:  US4282911084

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Nick L. Stanage                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Joel S. Beckman                     Mgmt          Against                        Against

1C.    Election of Director: Jeffrey C. Campbell                 Mgmt          Against                        Against

1D.    Election of Director: Cynthia M. Egnotovich               Mgmt          Against                        Against

1E.    Election of Director: Thomas A. Gendron                   Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Jeffrey A. Graves                   Mgmt          Against                        Against

1G.    Election of Director: Guy C. Hachey                       Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Catherine A. Suever                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory non-binding vote to approve 2019                 Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as the independent registered
       public accounting firm for 2020.

 HORACE MANN EDUCATORS CORPORATION                                                           Agenda Number:  935169094
        Security:  440327104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  20-May-2020
          Ticker:  HMN
            ISIN:  US4403271046

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Mark S. Casady                      Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Daniel A. Domenech                  Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Perry G. Hines                      Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Mark E. Konen                       Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Beverley J. McClure                 Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: H. Wade Reece                       Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Robert Stricker                     Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Steven O. Swyers                    Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Marita Zuraitis                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval of the advisory resolution to                    Mgmt          For                            For
       approve Named Executive Officers'

3.     Ratification of the appointment of KPMG                   Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP, an independent registered public
       accounting firm, as the company's auditors
       for the year ending December 31, 2020.

 ICU MEDICAL, INC.                                                                           Agenda Number:  935185959
        Security:  44930G107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-May-2020
          Ticker:  ICUI
            ISIN:  US44930G1076

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Vivek Jain                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       George A. Lopez, M.D                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert S. Swinney, M.D                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       David C. Greenberg                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Elisha W. Finney                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       David F. Hoffmeister                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Donald M. Abbey                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the selection of Deloitte &                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as auditors for the Company for
       the year ending December 31, 2020.

3.     To approve named executive officer                        Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation on an advisory basis.

 INDEPENDENT BANK CORP.                                                                      Agenda Number:  935172952
        Security:  453836108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  21-May-2020
          Ticker:  INDB
            ISIN:  US4538361084

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Class III Director: Daniel F.                 Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Class III Director: Christopher               Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Class III Director: David A.                  Mgmt          For                            For

1.4    Election of Class III Director: Scott K.                  Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for 2020.

3.     Approve, on an advisory basis, the                        Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

 INTEGRA LIFESCIENCES HOLDINGS CORP.                                                         Agenda Number:  935180935
        Security:  457985208
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-May-2020
          Ticker:  IART
            ISIN:  US4579852082

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Peter J. Arduini                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Rhonda G. Ballintyn                 Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Keith Bradley                       Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Stuart M. Essig                     Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Barbara B. Hill                     Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Lloyd W. Howell, Jr.                Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Donald E. Morel, Jr.                Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Raymond G. Murphy                   Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Christian S. Schade                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     The Proposal to ratify the appointment of                 Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year 2020.

3.     A non-binding resolution to approve the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

 J & J SNACK FOODS CORP.                                                                     Agenda Number:  935119253
        Security:  466032109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  11-Feb-2020
          Ticker:  JJSF
            ISIN:  US4660321096

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Gerald B. Shreiber                                        Mgmt          Withheld                       Against

2.     Advisory vote on Approval of the Company's                Mgmt          For                            For
       Executive Compensation Programs

 JAGGED PEAK ENERGY INC.                                                                     Agenda Number:  935112639
        Security:  47009K107
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  09-Jan-2020
          Ticker:  JAG
            ISIN:  US47009K1079

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Approve and adopt the Agreement and Plan of               Mgmt          For                            For
       Merger, dated as of October 14, 2019 (as
       amended from time to time, the "merger
       agreement"), by and among Jagged Peak
       Energy Inc. (the "Company"), Parsley
       Energy, Inc., and Jackal Merger Sub, Inc.
       ("Merger Sub").

2.     Approve, on a non-binding advisory basis,                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the compensation that may be paid or become
       payable to the Company's named executive
       officers that is based on or otherwise
       relates to the merger of Merger Sub with
       and into the Company pursuant to the merger

 K12 INC.                                                                                    Agenda Number:  935096176
        Security:  48273U102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-Dec-2019
          Ticker:  LRN
            ISIN:  US48273U1025

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Aida M. Alvarez                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Craig R. Barrett                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Guillermo Bron                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert L. Cohen                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Nathaniel A. Davis                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       John M. Engler                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Steven B. Fink                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert E. Knowling, Jr.                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Liza McFadden                                             Mgmt          For                            For

2.     TO APPROVE, ON AN ADVISORY BASIS, THE                     Mgmt          For                            For

3.     RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF BDO USA,               Mgmt          For                            For
       ENDING JUNE 30, 2020.

 KIRBY CORPORATION                                                                           Agenda Number:  935152532
        Security:  497266106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  28-Apr-2020
          Ticker:  KEX
            ISIN:  US4972661064

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Class I Director: Richard J.                  Mgmt          Against                        Against

1B.    Election of Class I Director: David W.                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Class I Director: Richard R.                  Mgmt          For                            For

2A.    Election of Class II Director: Tanya S.                   Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Ratification of the selection of KPMG LLP                 Mgmt          For                            For
       as Kirby's independent registered public
       accounting firm for 2020.

4.     Advisory vote on the approval of the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of Kirby's named executive

 LANCASTER COLONY CORPORATION                                                                Agenda Number:  935090174
        Security:  513847103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-Nov-2019
          Ticker:  LANC
            ISIN:  US5138471033

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Barbara L. Brasier                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       David A. Ciesinski                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Kenneth L. Cooke                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Alan F. Harris                                            Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, by non-binding vote, the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Corporation's named
       executive officers.

3.     To ratify the selection of Deloitte &                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche, LLP as the Corporation's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the year ending June 30, 2020.

 LANDSTAR SYSTEM, INC.                                                                       Agenda Number:  935167367
        Security:  515098101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  19-May-2020
          Ticker:  LSTR
            ISIN:  US5150981018

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: David G. Bannister                  Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: George P. Scanlon                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     RATIFICATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF KPMG LLP               Mgmt          For                            For

3.     EXTEND THE TERM OF THE 2011 EQUITY                        Mgmt          For                            For

4.     ADVISORY VOTE TO APPROVE EXECUTIVE                        Mgmt          For                            For

 LHC GROUP, INC.                                                                             Agenda Number:  935197081
        Security:  50187A107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  11-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  LHCG
            ISIN:  US50187A1079

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Jonathan Goldberg                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Clifford S. Holtz                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       W.J. "Billy" Tauzin                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Brent Turner                                              Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To adopt, on an advisory basis, a                         Mgmt          For                            For
       resolution approving the compensation of
       our named executive officers.

3.     The ratification of the selection of KPMG                 Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2020.

 LIGAND PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED                                                         Agenda Number:  935202515
        Security:  53220K504
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  10-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  LGND
            ISIN:  US53220K5048

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Jason M. Aryeh                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Sarah Boyce                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Todd C. Davis                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Nancy R. Gray, Ph.D.                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       John L. Higgins                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       John W. Kozarich, Ph.D.                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       John L. LaMattina, Ph.D                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Sunil Patel                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Stephen L. Sabba, M.D.                                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Ligand's Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm.

3.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Compensation of the Named Executive

 MERCURY SYSTEMS, INC.                                                                       Agenda Number:  935079548
        Security:  589378108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  23-Oct-2019
          Ticker:  MRCY
            ISIN:  US5893781089

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       James K. Bass#                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael A. Daniels#                                       Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Lisa S. Disbrow#                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Barry R. Nearhos*                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

3.     To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as                  Mgmt          For                            For
       our independent registered public
       accounting firm for fiscal 2020.

 MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY                                                                     Agenda Number:  935171835
        Security:  596680108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  19-May-2020
          Ticker:  MSEX
            ISIN:  US5966801087

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       James F. Cosgrove Jr.                                     Mgmt          Withheld                       Against

2.     To provide a non-binding advisory vote to                 Mgmt          For                            For
       approve named executive officer

3.     To ratify the appointment of Baker Tilly                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Virchow Krause, LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2020.

 MONRO, INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935062252
        Security:  610236101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-Aug-2019
          Ticker:  MNRO
            ISIN:  US6102361010

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Frederick M. Danziger                                     Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Stephen C. McCluski                                       Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Robert E. Mellor                                          Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Peter J. Solomon                                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on a non-binding basis, the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation paid to the Company's Named
       Executive Officers.

3.     To ratify the re-appointment of                           Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
       independent registered public accounting
       firm of the Company for the fiscal year
       ending March 28, 2020.

 MUELLER WATER PRODUCTS, INC.                                                                Agenda Number:  935114936
        Security:  624758108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-Jan-2020
          Ticker:  MWA
            ISIN:  US6247581084

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Shirley C. Franklin                 Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Scott Hall                          Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Thomas J. Hansen                    Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Jerry W. Kolb                       Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Mark J. O'Brien                     Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Christine Ortiz                     Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Bernard G. Rethore                  Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Lydia W. Thomas                     Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Michael T. Tokarz                   Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Stephen C. Van                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers.

3.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending September 30, 2020.

 NATIONAL VISION HOLDINGS INC                                                                Agenda Number:  935197889
        Security:  63845R107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  10-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  EYE
            ISIN:  US63845R1077

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       David M. Tehle                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Thomas V. Taylor, Jr.                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Virginia A. Hepner                                        Mgmt          Withheld                       Against

2.     Ratify Deloitte & Touche LLP to serve as                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company's independent registered public
       accounting firm for fiscal 2020.

3.     Approve, in a non-binding advisory vote,                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the compensation paid to the named
       executive officers.

 NEWMARKET CORPORATION                                                                       Agenda Number:  935137186
        Security:  651587107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  23-Apr-2020
          Ticker:  NEU
            ISIN:  US6515871076

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Phyllis L. Cothran                  Mgmt          Against                        Against

1B.    Election of Director: Mark M. Gambill                     Mgmt          Against                        Against

1C.    Election of Director: Bruce C. Gottwald                   Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Thomas E. Gottwald                  Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Patrick D. Hanley                   Mgmt          Against                        Against

1F.    Election of Director: H. Hiter Harris, III                Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: James E. Rogers                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the Corporation for the fiscal
       year ending December 31, 2020.

3.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the named executive
       officers of NewMarket Corporation.

 NIC INC.                                                                                    Agenda Number:  935137174
        Security:  62914B100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  27-Apr-2020
          Ticker:  EGOV
            ISIN:  US62914B1008

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Harry H. Herington                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Art N. Burtscher                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Venmal (Raji) Arasu                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       C. Brad Henry                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Alexander C. Kemper                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       William M. Lyons                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Anthony Scott                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Jayaprakash Vijayan                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Pete Wilson                                               Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval on an advisory basis of the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers as disclosed in the
       proxy materials.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as the Company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       year ending December 31, 2020.

 NOMAD FOODS LIMITED                                                                         Agenda Number:  935207349
        Security:  G6564A105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  17-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  NOMD
            ISIN:  VGG6564A1057

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Sir Martin Ellis                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Franklin, KGCN

1B.    Election of Director: Noam Gottesman                      Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Ian G.H. Ashken                     Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Stefan Descheemaeker                Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Jeremy Isaacs CBE                   Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: James E. Lillie                     Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Stuart M. MacFarlane                Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Lord Myners of Truro                Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Victoria Parry                      Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Simon White                         Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Samy Zekhout                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the selection of                          Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the 2020 fiscal year.

 ONE GAS, INC                                                                                Agenda Number:  935164309
        Security:  68235P108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  21-May-2020
          Ticker:  OGS
            ISIN:  US68235P1084

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Robert B. Evans                     Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: John W. Gibson                      Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Director: Tracy E. Hart                       Mgmt          For                            For

1.4    Election of Director: Michael G. Hutchinson               Mgmt          For                            For

1.5    Election of Director: Pattye L. Moore                     Mgmt          For                            For

1.6    Election of Director: Pierce H. Norton II                 Mgmt          For                            For

1.7    Election of Director: Eduardo A. Rodriguez                Mgmt          For                            For

1.8    Election of Director: Douglas H. Yaeger                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the selection of                          Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
       independent registered public accounting
       firm of ONE Gas, Inc. for the year ending
       December 31, 2020.

3.     Advisory vote to approve the Company's                    Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

 PDC ENERGY, INC.                                                                            Agenda Number:  935114621
        Security:  69327R101
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  13-Jan-2020
          Ticker:  PDCE
            ISIN:  US69327R1014

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To adopt and approve the Agreement and Plan               Mgmt          For                            For
       of Merger, dated August 25, 2019 by and
       among PDC Energy, Inc. ("PDC") and SRC
       Energy Inc. ("SRC") (the "merger
       agreement") and the merger of PDC and SRC
       pursuant to the merger agreement (the

2.     To adopt and approve the issuance of shares               Mgmt          For                            For
       of PDC common stock in connection with the

 PDC ENERGY, INC.                                                                            Agenda Number:  935188070
        Security:  69327R101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-May-2020
          Ticker:  PDCE
            ISIN:  US69327R1014

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve a proposal to amend the                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's Certificate of Incorporation to
       declassify the Board of Directors (the
       "Board") and to provide for the immediate
       annual election of directors.

       Barton R. Brookman*                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Anthony J. Crisafio*                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Mark E. Ellis*                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Christina M. Ibrahim*                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Paul J. Korus*                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Randy S. Nickerson*                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       David C. Parke*                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Lynn A. Peterson*                                         Mgmt          For                            For

3A.    If Proposal No. 1 to declassify the Board                 Mgmt          For                            For
       is not approved, to elect the director
       nominated by the Board as Class I director,
       each for a term of three years: David C.

3B.    If Proposal No. 1 to declassify the Board                 Mgmt          For                            For
       is not approved, to elect the director
       nominated by the Board as Class I director,
       each for a term of three years: Lynn A.

4.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers.

5.     To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2020.

6.     To approve an amendment to the Company's                  Mgmt          For                            For
       2018 Equity Incentive Plan to increase the
       maximum number of shares of common stock of
       the Company that may be issued pursuant to
       awards under the 2018 Equity Incentive

 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP COMPANY                                                              Agenda Number:  935091594
        Security:  71377A103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-Nov-2019
          Ticker:  PFGC
            ISIN:  US71377A1034

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Class I Director: George L.                   Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Class I Director: Arthur B.                   Mgmt          Abstain                        Against

2.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as our independent registered
       public accounting firm for fiscal 2020.

3.     To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote,               Mgmt          For                            For
       the compensation paid to the named
       executive officers.

4.     To approve the Share Increase Amendment                   Mgmt          For                            For
       under our 2015 Omnibus Incentive Plan.

5.     To approve the Performance Food Group                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Company Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

6.     To approve the Second Amended and Restated                Mgmt          For                            For
       Certificate of Incorporation to remove the
       supermajority voting requirement for
       amending the governing documents and
       removing directors.

7.     To approve the Second Amended and Restated                Mgmt          For                            For
       Certificate of Incorporation to eliminate
       the prohibition against stockholders
       calling special meetings of stockholders.

 R1 RCM INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935205307
        Security:  749397105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  27-May-2020
          Ticker:  RCM
            ISIN:  US7493971052

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Michael C. Feiner                                         Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Joseph Flanagan                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       John B. Henneman, III                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Alex J. Mandl                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Neal Moszkowski                                           Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Ian Sacks                                                 Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Jill Smith                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Anthony J. Speranzo                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Anthony R. Tersigni                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Albert R. Zimmerli                                        Mgmt          Withheld                       Against

2.     To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young                  Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2020.

 RBC BEARINGS INCORPORATED                                                                   Agenda Number:  935066250
        Security:  75524B104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  11-Sep-2019
          Ticker:  ROLL
            ISIN:  US75524B1044

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Edward D. Stewart                                         Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Daniel A. Bergeron                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael H. Ambrose                                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year

3.     To consider a resolution regarding the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       stockholder advisory vote on named
       executive officer compensation.

 REALPAGE, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935212629
        Security:  75606N109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  03-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  RP
            ISIN:  US75606N1090

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Alfred R. Berkeley, III                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Peter Gyenes                                              Mgmt          Withheld                       Against
       Charles F. Kane                                           Mgmt          Withheld                       Against

2.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2020.

3.     To approve an advisory (non-binding)                      Mgmt          For                            For
       proposal concerning our executive
       compensation program.

4.     To approve the RealPage, Inc. 2020 Equity                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Incentive Plan.

 REXFORD INDUSTRIAL REALTY, INC.                                                             Agenda Number:  935181026
        Security:  76169C100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-May-2020
          Ticker:  REXR
            ISIN:  US76169C1009

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Richard S. Ziman                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Howard Schwimmer                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Michael S. Frankel                  Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Robert L. Antin                     Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Steven C. Good                      Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Diana J. Ingram                     Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Tyler H. Rose                       Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Peter E. Schwab                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     The ratification of the appointment of                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Ernst & Young LLP as our independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2020.

3.     The advisory resolution to approve the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's named executive officer
       compensation, as described in the Rexford
       Industrial Realty, Inc. Proxy Statement.

 RLI CORP.                                                                                   Agenda Number:  935153421
        Security:  749607107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  07-May-2020
          Ticker:  RLI
            ISIN:  US7496071074

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Kaj Ahlmann                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael E. Angelina                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       John T. Baily                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Calvin G. Butler, Jr.                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       David B. Duclos                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Susan S. Fleming                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Jordan W. Graham                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Jonathan E. Michael                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert P. Restrepo, Jr.                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Debbie S. Roberts                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael J. Stone                                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approve the amendment to the Company's                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Amended and Restated Certificate of
       Incorporation increasing the number of
       authorized shares of Common Stock.

3.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation (the "Say-on- Pay" vote).

4.     Ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche                 Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's Independent Registered
       Public Accounting Firm.

 SELECTIVE INSURANCE GROUP, INC.                                                             Agenda Number:  935158938
        Security:  816300107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-Apr-2020
          Ticker:  SIGI
            ISIN:  US8163001071

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: John C. Burville                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Terrence W. Cavanaugh               Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Robert Kelly Doherty                Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: John J. Marchioni                   Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Thomas A. McCarthy                  Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: H. Elizabeth Mitchell               Mgmt          Against                        Against

1G.    Election of Director: Michael J. Morrissey                Mgmt          Against                        Against

1H.    Election of Director: Gregory E. Murphy                   Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Cynthia S. Nicholson                Mgmt          Against                        Against

1J.    Election of Director: William M. Rue                      Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: John S. Scheid                      Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: J. Brian Thebault                   Mgmt          Against                        Against

1M.    Election of Director: Philip H. Urban                     Mgmt          Against                        Against

2.     Approve, on an advisory basis, the 2019                   Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of Selective's named executive
       officers as disclosed in the accompanying
       proxy statement.

3.     Ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Selective's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2020.

 SERVICEMASTER GLOBAL HOLDINGS INC.                                                          Agenda Number:  935202224
        Security:  81761R109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-May-2020
          Ticker:  SERV
            ISIN:  US81761R1095

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Deborah H. Caplan                   Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Naren K. Gursahaney                 Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Mark E. Tomkins                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To hold a non-binding advisory vote                       Mgmt          For                            For
       approving executive compensation.

3.     To ratify the selection of Deloitte &                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the Company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       year ending December 31, 2020.

 SILICON LABORATORIES INC.                                                                   Agenda Number:  935135497
        Security:  826919102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  21-Apr-2020
          Ticker:  SLAB
            ISIN:  US8269191024

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Navdeep S. Sooch                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: William P. Wood                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Nina Richardson                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       January 2, 2021.

3.     To vote on an advisory (non-binding)                      Mgmt          For                            For
       resolution to approve executive

 STOCK YARDS BANCORP, INC.                                                                   Agenda Number:  935145626
        Security:  861025104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  23-Apr-2020
          Ticker:  SYBT
            ISIN:  US8610251048

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Paul J. Bickel III                  Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: J. McCauley Brown                   Mgmt          Against                        Against

1C.    Election of Director: David P. Heintzman                  Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Donna L. Heitzman                   Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Carl G. Herde                       Mgmt          Against                        Against

1F.    Election of Director: James A. Hillebrand                 Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Richard A. Lechleiter               Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Stephen M. Priebe                   Mgmt          Against                        Against

1I.    Election of Director: John L. Schutte                     Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Norman Tasman                       Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Kathy C. Thompson                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     The ratification of BKD, LLP as the                       Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for Stock Yards Bancorp, Inc. for the
       year ending December 31, 2020.

3.     The advisory approval of the compensation                 Mgmt          For                            For
       of Bancorp's named executive officers.

 THE BRINK'S COMPANY                                                                         Agenda Number:  935168927
        Security:  109696104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  08-May-2020
          Ticker:  BCO
            ISIN:  US1096961040

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director for a term expiring in               Mgmt          For                            For
       2021: Kathie J. Andrade

1.2    Election of Director for a term expiring in               Mgmt          For                            For
       2021: Paul G. Boynton

1.3    Election of Director for a term expiring in               Mgmt          For                            For
       2021: Ian D. Clough

1.4    Election of Director for a term expiring in               Mgmt          For                            For
       2021: Susan E. Docherty

1.5    Election of Director for a term expiring in               Mgmt          For                            For
       2021: Reginald D. Hedgebeth

1.6    Election of Director for a term expiring in               Mgmt          Abstain                        Against
       2021: Dan R. Henry

1.7    Election of Director for a term expiring in               Mgmt          For                            For
       2021: Michael J. Herling

1.8    Election of Director for a term expiring in               Mgmt          For                            For
       2021: Douglas A. Pertz

1.9    Election of Director for a term expiring in               Mgmt          For                            For
       2021: George I. Stoeckert

2.     Advisory vote to approve named executive                  Mgmt          For                            For
       officer compensation.

3.     Approval of KPMG LLP as the Company's                     Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for 2020.

 TREX COMPANY, INC.                                                                          Agenda Number:  935137744
        Security:  89531P105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-Apr-2020
          Ticker:  TREX
            ISIN:  US89531P1057

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Jay M. Gratz                        Mgmt          Against                        Against

1.2    Election of Director: Kristine L. Juster                  Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Director: Ronald W. Kaplan                    Mgmt          For                            For

1.4    Election of Director: Gerald Volas                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on a non-binding advisory                     Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation of our named
       executive officers.

3.     To approve the Fourth Certificate of                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Amendment to the Restated Certificate of
       Incorporation of Trex Company, Inc. to
       increase the number of authorized shares of
       common stock, $0.01 par value per share,
       from 120,000,000 to 180,000,000.

4.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as Trex Company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       2020 fiscal year.

 VALVOLINE INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935115180
        Security:  92047W101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  30-Jan-2020
          Ticker:  VVV
            ISIN:  US92047W1018

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Gerald W. Evans, Jr.                Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Richard J. Freeland                 Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Stephen F. Kirk                     Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Carol H. Kruse                      Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Stephen E. Macadam                  Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Vada O. Manager                     Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Samuel J. Mitchell,                 Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Charles M. Sonsteby                 Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Mary J. Twinem                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as Valvoline's independent
       registered public accounting firm for
       fiscal 2020.

3.     A non-binding advisory resolution approving               Mgmt          For                            For
       Valvoline's executive compensation, as set
       forth in the Proxy Statement.

 VISTEON CORPORATION                                                                         Agenda Number:  935192930
        Security:  92839U206
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  03-Jun-2020
          Ticker:  VC
            ISIN:  US92839U2069

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: James J. Barrese                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Naomi M. Bergman                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Jeffrey D. Jones                    Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Sachin S. Lawande                   Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Joanne M. Maguire                   Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Robert J. Manzo                     Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Francis M. Scricco                  Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: David L. Treadwell                  Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Rouzbeh Yassini-Fard                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for fiscal year

3.     Provide advisory approval of the Company's                Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

4.     Approve the Company's 2020 Incentive Plan.                Mgmt          For                            For

 WELBILT, INC.                                                                               Agenda Number:  935140880
        Security:  949090104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  24-Apr-2020
          Ticker:  WBT
            ISIN:  US9490901041

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Cynthia M. Egnotovich               Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Dino J. Bianco                      Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Joan K. Chow                        Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Janice L. Fields                    Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Brian R. Gamache                    Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Andrew Langham                      Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: William C. Johnson                  Mgmt          For                            For

2.     The approval, on an advisory basis, of the                Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers.

3.     The ratification of the appointment of                    Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2020.

 WOODWARD, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935114897
        Security:  980745103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-Jan-2020
          Ticker:  WWD
            ISIN:  US9807451037

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A     Election of Director: Paul Donovan                        Mgmt          Against                        Against

1B     Election of Director: Mary L. Petrovich                   Mgmt          Against                        Against

1C     Election of Director: James R. Rulseh                     Mgmt          Against                        Against

2.     PROPOSAL TO RATIFY THE APPOINTMENT OF                     Mgmt          For                            For

3.     PROPOSAL FOR THE ADVISORY RESOLUTION                      Mgmt          For                            For

4.     PROPOSAL FOR THE APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT                 Mgmt          For                            For

* Management position unknown


Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

(Registrant)         Tax-Managed Small-Cap Portfolio
By (Signature)       /s/ Edward J. Perkin
Name                 Edward J. Perkin
Title                President
Date                 08/19/2020