WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-PX




                                         Oak Brook, il 60523

                                         615 E. MICHIGAN
                                         MILWAUKEE, wi 53202

 REGISTRANT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER:          866-386-3785

 DATE OF FISCAL YEAR END:                05/31

 DATE OF REPORTING PERIOD:               07/01/2021 - 06/30/2022


 ABBOTT LABORATORIES                                                                         Agenda Number:  935562909
        Security:  002824100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  ABT
            ISIN:  US0028241000

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       R. J. Alpern                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       S. E. Blount                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       R. B. Ford                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       P. Gonzalez                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       M. A. Kumbier                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       D. W. McDew                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       N. McKinstry                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       W. A. Osborn                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       M. F. Roman                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       D. J. Starks                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       J. G. Stratton                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       G. F. Tilton                                              Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP As                      Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Say on Pay - An Advisory Vote on the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Approval of Executive Compensation

4.     Shareholder Proposal - Special Shareholder                Shr           For                            Against
       Meeting Threshold

5.     Shareholder Proposal - Independent Board                  Shr           For                            Against

6.     Shareholder Proposal - Rule 10b5-1 Plans                  Shr           For                            Against

7.     Shareholder Proposal - Lobbying Disclosure                Shr           For                            Against

8.     Shareholder Proposal - Antimicrobial                      Shr           For                            Against
       Resistance Report

 ABCAM PLC                                                                                   Agenda Number:  935460573
        Security:  000380204
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Jul-2021
          Ticker:  ABCM
            ISIN:  US0003802040

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

O1.    Subject to and conditional upon the passing               Mgmt          For                            For
       of resolution 2, to approve the
       Remuneration Policy as set out in Appendix
       1 of the circular containing the Notice of
       General Meeting.

O2.    To approve the adoption of the rules of the               Mgmt          For                            For
       Profitable Growth Incentive Plan.

O3.    To authorise the Directors to allot shares.               Mgmt          For                            For

S4.    To authorise the Directors to allot equity                Mgmt          For                            For
       securities on a non- pre-emptive basis.

S5.    To authorise the Directors to allot                       Mgmt          For                            For
       additional securities on a non-pre-emptive
       basis in connection with a transaction.

S6.    To authorise the purchase of own shares by                Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company.

 ABIOMED, INC.                                                                               Agenda Number:  935464432
        Security:  003654100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  11-Aug-2021
          Ticker:  ABMD
            ISIN:  US0036541003

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Eric A. Rose                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Jeannine M. Rivet                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Myron L. Rolle                                            Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval, by non-binding advisory vote, of                Mgmt          For                            For
       the compensation of our named executive

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte               Mgmt          For                            For
       & Touche LLP as our independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending March 31, 2022.

 ACV AUCTIONS INC.                                                                           Agenda Number:  935618895
        Security:  00091G104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  07-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  ACVA
            ISIN:  US00091G1040

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Class I Director: George                      Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Class I Director: Robert P.                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment by the audit                    Mgmt          For                            For
       committee of our board of directors of
       Ernst & Young LLP as our independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.

 ADOBE INC.                                                                                  Agenda Number:  935553669
        Security:  00724F101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  14-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  ADBE
            ISIN:  US00724F1012

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Amy Banse

1B.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Brett Biggs

1C.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Melanie Boulden

1D.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Frank Calderoni

1E.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Laura Desmond

1F.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Shantanu Narayen

1G.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Spencer Neumann

1H.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Kathleen Oberg

1I.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Dheeraj Pandey

1J.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: David Ricks

1K.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: Daniel Rosensweig

1L.    Election of Director to serve for a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       one-year term: John Warnock

2.     Ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as our                 Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for our fiscal year ending on December
       2, 2022.

3.     Approve, on an advisory basis, the                        Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

 ADTRAN, INC.                                                                                Agenda Number:  935575362
        Security:  00738A106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  11-May-2022
          Ticker:  ADTN
            ISIN:  US00738A1060

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Thomas R. Stanton                   Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: H. Fenwick Huss                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Gregory J. McCray                   Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Balan Nair                          Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Jacqueline H. Rice                  Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Kathryn A. Walker                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Non-binding approval of the compensation of               Mgmt          For                            For
       ADTRAN'S named executive officers.

3.     Ratify the appointment of                                 Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
       independent registered public accounting
       firm of ADTRAN for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2022.

 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC.                                                                Agenda Number:  935585096
        Security:  007903107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-May-2022
          Ticker:  AMD
            ISIN:  US0079031078

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: John E. Caldwell                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Nora M. Denzel                      Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Mark Durcan                         Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Michael P. Gregoire                 Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Joseph A. Householder               Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: John W. Marren                      Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Jon A. Olson                        Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Lisa T. Su                          Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Abhi Y. Talwalkar                   Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Elizabeth W.                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the current fiscal

3.     Advisory vote to approve the executive                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  935546296
        Security:  00846U101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-Mar-2022
          Ticker:  A
            ISIN:  US00846U1016

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director for a three-year term:               Mgmt          For                            For
       Hans E. Bishop

1.2    Election of Director for a three-year term:               Mgmt          For                            For
       Otis W. Brawley, M.D.

1.3    Election of Director for a three-year term:               Mgmt          For                            For
       Mikael Dolsten, M.D., Ph.D.

2.     To approve, on a non-binding advisory                     Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation of our named
       executive officers.

3.     To ratify the Audit and Finance Committee's               Mgmt          For                            For
       appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
       as our independent registered public
       accounting firm.

4.     To vote on a stockholder proposal regarding               Mgmt          For                            Against
       the right to call a special meeting, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

 AGNICO EAGLE MINES LIMITED                                                                  Agenda Number:  935515633
        Security:  008474108
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  26-Nov-2021
          Ticker:  AEM
            ISIN:  CA0084741085

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1      To consider, and if deemed advisable, to                  Mgmt          For                            For
       pass, with or without variation, an
       ordinary resolution, the full text of which
       is set forth in Appendix A to the
       accompanying joint management information
       circular of Agnico Eagle Mines Limited (the
       "Company") and Kirkland Lake Gold
       Ltd.("Kirkland") dated October 29, 2021
       (the "Circular"), approving the issuance by
       the Company of such number of common shares
       of the Company as may be required to be
       issued pursuant to or in connection with
       the plan of arrangement under section 182
       of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario)
       involving, among others, Kirkland and the
       Company, in accordance with the terms of
       the merger agreement dated September 28,
       2021 between the Company and Kirkland (as
       amended, supplemented or otherwise modified
       from time to time), as more particularly
       described in the Circular.

 AGNICO EAGLE MINES LIMITED                                                                  Agenda Number:  935595085
        Security:  008474108
    Meeting Type:  Annual and Special
    Meeting Date:  29-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  AEM
            ISIN:  CA0084741085

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Leona Aglukkaq                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Ammar Al-Joundi                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Sean Boyd                                                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Martine A. Celej                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert J. Gemmell                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Jonathan Gill                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Peter Grosskopf                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Elizabeth Lewis-Gray                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Deborah McCombe                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Jeffrey Parr                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       J. Merfyn Roberts                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Jamie C. Sokalsky                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2      Appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Auditors of the Company for the ensuing
       year and authorizing the Directors to fix
       their remuneration.

3      Consideration of and, if deemed advisable,                Mgmt          For                            For
       the passing of an ordinary resolution
       approving an amendment to the Company's
       Incentive Share Purchase Plan.

4      Consideration of and, if deemed advisable,                Mgmt          For                            For
       the passing of a non- binding, advisory
       resolution accepting the Company's approach
       to executive compensation.

 ALAMOS GOLD INC.                                                                            Agenda Number:  935617401
        Security:  011532108
    Meeting Type:  Annual and Special
    Meeting Date:  26-May-2022
          Ticker:  AGI
            ISIN:  CA0115321089

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Elaine Ellingham                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       David Fleck                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       David Gower                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Claire M. Kennedy                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       John A. McCluskey                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Monique Mercier                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Paul J. Murphy                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       J. Robert S. Prichard                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Kenneth Stowe                                             Mgmt          For                            For

2      Re-appoint KPMG LLP as auditors of the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Company for the ensuing year and
       authorizing the directors to fix their

3      To consider, and if deemed advisable, pass                Mgmt          For                            For
       a resolution to approve the unallocated
       awards under the Company's Long-Term
       Incentive Plan, as well as revisions to the
       plan's amendment provision.

4      To consider, and if deemed advisable, pass                Mgmt          For                            For
       a resolution to approve the unallocated
       shares under the Company's Employee Share
       Purchase Plan, as well as revisions to the
       plan's amendment provision.

5      To consider, and if deemed advisable, pass                Mgmt          For                            For
       a resolution to approve the Company's
       Amended and Restated Shareholder Rights

6      To consider, and if deemed advisable, pass                Mgmt          For                            For
       a resolution to approve an advisory
       resolution on the Company's approach to
       executive compensation.

 ALIGN TECHNOLOGY, INC.                                                                      Agenda Number:  935590136
        Security:  016255101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-May-2022
          Ticker:  ALGN
            ISIN:  US0162551016

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Kevin J. Dallas                     Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Joseph M. Hogan                     Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Joseph Lacob                        Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: C. Raymond Larkin,                  Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: George J. Morrow                    Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Anne M. Myong                       Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Andrea L. Saia                      Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Greg J. Santora                     Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Susan E. Siegel                     Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Warren S. Thaler                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT                Mgmt          For                            For
       ratify the appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Align
       Technology, Inc.'s independent registered
       public accountants for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2022.

3.     ADVISORY VOTE ON NAMED EXECUTIVES                         Mgmt          For                            For
       COMPENSATION: Consider an Advisory Vote to
       Approve the Compensation of our Named
       Executive Officers.

 ALNYLAM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.                                                               Agenda Number:  935587735
        Security:  02043Q107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-May-2022
          Ticker:  ALNY
            ISIN:  US02043Q1076

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Class III Director: Margaret A.               Mgmt          For                            For
       Hamburg, M.D.

1B.    Election of Class III Director: Colleen F.                Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Class III Director: Amy W.                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve the amended and restated 2018                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Stock Incentive Plan.

3.     To approve, in a non-binding advisory vote,               Mgmt          For                            For
       the compensation of Alnylam's named
       executive officers.

4.     To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent
       registered public accounting firm, as
       Alnylam's independent auditors for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.

 ALPHABET INC.                                                                               Agenda Number:  935618578
        Security:  02079K305
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  GOOGL
            ISIN:  US02079K3059

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Larry Page                          Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Sergey Brin                         Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Sundar Pichai                       Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: John L. Hennessy                    Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Frances H. Arnold                   Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: L. John Doerr                       Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Roger W. Ferguson Jr.               Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Ann Mather                          Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: K. Ram Shriram                      Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Robin L. Washington                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as Alphabet's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.

3.     The amendment of Alphabet's 2021 Stock Plan               Mgmt          For                            For
       to increase the share reserve by 4,000,000
       shares of Class C capital stock.

4.     The amendment of Alphabet's Amended and                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation to
       increase the number of authorized shares.

5.     A stockholder proposal regarding a lobbying               Shr           For                            Against
       report, if properly presented at the

6.     A stockholder proposal regarding a climate                Shr           For                            Against
       lobbying report, if properly presented at
       the meeting.

7.     A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on physical risks of climate change, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

8.     A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on water management risks, if properly
       presented at the meeting.

9.     A stockholder proposal regarding a racial                 Shr           For                            Against
       equity audit, if properly presented at the

10.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on concealment clauses, if properly
       presented at the meeting.

11.    A stockholder proposal regarding equal                    Shr           For                            Against
       shareholder voting, if properly presented
       at the meeting.

12.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on government takedown requests, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

13.    A stockholder proposal regarding a human                  Shr           For                            Against
       rights assessment of data center siting, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

14.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on data collection, privacy, and security,
       if properly presented at the meeting.

15.    A stockholder proposal regarding algorithm                Shr           For                            Against
       disclosures, if properly presented at the

16.    A stockholder proposal regarding                          Shr           For                            Against
       misinformation and disinformation, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

17.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on external costs of disinformation, if
       properly presented at the meeting.

18.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on board diversity, if properly presented
       at the meeting.

19.    A stockholder proposal regarding the                      Shr           For                            Against
       establishment of an environmental
       sustainability board committee, if properly
       presented at the meeting.

20.    A stockholder proposal regarding a policy                 Shr           For                            Against
       on non-management employee representative
       director, if properly presented at the

21.    A stockholder proposal regarding a report                 Shr           For                            Against
       on policies regarding military and
       militarized policing agencies, if properly
       presented at the meeting.

 ANALOG DEVICES, INC.                                                                        Agenda Number:  935542248
        Security:  032654105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-Mar-2022
          Ticker:  ADI
            ISIN:  US0326541051

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Ray Stata                           Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Vincent Roche                       Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: James A. Champy                     Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Anantha P.                          Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Tunc Doluca                         Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Bruce R. Evans                      Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Edward H. Frank                     Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Laurie H. Glimcher                  Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Karen M. Golz                       Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Mercedes Johnson                    Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Kenton J. Sicchitano                Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Susie Wee                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory resolution to approve the                        Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

3.     Approve the Analog Devices, Inc. 2022                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

4.     Ratification of Ernst & Young LLP as our                  Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for fiscal 2022.

 ANSYS, INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935578748
        Security:  03662Q105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  12-May-2022
          Ticker:  ANSS
            ISIN:  US03662Q1058

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Class II Director for                         Mgmt          For                            For
       three-year terms: Anil Chakravarthy

1B.    Election of Class II Director for                         Mgmt          For                            For
       three-year terms: Barbara V. Scherer

1C.    Election of Class II Director for                         Mgmt          For                            For
       three-year terms: Ravi Vijayaraghavan

2.     Ratification of the Selection of Deloitte &               Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the Company's Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for
       Fiscal Year 2022.

3.     Advisory Approval of the Compensation of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Our Named Executive Officers.

4.     Approval of the Amendment of Article VI,                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Section 5 of the Charter to Eliminate the
       Supermajority Vote Requirement to Remove a

5.     Approval of the Amendment of Article VIII,                Mgmt          For                            For
       Section 2 of the Charter to Eliminate the
       Supermajority Vote Requirement for
       Stockholders to Amend or Repeal the

6.     Approval of the Amendment of Article IX of                Mgmt          For                            For
       the Charter to Eliminate the Supermajority
       Vote Requirement for Stockholders to
       Approve Amendments to or Repeal Certain
       Provisions of the Charter.

7.     Approval of the ANSYS, Inc. 2022 Employee                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Stock Purchase Plan.

8.     Stockholder Proposal Requesting the Annual                Shr           For                            Against
       Election of Directors, if Properly

 APPLE INC.                                                                                  Agenda Number:  935541549
        Security:  037833100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  04-Mar-2022
          Ticker:  AAPL
            ISIN:  US0378331005

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: James Bell                          Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Tim Cook                            Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Al Gore                             Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Alex Gorsky                         Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Andrea Jung                         Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Art Levinson                        Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Monica Lozano                       Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Ron Sugar                           Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Sue Wagner                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as Apple's independent registered
       public accounting firm for fiscal 2022.

3.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Approval of the Apple Inc. 2022 Employee                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Stock Plan.

5.     A shareholder proposal entitled                           Shr           For                            Against
       "Reincorporate with Deeper Purpose".

6.     A shareholder proposal entitled                           Shr           For                            Against
       "Transparency Reports".

7.     A shareholder proposal entitled "Report on                Shr           For                            Against
       Forced Labor".

8.     A shareholder proposal entitled "Pay                      Shr           For                            Against

9.     A shareholder proposal entitled "Civil                    Shr           For                            Against
       Rights Audit".

10.    A shareholder proposal entitled "Report on                Shr           For                            Against
       Concealment Clauses".

 APPLIED MATERIALS, INC.                                                                     Agenda Number:  935544381
        Security:  038222105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  10-Mar-2022
          Ticker:  AMAT
            ISIN:  US0382221051

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Rani Borkar                         Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Judy Bruner                         Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Xun (Eric) Chen                     Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Aart J. de Geus                     Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Gary E. Dickerson                   Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Thomas J. Iannotti                  Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Alexander A. Karsner                Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Adrianna C. Ma                      Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Yvonne McGill                       Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Scott A. McGregor                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of Applied Materials' named
       executive officers for fiscal year 2021.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as Applied Materials' independent
       registered public accounting firm for
       fiscal year 2022.

4.     Shareholder proposal to amend the                         Shr           For                            Against
       appropriate company governing documents to
       give the owners of a combined 10% of our
       outstanding common stock the power to call
       a special shareholder meeting.

5.     Shareholder proposal to improve the                       Shr           For                            Against
       executive compensation program and policy,
       such as to include the CEO pay ratio factor
       and voices from employees.

 APTIV PLC                                                                                   Agenda Number:  935560309
        Security:  G6095L109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  27-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  APTV
            ISIN:  JE00B783TY65

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Kevin P. Clark                      Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Richard L. Clemmer                  Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Nancy E. Cooper                     Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Joseph L. Hooley                    Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Merit E. Janow                      Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Sean O. Mahoney                     Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Paul M. Meister                     Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Robert K. Ortberg                   Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Colin J. Parris                     Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Ana G. Pinczuk                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Proposal to re-appoint auditors, ratify                   Mgmt          For                            For
       independent public accounting firm and
       authorize the directors to determine the
       fees paid to the auditors.

3.     Say-on-Pay - To approve, by advisory vote,                Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

 ASPEN AEROGELS, INC.                                                                        Agenda Number:  935607272
        Security:  04523Y105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  02-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  ASPN
            ISIN:  US04523Y1055

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Mark L. Noetzel                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       William P. Noglows                                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     The ratification of the appointment of KPMG               Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as Aspen Aerogels, Inc.'s independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.

3.     Approval of the compensation of our named                 Mgmt          For                            For
       executive officers, as disclosed in our
       Proxy Statement for the 2022 Annual

 ATRICURE, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935593865
        Security:  04963C209
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  25-May-2022
          Ticker:  ATRC
            ISIN:  US04963C2098

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Michael H. Carrel                   Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Mark A. Collar                      Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Regina E. Groves                    Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: B. Kristine Johnson                 Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Karen N. Prange                     Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Deborah H. Telman                   Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Sven A. Wehrwein                    Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Robert S. White                     Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Maggie Yuen                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Proposal to ratify the appointment of                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Deloitte & Touche LLP as independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.

3.     Proposal to amend the AtriCure, Inc. 2014                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Stock Incentive Plan to increase the number
       of authorized shares by 1,100,000.

4.     Advisory vote on the compensation of our                  Mgmt          For                            For
       named executive officers as disclosed in
       the proxy statement for the 2022 Annual

 AXCELIS TECHNOLOGIES, INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  935592697
        Security:  054540208
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  10-May-2022
          Ticker:  ACLS
            ISIN:  US0545402085

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Tzu-Yin Chiu                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Richard J. Faubert                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Arthur L. George, Jr.                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Joseph P. Keithley                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       John T. Kurtzweil                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Mary G. Puma                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Jeanne Quirk                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Thomas St. Dennis                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Jorge Titinger                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Dipti Vachani                                             Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Proposal to ratify independent public                     Mgmt          For                            For
       accounting firm.

3.     Say on Pay - An advisory vote on the                      Mgmt          For                            For
       approval of executive compensation.

 BILL.COM HOLDINGS, INC.                                                                     Agenda Number:  935510443
        Security:  090043100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-Dec-2021
          Ticker:  BILL
            ISIN:  US0900431000

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Allison Mnookin                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Steven Piaker                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Rory O'Driscoll                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Steve Fisher                                              Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of Appointment of Independent                Mgmt          For                            For
       Registered Public Accounting Firm Ernst &
       Young LLP.

3.     Advisory Vote on the Compensation of our                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Named Executive Officers.

4.     Advisory Vote on the Frequency of Future                  Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       Advisory Votes on the Compensation of our
       Named Executive Officers.

 BRUKER CORPORATION                                                                          Agenda Number:  935612033
        Security:  116794108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  BRKR
            ISIN:  US1167941087

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Bonnie H. Anderson                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Frank H. Laukien, Ph.D.                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       John Ornell                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Richard A. Packer                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval on an advisory basis of the 2021                 Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive
       officers, as discussed in the Proxy

3.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2022.

4.     Approval of the Bruker Corporation Employee               Mgmt          For                            For
       Stock Purchase Plan.

 CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS, INC.                                                                Agenda Number:  935575184
        Security:  127387108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  05-May-2022
          Ticker:  CDNS
            ISIN:  US1273871087

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Mark W. Adams                       Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Ita Brennan                         Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Lewis Chew                          Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Anirudh Devgan                      Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Mary Louise Krakauer                Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Julia Liuson                        Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: James D. Plummer                    Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Alberto                             Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: John B. Shoven                      Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Young K. Sohn                       Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Lip-Bu Tan                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory resolution to approve named                      Mgmt          For                            For
       executive officer compensation.

3.     Ratification of the selection of                          Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
       independent registered public accounting
       firm of Cadence for its fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2022.

4.     Stockholder proposal regarding special                    Shr           For                            Against

 CAL-MAINE FOODS, INC.                                                                       Agenda Number:  935484155
        Security:  128030202
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Oct-2021
          Ticker:  CALM
            ISIN:  US1280302027

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Adolphus B. Baker                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Max P. Bowman                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Letitia C. Hughes                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Sherman L. Miller                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       James E. Poole                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Steve W. Sanders                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Camille S. Young                                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of Frost, PLLC as the                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's independent registered public
       accounting firm for fiscal year 2022.

 CALIX, INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935577900
        Security:  13100M509
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  12-May-2022
          Ticker:  CALX
            ISIN:  US13100M5094

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Christopher Bowick                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Kira Makagon                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael Matthews                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Carl Russo                                                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval of the Amended and Restated 2019                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Equity Incentive Award Plan.

3.     Approval of the Amended and Restated                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

4.     Approval of the Amended and Restated 2017                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Nonqualified Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

5.     Approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis,               Mgmt          For                            For
       of the compensation of Calix's named
       executive officers.

6.     Ratification of the selection of KPMG LLP                 Mgmt          For                            For
       as Calix's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2022.

 CANADA GOOSE HOLDINGS INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  935471728
        Security:  135086106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  12-Aug-2021
          Ticker:  GOOS
            ISIN:  CA1350861060

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Dani Reiss                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Ryan Cotton                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Joshua Bekenstein                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Stephen Gunn                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Jean-Marc Huet                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       John Davison                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Maureen Chiquet                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Jodi Butts                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael D. Armstrong                                      Mgmt          For                            For

2      Appointment of Deloitte LLP as auditor of                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Canada Goose Holdings Inc. for the ensuing
       year and authorizing the directors to fix
       their remuneration.

 CARGURUS, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935618439
        Security:  141788109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  07-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  CARG
            ISIN:  US1417881091

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Steven Conine                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Yvonne Hao                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Stephen Kaufer                                            Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young                  Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for its fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2022.

3.     To approve, on a non-binding advisory                     Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation of the Company's
       named executive officers.

 CERENCE INC.                                                                                Agenda Number:  935541070
        Security:  156727109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  02-Feb-2022
          Ticker:  CRNC
            ISIN:  US1567271093

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Class III Director: Arun Sarin                Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Class III Director: Kristi Ann                Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Class III Director: Stefan                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of BDO USA,               Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending September 30, 2022.

3.     Approval, on a non-binding, advisory basis,               Mgmt          For                            For
       of the compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers, as disclosed in the
       proxy statement.

4.     Indication, on a non-binding, advisory                    Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       basis, of preferred frequency of future
       shareholder non-binding, advisory votes on
       the compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers.

 CERUS CORPORATION                                                                           Agenda Number:  935615534
        Security:  157085101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  CERS
            ISIN:  US1570851014

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Jami Dover Nachtsheim                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Gail Schulze                                              Mgmt          For                            For

2.     The approval of an amendment and                          Mgmt          For                            For
       restatement of the Company's Amended and
       Restated 2008 Equity Incentive Plan to
       increase the aggregate number of shares of
       common stock authorized for issuance
       thereunder by 12,000,000 shares and to make
       certain other changes thereto as described
       further in the accompanying Proxy

3.     The approval, on an advisory basis, of the                Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers as disclosed in the
       Proxy Statement.

4.     The indication, on an advisory basis, of                  Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       the preferred frequency of stockholder
       advisory votes on the compensation of the
       Company's named executive officers.

5.     The ratification of the selection by the                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
       of Ernst & Young LLP as the independent
       registered public accounting firm of the
       Company for its fiscal year ending December
       31, 2022.

 CHEWY, INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935447777
        Security:  16679L109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  14-Jul-2021
          Ticker:  CHWY
            ISIN:  US16679L1098

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Fahim Ahmed                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael Chang                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Kristine Dickson                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       James A. Star                                             Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the Company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending January 30, 2022.

3.     To approve, on a non-binding, advisory                    Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation of the Company's
       named executive officers.

 CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL, INC.                                                                Agenda Number:  935581149
        Security:  169656105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-May-2022
          Ticker:  CMG
            ISIN:  US1696561059

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Albert S. Baldocchi                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Matthew A. Carey                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Gregg Engles                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Patricia Fili-Krushel                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Mauricio Gutierrez                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Robin Hickenlooper                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Scott Maw                                                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Brian Niccol                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Mary Winston                                              Mgmt          For                            For

2.     An advisory vote to approve the                           Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our executive officers as
       disclosed in the proxy statement

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as our independent registered
       public accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2022.

4.     Approve the Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.                  Mgmt          For                            For
       2022 Stock Incentive Plan.

5.     Approve the Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

6.     Shareholder Proposal - Commission a Racial                Shr           For                            Against
       Equity Audit.

7.     Shareholder Proposal - Publish Quantitative               Shr           For                            Against
       Workforce Data.

 CIENA CORPORATION                                                                           Agenda Number:  935550067
        Security:  171779309
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  31-Mar-2022
          Ticker:  CIEN
            ISIN:  US1717793095

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Class I Director: Lawton W.                   Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Class I Director: Devinder                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Class I Director: Patrick H.                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Nettles, Ph.D.

2.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for fiscal 2022.

3.     Advisory vote on our named executive                      Mgmt          For                            For
       officer compensation, as described in the
       proxy materials.

 CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.                                                                         Agenda Number:  935511469
        Security:  17275R102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-Dec-2021
          Ticker:  CSCO
            ISIN:  US17275R1023

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: M. Michele Burns                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Wesley G. Bush                      Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Michael D. Capellas                 Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Mark Garrett                        Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: John D. Harris II                   Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Dr. Kristina M.                     Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Roderick C. McGeary                 Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Charles H. Robbins                  Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Brenton L. Saunders                 Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Dr. Lisa T. Su                      Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Marianna Tessel                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

3.     Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP                Mgmt          For                            For
       as Cisco's independent registered public
       accounting firm for fiscal 2022.

4.     Approval to have Cisco's Board amend                      Shr           For                            Against
       Cisco's proxy access bylaw to remove the
       stockholder aggregation limit.

 CLARUS CORPORATION                                                                          Agenda Number:  935639003
        Security:  18270P109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  CLAR
            ISIN:  US18270P1093

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Warren B. Kanders                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Donald L. House                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Nicholas Sokolow                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael A. Henning                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Susan Ottmann                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       James E. Walker III                                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as Clarus Corporation's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the year ending December 31, 2022.

 COGNIZANT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS CORP.                                                        Agenda Number:  935626626
        Security:  192446102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  07-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  CTSH
            ISIN:  US1924461023

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2023 Annual meeting: Zein Abdalla

1b.    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2023 Annual meeting: Vinita Bali

1c.    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2023 Annual meeting: Maureen

1d.    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2023 Annual meeting: Archana Deskus

1e.    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2023 Annual meeting: John M. Dineen

1f.    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2023 Annual meeting: Brian Humphries

1g.    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2023 Annual meeting: Leo S. Mackay, Jr.

1h.    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2023 Annual meeting: Michael Patsalos-Fox

1i.    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2023 Annual meeting: Stephen J. Rohleder

1j.    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2023 Annual meeting: Joseph M. Velli

1k.    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2023 Annual meeting: Sandra S. Wijnberg

2.     Approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                     Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation of the company's
       named executive officers.

3.     Ratify the appointment of                                 Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the year ending December 31, 2022.

4.     Shareholder proposal requesting that the                  Shr           For                            Against
       board of directors take action as necessary
       to amend the existing right for
       shareholders to call a special meeting.

 COPART, INC.                                                                                Agenda Number:  935509236
        Security:  217204106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  03-Dec-2021
          Ticker:  CPRT
            ISIN:  US2172041061

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Willis J. Johnson                   Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: A. Jayson Adair                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Matt Blunt                          Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Steven D. Cohan                     Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Daniel J. Englander                 Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: James E. Meeks                      Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Thomas N. Tryforos                  Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Diane M. Morefield                  Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Stephen Fisher                      Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Cherylyn Harley LeBon               Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Carl D. Sparks                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                  Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation of our named
       executive officers for the fiscal year
       ended July 31, 2021 (say-on-pay vote).

3.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       July 31, 2022.

 CRITEO SA                                                                                   Agenda Number:  935627375
        Security:  226718104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  15-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  CRTO
            ISIN:  US2267181046

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

O1     Renewal of the term of office of Ms. Megan                Mgmt          For                            For
       Clarken as Director.

O2     Renewal of the term of office of Ms. Marie                Mgmt          For                            For
       Lalleman as Director.

O3     Renewal of the term of office of Mr. Edmond               Mgmt          For                            For
       Mesrobian as Director.

O4     Renewal of the term of office of Mr. James                Mgmt          For                            For
       Warner as Director.

O5     Non-binding advisory vote to approve the                  Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation for the named executive
       officers of the Company.

O6     Non-binding advisory vote to hold a                       Mgmt          For                            For
       non-binding advisory vote on the
       compensation for the named executive
       officers of the Company every year.

O7     Non-binding advisory vote to hold a                       Mgmt          For                            Against
       non-binding advisory vote on the
       compensation for the named executive
       officers of the Company every two years.

O8     Non-binding advisory vote to hold a                       Mgmt          For                            Against
       non-binding advisory vote on the
       compensation for the named executive
       officers of the Company every three years.

O9     Approval of the statutory financial                       Mgmt          For                            For
       statements for the fiscal year ended
       December 31, 2021.

O10    Approval of the consolidated financial                    Mgmt          For                            For
       statements for the fiscal year ended
       December 31, 2021.

O11    Approval of the allocation of profits for                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021.

O12    Authorization to be given to the Board of                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Directors to execute a buyback of Company
       stock in accordance with the provisions of
       Article L. 225-209-2 of the French
       Commercial Code.

E13    Authorization to be given to the Board of                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Directors to reduce ...(due to space
       limits, see proxy material for full

E14    Authorization to be given to the Board of                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Directors to reduce ...(due to space
       limits, see proxy material for full

E15    Delegation of authority to the Board of                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Directors to reduce the ...(due to space
       limits, see proxy material for full

E16    Determination of the maximum number of                    Mgmt          For                            For
       shares that may be issued ...(due to space
       limits, see proxy material for full

E17    Delegation of authority to the Board of                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Directors to increase ...(due to space
       limits, see proxy material for full

E18    Delegation of authority to the Board of                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Directors to increase ...(due to space
       limits, see proxy material for full

E19    Delegation of authority to the Board of                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Directors to increase ...(due to space
       limits, see proxy material for full

E20    Delegation of authority to the Board of                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Directors to increase ...(due to space
       limits, see proxy material for full

E21    Delegation of authority to the Board of                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Directors to increase ...(due to space
       limits, see proxy material for full

E22    Approval of the overall limits on the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       amount of Ordinary Shares ...(due to space
       limits, see proxy material for full

E23    Delegation of authority to the Board of                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Directors to decide on ...(due to space
       limits, see proxy material for full

E24    Delegation of authority to the Board of                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Directors to increase ...(due to space
       limits, see proxy material for full

 CRYOPORT, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935560854
        Security:  229050307
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  29-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  CYRX
            ISIN:  US2290503075

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Linda Baddour                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Richard Berman                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Daniel Hancock                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert Hariri, M.D. PhD                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Ram M. Jagannath                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Ramkumar Mandalam, PhD                                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Jerrell W. Shelton                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Edward Zecchini                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the independent registered public
       accounting firm of the Company and its
       subsidiaries for the year ending December
       31, 2022.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the named executive
       officers, as disclosed in this Proxy

 DANAHER CORPORATION                                                                         Agenda Number:  935575057
        Security:  235851102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  10-May-2022
          Ticker:  DHR
            ISIN:  US2358511028

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
       Rainer M. Blair

1B.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
       Linda Filler

1C.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
       Teri List

1D.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
       Walter G. Lohr, Jr.

1E.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
       Jessica L. Mega, MD, MPH

1F.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
       Mitchell P. Rales

1G.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
       Steven M. Rales

1H.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
       Pardis C. Sabeti, MD, D. PHIL

1I.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders: A.
       Shane Sanders

1J.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
       John T. Schwieters

1K.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
       Alan G. Spoon

1L.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
       Raymond C. Stevens, Ph.D

1M.    Election of Director to hold office until                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders:
       Elias A. Zerhouni, MD

2.     To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young                  Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as Danaher's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2022.

3.     To approve on an advisory basis the                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's named executive officer

4.     To act upon a shareholder proposal                        Shr           For                            Against
       requesting that Danaher amend its governing
       documents to reduce the percentage of
       shares required for shareholders to call a
       special meeting of shareholders from 25% to

 DEXCOM, INC.                                                                                Agenda Number:  935593651
        Security:  252131107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  19-May-2022
          Ticker:  DXCM
            ISIN:  US2521311074

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Class II Director to hold                     Mgmt          For                            For
       office until our 2023 Annual Meeting:
       Steven R. Altman

1.2    Election of Class II Director to hold                     Mgmt          For                            For
       office until our 2023 Annual Meeting:
       Barbara E. Kahn

1.3    Election of Class II Director to hold                     Mgmt          For                            For
       office until our 2023 Annual Meeting: Kyle

1.4    Election of Class II Director to hold                     Mgmt          For                            For
       office until our 2023 Annual Meeting: Jay
       S. Skyler, MD, MACP

2.     To ratify the selection by the Audit                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Committee of our Board of Directors of
       Ernst & Young LLP as our independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.

3.     To hold a non-binding vote on an advisory                 Mgmt          For                            For
       resolution to approve executive

4.     To approve the amendment and restatement of               Mgmt          For                            For
       our Restated Certificate of Incorporation
       to (i) effect a 4:1 forward split of our
       Common Stock (the "Forward Stock Split")
       and (ii) increase the number of shares of
       authorized Common Stock to effectuate the
       Forward Stock Split.

 DOCUSIGN, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935613770
        Security:  256163106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  03-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  DOCU
            ISIN:  US2561631068

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Teresa Briggs                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Blake J. Irving                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Daniel D. Springer                                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the selection of                          Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for fiscal year ending January 31,

3.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of our                    Mgmt          For                            For
       named executive officers' compensation

 EDWARDS LIFESCIENCES CORPORATION                                                            Agenda Number:  935572481
        Security:  28176E108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  03-May-2022
          Ticker:  EW
            ISIN:  US28176E1082

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Kieran T. Gallahue                  Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: Leslie S. Heisz                     Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Director: Paul A. LaViolette                  Mgmt          For                            For

1.4    Election of Director: Steven R. Loranger                  Mgmt          For                            For

1.5    Election of Director: Martha H. Marsh                     Mgmt          For                            For

1.6    Election of Director: Michael A. Mussallem                Mgmt          For                            For

1.7    Election of Director: Ramona Sequeira                     Mgmt          For                            For

1.8    Election of Director: Nicholas J. Valeriani               Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Officer Compensation

3.     Ratification of Appointment of Independent                Mgmt          For                            For
       Registered Public Accounting Firm

4.     Stockholder Proposal for an Advisory Vote                 Shr           For                            Against
       to Reduce the Share Ownership Threshold to
       Call a Special Meeting

 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY                                                                       Agenda Number:  935562858
        Security:  532457108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  02-May-2022
          Ticker:  LLY
            ISIN:  US5324571083

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director to serve a three-year                Mgmt          For                            For
       term: Ralph Alvarez

1B.    Election of Director to serve a three-year                Mgmt          For                            For
       term: Kimberly H. Johnson

1C.    Election of Director to serve a three-year                Mgmt          For                            For
       term: Juan R. Luciano

2.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation paid to the company's named
       executive officers.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as the independent auditor for

4.     Approval of amendments to the company's                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Articles of Incorporation to eliminate the
       classified board structure.

5.     Approval of amendments to the company's                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Articles of Incorporation to eliminate
       supermajority voting provisions.

6.     Approval of amendments to the company's                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Articles of Incorporation to give
       shareholders the ability to amend the
       company's bylaws.

7.     Shareholder proposal to amend the bylaws to               Shr           For                            Against
       require an independent board chair.

8.     Shareholder proposal to publish an annual                 Shr           For                            Against
       report disclosing lobbying activities.

9.     Shareholder proposal to disclose lobbying                 Shr           For                            Against
       activities and alignment with public policy
       positions and statements.

10.    Shareholder proposal to report oversight of               Shr           For                            Against
       risks related to anticompetitive pricing

 EMCOR GROUP, INC.                                                                           Agenda Number:  935607070
        Security:  29084Q100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  02-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  EME
            ISIN:  US29084Q1004

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: John W. Altmeyer                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Anthony J. Guzzi                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Ronald L. Johnson                   Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: David H. Laidley                    Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Carol P. Lowe                       Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: M. Kevin McEvoy                     Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: William P. Reid                     Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Steven B.                           Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Robin Walker-Lee                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval, by non-binding advisory vote, of                Mgmt          For                            For
       named executive compensation.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as independent auditors for 2022.

4.     Stockholder proposal regarding special                    Shr           For                            Against
       stockholder meetings.

 ENERGY RECOVERY, INC.                                                                       Agenda Number:  935611699
        Security:  29270J100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  ERII
            ISIN:  US29270J1007

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Joan K. Chow*                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Lisa Pollina*                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Sherif Foda#                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Arve Hanstveit#                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Pamela Tondreau#                                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, our                     Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation for the fiscal year
       ended December 31, 2021 as described in the
       Proxy Statement.

3.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the independent registered
       public accounting firm of the Company for
       its fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.

 ENTEGRIS, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935579233
        Security:  29362U104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  27-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  ENTG
            ISIN:  US29362U1043

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Michael A. Bradley                  Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Rodney Clark                        Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: James F. Gentilcore                 Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Yvette Kanouff                      Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: James P. Lederer                    Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Bertrand Loy                        Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Paul L. H. Olson                    Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Azita Saleki-Gerhardt               Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval, by non-binding vote, of the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation paid to Entegris, Inc.'s named
       executive officers (advisory vote).

3.     Ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Entegris, Inc.'s Independent Registered
       Public Firm for 2022.

 FABRINET                                                                                    Agenda Number:  935510481
        Security:  G3323L100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-Dec-2021
          Ticker:  FN
            ISIN:  KYG3323L1005

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Dr. Frank H. Levinson                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       David T. Mitchell                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers ABAS Ltd. as
       Fabrinet's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       June 24, 2022.

3.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation paid to Fabrinet's named
       executive officers.

 FARFETCH LIMITED                                                                            Agenda Number:  935505632
        Security:  30744W107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  17-Nov-2021
          Ticker:  FTCH
            ISIN:  KY30744W1070

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To resolve as an ordinary resolution that                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the authorised share capital of Farfetch
       Limited be increased: (a) FROM:
       US$20,000,000 divided into 500,000,000
       shares with a nominal or par value of
       US$0.04 each. (b) TO: US$40,000,000 divided
       into 1,000,000,000 shares with a nominal or
       par value of US$0.04 each.

2.     To resolve as a special resolution that the               Mgmt          For                            For
       existing Memorandum and Articles of
       Association of Farfetch Limited be replaced
       in their entirety with the new Amended and
       Restated Memorandum and Articles of
       Association in the form tabled at the

 FORMFACTOR, INC.                                                                            Agenda Number:  935609505
        Security:  346375108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  27-May-2022
          Ticker:  FORM
            ISIN:  US3463751087

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Lothar Maier (To hold               Mgmt          For                            For
       office for one-year term if proposal 2 is
       approved, else three-year term if proposal
       2 not approved)

1b.    Election of Director: Sheri Rhodes (To hold               Mgmt          For                            For
       office for one-year term if proposal 2 is
       approved, else three-year term if proposal
       2 not approved)

1c.    Election of Director: Jorge Titinger (To                  Mgmt          For                            For
       hold office for one- year term if proposal
       2 is approved, else two-year term if
       proposal 2 not approved)

2.     Amendment to FormFactor's Certificate of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Incorporation to provide for the annual
       election of directors and eliminate the
       classified Board structure.

3.     Advisory approval of FormFactor's executive               Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Advisory vote on the frequency of                         Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       stockholder advisory votes on FormFactor's
       executive compensation.

5.     Amendment and restatement of the Company's                Mgmt          For                            For
       2012 Equity Incentive Plan to increase the
       number of shares reserved for issuance
       under the 2012 Equity Incentive Plan by
       4,000,000 shares and to extend the term of
       the 2012 Equity Incentive Plan to 2032.

6.     Ratification of the selection of KPMG LLP                 Mgmt          For                            For
       as FormFactor's independent registered
       public accounting firm for fiscal year

 GARMIN LTD                                                                                  Agenda Number:  935629355
        Security:  H2906T109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  10-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  GRMN
            ISIN:  CH0114405324

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Approval of Garmin's 2021 Annual Report,                  Mgmt          For                            For
       including the consolidated financial
       statements of Garmin for the fiscal year
       ended December 25, 2021 and the statutory
       financial statements of Garmin for the
       fiscal year ended December 25, 2021

2.     Approval of the appropriation of available                Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Approval of the payment of a cash dividend                Mgmt          For                            For
       in the aggregate amount of U.S. $2.92 per
       outstanding share out of Garmin's reserve
       from capital contribution in four equal

4.     Discharge of the members of the Board of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Directors and the Executive Management from
       liability for the fiscal year ended
       December 25, 2021

5A.    Re-election of Director: Jonathan C.                      Mgmt          For                            For

5B.    Re-election of Director: Joseph J. Hartnett               Mgmt          For                            For

5C.    Re-election of Director: Min H. Kao                       Mgmt          For                            For

5D.    Re-election of Director: Catherine A. Lewis               Mgmt          For                            For

5E.    Re-election of Director: Charles W. Peffer                Mgmt          For                            For

5F.    Re-election of Director: Clifton A. Pemble                Mgmt          For                            For

6.     Re-election of Min H. Kao as Executive                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Chairman of the Board of Directors

7A.    Re-election of Compensation Committee                     Mgmt          For                            For
       member: Jonathan C. Burrell

7B.    Re-election of Compensation Committee                     Mgmt          For                            For
       member: Joseph J. Hartnett

7C.    Re-election of Compensation Committee                     Mgmt          For                            For
       member: Catherine A. Lewis

7D.    Re-election of Compensation Committee                     Mgmt          For                            For
       member: Charles W. Peffer

8.     Re-election of the law firm Wuersch &                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Gering LLP as independent voting rights

9.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as Garmin's Independent
       Registered Public Accounting Firm for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2022 and
       re-election of Ernst & Young Ltd as
       Garmin's statutory auditor for another
       one-year term

10.    Advisory vote on executive compensation                   Mgmt          For                            For

11.    Binding vote to approve Fiscal Year 2023                  Mgmt          For                            For
       maximum aggregate compensation for the
       Executive Management

12.    Binding vote to approve maximum aggregate                 Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation for the Board of Directors for
       the period between the 2022 Annual General
       Meeting and the 2023 Annual General Meeting

13.    Amendment to the Garmin Ltd. 2005 Equity                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Incentive Plan to increase the maximum
       number of shares authorized for issuance
       under the Plan that may be delivered as
       Restricted Shares or pursuant to
       Performance Units or Restricted Stock Units
       from 10 million to 12 million

14.    Renewal of authorized share capital                       Mgmt          For                            For

 GLOBAL INDUSTRIAL COMPANY                                                                   Agenda Number:  935623024
        Security:  37892E102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  06-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  GIC
            ISIN:  US37892E1029

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Richard Leeds                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Bruce Leeds                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert Leeds                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Barry Litwin                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Chad M. Lindbloom                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Paul S. Pearlman                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Lawrence Reinhold                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert D. Rosenthal                                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     A proposal to ratify the appointment of                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's
       independent auditor for fiscal year 2022.

 IDEXX LABORATORIES, INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  935579079
        Security:  45168D104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  11-May-2022
          Ticker:  IDXX
            ISIN:  US45168D1046

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director (Proposal One):                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Jonathan W. Ayers

1B.    Election of Director (Proposal One): Stuart               Mgmt          For                            For
       M. Essig, PhD

1C.    Election of Director (Proposal One):                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Jonathan J. Mazelsky

1D.    Election of Director (Proposal One): M.                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Anne Szostak

2.     Ratification of Appointment of Independent                Mgmt          For                            For
       Registered Public Accounting Firm. To
       ratify the selection of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the current fiscal year (Proposal

3.     Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation. To               Mgmt          For                            For
       approve a nonbinding advisory resolution on
       the Company's executive compensation
       (Proposal Three).

 INSULET CORPORATION                                                                         Agenda Number:  935591215
        Security:  45784P101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  24-May-2022
          Ticker:  PODD
            ISIN:  US45784P1012

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       James R. Hollingshead                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Jessica Hopfield                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Elizabeth H. Weatherman                                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on a non-binding, advisory                    Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation of certain
       executive officers.

3.     To ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton               Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2022.

 INTUIT INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935527993
        Security:  461202103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  20-Jan-2022
          Ticker:  INTU
            ISIN:  US4612021034

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Eve Burton                          Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Scott D. Cook                       Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Richard L. Dalzell                  Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Sasan K. Goodarzi                   Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Deborah Liu                         Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Tekedra Mawakana                    Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Suzanne Nora Johnson                Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Dennis D. Powell                    Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Brad D. Smith                       Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Thomas Szkutak                      Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Raul Vazquez                        Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Jeff Weiner                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve Intuit's executive               Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation (say-on-pay).

3.     Ratification of the selection of Ernst &                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as Intuit's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending July 31, 2022.

4.     Approve the Amended and Restated 2005                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Equity Incentive Plan to, among other
       things, increase the share reserve by an
       additional 18,000,000 shares and extend the
       term of the plan by an additional five

 INTUITIVE SURGICAL, INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  935489434
        Security:  46120E602
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  20-Sep-2021
          Ticker:  ISRG
            ISIN:  US46120E6023

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     TO APPROVE THE COMPANY'S AMENDED AND                      Mgmt          For                            For

 INTUITIVE SURGICAL, INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  935560765
        Security:  46120E602
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  28-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  ISRG
            ISIN:  US46120E6023

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Craig H. Barratt,                   Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Joseph C. Beery                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Gary S. Guthart,                    Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Amal M. Johnson                     Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Don R. Kania, Ph.D.                 Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Amy L. Ladd, M.D.                   Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Keith R. Leonard, Jr.               Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Alan J. Levy, Ph.D.                 Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Jami Dover Nachtsheim               Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Monica P. Reed, M.D.                Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Mark J. Rubash                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, by advisory vote, the                         Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's Named
       Executive Officers.

3.     The ratification of appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2022.

4.     To approve the Company's Amended and                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Restated 2010 Incentive Award Plan.

 IPG PHOTONICS CORPORATION                                                                   Agenda Number:  935596556
        Security:  44980X109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  24-May-2022
          Ticker:  IPGP
            ISIN:  US44980X1090

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Eugene A. Scherbakov,               Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Michael C. Child                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Jeanmarie F. Desmond                Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Gregory P. Dougherty                Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Eric Meurice                        Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Natalia Pavlova                     Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: John R. Peeler                      Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Thomas J. Seifert                   Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Felix Stukalin                      Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Agnes K. Tang                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Deloitte               Mgmt          For                            For
       & Touche LLP as our independent registered
       public accounting firm for 2022.

 J.B. HUNT TRANSPORT SERVICES, INC.                                                          Agenda Number:  935576960
        Security:  445658107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  28-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  JBHT
            ISIN:  US4456581077

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Douglas G. Duncan                   Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Francesca M.                        Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Wayne Garrison                      Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Sharilyn S. Gasaway                 Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Gary C. George                      Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Thad Hill                           Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: J. Bryan Hunt, Jr.                  Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Gale V. King                        Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: John N. Roberts III                 Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: James L. Robo                       Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Kirk Thomspon                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve an advisory resolution regarding               Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company's compensation of its named
       executive officers.

3.     To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent public accountants for calendar
       year 2022.

 JOHNSON & JOHNSON                                                                           Agenda Number:  935562997
        Security:  478160104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  28-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  JNJ
            ISIN:  US4781601046

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Darius Adamczyk                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Mary C. Beckerle                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: D. Scott Davis                      Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Ian E. L. Davis                     Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Jennifer A. Doudna                  Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Joaquin Duato                       Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Alex Gorsky                         Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Marillyn A. Hewson                  Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Hubert Joly                         Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Mark B. McClellan                   Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Anne M. Mulcahy                     Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: A. Eugene Washington                Mgmt          For                            For

1M.    Election of Director: Mark A. Weinberger                  Mgmt          For                            For

1N.    Election of Director: Nadja Y. West                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory Vote to Approve Named Executive                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Officer Compensation.

3.     Approval of the Company's 2022 Long-Term                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Incentive Plan.

4.     Ratification of Appointment of                            Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the
       Independent Registered Public Accounting
       Firm for 2022.

5.     Proposal Withdrawn (Federal Securities Laws               Shr           For
       Mandatory Arbitration Bylaw).

6.     Civil Rights, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion               Shr           For                            Against
       Audit Proposal.

7.     Third Party Racial Justice Audit.                         Shr           For                            Against

8.     Report on Government Financial Support and                Shr           For                            Against
       Access to COVID-19 Vaccines and

9.     Report on Public Health Costs of Protecting               Shr           For                            Against
       Vaccine Technology.

10.    Discontinue Global Sales of Baby Powder                   Shr           For                            Against
       Containing Talc.

11.    Request for Charitable Donations                          Shr           For                            Against

12.    Third Party Review and Report on Lobbying                 Shr           For                            Against
       Activities Alignment with Position on
       Universal Health Coverage.

13.    Adopt Policy to Include Legal and                         Shr           For                            Against
       Compliance Costs in Incentive Compensation

14.    CEO Compensation to Weigh Workforce Pay and               Shr           For                            Against

 KELLY SERVICES, INC.                                                                        Agenda Number:  935623745
        Security:  488152208
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-May-2022
          Ticker:  KELYA
            ISIN:  US4881522084

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: D.R. Parfet                         Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: P.W. Quigley                        Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Director: G.S. Adolph                         Mgmt          For                            For

1.4    Election of Director: G.S. Corona                         Mgmt          For                            For

1.5    Election of Director: R.S. Cubbin                         Mgmt          For                            For

1.6    Election of Director: A. Duggirala                        Mgmt          For                            For

1.7    Election of Director: I.F. Johnson                        Mgmt          For                            For

1.8    Election of Director: T.B. Larkin                         Mgmt          For                            For

1.9    Election of Director: L.A. Murphy                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Non-binding advisory vote on executive                    Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Ratification of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP                Mgmt          For                            For
       as independent accountants for the 2022
       fiscal year.

 KFORCE INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935565842
        Security:  493732101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  KFRC
            ISIN:  US4937321010

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Class I Director: Joseph J.                   Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Class I Director: Randall A.                  Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Class I Director: Elaine D.                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche               Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as Kforce's independent registered
       public accountants for 2022.

3.     Advisory vote on Kforce's executive                       Mgmt          For                            For

 KULICKE AND SOFFA INDUSTRIES, INC.                                                          Agenda Number:  935541020
        Security:  501242101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  03-Mar-2022
          Ticker:  KLIC
            ISIN:  US5012421013

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Mr. Peter T. Kong                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Mr. Jon A. Olson                                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending October 1,

3.     To approve, on a non-binding basis, the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers.

 LAM RESEARCH CORPORATION                                                                    Agenda Number:  935496946
        Security:  512807108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  08-Nov-2021
          Ticker:  LRCX
            ISIN:  US5128071082

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Sohail U. Ahmed                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Timothy M. Archer                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Eric K. Brandt                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael R. Cannon                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Catherine P. Lego                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Bethany J. Mayer                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Abhijit Y. Talwalkar                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Lih Shyng (Rick L) Tsai                                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Leslie F. Varon                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve the compensation                 Mgmt          For                            For
       of the named executive officers of Lam
       Research, or "Say on Pay."

3.     Ratification of the appointment of the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for fiscal year 2022.

 LANDSTAR SYSTEM, INC.                                                                       Agenda Number:  935572203
        Security:  515098101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  11-May-2022
          Ticker:  LSTR
            ISIN:  US5150981018

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Teresa L. White                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Homaira Akbari                      Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Diana M. Murphy                     Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: James L. Liang                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for fiscal year

3.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Approval of the Company's 2022 Directors                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Stock Compensation Plan.

 LINCOLN ELECTRIC HOLDINGS, INC.                                                             Agenda Number:  935569775
        Security:  533900106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  21-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  LECO
            ISIN:  US5339001068

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Brian D. Chambers                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Curtis E. Espeland                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Patrick P. Goris                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael F. Hilton                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Kathryn Jo Lincoln                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Christopher L. Mapes                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Phillip J. Mason                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Ben P. Patel                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Hellene S. Runtagh                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Kellye L. Walker                                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as our independent registered
       public accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2022.

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

 LULULEMON ATHLETICA INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  935631879
        Security:  550021109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  08-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  LULU
            ISIN:  US5500211090

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Class III Director: Kathryn                   Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Class III Director: Jon McNeill               Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Class III Director: Alison                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending January 29,

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers.

4.     Shareholder proposal regarding a report on                Shr           For                            Against
       the slaughter methods used to procure down.

 MARVELL TECHNOLOGY, INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  935447929
        Security:  573874104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-Jul-2021
          Ticker:  MRVL
            ISIN:  US5738741041

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: W. Tudor Brown                      Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Brad W. Buss                        Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Edward H. Frank                     Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Richard S. Hill                     Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Marachel L. Knight                  Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Bethany J. Mayer                    Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Matthew J. Murphy                   Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Michael G. Strachan                 Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Robert E. Switz                     Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Ford Tamer                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     An advisory (non-binding) vote to approve                 Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

3.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte and                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as our independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ended January 29, 2022.

 MARVELL TECHNOLOGY, INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  935647353
        Security:  573874104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  23-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  MRVL
            ISIN:  US5738741041

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Sara Andrews                        Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: W. Tudor Brown                      Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Brad W. Buss                        Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Edward H. Frank                     Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Richard S. Hill                     Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Marachel L. Knight                  Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Matthew J. Murphy                   Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Michael G. Strachan                 Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Robert E. Switz                     Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Ford Tamer                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     An advisory (non-binding) vote to approve                 Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

3.     To amend the Marvell Technology, Inc. 2000                Mgmt          For                            For
       Employee Stock Purchase Plan to remove the
       term of the plan and to remove the annual
       evergreen feature of the plan.

4.     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte and                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as our independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending January 28, 2023.

 MASIMO CORPORATION                                                                          Agenda Number:  935598699
        Security:  574795100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-May-2022
          Ticker:  MASI
            ISIN:  US5747951003

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Mr. Adam Mikkelson                  Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Mr. Craig Reynolds                  Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the selection of Grant Thornton                 Mgmt          For                            For
       as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for fiscal year
       ended December 31, 2022.

3.     To provide an advisory vote to approve the                Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

 MATRIX SERVICE COMPANY                                                                      Agenda Number:  935494423
        Security:  576853105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  02-Nov-2021
          Ticker:  MTRX
            ISIN:  US5768531056

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Martha Z. Carnes                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: John D. Chandler                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Carlin G. Conner                    Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: John R. Hewitt                      Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Liane K. Hinrichs                   Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: James H. Miller                     Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Jim W. Mogg                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the engagement of Deloitte &                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the Company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for
       fiscal 2022.

3.     Advisory vote on named executive officer                  Mgmt          For                            For

 MAXLINEAR, INC.                                                                             Agenda Number:  935645397
        Security:  57776J100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-May-2022
          Ticker:  MXL
            ISIN:  US57776J1007

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Class I Director to serve until               Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2025 annual meeting: Daniel A. Artusi

1.2    Election of Class I Director to serve until               Mgmt          For                            For
       the 2025 annual meeting: Tsu-Jae King Liu,

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive
       officers for the year ended December 31,
       2021, as set forth in the proxy statement.

3.     To ratify the appointment of Grant Thornton               Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2022.

 MICROSOFT CORPORATION                                                                       Agenda Number:  935505480
        Security:  594918104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  30-Nov-2021
          Ticker:  MSFT
            ISIN:  US5949181045

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Reid G. Hoffman                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Hugh F. Johnston                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Teri L. List                        Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Satya Nadella                       Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Sandra E. Peterson                  Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Penny S. Pritzker                   Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Carlos A. Rodriguez                 Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Charles W. Scharf                   Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: John W. Stanton                     Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: John W. Thompson                    Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Emma N. Walmsley                    Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Padmasree Warrior                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve named executive                  Mgmt          For                            For
       officer compensation.

3.     Approve Employee Stock Purchase Plan.                     Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Ratification of the Selection of Deloitte &               Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as our Independent Auditor for
       Fiscal Year 2022.

5.     Shareholder Proposal - Report on median pay               Shr           For                            Against
       gaps across race and gender.

6.     Shareholder Proposal - Report on                          Shr           For                            Against
       effectiveness of workplace sexual
       harassment policies.

7.     Shareholder Proposal - Prohibition on sales               Shr           For                            Against
       of facial recognition technology to all
       government entities.

8.     Shareholder Proposal - Report on                          Shr           For                            Against
       implementation of the Fair Chance Business

9.     Shareholder Proposal - Report on how                      Shr           For                            Against
       lobbying activities align with company

 MKS INSTRUMENTS, INC.                                                                       Agenda Number:  935581012
        Security:  55306N104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  10-May-2022
          Ticker:  MKSI
            ISIN:  US55306N1046

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       John T.C. Lee                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Jacqueline F. Moloney                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Michelle M. Warner                                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     The approval of our 2022 Stock Incentive                  Mgmt          For                            For

3.     The approval, on an advisory basis, of                    Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

4.     The ratification of the selection of                      Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the year ending December 31, 2022.

 NEXTGEN HEALTHCARE, INC.                                                                    Agenda Number:  935496415
        Security:  65343C102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-Oct-2021
          Ticker:  NXGN
            ISIN:  US65343C1027

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     Our reincorporation in the State of                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Delaware pursuant to a merger with and into
       a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
       (the "Reincorporation"). Approval of
       Proposal 1 is conditioned on approval of
       Proposal 2C.

2A.    Approval of provisions in the Delaware                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Certificate and Bylaws limiting the
       Company's stockholders' right to call
       special meetings of stockholders.

2B.    Approval of a provision in the Delaware                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Certificate providing that vacancies
       occurring on the Board of Directors and
       newly created directorships may be filled
       solely by a majority of the remaining

2C.    Approval of a provision disallowing                       Mgmt          For                            For
       cumulative voting.

2D.    Approval of a provision in the Delaware                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Certificate providing that the total number
       of directors constituting the Board of
       Directors may be fixed exclusively by
       resolution of the Board of Directors.
       Approval of Proposal 1 is conditioned on
       approval of Proposal 2C.

2E.    Approval of a provision of the Delaware                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Certificate providing that, unless NextGen
       Delaware consents in writing to the
       selection of an alternate forum, certain
       intracorporate claims may be brought
       exclusively in the Delaware Court of

2F.    Approve a provision of the Delaware                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Certificate requiring any complaint
       asserting a cause of action under the
       Securities Act to be brought exclusively in
       the federal district courts of the United

2G.    Approve a provision in the Delaware Bylaws                Mgmt          For                            For
       providing proxy access for director
       nominees by stockholders.

3.     Advisory vote to approve the compensation                 Mgmt          For                            For
       for our named executive officers (i.e.,

4.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending March 31,

5.     Amendment and Restatement of NextGen                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Healthcare, Inc. 2015 Equity Incentive

       Craig A. Barbarosh                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       George H. Bristol                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Julie D. Klapstein                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Jeffrey H. Margolis                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Dr. Geraldine McGinty                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Morris Panner                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Dr. Pamela Puryear                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Darnell Dent                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       David Sides                                               Mgmt          For                            For

 NIKE, INC.                                                                                  Agenda Number:  935484624
        Security:  654106103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  06-Oct-2021
          Ticker:  NKE
            ISIN:  US6541061031

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Class B Director: Alan B. Graf,               Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Class B Director: Peter B.                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Class B Director: Michelle A.                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve executive compensation by an                   Mgmt          For                            For
       advisory vote.

3.     To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting

4.     To consider a shareholder proposal                        Shr           For                            Against
       regarding political contributions
       disclosure, if properly presented at the

5.     To consider a shareholder proposal                        Shr           For                            Against
       regarding a human rights impact assessment,
       if properly presented at the meeting.

6.     To consider a shareholder proposal                        Shr           For                            Against
       regarding supplemental pay equity
       disclosure, if properly presented at the

7.     To consider a shareholder proposal                        Shr           For                            Against
       regarding diversity and inclusion efforts
       reporting, if properly presented at the

 NVIDIA CORPORATION                                                                          Agenda Number:  935618299
        Security:  67066G104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  02-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  NVDA
            ISIN:  US67066G1040

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Robert K. Burgess                   Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Tench Coxe                          Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: John O. Dabiri                      Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Persis S. Drell                     Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Jen-Hsun Huang                      Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Dawn Hudson                         Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Harvey C. Jones                     Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Michael G. McCaffery                Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Stephen C. Neal                     Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Mark L. Perry                       Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: A. Brooke Seawell                   Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Aarti Shah                          Mgmt          For                            For

1M.    Election of Director: Mark A. Stevens                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory approval of our executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Ratification of the selection of                          Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for fiscal year 2023.

4.     Approval of an amendment to our charter to                Mgmt          For                            For
       increase the number of authorized shares of
       common stock from 4 billion to 8 billion

5.     Approval of an amendment and restatement of               Mgmt          For                            For
       our Amended and Restated 2007 Equity
       Incentive Plan.

 NVR, INC.                                                                                   Agenda Number:  935564737
        Security:  62944T105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  04-May-2022
          Ticker:  NVR
            ISIN:  US62944T1051

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Paul C. Saville                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: C.E. Andrews                        Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Sallie B. Bailey                    Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Thomas D. Eckert                    Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Alfred E. Festa                     Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Alexandra A. Jung                   Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Mel Martinez                        Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: David A. Preiser                    Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: W. Grady Rosier                     Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Susan Williamson Ross               Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of appointment of KPMG LLP as                Mgmt          For                            For
       independent auditor for the year ending
       December 31, 2022.

3.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC.                                                                   Agenda Number:  935578685
        Security:  67103H107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  12-May-2022
          Ticker:  ORLY
            ISIN:  US67103H1077

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: David O'Reilly                      Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Larry O'Reilly                      Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Greg Henslee                        Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Jay D. Burchfield                   Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Thomas T. Hendrickson               Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: John R. Murphy                      Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Dana M. Perlman                     Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Maria A. Sastre                     Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Andrea M. Weiss                     Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Fred Whitfield                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

3.     Ratification of appointment of Ernst &                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP, as independent auditors for the
       fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.

4.     Shareholder proposal entitled "Special                    Shr           For                            Against
       Shareholder Meeting Improvement."

 OLD DOMINION FREIGHT LINE, INC.                                                             Agenda Number:  935613477
        Security:  679580100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-May-2022
          Ticker:  ODFL
            ISIN:  US6795801009

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Sherry A. Aaholm                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       David S. Congdon                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       John R. Congdon, Jr.                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Bradley R. Gabosch                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Greg C. Gantt                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Patrick D. Hanley                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       John D. Kasarda                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Wendy T. Stallings                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Thomas A. Stith, III                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Leo H. Suggs                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       D. Michael Wray                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as the Company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       year ending December 31, 2022.

 OMNICELL, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935610015
        Security:  68213N109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  24-May-2022
          Ticker:  OMCL
            ISIN:  US68213N1090

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Class III Director to hold                    Mgmt          For                            For
       office until the 2025 Annual Meeting:
       Edward P. Bousa

1.2    Election of Class III Director to hold                    Mgmt          For                            For
       office until the 2025 Annual Meeting: Bruce
       E. Scott

1.3    Election of Class III Director to hold                    Mgmt          For                            For
       office until the 2025 Annual Meeting: Mary

2.     Say on Pay - An advisory vote to approve                  Mgmt          For                            For
       named executive officer compensation.

3.     Proposal to approve Omnicell's 2009 Equity                Mgmt          For                            For
       Incentive Plan, as amended, to among other
       items, add an additional 1,100,000 shares
       to the number of shares authorized for
       issuance under the plan.

4.     Proposal to ratify the selection of                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent
       registered public accounting firm of the
       Company for the year ending December 31,

 ONESPAN INC                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935629317
        Security:  68287N100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  08-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  OSPN
            ISIN:  US68287N1000

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Marc Boroditsky                     Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Garry L. Capers                     Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Sarika Garg                         Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Marianne Johnson                    Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Michael McConnell                   Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Alfred Nietzel                      Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Marc Zenner                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To hold an advisory vote on executive                     Mgmt          For                            For

3.     To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year 2022.

 ONTO INNOVATION INC.                                                                        Agenda Number:  935575502
        Security:  683344105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  10-May-2022
          Ticker:  ONTO
            ISIN:  US6833441057

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Christopher A. Seams                Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: Leo Berlinghieri                    Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Director: David B. Miller                     Mgmt          For                            For

1.4    Election of Director: Michael P. Plisinski                Mgmt          For                            For

1.5    Election of Director: Karen M. Rogge                      Mgmt          For                            For

1.6    Election of Director: May Su                              Mgmt          For                            For

1.7    Election of Director: Christine A. Tsingos                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                  Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation of our named
       executive officers as disclosed in the
       proxy statement.

3.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2022.

 OOMA INC                                                                                    Agenda Number:  935618489
        Security:  683416101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  OOMA
            ISIN:  US6834161019

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Peter Goettner                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Eric Stang                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Jenny Yeh                                                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment of KPMG LLP as                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the independent registered public
       accounting firm of the Company for its
       fiscal year ending January 31, 2023.

3.     To approve a non-binding advisory vote on                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the compensation of our named executive
       officers as described in the Proxy

 OPTIMIZERX CORPORATION                                                                      Agenda Number:  935473392
        Security:  68401U204
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  19-Aug-2021
          Ticker:  OPRX
            ISIN:  US68401U2042

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       William J. Febbo                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Gus D. Halas                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Lynn O'Connor Vos                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       James Lang                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Patrick Spangler                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Gregory D. Wasson                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory approval of the compensation of                  Mgmt          For                            For
       our named executive officers.

3.     Advisory vote on the frequency of the                     Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       advisory vote on named executive officer

4.     Approval of the OptimizeRx Corporation 2021               Mgmt          For                            For
       Equity Incentive Plan.

5.     Ratification of UHY LLP as OptimizeRx's                   Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the 2021 fiscal year.

 ORTHOPEDIATRICS CORP.                                                                       Agenda Number:  935615875
        Security:  68752L100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  KIDS
            ISIN:  US68752L1008

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2025 annual meeting: Fred L. Hite

1.2    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2025 annual meeting: Bryan W. Hughes

1.3    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2025 annual meeting: Samuel D. Riccitelli

1.4    Election of Director to serve until the                   Mgmt          For                            For
       2025 annual meeting: Mark C. Throdahl

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for our fiscal year ending December
       31, 2022.

 PDF SOLUTIONS, INC.                                                                         Agenda Number:  935636982
        Security:  693282105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  14-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  PDFS
            ISIN:  US6932821050

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Nancy Erba                          Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: Michael B. Gustafson                Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Director: John K. Kibarian,                   Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the appointment BPM LLP as the                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the year ending
       December 31, 2022.

3.     To approve the Company's Seventh Amended                  Mgmt          For                            For
       and Restated 2011 Stock Incentive Plan.

4.     To approve, by non-binding vote, the 2021                 Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our Named Executive

 PENTAIR PLC                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935580654
        Security:  G7S00T104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  17-May-2022
          Ticker:  PNR
            ISIN:  IE00BLS09M33

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Re-election of director: Mona Abutaleb                    Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Re-election of director: Melissa Barra                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Re-election of director: Glynis A. Bryan                  Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Re-election of director: T. Michael Glenn                 Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Re-election of director: Theodore L. Harris               Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Re-election of director: David A. Jones                   Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Re-election of director: Gregory E. Knight                Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Re-election of director: Michael T.                       Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Re-election of director: John L. Stauch                   Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Re-election of director: Billie I.                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, by nonbinding, advisory vote,                 Mgmt          For                            For
       the compensation of the named executive

3.     To ratify, by nonbinding, advisory vote,                  Mgmt          For                            For
       the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as
       the independent auditor of Pentair plc and
       to authorize, by binding vote, the Audit
       and Finance Committee of the Board of
       Directors to set the auditor's

4.     To authorize the Board of Directors to                    Mgmt          For                            For
       allot new shares under Irish law.

5.     To authorize the Board of Directors to                    Mgmt          For                            For
       opt-out of statutory preemption rights
       under Irish law (Special Resolution).

6.     To authorize the price range at which                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Pentair plc can re-allot shares it holds as
       treasury shares under Irish law (Special

 PENUMBRA, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935609327
        Security:  70975L107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  PEN
            ISIN:  US70975L1070

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Don Kassing                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Thomas Wilder                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Janet Leeds                                               Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To ratify the selection of Deloitte &                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the independent registered
       public accounting firm for Penumbra, Inc.
       for the fiscal year ending December 31,

3.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of Penumbra, Inc.'s named
       executive officers as disclosed in the
       proxy statement.

 PINDUODUO INC                                                                               Agenda Number:  935472338
        Security:  722304102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  25-Jul-2021
          Ticker:  PDD
            ISIN:  US7223041028

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     As an ordinary resolution: THAT Mr. Lei                   Mgmt          For
       Chen be re-elected as a director of the

2.     As an ordinary resolution: THAT Mr. Anthony               Mgmt          For
       Kam Ping Leung be re-elected as a director
       of the Company.

3.     As an ordinary resolution: THAT Mr. Haifeng               Mgmt          For
       Lin be re-elected as a director of the

4.     As an ordinary resolution: THAT Dr. Qi Lu                 Mgmt          For
       be re-elected as a director of the Company.

5.     As an ordinary resolution: THAT Mr. Nanpeng               Mgmt          For
       Shen be re-elected as a director of the

6.     As an ordinary resolution: THAT Mr. George                Mgmt          For
       Yong-Boon Yeo be re- elected as a director
       of the Company.

 R1 RCM INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935638671
        Security:  749397105
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-May-2022
          Ticker:  RCM
            ISIN:  US7493971052

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Agnes Bundy Scanlan                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       David M. Dill                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Michael C. Feiner                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Joseph Flanagan                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       John B. Henneman III                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Neal Moszkowski                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Ian Sacks                                                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Jill Smith                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Anthony J. Speranzo                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Anthony R. Tersigni                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Albert R. Zimmerli                                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, for purposes of complying with                Mgmt          For                            For
       the applicable provisions of Nasdaq Listing
       Rule 5635, the issuance of shares of common
       stock of Project Roadrunner Parent Inc.
       ("New R1") to CoyCo 1, L.P. and CoyCo 2,
       L.P., pursuant to the terms of the
       Transaction Agreement and Plan of Merger,
       dated as of January 9, 2022, by and among
       the Company, New R1, Project Roadrunner
       Merger Sub Inc., Revint Holdings, LLC
       ("Cloudmed"), CoyCo 1, L.P., CoyCo 2.,
       L.P., and certain other parties, as
       described in the accompanying proxy

3.     To approve the adoption of an amendment to                Mgmt          For                            For
       the Company's Restated Certificate of
       Incorporation to increase our authorized
       share capital from 500,000,000 shares to
       750,000,000 shares of common stock.

4.     To ratify the selection of Ernst & Young                  Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2022.

5.     To approve the adjournment of the 2022                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Annual Meeting to a later date, or dates,
       if necessary, to permit further
       solicitation and vote of proxies in the
       event that there are insufficient votes for
       the approval of one or more proposals at
       the 2022 Annual Meeting.

 REGAL REXNORD CORPORATION                                                                   Agenda Number:  935562430
        Security:  758750103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  RRX
            ISIN:  US7587501039

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director for the term expiring                Mgmt          For                            For
       in 2023: Jan A. Bertsch

1B.    Election of Director for the term expiring                Mgmt          For                            For
       in 2023: Stephen M. Burt

1C.    Election of Director for the term expiring                Mgmt          For                            For
       in 2023: Anesa T. Chaibi

1D.    Election of Director for the term expiring                Mgmt          For                            For
       in 2023: Theodore D. Crandall

1E.    Election of Director for the term expiring                Mgmt          For                            For
       in 2023: Christopher L. Doerr

1F.    Election of Director for the term expiring                Mgmt          For                            For
       in 2023: Michael F. Hilton

1G.    Election of Director for the term expiring                Mgmt          For                            For
       in 2023: Louis V. Pinkham

1H.    Election of Director for the term expiring                Mgmt          For                            For
       in 2023: Rakesh Sachdev

1I.    Election of Director for the term expiring                Mgmt          For                            For
       in 2023: Curtis W. Stoelting

1J.    Election of Director for the term expiring                Mgmt          For                            For
       in 2023: Robin A. Walker-Lee

2.     Advisory vote on the compensation of the                  Mgmt          For                            For
       company's named executive officers as
       disclosed in the company's proxy statement.

3.     To ratify the selection of Deloitte &                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       year ending December 31, 2022.

 REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.                                                             Agenda Number:  935620383
        Security:  75886F107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  10-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  REGN
            ISIN:  US75886F1075

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Bonnie L. Bassler,                  Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Michael S. Brown,                   Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Leonard S. Schleifer,               Mgmt          For                            For
       M.D., Ph.D.

1d.    Election of Director: George D.                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Yancopoulos, M.D., Ph.D.

2.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2022.

3.     Proposal to approve, on an advisory basis,                Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

 RESMED INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935501254
        Security:  761152107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-Nov-2021
          Ticker:  RMD
            ISIN:  US7611521078

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Re-election of Director to serve until 2022               Mgmt          For                            For
       annual meeting: Karen Drexler

1B.    Re-election of Director to serve until 2022               Mgmt          For                            For
       annual meeting: Michael Farrell

1C.    Re-election of Director to serve until 2022               Mgmt          For                            For
       annual meeting: Peter Farrell

1D.    Re-election of Director to serve until 2022               Mgmt          For                            For
       annual meeting: Harjit Gill

1E.    Re-election of Director to serve until 2022               Mgmt          For                            For
       annual meeting: Ron Taylor

1F.    Election of Director to serve until 2022                  Mgmt          For                            For
       annual meeting: John Hernandez

1G.    Election of Director to serve until 2022                  Mgmt          For                            For
       annual meeting: Desney Tan

2.     Ratify our selection of KPMG LLP as our                   Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending June 30,

3.     Approve, on an advisory basis, the                        Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation paid to our named executive
       officers, as disclosed in the proxy
       statement ("say-on-pay").

 REVOLVE GROUP, INC.                                                                         Agenda Number:  935634104
        Security:  76156B107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  10-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  RVLV
            ISIN:  US76156B1070

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Michael ("Mike")                    Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: Michael Mente                       Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Director: Melanie Cox                         Mgmt          For                            For

1.4    Election of Director: Oana Ruxandra                       Mgmt          For                            For

1.5    Election of Director: Marc Stolzman                       Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for our current fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2022.

3.     Approval of, on a non-binding advisory                    Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation of our named
       executive officers.

4.     Approval of, on a non-binding advisory                    Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       basis, the frequency of future stockholder
       non-binding advisory votes on the
       compensation of our named executive

 RH                                                                                          Agenda Number:  935449086
        Security:  74967X103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  15-Jul-2021
          Ticker:  RH
            ISIN:  US74967X1037

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Gary Friedman                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Carlos Alberini                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Keith Belling                                             Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve named executive                  Mgmt          For                            For
       officer compensation.

3.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as our
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the 2021 fiscal year.

 ROSS STORES, INC.                                                                           Agenda Number:  935593853
        Security:  778296103
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-May-2022
          Ticker:  ROST
            ISIN:  US7782961038

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A)    Election of Director: K. Gunnar Bjorklund                 Mgmt          For                            For

1B)    Election of Director: Michael J. Bush                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C)    Election of Director: Sharon D. Garrett                   Mgmt          For                            For

1D)    Election of Director: Michael J. Hartshorn                Mgmt          For                            For

1E)    Election of Director: Stephen D. Milligan                 Mgmt          For                            For

1F)    Election of Director: Patricia H. Mueller                 Mgmt          For                            For

1G)    Election of Director: George P. Orban                     Mgmt          For                            For

1H)    Election of Director: Larree M. Renda                     Mgmt          For                            For

1I)    Election of Director: Barbara Rentler                     Mgmt          For                            For

1J)    Election of Director: Doniel N. Sutton                    Mgmt          For                            For

2)     Advisory vote to approve the resolution on                Mgmt          For                            For
       the compensation of the named executive

3)     To ratify the appointment of Deloitte &                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as the Company's independent
       registered public accounting firm for the
       fiscal year ending January 28, 2023.

 SALESFORCE, INC.                                                                            Agenda Number:  935626258
        Security:  79466L302
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  09-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  CRM
            ISIN:  US79466L3024

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Marc Benioff                        Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Bret Taylor                         Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Laura Alber                         Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: Craig Conway                        Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: Parker Harris                       Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Alan Hassenfeld                     Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Neelie Kroes                        Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Oscar Munoz                         Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Sanford Robertson                   Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: John V. Roos                        Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: Robin Washington                    Mgmt          For                            For

1l.    Election of Director: Maynard Webb                        Mgmt          For                            For

1m.    Election of Director: Susan Wojcicki                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Amendment and restatement of our 2013                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Equity Incentive Plan to increase the
       number of shares reserved for issuance.

3.     Amendment and restatement of our 2004                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Employee Stock Purchase Plan to increase
       the number of shares reserved for issuance.

4.     Ratification of the appointment of Ernst &                Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as our independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending January 31, 2023.

5.     An advisory vote to approve the fiscal 2022               Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive

6.     A stockholder proposal requesting a policy                Shr           For                            Against
       to require the Chair of the Board of
       Directors be an independent member of the
       Board, if properly presented at the

7.     A stockholder proposal requesting a racial                Shr           For                            Against
       equity audit, if properly presented at the

 SAP SE                                                                                      Agenda Number:  935600420
        Security:  803054204
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  18-May-2022
          Ticker:  SAP
            ISIN:  US8030542042

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

2.     Resolution on the appropriation of the                    Mgmt          For
       retained earnings of fiscal year 2021

3.     Resolution on the formal approval of the                  Mgmt          For
       acts of the Executive Board in fiscal year

4.     Resolution on the formal approval of the                  Mgmt          For
       acts of the Supervisory Board in fiscal
       year 2021

5.     Appointment of the auditors of the annual                 Mgmt          For
       financial statements and group annual
       financial statements for fiscal year 2022

6.     Appointment of the auditors of the annual                 Mgmt          For
       financial statements and group annual
       financial statements for fiscal year 2023

7.     Resolution on the approval of the                         Mgmt          For
       compensation report for fiscal year 2021

8A.    Election of Supervisory Board member: Prof                Mgmt          For
       Dr h. c. mult. Hasso Plattner

8B.    Election of Supervisory Board member: Dr                  Mgmt          For
       Rouven Westphal

8C.    Election of Supervisory Board member: Dr                  Mgmt          For
       Gunnar Wiedenfels

8D.    Election of Supervisory Board member:                     Mgmt          For
       Jennifer Xin-Zhe Li

9.     Resolution on the compensation of the                     Mgmt          For
       Supervisory Board members by amending
       Article 16 of the Articles of Incorporation

 SEASPINE HOLDINGS CORPORATION                                                               Agenda Number:  935621789
        Security:  81255T108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  01-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  SPNE
            ISIN:  US81255T1088

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Class I Director: Keith Bradley               Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Class I Director: Michael                     Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Class I Director: John B.                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Henneman, III

2.     Ratification of the appointment of RSM US                 Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the Company's independent registered
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2022.

3.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of the                    Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of the Company's named
       executive officers.

4.     Approval of an amendment to the Company's                 Mgmt          For                            For
       amended and restated certificate of
       incorporation to increase the authorized
       number of shares of common stock from 60
       million to 120 million.

 SHOPIFY INC.                                                                                Agenda Number:  935633289
        Security:  82509L107
    Meeting Type:  Annual and Special
    Meeting Date:  07-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  SHOP
            ISIN:  CA82509L1076

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A     Election of Director: Tobias Lutke                        Mgmt          For                            For

1B     Election of Director: Robert Ashe                         Mgmt          For                            For

1C     Election of Director: Gail Goodman                        Mgmt          For                            For

1D     Election of Director: Colleen Johnston                    Mgmt          For                            For

1E     Election of Director: Jeremy Levine                       Mgmt          For                            For

1F     Election of Director: John Phillips                       Mgmt          For                            For

1G     Election of Director: Fidji Simo                          Mgmt          For                            For

2      Appointment of the Auditors Resolution                    Mgmt          For                            For
       approving the re-appointment of
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors of
       Shopify Inc. and authorizing the Board of
       Directors to fix their remuneration.

3      Approval of Arrangement Special resolution,               Mgmt          For                            For
       the full text of which is attached as
       Schedule A to the management information
       circular dated April 11, 2022, to approve,
       pursuant to an interim order of the Ontario
       Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List)
       dated April 11, 2022, a proposed plan of
       arrangement pursuant to Section 192 of the
       Canada Business Corporations Act to effect,
       among other things, certain updates to the
       Company's governance structure, including
       an amendment to Shopify Inc.'s restated
       articles of incorporation to provide for
       the creation of a new class of share,
       designated as the Founder share, and the
       issuance of such Founder share to Shopify
       Inc.'s Founder and Chief Executive Officer,
       Mr. Tobias Lutke.

4      Approval of Share Split Special resolution,               Mgmt          For                            For
       the full text of which is attached as
       Schedule B to the management information
       circular dated April 11, 2022, to approve
       an amendment to Shopify Inc.'s restated
       articles of incorporation to effect a
       ten-for-one split of its Class A
       subordinate voting shares and Class B
       multiple voting shares.

5      Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation                   Mgmt          For                            For
       Non-binding advisory resolution that the
       shareholders accept Shopify Inc.'s approach
       to executive compensation as disclosed in
       the management information circular dated
       April 11, 2022.

 SITIME CORPORATION                                                                          Agenda Number:  935612704
        Security:  82982T106
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  02-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  SITM
            ISIN:  US82982T1060

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Director: Raman K. Chitkara                   Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Director: Katherine E. Schuelke               Mgmt          For                            For

1.3    Election of Director: Rajesh Vashist                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of SiTime's named executive
       officers as disclosed in SiTime's proxy

3.     To indicate, on an advisory basis, the                    Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       preferred frequency of stockholder advisory
       votes on the compensation of SiTime's named
       executive officers.

4.     To ratify the appointment of BDO USA, LLP                 Mgmt          For                            For
       as SiTime's independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       December 31, 2022.

 SONOS, INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935543555
        Security:  83570H108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  10-Mar-2022
          Ticker:  SONO
            ISIN:  US83570H1086

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Karen Boone                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Joanna Coles                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Panos Panay                                               Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of                        Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as Sonos'
       independent registered accounting firm for
       the fiscal year ending October 1, 2022.

3.     Advisory approval of the named executive                  Mgmt          For                            For
       officer compensation (the say-on-pay vote).

 SSR MINING INC.                                                                             Agenda Number:  935605305
        Security:  784730103
    Meeting Type:  Annual and Special
    Meeting Date:  27-May-2022
          Ticker:  SSRM
            ISIN:  CA7847301032

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       A.E. Michael Anglin                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Rod Antal                                                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Thomas R. Bates, Jr.                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Brian R. Booth                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Simon A. Fish                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Leigh Ann Fisher                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Alan P. Krusi                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Kay Priestly                                              Mgmt          For                            For

2      To approve, on an advisory (non-binding)                  Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       basis, ONE YEAR as the frequency of future
       advisory votes on the compensation of the
       Company's named executive officers.

3      To approve on an advisory (non-binding)                   Mgmt          For                            For
       basis, the compensation of the Company's
       named executive officers disclosed in this
       Proxy Statement.

4      To approve, ratify and confirm, with or                   Mgmt          For                            For
       without variation, the resolutions
       approving the Company's 2022 Employee Share
       Purchase Plan.

5      To ratify the appointment of                              Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2022.

 SYNOPSYS, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935552845
        Security:  871607107
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  12-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  SNPS
            ISIN:  US8716071076

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Aart J. de Geus                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Janice D. Chaffin                   Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Bruce R. Chizen                     Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Mercedes Johnson                    Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Chrysostomos L. "Max"               Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Jeannine P. Sargent                 Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: John G. Schwarz                     Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Roy Vallee                          Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To approve our 2006 Employee Equity                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Incentive Plan, as amended, in order to,
       among other items, increase the number of
       shares available for issuance under the
       plan by 3,000,000 shares.

3.     To approve our Employee Stock Purchase                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Plan, as amended, in order to, among other
       items, increase the number of shares
       available for issuance under the plan by

4.     To approve, on an advisory basis, the                     Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation of our named executive
       officers, as disclosed in the Proxy

5.     To ratify the selection of KPMG LLP as our                Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending October 29,

6.     To vote on a stockholder proposal that                    Shr           For                            Against
       permits stockholder action by written
       consent, if properly presented at the

 TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR MFG. CO. LTD.                                                          Agenda Number:  935648672
        Security:  874039100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  08-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  TSM
            ISIN:  US8740391003

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1)     To accept 2021 Business Report and                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Financial Statements

2)     To revise the Articles of Incorporation                   Mgmt          For                            For

3)     To revise the Procedures for Acquisition or               Mgmt          For                            For
       Disposal of Assets

4)     To approve the issuance of employee                       Mgmt          For                            For
       restricted stock awards for year 2022

 TERADYNE, INC.                                                                              Agenda Number:  935578798
        Security:  880770102
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  13-May-2022
          Ticker:  TER
            ISIN:  US8807701029

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Edwin J. Gillis

1B.    Election of Director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Timothy E. Guertin

1C.    Election of Director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Peter Herweck

1D.    Election of Director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Mark E. Jagiela

1E.    Election of Director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Mercedes Johnson

1F.    Election of Director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Marilyn Matz

1G.    Election of Director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Ford Tamer

1H.    Election of Director for a one-year term:                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Paul J. Tufano

2.     To approve, in a non-binding, advisory                    Mgmt          For                            For
       vote, the compensation of the Company's
       named executive officers.

3.     To ratify the selection of the firm of                    Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for the fiscal year ending December
       31, 2022.

 TESLA, INC.                                                                                 Agenda Number:  935486452
        Security:  88160R101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  07-Oct-2021
          Ticker:  TSLA
            ISIN:  US88160R1014

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.1    Election of Class II Director: James                      Mgmt          For                            For

1.2    Election of Class II Director: Kimbal Musk                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Tesla proposal for adoption of amendments                 Mgmt          For                            For
       to certificate of incorporation to reduce
       director terms to two years.

3.     Tesla proposal for adoption of amendments                 Mgmt          For
       to certificate of incorporation and bylaws
       to eliminate applicable supermajority
       voting requirements.

4.     Tesla proposal to ratify the appointment of               Mgmt          For                            For
       independent registered public accounting

5.     Stockholder proposal regarding reduction of               Shr           For                            Against
       director terms to one year.

6.     Stockholder proposal regarding additional                 Shr           For                            Against
       reporting on diversity and inclusion

7.     Stockholder proposal regarding reporting on               Shr           For                            Against
       employee arbitration.

8.     Stockholder proposal regarding assigning                  Shr           For                            Against
       responsibility for strategic oversight of
       human capital management to an independent
       board-level committee.

9.     Stockholder proposal regarding additional                 Shr           For                            Against
       reporting on human rights.

 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED                                                              Agenda Number:  935560842
        Security:  882508104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  28-Apr-2022
          Ticker:  TXN
            ISIN:  US8825081040

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Mark A. Blinn                       Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Todd M. Bluedorn                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Janet F. Clark                      Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Carrie S. Cox                       Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Martin S. Craighead                 Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Jean M. Hobby                       Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Michael D. Hsu                      Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Haviv Ilan                          Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    Election of Director: Ronald Kirk                         Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    Election of Director: Pamela H. Patsley                   Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    Election of Director: Robert E. Sanchez                   Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    Election of Director: Richard K. Templeton                Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Board proposal regarding advisory approval                Mgmt          For                            For
       of the Company's executive compensation.

3.     Board proposal to ratify the appointment of               Mgmt          For                            For
       Ernst & Young LLP as the Company's
       independent registered public accounting
       firm for 2022.

4.     Stockholder proposal to permit a combined                 Shr           For                            Against
       10% of stockholders to call a special

 THE COOPER COMPANIES, INC.                                                                  Agenda Number:  935545496
        Security:  216648402
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  16-Mar-2022
          Ticker:  COO
            ISIN:  US2166484020

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Colleen E. Jay                      Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: William A. Kozy                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Jody S. Lindell                     Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Teresa S. Madden                    Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Gary S. Petersmeyer                 Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Maria Rivas, M.D.                   Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Robert S. Weiss                     Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Albert G. White III                 Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the appointment of KPMG LLP               Mgmt          For                            For
       as the independent registered public
       accounting firm for The Cooper Companies,
       Inc. for the fiscal year ending October 31,

3.     An advisory vote on the compensation of our               Mgmt          For                            For
       named executive officers as presented in
       the Proxy Statement.

 THE ENSIGN GROUP, INC.                                                                      Agenda Number:  935604795
        Security:  29358P101
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  26-May-2022
          Ticker:  ENSG
            ISIN:  US29358P1012

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Mr. Lee A. Daniels                  Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Dr. Ann S. Blouin                   Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Mr. Barry R. Port                   Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Ms. Suzanne D.                      Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of appointment of Deloitte &                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Touche LLP as independent registered public
       accounting firm for 2022.

3.     Approval, on an advisory basis, of our                    Mgmt          For                            For
       named executive officers' compensation.

4.     Approval of the Company's 2022 Omnibus                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Incentive Plan.

 THE ESTEE LAUDER COMPANIES INC.                                                             Agenda Number:  935498558
        Security:  518439104
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  12-Nov-2021
          Ticker:  EL
            ISIN:  US5184391044

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Class I Director: Rose Marie                  Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Class I Director: Paul J.                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Class I Director: Jennifer                    Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Class I Director: Barry S.                    Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of appointment of                            Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent
       auditors for the 2022 fiscal year.

3.     Advisory vote to approve executive                        Mgmt          For                            For

 THE HAIN CELESTIAL GROUP, INC.                                                              Agenda Number:  935495475
        Security:  405217100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  28-Oct-2021
          Ticker:  HAIN
            ISIN:  US4052171000

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    Election of Director: Richard A. Beck                     Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    Election of Director: Celeste A. Clark                    Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    Election of Director: Dean Hollis                         Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    Election of Director: Shervin J. Korangy                  Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    Election of Director: Mark L. Schiller                    Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    Election of Director: Michael B. Sims                     Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    Election of Director: Glenn W. Welling                    Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    Election of Director: Dawn M. Zier                        Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Proposal to approve, on an advisory basis,                Mgmt          For                            For
       named executive officer compensation.

3.     Proposal to ratify the appointment of Ernst               Mgmt          For                            For
       & Young LLP to act as registered
       independent accountants of the Company for
       the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022.

4.     Stockholder proposal to require independent               Shr           For                            Against
       Board Chair.

 THE LOVESAC COMPANY                                                                         Agenda Number:  935611815
        Security:  54738L109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  02-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  LOVE
            ISIN:  US54738L1098

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       John Grafer                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Andrew Heyer                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Jack Krause                                               Mgmt          For                            For
       Sharon Leite                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Walter McLallen                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Shawn Nelson                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Shirley Romig                                             Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To provide advisory approval of the                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's fiscal 2022 compensation for its
       named executive officers.

3.     To provide an advisory vote on the                        Mgmt          1 Year                         For
       frequency of future stockholder advisory
       votes on executive compensation.

4.     To approve the Second Amended and Restated                Mgmt          For                            For
       2017 Equity Incentive Plan that, among
       other things, increases the number of
       shares for issuance thereunder by 550,000

5.     Ratification of the appointment of Marcum                 Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for the fiscal year ending
       January 29, 2023.

 THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY                                                                Agenda Number:  935488002
        Security:  742718109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  12-Oct-2021
          Ticker:  PG
            ISIN:  US7427181091

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1A.    ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: B. Marc Allen                       Mgmt          For                            For

1B.    ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Angela F. Braly                     Mgmt          For                            For

1C.    ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Amy L. Chang                        Mgmt          For                            For

1D.    ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Joseph Jimenez                      Mgmt          For                            For

1E.    ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Christopher                         Mgmt          For                            For

1F.    ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Debra L. Lee                        Mgmt          For                            For

1G.    ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Terry J. Lundgren                   Mgmt          For                            For

1H.    ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Christine M. McCarthy               Mgmt          For                            For

1I.    ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Jon R. Moeller                      Mgmt          For                            For

1J.    ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: David S. Taylor                     Mgmt          For                            For

1K.    ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Margaret C. Whitman                 Mgmt          For                            For

1L.    ELECTION OF DIRECTOR: Patricia A. Woertz                  Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratify Appointment of the Independent                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Registered Public Accounting Firm.

3.     Advisory Vote to Approve the Company's                    Mgmt          For                            For
       Executive Compensation (the "Say on Pay"

4.     Shareholder Proposal - Inclusion of                       Shr           For                            Against
       Non-Management Employees on Director
       Nominee Candidate Lists.

 THE TJX COMPANIES, INC.                                                                     Agenda Number:  935636146
        Security:  872540109
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  07-Jun-2022
          Ticker:  TJX
            ISIN:  US8725401090

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1a.    Election of Director: Jose B. Alvarez                     Mgmt          For                            For

1b.    Election of Director: Alan M. Bennett                     Mgmt          For                            For

1c.    Election of Director: Rosemary T. Berkery                 Mgmt          For                            For

1d.    Election of Director: David T. Ching                      Mgmt          For                            For

1e.    Election of Director: C. Kim Goodwin                      Mgmt          For                            For

1f.    Election of Director: Ernie Herrman                       Mgmt          For                            For

1g.    Election of Director: Michael F. Hines                    Mgmt          For                            For

1h.    Election of Director: Amy B. Lane                         Mgmt          For                            For

1i.    Election of Director: Carol Meyrowitz                     Mgmt          For                            For

1j.    Election of Director: Jackwyn L. Nemerov                  Mgmt          For                            For

1k.    Election of Director: John F. O'Brien                     Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of appointment of                            Mgmt          For                            For
       PricewaterhouseCoopers as TJX's independent
       registered public accounting firm for
       fiscal 2023

3.     Approval of Stock Incentive Plan (2022                    Mgmt          For                            For

4.     Advisory approval of TJX's executive                      Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation (the say-on- pay vote)

5.     Shareholder proposal for a report on                      Shr           For                            Against
       effectiveness of social compliance efforts
       in TJX's supply chain

6.     Shareholder proposal for a report on risk                 Shr           For                            Against
       to TJX from supplier misclassification of
       supplier's employees

7.     Shareholder proposal for a report on risk                 Shr           For                            Against
       due to restrictions on reproductive rights

8.     Shareholder proposal to adopt a paid sick                 Shr           For                            Against
       leave policy for all Associates

 THE TORO COMPANY                                                                            Agenda Number:  935545321
        Security:  891092108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  15-Mar-2022
          Ticker:  TTC
            ISIN:  US8910921084

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Eric P. Hansotia                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Jeffrey L. Harmening                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       Joyce A. Mullen                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Richard M. Olson                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       James C. O'Rourke                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Jill M. Pemberton                                         Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Ratification of the selection of KPMG LLP                 Mgmt          For                            For
       as our independent registered public
       accounting firm for our fiscal year ending
       October 31, 2022.

3.     Approval of, on an advisory basis, our                    Mgmt          For                            For
       executive compensation.

4.     Approval of The Toro Company 2022 Equity                  Mgmt          For                            For
       and Incentive Plan.

 TRIMBLE INC.                                                                                Agenda Number:  935591645
        Security:  896239100
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  25-May-2022
          Ticker:  TRMB
            ISIN:  US8962391004

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Steven W. Berglund                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       James C. Dalton                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Borje Ekholm                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Ann Fandozzi                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Kaigham (Ken) Gabriel                                     Mgmt          For                            For
       Meaghan Lloyd                                             Mgmt          For                            For
       Sandra MacQuillan                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Robert G. Painter                                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Mark S. Peek                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Thomas Sweet                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Johan Wibergh                                             Mgmt          For                            For

2.     To hold an advisory vote on approving the                 Mgmt          For                            For
       compensation for our Named Executive

3.     To ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young                Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP as the independent registered public
       accounting firm of the Company for the
       current fiscal year ending December 30,

 WHEATON PRECIOUS METALS CORP.                                                               Agenda Number:  935586050
        Security:  962879102
    Meeting Type:  Annual and Special
    Meeting Date:  13-May-2022
          Ticker:  WPM
            ISIN:  CA9628791027

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       George L. Brack                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       John A. Brough                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       Jaimie Donovan                                            Mgmt          For                            For
       R. Peter Gillin                                           Mgmt          For                            For
       Chantal Gosselin                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Glenn Ives                                                Mgmt          For                            For
       Charles A. Jeannes                                        Mgmt          For                            For
       Eduardo Luna                                              Mgmt          For                            For
       Marilyn Schonberner                                       Mgmt          For                            For
       Randy V.J. Smallwood                                      Mgmt          For                            For

2      In respect of the appointment of Deloitte                 Mgmt          For                            For
       LLP, Independent Registered Public
       Accounting Firm, as auditors for 2022 and
       to authorize the directors to fix the
       auditors' remuneration

3      A non-binding advisory resolution on the                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Company's approach to executive

 ZURN WATER SOLUTIONS CORPORATION                                                            Agenda Number:  935566123
        Security:  98983L108
    Meeting Type:  Annual
    Meeting Date:  05-May-2022
          Ticker:  ZWS
            ISIN:  US98983L1089

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

       Mark S. Bartlett                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       Jacques "Don" Butler                                      Mgmt          For                            For
       David C. Longren                                          Mgmt          For                            For
       George C. Moore                                           Mgmt          For                            For

2.     Advisory vote to approve the compensation                 Mgmt          For                            For
       of Zurn's named executive officers, as
       disclosed in "Compensation Discussion and
       Analysis" and "Executive Compensation" in
       the Proxy Statement.

3.     Ratification of the selection of Ernst &                  Mgmt          For                            For
       Young LLP as Zurn's independent registered
       public accounting firm for the fiscal year
       ending December 31, 2022.

 ZURN WATER SOLUTIONS CORPORATION                                                            Agenda Number:  935642707
        Security:  98983L108
    Meeting Type:  Special
    Meeting Date:  26-May-2022
          Ticker:  ZWS
            ISIN:  US98983L1089

Prop.# Proposal                                                  Proposal      Proposal Vote                  For/Against
                                                                 Type                                         Management

1.     To approve the issuance of shares of Zurn                 Mgmt          For                            For
       Common Stock to be issued pursuant to the
       Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of
       February 12, 2022, by and among Zurn Water
       Solutions Corporation, Elkay Manufacturing
       Company, Zebra Merger Sub, Inc. and Elkay
       Interior Systems International, Inc., as
       may be amended from time to time.

2.     To approve an amendment to Zurn's                         Mgmt          For                            For
       Performance Incentive Plan to increase the
       number of shares of Zurn Common Stock
       available for awards thereunder by
       1,500,000 shares and to make corresponding
       changes to certain limitations of Zurn's
       Performance Incentive Plan.

3.     To approve one or more adjournments of the                Mgmt          For                            For
       Special Meeting, if necessary, to permit
       solicitation of additional votes if there
       are insufficient votes to approve Proposal
       1 or Proposal 2.

* Management position unknown


Pursuant to the requirements of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

By (Signature)       /s/ Mohmad Nasir
Name                 Mohmad Nasir
Title                General Manager
Date                 08/19/2022